"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "Valve_Listen_MapName" "Map" "Valve_Movement_Title" "MOVEMENT" "Valve_Move_Forward" "Move forward" "Valve_Move_Back" "Move back" "Valve_Turn_Left" "Turn left" "Valve_Turn_Right" "Turn right" "Valve_Move_Left" "Move left (strafe)" "Valve_Move_Right" "Move right (strafe)" "Valve_Jump" "Jump" "Valve_Duck" "Duck" "Valve_Swim_Up" "Swim up" "Valve_Swim_Down" "Swim down" "Valve_Look_Up" "Look up" "Valve_Look_Down" "Look down" "Valve_Look_Straight_Ahead" "Look straight ahead" "Valve_Strafe_Modifier" "Strafe modifier" "Valve_Mouse_Look_Modifier" "Mouse look modifier" "Valve_Keyboard_Look_Modifier" "Keyboard look modifier" "Valve_Use_Items" "Use item (buttons, machines, ...)" "Valve_Pickup_Use_Objects" "Pickup/Use objects" "Valve_Communication_Title" "COMMUNICATION" "Valve_Use_Voice_Communication" "Use voice communication" "Valve_Chat_Message" "Chat message" "Valve_Team_Message" "Team message" "Valve_Combat_Title" "COMBAT" "Valve_Primary_Attack" "Primary attack" "Valve_Secondary_Attack" "Secondary attack" "Valve_Reload_Weapon" "Reload weapon" "Valve_Walk" "Walk (Move Slowly)" "Valve_Flashlight" "Flashlight" "Valve_Spray_Logo" "Spray logo" "Valve_ServerOfferingToConnect" "The server is offering to connect you to:" "Valve_PressKeyToAccept" "Press %s1 to accept." "Valve_BindKeyToAccept" "Please configure a key to accept." "Valve_Weapon_Category_1" "Weapon category 1" "Valve_Weapon_Category_2" "Weapon category 2" "Valve_Weapon_Category_3" "Weapon category 3" "Valve_Weapon_Category_4" "Weapon category 4" "Valve_Weapon_Category_5" "Weapon category 5" "Valve_Weapon_Category_6" "Weapon category 6" "Valve_Weapon_Category_7" "Weapon category 7" "Valve_Weapon_Category_8" "Weapon category 8" "Valve_Weapon_Category_9" "Weapon category 9" "Valve_Weapon_Category_0" "Weapon category 0" "Valve_Previous_Weapon" "Previous weapon" "Valve_Next_Weapon" "Next weapon" "Valve_Last_Weapon_Used" "Last weapon used" "Valve_Miscellaneous_Title" "MISCELLANEOUS" "Valve_Display_Scores" "Display multiplayer scores" "Valve_Take_Screen_Shot" "Take screen shot" "Valve_Quick_Save" "Quick save" "Valve_Quick_Load" "Quick load" "Valve_Pause_Game" "Pause game" "Valve_Quit_Game" "Quit game" "Valve_Accept_Redirect" "Accept redirect to another server" "Valve_Cheer" "Cheer" "Valve_Activate_In_Game_GUI" "Activate in-game GUI" "Valve_Change_Team" "Change team" "Valve_Change_Class" "Change class" "Valve_Use_Special_Skill" "Use special skill" "Valve_Multiplayer_Decal_Limit" "Multiplayer decal limit" "Valve_Valid_Teams" "Valid teams, leave blank for all" "Valve_Frag_Limit" "Frag Limit" "Valve_Time_Limit" "Time Limit (Min.)" "Valve_Falling_Damage" "Falling Damage" "Valve_Normal" "Normal" "Valve_Realistic" "Realistic" "Valve_Teamplay" "Teamplay" "Valve_Friendly_Fire" "Friendly Fire" "Valve_Weapons_Stay" "Weapons Stay" "Valve_Force_Respawn" "Force Respawn" "Valve_Footsteps" "Footsteps" "Valve_Autocrosshair" "Autocrosshair" "Valve_Center_Player_Names" "Center player names" "Valve_Switch_Weapons_Immediately" "Switch weapons immediately" "Valve_Automatic_Screenshots" "Automatically take end-game screenshots" "Valve_Observer_Crosshair" "Observer crosshair" "Valve_Console_Toggle" "Toggle developer console" "Spec_Slow_Motion" "Slow Motion" "Spec_No_PIP" " Picture-In-picture is not available in first-person mode while playing. " "Spec_Replay" "Instant Replay" "Spec_Auto" "Auto" "Spec_Time" "Time" "Spec_Map" "Map: %s1" "Spectators" "Spectators" "Spec_PlayerItem_Health" "%s1 (%s2)" "Spec_PlayerItem" "%s1" "Spec_PlayerItem_Team" "%s1 (%s2)" "Spec_Duck" "Press DUCK for Spectator Menu" "Spec_Help_Title" "Spectator Mode" "Spec_Help_Text" " Use the following keys to change view styles: FIRE1 - Chase next player FIRE2 - Chase previous player JUMP - Change view modes USE - Change inset window mode DUCK - Enable spectator menu In Overview Map Mode move around with: MOVELEFT - move left MOVERIGHT - move right FORWARD - zoom in BACK - zoom out MOUSE - rotate around map/target " "Spec_Modes" "Camera Options" "Spec_Mode0" "Camera Disabled" "Spec_Mode1" "Death Camera" "Spec_Mode2" "Fixed View" "Spec_Mode3" "First Person" "Spec_Mode4" "Chase Camera" "Spec_Mode5" "Free Look" "Spec_Mode6" "Chase Map Overview" "Spec_NoTarget" "No valid targets. Cannot switch camera mode." "Spec_Options" "Options" "OBS_NONE" "Camera Options" "OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "Locked Chase Camera" "OBS_CHASE_FREE" "Free Chase Camera" "OBS_ROAMING" "Free Look" "OBS_IN_EYE" "First Person" "OBS_MAP_FREE" "Free Map Overview" "OBS_MAP_CHASE" "Chase Map Overview" "SPECT_OPTIONS" "Options" "CAM_OPTIONS" "Camera Options" "PlayerName" "Name" "PlayerScore" "Score" "PlayerDeath" "Deaths" "PlayerPing" "Latency" "PlayerVoice" "Voice" "PlayerTracker" "Friend" "T0A0TITLE" "HAZARD COURSE" "C0A0TITLE" "BLACK MESA INBOUND" "C0A1TITLE" "ANOMALOUS MATERIALS" "C1A1TITLE" "UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES" "C1A2TITLE" "OFFICE COMPLEX" "C1A3TITLE" "WE'VE GOT HOSTILES" "C1A4TITLE" "BLAST PIT" "C2A1TITLE" "POWER UP" "C2A2TITLE" "ON A RAIL" "C2A3TITLE" "APPREHENSION" "C2A4TITLE1" "RESIDUE PROCESSING" "C2A4TITLE2" "QUESTIONABLE ETHICS" "C2A5TITLE" "SURFACE TENSION" "C3A1TITLE" "FORGET ABOUT FREEMAN!" "C3A2TITLE" "LAMBDA CORE" "C4A1TITLE" "XEN" "C4A1ATITLE" "INTERLOPER" "C4A2TITLE" "GONARCH'S LAIR" "C4A3TITLE" "NIHILANTH" "C5TITLE" "ENDGAME" "Valve_Hostname" "Hostname" "Valve_Max_Players" "Max. players" "Valve_Server_Password" "Server password" "Valve_Close" "Close" "Valve_Help" "Help" "Valve_Settings" "Settings" "Valve_Chat_Messages" "Chat Messages" "Valve_Show_Status" "Show Status" "Valve_View_Cone" "View Cone" "Valve_Player_Names" "Player Names" "Valve_PIP" "Picture-In-Picture" "Valve_Overview" "Overview" "Valve_Overview_Off" "No Map" "Valve_Overview_Small" "Small Map" "Valve_Overview_Large" "Large Map" "Valve_Overview_ZoomIn" "Zoom In" "Valve_Overview_Zoomout" "Zoom Out" "Valve_Overview_Locked" "No Rotation" "Valve_Overview_Names" "Show Names" "Valve_Overview_Health" "Show Health" "Valve_Overview_Tracks" "Show Tracks" "Valve_Auto_Director" "Auto Director" "Valve_Show_Scores" "Show Scores" "Valve_Game_Saved" "Game Saved" "Valve_Orange" "Orange" "Valve_Yellow" "Yellow" "Valve_Blue" "Blue" "Valve_Ltblue" "Ltblue" "Valve_Green" "Green" "Valve_Red" "Red" "Valve_Brown" "Brown" "Valve_Ltgray" "Ltgray" "Valve_Dkgray" "Dkgray" "Valve_Playing" "Playing" "Valve_Stopped" "Stopped" "Valve_Paused" "Paused" "Valve_x_1_4" "x1/4" "Valve_x_1_2" "x1/2" "Valve_x_1" "x1" "Valve_x_2" "x2" "Valve_x_4" "x4" "Valve_ViewDemoStatus" "%s1 %s2 %s3" "Valve_Hint_Zoom" "%+zoom% ZOOM VIEW" "Valve_Hint_machinegun" "%+USE% TO USE MOUNTED GUN" "Valve_Hint_Flashlight" "%impulse 100% FLASHLIGHT" "Valve_Hint_PhysSwap" "%phys_swap% TO SWAP GRAVITY GUN\n WITH PREVIOUS GUN" "Valve_Hint_Command_send" "%impulse 50% SEND YOUR SQUAD TO A LOCATION" "Valve_Hint_Command_recall" "%impulse 50% TWICE TO RECALL YOUR SQUAD" "Valve_Hint_CraneKeys" "%+forward% EXTEND ARM %+back% RETRACT