0~Janitor Keycard
1~Scientist Keycard
2~Research Supervisor Keycard
3~Zone Manager Keycard
4~Guard Keycard
5~MTF Private Keycard
6~Containment Engineer Keycard
7~MTF Operative Keycard
8~MTF Captain Keycard
9~Facility Manager Keycard
10~Chaos Insurgency Access Device
11~O5-level Keycard
12~Radio~Allows communication over long distances between devices. Range can be adjusted.
14~First Aid Kit~Heals your injuries.
15~Flashlight~Let there be light!
16~Micro H.I.D.~Heavy electrical device designed for the termination of anomalies.
17~SCP-500~The Panacea. Instantly restores all health and cures most afflictions. 
18~SCP-207~Harmfully increases motor skills.
25~High-Explosive Grenade~A high explosive dealing significant damage. Detonates after a brief delay once thrown.
26~Flashbang Grenade~Blinds and disorients your enemies. Detonates after a brief delay once thrown.
31~SCP-018~Superball with the ability to bounce with extreme efficiency. Deadly ricochet at high speeds.
32~SCP-268~When worn, temporarily makes you invisible unless it is interrupted by any user interaction.
33~Adrenaline~Provides a temporary health boost and a short burst of stamina.
34~Painkillers~Slowly restores health over time.
35~Coin~You're not sure why you'd want to carry this around...
36~Light Armor
37~Combat Armor
38~Heavy Armor
39~.44 Revolver
42~Bag of Candies~A bag containing the following candies:
43~SCP-2176~Your very own Ghostlight! Caution: Fragile. Disrupts electronics when broken.
44~SCP-244-A~An ancient vase, freezing to the touch. Creates a large cloud of icy fog when placed.
45~SCP-244-B~An ancient vase, freezing to the touch. Creates a large cloud of icy fog when placed.
46~SCP-1853~Increases dexterity and weapon handling when your life is in danger.
47~3-X Particle Disruptor~A strange weapon that fires powerful, disintegrating energy beams.
49~SCP-1576~Allows temporary communication with the dead. Can be used again after some time passes.
51~Anti-Cola~The result of an experiment with SCP-914. Good for your health, bad for your motor skills. Will save your life in a pinch.
54~Lantern~A classic oil lantern, inscribed with the name "Daniel".
55~SCP-1344~A set of modified goggles that lets you perceive the positions of other players through walls. Once worn, they must never be removed!
59~Tape Player?~Contains an unlabeled tape. Please don’t play it. Please.