Very Low Low Medium High Very High Ultra Enabled Disabled Shadows Shadow Resolution Facility Lights Resolution Aspect Ratio Display Mode Max Frame Rate Anti-aliasing V-Sync Decals Texture Quality Brightness Screen Settings Quality & Performance Ragdoll Freezing Ragdoll Freeze Time FPS Limiter Visual Effects Head Bobbing Explosion Screen Shake Flashbang Dark Mode All Other 1/2 Refresh Rate 1/3 Refresh Rate 1/4 Refresh Rate Selected aspect ratio is not supported by your monitor Exclusive Fullscreen Borderless Window - Keep Visible Borderless Window - Hide When Unfocused Windowed SMAA Quality Preset Ambient Occlusion Bloom Quality Disables physics for ragdolls (dead bodies) after a specified time to reduce CPU usage. Aspect ratio of your current resolution is not supported!\nSome interface elements may not appear correct. Bullet Holes Blood Decals Target Display • Exclusive Fullscreen: The game has full control over the screen.\n• Borderless Window: Creates a full-screen effect by stretching the window to cover the screen. Different options control whether the game window should stay visible or automatically minimizes when it loses focus (for example, by user selecting another window). Graphics API Changes the 3D Graphics Library utilized by the game.\nThis option is experimental, and, as such, we recommend keeping it on Auto —unless you're attempting to resolve a specific rendering or performance issue with poorly supported hardware. Changes will take place following a game restart. Unavailable as a Graphics API was forced through launch parameters. Blood Decals Limit Bullet Holes Limit Show Needles