"lang" { "Language" "norwegian" "Tokens" { "testcommands" "Dette er rødt og kursiv ogfet hvit igjen." "[english]testcommands" "This is red and italics and bold white again." "barn.anotherdropship" "Enda et romskip! " "[english]barn.anotherdropship" "Another dropship! " "barn.bunyip" " " "[english]barn.bunyip" " " "barn.chatter" "Vi får inn radioprat. De leter etter bilen din. " "[english]barn.chatter" "We're picking up radio chatter. They're looking for your car. " "barn.comeonin" "Kom inn. " "[english]barn.comeonin" "Come on in. " "barn.crapships" "Pokker. Her kommer romskipene! " "[english]barn.crapships" "Oh crap. Here come the dropships! " "barn.ditchcar" "Du må kvitte deg med bilen, Freeman. De leter etter den nå. " "[english]barn.ditchcar" "You're gonna have to ditch the car, Freeman. They're looking for it now. " "barn.drivecarinhere" "Kjør bilen inn her. " "[english]barn.drivecarinhere" "Drive the car in here. " "barn.drop_barn" "Romskip! Ved siden av låven! " "[english]barn.drop_barn" "Dropship! By the barn! " "barn.drop_field" "Romskip! Over jordet! " "[english]barn.drop_field" "Dropship! Over the field! " "barn.drop_lite" "Innkommende! Romskip ved fyret! " "[english]barn.drop_lite" "Incoming! Dropship at the lighthouse! " "barn.drop_road" "Romskip! Kommer inn over veien! " "[english]barn.drop_road" "Dropship! Coming in over the road! " "barn.exit_cliffpath" "Denne veien, dr. Freeman. Vi tar klippestien før flere kampskip finner oss. " "[english]barn.exit_cliffpath" "This way, Dr. Freeman. We'll take the cliff path before another gunship finds us. " "barn.exit_comewith" "OK, dr. Freeman, bli med meg. Før det kommer flere. " "[english]barn.exit_comewith" "All right, Dr. Freeman, come with me. Before another one comes. " "barn.exit_killship" "Jeg skal vise deg veien til klippestien så snart du har skutt ned kampskipet. Vi har ikke sjanse til å klare det hvis den tingen skal plage oss. " "[english]barn.exit_killship" "I'll take you out on the cliffside path as soon as you kill that gunship. There's no way we can make it with that thing harassing us. " "barn.exit_killshipnag" "Skyt ned kampskipet, slik at vi kan komme oss av gårde. " "[english]barn.exit_killshipnag" "Kill the gunship, then we'll go. " "barn.exit_watchstep" "Bortover der. Og se deg for. " "[english]barn.exit_watchstep" "Right along there. And watch your step. " "barn.getcarinbarn" "Skynd deg å få bilen inn i låven! " "[english]barn.getcarinbarn" "Hurry, get your car in the barn! " "barn.getcaringarage" "Få bilen inn i garasjen. " "[english]barn.getcaringarage" "Get your car in the garage. " "barn.getcarinhere" "Få bilen inn her! " "[english]barn.getcarinhere" "Get your car in here! " "barn.getcarinthere" "Få bilen inn der! " "[english]barn.getcarinthere" "Get your car in there! " "barn.getoffroad01" "Kom deg av veien! " "[english]barn.getoffroad01" "Get off the road! " "barn.getoffroad01a" "Kom deg av veien! " "[english]barn.getoffroad01a" "Get off the road! " "barn.getoffroad02" "Få bilen av veien! " "[english]barn.getoffroad02" "Get your car off the road! " "barn.gettauoff" " " "[english]barn.gettauoff" " " "barn.heretheycome" "Her kommer de! " "[english]barn.heretheycome" "Here they come! " "barn.incomingdropship" "Innkommende romskip! " "[english]barn.incomingdropship" "Incoming dropship! " "barn.lighthouse_morale" "OK, doktor, du må fortsette til fots herfra. Det finnes en hemmelig sti langs klippene, men ingen går herfra før vi slår tilbake dette angrepet. Det gjør mye for kampmoralen at du kjemper sammen med oss. " "[english]barn.lighthouse_morale" "Okay, Doc, you'll have to go on foot from here. There's a secret path along the cliffside, but no one's going anywhere until we fight off this attack. Having you here to fight alongside us will make a big difference for morale. " "barn.lite_gunship01" "Det er et kampskip! " "[english]barn.lite_gunship01" "It's a gunship! " "barn.lite_gunship02" "Kampskip! " "[english]barn.lite_gunship02" "Gunship! " "barn.lite_rockets01" "Gå mot fyret, Freeman, det finnes raketter der inne! " "[english]barn.lite_rockets01" "Head for the lighthouse, Freeman, there's rockets in there! " "barn.lite_rockets02" "Vi har lagret rakettene i fyret. Hjelp deg selv. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets02" "We stowed our rockets in the lighthouse. Help yourself. " "barn.lite_rockets03" "Freeman, hvis du har en utskyter, så er fyret fullt av raketter. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets03" "Freeman, if you've got a launcher, the lighthouse is full of rockets. " "barn.lite_rockets04" "Du finner utskyteren for rakettene der oppe i fyret, Freeman. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets04" "You'll find the launcher for your rockets up in the lighthouse, Freeman. " "barn.nowwhat" "Helsike, hva nå? " "[english]barn.nowwhat" "Oh man, now what? " "barn.parkit" "Parker her! " "[english]barn.parkit" "Park it there! " "barn.stashinbarn" "Gjem bilen i låven! " "[english]barn.stashinbarn" "Stash your car in the barn! " "barn.vmech_accept" "Freeman kommer til å ta imot dette våpenet, ellers vil han få store problemer langs veien lenger fremme! " "[english]barn.vmech_accept" "The Freeman will accept this weapon, or suffer greatly on the road ahead! " "barn.vmech_proceed" "Freeman må ikke fortsette uten tau-partikkelkanonen! " "[english]barn.vmech_proceed" "The Freeman must not proceed without the tau particle cannon! " "barn.vmech_remove" " " "[english]barn.vmech_remove" " " "barn.vmech_wisely" "Denne tau-kanonen drepte tidligere mange av våre. Bruk den med fornuft. " "[english]barn.vmech_wisely" "This tau cannon once killed many of our kind. Use it wisely. " "barn.youmadeit" "Du klarte det! " "[english]barn.youmadeit" "You made it! " "breencast.br_collaboration01" "Jeg har fått greie på at noen i det siste har kalt meg en kollaboratør, som om det er noe galt i å bli kalt det. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration01" "It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. " "breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "Jeg har fått greie på at noen i det siste har kalt meg en kollaboratør, som om det er noe galt i å bli kalt det. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. " "breencast.br_collaboration02" "Er du ikke enig i at det ikke finnes større utfordringer enn det å samarbeide? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration02" "I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? " "breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "Er du ikke enig i at det ikke finnes større utfordringer enn det å samarbeide? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? " "breencast.br_collaboration03" "I vår nåværende og enestående tilværelse vil det å avslå samarbeid være som å avslå all utvikling, noe som er det samme som selvmord, spør du meg. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration03" "In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. " "breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "I vår nåværende og enestående tilværelse vil det å avslå samarbeid være som å avslå all utvikling, noe som er det samme som selvmord, spør du meg. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. " "breencast.br_collaboration04" "Nektet lungefisken å puste inn luft? Det gjorde den ikke. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration04" "Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. " "breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "Nektet lungefisken å puste inn luft? Det gjorde den ikke. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. " "breencast.br_collaboration05" "Den kravlet seg modig fremover mens dens fiskefrender ble værende i havdypet med speidende øyne, stadig stirrende ut i mørket, uvitende og dødsdømte til tross for deres evigvarende årvåkenhet. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration05" "It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. " "breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "Den kravlet seg modig fremover mens dens fiskefrender ble værende i havdypet med speidende øyne, stadig stirrende ut i mørket, uvitende og dødsdømte til tross for deres evigvarende årvåkenhet. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. " "breencast.br_collaboration06" "Burde vi ha hatt trilobittene som rollemodell? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration06" "Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? " "breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "Burde vi ha hatt trilobittene som rollemodell? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? " "breencast.br_collaboration07" "Har alle menneskehetens bragder vist seg ikke å være mer enn et lag med knuste beinrester fint strødd utover en fossilseng, inneklemt mellom Burgess-skifer og en evighet med leire? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration07" "Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? " "breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "Har alle menneskehetens bragder vist seg ikke å være mer enn et lag med knuste beinrester fint strødd utover en fossilseng, inneklemt mellom Burgess-skifer og en evighet med leire? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? " "breencast.br_collaboration08" "Hvis vi skal være tro mot naturen og skjebnen, må vi ha større ambisjoner. Vi har vokst ut av krybben vår. Det er fåfengt å klamre seg til opphavet når fremtiden venter på oss blant stjernene. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration08" "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. " "breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "Hvis vi skal være tro mot naturen og skjebnen, må vi ha større ambisjoner. Vi har vokst ut av krybben vår. Det er fåfengt å klamre seg til opphavet når fremtiden venter på oss blant stjernene. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. " "breencast.br_collaboration09" "Og bare den universelle unionen som idioter kaller Combine, kan hjelpe oss dit. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration09" "And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. " "breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "Og bare den universelle unionen som idioter kaller Combine, kan hjelpe oss dit. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. " "breencast.br_collaboration10" "Så derfor sier jeg Ja, jeg er en kollaboratør. Vi må alle samarbeide, med sterk vilje og stor innsats, hvis vi skal ha noe som helst håp om å høste fruktene av å stå samlet. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration10" "Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. " "breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "Så derfor sier jeg Ja, jeg er en kollaboratør. Vi må alle samarbeide, med sterk vilje og stor innsats, hvis vi skal ha noe som helst håp om å høste fruktene av å stå samlet. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. " "breencast.br_collaboration11" "Og høste, det skal vi. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration11" "And reap we shall. " "breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "Og høste, det skal vi. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "And reap we shall. " "breencast.br_disruptor01" "Nå har vi den endelige bekreftelsen på at det finnes en sviker blant oss, én som har skaffet seg et nesten messiasaktig rykte hos noen av innbyggerne. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor01" "We now have direct confirmation of a disruptor in our midst, one who has acquired an almost messianic reputation in the minds of certain citizens. " "breencast.br_disruptor02" "Hans figur er identisk med de mørkeste instinktbehovene, som er uvitenhet og forfall. Noen av de verste hendelsene i forbindelse med Black Mesa-episoden har han direkte fått skylden for. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor02" "His figure is synonymous with the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay. Some of the worst excesses of the Black Mesa Incident have been laid directly at his feet. " "breencast.br_disruptor03" "Men likevel fortsetter naturlige støttespillere å overøse ham med romantisk makt, noe som gir ham farlige, poetiske tilnavn som Den eneste frie mannen og Veiåpneren. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor03" "And yet unsophisticated minds continue to imbue him with romantic power, giving him such dangerous poetic labels as the One Free Man, the Opener of the Way. " "breencast.br_disruptor04" "La meg minne alle innbyggere på farene ved magisk tenkning. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor04" "Let me remind all citizens of the dangers of magical thinking. " "breencast.br_disruptor05" "Vi har knapt begynt å klatre ut fra det mørke hullet vår rase oppstod i. La oss ikke skli ned i forglemmelsen igjen, nå som vi så vidt har begynt å se lyset. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor05" "We have scarcely begun to climb from the dark pit of our species' evolution. Let us not slide backward into oblivion, just as we have finally begun to see the light. " "breencast.br_disruptor06" "Hvis du ser denne såkalte frie mannen, må du rapportere ham. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor06" "If you see this so-called Free Man, report him. " "breencast.br_disruptor07" "Borgerrettslige handlinger vil bli belønnet. Men skulle du tvert imot ikke støtte denne saken, vil du bli straffet. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor07" "Civic deeds do not go unrewarded. And contrariwise, complicity with his cause will not go unpunished. " "breencast.br_disruptor08" "Vær fornuftig. Vær trygg. Vær på vakt. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor08" "Be wise. Be safe. Be aware. " "breencast.br_instinct01" "La meg lese et brev jeg mottok nylig. \"Kjære doktor Breen. Hvorfor undertrykker Combine reproduksjonssyklusen vår? Ærbødigst, en bekymret borger.\" " "[english]breencast.br_instinct01" "Let me read a letter I recently received. 'Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.' " "breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct02" "Takk for at du skrev til meg, du bekymrede borger. Selvsagt berører spørsmålet ditt en av de grunnleggende biologiske impulsene, med alle dets tilknyttede håp og engstelser for vår rases fremtid. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct02" "Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. " "breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct03" "Men jeg kan også se noen andre ubesvarte spørsmål i denne saken. Vet våre velgjørere egentlig hva som er best for oss? Hva gir dem retten til å ta denne avgjørelsen på vegne av menneskeheten? Kommer de noen gang til å deaktivere undertrykkingsfeltet og la oss formere oss igjen? " "[english]breencast.br_instinct03" "I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again? " "breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct04" "La meg snakke om engstelsene som ligger til grunn for bekymringene deres, i stedet for å svare på alle mulige spørsmål dere måtte ha. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct04" "Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. " "breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct05" "La oss først vurdere det faktum at vi for første gang noensinne, som en rase, er i ferd med å kunne oppnå udødelighet. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct05" "First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach. " "breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct06" "Dette enkle faktum har vidtrekkende konsekvenser. Det krever en radikal nytenkning og gjennomgang av våre genetiske prioriteringer. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct06" "This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. " "breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct07" "Det krever også en planlegging og strategi som er stikk i strid med hva vi er programmert til som mennesker. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct07" "It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural pre-sets. " "breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct08" "Noen ganger synes jeg det er nyttig å minne meg selv på at den egentlige fienden vår er instinktet. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct08" "I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is Instinct. " "breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct09" "Instinktet var vår mor da rasen vår var bare et lite frø. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct09" "Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. " "breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct10" "Instinktet pleide oss og beskyttet oss i de vanskelige årene da vi ble herdet som rase, da vi kokte våre første måltider over et lite bål " "[english]breencast.br_instinct10" "Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when we hardened our sticks and cooked our first meals above a meager fire " "breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct11" "mens vi kikket på skyggene som flakket over huleveggene. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct11" "and started at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern's walls. " "breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct12" "Men vi må ikke glemme instinktets mørke og uatskillelige venn – overtroen. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct12" "But inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, Superstition. " "breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct13" "Instinktet er helt og holdent bundet til tankeløse impulser, og i dag ser vi dets sanne natur. Instinktet har nylig blitt klar over sin irrelevans, og på samme måte som et fanget rovdyr, gir det seg ikke uten blodig kamp. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct13" "Instinct is inextricably bound to unreasoning impulses, and today we clearly see its true nature. Instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance, and like a cornered beast, it will not go down without a bloody fight. " "breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct14" "Instinktet kan påføre vår rase livstruende skader. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct14" "Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species. " "breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct15" "Instinktet skaper sine egne motstandere, og tvinger oss til å kjempe mot dem. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct15" "Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids us rise up against them. " "breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct16" "Instinktet forteller oss at det ukjente er en trussel i stedet for en mulighet. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct16" "Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. " "breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct17" "Instinktet drar oss bort fra endring og fremskritt på en slu og fordekt måte. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct17" "Instinct slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress. " "breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct18" "Derfor må instinktet utslettes. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct18" "Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. " "breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct19" "Det må bekjempes med alle midler, og vi må begynne med det mest grunnleggende menneskelige behovet: Behovet for å reprodusere seg. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct19" "It must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce. " "breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct20" "Vi burde takke våre velgjørere for at de gav oss en pause fra denne uimotståelige kraften. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct20" "We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. " "breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct21" "De har hevet pisken og drevet ut våre demoner med ett piskeslag. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct21" "They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. " "breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct22" "De har gitt oss styrken vi aldri hadde klart å samle opp selv for å bekjempe denne trangen. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct22" "They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. " "breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct23" "De har gitt oss mening. De har fått oss til å se på stjernene. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct23" "They have given us purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars. " "breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct24" "La meg forsikre dere om at undertrykkingsfeltet blir slått av den dagen vi har kontroll over oss selv ... Den dagen vi kan bevise at vi ikke lenger trenger det. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct24" "Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off on the day that we have mastered ourselves...the day we can prove we no longer need it. " "breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct25" "Og den dagen er nært forestående, det har jeg sikre kilder på. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct25" "And that day of transformation, I have it on good authority, is close at hand. " "breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " " "breencast.br_overwatch01" "Jeg har blitt bedt om å si et par ord til den transhumane delen av avdeling 17 i Overwatch, angående de siste vellykkede bestrebelsene i å arrestere medlemmer av motstandsvitenskapsteamet. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch01" "I have been asked to say a few words to the transhuman arm of Sector Seventeen Overwatch, concerning recent successes in containing members of the resistance Science Team. " "breencast.br_overwatch02" "La meg først si at jeg beklager å måtte dempe mine hjerteligste gratulasjoner med en stor andel av skuffelse. Men jeg ville ikke gjort jobben min som deres administrator hvis jeg ikke videreformidlet meldingen jeg har fått fra våre velgjørere. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch02" "Let me say up front that I regret having to temper my heartfelt congratulations with a strong measure of disappointment. But I wouldn't be doing my duty as your Administrator if I didn't pass along the message I have received from our Benefactors. " "breencast.br_overwatch03" "Arrestasjonen av Eli Vance er av svært stor betydning, det må det ikke herske noen tvil om. Og det er sant at vi egentlig kunne tatt ham når som helst i løpet av de siste sju årene. Likevel kan måten vi tok ham på nå, vise seg å gi uventede fordeler. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch03" "The capture of Eli Vance is an event of major significance, make no mistake. And while it's true that conceivably we could have taken him at almost any time in the last several years, the manner of his capture may prove to have unexpected benefits. " "breencast.br_overwatch04" "Det kan ikke ha gått upåaktet hen hos motstandsmedlemmene at doktor Vances arrestasjon sammenfalt med avgjørelsen om å gi beskyttelse til Gordon Freeman. Dette kan kanskje føre til at andre motstandsmedlemmer tenker seg om før de tar imot doktor Freeman. Det får dem kanskje til å stille spørsmål ved hans lojalitet, og kanskje til og med støte ham ut eller å overgi ham til oss og vår sak. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch04" "It cannot have gone unnoticed by all resistance members that Doctor Vance's capture coincided with the act of giving shelter to Gordon Freeman. This might cause other resistance members to think twice before harboring Doctor Freeman. It might cause them to question his allegiance; even prompt some to turn him out, or turn him over to our cause. " "breencast.br_overwatch05" "Vi kan imidlertid ikke regne med en slik utvikling. Doktor Freemans rykte er av en slik art at andre desperate desertører muligens vil gi ham ganske frie tøyler når det gjelder å spre generelt kaos og terror. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch05" "However, we cannot count on such developments. Doctor Freeman's reputation is such that other desperate renegades are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror. " "breencast.br_overwatch06" "Dermed har jeg kommet frem til den ene negative tilbakemeldingen fra våre velgjørere. Jeg holder meg åpenbart ikke midt i stridssonen for å kommandere styrkene i Overwatch eller gi dem mine anbefalinger, men det betyr heller ikke at jeg kan komme meg unna ansvaret for den siste tids sikkerhetsbrister eller klare feil styrkene har gjort. Jeg har blitt grundig avhørt om disse sakene, og nå må jeg stille dere følgende spørsmål: " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch06" "This brings me to the one note of disappointment I must echo from our Benefactors. Obviously I am not on the ground to closely command or second-guess the dedicated forces of the Overwatch, but this does not mean I can shirk responsibility for recent lapses and even outright failures on their part. I have been severely questioned about these shortcomings, and now must put the question to you: " "breencast.br_overwatch07" "Hvordan kan én mann ha sluppet gjennom sikkerhetssperringene deres gang på gang? Hvordan er det mulig? Det er ikke en provokatør eller leiemorderekspert vi snakker om her. Gordon Freeman er en teoretisk fysiker som knapt var ferdig med doktorgraden sin da Black Mesa-episoden inntraff. Jeg har god grunn til å tro at i årene som har gått, har han ikke vært i stand til å tilegne seg kunnskaper om å unnslippe vakthold. Mannen dere gang på gang har mislykket i å stoppe, for ikke å si ta til fange, er på alle måter akkurat det – en helt vanlig mann. Hvordan kan dere ha unngått å arrestere ham? " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch07" "How could one man have slipped through your force's fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some agent provocateur or highly trained assassin we are discussing. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the time of the Black Mesa Incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years, he was in a state that precluded further development of covert skills. The man you have consistently failed to slow, let alone capture, is by all standards simply that--an ordinary man. How can you have failed to apprehend him? " "breencast.br_overwatch08" "Vel ... jeg sparer utskjellingen til en annen gang, men håper ikke det blir nødvendig. Nå har dere sjansen til å gjøre det godt igjen. Hvis de transhumane styrkene skal bevise at de er en uunnværlig del av Combine Overwatch, må de gjøre seg fortjent til det. Jeg vet at jeg ikke trenger minne dere på at alternativet, hvis man i det hele tatt kan kalle det det, er total utslettelse sammen med alle de andre uverdige enhetene av rasen vår. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch08" "Well...I will leave the upbraiding for another time, to the extent it proves necessary. Now is the moment to redeem yourselves. If the transhuman forces are to prove themselves an indispensable augmentation to the Combine Overwatch, they will have to earn the privilege. I'm sure I don't have to remind you that the alternative, if you can call it that, is total extinction - in union with all the other unworthy branches of the species. " "breencast.br_overwatch09" "La det ikke gå så langt. Jeg har gjort mitt beste for å overbevise våre velgjørere om at dere er de beste blant rasen vår. Så langt har de støttet argumentene mine, men uten konkrete resultater vil mine påstander snart virke grunnløse også på meg. Så det er helt og holdent opp til dere. Og det samme gjelder konsekvensene hvis dere mislykkes. Jeg tror ikke jeg trenger si mer enn det. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch09" "Let's not allow it to come to that. I have done my best to convince our Benefactors that you are the finest the species has to offer. So far they have accepted my argument, but without concrete evidence to back it up, my words sound increasingly hollow even to me. The burden of proof is on you. As is the consequence of failure. I'll just leave it at that. " "breencast.br_tofreeman01" "Jeg vil benytte anledningen til å snakke direkte til dem, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman01" "I'd like to take a moment to address you directly, Dr. Freeman. " "breencast.br_tofreeman02" "Ja. Jeg snakker til deg. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman02" "Yes. I'm talking to you. " "breencast.br_tofreeman03" "Den såkalte Den eneste frie mannen. Jeg har et spørsmål til deg. Hvordan har du klart å ødelegge alt? Det er knapt til å tro. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman03" "The so-called One Free Man. I have a question for you. How could you have thrown it all away? It staggers the mind. " "breencast.br_tofreeman04" "En forsker med muligheten til å overbevise reaksjonære og skeptikere om sannheten, " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman04" "A man of science, with the ability to sway reactionary and fearful minds toward the truth " "breencast.br_tofreeman05" "velger i stedet å begi seg ut på en vei full av uvitenhet og personlig forfall. Ha dette klinkende klart, dr. Freeman. Dette er ikke en vitenskapelig revolusjon du har skapt ... Dette er død og fatalitet. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman05" "choosing instead to embark on a path of ignorance and decay. Make no mistake, Dr. Freeman. This is not a scientific revolution you have sparked...this is death and finality. " "breencast.br_tofreeman06" "Du har kastet menneskeheten ut i fritt fall. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman06" "You have plunged humanity into freefall. " "breencast.br_tofreeman07" "Selv om du tilbød deg å overgi deg nå, kan jeg ikke garantere at våre velgjørere vil akseptere det. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman07" "Even if you offered your surrender now, I cannot guarantee that our benefactors would accept it. " "breencast.br_tofreeman08" "Akkurat nå frykter jeg at de har begynt å tvile på meg. Det er hva jeg har igjen for å være menneskehetens representant. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman08" "At the moment, I fear they have begun to look upon even me with suspicion. So much for serving as humanity's representative. " "breencast.br_tofreeman09" "Hjelp meg å vinne tilliten deres tilbake, dr. Freeman. Overgi deg mens du har sjansen. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman09" "Help me win back their trust, Dr. Freeman. Surrender while you still can. " "breencast.br_tofreeman10" "Bidra til at menneskehetens tillit til deg ikke misbrukes " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman10" "Help ensure that humanity's trust in you is not misguided " "breencast.br_tofreeman11" "Gjør det rette, dr. Freeman. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman11" "Do what is right, Dr. Freeman. " "breencast.br_tofreeman12" "Hjelp menneskeheten. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman12" "Serve mankind. " "breencast.br_welcome01" "Velkommen. Velkommen til City 17. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome01" "Welcome. Welcome to City 17. " "breencast.br_welcome02" "Du har valgt, eller blitt valgt, til å bli omplassert til ett av våre beste, gjenværende urbane sentre. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome02" "You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. " "breencast.br_welcome03" "Jeg ble så begeistret av City 17 at jeg valgte å opprette administrasjonen her " "[english]breencast.br_welcome03" "I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here " "breencast.br_welcome04" "i citadellet, som velgjørerne våre så sjenerøst gjorde tilgjengelig. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome04" "in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. " "breencast.br_welcome05" "Jeg er stolt over å kalle City 17 mitt hjem. Så enten du er her for å bli, eller dere er på gjennomreise til andre, ukjente steder, " "[english]breencast.br_welcome05" "I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, " "breencast.br_welcome06" "Velkommen til City 17. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome06" "Welcome to City 17. " "breencast.br_welcome07" "Det er tryggere her. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome07" "It's safer here. " "canals.airboat_drivehard" "Det kommer til å bli vanskelig å slippe unna Borgerrettsvernet der ute, men stå på, så vil du klare det. " "[english]canals.airboat_drivehard" "It's going to be tough dodging Civil Protection out there in the open, but drive hard and you'll make it. " "canals.airboat_gassed" "Hei, dr. Freeman, jeg håpte du ville dukke opp. Jeg har denne luftbåten med full tank, og den er klar til å kjøre. " "[english]canals.airboat_gassed" "Hey, Dr. Freeman, I've been hoping you'd show up. Got this airboat all gassed up and ready to go. " "canals.airboat_go_nag01" "Du bør komme deg av gårde med en gang! " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now! " "canals.airboat_go_nag02" "Jeg må bli her. Det kan alltid dukke opp flere rømlinger etter hvert. " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag02" "I've gotta stay here. There could always be more runaways coming along. " "canals.airboat_go_nag03" "Jeg blir her. Du må fortsette. " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag03" "I'm staying put. You go on. " "canals.airboat_nag01" "Kom igjen og hopp ombord i båten, dr. Freeman. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag01" "Go ahead and get in the boat, Dr. Freeman. " "canals.airboat_nag02" "Gå ombord i luftbåten, sir. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag02" "Get in the airboat, sir. " "canals.airboat_nag03" "Hopp inn, og fyr henne opp. