"lang" { "Language" "tchinese" "Tokens" { "testcommands" "This is red and italics andbold white again." "[english]testcommands" "This is red and italics and bold white again." "barn.anotherdropship" "又一艘運兵船!" "[english]barn.anotherdropship" "Another dropship! " "barn.bunyip" " " "[english]barn.bunyip" " " "barn.chatter" "我們攔截到無線電。 他們在找你的車。" "[english]barn.chatter" "We're picking up radio chatter. They're looking for your car. " "barn.comeonin" "快進來!" "[english]barn.comeonin" "Come on in. " "barn.crapships" "唉、糟糕。 運兵船來囉!" "[english]barn.crapships" "Oh crap. Here come the dropships! " "barn.ditchcar" "弗里曼,你得下車了。 他們在找你的車。" "[english]barn.ditchcar" "You're gonna have to ditch the car, Freeman. They're looking for it now. " "barn.drivecarinhere" "把車開進來!" "[english]barn.drivecarinhere" "Drive the car in here. " "barn.drop_barn" "運兵船! 在車庫旁!" "[english]barn.drop_barn" "Dropship! By the barn! " "barn.drop_field" "運兵船! 在野地上!" "[english]barn.drop_field" "Dropship! Over the field! " "barn.drop_lite" "敵人來襲! 燈塔有運兵船!" "[english]barn.drop_lite" "Incoming! Dropship at the lighthouse! " "barn.drop_road" "運兵船! 沿著路過來了!" "[english]barn.drop_road" "Dropship! Coming in over the road! " "barn.exit_cliffpath" "這邊啊,博士。 趁下一艘炮船來之前,快往懸崖走吧。" "[english]barn.exit_cliffpath" "This way, Dr. Freeman. We'll take the cliff path before another gunship finds us. " "barn.exit_comewith" "好了,弗里曼博士,跟我來。 不然又有船要來了。" "[english]barn.exit_comewith" "All right, Dr. Freeman, come with me. Before another one comes. " "barn.exit_killship" "你解決那艘砲船我就帶你到懸崖邊的小路。 它如果一直搗亂,我們不可能到得了。" "[english]barn.exit_killship" "I'll take you out on the cliffside path as soon as you kill that gunship. There's no way we can make it with that thing harassing us. " "barn.exit_killshipnag" "毀掉砲船,我們就出發。" "[english]barn.exit_killshipnag" "Kill the gunship, then we'll go. " "barn.exit_watchstep" "就走那裡。 喂,小心點。" "[english]barn.exit_watchstep" "Right along there. And watch your step. " "barn.getcarinbarn" "快點把車開進車庫裡。" "[english]barn.getcarinbarn" "Hurry, get your car in the barn! " "barn.getcaringarage" "把車開進車庫裡啊。" "[english]barn.getcaringarage" "Get your car in the garage. " "barn.getcarinhere" "把車開到這裡!" "[english]barn.getcarinhere" "Get your car in here! " "barn.getcarinthere" "把車開進那裡!" "[english]barn.getcarinthere" "Get your car in there! " "barn.getoffroad01" "離開路面。" "[english]barn.getoffroad01" "Get off the road! " "barn.getoffroad01a" "離開路面!" "[english]barn.getoffroad01a" "Get off the road! " "barn.getoffroad02" "別把車停在路上!" "[english]barn.getoffroad02" "Get your car off the road! " "barn.gettauoff" " " "[english]barn.gettauoff" " " "barn.heretheycome" "敵人來了!" "[english]barn.heretheycome" "Here they come! " "barn.incomingdropship" "運兵船來了!" "[english]barn.incomingdropship" "Incoming dropship! " "barn.lighthouse_morale" "好,博士,從這裡開始你要用走的了。 懸崖邊有條隱秘的小路,不過我們得先擋下這波攻勢才能夠出發。 有你在這一起戰鬥,真的會讓士氣提升許多。" "[english]barn.lighthouse_morale" "Okay, Doc, you'll have to go on foot from here. There's a secret path along the cliffside, but no one's going anywhere until we fight off this attack. Having you here to fight alongside us will make a big difference for morale. " "barn.lite_gunship01" "是砲船!" "[english]barn.lite_gunship01" "It's a gunship! " "barn.lite_gunship02" "砲船!" "[english]barn.lite_gunship02" "Gunship! " "barn.lite_rockets01" "到燈塔去,博士。 那邊有火箭!" "[english]barn.lite_rockets01" "Head for the lighthouse, Freeman, there's rockets in there! " "barn.lite_rockets02" "我們把火箭藏在燈塔裡。 自己拿吧!" "[english]barn.lite_rockets02" "We stowed our rockets in the lighthouse. Help yourself. " "barn.lite_rockets03" "弗里曼! 如果你有發射器,燈塔裡有一堆火箭!" "[english]barn.lite_rockets03" "Freeman, if you've got a launcher, the lighthouse is full of rockets. " "barn.lite_rockets04" "弗里曼,到燈塔裡就能找到火箭了。" "[english]barn.lite_rockets04" "You'll find the launcher for your rockets up in the lighthouse, Freeman. " "barn.nowwhat" "搞什麼,又怎麼了?" "[english]barn.nowwhat" "Oh man, now what? " "barn.parkit" "停那裡!" "[english]barn.parkit" "Park it there! " "barn.stashinbarn" "把車藏到車庫裡。" "[english]barn.stashinbarn" "Stash your car in the barn! " "barn.vmech_accept" "弗里曼要接受這個武器,不然以後的路會非常艱難!" "[english]barn.vmech_accept" "The Freeman will accept this weapon, or suffer greatly on the road ahead! " "barn.vmech_proceed" "弗里曼一定要帶著粒子砲才能繼續前進!" "[english]barn.vmech_proceed" "The Freeman must not proceed without the tau particle cannon! " "barn.vmech_remove" " " "[english]barn.vmech_remove" " " "barn.vmech_wisely" "這個 τ 粒子砲曾經殺死我們許多的同類。 要謹慎使用。" "[english]barn.vmech_wisely" "This tau cannon once killed many of our kind. Use it wisely. " "barn.youmadeit" "嘿!你成功了!" "[english]barn.youmadeit" "You made it! " "breencast.br_collaboration01" "我發現,最近有人將合作計畫污名化,暗指我「通敵媚外」,好像與他人合作是極大的恥辱。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration01" "It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. " "breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "我發現,最近有人將合作計畫污名化,暗指我「通敵媚外」,好像與他人合作是極大的恥辱。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. " "breencast.br_collaboration02" "我想請問,世上還有比「合作」更需要付出心血的事情嗎?" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration02" "I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? " "breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "我想請問,世上還有比「合作」更需要付出心血的事情嗎?" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? " "breencast.br_collaboration03" "依目前無與倫比的事業規模看來,拒絕合作就等於拒絕成長 -- 換句話說,也就是自毀前程。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration03" "In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. " "breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "依目前無與倫比的事業規模看來,拒絕合作就等於拒絕成長 -- 換句話說,也就是自毀前程。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. " "breencast.br_collaboration04" "當初肺魚有拒絕呼吸空氣嗎? 並沒有。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration04" "Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. " "breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "當初肺魚有拒絕呼吸空氣嗎? 並沒有。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. " "breencast.br_collaboration05" "當牠勇敢前進時,牠的同志們卻留守在最幽暗的深海,以無法閉閤的雙眼,永遠凝視著黑暗,雖然保持警覺卻無知,註定了毀滅的命運。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration05" "It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. " "breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "當牠勇敢前進時,牠的同志們卻留守在最幽暗的深海,以無法閉閤的雙眼,永遠凝視著黑暗,雖然保持警覺卻無知,註定了毀滅的命運。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. " "breencast.br_collaboration06" "我們會以三葉蟲做為榜樣嗎?" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration06" "Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? " "breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "我們會以三葉蟲做為榜樣嗎?" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? " "breencast.br_collaboration07" "我們人類所有的成就,難道就註定只能化為一層薄薄的塑膠碎片,散落在化石地層上面,被夾在伯吉斯頁岩與萬古的濁泥之間嗎?" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration07" "Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? " "breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "我們人類所有的成就,難道就註定只能化為一層薄薄的塑膠碎片,散落在化石地層上面,被夾在伯吉斯頁岩與萬古的濁泥之間嗎?" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? " "breencast.br_collaboration08" "如果我們想要忠於人類的本質與命運,就必須胸懷大志。 我們該離開搖籃了。 真正能供養人類的事物存在於星界間,我們該脫離母親的懷抱了。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration08" "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. " "breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "如果我們想要忠於人類的本質與命運,就必須胸懷大志。 我們該離開搖籃了。 真正能供養人類的事物存在於星界間,我們該脫離母親的懷抱了。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. " "breencast.br_collaboration09" "只有被愚蠢的民眾們稱為「合成人」的夥伴,才能帶領我們昇華。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration09" "And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. " "breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "只有被愚蠢的民眾們稱為「合成人」的夥伴,才能帶領我們昇華。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. " "breencast.br_collaboration10" "沒錯,我承認我與異星人合作。 我們必須出於自願,並且積極合作,才能享受共同體帶來的利益。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration10" "Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. " "breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "沒錯,我承認我與異星人合作。 我們必須出於自願,並且積極合作,才能享受共同體帶來的利益。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. " "breencast.br_collaboration11" "耕耘必有收穫。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration11" "And reap we shall. " "breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "耕耘必有收穫。" "[english]breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "And reap we shall. " "breencast.br_disruptor01" "我們得到可靠的情報,已經有破壞者混到城裡來,他是無可救藥的敗類,卻被某些市民視為「救世主」" "[english]breencast.br_disruptor01" "We now have direct confirmation of a disruptor in our midst, one who has acquired an almost messianic reputation in the minds of certain citizens. " "breencast.br_disruptor02" "他所代表的是因本能、無知與腐敗所產生的慾念。 在黑色高地發生的邪惡暴行,就是他所造成的罪孽。" "[english]breencast.br_disruptor02" "His figure is synonymous with the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay. Some of the worst excesses of the Black Mesa Incident have been laid directly at his feet. " "breencast.br_disruptor03" "但是天真的人們仍然為他歌功頌德,為他冠上詩意而危險的稱號,尊稱他為「自由之人」,甚至還叫他「未來的開拓者」。" "[english]breencast.br_disruptor03" "And yet unsophisticated minds continue to imbue him with romantic power, giving him such dangerous poetic labels as the One Free Man, the Opener of the Way. " "breencast.br_disruptor04" "容我提醒大家,相信「奇蹟」會招致禍害。" "[english]breencast.br_disruptor04" "Let me remind all citizens of the dangers of magical thinking. " "breencast.br_disruptor05" "我們才剛要開始爬出物種演化的深淵。 不要在希望開始萌芽的時候,就因一念之差而跌回絕望之中。" "[english]breencast.br_disruptor05" "We have scarcely begun to climb from the dark pit of our species' evolution. Let us not slide backward into oblivion, just as we have finally begun to see the light. " "breencast.br_disruptor06" "如果你看見這個「自由之人」,請告發他。" "[english]breencast.br_disruptor06" "If you see this so-called Free Man, report him. " "breencast.br_disruptor07" "守法的公民將會獲得報酬。 相反的,與他共謀的那些人,絕對會受到嚴厲的懲罰。" "[english]breencast.br_disruptor07" "Civic deeds do not go unrewarded. And contrariwise, complicity with his cause will not go unpunished. " "breencast.br_disruptor08" "要思考。 要謹慎。 提高警覺。" "[english]breencast.br_disruptor08" "Be wise. Be safe. Be aware. " "breencast.br_instinct01" "我來為大家讀一封最近收到的信。 「親愛的布林 博士您好: 合成人為何會認為,應該壓抑我們的生殖週期呢? 關心的市民,敬上」" "[english]breencast.br_instinct01" "Let me read a letter I recently received. 'Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.' " "breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct02" "這位市民,謝謝你的來信。 你的問題觸及到人類最基本的生理衝動,這與我們人類對未來的希望和恐懼息息相關。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct02" "Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. " "breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct03" "我也從信上看出了一些弦外之音。 我們的保護者真的瞭解我們的需求嗎? 他們有什麼權利為人類做出這種決定呢? 他們以後會關閉壓抑力場,讓我們再度生殖嗎?" "[english]breencast.br_instinct03" "I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again? " "breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct04" "就讓我直接剖析令你焦慮不安的真正原因,而不一一回答可能隱藏在你心中的所有問題。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct04" "Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. " "breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct05" "首先,讓我們認真思考一個事實:這是有史以來第一次,人類也許能長生不死的寶貴機會。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct05" "First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach. " "breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct06" "這個簡單的事實意義深遠。 我們必須重新思考,並且徹底改變我們的基因規則。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct06" "This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. " "breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct07" "同時我們也需要精密的計畫和遠見,這可能會直接抵觸人類基本的思考方向。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct07" "It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural pre-sets. " "breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct08" "我覺得在這種非常時刻,更應該提醒自己,我們真正的敵人,就是「本能」。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct08" "I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is Instinct. " "breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct09" "「本能」在我們還是嬰兒的時候,是保護我們的母親。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct09" "Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. " "breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct10" "本能,曾經在人類鑽木取火、首次烹煮食物,還被牆上反映的影子嚇的魂飛魄散的艱難時刻," "[english]breencast.br_instinct10" "Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when we hardened our sticks and cooked our first meals above a meager fire " "breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct11" "撫慰我們惶恐的心,並且保護我們" "[english]breencast.br_instinct11" "and started at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern's walls. " "breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct12" "但與「本能」形影不離的,是它陰沈的雙胞胎,「迷信」。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct12" "But inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, Superstition. " "breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct13" "「本能」的另一面,就是人類不理性的衝動,今天,我們也認清了它的真面目。 「本能」已經發現自己不合時宜,現在它就像一頭困獸,寧為玉碎,不為瓦全。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct13" "Instinct is inextricably bound to unreasoning impulses, and today we clearly see its true nature. Instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance, and like a cornered beast, it will not go down without a bloody fight. " "breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct14" "本能,會對我們的種族造成致命的傷害。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct14" "Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species. " "breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct15" "本能,會憑空捏造壓迫者,並要我們起而抗之。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct15" "Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids us rise up against them. " "breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct16" "「本能」會告訴我們,未知的一切是威脅,而非機會。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct16" "Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. " "breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct17" "「本能」會暗中施展狡猾的伎倆,阻擾我們改變和進步。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct17" "Instinct slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress. " "breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct18" "因此,我們必須消滅「本能」。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct18" "Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. " "breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct19" "我們必須從基因裡,從人類最基本的衝動,也就是繁殖的衝動,開始消滅本能。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct19" "It must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce. " "breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct20" "我們應該感謝保護者, 讓我們從這個強大的衝動中解脫。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct20" "We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. " "breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct21" "他們啟動開關,輕鬆驅除了我們的心魔。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct21" "They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. " "breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct22" "他們賜予我們原本遙不可及的力量,戰勝這個慾望。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct22" "They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. " "breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct23" "他們賜予我們目標。 他們指引人類走向光明的未來。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct23" "They have given us purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars. " "breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct24" "我向大家保證,等到我們能夠駕馭自我、並且成功證明我們不再需要戒律的時候,就是壓抑力場功成身退的時刻。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct24" "Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off on the day that we have mastered ourselves...the day we can prove we no longer need it. " "breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct25" "我向大家保證,人類脫胎換骨的時刻,不再遙不可及了。" "[english]breencast.br_instinct25" "And that day of transformation, I have it on good authority, is close at hand. " "breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " " "breencast.br_overwatch01" "我受人之託,要跟第十七區監管隊的超人類分隊說幾句話,這件事呢,和我們最近成功逮捕反抗軍科學組人員有關。" "[english]breencast.br_overwatch01" "I have been asked to say a few words to the transhuman arm of Sector Seventeen Overwatch, concerning recent successes in containing members of the resistance Science Team. " "breencast.br_overwatch02" "讓我先聲明,我感到非常遺憾,因為在我衷心的祝賀中,伴隨著極大的失望。 但我如果不將保護者的訊息忠實傳達給你們,以一個管理者的身份而言,就是失職。" "[english]breencast.br_overwatch02" "Let me say up front that I regret having to temper my heartfelt congratulations with a strong measure of disappointment. But I wouldn't be doing my duty as your Administrator if I didn't pass along the message I have received from our Benefactors. " "breencast.br_overwatch03" "抓到伊萊凡斯確實意義重大,這一點無庸置疑。 過去幾年來,雖然我們有好幾次都差一點就能逮到他,但這次的成果,可能會為我們帶來更多好處。。" "[english]breencast.br_overwatch03" "The capture of Eli Vance is an event of major significance, make no mistake. And while it's true that conceivably we could have taken him at almost any time in the last several years, the manner of his capture may prove to have unexpected benefits. " "breencast.br_overwatch04" "反抗軍的成員一定也會發現,伊萊凡斯博士是在幫助高登弗里曼的時候,才被我們逮捕的。 這樣也可能會讓其他反抗軍開始猶豫,不敢貿然幫助高登弗里曼。 反抗軍也可能開始質疑他的忠誠;或許還會有一些人拒絕幫助他,甚至把他交到我們手上。" "[english]breencast.br_overwatch04" "It cannot have gone unnoticed by all resistance members that Doctor Vance's capture coincided with the act of giving shelter to Gordon Freeman. This might cause other resistance members to think twice before harboring Doctor Freeman. It might cause them to question his allegiance; even prompt some to turn him out, or turn him over to our cause. " "breencast.br_overwatch05" "不過,我們不能依賴這種假設。 高登弗里曼的聲名遠播,其他走投無路的反動份子,可能會為了趁機製造動亂,轉而支持他。" "[english]breencast.br_overwatch05" "However, we cannot count on such developments. Doctor Freeman's reputation is such that other desperate renegades are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror. " "breencast.br_overwatch06" "這讓我想起保護者要我傳達的事情,這令人非常失望。 當然我並沒有立場直接指揮,或者介入監管隊的微妙組織.但這並不代表我能推卸所有的責任,無論是監管隊近來的疏失…甚至是失敗。 保護者對這些失敗提出嚴重質疑, 而現在…我要反過來問你們:" "[english]breencast.br_overwatch06" "This brings me to the one note of disappointment I must echo from our Benefactors. Obviously I am not on the ground to closely command or second-guess the dedicated forces of the Overwatch, but this does not mean I can shirk responsibility for recent lapses and even outright failures on their part. I have been severely questioned about these shortcomings, and now must put the question to you: " "breencast.br_overwatch07" "弗里曼單獨一個人,怎麼能夠一而再、再而三從你們的手中脫逃? 怎麼可能呢? 我們說的人可不是超級間諜或是訓練精良的殺手。 高登弗里曼是個理論物理學家,在黑色高地事件發生的時候,他才剛拿到博士學位。 我有充分的理由相信,在短短的幾年之間,他並沒有辦法成為頂尖的脫逃大師。 你們一再失敗,無法阻止他,更別提逮捕他,他只是一個正常到極點的普通人,你們怎麼會抓不到他呢?" "[english]breencast.br_overwatch07" "How could one man have slipped through your force's fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some agent provocateur or highly trained assassin we are discussing. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the time of the Black Mesa Incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years, he was in a state that precluded further development of covert skills. The man you have consistently failed to slow, let alone capture, is by all standards simply that--an ordinary man. How can you have failed to apprehend him? " "breencast.br_overwatch08" "算了,批評的話我就先保留,等下次有需要的時候再說。 現在是你們證明自我的時刻。 如果超人類部隊想證明,自己是合成人監管隊中不可缺少的重要成員,就要自己爭取機會。 相信我不必提醒各位,如果還有所謂的第二選擇,那就是絕種!與其他毫無價值的生物一起絕種。" "[english]breencast.br_overwatch08" "Well...I will leave the upbraiding for another time, to the extent it proves necessary. Now is the moment to redeem yourselves. If the transhuman forces are to prove themselves an indispensable augmentation to the Combine Overwatch, they will have to earn the privilege. I'm sure I don't have to remind you that the alternative, if you can call it that, is total extinction - in union with all the other unworthy branches of the species. " "breencast.br_overwatch09" "讓我們一起阻止悲劇發生。 我已經盡全力,試圖讓保護者相信,你們是人類種族裡最精銳的部隊。 目前為止,他們都接受了!但如果再沒有實際功績證明的話,連我也會覺得自己只是空口說白話。 證明的重擔落在各位身上。 失敗的後果也是。 我言盡於此。" "[english]breencast.br_overwatch09" "Let's not allow it to come to that. I have done my best to convince our Benefactors that you are the finest the species has to offer. So far they have accepted my argument, but without concrete evidence to back it up, my words sound increasingly hollow even to me. The burden of proof is on you. As is the consequence of failure. I'll just leave it at that. " "breencast.br_tofreeman01" "弗里曼,我想花點時間直接跟你談談。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman01" "I'd like to take a moment to address you directly, Dr. Freeman. " "breencast.br_tofreeman02" "對,我是在跟你說話。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman02" "Yes. I'm talking to you. " "breencast.br_tofreeman03" "所謂的「自由之人」。 我有個問題要問你。 你怎麼能夠拋棄一切? 我實在想不通。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman03" "The so-called One Free Man. I have a question for you. How could you have thrown it all away? It staggers the mind. " "breencast.br_tofreeman04" "你是科學家,你有能力將保守勢力與畏懼心靈導入正途," "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman04" "A man of science, with the ability to sway reactionary and fearful minds toward the truth " "breencast.br_tofreeman05" "但你卻選擇步入無知和腐敗的歧途。 別一錯再錯了,博士。 你點燃的並非科學革命之火,而是死亡與盡頭的鬼火。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman05" "choosing instead to embark on a path of ignorance and decay. Make no mistake, Dr. Freeman. This is not a scientific revolution you have sparked...this is death and finality. " "breencast.br_tofreeman06" "你將人類推下了無底深淵。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman06" "You have plunged humanity into freefall. " "breencast.br_tofreeman07" "就算你現在投降,我也無法保證我們的保護者會接受。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman07" "Even if you offered your surrender now, I cannot guarantee that our benefactors would accept it. " "breencast.br_tofreeman08" "此時此刻,恐怕他們連我都不信任了。 身為人類的代表,這真是個重擔。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman08" "At the moment, I fear they have begun to look upon even me with suspicion. So much for serving as humanity's representative. " "breencast.br_tofreeman09" "博士,幫我贏回他們的信任吧。 趁時機未晚,投降吧。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman09" "Help me win back their trust, Dr. Freeman. Surrender while you still can. " "breencast.br_tofreeman10" "只有這樣,才能確保人類對你的信任並非錯誤。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman10" "Help ensure that humanity's trust in you is not misguided " "breencast.br_tofreeman11" "博士,要堅守正道。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman11" "Do what is right, Dr. Freeman. " "breencast.br_tofreeman12" "並為人類服務。" "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman12" "Serve mankind. " "breencast.br_welcome01" "歡迎。 歡迎來到17 號城。" "[english]breencast.br_welcome01" "Welcome. Welcome to City 17. " "breencast.br_welcome02" "您選擇了 - 或是被選上 - 搬到我們最優異的市區之一。" "[english]breencast.br_welcome02" "You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. " "breencast.br_welcome03" "我對 17 號城的評價非常高,因此我決定在這裡設立行政中心。" "[english]breencast.br_welcome03" "I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here " "breencast.br_welcome04" "行政中心就設立在保護者慷慨提供的城塔裡。" "[english]breencast.br_welcome04" "in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. " "breencast.br_welcome05" "我以 17 號城市為家,也以它為榮。 所以,無論您是來此定居,或是在此歇腳的旅客," "[english]breencast.br_welcome05" "I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, " "breencast.br_welcome06" "我們 ... 都竭誠地歡迎。" "[english]breencast.br_welcome06" "Welcome to City 17. " "breencast.br_welcome07" "這裡比較安全。" "[english]breencast.br_welcome07" "It's safer here. " "canals.airboat_drivehard" "出去之後很難躲開城市保安局,不過只要拼命開,你會成功的。" "[english]canals.airboat_drivehard" "It's going to be tough dodging Civil Protection out there in the open, but drive hard and you'll make it. " "canals.airboat_gassed" "喂,弗里曼博士,我一直在等你。 我已經幫氣墊船充好氣,可以走了。" "[english]canals.airboat_gassed" "Hey, Dr. Freeman, I've been hoping you'd show up. Got this airboat all gassed up and ready to go. " "canals.airboat_go_nag01" "你最好現在走!" "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now! " "canals.airboat_go_nag02" "我必須留下來。 可能還會有其他的難民來這裡。" "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag02" "I've gotta stay here. There could always be more runaways coming along. " "canals.airboat_go_nag03" "我留在這裡。 你走吧。" "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag03" "I'm staying put. You go on. " "canals.airboat_nag01" "弗里曼博士,上船吧。" "[english]canals.airboat_nag01" "Go ahead and get in the boat, Dr. Freeman. " "canals.airboat_nag02" "博士,請上船。" "[english]canals.airboat_nag02" "Get in the airboat, sir. " "canals.airboat_nag03" "快進去把船啟動。" "[english]canals.airboat_nag03" "Climb on in and fire her up. " "canals.airboat_redbarn" "7 號站那邊的人會幫你,往上游走過幾個彎。 那是個紅色老車庫。" "[english]canals.airboat_redbarn" "You'll find more help up at Station 7, just a few bends up the river. It's the old red barn. " "canals.al_radio_stn6" "黑色高地東站呼叫六號站。 聽到了嗎? 弗里曼 博士往下游去了。 把氣墊船借給他,並且全力協助他。 重覆。 高登弗里曼回來了! 絕對要讓他抵達黑色高地東站!" "[english]canals.al_radio_stn6" "Black Mesa East to Station 6. Do you read? Dr. Freeman is on his way downriver. Lend him the airboat and give him all the help you can. Repeat. Gordon Freeman has returned! It is critical he reaches Black Mesa East. " "canals.arrest_getgoing" "快走啊!" "[english]canals.arrest_getgoing" "Get going! " "canals.arrest_helpme" "救救我啊!" "[english]canals.arrest_helpme" "Help me! " "canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "他們應該在找你。" "[english]canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "They'll be looking for you now! " "canals.arrest_run" "你最好快逃啊。 你留下來也沒用。" "[english]canals.arrest_run" "You'd better run! There's nothing else you can do here! " "canals.arrest_stop" "別這樣! 我們什麼都沒做!" "[english]canals.arrest_stop" "Stop! We didn't do anything! " "canals.boxcar_becareful" "小心點了。" "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful" "Be careful now. " "canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "我們真的不能被發現。" "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "We really can't afford to get noticed. " "canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "如果你被城市保安局逮捕,鐵路上所有人都有麻煩了。" "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "Civil Protection catches you down here, it's bad news for the whole railroad. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "快點去吧。" "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "Get going now. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "你快點走吧。" "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "You better get going. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "快走啊。" "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "Get outta here. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "快上路啊你。" "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "Hit the road, Jack! " "canals.boxcar_jolt" "現在就讓我的弗地崗朋友幫你一把,祝你一路順風。" "[english]canals.boxcar_jolt" "Meanwhile, let my vortigaunt friend here give you a jolt to get you going. " "canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "你別亂動他才能幫你嘛!" "[english]canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "He'll help you if you let him! " "canals.boxcar_lookout" "聽著,我們也只是在看守地下鐵而已。" "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout" "Look, we're just the lookout for the underground railroad. " "canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "過那個彎就是主站了。" "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "Main station is right around the corner. " "canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "他們會幫你好好準備的。" "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "They'll get you started on the right foot. " "canals.boxcar_sirens" "看來他們要抓的是你吧?" "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens" "Guess those sirens are for you, huh? " "canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "還好你找到這裡了。" "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "Good thing you found us. " "canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "你並不是第一個通過這裡的…" "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "You're not the first to come through here by a ... " "canals.boxcar_vortstop" "弗地崗人現在是我們的盟友。嘿!別這樣!" "[english]canals.boxcar_vortstop" "Hey, stop that. The vorts are on our side now. " "canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "博士,快點。我們得動身了。" "[english]canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "Get going, Doc. We've gotta break camp. " "canals.gunboat_comein" "進來吧,讓我告訴你再來要做什麼。" "[english]canals.gunboat_comein" "Come on in. I'll show you what you're up against. " "canals.gunboat_dam" "水壩就快到了,就在前面而已。" "[english]canals.gunboat_dam" "This here's the dam. It's just up ahead. " "canals.gunboat_eliright" "你去吧,弗里曼博士。 伊萊博士沒看錯人。" "[english]canals.gunboat_eliright" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. I can see Eli was right about you. " "canals.gunboat_farewell" "弗里曼博士,再見。" "[english]canals.gunboat_farewell" "Farewell, Dr. Freeman. " "canals.gunboat_finishingup" "我想他應該也要弄好了。" "[english]canals.gunboat_finishingup" "I think he's just finishing up now. " "canals.gunboat_getin" "來吧,進來這。" "[english]canals.gunboat_getin" "Come on, get in here. " "canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "讓他們嚐嚐苦頭!" "[english]canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "Give 'em hell, Doc. " "canals.gunboat_goonout" "去吧。" "[english]canals.gunboat_goonout" "Go on out. " "canals.gunboat_herelook" "過來看看這個。" "[english]canals.gunboat_herelook" "Here, take a look at this. " "canals.gunboat_heyyourefm" "咦?你是弗里曼,對吧?" "[english]canals.gunboat_heyyourefm" "Hey, you're Freeman, aren't you? " "canals.gunboat_hideout" "伊萊的基地就在這裡,在舊水利廠裡,離停機坪不遠。" "[english]canals.gunboat_hideout" "Eli's hideout is here, a stone's throw from the apron and nestled in the old hydro plant. " "canals.gunboat_hurry" "我們最好快點。 把營地收拾一下,該離開了。" "[english]canals.gunboat_hurry" "We'd better hurry. We've got to tear down this camp and get out of here. " "canals.gunboat_impossible" "如果直昇機一直跟著你,你根本不可能到得了那裡。" "[english]canals.gunboat_impossible" "But getting there, with that hunter-chopper on your ass, next to impossible. " "canals.gunboat_irony" "好了,完成了! 那把槍就是從同一架直昇機上拆下來的。 我一直都喜歡在槍戰時苦中作樂。" "[english]canals.gunboat_irony" "There we are. That gun came off one of the same hunter-choppers you're up against. I always like to bring a little irony to a firefight. " "canals.gunboat_justintime" "你來得正好。 我們得趁他們還沒發現前快點離開。" "[english]canals.gunboat_justintime" "You made it just in time. We've got to clear out of here before we're discovered. " "canals.gunboat_magic" "好消息是…弗地崗人正在改裝你的氣墊船,這樣你才有比較強的火力對抗敵人。" "[english]canals.gunboat_magic" "Good news is, the vortigaunt's working his magic on your airboat, so you'll have more firepower going forward. " "canals.gunboat_moveon" "大家動作快! 趁他們鎖定我們之前快出發!" "[english]canals.gunboat_moveon" "Let's get a move on! We've got to clear out before they target us. " "canals.gunboat_owneyes" "如果不是親眼目睹我還不相信呢。 真的是高登弗里曼博士。" "[english]canals.gunboat_owneyes" "Well, I wouldn't believe it if I couldn't see it with my own eyes. Dr. Gordon Freeman himself. " "canals.gunboat_parkboat" "停船吧。 這裡很安全。" "[english]canals.gunboat_parkboat" "You can park the boat. It'll be safe here. " "canals.gunboat_pullout" "博士,你來得正好。 我們要在被合成人發現前拔營。 我們正準備動身呢。" "[english]canals.gunboat_pullout" "You're just in time, Doc. We've got to move out before the Combine picks us up. We're just getting ready to pull out. " "canals.gunboat_takeitdown" "幹掉那架直昇機,應該就可以長驅直入到伊萊那裡了。" "[english]canals.gunboat_takeitdown" "Take that chopper down, and you should be able to tear on through to Eli's place. " "canals.gunboat_vort" "別管氣墊船了。 弗地崗人會幫你看著。" "[english]canals.gunboat_vort" "Don't worry about the airboat. The Vort's gonna look after it for you. " "canals.massacre_cop_fire" "開火解決掉那個麻煩!" "[english]canals.massacre_cop_fire" "Fire to dislocate that interpose! " "canals.massacre_cop_hesrunning" "他跑了。" "[english]canals.massacre_cop_hesrunning" "He's running. " "canals.massacre_cop_holdit" "不要動。" "[english]canals.massacre_cop_holdit" "Hold it. " "canals.massacre_die" " " "[english]canals.massacre_die" " " "canals.massacre_premassacre" "我們…你想…不要…你在幹什麼…拜託,不要傷害我…求求你別開槍…別開槍! 不要開槍!" "[english]canals.massacre_premassacre" "We don't...what are you...don't shoot...what are you doing...please, don't hurt me...please don't shoot...Don't shoot! Don't shoot! " "canals.massacre_runforyourlife01" "快點逃啊!" "[english]canals.massacre_runforyourlife01" "Run for your life! " "canals.massacre_startle01" " " "[english]canals.massacre_startle01" " " "canals.massacre_startle02" " " "[english]canals.massacre_startle02" " " "canals.matt_beglad" "算你好運他們不是要找你。" "[english]canals.matt_beglad" "Be glad you're not the guy they're looking for. " "canals.matt_beglad_b" "那可憐蟲根本逃不了。" "[english]canals.matt_beglad_b" "Poor bastard doesn't stand a chance. " "canals.matt_beglad_c" "看來他們好像把 17 號城的條子全叫來了。" "[english]canals.matt_beglad_c" "Sounds like they're calling in every CP unit in City 17. " "canals.matt_closecall" "真是好險 - 謝謝你幫忙。" "[english]canals.matt_closecall" "That was a close call. Thanks for your help! " "canals.matt_flood" "現在他們在前面放滿了鋸鳥。" "[english]canals.matt_flood" "They're flooding areas up ahead with manhacks. " "canals.matt_flood_b" "趁他們搜到這裡之前你快走。" "[english]canals.matt_flood_b" "You'd better get going before they sweep through here. " "canals.matt_getin" "進來! 快點!" "[english]canals.matt_getin" "Get in here! Hurry! " "canals.matt_go_nag01" "你最好快走。" "[english]canals.matt_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now. " "canals.matt_go_nag02" "謝了,我可以的。 我還有點事要做。" "[english]canals.matt_go_nag02" "Thanks, but I'll be okay. Got some work to finish up here. " "canals.matt_go_nag03" "你要知道,我得留下來幫助走散的人。" "[english]canals.matt_go_nag03" "You understand, I've gotta stay and help any stragglers. " "canals.matt_go_nag04" "快走!" "[english]canals.matt_go_nag04" "Get going! " "canals.matt_go_nag05" "你快走。" "[english]canals.matt_go_nag05" "You go on! " "canals.matt_goodluck" "祝你好運!" "[english]canals.matt_goodluck" "Good luck out there! " "canals.matt_supplies" "聽著,這裡不安全。 我可以幫你補充一些物資…但是你真的得快走。" "[english]canals.matt_supplies" "Look, it isn't safe here. I'll give you some supplies to keep you going, then you really gotta go. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr" "城市保安局找到我們了。" "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr" "Civil Protection is on to us. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr_a" "我們正要破壞鐵路,以免被追蹤。" "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr_a" "We're tearing up the railroad, covering our tracks. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr_b" "看來你是最後一個通過的。" "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr_b" "Looks like you're gonna be the last one through. " "canals.matt_thanksbut" " " "[english]canals.matt_thanksbut" " " "canals.matt_toolate" "哇靠! 來不及了。" "[english]canals.matt_toolate" "Oh shit! Too late! " "canals.mudcop1_01" "有人有 647-E 讀數嗎?" "[english]canals.mudcop1_01" "Anyone else pickup a 647-E reading? " "canals.mudcop1_02" "還是從本地偵測到 647-E。" "[english]canals.mudcop1_02" "Still getting that 647-E from local surveillance. " "canals.mudcop1_03" " " "[english]canals.mudcop1_03" " " "canals.mudcop1_04" "並沒有發現可疑人物。" "[english]canals.mudcop1_04" "No visual on UPI at this time. " "canals.mudcop1_05" " " "[english]canals.mudcop1_05" " " "canals.mudcop1_hey" "我們這有 10-108!" "[english]canals.mudcop1_hey" "We have a 10-108! " "canals.mudcop2_01" "檢查不符數目" "[english]canals.mudcop2_01" "Check for miscount " "canals.mudcop2_02" "安全,無 647,無 10-107。" "[english]canals.mudcop2_02" "Clear, no 647, no 10-107. " "canals.mudcop2_03" "收到。" "[english]canals.mudcop2_03" "Roger that. " "canals.mudcop2_04" " " "[english]canals.mudcop2_04" " " "canals.mudcop2_05" " " "[english]canals.mudcop2_05" " " "canals.mudcop2_look" "小心!" "[english]canals.mudcop2_look" "Look out! " "canals.radio_comein12" "呼叫 12 號站,請回答。 12 號站 - 聽到請回答?" "[english]canals.radio_comein12" "Station 12, come in. Station 12, do you read? " "canals.radio_doyoucopy8" "8 號站 - 聽到了嗎? 呼叫 8 號站,有人在嗎? 我們確定發現了鋸鳥。 重覆重覆 - 他們正往地底下放鋸鳥。" "[english]canals.radio_doyoucopy8" "Station 8, do you copy? Station 8, are you there? We have confirmed reports of manhacks. Repeat: they're filling the underground with manhacks. " "canals.radio_thisis8" "這裡是 8 號站! 我們聽到 12 號失守了。 鐵路站已被突襲單位鎖定。 重覆,城市保安局開始掃蕩地下據點了。 目前已經有 9 號站附近的難民過來了。 看來我們-" "[english]canals.radio_thisis8" "This is Station 8! We heard 12 go down and out. Surgical strike units are targeting railway stations. Repeat, Civil Protection is coming down on underground stations. We're already getting refugees from 9 and outlying! Looks like we're--" "canals.shanty_badtime" "你來的真不是時候。" "[english]canals.shanty_badtime" "You got here at a bad time. " "canals.shanty_getitoffhim" "把幫他弄掉! 快點啊!" "[english]canals.shanty_getitoffhim" "Get it off him! Get it off! " "canals.shanty_go_nag01" "快離開!" "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag01" "Get outta here! " "canals.shanty_go_nag02" "快去!" "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag02" "Go on! " "canals.shanty_go_nag03" "快走啊!" "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag03" "Get going! " "canals.shanty_gotsomeammo" "那邊箱子裡有些彈藥可以用。" "[english]canals.shanty_gotsomeammo" "We've got some ammo in those crates over there. " "canals.shanty_gotword" "我們聽說你要來。" "[english]canals.shanty_gotword" "We got word you were coming. " "canals.shanty_helpyourself" "補充完物資就快上路吧。" "[english]canals.shanty_helpyourself" "Help yourself to supplies and keep moving. " "canals.shanty_hey" "嘿!" "[english]canals.shanty_hey" "Hey! " "canals.shanty_toolate" "來不及了! 退後!" "[english]canals.shanty_toolate" "It's too late! Stand back! " "canals.shanty_yourefm" "你是弗里曼,對吧?" "[english]canals.shanty_yourefm" "You're Freeman, aren't you? " "canals.stn1_cit_illstay" "我留守,因為可能還會有人來,我們要保持鐵路暢通。" "[english]canals.stn1_cit_illstay" "I'm gonna stay here in case any others come through. Gotta keep the railway alive." "canals.stn1_cit_keepgoing" "繼續前進吧,朋友! 那個哨站被突襲過,但前面還有其他人。" "[english]canals.stn1_cit_keepgoing" "Keep going, friend! That station was raided but there's others up ahead. " "canals.stn6_canisters" "他們用榴霰彈攻擊我們!" "[english]canals.stn6_canisters" "They're hitting us with canisters! " "canals.stn6_go_nag02" "快走!" "[english]canals.stn6_go_nag02" "Go on! " "canals.stn6_incoming" "敵人來了!" "[english]canals.stn6_incoming" "Incoming! " "canals.stn6_launch" "飛彈發射了。 飛彈發射了!" "[english]canals.stn6_launch" "We've got a launch. We've got a launch! " "canals.stn6_shellingus" "他們開始砲轟了!" "[english]canals.stn6_shellingus" "They're shelling us! " "canals.vort_reckoning" "這是弗里曼。 合成人的報應之日到了。" "[english]canals.vort_reckoning" "This is the Freeman. The Combine's reckoning has come. " "citadel.al_access" " " "[english]citadel.al_access" " " "citadel.al_ascent" "太好了! 啊,糟了… 布林開始上升了。" "[english]citadel.al_ascent" "Great! Oh no. Breen's started his ascent. " "citadel.al_beforeescape" "快、高登 - 別讓他逃了。" "[english]citadel.al_beforeescape" "Hurry, Gordon, before he escapes. " "citadel.al_betterhurry" "高登,我們最好快點。" "[english]citadel.al_betterhurry" "We'd better hurry, Gordon. " "citadel.al_bitofit" "你還沒有真正沒有見識過呢!" "[english]citadel.al_bitofit" "You haven't seen a bit of it yet. " "citadel.al_bluff" "他只是在嚇唬你。 別聽他的。" "[english]citadel.al_bluff" "He's bluffing, Gordon. Don't listen to him. " "citadel.al_bothtypes" " " "[english]citadel.al_bothtypes" " " "citadel.al_cantshutdown" "我關不掉啊! 他好像把控制權轉移到另外一邊了。 你只能進去核心裡看看還能做些什麼了。" "[english]citadel.al_cantshutdown" "I can't shut it down. Looks like he's turned over control to the other side. You'll have to go into the core and do what you can. " "citadel.al_chancelikethis" "這是千載難逢的好機會。 我們一定要阻止布林博士。" "[english]citadel.al_chancelikethis" "We'll never have a chance like this again. We've got to stop Dr. Breen. " "citadel.al_chargeup" "先把防護衣充電。" "[english]citadel.al_chargeup" "Charge up your suit first. " "citadel.al_comegordon" "快,高登,該走了!" "[english]citadel.al_comegordon" "Come on, Gordon, let's go! " "citadel.al_comeon" "走吧!" "[english]citadel.al_comeon" "Come on. " "citadel.al_comingafterme" "高登 - 我們也才剛認識不久,但是…我知道你不必跟來的。 我一定得去救我父親,但是你…謝謝!謝謝你跟我一起來。" "[english]citadel.al_comingafterme" "Gordon, we haven't known each other very long, but I know you didn't have to do this. I had to rescue my father, but you... well... Thanks for coming after me. " "citadel.al_critical" "快到臨界點了…再幾個就好。" "[english]citadel.al_critical" "It's gonna go critical. Just a few more. " "citadel.al_dad" "爸!" "[english]citadel.al_dad" "Dad! " "citadel.al_dadgordonno" "爸!" "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno" "Dad! " "citadel.al_dadgordonno_b" "高登…" "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno_b" "Gordon " "citadel.al_dadgordonno_c" "不…" "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno_c" "No... " "citadel.al_dadhangon" "爸 – 撐著點!" "[english]citadel.al_dadhangon" "Dad, hang on! " "citadel.al_dadsorry" "爸 – 真是對不起。" "[english]citadel.al_dadsorry" "Dad, I'm so sorry. " "citadel.al_darkfusionreactor" "我的天啊! 這是城塔專用的暗融合反應爐 - 負責發電給傳送裝置使用。" "[english]citadel.al_darkfusionreactor" "Oh my God. This is the Citadel's dark fusion reactor. It powers their tunneling entanglement device. " "citadel.al_dienow" " " "[english]citadel.al_dienow" " " "citadel.al_dienow_b" "你竟然還敢提到她!" "[english]citadel.al_dienow_b" "How dare you even mention her! " "citadel.al_doingright" "你做的並沒有錯。" "[english]citadel.al_doingright" "You're doing the right thing. " "citadel.al_dontforget" "別忘了先幫防護衣充電。" "[english]citadel.al_dontforget" "Don't forget to charge up your suit. " "citadel.al_dontlisten" "別相信他說的話,高登" "[english]citadel.al_dontlisten" "Don't listen to him, Gordon. " "citadel.al_dontlistentohim" "別相信他說的話,高登" "[english]citadel.al_dontlistentohim" "Don't listen to him, Gordon. " "citadel.al_doworst" "儘量破壞吧!高登!不過…要小心點。" "[english]citadel.al_doworst" "Do your worst Gordon... but... be careful. " "citadel.al_elevator" "進電梯去。" "[english]citadel.al_elevator" "Get in the elevator. " "citadel.al_exhaust" "小心這裡毒氣。 儘量找地方掩護。" "[english]citadel.al_exhaust" "Watch out for the exhaust. Try to find cover from it. " "citadel.al_fail_no" "不!" "[english]citadel.al_fail_no" "No! " "citadel.al_funnel" " " "[english]citadel.al_funnel" " " "citadel.al_gasp01" "嚇…" "[english]citadel.al_gasp01" "Huh... " "citadel.al_gettingaway" "糟了 - 他要逃走了!" "[english]citadel.al_gettingaway" "No, he's getting away! " "citadel.al_gogordon" "去吧高登。" "[english]citadel.al_gogordon" "Go, Gordon. " "citadel.al_gordonwouldnever" "你休想,高登絕對不會和你談什麼條件的。" "[english]citadel.al_gordonwouldnever" "Gordon would never make any kind of deal with you. " "citadel.al_heylisten" "嘿 - 聽好。" "[english]citadel.al_heylisten" "Hey, listen. " "citadel.al_hurrymossman02" "快!" "[english]citadel.al_hurrymossman02" "Hurry! " "citadel.al_ifonly" " " "[english]citadel.al_ifonly" " " "citadel.al_itsbreen" "是布林博士 - 在那裡!" "[english]citadel.al_itsbreen" "It's Dr. Breen. There he is! " "citadel.al_keepgoing" "繼續走。" "[english]citadel.al_keepgoing" "Keep going. " "citadel.al_keepgoing01" "很好。 繼續走。" "[english]citadel.al_keepgoing01" "Good. Keep going. " "citadel.al_launchtrip" " " "[english]citadel.al_launchtrip" " " "citadel.al_launchup" " " "[english]citadel.al_launchup" " " "citadel.al_letyouin" "先進電梯,我放你進來。" "[english]citadel.al_letyouin" "Get in the elevator and I'll let you in. " "citadel.al_lookafterdad" "莫斯曼博士" "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad" "Dr. Mossman... " "citadel.al_lookafterdad_b" "茱蒂絲" "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad_b" "Judith... " "citadel.al_lookafterdad_c" "幫我照顧我父親。" "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad_c" "Look after my father. " "citadel.al_lookout" "小心點!" "[english]citadel.al_lookout" "Look out! " "citadel.al_lookwhatheleft" "喂 - 你看他留下來的東西!" "[english]citadel.al_lookwhatheleft" "Hey, look what he left behind! " "citadel.al_mixenergy" " " "[english]citadel.al_mixenergy" " " "citadel.al_noclue" "哼!看來他根本搞不清楚狀況?" "[english]citadel.al_noclue" "He doesn't have a clue, does he? " "citadel.al_notagain02" "可惡 - 又來了!" "[english]citadel.al_notagain02" "Damn it, not again! " "citadel.al_notsayinggoodbye" "爸 – 我不會有事的。" "[english]citadel.al_notsayinggoodbye" "Dad, I'm not saying goodbye. " "citadel.al_ohnogordon" "天啊,不會吧!高登!" "[english]citadel.al_ohnogordon" "Oh no. Gordon! " "citadel.al_outofhere" "來吧,高登 - 我們必須離開這裡了。 說不定我們還有" "[english]citadel.al_outofhere" "Come on, Gordon, we've got to get out of here. Maybe we still have ..." "citadel.al_pulses" " " "[english]citadel.al_pulses" " " "citadel.al_reactor01" " " "[english]citadel.al_reactor01" " " "citadel.al_reactor02" " " "[english]citadel.al_reactor02" " " "citadel.al_reactor03" "啟動的時候我不能進去,不過你的防護衣應該能保護你。 你到核心去找出弱點。 我在這裡看看有沒有辨法把那些對立二重項導入核心。" "[english]citadel.al_reactor03" "I can't go in there while it's activated, but your suit should protect you. Look for some vulnerability in the core." "citadel.al_reroute" " " "[english]citadel.al_reroute" " " "citadel.al_right" "好了。" "[english]citadel.al_right" "Right then. " "citadel.al_shootbeam" " " "[english]citadel.al_shootbeam" " " "citadel.al_soldiers01_a" "糟了!合成人士兵。 他們從哪來的?" "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_a" "Oh no, Combine soldiers. Where did they come from? " "citadel.al_soldiers01_b" "搞什麼啊?" "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_b" "What the hell? " "citadel.al_soldiers01_c" "抱歉,高登 - 我從這裡沒辨法阻止他們。" "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_c" "I'm sorry, Gordon, I can't stop them from here. " "citadel.al_stayawaycore" "盡量不要靠近核心。" "[english]citadel.al_stayawaycore" "Stay away from the core. " "citadel.al_staybackbeam" "小心那些光束!" "[english]citadel.al_staybackbeam" "Watch out for the beams! " "citadel.al_struggle01" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle01" " " "citadel.al_struggle02" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle02" " " "citadel.al_struggle03" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle03" " " "citadel.al_struggle05" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle05" " " "citadel.al_struggle07" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle07" " " "citadel.al_struggle08" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle08" " " "citadel.al_success_yes" "耶!" "[english]citadel.al_success_yes" "Yes! " "citadel.al_success_yes_nr" "太好了!" "[english]citadel.al_success_yes_nr" "Yes! " "citadel.al_success_yes02_nr" "哈哈 - 讚! 你成功了!" "[english]citadel.al_success_yes02_nr" "Yeah! You did it! " "citadel.al_tearapart" "只要他一傳送一切都會分裂。 光束沒有遮起來, 我們都會被異點蒸發掉。" "[english]citadel.al_tearapart" "Once he teleports, the whole thing will tear apart. The beam is unshielded. We'll be cooked in the singularity. " "citadel.al_thatshim" "就是他。" "[english]citadel.al_thatshim" "That's him. " "citadel.al_thegravgun01" "是重力槍!" "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun01" "The gravity gun! " "citadel.al_thegravgun03" "高登,去拿重力槍。" "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun03" "Gordon, get the gravity gun. " "citadel.al_thegravgun04" "去拿重力槍,高登。" "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun04" "Take the gravity gun, Gordon. " "citadel.al_thereheis" "他在那裡!" "[english]citadel.al_thereheis" "There he is! " "citadel.al_triplet" " " "[english]citadel.al_triplet" " " "citadel.al_uptop" "我的天啊 - 傳送門打開了。" "[english]citadel.al_uptop" "Oh my God, the portal's opening. " "citadel.al_watchout01" "小心一點,他要…" "[english]citadel.al_watchout01" "Watch out, he's gonna--" "citadel.al_weak" "看能不能找到那些板子的弱點。 如果想讓核心不穩就得先讓它暴露出來。" "[english]citadel.al_weak" "See if you can find a weakness in those plates. We'll have to expose the core if we plan to destabilize it. " "citadel.al_whahappen" "高登。 那把重力槍是怎麼了? 一定是從城塔吸取能量了。" "[english]citadel.al_whahappen" "Gordon. What happened to the gravity gun? It must be drawing power from the Citadel. " "citadel.al_wonderwhere" "不曉得他要去哪裡。" "[english]citadel.al_wonderwhere" "I wonder where he's going. " "citadel.al_working" "再加把勁,就快成功了。" "[english]citadel.al_working" "Keep it up, Gordon, it's working. " "citadel.al_yes" "成功了" "[english]citadel.al_yes" "Yes!" "citadel.al_yes_nr" "成功了" "[english]citadel.al_yes_nr" "Yes!" "citadel.br_betrayed" "他們知道你是叛徒,一定會對付你。" "[english]citadel.br_betrayed" "They know you betrayed them. They'll turn on you! Judith -- Dr. Mossman. Please! " "citadel.br_betrayed_b" "茱蒂絲 - 莫斯曼博士 - 拜託..." "[english]citadel.br_betrayed_b" "Judith - Dr. Mossman - please... " "citadel.br_bidder_a" "如何,弗里曼博士?" "[english]citadel.br_bidder_a" "How about it, Dr. Freeman? " "citadel.br_bidder_b" "你知道你的契約標價更高了嗎?" "[english]citadel.br_bidder_b" "Did you realize your contract was open to the highest bidder? " "citadel.br_bounty" " " "[english]citadel.br_bounty" " " "citadel.br_circum" "弗里曼博士,在其它的情況之下,我也希望能跟你在互信互敬的氣氛中,一同共事。 至少,在我主管黑色高地的時候,你在短暫的工作期間,表現出令人激賞的潛力,極有希望成為科學領域中重要的角色。 可惜…不知道你怎麼會變成這樣…但是我們這裡真的沒有適合低劣科學家的職位。" "[english]citadel.br_circum" "Well, Dr. Freeman, under other circumstances I like to think we might have been able to work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Certainly, judging from your brief tenure at Black Mesa while I was its Administrator, you showed every promise of becoming a valuable and productive contributor to the scientific process. And yet... I'm not sure what spurred you to it... but there is really no place in this enterprise for a rogue physicist. " "citadel.br_create" "告訴我,弗里曼博士。 到目前為止你只帶來了毀滅。 你創造過什麼東西嗎? 你能舉出一個例子嗎? 我想沒有吧。" "[english]citadel.br_create" "Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can. You have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not. " "citadel.br_deliver" "你應該考慮到的是我才對! 只要有你幫我,我還是能交出地球。" "[english]citadel.br_deliver" "It's me you should be concerned about! I can still deliver Earth, but not without your help. " "citadel.br_dictate_a" "同時抓到你們兩個,我就能跟合成人…隨心所欲的談條件了。" "[english]citadel.br_dictate_a" "Having both of you in my keeping ensures I can dictate the terms of any bargain I care to make with the Combine. " "citadel.br_failing01" "天哪!" "[english]citadel.br_failing01" "Good God! " "citadel.br_failing02" "離開那裡?!" "[english]citadel.br_failing02" "Get away from there! " "citadel.br_failing03" "你怎麼辦到的?!" "[english]citadel.br_failing03" "How are you doing that?! " "citadel.br_failing04" "你是怎麼辦到的?!" "[english]citadel.br_failing04" "How did you do that?! " "citadel.br_failing05" "別再弄那個了!" "[english]citadel.br_failing05" "Stop toying with that! " "citadel.br_failing06" "不管你在做什麼 – 快停!馬上停!" "[english]citadel.br_failing06" "Whatever you're doing, stop at once! " "citadel.br_failing07" "不要!" "[english]citadel.br_failing07" "Not that! " "citadel.br_failing08" "不要!" "[english]citadel.br_failing08" "Stop it! " "citadel.br_failing09" "快停下來!" "[english]citadel.br_failing09" "Stop that! " "citadel.br_failing10" "不!" "[english]citadel.br_failing10" "Stop! " "citadel.br_failing11" "不!" "[english]citadel.br_failing11" "No! " "citadel.br_failing12" "我不知道你在做什麼,弗里曼 - 但是我警告你!" "[english]citadel.br_failing12" "I don't know what you're doing, Freeman, but I'm warning you against it! " "citadel.br_farside" "是嗎? 就讓我們看看,在合成人傳送門的另一邊到底有沒有用。" "[english]citadel.br_farside" "Really? Well, let's see how it serves you on the far side of a Combine portal. " "citadel.br_foundation" "我為人類的生存延續奠定基礎,不只是現今狹義的生存,而是超乎人類想像的高等生存方式。 一種即將被揭開面紗的方式。" "[english]citadel.br_foundation" "I have laid the foundation for humanity's survival, and not as we have narrowly defined ourselves, but as something greater than we could ever imagine. Something we can only now begin to glimpse. " "citadel.br_freemanatlast" "原來這位就是弗里曼博士,久仰了。 我希望我能說這是個令人愉快的驚喜,不過這並不算是驚喜,你大概也不會覺得愉快。 呃,我習慣就事論事。" "[english]citadel.br_freemanatlast" "So, this is Dr. Freeman, at last. I wish I could say this was a pleasant surprise, but it's neither a surprise nor, as you would surely agree, very pleasant. Well, I am nothing if not pragmatic. " "citadel.br_gift" " " "[english]citadel.br_gift" " " "citadel.br_gift_a" "就看你自己了,我的老友。" "[english]citadel.br_gift_a" "That's all up to you, my old friend. " "citadel.br_gift_b" "你是要讓自己的短視近利滅絕整個種族,或者" "[english]citadel.br_gift_b" "Will you let your stubborn short-sightedness doom the entire species, or " "citadel.br_gift_c" "你會給你女兒一個前所未見的機會?" "[english]citadel.br_gift_c" "will you give your child the chance her mother never had? " "citadel.br_goback" "回去,弗里曼 - 你根本不知道你在做什麼!" "[english]citadel.br_goback" "Go back, Freeman, you have no idea what you're doing! " "citadel.br_gravgun" "這是什麼? 放在那兒吧。" "[english]citadel.br_gravgun" "What's this? Oh, put it over there. " "citadel.br_guards" "警衛!" "[english]citadel.br_guards" "Guards! Get in here!" "citadel.br_guest" "是特別來賓啊。真是榮幸。" "[english]citadel.br_guest" "It's our guest of honor. What a pleasure. " "citadel.br_guest_a" "果然是高登弗里曼,真是久仰。" "[english]citadel.br_guest_a" "Well, if it isn't Gordon Freeman, at last. " "citadel.br_guest_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_b" " " "citadel.br_guest_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_c" " " "citadel.br_guest_d" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_d" " " "citadel.br_guest_f" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_f" " " "citadel.br_guest_f_cc" "我啊,真的要謝謝你,博士。 首先,你讓我輕鬆找到老朋友的家門口,接著你又自投羅網,要是我知道你會直接來這裡,我一開始就不用費盡心思去抓你了。" "[english]citadel.br_guest_f_cc" "You have my gratitude, Doctor. First you lead me straight to the doorstep of my oldest friend, and then you deliver yourself. If I'd known you were going come straight up to my office, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place. " "citadel.br_hostbody" "寄居體? 你是開玩笑,我不可能..." "[english]citadel.br_hostbody" "A host body? You must be joking, I can't possibly--- " "citadel.br_judithwhat" "茱蒂絲! 妳知道妳在幹嘛嗎?" "[english]citadel.br_judithwhat" "Judith? What do you think you're doing? " "citadel.br_justhurry" "快點,他就在我後面了!" "[english]citadel.br_justhurry" "Just hurry, he's right behind me! " "citadel.br_laugh01" "*笑聲*" "[english]citadel.br_laugh01" "*laughter*" "citadel.br_look" "看。 看。" "[english]citadel.br_look" "Look. Look. " "citadel.br_lookthere" "看那邊。" "[english]citadel.br_lookthere" "Look there. " "citadel.br_mentors" "當然,妳的導師也該負起責任。 我對伊萊凡斯和克萊納的失望,遠超過我對妳錯誤的選擇所感到的憂傷。 換個角度想,妳大概也只能這樣了。 誰知道妳年幼無知時,他們給妳灌輸了甚麼亂七八糟的思想。 雖然他們必須對近來的麻煩負起大部分的責任,但是選擇無視人類未來而逆道行事的人,卻是妳自己!" "[english]citadel.br_mentors" "Your mentors are partly to blame, of course. My disappointment in Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner is far greater than my sorrow over your unfortunate choice of career path. In a way, I suppose you could not have done otherwise. Who knows what seeds of iconoclasm they planted when you were young and gullible. But while they certainly share a great part of the responsibility for the recent troubles, it is you alone who have chosen to act with such willful disregard for humanity's future. " "citadel.br_mock01" "你還在嗎?弗里曼博士? 我想你也撐不了多久了。" "[english]citadel.br_mock01" "Are you still with us, Dr. Freeman? Not for much longer, I think. " "citadel.br_mock02" "再失敗一次吧,弗里曼博士。 就像你在黑色高地失敗一樣。" "[english]citadel.br_mock02" "I'm relying on you to fail again, Dr. Freeman. Just as I relied on you at Black Mesa. " "citadel.br_mock03" "看來你要跟不上了。 