ARM %+moveleft% TURN LEFT %+moveright% TURN RIGHT %+attack% PICKUP OR DROP OBJECT" [$WIN32] "Valve_Hint_CraneKeys" "%xmove% MOVE ARM %+attack% PICKUP/DROP OBJECT" [$X360] "Valve_Hint_BoatKeys" "%+forward% SPEED UP %+back% SLOW DOWN %+moveleft% TURN LEFT %+moveright% TURN RIGHT" [$WIN32] "Valve_Hint_BoatKeys" "%xmove% ACCELERATE/STEER %xlook% LOOK" [$X360] "Valve_Hint_JeepKeys" "%+speed% TURBO %+jump% HANDBRAKE" "Valve_Hint_JeepTurbo" "%+speed% TURBO" "Valve_Hint_HEVcharger" "%+use% HOLD DOWN TO CHARGE SUIT" "Valve_Hint_AirboatGun" "%+attack% FIRE AIRBOAT GUN" "Valve_Hint_AmmoCrate" "%+use% GET AMMO FROM CRATE" "Valve_Hint_USEPickup" "%+use% PICKUP OBJECT" "Valve_Hint_ThrowHeld" "%+attack% THROW HELD OBJECT" "Valve_Hint_MomentaryButton" "%+use% HOLD DOWN TO TURN WHEEL" "Valve_Hint_ThrowBait" "%+attack% THROW BUGBAIT" "Valve_Hint_SqueezeBait" "%+attack2% CALL ANTLIONS" "Valve_Hint_Ladder" "%+use% MOUNT/DISMOUNT LADDER" "Valve_Hint_Interact" "%+use% INTERACT" "Valve_Hint_Jump" "%+jump% JUMP" "Valve_Hint_Movement" "%xmove% TO MOVE %xlook% TO LOOK" [$X360] "Valve_Hint_Movement" "FORWARD %+forward%BACK %+back%LEFT %+moveleft%RIGHT %+moveright%" [$WIN32] "Valve_Hint_Door" "%+use% OPEN DOOR" "Valve_Hint_Sprint" "%+speed% SPRINT" "Valve_Hint_Attack" "%+attack% ATTACK" "Valve_Hint_Crouch" "%+duck% CROUCH" "Valve_Hint_ItemCrate" "%+attack% BREAK SUPPLY CRATE FOR ITEMS" "Valve_Hint_Healthcharger" "%+use% HOLD TO HEAL FROM MEDICAL UNIT" "Valve_Hint_Reload" "%+reload% RELOAD" "Valve_Hint_SwimUp" "%+jump% SWIM UP" "Valve_Miscellaneous_Keyboard_Keys_Title" "MISCELLANEOUS MOVEMENT" "Valve_Chapter" "Chapter" "Valve_HudPoisonDamage" "NEUROTOXIN DETECTED\nADMINISTERING ANTIDOTE" "Valve_CreatingCache" "Creating sound caches..." "Valve_CreatingSpecificSoundCache" "Processing: %s1" "Valve_UpdatingSteamResources" "Updating Steam resources..." "Valve_Sprint" "Sprint (Move Quickly)" "Valve_Suit_Zoom" "Suit Zoom" "Valve_Commander_Mode" "Send/Recall Squad" "Valve_Gravity_Gun" "Gravity Gun" "Valve_CC_Toggle" "Toggle close caption sound effects" "Valve_Hud_HEALTH" "HEALTH" "Valve_Hud_AMMO" "AMMO" "Valve_Hud_AMMO_ALT" "ALT" "Valve_Hud_SUIT" "SUIT" "Valve_Hud_AUX_POWER" "AUX POWER" "Valve_Hud_OXYGEN" "OXYGEN" "Valve_Hud_FLASHLIGHT" "FLASHLIGHT" "Valve_Hud_SPRINT" "SPRINT" "Valve_Hud_BONUS_PROGRESS" "BONUS" "Valve_Hud_SQUAD_FOLLOWING" "SQUAD FOLLOWING" "Valve_Hud_SQUAD_STATIONED" "SQUAD STATIONED" "Valve_HDRDEMO_LeftTitle" "Fixed Aperture" "Valve_HDRDEMO_RightTitle" "High-Dynamic Range" "Valve_Hud_CamFOV" "FOV" "Valve_Hud_CamHeight" "Cam Height" "Valve_CamArmLength" "Arm Length" "Valve_FilmDemo_FilmGrain_LeftTitle" "No Film Grain" "Valve_FilmDemo_FilmGrain_RightTitle" "Film Grain" "Valve_FilmDemo_ColorCorrection_LeftTitle" "No Color Correction" "Valve_FilmDemo_ColorCorrection_RightTitle" "Color Correction" // Xbox 360 "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_357" "%slot1% SELECT .357 MAGNUM" "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_AR2" "%slot2% SELECT PULSE-RIFLE" "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_Bugbait" "%slot4% SELECT PHEROPOD" "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_Crossbow" "%slot1% SELECT CROSSBOW" "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_Crowbar" "%slot3% SELECT CROWBAR" "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_Frag" "%slot4% SELECT GRENADE" "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_Physcannon" "%slot3% SELECT GRAVITY GUN" "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_Pistol" "%slot1% SELECT 