VOICE VOLUME Yes FORCE START SCP-106 RE-CONTAINMENT\nPROCEDURE OVERRIDE Invert Y-axis SUMMARY Cancel I N V E N T O R Y BRIGHTNESS SETTINGS DISCONNECT ALPHA WARHEAD IS DISABLED ACCESS DENIED VOICE CHAT INVENTORY OVERLOAD MOUSE SENSITIVITY HACKING PICKING UP... Increasing brightness significantly worsens the mood of the game.\nTry to set this value to as low as you can.\nThe default value is recommended. [1] OPEN/CLOSE DOOR\n[2] LOCK DOOR*\n\n*Locking the door uses special ability DOOR HAS BEEN LOCK-DOWN BY SCP-079 Fullscreen mode Are you sure you want to leave the server? Basic options. Full list of settings in the menu. WAITING FOR PLAYERS SUMMARY CONTINUE MAIN VOLUME connected You escaped as a Scientist and joined the MTF units. You escaped as a Class D and joined the Chaos Insurgency. YOU ARE Escape time: [escape_minutes] minutes and [escape_seconds] seconds Wait [time] until you can use [item] again. Press F1 for help. You have been cuffed.\nFollow orders or ask teammates for help. You were recaptured by the Nine-Tailed Fox.\nWith one less threat in the facility, they were able to reinforce. You were taken prisoner as a scientist by the Chaos Insurgency.\nThey were able to gain an advantage from the information you gave them. ROUND STARTS IN: {0}s ROUND START IS PAUSED AIMING SENS. REDUCTION Press [key] to cancel the throw. ADS Toggle Mute Spectator Chat Enable Noise Reduction (recommended) Automatic (System Default) No Microphone Detected! INPUT DEVICE Press [key] to blow out the candles.