// This file contains a command and an "ideal" key.  At startup, if a key is not bound for the
// given command, the availability of the ideal key is checked.  If it is available, the key
// is bound - otherwise the game will go through all keys until it finds one that is available
// or it fails.
// If for any reason a mod binds a key to something nonsensical, like CS:S does, you can force
// an override by specifying an "override_if" key/value.  For example, in CS:S, F6 is automatically
// bound to quick save, which is a feature unused in the game.  So the "save_replay" subkey in cstrike
// looks like this:
//	"save_replay"
//	{
//		"ideal_key"				"F6"
//		"override_if"			"save quick"
//	}
		"ideal_key"				"p"			