真是太令人意外了呀。" "[english]citadel.br_mock03" "It looks like you're falling behind. I could never have predicted that. " "citadel.br_mock04" "我早預見你會失敗,弗里曼博士。" "[english]citadel.br_mock04" "A predictable failure, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock05" "除了自我毀滅以外,我不知道你到底想達成什麼目標 。" "[english]citadel.br_mock05" "I don't know what you can possibly hope to achieve, apart from your own annihilation. " "citadel.br_mock06" "我警告過你,沒用的。" "[english]citadel.br_mock06" "I warned you this was futile. " "citadel.br_mock07" "我不是跟你說過那毫無意義嗎,博士。" "[english]citadel.br_mock07" "I could have told you that was pointless, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock08" "一切就快要結束了,弗里曼博士。" "[english]citadel.br_mock08" "It won't be much longer now, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock09" "希望你後事都交代完了。" "[english]citadel.br_mock09" "I hope you said your farewells. " "citadel.br_mock10" "喔,弗里曼博士…" "[english]citadel.br_mock10" "Oh, Dr. Freeman... " "citadel.br_mock11" "真是浪費了。" "[english]citadel.br_mock11" "What a waste. " "citadel.br_mock12" "毫無意義。" "[english]citadel.br_mock12" "Pointless of you. " "citadel.br_mock13" "你實在該把無窮無盡的精力,花在有意義的事情上。" "[english]citadel.br_mock13" "If only you had harnessed your boundless energy for a useful purpose! " "citadel.br_newleader_a" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_a" " " "citadel.br_newleader_a_cc" "我同意,這太沒意義了。 幸好,反抗軍已經展現出願意擁護新領袖的意願了。 而這個傢伙,也證明了自己是很不錯的一顆棋子。" "[english]citadel.br_newleader_a_cc" "I agree, it's a total waste. Fortunately, the resistance has shown it is willing to accept a new leader. And this one has proven to be a fine pawn for those who control him. " "citadel.br_newleader_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_b" " " "citadel.br_newleader_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_c" " " "citadel.br_no" "不!" "[english]citadel.br_no" "No! " "citadel.br_nopoint" "那當然不怎麼樣。 不過你到那裡之後可能就不這麼想了。" "[english]citadel.br_nopoint" "Oh, it's hardly the worst. But you might find that hard to believe once you get there. " "citadel.br_nothingtosay_a" "如果你不想在朋友面前談,我能理解。" "[english]citadel.br_nothingtosay_a" "I understand if you don't wish to discuss this in front of your friends. " "citadel.br_nothingtosay_b" "讓他們先上路,我們就可以好好談談了。" "[english]citadel.br_nothingtosay_b" "I'll send them on their way, and then we can talk openly. " "citadel.br_oheli07" "碳星的古老衛星,被具有意識的真菌殖民…" "[english]citadel.br_oheli07" "...carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi." "citadel.br_oheli08" "龐大星雲的智慧生物所居住的瓦斯巨星…不同的世界,在各次元交會的網膜上延展開來…" "[english]citadel.br_oheli08" "Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where dimensions " "citadel.br_oheli09" "延展…用我們有限的詞彙是無法形容的…" "[english]citadel.br_oheli09" "intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!" "citadel.br_ohshit" "唉,糟了!" "[english]citadel.br_ohshit" "Oh shit! " "citadel.br_playgame_a" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_a" " " "citadel.br_playgame_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_b" " " "citadel.br_playgame_b_cc" "伊萊…如果你不願意為全人類做該做的事,或許你會願意為他們而做。" "[english]citadel.br_playgame_b_cc" "Eli...if you won't do the right thing for the good of all people, maybe you'll do it for one of them." "citadel.br_playgame_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_c" " " "citadel.br_rabble" " " "[english]citadel.br_rabble" " " "citadel.br_rabble_a" "也要感謝你,讓我們能夠萬事俱備。" "[english]citadel.br_rabble_a" "Thanks to you, we have everything we need in that regard. " "citadel.br_rabble_b" "妳的學識淵博,一定能獨力完成研究。" "[english]citadel.br_rabble_b" "You're more than qualified to finish his research yourself. " "citadel.br_rabble_c" "而妳跟我都無法做到的,是說服外面那些…那些垃圾…放棄無謂的掙扎。" "[english]citadel.br_rabble_c" "What neither you nor I can do is convince that rabble in the streets to give up their senseless struggle. " "citadel.br_rabble_d" "可是伊萊卻拒絕說出能夠拯救所有人類的話。" "[english]citadel.br_rabble_d" "Yet Eli refuses to speak the words that would save them all. " "citadel.br_stubborn" "艾莉絲,妳遺傳了妳母親的眼睛, 以及妳父親的固執。" "[english]citadel.br_stubborn" "Alyx my dear, you have your mother's eyes. But your father's stubborn nature. " "citadel.br_stubborn01" "妳遺傳了妳母親的眼睛," "[english]citadel.br_stubborn01" "You have your mother's eyes, my dear. " "citadel.br_stubborn02" "以及妳父親的固執。" "[english]citadel.br_stubborn02" "But your father's stubborn nature. " "citadel.br_synapse" "弗里曼博士。 你真的不該留在那裡。 在接合的時候時,我只要一傳送,這裡面就會充滿人類科學所未知的致命粒子。 或許我有閒情逸致研究那些粒子時,我會用你的名字來命名。 這樣你就不會被遺忘。" "[english]citadel.br_synapse" "Dr. Freeman. You really shouldn't be out there. At the moment of synapse, as I teleport, this chamber will be bathed in deadly particles that have yet to be named by human science. Perhaps when I have the leisure to do the work myself, I'll name one after you. That way you won't be completely forgotten. " "citadel.br_synapse02" "等異點瓦解,我就離這裡很遠很遠了。 事實上,我會在另一個宇宙。 但是你呢,則會徹徹底底被毀滅,毫無保留從根本被毀滅,那是超乎你能想像的境界。" "[english]citadel.br_synapse02" "When the singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact. You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed-and even in some which are essentially impossible. " "citadel.br_takeme" "帶我走。" "[english]citadel.br_takeme" "Take me. " "citadel.br_unleash" "你知不知道這樣做會有什麼後果! 這樣可能會讓整個城塔塌陷! 考慮清楚,想想下面的居民!" "[english]citadel.br_unleash" "You don't know what you'll unleash! You could bring down this whole Citadel! Think, man, think - of the people below! " "citadel.br_untenable" "傳送目的地不適合居住。 你一定能把中繼設在別的地方。 我不可能在那種環境生存。" "[english]citadel.br_untenable" "The portal destination is untenable. Surely you can set the relay elsewhere. There's no way I can survive in that environment. " "citadel.br_warmup" "我已經在準備傳送門,要送妳過去了。" "[english]citadel.br_warmup" "I'm warming up the portal to deliver you even now. " "citadel.br_whatittakes" "可惡…該怎麼就怎麼吧!" "[english]citadel.br_whatittakes" "Oh all right, damn it, if that's what it takes! " "citadel.br_worthit" "看,高登。 看看你丟棄的一切。 真的值得嗎?" "[english]citadel.br_worthit" "Look, Gordon. Look at what you are throwing away. Is it worth it? " "citadel.br_yesjudith" "茱蒂絲,什麼事?" "[english]citadel.br_yesjudith" "Yes, Judith, what is it? " "citadel.br_youfool" "你這個笨蛋!" "[english]citadel.br_youfool" "You fool! " "citadel.br_youneedme" "你需要我!" "[english]citadel.br_youneedme" "You need me! " "citadel.eli_alyx01" "艾莉絲! 你…" "[english]citadel.eli_alyx01" "Alyx! Honey... " "citadel.eli_alyxsweetheart" "艾莉絲…乖女兒…" "[english]citadel.eli_alyxsweetheart" "Alyx, sweetheart." "citadel.eli_damnbreen" "可惡,布林! 放開她!" "[english]citadel.eli_damnbreen" "God damn you, Breen! You let her go! " "citadel.eli_dontstruggle" "算了,女兒。" "[english]citadel.eli_dontstruggle" "Don't struggle, honey. " "citadel.eli_dontworryboutme" "喔,不不不, 不用擔心我。" "[english]citadel.eli_dontworryboutme" "Oh no, don't worry about me honey. " "citadel.eli_genocide" "我看到的也非筆墨所能形容,布林! 大屠殺…無法形容的惡行…" "[english]citadel.eli_genocide" "What I've seen is also beyond words, Breen. Genocide... indescribable evil... " "citadel.eli_goodgod" "我的老天爺啊。" "[english]citadel.eli_goodgod" "Good God. " "citadel.eli_mygirl" "這樣才乖。" "[english]citadel.eli_mygirl" "That's my girl. " "citadel.eli_nonever" "休想。" "[english]citadel.eli_nonever" "Never. " "citadel.eli_notobreen" "不!" "[english]citadel.eli_notobreen" "No! " "citadel.eli_ohalyx" "喔,艾莉絲,乖女兒。" "[english]citadel.eli_ohalyx" "Oh, Alyx, sweetheart. " "citadel.eli_ohjudith" "喔,茱蒂絲…" "[english]citadel.eli_ohjudith" "Oh, Judith... " "citadel.eli_save" "救他們? 為什麼?" "[english]citadel.eli_save" "Save them? For what? " "citadel.eli_sendusboth" "好啊,布林 !如果你就只有這點能耐,就把我們送進傳送門吧。" "[english]citadel.eli_sendusboth" "Go ahead, Breen, if that's the worst you can do, send us both through your portal!" "citadel.gman_exit01" "時間到,弗里曼博士?" "[english]citadel.gman_exit01" "Time, Dr. Freeman? " "citadel.gman_exit02" "時候真的又到了嗎?" "[english]citadel.gman_exit02" "Is it really that time again? " "citadel.gman_exit03" "感覺上像是你才剛來似的。" "[english]citadel.gman_exit03" "It seems as if you only just arrived. " "citadel.gman_exit04" "這一小段時間裡,你似乎做了很多事情。" "[english]citadel.gman_exit04" "You've done a great deal in a small timespan. " "citadel.gman_exit05" "你做的很好。事實上,我又接到了一些有趣的任務要交給你。 平常的話我是不會考慮交給你的。 不過,現在是特別時期。" "[english]citadel.gman_exit05" "You've done so well, in fact, that I've received some interesting offers for your services. Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them. But these are extraordinary times. " "citadel.gman_exit06" "如果那特別時刻又來臨時,我會幫你做好選擇的。反正所謂的個人意志也只是幻覺罷了。" "[english]citadel.gman_exit06" "Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty of choosing for you...if and when your time comes round again. " "citadel.gman_exit07" "弗里曼博士,如果你覺得這太過霸道,我願意向你道歉。 我相信你會懂我的意思,等到,呃…" "[english]citadel.gman_exit07" "I do apologize for what must seem to you an arbitrary imposition, Dr. Freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of...well... " "citadel.gman_exit08" "這個我就不方便透露了。" "[english]citadel.gman_exit08" "I'm really not at liberty to say. " "citadel.gman_exit09" "現在的話…" "[english]citadel.gman_exit09" "In the meantime... " "citadel.gman_exit10" "我得走了。" "[english]citadel.gman_exit10" "This is where I get off. " "citadel.gman_meetagain" "我們…後會…有期" "[english]citadel.gman_meetagain" "Until we meet again " "citadel.gman_rightman" "對的人出現在錯的地方,會讓世界天翻地覆。" "[english]citadel.gman_rightman" "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. " "citadel.mo_alyxneedthis" "你會需要這個。" "[english]citadel.mo_alyxneedthis" "You'll need this. " "citadel.mo_bargain" "我們該要求的是留伊萊一命,這樣子他才能夠繼續做研究!" "[english]citadel.mo_bargain" "The bargain we should be making is for Eli's life, so he can continue his research! " "citadel.mo_dont" "別這樣。" "[english]citadel.mo_dont" "Don't---!" "citadel.mo_dontlook" "別那樣看著我。" "[english]citadel.mo_dontlook" "Oh don't give me that look. " "citadel.mo_dontworry" "用不著擔心。 我不會再離開你了,伊萊。" "[english]citadel.mo_dontworry" "Don't you worry. " "citadel.mo_goyoutwo" "走啊,你們兩個。" "[english]citadel.mo_goyoutwo" "Go on, you two. " "citadel.mo_illtakehim" "把他交給我就好。" "[english]citadel.mo_illtakehim" "I'll take him from here. " "citadel.mo_necessary" "根本沒有必要!" "[english]citadel.mo_necessary" "It isn't necessary! " "citadel.mo_notfollowed" "我們會解決跟踨的人。" "[english]citadel.mo_notfollowed" "We'll make sure you're not followed. " "citadel.mo_notimealyx" "沒時間了,艾莉絲。 他往傳送門去了。" "[english]citadel.mo_notimealyx" "There's no time, Alyx. He's on his way to the portal. " "citadel.mo_notleavingeli" "我不會再離開你了,伊萊。" "[english]citadel.mo_notleavingeli" "I'm not leaving you again, Eli. " "citadel.mo_nouse" "不要再掙扎了,這樣是沒用的。 除非你讓他滿意,否則做什麼都沒用。" "[english]citadel.mo_nouse" "Don't struggle. It's no use. Until you're where he wants you, there's nothing you can do. " "citadel.mo_outoftime" "抱歉,瓦勒斯。 你沒有時間了。" "[english]citadel.mo_outoftime" "I'm sorry, Wallace. You're all out of time. " "citadel.mo_sorrygordon" "我很抱歉,高登。" "[english]citadel.mo_sorrygordon" "I'm sorry, Gordon. " "citadel.mo_stophim" "是我太不小心。 布林知道了我們的一切,你必須阻止他。 你得阻止他。" "[english]citadel.mo_stophim" "I wasn't careful enough. Breen knows everything we learned. You have to stop him. " "citadel.mo_stoppingyou" "我們在做我一個人做不到的事。 我們要阻止你。" "[english]citadel.mo_stoppingyou" "We're doing what I could never do alone. We're stopping you. " "citadel.mo_wallace" "布林博士…瓦勒斯…" "[english]citadel.mo_wallace" "Dr. Breen... Wallace... " "coast.al_captured" "我爸和莫斯曼博士…他們在混戰中被抓走了。 弗地崗人跟踨他們到諾瓦廣場,廣場現在被改成海岸監獄。 如果你能在那裡跟我會合,我們兩個人說不定可以把他們救出來。" "[english]coast.al_captured" "My Dad and Dr. Mossman...they were captured in the fighting. Vortigaunts tracked them to Nova Prospekt, the converted prison up the coast. If you could meet me there, Gordon, then together we might have a chance of getting them out. " "coast.al_goodhands" "謝了,黎恩。 高登,我一年多沒跑過沿海了,但我不認為沿海區比以前安全。 跟我在車站的火車卸貨區會合。 自己小心點,我們諾瓦廣場見。你多保重" "[english]coast.al_goodhands" "Thanks, Leon. Gordon, I haven't driven the coast road in over a year, but I have no reason to think it's gotten any safer. Meet me in the depot where the trains unload. Take care of yourself and I'll see you in Nova Prospekt. " "coast.al_goodnews" "他在那兒?" "[english]coast.al_goodnews" "He's there? " "coast.al_goodtoseeyou" "高登,見到你真好。 小心點。" "[english]coast.al_goodtoseeyou" "It's good to see you, Gordon. Be careful. " "coast.al_gotcar" "我就是為了這個找你。 希望去年夏天我們留在你那的偵察車還在。 就是我爸加裝粒子砲的那輛。" "[english]coast.al_gotcar" "That's why I called you, Leon. I was hoping you still had the scout car we left with you last summer. The one my Dad rigged with the tau cannon. " "coast.al_hitcher01" "他被帶去諾瓦廣場了。 弗地崗人已經追踨到了押解他和茱蒂絲的船。 趁現在還有火車,我就搭個便車。" "[english]coast.al_hitcher01" "He's been taken to Nova Prospekt. The vortigaunts tracked the ship that made off with him and Judith Mossman. While the trains are still running, I'm going to hitch a ride. " "coast.al_hitcher02" "我需要你的協助,高登。 我要你沿著海岸往諾瓦廣場一直走。 那裡本來就是個高度警戒的監獄,但現在的戒備更森嚴了。 不過我想溜進去還是比逃出來簡單。" "[english]coast.al_hitcher02" "Here's where you come in, Gordon. I need you to make your way along the coast until you get to Nova Prospekt. It used to be a high security prison-it's something much worse than that now. But I think it's still easier to sneak in than to break out. " "coast.al_needyourhelp" "高登,你通過渡鴉市了? 謝天謝地! 你幫幫我! 他們抓走我父親了!" "[english]coast.al_needyourhelp" "Gordon, you made it through Ravenholm? Thank God! I need your help! They've taken my father! " "coast.al_out" "完畢!出去!" "[english]coast.al_out" "Out. " "coast.al_stowaway" "很好" "[english]coast.al_stowaway" "Good. " "coast.al_taucar" "喂,黎恩。 我爸和我組裝的那輛車還在你那嗎?" "[english]coast.al_taucar" "Hey, Leon. Do you still have the car my Dad and I put together? " "coast.antman01" " " "[english]coast.antman01" " " "coast.antman02" " " "[english]coast.antman02" " " "coast.bugbait_onemanalone" "去吧,弗里曼博士 - 諾瓦廣場就在前面。 單單一個人進去的話是沒有什麼機會啦…不過要是帶上一群獅蟻的話,又是另一回事了。" "[english]coast.bugbait_onemanalone" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. Nova Prospekt is just ahead. One man alone wouldn't stand much chance going in there, but a man with a pack of antlions... well, that's a different story. " "coast.cr_willdo" "沒問題! 我才剛在後面裝了一箱彈藥。" "[english]coast.cr_willdo" "Will do! I just finished mounting an ammo crate on the back. " "coast.lady_gotodocks" "到下面碼頭等,我們會幫你準備好。 注意聽吊車機師的指示。" "[english]coast.lady_gotodocks" "Go right on down to the docks there, and we'll bring it out for you. Listen for directions from the crane operator. " "coast.lady_keepgoing" "再往前走就可以看到車了。" "[english]coast.lady_keepgoing" "Keep on going and you'll see the car. " "coast.le_allclear" "我是黎恩。 這裡安全了。 我接到高登弗里曼了!" "[english]coast.le_allclear" "It's Leon. We're all clear. And I've got Gordon Freeman! " "coast.le_allset" "時間剛好。 艾莉絲,我們準備好了。" "[english]coast.le_allset" "Good timing. Okay, Alyx, we're all set. " "coast.le_buggy" "諾可,把越野車開出來,停碼頭上就好。 高登弗里曼要用車。" "[english]coast.le_buggy" "Noriko, bring the buggy out, put it on the dock right now. Gordon Freeman will be driving it! " "coast.le_bye" "拜,艾莉絲。" "[english]coast.le_bye" "Bye, Alyx. " "coast.le_followme" "跟我來。" "[english]coast.le_followme" "Follow me. " "coast.le_goodidea" "嗯, 好主意。 等我一下。" "[english]coast.le_goodidea" "Yeah! Good idea! Hold on a sec. " "coast.le_gotgordon" "艾莉絲,我是黎恩,高登弗里曼也在。" "[english]coast.le_gotgordon" "Alyx, it's Leon, and I've got Gordon Freeman with me. " "coast.le_map" "這地圖有點老了,但還是可以大概看出往諾瓦廣場的路。 可是沒辨法保證路況… 我們和某些偵察站失去聯絡了。" "[english]coast.le_map" "That map is out of date, but you can still see more or less the route to Nova Prospekt. Can't vouch for the road, though. We've lost touch with some of the outposts. " "coast.le_onfoot" "你要他走沿岸的路? 他連五分鐘都撐不住。 現在是獅蟻出生的季節啊。" "[english]coast.le_onfoot" "You want him to take the coast road? He won't last five minutes on foot. It's spawning season for the antlions. " "coast.le_overhere" "弗里曼博士,這裡。" "[english]coast.le_overhere" "Over here, Dr. Freeman. " "coast.le_patchhim" "幫他包紮好了,就帶他到後面去。" "[english]coast.le_patchhim" "Patch him up and get him to the back as soon as he's stable. " "coast.le_radio" "我會用無線電通知下個站你要過去了。" "[english]coast.le_radio" "I'll radio ahead and let the next base know you're coming. " "coast.le_radioloop" "岸邊呼叫小歐" "[english]coast.le_radioloop" "Shorepoint to N.L.O." "coast.le_radioloop_b" "岸邊呼叫新小歐" "[english]coast.le_radioloop_b" "Shorepoint to New Little Odessa. " "coast.le_radioloop_c" "歐德沙…聽到請回答!" "[english]coast.le_radioloop_c" "Come in, Odessa...do you read? " "coast.le_restock" "好了,博士,上路前你可以先帶些急救包、補充彈藥,或是看看地圖確認方向。 車子後面還有一些補充彈藥,聊勝於無啦。" "[english]coast.le_restock" "Okay, Doc, before you hit the road, you might want to grab some medkits, restock on ammo, maybe check the map and see where you're headed. There's an ammo supply crate on the back of the car, if that's any comfort. " "coast.le_staywithcar" "不要離開車子,用音波發射器。這樣應該就可以對付獅蟻了。" "[english]coast.le_staywithcar" "Stay with the car, make use of the thumpers, and you'll stand a fair chance against the antlions. " "coast.le_whohurt" "誰受傷了?" "[english]coast.le_whohurt" "Who's hurt? " "coast.le_youmadeit" "高登費里曼! 真不敢相信你過得來。 我們一直在跟艾莉絲通訊。 我去看看能不能夠再聯絡上。" "[english]coast.le_youmadeit" "Gordon Freeman! It's incredible you made it! We've been getting communications from Alyx. I'll see if I can reach her again. " "coast.leon_getaway" " " "[english]coast.leon_getaway" " " "coast.leon_itisyou" " " "[english]coast.leon_itisyou" " " "coast.leon_suredo" " " "[english]coast.leon_suredo" " " "coast.leon_thisisleon" " " "[english]coast.leon_thisisleon" " " "coast.med_online" "弗里曼博士? 不會吧? 我跟艾莉絲通過話。 她父親被抓走了。" "[english]coast.med_online" "Dr. Freeman? You're kidding. I've been on the line with Alyx. Her father's been captured. " "coast.pheropod_nag01" "呃,弗里曼博士,你現在是獅蟻啦。" "[english]coast.pheropod_nag01" "Well, Dr. Freeman, you're a regular antlion now. " "coast.pheropod_nag02" "我以費洛帕之名發誓。" "[english]coast.pheropod_nag02" "I swear by the pheropods myself. " "coast.pheropod_nag03" "這樣就不會再有獅蟻來煩你了。" "[english]coast.pheropod_nag03" "The antlions won't bother you now, Doc. " "coast.pheropod_nag04" "看來你交了些朋友啊。" "[english]coast.pheropod_nag04" "Looks like you've made yourself some friends. " "coast.vbaittrain_fine" "弗里曼再度掌控了一切事物!" "[english]coast.vbaittrain_fine" "The Freeman again excels at all tasks! " "coast.vbaittrain_gotit" "弗里曼呈現掌控一切的才能。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain_gotit" "The Freeman shows his excellence in all things. " "coast.vbaittrain_great" "弗里曼做得很好。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain_great" "The Freeman has done well. " "coast.vbaittrain01a" "弗里曼在這裡,我們很榮幸。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain01a" "The Freeman honors us by his presence. " "coast.vbaittrain01b" "弗里曼現在要學習如何使用費洛帕。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain01b" "The Freeman will now be instructed in the use of pheropods. " "coast.vbaittrain01c" "注意,現在,學習利用蟲餌控制獅蟻。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain01c" "Attend, now, and learn to shepherd antlions with this so-called bug-bait. " "coast.vbaittrain02" "現在弗里曼要拿出費洛帕並且把它丟進那個洞。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain02" "The Freeman will now break out his pheropods and toss one into yonder pit. " "coast.vbaittrain02_nag" "弗里曼不可以拖延。把那個費洛帕丟進洞裡。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain02_nag" "The Freeman must not delay: Hurl that pheropod into the pit. " "coast.vbaittrain03" "弗里曼也可以叫獅蟻攻擊特定目標。 看準訓練用的木人,再用費洛帕好好瞄準。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain03" "The Freeman can also coax his antlions to attack specific targets. Observe the training manikin, and mark it well with another pheropod. " "coast.vbaittrain03_nag" "把蟲餌用力丟在假人上。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain03_nag" "Hurl your bug-bait hard against the dummy. " "coast.vbaittrain04" "現在,千萬注意。 給費洛帕施加壓力,讓你控制的獅蟻跟著你,並聽命於你。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain04" "Now, attend well. Apply pressure to your pheropod, to signal the antlions in your command to follow you. " "coast.vbaittrain04_nag" "如果弗里曼希望獅蟻跟著他的腳步走。那麼弗里曼就必須用力擠壓蟲餌 。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain04_nag" "The Freeman must squeeze his bug-bait sharply if he wishes the antlions to follow where he leads. " "coast.vbaittrain05" "現在必須跟弗里曼道別。 諾瓦廣場就在前方。 好好記得你在此學習的一切。 伊萊凡斯對你有莫大的信心。" "[english]coast.vbaittrain05" "And now this one must bid the Freeman farewell. Nova Prospekt lies just beyond. Remember well what you have learned here. The Eli Vance has greatest confidence in you. " "coast.vgossip_01" "弗里曼必須原諒我們。 在有傳送能力障礙的人面前瞬間移動,是無禮的事。" "[english]coast.vgossip_01" "Freeman must excuse us. It is rude of us to commune by flux shifting in front of those whose vortal inputs are impaired. " "coast.vgossip_02" "是的,我們為了禮貌,把有聲語言發聲化了。" "[english]coast.vgossip_02" "Yes, we will vocalize in your auditory language as a matter of courtesy. " "coast.vgossip_03" "除非我們想說你的壞話。" "[english]coast.vgossip_03" "Unless we wish to say unflattering things about you. " "coast.vgossip_04" "就這樣。" "[english]coast.vgossip_04" "Just so. " "coast.vort_extract01" "弗里曼聰明的話,會注意到我們取出麥米棟的臭費洛帕。 過程不是非常衛生。 所以,靠邊站。" "[english]coast.vort_extract01" "The Freeman will do wise to heed our extraction of the myrmidont's aromatic pheropods. The process is not entirely hygienic. Therefore, stand aside. " "coast.vort_podnag" "弗里曼必須毫不延遲,取回掉下的費洛帕!" "[english]coast.vort_podnag" "The Freeman must retrieve the fallen pheropods without delay! " "coast.vort_podsforyou01" "弗里曼在以後的路上會需要這些費洛帕。 現在收集它們。" "[english]coast.vort_podsforyou01" "The Freeman will have need of these pheropods on the paths ahead. Gather them now. " "coast.wo_winston" "溫斯頓被擊中了。" "[english]coast.wo_winston" "Winston's been hit. " "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_takeemdown" "非法入侵" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_takeemdown" "603, unlawful entry. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit01" "很高興認識你。" "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit01" "Good to know you. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit02" "你該走了。" "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit02" "You'd better get going. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit03" "莫斯曼博士在等你。" "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit03" "Doctor Mossman's waiting for you. " "eli_lab.al_allright01" "好啦。" "[english]eli_lab.al_allright01" "All right. " "eli_lab.al_anotherdog" "再來一個,狗狗。" "[english]eli_lab.al_anotherdog" "Another one, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_autocycle" "我們被困在垃圾場的空氣阻隔艙裡了。" "[english]eli_lab.al_autocycle" "We're in the scrapyard airlock stuck in a full autocycle. " "eli_lab.al_awesome" "太棒了!" "[english]eli_lab.al_awesome" "Awesome. " "eli_lab.al_blamingme" "哈! 你這是在怪我嗎?" "[english]eli_lab.al_blamingme" "Are you blaming me? " "eli_lab.al_buildastack" "來啊,高登 - 東西堆一堆快點爬上來。" "[english]eli_lab.al_buildastack" "Come on, Gordon, build a stack and get up here. " "eli_lab.al_cavedin_b" "高登,你必須要快點離開。" "[english]eli_lab.al_cavedin_b" "Gordon, you need to get out of here. " "eli_lab.al_cavedin_c" "我不能丟下我爸爸。" "[english]eli_lab.al_cavedin_c" "I can't leave my father. " "eli_lab.al_cmongord01" "高登,快點!" "[english]eli_lab.al_cmongord01" "Come on, Gordon! " "eli_lab.al_cmongord02" "快點!" "[english]eli_lab.al_cmongord02" "Come on! " "eli_lab.al_comeongord01" "來啊,高登。" "[english]eli_lab.al_comeongord01" "Come on, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_comeongord02" "這裡,高登。" "[english]eli_lab.al_comeongord02" "This way, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_dad_ques01" "爸?" "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_ques01" "Dad? " "eli_lab.al_dad_scared01" "爸?" "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_scared01" "Dad? " "eli_lab.al_dad_scared02" "爸!" "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_scared02" "Dad! " "eli_lab.al_dadplease" "爸,拜託…" "[english]eli_lab.al_dadplease" "Dad, please... " "eli_lab.al_dadwhatsup" "裡面發生什麼事了?" "[english]eli_lab.al_dadwhatsup" "What's going on in there? " "eli_lab.al_dogairlock01" "該死!" "[english]eli_lab.al_dogairlock01" "Damn it! " "eli_lab.al_dogairlock02" "狗狗 - 打開艙門。 放我們出去。" "[english]eli_lab.al_dogairlock02" "Dog, open the airlock. Get us out of here. " "eli_lab.al_dogcome" "狗狗,過來!" "[english]eli_lab.al_dogcome" "Dog, come! " "eli_lab.al_doggetnow" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_doggetnow" " " "eli_lab.al_doyouread" "爸 - 我是艾莉絲 - 你聽到了嗎?" "[english]eli_lab.al_doyouread" "Dad, it's Alyx, do you read? " "eli_lab.al_earnedit01" "哼--報應。" "[english]eli_lab.al_earnedit01" "Well, he earned it. " "eli_lab.al_excellent01" "太好了。" "[english]eli_lab.al_excellent01" "Excellent. " "eli_lab.al_getitopen01" "快! 快!" "[english]eli_lab.al_getitopen01" "Hurry! Now! " "eli_lab.al_getitopen02" "拆了它也沒關係,總之想辦法打開!" "[english]eli_lab.al_getitopen02" "Tear it apart if you have to! Just get it open! " "eli_lab.al_getoutnow" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_getoutnow" " " "eli_lab.al_getyourball" "狗狗,把球撿回來!" "[english]eli_lab.al_getyourball" "Dog, go get your ball. " "eli_lab.al_giveittry" "試試看嘛。" "[english]eli_lab.al_giveittry" "Give it a try. " "eli_lab.al_goaheaddog" "可以了,狗狗!丟。" "[english]eli_lab.al_goaheaddog" "Go ahead, Dog, throw! " "eli_lab.al_godog" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_godog" " " "eli_lab.al_goodcatch" "接得好!" "[english]eli_lab.al_goodcatch" "Good catch. " "eli_lab.al_gooddoggie" "好狗狗!" "[english]eli_lab.al_gooddoggie" "Good doggie. " "eli_lab.al_goodthrow" "丟得好!" "[english]eli_lab.al_goodthrow" "Good throw. " "eli_lab.al_goongord" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_goongord" " " "eli_lab.al_grabthrow" "你可以用次要鍵抓取東西。 然後再用主要鍵丟出去。" "[english]eli_lab.al_grabthrow" "The secondary trigger lets you grab things. You can throw them with the primary. " "eli_lab.al_gravdrop" "撿起東西以後,你也可以再按一次次要鍵把東西品輕輕放下。" "[english]eli_lab.al_gravdrop" "Once you've picked something up you can drop it gently by pressing your secondary trigger again. " "eli_lab.al_gravgun" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravgun" " " "eli_lab.al_gravgun_cc" "好啊…來吧,高登。 我們找樂子去。" "[english]eli_lab.al_gravgun_cc" "Sure... Come on, Gordon. Let's go have some fun. " "eli_lab.al_havefun" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_havefun" " " "eli_lab.al_hazmat" "這本來是設計用來處理危險物品的,不過,我們通常拿來搬重的東西。" "[english]eli_lab.al_hazmat" "It's designed for handling hazardous materials, but we mainly use it for heavy lifting. " "eli_lab.al_hereyougo02" "拿去吧。" "[english]eli_lab.al_hereyougo02" "Here you go. " "eli_lab.al_heshere" "他就在這裡。" "[english]eli_lab.al_heshere" "He's right here. " "eli_lab.al_hums" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hums" " " "eli_lab.al_hums_b" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hums_b" " " "eli_lab.al_hurry" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hurry" " " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock01" "狗狗! 過來!" "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock01" "Dog! Come! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock02" "快點進來!" "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock02" "Get in here " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock03" "到空氣阻隔艙裡,快點!" "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock03" "Into the airlock! Now! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock04" "快點進來!" "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock04" "Come on, hurry! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock05" "別讓他們發現!" "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock05" "Before they spot us! " "eli_lab.al_laugh01" "*笑聲*" "[english]eli_lab.al_laugh01" "*laughter*" "eli_lab.al_laugh02" "*笑聲*" "[english]eli_lab.al_laugh02" "*laughter*" "eli_lab.al_letmedo" "所以,我看下次還是讓我來負責計算和安裝比較保險一點。" "[english]eli_lab.al_letmedo" "Then maybe you should let me do the calculations next time, as well as installing it. " "eli_lab.al_liketofetch" "我說過狗狗喜歡玩你丟我撿,但我沒說過誰負責撿吧?" "[english]eli_lab.al_liketofetch" "When I told you Dog liked to play fetch, I didn't tell you who'd be fetching, did I? " "eli_lab.al_metmossman01" "所以已經你見過 莫斯曼博士了。 還不是因為她,我才會常常往外面跑!" "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman01" "So, I see you've met Dr. Mossman. She's one of the main reasons I spend so much time outside. " "eli_lab.al_metmossman03" "你應該聽聽她碎碎唸的,說什麼本來應該是她進黑色高地測試室之類的。" "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman03" "You should hear her drone on about how it should have been her in the Black Mesa Test Chamber that day. " "eli_lab.al_metmossman04" "嘿! 對不起,我不應該在她背後說三道四的。 只是這裡的生活實在是太苦悶了。" "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman04" "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking behind her back. It just gets a bit claustrophobic down here. " "eli_lab.al_minefield" "我覺得用它來清地雷倒是挺不錯的。" "[english]eli_lab.al_minefield" "I've found it handy for clearing minefields. " "eli_lab.al_nicecatch" "接得好。" "[english]eli_lab.al_nicecatch" "Nice catch " "eli_lab.al_niceshot" "幹得好!" "[english]eli_lab.al_niceshot" "Nice shot! " "eli_lab.al_noboydown" "不行 - 不可以! 放下 - 快點放下!" "[english]eli_lab.al_noboydown" "No! No, boy! Down! Put that down! " "eli_lab.al_nodog" "不可以!" "[english]eli_lab.al_nodog" "No, Dog! " "eli_lab.al_nowcalldog" "我叫狗狗來, 他最喜歡撿球了!" "[english]eli_lab.al_nowcalldog" "Now let me call Dog. He loves to play fetch. " "eli_lab.al_okletsplay" "好,狗狗,和高登玩玩你丟我撿吧。" "[english]eli_lab.al_okletsplay" "Okay, Dog, let's play catch with Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_pickuptoss" "隨便撿個東西丟吧。" "[english]eli_lab.al_pickuptoss" "Pick up some stuff and toss it. " "eli_lab.al_placeobjs" "你可以把東西移過去,然後再按一次次要鍵把東西放下。" "[english]eli_lab.al_placeobjs" "You can place objects by moving them into position and hitting the secondary trigger again. " "eli_lab.al_primary" "按主要鍵會射出光束,而且還可以把東西打飛哦。 " "[english]eli_lab.al_primary" "The primary trigger emits a charge. You can punt stuff and send it flying. " "eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance" "你也可以把遠方的東西拉過來。" "[english]eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance" "You can also pull stuff over from a distance. " "eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance_b" "來,試試看抓住那些桶子。" "[english]eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance_b" "Try grabbing those barrels from that ledge up there. " "eli_lab.al_ravenholm01" "那是往渡鴉市的舊通道。 現在沒人走那裡了。" "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm01" "That's the old passage to Ravenholm. We don't go there anymore. " "eli_lab.al_ravenholm02" "以前可以直接從那裡通到渡鴉市的。那裡本來是從 17 號城市逃出來的難民居住的挖礦城市。" "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm02" "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17." "eli_lab.al_ravenholm02b" "以前可以直接從那裡通到渡鴉市的。那裡本來是從 17 號城市逃出來的難民居住的挖礦城市。" "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm02b" "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17." "eli_lab.al_ravenholm06" "哈! 相信我,隧道封起來是有原因的。" "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm06" "Believe me, that tunnel is sealed for a reason. " "eli_lab.al_scanners01" "狗狗,怎麼了?" "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners01" "What is it, Dog? " "eli_lab.al_scanners02" "我的天啊,那是什麼?" "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners02" "Oh my god! What was that? " "eli_lab.al_scanners03" "探測機!" "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners03" "Scanners! " "eli_lab.al_scanners06" "合成人正在搜查這一區!" "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners06" "The Combine's sweeping the area! " "eli_lab.al_scanners07" "我們得回實驗室去。 來吧,高登。" "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners07" "We've gotta head back to the lab. Come on, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_scrapyard" "到了…就是這裡。 垃圾場。" "[english]eli_lab.al_scrapyard" "So, here we are. The scrapyard. " "eli_lab.al_seeifyoucanstack" "看你能不能把東西堆一堆爬上來。" "[english]eli_lab.al_seeifyoucanstack" "See if you can stack some stuff to climb up here. " "eli_lab.al_somethingbigger" "狗狗,丟大一點的!" "[english]eli_lab.al_somethingbigger" "Dog, throw something bigger. " "eli_lab.al_somethingelse" "好,高登,我們來試試別的吧。" "[english]eli_lab.al_somethingelse" "Okay, Gordon, let's try something else. " "eli_lab.al_soquickly01" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly01" " " "eli_lab.al_soquickly01_cc" "噢,高登! 弗地崗人說你在這裡。 沒想到你的腳程這麼快。" "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly01_cc" "Oh, Gordon! The vortigaunts said you were here! I can't believe you made it so quickly on foot. " "eli_lab.al_soquickly02" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly02" " " "eli_lab.al_soquickly03" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly03" " " "eli_lab.al_standbackdog" "夠了喔,狗狗。" "[english]eli_lab.al_standbackdog" "That's enough, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_sweet" "不錯哦!" "[english]eli_lab.al_sweet" "Sweet! " "eli_lab.al_takegord02" "狗狗,帶高登去渡鴉市隧道,然後在外面繞幾圈再跟我會合。 快點! 快!" "[english]eli_lab.al_takegord02" "Dog, take Gordon to the Ravenholm tunnel, then circle around and try to meet up with me. Hurry! " "eli_lab.al_takeit" "拿去。" "[english]eli_lab.al_takeit" "Take it. " "eli_lab.al_takethis" "拿著吧。" "[english]eli_lab.al_takethis" "Take this. " "eli_lab.al_thisisdog01" "高登,這是狗狗。 小時候我爸設計來保護我的。" "[english]eli_lab.al_thisisdog01" "Gordon, this is Dog. My Dad built him to protect me when I was a kid. " "eli_lab.al_thisisgravgun" "這一把就是我爸爸說的重力槍。 如果你不嫌煩的話,你也可以叫它「零點能量場光束槍」。" "[english]eli_lab.al_thisisgravgun" "This is the gravity gun my father was talking about. You can call it the 'Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator' if you really want to. " "eli_lab.al_throwanotherdog" "狗狗,再丟一次!" "[english]eli_lab.al_throwanotherdog" "Throw another, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_throwitdog" "狗狗,丟!" "[english]eli_lab.al_throwitdog" "Throw it, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_throwtodog" "好,高登,現在換你丟東西給狗狗接。" "[english]eli_lab.al_throwtodog" "Okay, Gordon, now you throw something to Dog and let him catch. " "eli_lab.al_thyristor02" "看來你就算隻身在外也不成問題了。" "[english]eli_lab.al_thyristor02" "I guess you proved you can handle yourself out there. " "eli_lab.al_trystacking" "試著把東西疊起來。 按次要鍵可以抓住東西,然後再按一次,把東西輕輕放下。" "[english]eli_lab.al_trystacking" "Try stacking some things. Grab something with your secondary trigger, then press the same trigger again to drop it gently. " "eli_lab.al_ugh" "唉。 我們出去吧。" "[english]eli_lab.al_ugh" "Let's get out of here. " "eli_lab.al_usegravgun" "你要用重力槍才行。" "[english]eli_lab.al_usegravgun" "You'll need to use the gravity gun. " "eli_lab.al_wasted01" "弗地崗人跟我換班,我才能來見高登。" "[english]eli_lab.al_wasted01" "The vortigaunts relieved me so I could come see Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_wasted02" "反正我本來就應該在這裡弄傳送門。" "[english]eli_lab.al_wasted02" "Anyway, I should be in here working on the portal. " "eli_lab.al_wheresball" "狗狗,你的球呢?" "[english]eli_lab.al_wheresball" "Where's your ball, Dog? " "eli_lab.al_yayhigh" "原始型號本來只有…這麼高吧。 之後我一直幫他改裝。對不對啊,狗狗?" "[english]eli_lab.al_yayhigh" "First model was about yay-high. I've been adding to him ever since. Haven't I, boy? " "eli_lab.eli_alyxhoney" "艾莉絲,你…" "[english]eli_lab.eli_alyxhoney" "Alyx, honey... " "eli_lab.eli_broke" "我想他打破妳的紀錄囉,女兒。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_broke" "I believe he broke your record, honey. " "eli_lab.eli_finesci" "茱蒂絲是個好科學家。 她很想擔任你在黑色高地的工作,但你卻因為在因斯布魯克的經驗勝出。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_finesci" "Fine scientist, Judith. She was up for your job at Black Mesa but you edged her out with your Innsbruck experience. " "eli_lab.eli_goodvort" "好 - 很好 - 你繼續吧。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_goodvort" "All right, good, you keep right on it. " "eli_lab.eli_gordonwith" "高登還在妳那嗎?" "[english]eli_lab.eli_gordonwith" "Is Gordon still with you? " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx01" "高登,跟艾莉絲去。 她會照顧你。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx01" "Go with Alyx, Gordon. She'll look after you. " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx02" "高登你先走,我們會跟上你的。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx02" "Go ahead, Gordon, we'll catch up with you later. " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx03" "去吧,高登 - 跟著艾莉絲。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx03" "Go on Gordon, go with Alyx. " "eli_lab.eli_greeting" "高登弗里曼! 哈,讓我好好看看你! 天啊,你一點都沒變! 你吃了仙丹啊?" "[english]eli_lab.eli_greeting" "Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at you, man! My God, you haven't changed one iota! How do you do it? " "eli_lab.eli_handle" "沒有高登應付不來的事…妳大概是唯一的例外吧。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_handle" "There's nothing Gordon can't handle... with the possible exception of you. " "eli_lab.eli_handle_b" "哈!" "[english]eli_lab.eli_handle_b" "Ha!" "eli_lab.eli_ladies" "咳! 艾莉絲,你何不帶高登去晃晃?順便讓他練習一下重力槍。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_ladies" "Ahem. Alyx, why don't you take Gordon along and give him some practice with the gravity gun. " "eli_lab.eli_littlewhile" "待會見了,高登。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_littlewhile" "See you in a little while, Gordon. " "eli_lab.eli_lookaround" "當自己家吧。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_lookaround" "Feel free to look around " "eli_lab.eli_lookgordon" "你看看這個,高登。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_lookgordon" "Take a look at this, Gordon. " "eli_lab.eli_mit" "沒錯。 麻省理工畢業生這幾年已經很少見了。 我幫你換下這身防護衣吧,你比較適合穿實驗袍。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_mit" "Right you are. MIT graduates are few and far between these days. We'll get you out of that hazard suit and back into your lab coat, where you belong. " "eli_lab.eli_photo01" "還記得我太太,阿姿恩嗎?" "[english]eli_lab.eli_photo01" "You remember my wife Azian, don't you? " "eli_lab.eli_photo02" "離開黑色高地時,我只帶了這張照片還有我女兒艾莉絲。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_photo02" "That picture, and Alyx, were all I managed to carry out of Black Mesa. " "eli_lab.eli_portal01" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal01" " " "eli_lab.eli_portal01_cc" "我們就快修好傳送門了。不過,你不想參加下一回測試的話,我也不會怪你啦。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal01_cc" "We've almost got that portal working again, but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't volunteer for the next trial run. " "eli_lab.eli_portal02" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal02" " " "eli_lab.eli_safety" "艾莉絲你在哪?" "[english]eli_lab.eli_safety" "Where are you, Alyx? " "eli_lab.eli_staytogether01" "帶高登離開這裡! 往海邊走!" "[english]eli_lab.eli_staytogether01" "Take Gordon out of here! Head for the coast! " "eli_lab.eli_staytogether02" "不要穿過渡---" "[english]eli_lab.eli_staytogether02" "Do not go through Rav---" "eli_lab.eli_surface" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface" " " "eli_lab.eli_surface_b" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface_b" " " "eli_lab.eli_surface_cc" "我想想…上次見到你的時候,是共振崩壞之後請你去求救。 呵! 沒想到你花了這麼久的時間才回來這裡!" "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface_cc" "Now, let's see. The last time I saw you, I sent you up for help after the resonance cascade. I never thought it would take you this long to get back to me! " "eli_lab.eli_thing" "我們還不知道那有什麼用途。 艾莉絲帶回來的東西真是千奇百怪。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_thing" "We're still not sure what that does. Alyx brings in the strangest things. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz01" "布林博士" "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz01" "Dr. Breen... " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz02" "他現在…是這個醜陋世界的管理人。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz02" "He's the Administrator of this whole vile business now. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz03" "他協調地球投降,結束了七小時戰役。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz03" "He ended the Seven Hours War by managing Earth's surrender. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz04" "合成人給了他權力做為獎賞。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz04" "The Combine rewarded him with power. " "eli_lab.eli_wantyou" "很好。 我要你們去…" "[english]eli_lab.eli_wantyou" "Good. I want you two to... " "eli_lab.eli_welcometolab" "還是歡迎了。 實驗室比不上黑色高地,但也夠用了。" "[english]eli_lab.eli_welcometolab" "Welcome to the lab anyway. It's not Black Mesa, but it's served us well enough. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock01" "有東西來了。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock01" "We've got something. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock02" "呃 - 是…是人類。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock02" "Okay, it's human. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock03" "哈囉?" "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock03" "Hello? " "eli_lab.mo_airlock04" "放輕鬆點,你沒事了。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock04" "Take it easy in there. You're safe now. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock05" "抱歉必須檢查一下…我們不能冒任何風險。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock05" "You'll have to forgive the scanning process. We can't take any chances. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock06" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock06" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock06_cc" "弗里曼博士? 高登弗里曼? 是你嗎? 你這麼快就到了? 伊萊一定會驚喜萬分。 更會鬆了一口氣。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock06_cc" "Doctor Freeman? Gordon Freeman? Is that you? You've made it here this quickly? Well, Eli is going to be amazed. Not to mention relieved. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock07" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock07" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock08" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock08" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock09" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock09" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock10" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock10" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock10_cc" "我是 莫斯曼博士。 茱蒂絲莫斯曼。 在黑色高地的事情發生前我就聽過你了。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock10_cc" "I'm Dr. Mossman. Dr. Judith Mossman. I've been hearing about you since long before the Black Mesa incident. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock11" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock11" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock12" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock12" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock12_cc" "喔 - 黑色高地…我真羨慕你,能跟巔峰時期的伊萊和克萊納博士一起工作。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock12_cc" "Ah, Black Mesa! I do so envy you, working with Eli and Dr. Kleiner when they were at the top of their field." "eli_lab.mo_airlock13" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock13" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock14" "啊,好了。 你可以過來了。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock14" "There we go. You can come through now. " "eli_lab.mo_alyxonwatch" "艾莉絲,我以為妳在值班。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_alyxonwatch" "Alyx, I thought you were on watch. " "eli_lab.mo_anyway04" "剛說到哪了? 喔,對…" "[english]eli_lab.mo_anyway04" "Where was I? Oh, yes... " "eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor01" "我就快要修理好了。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor01" "I have the repairs well in hand. " "eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor02" "不知道是誰弄錯了合成人閘流體的容量…" "[english]eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor02" "Someone misjudged the capacity of the Combine thyristor--- " "eli_lab.mo_deliberately" "說真的,艾莉絲 有的時候我覺得你是故意曲解我的意思。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_deliberately" "Alyx, really. Sometimes I think you deliberately misunderstand me. " "eli_lab.mo_difference" "高登來幫忙的話,一定會像回到黑色高地一樣。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_difference" "It's going to be a lot more like Black Mesa with Gordon here to help. " "eli_lab.mo_digup01" "我先處理一些事情,然後就幫你找找看。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_digup01" "Let me just finish up some work and I'll see what I can dig up. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp01" "我們真的需要更多的人手來幫忙。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp01" "We could certainly use the extra help around here. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp02" "這幾個月的進展還算不錯,要是有像你一樣有經驗的人來幫忙,進展會更快。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp02" "We've covered a lot of ground in the last few months, but things would go so much faster if we had more people with your training. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp03" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp03" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04_cc" "我們就快發現可靠的區域性傳送技術了,這是合成人一直沒辨法掌握的。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04_cc" "We're closing in on a reliable local teleport technology, something the Combine still hasn't mastered. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05_cc" "伊萊認為他們的傳送門是串列式的,類似我們的卡拉比.亞機型,可是他們沒有把暗能量方程式算進去。 他們可以從他們的世界穿過來,可是一到這裡,就得依賴這兒的交通工具。 如果他們發現我們利用糾結特性…" "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05_cc" "Eli thinks their portals are string-based, similar to our Calabi-Yau model, but they've failed to factor in dark energy equations. They can tunnel through from their universe, but once they're here they're dependent on local transportation. If they knew what we're doing with entanglement--- " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp06" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp06" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp07" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp07" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp08" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp08" " " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli01" "喔,弗里曼博士。 你跟伊萊一起好了。 去吧,我馬上就好。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli01" "Oh, Dr. Freeman! You should stay with Eli. Go on, I'll rejoin you shortly. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli02" "我還有點事情要處理,博士。 讓伊萊帶你逛逛吧。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli02" "I have a few things to attend to, Dr. Freeman. Let Eli show you around. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli03" "弗里曼博士? 我猜你和伊萊大概想敘敘舊吧。 我們待會再談。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli03" "Dr. Freeman? I figured you and Eli would want to talk about old times. We can talk later. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli04" "去吧,弗里曼博士。 跟伊萊多聊聊。 我還有點工作,做完就過去。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli04" "You go ahead, Dr. Freeman. Spend some time with Eli. I'll be back as soon as I catch up on some work. " "eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx01" "你還是跟艾莉絲走吧。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx01" "I guess you should go with Alyx. " "eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx02" "沒關係,我們待會再聊。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx02" "Go ahead, we'll talk later. " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli01" " " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli01_cc" "喔,伊萊他來了。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli01_cc" "Oh! Here's Eli now. " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli02" " " "eli_lab.mo_hurryup01" "快點,弗里曼博士。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_hurryup01" "Hurry up, Dr. Freeman. " "eli_lab.mo_lookwho01" "伊萊,你看看是誰來了啊。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_lookwho01" "Eli, look who I found in the airlock. " "eli_lab.mo_noblame" "沒有,沒這回事。 那是計算錯誤,不是機械問題。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_noblame" "No, not at all! It was a calculation error, not a mechanical problem. " "eli_lab.mo_notatoy" "請你注意,零點能量場光束槍不是玩具,艾莉絲。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_notatoy" "The Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator is not a toy, Alyx! " "eli_lab.mo_postdoc01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc01" " " "eli_lab.mo_postdoc01_cc" "噢…真是的。 我實在像個剛畢業的菜鳥。 我… 我只是太興奮了,因為我們終於有機會合作。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc01_cc" "Oh, listen to me, I sound like a post-doc. I'm just so excited to think that we'll finally have the chance to work together." "eli_lab.mo_postdoc02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc02" " " "eli_lab.mo_realhonor02" "弗里曼博士, 我真的很榮幸。 我很期待能跟你一起合作。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_realhonor02" "Dr. Freeman? It's been a real honor. I'm looking forward to working together. " "eli_lab.mo_relay01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay01" " " "eli_lab.mo_relay01_cc" "剛說到哪了? 喔 - 對了…克萊納博士將異界中繼壓縮,比以往都要成功。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay01_cc" "Where was I? Oh, yes. Dr. Kleiner compressed the Xen Relay far beyond anything he imagined at Black Mesa. " "eli_lab.mo_relay02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay02" " " "eli_lab.mo_relay02_cc" "我們已經想出怎麼把異界當成未壓縮軸,變成像次元彈弓一樣。也就是說我們可以不用穿過,而是繞過邊緣世界回到原本的世界。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay02_cc" "We've figured out how to use Xen as an unexpressed axis, effectively a dimensional slingshot, so we can swing around the borderworld and come back in local space without having to pass through. " "eli_lab.mo_relay03" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay03" " " "eli_lab.mo_taketoeli" "我現在就帶你去找伊萊。 讓你在這裡乾等,他會生我的氣。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_taketoeli" "I'll take you to down Eli right away. He would never forgive me if I kept you waiting. " "eli_lab.mo_thiswaydoc" "往這邊,博士。" "[english]eli_lab.mo_thiswaydoc" "This way, Dr. Freeman " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use01" "伊萊凡斯幾乎瞭解「總體」的真諦。" "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use01" "The Eli Vance almost perceives the All-in-One. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use02" "伊萊凡斯已取得我們的信任。" "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use02" "The Eli Vance has earned our trust. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use03" "伊萊凡斯是我們第一個同伴。" "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use03" "The Eli Vance was our first collaborator. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use04" "伊萊凡斯是解放運動不可或缺的核心。" "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use04" "The Eli Vance is indispensable to the liberation. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use05" "我們很高興伊萊凡斯如此推崇弗里曼。" "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use05" "We are pleased that the Eli Vance thinks so highly of the Freeman. " "k_lab.al_aboutthecat" "喂、呃, 剛才說的那隻貓…" "[english]k_lab.al_aboutthecat" "Hey, uh, yeah. About that cat... " "k_lab.al_allrightdoc" "喔哦。 還順利吧,克萊納博士?" "[english]k_lab.al_allrightdoc" "Uh-oh. Everything all right, Doctor Kleiner? " "k_lab.al_animalperson" "哈! 巴尼…看樣子你不喜歡動物喔?" "[english]k_lab.al_animalperson" "Barney... You're not an animal person? " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink01" "嗯。" "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink01" "Hmm." "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02" " " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02_cc" "來吧,我請你喝一杯。" "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02_cc" "Here. Let me buy you a drink. " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink03" " " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink03" " " "k_lab.al_careful" "小心點好。" "[english]k_lab.al_careful" "Careful there. " "k_lab.al_careful02" "小心喔。" "[english]k_lab.al_careful02" "Careful. " "k_lab.al_carefulthere" "呃、小心點。" "[english]k_lab.al_carefulthere" "Uh, careful there. " "k_lab.al_checkguyout01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout01" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout02" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout03" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout03" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout04" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout04" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout06" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout06" " " "k_lab.al_cmonfreeman" "呃,弗里曼博士,走吧。" "[english]k_lab.al_cmonfreeman" "Uh, Doctor Freeman, come on. " "k_lab.al_comeon" "走吧!" "[english]k_lab.al_comeon" "Come on. " "k_lab.al_comingthru" "爸,他就快來了。" "[english]k_lab.al_comingthru" "He's coming through, Dad. " "k_lab.al_comingwith" "別擔心。 他會跟我一起走。" "[english]k_lab.al_comingwith" "Don't worry. He's coming with me " "k_lab.al_docsays01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays01" " " "k_lab.al_docsays01_cc" "如果克萊納博士說你應該穿那東西,就乖乖穿上吧。" "[english]k_lab.al_docsays01_cc" "If Dr. Kleiner says you should wear that thing, you should wear it. " "k_lab.al_docsays02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays02" " " "k_lab.al_foundhim" "我發現他在外面亂晃, 真是愛惹麻煩的傢伙。" "[english]k_lab.al_foundhim" "I found him wandering around outside. Bit of a troublemaker, isn't he? " "k_lab.al_heydoc" "嘿、博士!" "[english]k_lab.al_heydoc" "Hey, Doc! " "k_lab.al_hmm" "嗯。" "[english]k_lab.al_hmm" "Hmm. " "k_lab.al_itsthere" "就在那裡,高登。" "[english]k_lab.al_itsthere" "It's right there, Gordon. " "k_lab.al_keepitgoing" "繼續啊,高登!" "[english]k_lab.al_keepitgoing" "Keep it going, Gordon! " "k_lab.al_kleinerswaiting" "嗯…走吧。 克萊納在等呢!" "[english]k_lab.al_kleinerswaiting" "Well, come on. Dr. Kleiner's waiting. " "k_lab.al_letsdoit" "那就做吧。" "[english]k_lab.al_letsdoit" "Then let's do it. " "k_lab.al_lostgordon" " " "[english]k_lab.al_lostgordon" " " "k_lab.al_lostgordon_cc" "高登不見了! 發生什麼事了?" "[english]k_lab.al_lostgordon_cc" "We just lost Gordon! What's going on?" "k_lab.al_moveon01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_moveon01" " " "k_lab.al_moveon01_cc" "咳…我們動身吧。" "[english]k_lab.al_moveon01_cc" "Ahem. Let's get a move on." "k_lab.al_moveon02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_moveon02" " " "k_lab.al_readyforus" "爸,你準備好了嗎?" "[english]k_lab.al_readyforus" "Are you ready for us, Dad? " "k_lab.al_seeifitworks" "呵呵呵… 先看看這能不能用,好嗎?" "[english]k_lab.al_seeifitworks" "Let's just see if this thing works, okay? " "k_lab.al_showonroad" "我們也同步進行吧。" "[english]k_lab.al_showonroad" "Meanwhile, let's get this show on the road. " "k_lab.al_takecredit" "這我可不敢邀功啊,博士。" "[english]k_lab.al_takecredit" "I can't take any credit for the breakthrough, Doctor. " "k_lab.al_takeiteasy" "放輕鬆,高登。" "[english]k_lab.al_takeiteasy" "Take it easy, Gordon. " "k_lab.al_thatsit" "夠了噢! 可以了!" "[english]k_lab.al_thatsit" "That's it. " "k_lab.al_theplug" "呃、博士?插頭 插頭啊。" "[english]k_lab.al_theplug" "Uh, Doctor? The plug? " "k_lab.al_there" "呃,那邊。" "[english]k_lab.al_there" "Uh, there. " "k_lab.al_thereheis" "他在那裡!" "[english]k_lab.al_thereheis" "There he is! " "k_lab.al_theswitch" "開關, 弗里曼博士。" "[english]k_lab.al_theswitch" "The switch, Dr. Freeman. " "k_lab.al_throwswitch" "你要讓高登負責開開關?" "[english]k_lab.al_throwswitch" "You going to let Gordon throw the switch? " "k_lab.al_uhoh01" "喔哦。" "[english]k_lab.al_uhoh01" "Uh-oh. " "k_lab.al_whatcat01" "什麼貓?" "[english]k_lab.al_whatcat01" "What cat? " "k_lab.al_whatcat02" "什麼貓啦?" "[english]k_lab.al_whatcat02" "What cat? " "k_lab.al_whatsgoingon" "出什麼事了?" "[english]k_lab.al_whatsgoingon" "What's going on? " "k_lab.al_wontlook" "別擔心,我不會偷看的。" "[english]k_lab.al_wontlook" "Don't worry, I won't look " "k_lab.al_woohoo" "呃。 喔、呵。 喔啊喔喔!" "[english]k_lab.al_woohoo" "Uh...okay...oh ah oooh!" "k_lab.al_youcoming" "要來嗎?" "[english]k_lab.al_youcoming" "You coming? " "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01" " " "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01_cc" "博士,我們不能讓他逗留太久。 這樣會毀掉辛苦建立的一切。" "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01_cc" "We can't keep him here long, Doc. It'll jeopardize everything we've worked for." "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim02" " " "k_lab.ba_cantlook" "我看不下去。" "[english]k_lab.ba_cantlook" "I can't look. " "k_lab.ba_careful01" "小心哦。" "[english]k_lab.ba_careful01" "Careful! " "k_lab.ba_careful02" "小心點!" "[english]k_lab.ba_careful02" "Be careful! " "k_lab.ba_dontblameyou" "你猶豫我不怪你,但是我們既然決定要做,就別拖拖拉拉。" "[english]k_lab.ba_dontblameyou" "Okay, I don't blame you for hesitating, but if we're gonna do this thing, then let's just get through it. " "k_lab.ba_dontworry01" "別擔心,高登,我們會" "[english]k_lab.ba_dontworry01" "Don't worry, Gordon, we'll " "k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing" "不要管那個了好不好!" "[english]k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing" "Forget about that thing! " "k_lab.ba_geethanks" "哦,謝了。" "[english]k_lab.ba_geethanks" "Gee, thanks. " "k_lab.ba_getamoveon" "高登,動作快點。" "[english]k_lab.ba_getamoveon" "Gordon, get a move on. " "k_lab.ba_getitoff01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff01" " " "k_lab.ba_getitoff01_cc" "該死! 