None~Default option with no effects. Iron Sights~A pair of alignment markers making up a simple, lightweight sighting device. Dot Sight~Non-magnifying reflex sight with a small illuminated dot indicating the point of aim. Holographic Sight~Non-magnifying sight with a holographic reticle. Effective in close-quarters combat. Night-Vision Scope~Telescopic sight augmented with a night-vision device. Heavy, but effective in all lighting conditions. Ammo Counter Sight~Iron sights with integrated ammunition counting device. Telescopic Sight~Heavy sighting device, providing optical magnification. Perfect for long-range, but limits the overall perception. Standard Stock~Regular stock, providing better control of the firearm when aiming down the sights. Extended Stock~Provides better control of the firearm when aiming down the sights, but increases the equipping time. Retracted Stock~Makes the firearm more compact, which increases mobility. Lightweight Stock~Reduces the weight of the firearm but makes it harder to control the recoil when aiming down the sights. Heavy Stock~Increased weight lowers mobility but makes the firearm more stable when aiming down the sights. Recoil-Reducing Stock~Stock equipped with a system that attempts to disperse force between individual shots. Foregrip~Vertical forward grip. Makes it easier to handle the muzzle rise. Laser Sight~Provides visual reference point onto the target, which helps in hip-firing but can easily reveal your position. Flashlight~Toggleable light source. Increases total weight of the firearm but can be life-saving in dark areas. Ammo Counter~Ammunition counting device. Experimental technology that has proven to be useful, especially with high-capacity magazines. Standard Barrel~Conventional barrel with no muzzle device. Extended Barrel~Improves the overall firepower, but contributes to low mobility caused by increased weight and length. Suppressor~Sound moderator. Reduces the loudness of gunshots, but increases the overall weight and length of the firearm. Flash Hider~Eliminates muzzle flash. Makes it easier to shoot in the darkness. Muzzle Brake~Recoil compensator. Uses propellant gases to reduce recoil, but increases the acoustic intensity of gunshots. Muzzle Booster~Improves fire rate, which results in more damage per second, but the weapon is harder to control. FMJ Magazine~Standard magazine that contains full metal jacket bullets. AP Magazine~Standard magazine that contains armor-piercing bullets. JHP Magazine~Standard magazine that contains hollow-point bullets. Extended FMJ Magazine~Extended magazine that contains full metal jacket bullets. Extended AP Magazine~Extended magazine that contains armor-piercing bullets. Extended JHP Magazine~Extended magazine that contains hollow-point bullets. FMJ Drum~High-capacity drum magazine that contains full metal jacket bullets. AP Drum~High-capacity drum magazine that contains armor-piercing bullets. JHP Drum~High-capacity drum magazine that contains hollow-point bullets. Low-Cap FMJ Magazine~Low-capacity magazine that contains full metal jacket bullets. Low-Cap AP Magazine~Low-capacity magazine that contains armor-piercing bullets. Low-Cap JHP Magazine~Low-capacity magazine that contains hollow-point bullets. 5-Shot Cylinder~Holds fewer cartridges but is capable of dealing increased damage to armored enemies. 6-Shot Cylinder~The classic six-shooter. 7-Shot Buckshot Cylinder~Filled with shotgun-like cartridges, effective in close-quarters. Carbine Receiver~Regular carbine upper receiver that is considered a great compromise between firepower and mobility. Rifle Receiver~Full-size upper receiver improves firepower and accuracy, but a heavier gas system reduces the fire rate. Short Barrel~Shortened version of the standard barrel, used to improve draw speed and mobility. Choke~Increases total radius of spread but improves the consistency of the pattern. Extended Barrel~Slightly reduces the spread radius but increases the total firearm weight and length. No Stock~Short configurations come with high mobility, but removing stocks from a high-recoil rifle isn't always the best idea. Single-Shot System~Standard system. One trigger-pull leads to one discharge. Double-Shot System~Modified trigger mechanism which actuates both sears with a single pull.