9MM PISTOL" "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_RPG" "%slot4% SELECT RPG" "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_Shotgun" "%slot2% SELECT SHOTGUN" "Valve_Hint_Select_Weapon_SMG1" "%slot2% SELECT SUBMACHINE GUN" "Valve_Hint_Select_WEAPONUP" "%slot1% SELECT WEAPON" "Valve_Hint_Select_WEAPONRIGHT" "%slot2% SELECT WEAPON" "Valve_Hint_Select_WEAPONDOWN" "%slot3% SELECT WEAPON" "Valve_Hint_Select_WEAPONLEFT" "%slot4% SELECT WEAPON" "Valve_Hint_Alt_Weapon_SMG1" "%+attack2% FIRE SMG GRENADE" "Valve_Hint_Alt_Weapon_Crossbow" "%+attack2% CROSSBOW SCOPE" "Valve_Hint_Alt_Weapon_AR2" "%+attack2% CHARGED PULSE" "Valve_Hint_Alt_Weapon_Shotgun" "%+attack% FIRE ONE BARREL %+attack2% FIRE BOTH BARRELS" "Valve_Hint_Alt_Weapon_Frag" "%+attack% THROW GRENADE %+attack2% DROP GRENADE" "Valve_Hint_Alt_Weapon_Bugbait" "%+attack% THROW PHEROPOD %+attack2% SQUEEZE PHEROPOD" "Valve_Hint_Alt_Weapon_Physcannon" "%+attack% LAUNCH OBJECT %+attack2% GRAB OBJECT" "Valve_Hint_EnterVehicle" "%+use% ENTER VEHICLE" "Commentary_PrimaryAttack" "%+attack%: Start/Stop node" "Commentary_SecondaryAttack" "%+attack2%: Next node" "game_player_joined_game" "Player %s1 has joined the game" "game_player_left_game" "Player %s1 left the game (%s2)" [$WIN32] "game_player_left_game" "Player %s1 left the game" [$X360] "game_player_joined_team" "Player %s1 joined team %s2" "game_player_joined_autoteam" "Player %s1 was automatically assigned to team %s2" "game_player_changed_name" "Player %s1 changed name to %s2" "game_server_cvar_changed" "Server cvar '%s1' changed to %s2" // Radio and chat strings can have control characters embedded to set colors. For the control characters to be used, one must be at the start of the string. // The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad. //  = 0x02 (STX) - Use team color up to the end of the player name. This only works at the start of the string, and precludes using the other control characters. //  = 0x03 (ETX) - Use team color from this point forward //  = 0x04 (EOT) - Use location color from this point forward //  = 0x05 (ENQ) - Use achievement color from this point forward //  = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward "Achievement_Earned" "%s1 has earned the achievement %s2" "game_nextmap" "Next map : %s1" "game_takesshots" "Auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map." "Cannot_Be_Spectator" "This server does not allow spectating" "Valve_DisableHTMLMOTD" "Disable HTML MOTDs." "Valve_UseSteamCloud" "Synchronize with the Steam Cloud." "Valve_SteamScreenshots" "Save screenshots to Steam" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Econ UI "ValveEcon_RootUI_Title" "ITEM MANAGEMENT" "ValveEcon_RootUI_OpenStore" "Store" "ValveEcon_RootUI_OpenLoadout" "Loadout" "ValveEcon_RootUI_OpenBackpack" "Backpack" "ValveEcon_RootUI_OpenCrafting" "Crafting" "ValveEcon_RootUI_OpenTrading" "Trading" //---------------------------------------------- // Econ generic attributes "Attrib_TradableAfterDate" "\nTradable After: %s1" "Attrib_Store_TradableAfterDate" "Becomes Tradable After a Few Days" "Attrib_Store_Purchased" "Will Not Be Tradable or Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_Purchased" "Purchased: Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_Promotion" "Store Promotion Item: Not Tradable" "Attrib_AchievementItem" "Achievement Item: Not Tradable" "Attrib_CannotTrade" "Not Tradable" "Attrib_CannotCraft" "Not Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_SpecialItem" "Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_GifterAccountID" "\nGift from: %s1" "Attrib_ReferencedItem" "Contains: %s1" "Attrib_CustomDesc" "This item has a user written description:" "Attrib_Renamed" "This item has been renamed.