把牠弄下來!" "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff01_cc" "Damn it! Get it off me!" "k_lab.ba_getitoff02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff02" " " "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01" " " "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01_cc" "你小心躲好! 我會來找你!" "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01_cc" "Get down outta sight! I'll come find you!" "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight02" " " "k_lab.ba_getsuiton" "把防護衣穿好,高登。" "[english]k_lab.ba_getsuiton" "Get your suit on, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_goodluck02" "祝你好運,高登。" "[english]k_lab.ba_goodluck02" "Good luck out there, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_guh" "呃啊啊!" "[english]k_lab.ba_guh" "Ugh!" "k_lab.ba_headhumper01" "是你那隻討厭的食腦蟲!" "[english]k_lab.ba_headhumper01" "It's your pet, the freakin' head-humper! " "k_lab.ba_headhumper02" "小心!" "[english]k_lab.ba_headhumper02" "Look out! " "k_lab.ba_hearthosesirens" "高登,老兄! 你捅到蜂窩了。" "[english]k_lab.ba_hearthosesirens" "Man, Gordon! You stirred up the hive. " "k_lab.ba_hesback01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback01" " " "k_lab.ba_hesback01_cc" "嘿、嘿 - 他回來了! 我要把他弄出來!" "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback01_cc" "Hey, hey, he's back! I'm getting him outta there!" "k_lab.ba_hesback02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback02" " " "k_lab.ba_ishehere" "怎麼樣,他到了沒?" "[english]k_lab.ba_ishehere" "Well, is he here? " "k_lab.ba_itsworking01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking01" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking01_cc" "你是說可以用了? 真的能用了嗎? 因為…我想到那隻貓還是會做惡夢..." "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking01_cc" "You mean it's working? For real this time? Because I still have nightmares about that cat." "k_lab.ba_itsworking02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking02" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking03" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking03" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking04" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking04" " " "k_lab.ba_juicedup" "至少也幫防護衣補充能源吧,高登。" "[english]k_lab.ba_juicedup" "At least get that suit juiced up, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_longer" "是啊,幸運的話愈久愈好。" "[english]k_lab.ba_longer" "Yeah, longer if we're lucky. " "k_lab.ba_myshift01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift01" " " "k_lab.ba_myshift01_cc" "我得回去值班了。 不過,好吧。" "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift01_cc" "I've gotta get back on my shift, but okay." "k_lab.ba_myshift02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift02" " " "k_lab.ba_notime" "博士,我們沒時間搞這個了。" "[english]k_lab.ba_notime" "Doc, we don't have time for this. " "k_lab.ba_notimetofool01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool01" " " "k_lab.ba_notimetofool01_cc" "快,高登,沒時間再鬧了,快穿上裝備。" "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool01_cc" "Come on, Gordon, we don't have time to fool around. Get your suit on." "k_lab.ba_notimetofool02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool02" " " "k_lab.ba_nottoosoon01" "時間還真剛好啊。" "[english]k_lab.ba_nottoosoon01" "And not a moment too soon. " "k_lab.ba_outcivvies" "博士,反正他也不需要了,你就幫他脫掉那身便服吧。" "[english]k_lab.ba_outcivvies" "Doc, since he's not taking the streets, you might as well get him out of his civvies. " "k_lab.ba_pissinmeoff" "我要生氣了,高登。" "[english]k_lab.ba_pissinmeoff" "You're pissin' me off, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_pushinit" "別太過份了,高登。" "[english]k_lab.ba_pushinit" "You're pushin' it Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_saidlasttime" "你上一次也是這麼說的。" "[english]k_lab.ba_saidlasttime" "That's what you said last time. " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic01" " " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic01_cc" "幹得好,高登。 你那開關開得好。 看得出來你的博士學位不是唬人的。" "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic01_cc" "Good job, Gordon. Throwing that switch and all? I can see your M.I.T. education really pays for itself. " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic02" " " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic03" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic03" " " "k_lab.ba_suitup" "穿防護衣了,高登。" "[english]k_lab.ba_suitup" "Time to suit up, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_thatpest" "我以為你把這討厭鬼處理掉了!" "[english]k_lab.ba_thatpest" "I thought you got rid of that pest! " "k_lab.ba_thereheis" "他在那裡!" "[english]k_lab.ba_thereheis" "There he is! " "k_lab.ba_thereyouare" "你到了啊!" "[english]k_lab.ba_thereyouare" "There you are! " "k_lab.ba_thingaway01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway01" " " "k_lab.ba_thingaway01_cc" "來吧來吧 - 啊!" "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway01_cc" "Here we go... Aaah!" "k_lab.ba_thingaway02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway02" " " "k_lab.ba_thingaway03" "把這鬼東西弄走!" "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway03" "Get that thing away from me! " "k_lab.ba_thisway" "往這邊,高登。" "[english]k_lab.ba_thisway" "This way, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_whatthehell" "搞什麼?" "[english]k_lab.ba_whatthehell" "What the hell? " "k_lab.ba_whoops" "哇!" "[english]k_lab.ba_whoops" "Whoops! " "k_lab.br_significant" "我看到的那個人 - 我幾乎可以確定那是…" "[english]k_lab.br_significant" "The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... " "k_lab.br_significant_cc" "唯一可能的阻礙就是那個人、我看見的那個 - 他又出現了!" "[english]k_lab.br_significant_cc" "The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... " "k_lab.br_tele_02" "這是怎麼回事?" "[english]k_lab.br_tele_02" "What's the meaning of this? " "k_lab.br_tele_03" "你又是誰?" "[english]k_lab.br_tele_03" "Who are you? " "k_lab.br_tele_05" "你是怎麼進來的?" "[english]k_lab.br_tele_05" "How did you get in here? " "k_lab.br_thereheis" "高登弗里曼!" "[english]k_lab.br_thereheis" "Gordon Freeman! " "k_lab.eli_allset" "我們這邊都好了。" "[english]k_lab.eli_allset" "We're all set on this end. " "k_lab.eli_areyouthere" "克萊納,你在嗎?" "[english]k_lab.eli_areyouthere" "Isaac, are you there? " "k_lab.eli_behindyou" "在你後面!" "[english]k_lab.eli_behindyou" "Behind you! " "k_lab.eli_bringthrough" "我們把高登帶回來吧。" "[english]k_lab.eli_bringthrough" "Let's go ahead and bring Gordon through now. " "k_lab.eli_didntcomethru" "他沒有過來!" "[english]k_lab.eli_didntcomethru" "He didn't come through. " "k_lab.eli_dontunder01" "怎麼會這樣?" "[english]k_lab.eli_dontunder01" "I don't understand. " "k_lab.eli_dontunder02" "沒有其他接收器" "[english]k_lab.eli_dontunder02" "There's no other receiver that could... " "k_lab.eli_holdsignal" "再等等,茱蒂絲!" "[english]k_lab.eli_holdsignal" "Hold the signal, Judith! " "k_lab.eli_notquite03" "這…怎麼了,茱蒂絲?" "[english]k_lab.eli_notquite03" "What's going on, Judith? " "k_lab.eli_notwhoithink" "呃…該不會是我想的那個人吧?" "[english]k_lab.eli_notwhoithink" "That's not who I think it is, is it? " "k_lab.eli_phenom02" "太棒了,克萊納。" "[english]k_lab.eli_phenom02" "Fantastic work, Izzy. " "k_lab.eli_seeforyourself" "你自己看。" "[english]k_lab.eli_seeforyourself" "See for yourself. " "k_lab.eli_shutdown" "關掉,關掉。" "[english]k_lab.eli_shutdown" "Shut it down, shut it down! " "k_lab.eli_stayput" "高登,你等著。 我們會把你弄出來的。" "[english]k_lab.eli_stayput" "Gordon, stay put. We'll get you out of there. " "k_lab.kl_ahhhh" "啊!" "[english]k_lab.kl_ahhhh" "Ah! " "k_lab.kl_almostforgot" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_almostforgot" " " "k_lab.kl_almostforgot_cc" "什麼? 唉,糟糕… 對對對,我差點忘了。 巴尼,這次就讓你來。" "[english]k_lab.kl_almostforgot_cc" "What? Oh dear, you're right, I almost forgot. Barney, I'll give you the honor." "k_lab.kl_barneyhonor" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_barneyhonor" " " "k_lab.kl_barneysturn" "好了,巴尼。 換你了。" "[english]k_lab.kl_barneysturn" "All right, Barney. Your turn. " "k_lab.kl_besokind" "呃、巴尼? 可以嗎?" "[english]k_lab.kl_besokind" "Barney? If you'd be so kind? " "k_lab.kl_blast" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_blast" " " "k_lab.kl_blast_cc" "該死!那可惡的… 她跑到哪兒去了? 拉瑪。 快出來!" "[english]k_lab.kl_blast_cc" "Blast that little...where did she get to? Lamarr? Come out of there!" "k_lab.kl_bonvoyage" "旅途愉快!也祝你未來一切順利。" "[english]k_lab.kl_bonvoyage" "Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors. " "k_lab.kl_cantcontinue" "你先進去傳送室我們才能繼續啊,高登。" "[english]k_lab.kl_cantcontinue" "We can't continue until you're in the teleport chamber, Gordon. " "k_lab.kl_cantwade" "你不能就這樣踩進力場 - 你會被撕裂的!" "[english]k_lab.kl_cantwade" "You can't just wade into the field, it will peel you apart! " "k_lab.kl_careful" "請小心點。" "[english]k_lab.kl_careful" "Oh, do be careful. " "k_lab.kl_charger01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger01" " " "k_lab.kl_charger01_cc" "有道理。 牆上有個補給站。 我改裝過你的防護衣,可以直接使用合成人的補給站 - 在他們巡邏的地方有很多。" "[english]k_lab.kl_charger01_cc" "Good idea. There's a charger on the wall. I've modified your suit to draw power from Combine energy outlets, which are plentiful wherever they patrol. " "k_lab.kl_charger02" "我改裝過你的防護衣,可以直接使用合成人的補給站 - 在他們巡邏的地方有很多。" "[english]k_lab.kl_charger02" "I've modified your suit to draw power from Combine energy outlets, which are plentiful wherever they patrol. " "k_lab.kl_coaxherout" "嘖!真煩… 我又得花上一星期哄她出來了。" "[english]k_lab.kl_coaxherout" "Oh, fie! It'll be another week before I can coax her out of there. " "k_lab.kl_comeout" "拉瑪。 快出來!" "[english]k_lab.kl_comeout" "Lamarr. Come out of there. " "k_lab.kl_credit" "啊,這不全是我的功勞。弗里曼博士是個很能幹的助理。" "[english]k_lab.kl_credit" "Well I can't take all the credit, Doctor Freeman proved an able assistant. " "k_lab.kl_dearme" "天啊。" "[english]k_lab.kl_dearme" "Dear me. " "k_lab.kl_debeaked" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_debeaked" " " "k_lab.kl_debeaked_cc" "當然不會。 不用怕,高登,她沒有爪子,也絕對不會傷害人。 她最多只會想跟你的頭…交配。 不會懷孕啦。" "[english]k_lab.kl_debeaked_cc" "Certainly not! Never fear, Gordon, she's de-beaked and completely harmless. The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly!" "k_lab.kl_delaydanger" "高登,你拖得愈久,我們所有的人就愈危險。" "[english]k_lab.kl_delaydanger" "Gordon, the longer you delay, the greater the danger to us all. " "k_lab.kl_diditwork" "怎麼樣?有用嗎?" "[english]k_lab.kl_diditwork" "Well, did it work? " "k_lab.kl_ensconced" "等你在傳送椅上坐好,我們就可以開始了。" "[english]k_lab.kl_ensconced" "Once you're safely ensconced in the transmitter, we can begin. " "k_lab.kl_excellent" "太好了。" "[english]k_lab.kl_excellent" "Excellent." "k_lab.kl_excellent_cc" "太好了。 準備啟動,三、二、一" "[english]k_lab.kl_excellent_cc" "Excellent. Initializing in three...two...one!" "k_lab.kl_fewmoments01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments01" " " "k_lab.kl_fewmoments01_cc" "好啦好啦! 等一下下再跟你說。" "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments01_cc" "Right you are! Speak to you again in a few moments." "k_lab.kl_fewmoments02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments02" " " "k_lab.kl_fiddlesticks" "喔,不會吧… 又怎麼了?" "[english]k_lab.kl_fiddlesticks" "Oh, fiddlesticks. What now? " "k_lab.kl_finalsequence" "很好。 最終階段。 準備…開始。" "[english]k_lab.kl_finalsequence" "Very good. Final sequence. Commencing...now. " "k_lab.kl_finalsequence02" "最終階段。" "[english]k_lab.kl_finalsequence02" "Final sequence. " "k_lab.kl_fitglove01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove01" " " "k_lab.kl_fitglove01_cc" "啊,高登,你的 HEV 防護衣還是很合身嘛。 至少手套的部份很合。" "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove01_cc" "Well, Gordon, I see your HEV suit still fits you like a glove. At least the glove parts do. " "k_lab.kl_fitglove02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove02" " " "k_lab.kl_fruitlessly" "她最多只會想跟你的頭…交配。 不會懷孕啦。" "[english]k_lab.kl_fruitlessly" "The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly. " "k_lab.kl_getinposition" "高登,你一準備好我們就送你去伊萊那裡。" "[english]k_lab.kl_getinposition" "Gordon, as soon as you're in position, we'll send you to Eli's. " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun01" " " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun01_cc" "高登! 趕快離開這裡! 快跑!" "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun01_cc" "Gordon! You must get out of here! Run!" "k_lab.kl_getoutrun02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun02" " " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun03" " " "k_lab.kl_gordongo" "高登,你繼續吧。" "[english]k_lab.kl_gordongo" "Gordon, go right ahead. " "k_lab.kl_gordonthrow" "高登,打開那個開關。" "[english]k_lab.kl_gordonthrow" "Throw your switch, Gordon. " "k_lab.kl_hedyno01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno01" " " "k_lab.kl_hedyno02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno02" " " "k_lab.kl_hedyno02_cc" "拉瑪! 黑弟! 不!" "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno02_cc" "Lamarr? Hedy! No!" "k_lab.kl_hedyno03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno03" " " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx01" " " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx01_cc" "喔,嗨,艾莉絲。 呃…我還好啦。 拉瑪又從籠子裡跑出來了。 要是我不知道,搞不好會以為是巴尼抓了…" "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx01_cc" "Oh, hello, Alyx! Well, almost all right. Lamarr has gotten out of her crate again. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect Barney of trapping and ... " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx02" " " "k_lab.kl_heremypet01" "來這裡,小寶貝。 跳上來。" "[english]k_lab.kl_heremypet01" "Here, my pet. Hop up." "k_lab.kl_heremypet02" "不是、不是那裡。" "[english]k_lab.kl_heremypet02" "No, not up there! " "k_lab.kl_hesnotthere" "你說他不在是什麼意思?" "[english]k_lab.kl_hesnotthere" "What do you mean he's not there? " "k_lab.kl_holdup01" "是,是,伊萊,這邊稍微有點小耽擱。" "[english]k_lab.kl_holdup01" "Yes, yes, Eli, bit of a holdup on this end. " "k_lab.kl_holdup02" "你絕對猜不到今天早上誰跑來我們這裡了。" "[english]k_lab.kl_holdup02" "You'll never guess who found his way into our lab this morning. " "k_lab.kl_initializing" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing" " " "k_lab.kl_initializing_cc" "啟動倒數三秒、兩秒、一…喔、不會吧! 又怎麼了?" "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing_cc" "Initializing in three...two...one... Oh, fiddlesticks! What now?" "k_lab.kl_initializing02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing02" " " "k_lab.kl_interference" "我這邊出現突如其來的干擾!" "[english]k_lab.kl_interference" "I'm encountering unexpected interference. " "k_lab.kl_islamarr" "拉瑪在他那裡嗎?" "[english]k_lab.kl_islamarr" "Is Lamarr with him? " "k_lab.kl_lamarr" "拉瑪! 原來你在這!" "[english]k_lab.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr! There you are! " "k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux" " " "k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux_cc" "我想想… 無質量力場通量應該會自我限制,我也把各種參數限制在…基數 CY、LG 軌形…內含希爾伯特。 簡直就是最佳狀態。" "[english]k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux_cc" "Let's see. The massless field-flux should self-limit and I've clamped the manifold parameters to CY base and LG orbifold, Hilbert inclusive. Conditions could hardly be more ideal!" "k_lab.kl_modifications01" "我做了些修改,不過我直接說主要的部分好了。 我看一下…" "[english]k_lab.kl_modifications01" "I've made a few modifications, but I'll just acquaint you with the essentials. Now, let's see... " "k_lab.kl_modifications02" "第五代危險環境防護衣 HEV 重新設計,改善了功能和舒適度。" "[english]k_lab.kl_modifications02" "The Mark V Hazardous Environment Suit has been redesigned for comfort and utility--- " "k_lab.kl_moduli02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_moduli02" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness01" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness02" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness02_cc" "我的天啊! 高登弗里曼,真的是你吧?" "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness02_cc" "My Goodness! Gordon Freeman! It really is you, isn't it?" "k_lab.kl_mygoodness03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness03" " " "k_lab.kl_nocareful" "不、不可以! 小心點,拉瑪! 那些是易碎物!" "[english]k_lab.kl_nocareful" "No, no! Careful, Lamarr! Those are quite fragile! " "k_lab.kl_nonsense" "胡說。 你的才能遠超過你的美貌。" "[english]k_lab.kl_nonsense" "Nonsense. Your talents surpass your loveliness. " "k_lab.kl_nownow01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow01" " " "k_lab.kl_nownow01_cc" "啊!拜託,用不著緊張。 在那之後我們有不少重大突破。 重大的突破。" "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow01_cc" "Now, now, there's nothing to be nervous about. We've made major strides since then. Major strides." "k_lab.kl_nownow02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow02" " " "k_lab.kl_ohdear" "唉糟糕…" "[english]k_lab.kl_ohdear" "Oh, dear! " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime01" " " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime01_cc" "我說啊,高登,你來的真是時候。 艾莉絲剛剛才裝好傳送門的最後一個部份。" "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime01_cc" "I must say, Gordon, you come at a very opportune time. Alyx has just installed the final piece for our resurrected teleport. " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime02" " " "k_lab.kl_packing01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_packing01" " " "k_lab.kl_packing01_cc" "正是如此。 而且我們也想讓他馬上打包,帶著你美麗的女兒一起上路。" "[english]k_lab.kl_packing01_cc" "Indeed it is. And it's our intention to send him packing straightaway, in the company of your lovely daughter." "k_lab.kl_packing02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_packing02" " " "k_lab.kl_plugusin" "喔,糟糕!你說的沒錯。 高登,不介意幫我們插上插頭吧?" "[english]k_lab.kl_plugusin" "Dear me, you're right. Gordon, would you mind plugging us in? " "k_lab.kl_projectyou" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_projectyou" " " "k_lab.kl_projectyou_cc" "沒錯。 我們準備好傳送了,高登。 旅途愉快!也祝你未來一切順利。" "[english]k_lab.kl_projectyou_cc" "Yes, indeed. We're ready to project you, Gordon. Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors!" "k_lab.kl_redletterday01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday01" " " "k_lab.kl_redletterday01_cc" "沒錯,巴尼。 今天是重要的日子。 我們要用雙重傳送慶祝啟用典禮!" "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday01_cc" "That's right, Barney. This is a red letter day. We'll inaugurate the new teleport with a double transmission! " "k_lab.kl_redletterday02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday02" " " "k_lab.kl_relieved" "喔,謝天謝地。 真是放下我心中的一塊大石頭。" "[english]k_lab.kl_relieved" "Oh, thank goodness. My relief is almost palpable. " "k_lab.kl_slipin01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin01" " " "k_lab.kl_slipin01_cc" "那麼,高登來吧。 穿上防護衣吧。" "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin01_cc" "Well, Gordon, go ahead. Slip into your suit now." "k_lab.kl_slipin02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin02" " " "k_lab.kl_suitfits01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits01" " " "k_lab.kl_suitfits01_cc" "高登,可以的話,讓我看看你的舊防護衣合不合身。" "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits01_cc" "Gordon, if you please? I'm eager to see if your old suit still fits." "k_lab.kl_suitfits02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits02" " " "k_lab.kl_thenwhere" "那...他到底在哪裡啊?" "[english]k_lab.kl_thenwhere" "Then, where is he? " "k_lab.kl_waitmyword" "高登,你就在那個控制臺就定位好了,等我說開始就開始。" "[english]k_lab.kl_waitmyword" "Gordon, why don't you position yourself near the panel over there and wait for my word? " "k_lab.kl_weowe" "我們應該要感激弗里曼博士; 雖然麻煩老是跟著他而來。" "[english]k_lab.kl_weowe" "We owe a great deal to Dr. Freeman, even if trouble does tend to follow in his wake. " "k_lab.kl_whatisit" "什麼事?" "[english]k_lab.kl_whatisit" "What is it? " "k_lab.kl_wishiknew" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_wishiknew" " " "k_lab.kl_wishiknew_cc" "真希望我能預知會有不明的干擾。" "[english]k_lab.kl_wishiknew_cc" "I wish I knew. I'm encountering unexpected interference!" "k_lab.kl_yourturn" "輪到你了,高登。" "[english]k_lab.kl_yourturn" "It's your turn, Gordon " "k_lab.mo_drawing" "有股力量把他吸走了!" "[english]k_lab.mo_drawing" "Something is drawing him away. " "k_lab.mo_interfer" "我不確定,看起來像受到了某種干擾。" "[english]k_lab.mo_interfer" "I'm not sure, it seems to be some kind of interference. " "k_lab.mo_losinghim" "啊,他又要不見了!" "[english]k_lab.mo_losinghim" "Ah, we're losing him again! " "k_lab2.al_andmyfather" "可是我爸怎麼辦呢?" "[english]k_lab2.al_andmyfather" "But what about my father? " "k_lab2.al_anotherpet" "我們再幫你找一隻食腦蟲不就好了? 反正隨便抓都有。" "[english]k_lab2.al_anotherpet" "We'll find you another pet headcrab! There are plenty to go around! " "k_lab2.al_aweek" "一星期…" "[english]k_lab2.al_aweek" "A week... " "k_lab2.al_aweek_b" "這中間發生了什麼?" "[english]k_lab2.al_aweek_b" "Then what have we missed? " "k_lab2.al_catchup" "高登,照他說的吧。" "[english]k_lab2.al_catchup" "Okay, Gordon, you heard him. " "k_lab2.al_catchup_b" "我把克萊納博士安頓好了以後, 就去找你。" "[english]k_lab2.al_catchup_b" "I'll catch up with you as soon as I've got Dr. Kleiner settled. " "k_lab2.al_doggowithgordon" "狗狗,跟高登去。" "[english]k_lab2.al_doggowithgordon" "Dog, go with Gordon. " "k_lab2.al_dogyoumadeit" "狗狗! 你成功了!" "[english]k_lab2.al_dogyoumadeit" "Dog! You made it! " "k_lab2.al_exploded" "我還怕我們再也出不來了呢。" "[english]k_lab2.al_exploded" "I was afraid we might not make it either. " "k_lab2.al_exploded_b" "傳送門正好在我們出來的時後爆炸了。" "[english]k_lab2.al_exploded_b" "I think the teleport exploded just as we were porting out. " "k_lab2.al_getmyfather" "我們一定要把我爸爸救出來。" "[english]k_lab2.al_getmyfather" "We've got to get my father out. " "k_lab2.al_goodboy" "乖狗狗!" "[english]k_lab2.al_goodboy" "Good boy! " "k_lab2.al_gordontakecare" "高登…" "[english]k_lab2.al_gordontakecare" "Gordon... " "k_lab2.al_gordontakecare_b" "好好照顧你自己。" "[english]k_lab2.al_gordontakecare_b" "Take care of yourself out there. " "k_lab2.al_headyourway" "高登和狗狗會先過去你。 我帶克萊納博士去安全的地方,再跟你們會合" "[english]k_lab2.al_headyourway" "Gordon and Dog can head your way. I want to get Dr. Kleiner somewhere safer, then I'll meet up with you. " "k_lab2.al_illtakecareofthis" "走吧,高登,這裡我來就行了。" "[english]k_lab2.al_illtakecareofthis" "Go on, Gordon, I'll take care of this. " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag01" "你最好快點。" "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag01" "You better hurry. " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag02" "高登,你去吧。" "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag02" "Go on, Gordon! " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag03" "去吧。 去找巴尼。" "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag03" "Go on. Find Barney! " "k_lab2.al_notime" "喔不…" "[english]k_lab2.al_notime" "Oh no... " "k_lab2.al_notime_b" "克萊納博士,我們真的沒有時間了。" "[english]k_lab2.al_notime_b" "Dr. Kleiner, there's really no time. " "k_lab2.al_optimism" "博士,我真希望能跟你一樣樂觀..." "[english]k_lab2.al_optimism" "I wish I shared your optimism, Doctor... " "k_lab2.al_wemadeit" "天啊…我們成功了。" "[english]k_lab2.al_wemadeit" "My God... we made it. " "k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean" "什麼意思?" "[english]k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean" "What do you mean? " "k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean_b" "我剛剛還跟高登在一起啊。" "[english]k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean_b" "Gordon and I were just there a minute ago. " "k_lab2.al_whatswrong" "怎麼了?" "[english]k_lab2.al_whatswrong" "What's wrong? " "k_lab2.al_wheresdoc01" "不過克萊納博士去哪了?" "[english]k_lab2.al_wheresdoc01" "But where's Dr. Kleiner? " "k_lab2.al_wheresdoc02" "克萊納 博士! 放我們出去!" "[english]k_lab2.al_wheresdoc02" "Dr. Kleiner! Let us out! " "k_lab2.ba_getgoing" "去吧,快去!" "[english]k_lab2.ba_getgoing" "Go on, get going! " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews" "是喔,真是太好了!" "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews" "Man, that's good news! " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_b" "我還以為你們都陣亡了!" "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_b" "I almost gave you guys up for lost!" "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_c" "我會盡全力尋求支援。" "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_c" "I'll take all the help I can get. " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_d" "我們計劃設立一個攻擊城塔用的前哨站。" "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_d" "We're planning to set up a staging area for attacking the citadel. " "k_lab2.ba_heydoc01" "喂,博士? 你還在嗎?" "[english]k_lab2.ba_heydoc01" "Hey, Doc? Are you there? " "k_lab2.ba_heydoc02" "博士,請回答,你在嗎?" "[english]k_lab2.ba_heydoc02" "Doc, come in, are you there? " "k_lab2.ba_incoming" "噢,糟了……砲擊!" "[english]k_lab2.ba_incoming" "Oh crap! Incoming! " "k_lab2.kl_aroundhere" "別急、別急,她就在這附近。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_aroundhere" "Now, now, she's around here someplace. " "k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01" "啊,那可就麻煩了。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01" "Well, that is most troubling." "k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01_b" "根據弗地崗人的情報,他目前被關在城塔裡。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01_b" "According to the vortigaunts, he is a prisoner at the Citadel. " "k_lab2.kl_aweekago01" "的確是有…而且有相當廣泛的影響。但那是一個多禮拜前的事了!" "[english]k_lab2.kl_aweekago01" "Indeed it did... and the repercussions were felt far and wide, but... That was over a week ago! " "k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck01" "可多了,親愛的。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck01" "A great deal, my dear. " "k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck02" "妳在諾瓦廣場展開的攻擊,被視為反抗起義開始的暗號。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck02" "The blow you struck at Nova Prospekt was taken as a signal to begin the uprising. " "k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr" "等一下下。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr" "Just a minute. " "k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr_b" "我得帶拉瑪一起走才行。 她跑到哪兒去了?" "[english]k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr_b" "I can't leave without Lamarr. Now where did she get to? " "k_lab2.kl_comeoutlamarr" "出來!拉瑪!" "[english]k_lab2.kl_comeoutlamarr" "Come out, Lamarr! " "k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope02" "巴尼一直在暗中朝著那個目標努力。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope02" "Barney has been leading a push with that very aim in mind. " "k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope03" "還有幾天前你的一個朋友也來了。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope03" "And another of your friends arrived several days ago. " "k_lab2.kl_givenuphope" "喔,好孩子,我還以為以後我再也見不到妳了。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_givenuphope" "My dear, I had given up hope of ever seeing you again. " "k_lab2.kl_greatscott" "我的老天爺啊!" "[english]k_lab2.kl_greatscott" "Great Scott! " "k_lab2.kl_howandwhen01" "艾莉絲? 高登?" "[english]k_lab2.kl_howandwhen01" "Alyx? Gordon? " "k_lab2.kl_howandwhen02" "我的天…你們怎麼來的? 什麼時候來的?" "[english]k_lab2.kl_howandwhen02" "My god... how did you get here? And when? " "k_lab2.kl_lamarr" "拉瑪? 拉瑪!" "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr? Lamarr! " "k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary01" "好的,高登,去吧,你去吧。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary01" "Yes, Gordon, please do go on. " "k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary02" "拉瑪牠一直非常在意你的鐵撬。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary02" "Lamarr is extremely wary of your crowbar. " "k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone" "對,巴尼,而且我不再孤軍奮鬥了。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone" "Yes, Barney, and I'm no longer alone." "k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone_b" "艾莉絲和高登剛剛才到。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone_b" "Alyx and Gordon have just arrived. " "k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless" "你看,知道了吧?" "[english]k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless" "So there, you see?" "k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless_b" "並非完全沒希望。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless_b" "It's not all hopeless. " "k_lab2.kl_onehedy" "黑弟是無法取代的。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_onehedy" "There's only one Hedy. " "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01" "真是有趣。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01" "Fascinating." "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01_b" "我們好像做了一個很慢的傳送門。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01_b" "We seem to have developed a very slow teleport. " "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport02" "這代表了另一種嶄新的研究方向。" "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport02" "This suggests an entirely new line of investigation. " "nexus.ba_alldown" "好了, 都解決了!" "[english]nexus.ba_alldown" "That's it! They're all down. " "nexus.ba_armory" "嘿 - 是火藥庫。" "[english]nexus.ba_armory" "Hey, it's an armory. " "nexus.ba_bypass" "現在我們可以通過廣場,繞過據點,然後直接往城塔進攻了。" "[english]nexus.ba_bypass" "Now we can cut through the square, bypass the Nexus and push straight on toward the Citadel. " "nexus.ba_comingdown" "他們要來了。" "[english]nexus.ba_comingdown" "They're coming down. " "nexus.ba_comingfromroof" "他們會從屋頂下來。" "[english]nexus.ba_comingfromroof" "They'll be coming from the roof. " "nexus.ba_dayswork" "家常便飯,是吧?" "[english]nexus.ba_dayswork" "All in a day's work, right? " "nexus.ba_done" "搞定。" "[english]nexus.ba_done" "Done. " "nexus.ba_dontbeseen" "別讓它看見你!" "[english]nexus.ba_dontbeseen" "Don't let it see you! " "nexus.ba_dontstandstill" "不要站著不動,會被逮到啊!" "[english]nexus.ba_dontstandstill" "Don't let it catch you standing still! " "nexus.ba_drawpowerfrominside" "它是從建築物吸取能源,所以我們必須想辦法進去。" "[english]nexus.ba_drawpowerfrominside" "It draws power from inside the building so that's where we've got to go. " "nexus.ba_exitsigns" "找一下出口標幟。" "[english]nexus.ba_exitsigns" "Look for the exit signs. " "nexus.ba_firstgetin" "首先,我們必須進入據點。" "[english]nexus.ba_firstgetin" "First, we gotta get into the Nexus building. " "nexus.ba_followme01" "往這邊,高登。" "[english]nexus.ba_followme01" "This way, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_followme02" "來呀!" "[english]nexus.ba_followme02" "Come on! " "nexus.ba_followme03" "快點,高登。" "[english]nexus.ba_followme03" "Come on, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_followme05" "跟我來。" "[english]nexus.ba_followme05" "Follow me. " "nexus.ba_gateintro" "那就是我之前說的大門。 我們把它弄開之後再回來這裡。 希望我們有辦法開門。" "[english]nexus.ba_gateintro" "There's that gate I was telling you about. We'll have to come back here after we get it open. If we get it open. " "nexus.ba_getthisopen" "高登,把這打開。" "[english]nexus.ba_getthisopen" "Get this thing open, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_goodjob" "幹得好,高登。" "[english]nexus.ba_goodjob" "Good job, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_goonnow" "去吧。" "[english]nexus.ba_goonnow" "Go on now. " "nexus.ba_gottagetskybopen" "我們得把天橋打開。" "[english]nexus.ba_gottagetskybopen" "We've gotta get the skybridge open. " "nexus.ba_greatwork" "幹得好啊,博士,寶刀未老喔。" "[english]nexus.ba_greatwork" "Great work, Doc, you've still got the touch. " "nexus.ba_headforroof" "高登,我們上屋頂吧。" "[english]nexus.ba_headforroof" "Let's head for the roof now, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_ifcitscomethru" "如果還有市民過來,我會叫他們上去找你。" "[english]nexus.ba_ifcitscomethru" "If any more citizens come through I'll send them up to find you. " "nexus.ba_illopenthis" "太好了 - 我來開這個。" "[english]nexus.ba_illopenthis" "Great, I'll open this up. " "nexus.ba_keepgate" "我待在這裡設法讓門開久一點,才會有點效果。" "[english]nexus.ba_keepgate" "I'm gonna stay here and keep these gates open long enough to make a difference. " "nexus.ba_lasers_goforit" "哇!保全這麼森嚴,裡面一定有好東西。 博士, 我在這裡等你關掉那些東西。 小心了。" "[english]nexus.ba_lasers_goforit" "Wow. With that much security, there must be something good in there. Go for it, Doc. I'll wait here till you shut it down. Be careful. " "nexus.ba_lastone" "還剩一個發動機。" "[english]nexus.ba_lastone" "One generator to go. " "nexus.ba_letthemout" "放他們出來!" "[english]nexus.ba_letthemout" "Let them out! " "nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb01" "很好。 現在把天橋接起來。" "[english]nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb01" "Good. Now, get the skybridge connected. " "nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb02" "高登,立刻去啟動天橋。" "[english]nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb02" "Gordon, extend the skybridge. " "nexus.ba_nexusahead" "前面有棟古老的建築物;好像是銀行還是博物館之類的…不過那不重要,現在那裡是 17 號城監管隊的據點了。 這就是城內所有問題的來源。建築物的屋頂上裝了個超大的壓制裝置,它的威力大的誇張。" "[english]nexus.ba_nexusahead" "There's an old building up ahead, a bank or museum or something like that. Whatever the hell it used to be, now it's a nexus for Overwatch in City Seventeen. It's the main source of pain for this part of town, thanks to a huge suppression device that's raining down hell from the roof of the place. " "nexus.ba_ontheroof" "他們在屋頂上!" "[english]nexus.ba_ontheroof" "They're on the roof! " "nexus.ba_ourgate" "大門就在前面。 讓我先開門。" "[english]nexus.ba_ourgate" "There's our gate. Let me just get it open. " "nexus.ba_ownsroof" "可惡,監管隊守住屋頂了 - 那是我們的目的地。" "[english]nexus.ba_ownsroof" "Oh man. Overwatch owns the roof, and that's where we're headed. " "nexus.ba_prisoners" "囚犯! 高登,放他們出來 - 他們說不定幫得上忙。" "[english]nexus.ba_prisoners" "Prisoners! Let 'em out, Gordon. We could use their help. " "nexus.ba_rollgrenade" "有手榴彈的話就丟一個進去。 那樣應該可以了。" "[english]nexus.ba_rollgrenade" "Roll a grenade in there if you've got one. That oughtta do it. " "nexus.ba_roofaccess" "往屋頂要走這邊。" "[english]nexus.ba_roofaccess" "Roof access is this way. " "nexus.ba_seeyou" "高登,後會有期。" "[english]nexus.ba_seeyou" "See you when I see you, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_seeyouonground" "幹得好啊,高登。 我們在地面上見了。" "[english]nexus.ba_seeyouonground" "Good job, Gordon. I'll see you on the ground. " "nexus.ba_settraps" "高登,設幾個陷阱吧。" "[english]nexus.ba_settraps" "Set some traps for them, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_shieldgen" "你看那些防護罩發動機。 那些工具我沒有一個用的上。 我們需要的是在安全距離下還有作用的東西。" "[english]nexus.ba_shieldgen" "Check out those shield generators. I've got nothing to deal with those. What we need here is some kind of action at a distance. " "nexus.ba_shieldlobby" "如果要通過防護罩的話,就得把發動機一個個關掉。" "[english]nexus.ba_shieldlobby" "If we want to get through these shields, we'll have to take out the generators one at a time. " "nexus.ba_skybreinf" "去吧,快去把天橋接上。 我們必須要讓援兵能從四面八方進得來才行。" "[english]nexus.ba_skybreinf" "Go on up and connect the skybridge. We need to let reinforcements come through from every possible direction. " "nexus.ba_spotted" "還是不夠隱密 - 我們被發現了!" "[english]nexus.ba_spotted" "So much for stealth. We've been spotted! " "nexus.ba_stockup" "多帶點吧!" "[english]nexus.ba_stockup" "Stock up! " "nexus.ba_supp_nothurt" "高登,你在下面無法損害那玩意。 必須從裡面把它關掉才行。" "[english]nexus.ba_supp_nothurt" "You're not gonna hurt that thing from down here, Gordon. We'll have to shut it down from inside. " "nexus.ba_supp_spotted" "它發現我們了!" "[english]nexus.ba_supp_spotted" "It spotted us! " "nexus.ba_suppdownroofnow" "壓制裝置已經關閉,你可以上屋頂了。" "[english]nexus.ba_suppdownroofnow" "The suppressor's down, so you can get to the roof now. " "nexus.ba_suppressordown" "那樣屋頂的壓制裝置也會被關掉。" "[english]nexus.ba_suppressordown" "That'll shut down the suppressor on the roof as well. " "nexus.ba_surrounded" "我們被包圍了!" "[english]nexus.ba_surrounded" "We're surrounded! " "nexus.ba_thenletsgo" "那就走吧!" "[english]nexus.ba_thenletsgo" "Then let's go! " "nexus.ba_threegen" "總共有三個發動機要關 - 就從這一個開始吧。" "[english]nexus.ba_threegen" "We've got three generators to disable. Might as well start with this one. " "nexus.ba_totheroof" "高登,上屋頂!" "[english]nexus.ba_totheroof" "To the roof, Gordon! " "nexus.ba_turretsyoudeal" "喔哦。 機槍塔。 喂!你有防護衣,交給你負責了。 控制台就交給我來操作。" "[english]nexus.ba_turretsyoudeal" "Uh-oh. Turrets. You've got the HEV suit, you deal with them. Then I'll work the security console. " "nexus.ba_twotogo" "好,剩兩個發動機了。" "[english]nexus.ba_twotogo" "Okay, two more generators to go. " "nexus.ba_uhohcompany" "喔哦 - 有敵人。" "[english]nexus.ba_uhohcompany" "Uh oh. Company. " "nexus.ba_uhohdropships" "喔哦 - 運兵船!" "[english]nexus.ba_uhohdropships" "Uh oh. Dropships! " "nexus.ba_usehoppers" "試試看用地雷對付他們。" "[english]nexus.ba_usehoppers" "Try using the hoppers against 'em. " "nexus.ba_vista01" "就在那了。 監管隊的據點。 看來他們要大規模動員了。 從這裡可以稍微看到大門 - 到了一樓我再指給你看。" "[english]nexus.ba_vista01" "There it is. The Overwatch Nexus. Looks like they're mobilizing, big-time. You can sort of see the gate from here. I'll show you when we get to streetlevel. " "nexus.ba_vista02" "要進去那棟建築物才能開門。 不過壓制裝置還是會 - 呃 - 壓制任何通過的人;除非我們把它關掉。" "[english]nexus.ba_vista02" "We'll have to get in that building to open the gate. Even then, the suppression device will suppress anyone coming through unless we shut it down. " "nexus.ba_wisheli" "真希望伊萊在這裡 - 搞不好他會有辨法。" "[english]nexus.ba_wisheli" "I wish Eli were here. Maybe he'd have some advice for us. " "nexus.ba_yougotgravgun" "嘿 - 你帶著伊萊的重力槍! 射一下那個防護罩看看,說不定這樣可以稍微擾亂他們。" "[english]nexus.ba_yougotgravgun" "Hey, you've got Eli's gravity gun! Try giving those shields a jolt and see if you can shake em up a bit. " "nexus.cit_rockets" "弗里曼博士! 你關掉壓制器開門之後,我們就可以大舉進攻了! 合成人一定會手忙腳亂的! 我們穿過廣場時掉了一箱火箭。 如果你有辨法到那裡,應該有足夠的裝備解決那些長腳蜘蛛。" "[english]nexus.cit_rockets" "Dr. Freeman! Since you shut off the suppressor and opened the gate, we can really move people through now! The Combine's gonna feel the squeeze! We dropped a crate of rockets, coming across the plaza. If you can make it there, you should have everything you need to take down these striders. " "novaprospekt.al_almostthere" "就快到了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_almostthere" "Almost there. " "novaprospekt.al_backdown" "那是什麼? 等等, 要把這帶下來。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_backdown" "What's that? Hold on. Gotta bring this back down. " "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid01" "我想也是。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid01" "I'll bet you did. " "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid02" "你看,高登。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid02" "Look at it, Gordon." "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid03" "簡直就像在等我們一樣。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid03" "It looks like it's waiting for us. " "novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor01" "嚇…" "[english]novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor01" "Huh... " "novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor02" "退後!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor02" "Get back! " "novaprospekt.al_bringhimin" "好了,我想我可以把他弄進來。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_bringhimin" "All right, I think I can bring him in. " "novaprospekt.al_careofyourself" "好好照顧你自己。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_careofyourself" "Hey, take care of yourself. " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy01" "不!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy01" "No! " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy02" " " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy03" "太扯了,我真不敢相信!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy03" "Damn her, I don't believe this! " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy04" "高登,走吧 - 這下我們真的得快點了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy04" "Come on, Gordon, now we've really gotta hurry. " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy05" "你先走。 我先擾亂下一層的保全,隨後就跟上。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy05" "Go on ahead. I'll disrupt the next level of security, and catch up with you when I can. " "novaprospekt.al_comebackdad" "回來啊! 爸!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_comebackdad" "Get back here! Dad! " "novaprospekt.al_comeon" "快點。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_comeon" "Come on. " "novaprospekt.al_comeonin02" "進來吧,高登。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_comeonin02" "Come on in, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_covermegordon" "高登,掩護我! 我得重設傳送門。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_covermegordon" "Cover me, Gordon! I've gotta reset the portal. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_arrival" "馬上就到,高登。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_arrival" "Be there in a second, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_entry" "你前面是另一個控制室。 看來裡面還有人。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_entry" "You're coming up to another control room. Looks like it's still occupied. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_fields" "我猜是有一堆士兵往你那邊去了" "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_fields" "My guess is there's a bunch more soldiers heading your way. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming" "從這裡我沒辨法關閉那些力場 - 我得先到你那邊才行。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming" "I can't shut down those fields from here, I'm going to have to catch up with you to get access to them. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming_2" "我看到很多士兵!守住那裡,我馬上就來。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming_2" "I'm picking up a lot of incoming soldiers, hold the fort til I get there. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_search" "快,搜一下房間。 裡面應該有些合成人的機槍塔。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_search" "Quick, search the room. There should be some Combine turrets nearby. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_turrets" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_turrets" " " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_wave2" "還有士兵會來 - 記得架好機槍塔幫你守住。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_wave2" "More soldiers are coming. Make sure to keep those turrets up to help defend. " "novaprospekt.al_dadallright" "爸,你還好嗎?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_dadallright" "Dad, are you all right? " "novaprospekt.al_daddownhere01" "爸 - 下來這裡!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_daddownhere01" "Dad! Down here! " "novaprospekt.al_daddownhere02" "抱歉耽擱了這麼久 - 你沒有怎麼樣吧?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_daddownhere02" "Sorry we took so long. I hope that wasn't too bad for you. " "novaprospekt.al_dadswork" "妳偷了我爸的心血。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_dadswork" "That's my father's work you stole. " "novaprospekt.al_docstop" "克萊納博士 - 你得阻止他們!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_docstop" "Dr. Kleiner, you have to stop them! " "novaprospekt.al_drk01" "克萊納博士!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_drk01" "Dr. Kleiner! " "novaprospekt.al_drk02" "我們在諾瓦廣場,要第一次使用 Xen 模擬器, 你準備好了嗎?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_drk02" "We're in Nova Prospekt, and we're running the Xen emulation for the first time. Are you ready for us? " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01" "我跟克萊納博士聯絡過了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01" "I talked to Dr. Kleiner " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_b" "他的傳送門快修好了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_b" "His portal was almost working again. " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_c" "如果他修好了,我們會被送到他那裡。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_c" "If he's managed to repair it we'll end up there. " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_d" "如果他沒修好,那…" "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_d" "If he hasn't, well... " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_e" "反正不能更慘了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_e" "we couldn't be any worse off. " "novaprospekt.al_elevator01" "準備好了嗎?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator01" "You ready for this? " "novaprospekt.al_elevator02" "你真是沈默寡言啊。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator02" "Man of few words, aren't you? " "novaprospekt.al_elevator03" "準備了…" "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator03" "Get ready... " "novaprospekt.al_enoughbs01" "我受夠妳的屁話了!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_enoughbs01" "Enough of your bullshit! " "novaprospekt.al_enoughbs02" "聽著,高登,我爸在那裡。 我要把他弄過來。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_enoughbs02" "Look, Gordon, there's my dad. I'm going to bring him in. " "novaprospekt.al_findmossman01" "我們先找莫斯曼吧。 看來這間控制室有更高的權限。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmossman01" "Let's see if we can find Mossman. It looks like this station might give me better access. " "novaprospekt.al_findmossman03" "她在那裡。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmossman03" "There she is. " "novaprospekt.al_findmyfather" "再來,去找我爸爸。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmyfather" "Now, to find my father. " "novaprospekt.al_flyingblind" "我現在簡直就是瞎子摸象。 偶爾有弗地崗人被抓的話,就會傳一些資訊回來,但是我們一直沒有這地方完整的資料。 我們知道的也全是壞消息。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_flyingblind" "I'm afraid I'm flying blind here. Every now and then a vortigaunt gets captured and sends back information, but we don't have a complete picture of the place. The little we do know is all bad. " "novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag01" "你最好快點。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag01" "You better hurry. " "novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag02" "高登,你去吧。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag02" "Go on, Gordon! " "novaprospekt.al_getopen" "好,讓我看看能不能打開這個" "[english]novaprospekt.al_getopen" "All right, let me see if I can get this open " "novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyou" "呵,看到你我真高興。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyou" "Boy am I glad to see you. " "novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyoureok" "你沒事真好。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyoureok" "Glad to see you're okay. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru01" "好了,高登,出去吧。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru01" "All right, Gordon, go on through. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru02" "我要回保全控制室,設法連上你的防護衣無線電。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru02" "I'm going to head back to the security station and try to patch into your suit radio. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru03" "等我的消息。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru03" "Wait till you hear from me. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru04" "走吧,快進去。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru04" "Go on, get in there. " "novaprospekt.al_gordon01" "高登!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_gordon01" "Gordon! " "novaprospekt.al_gordongetin" "快,高登,快進來!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_gordongetin" "Come on, Gordon, get in! " "novaprospekt.al_gotyounow01" "哈! 抓到妳了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_gotyounow01" "Ha! Got you now. " "novaprospekt.al_gotyounow02" "走吧,高登。 別讓她等太久了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_gotyounow02" "Well, come on Gordon. We don't want to keep her waiting. " "novaprospekt.al_hacksecurity01" "我可以用這個進入他們的保全系統。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_hacksecurity01" "This'll get me into their security system. " "novaprospekt.al_halfway" "大概進行一半了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_halfway" "Looks like it's about halfway there. " "novaprospekt.al_hereweare" "好! 在這裡!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_hereweare" "All right. Over here. " "novaprospekt.al_holdit" "等一下。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_holdit" "Hold it there. " "novaprospekt.al_holdon" "抓穩了!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_holdon" "Hold on! " "novaprospekt.al_horrible01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible01" " " "novaprospekt.al_horrible01_cc" "我的天啊。 而妳一直跟這玩意合作? 多久了?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible01_cc" "Oh my God. And you've been working with this thing? For how long?" "novaprospekt.al_horrible02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible02" " " "novaprospekt.al_hurrymossman" "快點,莫斯曼!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_hurrymossman" "Hurry up, Mossman! " "novaprospekt.al_icanreprogram" "我可以重設機槍塔的程式攻擊敵人。 去架起來防守控制室。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_icanreprogram" "I can reprogram these turrets to attack the enemy. You set them up to defend the control room. " "novaprospekt.al_illtakecare" "交給我吧。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_illtakecare" "I'll take care of that. " "novaprospekt.al_illtalk" "她來了,我來跟她說就好。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_illtalk" "There she is. Leave the talking to me Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_inhere01" "他應該在裡面…我先打開這個。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_inhere01" "He should be in here. Let me just get this open. " "novaprospekt.al_itsdone" "謝天謝地 - 成功了。 我們快離開這裡吧!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_itsdone" "Thank god, it's done. Let's get the hell outta here. " "novaprospekt.al_justseconds" "再給我幾秒就好…" "[english]novaprospekt.al_justseconds" "Just a couple more seconds... " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup01" "記得架好機槍塔。 你一定要撐到我去那裡才行。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup01" "Keep your turrets set up. You've got to hold on til I get there. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02" "記得架好機槍塔。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02" "Keep those turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02r" "記得架好機槍塔。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02r" "Keep those turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03" "看好你的機槍塔。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03" "Watch your turrets. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03r" "看好你的機槍塔。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03r" "Watch your turrets. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04" "高登,別忘了機槍塔。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04" "Remember the turrets, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04r" "高登,別忘了機槍塔。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04r" "Remember the turrets, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_keepturrets" "高登 - 繼續架設機槍塔。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepturrets" "Gordon, keep the turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_leapfrog01" "嘿,接通了。 我想辦法幫你開條路。 別忘了找一下莫斯曼。 我儘量帶我爸走遠一點,然後再跟你會合。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_leapfrog01" "Hey, it worked. Let's see what I can do to clear the way for you. Keep an eye out for Mossman. I'll get my dad through the prison as far as I can, then I'll catch up with you. " "novaprospekt.al_letsgetgoing" "我們走吧。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_letsgetgoing" "Let's get going. " "novaprospekt.al_letsgetout01" "我們走吧。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_letsgetout01" "Let's get out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_lookmonitor" "喔哦 - 你看螢幕。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_lookmonitor" "Uh oh. Look at the monitor. " "novaprospekt.al_mayneedher" "我們可能需要她幫我們逃脫。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_mayneedher" "We may need her to get out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_meethim" "他過來了。 我們去找他。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_meethim" "He's on the way. Let's go meet him. " "novaprospekt.al_meetmethere01" "高登! 在那邊等我!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_meetmethere01" "Gordon! Meet me over there! " "novaprospekt.al_meetyouthere01" "爸,又不是不會再見 - 到那邊再見了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_meetyouthere01" "I'm not saying goodbye, Dad. We'll meet you there. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers01" "又有士兵了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers01" "More soldiers. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers02" "高登,又有士兵來了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers02" "More soldiers are coming, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers03" "又一波,準備好了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers03" "Get ready for another wave. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers04" "我們一定碰上他們的大本營了 - 到處都是士兵。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers04" "We must have hit a motherlode of soldiers. They're coming in from everywhere. " "novaprospekt.al_mutter" "好,讓我想一下…思考!艾莉絲!思考!…呃" "[english]novaprospekt.al_mutter" "All right, let me think. Think, Alyx, think!" "novaprospekt.al_no01" "不!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_no01" "No! " "novaprospekt.al_nostop" "不、停下來! 你在幹什麼?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_nostop" "No, stop! What are you doing? " "novaprospekt.al_notexactly" "並不完全是。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_notexactly" "Not exactly. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavinghere01" "你不走我們也不走。 不要再說了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavinghere01" "We're not leaving here without you. That's final. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01" "我想我可以重設合成人的傳送門讓我們脫身。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01" "I think I can recalibrate the Combine portal to get us out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01_a" "我應該可以重新設定合成人的傳送門,讓我們逃出去。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01_a" "No, we're not leaving you. " "novaprospekt.al_ohmygod" "我的天啊。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_ohmygod" "Oh my god. " "novaprospekt.al_onepiece" "真高興你能平安抵達。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_onepiece" "I'm glad you made it here in one piece. " "novaprospekt.al_overhere" "看這裡!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_overhere" "Over here! " "novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03" "我爸就在上面,被關在拘留區。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03" "My Dad's up there somewhere, in that holding area. " "novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03_b" "要救他出來得費一番功夫了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03_b" "It's gonna take some doing to get him out. " "novaprospekt.al_pickherup" "爸,別擔心,我們會找到她的。 現在我要先送你去傳送室。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_pickherup" "Don't worry, Dad, we'll find her. For now, I'm going to send you to the teleport chamber. " "novaprospekt.al_poorpeople" "我的天啊...這些人真可憐..." "[english]novaprospekt.al_poorpeople" "Oh my God...these poor people... " "novaprospekt.al_readings01" "這些數字嚇到我了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_readings01" "These readings are scaring me. " "novaprospekt.al_readings02" "好了,博士,我們鎖定了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_readings02" "Okay, Doc, we're locked on. " "novaprospekt.al_resetting" "好了,正在重設。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_resetting" "Okay, it's resetting. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate" "我馬上就把這個打開。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate" "I'll have this open in a jiffy. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2" "可惡! 卡死了! 有了,我知道了。 回剛才的辨公室去。