"lang" { "Language" "danish" "Tokens" { "YouTube_LoggingIn" "Logger på YouTube™" "[english]YouTube_LoggingIn" "Logging into YouTube™" "YouTube_Uploading" "Uploader film til YouTube™" "[english]YouTube_Uploading" "Uploading Movie to YouTube™" "YouTube_UploadProgress" "%s1% - [ %s2 / %s3 kB ]" "[english]YouTube_UploadProgress" "%s1% - [ %s2 / %s3 kB ]" "YouTube_UploadFinishing1" "Færdiggør upload" "[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing1" "Finishing Upload" "YouTube_UploadFinishing2" "Færdiggør upload." "[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing2" "Finishing Upload." "YouTube_UploadFinishing3" "Færdiggør upload.." "[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing3" "Finishing Upload.." "YouTube_UploadFinishing4" "Færdiggør upload..." "[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing4" "Finishing Upload..." "YouTube_FileAlreadyUploaded" "Denne film er allerede blevet uploadet. Er du sikker på, du vil uploade den igen?" "[english]YouTube_FileAlreadyUploaded" "This movie has already been uploaded. Are you sure you want to upload it again?" "YouTube_LoginResults_Title" "Log på Mislykket" "[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Title" "Login Failed" "YouTube_LoginResults_CouldNotConnect" "Tjek venligst dine indstillinger for din internetforbindelse eller sæt \"youtube_http_proxy\"-convaren, hvis du er bag en http-proxy, og prøv igen." "[english]YouTube_LoginResults_CouldNotConnect" "Please check your your internet connection settings or set the \"youtube_http_proxy\" convar if you are behind an http proxy and try again." "YouTube_LoginResults_Forbidden" "Bekræft venligst at dit brugernavn og din adgangskode er korrekt og prøv igen. Bemærk at du måske vil være nødt til at slå 2-trins bekræftelsen fra." "[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Forbidden" "Please verify that your username and password are correct and try again. Note that you may need to disable 2-step verification." "YouTube_LoginResults_Failure" "Tjek venligst dine indstillinger for din internetforbindelse og prøv igen." "[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Failure" "Please check your internet connection settings and try again." "YouTube_LoginResults_Cancel" "Login annulleret. Hvis der ser ud til at være et problem, tjek da dine indstillinger for din internetforbindelse eller sæt \"youtube_http_proxy\"-convaren, hvis du er bag en http-proxy, og prøv igen." "[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Cancel" "Login cancelled. If there appears to be a problem, please check your internet connection settings or set the \"youtube_http_proxy\" convar if you are behind an http proxy and try again." "YouTube_LoginDlg_Title" "Log på YouTube™" "[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Title" "Log into YouTube™" "YouTube_LoginDlg_UserName" "Brugernavn" "[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_UserName" "Username" "YouTube_LoginDlg_Password" "Adgangskode" "[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Password" "Password" "YouTube_LoginDlg_Register" "Registrer" "[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Register" "Register" "YouTube_LoginDlg_Login" "Log på" "[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Login" "Login" "YouTube_Upload_Title" "YouTube™-upload" "[english]YouTube_Upload_Title" "YouTube™ Upload" "YouTube_Upload_MissingFile" "Kunne ikke uploade til YouTube™, fordi filmfilen ikke kunne findes." "[english]YouTube_Upload_MissingFile" "Unable to upload to YouTube™, because the movie file could not be found." "YouTube_Upload_Success" "Film succesfuldt uploadet til YouTube™!" "[english]YouTube_Upload_Success" "Movie uploaded to YouTube™ successfully!" "YouTube_Upload_Failure" "Der opstod et problem i forsøget på at uploade filmen. Tjek venligst dine indstillinger for din internetforbindelse og prøv igen. Desuden skal du være sikker på, at din Youtube™-konto er forbundet til en Google-konto og at du har oprettet en kanal via http://youtube.com/create_channel." "[english]YouTube_Upload_Failure" "There was a problem uploading the movie. Please check your internet connection settings and try again. Also, make sure your YouTube™ account is linked to a Google Account and that you have created a channel via http://youtube.com/create_channel." "YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Title" "Symbolerne '<', '>', eller '&' må ikke benyttes i titlen." "[english]YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Title" "The characters '<', '>', or '&' are not allowed in the title." "YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Desc" "Symbolerne '<', '>', eller '&' må ikke benyttes i beskrivelsen." "[english]YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Desc" "The characters '<', '>', or '&' are not allowed in the description." "YouTube_Upload_MovieIsRaw" "Der er ingen filmfil tilknyttet til denne gemte gengivelse, fordi den blev skabt ved brug af valgmuligheden \"Eksporter rå TGA'er/WAV\"." "[english]YouTube_Upload_MovieIsRaw" "There is no movie file associated with this saved replay because it was created using the \"Export raw TGA's/WAV\" option." "YouTube_UploadDlg_Title" "YouTube™-upload" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Title" "YouTube™ Upload" "YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieTitle" "Titel" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieTitle" "Title" "YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieDesc" "Beskrivelse" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieDesc" "Description" "YouTube_UploadDlg_Disclaimer" "Ved at klikke 'Upload,' vil du uploade til din egen YouTube™-kanal. Du bekræfter hermed, at din film er i overensstemmelse med YouTubes™ servicevilkår." "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Disclaimer" "By clicking 'Upload,' you will upload to your own YouTube™ channel. You hereby confirm that your movie complies with the YouTube™ Terms of Service." "YouTube_UploadDlg_Terms" "YouTube™-servicevilkår" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Terms" "YouTube™ T.O.S." "YouTube_UploadDlg_Upload" "Upload" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Upload" "Upload" "YouTube_UploadDlg_Unlisted" "Skjult (kun brugere med linket kan se videoen)" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Unlisted" "Unlisted (users will need the URL to view the video)" "YouTube_Stats" "%s2 visning(er)\n%s3 god(e)\n%s1 foretrukne" "[english]YouTube_Stats" "%s2 view(s)\n%s3 like(s)\n%s1 favorited" "YouTube_PrivateVideo" "YouTube™ video er sat som privat." "[english]YouTube_PrivateVideo" "YouTube™ video is set as private." "YouTube_NoStats" "Ikke tilgængelig" "[english]YouTube_NoStats" "N/A" "YouTube_CouldNotRetrieveStats" "Ikke fundet" "[english]YouTube_CouldNotRetrieveStats" "Not Found" "YouTube_EmailSubject" "Se min fantastiske Team Fortress 2 video!" "[english]YouTube_EmailSubject" "Watch my Awesome Team Fortress 2 Video!" "YouTube_UploadDlg_SaxxyAwardsSubmission" "Indsend til overvejelse i 2012 Saxxy-priserne" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_SaxxyAwardsSubmission" "Submit for consideration in the 2012 Saxxy Awards" } }