\nOriginal name: \"%s1\"" "Attrib_LimitedUse" "This is a limited use item. Uses: %s1" "Attrib_EventDate" "Date Received: %s1" "Attrib_InUse" "Currently In Use" "Attrib_Community_Description" "Given to valuable Community Contributors" "Attrib_Selfmade_Description" "I made this!" //---------------------------------------------- // Econ item collection strings // WARNING: The code MUST be able find the '::' in this string. The second : will be replaced by a color code for the quality. "Item_Found" "%s1 has found:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Crafted" "%s1 has crafted:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Traded" "%s1 has traded for:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Purchased" "%s1 has purchased:: %s2 %s3" "Item_FoundInCrate" "%s1 has unboxed:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Gifted" "%s1 has received a gift:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Earned" "%s1 has earned:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Refunded" "%s1 has been refunded:: %s2 %s3" "Item_GiftWrapped" "%s1 has wrapped a gift:: %s2 %s3" "Item" "Item" "SelectedItemNumber" "#%selecteditem%" "NewItemsAcquired" "%numitems% NEW ITEMS ACQUIRED!" "NewItemAcquired" "NEW ITEM ACQUIRED!" "NewItemsCrafted" "%numitems% NEW ITEMS CRAFTED!" "NewItemCrafted" "NEW ITEM CRAFTED!" "TF_HasNewItems" "You have new items!" // These pickup strings have control characters embedded to set colors. // The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad. //  = 0x01 (SOH) - Use default color from this point forward //  = 0x02 (STX) - Use a highlight color from this point forward "NewItemMethod_Dropped" "You Found:" "NewItemMethod_Crafted" "You Crafted:" "NewItemMethod_Traded" "You Traded for:" "NewItemMethod_Purchased" "You Purchased:" "NewItemMethod_FoundInCrate" "You Unboxed:" "NewItemMethod_Gifted" "You Received a Gift:" "NewItemMethod_Promotion" "You Received a Store Promotion Item:" "NewItemMethod_Earned" "You Earned:" "NewItemMethod_Refunded" "You Were Refunded:" "NewItemMethod_Support" "Customer Support Granted You:" "NewItemMethod_Foreign" "You Found From Another Game:" "NextItem" "VIEW\nNEXT >" "PreviousItem" "VIEW\n< PREV" "CloseItemPanel" "OK, RESUME GAME" "OpenGeneralLoadout" "OPEN LOADOUT..." "OpenBackpack" "OPEN BACKPACK..." //---------------------------------------------- // Econ store "Store_Price_New" "NEW!" "Store_Price_Sale" "SALE!" "Store_OK" "Okay" "Store_CANCEL" "Cancel" "Store_NowAvailable" "NOW AVAILABLE" "Store_ClassFilter_None" "All Items" "Store_Cart" "(%s1)" "Store_Checkout" "Checkout" "Store_AddToCart" "Add to Cart" "StoreViewCartTitle" "Your Shopping Cart" "Store_ContinueShopping" "Continue Shopping" "Store_CartItems" "%s1 Items" "Store_EstimatedTotal" "estimated total" "Store_WAStateSalesTax" "sales tax will be calculated for WA state residents" "Store_TotalSubtextB" "all items will added to your backpack after purchase" "Store_Remove" "Remove" "Store_CartIsEmpty" "You have no items in your cart." "Store_Wallet" "Steam Account Balance: $%s1 ($%s2 left after cart)" "Store_Wallet_EmptyCart" "Steam Account Balance: $%s1" "Store_FeaturedItem" "Featured item!" "Store_PreviewItem" "Preview" "Store_DetailsItem" "Details" "Store_FreeBackpackSpace" "Empty