It's [user]'s body - they were [class]!\n\nCause of death: [cause] Recontained. Vaporized by the Alpha Warhead. Sudden cessation of life signs. No clear trauma. Unknown cause of death. Severe electrical burns. Oxygen deprivation resulted in a death of asphyxia. Severe blood loss caused by deep wounds. You have bled out. Shattered legs and feet suggest fatal trauma caused by a fall. You have fallen down. Decayed in the Pocket Dimension. Melted by a highly corrosive substance. Sickly yellow skin and a rancid smell suggests death by poison. The poison has finished you. Pale skin and blood leaking from the mouth suggest internal bleeding caused by substance ingestion. SCP-207 has finished you. You shouldn't have taken more than two! You've been caught by a Tesla Gate. Shrapnel and severe burns caused by an explosion. You've been killed by a nearby explosion. Massive lacerations and excessive blood loss. Cervical fracture at the base of the skull. Large, deep bite marks on the body can be observed. Blunt trauma and minor scratches are present on the body. [ammotype] bullet wounds. Fatal blunt trauma; the body is badly mutilated and pulped. Signs of severe trauma to both femur bones suggests death by circulatory shock. You've been sacrificed to recontain SCP-106. Automatically killed for friendly fire. Cold skin and frostbitten fingers suggest a death by hypothermia. You have frozen to death. Deep lacerations and scratches are present on the body. The Marshmallow Man has killed you!