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2" "Damn! It's jammed. Okay, I've got an idea. Head back to that office. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2_nag" "回剛才的辨公室去,高登。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2_nag" "Head back to that office, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_gate" "等一等,我看我能不能把那個門打開。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_gate" "Hang on, I'll see if I can figure out how to get that gate open. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_gate_open" "開了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_gate_open" "Got it. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_lights" "我在找燈光開關。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_lights" "I'm looking for the light switch now. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_lights_on" "找到了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_lights_on" "There we go. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves" "根據藍圖,這些書櫃後面應該有個通風口。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves" "According to the schematics, there should be a vent behind those shelves. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_2" "做得好 - 你應該可以偷偷穿過這些通風管道。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_2" "Good job. You should be able to sneak through these vents. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_nag" "高登,進去書櫃後面的通風口。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_nag" "Gordon, go through the airvent behind the shelves. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush" " " "novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush_2" "我發現士兵往這來了。 我放到螢幕上讓你看。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush_2" "I'm picking up incoming soldiers. Here, I'll show you on this monitor. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_gate" "我在想辦法開門。 等我一下。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_gate" "I'll start working on this gate. Just a sec. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_gate2" "好,開了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_gate2" "Okay, got it. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_vent" "小心點,高登。我發現前面有很多合成人探測器。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_vent" "Be careful, Gordon, I'm picking up a lot of Combine sensors in the area ahead. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field" "這是合成人過濾力場。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field" "This is a Combine filter-field. If you've never dealt with one of these before, you can sometimes break the switch by lobbing stuff through. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_2" "過濾力場會把你擋住。 合成人士兵可以穿越那裡,但你不行。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_2" "The filter-field will screen you out. Combine soldiers can get through there, but you can't. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_3" "這一個沒連上網路。 嗯,我關不掉。 附近一定有控制開關。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_3" "This one isn't connected to the net. I can't turn it off. There must be controls for it nearby. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_success" "做得好。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_success" "Good work. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret" "停!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret" "Stop! " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_2" "你正下方的樓梯裡有個機槍塔。 如果你還有,手榴彈就破壞它吧 。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_2" "There's a turret in the stairs right below you. Try knocking it over with a grenade, if you have any left. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_3" "不錯喔。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_3" "Good enough. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor1" "我馬上就幫你開門。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor1" "I'll have this door open in a second. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor2" "好,走吧。 跟我來。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor2" "Okay let's go. Follow me. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_done" "好了,高登,我要離開這裡去跟你會合了。 我會儘快趕到。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_done" "Okay, Gordon, I'm going to leave off here and catch up with you. Be there as soon as I can. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_entry" "又有士兵往你那邊過去了! 看看附近還有沒有機槍塔!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_entry" "I'm picking up more incoming soldiers! See if there are some more turrets nearby! " "novaprospekt.al_room5_incoming" "他們要來了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_incoming" "Here they come. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_turrets" "快,把這些裝好。 你四周全是敵人。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_turrets" "Quick, get these set up. I'm seeing soldiers in all directions. " "novaprospekt.al_sealdoor01" "我來把門封死。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sealdoor01" "Let me seal this door. " "novaprospekt.al_sealdoor02" "再也不能回頭了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sealdoor02" "No turning back now. " "novaprospekt.al_senddadthru" "好,先送我爸過去,他已經準備好…" "[english]novaprospekt.al_senddadthru" "Good. We'll send my dad through first. He's in position for... " "novaprospekt.al_setturrets" "快把機槍塔架好。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_setturrets" "Get some turrets set up! " "novaprospekt.al_sheupto01" "等一下。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto01" "Wait a minute " "novaprospekt.al_sheupto02" "她怎麼" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto02" "How'd she...?" "novaprospekt.al_sheupto03" "她想做什麼?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto03" "What's she up to? " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor02" "哈! 好了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor02" "Hah. Done. " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor03" "走吧!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor03" "Come on. " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor04" "跟我來。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor04" "Follow me. " "novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad01" "閉嘴,我們還用得到妳算妳走運!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad01" "Shut up and be glad you're still some use to us! " "novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad02" "我們得重新設定傳送門,離開這鬼地方。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad02" "We're going to reconfigure this teleport and get the hell out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_sorrysolong" "高登,抱歉拖這麼久 - 看來你需要幫手 。 不過我不會再離開了。 現在來找莫斯曼吧。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sorrysolong" "Sorry to take so long, Gordon. Looks like you could have used some help. I won't leave you again though. Now let's track down Mossman. " "novaprospekt.al_sorrytooksolong" "抱歉我這麼慢。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sorrytooksolong" "Sorry it took me so long. " "novaprospekt.al_takingforever" "天啊,怎麼這麼慢啊!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_takingforever" "God, this is taking forever! " "novaprospekt.al_thecoords" "莫斯曼博士,座標…" "[english]novaprospekt.al_thecoords" "The coordinates, Dr. Mossman." "novaprospekt.al_there" "那邊!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_there" "There! " "novaprospekt.al_thereheis" "在那裡!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_thereheis" "There he is. " "novaprospekt.al_theyrecoming" "高登,他們來了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_theyrecoming" "They're coming, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_traitor01" "叛徒!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_traitor01" "Traitor! " "novaprospekt.al_uhoh_np" "喔哦。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_uhoh_np" "Uh-oh. " "novaprospekt.al_useturrets" "高登,用機槍塔!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_useturrets" "Gordon, use the turrets! " "novaprospekt.al_warmeditup" "看來妳先幫我們熱機了。 很好。 時間也剛好。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_warmeditup" "So you've warmed it up for us. Good. And just in time. " "novaprospekt.al_werecomingin" "可惡! 退後,莫斯曼,我們要進去了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_werecomingin" "Damn it! Move back, Mossman, we're coming in. " "novaprospekt.al_whatcoords" "我的天,這是哪裡的座標啊? 他到底把她帶到哪裡去了?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whatcoords" "Oh my god! What coordinates are these? Where the hell did she take him? " "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou01" "真好,又一個保全控制室。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou01" "Great, another security station. " "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou02" "好!莫斯曼,你在哪裡呢?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou02" "All right, Mossman, where are you...?" "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou03" "哈,找到了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou03" "Ha! Found her!" "novaprospekt.al_youandbreen" "妳和布林的事我們全都知道了。 妳根本就是合成人的間諜。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_youandbreen" "We know all about you and Breen. You've been a spy for the Combine the whole time. " "novaprospekt.al_youbeenworking" "然後妳一直跟這玩意合作? 多久了?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_youbeenworking" "And you've been working with this thing? For how long? " "novaprospekt.al_youcoming" "要來嗎?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_youcoming" "You coming? " "novaprospekt.al_youmadeit" "高登,你成功了!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_youmadeit" "Gordon, you made it! " "novaprospekt.al_yououtdad" "爸,我們來救你了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_yououtdad" "We're here to get you out, Dad. " "novaprospekt.al_youput01" "你可沒功勞。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_youput01" "No thanks to you. " "novaprospekt.al_youput02" "妳只要輸入克萊納博士的實驗室座標,讓我們出發就是了。" "[english]novaprospekt.al_youput02" "Just enter the coordinates for Dr. Kleiner's lab and let's get moving. " "novaprospekt.br_blinded" "我和伊萊博士認識的時間可比妳長多了。 我怕妳對他的感情已經矇蔽了妳----" "[english]novaprospekt.br_blinded" "I have known Dr. Vance far longer than you, my dear. I'm afraid your feelings for him may have blinded you-- " "novaprospekt.br_disturb" "…是你那區。" "[english]novaprospekt.br_disturb" "---from your area. " "novaprospekt.br_leeway01" "這件事沒有討論的餘地,莫斯曼博士。" "[english]novaprospekt.br_leeway01" "This is not open to debate, Dr. Mossman. " "novaprospekt.br_loyalties" "我們不大確定妳到底會不會執行任務…人類的忠誠心就是這樣嘛。" "[english]novaprospekt.br_loyalties" "We weren't entirely sure you were ever going to get around to that, human loyalties being what they are. " "novaprospekt.br_outoftime" "抱歉,莫斯曼。 我沒時間了。" "[english]novaprospekt.br_outoftime" "So sorry, Judith. I'm all out of time. " "novaprospekt.br_overzealous" "我承認,士兵們…的確有點過於狂熱,不過放掉他實在太可惜了,尤其是高登已經失去蹤影了。" "[english]novaprospekt.br_overzealous" "The soldiers were a bit overzealous, I admit, but he was too tempting a prize to simply turn loose, especially in the absence of Gordon Freeman. " "novaprospekt.eli_dontworry" "別擔心我,女兒。 茱蒂絲! 原來他們把你放出來了!" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_dontworry" "Don't worry about me, sweetheart. Judith! I see they set you free! " "novaprospekt.eli_foundme01" "艾莉絲! 高登!" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_foundme01" "Alyx! Gordon! " "novaprospekt.eli_foundme02" "是你們? 真不敢相信你們找到我了。" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_foundme02" "Is that really you? I can't believe you found me. " "novaprospekt.eli_getoutofhere" "我很好!可是你們得快點離開這裡!" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_getoutofhere" "I'm fine, but you! You've got to get out of here! " "novaprospekt.eli_iknow" "我知道妳會的。" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_iknow" "I know you will. " "novaprospekt.eli_judithshelp01" "我們也不能把茱蒂絲丟在這裡啊。" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_judithshelp01" "We can't leave Judith here either. " "novaprospekt.eli_nevermindme01" "別擔心我。 你們快逃!" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_nevermindme01" "Never mind me. Save yourselves. " "novaprospekt.eli_notime01" "我在那兒等你。" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_notime01" "I'll see you there, baby. " "novaprospekt.eli_notworthrisk" "艾莉絲,那太冒險了。 我不能失去妳! 趁現在快逃出去。" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_notworthrisk" "It's not worth the risk, Alyx. I can't lose you! Get out while you can. " "novaprospekt.eli_thisisportal" "原來這就是合成人傳送門。 比我想像中的還要更小。" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_thisisportal" "So this is the Combine portal. It's smaller than I imagined. " "novaprospekt.eli_whatgoingon" "怎麼了,艾莉絲? 茱蒂絲? 怎麼回事啊?" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_whatgoingon" "What's going on Alyx? Judith? What's happening? " "novaprospekt.eli_wherewillyougo01" "可是又能去那兒呢?" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_wherewillyougo01" "But where will you go? " "novaprospekt.kl_await" "我竭誠期盼你的到來和參與。" "[english]novaprospekt.kl_await" "I await your arrival with great anticipation. " "novaprospekt.kl_ready" "好了、可以了、完全沒問題!" "[english]novaprospekt.kl_ready" "Ready, willing, and fully enabled! " "novaprospekt.kl_stopwho" "阻止?阻止誰?" "[english]novaprospekt.kl_stopwho" "Stop who, my dear? " "novaprospekt.kl_yesalyx" "呃…艾莉絲,你在哪裡?" "[english]novaprospekt.kl_yesalyx" "Yes, Alyx, where are you? " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01" " " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01_cc" "懂嗎? 我們的目標是相同的。 我已經重新設計調制器,模擬異界中繼了啊。" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01_cc" "You see? We're working to the same end. I've already reprogrammed the modulator to emulate a Xen relay. " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted02" " " "novaprospekt.mo_asistated" "布林博士…我之前就說過了,要讓伊萊自己想通了才行,你不能夠就這樣…" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_asistated" "Dr. Breen, as I have stated before, you have to let Eli come around on his own you can't just ... " "novaprospekt.mo_drplease" "博士,拜託…" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_drplease" "Doctor, please... " "novaprospekt.mo_feelings" "感情? 這跟感情沒有任何關係。 事實很簡單,伊萊他相信我們的…" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_feelings" "Feelings? This has nothing to do with feelings. It's a simple truth that when Eli believes in our---" "novaprospekt.mo_fromplatform" "我們要設法進入傳送區,但是我們被鎖住了。" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_fromplatform" "But we need access to the teleport platform, and we're locked out. " "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01" " " "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01_cc" "這也是我的研究啊! 而且我得證明給布林博士看,妳父親會是研究中最有價值的成員---" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01_cc" "It's my work too! And I had to prove to Dr. Breen that your father would be the most valuable member of any research effort going forward from here." "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove02" " " "novaprospekt.mo_howdyougetin" "有人嗎? 謝天謝地,這裡有人---艾莉絲? 高登! 你…你們怎麼進來的?" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_howdyougetin" "Hello? Thank God someone... Alyx? Gordon! How did you get in here? " "novaprospekt.mo_inacell" "你們找到伊萊了?" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_inacell" "You found Eli? " "novaprospekt.mo_incredible" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_incredible" " " "novaprospekt.mo_nevertillnow" "沒有,這是第一次。 只是我大概知道這裡的情況…" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_nevertillnow" "Never, until now. I did have a fairly good idea of what to expect... " "novaprospekt.mo_onlyway" "對不起,艾莉絲。 這是唯一的解決方法!" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_onlyway" "I'm sorry, Alyx. It's the only way! " "novaprospekt.mo_promised" "我…我不是要說那個。你答應過不會傷害伊萊的。" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_promised" "I'm not calling about that, You promised you weren't going to touch Eli. " "novaprospekt.mo_protectfather01" "艾莉絲,不管妳怎麼想,我發誓我一直都在保護妳父親。" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_protectfather01" "Alyx, whatever you may think, I assure you I've worked to protect your father. " "novaprospekt.mo_pulsefoaming" "合成人用的是一種特殊的脈衝形成網,反應速度很慢…要一段時間才能夠再補充能源。" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_pulsefoaming" "The Combine use a peculiar pulse-forming network with a very long rise-time. It takes quite a while to recharge. " "novaprospekt.mo_signal" "如果當初你肯耐心等我的暗號,你早就抓到弗里曼了。" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_signal" "You would have had Freeman if you'd been patient and just waited for my signal. " "novaprospekt.mo_talkingabout" "什麼? 呃..你..你到底在說些麼啊?" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_talkingabout" "What? What are you talking about? " "novaprospekt.mo_terriblepurpose" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_terriblepurpose" " " "novaprospekt.mo_worried" "伊萊,我真的好擔心你喔!" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_worried" "Eli, I was so worried about you! " "npc_alyx.bettergetmoving02" "我們最好快點。" "[english]npc_alyx.bettergetmoving02" "We'd better get moving. " "npc_alyx.brutal02" "真野蠻。" "[english]npc_alyx.brutal02" "That was brutal. " "npc_alyx.careful01" "高登,小心。" "[english]npc_alyx.careful01" "Careful, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.careful02" "高登小心!" "[english]npc_alyx.careful02" "Careful, Gordon! " "npc_alyx.comeon_dist01" "快點!" "[english]npc_alyx.comeon_dist01" "Come on! " "npc_alyx.coverme01" "掩護我!" "[english]npc_alyx.coverme01" "Cover me! " "npc_alyx.coverme02" "掩護我!" "[english]npc_alyx.coverme02" "Cover me! " "npc_alyx.coverme03" "掩護我。" "[english]npc_alyx.coverme03" "Cover me. " "npc_alyx.excuseme01" "抱歉,高登。" "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme01" "Excuse me, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.excuseme02" "對不起,高登。" "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme02" "Sorry, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.excuseme03" "抱歉。" "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme03" "Pardon me. " "npc_alyx.followme_dist01" "跟我來。" "[english]npc_alyx.followme_dist01" "Follow me. " "npc_alyx.gasp02" "嚇" "[english]npc_alyx.gasp02" "Huh " "npc_alyx.gasp03" "喔!" "[english]npc_alyx.gasp03" "Ohh! " "npc_alyx.getback01" "退後!" "[english]npc_alyx.getback01" "Get back! " "npc_alyx.getback02" "退後!" "[english]npc_alyx.getback02" "Get back! " "npc_alyx.getdown01" "趴下!" "[english]npc_alyx.getdown01" "Get down!" "npc_alyx.getmoving_action_dist01" "快走!" "[english]npc_alyx.getmoving_action_dist01" "Get moving! " "npc_alyx.go01" "走!" "[english]npc_alyx.go01" "Go! " "npc_alyx.gordon_dist01" "高登!" "[english]npc_alyx.gordon_dist01" "Gordon! " "npc_alyx.herewego_dist01" "要開始了!" "[english]npc_alyx.herewego_dist01" "Here we go! " "npc_alyx.howlongwait01" "我們還要等多久?" "[english]npc_alyx.howlongwait01" "How long are we just gonna wait? " "npc_alyx.hurt04" "噢!" "[english]npc_alyx.hurt04" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt05" "噢!" "[english]npc_alyx.hurt05" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt06" "噢!" "[english]npc_alyx.hurt06" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt08" "啊!" "[english]npc_alyx.hurt08" "Ah! " "npc_alyx.keepmoving_dist01" "繼續走!" "[english]npc_alyx.keepmoving_dist01" "Keep moving! " "npc_alyx.letsgetgoing_dist01" "我們走吧!" "[english]npc_alyx.letsgetgoing_dist01" "Let's get going! " "npc_alyx.lookout_dist01" "小心點!" "[english]npc_alyx.lookout_dist01" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout_dist02" "小心點!" "[english]npc_alyx.lookout_dist02" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout01" "小心點!" "[english]npc_alyx.lookout01" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout03" "小心點!" "[english]npc_alyx.lookout03" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.no01" "不!" "[english]npc_alyx.no01" "No! " "npc_alyx.no02" "不!" "[english]npc_alyx.no02" "No! " "npc_alyx.no03" "不!" "[english]npc_alyx.no03" "No! " "npc_alyx.ohgod01" "喔,天啊!" "[english]npc_alyx.ohgod01" "Oh God! " "npc_alyx.ohmother01" "我的天…" "[english]npc_alyx.ohmother01" "Oh, Mother... " "npc_alyx.ohno_startle01" "喔,不會吧!" "[english]npc_alyx.ohno_startle01" "Oh no! " "npc_alyx.ohno_startle03" "喔,不會吧!" "[english]npc_alyx.ohno_startle03" "Oh no! " "npc_alyx.overhere01" "在這裡!" "[english]npc_alyx.overhere01" "Over here. " "npc_alyx.quick_dist02" "快!" "[english]npc_alyx.quick_dist02" "Quick! " "npc_alyx.run_dist01" "跑!" "[english]npc_alyx.run_dist01" "Run! " "npc_alyx.uggh01" "*驚呼!*" "[english]npc_alyx.uggh01" "Agh! " "npc_alyx.uggh02" "啊!" "[english]npc_alyx.uggh02" "Ahh! " "npc_alyx.watchout01" "小心!" "[english]npc_alyx.watchout01" "Watch out! " "npc_alyx.watchout02" "小心!" "[english]npc_alyx.watchout02" "Watch out! " "npc_alyx.youcoming01" "要來嗎?" "[english]npc_alyx.youcoming01" "You coming? " "npc_alyx.youcoming02" "要來嗎?" "[english]npc_alyx.youcoming02" "You coming? " "npc_alyx.youreload01" "重裝子彈。" "[english]npc_alyx.youreload01" "You'd better reload. " "npc_alyx.youreload02" "重裝子彈。" "[english]npc_alyx.youreload02" "You'd better reload. " "npc_barney.ba_hurryup" "快啊。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurryup" "Hurry up. " "npc_barney.ba_letsgo" "走吧!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_letsgo" "Let's go! " "npc_barney.ba_allclear" "安全!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_allclear" "All clear! " "npc_barney.ba_bringiton" "來吧!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_bringiton" "Bring it on! " "npc_barney.ba_catchmybreath" "讓我喘口氣。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_catchmybreath" "Let me catch my breath. " "npc_barney.ba_clearfornow" "暫時安全了。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_clearfornow" "Clear for now. " "npc_barney.ba_comehere01" "來這裡。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_comehere01" "Come here. " "npc_barney.ba_comehere02" "來這裡。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_comehere02" "Come here. " "npc_barney.ba_covermegord" "高登,掩護我。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_covermegord" "Cover me, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_damnit" "該死。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_damnit" "Damn it!" "npc_barney.ba_danger01" "我覺得好像有埋伏。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger01" "I smell an ambush. " "npc_barney.ba_danger02" "這看起來不妙。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger02" "I don't like the looks of this. " "npc_barney.ba_danger03" "我覺得這個狀況似乎不大妙喔。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger03" "I have a bad feeling about this. " "npc_barney.ba_danger04" "喂 - 還記得在黑色高地時,我們還以為是世界末日了呢 ?" "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger04" "Hey, remember when we thought Black Mesa was as bad as it could get? " "npc_barney.ba_danger05" "真不敢相信我們平安無事…熬過來了。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger05" "Hard to believe we made it this far with all our parts. " "npc_barney.ba_downyougo" "去死吧。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_downyougo" "Down you go. " "npc_barney.ba_duck" "蹲下!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_duck" "Duck! " "npc_barney.ba_followme01" "往這邊,高登。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme01" "This way, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme02" "快點!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme02" "Come on! " "npc_barney.ba_followme03" "快點,高登。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme03" "Come on, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme04" "快走啊,高登!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme04" "Get going, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme05" "跟我來。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme05" "Follow me. " "npc_barney.ba_getaway" "別待在那裡。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_getaway" "Get away from there. " "npc_barney.ba_getdown" "蹲下!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_getdown" "Get down! " "npc_barney.ba_getoutofway" "喂 - 不要擋路!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_getoutofway" "Hey, get out of the way! " "npc_barney.ba_goingdown" "你死定了!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_goingdown" "You're going down! " "npc_barney.ba_gordonhelp" "救命 - 高登!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gordonhelp" "Gordon! Help! " "npc_barney.ba_gotone" "解決一個!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gotone" "Got one! " "npc_barney.ba_grenade01" "手榴彈!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_grenade01" "Grenade! " "npc_barney.ba_grenade02" "手榴彈!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_grenade02" "Grenade! " "npc_barney.ba_gurgle01" "啊!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle01" "Gah! " "npc_barney.ba_gurgle02" "嗚呃啊!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle02" "Ugh!" "npc_barney.ba_gurgle03" "嗚" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle03" "Ooh!" "npc_barney.ba_haletsdoit" "哈哈 - 來吧!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_haletsdoit" "Let's do it! " "npc_barney.ba_headcrabs01" "噁! 食腦蟲!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_headcrabs01" "Ew! Headcrabs! " "npc_barney.ba_headcrabs02" "食腦蟲!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "npc_barney.ba_headhumpers" "食腦蟲!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_headhumpers" "Headhumpers! " "npc_barney.ba_healed01" "啊 - 好多了。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed01" "Yeah, that's better. " "npc_barney.ba_healed02" "好 - 我好了。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed02" "Okay, I'm good. " "npc_barney.ba_healed03" "我好多了。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed03" "Much better. " "npc_barney.ba_healed04" "喂!謝了。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed04" "Hey, thanks. " "npc_barney.ba_healme01" "喂 - 呃 - 幫我包紥一下。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme01" "Hey, patch me up. " "npc_barney.ba_healme02" "幫我個忙。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme02" "Help me out. " "npc_barney.ba_healme03" "有沒有醫生可以過來一下啊?" "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme03" "Can I get a little medical attention here? " "npc_barney.ba_hereitcomes" "來了!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_hereitcomes" "Here it comes! " "npc_barney.ba_heretheycome01" "他們來了!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_heretheycome01" "Here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_heretheycome02" "他們來了!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_heretheycome02" "Here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_hurry01" "快。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry01" "Hurry. " "npc_barney.ba_hurry02" "快!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry02" "Hurry! " "npc_barney.ba_hurry03" "快!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry03" "Hurry! " "npc_barney.ba_imwithyou" "兄弟,有我在。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_imwithyou" "I'm with ya buddy. " "npc_barney.ba_incoming01" "砲擊!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_incoming01" "Incoming! " "npc_barney.ba_incoming02" "砲擊!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_incoming02" "Incoming! " "npc_barney.ba_laugh01" "*笑聲*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh01" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh02" "*笑聲*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh02" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh03" "*笑聲*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh03" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh04" "*笑聲*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh04" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_letsdoit" "我們上吧。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_letsdoit" "Let's do it. " "npc_barney.ba_littlehelphere" "高登,幫我一下吧?" "[english]npc_barney.ba_littlehelphere" "Little help here, Gordon? " "npc_barney.ba_lookout" "小心。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_lookout" "Look out! " "npc_barney.ba_losttouch" "我可是寶刀未老!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_losttouch" "I haven't lost my touch! " "npc_barney.ba_no01" "不!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_no01" "No! " "npc_barney.ba_no02" "不!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_no02" "No! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit01" "喔靠!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit01" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit02" "喔靠!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit02" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit03" "喔靠!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit03" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohyeah" "喔!讚啦!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohyeah" "Oh yeah! " "npc_barney.ba_oldtimes" "就跟以前一樣吧,高登?" "[english]npc_barney.ba_oldtimes" "Just like old times, eh, Gordon? " "npc_barney.ba_openfiregord" "高登,開火!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_openfiregord" "Open fire, Gordon! " "npc_barney.ba_overhere01" "這裡!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_overhere01" "Over here! " "npc_barney.ba_overhere02" "這裡!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_overhere02" "Over here! " "npc_barney.ba_pain01" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain01" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain02" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain02" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain03" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain03" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain04" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain04" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain05" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain05" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain06" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain06" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain07" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain07" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain08" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain08" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain09" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain09" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain10" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain10" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_regroup" "重整!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_regroup" "Regroup! " "npc_barney.ba_run01" "快逃!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_run01" "Run! " "npc_barney.ba_run02" "快逃!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_run02" "Run! " "npc_barney.ba_soldiers" "士兵!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_soldiers" "Soldiers! " "npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose01" "真是好險!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose01" "That was close! " "npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose02" "真是好險!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose02" "That was close! " "npc_barney.ba_thisisbad01" "這 - 這下不妙了。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_thisisbad01" "This is bad. " "npc_barney.ba_thisisbad02" "啊 - 這下不妙了。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_thisisbad02" "Okay, this is bad. " "npc_barney.ba_turret" "機槍塔!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_turret" "Turret! " "npc_barney.ba_uhohheretheycome" "哦喔 - 他們來了!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_uhohheretheycome" "Uh oh, here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_wounded01" "高登,我受傷了。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded01" "I'm hurtin, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_wounded02" "得找人幫我包紥一下。" "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded02" "I need to get patched up. " "npc_barney.ba_wounded03" "啊 - 我傷得不輕啊…" "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded03" "I'm hurt pretty bad... " "npc_barney.ba_yell" "讚哪!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_yell" "Yeah! " "npc_citizen.abouttime01" "哇,高登弗里曼,也該是時候了。" "[english]npc_citizen.abouttime01" "Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too. " "npc_citizen.abouttime02" "啊哈,高登弗里曼,也該是時候了。" "[english]npc_citizen.abouttime02" "Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too. " "npc_citizen.ahgordon01" "啊,高登弗里曼。" "[english]npc_citizen.ahgordon01" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "npc_citizen.ahgordon02" "啊哈,高登弗里曼。" "[english]npc_citizen.ahgordon02" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "npc_citizen.almosthityou01" "我差點打到你啊!" "[english]npc_citizen.almosthityou01" "I almost hit you." "npc_citizen.almosthityou02" "我差點打到你!" "[english]npc_citizen.almosthityou02" "I almost hit you." "npc_citizen.ammo01" "弗里曼,彈藥!" "[english]npc_citizen.ammo01" "Freeman, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo02" "弗里曼,彈藥!" "[english]npc_citizen.ammo02" "Freeman, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo03" "哪!彈藥!" "[english]npc_citizen.ammo03" "Here, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo04" "拿點彈藥!" "[english]npc_citizen.ammo04" "Take some ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo05" "拿點彈藥!" "[english]npc_citizen.ammo05" "Take some ammo! " "npc_citizen.answer01" "你老是這個樣子" "[english]npc_citizen.answer01" "That's you all over. " "npc_citizen.answer02" "我不會作對的" "[english]npc_citizen.answer02" "I won't hold it against you. " "npc_citizen.answer03" "有道理" "[english]npc_citizen.answer03" "Figures. " "npc_citizen.answer04" "別想太多了" "[english]npc_citizen.answer04" "Try not to dwell on it. " "npc_citizen.answer05" "我們可不可以等一下再談?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer05" "Could we talk about this later? " "npc_citizen.answer06" "你自己留著吧" "[english]npc_citizen.answer06" "Keep it to yourself. " "npc_citizen.answer07" "我也是" "[english]npc_citizen.answer07" "Same here. " "npc_citizen.answer08" "我懂你的意思" "[english]npc_citizen.answer08" "Know what you mean. " "npc_citizen.answer09" "你又在自言自語了" "[english]npc_citizen.answer09" "You're talking to yourself again. " "npc_citizen.answer10" "我可不敢把話說那麼滿" "[english]npc_citizen.answer10" "I wouldn't say that too loud. " "npc_citizen.answer11" "我會幫你刻在墓碑上" "[english]npc_citizen.answer11" "I'll put it on your tombstone. " "npc_citizen.answer12" "你想都別想。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer12" "Doesn't bear thinking about. " "npc_citizen.answer13" "我同意。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer13" "I'm with you. " "npc_citizen.answer14" "我們半斤八兩。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer14" "You and me both. " "npc_citizen.answer15" "你要這麼想也行啦。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer15" "That's one way of looking at it. " "npc_citizen.answer16" "你用你的腦袋想過沒有?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer16" "Have you ever had an original thought? " "npc_citizen.answer17" "我連叫你閉嘴我都懶。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer17" "I'm not even gonna tell you to shut up. " "npc_citizen.answer18" "我們還是專心做我們該做的事吧?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer18" "Let's concentrate on the task at hand. " "npc_citizen.answer19" "專心做你的事吧。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer19" "Keep your mind on your work. " "npc_citizen.answer20" "你有沒有腦袋啊?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer20" "Your mind is in the gutter. " "npc_citizen.answer21" "不要那麼肯定哦。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer21" "Don't be so sure of that. " "npc_citizen.answer22" "那可不一定。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer22" "You never know. " "npc_citizen.answer23" "天曉得。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer23" "Never can tell. " "npc_citizen.answer24" "你幹嘛告訴我啊?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer24" "Why are you telling me? " "npc_citizen.answer25" "怎麼樣啊?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer25" "How about that? " "npc_citizen.answer26" "呃我想我不需要知道那麼多。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer26" "That's more information than I require. " "npc_citizen.answer27" "要打賭嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer27" "Wanna bet? " "npc_citizen.answer28" "真希望每一次有人這麼說我就有錢拿。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer28" "I wish I had a dime for every time somebody said that. " "npc_citizen.answer29" "那我又能怎麼樣?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer29" "What am I supposed to do about it? " "npc_citizen.answer30" "你在跟我說話?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer30" "You talking to me? " "npc_citizen.answer31" "你根本不該說那種話。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer31" "You should nip that kind of talk in the bud. " "npc_citizen.answer32" "就是啊。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer32" "Right on. " "npc_citizen.answer33" "完全同意。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer33" "No argument there. " "npc_citizen.answer34" "別忘了夏威夷。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer34" "Don't forget Hawaii. " "npc_citizen.answer35" "我到底有多久沒做那些事情…我都不記得了。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer35" "Try not to let it get to you. " "npc_citizen.answer36" "不要太在意那些事" "[english]npc_citizen.answer36" "Wouldn't be the first time. " "npc_citizen.answer37" "也不是第一次了。" "[english]npc_citizen.answer37" "You sure about that? " "npc_citizen.answer38" "你確定嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer38" "Leave it alone. " "npc_citizen.answer39" "別再提了" "[english]npc_citizen.answer39" "That's enough outta you. " "npc_citizen.answer40" "啊 - 你夠了吧?" "[english]npc_citizen.answer40" "There's a first time for everything. " "npc_citizen.antguard01" "是獅蟻守衛" "[english]npc_citizen.antguard01" "It's an antlion guard!" "npc_citizen.antguard02" "是獅蟻守衛" "[english]npc_citizen.antguard02" "It's an antlion guard!" "npc_citizen.antlion01" "獅蟻!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlion01" "Antlion!" "npc_citizen.antlion02" "獅蟻" "[english]npc_citizen.antlion02" "Antlion!" "npc_citizen.antlions01" "獅蟻" "[english]npc_citizen.antlions01" "Antlions!" "npc_citizen.antlions02" "獅蟻!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlions02" "Antlions!" "npc_citizen.antrhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.antrhino01" " " "npc_citizen.antrhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.antrhino02" " " "npc_citizen.areyoucrazy" "別傻了,我才不要出去呢!" "[english]npc_citizen.areyoucrazy" "Are you crazy? I am not going out in that!" "npc_citizen.barnacles01" "小心那些藤壺怪。" "[english]npc_citizen.barnacles01" "Barnacles!" "npc_citizen.barnacles02" "小心那些藤壺怪。" "[english]npc_citizen.barnacles02" "Barnacles" "npc_citizen.behindyou01" "你後面!" "[english]npc_citizen.behindyou01" "Behind you!" "npc_citizen.behindyou02" "你後面!" "[english]npc_citizen.behindyou02" "Behind you!" "npc_citizen.bouncebombs01" "手榴彈" "[english]npc_citizen.bouncebombs01" "Bouncebombs!" "npc_citizen.bouncebombs02" "手榴彈!" "[english]npc_citizen.bouncebombs02" "Bouncebombs!" "npc_citizen.busy01" "等等再說" "[english]npc_citizen.busy01" "Not right now. " "npc_citizen.busy02" "你看不出來我在忙嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.busy02" "Can't you see I'm busy? " "npc_citizen.busy03" "現在不大方便。" "[english]npc_citizen.busy03" "This isn't a good time. " "npc_citizen.busy04" "現在不方便。" "[english]npc_citizen.busy04" "This isn't the time. " "npc_citizen.busy05" "等一下,拜託。" "[english]npc_citizen.busy05" "Later, please. " "npc_citizen.cantbeseen02" "我不能跟你說話。" "[english]npc_citizen.cantbeseen02" "I can't be seen talking to you." "npc_citizen.cantgetawaywiththat" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cantgetawaywiththat" " " "npc_citizen.careful01" "弗里曼,小心點。" "[english]npc_citizen.careful01" "Careful, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.careful02" "弗里曼,小心點。" "[english]npc_citizen.careful02" "Careful, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.carefultherefm" "小心啊!弗里曼。" "[english]npc_citizen.carefultherefm" "Careful there, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper01" "喂、下面的 - 補給品!" "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper01" "Hey down there! Supplies! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper02" "喂 - 接著!" "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper02" "Hey, catch! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper03" "看我找到什麼了!" "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper03" "Look what I found. " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper04" "下面的小心!" "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper04" "Look out below! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper05" "喂、老兄!自己來啊。" "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper05" "Hey you, help yourself! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper06" "拿去吧!" "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper06" "Here ya go! " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding01" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding02" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding03" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding03" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding04" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding04" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding05" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding05" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding06" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding06" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding07" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding07" " " "npc_citizen.civilprotection01" "城市保安局!" "[english]npc_citizen.civilprotection01" "Civil Protection!" "npc_citizen.civilprotection02" "城市保安局!" "[english]npc_citizen.civilprotection02" "Civil Protection! " "npc_citizen.com_cantgetthru01" "我過不去啊!" "[english]npc_citizen.com_cantgetthru01" "I can't get through. " "npc_citizen.com_onmyway01" "我馬上來。" "[english]npc_citizen.com_onmyway01" "I'm on my way." "npc_citizen.com_standby_multi01" "我們隨時待命。" "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_multi01" "We are standing by." "npc_citizen.com_standby_multi02" "隨時可以行動。" "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_multi02" "We're ready when you are. " "npc_citizen.com_standby_solo01" "就等你下令了,博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_solo01" "I'm waiting for your signal, Doc. " "npc_citizen.com_standby_solo02" "準備好了!" "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_solo02" "Ready and waiting!" "npc_citizen.combine01" "合成人!" "[english]npc_citizen.combine01" "Combine!" "npc_citizen.combine02" "合成人!" "[english]npc_citizen.combine02" "Combine!" "npc_citizen.coverwhilereload01" "我換彈匣,掩護我。" "[english]npc_citizen.coverwhilereload01" "Cover me while I reload!" "npc_citizen.coverwhilereload02" "我換彈匣,掩護我。" "[english]npc_citizen.coverwhilereload02" "Cover me while I reload!" "npc_citizen.cps01" "市保局!" "[english]npc_citizen.cps01" "CPs!" "npc_citizen.cps02" "市保局!" "[english]npc_citizen.cps02" "CPs! " "npc_citizen.crabshells01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.crabshells01" " " "npc_citizen.crabshells02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.crabshells02" " " "npc_citizen.damntiddly01" "真是該死!" "[english]npc_citizen.damntiddly01" "Damn tiddly-winks!" "npc_citizen.damntiddly02" "真是該死" "[english]npc_citizen.damntiddly02" "Damn tiddly-winks!" "npc_citizen.die" " " "[english]npc_citizen.die" " " "npc_citizen.docfreeman01" "弗里曼博士" "[english]npc_citizen.docfreeman01" "Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.docfreeman02" "弗里曼博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.docfreeman02" "Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.doiknowyoufromsomewhere" "我們見過嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.doiknowyoufromsomewhere" "Do I know you from somewhere?" "npc_citizen.doingsomething" "我們應該有事要做吧?" "[english]npc_citizen.doingsomething" "Shouldn't we be doing something?" "npc_citizen.dontforgetreload01" "博士,別忘了換彈匣。" "[english]npc_citizen.dontforgetreload01" "Don't forget to reload, Dr. Freeman " "npc_citizen.downthere01" "在下面!" "[english]npc_citizen.downthere01" "Down there!" "npc_citizen.downthere02" "在下面!" "[english]npc_citizen.downthere02" "Down there!" "npc_citizen.evenodds" "我們該反擊了" "[english]npc_citizen.evenodds" "Let's even the odds a little " "npc_citizen.excuseme01" "抱歉。" "[english]npc_citizen.excuseme01" "Excuse me. " "npc_citizen.excuseme02" "抱歉。" "[english]npc_citizen.excuseme02" "Excuse me. " "npc_citizen.fantastic01" "超棒的" "[english]npc_citizen.fantastic01" "Fantastic! " "npc_citizen.fantastic02" "超棒的" "[english]npc_citizen.fantastic02" "Fantastic! " "npc_citizen.finally" "總算。" "[english]npc_citizen.finally" "Finally!" "npc_citizen.freeman" "弗里曼。" "[english]npc_citizen.freeman" "Freeman." "npc_citizen.getawayfromme01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.getawayfromme01" " " "npc_citizen.getdown01" "趴下!" "[english]npc_citizen.getdown01" "Get down!" "npc_citizen.getdown02" "趴下!" "[english]npc_citizen.getdown02" "Get down!" "npc_citizen.getgoingsoon" "我們可以走了嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.getgoingsoon" "Are we gonna get going soon?" "npc_citizen.gethellout" "快點離開這裡。" "[english]npc_citizen.gethellout" "Get the hell out of here!" "npc_citizen.goodgod" "天哪。" "[english]npc_citizen.goodgod" "Good god!" "npc_citizen.goodidea01" "好主意。" "[english]npc_citizen.goodidea01" "Good idea, Doc." "npc_citizen.goodidea02" "好主意。" "[english]npc_citizen.goodidea02" "Good idea, Doc." "npc_citizen.goodplan01" "好計劃。" "[english]npc_citizen.goodplan01" "Good plan." "npc_citizen.goodplan02" "好計劃。" "[english]npc_citizen.goodplan02" "Good plan." "npc_citizen.goodplandoc" "好計劃,博士" "[english]npc_citizen.goodplandoc" "Good plan, Doc." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "又怎麼了?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "Now what?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "一切本來很順利的" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "And things were going so well." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "別告訴我。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "Don't tell me." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "噢,天啊。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "Oh, God!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "喔不。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "Oh no!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "拜託不要" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "Please no!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "你要是敢說一句風涼話的話,我就殺了你。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "If you dare say 'That's gotta hurt,' I'll kill you." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "要把他埋在這裡嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "Should we bury him here?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "我早就知道連他也幫不了我們。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "I had a feeling even he couldn't help us." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "去告訴大家。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "Spread the word." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "又有什麼用?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "What's the use?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "有意義嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "What's the point?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "為什麼要繼續?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "Why go on?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "我們完蛋了。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "We're done for. " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "那,現在怎麼辨?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "Well, now what? " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "我也有份。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "Dibs on the suit." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "等等 - 那不是高登弗里曼!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "Wait a second that's not Gordon Freeman! " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "他有經驗,他不會有事的!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "He's done this before. He'll be okay." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "我快吐了。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "I'm gonna be sick." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "誰去拿他的鐵撬。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "Somebody take his crowbar." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "他死了!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "He's dead." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "死得真慘。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "What a way to go. " "npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "我的天,是弗里曼。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "Oh my God, it's Freeman! " "npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "我的天,是弗里曼。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "Oh my God, it's Freeman!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "弗里曼……死了?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "Freeman is...dead..." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "那、那不是弗里曼吧?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "That's not Freeman is it?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "不可能啊。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "This can't be!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "看 - 他死了!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "Look, he's dead!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "他大老遠從黑色高地來…" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "He came a long way from Black Mesa." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "他不動了。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "He's not moving." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "這下可慘了。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "This is bad." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "我還以為他是無敵的。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "I thought he was invincible!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "弗里曼博士也不過如此。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "So much for Doctor Freeman." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "我們最後的希望…" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "So much for our last hope." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "不應該就這樣結束的。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "It's not supposed to end like this." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "弗里曼博士 - 聽得到嗎? 不要走到光裡去啊。" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "Dr. Freeman? Can you hear me? Do not go into the light!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "現在呢?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "What now?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "有遺言嗎,博士?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "Any last words, Doc? " "npc_citizen.gotone01" "中了!" "[english]npc_citizen.gotone01" "Got one!" "npc_citizen.gotone02" "中了!" "[english]npc_citizen.gotone02" "I got one! " "npc_citizen.gottareload01" "換彈匣。" "[english]npc_citizen.gottareload01" "Gotta reload!" "npc_citizen.gunship01" "砲船" "[english]npc_citizen.gunship01" "Gunship" "npc_citizen.gunship02" "砲船!" "[english]npc_citizen.gunship02" "Gunship!" "npc_citizen.hacks01" "鋸鳥!" "[english]npc_citizen.hacks01" "Hacks!" "npc_citizen.hacks02" "鋸鳥" "[english]npc_citizen.hacks02" "Hacks! " "npc_citizen.headcrabs01" "食腦蟲" "[english]npc_citizen.headcrabs01" "Headcrabs!" "npc_citizen.headcrabs02" "食腦蟲!" "[english]npc_citizen.headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "npc_citizen.headsup01" "好了!" "[english]npc_citizen.headsup01" "Heads up! " "npc_citizen.headsup02" "好了!" "[english]npc_citizen.headsup02" "Heads up!" "npc_citizen.health01" "拿著急救包。" "[english]npc_citizen.health01" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health02" "來 - 急救包送你。" "[english]npc_citizen.health02" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health03" "急救包拿去。" "[english]npc_citizen.health03" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health04" "哪 - 急救包送你。" "[english]npc_citizen.health04" "Here, have a medkit. " "npc_citizen.health05" "拿去 - 包紮一下吧。" "[english]npc_citizen.health05" "Here, patch yourself up. " "npc_citizen.hellodrfm01" "你好,弗里曼博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.hellodrfm01" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.hellodrfm02" "你好,弗里曼博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.hellodrfm02" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.help01" "救命!" "[english]npc_citizen.help01" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help02" "幫幫我" "[english]npc_citizen.help02" "Help!" "npc_citizen.helpme01" "幫幫我" "[english]npc_citizen.helpme01" "Help me!" "npc_citizen.helpoverhere01" "救命、救命!這裡!救命!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpoverhere01" "Help! over here!" "npc_citizen.helpoverhere02" "幫幫忙!這裡!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpoverhere02" "Help! Over here!" "npc_citizen.helpus01" "快幫忙" "[english]npc_citizen.helpus01" "Help us!" "npc_citizen.helpus02" "救救我們" "[english]npc_citizen.helpus02" "Help us!" "npc_citizen.herecomehacks01" "鋸鳥來了!" "[english]npc_citizen.herecomehacks01" "Here come the hacks!" "npc_citizen.herecomehacks02" "鋸鳥來了" "[english]npc_citizen.herecomehacks02" "Here come the hacks!" "npc_citizen.heretheycome01" "敵人來了!" "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome01" "Here they come! " "npc_citizen.heretohelp01" "我們以為你是來幫忙的" "[english]npc_citizen.heretohelp01" "We thought you were here to help. " "npc_citizen.heretohelp02" "我們以為你是來幫忙的!" "[english]npc_citizen.heretohelp02" "We thought you were here to help. " "npc_citizen.heydoc01" "嘿,博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.heydoc01" "Hey, Doc. " "npc_citizen.heydoc02" "嘿,博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.heydoc02" "Hey, Doc. " "npc_citizen.heythanksfm01" "嘿 - 謝了,弗里曼。" "[english]npc_citizen.heythanksfm01" "Hey, thanks, Freeman." "npc_citizen.heythanksfm02" "嘿 - 謝了,弗里曼。" "[english]npc_citizen.heythanksfm02" "Hey, thanks, Freeman." "npc_citizen.hi01" "嗨" "[english]npc_citizen.hi01" "Hi. " "npc_citizen.hi02" "嗨。" "[english]npc_citizen.hi02" "Hi. " "npc_citizen.hitingut01" "呃 - 我的肚子。" "[english]npc_citizen.hitingut01" "Hit in the gut!" "npc_citizen.hitingut02" "呃 - 我的肚子。" "[english]npc_citizen.hitingut02" "Hit in the gut!" "npc_citizen.holddownspot01" "我留在這裡守住據點。" "[english]npc_citizen.holddownspot01" "I'm gonna stay and hold down this spot. " "npc_citizen.holddownspot02" "我留在這裡守住據點。" "[english]npc_citizen.holddownspot02" "I'm gonna stay and hold down this spot. " "npc_citizen.hoppers01" "詭雷" "[english]npc_citizen.hoppers01" "Hoppers!" "npc_citizen.hoppers02" "詭雷" "[english]npc_citizen.hoppers02" "Hoppers!" "npc_citizen.howdimissthat" "我怎麼會沒看到?" "[english]npc_citizen.howdimissthat" "How'd I miss that?" "npc_citizen.illstayhere01" "我會留在這裡。" "[english]npc_citizen.illstayhere01" "I'll stay here. " "npc_citizen.imhurt01" "我受傷了!" "[english]npc_citizen.imhurt01" "I'm hurt! " "npc_citizen.imhurt02" "我受傷了!" "[english]npc_citizen.imhurt02" "I'm hurt!" "npc_citizen.imstickinghere01" "我要留在這裡。" "[english]npc_citizen.imstickinghere01" "I'm sticking here." "npc_citizen.incoming01" "砲擊" "[english]npc_citizen.incoming01" "Incoming!" "npc_citizen.incoming02" "砲擊" "[english]npc_citizen.incoming02" "Incoming!" "npc_citizen.inthere01" "那裡面" "[english]npc_citizen.inthere01" "In there!" "npc_citizen.inthere02" "那裡面" "[english]npc_citizen.inthere02" "In there!" "npc_citizen.itsamanhack01" "是鋸鳥" "[english]npc_citizen.itsamanhack01" "It's a manhack!" "npc_citizen.itsamanhack02" "是鋸鳥" "[english]npc_citizen.itsamanhack02" "It's a manhack!" "npc_citizen.itsarhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.itsarhino01" " " "npc_citizen.itsarhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.itsarhino02" " " "npc_citizen.joe00" " " "[english]npc_citizen.joe00" " " "npc_citizen.leadon01" "帶路吧,弗里曼。" "[english]npc_citizen.leadon01" "Lead on, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.leadon02" "帶路吧,弗里曼!" "[english]npc_citizen.leadon02" "Lead on, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.leadtheway01" "你帶路吧。" "[english]npc_citizen.leadtheway01" "You lead the way. " "npc_citizen.leadtheway02" "你帶路吧。" "[english]npc_citizen.leadtheway02" "Lead the way." "npc_citizen.letsgo01" "走吧。" "[english]npc_citizen.letsgo01" "Let's go! " "npc_citizen.letsgo02" "走吧。" "[english]npc_citizen.letsgo02" "Let's go! " "npc_citizen.likethat" "哼哼! 