I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee... Let me guess... someone stole your sweetroll. Citizen. Disrespect the law, and you disrespect me. What do you need? Trouble? What is it? No lollygaggin'. Staying safe I hope. Everything all right? Could sure use a warm bed right about now... I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a bellyful of mead... I mostly deal with petty thievery and drunken brawls. Been too long since we've had a good bandit raid. What is it? Dragons? Watch the skies, traveler. My cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do I get? Guard duty. Gotta keep my eyes open. Damn dragons could swoop down at any time. Fear not. Come dragon or giant, we'll be ready. They say Ulfric Stormcloak murdered the High King... with his voice! Shouted him apart! No matter what else happens, the guards will always be grateful for everything you've done. Yes, Dovahkiin? How can I help you? Whatever you need, Dragonborn. Just say the word. Helgen... destroyed by a dragon. Hard to believe, isn't it? I fear the night. Because the werewolves and vampires don't. Bit late to be wandering around, isn't it? Only burglars and vampires creep around after dark. So which are you? You hear that? I swear, there's something out there. In the dark. I hope you're finding the city in proper order, thane. I trust the day's found you well, thane. How do you do, thane? They say Helgen got hit by a dragon. One of those horrors comes here, we'll be ready. Brigands I can handle, but this talk of dragons? World's gone mad, I say. Everything's in order. Just a few more hours and I can crawl under some furs... Jarl's been looking for someone who ain't superstitious though. Be lookin' for a fool if you ask me. It's bad luck to talk about that place. You should talk to the Jarl up in Dragonsreach, lend any aid you can. Stormcloaks, Imperials, dragons. Ain't no matter to me what I kill. Let them come. Guard might get nervous, a man approaches with his weapon drawn... Sheathe those claws, Khajiit. You come up to me, fists raised? You looking for a beating? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch the magic! Go cast your fancy magic someplace else. By all I hold sacred... that's a Shout! Like the Graybeards on their mountain! By the Gods! What manner of power is that? It is the power of old! The Voice of the Dragonborn! The Thu'um! He summons the Thu'um! I need to ask you to stop. That... shouting... is making people nervous. Well. I'll let it slide this time. But you'd be smart to take that off. Someone might get the wrong idea. Hmm. I still don't like it, but I guess I'll overlook it. This time. I find your wolfish grin... unsettling. Is that... fur? Coming out of your ears? Uch. Been tending your hounds? You smell like a wet dog. Werewolf! It's a werewolf! To arms! To arms! Vampire! Burn it! Vampire! To arms! Wait... I know you. What is it, Argonian? Stay out of trouble, Argonian. Stay out of trouble, lizard. Staying out of trouble, kinsman? How can I help a brother Nord? Stay out of trouble, Nord. Don't cross me, Elf. Stay out of trouble, Elf. What is it, Elf? Stay out of trouble, Khajiit. What is it, Khajiit? What do you want... cat? Sheathe those claws, Khajiit Stay out of trouble, Redguard. What is it, Redguard? Stay out of trouble, Imperial. What is it, Imperial? Stay out of trouble, Orc. What is it, Orc? Pigsticker like that's not going to get you far. Best visit the blacksmith. That iron sword's pretty undependable. You should try steel. Iron sword, huh? What are you killing, butterflies? Favor a steel sword, do ya? Good choice for slashing or stabbing. Why the Elven blade, hmm? Nord steel not good enough for you? Aye, now that there's a beautiful sword. Like a sliver of midnight. Takes a fair bit of strength to carry a greatsword like that. But can you use it? Some advice, friend. That armor won't offer much protection in a real fight. You wear the armor of a brigand. Best not cause any trouble on my watch. Fancy the leather armor, huh? Something to be said for going light. That's fine scale armor you've got on there. Shiny. That's good armor you've got there, friend. Iron, solid and true. Hmph. You wear that armor well. Iron may be simple, but it'll stop enough to keep you in the fight. You wear the armor of a mercenary. Now that's the life. Aye, now that's some fine armor. Good old-fashioned steel. Fine armor you've got there. Dwarven make, am I right? Ah, steel plate. Now that's a solid choice of armor. Orcish armor, hmm? Had me a set of that once. Ugly and strong, like those that forged it. Ebony armor. By Ysmir, 'tis a wondrous sight. Is your armor made of... dragon bones? By the gods, what I wouldn't do for a set of that. Is your