You can disarm a player by interacting with them while holding a firearm. There are four main zones in the Facility: Light Containment, Heavy Containment, Entrance, and Surface. Scientists and Class-D must reach the surface to escape. Facility Guards are weak alone but have strength in numbers. Stick together! Your stamina is a precious resource, reserve some for emergencies! The Entrance Zone has two gates that provide access to the surface. You'll need a keycard to open them. Using an elevator is a quick and easy way to escape most SCPs. Escaped Class-D join the Chaos Insurgency, while escaped Scientists become MTF. Adrenaline can be used to instantly refresh your stamina and gives you an advantage in combat. Radios have four range settings. The longer the range, the faster the battery drains. Tesla gates are electric hazards found throughout the Heavy Containment Zone. Proceed with caution! Mobile Task Force units and Chaos Insurgents arrive at opposite ends of the Surface Zone. The Alpha Warhead kills anything inside the Facility when it detonates. It can be activated from the Surface Zone. The Alpha Warhead detonation sequence can be canceled from its room in Heavy Containment. The Intercom room in the Entrance Zone can be used to broadcast a voice message to all players. You can throw items (‘T’ by default). This can be used to open keycard doors from a distance or to break glass. The Light Containment Zone will lock down after 15 minutes; killing anyone left inside. Escape while you can! Maximize your advantage by adjusting your weapon attachments based on the situation you find yourself in. The more attachments a weapon has on it, the heavier it gets. This affects stamina usage and movement speed. Not only do suppressors muffle gunshots, they also hide muzzle flashes. Longer and heavier weapons are less accurate if fired while running. Wearing body armor increases the number of items and ammo you can carry. Armor-piercing rounds (AP) perform best against armored targets. Hollow-point rounds (JHP) do higher damage to unarmored targets but are weaker against armor. Press and hold the reload key to unload a weapon, adding its ammunition to your inventory. Chaos Insurgency weapons are powerful but their ammunition does not spawn in the Facility. Make it count. Grenades can be used to destroy doors. Grenades can be thrown with less force using the right mouse button. The Micro H.I.D. can kill most SCPs very quickly but has a limited power supply. Use it wisely! The Micro H.I.D. requires about five seconds of charging before it can fire. Holding right mouse button will keep the Micro H.I.D. at its ready-to-fire state; slowly draining energy. The Micro H.I.D. is very loud while charging. Make sure to use it while your targets can’t run away. Charging the Micro H.I.D. produces an intimidating sound which is enough to ruin your enemies' plans. A bottle of SCP-207 not only increases your movement speed, but will partially restore your health as well. Up to three SCP-207 bottles can be consumed, allowing for a significant multiplier to your speed. SCP-500 not only heals you but removes most negative effects, and provides regeneration afterwards. While SCP-268 makes you invisible to all humans, SCP-079 can still notice you. SCP-268 won’t save you from SCP-096 if you’ve looked at him. SCP-018 is highly unpredictable. When it’s thrown, take cover. SCP-018 can be used to block off pursuers when bouncing in a hallway. SCP-330 can dispense six unique candies, each with their own effects. Take no more than two! SCP-1853 allows weapons to be reloaded faster, and decreases felt recoil. SCP-2176 can be used to lock down a room, or unlock a room or door locked by SCP-079. SCP-2176 can be used to stun SCP-079 if used in a room currently being observed. SCP-244 slows down the speed at which items can be picked up, and stops SCPs from regenerating their shields. SCP-1576 allows living players to talk to spectators for a short time. SCP-914 can change all items, including weapons and ammunition. SCP-914 can recharge radios and the Micro H.I.D. SCP-914 can create a number of unique items that can’t be found anywhere else. Feel free to experiment! SCP-079 starts off relatively weak but gets more powerful as a match goes on. SCP-079 can lock doors, turn off lights, and overcharge Tesla gates. A Tesla gate being looked at by SCP-079 will always appear active. SCP-079 is recontained using generators found in the Heavy Containment Zone, and a final button in its containment chamber. SCP-079 can change its cameras’ zoom using the mouse wheel. The longer SCP-079 has a door locked, the more power it will take to keep locked. SCP-079 unlocks a breach scanner at level 4. If it detects a human hiding in a room, an alarm will sound. A camera being used by SCP-079 will glow blue. Keep an eye out! You never know when it's watching. SCP-173 can move freely in dark rooms, even if it's being looked at. Bring a flashlight! SCP-173 can kill stealthily from behind. SCP-173 can create a puddle that slows down humans that walk through it — creating quick and efficient area-denial. SCP-106 can walk through doors and glass windows. While in Stalk, SCP-106 can see humans in a short radius around him. SCP-106 can open up a map of nearby rooms to teleport to, bound to ‘TAB’ by default. SCP-106’s abilities rely on a resource known as ‘Vigor’, which drains with each ability he uses. SCP-106 is most vulnerable immediately after emerging from the ground. SCP-096 is most vulnerable when it has just begun to calm down. SCP-096 can charge forward while enraged — breaking doors and killing targets. SCP-096 will destroy doors and pry open closed gates when enraged. SCP-939 can mimic the voices of players it has previously killed. SCP-939 can release a cloud of amnestic gas. Humans under its effects cannot perceive SCP-939 until it attacks. Using adrenaline negates the effects of SCP-939’s amnestic cloud. Flashbangs are especially effective against SCP-939. The lower SCP-939’s stamina is, the poorer its perception of players becomes. The longer SCP-939 is in Focus, the more effective Ultrasensitive becomes. SCPs’ footsteps are distinct from human ones. Listen carefully! Being attacked by SCP-049 inflicts cardiac arrest on a human. Health and stamina drain rapidly during this time. SCP-049 can instantly kill any human already under the effects of cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest drains your health rapidly. You’ll need medical supplies if you want to survive it. SCP-049 can only reanimate corpses if they’re fresh. SCP-049 can give a small shield to SCP-049-2 instances who are nearby. SCP-049-2 is vulnerable to headshots. SCP-049-2s make good scouts and are dangerous in large numbers. Most playable SCP instances have a secondary health bar called ‘Hume Shield’, which absorbs damage and regenerates over time.