Kill everyone.\nPrevent escape.\nCooperate with other SCPs.\nHold your aim key while being observed to blink.\nYou resist some damage from gunfire, and have a regenerating shield. Escape from the facility.\nCooperate with the Chaos Insurgency.\nAvoid other teams. You will respawn soon. Kill everyone.\nPrevent escape.\nCooperate with other SCPs.\nYou can walk through doors.\nLeft click hurts and TPs enemies to your dimension.\nHold TAB to access your TP abilities. Help scientists escape.\nNeutralize other subjects.\nInstruct your soldiers. \nFollow the orders of your superiors. Kill everyone.\nPrevent escape.\nCooperate with other SCPs.\nLeft click to insta-kill enemies with a short cooldown.\nInteract with a recently-dead human to revive them as an ally. Escape from the facility.\nCooperate with the MTF.\nAvoid other teams. Kill everyone.\nPrevent escape.\nCooperate with other SCPs. Help Class-D Personnel escape.\nNeutralize other subjects. Kill everyone.\nPrevent escape.\nCooperate with other SCPs. Kill everyone.\nPrevent escape.\nCooperate with other SCPs.\nLeft click to attack with a short windup. Help scientists escape.\nNeutralize other subjects.\nInstruct your soldiers. \nFollow the orders of your captain. Help scientists escape.\nNeutralize other subjects.\nInstruct your soldiers. Help scientists escape.\nNeutralize other subjects.\nFollow the orders of your superiors. Follow the tasks to complete your objective. Help scientists to escape\nCooperate with MTF\nNeutralize other subjects Kill everyone.\nPrevent escape.\nCooperate with other SCPs. Kill everyone.\nPrevent escape.\nCooperate with other SCPs. Help Class-D Personnel escape.\nNeutralize other subjects. Help Class-D Personnel escape.\nNeutralize other subjects. Help Class-D Personnel escape.\nNeutralize other subjects. - - Kill everyone.\nPrevent escape.\nCooperate with other SCPs. Kill everything.\nTrack down targets.\nCooperate with your flock. Kill everything.\nTrack down targets.\nCooperate with your flock. Kill everyone.\nPrevent escape.\nCooperate with other SCPs.