喜歡嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.likethat" "Ha ha! Like that? " "npc_citizen.likethemapples" "喜歡蘋果嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.likethemapples" "Like them apples? " "npc_citizen.littlecorner01" "我有自己的小天地,絕不離開。" "[english]npc_citizen.littlecorner01" "I've got my little corner and I'm sticking to it " "npc_citizen.lookoutfm01" "小心,弗里曼!" "[english]npc_citizen.lookoutfm01" "Look out, Freeman " "npc_citizen.lookoutfm02" "小心,弗里曼!" "[english]npc_citizen.lookoutfm02" "Look out, Freeman " "npc_citizen.manhacks01" "鋸鳥!" "[english]npc_citizen.manhacks01" "Manhacks!" "npc_citizen.manhacks02" "鋸鳥!" "[english]npc_citizen.manhacks02" "Manhacks!" "npc_citizen.moan01" "*呻吟*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan01" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan02" "*呻吟*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan02" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan03" "*呻吟*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan03" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan04" "*呻吟*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan04" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan05" "*呻吟*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan05" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.myarm01" "呃 - 我的手" "[english]npc_citizen.myarm01" "My arm!" "npc_citizen.myarm02" "我的手" "[english]npc_citizen.myarm02" "My arm!" "npc_citizen.mygut01" "我的肚子!" "[english]npc_citizen.mygut01" "My gut!" "npc_citizen.mygut02" "啊、呃,我的肚子" "[english]npc_citizen.mygut02" "My gut!" "npc_citizen.myleg01" "啊、我的腳" "[english]npc_citizen.myleg01" "My leg!" "npc_citizen.myleg02" "喔 - 我的腳" "[english]npc_citizen.myleg02" "My leg!" "npc_citizen.nice" "不錯" "[english]npc_citizen.nice" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.no01" "不!" "[english]npc_citizen.no01" "No!" "npc_citizen.no02" "不!" "[english]npc_citizen.no02" "No!" "npc_citizen.notthemanithought01" "我真是看錯你了。" "[english]npc_citizen.notthemanithought01" "You're not the man I thought you were. " "npc_citizen.notthemanithought02" "我真是看錯你了。" "[english]npc_citizen.notthemanithought02" "You're not the man I thought you were. " "npc_citizen.ohno" "喔不!" "[english]npc_citizen.ohno" "Oh no! " "npc_citizen.ok01" "好吧。" "[english]npc_citizen.ok01" "Okay. " "npc_citizen.ok02" "好吧。" "[english]npc_citizen.ok02" "Okay! " "npc_citizen.okdoc01" "好好,好啦博士" "[english]npc_citizen.okdoc01" "Okay, Doc." "npc_citizen.okdoc02" "好博士" "[english]npc_citizen.okdoc02" "Okay, Doc." "npc_citizen.okimready01" "好,我好了。" "[english]npc_citizen.okimready01" "Okay, I'm ready. " "npc_citizen.okimready02" "好,我好了。" "[english]npc_citizen.okimready02" "Okay, I'm ready. " "npc_citizen.okimready03" "好,我好了。" "[english]npc_citizen.okimready03" "Okay, I'm ready." "npc_citizen.oneforme" "我一個,然後…我再一個" "[english]npc_citizen.oneforme" "One for me and one for me." "npc_citizen.onyourside" "弗里曼 - 我們是同國的!" "[english]npc_citizen.onyourside" "Freeman, we're on your side! " "npc_citizen.outofyourway01" "我讓路給你過" "[english]npc_citizen.outofyourway01" "Let me get out of your way " "npc_citizen.outofyourway02" "我讓路給你過" "[english]npc_citizen.outofyourway02" "Let me get out of your way " "npc_citizen.outthere01" "在外面" "[english]npc_citizen.outthere01" "Out there!" "npc_citizen.outthere02" "在外面" "[english]npc_citizen.outthere02" "Out there!" "npc_citizen.overhere01" "嘿!在這裡!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere01" "Hey, over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere01a" "在這裡" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere01a" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere02" "在這裡" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere02" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere03" "在這裡" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere03" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overthere01" "在那裡" "[english]npc_citizen.overthere01" "Over there!" "npc_citizen.overthere02" "在那裡" "[english]npc_citizen.overthere02" "Over there!" "npc_citizen.ow01" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.ow01" "Ow!" "npc_citizen.ow02" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.ow02" "Ow!" "npc_citizen.pain01" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain01" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain02" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain02" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain03" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain03" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain04" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain04" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain05" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain05" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain06" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain06" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain07" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain07" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain08" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain08" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain09" "*痛!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain09" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pardonme01" "抱歉" "[english]npc_citizen.pardonme01" "Pardon me." "npc_citizen.pardonme02" "抱歉" "[english]npc_citizen.pardonme02" "Pardon me." "npc_citizen.question01" "我覺得戰爭永遠也不會結束。" "[english]npc_citizen.question01" "I don't think this war's ever gonna end. " "npc_citizen.question02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.question02" " " "npc_citizen.question03" "我不再幻想了。" "[english]npc_citizen.question03" "I don't dream anymore. " "npc_citizen.question04" "等一切結束之後,我要…唉,我在騙誰啊。" "[english]npc_citizen.question04" "When this is all over I'm...aw, who am I kidding? " "npc_citizen.question05" "哇!似曾相識。" "[english]npc_citizen.question05" "Whoa...deja vu!" "npc_citizen.question06" " " "[english]npc_citizen.question06" " " "npc_citizen.question07" "聞到沒?這就是自由。" "[english]npc_citizen.question07" "You smell that? It's freedom. " "npc_citizen.question08" "如果有一天我抓到布林博士的話," "[english]npc_citizen.question08" "If I ever get my hands on Dr. Breen..." "npc_citizen.question09" "我吃得下一整匹馬。" "[english]npc_citizen.question09" "I could eat a horse, hooves and all. " "npc_citizen.question10" "我真不敢相信這一天終於來了。" "[english]npc_citizen.question10" "I can't believe this day has finally come. " "npc_citizen.question11" "我很肯定這不在計劃之內。" "[english]npc_citizen.question11" "I'm pretty sure this isn't part of the plan. " "npc_citizen.question12" "我覺得事情只會更糟,不會更好。" "[english]npc_citizen.question12" "Looks to me like things are getting worse, not better. " "npc_citizen.question13" "如果生命可以重來的話," "[english]npc_citizen.question13" "If I could live my life over again " "npc_citizen.question14" "我絕對不會告訴你我想到了什麼。" "[english]npc_citizen.question14" "I'm not even gonna tell you what that reminds me of. " "npc_citizen.question15" "他們永遠沒辦法改變我。" "[english]npc_citizen.question15" "They're never gonna make a stalker out of me. " "npc_citizen.question16" "終於有些改變了!" "[english]npc_citizen.question16" "Finally, change is in the air! " "npc_citizen.question17" "你感覺到了嗎? 我感覺到了!" "[english]npc_citizen.question17" "Do you feel it? I feel it! " "npc_citizen.question18" "我已經變得麻木不仁了。" "[english]npc_citizen.question18" "I don't feel anything anymore. " "npc_citizen.question19" "我已經忘記上次洗澡是什麼時候了。" "[english]npc_citizen.question19" "I can't remember the last time I had a shower. " "npc_citizen.question20" "將來,這一切都會是不好的回憶。" "[english]npc_citizen.question20" "Some day this will all be a bad memory. " "npc_citizen.question21" "我不喜歡打賭,不過情勢看起來不妙。" "[english]npc_citizen.question21" "I'm not a betting man, but the odds are not good. " "npc_citizen.question22" "難道沒有人在乎我的想法嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.question22" "Doesn't anyone care what I think? " "npc_citizen.question23" "我腦袋裡一直聽到這個 - <吹口哨>" "[english]npc_citizen.question23" "I can't get this tune out of my head. [whistles]" "npc_citizen.question24" "我不想知道這是什麼肉。" "[english]npc_citizen.question24" "I do not want to know what kind of meat this is. " "npc_citizen.question25" "我就知道今天是「那種日子」。" "[english]npc_citizen.question25" "I just knew it was gonna be one of those days. " "npc_citizen.question26" "放你個屁!" "[english]npc_citizen.question26" "This is bullshit!" "npc_citizen.question27" "我大概吃壞肚子了" "[english]npc_citizen.question27" "I think I ate something bad." "npc_citizen.question28" "天啊我好餓" "[english]npc_citizen.question28" "God I'm hungry." "npc_citizen.question29" "等一切結束,我要找個人上床。" "[english]npc_citizen.question29" "When this is all over, I'm gonna mate. " "npc_citizen.question30" "還好這附近沒有什麼小孩子" "[english]npc_citizen.question30" "I'm glad there's no kids around to see this " "npc_citizen.question31" "我根本不記得我上次做那些事 - 呃、是什麼時候了" "[english]npc_citizen.question31" "I can't remember the last time I had, well, anything. " "npc_citizen.readywhenyouare01" "隨時可以行動!" "[english]npc_citizen.readywhenyouare01" "Ready when you are. " "npc_citizen.readywhenyouare02" "隨時可以行動!" "[english]npc_citizen.readywhenyouare02" "Ready when you are! " "npc_citizen.reloadfm01" "換彈匣,博士" "[english]npc_citizen.reloadfm01" "Reload, Dr. Freeman!" "npc_citizen.reloadfm02" "換彈匣,博士" "[english]npc_citizen.reloadfm02" "Reload, Dr. Freeman!" "npc_citizen.rollermines01" "旋轉地雷!" "[english]npc_citizen.rollermines01" "Rollermines!" "npc_citizen.rollermines02" "旋轉地雷!" "[english]npc_citizen.rollermines02" "Rollermines!" "npc_citizen.runforyourlife01" "快逃!" "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife01" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.runforyourlife02" "快點逃啊!" "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife02" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.runforyourlife03" "快逃!" "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife03" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far01" "安全。" "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far01" "Clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far02" "安全了。" "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far02" "All clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far03" "看來沒問題。" "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far03" "Looks okay. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_near01" "安全" "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near01" "Clear!" "npc_citizen.scan_check_near02" "安全了。" "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near02" "All clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_near03" "看來沒問題。" "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near03" "Looks okay. " "npc_citizen.scanners01" "探測機" "[english]npc_citizen.scanners01" "Scanners! " "npc_citizen.scanners02" "探測機" "[english]npc_citizen.scanners02" "Scanners! " "npc_citizen.shoulder01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.shoulder01" " " "npc_citizen.shoulder02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.shoulder02" " " "npc_citizen.snakebitme" "不然就是被蛇咬了" "[english]npc_citizen.snakebitme" "If it were a snake, it woulda bit me." "npc_citizen.sorry01" "對不起" "[english]npc_citizen.sorry01" "Sorry." "npc_citizen.sorry02" "對不起" "[english]npc_citizen.sorry02" "Sorry. " "npc_citizen.sorry03" "對不起" "[english]npc_citizen.sorry03" "Sorry. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc01" "博士對不起" "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc01" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc02" "啊,博士對不起" "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc02" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc04" "對不起,博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc04" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorryfm01" "弗里曼,對不起" "[english]npc_citizen.sorryfm01" "Sorry, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.sorryfm02" "弗里曼,對不起" "[english]npc_citizen.sorryfm02" "Sorry, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm01" "沒錯,博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm01" "You got it, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm02" "你說了算,博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm02" "Anything you say, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm03" "你說了算" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm03" "Whatever you say. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm04" "好,我走了" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm04" "Okay I'm going. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm05" "上囉" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm05" "Here goes. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm06" "什麼都沒有" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm06" "Here goes nothing. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm07" "幹得好,博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm07" "Good call, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm08" "好主意,弗里曼博士" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm08" "Good idea, Doctor Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm09" "好呀,高登。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm09" "Sure thing, Gordon. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach01" "回去找弗里曼。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach01" "Head back to Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach02" "我們來了" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach02" "Here we come. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach03" "馬上到" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach03" "On our way. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach04" "來了" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach04" "Coming. " "npc_citizen.squad_away01" "大家往這邊" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away01" "This way, gang." "npc_citizen.squad_away02" "往這裡" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away02" "Over here. " "npc_citizen.squad_away03" "跟我來" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away03" "Follow me. " "npc_citizen.squad_follow01" "跟著弗里曼" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow01" "Follow Freeman! " "npc_citizen.squad_follow02" "大家走吧" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow02" "Come on, everybody! " "npc_citizen.squad_follow03" "快點走吧" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow03" "Let's get moving!" "npc_citizen.squad_follow04" "聽好 - 跟著弗里曼" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow04" "Hey, everybody, follow Freeman!" "npc_citizen.squad_greet01" "高登弗里曼 - 你來了!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet01" "Gordon Freeman, you're here! " "npc_citizen.squad_greet02" "弗里曼博士? 我們跟你走。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet02" "Doctor Freeman? We're coming with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet03" "博士,我們跟你去。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet03" "We're coming with you, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet04" "博士,有你加入我們終於有希望了。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet04" "With you here, Dr. Freeman, we can finally make some headway." "npc_citizen.squad_greet05" "高登弗里曼來了 - 真是奇蹟。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet05" "Gordon Freeman's here. I don't believe it. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet06" "高登弗里曼 - 嗯 - 終於有希望了。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet06" "Gordon Freeman? Well now we're getting somewhere. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group01" "弗里曼博士,等等,我們跟你去。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group01" "Doctor Freeman, wait. We'll come with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group02" "嘿 - 是弗里曼,我們跟著他好了。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group02" "Hey, it's Freeman! Let's follow him! " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group03" "弗里曼博士,我們想加入。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group03" "We were looking to join you, Doctor Freeman." "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group04" "等等我們" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group04" "Wait for us!" "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single01" "等等我,博士 - 我跟你一起去。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single01" "Wait for me, Dr. Freeman. I'll come with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single02" "弗里曼博士,我要跟你一起去。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single02" "Dr. Freeman, I'm coming with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single03" "嘿,是弗里曼! 我一定要跟你去。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single03" "Hey. it's Freeman! You're not leaving without me. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single04" "等等我。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single04" "Wait for me. " "npc_citizen.squad_train01" "博士,我們會盡力幫忙。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train01" "We'll help however we can, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_train02" "博士,需要幫忙就說一聲。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train02" "Let us know where you want us, Dr. Freeman." "npc_citizen.squad_train03" "好了,博士,交給你了。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train03" "Okay, Doc, you're in charge. " "npc_citizen.squad_train04" "我們加入你,博士。 需要幫忙的話就說一聲。" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train04" "We're with you, Dr. Freeman. Let us know if we can do anything extra to help." "npc_citizen.startle01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.startle01" " " "npc_citizen.startle02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.startle02" " " "npc_citizen.stopitfm" "呃!" "[english]npc_citizen.stopitfm" "Stop it, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.strider" "長腳蜘蛛!" "[english]npc_citizen.strider" "Strider!" "npc_citizen.strider_run" "快跑!" "[english]npc_citizen.strider_run" "Run!" "npc_citizen.surething01" "沒問題" "[english]npc_citizen.surething01" "Sure thing." "npc_citizen.surething02" "沒問題" "[english]npc_citizen.surething02" "Sure thing." "npc_citizen.takecover01" "找掩護" "[english]npc_citizen.takecover01" "Take cover!" "npc_citizen.takecover02" "找掩護" "[english]npc_citizen.takecover02" "Take cover!" "npc_citizen.thanksdoc01" "謝了,博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.thanksdoc01" "Thanks, Doc." "npc_citizen.thanksdoc02" "謝了,博士。" "[english]npc_citizen.thanksdoc02" "Thanks, Doc." "npc_citizen.thehacks01" "鋸鳥" "[english]npc_citizen.thehacks01" "The Hacks!" "npc_citizen.thehacks02" "鋸鳥" "[english]npc_citizen.thehacks02" "The Hacks!" "npc_citizen.thislldonicely" "這個很棒。" "[english]npc_citizen.thislldonicely" "This'll do nicely." "npc_citizen.turret" "機槍塔" "[english]npc_citizen.turret" "Turret!" "npc_citizen.turrets" "機槍塔" "[english]npc_citizen.turrets" "Turrets!" "npc_citizen.uhoh" "喔哦。" "[english]npc_citizen.uhoh" "Uh-oh." "npc_citizen.upthere01" "上面" "[english]npc_citizen.upthere01" "Up there!" "npc_citizen.upthere02" "上面" "[english]npc_citizen.upthere02" "Up there! " "npc_citizen.vanswer01" "你說的已經夠多啦!" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer01" "Enough of your mumbo jumbo. " "npc_citizen.vanswer02" "該死的弗地崗人" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer02" "Damn vorts. " "npc_citizen.vanswer03" "我不知道該有什麼反應" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer03" "I'm not sure how to take that. " "npc_citizen.vanswer04" "我應該生氣嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer04" "Should I take that personally?" "npc_citizen.vanswer05" "請說國語" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer05" "Speak English." "npc_citizen.vanswer06" "那是我給你的" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer06" "You got that from me." "npc_citizen.vanswer07" "所以我們處處忍著你" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer07" "That's why we put up with you." "npc_citizen.vanswer08" "我自己來應該會更好" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer08" "Couldn't have put it better myself. " "npc_citizen.vanswer09" "有點像是歪理" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer09" "That almost made sense." "npc_citizen.vanswer10" "是不是我有什麼問題,我竟然聽得懂" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer10" "Something must be wrong with me, I almost understood that." "npc_citizen.vanswer11" "我猜我大概是習慣了啦" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer11" "I guess I'm getting used to you vorts." "npc_citizen.vanswer12" "別提弗地崗哲學" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer12" "None of your vort philosophy." "npc_citizen.vanswer13" "拜託,我快煩死啦" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer13" "Stop, you're killing me!" "npc_citizen.vanswer14" "我是造了什麼孽啊?" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer14" "What did I do to deserve this?" "npc_citizen.vquestion01" "不要那樣看著我好不好?" "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion01" "Stop looking at me like that." "npc_citizen.vquestion02" "有些事情啊,我就是沒辨法習慣。" "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion02" "Some things I just never get used to." "npc_citizen.vquestion03" "我真是搞不懂耶,你們怎麼會活那麼久?" "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion03" "I don't know how you things have survived as long as you have. " "npc_citizen.vquestion04" "有的時候我真懷疑我怎麼會跟你在一起。" "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion04" "Sometimes I wonder how I ended up with you. " "npc_citizen.vquestion05" "你不錯啦,小弗" "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion05" "You're all right vorty. " "npc_citizen.vquestion06" "你們也不錯嘛" "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion06" "You vorts aren't half bad." "npc_citizen.vquestion07" "以前總認為不可能和弗地崗人交朋友" "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion07" "If anyone would have told me I'd be pals with a vortigaunt..." "npc_citizen.waitingsomebody" "你在等人嗎?" "[english]npc_citizen.waitingsomebody" "You waiting for somebody?" "npc_citizen.watchforrhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.watchforrhino01" " " "npc_citizen.watchforrhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.watchforrhino02" " " "npc_citizen.watchout" "小心!" "[english]npc_citizen.watchout" "Watch out! " "npc_citizen.watchwhat" "看看你幹的好事!" "[english]npc_citizen.watchwhat" "Watch what you're doing. " "npc_citizen.wetrustedyou01" "我們那麼信任你!" "[english]npc_citizen.wetrustedyou01" "We trusted you. " "npc_citizen.wetrustedyou02" "我們那麼信任你!" "[english]npc_citizen.wetrustedyou02" "We trusted you! " "npc_citizen.whatwaitfor" "我們還等什麼啊?" "[english]npc_citizen.whatwaitfor" "What are we waiting for?" "npc_citizen.whistle_loop" " " "[english]npc_citizen.whistle_loop" " " "npc_citizen.whohellryou01" "你又是誰?" "[english]npc_citizen.whohellryou01" "Who the hell are you?" "npc_citizen.whoops01" "哇" "[english]npc_citizen.whoops01" "Whoops." "npc_citizen.wowniceshot01" "哇!打得好!" "[english]npc_citizen.wowniceshot01" "Wow, nice shot!" "npc_citizen.wowniceshot02" "嗚喔!打得好!" "[english]npc_citizen.wowniceshot02" "Wow, nice shot!" "npc_citizen.yeah02" "好" "[english]npc_citizen.yeah02" "Yeah!" "npc_citizen.youdbetterreload01" "你快換彈匣" "[english]npc_citizen.youdbetterreload01" "You'd better reload!" "npc_citizen.yougotit02" "你說對了" "[english]npc_citizen.yougotit02" "You got it " "npc_citizen.zombies01" "殭屍!" "[english]npc_citizen.zombies01" "Zombies!" "npc_citizen.zombies02" "殭屍!" "[english]npc_citizen.zombies02" "Zombies!" "npc_citizen.help03" "幫幫我們" "[english]npc_citizen.help03" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help04" "救命。" "[english]npc_citizen.help04" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help05" "救命。 這裡。 救命。" "[english]npc_citizen.help05" "Help!" "npc_citizen.helpme02" "幫幫我!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpme02" "Help me! " "npc_citizen.heretheycome02" "敵人來了!" "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome02" "Here they come! " "npc_citizen.heretheycome03" "他們來了。" "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome03" "Here they come. " "npc_citizen.nice01" "不錯" "[english]npc_citizen.nice01" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.nice02" "不錯" "[english]npc_citizen.nice02" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.overwatch01" "監管隊!" "[english]npc_citizen.overwatch01" "Overwatch! " "npc_citizen.overwatch02" "監管隊!" "[english]npc_citizen.overwatch02" "Overwatch! " "npc_citizen.thislldonicely01" "這個很棒" "[english]npc_citizen.thislldonicely01" "This'll do nicely. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Chuckle" "*輕笑*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Chuckle" "*chuckle*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure" "嫌犯,準備接受判決。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure" "Suspect, prepare to receive civil judgment. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure.Leave" "拒絕服從忠誠度檢查,可能是 10-103M。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure.Leave" "I have a failure to comply with loyalty check, possible 10-103M. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway" "好了。你可以走了。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway" "All right. You can go. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway.Failure" "你可以走了。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway.Failure" "Now get out of here. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Intro" "呃,收到,我們就用標準忠誠度檢查程序 243,10-22 徵收站,完畢。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Intro" "Uh, roger that, we'll run standard loyalty check procedure 243, my 10-22 intake station, over. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan" "把罐子撿起來。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan" "Pick up that can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan.Nag" "我說了,把罐子撿起來。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan.Nag" "Pick up the can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PutItInTheTrash" "我說了,放到垃圾桶裡去。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PutItInTheTrash" "Now, put it in the trash can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Success" "報告,義務徵用公民進行一般公共服務項目 T94-322。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Success" "Reporting citizen summoned to voluntary conscription for general service public detail T94-322. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoLeft" "走了。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoLeft" "Move along." "NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoRight" "動作快。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoRight" "Move it." "NPC_MetroPolice.Freeze" "不要動。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Freeze" "Don't move." "NPC_MetroPolice.Luggagescript.Warn" "第一次警告;走開。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Luggagescript.Warn" "First warning: Move away. " "npc_vortigaunt.acceptcharge" "接受補給。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.acceptcharge" "Accept a charge. " "npc_vortigaunt.acceptenergy" "接受能源。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.acceptenergy" "Accept energy. " "npc_vortigaunt.accompany" "很高興陪伴你。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.accompany" "Gladly we accompany. " "npc_vortigaunt.affirmed" "是的。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.affirmed" "Affirmed. " "npc_vortigaunt.alldear" "我們已經失去所有親朋好友了。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.alldear" "We have lost all dear to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.allfornow" "目前就先這樣。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allfornow" "That is all for now. " "npc_vortigaunt.allinoneinall" "偉哉總體,合而為一。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allinoneinall" "All in one and one in all. " "npc_vortigaunt.allowme" "讓我來。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allowme" "Allow me. " "npc_vortigaunt.allowrecharge" "讓我們補充你的能源。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allowrecharge" "Allow us to recharge your cells. " "npc_vortigaunt.allwecanspare" "我們只能給你這些。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allwecanspare" "That is all we can spare. " "npc_vortigaunt.allwehave" "我們所有的一切都是你的。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allwehave" "All we have is yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.assent" "同意。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.assent" "Assent. " "npc_vortigaunt.asyouwish" "如你所願。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.asyouwish" "As you wish. " "npc_vortigaunt.beofservice" "我們能幫忙嗎?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.beofservice" "Can we be of service? " "npc_vortigaunt.bodyyours" "在下願意隨您差遣。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.bodyyours" "This body is yours to command. " "npc_vortigaunt.calm" "冷靜下來。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.calm" "Calm yourself. " "npc_vortigaunt.canconvince" "我們不能說服你放棄嗎?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.canconvince" "Can we not convince you otherwise? " "npc_vortigaunt.cannotfire" "我們開火的話,就會傷害弗里曼。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.cannotfire" "We cannot fire without harm to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.caution" "小心!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.caution" "Caution! " "npc_vortigaunt.cautionfm" "小心,弗里曼!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.cautionfm" "Caution, Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.certainly" "當然。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.certainly" "Certainly. " "npc_vortigaunt.claimvort" " " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.claimvort" " " "npc_vortigaunt.corporeal" "我們從沒想過能與你的實體見面。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.corporeal" "We never dreamed to meet you in corporeal form. " "npc_vortigaunt.dedicate" "我們完全為你的目標奮鬥。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.dedicate" "We dedicate ourselves to your purpose. " "npc_vortigaunt.done" "完成。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.done" "Done. " "npc_vortigaunt.dreamed" "我們一直夢想此時!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.dreamed" "We have dreamed of this moment. " "npc_vortigaunt.empowerus" "賜與我們力量!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.empowerus" "Empower us! " "npc_vortigaunt.energyempower" "它的能源給我們力量。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.energyempower" "Its energy empowers us. " "npc_vortigaunt.fearfailed" "我們恐怕讓你失望了。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fearfailed" "We fear we have failed you. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmbeware" "弗里曼小心!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmbeware" "Freeman, beware! " "npc_vortigaunt.fmcanuse" "弗里曼可以使用這個。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmcanuse" "The Freeman can make use of this. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmdoesushonor" "弗里曼賜與我們榮耀。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmdoesushonor" "The Freeman does us honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmhonorsus" "弗里曼榮耀了我們。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmhonorsus" "The Freeman honors us. " "npc_vortigaunt.fminway" "弗里曼與我們同在。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fminway" "The Freeman is in our way. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmknowsbest" "弗里曼知道一切!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmknowsbest" "The Freeman knows best. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustbeware" "弗里曼必須小心!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustbeware" "The Freeman must beware! " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustfollow" "弗里曼必須跟隨!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustfollow" "The Freeman must follow. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustmove" "弗里曼必須移動!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustmove" "The Freeman must move. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmstandstill" "弗里曼必須靜止不動。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmstandstill" "The Freeman must stand still. " "npc_vortigaunt.followfm" "跟隨弗里曼。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.followfm" "Follow, Freeman." "npc_vortigaunt.forfreedom" "為了自由!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forfreedom" "For Freedom! " "npc_vortigaunt.forthefm" "為了弗里曼!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forthefm" "For the Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.forward" "前進!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forward" "Forward! " "npc_vortigaunt.freeman" "弗里曼。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.freeman" "Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.giveover" "給我你的本體。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.giveover" "Give over your essence. " "npc_vortigaunt.gladly" "樂意之至。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.gladly" "Gladly. " "npc_vortigaunt.gloriousend" "為我們煇煌的結局。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.gloriousend" "To our glorious end. " "npc_vortigaunt.greetingsfm" "向弗里曼問候。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.greetingsfm" "Greetings to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.halt" "停。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.halt" "Halt. " "npc_vortigaunt.here" "這裡。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.here" "Here. " "npc_vortigaunt.herewestay" "我們留在這裡。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.herewestay" "Here we stay. " "npc_vortigaunt.hold" "別動。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.hold" "Hold. " "npc_vortigaunt.holdorcantcharge" "不要動,否則不能補給。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.holdorcantcharge" "Hold still or we cannot charge you. " "npc_vortigaunt.holdstill" "不要動。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.holdstill" "Hold still. " "npc_vortigaunt.honorfollow" "跟隨你是我們的榮耀。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.honorfollow" "To our honor we follow you. " "npc_vortigaunt.honorours" "這是我們的榮幸。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.honorours" "The honor is ours. " "npc_vortigaunt.hopeless" "我們的希望渺茫。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.hopeless" "Our cause seems hopeless. " "npc_vortigaunt.ifyoumove" "你移動我們就不能幫助你了。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ifyoumove" "If you move we cannot help you. " "npc_vortigaunt.isitthefm" "是弗里曼嗎?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.isitthefm" "Is it the Freeman? " "npc_vortigaunt.itishonor" "真是榮幸啊。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.itishonor" "It is an honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.itisthefm" "是弗里曼。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.itisthefm" "It is the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.keepfmsafe" "這應該可以讓弗里曼安全。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.keepfmsafe" "That should keep the Freeman safe. " "npc_vortigaunt.leadon" "繼續走。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.leadon" "Lead on. " "npc_vortigaunt.leadus" "帶領我們。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.leadus" "Lead us. " "npc_vortigaunt.livetoserve" "我們為你效勞。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.livetoserve" "We live to serve. " "npc_vortigaunt.morethanmeets" "弗里曼的內心比外表還要高深莫測。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.morethanmeets" "There is more to the Freeman than meets the eye. " "npc_vortigaunt.movingtarget" "我們不能治療行動中的目標。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.movingtarget" "We cannot heal a moving target. " "npc_vortigaunt.mutual" "我們的目標是相同的。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.mutual" "Our purpose is mutual. " "npc_vortigaunt.mystery" "我們為相同的神秘力量服務。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.mystery" "We serve the same mystery. " "npc_vortigaunt.neuroprints" "所以思想是真實的。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.neuroprints" "So the neuroprints are true. " "npc_vortigaunt.nodenexus" "節點、連繫 - 以此維持生命!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.nodenexus" "Node and nexus, feed upon this life! " "npc_vortigaunt.onward" "前進!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.onward" "Onward! " "npc_vortigaunt.opaque" "你的思想令人費解。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.opaque" "Your mind is opaque. " "npc_vortigaunt.optical" "我們無法讀取弗里曼的光學芽體。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.optical" "We cannot read the Freeman's optical buds. " "npc_vortigaunt.ourhonor" "以我們的名譽。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ourhonor" "By our honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.ourplacehere" "我們屬於這裡。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ourplacehere" "Our place is here. " "npc_vortigaunt.passon" "繼續前進!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.passon" "Pass on! " "npc_vortigaunt.persevere" "這已超過常人所能忍受 - 但是我們會忍耐下去。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.persevere" "This is more than anyone can bear, but we will persevere. " "npc_vortigaunt.pleasure" "樂意之至。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.pleasure" "With pleasure. " "npc_vortigaunt.poet" "我們最好的詩人如此描述:尬攔,嘎極力碼。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.poet" "Our finest poet describes it thus: Gallum galla gilla ma. " "npc_vortigaunt.prepare" "準備接收能源。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.prepare" "Prepare to receive energy. " "npc_vortigaunt.prevail" "我們將勝利。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.prevail" "We shall prevail. " "npc_vortigaunt.propitious" "有利的聯盟。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.propitious" "Propitious alliance. " "npc_vortigaunt.putaside" "我們現在暫時不談…黑色高地…" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.putaside" "We will put aside Black Mesa... for now. " "npc_vortigaunt.reasondelay" "延遲有原因嗎" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.reasondelay" "Is there reason for delay?" "npc_vortigaunt.regrettable" "令人遺憾。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.regrettable" "This is regrettable. " "npc_vortigaunt.rememberus" "你一定記得黑色高地的我們。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.rememberus" "You must remember us from Black Mesa." "npc_vortigaunt.returntoall" "回歸至總體。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.returntoall" "Return to the all in one. " "npc_vortigaunt.returnvoid" "回歸於無。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.returnvoid" "Return to the void. " "npc_vortigaunt.salute" "如果你真的是弗里曼,讓我們致敬。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.salute" "If you are truly the Freeman, we salute you. " "npc_vortigaunt.satisfaction" "心滿意足。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.satisfaction" "Satisfaction. " "npc_vortigaunt.seebeforeoureye" "我們見到的這個人是弗里曼嗎?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.seebeforeoureye" "Is this the Freeman we see before our eyes? " "npc_vortigaunt.seenworse" "我們已成功度過許多劫難。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.seenworse" "We have survived worse across the ages. " "npc_vortigaunt.servebetterhere" "或許我們能提供更多幫助。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.servebetterhere" "Perhaps we will serve you better here. " "npc_vortigaunt.standclear" "站開一點。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.standclear" "Stand clear. " "npc_vortigaunt.stillhere" "我們還在。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.stillhere" "We are still here. " "npc_vortigaunt.surge" "我們突破。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.surge" "We surge. " "npc_vortigaunt.takeus" "弗里曼,帶我們一起走。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.takeus" "Freeman, take us with you. " "npc_vortigaunt.tethercut" "束縛已斷。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.tethercut" "The tether is cut. " "npc_vortigaunt.thatisall" "就這樣。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.thatisall" "That is all. " "npc_vortigaunt.thefreeman" "弗里曼。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.thefreeman" "The Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.tothevoid" "與虛無同在。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.tothevoid" "To the void with you. " "npc_vortigaunt.troubleus" "它將不再打擾我們。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.troubleus" "That one shall trouble us no more. " "npc_vortigaunt.trulyitis" "的確是弗里曼。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.trulyitis" "Truly it is the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.undeserving" "不值得察覺。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.undeserving" "Undeserving of consciousness. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer01" "我們還是不相信" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer01" "We remain unconvinced " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer02" "你並非第一個懷有如此幻覺的人" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer02" "You're not the first to harbor such illusions " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer03" "我們相信反面" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer03" "We believe the opposite " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer04" "這樣也可以" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer04" "It is just as well " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "本來就該如此" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "We expected as much " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "這是無益的猜測" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Idle speculation " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "你的關心令人感動" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Your concern is touching " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "別輕易相信。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Don't rely on it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer09" "不要做假設" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer09" "Assume nothing " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer10" "絕無此說" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer10" "Nothing of the sort " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer11" "你被騙了" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer11" "You are deluded " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer12" "希望你是對的" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer12" "We wish you were right " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer13" "原諒我們變化無常的標準" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer13" "Excuse our gauche vicissitudes " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer14" "請你千萬注意" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer14" "We beg your awareness " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer15" "我們也一樣確定" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer15" "Likewise, we are sure. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer16" "我們也有同感" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer16" "The feeling is mutual " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer17" "這不尋常" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer17" "This is unaccustomed " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer18" "一切都是「總體」。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer18" "It is all one in the plenitude " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_01" "是弗里曼嗎?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_01" "Is it the Freeman? " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_02" "來了一個人? 是的! 弗里曼!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_02" "Comes a man? It is! The Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_03" "我們記得弗里曼。 我們是共同體。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_03" "We remember the Freeman. We are coterminous. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_04" "我們之間是沒有距離的。 無論是時間或空間都無法介入。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_04" "There is no distance between us. No false veil of time or space may intervene. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_05" "我們看見你在黑色高地。 很清楚看見你在尼赫倫斯的房間。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_05" "We see you still in Black Mesa. Clearly we see you in the Nihilanth's chamber. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_06" "我們見證尼赫倫斯之死的明亮永恆。 你跳躍,你落下,我們看見你在障礙間閃爍。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_06" "We bear witness to the bright eternity of the Nihilanth's demise. You leap, you fall, we see you flash beyond the barriers. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_07" "在一小段時間,你與我們同在。 你是一。 在世界之間。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_07" "For a brief time you joined with us. You are one. Between the worlds. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_08" "弗之精髓的交流。 還有那...更深的謎。 但比不上虛無的深度。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_08" "Communion of the vortessence. And that other: a deeper mystery. No deeper than the void itself. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_09" "我們不能忘記被你切斷連結的那些人。 寬恕,並非由我們給予。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_09" "We cannot forget those whose cords you cut. Forgiveness is not ours to bestow. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_10" "目標一致,為了粉碎共同的枷鎖,我們同路而行。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_10" "Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_11" "我們將歌頌你,永遠歌頌你。 不論這個鬥爭的結果如何。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_11" "Your song we sing and shall sing for eternity. No matter the consequences of this struggle. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_12" "你帶給我們無法形容的悲傷與歡愉。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_12" "You have brought us grief and jubilation beyond measure. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_13" "我們還在那裡,見證你的最後一擊。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_13" "We are there still, in observance of your final stroke. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_14" "我們的同胞倒在你的腳下,你切斷了尼赫倫斯與生命,和我們,之間的傳送管。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_14" "While our own lay scattered at your feet, you severed the vortal cord that bound the Nihilanth to life, and to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_15" "那突然出現的希望,至今仍未消減。 當較次要的控制力衰退了;我們知道最終,主要控制力的滅亡即將來臨。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_15" "That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day. For once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_16" "有你,勝利的法寶,在我們身邊,自由之日近了。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_16" "With you beside us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_17" "你光明的臉使你的陰暗面具失色。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_17" "Your bright face obscures your darker mask. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_18" "你的心靈與意義雖然模糊而神秘,我們還是視你為手足。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_18" "We call you sib, although your mind and meaning are a mystery to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_19" "你的眼裡有望向遠方的眼神。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_19" "Far distant eyes look out through yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_20" "某種秘密的存在引導著我們。 我們不該為之命名。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_20" "Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_21" "我們世世代代都背負這個沈重的枷鎖,但現在已經忍無可忍了。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_21" "We have endured these chafing bonds for eons, yet a single moment of further servitude seems intolerable! " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_22" "有多少次我們掙脫束縛,結果卻是再次被束縛。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_22" "How often have we slipped our yoke, only to find it choking us again. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_23" "讓這個戰爭帶給我們完全的勝利,或是種族的滅絕。 我們不會再容許一絲妥協。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_23" "Let this war end in either total victory or our extinction. No further compromise shall we allow. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_24" "在這個悲慘的星球上,我們會與你同在。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_24" "We take our stand beside you, here, upon this miserable rock. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_25" "此時此刻,前途一片黑暗。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_25" "The way ahead is dark for the moment. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_26" "你視為犧牲的一切,對我們而言只是波動。 我們不害怕短暫的黑暗。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_26" "What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_27" "我們是由弗之精髓交織而成的。 你也一樣,只是你看不見而已。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_27" "We are a tapestry woven of vortessence. It is the same for you if only you would see it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_28" "你的內心有幾個自我? 你包括了誰的夢想和期望?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_28" "How many are there in you? Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass? " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_29" "如果你看得見自己眼中之眼、靈中之靈,你就可以知道我們多麼類似。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_29" "Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in your mind, you would see how much we share. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_30" "我們就是你,弗里曼。 而你就是我們。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_30" "We are you, Freeman. And you are us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese02" "啊喀---" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese02" "Ah ghurrrr..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese03" "塔--" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese03" "Taaar..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese04" "瑞" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese04" "Riiit..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese05" "嚨嗄" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese05" "Lung gah..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese07" "貢" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese07" "Gong..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese08" "嗄鎯嗄" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese08" "Galanga..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese09" "嗄啦嚨" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese09" "Ga la lung... " "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese11" "嚓嗄琳嚓啊啦貢" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese11" "Churr galing chur alla gung..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese12" "嚓嚨貢切啦喀" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese12" "Chur lung gong chella gurr..." "npc_vortigaunt.vques01" "我們已經失去所有親朋好友" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques01" "We have lost all dear to us." "npc_vortigaunt.vques02" "合成人會為他們的惡行付出代價。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques02" "The Combine will pay in kind for their depravity." "npc_vortigaunt.vques03" "希望就在眼前" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques03" "Hope is in sight. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques04" "這是個轉捩點" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques04" "This marks a turning point. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques05" "如此悲觀會導致滅亡" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques05" "Such pessimism will doom us all. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques06" "我們有過更悲慘的經歷" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques06" "We have survived darker times. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques07" "我們都想著最偉大的哲學家所說的話:可波能,苦那能,弗米諾特" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques07" "We are mindful of the words of our greatest philosopher: companum gannennen vorgenot!" "npc_vortigaunt.vques08" "你們人類總是困於外在物質" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques08" "You humans, always in the qualidity. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques09" "我們認定此關係不可侵犯。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques09" "We deem this company inviolable. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques10" "有你在此會招致非議" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques10" "Your companionship is greatly belabored. " "npc_vortigaunt.ware" "留神!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ware" "Ware! " "npc_vortigaunt.warefm" "留神,弗里曼!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.warefm" "Ware, Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.warningfm" "警告,致弗里曼。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.warningfm" "Warning to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.weareyours" "我們屬於你。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weareyours" "We are yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.webeofuse" "弗里曼,我們可能對你有幫助。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.webeofuse" "Freeman, we could be of use to you. " "npc_vortigaunt.weclaimyou" "我們認定你了。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weclaimyou" "We claim you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wefollowfm" "我們跟隨弗里曼。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wefollowfm" "We follow the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.wehonored" "我們很榮幸。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wehonored" "We are honored. " "npc_vortigaunt.weknowyou" "我們知道你。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weknowyou" "We know you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wellmet" "你好,弗里曼。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wellmet" "Well met, Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.weshare" "我們共享弗之精髓。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weshare" "We shall share the vortessence. " "npc_vortigaunt.wewillcharge" "我們幫你補給。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wewillcharge" "We will charge you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wewillhelp" "我們會幫你。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wewillhelp" "We will help you. " "npc_vortigaunt.whereto" "現在去哪? 又去做什麼?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.whereto" "Where to now? And to what end? " "npc_vortigaunt.willremain" "如果你如此決定,我們就留下。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.willremain" "We will remain if you so instruct. " "npc_vortigaunt.worthless" "除非自由,否則的話我們的生命毫無價值。