armor made of... dragon scales? By the gods, what I wouldn't do for a set of that. You come talking to me wearing Imperial armor? You got stew for brains? That's some fine Imperial armor you've got there. For your sake, I hope your took that armor from a dead Imperial scout... Judging by your armor, I'd say you're an Imperial scout. If so, well met. That armor... Are you one of the Emperor's protectors? Can't say I envy you that job. That armor... Are you one of the Emperor's protectors? Not very good at your job, are you? You wear that Stormcloak armor well, friend. That Stormcloak armor's getting on my nerves... You wear the armor of the bear, my friend. A fine choice. You dare strut around here, wearing that filthy Stormcloak hide? Ugh. That armor stinks of death. You been grave robbing? You wear the garb of a true Nord. I salute you. You wield... Azura's Star? How... how can such a thing be possible? By Shor, is that... is that Azura's Star? How did you come to possess such a rare treasure? Ah, Aegisbane. Sigil of Clan Shatter-Shield. But didn't that get stolen awhile back? Hmph. Must be rememberin' wrong. That hammer... Why that's Aegisbane, heirloom of Clan Shatter-Shield! Last I heard, it was stolen by a couple of swindlers. Alain and... Muiri. Yeah. No.. get that accursed mace away from me... That mace... get it away from me. Get it away... Who did you have to kill to get that blade? That armor... it's like nothing I've ever seen. Like forged midnight... Ugh. Your breath is foul. What've you been eating? 'Tis a wicked axe you wield there, friend. That blade looks sharp enough to cut through a god. What manner of staff is that? Such a horror... What a foul and unnatural weapon you wield. Never have I seen its like. Ah, now that's a fine shield. And not mere Dwarven... is it? Your shield... Dwarf-make, is it not? But yet it seems so much... more. I know Thieves Guild armor when I see it. You're not fooling anyone. Try to hide it all you want. I know you're in the Thieves Guild... and so do the other guards. What do you aim to do with that hammer, friend? Knock down a house? That is one... big hammer. Hey, you mix potions, right? Can you brew me an ale? Fancy yourself an alchemist, hmm? Never could get the hang of that. Keep your arrows in their quiver, archer. Favor the bow, eh? I'm a sword man, myself. Hail, summoner. Conjure me up a warm bed, would you? Destruction magic's fine, just don't go burning down any buildings. Don't suppose you'd enchant my sword? Dull old blade can barely cut butter. Best offense is a good defense, am I right? You're the one that casts those illusions. Impressive. Lightly armored means light on your feet. Smart. Go fiddling with any locks around here, we're going to have a real problem. You're like me, eh? Don't fancy those clunky two-handed weapons. I find your hand in my pocket, I'm going to cut it off. I know your kind, always sneaking about. I have a lot of respect for the Restoration School. Skyrim could use more healers. Hands to yourself, sneak thief. Heard about you and your honeyed words... Don't think you can barter with me like I'm one of those damned shopkeepers. The gods gave you two hands, and you use them both for your weapon. I can respect that. The Imperials think us lawless beasts. I am proof of their ignorance. The Imperials think we need their laws. Pffft. The Empire didn't think we could take the Reach, but here we are. We couldn't have taken this city without you, sir. Solitude is as glorious as they said it was. Nothing like Falkreath where I grew up. It's too bad they executed Roggvir before we got here. We won't give up this port to the Imperials without a fight, don't you worry. Winterhold belongs to Skyrim, not the Imperials, or the Mages. I grew up hearing songs about Eyldi the Bear! She wrestled a storm out of the sky! You don't seem to realize there's a war on. What you are is a damn Imperial spy! You've got a lot of nerve, walking around here dressed like an Imperial Legionnaire. Let's see those Stormcloaks try to break into this canyon. This city still reeks with the stench of the Stormcloaks. Makes me sick to my stomach. Why we bothered to capture Riften I'll never understand. Just look at this place. Now that the Empire's arrived in Riften, we've finally established a launching point into Morrowind... Just in case. Seems like capturing Riften is turning out to be more of a hassle than a benefit. But what do I know? Dawnstar is the last port of call before Solitude. Damn rebels aren't taking it. Don't worry about those Stormcloaks. You're safe from them here. As if they'd want the place anyway. Just my luck, stuck in the sticks with this crazy old woman. Is that right? Here's how the Legion deals