Backpack Slots: %s1" "StoreCheckout_NoItems" "Your shopping cart is empty!" "StoreCheckout_TooManyItems" "You have too many items in your shopping cart!" "StoreCheckout_Loading" "Checking out..." "StoreCheckout_Unavailable" "Checkout unavailable at this time." "StoreCheckout_Canceling" "Canceling..." "StoreUpdate_Loading" "Loading the Store..." "StoreUpdate_NoGCResponse" "The Store is currently closed." "StoreUpdate_NewPriceSheetLoaded" "The product list has been updated to the latest version." "StoreUpdate_ContactSupport" "Please contact customer support to have your Steam wallet configured." "StoreUpdate_OverlayRequired" "You must enable the Steam Community in-game and restart the game to use the Store." "StoreUpdate_SteamRequired" "A connection to Steam is required to use the Store." "StoreCheckout_Fail" "The In-game Store is currently closed." "StoreCheckout_InvalidParam" "A programmer messed up! An invalid parameter was passed to the game coordinator. Try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_InternalError" "There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance." "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport" "There was an error with your transaction. Please contact support for assistance." "StoreCheckout_NotApproved" "The game coordinator was unable to approve your transaction with Steam. Please try the purchase again later." "StoreCheckout_NotLoggedin" "You must be logged in to Steam in order to complete a purchase." "StoreCheckout_WrongCurrency" "This transaction's currency doesn't match your wallet currency." "StoreCheckout_NoAccount" "Your Steam account is currently unavailable. Please try this purchase again later." "StoreCheckout_InsufficientFunds" "You do not have enough funds to complete the purchase." "StoreCheckout_TimedOut" "This transaction has timed out. Please try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_SteamAccountDisabled" "Your Steam account is disabled and cannot make a purchase." "StoreCheckout_SteamAccountNoPurchase" "Steam wallet transactions have been disabled on this account." "StoreCheckout_OldPriceSheet" "Your local product list is out of date. Requesting a new one." "StoreCheckout_TransactionNotFound" "This transaction's id wasn't found by the game coordinator. Please try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_TransactionCanceled" "Transaction canceled. You have not been charged." "StoreCheckout_TransactionCompleted" "Transaction completed! Enjoy your loot!" "StoreCheckout_CompleteButUnfinalized" "Unable to confirm success. If successful, your items will be delivered at a later date." "StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "You don't have enough room in your backpack to buy that many items." "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Title" "Warning" "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Btn" "Contact" //---------------------------------------------- "Econ_Back" "Back" "BackpackTitle" "BACKPACK" "X_DeleteItem" "X DELETE" "X_Delete" "X DELETE" "X_DiscardItem" "X DISCARD" "DiscardItem" "Permanently Discard" "DeleteConfirmTitle" "ARE YOU SURE?" "ConfirmTitle" "ARE YOU SURE?" "ConfirmButtonText" "CONTINUE" "DeleteItemConfirmText" "Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone." "MultiDeleteItemConfirmText" "Deleting these items will permanently destroy all of them. This cannot be undone." "X_DeleteConfirmButton" "X YEAH, DELETE IT" "Backpack_Delete_Item" "BACKPACK - OUT OF