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.worthless" "Our life is worthless unless spent on freedom. " "npc_vortigaunt.yes" "對了!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.yes" "Yes! " "npc_vortigaunt.yesforward" "對,前進。" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.yesforward" "Yes, forward. " "npc_vortigaunt.chant03" "*弗地崗人低吟*" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.chant03" "Hurrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Churrrrrrrrrrr---Koff! Hack! Wheeze!" "odessa.cub_damn" " " "[english]odessa.cub_damn" " " "odessa.cub_eli" " " "[english]odessa.cub_eli" " " "odessa.cub_pleasure" " " "[english]odessa.cub_pleasure" " " "odessa.cub_showyou" " " "[english]odessa.cub_showyou" " " "odessa.cub_tricky" " " "[english]odessa.cub_tricky" " " "odessa.nlo_after01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after01" " " "odessa.nlo_after02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after02" " " "odessa.nlo_after03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after03" " " "odessa.nlo_after04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after04" " " "odessa.nlo_after05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after05" " " "odessa.nlo_before01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before01" " " "odessa.nlo_before02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before02" " " "odessa.nlo_before03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before03" " " "odessa.nlo_before04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before04" " " "odessa.nlo_before05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before05" " " "odessa.nlo_before06" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before06" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag01" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag02" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag03" " " "odessa.nlo_cheer01" "*歡呼*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer01" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_cheer02" "*歡呼*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer02" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_cheer03" "*笑聲*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer03" "*laughter*" "odessa.nlo_cheer04" "*歡呼*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer04" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_citizen_bringcar" "把車開上來,我會幫你開門。" "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_bringcar" "Bring your car up here and I'll open the gate for you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_drivesafe" "開車小心!" "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_drivesafe" "Drive safely! " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet01" "如果我是你,就會躲到地下室 - 下一波攻勢快來了。" "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet01" "I'd get into the basement if I were you. We're bracing for an attack. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet02" "高登費里曼? 上校在等你了。" "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet02" "Gordon Freeman? The Colonel is expecting you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet03" "現在沒時間到處亂晃了。合成人已經逼近了。" "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet03" "This is no time to be wandering around. The Combine's closing in. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet04" "進地下室去! 我們每個人都要準備好裝備,擋住這次攻勢!" "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet04" "Get in the basement! We're making sure everyone has what they need to hold off an attack. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet05" "你不應該在外面亂晃。 進地下室去。" "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet05" "You shouldn't be walking around out here. Get into the basement. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post01" "把火箭發射器帶好,博士。 上路後你會很慶幸你帶著它。" "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post01" "Hold onto that launcher, Dr. Freeman. You'll be glad you have it on the road ahead. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post02" "去吧,弗里曼博士。 我們知道伊萊凡斯就靠你了。" "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post02" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. We know Eli Vance is depending on you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post03" "博士,祝你在諾瓦廣場一切順利。" "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post03" "Good luck in Nova Prospekt, Dr. Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_cub_carry" "好了 - 哪個幸運兒要帶這東西上戰場?" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_carry" "Now, who's going to be the lucky one to carry it into combat? " "odessa.nlo_cub_class01" "如果想把炮船打下來的話,手動導向的火箭發射器是最佳武器。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class01" "This steerable rocket launcher is our best bet for taking down a gunship. " "odessa.nlo_cub_class02" "用雷射瞄準器,就可以引導火箭穿過炮船的防禦網,以免火箭被打下來。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class02" "Using the laser guide, you can steer your rocket past the gunship's defenses and prevent it from shooting down your rocket. " "odessa.nlo_cub_class03" "雖然啊,一開始只能稍微干擾一下對方,但是如果你活得夠久、多擊中幾次目標,你啊就可以拿到超級大獎了。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class03" "This will only anger it at first, but if you can survive long enough to make several direct hits, you'll be rewarded with a prize worthy of any mantlepiece. " "odessa.nlo_cub_corkscrew" "記住,用發射器的雷射瞄準器引導火箭穿過炮船的防禦網。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_corkscrew" "Remember: use the launcher's laser guide to steer your rocket past the gunship's defenses. " "odessa.nlo_cub_farewell" "再會! 也請轉告凡斯博士,就說卡伯居上校很遺憾無法親自去救他。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_farewell" "Farewell! And please tell Dr. Vance that Colonel Cubbage regrets not having been able to rescue him in person! " "odessa.nlo_cub_freeman" "太好了! 高登弗里曼!" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_freeman" "Ah, yes! Gordon Freeman! " "odessa.nlo_cub_hello" "啊,你好! 我馬上就好。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_hello" "Ah, hello! I'll be right with you! " "odessa.nlo_cub_ledtobelieve" "看來你已經把那艘炮船處理掉了,博士。 您可真的是名不虛傳啊。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_ledtobelieve" "I gather you've disposed of that gunship, Dr. Freeman. Your reputation, sir, is well deserved. " "odessa.nlo_cub_opengate" "我會叫人馬上幫你開門,讓你繼續前進。 我知道凡斯博士正急需救援。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_opengate" "I shall have someone open the gate for you immediately, so that you can drive on. I understand that Dr. Vance is in great need. " "odessa.nlo_cub_radio" "NLO 呼叫燈塔站。 NLO 呼叫燈塔站。 我是卡伯居上校。 請回答。 請回答。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_radio" "N.L.O. to Lighthouse Point. N.L.O. to Lighthouse Point. Come in. This is Colonel Cubbage. Come in, please. " "odessa.nlo_cub_roadahead" "靠近橋的時候要特別小心。 那邊的偵察站無線電沒有反應,我想大概已經被合成人控制了。 不過,你還是最合適的人選。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_roadahead" "Use extreme caution when approaching the Bridge. Radio silence from that outpost leads me to believe it has come under Combine control. Still, you're clearly the right man for the job! " "odessa.nlo_cub_service" "我是歐德沙卡伯居上校,幸會。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_service" "Colonel Odessa Cubbage at your service! " "odessa.nlo_cub_teachgunship" "快去! 給那艘炮船一個永遠難忘的教訓!" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_teachgunship" "Go on! Teach that gunship a lesson it will never forget! " "odessa.nlo_cub_thatsthat" "啊,就這樣了。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_thatsthat" "Well, that's that. " "odessa.nlo_cub_volunteer" "我也絕對找不到更好的人選了。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_volunteer" "I couldn't have asked for a finer volunteer! " "odessa.nlo_cub_warning" "該死! 讓我先警告一下燈塔站,然後我就會過去幫忙。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_warning" "Damn! Let me just send a warning to Lighthouse Point, then I'll come right up to lend a hand! " "odessa.nlo_cub_wherewasi" "好,剛才說到哪? 啊,對…" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_wherewasi" "Now, where was I? Ah, yes... " "odessa.nlo_cub_youllmakeit" "你一定能成功的。" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_youllmakeit" "You'll make it through if anyone can. " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath01" "不。 不!" "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath01" "No. No! " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath02" "不!" "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath02" "No! No! " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath03" " " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath04" " " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath05" " " "odessa.nlo_farewell" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_farewell" " " "odessa.nlo_getyourjeep" "你去開車,我去把門打開。" "[english]odessa.nlo_getyourjeep" "Get in your car and I'll open up this gate. " "odessa.nlo_greet_freeman" "高登弗里曼!" "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_freeman" "Gordon Freeman! " "odessa.nlo_greet_intro" "快,快進地下室! 炮船隨時都可能會來。 卡伯居上校看見你來會很高興的。" "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_intro" "Hurry, get in the basement. We're expecting gunships at any moment. Colonel Cubbage will be glad to see you made it. " "odessa.nlo_greet_nag01" "往這邊,弗里曼博士。" "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_nag01" "This way, Dr. Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_greet_nag02" "博士,卡伯居上校在地下室。" "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_nag02" "Colonel Cubbage is in the basement, Doctor Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_opengate" "弗里曼博士,我來開門讓你通過。" "[english]odessa.nlo_opengate" "Doctor Freeman, I'll open the gate and let you through. " "odessa.nlo_opengate02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_opengate02" " " "odessa.nlo_userockets" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_userockets" " " "odessa.nlo_vort_exit" "弗里曼現在必須快點! 伊萊凡斯陷入災難情況緊急!" "[english]odessa.nlo_vort_exit" "The Freeman must now hurry on! The Eli Vance is held in distress most dire! " "odessa.nlo_yourcarsir" "博士,去開車。 用走的你撐不了多久。" "[english]odessa.nlo_yourcarsir" "Get your car, Doc. You won't get far on foot. " "odessa.stairman_follow01" "往這兒。" "[english]odessa.stairman_follow01" "This way. " "odessa.stairman_follow02" " " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow02" " " "odessa.stairman_follow03" "跟我來,弗里曼。" "[english]odessa.stairman_follow03" "Stay with me, Freeman. " "odessa.stairman_upstairs" " " "[english]odessa.stairman_upstairs" " " "opening.cit_bench01" "別過來 - 你會引起不必要的注意。" "[english]opening.cit_bench01" "Stay back, you'll attract unwanted attention. " "opening.cit_bench02" "我不能被人看見跟你說話 - 別在這裡。" "[english]opening.cit_bench02" "I can't be seen talking to you. Not out here. " "opening.cit_bench03" "別坐在我附近,會讓人懷疑。" "[english]opening.cit_bench03" "Don't sit near me. It'll look suspicious. " "opening.cit_bench04" "你把鴿子嚇飛了。" "[english]opening.cit_bench04" "You're scaring off the pigeons. " "opening.cit_blocker_getin" "進來,快!" "[english]opening.cit_blocker_getin" "Get in here, quick! " "opening.cit_blocker_go01" "快走!" "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go01" "Get going! " "opening.cit_blocker_go02" "快去!" "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go02" "Go on! " "opening.cit_blocker_go03" "快走!" "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go03" "Get going! " "opening.cit_blocker_holdem" "走!這裡我擋著!" "[english]opening.cit_blocker_holdem" "Go on, I'll hold 'em. " "opening.cit_blocker_roof" "繼續走 - 去屋頂!" "[english]opening.cit_blocker_roof" "Keep moving. Head for the roof! " "opening.cit_breenagain" "又是布林博士? 我本來還希望他不會再來 14 號城了。" "[english]opening.cit_breenagain" "Dr. Breen again? I was hoping I'd seen the last of him in City 14. " "opening.cit_cell_coupon" "這一定是弄錯了。 我有官方的遷移證明,就跟別人一樣。" "[english]opening.cit_cell_coupon" "This must be a mistake. I got a standard relocation coupon, just like everybody else. " "opening.cit_couch_use05" "發生什麼事了?" "[english]opening.cit_couch_use05" "What's going on? " "opening.cit_drunk" "剛才是你敲門? 我還不知道我們有門呢。" "[english]opening.cit_drunk" "Was that you knocking? I didn't even know we still had a door. " "opening.cit_fence_onlyones" "那班火車上就只有你們嗎?" "[english]opening.cit_fence_onlyones" "Were you the only ones on that train? " "opening.cit_fence_woods" "監管隊在森林裡攔下火車,還把我先生抓去調查。 他們說會讓他搭下一班車回來。 我不確定是什麼時候。 不過他們已經對我很好了,讓我在這裡等他。" "[english]opening.cit_fence_woods" "Overwatch stopped our train in the woods and took my husband for questioning. They said he'd be on the next train. I'm not sure when that was. They're being nice, though, letting me wait for him. " "opening.cit_foodline01" "到後面去排隊。" "[english]opening.cit_foodline01" "The line starts at the end. " "opening.cit_foodline02" "你得跟其他人一樣排隊等。" "[english]opening.cit_foodline02" "You'll have to wait your turn like everybody else. " "opening.cit_foodline03" "你一定是餓昏頭了才會排隊領這種垃圾。" "[english]opening.cit_foodline03" "You gotta be damn hungry to wait in line for this crap. " "opening.cit_foodline04" "我不知道你怎麼想,如果能飽餐一頓,我願意加入保安隊。" "[english]opening.cit_foodline04" "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to join Civil Protection just to get a decent meal. " "opening.cit_hall_psst" "嘖! 喂! 這裡面!" "[english]opening.cit_hall_psst" "Psst! Hey you! In here! " "opening.cit_hall_roof" "上屋頂去! 已經沒時間了!" "[english]opening.cit_hall_roof" "Head for the roof! There's no time to lose! " "opening.cit_hit01" "嘿 - 別鬧了。" "[english]opening.cit_hit01" "Cut it out! " "opening.cit_hit02" "別這樣!" "[english]opening.cit_hit02" "Stop that! " "opening.cit_hit03" "小心點好不好?" "[english]opening.cit_hit03" "Watch it, will ya? " "opening.cit_hit04" "夠了!" "[english]opening.cit_hit04" "No more! " "opening.cit_hit05" "不要再那樣了。" "[english]opening.cit_hit05" "That's enough of that. " "opening.cit_lug_allihave" "可是這些 - 我只剩下這些了。" "[english]opening.cit_lug_allihave" "But this stuff, it's all I have left... " "opening.cit_lug_allright" "好啦,我走就是了。 搞什麼…" "[english]opening.cit_lug_allright" "All right, I'm moving. Jeez. " "opening.cit_nerve" "我在做心理建設。" "[english]opening.cit_nerve" "I'm working up the nerve to go on. " "opening.cit_pacing" "來的人…都不走…他們都不走…人總是滿的…從來沒人上來…可是總是…總是一直離開可是都不來…" "[english]opening.cit_pacing" "...They're always departing but they never arrive... and the ones that do arrive... they never leave... you never see them go they're always full... no one ever gets on but they're always... they're always departing but they never arrive... " "opening.cit_pedestrian01" "新來的,對吧?" "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian01" "New in town, aren't ya? " "opening.cit_pedestrian02" "給你個忠告 - 少管閒事。" "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian02" "Word to the wise: keep it to yourself. " "opening.cit_pedestrian03" "如果我跟你說話,我們都會有麻煩。" "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian03" "If I talk to you out here, we'll both be in trouble. " "opening.cit_pedestrian04" "不能讓人看到我們交談。" "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian04" "We can't be seen talking to each other. " "opening.cit_pedestrian05" "我也想幫你,但那是不可能的。" "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian05" "I'd like to help you, but it's out of the question. " "opening.cit_raid_findone" "別擔心,他們會找到的。" "[english]opening.cit_raid_findone" "Don't worry, they'll find one. " "opening.cit_raid_reason" "他們沒有理由來我們家。" "[english]opening.cit_raid_reason" "They have no reason to come to our place. " "opening.cit_raid_start" "每次都是這樣。 先是一棟,再來就是整條街。" "[english]opening.cit_raid_start" "This is how it always starts. First a building, then the whole block. " "opening.cit_raid_use01" "你該慶幸你不住那裡。" "[english]opening.cit_raid_use01" "Just be glad you don't live there. " "opening.cit_raid_use02" "你想找地方住的話,最好繼續往前找。" "[english]opening.cit_raid_use02" "If you're looking for a place to stay, you better keep going. " "opening.cit_tookcase" "他們也拿走你的包包了。 不能再這樣下去了。" "[english]opening.cit_tookcase" "I see they took your suitcase too! They can't get away with this much longer. " "opening.cit_tooloud" "最好不要那麼大聲。 這裡是他的基地。" "[english]opening.cit_tooloud" "I wouldn't say that too loud. This is his base of operations. " "opening.cit_train_endline" "嗯…終站到了。" "[english]opening.cit_train_endline" "Well, end of the line. " "opening.cit_train_geton" "我沒看到你上車。" "[english]opening.cit_train_geton" "I didn't see you get on. " "opening.cit_train_hookup" "待會聊聊吧。" "[english]opening.cit_train_hookup" "Maybe we can hook up later. " "opening.cit_train_reloc" "不管被遷移幾次,我就是沒辨法習慣。" "[english]opening.cit_train_reloc" "No matter how many times I've been relocated, I never get used to it. " "opening.cit_water" "不要喝那杯水。 裡面有藥,會消除記憶。 我連怎麼來的都忘了。" "[english]opening.cit_water" "Don't drink the water. They put something in it to make you forget. I don't even remember how I got here. " "opening.cit_window_cop" "喔,我以為你是警察。" "[english]opening.cit_window_cop" "Oh, I thought you were a cop. " "opening.cit_window_hope" "我寧可希望你是錯的。" "[english]opening.cit_window_hope" "Just this once I hope you're wrong. " "opening.cit_window_look" "你看下面。" "[english]opening.cit_window_look" "Look at them down there. " "opening.cit_window_stand" "他是自己人。" "[english]opening.cit_window_stand" "He's one of us. " "opening.cit_window_use01" "情況不妙了。" "[english]opening.cit_window_use01" "This doesn't look good. " "opening.cit_window_use02" "他們絕對會進來的。" "[english]opening.cit_window_use02" "They're definitely coming in here! " "opening.cit_window_use03" "不過是遲早的問題。" "[english]opening.cit_window_use03" "It was just a matter of time! " "opening.cit_window_use04" "這下子整個社區都完了。" "[english]opening.cit_window_use04" "Here goes the rest of the neighborhood! " "opening.cit_window_usnext" "我就說他們遲早會找上我們。" "[english]opening.cit_window_usnext" "I told you they'd be coming for us next! " "opening.husb_allright" "沒事了。" "[english]opening.husb_allright" "It's all right. " "opening.husb_dontworry" "別擔心。" "[english]opening.husb_dontworry" "Don't worry. " "opening.husb_okay" "不會有事的。" "[english]opening.husb_okay" "Everything's going to be okay. " "opening.husb_think" "我們會有辨法的。" "[english]opening.husb_think" "We'll think of something. " "opening.wife_canttake" "我再也受不了了。" "[english]opening.wife_canttake" "I can't take it anymore. " "opening.wife_end" "到底什麼時候才會結束?" "[english]opening.wife_end" "When is it all going to end? " "opening.wife_please" "天啊!" "[english]opening.wife_please" "Please! " "opening.wife_whattodo" "我們現在該怎麼辨?" "[english]opening.wife_whattodo" "What are we going to do? " "plaza.citizen_beating" "*痛*" "[english]plaza.citizen_beating" "*pain*" "ravenholm.aimforhead" "瞄準頭部!" "[english]ravenholm.aimforhead" "Aim for the head! " "ravenholm.attic_apologize" "啊,是你,兄弟! 我向你道歉! 還好沒造成傷亡。 你倒不用擔心我的子彈。" "[english]ravenholm.attic_apologize" "Ah, it is you, brother! I apologize! But no harm done. My bullets are the least of your concerns. " "ravenholm.bucket_almost" "快要到了,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.bucket_almost" "Almost there, brother! " "ravenholm.bucket_brake" "手煞車啊! 放掉手煞車下來吧!" "[english]ravenholm.bucket_brake" "The hand-brake, brother! Release it and come down! " "ravenholm.bucket_guardwell" "好好保護自己!" "[english]ravenholm.bucket_guardwell" "Guard yourself well! " "ravenholm.bucket_patience" "耐心點兒,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.bucket_patience" "Patience, brother! " "ravenholm.bucket_stepin" "快!兄弟! 快進車裡去!" "[english]ravenholm.bucket_stepin" "Now, brother! Step into the cart! " "ravenholm.bucket_thereyouare" "啊,你來了! 終於啊!" "[english]ravenholm.bucket_thereyouare" "Ah, there you are! At last! " "ravenholm.bucket_waited" "我會把車送過去,兄弟。 很快就到了。" "[english]ravenholm.bucket_waited" "I will send the cart for you, brother. It will be but a moment. " "ravenholm.cartrap_better" "好還要更好!" "[english]ravenholm.cartrap_better" "Better and better! " "ravenholm.cartrap_iamgrig" "我是古格利神父! 你已經見過…我的信徒了! 哈哈哈哈。" "[english]ravenholm.cartrap_iamgrig" "I am Father Grigori! You have already met my congregation. " "ravenholm.engage01" "好,過來吧! 來吧!" "[english]ravenholm.engage01" "Yes, come to me! Come! " "ravenholm.engage02" "來吧!" "[english]ravenholm.engage02" "Come! " "ravenholm.engage03" "來吧!" "[english]ravenholm.engage03" "Come! " "ravenholm.engage04" "我會結束你的苦難!" "[english]ravenholm.engage04" "I will end your torment! " "ravenholm.engage05" "讓我結束你的苦難!" "[english]ravenholm.engage05" "Let me end your torment! " "ravenholm.engage06" "是的,我的孩子,就是我!" "[english]ravenholm.engage06" "Yes, my children, it is I! " "ravenholm.engage07" "走向我的光! 來吧!" "[english]ravenholm.engage07" "Come to the light I carry! Come! " "ravenholm.engage08" "你要的不是我,而是經由我所散發的光輝!" "[english]ravenholm.engage08" "It is not me you want, but the light that shines through me! " "ravenholm.engage09" "走向光明!" "[english]ravenholm.engage09" "Come to the light! " "ravenholm.exit_darkroad" "再會,兄弟! 我怕我把你帶往更黑暗的地方。 願光明之光照亮你的旅途!" "[english]ravenholm.exit_darkroad" "Farewell, Brother! I fear I deliver you to a darker place. May the Light of Lights illuminate your path. " "ravenholm.exit_goquickly" "快去!" "[english]ravenholm.exit_goquickly" "Go quickly! " "ravenholm.exit_hurry" "快點!我會頂著門!" "[english]ravenholm.exit_hurry" "Hurry while I hold the gate! " "ravenholm.exit_nag01" "快逃,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.exit_nag01" "Flee, brother! " "ravenholm.exit_nag02" "向礦場出發!" "[english]ravenholm.exit_nag02" "Onward to the mines! " "ravenholm.exit_salvation" "自己尋找…救贖吧!哈哈哈哈… 哈哈哈哈。" "[english]ravenholm.exit_salvation" "Look to your own salvation! " "ravenholm.firetrap_freeuse" "善用我的陷阱,不要客氣,但自己別掉下去了。" "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_freeuse" "Make free use of my traps, but take care not to fall in them yourself. " "ravenholm.firetrap_lookout" "小心了,兄弟! 後面!" "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_lookout" "Look out, brother! Behind you! " "ravenholm.firetrap_vigil" "在渡鴉市,最好隨時提高警覺。" "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_vigil" "In Ravenholm, you do well to be vigilant. " "ravenholm.firetrap_welldone" "幹得好,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_welldone" "Well done, brother! " "ravenholm.grave_follow" "跟我來,兄弟。 腳步要放輕點。 這裡步步危機啊。" "[english]ravenholm.grave_follow" "Follow me, brother. And tread lightly. For this is hallowed ground. " "ravenholm.grave_stayclose" "跟緊了,我的兄弟。" "[english]ravenholm.grave_stayclose" "Stay close to me, brother! " "ravenholm.madlaugh01" "*笑聲*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh01" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh02" "*笑聲*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh02" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh03" "*笑聲*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh03" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh04" "*笑聲*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh04" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.monk_blocked01" "別擋路!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked01" "Out of my way! " "ravenholm.monk_blocked02" "小心!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked02" "Look out! " "ravenholm.monk_blocked03" "站旁邊去,兄弟。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked03" "Stand aside, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme01" "掩護我,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme01" "Cover me, brother. " "ravenholm.monk_coverme02" "幫個忙吧,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme02" "Your assistance, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme03" "在這裡,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme03" "Over here, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme04" "來這裡,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme04" "To me, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme05" "我需要你的幫忙,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme05" "I require your assistance, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme07" "你在哪裡,兄弟?" "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme07" "Where art thou, brother? " "ravenholm.monk_danger01" "小心!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger01" "Look out! " "ravenholm.monk_danger02" "注意!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger02" "Beware! " "ravenholm.monk_danger03" "小心,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger03" "Careful, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_death07" "啊!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_death07" "Agh! " "ravenholm.monk_followme" "跟著我。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_followme" "Follow me. " "ravenholm.monk_giveammo01" "哪!兄弟! 彈藥!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_giveammo01" "Here, brother! Ammunition! " "ravenholm.monk_givehealth01" "治療吧,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_givehealth01" "Heal thyself, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme01" "他們人太多了!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme01" "I am outnumbered! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme02" "快幫我,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme02" "Help me, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme03" "我沒辨法以寡敵眾!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme03" "I cannot fight them all alone! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme04" "幫個忙,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme04" "Lend a hand, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme05" "幫幫我,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme05" "I need help, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_kill01" "痛苦降臨!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill01" "Woe to thee! " "ravenholm.monk_kill02" "願天降禍於你!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill02" "Woe betide thee, child! " "ravenholm.monk_kill03" "安息吧,孩子。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill03" "Rest, my child. " "ravenholm.monk_kill04" "我不會責怪你的。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill04" "I think no worse of thee. " "ravenholm.monk_kill05" "願光亮之光與你同在。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill05" "May the Light of Lights be with you. " "ravenholm.monk_kill06" "你是不得已的。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill06" "You meant no harm. " "ravenholm.monk_kill07" "回歸到你的本質!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill07" "Return to your true nature. " "ravenholm.monk_kill08" "撫平你的苦難,孩子!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill08" "Balm for your affliction, child. " "ravenholm.monk_kill09" "自由自在!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill09" "Be free, my child! " "ravenholm.monk_kill10" "不要懼怕死亡!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill10" "The grave holds nothing worse for you. " "ravenholm.monk_kill11" "我還記得你原本的樣子!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill11" "I remember your true face! " "ravenholm.monk_mourn01" "兄弟,如果我活得過今晚,一定會厚葬你。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn01" "Well, brother, if I survive this night, I shall build you an honest pyre. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn02" "喔光亮之光啊! 為何要奪走我的幫手?" "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn02" "Oh Light of Lights! Why have you taken my helper? " "ravenholm.monk_mourn03" "唉…又只剩下我了。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn03" "So... again I am alone. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn04" "我的兄弟,從渾沌之中你找到了其他出路。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn04" "Well, brother... you have found another egress from the House of Chaos. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn05" "休息吧,兄弟。 你一定能再活一次。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn05" "Rest now, brother. For you will surely live again. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn06" "起來,兄弟。 起來!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn06" "Rise, brother. Rise! " "ravenholm.monk_mourn07" "復活吧,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn07" "Live again, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_overhere" "在這裡,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_overhere" "Over here, brother. " "ravenholm.monk_pain01" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain01" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain02" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain02" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain03" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain03" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain04" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain04" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain05" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain05" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain06" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain06" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain07" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain07" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain08" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain08" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain09" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain09" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain10" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain10" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain12" "*痛!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain12" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_quicklybro" "快點,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_quicklybro" "Quickly, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_rant01" "罪惡之網無比狡滑,但是光明之光,使我道高一丈!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant01" "Iniquity's snares are cunning, but by the Light of Lights, mine are greater still. " "ravenholm.monk_rant02" "我等之不幸,因為歸屬飄渺,而我等漂泊於渾沌之境!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant02" "Woe to all, for our dwelling place is distant, and we wander through the domiciles of Chaos. " "ravenholm.monk_rant03" "我的力量,遺落於不屬於我的地方。 苦難向我懇求,無情之人也毫無來由地痛擊我。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant03" "My power was lost in places which were not mine. Affliction besought me, and the merciless ones attacked me without cause. " "ravenholm.monk_rant04" "雖然他們說瘋狂,但我不以為意。因為汝為我助手,為我力量,為我救主。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant04" "Although they call me crazy I care not, for thou art my helper, my strength, and my saviour. " "ravenholm.monk_rant05" "您的旨意將行,喔光明之光。 我讚美您的偉大榮耀,無論在光明或無盡的黑夜中。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant05" "Thy will be done, Oh Light of Lights. I bless the glory of thy greatness all the day and through the darkness of this night. " "ravenholm.monk_rant06" "願汝永遠不背棄光。 注意我,並在我呼喊之時,將汝之陷阱降臨於我的仇敵之上!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant06" "I pray do never turn away thy light. Give heed to me, and spring thy traps upon my enemies when I cry out to thee. " "ravenholm.monk_rant07" "傳說他們已轉變,像詭異的惡魔,雖然擁有實體卻毫無光亮。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant07" "For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found. " "ravenholm.monk_rant08" "不要別過你的臉;在我受難之時,請傾耳聆聽我的呼喊。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant08" "Turn not thy face away from me; incline thy ear and hear me when I shall cry to thee in my affliction. " "ravenholm.monk_rant09" "我的過往已煙消雲散,我的骨頭如灰燼焦乾,讓我所有的不潔成為火的燃料,直到一切消失,只剩下光。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant09" "For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone. " "ravenholm.monk_rant10" "從我的呻吟聲聽來,我的骨頭已撕裂肌肉。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant10" "From the voice of my groaning my bone has cleaved to my flesh. " "ravenholm.monk_rant11" "我的靈魂充滿邪惡,如同此地必須一同淨化!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant11" "For my soul is filled with evil, and like this place must be purged. " "ravenholm.monk_rant12" "因死者在墓中不知何謂安眠,爾等不會記得他們,直到親手毀滅他們。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant12" "For the dead know no sleep in their graves, nor dost thou remember them, until they are destroyed through thy hands. " "ravenholm.monk_rant13" "我曾躺進黑暗的洞穴,也曾覆於死亡之陰影。 你的怒氣壓制我身,你的憂慮覆蓋我心。 而我在這床上,呼喊著,點燃你的光。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant13" "I have been laid down in a pit of darknesses and the shadow of death. And thy anger has pressed down upon me; and all thy cares have come down upon me. And from this bed I cry out for the kindling of thy Light! " "ravenholm.monk_rant14" "汝對死人施行了何種可怕奇蹟? 向汝告解的是何種暗影?何種幽靈能藉汝之名而瞭解汝?" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant14" "And what terrible wonders are these those hast done among the dead. What shades rise to confess thee, and what specters shall know thee by thy name? " "ravenholm.monk_rant15" "喔,光!願汝之名於墓中迴響,以骨頭和灰燼拼出姓名!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant15" "Oh Light, may thy name be spoken in the graves, and spelled in bones and ashes! " "ravenholm.monk_rant16" "汝之憤怒籠罩於我,汝之恐懼使我焦慮。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant16" "Thy rages have come down upon me, and thy fears have agitated me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant17" "審判對我不義之人;協助與我併肩作戰之人。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant17" "Judge those who do injustice to me; fight with those who fight with me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant18" "拿起武器與盾牌,起身幫助我!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant18" "Take hold of a weapon and shield, and rise to help me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant19" "抽出汝之劍,並以傷害我的人為鞘;告訴我的靈魂:我即為汝之救贖。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant19" "Draw forth a sword and sheathe it in those that afflict me; say to my soul: I am thy salvation. " "ravenholm.monk_rant20" "願他們化為風中塵埃;願上帝的天使追捕他們!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant20" "May they become like dust before the wind; may the angel of the Lord pursue them. " "ravenholm.monk_rant21" "願他們的路途陰暗濕滑;願上帝的天使痛擊他們!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant21" "May their paths become dark and slippery; and may the angel of the Lord afflict them. " "ravenholm.monk_rant22" "願他們未知的陷阱束縛他們;願他們暗中為我設下的圈套,最後卻困住他們!" "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant22" "May the snare which they do not know come to them; and may the net, which they have hidden for me, catch them in my place. " "ravenholm.monk_stayclosebro" "跟緊我,兄弟。" "[english]ravenholm.monk_stayclosebro" "Stay close, brother. " "ravenholm.pyre_anotherlife" "啊,這又是誰? 又一個需要拯救的人?" "[english]ravenholm.pyre_anotherlife" "But who is this? Another life to save? " "ravenholm.pyre_keepeye" "我會好好照顧你。 除此之外,我什麼也不能承諾。" "[english]ravenholm.pyre_keepeye" "I'll keep my eye on you. More than that, I cannot promise. " "ravenholm.shotgun_advice" "我的建議是…瞄準頭部。" "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_advice" "My advice to you is... aim for the head! " "ravenholm.shotgun_bettergun" "來,我有一把更適合你的槍。 你會用的著的。" "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_bettergun" "Here, I have a more suitable gun for you. You'll need it. " "ravenholm.shotgun_catch" "接住!" "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_catch" "Catch! " "ravenholm.shotgun_closer" "靠近一點。" "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_closer" "Come closer. " "ravenholm.shotgun_hush" "噓!" "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_hush" "Hush! " "ravenholm.shotgun_keepitclose" "很好。 記住!槍不離手。" "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_keepitclose" "Good. Now keep it close. " "ravenholm.shotgun_moveon" "渡鴉市無處歇腳。 繼續走,我會在教堂等你!" "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_moveon" "There is no rest in Ravenholm. Move on and I will meet you at the church! " "ravenholm.shotgun_overhere" "這裡,兄弟!" "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_overhere" "Here, brother! " "ravenholm.shotgun_stirreduphell" "你把整個地獄都喚醒了! 實在太像我了!" "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_stirreduphell" "You've stirred up Hell! A man after my own heart! " "ravenholm.shotgun_theycome" "他們來了!" "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_theycome" "They come! " "ravenholm.wrongside_howcome" "你為何來此,兄弟?" "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_howcome" "How came you here, brother? " "ravenholm.wrongside_mendways" "現在回頭,為時不晚!" "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_mendways" "Mend your ways, before it is too late! " "ravenholm.wrongside_seekchurch" "我沒叫你去教堂嗎?" "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_seekchurch" "Did I not tell you to seek the church? " "ravenholm.wrongside_town" "你根本就走錯方向了!" "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_town" "This is the wrong side of town for you! " "ravenholm.yard_greetings" "幸會,兄弟。 我們終於見面了。" "[english]ravenholm.yard_greetings" "Greetings, brother! And so we meet at last. " "ravenholm.yard_shepherd" "而我…牧羊人就是得照顧羊群。 尤其當他們開始…不守規矩的時候。" "[english]ravenholm.yard_shepherd" "As for me... A shepherd must tend to his flock. Especially when they have grown unruly. " "ravenholm.yard_suspect" "我想你也不想留在渡鴉市,就讓我帶你去礦坑吧。" "[english]ravenholm.yard_suspect" "I suspect you have little wish to remain in Ravenholm, so I will show you to the mines. " "ravenholm.yard_traps" "你能夠避開我的陷阱,真是不簡單。 那是我以前太閒的時後做的;現在,除了解救世人之外,我已經沒有多餘的時間了。" "[english]ravenholm.yard_traps" "You are to be commended for avoiding my traps. The work of a man who once had too much time on his hands, and now finds time for nothing but the work of salvation. " "rubble.ba_comebackdog" "回來,狗狗! 狗狗,回來這裡!" "[english]rubble.ba_comebackdog" "Here boy, Dog! come back here, Dog! " "rubble.ba_damnitall" "真該死!" "[english]rubble.ba_damnitall" "Damn it all! " "rubble.ba_dogwantsyou" "高登,我想牠是要你過去 - 你最好快點。" "[english]rubble.ba_dogwantsyou" "I think he wants you to go through, Gordon. You'd better hurry. " "rubble.ba_gordon" "高登!" "[english]rubble.ba_gordon" "Gordon! " "rubble.ba_helpmeout" "喂 - 幫幫我啊!" "[english]rubble.ba_helpmeout" "Hey! Help me out here! " "rubble.ba_illbedamned" "喔,還不錯嘛。" "[english]rubble.ba_illbedamned" "Well, I'll be damned. " "rubble.ba_lookingforalyx" "狗狗勇猛地殺過廣場,一路過關斬將…我猜牠是在找艾莉絲。 牠的腦袋裡似乎認定她在城塔裡。" "[english]rubble.ba_lookingforalyx" "Dog came crashing through the plaza, knocking over walls and...I think he's looking for Alyx. He seems to have it set in his head that she's in the Citadel. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall01" "過去吧,高登。" "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall01" "Go on through, Gordon. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall02" "高登,你最好快點。" "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall02" "Better get going, Gordon. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall03" "這裡我擋著 - 你最好快點去。" "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall03" "I'll hold 'em off. You'd better get going. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall04" "去呀!" "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall04" "Go on! " "rubble.ba_nag_wall05" "喂,去!" "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall05" "Hey, go! " "rubble.ba_nottheredog" "嘿、狗狗! 那裡不行! 那裡過不去啦!" "[english]rubble.ba_nottheredog" "Hey, Dog! Not there! You can't get through that way! " "rubble.ba_tellbreen" "如果你見到布林博士的話,幫我問候他一聲「去你的」。" "[english]rubble.ba_tellbreen" "And if you see Dr. Breen, tell him I said, 'Fu----ou!' " "rubble.ba_trystoppinghim" "我猜艾莉絲應該不想再讓牠繼續闖禍,可是…你行的話你阻止牠啊。" "[english]rubble.ba_trystoppinghim" "I figured Alyx wouldn't want him getting any deeper in trouble, but... Hell, you try stopping him! " "rubble.ba_youhurryon" "免了,我在這等,你繼續走。 祝你好運了,高登!" "[english]rubble.ba_youhurryon" "Uh oh. I'll stay here. You hurry on. Good luck up there, Gordon! " "rubble.cit_cache" "博士,我們快到城塔牆邊了。 我不知道要怎麼樣才過得去,不過,既然你都來到這裡了… 你應該有辦法的。" "[english]rubble.cit_cache" "We're almost to the Citadel wall, Doc. I don't know how the hell we're going to breach it, but you've made it this far. I'm sure you'll think of something. " "rubble.cit_striders" "弗里曼博士! 外面真是一團糟。 從這裡到城塔邊,路上都是警衛。 我想如果到高地上面我們應該有力量反擊。" "[english]rubble.cit_striders" "Dr. Freeman! It's a mess out there. This close to the Citadel they've turned the streets over to Striders. I think we can push them back if we can just get to high ground. " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse01" "往巨馬去!" "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse01" "Head for the horse! " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse02" "我們必須到巨馬去!" "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse02" "We have to get to the horse! " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse03" "我們到巨馬會合好了!" "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse03" "Let's meet up at the horse! " "sandtrap.sandy_asyougo" "記得不要走到沙上。 獅蟻們現在很不安。" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_asyougo" "Remember to stay off the sand. The antlions are edgy right now. " "sandtrap.sandy_dontmove" "拉茲羅,別動!" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_dontmove" "Laszlo, don't move! " "sandtrap.sandy_dontstep" "別踩到沙! 會惹毛獅蟻的!" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_dontstep" "Don't step on the sand! It makes the antlions crazy! " "sandtrap.sandy_goahead" "去吧。 希望你的運氣比我們好。" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_goahead" "Go ahead. I hope you have better luck than we had. " "sandtrap.sandy_help" "不! 救命!" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_help" "No! Help! " "sandtrap.sandy_holdstill" "別動,拉茲羅! 有人來了!" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_holdstill" "Hold still, Laszlo! Someone's coming! " "sandtrap.sandy_poorlaszlo" "我的天…可憐的拉茲羅…他是同輩中最有頭腦的人…竟然就這樣死了…" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_poorlaszlo" "Dear God! Poor Laszlo! The finest mind of his generation, come to such an end. " "sandtrap.sandy_stop" "不要動! 留在石頭上!" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_stop" "Stop where you are! Stay on the rocks! " "sandtrap.sandy_vortcamp" "我們本來想去弗地崗營地,拿一些蟲餌,讓這些東西離我們遠一點。 現在拉茲羅死了…沒有意義了。" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_vortcamp" "We were heading to the vortigaunt camp, hoping to pick up some bugbait so these damn things would leave us alone. But without Laszlo what's the point? " "sandtrap.sandy_youidiot" "你白癡啊! 走在沙上會把獅蟻引出來的!" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youidiot" "You idiot! Walking on the sand brings antlions after you! " "sandtrap.sandy_youthere" "就是你!" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youthere" "You, there! " "sandtrap.sandy_youtried" "我知道你想幫忙。 我想再陪他一陣子…有件事情我一定要做。" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youtried" "I know you tried to help. I'll stay with him awhile. There's something I have to do. " "sniper.cit_greeting" "弗里曼博士! 巴尼說你過來了。 我們被狙擊手分開了,他在前面的倉庫被盯上了。 去吧。 他全靠你了。" "[english]sniper.cit_greeting" "Dr. Freeman! Barney said you were on the way. We got split up by snipers, and he's pinned down in a warehouse up ahead. Go ahead. He's relying on you. " "sniper.cit_savebarney" "你是巴尼的老朋友吧? 說不定你可以幫他。 他被狙擊手困在倉庫頂樓。 他本來要去拿手榴彈的,但是現在大概到不了了。 去吧,博士。" "[english]sniper.cit_savebarney" "You're Barney's old friend, aren't you? Maybe you can help him. Snipers trapped him on that warehouse roof. He was going for a cache of grenades, but I doubt he can get to them now. Go on, Dr. Freeman. " "streetwar.al_ah" "啊!" "[english]streetwar.al_ah" "Ah! " "streetwar.al_ahno" "啊 - 不!" "[english]streetwar.al_ahno" "Ah, no! " "streetwar.al_almostdone" "快好了。" "[english]streetwar.al_almostdone" "Almost done." "streetwar.al_bridge01" "我們要過的橋就在那大門外。" "[english]streetwar.al_bridge01" "The bridge we've gotta cross is beyond that gate." "streetwar.al_bridge02" "我可以入侵大門控制系統,開門讓我們過去,但是你得好好掩護我才行。" "[english]streetwar.al_bridge02" "I can hack the gate controls and hold it open till we're through, but you're gonna have to watch my back while I'm working." "streetwar.al_cmoncmon" "快啊,開門啊。" "[english]streetwar.al_cmoncmon" "Come on, come on. " "streetwar.al_comeon03_r" "高登,快點!" "[english]streetwar.al_comeon03_r" "Come on, Gordon! " "streetwar.al_commandcenter" "樓下有個指揮中心。 我希望我能夠找到發動機的位置。" "[english]streetwar.al_commandcenter" "There's a command center downstairs. I'm hoping to find information about generator locations. " "streetwar.al_coreexposed" "好了,核心露出來了。" "[english]streetwar.al_coreexposed" "Okay, the core's exposed. " "streetwar.al_coreexposed_r" "好了,核心露出來了。" "[english]streetwar.al_coreexposed_r" "Okay, the core's exposed. " "streetwar.al_coupleminutes" "我需要一點時間才能控制大門。" "[english]streetwar.al_coupleminutes" "It could take me a couple minutes to take control of the gate." "streetwar.al_damn" "可惡!" "[english]streetwar.al_damn" "Damn!" "streetwar.al_disablegen" "我們走運了。 外面廣場就有一個發動機。 我們要儘量多關閉幾個,降低合成人在這一區的力量。" "[english]streetwar.al_disablegen" "Well, we're in luck. There's a generator in the square outside. We're trying to disable as many as we can to loosen the Combine's grip on this sector. " "streetwar.al_exposecore_a" "給我幾分鐘的時間曝露核心。" "[english]streetwar.al_exposecore_a" "It'll take me a few minutes to expose the core. " "streetwar.al_exposecore_b" "然後你用重力槍射擊核心。" "[english]streetwar.al_exposecore_b" "Then I'll need you to hit it with a burst from the gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_extshield" "外部防護罩解除了。" "[english]streetwar.al_extshield" "There goes the external shield. " "streetwar.al_extshield_r" "外部防護罩解除了。" "[english]streetwar.al_extshield_r" "There goes the external shield. " "streetwar.al_farside" "好了 - 巴尼應該就在運河的…另一邊" "[english]streetwar.al_farside" "Okay. Barney should be on the far side of that... canal. " "streetwar.al_firstbit" "第一部份好了!" "[english]streetwar.al_firstbit" "First bit's done." "streetwar.al_gateisopen_r" "門開著。" "[english]streetwar.al_gateisopen_r" "The gate is open. " "streetwar.al_getoverhere" "過來這裡!" "[english]streetwar.al_getoverhere" "Get over here! " "streetwar.al_goingthru01" "看來我們不能翻過去了" "[english]streetwar.al_goingthru01" "Looks like instead of going over it " "streetwar.al_goingthru02" "我們得穿過去。" "[english]streetwar.al_goingthru02" "we'll be going through. " "streetwar.al_goodletsgo" "很好。 走吧。" "[english]streetwar.al_goodletsgo" "Good. Let's go." "streetwar.al_gordonrun" "高登,快跑! 離開這裡!" "[english]streetwar.al_gordonrun" "Gordon, run! Get out of here! " "streetwar.al_hadfeeling" "高登! 我一直覺得你在這裡。" "[english]streetwar.al_hadfeeling" "Gordon! I had a feeling I'd find you here. " "streetwar.al_heregoes" "好,要開始了…" "[english]streetwar.al_heregoes" "All right, here goes." "streetwar.al_hey" "喂!" "[english]streetwar.al_hey" "Hey! " "streetwar.al_hurry" "快!" "[english]streetwar.al_hurry" "Hurry! " "streetwar.al_imwaiting_r" "高登,我在等你。" "[english]streetwar.al_imwaiting_r" "I'm waiting, Gordon. " "streetwar.al_inshield" "內部防護罩要解開了。" "[english]streetwar.al_inshield" "Inner shields are coming down. " "streetwar.al_inshield_r" "內部防護罩要解開了。" "[english]streetwar.al_inshield_r" "Inner shields are coming down. " "streetwar.al_iwasafraid" "呵,我還以為你過不來了。" "[english]streetwar.al_iwasafraid" "I was afraid you weren't going to make it. " "streetwar.al_letsgo" "好了嗎? 走吧!" "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo" "Ready? Let's go! " "streetwar.al_letsgo01" "走吧!" "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo01" "Let's go! " "streetwar.al_letsgo02_r" "走吧!" "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo02_r" "Let's go! " "streetwar.al_no" "不!" "[english]streetwar.al_no" "No! " "streetwar.al_nottoolong" "不應該弄這麼久的。 等發動機一停,我就開門,然後我們就可以出去了。" "[english]streetwar.al_nottoolong" "This shouldn't take too long. As soon as the generator's down, I'll open that gate and we can get out of here. " "streetwar.al_nowtobarney" "我把克萊納博士留在安全的地方。 現在可以去找巴尼了。" "[english]streetwar.al_nowtobarney" "I've got Dr. Kleiner in a safe spot. Now we can join up with Barney. " "streetwar.al_nowtricky" "接下來就難了。" "[english]streetwar.al_nowtricky" "Now for the tricky part." "streetwar.al_okthatsit" "好,完成了!" "[english]streetwar.al_okthatsit" "Okay, that's it!" "streetwar.al_okthisisit" "好,就這樣! 你負責那扇門,我負責這扇。 我負責這扇。" "[english]streetwar.al_okthisisit" "Okay, this is it. You take that door. I'll take this one. " "streetwar.al_onemorebit" "再一下子就完成了。" "[english]streetwar.al_onemorebit" "One more bit and we're ready." "streetwar.al_onewill01" " " "[english]streetwar.al_onewill01" " " "streetwar.al_onewill02" " " "[english]streetwar.al_onewill02" " " "streetwar.al_openinggate" "好了 - 我要開門了。" "[english]streetwar.al_openinggate" "All right, I'm opening the gate. " "streetwar.al_readywhenyou" "我準備好了。" "[english]streetwar.al_readywhenyou" "Ready when you are. " "streetwar.al_scout" "我看看能不能找另一條路。" "[english]streetwar.al_scout" "Let me see if I can scout a new path. " "streetwar.al_standardpanel" "這是很常見的控制台。" "[english]streetwar.al_standardpanel" "It's a standard panel. " "streetwar.al_thankgod" "謝天謝地。" "[english]streetwar.al_thankgod" "Thank God. " "streetwar.al_thatsit" "就是這樣。" "[english]streetwar.al_thatsit" "That's it. " "streetwar.al_thatsit_r" "完成了。" "[english]streetwar.al_thatsit_r" "That's it. " "streetwar.al_thatway" "我們走那裡好了。" "[english]streetwar.al_thatway" "Let's head that way. " "streetwar.al_thebridge" "是橋!" "[english]streetwar.al_thebridge" "The bridge! " "streetwar.al_thedeal" "好,這樣好了。" "[english]streetwar.al_thedeal" "Ok, here's the deal." "streetwar.al_there" "好了。" "[english]streetwar.al_there" "There." "streetwar.al_theresbridge01" "看到橋了。" "[english]streetwar.al_theresbridge01" "There's the bridge " "streetwar.al_theresbridge02" "我們過橋吧。" "[english]streetwar.al_theresbridge02" "Let's get across. " "streetwar.al_theysawus" "被發現了!" "[english]streetwar.al_theysawus" "They saw us! " "streetwar.al_thrudownthere" "看樣子我們好像可以從下面過去。" "[english]streetwar.al_thrudownthere" "Looks like we might be able to get through down there. " "streetwar.al_usedtobe" "呃 - 那邊本來是有座橋的。" "[english]streetwar.al_usedtobe" "Well, there used to be a bridge here. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun01" "高登,用重力槍。" "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun01" "Use the gravity gun, Gordon. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun01_r" "高登,用重力槍。" "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun01_r" "Use the gravity gun, Gordon." "streetwar.al_usegravgun02" "快啊,高登,快射核心" "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun02" "Go on, Gordon, give the core a jolt. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun02_r" "快啊,高登,快射核心" "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun02_r" "Go on, Gordon, give the core a jolt. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun03" "高登 - 用你的重力槍射擊核心。" "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun03" "Gordon, hit the core with your gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun03_r" "高登 - 用你的重力槍射擊核心。" "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun03_r" "Gordon, hit the core with your gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_waitforme" "在這裡等我。" "[english]streetwar.al_waitforme" "Wait for me here. " "streetwar.al_watchmyback" "順便幫我注意後方。" "[english]streetwar.al_watchmyback" "In the meantime, watch my back. " "streetwar.al_whatnow01" "現在怎麼辨?" "[english]streetwar.al_whatnow01" "What now? " "streetwar.al_whatnow02" "我們一定要過河才行!" "[english]streetwar.al_whatnow02" "We have to get across this canal! " "streetwar.ba_allclearthxgordon" "這裡安全了 - 要感謝高登。" "[english]streetwar.ba_allclearthxgordon" "It's all clear, thanks to Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_cantmove" "高登,我動不了。 我已經被狙擊手盯上了。" "[english]streetwar.ba_cantmove" "Gordon, I can't move. These snipers got me pinned down. " "streetwar.ba_gateclearance" "我來開這個門。 我的市保局身分還保有一些通行權。" "[english]streetwar.ba_gateclearance" "Let me get this gate. My Civil Protection status still gives me limited clearance. " "streetwar.ba_goodtohavehelp" "見到你真好,高登。 有你幫忙進攻前面據點真是太好了。" "[english]streetwar.ba_goodtohavehelp" "It's good to see ya, Gordon. It'll be good to have your help goin' into the nexus up ahead. " "streetwar.ba_hauntsme" "那鬼東西讓我惡夢連連。" "[english]streetwar.ba_hauntsme" "That damn thing haunts me. " "streetwar.ba_headhumpersgordon" "高登,小心食腦蟲。" "[english]streetwar.ba_headhumpersgordon" "Watch the headhumpers, Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_hearcat" "你剛剛有聽到貓叫聲嗎?" "[english]streetwar.ba_hearcat" "Did you hear a cat just now? " "streetwar.ba_heycomeon" "喂!快點!" "[english]streetwar.ba_heycomeon" "Hey, come on! " "streetwar.ba_letsclearout" "好,謝了,高登。 我們快點閃吧。" "[english]streetwar.ba_letsclearout" "All right, thanks, Gordon. Now let's clear outta here. " "streetwar.ba_letsgetgoing" "快點走吧。" "[english]streetwar.ba_letsgetgoing" "Let's get going. " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade01" "高登,用手榴彈!" "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade01" "The grenades, Gordon! " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade02" "喂、看看那些手榴彈好嗎?" "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade02" "Hey, look at the grenades, would ya? " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade03" "高登,來顆手榴彈吧?" "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade03" "How about a grenade, Gordon? " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade04" "高登,丟幾顆手榴彈過去,把他們炸個精光。" "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade04" "Gordon, lob a couple grenades, that'll clear 'em out. " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade05" "高登!手榴彈啊!" "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade05" "Gordon! Grenades!" "streetwar.ba_onedown" "幹掉一個!" "[english]streetwar.ba_onedown" "One down! " "streetwar.ba_onedownonetogo" "解決一個,還有一個,老兄!" "[english]streetwar.ba_onedownonetogo" "That's one down, one to go, buddy! " "streetwar.ba_onemorenow" "好,就剩一個了。 加油,高登!" "[english]streetwar.ba_onemorenow" "All right! One more now! Come on, Gordon! " "streetwar.ba_overhere" "這裡!" "[english]streetwar.ba_overhere" "Over here! " "streetwar.ba_putsqueeze" " " "[english]streetwar.ba_putsqueeze" " " "streetwar.ba_returnhero" "高登,這下你可算是衣錦還鄉了。" "[english]streetwar.ba_returnhero" "You're quite the returning hero these days, Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_takeoutsnipers" "高登,幫我解決那些狙擊手好嗎?" "[english]streetwar.ba_takeoutsnipers" "Gordon, take out these snipers, would ya?! " "streetwar.c17_05_firepit_greet" "弗里曼博士? 我們一直想找人幫忙突破防線,但是沒想到會是你。" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_firepit_greet" "Dr. Freeman? We hoped for one more fighter to help storm that barricade, but we never guessed it would be you. " "streetwar.c17_05_hoppers" "小心那些詭雷 到處都是!" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_hoppers" "Watch out for the hoppers. They're everywhere! " "streetwar.c17_05_letusthru" "讓我們過去!" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_letusthru" "Let us through! " "streetwar.c17_05_minehelp1" "不要浪費詭雷,博士。 那可以用來對付合成人。" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_minehelp1" "Don't waste the hoppers, Dr. Freeman. We can use them against the Combine. " "streetwar.c17_05_minehelp2" "如果你有辨法不引爆就撿起來的話,那就隨便你放吧。" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_minehelp2" "If you can get those hoppers up without setting them off, you can plant them wherever you want them. " "streetwar.c17_05_opengate" "把門打開。" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_opengate" "Open the gate! " "streetwar.c17_05_tail" "他們就在後面!" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_tail" "They're on our tail!" "streetwar.c17_06_det01" "高登費里曼? 是你對不對? 等我一下。 我要裝些炸藥把這裡炸開。" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det01" "Gordon Freeman? It is you, isn't it? Give me a minute, I'm gonna plant some charges and blow this open. " "streetwar.c17_06_det02" "你再撐一下,我就快要好了。" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det02" "If you can hold them off, I'm almost done here. " "streetwar.c17_06_det03" "好,最後一個了。" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det03" "Okay, last charge! " "streetwar.c17_06_det04" "退後,要爆炸了!" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det04" "Stand back. It's gonna blow! " "streetwar.c17_06_det05" "過來吧,弗里曼。 快點!" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det05" "Come on through, Freeman. And hurry. " "streetwar.c17_06_keepcoming" "鋸鳥一直進來 - 真是沒完沒了!" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_keepcoming" "The manhacks just keep coming. They're never gonna stop! " "streetwar.c17_06_keepmoving" "弗里曼博士,你繼續走。 我會傳話說你來了,再見。" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_keepmoving" "Keep moving, Dr. Freeman. I'll send word you're coming, and see you up ahead. " "streetwar.c17_06_notsafe" "弗里曼博士? 如果你想找地方躲,這裡已經不安全了。 他們一直在砲轟這裡。" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_notsafe" "Dr. Freeman? If you were looking for a place to hole up, it's not safe here anymore. They're shelling the hell out of us. " "streetwar.c17_06_password01" "喂,是我。 開門吧。" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password01" "Hey, it's me. Open the door. " "streetwar.c17_06_password02" "密碼是什麼?" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password02" "What's the password? " "streetwar.c17_06_password03" "密碼!" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password03" "Password! " "streetwar.c17_06_password04" "進來吧。" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password04" "Come on in. " "streetwar.c17_06_plank01" "好 - 過來吧!" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_plank01" "Okay, come across! " "streetwar.c17_06_plank02" "我得留在這裡,也許還有其他人要通過。" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_plank02" "I've got to stay here in case anyone else needs to get across. " "streetwar.c17_06_tunnel_greet" "弗里曼博士! 合成人把補給隧道切斷了。 如果你肯幫我們一把,我們可以試試突破他們的據點。" "[english]streetwar.c17_06_tunnel_greet" "Dr. Freeman! The Combine has cut our supply tunnel in two. If you'll join up with us, we'll take a stab at pushing through their outpost. " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_allover" "好多了。我還以為我完蛋了。" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_allover" "That's better. I thought it was all over for me." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_cantmove" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_cantmove" " " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_gothru" "過去吧,高登。" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_gothru" "Go on through, Gordon." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_headout" "好,往門口出發吧,確定海邊安全後讓我會去開門。" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_headout" "Okay, let's head for the gate and I'll open it while the coast is clear." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_medic" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_medic" " " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_needhelp" "我們需要任何可以幫忙的人手,前面的據點很棘手。" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_needhelp" "We're going to need all the help we can get, dealing with the Nexus up ahead." "streetwar.c17_09_casualties" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_casualties" " " "streetwar.c17_09_cellar" "救命。 幫幫我! 我們以為下面會比較安全。 誰知道那邊竟然已經被攻破了。 其他的人往樓上走了。 他們要跟狙擊手放手一搏。 我想他們還在那裡吧!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellar" "Help! Help me! We thought we'd be safer down here. Little did we know the place was infested. Rest of 'em headed upstairs, took their chances with the snipers. I guess they're still up there. " "streetwar.c17_09_help01" "救命!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help01" "Help!" "streetwar.c17_09_help02" "幫幫我!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help02" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_help03" "上面有人嗎?" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help03" "Is somebody up there!" "streetwar.c17_09_help04" "幫幫我!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help04" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_med_greet" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_med_greet" " " "streetwar.c17_09_med_heal" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_med_heal" " " "streetwar.c17_10_heshere" "是弗里曼!他來了! 哈哈! 放我們出去,我們跟你走。" "[english]streetwar.c17_10_heshere" "It's Freeman, he's here! Let us out, we'll throw in with you. " "streetwar.c17_10_letusout" "喂!放我們出去!" "[english]streetwar.c17_10_letusout" "Hey, let us out of here! " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det01" "博士,那扇門的另一邊被鎖上了。 你可以找其他的路。" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det01" "That door's locked from the other side, Dr. Freeman. Maybe you can find a way around. " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det02" "裡面的情況不妙。 還好你有防護衣。" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det02" "Looks nasty in there. Good thing you've got that suit. " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det03" "嘿! 讓我們過去! 我知道你在裡面! 快點! 快開門!" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det03" "Hey! Let us through! I can hear you in there! Come on! Open the door! " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det04" "看來你安然無恙。 我沒有看錯你。" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det04" "I see you made it through okay. Figured you would. " "streetwar.d3_c17_07_tenant" "博士,你剛才真是太厲害了! 不過有付保證金的人就可憐了。" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_07_tenant" "You were amazing back there, Dr. Freeman! But I feel sorry for anyone who put down a security deposit. " "streetwar.al_gordon02" "高登!" "[english]streetwar.al_gordon02" "Gordon! " "streetwar.al_uggh02" "啊!" "[english]streetwar.al_uggh02" "Agh! " "Trainride.gman_riseshine" "該醒了,弗里曼先生。 該醒了。" "[english]Trainride.gman_riseshine" "Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. " "Trainride.gman_02" "我並不想影射你在工作時偷懶。 沒有人比你更該休息。 而整個世界的努力都將是徒勞無功,直到…嗯…就說是直到你的時刻再度來臨好了。" "[english]Trainride.gman_02" "Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until...well, let's just say your hour has come again. " "Trainride.gman_03" "對的人出現在錯的地方,會讓世界天翻地覆。" "[english]Trainride.gman_03" "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. " "Trainride.gman_04" "所以醒來吧,弗里曼先生。 醒來,聞聞灰燼的氣味。" "[english]Trainride.gman_04" "So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes. " "Trainyard.al_dadstarted" "哼。 別讓我爸提到布林博士的事。" "[english]Trainyard.al_dadstarted" "Heh. Don't get my dad started on Dr. Breen. " "Trainyard.al_hmm" "哼。" "[english]Trainyard.al_hmm" "Hm." "Trainyard.al_imalyx" "我是艾莉絲凡斯。 我父親以前在黑色高地跟你過共事過。 不過你一定不記得我了。" "[english]Trainyard.al_imalyx" "I'm Alyx Vance. My father worked with you, back in Black Mesa. I'm sure you don't remember me though. " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet" " " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_b" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_b" " " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_cc" "喔,還有…很高興終於見面了。" "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_cc" "Oh, and by the way? Nice to finally meet you." "Trainyard.al_nomap" "克萊納博士說你會從這個方向來。 呵,我猜他根本沒想過你有沒有地圖。" "[english]Trainyard.al_nomap" "Dr. Kleiner said you'd be coming this way. I don't think it occurred to him that you might not have a map. " "Trainyard.al_noyoudont" "哈! 你想的美!" "[english]Trainyard.al_noyoudont" "Ha! No you don't! " "Trainyard.al_oldadmin" "記得他嗎?黑色高地? 你以前的上司?" "[english]Trainyard.al_oldadmin" "Remember him from Black Mesa? Your old Administrator? " "Trainyard.al_overhere" "在這裡!" "[english]Trainyard.al_overhere" "Over here! " "Trainyard.al_presume" "你是弗里曼博士吧?" "[english]Trainyard.al_presume" "Doctor Freeman, I presume? " "Trainyard.al_suspicious" "我們最好快點。" "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious" "We'd better hurry. The Combine can be slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. " "Trainyard.al_suspicious_b" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious_b" " " "Trainyard.al_suspicious_cc" "我們最好快點。 合成人醒過來要花一段時間,但是醒來之後就很難對付了。" "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious_cc" "We'd better hurry. The Combine can be slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. " "Trainyard.al_thisday" "真巧,你剛好在今天出現。" "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday" "Funny, you showing up on this day in particular. " "Trainyard.al_thisday01" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday01" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday01_cc" "我們一直在幫人逃離這個城市!走這條路到我父親那裡很危險, 要穿過舊水道…不過今天,我們會走更安全的通道。" "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday01_cc" "We've been helping people escape the city on foot. It's a dangerous route to my father's lab, through the old canals. Today we're finally on the verge of having a better way. " "Trainyard.al_thisday02" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday02" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday03" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday03" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday04" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday04" " " "Trainyard.al_thruhere" "走這裡。" "[english]Trainyard.al_thruhere" "Through here. " "Trainyard.ba_backup" "退後!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_backup" "Back up! " "Trainyard.ba_blowcover" "可惡!我就怕會這樣。 快進來,高登,別讓我的假身分被拆穿。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_blowcover" "Oh man, that's what I was afraid of. Get in here, Gordon, before you blow my cover. " "Trainyard.ba_blowcover_b" "找東西墊腳然後從窗戶出去,沒到廣場前不要停。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_blowcover_b" "Pile up some stuff to get through that window, and keep going till you're in the plaza. " "Trainyard.ba_checkpoints" "嗯,只要他避開檢查站,我們應該不會有事。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_checkpoints" "Well, as long as he stays away from checkpoints we should be okay. " "Trainyard.ba_citadel02" "城塔進入全面警戒了! 我從沒看過這種情形。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_citadel02" "The Citadel's on full alert! I've never seen it lit up like that. " "Trainyard.ba_crowbar01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar01" " " "Trainyard.ba_crowbar01_cc" "喔…差點忘了。 我想你把這個忘在黑色高地了。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar01_cc" "Oh, and before I forget. I think you dropped this back in Black Mesa." "Trainyard.ba_crowbar02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar02" " " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag01" "不能再浪費時間了,高登。 動作快點!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag01" "There's no time to waste here, Gordon. Get a move on! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag02" "他們就在外面了,快走!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag02" "They're right outside, get going! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag03" "喂!快點,快走啊!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag03" "Hey, move it now, will you? " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag04" "還不快走?" "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag04" "Will you get going? " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag05" "動作快點!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag05" "Move it along! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag06" "快走啊,高登!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag06" "Get going, Gordon! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag07" "快一點!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag07" "Hurry up! " "Trainyard.ba_getin" "進去!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_getin" "Get in! " "Trainyard.ba_getoutfast" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_getoutfast" " " "Trainyard.ba_getoutfast_cc" "高登,離開 17 號城,愈快愈好。 走舊運河,懂嗎?可以通往伊萊的實驗室。 一路上是蠻危險的,不過有一整個難民網,他們會盡力幫助你的。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_getoutfast_cc" "Get out of City 17 as fast as you can, Gordon! Take the old canals, right? They'll get you to Eli's lab. It's a dangerous route, but there's a whole network of refugees and they'll help you if they can." "Trainyard.ba_goodluck01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck01" " " "Trainyard.ba_goodluck01_cc" "祝你好運,兄弟。 你會需要的。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck01_cc" "Good luck out there, buddy. You're gonna need it." "Trainyard.ba_goodluck02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck02" " " "Trainyard.ba_goon" "去呀!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_goon" "Go on!" "Trainyard.ba_gottago" "博士,我得走了。 光是這樣就夠冒險了。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_gottago" "Listen, I gotta go, Doc. We're taking enough chances as it is. " "Trainyard.ba_heygordon" "嘿,高登!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_heygordon" "Hey, Gordon! " "Trainyard.ba_inhere2" "進去裡面。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_inhere2" "Get in here. " "Trainyard.ba_lookafterdoc" "我也想跟你去,不過我得照顧克萊納博士。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_lookafterdoc" "I'd come with you, but I've got to look after Dr. Kleiner. " "Trainyard.ba_lookwho" "打擾了,博士,你看誰來了!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_lookwho" "Sorry, Doc, but look who's here. " "Trainyard.ba_meetyoulater01" "我待會再跟你會合。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_meetyoulater01" "I'll meet up with you later. " "Trainyard.ba_move01" "還不快走!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_move01" "I said 'move!' " "Trainyard.ba_noimgood" "不用,我可以。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_noimgood" "No, I'm good. " "Trainyard.ba_oldcanals" "走舊運河,懂嗎?可以通往伊萊的實驗室。 一路上是滿危險的,不過有一整個難民網,他們會盡力幫助你的。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_oldcanals" "Take the canals, right? They'll get you to Eli's lab. It's a dangerous route, but there's a whole network of refugees and they'll help you if they can. " "Trainyard.ba_ownway" "聽好,高登,你必須要自己想辦法到克萊納博士的實驗室。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_ownway" "Okay, Gordon you're gonna have to make your own way to Dr. Kleiner's lab. " "Trainyard.ba_privacy" "是啊!我想這個還是我自己來比較好!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_privacy" "Yeah, I'm gonna need me some privacy for this! " "Trainyard.ba_rememberme" "高登,是我! 黑色高地的巴尼。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_rememberme" "It's me, Gordon! Barney from Black Mesa. " "Trainyard.ba_rooftops" "走屋頂上的話應該也是有路,不過...我是從來沒走過啦。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_rooftops" "There's supposed to be a high route over the rooftops, but... I've never been that way myself. " "Trainyard.ba_sorryscare" "嘿、剛才真抱歉。 我得演點戲給監視器看。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_sorryscare" "Hey, sorry for the scare. I had to put on a show for the cameras. " "Trainyard.ba_tellme01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme01" " " "Trainyard.ba_tellme01_cc" "我也是啊,博士。 他差點就要搭上往諾瓦廣場的特快車了。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme01_cc" "Yeah, you and me both, Doc. He was about to board the Express to Nova Prospekt." "Trainyard.ba_tellme02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme02" " " "Trainyard.ba_thatbeer01" "現在..." "[english]Trainyard.ba_thatbeer01" "Now..." "Trainyard.ba_thatbeer02" "關於我欠你的啤酒..." "[english]Trainyard.ba_thatbeer02" "...about that beer I owed ya. " "Trainyard.ba_thinking01" "我在想了、在想了啦!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_thinking01" "I'm thinking, I'm thinking. " "Trainyard.ba_undercover" "我一直在城市保安局當臥底。 我不能耗太久,不然他們會起疑。 我的揍人業績已經夠差了。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_undercover" "I've been working undercover with Civil Protection. I can't take too long or they'll get suspicious. I'm way behind on my beating quota. " "Trainyard.ba_youcomewith" "你,就是你,跟我來。" "[english]Trainyard.ba_youcomewith" "You, Citizen! Come with me. " "Trainyard.cit_term_ques02" "我這是今年第三次遷移了" "[english]Trainyard.cit_term_ques02" "This is my third transfer this year. " "Trainyard.cop_knockitoff" "滾吧。" "[english]Trainyard.cop_knockitoff" "Get out of here. " "Trainyard.cop_needanyhelp" "需要幫忙嗎?" "[english]Trainyard.cop_needanyhelp" "Need any help with this one? " "Trainyard.kl_alyxaround" "艾莉絲就在這…附近。 她比較知道怎麼把它弄過來。" "[english]Trainyard.kl_alyxaround" "Alyx is around here somewhere. She would have a better idea how to get him here. " "Trainyard.kl_intend" "那,巴尼,你想怎麼做?" "[english]Trainyard.kl_intend" "Well, Barney, what do you intend? " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn01" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn01" " " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn01_cc" "我的老天爺! 高登弗里曼? 真是太令我意外了!" "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn01_cc" "Great Scott! Gordon Freeman! I expected more warning." "Trainyard.kl_morewarn02" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn02" " " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn03" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn03" " " "Trainyard.kl_verywell" "很好。 喔,還有,高登? 見到你真好!" "[english]Trainyard.kl_verywell" "Very well. And, eh, Gordon? Good to see you! " "Trainyard.kl_whatisit01" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit01" " " "Trainyard.kl_whatisit01_cc" "好啦,巴尼,有什麼事? 我正在做很重要的實驗。" "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit01_cc" "Yes, Barney, what is it? I'm in the middle of a critical test." "Trainyard.kl_whatisit02" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit02" " " "Trainyard.man_me" "我?" "[english]Trainyard.man_me" "Me?! " "Trainyard.man_waitaminute" "等一下…" "[english]Trainyard.man_waitaminute" "Wait a minute... " "Trainyard.man_whereyoutakingme" "你要帶我去哪?" "[english]Trainyard.man_whereyoutakingme" "Where are you taking me? " "Trainyard.metro_suprise" " " "[english]Trainyard.metro_suprise" " " "opening.cit_tvbust01" "你想幹嘛?" "[english]opening.cit_tvbust01" "What are you doing? " "opening.cit_tvbust02" "喂,你會讓我們全都惹上麻煩的。" "[english]opening.cit_tvbust02" "You're gonna be in trouble. " "opening.cit_tvbust03" "噢,糟了,這下我們全都慘了。" "[english]opening.cit_tvbust03" "Hey, you're gonna bring trouble down on all of us! " "opening.cit_tvbust04" "你真是會找麻煩耶。" "[english]opening.cit_tvbust04" "Put that down! " "opening.cit_tvbust05" "謝天謝地,竟然有人敢這麼做。" "[english]opening.cit_tvbust05" "Oh no. Now we're really gonna get it. " "Canals.d1_canals_01_arrest_helpme" "幫幫我!" "[english]Canals.d1_canals_01_arrest_helpme" "Help me!" "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant07" "傳說他們已轉變,像詭異的惡魔,雖然擁有實體卻毫無光亮。" "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant07" "For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant09" "我的過往已煙消雲散,我的骨頭如灰燼焦乾,讓我所有的不潔成為火的燃料,直到一切消失,只剩下光。" "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant09" "For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone." "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant20" "願他們化為風中塵埃;願上帝的天使追捕他們!" "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant20" "May they become like dust before the wind; may the angel of the Lord pursue them." "coast.crane_playerincar" "好,開始了。" "[english]coast.crane_playerincar" "Good, here we go." "coast.crane_magfail" "磁石快失效了,撐著點。" "[english]coast.crane_magfail" "Damn magnet's failing...hold on!" "coast.crane_sorry" "對不起,博士。" "[english]coast.crane_sorry" "Sorry, Doc." "coast.crane_gravgun" "用你的重力槍就可以把車子再翻過來。" "[english]coast.crane_gravgun" "Use your gravity gun to flip the car over again." "coast.crane_driveforfeel" "你可以先在沙灘上轉轉,熟悉一下車子。 準備好以後,再往海邊的斜坡下去。" "[english]coast.crane_driveforfeel" "Why don't you take a spin around the beach until you've got a feel for the car. When you're done, head for the slope down by the water." "coast.crane_antlions" "小心那些獅蟻。" "[english]coast.crane_antlions" "Watch out for antlions." "coast.crane_rockslide" "在碎石上牽引力絕對不夠的 - 試試海邊的斜坡。" "[english]coast.crane_rockslide" "You're never gonna get traction in that gravel. Try the slope down by the water." "coast.crane_pier01" "弗里曼博士,回來吧。 車在碼頭上。" "[english]coast.crane_pier01" "Come back up, Dr. Freeman. The car's on the pier." "coast.crane_pier02" "我說,回到碼頭上來。" "[english]coast.crane_pier02" "I said, get back up on the pier." "coast.crane_pier03" "弗里曼博士,你用走的哪都去不了 - 回來開車。" "[english]coast.crane_pier03" "Dr. Freeman, you won't get anywhere on foot. Come back up and get in the car." "coast.crane_hopin" "上車,我幫你降到沙灘上。" "[english]coast.crane_hopin" "Hop in and I'll lower you down to the beach." "coast.crane_carsallready" "你好,弗里曼博士。 你的車準備好囉。" "[english]coast.crane_carsallready" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. The car's all ready for you." "coast.crane_getupandhellout" "好了,快點上車,快走吧!" "[english]coast.crane_getupandhellout" "Get that car upright and get the hell out of here!" "streetwar.d3_c17_06a_overhere01" "嘿!在這裡!" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06a_overhere01" "Hey, over here!" "Streetwar.d3_c17_07_al_thatwasclose" "啊 - 好險啊!" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_07_al_thatwasclose" "That was close!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp02" "幫幫我!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp02" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp01" "救命!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp01" "Help!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp03" "上面有人嗎?" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp03" "Is somebody up there?" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit" "[鐵撬打擊]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit" "[Crowbar Thwap!]" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld" "[鐵撬擊中]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld" "[Crowbar Whack!]" "Weapon_Crowbar.Single" "[鐵撬咻咻聲]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Single" "[Crowbar Swoosh]" "Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire" " " "Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch" " " "Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup" " " "Weapon_Pistol.Empty" "[空膛]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_Pistol.Single" "[手槍槍聲]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.Single" "[Pistol Shot]" "Weapon_357.Single" "[.357 槍聲]" "[english]Weapon_357.Single" "[.357 Shot]" "Weapon_SMG1.Double" "[SMG 發射榴彈]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Double" "[SMG Grenade Launch]" "Weapon_SMG1.Single" "[SMG 主要武器]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Single" "[SMG Primary Fire]" "Weapon_SMG1.Empty" "[空膛]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_SMG1.Reload" "[換彈匣]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_SMG1.Special1" "[SMG 發射榴彈]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Special1" "[SMG Grenade Launch]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Double" "[霰彈槍雙射擊]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Double" "[Double Shotgun Blast!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Single" "[霰彈槍單射擊]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Single" "[Single Shotgun Blast!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Empty" "[空膛]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" "[換彈匣]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_AR2.Single" "[主要武器]" "[english]Weapon_AR2.Single" "[Primary fire]" "Weapon_AR2.Reload" "[換彈匣]" "[english]Weapon_AR2.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_IRifle.Empty" "[空的]" "[english]Weapon_IRifle.Empty" "[Empty]" "Weapon_IRifle.Single" "[次要武器]" "[english]Weapon_IRifle.Single" "[Secondary Fire]" "Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" "[已裝彈藥的次要武器]" "[english]Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" "[Charged secondary fire]" "Weapon_Crossbow.Single" "[十字弓射擊]" "[english]Weapon_Crossbow.Single" "[Crossbow shot]" "Weapon_Crossbow.Reload" "[重裝十字弓]" "[english]Weapon_Crossbow.Reload" "[Crossbow reload]" "Weapon_RPG.Single" "[發射火箭]" "[english]Weapon_RPG.Single" "[RPG Launch]" "WeaponFrag.Roll" "[手榴彈!]" "[english]WeaponFrag.Roll" "[Grenade rolling!]" "Grenade.Blip" "[手榴彈計時器]" "[english]Grenade.Blip" "[Grenade Timer]" "Weapon_Gauss.Single" "[粒子砲猛擊!]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Single" "[Tau Cannon Jolt!]" "Weapon_Gauss.Special1" "[粒子砲發射]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Special1" "[Tau Cannon Fire]" "Weapon_Gauss.Special2" "[粒子砲填充發射]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Special2" "[Tau Cannon Charged Blast]" "Weapon_Bugbait.Splat" "[蟲餌叫聲]" "[english]Weapon_Bugbait.Splat" "[Bugbait Squeak]" "GrenadeBugBait.Splat" "[蟲餌啪嗒聲]" "[english]GrenadeBugBait.Splat" "[Bugbait Splat]" "Weapon_FlareGun.Single" "[發射照明槍!]" "[english]Weapon_FlareGun.Single" "[Flaregun shot!]" "Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld" " " "[english]Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld" " " "Weapon_StunStick.Swing" " " "[english]Weapon_StunStick.Swing" " " "Weapon_Pistol.NPC_Single" "[手槍聲]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.NPC_Single" "[Pistol Shot]" "Weapon_Mortar.Single" "[抑制器發射]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Single" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Weapon_Mortar.Incomming" "[迫擊砲攻擊]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Incomming" "[Incoming Mortar]" "Weapon_Mortar.Impact" "[抑制器擊中!]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Impact" "[Suppressor Impact!]" "AlyxEMP.Charge" " " "[english]AlyxEMP.Charge" " " "AlyxEMP.Discharge" "[電磁脈衝]" "[english]AlyxEMP.Discharge" "[EMP Burst]" "AlyxEMP.Stop" " " "[english]AlyxEMP.Stop" " " "Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload" "[正在裝彈藥!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload" "[Reloading!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Single" "[爆炸聲]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Single" "[Boom!]" "GenericNPC.GunSound" "[敵人槍聲]" "[english]GenericNPC.GunSound" "[Enemy Gunfire]" "BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup" "[撿起彈藥]" "[english]BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup" "[Ammo pickup]" "BaseExplosionEffect.Sound" "[爆炸!]" "[english]BaseExplosionEffect.Sound" "[EXPLOSION!]" "BaseGrenade.Explode" "[手榴彈爆炸!]" "[english]BaseGrenade.Explode" "[Grenade Explosion!]" "Bullets.DefaultNearmiss" "[子彈--擦身而過!]" "[english]Bullets.DefaultNearmiss" "[Bullet--Near Miss!]" "Bullets.GunshipNearmiss" "[砲船子彈--擦身而過!]" "[english]Bullets.GunshipNearmiss" "[Gunship bullet--Near miss!]" "Bullets.StriderNearmiss" "[長腳蜘蛛攻擊--擦身而過!]" "[english]Bullets.StriderNearmiss" "[Strider shot--Near miss!]" "FX_RicochetSound.Ricochet" "[跳彈!]" "[english]FX_RicochetSound.Ricochet" "[Ricochet!]" "Crane_engine_start" "[馬達啟動]" "[english]Crane_engine_start" "[Motor starts]" "Crane_engine_stop" "[馬達停止]" "[english]Crane_engine_stop" "[Motor stops]" "Crane_magnet_release" "[吊車磁石放開]" "[english]Crane_magnet_release" "[Crane magnet release]" "Crane_magnet_toggle" "[吊車磁石吸住]" "[english]Crane_magnet_toggle" "[Crane magnet grab]" "Crane_magnet_creak" "[吱嘎聲]" "[english]Crane_magnet_creak" "[Creak!]" "ATV_engine_idle" " " "[english]ATV_engine_idle" " " "ATV_engine_start" "[引擎啟動]" "[english]ATV_engine_start" "[Engine start]" "ATV_engine_stop" "[引擎停止]" "[english]ATV_engine_stop" "[Engine stop]" "ATV_rev" " " "[english]ATV_rev" " " "ATV_skid_lowfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_lowfriction" " " "ATV_skid_normalfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_normalfriction" " " "ATV_skid_highfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_highfriction" " " "ATV_impact_heavy" " " "[english]ATV_impact_heavy" " " "ATV_impact_medium" " " "[english]ATV_impact_medium" " " "ATV_turbo_on" "[開啟渦輪]" "[english]ATV_turbo_on" "[Turbo On]" "ATV_turbo_off" "[關閉渦輪]" "[english]ATV_turbo_off" "[Turbo Off]" "ATV_start_in_water" "[在水中開啟引擎]" "[english]ATV_start_in_water" "[Engine starting in water]" "ATV_stall_in_water" "[在水中引擎停止]" "[english]ATV_stall_in_water" "[Engine stalled in water]" "Jeep.GaussCharge" "[粒子砲集氣]" "[english]Jeep.GaussCharge" "[Tau Cannon Charging]" "PropJeep.FireCannon" "[粒子砲猛擊]" "[english]PropJeep.FireCannon" "[Tau Cannon Jolt]" "PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" "[粒子砲填充發射]" "[english]PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" "[Tau Cannon Charged Blast]" "PropJeep.AmmoOpen" "[打開彈藥箱]" "[english]PropJeep.AmmoOpen" "[Ammocase open]" "PropJeep.AmmoClose" "[關上彈藥箱]" "[english]PropJeep.AmmoClose" "[Ammocase close]" "PropAPC.FireCannon" "[合成人裝甲運兵車砲火]" "[english]PropAPC.FireCannon" "[Combine APC Cannon Fire]" "PropAPC.FireRocket" "[合成人裝甲運兵車火箭]" "[english]PropAPC.FireRocket" "[Combine APC Rocket Fire]" "Airboat_engine_start" "[氣墊船引擎發動]" "[english]Airboat_engine_start" "[Mudskipper Engine Start]" "Airboat_engine_stop" "[氣墊船引擎停止]" "[english]Airboat_engine_stop" "[Mudskipper Engine Stop]" "Airboat_skid_rough" "" "[english]Airboat_skid_rough" "" "Airboat_skid_smooth" "" "[english]Airboat_skid_smooth" "" "Airboat_impact_hard" "" "[english]Airboat_impact_hard" "" "Airboat_impact_soft" "" "[english]Airboat_impact_soft" "" "Airboat_impact_splash" " " "[english]Airboat_impact_splash" " " "Airboat_gun_charge" "[機槍填充]" "[english]Airboat_gun_charge" "[Gun charging]" "Airboat_gun_shoot" "[機槍射擊]" "[english]Airboat_gun_shoot" "[Gun firing]" "Airboat.FireGunHeavy" "[重機槍射擊]" "[english]Airboat.FireGunHeavy" "[Heavy gun firing]" "HEV._comma" " " "[english]HEV._comma" " " "HEV.acquired" "[取得]" "[english]HEV.acquired" "acquired" "HEV.activated" "[啟動]" "[english]HEV.activated" "activated" "HEV.administering_medical" "實行醫療照護。" "[english]HEV.administering_medical" "Administering Medical Attention." "HEV.ammo_depleted" "彈藥用盡。" "[english]HEV.ammo_depleted" "Ammunition Depleted." "HEV.antidote_shot" "解毒劑注射。" "[english]HEV.antidote_shot" "Antidote administered." "HEV.antitoxin_shot" "抗毒素注射。" "[english]HEV.antitoxin_shot" "Antitoxin administered." "HEV.armor_gone" "裝甲破損。" "[english]HEV.armor_gone" "Armor Compromised." "HEV.automedic_on" "自動醫療系統開啟。" "[english]HEV.automedic_on" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV.beep" "[嗶聲]" "[english]HEV.beep" "[Beep]" "HEV.bell" "[鈴聲]" "[english]HEV.bell" "[Belltone]" "HEV.bio_reading" "可偵測到生物指數。" "[english]HEV.bio_reading" "Possible Bio-reading." "HEV.biohazard_detected" "警告:偵測到生化危險。" "[english]HEV.biohazard_detected" "Warning: Biohazard detected." "HEV.bleeding_stopped" "出血已停止。" "[english]HEV.bleeding_stopped" "Bleeding has stopped." "HEV.blip" "[嗶聲]" "[english]HEV.blip" "[Blip]" "HEV.blood_loss" "偵測到失血狀況" "[english]HEV.blood_loss" "Blood loss detected." "HEV.blood_plasma" "血漿注射。" "[english]HEV.blood_plasma" "Blood plasma administered." "HEV.blood_toxins" "警告。 血液毒素超過標準。" "[english]HEV.blood_toxins" "Warning: Blood toxin levels detected." "HEV.boop" "[嘟聲]" "[english]HEV.boop" "[Boop]" "HEV.buzz" "[嗡聲]" "[english]HEV.buzz" "[Buzz]" "HEV.chemical_detected" "偵測到危險化學物質。" "[english]HEV.chemical_detected" "Chemical detected." "HEV.deactivated" "[關閉]" "[english]HEV.deactivated" "Deactivated" "HEV.eighty" "八十" "[english]HEV.eighty" "80" "HEV.evacuate_area" "請撤離該地區。" "[english]HEV.evacuate_area" "Evacuate area." "HEV.fifteen" "十五" "[english]HEV.fifteen" "15" "HEV.fifty" "五十" "[english]HEV.fifty" "50" "HEV.five" "五" "[english]HEV.five" "05" "HEV.flatline" "[長嗶聲] 使用者死亡。" "[english]HEV.flatline" "[Beep-beep-beeeeeeeeep.] User Fatality." "HEV.fourty" "四十" "[english]HEV.fourty" "40" "HEV.fuzz" "[滋一聲]" "[english]HEV.fuzz" "[Fuzz]" "HEV.get_44ammo" " " "[english]HEV.get_44ammo" " " "HEV.get_44pistol" " " "[english]HEV.get_44pistol" " " "HEV.get_9mmclip" " " "[english]HEV.get_9mmclip" " " "HEV.get_alien_wpn" " " "[english]HEV.get_alien_wpn" " " "HEV.get_assault" " " "[english]HEV.get_assault" " " "HEV.get_assaultgren" " " "[english]HEV.get_assaultgren" " " "HEV.get_battery" " " "[english]HEV.get_battery" " " "HEV.get_bolts" " " "[english]HEV.get_bolts" " " "HEV.get_buckshot" " " "[english]HEV.get_buckshot" " " "HEV.get_crossbow" " " "[english]HEV.get_crossbow" " " "HEV.get_egon" " " "[english]HEV.get_egon" " " "HEV.get_egonpower" " " "[english]HEV.get_egonpower" " " "HEV.get_gauss" " " "[english]HEV.get_gauss" " " "HEV.get_grenade" " " "[english]HEV.get_grenade" " " "HEV.get_medkit" " " "[english]HEV.get_medkit" " " "HEV.get_pistol" " " "[english]HEV.get_pistol" " " "HEV.get_rpg" " " "[english]HEV.get_rpg" " " "HEV.get_rpgammo" " " "[english]HEV.get_rpgammo" " " "HEV.get_shotgun" " " "[english]HEV.get_shotgun" " " "HEV.health_critical" "警告。 生命跡象危急。" "[english]HEV.health_critical" "Warning: Vital signs critical." "HEV.health_dropping" "警告。 生命跡象下降中。" "[english]HEV.health_dropping" "Warning: Vital signs dropping." "HEV.health_dropping2" "生命跡象下降中。" "[english]HEV.health_dropping2" "Vital signs are dropping." "HEV.heat_damage" "偵測到有高溫損傷。" "[english]HEV.heat_damage" "Extreme heat damage detected." "HEV.hev_critical_fail" "HEV - 危急損壞。 損壞。" "[english]HEV.hev_critical_fail" "HEV critical failure--failure---" "HEV.hev_damage" "HEV - 損壞持續。" "[english]HEV.hev_damage" "HEV damage sustained." "HEV.hev_general_fail" "HEV - 一般損壞。" "[english]HEV.hev_general_fail" "HEV general failure!" "HEV.hev_shutdown" "能量不足。 HEV 關閉。" "[english]HEV.hev_shutdown" "Insufficient power. HEV shutting down." "HEV.hiss" "[嘶嘶聲!]" "[english]HEV.hiss" "[Hiss!]" "HEV.immediately" "[立刻]" "[english]HEV.immediately" "immediately" "HEV.insufficient_medical" "醫療材料不足,無法治療損傷。" "[english]HEV.insufficient_medical" "Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage." "HEV.internal_bleeding" "偵測到內出血。" "[english]HEV.internal_bleeding" "Internal bleeding detected." "HEV.major_fracture" "發現嚴重挫傷。" "[english]HEV.major_fracture" "Major fracture detected." "HEV.major_lacerations" "偵測到嚴重撕裂傷。" "[english]HEV.major_lacerations" "Major lacerations detected." "HEV.medical_repaired" "醫療損傷治好。" "[english]HEV.medical_repaired" "Medical damage repaired." "HEV.minor_fracture" "偵測到輕微挫傷。" "[english]HEV.minor_fracture" "Minor fracture detected." "HEV.minor_lacerations" "偵測到輕微撕裂傷。" "[english]HEV.minor_lacerations" "Minor lacerations detected." "HEV.morphine_shot" "瑪啡注射。" "[english]HEV.morphine_shot" "Morphine administered." "HEV.near_death" "使用者瀕臨死亡。" "[english]HEV.near_death" "Near death." "HEV.ninety" "九十" "[english]HEV.ninety" "90" "HEV.onehundred" "百" "[english]HEV.onehundred" "100" "HEV.percent" "百分之" "[english]HEV.percent" "percent" "HEV.power_below" "HEV 能量水準低於" "[english]HEV.power_below" "Power below" "HEV.power_level_is" "能量水準" "[english]HEV.power_level_is" "Power level is" "HEV.power_restored" "能量恢復。" "[english]HEV.power_restored" "Power restored." "HEV.powermove_overload" "警告。 動力移動系統超載。" "[english]HEV.powermove_overload" "Warning: Power movement system overload." "HEV.radiation_detected" "警告。 偵測到危險化學物質。" "[english]HEV.radiation_detected" "Warning: Hazardous radiation levels detected." "HEV.seek_medic" "尋求醫療照護。" "[english]HEV.seek_medic" "Seek medical attention." "HEV.seventy" "七十" "[english]HEV.seventy" "70" "HEV.shock_damage" "偵測到有電擊損傷。" "[english]HEV.shock_damage" "Electrical damage detected." "HEV.sixty" "六十" "[english]HEV.sixty" "60" "HEV.targetting_system" "自動目標獲取系統。" "[english]HEV.targetting_system" "Automatic target acquisition system." "HEV.targetting_system_on" "自動目標獲取系統啟動。" "[english]HEV.targetting_system_on" "Automatic target acquisition system activated." "HEV.targetting_system_off" "自動目標獲取系統關閉。" "[english]HEV.targetting_system_off" "Automatic target acquisition system deactivated." "HEV.ten" "十" "[english]HEV.ten" "10" "HEV.thirty" "三十" "[english]HEV.thirty" "30" "HEV.torniquette_applied" "局部止血實行。" "[english]HEV.torniquette_applied" "Tourniquette applied." "HEV.twenty" "二十" "[english]HEV.twenty" "20" "HEV.voice_off" " " "[english]HEV.voice_off" " " "HEV.voice_on" " " "[english]HEV.voice_on" " " "HEV.warning" "警告!" "[english]HEV.warning" "Warning!" "HEV.wound_sterilized" "傷口消毒。" "[english]HEV.wound_sterilized" "Wound sterilized." "HEV.sterilized_morphine" "受傷消毒。 瑪啡注射。" "[english]HEV.sterilized_morphine" "Wound sterilized. Morphine administered." "HEV.torni_bleed" "局部止血實行。 出血已停止。" "[english]HEV.torni_bleed" "Tourniquette applied. Bleeding has stopped." "HEV.health2_evac" "生命跡象下降中。 請撤離該地區。" "[english]HEV.health2_evac" "Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area." "HEV.health_crit_evac" "警告。 生命跡象危急。 請撤離該地區。" "[english]HEV.health_crit_evac" "Warning: Vital signs critical. Evacuate area." "HEV.near_death_evac" "使用者瀕臨死亡。 請立刻撤離該地區。" "[english]HEV.near_death_evac" "Near death. Evacuate area immediately." "HEV_A0" "歡迎使用 HEV 第四代防護系統,這是為了在危險環境狀況下使用。" "[english]HEV_A0" "Welcome to the HEV Mark 4 Protective System, for use in hazardous environment conditions." "HEV_A1" "動力輔助移動啟動。" "[english]HEV_A1" "Power assist movement activated." "HEV_A2" "高衝擊反應裝甲啟動。" "[english]HEV_A2" "High impact reactive armor activated." "HEV_A3" "大氣污染感應器啟動。" "[english]HEV_A3" "Atmospheric contaminant sensors activated." "HEV_A4" "維生系統監控啟動。" "[english]HEV_A4" "Vital sign monitoring activated." "HEV_A5" "彈藥水準監控啟動。" "[english]HEV_A5" "Munition-level monitoring activated." "HEV_A6" "通訊介面連通。" "[english]HEV_A6" "Communications interface online." "HEV_A7" "防禦武器選擇系統啟動。" "[english]HEV_A7" "Defensive weapon selection system activated." "HEV_A8" "自動醫療系統開啟。" "[english]HEV_A8" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV_A9" "能量水準為百分之百。" "[english]HEV_A9" "Power level is ... 100 percent." "HEV_A10" "祝您度過安全的一天。" "[english]HEV_A10" "Have a very safe day." "HEV_MED0" "醫療材料不足,無法治療損傷。" "[english]HEV_MED0" "Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage." "HEV_MED1" "自動醫療系統開啟。" "[english]HEV_MED1" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV_MED2" "實行醫療照護。" "[english]HEV_MED2" "Administering medical attention." "HEV_HEAL0" "受傷消毒。 瑪啡注射。" "[english]HEV_HEAL0" "Wound sterilised. Morphine administered." "HEV_HEAL1" "局部止血實行。 出血已停止。" "[english]HEV_HEAL1" "Local torniquette applied. Bleeding has stopped." "HEV_HEAL2" "出血已停止。" "[english]HEV_HEAL2" "Bleeding has stopped." "HEV_HEAL3" "血漿注射。" "[english]HEV_HEAL3" "Blood plasma administered." "HEV_HEAL4" "抗毒素注射。" "[english]HEV_HEAL4" "Antitoxin administered." "HEV_HEAL5" "解毒劑注射。" "[english]HEV_HEAL5" "Antidote administered." "HEV_HEAL6" "傷口消毒。" "[english]HEV_HEAL6" "Wound sterilised." "HEV_HEAL7" "瑪啡注射。" "[english]HEV_HEAL7" "Morphine administered." "HEV_HEAL8" "醫療損傷治好。" "[english]HEV_HEAL8" "Medical damage repaired." "HEV_DMG0" "偵測到輕微撕裂傷。" "[english]HEV_DMG0" "Minor lacterations detected." "HEV_DMG1" "偵測到嚴重撕裂傷。" "[english]HEV_DMG1" "Major lacerations detected." "HEV_DMG2" "偵測到內出血。" "[english]HEV_DMG2" "Internal bleeding detected." "HEV_DMG3" "警告。 血液毒素超過標準。" "[english]HEV_DMG3" "Warning. Blood toxin levels detected." "HEV_DMG4" "偵測到輕微挫傷。" "[english]HEV_DMG4" "Minor fracture detected." "HEV_DMG5" "發現嚴重挫傷。" "[english]HEV_DMG5" "Major fracture detected." "HEV_DMG6" "偵測到失血狀況。" "[english]HEV_DMG6" "Blood loss detected." "HEV_DMG7" "尋求醫療照護。" "[english]HEV_DMG7" "Seek medical attention." "HEV_HLTH0" "警告。 生命跡象下降中。" "[english]HEV_HLTH0" "Warning. Vital signs dropping." "HEV_HLTH1" "生命跡象下降中。" "[english]HEV_HLTH1" "Vital signs are dropping." "HEV_HLTH2" "警告。 生命跡象危急。" "[english]HEV_HLTH2" "Warning. Vital signs critical." "HEV_HLTH3" "緊急情況。 使用者瀕臨死亡。" "[english]HEV_HLTH3" "Emergency. User death imminent." "HEV_HLTH4" "生命跡象下降中。 請撤離該地區。" "[english]HEV_HLTH4" "Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area." "HEV_HLTH5" "警告。 生命跡象危急。 請撤離該地區。" "[english]HEV_HLTH5" "Warning. Vital signs critical. Evacuate area." "HEV_HLTH6" "緊急情況。 使用者瀕臨死亡。 請立刻撤離該地區。" "[english]HEV_HLTH6" "Emergency. User death imminent. Evacuate area immediately." "HEV_SHOCK" "警告。 偵測到有電擊損傷。" "[english]HEV_SHOCK" "Warning. Electrical damage detected." "HEV_FIRE" "警告。 偵測到有高溫損傷。" "[english]HEV_FIRE" "Warning. Extreme heat damage detected." "HEV_AIM_ON" "自動目標獲取系統啟動。" "[english]HEV_AIM_ON" "Automatic target acquisition system activated." "HEV_AIM_OFF" "自動目標獲取系統關閉。" "[english]HEV_AIM_OFF" "Automatic target acquisition system deactivated." "HEV_BATTERY" "HEV 能量包取得。" "[english]HEV_BATTERY" "HEV Power Unit acquired." "HEV_MEDKIT" "自動化醫療工具。" "[english]HEV_MEDKIT" "Automatic Medical Kit." "HEV_PISTOL" "九毫米半自動手槍取得。" "[english]HEV_PISTOL" "9 millimeter semi-automatic hand gun." "HEV_SHOTGUN" "戰鬥霰彈槍取得。" "[english]HEV_SHOTGUN" "Combat shotgun acquired." "HEV_GRENADE" "高爆手榴彈取得。" "[english]HEV_GRENADE" "Fragmentation grenage acquired." "HEV_ASSAULT" "九毫米全自動武器外掛手榴彈發射器取得。" "[english]HEV_ASSAULT" "9 millimeter fully automatic weapon acquired." "HEV_44PISTOL" "點四四口徑手槍取得。" "[english]HEV_44PISTOL" "44 calibre handgun acquired." "HEV_RPG" "雷射導引火箭發射器取得。" "[english]HEV_RPG" "Laser guided rocket launcher acquired." "HEV_SATCHEL" "遙控式爆破裝置取得。" "[english]HEV_SATCHEL" "Remote activated demolition unit acquired." "HEV_TRIPMINE" "雷射人員殺傷地雷取得。" "[english]HEV_TRIPMINE" "Laser activated anti-personnel mine acquired." "HEV_HORNET" "不明生化武器。" "[english]HEV_HORNET" "Unidentified bio weapon." "HEV_SQUEEK" "不明生化武器。" "[english]HEV_SQUEEK" "Unidentified bio weapon." "HEV_EGON" "實驗性能量武器取得。" "[english]HEV_EGON" "Experimental energy weapon acquired." "HEV_GAUSS" "實驗性高速射擊武器取得。" "[english]HEV_GAUSS" "Experimental hyper-velocity weapon acquired." "HEV_XBOW" "高射速匿蹤十字弓取得。" "[english]HEV_XBOW" "High velocity stealth crossbow acquired." "HEV_9MM" "九毫米彈藥取得。" "[english]HEV_9MM" "9 milimetre ammunition acquired." "HEV_44AMMO" "點四四口徑彈藥取得。" "[english]HEV_44AMMO" "44 calibre ammunition acquired." "HEV_BUCKSHOT" "戰鬥霰彈槍彈藥取得。" "[english]HEV_BUCKSHOT" "Combat shotgun ammunition acquired." "HEV_BOLTS" "含神經毒素十字弓彈藥取得。" "[english]HEV_BOLTS" "Neuro toxin treated crossbow ammunition acquired." "HEV_RPGAMMO" "雷射導引火箭取得。" "[english]HEV_RPGAMMO" "Laser guided rocket acquired." "HEV_AGRENADE" "自推式榴彈取得。" "[english]HEV_AGRENADE" "Self propelled grenade acquired." "HEV_EGONPOWER" "能量補充包取得。" "[english]HEV_EGONPOWER" "Energy recharge unit acquired." "HEV_C1" "現在是…凌晨一點鐘" "[english]HEV_C1" "The time is now ... 1 AM" "HEV_C1t" "現在是凌晨一點鐘" "[english]HEV_C1t" "The time is now 1 am" "HEV_C2" "現在是…凌晨兩點鐘" "[english]HEV_C2" "The time is now ... 2 AM" "HEV_C3" "現在是…凌晨三點鐘" "[english]HEV_C3" "The time is now ... 3 AM" "HEV_C4" "現在是…凌晨四點鐘" "[english]HEV_C4" "The time is now ... 4 AM" "HEV_C5" "現在是…凌晨五點鐘" "[english]HEV_C5" "The time is now ... 5 AM" "HEV_C6" "現在是…清晨六點鐘" "[english]HEV_C6" "The time is now ... 6 AM" "HEV_C7" "現在是…清晨七點鐘" "[english]HEV_C7" "The time is now ... 7 AM" "HEV_C8" "現在是…早晨八點鐘" "[english]HEV_C8" "The time is now ... 8 AM" "HEV_C9" "現在是…早晨九點鐘" "[english]HEV_C9" "The time is now ... 9 AM" "HEV_C10" "現在是…早上十點鐘" "[english]HEV_C10" "The time is now ... 10 AM" "HEV_C11" "現在是…早上十一點鐘" "[english]HEV_C11" "The time is now ... 11 AM" "HEV_C12" "現在是…中午十二點鐘" "[english]HEV_C12" "The time is now ... 12 AM" "HEV_C13" "現在是…下午一點鐘" "[english]HEV_C13" "The time is now ... 1 PM" "HEV_C13t" "現在是…下午一點鐘" "[english]HEV_C13t" "The time is now 1 pm" "HEV_C14" "現在是…下午二點鐘" "[english]HEV_C14" "The time is now ... 2 PM" "HEV_C15" "現在是…下午三點鐘" "[english]HEV_C15" "The time is now ... 3 PM" "HEV_C16" "現在是…下午四點鐘" "[english]HEV_C16" "The time is now ... 4 PM" "HEV_C17" "現在是…下午五點鐘" "[english]HEV_C17" "The time is now ... 5 PM" "HEV_C18" "現在是…傍晚六點鐘" "[english]HEV_C18" "The time is now ... 6 PM" "HEV_C19" "現在是…傍晚七點鐘" "[english]HEV_C19" "The time is now ... 7 PM" "HEV_C20" "現在是…晚上八點鐘" "[english]HEV_C20" "The time is now ... 8 PM" "HEV_C21" "現在是…晚上九點鐘" "[english]HEV_C21" "The time is now ... 9 PM" "HEV_C22" "現在是…晚上十點鐘" "[english]HEV_C22" "The time is now ... 10 PM" "HEV_C23" "現在是…晚上十一點鐘" "[english]HEV_C23" "The time is now ... 11 PM" "HEV_C24" "現在是…午夜十二點鐘" "[english]HEV_C24" "The time is now ... 12 PM" "HEV_D00" "能量恢復。" "[english]HEV_D00" "Power restored." "HEV_D01" "能量不足。 HEV 關閉。" "[english]HEV_D01" "Insufficient power. HEV shutting down." "HEV_0P" "警告。 HEV 能量水準低於百分之五。" "[english]HEV_0P" "Warning. HEV power level below...5 percent." "HEV_1P" "能量百分之十。" "[english]HEV_1P" "Power restored ... 10 percent." "HEV_2P" "能量百分之十五。" "[english]HEV_2P" "Power restored ... 15 percent." "HEV_3P" "能量百分之二十。" "[english]HEV_3P" "Power restored ... 20 percent." "HEV_4P" "能量百分之二十五。" "[english]HEV_4P" "Power restored ... 25 percent." "HEV_5P" "能量百分之三十。" "[english]HEV_5P" "Power restored ... 30 percent." "HEV_6P" "能量百分之三十五。" "[english]HEV_6P" "Power restored ... 35 percent." "HEV_7P" "能量百分之四十。" "[english]HEV_7P" "Power restored ... 40 percent." "HEV_8P" "能量百分之四十五。" "[english]HEV_8P" "Power restored ... 45 percent." "HEV_9P" "能量百分之五十。" "[english]HEV_9P" "Power restored ... 50 percent." "HEV_10P" "能量百分之五十五。" "[english]HEV_10P" "Power restored ... 55 percent." "HEV_11P" "能量百分之六十。" "[english]HEV_11P" "Power restored ... 60 percent." "HEV_12P" "能量百分之六十五。" "[english]HEV_12P" "Power restored ... 65 percent." "HEV_13P" "能量百分之七十。" "[english]HEV_13P" "Power restored ... 70 percent." "HEV_14P" "能量百分之七十五。" "[english]HEV_14P" "Power restored ... 75 percent." "HEV_15P" "能量百分之八十。" "[english]HEV_15P" "Power restored ... 80 percent." "HEV_16P" "能量百分之八十五。" "[english]HEV_16P" "Power restored ... 85 percent." "HEV_17P" "能量百分之九十。" "[english]HEV_17P" "Power restored ... 90 percent." "HEV_18P" "能量百分之九十五。" "[english]HEV_18P" "Power restored ... 95 percent." "HEV_19P" "能量水準百分之百。" "[english]HEV_19P" "Power level is ... 100 percent." "HEV_AMO0" "彈藥用盡。" "[english]HEV_AMO0" "Ammunition depleted." "HEV_V0" "語音系統啟動。" "[english]HEV_V0" "Voice system activated." "HEV_V1" "語音系統關閉。" "[english]HEV_V1" "Voice system deactivated." "HEV_E0" "裝甲破損。" "[english]HEV_E0" "Armour compromised." "HEV_E1" "裝甲破損。" "[english]HEV_E1" "Armour compromised." "HEV_E2" "HEV - 危急損壞。 損壞。" "[english]HEV_E2" "HEV - critical failure. Failure." "HEV_E3" "HEV - 一般損壞。" "[english]HEV_E3" "HEV - general failure." "HEV_E4" "HEV - 損壞持續。" "[english]HEV_E4" "HEV - damage sustained." "HEV_E5" "警告。 動力移動系統超載。" "[english]HEV_E5" "Warning. Power movement system overload." "HEV_F1" "一" "[english]HEV_F1" "1" "HEV_F2" "二" "[english]HEV_F2" "2" "HEV_F3" "三" "[english]HEV_F3" "3" "HEV_F4" "四" "[english]HEV_F4" "4" "HEV_F5" "五" "[english]HEV_F5" "5" "HEV_F6" "六" "[english]HEV_F6" "6" "HEV_F7" "七" "[english]HEV_F7" "7" "HEV_F8" "八" "[english]HEV_F8" "8" "HEV_F9" "九" "[english]HEV_F9" "9" "HEV_F10" "時間剩下十秒鐘。" "[english]HEV_F10" "Time remaining ... 10 seconds." "HEV_F15" "時間剩下十五秒鐘。" "[english]HEV_F15" "Time remaining ... 15 seconds." "HEV_F20" "時間剩下二十秒鐘。" "[english]HEV_F20" "Time remaining ... 20 seconds." "HEV_F30" "時間剩下三十秒鐘。" "[english]HEV_F30" "Time remaining ... 30 seconds." "HEV_DET0" "警告:偵測到生化危險。" "[english]HEV_DET0" "Warning. Biohazard detected." "HEV_DET1" "警告。 偵測到危險化學物質。" "[english]HEV_DET1" "Warning. Hazardous chemical detected." "HEV_DET2" "警告。 偵測到危險輻射水準。" "[english]HEV_DET2" "Warning. Hazardous radiation levels detected." "HEV_DET3" "可偵測到生物指數。" "[english]HEV_DET3" "Possible bio reading." "HEV_DET4" "反毒素。 百分之百。" "[english]HEV_DET4" "Antitoxin administered. 100 percent." "HEV_DET5" "反毒素。 警告。 危險指…。 百分之百" "[english]HEV_DET5" "Antitoxin administered. Warning. Hazardous radiation levels detected. 100 percent." "HEV_GR0" "距離二十公尺" "[english]HEV_GR0" "range 20 meters" "HEV_GR1" "距離十九公尺" "[english]HEV_GR1" "range 19 meters" "HEV_GR2" "距離十八公尺" "[english]HEV_GR2" "range 18 meters" "HEV_GR3" "距離十七公尺" "[english]HEV_GR3" "range 17 meters" "HEV_GR4" "距離十六公尺" "[english]HEV_GR4" "range 16 meters" "HEV_GR5" "距離十五公尺" "[english]HEV_GR5" "range 15 meters" "HEV_GR6" "距離十四公尺" "[english]HEV_GR6" "range 14 meters" "HEV_GR7" "距離十三公尺" "[english]HEV_GR7" "range 13 meters" "HEV_GR8" "距離十二公尺" "[english]HEV_GR8" "range 12 meters" "HEV_GR9" "距離十一公尺" "[english]HEV_GR9" "range 11 meters" "HEV_GR10" "距離十公尺" "[english]HEV_GR10" "range 10 meters" "HEV_GR11" "距離九公尺" "[english]HEV_GR11" "range 9 meters" "HEV_GR12" "距離八公尺" "[english]HEV_GR12" "range 8 meters" "HEV_GR13" "距離七公尺" "[english]HEV_GR13" "range 7 meters" "HEV_GR14" "距離六公尺" "[english]HEV_GR14" "range 6 meters" "HEV_GR15" "距離五公尺" "[english]HEV_GR15" "range 5 meters" "HEV_GR16" "距離四公尺" "[english]HEV_GR16" "range 4 meters" "HEV_GR17" "距離三公尺" "[english]HEV_GR17" "range 3 meters" "HEV_GR18" "距離兩公尺" "[english]HEV_GR18" "range 2 meters" "HEV_GR19" "距離一公尺" "[english]HEV_GR19" "range 1 meter" "HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" "[低生命值警告!]" "[english]HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" "[Low Health Warning!]" "HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" "[低彈藥存量警告!]" "[english]HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" "[Low Ammunition Warning!]" "HL2Player.SprintNoPower" "[衝刺用盡]" "[english]HL2Player.SprintNoPower" "[Sprint Depleted]" "HL2Player.SprintStart" "[衝刺模式開啟]" "[english]HL2Player.SprintStart" "[Sprint On]" "HL2Player.UseDeny" "[無法使用]" "[english]HL2Player.UseDeny" "[Can't Use]" "Player.Death" "[死亡]" "[english]Player.Death" "[Death]" "Player.PlasmaDamage" "[燃燒]" "[english]Player.PlasmaDamage" "[Burning]" "Player.SonicDamage" "[音波損傷]" "[english]Player.SonicDamage" "[Sonic Damage]" "Player.DrownStart" "[溺水]" "[english]Player.DrownStart" "[Drowning]" "Player.FallDamage" "[摔傷]" "[english]Player.FallDamage" "[Falling Damage]" "Player.FallGib" "[啪嗒!]" "[english]Player.FallGib" "[Splat!]" "Player.UseDeny" "[無法使用]" "[english]Player.UseDeny" "[Can't Use]" "Player.pickupweapon" "[撿起武器]" "[english]Player.pickupweapon" "[Weapon pickup]" "Geiger.BeepLow" "[慢速蓋革計數聲]" "[english]Geiger.BeepLow" "[Slow Geiger tick]" "Geiger.BeepHigh" "[高速蓋革計數聲]" "[english]Geiger.BeepHigh" "[Fast Geiger tick]" "TriggerSuperArmor.StartCharging" "[開始補充]" "[english]TriggerSuperArmor.StartCharging" "[Start Charging]" "TriggerSuperArmor.DoneCharging" "[補充結束]" "[english]TriggerSuperArmor.DoneCharging" "[End Charging]" "ItemBattery.Touch" "[撿起電池]" "[english]ItemBattery.Touch" "[Battery Pickup]" "HealthKit.Touch" "[撿起急救包]" "[english]HealthKit.Touch" "[Medkit Pickup]" "HealthVial.Touch" "[撿起生命瓶]" "[english]HealthVial.Touch" "[Health Vial Pickup]" "WallHealth.Deny" "[停止補充]" "[english]WallHealth.Deny" "[Deny]" "WallHealth.Start" "[開始治療]" "[english]WallHealth.Start" "[Begin Healing]" "SuitRecharge.Deny" "[停止補充]" "[english]SuitRecharge.Deny" "[Deny]" "SuitRecharge.Start" "[開始補充]" "[english]SuitRecharge.Start" "[Begin Charging]" "NPC_Alyx.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Alyx.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Alyx.PushButton1" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushButton1" "[Button Sound]" "NPC_Alyx.PushButton2" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushButton2" "[Button Sound]" "NPC_Alyx.PushKeypad1" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushKeypad1" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Coin" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Coin" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Button" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Button" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Hit" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Hit" " " "NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Start" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Start" " " "NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Land" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Land" " " "NPC_Alyx.ScrapYard_Hop" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.ScrapYard_Hop" " " "NPC_Alyx.ClimbLadder1" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.ClimbLadder1" " " "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttack" "[獅蟻攻擊]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttack" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.BurrowIn" "[獅蟻鑽地]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.BurrowIn" "[Antlion Burrowing]" "NPC_Antlion.BurrowOut" "[獅蟻出現]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.BurrowOut" "[Antlion Emerging]" "NPC_Antlion.FootstepSoft" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.FootstepSoft" " " "NPC_Antlion.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Footstep" " " "NPC_Antlion.FootstepHeavy" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.FootstepHeavy" " " "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackSingle" "[獅蟻攻擊]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackSingle" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackDouble" "[獅蟻攻擊]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackDouble" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.Distracted" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Distracted" " " "NPC_Antlion.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Idle" " " "NPC_Antlion.Pain" "[獅蟻發出痛楚聲音]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.Pain" "[Antlion Pain]" "NPC_Antlion.JumpTouch" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.JumpTouch" " " "NPC_Antlion.Land" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Land" " " "NPC_Antlion.WingsOpen" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.WingsOpen" " " "NPC_Antlion.LoopingAgitated" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.LoopingAgitated" " " "NPC_AntlionGrub.Scared" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGrub.Scared" " " "NPC_AntlionGrub.Squash" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGrub.Squash" " " "FX_AntlionImpact.ShellImpact" " " "[english]FX_AntlionImpact.ShellImpact" " " "NPC_Antlion.RunOverByVehicle" "[獅蟻咬嚙聲]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.RunOverByVehicle" "[Antlion Crunch]" "NPC_Antlion.Movement" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Movement" " " "NPC_Antlion.Voice" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Voice" " " "NPC_Antlion.Heal" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Heal" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.SniffFound" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.SniffFound" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Shove" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Shove" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.HitHard" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.HitHard" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.StepLight" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.StepLight" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.StepHeavy" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.StepHeavy" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Anger" "[獅蟻守衛憤怒]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Anger" "[Antlion Guard Angry]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlHigh" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlHigh" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlIdle" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlIdle" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.BreathSound" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.BreathSound" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Confused" "[獅蟻守衛混亂]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Confused" "[Antlion Guard Confused]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Roar" "[獅蟻守衛嘶吼]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Roar" "[Antlion Guard Roar]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Die" "[獅蟻守衛死亡]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Die" "[Antlion Guard Death]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Fallover" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Fallover" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.FireGun" "[直升機追擊]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.FireGun" "[Hunter-Chopper Pursuit]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeGun" "[直升機衝鋒]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeGun" "[Hunter-Chopper Charging]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeDownGun" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeDownGun" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorBlast" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorBlast" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.NearFlyby" "[直升機飛過]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.NearFlyby" "[Hunter-Chopper Flyby]" "NPC_AttackHelicopterGrenade.Ping" "[直升機轟炸聲]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopterGrenade.Ping" "[Hunter-Chopper Bomb Ping]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.DropMine" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.DropMine" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.MegabombAlert" "[直升機轟炸警告]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.MegabombAlert" "[Hunter-Chopper Bombing Alert]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.BadlyDamagedAlert" "[直升機受損]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.BadlyDamagedAlert" "[Hunter-Chopper Damaged]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.CrashingAlarm1" "[直升機警報]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.CrashingAlarm1" "[Hunter-Chopper Alarm]" "NPC_Helicopter.FireRocket" "[直升機發射火箭]" "[english]NPC_Helicopter.FireRocket" "[Hunter-Chopper Rocket Fired]" "NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" "[藤壺怪螫咬]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" "[Barnacle Bite]" "NPC_Barnacle.Die" "[藤壺怪死亡]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Die" "[Barnacle Death]" "NPC_Barnacle.TongueOut" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.TongueOut" " " "NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" " " "NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" "[藤壺怪拉扯]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" "[Barnacle Pull]" "NPC_Barnacle.Grunt" "[藤壺怪咕噥聲]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Grunt" "[Barnacle Grunt]" "NPC_Barnacle.BabyGrunt" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.BabyGrunt" " " "NPC_Barnacle.Scream" "[藤壺怪尖叫聲]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Scream" "[Barnacle Scream]" "NPC_Barnacle.Digest" "[藤壺怪消化聲]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Digest" "[Barnacle Digestion]" "NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" "[藤壺怪碎骨聲]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" "[Barnacle Bonebreak]" "NPC_Barney.