with rebel scum like you. What do you think you're doing, walking around dressed like a damn Stormcloak traitor? You've come to Dawnstar at a strange time, friend. Seems everyone in this town is having nightmares... The people here are still plagued with nightmares. It's... unnatural. Dangerous post, Dawnstar. If the bandits don't get you, the animals will. Old lady Frida is a grouch, but she sure can whip up a cure for the Rattles fast. You should talk to Rustleif. Get some proper steel. Outsiders aren't trusted in Markarth. Best keep that in mind. This is Markarth, traveler. Safest city in the Reach. Can't believe I'm posted here. Even the beds are made of stone. Break the law in Markarth, and it's off to Cidhna Mine with you. First time in Markarth, traveler? Take my advice. You see anything, don't get involved. The city guard will take care of it. See, there you go. Getting involved. Don't ask too many questions in Markarth. Safer for everyone that way. You're our favorite kind of traveler, then. The market area is just inside in the gate. Head on in. Keep your nose clean, and you won't have any problems with us. Caught a case of Rockjoint, once. Bothela at the Hag's Cure fixed me right up. Let me guess - you need a drink. It's the Silver-Blood Inn you're looking for. You should see that Orc over in Understone Keep, have him forge you some new armor... By Shor, you're hauling around a lot of junk. Best stop in at the Arnleif and Sons Trading Company, sell it off. Jarl Igmund sits on the Mournful Throne. You can find him in the keep, in the back end of the city inside the mountain. You here to see the Jarl? No sudden moves, understand? Whole dwarven city underneath the keep. Nchuand-Zel. Best steer clear if you don't want a Steam Centurion carving you up. Ah, Vlindrel Hall's a fine home, if you can afford it. The steward in the keep can tell you more. So you bought Vlindrel Hall, eh? Wish I could afford a house that nice. City's quiet enough now. But when the sun goes down, you best be on your guard. Careful. Riften's not the safest place for a nighttime stroll. So is it Riften or Rifton? This place has changed its name so many times, I can't even remember. You could say the Ratway is the city under the city. Dark, dangerous, and no place for decent folk. There's fine steel at the Scorched Hammer, if you fancy a new blade. If it's a bed you need, talk to Keerava in the Bee and Barb. She'll set you right. Need a drink, you go to the Bee and Barb. Stay out of the Ragged Flagon, Stay out of the Ratway. There's an apothecary in town, yeah. But it's down on the lower walkway, so stay sharp if you go down there. Welcome to Riften, home of the Thieves Guild. Or so they'd have you believe. It's all lies. They're just thugs... vermin, creeping around the Ratway. The Thieves Guild used to run this city. Now they're nothing but braggarts and bullies, rotting to death down in their Ratway... If you're looking to settle in Riften, there's a house for sale - Honeyside. See the steward in the keep if you want it. Smart thing you did, buying Honeyside. Nice place, and why pay for an inn? If you need potions, head over to Angeline's Aromatics. I don't abide fancy clothes, but you look like you might. I hear Radiant Raiment has a large selection. The Winking Skeever's got warm beds and cold mead. You look like you could use both. You can sell off that junk at Bits and Pieces. If its arms or armor you need, see Beirand at Castle Dour. Bloody good blacksmith, that one. Been up to the Blue Palace? Its a sight to see, even if it is filled with fops... The Emperor's cousin Vittoria Vici's getting married soon. The reception is public, anyone in Solitude can attend. Proudspire Manor, now there's a fine home. Up for sale, too. If you're interested, talk to the steward, in the keep. You own Proudspire Manor, hmm? Beautiful house. At least from the outside. If you need potions, you should try Arcadia's Cauldron. You look tired, friend. The Bannered Mare has beds for rent. The Bannered Mare's got warm beds and cold mead. You look like you could use both. Need a blade? You should talk to Adrianne, at the forge. Need supplies? See Belethor at his store. Sleazy little man, but he has good stock. Be glad you're here in the city, and not out in Riverwood. Those poor sods don't even have a wall. I worry about the other settlements in the hold. Unwalled, lightly manned - prime targets for those damned dragons. Thinking of settling in? There's a home for sale - Breezehome. You should talk to the steward up in the keep if you're interested. You're that one lives in Breezehome, right? Fine place. Almost bought it myself. Rorikstead's a nice little hamlet, but a boring post for a guard. If a dragon