Mobile Task Force Unit Epsilon-11 designated [designation] has entered the facility.<split>All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols until an MTF squad reaches your destination.<split> Awaiting re-containment of: [count] SCP subjects. Awaiting re-containment of: 1 SCP subject. Substantial threat to safety remains within the facility -- exercise caution. successfully terminated. Termination cause unspecified. terminated by SCP-[scp]. successfully terminated by Automatic Security System. successfully terminated by Alpha Warhead. contained successfully by Science Personnel. contained successfully by Class-D Personnel. contained successfully by Chaos Insurgency. SCP-[scp] contained successfully. Containment unit unknown. contained successfully. Containment Unit [designation]. lost in Decontamination Sequence. [current] out of [max] generators activated. <split>All generators have been successfully engaged. Overcharge in 3... 2... 1... Facility is back in operational mode. Attention, all personnel.<split>The Light Containment Zone decontamination process will occur in T-15 minutes.<split>All biological substances must be removed in order to avoid destruction. Danger, Light Containment Zone overall decontamination in T-[time] minutes. Danger, Light Containment Zone overall decontamination in T-1 minute. Danger, Light Containment Zone overall decontamination in T-30 seconds.<split>All checkpoint doors have been permanently opened. Please evacuate immediately. Light Containment Zone is locked down and ready for decontamination.<split>The removal of organic substances has now begun. ALPHA WARHEAD EMERGENCY DETONATION SEQUENCE ENGAGED.<split>THE UNDERGROUND SECTION OF THE FACILITY WILL BE DETONATED IN T-[time] SECONDS. DETONATION CANCELLED. RESTARTING SYSTEMS. DETONATION SEQUENCE RESUMED, T-[time] SECONDS. terminated by Marshmallow Man. Nine-Tailed Fox Backup Unit designated [designation] has entered the facility.<split> Security alert. Substantial Chaos Insurgent activity detected.<split>Security personnel, proceed with standard protocols. Attention security personnel. Chaos Insurgency spotted at Gate A.