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Barney.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Barney.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Barney.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Bite" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Attack" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Attack" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.FootstepWalk" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.FootstepWalk" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Telegraph" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Telegraph" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Threat" "[食腦蟲威脅]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Threat" "[Headcrab Threat]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Alert" "[食腦蟲警告]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Idle" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Talk" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Talk" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.AlertVoice" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.AlertVoice" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Pain" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Die" "[食腦蟲死亡]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Impact" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Impact" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.ImpactAngry" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.ImpactAngry" " " "NPC_Combine.WeaponBash" " " "[english]NPC_Combine.WeaponBash" " " "NPC_CombineS.DissolveScream" " *合成人士兵死亡*" "[english]NPC_CombineS.DissolveScream" "*Combine Soldier Death*" "NPC_CombineS.ElectrocuteScream" " *合成人士兵死亡*" "[english]NPC_CombineS.ElectrocuteScream" "*Combine Soldier Death*" "NPC_CombineBall.Explosion" "[爆炸!]" "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Explosion" "[Explosion!]" "NPC_CombineBall.HoldingInPhysCannon" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.HoldingInPhysCannon" " " "NPC_CombineBall.WhizFlyby" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.WhizFlyby" " " "NPC_CombineBall.Launch" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Launch" " " "NPC_CombineBall.KillImpact" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.KillImpact" " " "NPC_CombineBall.Impact" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Impact" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Retire" "[監視器停止運作]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Retire" "[Camera Retire]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Deploy" "[監視器佈署]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Deploy" "[Camera Deploy]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Move" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Move" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Active" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Active" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.BecomeIdle" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.BecomeIdle" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Alert" "[監視器警告]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Alert" "[Camera Alert]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Angry" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Angry" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Ping" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Ping" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Click" "[監視器滴答聲]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Click" "[Camera Click]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Die" "[監視器毀壞]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Die" "[Camera Destroyed]" "NPC_CombineMine.Hop" "[地雷跳起]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.Hop" "[Mine Hop]" "NPC_CombineMine.FlipOver" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.FlipOver" " " "NPC_CombineMine.TurnOn" "[地雷啟動]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.TurnOn" "[Mine Activated]" "NPC_CombineMine.TurnOff" "[地雷拆除]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.TurnOff" "[Mine De-activated]" "NPC_CombineMine.OpenHooks" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.OpenHooks" " " "NPC_CombineMine.CloseHooks" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.CloseHooks" " " "NPC_CombineMine.ActiveLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.ActiveLoop" " " "NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Crow.Hop" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Hop" " " "NPC_Crow.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Gib" " " "NPC_Crow.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Idle" " " "NPC_Crow.Alert" "[烏鴉警告]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Alert" "[Crow Alert]" "NPC_Crow.Pain" "[烏鴉痛楚]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Pain" "[Crow Pain]" "NPC_Crow.Die" "[烏鴉死亡]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Die" "[Crow Death]" "NPC_Crow.Flap" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Flap" " " "NPC_Crow.Squawk" "[烏鴉乾叫]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Squawk" "[Crow Squawk!]" "NPC_dog.Idlemode_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Idlemode_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Combatmode_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Combatmode_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Roll_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Roll_1" " " "NPC_dog.Slide" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Slide" " " "NPC_dog.PoundGround" "[狗狗重擊地面]" "[english]NPC_dog.PoundGround" "[Dog Pounding Ground]" "NPC_dog.PoundGround_hard" "[狗狗重擊地面]" "[english]NPC_dog.PoundGround_hard" "[Dog Pounding Ground]" "NPC_dog.MetalHit_Soft_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.MetalHit_Soft_1" " " "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Pickup" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Pickup" " " "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Rattle" "[嗄啦聲]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Rattle" "[Rattle-rattle!]" "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Drop" "[撞擊!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Drop" "[Crash!]" "NPC_dog.Servo_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_1" " " "NPC_dog.Servo_up_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_up_1" " " "NPC_dog.Servo_dn_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_dn_1" " " "NPC_dog.Pneumatic_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Pneumatic_1" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_1" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_2" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_2" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_3" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_3" " " "NPC_dog.Rock_Lift1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Rock_Lift1" " " "NPC_dog.Rock_Drop" "[大石落地聲]" "[english]NPC_dog.Rock_Drop" "[Rock Thud]" "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Creak" "[門嗄吱叫]" "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Creak" "[Door Creak]" "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Opened" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Opened" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closing" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closing" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closed" "[門關上]" "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closed" "[Door Closed]" "NPC_dog.Scrape_Car" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Scrape_Car" " " "NPC_dog.Throw_Car" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Throw_Car" " " "NPC_dog.Pain_1" "[狗狗受損]" "[english]NPC_dog.Pain_1" "[Dog Damaged]" "NPC_dog.Pain_2" "[狗狗受損]" "[english]NPC_dog.Pain_2" "[Dog Damaged]" "NPC_dog.Surprise_1" "[狗狗驚訝]" "[english]NPC_dog.Surprise_1" "[Dog Surprised]" "NPC_dog.Surprise_2" "[狗狗驚訝]" "[english]NPC_dog.Surprise_2" "[Dog Surprised]" "NPC_dog.Scared_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Scared_1" " " "NPC_dog.Talk_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Talk_1" " " "NPC_dog.Angry_1" "[狗狗生氣]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_1" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Angry_2" "[狗狗生氣]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_2" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Angry_3" "[狗狗生氣]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_3" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Curious_1" "[狗狗好奇]" "[english]NPC_dog.Curious_1" "[Dog Curious]" "NPC_dog.Dissapointed_1" "[狗狗失望]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dissapointed_1" "[Dog Disappointed]" "NPC_dog.Growl_1" "[狗狗低吼]" "[english]NPC_dog.Growl_1" "[Dog Growl]" "NPC_dog.Growl_2" "[狗狗低吼]" "[english]NPC_dog.Growl_2" "[Dog Growl]" "NPC_dog.Laugh_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Laugh_1" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_1" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_3" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_3" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_4" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_4" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_5" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_5" " " "NPC_dog.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_dog.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_dog.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_dog.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_dog.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_dog.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_dog.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_dog.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_dog.Hang_On_Dropship" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Hang_On_Dropship" " " "NPC_dog.Thrown_Car_Hits_Ground" "[撞擊!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Thrown_Car_Hits_Ground" "[Crash!]" "NPC_CombineDropship.RotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.RotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.NearRotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.NearRotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.FireLoop" "[運兵船追擊]" "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.FireLoop" "[Dropship Pursuit]" "NPC_CombineDropship.OnGroundRotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.OnGroundRotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.DescendingWarningLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.DescendingWarningLoop" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Idle" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Alert" "[食腦蟲警告]" "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Pain" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Die" "[食腦蟲死亡]" "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Bite" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Attack" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Attack" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_FastZombie.LeapAttack" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.LeapAttack" " " "NPC_FastZombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_FastZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_FastZombie.AttackHit" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AttackHit" " " "NPC_FastZombie.AttackMiss" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AttackMiss" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Attack" "[殭屍攻擊]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Attack" "[Zombie Attack]" "NPC_FastZombie.Idle" "*嚎叫*" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Idle" "*howl*" "NPC_FastZombie.AlertFar" "[遠處殭屍警告]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AlertFar" "[Distant Zombie Alert]" "NPC_FastZombie.AlertNear" "[附近殭屍警告]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AlertNear" "[Nearby Zombie Alert]" "NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft" " " "NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Scream" "[殭屍尖吼]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Scream" "[Zombie Scream]" "NPC_FastZombie.RangeAttack" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.RangeAttack" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Frenzy" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Frenzy" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Moan1" "*呻吟*" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_FastZombie.Gurgle" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Gurgle" " " "NPC_FastZombie.NoSound" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.NoSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStartSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStartSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStopSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStopSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.DyingSound" "[砲船毀壞]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.DyingSound" "[Gunship Dying]" "NPC_CombineGunship.RotorSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.RotorSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.ExhaustSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.ExhaustSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.RotorBlastSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.RotorBlastSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.SearchPing" "[砲船砰聲]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.SearchPing" "[Gunship Ping]" "NPC_CombineGunship.PatrolPing" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.PatrolPing" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.SeeEnemy" "[砲船警告]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.SeeEnemy" "[Gunship Alert]" "NPC_CombineGunship.Pain" "[砲船受損]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.Pain" "[Gunship Damaged]" "NPC_CombineGunship.Explode" "[砲船爆炸]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.Explode" "[Gunship Explosion]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Burning" "[食腦蟲燃燒]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Burning" "[Headcrab Burning]" "NPC_HeadCrab.StopBurning" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.StopBurning" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Gib" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Idle" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Alert" "[食腦蟲警告]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Pain" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Die" "[食腦蟲死亡]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Bite" " " "NPC_Headcrab.Attack" "[食腦蟲攻擊]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.Attack" "[Headcrab attack]" "NPC_Headcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_Headcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_Headcrab.BurrowIn" "[食腦蟲挖地]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.BurrowIn" "[Headcrab Digging]" "NPC_Headcrab.BurrowOut" "[食腦蟲出現]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.BurrowOut" "[Headcrab Emerging]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.Growl" "[魚龍低吼]" "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.Growl" "[Ichthyosaur Growl]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.AttackGrowl" "[魚龍嘶吼]" "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.AttackGrowl" "[Ichthyosaur Roar]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.Bite" " " "NPC_Ichthyosaur.BiteMiss" " " "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.BiteMiss" " " "WateryDeath.Warn" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Warn" " " "WateryDeath.Pull" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Pull" " " "WateryDeath.Bite" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Bite" " " "NPC_Manhack.Die" "[鋸鳥死亡]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Die" "[Manhack Death]" "NPC_Manhack.Bat" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Bat" " " "NPC_Manhack.Splash" "[濺水聲]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Splash" "[Splash!]" "NPC_Manhack.Slice" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Slice" " " "NPC_Manhack.Grind" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Grind" " " "NPC_Manhack.EngineNoise" "[鋸鳥引擎]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineNoise" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.Unpack" "[鋸鳥佈署]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Unpack" "[Manhack Deploy]" "NPC_Manhack.EngineSound1" "[鋸鳥引擎]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineSound1" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.EngineSound2" "[鋸鳥引擎]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineSound2" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.BladeSound" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.BladeSound" " " "NPC_Manhack.ChargeAnnounce" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.ChargeAnnounce" " " "NPC_Manhack.ChargeEnd" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.ChargeEnd" " " "NPC_Manhack.Stunned" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Stunned" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.SentenceParameters" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.SentenceParameters" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.HitByVehicle" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.HitByVehicle" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Shove" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Shove" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.HidingSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.HidingSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.LocateSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.LocateSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.OnFireScream" "*尖叫*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.OnFireScream" "*screaming*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Pain" "*痛*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Pain" "*pain*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Die" "*死亡*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Die" "*death*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.Off" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.Off" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.On" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.On" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Stay" "不要動。" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Stay" "Hold it." "NPC_MetroPolice.Warn" "[敵人警告]" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Warn" "[Enemy Warning]" "NPC_MetroPolice.WaterSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.WaterSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong1" "走了!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong1" "Move along!" "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong2" "還不快走!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong2" "I said move!" "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong3" "準備接受判決!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong3" "Prepare for judgment!" "NPC_CombineS.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_CombineS.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Combine.RadioChatter" "[合成人無線電:一般通訊]" "[english]NPC_Combine.RadioChatter" "[Combine Radio: Chatter]" "NPC_Combine.Alert" "[合成人無線電:警報]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Alert" "[Combine Radio: Alert!]" "NPC_Combine.Pain" "*痛*" "[english]NPC_Combine.Pain" "*pain*" "NPC_Combine.Death" "*死亡*" "[english]NPC_Combine.Death" "*death*" "NPC_Combine.Grenade" "[合成人無線電:手榴彈警報]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Grenade" "[Combine Radio: Grenade Alert!]" "NPC_Combine.Last" "[合成人無線電:要求支援]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Last" "[Combine Radio: Requesting Backup]" "NPC_Combine.Coord" "[合成人無線電:戰術]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Coord" "[Combine Radio: Tactical]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Die" "[殭屍死亡]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Die" "[Zombie Death]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.ThrowWarn" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.ThrowWarn" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.Throw" "[寄生物已丟出]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Throw" "[Parasite Thrown]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Idle" "*呻吟*" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Idle" "*moan*" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Pain" "[殭屍痛楚]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Pain" "[Zombie Pain]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Alert" "[殭屍警告]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Alert" "[Zombie Alert]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.FastBreath" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FastBreath" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.Moan1" "*呻吟*" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_RollerMine.Roll" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Roll" " " "NPC_RollerMine.RollWithSpikes" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.RollWithSpikes" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Tossed" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Tossed" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Held" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Held" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Taunt" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Taunt" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Ping" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Ping" " " "NPC_RollerMine.OpenSpikes" "[旋轉地雷佈署]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.OpenSpikes" "[Rollermine Deploy]" "NPC_RollerMine.CloseSpikes" "[旋轉地雷縮回]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.CloseSpikes" "[Rollermine Retract]" "NPC_RollerMine.Shock" "[旋轉地雷衝擊]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Shock" "[Rollermine Shock]" "NPC_RollerMine.Hurt" "[旋轉地雷受損]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Hurt" "[Rollermine Damaged]" "NPC_RollerMine.Chirp" "[旋轉地雷嘰聲]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Chirp" "[Rollermine Chirp]" "NPC_RollerMine.ChirpRespond" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.ChirpRespond" " " "NPC_RollerMine.JoltVehicle" "[旋轉地雷震動]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.JoltVehicle" "[Rollermine Jolt]" "NPC_CScanner.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Gib" " " "NPC_CScanner.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Shoot" " " "NPC_CScanner.Alert" "[探測機警告]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Alert" "[Scanner Alert]" "NPC_CScanner.Die" "[探測機損毀]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Die" "[Scanner Death]" "NPC_CScanner.Combat" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Combat" " " "NPC_CScanner.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Idle" " " "NPC_CScanner.Pain" "[探測機受損]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Pain" "[Scanner Damaged]" "NPC_CScanner.TakePhoto" "[探測機喀聲]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.TakePhoto" "[Scanner Click]" "NPC_CScanner.PreFlash" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.PreFlash" " " "NPC_CScanner.PreGas" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.PreGas" " " "NPC_CScanner.AttackFlash" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.AttackFlash" " " "NPC_CScanner.AttackGas" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.AttackGas" " " "NPC_CScanner.DiveBomb" "[探測機俯衝投彈]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.DiveBomb" "[Scanner Divebomb]" "NPC_SScanner.FlySound" " " "[english]NPC_SScanner.FlySound" " " "NPC_CScanner.DiveBombFlyby" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.DiveBombFlyby" " " "NPC_CScanner.OpenEye" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.OpenEye" " " "NPC_CScanner.Illuminate" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Illuminate" " " "NPC_CScanner.FlyLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.FlyLoop" " " "NPC_Sniper.Idle" "<[合成人無線電:狙擊手通訊]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Idle" "<[Combine Radio: Sniper Chatter]" "NPC_Sniper.Alert" "[狙擊手警告]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Alert" "[Sniper Alert]" "NPC_Sniper.Die" "[狙擊手死亡]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Die" "[Sniper Death]" "NPC_Sniper.TargetHidden" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.TargetHidden" " " "NPC_Sniper.CoverDestroyed" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.CoverDestroyed" " " "NPC_Sniper.TargetDestroyed" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.TargetDestroyed" " " "NPC_Sniper.HearDanger" "[狙擊手警告]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.HearDanger" "[Sniper Alert]" "NPC_Sniper.FireBullet" "[狙擊手射擊]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.FireBullet" "[Sniper Shot]" "NPC_Sniper.Reload" "[狙擊手換彈匣]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Reload" "[Sniper Reload]" "NPC_Sniper.SonicBoom" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.SonicBoom" " " "NPC_Strider.Alert" "[長腳蜘蛛警告]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Alert" "[Strider Alert]" "NPC_Strider.Pain" "[長腳蜘蛛痛楚]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Pain" "[Strider Pain]" "NPC_Strider.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Idle" " " "NPC_Strider.Death" "[長腳蜘蛛損毀]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Death" "[Strider Death]" "NPC_Strider.Charge" "[長腳蜘蛛填充]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Charge" "[Strider Charge]" "NPC_Strider.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Shoot" " " "NPC_Strider.FireMinigun" "[長腳蜘蛛火神砲]" "[english]NPC_Strider.FireMinigun" "[Strider Minigun]" "NPC_Strider.Whoosh" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Whoosh" " " "NPC_Strider.Footstep" "[長腳蜘蛛腳步聲]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Footstep" "[Strider Footsteps]" "NPC_Strider.Creak" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Creak" " " "NPC_Strider.Skewer" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Skewer" " " "NPC_Strider.RagdollDetach" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.RagdollDetach" " " "NPC_Strider.OpenHatch" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.OpenHatch" " " "NPC_Strider.DieFalling" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.DieFalling" " " "NPC_Strider.HitGround" "[撞擊!]" "[english]NPC_Strider.HitGround" "[Crash!]" "NPC_Strider.SkewerHitBody" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.SkewerHitBody" " " "NPC_Strider.SkewerTalk" "*尖叫*" "[english]NPC_Strider.SkewerTalk" "*scream*" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Retire" "[機槍塔停止運作]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Retire" "[Turret Retire]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Deploy" "[機槍塔佈署]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Deploy" "[Turret Deploy]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Move" " " "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Move" " " "NPC_CeilingTurret.Active" " " "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Active" " " "NPC_CeilingTurret.Alert" "[機槍塔警告]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Alert" "[Turret Alert]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Shoot" "[機槍塔發射]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Shoot" "[Turret Firing]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Ping" "[機槍塔砰聲]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Ping" "[Turret Ping]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Die" "[機槍塔損毀]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Retire" "[機槍塔停止運作]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Retire" "[Turret Retire]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Deploy" "[機槍塔佈署]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Deploy" "[Turret Deploy]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Move" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Move" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.Activate" "[機槍塔啟動]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Activate" "[Turret Activated]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Alert" "[機槍塔警告]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Alert" "[Turret Alert]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Shoot" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.Die" "[機槍塔損毀]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Retract" "[機槍塔撤回]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Retract" "[Turret Retract]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Alarm" "[機槍塔警報]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Alarm" "[Turret Alarm]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" "[機槍塔砰聲]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" "[Turret Ping]" "NPC_GroundTurret.Die" "[機槍塔損毀]" "[english]NPC_GroundTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitOn" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitOn" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitCharge" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitCharge" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Claw" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Claw" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Shoot" "[弗地崗光線攻擊]" "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Shoot" "[Vortigaunt Beam Attack]" "NPC_Vortigaunt.Swing" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Swing" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Kick" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Kick" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.ClawBeam" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.ClawBeam" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.PoundDoor" " " "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.PoundDoor" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.Swat" " " "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Swat" " " "Zombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]Zombie.FootstepRight" " " "Zombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]Zombie.FootstepLeft" " " "Zombie.ScuffRight" " " "[english]Zombie.ScuffRight" " " "Zombie.ScuffLeft" " " "[english]Zombie.ScuffLeft" " " "Zombie.AttackHit" " " "[english]Zombie.AttackHit" " " "Zombie.AttackMiss" " " "[english]Zombie.AttackMiss" " " "Zombie.Pain" "[殭屍痛楚]" "[english]Zombie.Pain" "[Zombie Pain]" "Zombie.Alert" "[殭屍警告]" "[english]Zombie.Alert" "[Zombie Alert]" "Zombie.Idle" "*呻吟*" "[english]Zombie.Idle" "*moan*" "Zombie.Die" "*殭屍死亡*" "[english]Zombie.Die" "*Zombie Death*" "Zombie.Attack" " " "[english]Zombie.Attack" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" "*呻吟*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" "*呻吟*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" "*呻吟*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" "*呻吟*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" "*moan*" "combine.door_lock" "[鎖住]" "[english]combine.door_lock" "[Locked]" "combine.sheild_touch" "[力場嗡聲]" "[english]combine.sheild_touch" "[Forcefield hum]" "d1_trainstation.city_voice_misscount" "居民注意:居所數目不合。 與城市保安隊合作即可得到完整糧食分配。" "[english]d1_trainstation.city_voice_misscount" "Warning Voice: Miscount Detected In Sector" "d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop1" "[警報]" "[english]d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop1" "[Alarm]" "d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop2" "[警報]" "[english]d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop2" "[Alarm]" "d1_trainstation.citizen_hitpain" "*痛*" "[english]d1_trainstation.citizen_hitpain" "*pain*" "d1_trainstation.boots_on_stairs" "[樓梯傳來靴子聲!]" "[english]d1_trainstation.boots_on_stairs" "[Bootsteps on stairs!]" "Trainyard.sodamachine_empty" "[空的]" "[english]Trainyard.sodamachine_empty" "[Empty]" "Trainyard.alyx_emp_spark" "[電磁脈衝裝置發射!]" "[english]Trainyard.alyx_emp_spark" "[EMP Device Burst!]" "d1_trainstation_01.combinelock_unlock" "[鎖已開]" "[english]d1_trainstation_01.combinelock_unlock" "[Unlocked]" "d1_trainstation_01.citizen_introom_beating" "*痛*" "[english]d1_trainstation_01.citizen_introom_beating" "*pain*" "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorknock" "[搥門聲]" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorknock" "[Door Pounding]" "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorkick" "[撞擊!]" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorkick" "[CRASH!]" "d1_trainstation_03.citizen_beating" "*悶悶的毆打聲*" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.citizen_beating" "*muffled beating*" "Trainyard.train_horn" "[火車汽笛]" "[english]Trainyard.train_horn" "[Train Horn]" "Trainyard.doll" "[媽-媽!]" "[english]Trainyard.doll" "[Ma-ma!]" "Trainyard.door_pound" "[敲門聲]" "[english]Trainyard.door_pound" "[Knock knock knock!]" "k_lab.ickyscene_growl1" "[低吼...]" "[english]k_lab.ickyscene_growl1" "[Growl...]" "k_lab.ickyscene_growl2" " " "[english]k_lab.ickyscene_growl2" " " "k_lab.eyescanner_use" "[眼部掃描啟動]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_use" "[Eye-scanner Activate]" "k_lab.eyescanner_fail" "[眼部掃描失敗]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_fail" "[Eye-scan Failed]" "k_lab.eyescanner_success" "[眼部掃描通過]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_success" "[Eye-scan Approved]" "k_lab.distantsiren" "[遠處警鈴]" "[english]k_lab.distantsiren" "[Distant Siren]" "k_lab.headcrab_in_vent" "[通風管騷動聲]" "[english]k_lab.headcrab_in_vent" "[Scurrying in airduct]" "k_lab.teleport_heartbeat" "[心跳聲...]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_heartbeat" "[Heartbeat...]" "k_lab.teleport_breathing" "[呼吸聲...]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_breathing" "[Breathing...]" "k_lab.teleport_sound" "[傳送聲]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_sound" "[Zap!]" "razortrain_horn" "[火車汽笛!]" "[english]razortrain_horn" "[Train Horn!]" "train_horn_01" "[火車汽笛!]" "[english]train_horn_01" "[Train horn!]" "razortrain_wheels" "[火車煞車聲]" "[english]razortrain_wheels" "[Train wheels screeching!]" "underground_steamjet" "[蒸氣嘶聲]" "[english]underground_steamjet" "[Steam hiss]" "d1_canals.Floodgate_Klaxon" "[鏘]" "[english]d1_canals.Floodgate_Klaxon" "[Klaxon!]" "d1_canals.Floodgate_AlarmBellLoop" "[鏘!]" "[english]d1_canals.Floodgate_AlarmBellLoop" "[Klaxon!]" "canals_citadel_siren" "[城塔警鈴!]" "[english]canals_citadel_siren" "[Citadel siren!]" "d1_canals_03.siren01" "[警鈴!]" "[english]d1_canals_03.siren01" "[Siren!]" "water_flood_in" "[水湧入的聲音]" "[english]water_flood_in" "[Inrushing Water]" "water_flood_out" "[水瀉出的聲音]" "[english]water_flood_out" "[Outrushing Water]" "train_forcefield" "[力場嗡聲]" "[english]train_forcefield" "[Forcefield Hum]" "train_crossing_bell" "[平交道鈴聲]" "[english]train_crossing_bell" "[Train Crossing Bell]" "apc_siren1" "[裝甲運兵車警鈴]" "[english]apc_siren1" "[APC Siren!]" "canals.locks_tower_precollapse" "[高塔扭曲的聲音]" "[english]canals.locks_tower_precollapse" "[Tower Creaking!]" "d1_canals_05.canister_open" "[榴霰彈開啟]" "[english]d1_canals_05.canister_open" "[Canister Opening]" "d1_canals.metropolice_thereheis" "他在那!" "[english]d1_canals.metropolice_thereheis" "There he is!" "d1_canals.headcrabbing_moan" "*呻吟!*" "[english]d1_canals.headcrabbing_moan" "*Moan!*" "eli_lab.elevator_ding" "[電梯鈴聲]" "[english]eli_lab.elevator_ding" "[Elevator Bell]" "eli_lab.firebell_loop_1" "[鏘]" "[english]eli_lab.firebell_loop_1" "[Klaxon]" "eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_pound" "[搥打聲]" "[english]eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_pound" "[Pounding!]" "eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_bend" "[尖銳金屬聲]" "[english]eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_bend" "[Metal Screeching]" "eli_lab.attack_battleloop_1" "[攻擊!]" "[english]eli_lab.attack_battleloop_1" "[ATTACK!]" "d1_town.Slicer" "[削切]" "[english]d1_town.Slicer" "[Slice]" "d1_town.TramHouseStart" "[電車啟動]" "[english]d1_town.TramHouseStart" "[Tram start]" "d1_town.TramStop" "[電車停止]" "[english]d1_town.TramStop" "[Tram stop]" "d1_town.SlicerCartStop" "[削切停止]" "[english]d1_town.SlicerCartStop" "[Slicer stop]" "d1_town.CarHit" "[撞擊!]" "[english]d1_town.CarHit" "[CRASH!]" "d1_town.FlameTrapIgnite" "[火焰點燃]" "[english]d1_town.FlameTrapIgnite" "[Flame ignite]" "d1_town.GasJet" "[瓦斯嘶聲]" "[english]d1_town.GasJet" "[Hissing gas jet]" "E3_Phystown.Slicer" "[咻喀!]" "[english]E3_Phystown.Slicer" "[Schwick!]" "Town.d1_town_01_lightswitch2" "[點燃火星聲]" "[english]Town.d1_town_01_lightswitch2" "[Ignition Spark]" "Town.d1_town_03_metalgrate3" "[溝槽喀啦聲]" "[english]Town.d1_town_03_metalgrate3" "[Gutterpipe rattling]" "Town.d1_town_02_metalgrate3" "[溝槽喀啦聲]" "[english]Town.d1_town_02_metalgrate3" "[Gutterpipe rattling]" "coast.thumper_hit" "[碰!碰!碰!]" "[english]coast.thumper_hit" "[Thump! Thump! Thump!]" "coast.thumper_large_hit" "[碰!碰!碰!]" "[english]coast.thumper_large_hit" "[Thump! Thump! Thump!]" "coast.thumper_startup" "[啟動獅蟻驅逐器]" "[english]coast.thumper_startup" "[Starting Antlion Repeller]" "coast.thumper_shutdown" "[關閉獅蟻驅逐器]" "[english]coast.thumper_shutdown" "[Stopping Antlion Repeller]" "coast.bunker_siren1" "[保壘警鈴]" "[english]coast.bunker_siren1" "[Bunker Siren]" "coast.bunker_siren2" "[保壘警鈴]" "[english]coast.bunker_siren2" "[Bunker Siren]" "coast.gaspump_ignite" "[瓦斯管點燃]" "[english]coast.gaspump_ignite" "[Gaspump Ignites]" "coast.leech_bites_loop" "[吸血蟲咬嚙聲]" "[english]coast.leech_bites_loop" "[Leech bites]" "coast.siren_citizen" "[村莊警鈴!]" "[english]coast.siren_citizen" "[Village Siren!]" "coast.radio_dead" "[無線電雜訊]" "[english]coast.radio_dead" "[Radio Static]" "novaprospekt.Alyx_EMP_2" "[電磁脈衝裝置發射!]" "[english]novaprospekt.Alyx_EMP_2" "[EMP Device Burst]" "Novaprospekt.flare_fire" "[發射照明槍]" "[english]Novaprospekt.flare_fire" "[Flaregun fired]" "novaprospekt.GateGrindsUp" "[磨轉牆面的聲音]" "[english]novaprospekt.GateGrindsUp" "[Wall Grinding]" "novaprospekt.GateGroundCrunch" "[牆倒塌的聲音]" "[english]novaprospekt.GateGroundCrunch" "[Wall Crashing!]" "novaprospekt.CaveInScrape" "[粉碎...]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInScrape" "[Scraping...]" "novaprospekt.CaveInCrash" "[撞擊!]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInCrash" "[Crash!]" "novaprospekt.CaveInRumble" "[轟隆...]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInRumble" "[Rumble...]" "streetwar.d3_c17_08_steam01" "[蒸氣嘶聲]" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_08_steam01" "[Steam Hiss]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_03_default_locked" "[鎖住]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_03_default_locked" "[Locked]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_07_fire" "[發射照明槍]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_07_fire" "[Flaregun fired]" "streetwar.Zombie.wakeupsnarl" "[殭屍嘶吼]" "[english]streetwar.Zombie.wakeupsnarl" "[Zombie Snarls]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_siren" "[警鈴]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_siren" "[Siren]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_1" "[爆炸!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_1" "[Explosion!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_3" "[爆炸!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_3" "[Explosion!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_default_locked" "[鎖住]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_default_locked" "[Locked]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_alarm1" "[警報!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_alarm1" "[Alarm!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_fire" "[壓制裝置發射]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_fire" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire" "[壓制裝置發射]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire2" "[壓制裝置迫近]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire2" "[Suppressor Incoming]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_die" "[機槍塔毀壞]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_die" "[Turret Dies]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_move1" "[天橋移動]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_move1" "[Drawbridge moves]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_stop1" "[天橋停止]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_stop1" "[Drawbridge stops]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_die" "[機槍塔損毀]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_die" "[Turret dies]" "Streetwar.d3_C17_13_explode_2" "[爆炸]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_C17_13_explode_2" "[Explosion]" "citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip" "保安警告:發現未註冊武器。 啟動充公力場。" "[english]citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip" "[Warning Voice: Confiscation Field Activated]" "citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip_fail" "警告:發現反共鳴異點裝置。 充公力場失效。" "[english]citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip_fail" "[Warning Voice: Confiscation Field Failure]" "d3_citadel.elevator_rings_locked" "[電梯就緖]" "[english]d3_citadel.elevator_rings_locked" "[Elevator Ready]" "d3_citadel.elevator_alarm" "[呼叫電梯]" "[english]d3_citadel.elevator_alarm" "[Elevator Called]" "d3_citadel.guards_bangdoor" "[搥門聲]" "[english]d3_citadel.guards_bangdoor" "[BANGING ON DOORS]" "Wood_Box.Break" "[木頭碎裂聲]" "[english]Wood_Box.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Door.Locked1" "[鎖住]" "[english]Door.Locked1" "[Locked]" "Door.Locked2" "[鎖住]" "[english]Door.Locked2" "[Locked]" "DoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[鎖住]" "[english]DoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Locked]" "RotDoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[鎖住]" "[english]RotDoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Locked]" "Doors.FullClose1" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose1" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose2" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose2" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose3" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose3" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose4" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose4" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose5" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose5" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose6" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose6" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose7" "[鐵門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose7" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose8" "[金屬碰撞]" "[english]Doors.FullClose8" "[Metal Clang]" "Doors.FullClose9" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose9" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose10" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose10" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose11" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose11" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose12" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose12" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose13" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose13" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose14" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose14" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose15" "[門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose15" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose16" "[鐵門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose16" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose17" "[鐵門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose17" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose18" "[鐵門聲]" "[english]Doors.FullClose18" "[Gate Sound]" "doors.locker_shut" "[儲藏櫃的聲音]" "[english]doors.locker_shut" "[Locker Sound]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked1" "[門聲]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked1" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked1" "[鎖著]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked1" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked2" "[門聲]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked2" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked2" "[鎖著]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked2" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked3" "[門聲]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked3" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked3" "[鎖著]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked3" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked4" "[門聲]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked4" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked4" "[鎖著]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked4" "[Locked]" "Buttons.snd0" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd0" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd1" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd1" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd2" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd2" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd3" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd3" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd4" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd4" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd5" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd5" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd6" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd6" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd7" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd7" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd8" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd8" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd9" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd9" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd10" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd10" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd11" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd11" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd12" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd12" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd13" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd13" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd14" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd14" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd15" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd15" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd16" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd16" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd17" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd17" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd18" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd18" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd19" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd19" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd20" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd20" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd31" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd31" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd32" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd32" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd33" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd33" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd34" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd34" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd35" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd35" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd36" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd36" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd37" "[按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd37" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd21" "[開關聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd21" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd22" "[開關聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd22" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd23" "[開關聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd23" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd24" "[開關聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd24" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd25" "[開關聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd25" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd26" "[開關聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd26" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd27" "[開關聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd27" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd28" "[開關聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd28" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd40" "[按鈕鎖著]" "[english]Buttons.snd40" "[Button locked]" "Buttons.snd41" "[合成人按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd41" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd42" "[合成人按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd42" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd43" "[合成人按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd43" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd44" "[合成人按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd44" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd45" "[合成人按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd45" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd46" "[合成人按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd46" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd47" "[合成人按鈕聲]" "[english]Buttons.snd47" "[Combine Button sound]" "Physics.WaterSplash" "[濺水聲]" "[english]Physics.WaterSplash" "[Water Splash]" "Glass.BulletImpact" "[玻璃破碎]" "[english]Glass.BulletImpact" "[Shattering Glass]" "Glass.Break" "[玻璃破碎]" "[english]Glass.Break" "[Shattering Glass]" "Pottery.Break" "[陶瓷碎裂]" "[english]Pottery.Break" "[Breaking Ceramics]" "Pottery.BulletImpact" "[陶瓷粉碎]" "[english]Pottery.BulletImpact" "[Shattering ceramics]" "Computer.BulletImpact" "[監視器損毀]" "[english]Computer.BulletImpact" "[Shattering monitor]" "Watermelon.Impact" "[西瓜破碎]" "[english]Watermelon.Impact" "[Melon Splat]" "Watermelon.BulletImpact" "[西瓜破碎]" "[english]Watermelon.BulletImpact" "[Melon Splat]" "MetalVehicle.ImpactHard" "[重擊]" "[english]MetalVehicle.ImpactHard" "[Hard Impact]" "GlassBottle.BulletImpact" "[玻璃破碎]" "[english]GlassBottle.BulletImpact" "[Shattering Glass]" "GlassBottle.Break" "[玻璃破碎]" "[english]GlassBottle.Break" "[Shattering Glass]" "Breakable.Crate" "[木頭碎裂聲]" "[english]Breakable.Crate" "[Wood Breaking]" "Breakable.Metal" "[金屬破壞聲]" "[english]Breakable.Metal" "[Metal Destroyed]" "Breakable.Glass" "[玻璃粉碎]" "[english]Breakable.Glass" "[Glass shattering]" "Breakable.Concrete" "[水泥碎裂聲]" "[english]Breakable.Concrete" "[Concrete Breaking]" "Breakable.Ceiling" "[石膏碎裂聲]" "[english]Breakable.Ceiling" "[Plaster Breaking]" "Breakable.MatWood" "[木頭碎裂聲]" "[english]Breakable.MatWood" "[Wood Breaking]" "Cardboard.Break" "[木板破裂聲]" "[english]Cardboard.Break" "[Cardboard breaking]" "Plastic_Barrel.Break" "[塑膠破裂聲]" "[english]Plastic_Barrel.Break" "[Plastic breaking]" "Plastic_Box.Break" "[塑膠破裂聲]" "[english]Plastic_Box.Break" "[Plastic breaking]" "Wood.Break" "[木頭碎裂聲]" "[english]Wood.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood.Strain" "[木頭扭曲聲]" "[english]Wood.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood.bulletimpact" "[木頭裂開]" "[english]Wood.bulletimpact" "[Wood splintering]" "Wood_Crate.Break" "[木頭碎裂聲]" "[english]Wood_Crate.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Plank.Break" "[木頭碎裂聲]" "[english]Wood_Plank.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Plank.Strain" "[木頭扭曲聲]" "[english]Wood_Plank.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood_Solid.Break" "[木頭碎裂聲]" "[english]Wood_Solid.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Solid.Strain" "[木頭扭曲聲]" "[english]Wood_Solid.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood_Furniture.Break" "[木頭碎裂聲]" "[english]Wood_Furniture.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Panel.Break" "[木頭碎裂聲]" "[english]Wood_Panel.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Panel.Strain" "[木頭扭曲聲]" "[english]Wood_Panel.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Metal_Box.Break" "[金屬破壞聲]" "[english]Metal_Box.Break" "[Metal breaking]" "Metal_Box.Strain" "[金屬扭曲聲]" "[english]Metal_Box.Strain" "[Metal straining]" "Metal.SawbladeStick" "[鏘!]" "[english]Metal.SawbladeStick" "[Sproing!]" "npc_dog.phrase02" " " "[english]npc_dog.phrase02" " " "npc_dog.servo_5" " " "[english]npc_dog.servo_5" " " "npc_dog.metal_strain2" " " "[english]npc_dog.metal_strain2" " " "solidmetal.scraperough" " " "[english]solidmetal.scraperough" " " "wood.scraperough" " " "[english]wood.scraperough" " " "plastic_box.scraperough" " " "[english]plastic_box.scraperough" " " } }