attacks, well... then it'll be a different story. Cause trouble in Whiterun, and I'll haul you into the Dragonsreach dungeon myself. You should talk to the Jarl up in Dragonsreach, lend any aid you can. The guards in Dragonsreach say you've aided the Jarl. On behalf of Whiterun, I thank you. I've seen you helping the Jarl. If only all visitors to Whiterun were as noble. You should unload some of that unwanted gear. Head over to Sadri's Used Wares, talk to the Elf. We got a nickname for anyone who trifles with us guards here in Windhelm - "Suicide." The Dunmer get their drinks down at the New Gnisis Cornerclub. Why they can't just call it a tavern is beyond me... Stay away from the Aretino Residence. That place is cursed. My heart goes out to Clan Shatter-Shield. Kin murdered, family warhammer stolen... There's no fairness in all that. If it's bed or board you're after, Candlehearth Hall's got both. If you need an apothecary, the White Phial has respectable stock. By the gods, you're diseased. Get yourself to the White Phial and purchase a remedy, before you infect us all. Hjerim is a fine house, and it's up for sale. You should talk to the steward in the keep if you're interested. Don't think you'll get special treatment just because you have a house in the city... If you're here for sight-seeing, then you've seen the sights. Might as well head somewhere warmer. Take care if you go venturing too far from town. That's a bitter wind coming off the Sea of Ghosts. Hard to believe I ever complained about Riften being cold... Beware of Frostmere Crypt, friend. Heard some bandits are living in the ruins now. Giants have been spotted up near Red Road Pass. Best to keep away and avoid it entirely. Travel southeast and you'll find an Orc stronghold, up around the old Dushnikh orichalcum mine. There's a small skeever den just east of the city, at Reachwater Rock. Beware the region northeast, across the river. Forsworn have taken refuge in Broken Tower Redoubt and Red Eagle Redoubt. The Forsworn have been spotted to the north, near Bruca's Leap Redoubt. Lots of nasty holes in the Reach, and Blind Cliff Cave is one of them. A filthy Hagraven nest, northeast of here. There's an evil to the north, friend, and its name is Ragnvald. A tomb like so many in Skyrim, where the dead have found no peace. If you journey north, stay well away from Snapleg Cave. Damn Hagravens have infested the place. There's a foul presence coming from Darklight Tower, southwest of the city. Some say the place is home to necromancers. City got attacked once by those damned bandits, come east across the lake, from Faldar's Tooth. They won't be trying that again. Best not to go wandering east of the city. Bandits been seen around Broken Helm Hollow. By the gods, a dragon's been sighted just south of the city, flying around Lost Tongue Overlook. Talk of strange happenings at Autumnshade Clearing, just north of the lake. My guess? Spriggans. If you must venture southwest, stay clear of Volskygge. It's a cursed place, a tomb where the dead still live... The road to Whiterun's not safe these days. Lots of travelers just.. disappear, south of Dragon Bridge. Can't find a trace of them. Off the coast a ways to the east, you'll find the wreck of the Brinehammer. Never know what treasures may still be aboard. You heard of Ravenscar Hollow? Cave on the island to the west. Place is a roost for those foul Hagravens. Pinemoon Cave is down to the southwest, but it ain't fit for exploring. There are stories.. Vampires, some say... The circle of stones to the southwest? That's Secunda's Kiss. The Giants hold it sacred, so tread carefully. Looking to do some hunting? Avoid Brittleshin Pass. It's southeast of here. If you're heading east, stay clear of Hillgrund's Tomb. Thing about those old crypts - the dead have trouble staying that way. Careful if you cross the river to the east. Old Hajvarr Iron-Hand and his brigands are holed up in that cave, White River Watch. You know I saw something near Shimmermist Cave to the northeast. Some sort of creature. Small and wicked, never seen its like before. Yesterday, I saw a dragon fly right over the city. Headed northeast. Toward Shearpoint, by the looks of it. You hear the news? There's a dragon roosting up on Mount Anthor, to the northwest. Tell me you've seen them. Those... things. Small and evil, like something out of a nightmare. They come from Stillborn Cave, to the north. I know it. Maybe you've seen masts sticking out of the water to the northeast? That would be the Wreck of the Winter War. Fine vessel, back in its day. South of here, and west of the road, lies Cronvangr Cave. Stay away from that cursed place, and the vampires that call it home. I've no problem with your kind, Orc. But