#Let's assign roles (you can modify them and create custom roles below) #UserID format is SteamId64Here@steam, DiscordUserIDHere@discord, etc... Members: - SomeSteamId64@steam: owner - SomeOtherSteamId64@steam: admin - AnotherSteamId64@steam: admin - SomeDiscordUserId@discord: moderator #Should Secret Lab development staff be able to use the Remote Admin? enable_staff_access: false #Should Secret Lab CEO and managers be able to use Remote Admin? (We do not abuse our powers) enable_manager_access: true #Allow remote admin access for the banning team, to allow them searching and fighting cheaters globally enable_banteam_access: true #Enable reserved slots for the banning team (they are restricted by reserved slots limit set in the gameplay config) enable_banteam_reserved_slots: true #Allow the banning team to bypass georestrictions on the server enable_banteam_bypass_geoblocking: true #Let's define roles #use color "none" to disable badge #you can add own roles too #cover means that this local badge is more important than a global badge and will cover it #hidden means that this local badge is hiddeny by default (always you can use "hidetag" and "showtag" commands in game console or text-based remote admin) #kick_power is the power for kicking and banning that the member of this group has (can be from 0 to 255) #required_kick_power is the required kick power to kick or ban a member of this group (can be from 0 to 255) owner_badge: SERVER OWNER owner_color: red owner_cover: true owner_hidden: false owner_kick_power: 255 owner_required_kick_power: 255 admin_badge: ADMIN admin_color: red admin_cover: true admin_hidden: false admin_kick_power: 1 admin_required_kick_power: 2 moderator_badge: MODERATOR moderator_color: silver moderator_cover: true moderator_hidden: false moderator_kick_power: 0 moderator_required_kick_power: 1 #And add them to the roles list Roles: - owner - admin - moderator #Let's setup permissions for roles #More info can be found on our wiki: https://en.scpslgame.com/index.php/Docs:Permissions Permissions: - KickingAndShortTermBanning: [owner, admin, moderator] - BanningUpToDay: [owner, admin, moderator] - LongTermBanning: [owner, admin] - ForceclassSelf: [owner, admin, moderator] - ForceclassToSpectator: [owner, admin, moderator] - ForceclassWithoutRestrictions: [owner, admin] - GivingItems: [owner, admin] - WarheadEvents: [owner, admin, moderator] - RespawnEvents: [owner, admin] - RoundEvents: [owner, admin, moderator] - SetGroup: [owner] - GameplayData: [owner, admin] - Overwatch: [owner, admin, moderator] - FacilityManagement: [owner, admin, moderator] - PlayersManagement: [owner, admin] - PermissionsManagement: [owner] - ServerConsoleCommands: [] - ViewHiddenBadges: [owner, admin, moderator] - ServerConfigs: [owner] - Broadcasting: [owner, admin, moderator] - PlayerSensitiveDataAccess: [owner, admin, moderator] - Noclip: [owner, admin] - AFKImmunity: [owner, admin] - AdminChat: [owner, admin, moderator] - ViewHiddenGlobalBadges: [owner, admin, moderator] - Announcer: [owner, admin] - Effects: [owner, admin] - FriendlyFireDetectorImmunity: [owner, admin, moderator] - FriendlyFireDetectorTempDisable: [owner, admin] - ServerLogLiveFeed: [owner, admin] #Set to "none" in order to disable password. #WE DON'T RECOMMEND USING PASSWORD!!! #SETUP STEAMID AUTHENTICATION INSTEAD (of the top of this config file)! override_password: none override_password_role: owner #Allows running central server commands (they are prefixed with "!") using "sudo"/"cron" command in RA (requires ServerConsoleCommands permission). #Don't turn on unless you fully trust all people with this permission, they needs to run that commands from RA and you know what are you doing allow_central_server_commands_as_ServerConsoleCommands: false # Should the GUI-Based RA use the predefined ban templates below? enable_predefined_ban_templates: true # Here you can define ban templates for your staff members to use in-game. This can always be overriden by choosing the "Custom" ban tab # FORMAT: - [Duration in seconds, Reason] # **Note** The reason cannot contain any commas or it will break the parsing! PredefinedBanTemplates: - [0, Consider this a warning!] - [3600, Mic Spamming] - [86400, Team Killing (Minor Offence)] - [604800, Team Killing (Major Offence)] - [1577000000, Abusing Exploits]