ROOM" "DiscardExplanation" "You've received this item, but you don't have room for it in your backpack." "DiscardExplanation2" "Delete an item below to make room or press discard to throw your new item away." "DeleteConfirmDefault" "Delete?" "Discarded" "DISCARDED!" "ItemPanelEquipped" "Equipped" "BackpackApplyTool" "Select the item to apply the %s1 to:" "ApplyOnItem" "USE WITH..." "ConsumeItem" "USE" "RefurbishItem" "RESTORE" "CustomizeItem" "CUSTOMIZE" "ShowBaseItems" "STOCK ITEMS" "ShowBackpackItems" "SPECIAL ITEMS" "ShowBaseItemsCheckBox" "Show Stock Items" "ShowDuplicateItemsCheckbox" "Show Duplicate Items" "WrapGift" "WRAP GIFT" "UnwrapGift" "UNWRAP GIFT" "DeliverGift" "DELIVER GIFT" "NoAction" "NO ACTION" "Style" "SET STYLE" "TF_Item_SelectStyle" "SELECT STYLE" "RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "Remove Paint?" "RefurbishItem_RemovePaint" "Remove the custom color from this item, restoring its original color?\n\n(Paint will be discarded)" "RefurbishItem_RemoveNameTitle" "Remove Name?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveName" "Remove the custom name from this item, restoring its original name?\n\n(Name Tag will be discarded)" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDescTitle" "Remove Desc?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDesc" "Remove the description from this item, restoring its original description?\n\n(Description Tag will be discarded)" "RefurbishItem_Yes" "Yes, Wipe It" "RefurbishItem_No" "No, Leave It" "ToolConfirmWarning" "Remember, once you have used a tool, it's gone!" "ToolItemRenameOldItemName" "Current Item Name:" "ToolItemRenameNewItemName" "New Item Name:" "ToolItemRenameOldItemDesc" "Current Item Desc:" "ToolItemRenameNewItemDesc" "New Item Desc:" // This string has control characters embedded to set colors. // The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad. //  = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward //  = 0x02 (STX) - Use item one color from this point forward //  = 0x03 (ETX) - Use item two color from this point forward "ToolDialogTitle" "Using %s1 on %s2" // Item naming "CraftAskName" "Enter this Item's New Name:" "CraftNameOk" "Name It!" "CraftDescribeOk" "Describe It!" "CraftNameCancel" "No Thanks" "CraftAskNameConfirm" "Are you sure you want to use this name?" "CraftAskNameWarning" "(This name will be publicly visible and permanent)" "CraftNameConfirm" "Yep, I'm Sure!" "CraftInvalidName" "Invalid Name!" "CraftInvalidNameDetail" "Only letters, numbers, and spaces are allowed" // Item painting "ToolPaintConfirm" "Are you sure you want to paint the item this color?" "ToolPaintConfirmWarning" "(This color will be publicly visible and permanent)" "ToolDecodeConfirm" "Are you sure you want to open this crate?" "ToolDecodeInProgress" "Uncrating your Loot" "ToolGiftWrapConfirm" "Are you sure you want to gift wrap this item?" "ToolGiftWrapInProgress" "Wrapping your Gift" "ToolGiftUnwrapInProgress" "Unwrapping the Gift" "ToolNoTargetItems" "You don't have any eligible items to use with this tool." "BackpackShowDetails" "Details" "Backpack_SortBy_Header" "Sort Backpack" "Backpack_SortBy_Rarity" "Sort by Rarity" "Backpack_SortBy_Type" "Sort by Type" "Backpack_SortBy_Slot" "Sort by Loadout Slot" "Codec_MPEG2" "MPEG-2" "Codec_MPEG4" "MPEG-4" "Codec_H261" "H.261" "Codec_H263" "H.263" "Codec_H264" "H.264" "Codec_MJPEG_A" "Motion JPEG A" "Codec_MJPEG_B" "Motion JPEG B" "Codec_SORENSON3" "Sorenson 3" "Codec_CINEPACK" "Cinepack" "Codec_WEBM" "WebM" } }