that stronghold they've got in the southeast? Narzulbur? It's an affront to my people. I've no problem with Orcs. But that stronghold they've got in the southeast? Narzulbur? It's an affront to my people. Across the river to the northeast lies Yngol Barrow. Stear clear of the foul place, lest the walking dead claim you as their own. The Eye of Talos was a fine ship, once. Now it lies wrecked, off an island just north of here. Helgen... destroyed by a dragon. Hard to believe, isn't it? You have the Jarl's confidence, friend. And so you have mine. By the gods, it's true, isn't it? A dragon has attacked Whiterun. How could mere men bring down such a beast? I have to wonder... what does the Dragonborn do once he's summoned by the Greybeards? Can the Thu'um be taught, like any skill? If those Whiterun guards can take down a dragon, so can we. If we killed a dragon once, we can do it again. With your help of course. Got to thinking... maybe I'm the Dragonborn, and I just don't know it yet? The Greybeards have summoned the Dragonborn to High Hrothgar. Such a thing has not happened for... hundreds of years. What could it mean? The return of the Dragonborn? And who among us could possibly hold that honor? And such power? By Ysmir, you did it. You killed a dragon. There's been talk amongst the guards. That you are... Dragonborn. But such a thing... Surely that's not possible... You couldn't possibly be the Dragonborn of legend. Could you? For a dragon to attack Kynesgrove... Why? Why there? Is no place safe? Have you heard? There's been another dragon attack. Kynesgrove, this time. If I'd been on guard at the Thalmor Embassy, wouldn't nobody be disturbing that party. Word is Elenwen's furious. Big party at the Thalmor Embassy, and one of the guests went someplace they shouldn't. Caused quite a commotion. Thalmor in the Ratway? What's next, Spriggans in the Bee and Barb? There was a fight down in The Ratway, but reports are... sketchy. Some say it was Thalmor Agents, others say Thieves Guild. Some say it was both. Looks like it's really happening. A peace council, attended by both Ulfric and Tullius, up on High Hrothgar. Maybe there's hope for Skyrim yet. The Greybeards have called a peace council, at High Hrothgar. And can you believe it - both Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius have agreed to go. This truce with the Stormcloaks won't last a fortnight. Bloody savages will kill us while we sleep. A truce? With the Imperials? They'll murder us all, first chance they get. All hail the Dragonborn! The Greybeards have arranged a truce between the Stormcloaks and Imperials. How long can such a thing last? I caught a glimpse of that captured dragon. It's.. beautiful. In its own way. Is it true what they say? There was a dragon held captive in Whiterun, and you... you released it? By the gods, man, why? It was you convinced the Jarl to trap that dragon in the keep. And by Ysmir, it actually worked. Releasing a captured dragon? I don't think I'll ever understand that one. Trapping a dragon in Dragonsreach. Damn clever idea you had, I have to admit. We had that beast contained. And you released it! Why? Why would you do such a thing? There's a dragon. Here. In Dragonsreach. And I thought it was just a name. In the ancient tongue, you are Dovahkiin - Dragonborn! Word is spreading like magefire! The great evil has been vanquished! You have truly saved us all! You have vanquished a great evil from Skyrim. You have saved this land... and our very souls. What do you need, bard? Solitude wouldn't be the same without the Fire Festival. City owes you a debt of gratitude. You're the one that saved the Fire Festival. I remember. So you can cast a few spells? Am I supposed to be impressed? You're that one from the College. Heard about you. Some are saying the Psijic Monks have been seen in Skyrim. They're an ancient order. I had 'em figured for dead. The say the college has been snooping around Saarthal. Mages in a burial crypt? No good can come of that... One of the guards said he saw a mage appear out of thin air. Claimed it was one of those Psijic monks. Man's been hitting the skooma, I say. What business do college mages have in a place like Saarthal anyway? It's a place for Nord dead, not your weird experiments. Imagine, blowing up an entire town. Damn college... Winterhold will never be the same. You hear the news? Those damn mages blew up Winterhold! Guess it was just a matter of time... Word is the College of Mages is back to normal. If there's such a thing for that lot. You're that mage from the college, right? Hear things have finally calmed down over there. Now I remember - you're that new member of the Companions. So you what - fetch the mead? Hail, Companion. You've been seen in the company of the Companions. That's an honorable path you're on, friend. Honored Companion. How can I assist you? I know of your deeds, and am honored to address a member of the Companions. I'm telling you, I heard it. Howling. Those werewolf tales are true. Uch. Been tending your hounds? You smell like wet dog. With respect, Companion, I ask that you muzzle that dog of yours. The howling coming from Jorrvaskr has gotten out of hand. If it isn't the slayer of the Glenmoril witches. How can I assist you, Companion? Heard about what you did. Killing those foul witches. Well done, Companion. Kodlak killed, Jorrvaskr attacked. How could this happen, within the walls of Whiterun? Who would dare attack the leader of the Companions? In his own hall? There'll be blood for this, I know it. I heard about the attack on Jorrvaskr, and the killing of your honored leader. You have my sympathies, Companion. Kodlak White-Mane is in a better place now. For is there any place better than Sovngarde? Kodlak White-Mane has been laid to rest, I know. May his soul live forever in the halls of Sovngarde. You... you're the Harbinger. Of the Companions. It is my honor to stand before you. It's no secret the Aretino boy is doing some ritual, trying to call the Dark Brotherhood. But who's going to stop him? Me? I'll have no part of that. That old woman who runs the orphanage has been murdered. Say, didn't I see you coming out of there...? You ask me? The brats in the orphanage are better off, now that Grelod is dead. Been a murder, over in Riften. Some old lady who runs an orphanage. Those poor children must be heartbroken. Psst. Hey, I know who you are. Hail Sithis! It ain't true what they say about you and... and the Dark Brotherhood? Is it? Now, I know who you are. And... and I know your business... Just, please... These are good folk we got here. Mostly... Hey! You're the one who killed Alain Dufont, up in Raldbthar. Oh yeah, word about that got around. Man was a piece of bandit trash, is what I hear. I heard you were at the wedding of the Emperor's cousin in Solitude. Gods, that must've been horrible. The Emperor's cousin, killed. Right here in Solitude. I feel nothing but shame... The cousin of the Emperor was murdered! In Solitude, at her own damn wedding. Not a chance we would have let that happen here. Look, that Vici woman had a bodyguard. I know it's terrible she got murdered at her own wedding, but the city guard is hardly to blame... You didn't hear this from me, but we've uncovered a plot to kill the Emperor! It gets better. The ringleader? One of the Emperor's own elite guard... Seems the Emperor's coming to Skyrim... and one of his protectors was going to have him assassinated. Can't trust anyone these days. There was some ruckus over by that weird black door. You weren't involved in that craziness, were you? I heard to Gourmet is hiding out somewhere in Skyrim. You know, fella who wrote that cookbook. We just received word that somebody tried to kill the Emperor! Turned out to just be his double, but can you imagine if he had succeeded? So the Emperor had a decoy. Poor bastard got murdered, too. But then, I guess that was his job... Wait, I know you. You went into the Emperor's Tower, just before... before his decoy was murdered... They're saying the Dark Brotherhood has been destroyed. Wiped off the face of Tamriel. But that's not entirely true... is it? I know who you are, assassin. I guess the rumors about your kind's "extinction" have been... exaggerated. The guards have been saying things about you... That you're the one that... Well... They say the Dark Brotherhood... Well. Never mind. Sir. The Emperor of Skyrim. Dead. These are dark times my friend - dark times indeed... You hear the news? The Emperor has been murdered! Right here, in Skyrim. By the gods, if the Dark Brotherhood can do that, nobody's safe... By the gods. The Emperor's been murdered. On his own ship... moored in the inlet. It was... the Dark Brotherhood. There was nothing we could do... There are stories about you, and dark tidings in Dawnstar... Been lots of people coming and going through that creepy black door. And noises... I'd say it sounds like construction, but that's crazy. Right? There are some that say the Dark Brotherhood is back, and stronger than ever. That they've made Dawnstar their home. Tell me - am I wrong? You're the one all the guards are talking about. You went into that Sanctuary... wiped out the Dark Brotherhood! Friend, I owe you a drink. You know, I could have gone into that Sanctuary, killed all those Dark Brotherhood types. But I was... sick that day. You! You're the one who wiped out the Dark Brotherhood! All the guards are talking about it... You're a hero to us all! Try to hide it all you want. I know you're in the Thieves Guild... and so do the other guards. The Thieves Guild used to run this city. Now they're nothing but braggarts and bullies, rotting to death down in their Ratway... Welcome to Riften, home of the Thieves Guild. Or so they'd have you believe. It's all lies. They're just thugs... vermin, creeping around the Ratway. Seeing as how Riften is home to the Thieves Guild, maybe we can work something out if you get into trouble with the law. For the right price. Ain't no doubt about it. The Thieves Guild is back, and they've got Riften in their grip. You know, the law here in Solitude can be a bit... "flexible." So long as you've got the gold. That's the way the Thieves Guild likes it. A change has swept into Solitude, like a breeze off the ocean - the Thieves Guild has come... We may guard Whiterun, but the Thieves Guild guards us. If you know what I mean. The city's changed, friend. The Thieves Guild is on the rise... and they've got a firm foothold here in Whiterun. Shirking the law in Windhelm ain't what it use to be. Not with the Thieves Guild running things... Maybe you haven't heard, but the Thieves Guild is back. Windhelm is their city now, if you catch my meaning... Break the law here in Markarth, and maybe we can work something out. Courtesy of the Thieves Guild. Markarth's a different place, now. Do business here, and you do business with the Thieves Guild. I know you had some part in Sinding's escape. Don't deny it... You... you were talking to that murderous savage. And then he escaped. What are you hiding? Thanks for clearing out that Vampire nest. You saved Morthal. The Gildergreen will bloom again. All thanks to you. The Gildergreen blooms again. All thanks to you. By Ysmir, you've helped save the Gildergreen. Words can't express what that means to this city. That sapling you recovered means the Gildergreen will live again. Your deed honors the people of Whiterun. You did this city a great service by catching that killer. Well done. I was this close to catching that killer. I swear it. Wonder what kinds of things they've got the Dibella doing, over in the temple. Mostly praying, I reckon... You've actually done it. You've found the Sybil of Dibella. You have done Markarth a tremendous service. As if Skyrim didn't have enough outsiders. Now we've got mercenaries from Hammerfell struttin' about... You see those warriors from Hammerfell? They've got curved swords. Curved. Swords. Wonder what it's like for those Thalmor, now that they've been taken down a notch... From what I hear, you're the one that gave the Thalmor a black eye. Sure know how to pick your enemies, don't you? Thanks again for helping reopen the East Empire Company. Gonna have them import me some of that aged Breton cheese. I hear the East Empire Company has reopened, thanks in no small part to you. Well done. All of Skyrim benefits from their trade. You've come to Dawnstar at a strange time, friend. Seems everyone in the town is having nightmares... No more nightmares. Thank the gods for that. The damned nightmares have finally stopped. Don't suppose you'd know anything about that? So Madanach was behind those murders. Gods help us. Gods damn those Forsworn. So many dead... You put those Forsworn down. Good job. Your name's been cleared... by Thonar Silver-Blood. Consider yourself lucky. With Nurelion gone, I suppose Quintus has taken over business in the White Phial. Good thing you did for Nurelion, returning that phial for him before he died. Man was obsessed. First Torygg and now Elisif. Damn those Stormcloaks. Let's hope that Erikur fares better than they did. We'll protect Erikur as best we're able, but I fear the throne of Solitude is cursed. Filthy she-hound Elisif got what she deserved. Let her serve as 'High Queen' of Oblivion, for all I care. It is whispered that one of the Daedric Princes himself is behind the murder of Elisif. It would seem even the nobility of Oblivion favors our cause. Don't like those eyes you got. They've got a bad hunger to them. Heard they're reforming the Dawnguard. Vampire hunters or something, in the old fort near Riften. Might consider joining up myself. They say that vampires attacked the Hall of the Vigilant. Burned it to the ground! Never heard of vampires doing anything like that before. These vampires are becoming a real menace. Where're these vampires coming from? We need to wipe them out before things get worse. Dragons breathing fire in the sky. Vampires brazenly attacking people on the street. It's the end of the world I tell you. They say if a vampire so much as scratches you, you'll turn into one. That better not be true. We need to do something about these vampire attacks."