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag03" "Climb on in and fire her up. " "canals.airboat_redbarn" "Du får mer hjelp ved Stasjon 7, som ligger et par svinger oppover i elva. Det er ved den gamle, røde låven. " "[english]canals.airboat_redbarn" "You'll find more help up at Station 7, just a few bends up the river. It's the old red barn. " "canals.al_radio_stn6" "Black Mesa Øst til Stasjon 6. Hører dere meg? Selveste dr. Freeman er på vei ned elva. Lån ham luftbåten, og gi ham all hjelp han trenger. Gjenta. Gordon Freeman har kommet tilbake! Det er svært viktig at han når Black Mesa Øst. " "[english]canals.al_radio_stn6" "Black Mesa East to Station 6. Do you read? Dr. Freeman is on his way downriver. Lend him the airboat and give him all the help you can. Repeat. Gordon Freeman has returned! It is critical he reaches Black Mesa East. " "canals.arrest_getgoing" "Dra av gårde! " "[english]canals.arrest_getgoing" "Get going! " "canals.arrest_helpme" "Hjelp meg! " "[english]canals.arrest_helpme" "Help me! " "canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "De er på utkikk etter deg nå! " "[english]canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "They'll be looking for you now! " "canals.arrest_run" "Du bør kjappe deg! Det er ikke mer du kan gjøre her! " "[english]canals.arrest_run" "You'd better run! There's nothing else you can do here! " "canals.arrest_stop" "Stopp! Vi gjorde ikke noe! " "[english]canals.arrest_stop" "Stop! We didn't do anything! " "canals.boxcar_becareful" "Vær forsiktig nå. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful" "Be careful now. " "canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "Vi må virkelig ikke bli oppdaget. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "We really can't afford to get noticed. " "canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "Borgerrettsvernet tar deg til fange her nede, og det er dårlig nytt for hele jernbanen. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "Civil Protection catches you down here, it's bad news for the whole railroad. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "Kom deg av gårde nå. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "Get going now. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "Du bør komme deg av gårde. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "You better get going. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "Dra herfra. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "Get outta here. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "Kom deg av gårde, Jack! " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "Hit the road, Jack! " "canals.boxcar_jolt" "Imens kan du la vortigaunt-kompisen min gi deg et spark i baken for å få deg av gårde. " "[english]canals.boxcar_jolt" "Meanwhile, let my vortigaunt friend here give you a jolt to get you going. " "canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "Han vil hjelpe deg hvis du lar ham! " "[english]canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "He'll help you if you let him! " "canals.boxcar_lookout" "Hør her, vi er bare vaktposten for undergrunnsjernbanen. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout" "Look, we're just the lookout for the underground railroad. " "canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "Hovedstasjonen er rett rundt hjørnet. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "Main station is right around the corner. " "canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "De vil hjelpe deg i riktig retning. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "They'll get you started on the right foot. " "canals.boxcar_sirens" "Antar at den alarmen gjelder deg, eller? " "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens" "Guess those sirens are for you, huh? " "canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "Godt at du fant oss. " "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "Good thing you found us. " "canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "Du er ikke den første som kommer gjennom her i en ... " "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "You're not the first to come through here by a ... " "canals.boxcar_vortstop" "Hei, stopp det der. Vort-ene er på vår side nå. " "[english]canals.boxcar_vortstop" "Hey, stop that. The vorts are on our side now. " "canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "Kom igjen, doktor. Vi må bryte opp. " "[english]canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "Get going, Doc. We've gotta break camp. " "canals.gunboat_comein" "Kom inn. Jeg skal vise deg hva du står overfor. " "[english]canals.gunboat_comein" "Come on in. I'll show you what you're up against. " "canals.gunboat_dam" "Her er demningen. Den er rett der oppe. " "[english]canals.gunboat_dam" "This here's the dam. It's just up ahead. " "canals.gunboat_eliright" "Dra av gårde, dr. Freeman. Jeg ser nå at Eli ikke tok feil av deg. " "[english]canals.gunboat_eliright" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. I can see Eli was right about you. " "canals.gunboat_farewell" "Farvel, dr. Freeman. " "[english]canals.gunboat_farewell" "Farewell, Dr. Freeman. " "canals.gunboat_finishingup" "Jeg tror han gjør seg klar nå. " "[english]canals.gunboat_finishingup" "I think he's just finishing up now. " "canals.gunboat_getin" "Kom igjen, kom deg inn her. " "[english]canals.gunboat_getin" "Come on, get in here. " "canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "Lag et helvete for dem, doktor. " "[english]canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "Give 'em hell, Doc. " "canals.gunboat_goonout" "Kom deg av gårde. " "[english]canals.gunboat_goonout" "Go on out. " "canals.gunboat_herelook" "Her, se på dette. " "[english]canals.gunboat_herelook" "Here, take a look at this. " "canals.gunboat_heyyourefm" "Hei, du er Freeman, er du ikke? " "[english]canals.gunboat_heyyourefm" "Hey, you're Freeman, aren't you? " "canals.gunboat_hideout" "Elis skjulested er her, bare et steinkast fra plattingen, og skjult i den gamle vannfabrikken. " "[english]canals.gunboat_hideout" "Eli's hideout is here, a stone's throw from the apron and nestled in the old hydro plant. " "canals.gunboat_hurry" "Vi må skynde oss. Vi må bryte leir og komme oss unna. " "[english]canals.gunboat_hurry" "We'd better hurry. We've got to tear down this camp and get out of here. " "canals.gunboat_impossible" "Men å komme seg dit, med det kamphelikopteret like i hælene, er nesten umulig. " "[english]canals.gunboat_impossible" "But getting there, with that hunter-chopper on your ass, next to impossible. " "canals.gunboat_irony" "Sånn. Det våpenet kom fra ett av de samme kamphelikoptrene du kjemper mot. Jeg liker alltid å være litt ironisk i løpet av en skuddveksling. " "[english]canals.gunboat_irony" "There we are. That gun came off one of the same hunter-choppers you're up against. I always like to bring a little irony to a firefight. " "canals.gunboat_justintime" "Du rakk det akkurat. Vi må komme oss unna før vi blir oppdaget. " "[english]canals.gunboat_justintime" "You made it just in time. We've got to clear out of here before we're discovered. " "canals.gunboat_magic" "Den gode nyheten er at vortigaunten fikser luftbåten, så nå har du mer drivkraft å kjøre med. " "[english]canals.gunboat_magic" "Good news is, the vortigaunt's working his magic on your airboat, so you'll have more firepower going forward. " "canals.gunboat_moveon" "La oss komme oss av gårde! Vi må stikke før de finner oss. " "[english]canals.gunboat_moveon" "Let's get a move on! We've got to clear out before they target us. " "canals.gunboat_owneyes" "Vel, jeg ville ikke trodd det hvis jeg ikke så det med mine egne øyne. Selveste dr. Gordon Freeman. " "[english]canals.gunboat_owneyes" "Well, I wouldn't believe it if I couldn't see it with my own eyes. Dr. Gordon Freeman himself. " "canals.gunboat_parkboat" "Du kan legge båten til her. Den er trygg her. " "[english]canals.gunboat_parkboat" "You can park the boat. It'll be safe here. " "canals.gunboat_pullout" "Du kommer akkurat i tide, doktor. Vi må forsvinne før Combine plukker oss opp. Vi gjør oss klar til å dra av gårde. " "[english]canals.gunboat_pullout" "You're just in time, Doc. We've got to move out before the Combine picks us up. We're just getting ready to pull out. " "canals.gunboat_takeitdown" "Skyt ned det helikoptret, og dermed kan du fortsette videre til Elis sted. " "[english]canals.gunboat_takeitdown" "Take that chopper down, and you should be able to tear on through to Eli's place. " "canals.gunboat_vort" "Ikke bry deg om luftbåten. Vort-ene vil passe på den for deg. " "[english]canals.gunboat_vort" "Don't worry about the airboat. The Vort's gonna look after it for you. " "canals.massacre_cop_fire" "Skyt for å ødelegge den sperringen! " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_fire" "Fire to dislocate that interpose! " "canals.massacre_cop_hesrunning" "Han stikker av. " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_hesrunning" "He's running. " "canals.massacre_cop_holdit" "Vent. " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_holdit" "Hold it. " "canals.massacre_die" " " "[english]canals.massacre_die" " " "canals.massacre_premassacre" "Vi har ikke ... hva er det du ... ikke skyt ... hva gjør du ... ikke skad meg, er du snill ... ikke skyt, er du snill ... Ikke skyt! Ikke skyt! " "[english]canals.massacre_premassacre" "We don't...what are you...don't shoot...what are you doing...please, don't hurt me...please don't shoot...Don't shoot! Don't shoot! " "canals.massacre_runforyourlife01" "Spring for livet! " "[english]canals.massacre_runforyourlife01" "Run for your life! " "canals.massacre_startle01" " " "[english]canals.massacre_startle01" " " "canals.massacre_startle02" " " "[english]canals.massacre_startle02" " " "canals.matt_beglad" "Vær glad du ikke er den de leter etter. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad" "Be glad you're not the guy they're looking for. " "canals.matt_beglad_b" "Den stakkaren har ikke en sjanse. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad_b" "Poor bastard doesn't stand a chance. " "canals.matt_beglad_c" "Det høres ut som om de kaller inn alle borgerrettsvernenheter i City 17. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad_c" "Sounds like they're calling in every CP unit in City 17. " "canals.matt_closecall" "Det var nære på. Takk for hjelpen! " "[english]canals.matt_closecall" "That was a close call. Thanks for your help! " "canals.matt_flood" "De fyller opp områdene der oppe med manhackere. " "[english]canals.matt_flood" "They're flooding areas up ahead with manhacks. " "canals.matt_flood_b" "Du bør komme deg av gårde før de kommer hit. " "[english]canals.matt_flood_b" "You'd better get going before they sweep through here. " "canals.matt_getin" "Kom inn hit! Skynd deg! " "[english]canals.matt_getin" "Get in here! Hurry! " "canals.matt_go_nag01" "Du bør komme deg av gårde nå. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now. " "canals.matt_go_nag02" "Takk, men jeg klarer meg. Jeg har noe jeg må fikse her oppe. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag02" "Thanks, but I'll be okay. Got some work to finish up here. " "canals.matt_go_nag03" "Jeg må bli her og hjelp andre etternølere, skjønner du. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag03" "You understand, I've gotta stay and help any stragglers. " "canals.matt_go_nag04" "Dra av gårde! " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag04" "Get going! " "canals.matt_go_nag05" "Fortsett du! " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag05" "You go on! " "canals.matt_goodluck" "Lykke til der ute! " "[english]canals.matt_goodluck" "Good luck out there! " "canals.matt_supplies" "Hør her, det er ikke trygt her. Jeg skal gi deg noen forsyninger så du klarer deg en stund, men så må du komme deg av gårde. " "[english]canals.matt_supplies" "Look, it isn't safe here. I'll give you some supplies to keep you going, then you really gotta go. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr" "Borgerrettsvernet er på sporet av oss. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr" "Civil Protection is on to us. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr_a" "Vi ødelegger jernbanesporet og skjuler sporene våre. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr_a" "We're tearing up the railroad, covering our tracks. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr_b" "Ser ut som om du er sistemann gjennom. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr_b" "Looks like you're gonna be the last one through. " "canals.matt_thanksbut" " " "[english]canals.matt_thanksbut" " " "canals.matt_toolate" "Å, pokker! For sent! " "[english]canals.matt_toolate" "Oh shit! Too late! " "canals.mudcop1_01" "Har noen andre mottatt en 647-E-melding? " "[english]canals.mudcop1_01" "Anyone else pickup a 647-E reading? " "canals.mudcop1_02" "Får fortsatt inn 647-E-meldingen fra lokalovervåkningen. " "[english]canals.mudcop1_02" "Still getting that 647-E from local surveillance. " "canals.mudcop1_03" " " "[english]canals.mudcop1_03" " " "canals.mudcop1_04" "Kan ikke se UPI for øyeblikket. " "[english]canals.mudcop1_04" "No visual on UPI at this time. " "canals.mudcop1_05" " " "[english]canals.mudcop1_05" " " "canals.mudcop1_hey" "Vi har en 10-108! " "[english]canals.mudcop1_hey" "We have a 10-108! " "canals.mudcop2_01" "Sjekk at vi har riktig antall " "[english]canals.mudcop2_01" "Check for miscount " "canals.mudcop2_02" "Sjekket, ingen 647, ingen 10-107. " "[english]canals.mudcop2_02" "Clear, no 647, no 10-107. " "canals.mudcop2_03" "Oppfattet. " "[english]canals.mudcop2_03" "Roger that. " "canals.mudcop2_04" " " "[english]canals.mudcop2_04" " " "canals.mudcop2_05" " " "[english]canals.mudcop2_05" " " "canals.mudcop2_look" "Se opp! " "[english]canals.mudcop2_look" "Look out! " "canals.radio_comein12" "Stasjon 12, kom inn. Stasjon 12, hører du meg? " "[english]canals.radio_comein12" "Station 12, come in. Station 12, do you read? " "canals.radio_doyoucopy8" "Stasjon 8, kan du høre meg? Stasjon 8, er du der? Vi har bekreftede rapporter om manhackere. Jeg gjentar: de fyller undergrunnen med manhackere. " "[english]canals.radio_doyoucopy8" "Station 8, do you copy? Station 8, are you there? We have confirmed reports of manhacks. Repeat: they're filling the underground with manhacks. " "canals.radio_thisis8" "Dette er Stasjon 8! Vi hørte at 12 gikk nedenom og hjem. Spesialangrepsstyrker har jernbanestasjoner som mål. Jeg gjentar, Borgerrettsvernet er på vei ned til undergrunnsstasjonene. Vi mottar allerede flyktninger fra 9 lenger borte! Ser ut til at vi --" "[english]canals.radio_thisis8" "This is Station 8! We heard 12 go down and out. Surgical strike units are targeting railway stations. Repeat, Civil Protection is coming down on underground stations. We're already getting refugees from 9 and outlying! Looks like we're--" "canals.shanty_badtime" "Du kom på et dårlig tidspunkt. " "[english]canals.shanty_badtime" "You got here at a bad time. " "canals.shanty_getitoffhim" "Få den av ham! Få den vekk! " "[english]canals.shanty_getitoffhim" "Get it off him! Get it off! " "canals.shanty_go_nag01" "Kom dere vekk herfra! " "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag01" "Get outta here! " "canals.shanty_go_nag02" "Fortsett! " "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag02" "Go on! " "canals.shanty_go_nag03" "Dra av gårde! " "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag03" "Get going! " "canals.shanty_gotsomeammo" "Vi har litt ammo i de kassene der borte. " "[english]canals.shanty_gotsomeammo" "We've got some ammo in those crates over there. " "canals.shanty_gotword" "Vi hørte du var på vei. " "[english]canals.shanty_gotword" "We got word you were coming. " "canals.shanty_helpyourself" "Finn forsyninger, og fortsett videre. " "[english]canals.shanty_helpyourself" "Help yourself to supplies and keep moving. " "canals.shanty_hey" "Hei! " "[english]canals.shanty_hey" "Hey! " "canals.shanty_toolate" "Det er for sent! Hold avstand! " "[english]canals.shanty_toolate" "It's too late! Stand back! " "canals.shanty_yourefm" "Du er Freeman, er du ikke? " "[english]canals.shanty_yourefm" "You're Freeman, aren't you? " "canals.stn1_cit_illstay" "Jeg blir her i tilfelle flere kommer gjennom. Må holde jernbanen i drift." "[english]canals.stn1_cit_illstay" "I'm gonna stay here in case any others come through. Gotta keep the railway alive." "canals.stn1_cit_keepgoing" "Fortsett, kompis! Den stasjonen ble ødelagt, men det finnes flere lenger fremme. " "[english]canals.stn1_cit_keepgoing" "Keep going, friend! That station was raided but there's others up ahead. " "canals.stn6_canisters" "De kaster tåregass på oss! " "[english]canals.stn6_canisters" "They're hitting us with canisters! " "canals.stn6_go_nag02" "Fortsett! " "[english]canals.stn6_go_nag02" "Go on! " "canals.stn6_incoming" "Innkommende! " "[english]canals.stn6_incoming" "Incoming! " "canals.stn6_launch" "De har avfyrt mot oss. De har avfyrt mot oss! " "[english]canals.stn6_launch" "We've got a launch. We've got a launch! " "canals.stn6_shellingus" "De peprer oss! " "[english]canals.stn6_shellingus" "They're shelling us! " "canals.vort_reckoning" "Dette er Freeman. Combines tid har kommet. " "[english]canals.vort_reckoning" "This is the Freeman. The Combine's reckoning has come. " "citadel.al_access" " " "[english]citadel.al_access" " " "citadel.al_ascent" "Typisk! Å nei. Breen har startet oppstigningen. " "[english]citadel.al_ascent" "Great! Oh no. Breen's started his ascent. " "citadel.al_beforeescape" "Skynd deg, Gordon, før han slipper unna. " "[english]citadel.al_beforeescape" "Hurry, Gordon, before he escapes. " "citadel.al_betterhurry" "Vi må skynde oss, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_betterhurry" "We'd better hurry, Gordon. " "citadel.al_bitofit" "Du har ikke sett noe av det ennå. " "[english]citadel.al_bitofit" "You haven't seen a bit of it yet. " "citadel.al_bluff" "Han bløffer, Gordon. Ikke hør på ham. " "[english]citadel.al_bluff" "He's bluffing, Gordon. Don't listen to him. " "citadel.al_bothtypes" " " "[english]citadel.al_bothtypes" " " "citadel.al_cantshutdown" "Jeg kan ikke slå den av. Ser ut som om han har gitt kontrollen til den andre siden. Du må gå inn i kjernen og gjøre hva du kan. " "[english]citadel.al_cantshutdown" "I can't shut it down. Looks like he's turned over control to the other side. You'll have to go into the core and do what you can. " "citadel.al_chancelikethis" "Vi får aldri en så god sjanse igjen. Vi må stoppe dr. Breen. " "[english]citadel.al_chancelikethis" "We'll never have a chance like this again. We've got to stop Dr. Breen. " "citadel.al_chargeup" "Lad opp drakten din først. " "[english]citadel.al_chargeup" "Charge up your suit first. " "citadel.al_comegordon" "Kom igjen, Gordon, vi må dra! " "[english]citadel.al_comegordon" "Come on, Gordon, let's go! " "citadel.al_comeon" "Kom igjen. " "[english]citadel.al_comeon" "Come on. " "citadel.al_comingafterme" "Gordon, vi har ikke kjent hverandre lenge, men jeg vet at du ikke behøvde å gjøre dette. Jeg måtte redde faren min, men du ... vel ... Takk for at du kom tilbake og hentet meg. " "[english]citadel.al_comingafterme" "Gordon, we haven't known each other very long, but I know you didn't have to do this. I had to rescue my father, but you... well... Thanks for coming after me. " "citadel.al_critical" "Det kommer til å bli kritisk. Bare noen til. " "[english]citadel.al_critical" "It's gonna go critical. Just a few more. " "citadel.al_dad" "Far! " "[english]citadel.al_dad" "Dad! " "citadel.al_dadgordonno" "Far! " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno" "Dad! " "citadel.al_dadgordonno_b" "Gordon " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno_b" "Gordon " "citadel.al_dadgordonno_c" "Nei ... " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno_c" "No... " "citadel.al_dadhangon" "Far, hold ut! " "[english]citadel.al_dadhangon" "Dad, hang on! " "citadel.al_dadsorry" "Far, jeg beklager. " "[english]citadel.al_dadsorry" "Dad, I'm so sorry. " "citadel.al_darkfusionreactor" "Herregud. Dette er citadellets mørke fusjonsreaktor. Den driver tunnelforbindelsesenheten deres. " "[english]citadel.al_darkfusionreactor" "Oh my God. This is the Citadel's dark fusion reactor. It powers their tunneling entanglement device. " "citadel.al_dienow" " " "[english]citadel.al_dienow" " " "citadel.al_dienow_b" "Hvordan våger du i det hele tatt å nevne henne! " "[english]citadel.al_dienow_b" "How dare you even mention her! " "citadel.al_doingright" "Du gjør det rette. " "[english]citadel.al_doingright" "You're doing the right thing. " "citadel.al_dontforget" "Ikke glem å lade opp drakten din. " "[english]citadel.al_dontforget" "Don't forget to charge up your suit. " "citadel.al_dontlisten" "Ikke hør på ham, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_dontlisten" "Don't listen to him, Gordon. " "citadel.al_dontlistentohim" "Ikke hør på ham, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_dontlistentohim" "Don't listen to him, Gordon. " "citadel.al_doworst" "Gjør ditt verste, Gordon, ... men ... vær forsiktig. " "[english]citadel.al_doworst" "Do your worst Gordon... but... be careful. " "citadel.al_elevator" "Gå inn i heisen. " "[english]citadel.al_elevator" "Get in the elevator. " "citadel.al_exhaust" "Se opp for lufttrykkutblåsningen! Forsøk å beskytte deg mot den. " "[english]citadel.al_exhaust" "Watch out for the exhaust. Try to find cover from it. " "citadel.al_fail_no" "Nei! " "[english]citadel.al_fail_no" "No! " "citadel.al_funnel" " " "[english]citadel.al_funnel" " " "citadel.al_gasp01" "Høh ... " "[english]citadel.al_gasp01" "Huh... " "citadel.al_gettingaway" "Nei, han slipper unna! " "[english]citadel.al_gettingaway" "No, he's getting away! " "citadel.al_gogordon" "Gå, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_gogordon" "Go, Gordon. " "citadel.al_gordonwouldnever" "Gordon ville aldri inngått noen slags avtale med deg. " "[english]citadel.al_gordonwouldnever" "Gordon would never make any kind of deal with you. " "citadel.al_heylisten" "Hei, hør her. " "[english]citadel.al_heylisten" "Hey, listen. " "citadel.al_hurrymossman02" "Skynd deg! " "[english]citadel.al_hurrymossman02" "Hurry! " "citadel.al_ifonly" " " "[english]citadel.al_ifonly" " " "citadel.al_itsbreen" "Det er dr. Breen. Der er han! " "[english]citadel.al_itsbreen" "It's Dr. Breen. There he is! " "citadel.al_keepgoing" "Fortsett. " "[english]citadel.al_keepgoing" "Keep going. " "citadel.al_keepgoing01" "Bra. Fortsett. " "[english]citadel.al_keepgoing01" "Good. Keep going. " "citadel.al_launchtrip" " " "[english]citadel.al_launchtrip" " " "citadel.al_launchup" " " "[english]citadel.al_launchup" " " "citadel.al_letyouin" "Gå inn i heisen, så skal jeg slippe deg inn. " "[english]citadel.al_letyouin" "Get in the elevator and I'll let you in. " "citadel.al_lookafterdad" "Selveste dr. Mossman ... " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad" "Dr. Mossman... " "citadel.al_lookafterdad_b" "Judith ... " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad_b" "Judith... " "citadel.al_lookafterdad_c" "Pass på faren min. " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad_c" "Look after my father. " "citadel.al_lookout" "Se opp! " "[english]citadel.al_lookout" "Look out! " "citadel.al_lookwhatheleft" "Hei, se hva han glemte! " "[english]citadel.al_lookwhatheleft" "Hey, look what he left behind! " "citadel.al_mixenergy" " " "[english]citadel.al_mixenergy" " " "citadel.al_noclue" "Han har ikke peiling, har han? " "[english]citadel.al_noclue" "He doesn't have a clue, does he? " "citadel.al_notagain02" "Pokker, ikke nå igjen! " "[english]citadel.al_notagain02" "Damn it, not again! " "citadel.al_notsayinggoodbye" "Far, jeg sier ikke farvel. " "[english]citadel.al_notsayinggoodbye" "Dad, I'm not saying goodbye. " "citadel.al_ohnogordon" "Å nei. Gordon! " "[english]citadel.al_ohnogordon" "Oh no. Gordon! " "citadel.al_outofhere" "Kom igjen, Gordon, vi må komme oss ut herfra. Kanskje vi fortsatt har ..." "[english]citadel.al_outofhere" "Come on, Gordon, we've got to get out of here. Maybe we still have ..." "citadel.al_pulses" " " "[english]citadel.al_pulses" " " "citadel.al_reactor01" " " "[english]citadel.al_reactor01" " " "citadel.al_reactor02" " " "[english]citadel.al_reactor02" " " "citadel.al_reactor03" "Jeg kan ikke gå inn dit mens den er aktivert, men drakten din vil beskytte deg. Se etter eventuelle skader på kjernen." "[english]citadel.al_reactor03" "I can't go in there while it's activated, but your suit should protect you. Look for some vulnerability in the core." "citadel.al_reroute" " " "[english]citadel.al_reroute" " " "citadel.al_right" "OK. " "[english]citadel.al_right" "Right then. " "citadel.al_shootbeam" " " "[english]citadel.al_shootbeam" " " "citadel.al_soldiers01_a" "Å nei, Combine-soldater. Hvor kom de fra? " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_a" "Oh no, Combine soldiers. Where did they come from? " "citadel.al_soldiers01_b" "Hva pokker! " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_b" "What the hell? " "citadel.al_soldiers01_c" "Beklager, Gordon, jeg kan ikke stoppe dem herfra. " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_c" "I'm sorry, Gordon, I can't stop them from here. " "citadel.al_stayawaycore" "Hold deg unna kjernen. " "[english]citadel.al_stayawaycore" "Stay away from the core. " "citadel.al_staybackbeam" "Se opp for strålene! " "[english]citadel.al_staybackbeam" "Watch out for the beams! " "citadel.al_struggle01" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle01" " " "citadel.al_struggle02" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle02" " " "citadel.al_struggle03" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle03" " " "citadel.al_struggle05" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle05" " " "citadel.al_struggle07" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle07" " " "citadel.al_struggle08" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle08" " " "citadel.al_success_yes" "Ja! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes" "Yes! " "citadel.al_success_yes_nr" "Ja! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes_nr" "Yes! " "citadel.al_success_yes02_nr" "Ja! Du klarte det! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes02_nr" "Yeah! You did it! " "citadel.al_tearapart" "Når han bruker teleporteren, ødelegges hele greia. Strålen er ubeskyttet. Vi kommer til å bli stekt alle sammen. " "[english]citadel.al_tearapart" "Once he teleports, the whole thing will tear apart. The beam is unshielded. We'll be cooked in the singularity. " "citadel.al_thatshim" "Det er ham. " "[english]citadel.al_thatshim" "That's him. " "citadel.al_thegravgun01" "Gravitasjonsvåpnet! " "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun01" "The gravity gun! " "citadel.al_thegravgun03" "Hent gravitasjonsvåpnet, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun03" "Gordon, get the gravity gun. " "citadel.al_thegravgun04" "Ta gravitasjonsvåpenet, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun04" "Take the gravity gun, Gordon. " "citadel.al_thereheis" "Der er han! " "[english]citadel.al_thereheis" "There he is! " "citadel.al_triplet" " " "[english]citadel.al_triplet" " " "citadel.al_uptop" "Å, herregud, portalen åpner seg. " "[english]citadel.al_uptop" "Oh my God, the portal's opening. " "citadel.al_watchout01" "Pass på, han --" "[english]citadel.al_watchout01" "Watch out, he's gonna--" "citadel.al_weak" "Se om du kan finne en svakhet i de platene. Vi må la kjernen være ubeskyttet hvis vi har tenkt å destabilisere den. " "[english]citadel.al_weak" "See if you can find a weakness in those plates. We'll have to expose the core if we plan to destabilize it. " "citadel.al_whahappen" "Gordon. Hva skjedde med gravitasjonsvåpnet? Det må trekke kraft fra citadellet. " "[english]citadel.al_whahappen" "Gordon. What happened to the gravity gun? It must be drawing power from the Citadel. " "citadel.al_wonderwhere" "Jeg lurer på hvor han har tenkt seg. " "[english]citadel.al_wonderwhere" "I wonder where he's going. " "citadel.al_working" "Forsett, Gordon, det virker. " "[english]citadel.al_working" "Keep it up, Gordon, it's working. " "citadel.al_yes" "Ja!" "[english]citadel.al_yes" "Yes!" "citadel.al_yes_nr" "Ja!" "[english]citadel.al_yes_nr" "Yes!" "citadel.br_betrayed" "De vet at du sviktet dem. De kommer å vende seg mot deg! Judith -- dr. Mossman. Vær så snill! " "[english]citadel.br_betrayed" "They know you betrayed them. They'll turn on you! Judith -- Dr. Mossman. Please! " "citadel.br_betrayed_b" "Judith – dr. Mossman – vær så snill ... " "[english]citadel.br_betrayed_b" "Judith - Dr. Mossman - please... " "citadel.br_bidder_a" "Hva sier du, dr. Freeman? " "[english]citadel.br_bidder_a" "How about it, Dr. Freeman? " "citadel.br_bidder_b" "Var du klar over at kontrakten din var åpen for de som bød høyest? " "[english]citadel.br_bidder_b" "Did you realize your contract was open to the highest bidder? " "citadel.br_bounty" " " "[english]citadel.br_bounty" " " "citadel.br_circum" "Vel, dr. Freeman, under andre omstendigheter hadde jeg sett at vi kanskje kunne klart å arbeide sammen i et forhold som var preget gjensidig tillit og respekt. Ut fra ditt korte opphold ved Black Mesa mens jeg var administrator der, vil jeg si at du viste alle tegn på å bli en verdifull og produktiv bidragsyter til den vitenskapelige prosessen. Og likevel ... jeg er ikke sikker på hva som fikk deg til å gjøre det ... men det er definitivt ikke plass til en useriøs fysiker i dette miljøet. " "[english]citadel.br_circum" "Well, Dr. Freeman, under other circumstances I like to think we might have been able to work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Certainly, judging from your brief tenure at Black Mesa while I was its Administrator, you showed every promise of becoming a valuable and productive contributor to the scientific process. And yet... I'm not sure what spurred you to it... but there is really no place in this enterprise for a rogue physicist. " "citadel.br_create" "Si meg, dr. Freeman, hvis du kan. Du har ødelagt så mye. Hva er det egentlig du har skapt? Kan du i det hele tatt nevne en eneste ting? Som jeg tenkte, ja. " "[english]citadel.br_create" "Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can. You have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not. " "citadel.br_deliver" "Det er meg du burde bry deg om! Jeg kan fortsatt gi deg jorden, men ikke uten din hjelp. " "[english]citadel.br_deliver" "It's me you should be concerned about! I can still deliver Earth, but not without your help. " "citadel.br_dictate_a" "At dere begge er her hos meg nå, gir meg muligheten til å diktere vilkårene i alle avtalene jeg gidder å inngå med Combine. " "[english]citadel.br_dictate_a" "Having both of you in my keeping ensures I can dictate the terms of any bargain I care to make with the Combine. " "citadel.br_failing01" "Milde himmel! " "[english]citadel.br_failing01" "Good God! " "citadel.br_failing02" "Kom deg bort derfra! " "[english]citadel.br_failing02" "Get away from there! " "citadel.br_failing03" "Hvordan gjør du det?! " "[english]citadel.br_failing03" "How are you doing that?! " "citadel.br_failing04" "Hvordan klarte du det?! " "[english]citadel.br_failing04" "How did you do that?! " "citadel.br_failing05" "Slutt å leke med den der! " "[english]citadel.br_failing05" "Stop toying with that! " "citadel.br_failing06" "Uansett hva du gjør, stopp det med én gang! " "[english]citadel.br_failing06" "Whatever you're doing, stop at once! " "citadel.br_failing07" "Ikke det! " "[english]citadel.br_failing07" "Not that! " "citadel.br_failing08" "Stopp det der! " "[english]citadel.br_failing08" "Stop it! " "citadel.br_failing09" "Slutt med det! " "[english]citadel.br_failing09" "Stop that! " "citadel.br_failing10" "Stopp! " "[english]citadel.br_failing10" "Stop! " "citadel.br_failing11" "Nei! " "[english]citadel.br_failing11" "No! " "citadel.br_failing12" "Jeg vet ikke hva du gjør, Freeman, men jeg advarer deg mot å gjøre det! " "[english]citadel.br_failing12" "I don't know what you're doing, Freeman, but I'm warning you against it! " "citadel.br_farside" "Virkelig? Vel, la oss se hvordan du kan få hjelp av den på den andre siden av en Combine-portal. " "[english]citadel.br_farside" "Really? Well, let's see how it serves you on the far side of a Combine portal. " "citadel.br_foundation" "Jeg har lagt grunnlaget for menneskehetens overlevelse, men ikke som vi har definert oss selv som, men som noe større enn vi noen sinne kunne forestille oss. Noe vi bare nå kan begynne å fatte. " "[english]citadel.br_foundation" "I have laid the foundation for humanity's survival, and not as we have narrowly defined ourselves, but as something greater than we could ever imagine. Something we can only now begin to glimpse. " "citadel.br_freemanatlast" "Så, dette er dr. Freeman. Endelig. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne si at dette var en gledelig overraskelse, men det er verken en overraskelse eller veldig gledelig, som du sikkert er enig i. Vel, jeg er en pragmatisk type. " "[english]citadel.br_freemanatlast" "So, this is Dr. Freeman, at last. I wish I could say this was a pleasant surprise, but it's neither a surprise nor, as you would surely agree, very pleasant. Well, I am nothing if not pragmatic. " "citadel.br_gift" " " "[english]citadel.br_gift" " " "citadel.br_gift_a" "Det er helt opp til deg, min gamle venn. " "[english]citadel.br_gift_a" "That's all up to you, my old friend. " "citadel.br_gift_b" "Er du villig til å la din stahet og dårlige dømmekraft sette hele rasen i fare, eller " "[english]citadel.br_gift_b" "Will you let your stubborn short-sightedness doom the entire species, or " "citadel.br_gift_c" "vil du gi barnet ditt muligheten hennes mor aldri fikk? " "[english]citadel.br_gift_c" "will you give your child the chance her mother never had? " "citadel.br_goback" "Gå tilbake, Freeman. Du vet ikke hva du gjør! " "[english]citadel.br_goback" "Go back, Freeman, you have no idea what you're doing! " "citadel.br_gravgun" "Hva er dette? Å, ja, sett den der borte. " "[english]citadel.br_gravgun" "What's this? Oh, put it over there. " "citadel.br_guards" "Vakter! Kom inn hit!" "[english]citadel.br_guards" "Guards! Get in here!" "citadel.br_guest" "Det er vår æresgjest. For en glede. " "[english]citadel.br_guest" "It's our guest of honor. What a pleasure. " "citadel.br_guest_a" "Vel, sannelig er det ikke Gordon Freeman. Endelig. " "[english]citadel.br_guest_a" "Well, if it isn't Gordon Freeman, at last. " "citadel.br_guest_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_b" " " "citadel.br_guest_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_c" " " "citadel.br_guest_d" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_d" " " "citadel.br_guest_f" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_f" " " "citadel.br_guest_f_cc" "Jeg er takknemlig, doktor. Først fører du meg hjem til min kjæreste venn, og deretter utleverer du deg selv. Hvis jeg hadde visst at du skulle komme rett opp til mitt kontor, ville jeg ikke brydd meg om å lete etter deg i utgangspunktet. " "[english]citadel.br_guest_f_cc" "You have my gratitude, Doctor. First you lead me straight to the doorstep of my oldest friend, and then you deliver yourself. If I'd known you were going come straight up to my office, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place. " "citadel.br_hostbody" "En vertskropp? Du tuller, jeg kan da ikke--- " "[english]citadel.br_hostbody" "A host body? You must be joking, I can't possibly--- " "citadel.br_judithwhat" "Judith? Hva er det du holder på med? " "[english]citadel.br_judithwhat" "Judith? What do you think you're doing? " "citadel.br_justhurry" "Skynd deg, han er like bak meg! " "[english]citadel.br_justhurry" "Just hurry, he's right behind me! " "citadel.br_laugh01" "*latter*" "[english]citadel.br_laugh01" "*laughter*" "citadel.br_look" "Se. Se. " "[english]citadel.br_look" "Look. Look. " "citadel.br_lookthere" "Se der. " "[english]citadel.br_lookthere" "Look there. " "citadel.br_mentors" "Dine mentorer må ta deler av skylden, selvsagt. Skuffelsen over Eli Vance og Isaac Kleiner er mye større enn sorgen over det uheldige karrierevalget du tok. På en måte antar jeg at du ikke kunne ha gjort det annerledes. Hvem vet hvilke fantasibilder de plantet i hodet ditt da du var ung og lettpåvirkelig. Men mens de åpenbart har en stor del av ansvaret for problemene den siste tiden, er det du som har valgt å vise så stor respektløshet for menneskehetens fremtid. " "[english]citadel.br_mentors" "Your mentors are partly to blame, of course. My disappointment in Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner is far greater than my sorrow over your unfortunate choice of career path. In a way, I suppose you could not have done otherwise. Who knows what seeds of iconoclasm they planted when you were young and gullible. But while they certainly share a great part of the responsibility for the recent troubles, it is you alone who have chosen to act with such willful disregard for humanity's future. " "citadel.br_mock01" "Er du fortsatt der, dr. Freeman? Ikke så mye lenger, tror jeg. " "[english]citadel.br_mock01" "Are you still with us, Dr. Freeman? Not for much longer, I think. " "citadel.br_mock02" "Jeg stoler på at du mislykkes nok en gang, dr. Freeman. På samme måte som jeg stolte på deg ved Black Mesa. " "[english]citadel.br_mock02" "I'm relying on you to fail again, Dr. Freeman. Just as I relied on you at Black Mesa. " "citadel.br_mock03" "Det ser ut som om du sakker akterut. Jeg kunne aldri ha forutsett det. " "[english]citadel.br_mock03" "It looks like you're falling behind. I could never have predicted that. " "citadel.br_mock04" "En forutsigbar feil, dr. Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock04" "A predictable failure, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock05" "Jeg aner ikke hva du tror du kan klare å oppnå, bortsett fra din egen utslettelse. " "[english]citadel.br_mock05" "I don't know what you can possibly hope to achieve, apart from your own annihilation. " "citadel.br_mock06" "Jeg fortalte deg at dette var fånyttes. " "[english]citadel.br_mock06" "I warned you this was futile. " "citadel.br_mock07" "Jeg kunne ha fortalt deg at dette var nytteløst, dr. Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock07" "I could have told you that was pointless, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock08" "Det er ikke lang tid igjen nå, dr. Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock08" "It won't be much longer now, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock09" "Jeg håper du har sagt farvel til dine nærmeste. " "[english]citadel.br_mock09" "I hope you said your farewells. " "citadel.br_mock10" "Å, dr. Freeman ... " "[english]citadel.br_mock10" "Oh, Dr. Freeman... " "citadel.br_mock11" "Så unødvendig. " "[english]citadel.br_mock11" "What a waste. " "citadel.br_mock12" "Meningsløst av deg. " "[english]citadel.br_mock12" "Pointless of you. " "citadel.br_mock13" "Hvis du bare hadde brukt din grenseløse energi til noe fornuftig! " "[english]citadel.br_mock13" "If only you had harnessed your boundless energy for a useful purpose! " "citadel.br_newleader_a" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_a" " " "citadel.br_newleader_a_cc" "Jeg er enig, det var helt unødvendig. Heldigvis har motstandsstyrkene vist tegn på at de godtar en ny leder. Og denne har vist seg å være en god lakei for de som kontrollerer ham. " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_a_cc" "I agree, it's a total waste. Fortunately, the resistance has shown it is willing to accept a new leader. And this one has proven to be a fine pawn for those who control him. " "citadel.br_newleader_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_b" " " "citadel.br_newleader_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_c" " " "citadel.br_no" "Nei! " "[english]citadel.br_no" "No! " "citadel.br_nopoint" "Nei, det er knapt det verste. Men det vil kanskje være vanskelig å tro når du kommer dit. " "[english]citadel.br_nopoint" "Oh, it's hardly the worst. But you might find that hard to believe once you get there. " "citadel.br_nothingtosay_a" "Jeg forstår deg hvis du vil diskutere dette sammen med vennene dine. " "[english]citadel.br_nothingtosay_a" "I understand if you don't wish to discuss this in front of your friends. " "citadel.br_nothingtosay_b" "Jeg sender dem av gårde, og deretter kan vi snakke åpent. " "[english]citadel.br_nothingtosay_b" "I'll send them on their way, and then we can talk openly. " "citadel.br_oheli07" "...karbonstjerner med gamle satellitter kolonisert av sentientsopper." "[english]citadel.br_oheli07" "...carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi." "citadel.br_oheli08" "Gassgiganter bestående av store meteorologiske systemer. Verdener som er strukket på tvers av membranene der dimensjonene " "[english]citadel.br_oheli08" "Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where dimensions " "citadel.br_oheli09" "krysser hverandre ... Umulig å beskrive med vårt begrensede ordforråd!" "[english]citadel.br_oheli09" "intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!" "citadel.br_ohshit" "Å, pokker! " "[english]citadel.br_ohshit" "Oh shit! " "citadel.br_playgame_a" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_a" " " "citadel.br_playgame_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_b" " " "citadel.br_playgame_b_cc" "Eli ... hvis du ikke vil gjøre det rette for alle menneskers beste, så gjør du det kanskje for én av dem." "[english]citadel.br_playgame_b_cc" "Eli...if you won't do the right thing for the good of all people, maybe you'll do it for one of them." "citadel.br_playgame_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_c" " " "citadel.br_rabble" " " "[english]citadel.br_rabble" " " "citadel.br_rabble_a" "Takket være deg har vi alt vi trenger i så henseende. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_a" "Thanks to you, we have everything we need in that regard. " "citadel.br_rabble_b" "Du er overkvalifisert til å avslutte forskningen hans selv. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_b" "You're more than qualified to finish his research yourself. " "citadel.br_rabble_c" "Verken du eller jeg klarer å overbevise den håpløse gjengen i gaten om å gi opp den meningsløse kampen. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_c" "What neither you nor I can do is convince that rabble in the streets to give up their senseless struggle. " "citadel.br_rabble_d" "Likevel nekter Eli å si det som ville reddet alle sammen. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_d" "Yet Eli refuses to speak the words that would save them all. " "citadel.br_stubborn" "Kjære Alyx, du har din mors øyne. Men din fars stahet. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn" "Alyx my dear, you have your mother's eyes. But your father's stubborn nature. " "citadel.br_stubborn01" "Du har din mors øyne, kjære deg. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn01" "You have your mother's eyes, my dear. " "citadel.br_stubborn02" "Men din fars stahet. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn02" "But your father's stubborn nature. " "citadel.br_synapse" "Selveste dr. Freeman. Du burde ikke være der ute. Når jeg bruker teleporteren i synapsen, vil dette rommet være fullt av dødelige partikler, som menneskeheten enda ikke har navn på. Hvis jeg får tid til å gjøre det selv en gang, så kaller jeg kanskje én av dem opp etter deg. Da vil du aldri bli helt glemt. " "[english]citadel.br_synapse" "Dr. Freeman. You really shouldn't be out there. At the moment of synapse, as I teleport, this chamber will be bathed in deadly particles that have yet to be named by human science. Perhaps when I have the leisure to do the work myself, I'll name one after you. That way you won't be completely forgotten. " "citadel.br_synapse02" "Når singulariteten kollapser, vil jeg være langt av gårde. I et annet univers, faktisk. Du kommer imidlertid til å bli tilintetgjort på alle mulige måter som det går an å bli tilintetgjort på, og til og med noen måter som i utgangspunktet er umulig. " "[english]citadel.br_synapse02" "When the singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact. You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed-and even in some which are essentially impossible. " "citadel.br_takeme" "Ta meg. " "[english]citadel.br_takeme" "Take me. " "citadel.br_unleash" "Du vet ikke hva du setter i gang! Du kan komme til å ødelegge hele citadellet! Tenk, mann, tenk – på folkene nedenfor! " "[english]citadel.br_unleash" "You don't know what you'll unleash! You could bring down this whole Citadel! Think, man, think - of the people below! " "citadel.br_untenable" "Portaldestinasjonen er ubeboelig. Du kan helt sikkert sette opp releet et annet sted. Jeg har ingen mulighet til å overleve i det miljøet. " "[english]citadel.br_untenable" "The portal destination is untenable. Surely you can set the relay elsewhere. There's no way I can survive in that environment. " "citadel.br_warmup" "Jeg varmer opp portalen for å sende deg gjennom allerede nå. " "[english]citadel.br_warmup" "I'm warming up the portal to deliver you even now. " "citadel.br_whatittakes" "OK, for pokker, hvis det er det som skal til! " "[english]citadel.br_whatittakes" "Oh all right, damn it, if that's what it takes! " "citadel.br_worthit" "Se her, Gordon. Se hva du kaster bort. Er det verdt det? " "[english]citadel.br_worthit" "Look, Gordon. Look at what you are throwing away. Is it worth it? " "citadel.br_yesjudith" "Ja, Judith, hva er det? " "[english]citadel.br_yesjudith" "Yes, Judith, what is it? " "citadel.br_youfool" "Din idiot! " "[english]citadel.br_youfool" "You fool! " "citadel.br_youneedme" "Du trenger meg! " "[english]citadel.br_youneedme" "You need me! " "citadel.eli_alyx01" "Alyx! Kjære ... " "[english]citadel.eli_alyx01" "Alyx! Honey... " "citadel.eli_alyxsweetheart" "Alyx, skatt." "[english]citadel.eli_alyxsweetheart" "Alyx, sweetheart." "citadel.eli_damnbreen" "Faen ta deg, Breen! Du lot henne gå! " "[english]citadel.eli_damnbreen" "God damn you, Breen! You let her go! " "citadel.eli_dontstruggle" "Ikke kjemp i mot, kjære. " "[english]citadel.eli_dontstruggle" "Don't struggle, honey. " "citadel.eli_dontworryboutme" "Ikke bry deg om meg, kjære. " "[english]citadel.eli_dontworryboutme" "Oh no, don't worry about me honey. " "citadel.eli_genocide" "Det jeg har sett, kan heller ikke beskrives med ord, Breen. Folkemord ... ubeskrivelig ondskap ... " "[english]citadel.eli_genocide" "What I've seen is also beyond words, Breen. Genocide... indescribable evil... " "citadel.eli_goodgod" "Herregud. " "[english]citadel.eli_goodgod" "Good God. " "citadel.eli_mygirl" "Det er jenta si. " "[english]citadel.eli_mygirl" "That's my girl. " "citadel.eli_nonever" "Aldri. " "[english]citadel.eli_nonever" "Never. " "citadel.eli_notobreen" "Nei! " "[english]citadel.eli_notobreen" "No! " "citadel.eli_ohalyx" "Å, kjæreste Alyx. " "[english]citadel.eli_ohalyx" "Oh, Alyx, sweetheart. " "citadel.eli_ohjudith" "Åh, Judith ... " "[english]citadel.eli_ohjudith" "Oh, Judith... " "citadel.eli_save" "Redde dem? For hva? " "[english]citadel.eli_save" "Save them? For what? " "citadel.eli_sendusboth" "Kom igjen, Breen, hvis det er det verste du kan gjøre, så sender du oss begge gjennom portalen!" "[english]citadel.eli_sendusboth" "Go ahead, Breen, if that's the worst you can do, send us both through your portal!" "citadel.gman_exit01" "Tiden er inne, dr. Freeman? " "[english]citadel.gman_exit01" "Time, Dr. Freeman? " "citadel.gman_exit02" "Er det allerede den tiden igjen? " "[english]citadel.gman_exit02" "Is it really that time again? " "citadel.gman_exit03" "Det føles som om dere akkurat kom. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit03" "It seems as if you only just arrived. " "citadel.gman_exit04" "Du har utrettet mye på kort tid. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit04" "You've done a great deal in a small timespan. " "citadel.gman_exit05" "Du har gjort det så utmerket at jeg faktisk har mottatt noen interessante tilbud for dine tjenester. Vanligvis ville jeg aldri vurdert dem. Men nå er det andre tider. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit05" "You've done so well, in fact, that I've received some interesting offers for your services. Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them. But these are extraordinary times. " "citadel.gman_exit06" "I stedet for å tilby deg illusjonen om et fritt valg, tar jeg meg friheten å velge for deg ... hvis og når det blir din tur igjen. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit06" "Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty of choosing for you...if and when your time comes round again. " "citadel.gman_exit07" "Jeg beklager for det som må føles som en vilkårlig straff, dr. Freeman. Jeg kan berolige deg med at alt kommer til å gi mening om ... vel ... " "[english]citadel.gman_exit07" "I do apologize for what must seem to you an arbitrary imposition, Dr. Freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of...well... " "citadel.gman_exit08" "Jeg har egentlig ikke lov å si mer. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit08" "I'm really not at liberty to say. " "citadel.gman_exit09" "I mellomtiden ... " "[english]citadel.gman_exit09" "In the meantime... " "citadel.gman_exit10" "Her hopper jeg av. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit10" "This is where I get off. " "citadel.gman_meetagain" "På gjensyn " "[english]citadel.gman_meetagain" "Until we meet again " "citadel.gman_rightman" "Den rette mannen på feil sted kan gjøre himmelvid forskjell. " "[english]citadel.gman_rightman" "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. " "citadel.mo_alyxneedthis" "Du trenger denne. " "[english]citadel.mo_alyxneedthis" "You'll need this. " "citadel.mo_bargain" "Avtalen vi burde inngått, er for Elis liv, slik at han kan fortsette forskningen! " "[english]citadel.mo_bargain" "The bargain we should be making is for Eli's life, so he can continue his research! " "citadel.mo_dont" "Ikke ---!" "[english]citadel.mo_dont" "Don't---!" "citadel.mo_dontlook" "Å, ikke gi meg det blikket. " "[english]citadel.mo_dontlook" "Oh don't give me that look. " "citadel.mo_dontworry" "Ikke vær urolig. " "[english]citadel.mo_dontworry" "Don't you worry. " "citadel.mo_goyoutwo" "Fortsett, dere to. " "[english]citadel.mo_goyoutwo" "Go on, you two. " "citadel.mo_illtakehim" "Jeg tar ham med meg herfra. " "[english]citadel.mo_illtakehim" "I'll take him from here. " "citadel.mo_necessary" "Det er ikke nødvendig! " "[english]citadel.mo_necessary" "It isn't necessary! " "citadel.mo_notfollowed" "Vi sørger for at du ikke blir forfulgt. " "[english]citadel.mo_notfollowed" "We'll make sure you're not followed. " "citadel.mo_notimealyx" "Du har ikke mer tid, Alyx. Han er på vei til portalen. " "[english]citadel.mo_notimealyx" "There's no time, Alyx. He's on his way to the portal. " "citadel.mo_notleavingeli" "Jeg forlater deg ikke igjen, Eli. " "[english]citadel.mo_notleavingeli" "I'm not leaving you again, Eli. " "citadel.mo_nouse" "Ikke kjemp imot. Det er nytteløst. Inntil du er der han vil ha deg, er det ingenting du kan gjøre. " "[english]citadel.mo_nouse" "Don't struggle. It's no use. Until you're where he wants you, there's nothing you can do. " "citadel.mo_outoftime" "Jeg beklager, Wallace. Det er ikke mer tid igjen. " "[english]citadel.mo_outoftime" "I'm sorry, Wallace. You're all out of time. " "citadel.mo_sorrygordon" "Jeg beklager, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.mo_sorrygordon" "I'm sorry, Gordon. " "citadel.mo_stophim" "Jeg var ikke forsiktig nok. Breen kjenner til alt vi har lært. Du må stoppe ham. " "[english]citadel.mo_stophim" "I wasn't careful enough. Breen knows everything we learned. You have to stop him. " "citadel.mo_stoppingyou" "Vi gjør det som jeg aldri hadde klart alene. Vi stopper deg. " "[english]citadel.mo_stoppingyou" "We're doing what I could never do alone. We're stopping you. " "citadel.mo_wallace" "Selveste dr. Breen ... Wallace ... " "[english]citadel.mo_wallace" "Dr. Breen... Wallace... " "coast.al_captured" "Min far og dr. Mossman ... de ble tatt til fange under kampene. Vortigaunter sporet dem til Nova Prospekt, som er det ombygde fengselet oppe ved kysten. Hvis du klarer å møte meg der, Gordon, så klarer vi kanskje sammen å få dem ut. " "[english]coast.al_captured" "My Dad and Dr. Mossman...they were captured in the fighting. Vortigaunts tracked them to Nova Prospekt, the converted prison up the coast. If you could meet me there, Gordon, then together we might have a chance of getting them out. " "coast.al_goodhands" "Takk, Leon. Gordon, jeg har ikke kjørt kystveien på over et år, men jeg kan aldri tro at den har blitt noe sikrere. Møt meg i depotet der togene laster gods. Pass på deg selv, så ses vi i Nova Prospekt. " "[english]coast.al_goodhands" "Thanks, Leon. Gordon, I haven't driven the coast road in over a year, but I have no reason to think it's gotten any safer. Meet me in the depot where the trains unload. Take care of yourself and I'll see you in Nova Prospekt. " "coast.al_goodnews" "Er han der? " "[english]coast.al_goodnews" "He's there? " "coast.al_goodtoseeyou" "Det er godt å se deg, Gordon. Vær forsiktig. " "[english]coast.al_goodtoseeyou" "It's good to see you, Gordon. Be careful. " "coast.al_gotcar" "Det var derfor jeg ringte deg, Leon. Jeg håpet du fortsatt hadde speiderbilen vi satte fra oss her i fjor sommer. Den som far utstyrte med tau-kanoen. " "[english]coast.al_gotcar" "That's why I called you, Leon. I was hoping you still had the scout car we left with you last summer. The one my Dad rigged with the tau cannon. " "coast.al_hitcher01" "De har tatt ham med seg til Nova Prospekt. Vortigauntene sporet skipet som tok av med ham og Judith Mossman. Jeg hopper på toget mens det fortsatt går. " "[english]coast.al_hitcher01" "He's been taken to Nova Prospekt. The vortigaunts tracked the ship that made off with him and Judith Mossman. While the trains are still running, I'm going to hitch a ride. " "coast.al_hitcher02" "Og det er her du kommer inn i bildet, Gordon. Du må komme deg opp langs kysten til Nova Prospekt. Det var tidligere et høysikkerhetsfengsel. Nå er det noe enda verre. Men jeg tror det er enklere å snike seg inn enn å bryte seg ut. " "[english]coast.al_hitcher02" "Here's where you come in, Gordon. I need you to make your way along the coast until you get to Nova Prospekt. It used to be a high security prison-it's something much worse than that now. But I think it's still easier to sneak in than to break out. " "coast.al_needyourhelp" "Gordon, du kom gjennom Ravenholm, ikke sant? Takk og pris! Jeg trenger din hjelp! De har tatt faren min! " "[english]coast.al_needyourhelp" "Gordon, you made it through Ravenholm? Thank God! I need your help! They've taken my father! " "coast.al_out" "Ut. " "[english]coast.al_out" "Out. " "coast.al_stowaway" "Bra. " "[english]coast.al_stowaway" "Good. " "coast.al_taucar" "Hei, Leon. Har du fortsatt bilen som faren min og jeg satte sammen? " "[english]coast.al_taucar" "Hey, Leon. Do you still have the car my Dad and I put together? " "coast.antman01" " " "[english]coast.antman01" " " "coast.antman02" " " "[english]coast.antman02" " " "coast.bugbait_onemanalone" "Dra av gårde, dr. Freeman. Nova Prospekt er rett der oppe. Én mann har ikke særlig sjanse til å komme inn der oppe, men én mann pluss en gruppe antlioner ... vel, det er noe helt annet. " "[english]coast.bugbait_onemanalone" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. Nova Prospekt is just ahead. One man alone wouldn't stand much chance going in there, but a man with a pack of antlions... well, that's a different story. " "coast.cr_willdo" "Greit! Jeg er akkurat ferdig med å montere en ammokasse bakpå. " "[english]coast.cr_willdo" "Will do! I just finished mounting an ammo crate on the back. " "coast.lady_gotodocks" "Gå ned til lasterampene, så skal vi bære det fram for deg. Spør kranføreren om veien. " "[english]coast.lady_gotodocks" "Go right on down to the docks there, and we'll bring it out for you. Listen for directions from the crane operator. " "coast.lady_keepgoing" "Hvis du fortsetter, vil du se bilen. " "[english]coast.lady_keepgoing" "Keep on going and you'll see the car. " "coast.le_allclear" "Det er Leon. Vi er trygge. Og jeg har Gordon Freeman! " "[english]coast.le_allclear" "It's Leon. We're all clear. And I've got Gordon Freeman! " "coast.le_allset" "God timing. OK, Alyx, da er vi klare. " "[english]coast.le_allset" "Good timing. Okay, Alyx, we're all set. " "coast.le_buggy" "Noriko, kjør frem buggyen og parker den på lasterampen. Gordon Freeman skal kjøre den! " "[english]coast.le_buggy" "Noriko, bring the buggy out, put it on the dock right now. Gordon Freeman will be driving it! " "coast.le_bye" "Farvel, Alyx. " "[english]coast.le_bye" "Bye, Alyx. " "coast.le_followme" "Følg meg. " "[english]coast.le_followme" "Follow me. " "coast.le_goodidea" "Ja! God idé! Vent et øyeblikk.. " "[english]coast.le_goodidea" "Yeah! Good idea! Hold on a sec. " "coast.le_gotgordon" "Alyx, det er Leon, og jeg har Gordon Freeman med meg. " "[english]coast.le_gotgordon" "Alyx, it's Leon, and I've got Gordon Freeman with me. " "coast.le_map" "Det kartet er utdatert, men du kan fortsett mer eller mindre se ruten til Nova Prospekt. Men jeg kan ikke garantere for veikvaliteten. Vi har mistet kontakten med noen av utpostene. " "[english]coast.le_map" "That map is out of date, but you can still see more or less the route to Nova Prospekt. Can't vouch for the road, though. We've lost touch with some of the outposts. " "coast.le_onfoot" "Vil du at han skal ta kystveien? Han varer maks fem minutter til fots. Det er yngletid for antlioner. " "[english]coast.le_onfoot" "You want him to take the coast road? He won't last five minutes on foot. It's spawning season for the antlions. " "coast.le_overhere" "Her borte, dr. Freeman. " "[english]coast.le_overhere" "Over here, Dr. Freeman. " "coast.le_patchhim" "Lapp ham sammen, og få ham tilbake så fort han blir stabil. " "[english]coast.le_patchhim" "Patch him up and get him to the back as soon as he's stable. " "coast.le_radio" "Jeg sender radiomelding og gir beskjed til basen om at du kommer. " "[english]coast.le_radio" "I'll radio ahead and let the next base know you're coming. " "coast.le_radioloop" "Shorepoint til N.L.O." "[english]coast.le_radioloop" "Shorepoint to N.L.O." "coast.le_radioloop_b" "Shorepoint til New Little Odessa. " "[english]coast.le_radioloop_b" "Shorepoint to New Little Odessa. " "coast.le_radioloop_c" "Kom inn, Odessa ... hører du meg? " "[english]coast.le_radioloop_c" "Come in, Odessa...do you read? " "coast.le_restock" "OK, doktor, før du drar av gårde bør du få med deg litt førstehjelpsutstyr, ekstra ammo, sjekke kartet og se hvilken rute du bør ta. Det finnes ekstra ammo i en boks bak i bilen, hvis det kan hjelpe på trygghetsfølelsen. " "[english]coast.le_restock" "Okay, Doc, before you hit the road, you might want to grab some medkits, restock on ammo, maybe check the map and see where you're headed. There's an ammo supply crate on the back of the car, if that's any comfort. " "coast.le_staywithcar" "Hold deg i bilen og bruk hammerne. Da har du en sjanse mot antlionene. " "[english]coast.le_staywithcar" "Stay with the car, make use of the thumpers, and you'll stand a fair chance against the antlions. " "coast.le_whohurt" "Hvem er skadet? " "[english]coast.le_whohurt" "Who's hurt? " "coast.le_youmadeit" "Gordon Freeman! Det er helt utrolig at du klarte det! Vi har fått melding fra Alyx. Jeg skal se om jeg får tak i henne igjen. " "[english]coast.le_youmadeit" "Gordon Freeman! It's incredible you made it! We've been getting communications from Alyx. I'll see if I can reach her again. " "coast.leon_getaway" " " "[english]coast.leon_getaway" " " "coast.leon_itisyou" " " "[english]coast.leon_itisyou" " " "coast.leon_suredo" " " "[english]coast.leon_suredo" " " "coast.leon_thisisleon" " " "[english]coast.leon_thisisleon" " " "coast.med_online" "Selveste dr. Freeman? Du tuller. Jeg har snakket med Alyx. Faren hennes er tatt til fange. " "[english]coast.med_online" "Dr. Freeman? You're kidding. I've been on the line with Alyx. Her father's been captured. " "coast.pheropod_nag01" "Vel, dr. Freeman, du er nesten som en antlion nå. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag01" "Well, Dr. Freeman, you're a regular antlion now. " "coast.pheropod_nag02" "Jeg sverger selv til pheropodene. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag02" "I swear by the pheropods myself. " "coast.pheropod_nag03" "Antlionene kommer ikke til å plage deg nå, doktor. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag03" "The antlions won't bother you now, Doc. " "coast.pheropod_nag04" "Det ser ut som om du har fått deg noen venner. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag04" "Looks like you've made yourself some friends. " "coast.vbaittrain_fine" "Freeman utfører igjen alle oppgavene til toppkarakter! " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_fine" "The Freeman again excels at all tasks! " "coast.vbaittrain_gotit" "Freeman viser sin ekspertise på alle områder. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_gotit" "The Freeman shows his excellence in all things. " "coast.vbaittrain_great" "Freeman har gjort det veldig bra. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_great" "The Freeman has done well. " "coast.vbaittrain01a" "Freeman gjør oss beæret med sin tilstedeværelse. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01a" "The Freeman honors us by his presence. " "coast.vbaittrain01b" "Freeman vil nå få instruksjoner om hvordan pheropodene brukes. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01b" "The Freeman will now be instructed in the use of pheropods. " "coast.vbaittrain01c" "Følg med nå, og lær hvordan du temmer antlionene ved hjelp av dette såkalte insektagnet. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01c" "Attend, now, and learn to shepherd antlions with this so-called bug-bait. " "coast.vbaittrain02" "Freeman tar nå frem pheropodene sine og kaster én av dem ned i sjakten der borte. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain02" "The Freeman will now break out his pheropods and toss one into yonder pit. " "coast.vbaittrain02_nag" "Freeman må ikke nøle: Kast den pheropoden ned i sjakten. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain02_nag" "The Freeman must not delay: Hurl that pheropod into the pit. " "coast.vbaittrain03" "Freeman kan også overtale antlionene sine til å angripe bestemte mål. Følg med på treningsdukken, og merk den godt med en annen pheropod. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain03" "The Freeman can also coax his antlions to attack specific targets. Observe the training manikin, and mark it well with another pheropod. " "coast.vbaittrain03_nag" "Kast insektagnet hardt mot dukken. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain03_nag" "Hurl your bug-bait hard against the dummy. " "coast.vbaittrain04" "Følg godt med nå. Bruk trykk på pheropoden for å sende signaler til antlionene i kommandostyrken din om å følge deg. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain04" "Now, attend well. Apply pressure to your pheropod, to signal the antlions in your command to follow you. " "coast.vbaittrain04_nag" "Freeman må fordele insektagnet på en lur måte hvis han skal få antlionene til å følge etter ham. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain04_nag" "The Freeman must squeeze his bug-bait sharply if he wishes the antlions to follow where he leads. " "coast.vbaittrain05" "Og nå må denne ta farvel med Freeman. Nova Prospekt ligger rett der nede. Husk på alt du har lært her. Eli Vance stoler fullt og helt på deg. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain05" "And now this one must bid the Freeman farewell. Nova Prospekt lies just beyond. Remember well what you have learned here. The Eli Vance has greatest confidence in you. " "coast.vgossip_01" "Freeman må unnskylde oss. Det er ikke høflig av oss å kommunisere ved hjelp av \"ordstrømbytting\" foran de som har svekkede vortale egenskaper. " "[english]coast.vgossip_01" "Freeman must excuse us. It is rude of us to commune by flux shifting in front of those whose vortal inputs are impaired. " "coast.vgossip_02" "Ja, vi vil uttrykke oss på ditt lydspråk for å vise høflighet. " "[english]coast.vgossip_02" "Yes, we will vocalize in your auditory language as a matter of courtesy. " "coast.vgossip_03" "Så lenge vi ikke ønsker å si mindre hyggelige ting om deg. " "[english]coast.vgossip_03" "Unless we wish to say unflattering things about you. " "coast.vgossip_04" "Akkurat. " "[english]coast.vgossip_04" "Just so. " "coast.vort_extract01" "Freeman vil gjøre klokt i å legge godt merke til vår uttrekking av myrmidontenes velluktende pheropoder. Prosessen er ikke helt hygienisk. Derfor bør du holde litt avstand. " "[english]coast.vort_extract01" "The Freeman will do wise to heed our extraction of the myrmidont's aromatic pheropods. The process is not entirely hygienic. Therefore, stand aside. " "coast.vort_podnag" "Freeman må ikke nøle når han skal plukke opp de falne pheropodene! " "[english]coast.vort_podnag" "The Freeman must retrieve the fallen pheropods without delay! " "coast.vort_podsforyou01" "Freeman har bruk for disse pheropodene i fremtiden. Samle dem inn nå. " "[english]coast.vort_podsforyou01" "The Freeman will have need of these pheropods on the paths ahead. Gather them now. " "coast.wo_winston" "Winston har blitt truffet. " "[english]coast.wo_winston" "Winston's been hit. " "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_takeemdown" "603, ulovlig inntrengning. " "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_takeemdown" "603, unlawful entry. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit01" "Hyggelig å bli kjent med deg. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit01" "Good to know you. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit02" "Du bør komme deg av gårde. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit02" "You'd better get going. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit03" "Doktor Mossman venter på deg. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit03" "Doctor Mossman's waiting for you. " "eli_lab.al_allright01" "OK. " "[english]eli_lab.al_allright01" "All right. " "eli_lab.al_anotherdog" "Enda en, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_anotherdog" "Another one, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_autocycle" "Vi er i luftslusen til skrotlageret, fanget i en full autosyklus. " "[english]eli_lab.al_autocycle" "We're in the scrapyard airlock stuck in a full autocycle. " "eli_lab.al_awesome" "Supert. " "[english]eli_lab.al_awesome" "Awesome. " "eli_lab.al_blamingme" "Skylder du på meg? " "[english]eli_lab.al_blamingme" "Are you blaming me? " "eli_lab.al_buildastack" "Kom igjen, Gordon. Lag en stabel og kom deg opp hit. " "[english]eli_lab.al_buildastack" "Come on, Gordon, build a stack and get up here. " "eli_lab.al_cavedin_b" "Gordon, du må komme deg bort herfra. " "[english]eli_lab.al_cavedin_b" "Gordon, you need to get out of here. " "eli_lab.al_cavedin_c" "Jeg kan ikke dra fra faren min. " "[english]eli_lab.al_cavedin_c" "I can't leave my father. " "eli_lab.al_cmongord01" "Kom igjen, Gordon! " "[english]eli_lab.al_cmongord01" "Come on, Gordon! " "eli_lab.al_cmongord02" "Kom igjen! " "[english]eli_lab.al_cmongord02" "Come on! " "eli_lab.al_comeongord01" "Kom igjen, Gordon! " "[english]eli_lab.al_comeongord01" "Come on, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_comeongord02" "Denne veien, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_comeongord02" "This way, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_dad_ques01" "Far? " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_ques01" "Dad? " "eli_lab.al_dad_scared01" "Far? " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_scared01" "Dad? " "eli_lab.al_dad_scared02" "Far! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_scared02" "Dad! " "eli_lab.al_dadplease" "Far, vær så snill ... " "[english]eli_lab.al_dadplease" "Dad, please... " "eli_lab.al_dadwhatsup" "Hva er det som skjer her inne? " "[english]eli_lab.al_dadwhatsup" "What's going on in there? " "eli_lab.al_dogairlock01" "Pokker! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogairlock01" "Damn it! " "eli_lab.al_dogairlock02" "Dog, åpne luftslusen. La oss komme oss ut herfra. " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogairlock02" "Dog, open the airlock. Get us out of here. " "eli_lab.al_dogcome" "Kom, Dog! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogcome" "Dog, come! " "eli_lab.al_doggetnow" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_doggetnow" " " "eli_lab.al_doyouread" "Far, det er Alyx. Hører du meg? " "[english]eli_lab.al_doyouread" "Dad, it's Alyx, do you read? " "eli_lab.al_earnedit01" "Vel, han fortjente det. " "[english]eli_lab.al_earnedit01" "Well, he earned it. " "eli_lab.al_excellent01" "Utmerket. " "[english]eli_lab.al_excellent01" "Excellent. " "eli_lab.al_getitopen01" "Skynd deg! Nå! " "[english]eli_lab.al_getitopen01" "Hurry! Now! " "eli_lab.al_getitopen02" "Spreng den i stykker hvis du må! Bare få åpnet den! " "[english]eli_lab.al_getitopen02" "Tear it apart if you have to! Just get it open! " "eli_lab.al_getoutnow" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_getoutnow" " " "eli_lab.al_getyourball" "Dog, gå og hent ballen din. " "[english]eli_lab.al_getyourball" "Dog, go get your ball. " "eli_lab.al_giveittry" "Prøv, da vel. " "[english]eli_lab.al_giveittry" "Give it a try. " "eli_lab.al_goaheaddog" "Kom igjen, Dog. Kast! " "[english]eli_lab.al_goaheaddog" "Go ahead, Dog, throw! " "eli_lab.al_godog" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_godog" " " "eli_lab.al_goodcatch" "Bra mottak. " "[english]eli_lab.al_goodcatch" "Good catch. " "eli_lab.al_gooddoggie" "Flink bisk. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gooddoggie" "Good doggie. " "eli_lab.al_goodthrow" "Godt kast. " "[english]eli_lab.al_goodthrow" "Good throw. " "eli_lab.al_goongord" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_goongord" " " "eli_lab.al_grabthrow" "Du kan bruke den andre utløseren til å få tak i ting. Du kan kaste dem sammen med hovedutløseren. " "[english]eli_lab.al_grabthrow" "The secondary trigger lets you grab things. You can throw them with the primary. " "eli_lab.al_gravdrop" "Når du har plukket noe opp, kan du slippe det igjen ved å trykke lett på den andre utløseren igjen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravdrop" "Once you've picked something up you can drop it gently by pressing your secondary trigger again. " "eli_lab.al_gravgun" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravgun" " " "eli_lab.al_gravgun_cc" "Sikkert ... Kom igjen, Gordon. La oss ha det litt gøy. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravgun_cc" "Sure... Come on, Gordon. Let's go have some fun. " "eli_lab.al_havefun" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_havefun" " " "eli_lab.al_hazmat" "Den er konstruert for å håndtere farlig materiale, men vi bruker den helst til å løfte tunge ting. " "[english]eli_lab.al_hazmat" "It's designed for handling hazardous materials, but we mainly use it for heavy lifting. " "eli_lab.al_hereyougo02" "Vær så god. " "[english]eli_lab.al_hereyougo02" "Here you go. " "eli_lab.al_heshere" "Han er rett her borte. " "[english]eli_lab.al_heshere" "He's right here. " "eli_lab.al_hums" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hums" " " "eli_lab.al_hums_b" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hums_b" " " "eli_lab.al_hurry" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hurry" " " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock01" "Dog! Kom! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock01" "Dog! Come! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock02" "Kom inn hit " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock02" "Get in here " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock03" "Inn i luftslusen! Nå! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock03" "Into the airlock! Now! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock04" "Kom igjen, skynd deg! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock04" "Come on, hurry! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock05" "Før de oppdager oss! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock05" "Before they spot us! " "eli_lab.al_laugh01" "*latter*" "[english]eli_lab.al_laugh01" "*laughter*" "eli_lab.al_laugh02" "*latter*" "[english]eli_lab.al_laugh02" "*laughter*" "eli_lab.al_letmedo" "Da bør du kanskje la meg gjøre beregningene neste gang, i tillegg til å installere den. " "[english]eli_lab.al_letmedo" "Then maybe you should let me do the calculations next time, as well as installing it. " "eli_lab.al_liketofetch" "Da jeg fortalte deg at Dog likte å leke apportleken, sa jeg ikke hvem som måtte hente, gjorde jeg? " "[english]eli_lab.al_liketofetch" "When I told you Dog liked to play fetch, I didn't tell you who'd be fetching, did I? " "eli_lab.al_metmossman01" "Vel, jeg ser du har møtt dr. Mossman. Hun er en av hovedårsakene til at jeg bruker så mye tid utendørs. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman01" "So, I see you've met Dr. Mossman. She's one of the main reasons I spend so much time outside. " "eli_lab.al_metmossman03" "Du skulle høre hvordan hun durer i vei om at det skulle vært henne som var i testrommet på Black Mesa den dagen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman03" "You should hear her drone on about how it should have been her in the Black Mesa Test Chamber that day. " "eli_lab.al_metmossman04" "Jeg beklager. Jeg burde ikke snakke bak ryggen hennes. Det blir bare litt klaustrofobisk her nede fra tid til annen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman04" "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking behind her back. It just gets a bit claustrophobic down here. " "eli_lab.al_minefield" "Jeg har funnet ut at den passer til å rydde minefelt. " "[english]eli_lab.al_minefield" "I've found it handy for clearing minefields. " "eli_lab.al_nicecatch" "Bra mottak " "[english]eli_lab.al_nicecatch" "Nice catch " "eli_lab.al_niceshot" "Bra skudd! " "[english]eli_lab.al_niceshot" "Nice shot! " "eli_lab.al_noboydown" "Nei! Nei, bisken! Ned! Legg den ned! " "[english]eli_lab.al_noboydown" "No! No, boy! Down! Put that down! " "eli_lab.al_nodog" "Nei, Dog! " "[english]eli_lab.al_nodog" "No, Dog! " "eli_lab.al_nowcalldog" "La meg rope på Dog. Han elsker å leke apportleken. " "[english]eli_lab.al_nowcalldog" "Now let me call Dog. He loves to play fetch. " "eli_lab.al_okletsplay" "OK, Dog, la oss kaste pinner sammen med Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_okletsplay" "Okay, Dog, let's play catch with Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_pickuptoss" "Plukk opp noe og kast det av gårde. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pickuptoss" "Pick up some stuff and toss it. " "eli_lab.al_placeobjs" "Du kan plassere objekter ved å flytte dem i posisjon og trykke på den andre utløseren igjen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_placeobjs" "You can place objects by moving them into position and hitting the secondary trigger again. " "eli_lab.al_primary" "Hovedutløseren sender ut et støt. Du kan sparke ting slik at de flyr gjennom luften. " "[english]eli_lab.al_primary" "The primary trigger emits a charge. You can punt stuff and send it flying. " "eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance" "Du kan også trekke til deg ting fra en viss avstand. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance" "You can also pull stuff over from a distance. " "eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance_b" "Forsøk å få tak i de tønnene på den avsatsen der oppe. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance_b" "Try grabbing those barrels from that ledge up there. " "eli_lab.al_ravenholm01" "Det er den gamle veien til Ravenholm. Vi går ikke dit lenger. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm01" "That's the old passage to Ravenholm. We don't go there anymore. " "eli_lab.al_ravenholm02" "Vi pleide å kunne gå hele veien opp til Ravenholm. Det var en gammel gruveby, der det bodde folk som hadde flyktet fra City 17." "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm02" "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17." "eli_lab.al_ravenholm02b" "Vi pleide å kunne gå hele veien opp til Ravenholm. Det var en gammel gruveby, der det bodde folk som hadde flyktet fra City 17." "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm02b" "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17." "eli_lab.al_ravenholm06" "Tro meg, den tunnelen er stengt av en grunn. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm06" "Believe me, that tunnel is sealed for a reason. " "eli_lab.al_scanners01" "Hva er det, Dog? " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners01" "What is it, Dog? " "eli_lab.al_scanners02" "Herregud! Hva var det? " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners02" "Oh my god! What was that? " "eli_lab.al_scanners03" "Skannere! " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners03" "Scanners! " "eli_lab.al_scanners06" "Combine søker gjennom området! " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners06" "The Combine's sweeping the area! " "eli_lab.al_scanners07" "Vi må komme oss tilbake til laben. Kom igjen, Gordon! " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners07" "We've gotta head back to the lab. Come on, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_scrapyard" "Sånn, her er vi. Søppeldynga. " "[english]eli_lab.al_scrapyard" "So, here we are. The scrapyard. " "eli_lab.al_seeifyoucanstack" "Se om du kan stable noen greier her slik at vi kan klatre opp. " "[english]eli_lab.al_seeifyoucanstack" "See if you can stack some stuff to climb up here. " "eli_lab.al_somethingbigger" "Dog, kast noe større. " "[english]eli_lab.al_somethingbigger" "Dog, throw something bigger. " "eli_lab.al_somethingelse" "OK, Gordon, la oss prøve noe annet. " "[english]eli_lab.al_somethingelse" "Okay, Gordon, let's try something else. " "eli_lab.al_soquickly01" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly01" " " "eli_lab.al_soquickly01_cc" "Åh, Gordon! Vortigauntene sa du var her! Det var da utrolig så fort du kom deg hit til fots. " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly01_cc" "Oh, Gordon! The vortigaunts said you were here! I can't believe you made it so quickly on foot. " "eli_lab.al_soquickly02" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly02" " " "eli_lab.al_soquickly03" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly03" " " "eli_lab.al_standbackdog" "Det er nok, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_standbackdog" "That's enough, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_sweet" "Lekkert! " "[english]eli_lab.al_sweet" "Sweet! " "eli_lab.al_takegord02" "Dog, før Gordon til Ravenholm-tunnelen, og hold deg der til jeg kommer. Skynd deg! " "[english]eli_lab.al_takegord02" "Dog, take Gordon to the Ravenholm tunnel, then circle around and try to meet up with me. Hurry! " "eli_lab.al_takeit" "Ta den. " "[english]eli_lab.al_takeit" "Take it. " "eli_lab.al_takethis" "Ta dette. " "[english]eli_lab.al_takethis" "Take this. " "eli_lab.al_thisisdog01" "Gordon, dette er Dog. Faren min bygget ham for å beskytte meg da jeg var liten. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thisisdog01" "Gordon, this is Dog. My Dad built him to protect me when I was a kid. " "eli_lab.al_thisisgravgun" "Dette er gravitasjonsvåpnet faren min snakket om. Du kan kalle den Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator hvis du gidder. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thisisgravgun" "This is the gravity gun my father was talking about. You can call it the 'Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator' if you really want to. " "eli_lab.al_throwanotherdog" "Kast én til, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwanotherdog" "Throw another, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_throwitdog" "Kast den, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwitdog" "Throw it, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_throwtodog" "OK, Gordon. Nå kaster du noe til Dog som han kan ta imot. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwtodog" "Okay, Gordon, now you throw something to Dog and let him catch. " "eli_lab.al_thyristor02" "Jeg må si du beviste at du kan klare deg der ute. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thyristor02" "I guess you proved you can handle yourself out there. " "eli_lab.al_trystacking" "Forsøk å stable noe oppå hverandre. Få tak i noe med den andre utløseren, og trykk på den samme utløseren igjen for å slippe det forsiktig ned. " "[english]eli_lab.al_trystacking" "Try stacking some things. Grab something with your secondary trigger, then press the same trigger again to drop it gently. " "eli_lab.al_ugh" "Nå må vi komme oss ut herfra. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ugh" "Let's get out of here. " "eli_lab.al_usegravgun" "Du må bruke gravitasjonsvåpnet. " "[english]eli_lab.al_usegravgun" "You'll need to use the gravity gun. " "eli_lab.al_wasted01" "Vortigauntene avløste meg slik at jeg kunne møte Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_wasted01" "The vortigaunts relieved me so I could come see Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_wasted02" "Vel, jeg burde være her og arbeide med portalen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_wasted02" "Anyway, I should be in here working on the portal. " "eli_lab.al_wheresball" "Hvor er ballen din, Dog? " "[english]eli_lab.al_wheresball" "Where's your ball, Dog? " "eli_lab.al_yayhigh" "Den første modellen var omtrent så høy. Jeg har økt høyden i ettertid. Har jeg ikke, bisken? " "[english]eli_lab.al_yayhigh" "First model was about yay-high. I've been adding to him ever since. Haven't I, boy? " "eli_lab.eli_alyxhoney" "Alyx, kjære ... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_alyxhoney" "Alyx, honey... " "eli_lab.eli_broke" "Jeg tror han slo rekorden din, kjære. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_broke" "I believe he broke your record, honey. " "eli_lab.eli_finesci" "God vitenskapsmann, Judith. Hun var aktuell for jobben din ved Black Mesa, men du ble foretrukket på grunn av din erfaring i Innsbruck. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_finesci" "Fine scientist, Judith. She was up for your job at Black Mesa but you edged her out with your Innsbruck experience. " "eli_lab.eli_goodvort" "OK, bra. Fortsett med det. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_goodvort" "All right, good, you keep right on it. " "eli_lab.eli_gordonwith" "Er Gordon fortsatt med deg? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gordonwith" "Is Gordon still with you? " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx01" "Bli med Alyx, Gordon. Hun passer på deg. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx01" "Go with Alyx, Gordon. She'll look after you. " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx02" "Gå videre, Gordon. Vi møtes senere. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx02" "Go ahead, Gordon, we'll catch up with you later. " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx03" "Kom igjen, Gordon. Bli med Alyx. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx03" "Go on Gordon, go with Alyx. " "eli_lab.eli_greeting" "Gordon Freeman! La meg få se på deg! Herregud, du har ikke endret deg det grann! Hvordan klarer du det? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_greeting" "Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at you, man! My God, you haven't changed one iota! How do you do it? " "eli_lab.eli_handle" "Gordon takler alt ... bortsett fra deg, kanskje. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_handle" "There's nothing Gordon can't handle... with the possible exception of you. " "eli_lab.eli_handle_b" "Ha!" "[english]eli_lab.eli_handle_b" "Ha!" "eli_lab.eli_ladies" "Ahem. Alyx, hvorfor tar du ikke Gordon med deg og lærer ham å bruke gravitasjonsvåpnet? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_ladies" "Ahem. Alyx, why don't you take Gordon along and give him some practice with the gravity gun. " "eli_lab.eli_littlewhile" "Ses om en liten stund, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_littlewhile" "See you in a little while, Gordon. " "eli_lab.eli_lookaround" "Bare se deg rundt " "[english]eli_lab.eli_lookaround" "Feel free to look around " "eli_lab.eli_lookgordon" "Se på dette, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_lookgordon" "Take a look at this, Gordon. " "eli_lab.eli_mit" "Du har rett. MIT-utdannede finnes det ikke mange av i disse dager. Vi skal få deg ut av den vernedrakten og tilbake i labfrakken, som du hører hjemme i. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_mit" "Right you are. MIT graduates are few and far between these days. We'll get you out of that hazard suit and back into your lab coat, where you belong. " "eli_lab.eli_photo01" "Du husker kona mi, Azian, gjør du ikke? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_photo01" "You remember my wife Azian, don't you? " "eli_lab.eli_photo02" "Det bildet, og Alyx, var alt jeg klarte å få med meg bort fra Black Mesa. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_photo02" "That picture, and Alyx, were all I managed to carry out of Black Mesa. " "eli_lab.eli_portal01" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal01" " " "eli_lab.eli_portal01_cc" "Vi har snart fått portalen til å virke igjen, men jeg skal ikke klandre deg hvis du ikke melder deg frivillig for den neste prøveturen. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal01_cc" "We've almost got that portal working again, but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't volunteer for the next trial run. " "eli_lab.eli_portal02" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal02" " " "eli_lab.eli_safety" "Hvor er du, Alyx? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_safety" "Where are you, Alyx? " "eli_lab.eli_staytogether01" "Ta med deg Gordon bort herfra! Dra mot kysten! " "[english]eli_lab.eli_staytogether01" "Take Gordon out of here! Head for the coast! " "eli_lab.eli_staytogether02" "Ikke dra gjennom Rav---" "[english]eli_lab.eli_staytogether02" "Do not go through Rav---" "eli_lab.eli_surface" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface" " " "eli_lab.eli_surface_b" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface_b" " " "eli_lab.eli_surface_cc" "Sånn, skal vi se. Sist jeg så deg, sendte jeg deg opp etter hjelp etter \"resonanskaskaden\". Jeg trodde aldri det ville ta deg så lang tid å komme tilbake til meg! " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface_cc" "Now, let's see. The last time I saw you, I sent you up for help after the resonance cascade. I never thought it would take you this long to get back to me! " "eli_lab.eli_thing" "Vi er ennå ikke sikre på hva den gjør. Alyx kommer hit med de merkeligste ting. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_thing" "We're still not sure what that does. Alyx brings in the strangest things. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz01" "Selveste dr. Breen ... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz01" "Dr. Breen... " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz02" "Han er administrator for hele denne råtne bissnissen nå. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz02" "He's the Administrator of this whole vile business now. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz03" "Han avsluttet sjutimerskrigen ved å ordne jordens overgivelse. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz03" "He ended the Seven Hours War by managing Earth's surrender. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz04" "Combine belønnet ham med makt. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz04" "The Combine rewarded him with power. " "eli_lab.eli_wantyou" "Bra. Jeg vil at dere to skal ... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_wantyou" "Good. I want you two to... " "eli_lab.eli_welcometolab" "Uansett, velkommen til laben. Det er ikke Black Mesa, men det har fungert greit nok for oss. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_welcometolab" "Welcome to the lab anyway. It's not Black Mesa, but it's served us well enough. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock01" "Vi har oppdaget noe. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock01" "We've got something. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock02" "OK, det er menneskelig. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock02" "Okay, it's human. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock03" "Hallo? " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock03" "Hello? " "eli_lab.mo_airlock04" "Ta det rolig der inne. Du er trygg nå. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock04" "Take it easy in there. You're safe now. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock05" "Unnskyld skanneprosessen vår. Men vi kan ikke ta noen sjanser. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock05" "You'll have to forgive the scanning process. We can't take any chances. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock06" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock06" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock06_cc" "Doktor Freeman? Gordon Freeman? Er det deg? Har du kommet hit så raskt? Vel, Eli kommer til å bli overveldet. For ikke å si lettet. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock06_cc" "Doctor Freeman? Gordon Freeman? Is that you? You've made it here this quickly? Well, Eli is going to be amazed. Not to mention relieved. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock07" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock07" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock08" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock08" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock09" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock09" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock10" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock10" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock10_cc" "Jeg er dr. Mossman. Selveste dr. Judith Mossman. Jeg har hørt om deg siden lenge før Black Mesa-episoden. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock10_cc" "I'm Dr. Mossman. Dr. Judith Mossman. I've been hearing about you since long before the Black Mesa incident. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock11" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock11" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock12" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock12" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock12_cc" "Å, ja, Black Mesa! Jeg har alltid misunt deg å arbeide sammen med Eli og dr. Kleiner da de var på høyden av sine respektive fagfelt." "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock12_cc" "Ah, Black Mesa! I do so envy you, working with Eli and Dr. Kleiner when they were at the top of their field." "eli_lab.mo_airlock13" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock13" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock14" "Sånn. Du kan komme gjennom nå. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock14" "There we go. You can come through now. " "eli_lab.mo_alyxonwatch" "Alyx, jeg trodde du var på vakt. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_alyxonwatch" "Alyx, I thought you were on watch. " "eli_lab.mo_anyway04" "Hvor var jeg? Å, ja ... " "[english]eli_lab.mo_anyway04" "Where was I? Oh, yes... " "eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor01" "Reparasjonene går utmerket. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor01" "I have the repairs well in hand. " "eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor02" "Noen feilvurderte kapasiteten på Combine-tyristoren --- " "[english]eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor02" "Someone misjudged the capacity of the Combine thyristor--- " "eli_lab.mo_deliberately" "Alyx, hør her. Noen ganger tror jeg du misforstår meg med vilje. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_deliberately" "Alyx, really. Sometimes I think you deliberately misunderstand me. " "eli_lab.mo_difference" "Det kommer til å ligne mye på Black Mesa nå når Gordon skal hjelpe til her. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_difference" "It's going to be a lot more like Black Mesa with Gordon here to help. " "eli_lab.mo_digup01" "La meg bare få fullført noe arbeid jeg har liggende, så skal jeg se hva jeg finner. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_digup01" "Let me just finish up some work and I'll see what I can dig up. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp01" "Vi trenger absolutt den ekstra hjelpen her omkring. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp01" "We could certainly use the extra help around here. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp02" "Vi har oppnådd mye de siste månedene, men ting ville gått så mye raskere hvis vi hadde hatt flere folk med din bakgrunn. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp02" "We've covered a lot of ground in the last few months, but things would go so much faster if we had more people with your training. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp03" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp03" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04_cc" "Vi er i ferd med å utvikle en pålitelig, lokal teleportteknologi, noe som Combine ennå ikke har mestret. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04_cc" "We're closing in on a reliable local teleport technology, something the Combine still hasn't mastered. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05_cc" "Eli tror deres portaler er trådbaserte, i likhet med Calabi-Yau-modellen vår, men de har glemt å ta den mørke energien med i beregningen. De kan bruke en tunnel fra sitt eget univers til å komme gjennom, men når de har kommet hit, er de avhengig av lokal transport. Hvis de bare visste hva vi gjør med forbindelsen --- " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05_cc" "Eli thinks their portals are string-based, similar to our Calabi-Yau model, but they've failed to factor in dark energy equations. They can tunnel through from their universe, but once they're here they're dependent on local transportation. If they knew what we're doing with entanglement--- " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp06" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp06" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp07" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp07" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp08" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp08" " " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli01" "Å, dr. Freeman! Du bør bli her med Eli. Bare fortsett, jeg møter dere senere. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli01" "Oh, Dr. Freeman! You should stay with Eli. Go on, I'll rejoin you shortly. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli02" "Jeg har et par ting jeg må gjøre, dr. Freeman. La Eli vise deg rundt. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli02" "I have a few things to attend to, Dr. Freeman. Let Eli show you around. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli03" "Selveste dr. Freeman? Jeg antok at du og Eli ville snakke om gamle dager. Vi kan snakke senere. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli03" "Dr. Freeman? I figured you and Eli would want to talk about old times. We can talk later. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli04" "Bare fortsett, du, dr. Freeman. Tilbring litt tid med Eli. Jeg er tilbake så snart jeg får gjort unna litt arbeid. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli04" "You go ahead, Dr. Freeman. Spend some time with Eli. I'll be back as soon as I catch up on some work. " "eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx01" "Jeg tror du skal gå sammen med Alyx. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx01" "I guess you should go with Alyx. " "eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx02" "Bare gå, dere, vi snakkes senere. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx02" "Go ahead, we'll talk later. " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli01" " " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli01_cc" "Åh! Her er Eli. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli01_cc" "Oh! Here's Eli now. " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli02" " " "eli_lab.mo_hurryup01" "Skynd deg, dr. Freeman. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hurryup01" "Hurry up, Dr. Freeman. " "eli_lab.mo_lookwho01" "Eli, se hvem jeg fant i luftslusen. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_lookwho01" "Eli, look who I found in the airlock. " "eli_lab.mo_noblame" "Nei, ikke i det hele tatt! Det var en beregningsfeil, ikke et mekanisk problem. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_noblame" "No, not at all! It was a calculation error, not a mechanical problem. " "eli_lab.mo_notatoy" "Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator er ikke en leke, Alyx! " "[english]eli_lab.mo_notatoy" "The Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator is not a toy, Alyx! " "eli_lab.mo_postdoc01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc01" " " "eli_lab.mo_postdoc01_cc" "Åh, hør på meg. Jeg høres ut som en forsker. Jeg er så oppglødd over at vi endelig har muligheten til å arbeide sammen." "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc01_cc" "Oh, listen to me, I sound like a post-doc. I'm just so excited to think that we'll finally have the chance to work together." "eli_lab.mo_postdoc02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc02" " " "eli_lab.mo_realhonor02" "Selveste dr. Freeman? Det har vært en stor ære. Jeg ser fram til å arbeide sammen. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_realhonor02" "Dr. Freeman? It's been a real honor. I'm looking forward to working together. " "eli_lab.mo_relay01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay01" " " "eli_lab.mo_relay01_cc" "Hvor var jeg? Å, ja. Selveste dr. Kleiner komprimerte Xen-releet mye mer enn han ante ved Black Mesa. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay01_cc" "Where was I? Oh, yes. Dr. Kleiner compressed the Xen Relay far beyond anything he imagined at Black Mesa. " "eli_lab.mo_relay02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay02" " " "eli_lab.mo_relay02_cc" "Vi har funnet ut hvordan vi bruker Xen som en ikke-uttrykt akse, som i praksis vil si en dimensjonsslynge. På denne måten kan vi svinge rundt grenseverdenen og komme tilbake i det lokale rommet uten at vi må passere gjennom det. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay02_cc" "We've figured out how to use Xen as an unexpressed axis, effectively a dimensional slingshot, so we can swing around the borderworld and come back in local space without having to pass through. " "eli_lab.mo_relay03" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay03" " " "eli_lab.mo_taketoeli" "Jeg skal ta deg med ned til Eli med en gang. Han ville aldri ha tilgitt meg hvis jeg lot deg vente. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_taketoeli" "I'll take you to down Eli right away. He would never forgive me if I kept you waiting. " "eli_lab.mo_thiswaydoc" "Denne veien, dr. Freeman " "[english]eli_lab.mo_thiswaydoc" "This way, Dr. Freeman " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use01" "Eli Vance legger nesten merke til Alt-i-ett. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use01" "The Eli Vance almost perceives the All-in-One. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use02" "Eli Vance har fortjent vår tillit. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use02" "The Eli Vance has earned our trust. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use03" "Eli Vance var vår første kollaboratør. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use03" "The Eli Vance was our first collaborator. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use04" "Eli Vance er uunnværlig for frigjøringen. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use04" "The Eli Vance is indispensable to the liberation. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use05" "Vi er glade for at Eli Vance har så høye tanker om Freeman. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use05" "We are pleased that the Eli Vance thinks so highly of the Freeman. " "k_lab.al_aboutthecat" "Hei, eh, ja. Når det gjelder den katten ... " "[english]k_lab.al_aboutthecat" "Hey, uh, yeah. About that cat... " "k_lab.al_allrightdoc" "Øh, åh. Alt i orden, doktor Kleiner? " "[english]k_lab.al_allrightdoc" "Uh-oh. Everything all right, Doctor Kleiner? " "k_lab.al_animalperson" "Barney ... Du er ingen dyreperson? " "[english]k_lab.al_animalperson" "Barney... You're not an animal person? " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink01" "Hmm." "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink01" "Hmm." "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02" " " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02_cc" "Her. La meg spandere en drink. " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02_cc" "Here. Let me buy you a drink. " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink03" " " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink03" " " "k_lab.al_careful" "Forsiktig der. " "[english]k_lab.al_careful" "Careful there. " "k_lab.al_careful02" "Forsiktig. " "[english]k_lab.al_careful02" "Careful. " "k_lab.al_carefulthere" "Eh, forsiktig der. " "[english]k_lab.al_carefulthere" "Uh, careful there. " "k_lab.al_checkguyout01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout01" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout02" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout03" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout03" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout04" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout04" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout06" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout06" " " "k_lab.al_cmonfreeman" "Eh, doktor Freeman, kom igjen. " "[english]k_lab.al_cmonfreeman" "Uh, Doctor Freeman, come on. " "k_lab.al_comeon" "Kom igjen. " "[english]k_lab.al_comeon" "Come on. " "k_lab.al_comingthru" "Han kommer gjennom, far. " "[english]k_lab.al_comingthru" "He's coming through, Dad. " "k_lab.al_comingwith" "Ikke vær redd. Han blir med meg " "[english]k_lab.al_comingwith" "Don't worry. He's coming with me " "k_lab.al_docsays01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays01" " " "k_lab.al_docsays01_cc" "Hvis dr. Kleiner sier du bør ha på deg den tingen, bør du ha den på deg. " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays01_cc" "If Dr. Kleiner says you should wear that thing, you should wear it. " "k_lab.al_docsays02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays02" " " "k_lab.al_foundhim" "Jeg fant ham vandrende rundt på utsiden. Har dere problemer med han der, eller? " "[english]k_lab.al_foundhim" "I found him wandering around outside. Bit of a troublemaker, isn't he? " "k_lab.al_heydoc" "Hei, doktor! " "[english]k_lab.al_heydoc" "Hey, Doc! " "k_lab.al_hmm" "Hmm. " "[english]k_lab.al_hmm" "Hmm. " "k_lab.al_itsthere" "Den er rett der borte, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.al_itsthere" "It's right there, Gordon. " "k_lab.al_keepitgoing" "Fortsett, Gordon! " "[english]k_lab.al_keepitgoing" "Keep it going, Gordon! " "k_lab.al_kleinerswaiting" "Vel, kom igjen. Selveste dr. Kleiner venter. " "[english]k_lab.al_kleinerswaiting" "Well, come on. Dr. Kleiner's waiting. " "k_lab.al_letsdoit" "Vel, la oss gjøre det. " "[english]k_lab.al_letsdoit" "Then let's do it. " "k_lab.al_lostgordon" " " "[english]k_lab.al_lostgordon" " " "k_lab.al_lostgordon_cc" "Vi mistet nettopp Gordon! Hva foregår?" "[english]k_lab.al_lostgordon_cc" "We just lost Gordon! What's going on?" "k_lab.al_moveon01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_moveon01" " " "k_lab.al_moveon01_cc" "Ahem. La oss komme oss av gårde." "[english]k_lab.al_moveon01_cc" "Ahem. Let's get a move on." "k_lab.al_moveon02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_moveon02" " " "k_lab.al_readyforus" "Er du klar for oss, far? " "[english]k_lab.al_readyforus" "Are you ready for us, Dad? " "k_lab.al_seeifitworks" "La oss se om denne tingen virker, OK? " "[english]k_lab.al_seeifitworks" "Let's just see if this thing works, okay? " "k_lab.al_showonroad" "I mellomtiden må vi få i gang disse greiene. " "[english]k_lab.al_showonroad" "Meanwhile, let's get this show on the road. " "k_lab.al_takecredit" "Jeg kan ikke ta noe av æren for gjennombruddet, doktor. " "[english]k_lab.al_takecredit" "I can't take any credit for the breakthrough, Doctor. " "k_lab.al_takeiteasy" "Ta det rolig, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.al_takeiteasy" "Take it easy, Gordon. " "k_lab.al_thatsit" "OK. " "[english]k_lab.al_thatsit" "That's it. " "k_lab.al_theplug" "Eh, doktor? Pluggen? " "[english]k_lab.al_theplug" "Uh, Doctor? The plug? " "k_lab.al_there" "Eh, der. " "[english]k_lab.al_there" "Uh, there. " "k_lab.al_thereheis" "Der er han! " "[english]k_lab.al_thereheis" "There he is! " "k_lab.al_theswitch" "Bryteren, dr. Freeman. " "[english]k_lab.al_theswitch" "The switch, Dr. Freeman. " "k_lab.al_throwswitch" "Har du tenkt å la Gordon slå på bryteren? " "[english]k_lab.al_throwswitch" "You going to let Gordon throw the switch? " "k_lab.al_uhoh01" "Øh, åh. " "[english]k_lab.al_uhoh01" "Uh-oh. " "k_lab.al_whatcat01" "Hvilken katt? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatcat01" "What cat? " "k_lab.al_whatcat02" "Hvilken katt? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatcat02" "What cat? " "k_lab.al_whatsgoingon" "Hva foregår? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatsgoingon" "What's going on? " "k_lab.al_wontlook" "Ta det rolig, jeg skal ikke se " "[english]k_lab.al_wontlook" "Don't worry, I won't look " "k_lab.al_woohoo" "Eh ... okei ... åh ah åååh!" "[english]k_lab.al_woohoo" "Uh...okay...oh ah oooh!" "k_lab.al_youcoming" "Kommer du? " "[english]k_lab.al_youcoming" "You coming? " "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01" " " "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01_cc" "Vi kan ikke holde ham her mye lenger, doktor. Det vil sette alt vi har jobbet for, i fare." "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01_cc" "We can't keep him here long, Doc. It'll jeopardize everything we've worked for." "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim02" " " "k_lab.ba_cantlook" "Jeg orker ikke å se på. " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantlook" "I can't look. " "k_lab.ba_careful01" "Forsiktig! " "[english]k_lab.ba_careful01" "Careful! " "k_lab.ba_careful02" "Vær forsiktig! " "[english]k_lab.ba_careful02" "Be careful! " "k_lab.ba_dontblameyou" "OK, jeg klandrer deg ikke for å nøle, men hvis vi skal gjøre dette, så la oss bare bli ferdige med det. " "[english]k_lab.ba_dontblameyou" "Okay, I don't blame you for hesitating, but if we're gonna do this thing, then let's just get through it. " "k_lab.ba_dontworry01" "Ikke vær urolig, Gordon, vi " "[english]k_lab.ba_dontworry01" "Don't worry, Gordon, we'll " "k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing" "Glemmer det der! " "[english]k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing" "Forget about that thing! " "k_lab.ba_geethanks" "Så bra, takk. " "[english]k_lab.ba_geethanks" "Gee, thanks. " "k_lab.ba_getamoveon" "Gordon, kom igjen. " "[english]k_lab.ba_getamoveon" "Gordon, get a move on. " "k_lab.ba_getitoff01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff01" " " "k_lab.ba_getitoff01_cc" "Pokker! Få den bort fra meg!" "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff01_cc" "Damn it! Get it off me!" "k_lab.ba_getitoff02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff02" " " "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01" " " "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01_cc" "Dukk ned i dekning! Jeg finner deg!" "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01_cc" "Get down outta sight! I'll come find you!" "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight02" " " "k_lab.ba_getsuiton" "Ta på deg drakten, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_getsuiton" "Get your suit on, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_goodluck02" "Lykke til der ute, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_goodluck02" "Good luck out there, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_guh" "Ugh!" "[english]k_lab.ba_guh" "Ugh!" "k_lab.ba_headhumper01" "Det er kjæledyret ditt, den jævla hodeplageren! " "[english]k_lab.ba_headhumper01" "It's your pet, the freakin' head-humper! " "k_lab.ba_headhumper02" "Se opp! " "[english]k_lab.ba_headhumper02" "Look out! " "k_lab.ba_hearthosesirens" "Pokker, Gordon! Nå laget du trøbbel. " "[english]k_lab.ba_hearthosesirens" "Man, Gordon! You stirred up the hive. " "k_lab.ba_hesback01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback01" " " "k_lab.ba_hesback01_cc" "Hei, hei, den er tilbake! Jeg skal få ham ut derfra!" "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback01_cc" "Hey, hey, he's back! I'm getting him outta there!" "k_lab.ba_hesback02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback02" " " "k_lab.ba_ishehere" "Vel, er han der? " "[english]k_lab.ba_ishehere" "Well, is he here? " "k_lab.ba_itsworking01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking01" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking01_cc" "Mener du at den fungerer? Virkelig, denne gangen? Fordi jeg fortsatt har mareritt om den katten." "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking01_cc" "You mean it's working? For real this time? Because I still have nightmares about that cat." "k_lab.ba_itsworking02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking02" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking03" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking03" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking04" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking04" " " "k_lab.ba_juicedup" "Få i det minste lada opp den drakten, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_juicedup" "At least get that suit juiced up, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_longer" "Ja, lenger hvis vi er heldige. " "[english]k_lab.ba_longer" "Yeah, longer if we're lucky. " "k_lab.ba_myshift01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift01" " " "k_lab.ba_myshift01_cc" "Jeg må tilbake på skiftet, men OK." "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift01_cc" "I've gotta get back on my shift, but okay." "k_lab.ba_myshift02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift02" " " "k_lab.ba_notime" "Doktor, vi har ikke tid til dette. " "[english]k_lab.ba_notime" "Doc, we don't have time for this. " "k_lab.ba_notimetofool01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool01" " " "k_lab.ba_notimetofool01_cc" "Kom igjen, Gordon, vi har ikke tid til å dille nå. Ta på deg drakten." "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool01_cc" "Come on, Gordon, we don't have time to fool around. Get your suit on." "k_lab.ba_notimetofool02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool02" " " "k_lab.ba_nottoosoon01" "Og ikke et øyeblikk for tidlig. " "[english]k_lab.ba_nottoosoon01" "And not a moment too soon. " "k_lab.ba_outcivvies" "Doktor, siden han ikke går gjennom gatene, så trenger han vel ikke gå kledd i vanlige klær. " "[english]k_lab.ba_outcivvies" "Doc, since he's not taking the streets, you might as well get him out of his civvies. " "k_lab.ba_pissinmeoff" "Du gjør meg forbanna, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_pissinmeoff" "You're pissin' me off, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_pushinit" "Nå går du snart for langt, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_pushinit" "You're pushin' it Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_saidlasttime" "Det var det du sa forrige gang. " "[english]k_lab.ba_saidlasttime" "That's what you said last time. " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic01" " " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic01_cc" "Bra jobbet, Gordon. At jeg slo på bryteren og det der? Jeg ser at MIT- utdanningen betaler seg selv. " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic01_cc" "Good job, Gordon. Throwing that switch and all? I can see your M.I.T. education really pays for itself. " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic02" " " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic03" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic03" " " "k_lab.ba_suitup" "Tid for å ta på drakten, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_suitup" "Time to suit up, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_thatpest" "Jeg trodde du kvittet deg med den dritten! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thatpest" "I thought you got rid of that pest! " "k_lab.ba_thereheis" "Der er han! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thereheis" "There he is! " "k_lab.ba_thereyouare" "Der er du! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thereyouare" "There you are! " "k_lab.ba_thingaway01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway01" " " "k_lab.ba_thingaway01_cc" "Da er vi på vei ... Aaah!" "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway01_cc" "Here we go... Aaah!" "k_lab.ba_thingaway02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway02" " " "k_lab.ba_thingaway03" "Få den tingen bort fra meg! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway03" "Get that thing away from me! " "k_lab.ba_thisway" "Denne veien, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_thisway" "This way, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_whatthehell" "Hva pokker! " "[english]k_lab.ba_whatthehell" "What the hell? " "k_lab.ba_whoops" "Ooops! " "[english]k_lab.ba_whoops" "Whoops! " "k_lab.br_significant" "Jeg er sikker på at mannen jeg så, var ... " "[english]k_lab.br_significant" "The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... " "k_lab.br_significant_cc" "Jeg er sikker på at mannen jeg så, var ... " "[english]k_lab.br_significant_cc" "The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... " "k_lab.br_tele_02" "Hva skal dette bety? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_02" "What's the meaning of this? " "k_lab.br_tele_03" "Hvem er du? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_03" "Who are you? " "k_lab.br_tele_05" "Hvordan kom du inn hit? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_05" "How did you get in here? " "k_lab.br_thereheis" "Gordon Freeman! " "[english]k_lab.br_thereheis" "Gordon Freeman! " "k_lab.eli_allset" "Vi er klare her borte. " "[english]k_lab.eli_allset" "We're all set on this end. " "k_lab.eli_areyouthere" "Isaac, er du der? " "[english]k_lab.eli_areyouthere" "Isaac, are you there? " "k_lab.eli_behindyou" "Bak deg! " "[english]k_lab.eli_behindyou" "Behind you! " "k_lab.eli_bringthrough" "La oss komme i gang med å få Gordon gjennom nå. " "[english]k_lab.eli_bringthrough" "Let's go ahead and bring Gordon through now. " "k_lab.eli_didntcomethru" "Han kom ikke gjennom. " "[english]k_lab.eli_didntcomethru" "He didn't come through. " "k_lab.eli_dontunder01" "Jeg forstår ikke. " "[english]k_lab.eli_dontunder01" "I don't understand. " "k_lab.eli_dontunder02" "Det finnes ingen annen mottaker som kunne ... " "[english]k_lab.eli_dontunder02" "There's no other receiver that could... " "k_lab.eli_holdsignal" "Hold signalet, Judith! " "[english]k_lab.eli_holdsignal" "Hold the signal, Judith! " "k_lab.eli_notquite03" "Hva skjer, Judith? " "[english]k_lab.eli_notquite03" "What's going on, Judith? " "k_lab.eli_notwhoithink" "Det er ikke den jeg tror det er, er det? " "[english]k_lab.eli_notwhoithink" "That's not who I think it is, is it? " "k_lab.eli_phenom02" "Fantastisk gjort, Izzy. " "[english]k_lab.eli_phenom02" "Fantastic work, Izzy. " "k_lab.eli_seeforyourself" "Se selv. " "[english]k_lab.eli_seeforyourself" "See for yourself. " "k_lab.eli_shutdown" "Slå den av, slå den av! " "[english]k_lab.eli_shutdown" "Shut it down, shut it down! " "k_lab.eli_stayput" "Hold deg der, Gordon. Vi skal få deg ut derfra. " "[english]k_lab.eli_stayput" "Gordon, stay put. We'll get you out of there. " "k_lab.kl_ahhhh" "Ah! " "[english]k_lab.kl_ahhhh" "Ah! " "k_lab.kl_almostforgot" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_almostforgot" " " "k_lab.kl_almostforgot_cc" "Hva? Jøss, du har rett. Jeg glemte det nesten. Barney, du får æren av å gjøre det." "[english]k_lab.kl_almostforgot_cc" "What? Oh dear, you're right, I almost forgot. Barney, I'll give you the honor." "k_lab.kl_barneyhonor" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_barneyhonor" " " "k_lab.kl_barneysturn" "OK, Barney. Din tur. " "[english]k_lab.kl_barneysturn" "All right, Barney. Your turn. " "k_lab.kl_besokind" "Barney? Hvis du gidder? " "[english]k_lab.kl_besokind" "Barney? If you'd be so kind? " "k_lab.kl_blast" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_blast" " " "k_lab.kl_blast_cc" "Skyt den lille ... hvor ble det av henne? Lamarr? Kom ut derfra!" "[english]k_lab.kl_blast_cc" "Blast that little...where did she get to? Lamarr? Come out of there!" "k_lab.kl_bonvoyage" "God tur, og lykke til med alt du foretar deg i fremtiden. " "[english]k_lab.kl_bonvoyage" "Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors. " "k_lab.kl_cantcontinue" "Vi kan ikke fortsette før du har kommet deg inn i teleporterrommet, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_cantcontinue" "We can't continue until you're in the teleport chamber, Gordon. " "k_lab.kl_cantwade" "Du kan ikke bare sprade inn i feltet. Du kommer til å bli revet i stykker! " "[english]k_lab.kl_cantwade" "You can't just wade into the field, it will peel you apart! " "k_lab.kl_careful" "Vær nå forsiktig. " "[english]k_lab.kl_careful" "Oh, do be careful. " "k_lab.kl_charger01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger01" " " "k_lab.kl_charger01_cc" "God idé. Det finnes en lader på veggen. Jeg har endret drakten slik at du kan overføre kraft fra Combine-energiuttakene, som har rikelig med energi der de patruljerer. " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger01_cc" "Good idea. There's a charger on the wall. I've modified your suit to draw power from Combine energy outlets, which are plentiful wherever they patrol. " "k_lab.kl_charger02" "Jeg har endret drakten slik at du kan overføre kraft fra Combine-energiuttakene, som har rikelig med energi der de patruljerer. " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger02" "I've modified your suit to draw power from Combine energy outlets, which are plentiful wherever they patrol. " "k_lab.kl_coaxherout" "Å, fysj! Det kommer til å ta en uke til før jeg kan få henne ut derfra. " "[english]k_lab.kl_coaxherout" "Oh, fie! It'll be another week before I can coax her out of there. " "k_lab.kl_comeout" "Lamarr. Kom ut derfra. " "[english]k_lab.kl_comeout" "Lamarr. Come out of there. " "k_lab.kl_credit" "Vel, jeg kan ikke ta hele æren. Doktor Freeman var til uvurderlig hjelp. " "[english]k_lab.kl_credit" "Well I can't take all the credit, Doctor Freeman proved an able assistant. " "k_lab.kl_dearme" "Jøssenavn. " "[english]k_lab.kl_dearme" "Dear me. " "k_lab.kl_debeaked" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_debeaked" " " "k_lab.kl_debeaked_cc" "Overhodet ikke! Ikke vær engstelig, Gordon. Hun er nebbløs og helt harmløs. Det verste hun kan gjøre, er å forsøke å koble seg til hodet ditt. Forgjeves!" "[english]k_lab.kl_debeaked_cc" "Certainly not! Never fear, Gordon, she's de-beaked and completely harmless. The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly!" "k_lab.kl_delaydanger" "Gordon, jo lenger du utsetter det, jo større fare vil vi utsette oss for. " "[english]k_lab.kl_delaydanger" "Gordon, the longer you delay, the greater the danger to us all. " "k_lab.kl_diditwork" "Vel, fungerte det? " "[english]k_lab.kl_diditwork" "Well, did it work? " "k_lab.kl_ensconced" "Når du har kommet deg trygt inn i senderen, kan vi begynne. " "[english]k_lab.kl_ensconced" "Once you're safely ensconced in the transmitter, we can begin. " "k_lab.kl_excellent" "Utmerket." "[english]k_lab.kl_excellent" "Excellent." "k_lab.kl_excellent_cc" "Utmerket. Starter om tre ... to ... én!" "[english]k_lab.kl_excellent_cc" "Excellent. Initializing in three...two...one!" "k_lab.kl_fewmoments01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments01" " " "k_lab.kl_fewmoments01_cc" "Du har rett! Snakkes om litt." "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments01_cc" "Right you are! Speak to you again in a few moments." "k_lab.kl_fewmoments02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments02" " " "k_lab.kl_fiddlesticks" "Å, fillern. Hva nå? " "[english]k_lab.kl_fiddlesticks" "Oh, fiddlesticks. What now? " "k_lab.kl_finalsequence" "Veldig bra. Siste sekvens. Starter ...nå. " "[english]k_lab.kl_finalsequence" "Very good. Final sequence. Commencing...now. " "k_lab.kl_finalsequence02" "Siste sekvens. " "[english]k_lab.kl_finalsequence02" "Final sequence. " "k_lab.kl_fitglove01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove01" " " "k_lab.kl_fitglove01_cc" "Vel, Gordon. Jeg ser at HEV-drakten fortsatt passer deg som hånd i hanske. I det minste passer hanskene. " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove01_cc" "Well, Gordon, I see your HEV suit still fits you like a glove. At least the glove parts do. " "k_lab.kl_fitglove02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove02" " " "k_lab.kl_fruitlessly" "Det verste hun kan gjøre, er å forsøke å koble seg til hodet ditt. Forgjeves. " "[english]k_lab.kl_fruitlessly" "The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly. " "k_lab.kl_getinposition" "Gordon, så snart du er i posisjon, sender vi deg til Eli. " "[english]k_lab.kl_getinposition" "Gordon, as soon as you're in position, we'll send you to Eli's. " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun01" " " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun01_cc" "Gordon! Du må komme deg ut derfra! Løp!" "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun01_cc" "Gordon! You must get out of here! Run!" "k_lab.kl_getoutrun02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun02" " " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun03" " " "k_lab.kl_gordongo" "Bare fortsett videre, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_gordongo" "Gordon, go right ahead. " "k_lab.kl_gordonthrow" "Slå på bryteren, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_gordonthrow" "Throw your switch, Gordon. " "k_lab.kl_hedyno01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno01" " " "k_lab.kl_hedyno02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno02" " " "k_lab.kl_hedyno02_cc" "Lamarr? Hedy! Nei!" "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno02_cc" "Lamarr? Hedy! No!" "k_lab.kl_hedyno03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno03" " " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx01" " " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx01_cc" "Å, hallo, Alyx! Vel, nesten bra. Lamarr har kommet seg ut av kassen sin igjen. Hvis jeg ikke visste bedre, ville jeg mistenkt Barney for å fange og ... " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx01_cc" "Oh, hello, Alyx! Well, almost all right. Lamarr has gotten out of her crate again. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect Barney of trapping and ... " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx02" " " "k_lab.kl_heremypet01" "Her, kjæledeggen min. Hopp opp." "[english]k_lab.kl_heremypet01" "Here, my pet. Hop up." "k_lab.kl_heremypet02" "Nei, ikke opp der! " "[english]k_lab.kl_heremypet02" "No, not up there! " "k_lab.kl_hesnotthere" "Hva mener du med at han ikke er der? " "[english]k_lab.kl_hesnotthere" "What do you mean he's not there? " "k_lab.kl_holdup01" "Ja, ja, Eli. Litt venting her borte. " "[english]k_lab.kl_holdup01" "Yes, yes, Eli, bit of a holdup on this end. " "k_lab.kl_holdup02" "Du gjetter aldri hvem som fant veien til laben i dag tidlig. " "[english]k_lab.kl_holdup02" "You'll never guess who found his way into our lab this morning. " "k_lab.kl_initializing" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing" " " "k_lab.kl_initializing_cc" "Starter om tre ... to ... én ... Å, fillern! Hva nå?" "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing_cc" "Initializing in three...two...one... Oh, fiddlesticks! What now?" "k_lab.kl_initializing02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing02" " " "k_lab.kl_interference" "Jeg får inn uventede forstyrrelser. " "[english]k_lab.kl_interference" "I'm encountering unexpected interference. " "k_lab.kl_islamarr" "Er Lamarr sammen med ham? " "[english]k_lab.kl_islamarr" "Is Lamarr with him? " "k_lab.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr! Der er du! " "[english]k_lab.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr! There you are! " "k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux" " " "k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux_cc" "Skal vi se. Det tomme \"feltflukset\" bør begrense seg selv, og jeg har festet manifoldparameterne til CY-basen og LG-orbifoldet, inkludert Hilbert. Forholdene kunne knapt ha vært mer ideelle!" "[english]k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux_cc" "Let's see. The massless field-flux should self-limit and I've clamped the manifold parameters to CY base and LG orbifold, Hilbert inclusive. Conditions could hardly be more ideal!" "k_lab.kl_modifications01" "Jeg har gjort et par endringer, men jeg skal fortelle deg det viktigste. Sånn, skal vi se ... " "[english]k_lab.kl_modifications01" "I've made a few modifications, but I'll just acquaint you with the essentials. Now, let's see... " "k_lab.kl_modifications02" "Mark V-drakten for beskyttelse mot farlige stoffer har blitt redesignet med hensyn til komfort og funksjonalitet --- " "[english]k_lab.kl_modifications02" "The Mark V Hazardous Environment Suit has been redesigned for comfort and utility--- " "k_lab.kl_moduli02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_moduli02" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness01" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness02" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness02_cc" "Jøss! Gordon Freeman! Det er virkelig deg, er det ikke?" "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness02_cc" "My Goodness! Gordon Freeman! It really is you, isn't it?" "k_lab.kl_mygoodness03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness03" " " "k_lab.kl_nocareful" "Nei, nei! Forsiktig, Lamarr! De er veldig skjøre! " "[english]k_lab.kl_nocareful" "No, no! Careful, Lamarr! Those are quite fragile! " "k_lab.kl_nonsense" "Tull. Ditt talent overgår din skjønnet. " "[english]k_lab.kl_nonsense" "Nonsense. Your talents surpass your loveliness. " "k_lab.kl_nownow01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow01" " " "k_lab.kl_nownow01_cc" "Så, så. Det er ingenting å være urolig for. Vi har gjort store fremskritt siden den gang. Store fremskritt." "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow01_cc" "Now, now, there's nothing to be nervous about. We've made major strides since then. Major strides." "k_lab.kl_nownow02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow02" " " "k_lab.kl_ohdear" "Kjære vene! " "[english]k_lab.kl_ohdear" "Oh, dear! " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime01" " " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime01_cc" "Jeg må si at du kommer på et beleilig tidspunktet, Gordon. Alyx har akkurat montert den siste delen i den reparerte teleporten. " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime01_cc" "I must say, Gordon, you come at a very opportune time. Alyx has just installed the final piece for our resurrected teleport. " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime02" " " "k_lab.kl_packing01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_packing01" " " "k_lab.kl_packing01_cc" "Det er det jammen meg. Og vi har tenkt å sende ham av gårde med en gang, sammen med vår enestående datter." "[english]k_lab.kl_packing01_cc" "Indeed it is. And it's our intention to send him packing straightaway, in the company of your lovely daughter." "k_lab.kl_packing02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_packing02" " " "k_lab.kl_plugusin" "Kjære vene, du har rett. Kan du plugge oss inn, Gordon? " "[english]k_lab.kl_plugusin" "Dear me, you're right. Gordon, would you mind plugging us in? " "k_lab.kl_projectyou" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_projectyou" " " "k_lab.kl_projectyou_cc" "Ja, så sannelig! Vi er klare til å skyte deg ut, Gordon. God tur, og lykke til med alt du foretar deg i fremtiden!" "[english]k_lab.kl_projectyou_cc" "Yes, indeed. We're ready to project you, Gordon. Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors!" "k_lab.kl_redletterday01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday01" " " "k_lab.kl_redletterday01_cc" "Det er riktig, Barney. Dette er en merkedag. Vi skal innvie den nye teleporten med en dobbelsending! " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday01_cc" "That's right, Barney. This is a red letter day. We'll inaugurate the new teleport with a double transmission! " "k_lab.kl_redletterday02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday02" " " "k_lab.kl_relieved" "Å, takk og lov. Nå er jeg jammen lettet. " "[english]k_lab.kl_relieved" "Oh, thank goodness. My relief is almost palpable. " "k_lab.kl_slipin01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin01" " " "k_lab.kl_slipin01_cc" "Vel, Gordon. Kom igjen. Ta på deg drakten nå." "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin01_cc" "Well, Gordon, go ahead. Slip into your suit now." "k_lab.kl_slipin02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin02" " " "k_lab.kl_suitfits01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits01" " " "k_lab.kl_suitfits01_cc" "Hvis du er klar, Gordon? Jeg er spent på om den gamle drakten din fortsatt passer." "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits01_cc" "Gordon, if you please? I'm eager to see if your old suit still fits." "k_lab.kl_suitfits02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits02" " " "k_lab.kl_thenwhere" "Vel, hvor er han? " "[english]k_lab.kl_thenwhere" "Then, where is he? " "k_lab.kl_waitmyword" "Gordon, du kan stille deg nær panelet der borte og vente på mitt klarsignal. " "[english]k_lab.kl_waitmyword" "Gordon, why don't you position yourself near the panel over there and wait for my word? " "k_lab.kl_weowe" "Vi skylder dr. Freeman stor takk, selv om det pleier å oppstå problemer overalt hvor han er. " "[english]k_lab.kl_weowe" "We owe a great deal to Dr. Freeman, even if trouble does tend to follow in his wake. " "k_lab.kl_whatisit" "Hva er det? " "[english]k_lab.kl_whatisit" "What is it? " "k_lab.kl_wishiknew" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_wishiknew" " " "k_lab.kl_wishiknew_cc" "Skulle ønske jeg visste det. Jeg får inn uventede forstyrrelser!" "[english]k_lab.kl_wishiknew_cc" "I wish I knew. I'm encountering unexpected interference!" "k_lab.kl_yourturn" "Det er din tur, Gordon " "[english]k_lab.kl_yourturn" "It's your turn, Gordon " "k_lab.mo_drawing" "Noe drar ham unna. " "[english]k_lab.mo_drawing" "Something is drawing him away. " "k_lab.mo_interfer" "Jeg er ikke sikker. Det ser ut til å være en form for forstyrrelser. " "[english]k_lab.mo_interfer" "I'm not sure, it seems to be some kind of interference. " "k_lab.mo_losinghim" "Ah, vi mister ham igjen! " "[english]k_lab.mo_losinghim" "Ah, we're losing him again! " "k_lab2.al_andmyfather" "Men hva med faren min? " "[english]k_lab2.al_andmyfather" "But what about my father? " "k_lab2.al_anotherpet" "Vi skal skaffe deg en ny headcrab som kjæledegge! Det finnes plenty av dem! " "[english]k_lab2.al_anotherpet" "We'll find you another pet headcrab! There are plenty to go around! " "k_lab2.al_aweek" "En uke ... " "[english]k_lab2.al_aweek" "A week... " "k_lab2.al_aweek_b" "Så hva er det vi har oversett? " "[english]k_lab2.al_aweek_b" "Then what have we missed? " "k_lab2.al_catchup" "OK, Gordon. Du hørte hva han sa. " "[english]k_lab2.al_catchup" "Okay, Gordon, you heard him. " "k_lab2.al_catchup_b" "Jeg tar deg igjen så snart jeg har instruert dr. Kleiner i det han trenger å vite. " "[english]k_lab2.al_catchup_b" "I'll catch up with you as soon as I've got Dr. Kleiner settled. " "k_lab2.al_doggowithgordon" "Gå sammen med Gordon, Dog. " "[english]k_lab2.al_doggowithgordon" "Dog, go with Gordon. " "k_lab2.al_dogyoumadeit" "Dog! Du klarte det! " "[english]k_lab2.al_dogyoumadeit" "Dog! You made it! " "k_lab2.al_exploded" "Jeg var engstelig for at ikke vi skulle klare det heller. " "[english]k_lab2.al_exploded" "I was afraid we might not make it either. " "k_lab2.al_exploded_b" "Jeg tror teleporten eksploderte akkurat da vi forlot den. " "[english]k_lab2.al_exploded_b" "I think the teleport exploded just as we were porting out. " "k_lab2.al_getmyfather" "Vi må få faren min ut derfra. " "[english]k_lab2.al_getmyfather" "We've got to get my father out. " "k_lab2.al_goodboy" "Flink bisk! " "[english]k_lab2.al_goodboy" "Good boy! " "k_lab2.al_gordontakecare" "Gordon ... " "[english]k_lab2.al_gordontakecare" "Gordon... " "k_lab2.al_gordontakecare_b" "Ta vare på deg selv der ute. " "[english]k_lab2.al_gordontakecare_b" "Take care of yourself out there. " "k_lab2.al_headyourway" "Gordon og Dog kan dra i din retning. Jeg vil sørge for at dr. Kleiner er litt tryggere, og så møter jeg dere senere. " "[english]k_lab2.al_headyourway" "Gordon and Dog can head your way. I want to get Dr. Kleiner somewhere safer, then I'll meet up with you. " "k_lab2.al_illtakecareofthis" "Fortsett, Gordon. Jeg tar meg av dette. " "[english]k_lab2.al_illtakecareofthis" "Go on, Gordon, I'll take care of this. " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag01" "Du bør få opp farten. " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag01" "You better hurry. " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag02" "Kom igjen, Gordon! " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag02" "Go on, Gordon! " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag03" "Kom igjen. Finn Barney! " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag03" "Go on. Find Barney! " "k_lab2.al_notime" "Å nei ... " "[english]k_lab2.al_notime" "Oh no... " "k_lab2.al_notime_b" "Selveste dr. Kleiner, vi har ikke mer tid. " "[english]k_lab2.al_notime_b" "Dr. Kleiner, there's really no time. " "k_lab2.al_optimism" "Jeg skulle ønske jeg var så optimistisk som deg, doktor ... " "[english]k_lab2.al_optimism" "I wish I shared your optimism, Doctor... " "k_lab2.al_wemadeit" "Herregud ... vi klarte det. " "[english]k_lab2.al_wemadeit" "My God... we made it. " "k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean" "Hva mener du? " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean" "What do you mean? " "k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean_b" "Gordon og jeg var der borte for ett minutt siden. " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean_b" "Gordon and I were just there a minute ago. " "k_lab2.al_whatswrong" "Hva er galt? " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatswrong" "What's wrong? " "k_lab2.al_wheresdoc01" "Men hvor er dr. Kleiner? " "[english]k_lab2.al_wheresdoc01" "But where's Dr. Kleiner? " "k_lab2.al_wheresdoc02" "Selveste dr. Kleiner! Slipp oss ut! " "[english]k_lab2.al_wheresdoc02" "Dr. Kleiner! Let us out! " "k_lab2.ba_getgoing" "Kom igjen, beveg dere! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_getgoing" "Go on, get going! " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews" "Jøss, det er gode nyheter! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews" "Man, that's good news! " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_b" "Jeg trodde nesten vi hadde mistet dere for godt!" "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_b" "I almost gave you guys up for lost!" "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_c" "Jeg tar i mot all den hjelp jeg kan få. " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_c" "I'll take all the help I can get. " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_d" "Vi har tenkt å definere en oppstillingsplass for å angripe citadellet. " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_d" "We're planning to set up a staging area for attacking the citadel. " "k_lab2.ba_heydoc01" "Hei, doktor? Er du der? " "[english]k_lab2.ba_heydoc01" "Hey, Doc? Are you there? " "k_lab2.ba_heydoc02" "Doktor, kom inn, er du der? " "[english]k_lab2.ba_heydoc02" "Doc, come in, are you there? " "k_lab2.ba_incoming" "Pokker også! Innkommende! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_incoming" "Oh crap! Incoming! " "k_lab2.kl_aroundhere" "Så, så. Hun er her ett eller annet sted. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_aroundhere" "Now, now, she's around here someplace. " "k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01" "Vel, det bekymrer meg virkelig." "[english]k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01" "Well, that is most troubling." "k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01_b" "I følge vortigauntene er han fanget i citadellet. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01_b" "According to the vortigaunts, he is a prisoner at the Citadel. " "k_lab2.kl_aweekago01" "Det gjorde det virkelig ... og følgene fikk vi virkelig smake, men ... Det var mer enn en uke siden! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_aweekago01" "Indeed it did... and the repercussions were felt far and wide, but... That was over a week ago! " "k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck01" "Veldig mye, kjære. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck01" "A great deal, my dear. " "k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck02" "Fremstøtet ditt mot Nova Prospekt ble tolket som et signal om å begynne opprøret. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck02" "The blow you struck at Nova Prospekt was taken as a signal to begin the uprising. " "k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr" "Vent litt. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr" "Just a minute. " "k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr_b" "Jeg kan ikke dra uten Lamarr. Vel, hvor ble det av henne? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr_b" "I can't leave without Lamarr. Now where did she get to? " "k_lab2.kl_comeoutlamarr" "Kom frem, Lamarr! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_comeoutlamarr" "Come out, Lamarr! " "k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope02" "Barney har ledet et angrep med det målet i tankene. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope02" "Barney has been leading a push with that very aim in mind. " "k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope03" "Og en annen av dine venner kom for flere dager siden. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope03" "And another of your friends arrived several days ago. " "k_lab2.kl_givenuphope" "Jøss, jeg hadde gitt opp å noen sinne møte deg igjen. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_givenuphope" "My dear, I had given up hope of ever seeing you again. " "k_lab2.kl_greatscott" "Flott, Scott! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_greatscott" "Great Scott! " "k_lab2.kl_howandwhen01" "Alyx? Gordon? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_howandwhen01" "Alyx? Gordon? " "k_lab2.kl_howandwhen02" "Herregud ... hvordan kom du deg hit? Og når? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_howandwhen02" "My god... how did you get here? And when? " "k_lab2.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr? Lamarr! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr? Lamarr! " "k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary01" "Ja, Gordon. Bare fortsett. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary01" "Yes, Gordon, please do go on. " "k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary02" "Lamarr er veldig obs på brekkjernet ditt. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary02" "Lamarr is extremely wary of your crowbar. " "k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone" "Ja, Barney. Og jeg er ikke alene lenger." "[english]k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone" "Yes, Barney, and I'm no longer alone." "k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone_b" "Alyx og Gordon kom nettopp. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone_b" "Alyx and Gordon have just arrived. " "k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless" "Sånn, der kan du se?" "[english]k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless" "So there, you see?" "k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless_b" "Alt er ikke håpløst. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless_b" "It's not all hopeless. " "k_lab2.kl_onehedy" "Det finnes bare én Hedy. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_onehedy" "There's only one Hedy. " "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01" "Fascinerende." "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01" "Fascinating." "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01_b" "Det ser ut som om vi har utviklet en veldig langsom teleport. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01_b" "We seem to have developed a very slow teleport. " "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport02" "Dette tyder på at vi må foreta en helt ny analyse. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport02" "This suggests an entirely new line of investigation. " "nexus.ba_alldown" "Sånn ja! Alle er nede. " "[english]nexus.ba_alldown" "That's it! They're all down. " "nexus.ba_armory" "Hei, det er et våpenlager. " "[english]nexus.ba_armory" "Hey, it's an armory. " "nexus.ba_bypass" "Nå kan vi skynde oss over plassen, komme oss forbi Nexus-bygningen og fortsette rett mot citadellet. " "[english]nexus.ba_bypass" "Now we can cut through the square, bypass the Nexus and push straight on toward the Citadel. " "nexus.ba_comingdown" "De kommer ned. " "[english]nexus.ba_comingdown" "They're coming down. " "nexus.ba_comingfromroof" "De kommer fra taket. " "[english]nexus.ba_comingfromroof" "They'll be coming from the roof. " "nexus.ba_dayswork" "Alt på én arbeidsdag, ikke sant? " "[english]nexus.ba_dayswork" "All in a day's work, right? " "nexus.ba_done" "Ferdig. " "[english]nexus.ba_done" "Done. " "nexus.ba_dontbeseen" "Ikke la den se deg! " "[english]nexus.ba_dontbeseen" "Don't let it see you! " "nexus.ba_dontstandstill" "Ikke la den oppdage at du står stille! " "[english]nexus.ba_dontstandstill" "Don't let it catch you standing still! " "nexus.ba_drawpowerfrominside" "Den henter kraft fra innsiden av bygningen, så det er dit vi må komme oss. " "[english]nexus.ba_drawpowerfrominside" "It draws power from inside the building so that's where we've got to go. " "nexus.ba_exitsigns" "Se etter Exit-skiltene. " "[english]nexus.ba_exitsigns" "Look for the exit signs. " "nexus.ba_firstgetin" "Først må vi komme oss inn i Nexus-bygningen. " "[english]nexus.ba_firstgetin" "First, we gotta get into the Nexus building. " "nexus.ba_followme01" "Denne veien, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme01" "This way, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_followme02" "Kom igjen! " "[english]nexus.ba_followme02" "Come on! " "nexus.ba_followme03" "Kom igjen, Gordon! " "[english]nexus.ba_followme03" "Come on, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_followme05" "Følg meg. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme05" "Follow me. " "nexus.ba_gateintro" "Det er den porten jeg fortalte deg om. Vi må komme tilbake hit etter at vi har fått åpnet den. Hvis vi får åpnet den. " "[english]nexus.ba_gateintro" "There's that gate I was telling you about. We'll have to come back here after we get it open. If we get it open. " "nexus.ba_getthisopen" "Få åpnet denne tingen, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_getthisopen" "Get this thing open, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_goodjob" "Bra jobbet, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_goodjob" "Good job, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_goonnow" "Fortsett nå. " "[english]nexus.ba_goonnow" "Go on now. " "nexus.ba_gottagetskybopen" "Vi må få åpnet overgangsbroen. " "[english]nexus.ba_gottagetskybopen" "We've gotta get the skybridge open. " "nexus.ba_greatwork" "Godt jobba, doktor. Du har ikke glemt gamle kunster. " "[english]nexus.ba_greatwork" "Great work, Doc, you've still got the touch. " "nexus.ba_headforroof" "La oss komme oss opp på taket nå, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_headforroof" "Let's head for the roof now, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_ifcitscomethru" "Hvis flere innbyggere kommer seg gjennom, sender jeg dem opp til deg. " "[english]nexus.ba_ifcitscomethru" "If any more citizens come through I'll send them up to find you. " "nexus.ba_illopenthis" "Flott. Jeg åpner opp denne her. " "[english]nexus.ba_illopenthis" "Great, I'll open this up. " "nexus.ba_keepgate" "Jeg kommer til å bli her og holde disse portene åpne lenge nok til at det utgjør en forskjell. " "[english]nexus.ba_keepgate" "I'm gonna stay here and keep these gates open long enough to make a difference. " "nexus.ba_lasers_goforit" "Wow. Med så mye sikkerhet må det finnes noe bra der inne. Gjør det, doktor. Jeg venter her til du slår den av. Vær forsiktig. " "[english]nexus.ba_lasers_goforit" "Wow. With that much security, there must be something good in there. Go for it, Doc. I'll wait here till you shut it down. Be careful. " "nexus.ba_lastone" "Én generator igjen. " "[english]nexus.ba_lastone" "One generator to go. " "nexus.ba_letthemout" "Slipp dem ut! " "[english]nexus.ba_letthemout" "Let them out! " "nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb01" "Bra. Nå må vi få koblet til den overgangsbroen. " "[english]nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb01" "Good. Now, get the skybridge connected. " "nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb02" "Trekk ut overgangsbroen, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb02" "Gordon, extend the skybridge. " "nexus.ba_nexusahead" "Det er en gammel bygning rett der oppe – en bank eller et museum eller noe. Samme faen hva det ble brukt til. Nå er det en viktig bygning for Overwatch i City Seventeen. Det er hovedkilden til trøbbel i denne delen av byen, takket være en stor undertrykkingsenhet som lager et helvete fra taket på bygningen. " "[english]nexus.ba_nexusahead" "There's an old building up ahead, a bank or museum or something like that. Whatever the hell it used to be, now it's a nexus for Overwatch in City Seventeen. It's the main source of pain for this part of town, thanks to a huge suppression device that's raining down hell from the roof of the place. " "nexus.ba_ontheroof" "De er på taket! " "[english]nexus.ba_ontheroof" "They're on the roof! " "nexus.ba_ourgate" "Der er porten vår. Jeg skal bare åpne den. " "[english]nexus.ba_ourgate" "There's our gate. Let me just get it open. " "nexus.ba_ownsroof" "Pokker. Overwatch eier taket, og det er dit vi er på vei. " "[english]nexus.ba_ownsroof" "Oh man. Overwatch owns the roof, and that's where we're headed. " "nexus.ba_prisoners" "Fanger! Slipp dem ut, Gordon. Vi kan trenge hjelp fra dem. " "[english]nexus.ba_prisoners" "Prisoners! Let 'em out, Gordon. We could use their help. " "nexus.ba_rollgrenade" "Kast en granat inn dit hvis du har en. Det burde fikse den saken. " "[english]nexus.ba_rollgrenade" "Roll a grenade in there if you've got one. That oughtta do it. " "nexus.ba_roofaccess" "Adgang til taket er denne veien. " "[english]nexus.ba_roofaccess" "Roof access is this way. " "nexus.ba_seeyou" "Ser deg når jeg ser deg, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_seeyou" "See you when I see you, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_seeyouonground" "Bra jobbet, Gordon. Vi ses nede på bakken. " "[english]nexus.ba_seeyouonground" "Good job, Gordon. I'll see you on the ground. " "nexus.ba_settraps" "Sett ut noen feller for dem, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_settraps" "Set some traps for them, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_shieldgen" "Sjekk de skjoldgeneratorene. Jeg har ikke noe som virker mot dem. Det vi trenger her, er litt action på avstand. " "[english]nexus.ba_shieldgen" "Check out those shield generators. I've got nothing to deal with those. What we need here is some kind of action at a distance. " "nexus.ba_shieldlobby" "Hvis vi har tenkt å komme oss gjennom de skjoldene, må vi ødelegge generatorene én etter én. " "[english]nexus.ba_shieldlobby" "If we want to get through these shields, we'll have to take out the generators one at a time. " "nexus.ba_skybreinf" "Gå opp og koble til overgangsbroen. Vi må slippe gjennom ekstrastyrkene fra alle mulige retninger. " "[english]nexus.ba_skybreinf" "Go on up and connect the skybridge. We need to let reinforcements come through from every possible direction. " "nexus.ba_spotted" "Så mye for å snike seg rundt. Vi er oppdaget! " "[english]nexus.ba_spotted" "So much for stealth. We've been spotted! " "nexus.ba_stockup" "Fyll lagrene! " "[english]nexus.ba_stockup" "Stock up! " "nexus.ba_supp_nothurt" "Du kommer ikke til å skade den tingen der nede fra, Gordon. Vi må slå den av fra innsiden. " "[english]nexus.ba_supp_nothurt" "You're not gonna hurt that thing from down here, Gordon. We'll have to shut it down from inside. " "nexus.ba_supp_spotted" "Den oppdaget oss! " "[english]nexus.ba_supp_spotted" "It spotted us! " "nexus.ba_suppdownroofnow" "Undertrykkeren er ute av drift, så nå kan du komme deg opp på taket. " "[english]nexus.ba_suppdownroofnow" "The suppressor's down, so you can get to the roof now. " "nexus.ba_suppressordown" "Det kommer til å danke ut undertrykkeren på taket også. " "[english]nexus.ba_suppressordown" "That'll shut down the suppressor on the roof as well. " "nexus.ba_surrounded" "Vi er omringet! " "[english]nexus.ba_surrounded" "We're surrounded! " "nexus.ba_thenletsgo" "Så la oss komme oss av gårde! " "[english]nexus.ba_thenletsgo" "Then let's go! " "nexus.ba_threegen" "Vi må deaktivere tre generatorer til. Vi kan like godt starte med denne. " "[english]nexus.ba_threegen" "We've got three generators to disable. Might as well start with this one. " "nexus.ba_totheroof" "Opp på taket, Gordon! " "[english]nexus.ba_totheroof" "To the roof, Gordon! " "nexus.ba_turretsyoudeal" "Øh, åh. Kanoner. Du har HEV-drakten, så du tar deg av dem. Deretter skal jeg ta meg av sikkerhetskonsollen. " "[english]nexus.ba_turretsyoudeal" "Uh-oh. Turrets. You've got the HEV suit, you deal with them. Then I'll work the security console. " "nexus.ba_twotogo" "OK, to generatorer igjen. " "[english]nexus.ba_twotogo" "Okay, two more generators to go. " "nexus.ba_uhohcompany" "Åh-åh. Noen kommer. " "[english]nexus.ba_uhohcompany" "Uh oh. Company. " "nexus.ba_uhohdropships" "Åh-åh. Romskip! " "[english]nexus.ba_uhohdropships" "Uh oh. Dropships! " "nexus.ba_usehoppers" "Forsøk å bruke hopperne mot dem. " "[english]nexus.ba_usehoppers" "Try using the hoppers against 'em. " "nexus.ba_vista01" "Der er den. Overwatch-bygningen. Ser ut som om de mobiliserer stort. Du kan så vidt skimte porten herfra. Jeg skal vise deg når vi kommer oss ned på gatenivå. " "[english]nexus.ba_vista01" "There it is. The Overwatch Nexus. Looks like they're mobilizing, big-time. You can sort of see the gate from here. I'll show you when we get to streetlevel. " "nexus.ba_vista02" "Vi må komme oss inn i den bygningen for å åpne porten. Selv da vil undertrykkingsenheten undertrykke alle som kommer gjennom hvis ikke vi ødelegger den. " "[english]nexus.ba_vista02" "We'll have to get in that building to open the gate. Even then, the suppression device will suppress anyone coming through unless we shut it down. " "nexus.ba_wisheli" "Skulle ønske Eli var her. Kanskje han kunne gitt oss noen tips. " "[english]nexus.ba_wisheli" "I wish Eli were here. Maybe he'd have some advice for us. " "nexus.ba_yougotgravgun" "Hei, du har Elis gravitasjonsvåpen! Skyt mot skjoldene for å se om du kan sette dem litt ut av spill. " "[english]nexus.ba_yougotgravgun" "Hey, you've got Eli's gravity gun! Try giving those shields a jolt and see if you can shake em up a bit. " "nexus.cit_rockets" "Selveste dr. Freeman! Etter at du ødela undertrykkeren og åpnet porten, kan vi flytte masse folk gjennom! Combine skal sannelig få merke at vi er her! Vi mistet en kasse med raketter i bakken på vei over torget. Hvis du klarer deg her, så bør du ha alt du trenger for å skyte ned striderne. " "[english]nexus.cit_rockets" "Dr. Freeman! Since you shut off the suppressor and opened the gate, we can really move people through now! The Combine's gonna feel the squeeze! We dropped a crate of rockets, coming across the plaza. If you can make it there, you should have everything you need to take down these striders. " "novaprospekt.al_almostthere" "Nesten framme. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_almostthere" "Almost there. " "novaprospekt.al_backdown" "Hva er det? Vent. Må ta denne med meg ned igjen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_backdown" "What's that? Hold on. Gotta bring this back down. " "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid01" "Det vedder jeg på du gjorde. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid01" "I'll bet you did. " "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid02" "Se på den, Gordon." "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid02" "Look at it, Gordon." "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid03" "Det ser ut som om den venter på oss. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid03" "It looks like it's waiting for us. " "novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor01" "Høh ... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor01" "Huh... " "novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor02" "Bakover! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor02" "Get back! " "novaprospekt.al_bringhimin" "OK, jeg tror jeg kan få hentet ham inn. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_bringhimin" "All right, I think I can bring him in. " "novaprospekt.al_careofyourself" "Hei, ta vare på deg selv. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_careofyourself" "Hey, take care of yourself. " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy01" "Nei! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy01" "No! " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy02" " " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy03" "Forbanna kjerring, jeg tror ikke det jeg ser! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy03" "Damn her, I don't believe this! " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy04" "Kom igjen, Gordon. Nå må vi jaggu skynde oss. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy04" "Come on, Gordon, now we've really gotta hurry. " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy05" "Gå foran, du. Jeg skal sette det neste sikkerhetsnivået ut av spill, og så møter jeg dere etterpå. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy05" "Go on ahead. I'll disrupt the next level of security, and catch up with you when I can. " "novaprospekt.al_comebackdad" "Kom tilbake hit! Far! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comebackdad" "Get back here! Dad! " "novaprospekt.al_comeon" "Kom igjen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comeon" "Come on. " "novaprospekt.al_comeonin02" "Kom inn, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comeonin02" "Come on in, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_covermegordon" "Dekk meg, Gordon! Jeg må tilbakestille portalen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_covermegordon" "Cover me, Gordon! I've gotta reset the portal. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_arrival" "Kommer øyeblikkelig, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_arrival" "Be there in a second, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_entry" "Du kommer opp til et annet kontrollrom. Ser ut som om det fortsatt er opptatt. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_entry" "You're coming up to another control room. Looks like it's still occupied. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_fields" "Jeg tror at det kommer en gruppe soldater mot deg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_fields" "My guess is there's a bunch more soldiers heading your way. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming" "Jeg kan ikke deaktivere de feltene herfra, så jeg må møte deg lenger framme for å få adgang til dem. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming" "I can't shut down those fields from here, I'm going to have to catch up with you to get access to them. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming_2" "Jeg får signaler om mange soldater som kommer mot dere. Hold stand til jeg kommer. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming_2" "I'm picking up a lot of incoming soldiers, hold the fort til I get there. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_search" "Søk raskt gjennom rommet. Det burde være noen Combine-kanoner i nærheten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_search" "Quick, search the room. There should be some Combine turrets nearby. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_turrets" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_turrets" " " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_wave2" "Det kommer flere soldater. Sørg for å holde de kanonene i gang slik at de bidrar til å forsvare oss. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_wave2" "More soldiers are coming. Make sure to keep those turrets up to help defend. " "novaprospekt.al_dadallright" "Far, er alt i orden? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_dadallright" "Dad, are you all right? " "novaprospekt.al_daddownhere01" "Far! Her nede! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_daddownhere01" "Dad! Down here! " "novaprospekt.al_daddownhere02" "Beklager at vi brukte så lang tid. Jeg håper du ikke har hatt det for ille. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_daddownhere02" "Sorry we took so long. I hope that wasn't too bad for you. " "novaprospekt.al_dadswork" "Du stjal arbeidet til faren min. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_dadswork" "That's my father's work you stole. " "novaprospekt.al_docstop" "Selveste dr. Kleiner, du må stoppe dem! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_docstop" "Dr. Kleiner, you have to stop them! " "novaprospekt.al_drk01" "Selveste dr. Kleiner! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drk01" "Dr. Kleiner! " "novaprospekt.al_drk02" "Vi er i Nova Prospekt, og vi bruker Xen-kopien for første gang. Er du klar for oss? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drk02" "We're in Nova Prospekt, and we're running the Xen emulation for the first time. Are you ready for us? " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01" "Jeg snakket med dr. Kleiner " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01" "I talked to Dr. Kleiner " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_b" "Portalen hans fungerte nesten igjen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_b" "His portal was almost working again. " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_c" "Hvis han har klart å fikse den, så kommer vi oss dit. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_c" "If he's managed to repair it we'll end up there. " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_d" "Hvis ikke, så ... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_d" "If he hasn't, well... " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_e" "det kan ikke bli verre. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_e" "we couldn't be any worse off. " "novaprospekt.al_elevator01" "Er du klar for dette? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator01" "You ready for this? " "novaprospekt.al_elevator02" "Ikke så snakkesalig, er du? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator02" "Man of few words, aren't you? " "novaprospekt.al_elevator03" "Gjør deg klar ... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator03" "Get ready... " "novaprospekt.al_enoughbs01" "Nok pisspreik fra deg! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_enoughbs01" "Enough of your bullshit! " "novaprospekt.al_enoughbs02" "Se, Gordon. Der er faren min. Jeg skal ta ham med inn hit. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_enoughbs02" "Look, Gordon, there's my dad. I'm going to bring him in. " "novaprospekt.al_findmossman01" "La oss se om vi kan finne Mossman. Det kan virke som om stasjonen gir meg bedre tilgang. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmossman01" "Let's see if we can find Mossman. It looks like this station might give me better access. " "novaprospekt.al_findmossman03" "Der er hun. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmossman03" "There she is. " "novaprospekt.al_findmyfather" "Nå må vi finne faren min. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmyfather" "Now, to find my father. " "novaprospekt.al_flyingblind" "Jeg flyr faktisk i blinde her. Inniblant blir en vortigaunt tatt til fange og sender tilbake informasjon, men vi har ikke hele oversikten over stedet. Og det lille vi vet, er dårlige nyheter. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_flyingblind" "I'm afraid I'm flying blind here. Every now and then a vortigaunt gets captured and sends back information, but we don't have a complete picture of the place. The little we do know is all bad. " "novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag01" "Du bør få opp farten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag01" "You better hurry. " "novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag02" "Kom igjen, Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag02" "Go on, Gordon! " "novaprospekt.al_getopen" "OK, jeg skal se om jeg kan få åpnet denne her " "[english]novaprospekt.al_getopen" "All right, let me see if I can get this open " "novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyou" "Jammen er jeg glad for å se deg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyou" "Boy am I glad to see you. " "novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyoureok" "Godt å se at alt er bra med deg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyoureok" "Glad to see you're okay. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru01" "OK, Gordon. Nå kan du gå gjennom. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru01" "All right, Gordon, go on through. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru02" "Jeg drar tilbake til sikkerhetsstasjonen og forsøker å koble meg på draktradioen din. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru02" "I'm going to head back to the security station and try to patch into your suit radio. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru03" "Vent til du hører fra meg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru03" "Wait till you hear from me. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru04" "Kom igjen, gå inn dit. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru04" "Go on, get in there. " "novaprospekt.al_gordon01" "Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gordon01" "Gordon! " "novaprospekt.al_gordongetin" "Kom igjen, Gordon, kom deg inn! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gordongetin" "Come on, Gordon, get in! " "novaprospekt.al_gotyounow01" "Ha! Har deg nå. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gotyounow01" "Ha! Got you now. " "novaprospekt.al_gotyounow02" "Vel, kom igjen, Gordon. Vi vil ikke at hun skal måtte vente. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gotyounow02" "Well, come on Gordon. We don't want to keep her waiting. " "novaprospekt.al_hacksecurity01" "Dette vil gi meg tilgang til sikkerhetssystemet deres. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hacksecurity01" "This'll get me into their security system. " "novaprospekt.al_halfway" "Ser ut som om den er omtrent halvveis dit. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_halfway" "Looks like it's about halfway there. " "novaprospekt.al_hereweare" "OK. Hitover. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hereweare" "All right. Over here. " "novaprospekt.al_holdit" "Hold den der. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_holdit" "Hold it there. " "novaprospekt.al_holdon" "Vent litt! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_holdon" "Hold on! " "novaprospekt.al_horrible01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible01" " " "novaprospekt.al_horrible01_cc" "Herregud. Og du har arbeidet med denne tingen? I hvor lang tid?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible01_cc" "Oh my God. And you've been working with this thing? For how long?" "novaprospekt.al_horrible02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible02" " " "novaprospekt.al_hurrymossman" "Skynd deg, Mossman! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hurrymossman" "Hurry up, Mossman! " "novaprospekt.al_icanreprogram" "Jeg kan omprogrammere disse kanonene til å angripe fienden. Du setter dem opp til å forsvare kontrollrommet. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_icanreprogram" "I can reprogram these turrets to attack the enemy. You set them up to defend the control room. " "novaprospekt.al_illtakecare" "Jeg tar meg av det. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_illtakecare" "I'll take care of that. " "novaprospekt.al_illtalk" "Der er hun. La meg snakke, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_illtalk" "There she is. Leave the talking to me Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_inhere01" "Han burde være her inne. Jeg skal bare åpne denne. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_inhere01" "He should be in here. Let me just get this open. " "novaprospekt.al_itsdone" "Takk og lov, det er gjort. La oss komme oss til helvete ut herfra. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_itsdone" "Thank god, it's done. Let's get the hell outta here. " "novaprospekt.al_justseconds" "Bare et par sekunder til ... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_justseconds" "Just a couple more seconds... " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup01" "Hold kanonene i posisjon. Du må holde ut til jeg kommer dit. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup01" "Keep your turrets set up. You've got to hold on til I get there. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02" "Hold de kanonene i posisjon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02" "Keep those turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02r" "Hold de kanonene i posisjon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02r" "Keep those turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03" "Pass på kanonene. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03" "Watch your turrets. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03r" "Pass på kanonene. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03r" "Watch your turrets. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04" "Husk på kanonene, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04" "Remember the turrets, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04r" "Husk på kanonene, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04r" "Remember the turrets, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_keepturrets" "Gordon, hold kanonene i posisjon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepturrets" "Gordon, keep the turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_leapfrog01" "Hei, det virket. Skal vi se hva jeg kan gjøre for å rydde vei for deg. Vær på utkikk etter Mossman. Jeg skal få med meg faren min gjennom fengselet så raskt som mulig, og deretter møter jeg deg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_leapfrog01" "Hey, it worked. Let's see what I can do to clear the way for you. Keep an eye out for Mossman. I'll get my dad through the prison as far as I can, then I'll catch up with you. " "novaprospekt.al_letsgetgoing" "La oss komme oss av gårde. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_letsgetgoing" "Let's get going. " "novaprospekt.al_letsgetout01" "Nå må vi komme oss ut herfra. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_letsgetout01" "Let's get out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_lookmonitor" "Åh-åh. Se på skjermen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_lookmonitor" "Uh oh. Look at the monitor. " "novaprospekt.al_mayneedher" "Vi bør kanskje få henne ut derfra. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_mayneedher" "We may need her to get out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_meethim" "Han er på vei. La oss gå og møte ham. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meethim" "He's on the way. Let's go meet him. " "novaprospekt.al_meetmethere01" "Gordon! Møt meg der borte! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meetmethere01" "Gordon! Meet me over there! " "novaprospekt.al_meetyouthere01" "Jeg sier ikke farvel, far. Vi møter deg der. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meetyouthere01" "I'm not saying goodbye, Dad. We'll meet you there. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers01" "Flere soldater. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers01" "More soldiers. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers02" "Det kommer flere soldater, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers02" "More soldiers are coming, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers03" "Gjør deg klar til en ny bølge. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers03" "Get ready for another wave. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers04" "Vi må ha truffet en hel haug soldater. De kommer inn fra alle kanter. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers04" "We must have hit a motherlode of soldiers. They're coming in from everywhere. " "novaprospekt.al_mutter" "OK, la meg tenke. Tenk, Alyx, tenk!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_mutter" "All right, let me think. Think, Alyx, think!" "novaprospekt.al_no01" "Nei! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_no01" "No! " "novaprospekt.al_nostop" "Nei, stopp! Hva holder du på med? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_nostop" "No, stop! What are you doing? " "novaprospekt.al_notexactly" "Ikke akkurat. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notexactly" "Not exactly. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavinghere01" "Vi drar ikke herfra uten deg. Det er bestemt. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavinghere01" "We're not leaving here without you. That's final. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01" "Jeg tror jeg kan klare å omjustere Combine-portalen slik at vi kommer oss ut herfra. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01" "I think I can recalibrate the Combine portal to get us out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01_a" "Nei, vi går ikke fra deg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01_a" "No, we're not leaving you. " "novaprospekt.al_ohmygod" "Herregud. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_ohmygod" "Oh my god. " "novaprospekt.al_onepiece" "Jeg er glad du kom deg helskinnet hit. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_onepiece" "I'm glad you made it here in one piece. " "novaprospekt.al_overhere" "Hitover! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_overhere" "Over here! " "novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03" "Faren min er der oppe et sted, i den oppholdssonen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03" "My Dad's up there somewhere, in that holding area. " "novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03_b" "Det kommer til å bli vanskelig å få ham ut. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03_b" "It's gonna take some doing to get him out. " "novaprospekt.al_pickherup" "Slapp av, far. Vi finner henne. Inntil videre kommer jeg til å sende deg til teleporterrommet. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_pickherup" "Don't worry, Dad, we'll find her. For now, I'm going to send you to the teleport chamber. " "novaprospekt.al_poorpeople" "Å herregud ...disse stakkars folkene ... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_poorpeople" "Oh my God...these poor people... " "novaprospekt.al_readings01" "Disse målingene skremmer meg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_readings01" "These readings are scaring me. " "novaprospekt.al_readings02" "OK, doktor. De har peilet oss inn. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_readings02" "Okay, Doc, we're locked on. " "novaprospekt.al_resetting" "OK, den tilbakestilles. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_resetting" "Okay, it's resetting. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate" "Jeg skal få åpnet denne i en fei. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate" "I'll have this open in a jiffy. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2" "Pokker! Den har låst seg. OK, jeg har en idé. Gå tilbake til det kontoret. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2" "Damn! It's jammed. Okay, I've got an idea. Head back to that office. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2_nag" "Gå tilbake til det kontoret, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2_nag" "Head back to that office, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_gate" "Vent litt. Jeg skal se om jeg ikke kan finne ut hvordan jeg får åpnet den porten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_gate" "Hang on, I'll see if I can figure out how to get that gate open. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_gate_open" "Har den. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_gate_open" "Got it. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_lights" "Jeg leter etter lysbryteren nå. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_lights" "I'm looking for the light switch now. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_lights_on" "Sånn. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_lights_on" "There we go. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves" "I følge tegningene skal det være en luftekanal bak de hyllene. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves" "According to the schematics, there should be a vent behind those shelves. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_2" "Godt gjort. Du bør kunne snike deg gjennom disse luftekanalene. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_2" "Good job. You should be able to sneak through these vents. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_nag" "Gå gjennom luftekanalen bak hyllene, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_nag" "Gordon, go through the airvent behind the shelves. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush" " " "novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush_2" "Jeg får signaler om soldater som nærmer seg. Her, jeg skal vise deg på denne skjermen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush_2" "I'm picking up incoming soldiers. Here, I'll show you on this monitor. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_gate" "Jeg begynner å jobbe med denne porten. Et øyeblikk. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_gate" "I'll start working on this gate. Just a sec. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_gate2" "OK, jeg har den. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_gate2" "Okay, got it. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_vent" "Vær forsiktig, Gordon. Jeg får inn masse Combine-signaler i området rett der framme. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_vent" "Be careful, Gordon, I'm picking up a lot of Combine sensors in the area ahead. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field" "Dette er et Combine-filterfelt. Hvis du ikke har vært borti noen av disse før, så kan du risikere å ødelegge bryteren ved å kaste ting gjennom. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field" "This is a Combine filter-field. If you've never dealt with one of these before, you can sometimes break the switch by lobbing stuff through. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_2" "Filterfeltet kommer til å oppdage deg. Combine-soldater kan komme seg gjennom her, men du kan ikke. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_2" "The filter-field will screen you out. Combine soldiers can get through there, but you can't. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_3" "Denne er ikke koblet til nettet. Jeg kan ikke slå den av. Det må finnes kontroller for den i nærheten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_3" "This one isn't connected to the net. I can't turn it off. There must be controls for it nearby. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_success" "Godt jobba. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_success" "Good work. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret" "Stopp! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret" "Stop! " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_2" "Det finnes en kanon i trappene rett bak deg. Forsøk å ødelegge den med en granat, hvis du har noen igjen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_2" "There's a turret in the stairs right below you. Try knocking it over with a grenade, if you have any left. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_3" "Greit nok. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_3" "Good enough. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor1" "Jeg skal få åpnet denne døra i en fei. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor1" "I'll have this door open in a second. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor2" "OK, la oss gå. Følg meg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor2" "Okay let's go. Follow me. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_done" "OK, Gordon. Jeg forsvinner nå, og så møtes vi senere. Jeg kommer dit så fort jeg kan. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_done" "Okay, Gordon, I'm going to leave off here and catch up with you. Be there as soon as I can. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_entry" "Jeg får signaler om soldater som nærmer seg! Sjekk om det finnes flere kanoner i nærheten! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_entry" "I'm picking up more incoming soldiers! See if there are some more turrets nearby! " "novaprospekt.al_room5_incoming" "Her kommer de. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_incoming" "Here they come. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_turrets" "Sett opp disse med en gang. Jeg ser soldater i alle retninger. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_turrets" "Quick, get these set up. I'm seeing soldiers in all directions. " "novaprospekt.al_sealdoor01" "La meg forsegle denne døren. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sealdoor01" "Let me seal this door. " "novaprospekt.al_sealdoor02" "Vi kan ikke snu nå. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sealdoor02" "No turning back now. " "novaprospekt.al_senddadthru" "Bra. Vi sender faren min gjennom først. Han er i posisjon for ... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_senddadthru" "Good. We'll send my dad through first. He's in position for... " "novaprospekt.al_setturrets" "Sett opp noen kanoner! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_setturrets" "Get some turrets set up! " "novaprospekt.al_sheupto01" "Vent litt " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto01" "Wait a minute " "novaprospekt.al_sheupto02" "Hvordan klarte hun ...?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto02" "How'd she...?" "novaprospekt.al_sheupto03" "Hva pønsker hun på? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto03" "What's she up to? " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor02" "Hah. Ferdig. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor02" "Hah. Done. " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor03" "Kom igjen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor03" "Come on. " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor04" "Følg meg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor04" "Follow me. " "novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad01" "Hold kjeft og vær glad for at du fortsatt kan være til hjelp for oss! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad01" "Shut up and be glad you're still some use to us! " "novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad02" "Vi skal rekonfigurere denne teleporten og komme oss bort herfra. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad02" "We're going to reconfigure this teleport and get the hell out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_sorrysolong" "Beklager at vi brukte så lang tid, Gordon. Ser ut som om du kunne trenge litt hjelp. Jeg drar ikke fra deg igjen. La oss finne Mossman. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sorrysolong" "Sorry to take so long, Gordon. Looks like you could have used some help. I won't leave you again though. Now let's track down Mossman. " "novaprospekt.al_sorrytooksolong" "Beklager at jeg brukte så lang tid. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sorrytooksolong" "Sorry it took me so long. " "novaprospekt.al_takingforever" "Herregud, dette tar jo evigheter! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_takingforever" "God, this is taking forever! " "novaprospekt.al_thecoords" "Koordinatene, dr. Mossman." "[english]novaprospekt.al_thecoords" "The coordinates, Dr. Mossman." "novaprospekt.al_there" "Der! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_there" "There! " "novaprospekt.al_thereheis" "Der er han. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_thereheis" "There he is. " "novaprospekt.al_theyrecoming" "De kommer, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_theyrecoming" "They're coming, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_traitor01" "Forræder! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_traitor01" "Traitor! " "novaprospekt.al_uhoh_np" "Øh, åh. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_uhoh_np" "Uh-oh. " "novaprospekt.al_useturrets" "Bruk kanonene, Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_useturrets" "Gordon, use the turrets! " "novaprospekt.al_warmeditup" "Så, du har varmet den opp for oss. Bra. Og akkurat i tide. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_warmeditup" "So you've warmed it up for us. Good. And just in time. " "novaprospekt.al_werecomingin" "Pokker! Flytt deg, Mossman. Vi kommer inn. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_werecomingin" "Damn it! Move back, Mossman, we're coming in. " "novaprospekt.al_whatcoords" "Herregud! Hvilke koordinater er dette? Hvor i helvete tok hun ham med seg? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_whatcoords" "Oh my god! What coordinates are these? Where the hell did she take him? " "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou01" "Typisk, enda en sikkerhetsstasjon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou01" "Great, another security station. " "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou02" "OK, Mossman, hvor er du ...?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou02" "All right, Mossman, where are you...?" "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou03" "Ha! Fant henne!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou03" "Ha! Found her!" "novaprospekt.al_youandbreen" "Vi kjenner alle til deg og Breen. Du har vært spion for Combine hele tiden. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youandbreen" "We know all about you and Breen. You've been a spy for the Combine the whole time. " "novaprospekt.al_youbeenworking" "Og du har arbeidet med denne tingen? I hvor lang tid? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youbeenworking" "And you've been working with this thing? For how long? " "novaprospekt.al_youcoming" "Kommer du? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youcoming" "You coming? " "novaprospekt.al_youmadeit" "Du klarte det, Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youmadeit" "Gordon, you made it! " "novaprospekt.al_yououtdad" "Vi har kommet for å få deg ut, far. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_yououtdad" "We're here to get you out, Dad. " "novaprospekt.al_youput01" "Men ikke takket være deg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youput01" "No thanks to you. " "novaprospekt.al_youput02" "Bare angi koordinatene for dr. Kleiners lab, og la oss komme oss av gårde. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youput02" "Just enter the coordinates for Dr. Kleiner's lab and let's get moving. " "novaprospekt.br_blinded" "Jeg har kjent dr. Vance mye lenger enn deg, kjære. Jeg tror følelsene dine for ham kanskje kan ha svekket dømmekraften din -- " "[english]novaprospekt.br_blinded" "I have known Dr. Vance far longer than you, my dear. I'm afraid your feelings for him may have blinded you-- " "novaprospekt.br_disturb" "--- i forhold til arbeidet ditt. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_disturb" "---from your area. " "novaprospekt.br_leeway01" "Dette kommer ikke til å bli diskutert, dr. Mossman. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_leeway01" "This is not open to debate, Dr. Mossman. " "novaprospekt.br_loyalties" "Vi var ikke helt sikre på om vi i det hele tatt skulle ta det opp, siden menneskelig lojalitet en gang er hva de er. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_loyalties" "We weren't entirely sure you were ever going to get around to that, human loyalties being what they are. " "novaprospekt.br_outoftime" "Veldig lei meg, Judith. Jeg har ikke mer tid igjen. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_outoftime" "So sorry, Judith. I'm all out of time. " "novaprospekt.br_overzealous" "Soldatene var litt for ivrige i tjenesten, må jeg innrømme, men han var et for fristende varp til å slippe løs, spesielt siden ikke Gordon Freeman var her. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_overzealous" "The soldiers were a bit overzealous, I admit, but he was too tempting a prize to simply turn loose, especially in the absence of Gordon Freeman. " "novaprospekt.eli_dontworry" "Ikke bekymre deg for meg, skatt. Judith! Jeg ser de har satt deg fri! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_dontworry" "Don't worry about me, sweetheart. Judith! I see they set you free! " "novaprospekt.eli_foundme01" "Alyx! Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_foundme01" "Alyx! Gordon! " "novaprospekt.eli_foundme02" "Er det virkelig deg? Jeg kan ikke tro at du fant meg. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_foundme02" "Is that really you? I can't believe you found me. " "novaprospekt.eli_getoutofhere" "Jeg har det bra, men hva med deg? Du må komme deg bort herfra! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_getoutofhere" "I'm fine, but you! You've got to get out of here! " "novaprospekt.eli_iknow" "Jeg vet du vil. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_iknow" "I know you will. " "novaprospekt.eli_judithshelp01" "Vi kan ikke la Judith være igjen her heller. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_judithshelp01" "We can't leave Judith here either. " "novaprospekt.eli_nevermindme01" "Ikke bry dere om meg. Redd dere selv. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_nevermindme01" "Never mind me. Save yourselves. " "novaprospekt.eli_notime01" "Jeg møter deg der, kjære. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_notime01" "I'll see you there, baby. " "novaprospekt.eli_notworthrisk" "Det er ikke verdt risikoen, Alyx. Jeg kan ikke miste deg! Kom deg bort mens du kan. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_notworthrisk" "It's not worth the risk, Alyx. I can't lose you! Get out while you can. " "novaprospekt.eli_thisisportal" "Så dette er Combine-portalen. Den er mindre enn jeg trodde. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_thisisportal" "So this is the Combine portal. It's smaller than I imagined. " "novaprospekt.eli_whatgoingon" "Hva skjer, Alyx? Judith? Hva skjer? " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_whatgoingon" "What's going on Alyx? Judith? What's happening? " "novaprospekt.eli_wherewillyougo01" "Men hvor skal du? " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_wherewillyougo01" "But where will you go? " "novaprospekt.kl_await" "Jeg ser virkelig frem til du kommer. " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_await" "I await your arrival with great anticipation. " "novaprospekt.kl_ready" "Klar til dyst! " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_ready" "Ready, willing, and fully enabled! " "novaprospekt.kl_stopwho" "Stoppe hvem, kjære? " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_stopwho" "Stop who, my dear? " "novaprospekt.kl_yesalyx" "Ja, Alyx, hvor er du? " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_yesalyx" "Yes, Alyx, where are you? " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01" " " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01_cc" "Skjønner du? Vi arbeidet mot samme mål. Jeg har allerede omprogrammert modulatoren til å kopiere et Xen-relé. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01_cc" "You see? We're working to the same end. I've already reprogrammed the modulator to emulate a Xen relay. " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted02" " " "novaprospekt.mo_asistated" "Selveste dr. Breen, som jeg har nevnt tidligere: Du må la Eli komme hit på eget initiativ, du kan ikke bare ... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_asistated" "Dr. Breen, as I have stated before, you have to let Eli come around on his own you can't just ... " "novaprospekt.mo_drplease" "Doktor, vær så snill ... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_drplease" "Doctor, please... " "novaprospekt.mo_feelings" "Følelser? Dette har ingenting med følelser å gjøre. Det er et simpelt faktum at når Eli tror på vår ---" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_feelings" "Feelings? This has nothing to do with feelings. It's a simple truth that when Eli believes in our---" "novaprospekt.mo_fromplatform" "Men vi må ha tilgang til teleporterplattformen, og vi er låst ute. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_fromplatform" "But we need access to the teleport platform, and we're locked out. " "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01" " " "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01_cc" "Det er mitt arbeid også! Og jeg måtte bevise for dr. Breen at faren din ville vært det mest verdifulle medlemmet av ethvert vitenskapsteam fra og med nå av." "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01_cc" "It's my work too! And I had to prove to Dr. Breen that your father would be the most valuable member of any research effort going forward from here." "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove02" " " "novaprospekt.mo_howdyougetin" "Hallo? Takk og lov at noen ... Alyx? Gordon! Hvordan kom du inn hit? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_howdyougetin" "Hello? Thank God someone... Alyx? Gordon! How did you get in here? " "novaprospekt.mo_inacell" "Fant du Eli? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_inacell" "You found Eli? " "novaprospekt.mo_incredible" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_incredible" " " "novaprospekt.mo_nevertillnow" "Nei, ikke før nå. Jeg hadde ganske god peiling på hva jeg kunne forvente ... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_nevertillnow" "Never, until now. I did have a fairly good idea of what to expect... " "novaprospekt.mo_onlyway" "Beklager, Alyx. Det er den eneste måten! " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_onlyway" "I'm sorry, Alyx. It's the only way! " "novaprospekt.mo_promised" "Det er ikke derfor jeg ringer. Du lovte at du ikke skulle gjøre Eli noe. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_promised" "I'm not calling about that, You promised you weren't going to touch Eli. " "novaprospekt.mo_protectfather01" "Alyx, samme hva du måtte tro, så kan jeg forsikre deg om at jeg har gjort alt for å beskytte faren din. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_protectfather01" "Alyx, whatever you may think, I assure you I've worked to protect your father. " "novaprospekt.mo_pulsefoaming" "Combine bruker et spesielt pulsdannelsesnettverk med en veldig lang dannelsestid. Det tar ganske lang tid å lade det opp på nytt. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_pulsefoaming" "The Combine use a peculiar pulse-forming network with a very long rise-time. It takes quite a while to recharge. " "novaprospekt.mo_signal" "Du ville ha tatt Freeman hvis du hadde vært tålmodig og ventet på signal fra meg. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_signal" "You would have had Freeman if you'd been patient and just waited for my signal. " "novaprospekt.mo_talkingabout" "Hva? Hva er det du snakker om? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_talkingabout" "What? What are you talking about? " "novaprospekt.mo_terriblepurpose" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_terriblepurpose" " " "novaprospekt.mo_worried" "Eli, jeg var så bekymret for deg! " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_worried" "Eli, I was so worried about you! " "npc_alyx.bettergetmoving02" "Vi bør dra av gårde. " "[english]npc_alyx.bettergetmoving02" "We'd better get moving. " "npc_alyx.brutal02" "Det var brutalt. " "[english]npc_alyx.brutal02" "That was brutal. " "npc_alyx.careful01" "Forsiktig, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.careful01" "Careful, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.careful02" "Forsiktig, Gordon! " "[english]npc_alyx.careful02" "Careful, Gordon! " "npc_alyx.comeon_dist01" "Kom igjen! " "[english]npc_alyx.comeon_dist01" "Come on! " "npc_alyx.coverme01" "Gi meg dekning! " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme01" "Cover me! " "npc_alyx.coverme02" "Gi meg dekning! " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme02" "Cover me! " "npc_alyx.coverme03" "Gi meg dekning. " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme03" "Cover me. " "npc_alyx.excuseme01" "Unnskyld meg, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme01" "Excuse me, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.excuseme02" "Beklager, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme02" "Sorry, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.excuseme03" "Unnskyld meg. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme03" "Pardon me. " "npc_alyx.followme_dist01" "Følg meg. " "[english]npc_alyx.followme_dist01" "Follow me. " "npc_alyx.gasp02" "Høh. " "[english]npc_alyx.gasp02" "Huh " "npc_alyx.gasp03" "Åhh! " "[english]npc_alyx.gasp03" "Ohh! " "npc_alyx.getback01" "Bakover! " "[english]npc_alyx.getback01" "Get back! " "npc_alyx.getback02" "Bakover! " "[english]npc_alyx.getback02" "Get back! " "npc_alyx.getdown01" "Ned!" "[english]npc_alyx.getdown01" "Get down!" "npc_alyx.getmoving_action_dist01" "Videre! " "[english]npc_alyx.getmoving_action_dist01" "Get moving! " "npc_alyx.go01" "Gå! " "[english]npc_alyx.go01" "Go! " "npc_alyx.gordon_dist01" "Gordon! " "[english]npc_alyx.gordon_dist01" "Gordon! " "npc_alyx.herewego_dist01" "Kom igjen! " "[english]npc_alyx.herewego_dist01" "Here we go! " "npc_alyx.howlongwait01" "Hvor lenge skal vi vente? " "[english]npc_alyx.howlongwait01" "How long are we just gonna wait? " "npc_alyx.hurt04" "Au! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt04" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt05" "Au! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt05" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt06" "Au! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt06" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt08" "Ah! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt08" "Ah! " "npc_alyx.keepmoving_dist01" "Bare fortsett! " "[english]npc_alyx.keepmoving_dist01" "Keep moving! " "npc_alyx.letsgetgoing_dist01" "La oss komme oss av gårde! " "[english]npc_alyx.letsgetgoing_dist01" "Let's get going! " "npc_alyx.lookout_dist01" "Se opp! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout_dist01" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout_dist02" "Se opp! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout_dist02" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout01" "Se opp! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout01" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout03" "Se opp! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout03" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.no01" "Nei! " "[english]npc_alyx.no01" "No! " "npc_alyx.no02" "Nei! " "[english]npc_alyx.no02" "No! " "npc_alyx.no03" "Nei! " "[english]npc_alyx.no03" "No! " "npc_alyx.ohgod01" "Herregud! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohgod01" "Oh God! " "npc_alyx.ohmother01" "Å, herregud ... " "[english]npc_alyx.ohmother01" "Oh, Mother... " "npc_alyx.ohno_startle01" "Å, nei! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohno_startle01" "Oh no! " "npc_alyx.ohno_startle03" "Å, nei! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohno_startle03" "Oh no! " "npc_alyx.overhere01" "Hitover. " "[english]npc_alyx.overhere01" "Over here. " "npc_alyx.quick_dist02" "Fort! " "[english]npc_alyx.quick_dist02" "Quick! " "npc_alyx.run_dist01" "Løp! " "[english]npc_alyx.run_dist01" "Run! " "npc_alyx.uggh01" "Au! " "[english]npc_alyx.uggh01" "Agh! " "npc_alyx.uggh02" "Ahh! " "[english]npc_alyx.uggh02" "Ahh! " "npc_alyx.watchout01" "Se opp! " "[english]npc_alyx.watchout01" "Watch out! " "npc_alyx.watchout02" "Se opp! " "[english]npc_alyx.watchout02" "Watch out! " "npc_alyx.youcoming01" "Kommer du? " "[english]npc_alyx.youcoming01" "You coming? " "npc_alyx.youcoming02" "Kommer du? " "[english]npc_alyx.youcoming02" "You coming? " "npc_alyx.youreload01" "Du bør lade på nytt. " "[english]npc_alyx.youreload01" "You'd better reload. " "npc_alyx.youreload02" "Du bør lade på nytt. " "[english]npc_alyx.youreload02" "You'd better reload. " "npc_barney.ba_hurryup" "Skynd deg. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurryup" "Hurry up. " "npc_barney.ba_letsgo" "Kom an! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_letsgo" "Let's go! " "npc_barney.ba_allclear" "Klart! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_allclear" "All clear! " "npc_barney.ba_bringiton" "Bare prøv dere! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_bringiton" "Bring it on! " "npc_barney.ba_catchmybreath" "La meg få pusten igjen. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_catchmybreath" "Let me catch my breath. " "npc_barney.ba_clearfornow" "Klart inntil videre. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_clearfornow" "Clear for now. " "npc_barney.ba_comehere01" "Kom hit. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_comehere01" "Come here. " "npc_barney.ba_comehere02" "Kom hit. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_comehere02" "Come here. " "npc_barney.ba_covermegord" "Dekk meg, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_covermegord" "Cover me, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_damnit" "Pokker!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_damnit" "Damn it!" "npc_barney.ba_danger01" "Jeg lukter bakhold. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger01" "I smell an ambush. " "npc_barney.ba_danger02" "Jeg liker ikke dette. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger02" "I don't like the looks of this. " "npc_barney.ba_danger03" "Jeg har en dårlig følelse for dette. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger03" "I have a bad feeling about this. " "npc_barney.ba_danger04" "Hei, husker dere da vi tenkte at Black Mesa var så ille som det kunne bli? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger04" "Hey, remember when we thought Black Mesa was as bad as it could get? " "npc_barney.ba_danger05" "Vanskelig å fatte at vi har kommet så langt med alle delene våre. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger05" "Hard to believe we made it this far with all our parts. " "npc_barney.ba_downyougo" "Legg deg ned. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_downyougo" "Down you go. " "npc_barney.ba_duck" "Dukk! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_duck" "Duck! " "npc_barney.ba_followme01" "Denne veien, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme01" "This way, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme02" "Kom igjen! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme02" "Come on! " "npc_barney.ba_followme03" "Kom igjen, Gordon! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme03" "Come on, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme04" "Fortsett, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme04" "Get going, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme05" "Følg meg. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme05" "Follow me. " "npc_barney.ba_getaway" "Bort derfra. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getaway" "Get away from there. " "npc_barney.ba_getdown" "Ned! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getdown" "Get down! " "npc_barney.ba_getoutofway" "Hei, gå unna! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getoutofway" "Hey, get out of the way! " "npc_barney.ba_goingdown" "Du skal dø! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_goingdown" "You're going down! " "npc_barney.ba_gordonhelp" "Gordon! Hjelp! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gordonhelp" "Gordon! Help! " "npc_barney.ba_gotone" "Fikk en! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gotone" "Got one! " "npc_barney.ba_grenade01" "Granat! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_grenade01" "Grenade! " "npc_barney.ba_grenade02" "Granat! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_grenade02" "Grenade! " "npc_barney.ba_gurgle01" "Argh! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle01" "Gah! " "npc_barney.ba_gurgle02" "Ugh!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle02" "Ugh!" "npc_barney.ba_gurgle03" "Ååh!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle03" "Ooh!" "npc_barney.ba_haletsdoit" "Kom an! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_haletsdoit" "Let's do it! " "npc_barney.ba_headcrabs01" "Æsj! Headcrabs! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headcrabs01" "Ew! Headcrabs! " "npc_barney.ba_headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "npc_barney.ba_headhumpers" "Hodeplagere! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headhumpers" "Headhumpers! " "npc_barney.ba_healed01" "Ja, det var bedre. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed01" "Yeah, that's better. " "npc_barney.ba_healed02" "OK, jeg har det bra. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed02" "Okay, I'm good. " "npc_barney.ba_healed03" "Mye bedre. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed03" "Much better. " "npc_barney.ba_healed04" "Hei, takk. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed04" "Hey, thanks. " "npc_barney.ba_healme01" "Hei, lapp meg sammen. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme01" "Hey, patch me up. " "npc_barney.ba_healme02" "Hjelp meg ut. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme02" "Help me out. " "npc_barney.ba_healme03" "Kan jeg få litt førstehjelp her? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme03" "Can I get a little medical attention here? " "npc_barney.ba_hereitcomes" "Her kommer det! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hereitcomes" "Here it comes! " "npc_barney.ba_heretheycome01" "Her kommer de! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_heretheycome01" "Here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_heretheycome02" "Her kommer de! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_heretheycome02" "Here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_hurry01" "Skynd deg. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry01" "Hurry. " "npc_barney.ba_hurry02" "Skynd deg! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry02" "Hurry! " "npc_barney.ba_hurry03" "Skynd deg! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry03" "Hurry! " "npc_barney.ba_imwithyou" "Jeg er her, kompis. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_imwithyou" "I'm with ya buddy. " "npc_barney.ba_incoming01" "Innkommende! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_incoming01" "Incoming! " "npc_barney.ba_incoming02" "Innkommende! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_incoming02" "Incoming! " "npc_barney.ba_laugh01" "*latter*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh01" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh02" "*latter*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh02" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh03" "*latter*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh03" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh04" "*latter*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh04" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_letsdoit" "Vi gjør det! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_letsdoit" "Let's do it. " "npc_barney.ba_littlehelphere" "Litt hjelp her, Gordon? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_littlehelphere" "Little help here, Gordon? " "npc_barney.ba_lookout" "Se opp! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_lookout" "Look out! " "npc_barney.ba_losttouch" "Jeg har ikke glemt gamle kunster! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_losttouch" "I haven't lost my touch! " "npc_barney.ba_no01" "Nei! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_no01" "No! " "npc_barney.ba_no02" "Nei! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_no02" "No! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit01" "Å, pokker! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit01" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit02" "Å, pokker! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit02" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit03" "Å, pokker! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit03" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohyeah" "Jadda! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohyeah" "Oh yeah! " "npc_barney.ba_oldtimes" "Akkurat som i gamle dager, ikke sant, Gordon? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_oldtimes" "Just like old times, eh, Gordon? " "npc_barney.ba_openfiregord" "Begynn å skyte, Gordon! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_openfiregord" "Open fire, Gordon! " "npc_barney.ba_overhere01" "Hitover! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_overhere01" "Over here! " "npc_barney.ba_overhere02" "Hitover! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_overhere02" "Over here! " "npc_barney.ba_pain01" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain01" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain02" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain02" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain03" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain03" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain04" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain04" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain05" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain05" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain06" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain06" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain07" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain07" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain08" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain08" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain09" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain09" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain10" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain10" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_regroup" "Omgrupper! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_regroup" "Regroup! " "npc_barney.ba_run01" "Løp! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_run01" "Run! " "npc_barney.ba_run02" "Løp! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_run02" "Run! " "npc_barney.ba_soldiers" "Soldater! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_soldiers" "Soldiers! " "npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose01" "Det var nære på! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose01" "That was close! " "npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose02" "Det var nære på! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose02" "That was close! " "npc_barney.ba_thisisbad01" "Dette er ille. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thisisbad01" "This is bad. " "npc_barney.ba_thisisbad02" "OK, dette er ille. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thisisbad02" "Okay, this is bad. " "npc_barney.ba_turret" "Kanon! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_turret" "Turret! " "npc_barney.ba_uhohheretheycome" "Øh åh, her kommer de! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_uhohheretheycome" "Uh oh, here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_wounded01" "Jeg er skada, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded01" "I'm hurtin, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_wounded02" "Jeg må lappes sammen. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded02" "I need to get patched up. " "npc_barney.ba_wounded03" "Jeg er ganske skada ... " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded03" "I'm hurt pretty bad... " "npc_barney.ba_yell" "Ja! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_yell" "Yeah! " "npc_citizen.abouttime01" "Vel, Gordon Freeman! Og på tide, også. " "[english]npc_citizen.abouttime01" "Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too. " "npc_citizen.abouttime02" "Vel, Gordon Freeman! Og på tide, også. " "[english]npc_citizen.abouttime02" "Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too. " "npc_citizen.ahgordon01" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.ahgordon01" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "npc_citizen.ahgordon02" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.ahgordon02" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "npc_citizen.almosthityou01" "Jeg traff deg nesten." "[english]npc_citizen.almosthityou01" "I almost hit you." "npc_citizen.almosthityou02" "Jeg traff deg nesten." "[english]npc_citizen.almosthityou02" "I almost hit you." "npc_citizen.ammo01" "Freeman, ammo! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo01" "Freeman, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo02" "Freeman, ammo! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo02" "Freeman, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo03" "Her, ammo! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo03" "Here, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo04" "Ta litt ammo! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo04" "Take some ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo05" "Ta litt ammo! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo05" "Take some ammo! " "npc_citizen.answer01" "Det er deg igjen. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer01" "That's you all over. " "npc_citizen.answer02" "Jeg klandrer deg ikke. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer02" "I won't hold it against you. " "npc_citizen.answer03" "Typisk. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer03" "Figures. " "npc_citizen.answer04" "Forsøk ikke å tenke mer på det. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer04" "Try not to dwell on it. " "npc_citizen.answer05" "Kan vi snakke om dette senere? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer05" "Could we talk about this later? " "npc_citizen.answer06" "Hold det for deg selv. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer06" "Keep it to yourself. " "npc_citizen.answer07" "Samme her. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer07" "Same here. " "npc_citizen.answer08" "Vet hva du mener. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer08" "Know what you mean. " "npc_citizen.answer09" "Du snakker med deg selv igjen. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer09" "You're talking to yourself again. " "npc_citizen.answer10" "Jeg ville ikke sagt det for høyt. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer10" "I wouldn't say that too loud. " "npc_citizen.answer11" "Jeg skal risse det inn på gravsteinen din. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer11" "I'll put it on your tombstone. " "npc_citizen.answer12" "Det holder jeg ikke ut å tenke på. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer12" "Doesn't bear thinking about. " "npc_citizen.answer13" "Jeg er med deg. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer13" "I'm with you. " "npc_citizen.answer14" "Både du og jeg. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer14" "You and me both. " "npc_citizen.answer15" "Det er én måte å se det på. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer15" "That's one way of looking at it. " "npc_citizen.answer16" "Har du noen gang hatt en original tanke? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer16" "Have you ever had an original thought? " "npc_citizen.answer17" "Jeg skal ikke en gang be deg holde kjeft. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer17" "I'm not even gonna tell you to shut up. " "npc_citizen.answer18" "La oss konsentrere oss om oppgaven vi skal utføre. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer18" "Let's concentrate on the task at hand. " "npc_citizen.answer19" "Konsentrer dere om arbeidet. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer19" "Keep your mind on your work. " "npc_citizen.answer20" "Du tenker jo bare koffert. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer20" "Your mind is in the gutter. " "npc_citizen.answer21" "Ikke vær så sikker på det. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer21" "Don't be so sure of that. " "npc_citizen.answer22" "Man vet aldri. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer22" "You never know. " "npc_citizen.answer23" "Aldri godt å si. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer23" "Never can tell. " "npc_citizen.answer24" "Hvorfor sier du det til meg? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer24" "Why are you telling me? " "npc_citizen.answer25" "Hva synes dere om det? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer25" "How about that? " "npc_citizen.answer26" "Det er mer informasjon enn jeg trenger. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer26" "That's more information than I require. " "npc_citizen.answer27" "Skal vi vedde? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer27" "Wanna bet? " "npc_citizen.answer28" "Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde fått en krone hver gang noen sa det. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer28" "I wish I had a dime for every time somebody said that. " "npc_citizen.answer29" "Hva skal jeg gjøre med det? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer29" "What am I supposed to do about it? " "npc_citizen.answer30" "Snakker du til meg? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer30" "You talking to me? " "npc_citizen.answer31" "Du bør ikke begynne med det preiket der. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer31" "You should nip that kind of talk in the bud. " "npc_citizen.answer32" "Nemlig. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer32" "Right on. " "npc_citizen.answer33" "Ingen krangling der. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer33" "No argument there. " "npc_citizen.answer34" "Ikke glem Hawaii. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer34" "Don't forget Hawaii. " "npc_citizen.answer35" "Prøv å ikke la det påvirke deg. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer35" "Try not to let it get to you. " "npc_citizen.answer36" "Ville ikke blitt første gang. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer36" "Wouldn't be the first time. " "npc_citizen.answer37" "Er du sikker på det? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer37" "You sure about that? " "npc_citizen.answer38" "La det være. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer38" "Leave it alone. " "npc_citizen.answer39" "Det er nok fra deg. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer39" "That's enough outta you. " "npc_citizen.answer40" "Det er en første gang for alt. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer40" "There's a first time for everything. " "npc_citizen.antguard01" "Det er en antlion-vakt!" "[english]npc_citizen.antguard01" "It's an antlion guard!" "npc_citizen.antguard02" "Det er en antlion-vakt!" "[english]npc_citizen.antguard02" "It's an antlion guard!" "npc_citizen.antlion01" "Antlion!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlion01" "Antlion!" "npc_citizen.antlion02" "Antlion!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlion02" "Antlion!" "npc_citizen.antlions01" "Antlioner!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlions01" "Antlions!" "npc_citizen.antlions02" "Antlioner!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlions02" "Antlions!" "npc_citizen.antrhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.antrhino01" " " "npc_citizen.antrhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.antrhino02" " " "npc_citizen.areyoucrazy" "Er du gal? Jeg går ikke ut i det der!" "[english]npc_citizen.areyoucrazy" "Are you crazy? I am not going out in that!" "npc_citizen.barnacles01" "Barnacler!" "[english]npc_citizen.barnacles01" "Barnacles!" "npc_citizen.barnacles02" "Barnacler" "[english]npc_citizen.barnacles02" "Barnacles" "npc_citizen.behindyou01" "Bak deg!" "[english]npc_citizen.behindyou01" "Behind you!" "npc_citizen.behindyou02" "Bak deg!" "[english]npc_citizen.behindyou02" "Behind you!" "npc_citizen.bouncebombs01" "Sprettbomber!" "[english]npc_citizen.bouncebombs01" "Bouncebombs!" "npc_citizen.bouncebombs02" "Sprettbomber!" "[english]npc_citizen.bouncebombs02" "Bouncebombs!" "npc_citizen.busy01" "Ikke akkurat nå. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy01" "Not right now. " "npc_citizen.busy02" "Ser du ikke at jeg er opptatt? " "[english]npc_citizen.busy02" "Can't you see I'm busy? " "npc_citizen.busy03" "Dette er ikke et godt tidspunkt. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy03" "This isn't a good time. " "npc_citizen.busy04" "Dette er ikke det riktige tidspunktet. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy04" "This isn't the time. " "npc_citizen.busy05" "Senere, er du snill. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy05" "Later, please. " "npc_citizen.cantbeseen02" "Ingen må se at vi snakker sammen." "[english]npc_citizen.cantbeseen02" "I can't be seen talking to you." "npc_citizen.cantgetawaywiththat" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cantgetawaywiththat" " " "npc_citizen.careful01" "Forsiktig, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.careful01" "Careful, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.careful02" "Forsiktig, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.careful02" "Careful, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.carefultherefm" "Vær forsiktig, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.carefultherefm" "Careful there, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper01" "Hei, der nede! Forsyninger! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper01" "Hey down there! Supplies! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper02" "Hei, ta imot! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper02" "Hey, catch! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper03" "Se hva jeg fant. " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper03" "Look what I found. " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper04" "Se opp nedenfor! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper04" "Look out below! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper05" "Hei, du. Hjelp deg selv! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper05" "Hey you, help yourself! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper06" "Her, ta imot! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper06" "Here ya go! " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding01" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding02" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding03" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding03" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding04" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding04" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding05" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding05" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding06" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding06" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding07" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding07" " " "npc_citizen.civilprotection01" "Borgerrettsvern!" "[english]npc_citizen.civilprotection01" "Civil Protection!" "npc_citizen.civilprotection02" "Borgerrettsvern! " "[english]npc_citizen.civilprotection02" "Civil Protection! " "npc_citizen.com_cantgetthru01" "Jeg kommer ikke gjennom. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_cantgetthru01" "I can't get through. " "npc_citizen.com_onmyway01" "Jeg er på vei." "[english]npc_citizen.com_onmyway01" "I'm on my way." "npc_citizen.com_standby_multi01" "Vi venter her." "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_multi01" "We are standing by." "npc_citizen.com_standby_multi02" "Vi er klare når du er klar. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_multi02" "We're ready when you are. " "npc_citizen.com_standby_solo01" "Jeg venter på ditt signal, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_solo01" "I'm waiting for your signal, Doc. " "npc_citizen.com_standby_solo02" "Klar og venter!" "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_solo02" "Ready and waiting!" "npc_citizen.combine01" "Combine!" "[english]npc_citizen.combine01" "Combine!" "npc_citizen.combine02" "Combine!" "[english]npc_citizen.combine02" "Combine!" "npc_citizen.coverwhilereload01" "Dekk meg mens jeg lader på nytt!" "[english]npc_citizen.coverwhilereload01" "Cover me while I reload!" "npc_citizen.coverwhilereload02" "Dekk meg mens jeg lader på nytt!" "[english]npc_citizen.coverwhilereload02" "Cover me while I reload!" "npc_citizen.cps01" "CP-er!" "[english]npc_citizen.cps01" "CPs!" "npc_citizen.cps02" "CP-er! " "[english]npc_citizen.cps02" "CPs! " "npc_citizen.crabshells01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.crabshells01" " " "npc_citizen.crabshells02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.crabshells02" " " "npc_citizen.damntiddly01" "Jævla lopper!" "[english]npc_citizen.damntiddly01" "Damn tiddly-winks!" "npc_citizen.damntiddly02" "Jævla lopper!" "[english]npc_citizen.damntiddly02" "Damn tiddly-winks!" "npc_citizen.die" " " "[english]npc_citizen.die" " " "npc_citizen.docfreeman01" "Selveste dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.docfreeman01" "Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.docfreeman02" "Selveste dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.docfreeman02" "Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.doiknowyoufromsomewhere" "Har jeg møtt deg før?" "[english]npc_citizen.doiknowyoufromsomewhere" "Do I know you from somewhere?" "npc_citizen.doingsomething" "Burde vi ikke gjøre noe?" "[english]npc_citizen.doingsomething" "Shouldn't we be doing something?" "npc_citizen.dontforgetreload01" "Ikke glem å lade på nytt, dr. Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.dontforgetreload01" "Don't forget to reload, Dr. Freeman " "npc_citizen.downthere01" "Der nede!" "[english]npc_citizen.downthere01" "Down there!" "npc_citizen.downthere02" "Der nede!" "[english]npc_citizen.downthere02" "Down there!" "npc_citizen.evenodds" "La oss utjevne oddsen litt " "[english]npc_citizen.evenodds" "Let's even the odds a little " "npc_citizen.excuseme01" "Unnskyld meg. " "[english]npc_citizen.excuseme01" "Excuse me. " "npc_citizen.excuseme02" "Unnskyld meg. " "[english]npc_citizen.excuseme02" "Excuse me. " "npc_citizen.fantastic01" "Fantastisk! " "[english]npc_citizen.fantastic01" "Fantastic! " "npc_citizen.fantastic02" "Fantastisk! " "[english]npc_citizen.fantastic02" "Fantastic! " "npc_citizen.finally" "Endelig!" "[english]npc_citizen.finally" "Finally!" "npc_citizen.freeman" "Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.freeman" "Freeman." "npc_citizen.getawayfromme01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.getawayfromme01" " " "npc_citizen.getdown01" "Ned!" "[english]npc_citizen.getdown01" "Get down!" "npc_citizen.getdown02" "Ned!" "[english]npc_citizen.getdown02" "Get down!" "npc_citizen.getgoingsoon" "Skal vi dra av gårde snart, eller?" "[english]npc_citizen.getgoingsoon" "Are we gonna get going soon?" "npc_citizen.gethellout" "Ut brennkvikt!" "[english]npc_citizen.gethellout" "Get the hell out of here!" "npc_citizen.goodgod" "Milde himmel!" "[english]npc_citizen.goodgod" "Good god!" "npc_citizen.goodidea01" "God ide, doktor." "[english]npc_citizen.goodidea01" "Good idea, Doc." "npc_citizen.goodidea02" "God ide, doktor." "[english]npc_citizen.goodidea02" "Good idea, Doc." "npc_citizen.goodplan01" "God plan." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplan01" "Good plan." "npc_citizen.goodplan02" "God plan." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplan02" "Good plan." "npc_citizen.goodplandoc" "God plan, doktor." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplandoc" "Good plan, Doc." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "Hva nå?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "Now what?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "Og nå som alt gikk så bra." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "And things were going so well." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "Ikke si det." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "Don't tell me." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "Å, herregud!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "Oh, God!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "Å, nei!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "Oh no!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "Nei, vær så snill!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "Please no!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "Hvis du våger å si \"Det kommer til å gjøre vondt\", så dreper jeg deg." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "If you dare say 'That's gotta hurt,' I'll kill you." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "Bør vi gravlegge ham her?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "Should we bury him here?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "Det ante meg at han ikke kunne hjelpe oss." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "I had a feeling even he couldn't help us." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "Spre nyheten." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "Spread the word." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "Hva er vitsen?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "What's the use?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "Hva er poenget?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "What's the point?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "Hvorfor fortsette?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "Why go on?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "Det er ute med oss. " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "We're done for. " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "Vel, hva nå? " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "Well, now what? " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "Fus å ha drakten." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "Dibs on the suit." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "Vent litt, det er ikke Gordon Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "Wait a second that's not Gordon Freeman! " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "Han har gjort dette før. Han klarer seg." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "He's done this before. He'll be okay." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "Jeg tror jeg blir dårlig." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "I'm gonna be sick." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "Kan noen ta dette brekkjernet." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "Somebody take his crowbar." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "Han er død." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "He's dead." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "For en måte å dø på. " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "What a way to go. " "npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "Å, herregud. Det er Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "Oh my God, it's Freeman! " "npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "Å, herregud. Det er Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "Oh my God, it's Freeman!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "Freeman er ... død ..." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "Freeman is...dead..." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "Det er ikke Freeman, er det?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "That's not Freeman is it?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "Det kan det ikke være!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "This can't be!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "Han er død!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "Look, he's dead!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "Han har kommet langt fra Black Mesa." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "He came a long way from Black Mesa." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "Han beveger seg ikke." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "He's not moving." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "Dette er ille." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "This is bad." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "Jeg trodde han var udødelig!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "I thought he was invincible!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "Vel, det var doktor Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "So much for Doctor Freeman." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "Og det var vårt siste håp." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "So much for our last hope." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "Det er ikke meningen at det skal slutte slik." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "It's not supposed to end like this." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "Selveste dr. Freeman? Kan du høre meg? Ikke gå inn i lyset!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "Dr. Freeman? Can you hear me? Do not go into the light!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "Hva nå?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "What now?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "Noen siste ord, doktor? " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "Any last words, Doc? " "npc_citizen.gotone01" "Fikk en!" "[english]npc_citizen.gotone01" "Got one!" "npc_citizen.gotone02" "Jeg fikk en! " "[english]npc_citizen.gotone02" "I got one! " "npc_citizen.gottareload01" "Må lade om!" "[english]npc_citizen.gottareload01" "Gotta reload!" "npc_citizen.gunship01" "Kampskip" "[english]npc_citizen.gunship01" "Gunship" "npc_citizen.gunship02" "Kampskip!" "[english]npc_citizen.gunship02" "Gunship!" "npc_citizen.hacks01" "Hackere!" "[english]npc_citizen.hacks01" "Hacks!" "npc_citizen.hacks02" "Hackere! " "[english]npc_citizen.hacks02" "Hacks! " "npc_citizen.headcrabs01" "Headcrabs!" "[english]npc_citizen.headcrabs01" "Headcrabs!" "npc_citizen.headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "[english]npc_citizen.headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "npc_citizen.headsup01" "Se opp! " "[english]npc_citizen.headsup01" "Heads up! " "npc_citizen.headsup02" "Se opp!" "[english]npc_citizen.headsup02" "Heads up!" "npc_citizen.health01" "Ta denne førstehjelpen. " "[english]npc_citizen.health01" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health02" "Ta denne førstehjelpen. " "[english]npc_citizen.health02" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health03" "Ta denne førstehjelpen. " "[english]npc_citizen.health03" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health04" "Her, ta denne førstehjelpen. " "[english]npc_citizen.health04" "Here, have a medkit. " "npc_citizen.health05" "Her, lapp deg selv sammen. " "[english]npc_citizen.health05" "Here, patch yourself up. " "npc_citizen.hellodrfm01" "Hallo, dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.hellodrfm01" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.hellodrfm02" "Hallo, dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.hellodrfm02" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.help01" "Hjelp!" "[english]npc_citizen.help01" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help02" "Hjelp!" "[english]npc_citizen.help02" "Help!" "npc_citizen.helpme01" "Hjelp meg!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpme01" "Help me!" "npc_citizen.helpoverhere01" "Hjelp! Hitover!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpoverhere01" "Help! over here!" "npc_citizen.helpoverhere02" "Hjelp! Hitover!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpoverhere02" "Help! Over here!" "npc_citizen.helpus01" "Hjelp oss!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpus01" "Help us!" "npc_citizen.helpus02" "Hjelp oss!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpus02" "Help us!" "npc_citizen.herecomehacks01" "Her kommer hackene!" "[english]npc_citizen.herecomehacks01" "Here come the hacks!" "npc_citizen.herecomehacks02" "Her kommer hackene!" "[english]npc_citizen.herecomehacks02" "Here come the hacks!" "npc_citizen.heretheycome01" "Her kommer de! " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome01" "Here they come! " "npc_citizen.heretohelp01" "Vi trodde du var kommet for å hjelpe. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretohelp01" "We thought you were here to help. " "npc_citizen.heretohelp02" "Vi trodde du var kommet for å hjelpe. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretohelp02" "We thought you were here to help. " "npc_citizen.heydoc01" "Hei, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.heydoc01" "Hey, Doc. " "npc_citizen.heydoc02" "Hei, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.heydoc02" "Hey, Doc. " "npc_citizen.heythanksfm01" "Hei, takk skal du ha, Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.heythanksfm01" "Hey, thanks, Freeman." "npc_citizen.heythanksfm02" "Hei, takk skal du ha, Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.heythanksfm02" "Hey, thanks, Freeman." "npc_citizen.hi01" "Hei. " "[english]npc_citizen.hi01" "Hi. " "npc_citizen.hi02" "Hei. " "[english]npc_citizen.hi02" "Hi. " "npc_citizen.hitingut01" "Truffet i magen!" "[english]npc_citizen.hitingut01" "Hit in the gut!" "npc_citizen.hitingut02" "Truffet i magen!" "[english]npc_citizen.hitingut02" "Hit in the gut!" "npc_citizen.holddownspot01" "Jeg blir her og forsvarer denne posten. " "[english]npc_citizen.holddownspot01" "I'm gonna stay and hold down this spot. " "npc_citizen.holddownspot02" "Jeg blir her og forsvarer denne posten. " "[english]npc_citizen.holddownspot02" "I'm gonna stay and hold down this spot. " "npc_citizen.hoppers01" "Hoppere!" "[english]npc_citizen.hoppers01" "Hoppers!" "npc_citizen.hoppers02" "Hoppere!" "[english]npc_citizen.hoppers02" "Hoppers!" "npc_citizen.howdimissthat" "Hvordan unngikk jeg å se det?" "[english]npc_citizen.howdimissthat" "How'd I miss that?" "npc_citizen.illstayhere01" "Jeg blir her. " "[english]npc_citizen.illstayhere01" "I'll stay here. " "npc_citizen.imhurt01" "Jeg er skadet! " "[english]npc_citizen.imhurt01" "I'm hurt! " "npc_citizen.imhurt02" "Jeg er skadet!" "[english]npc_citizen.imhurt02" "I'm hurt!" "npc_citizen.imstickinghere01" "Jeg blir her." "[english]npc_citizen.imstickinghere01" "I'm sticking here." "npc_citizen.incoming01" "Innkommende!" "[english]npc_citizen.incoming01" "Incoming!" "npc_citizen.incoming02" "Innkommende!" "[english]npc_citizen.incoming02" "Incoming!" "npc_citizen.inthere01" "Inn her!" "[english]npc_citizen.inthere01" "In there!" "npc_citizen.inthere02" "Inn her!" "[english]npc_citizen.inthere02" "In there!" "npc_citizen.itsamanhack01" "Det er en manhack!" "[english]npc_citizen.itsamanhack01" "It's a manhack!" "npc_citizen.itsamanhack02" "Det er en manhack!" "[english]npc_citizen.itsamanhack02" "It's a manhack!" "npc_citizen.itsarhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.itsarhino01" " " "npc_citizen.itsarhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.itsarhino02" " " "npc_citizen.joe00" " " "[english]npc_citizen.joe00" " " "npc_citizen.leadon01" "Led an, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.leadon01" "Lead on, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.leadon02" "Led an, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.leadon02" "Lead on, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.leadtheway01" "Du går foran. " "[english]npc_citizen.leadtheway01" "You lead the way. " "npc_citizen.leadtheway02" "Gå foran, du." "[english]npc_citizen.leadtheway02" "Lead the way." "npc_citizen.letsgo01" "Kom an! " "[english]npc_citizen.letsgo01" "Let's go! " "npc_citizen.letsgo02" "Kom an! " "[english]npc_citizen.letsgo02" "Let's go! " "npc_citizen.likethat" "Ha ha! Slik? " "[english]npc_citizen.likethat" "Ha ha! Like that? " "npc_citizen.likethemapples" "Likte du det? " "[english]npc_citizen.likethemapples" "Like them apples? " "npc_citizen.littlecorner01" "Jeg har funnet min lille krok, og her blir jeg " "[english]npc_citizen.littlecorner01" "I've got my little corner and I'm sticking to it " "npc_citizen.lookoutfm01" "Se opp, Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.lookoutfm01" "Look out, Freeman " "npc_citizen.lookoutfm02" "Se opp, Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.lookoutfm02" "Look out, Freeman " "npc_citizen.manhacks01" "Manhackere!" "[english]npc_citizen.manhacks01" "Manhacks!" "npc_citizen.manhacks02" "Manhackere!" "[english]npc_citizen.manhacks02" "Manhacks!" "npc_citizen.moan01" "*stønn*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan01" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan02" "*stønn*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan02" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan03" "*stønn*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan03" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan04" "*stønn*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan04" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan05" "*stønn*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan05" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.myarm01" "Armen min!" "[english]npc_citizen.myarm01" "My arm!" "npc_citizen.myarm02" "Armen min!" "[english]npc_citizen.myarm02" "My arm!" "npc_citizen.mygut01" "Magen min!" "[english]npc_citizen.mygut01" "My gut!" "npc_citizen.mygut02" "Magen min!" "[english]npc_citizen.mygut02" "My gut!" "npc_citizen.myleg01" "Foten min!" "[english]npc_citizen.myleg01" "My leg!" "npc_citizen.myleg02" "Foten min!" "[english]npc_citizen.myleg02" "My leg!" "npc_citizen.nice" "Bra!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.no01" "Nei!" "[english]npc_citizen.no01" "No!" "npc_citizen.no02" "Nei!" "[english]npc_citizen.no02" "No!" "npc_citizen.notthemanithought01" "Du er ikke den mannen jeg trodde du var. " "[english]npc_citizen.notthemanithought01" "You're not the man I thought you were. " "npc_citizen.notthemanithought02" "Du er ikke den mannen jeg trodde du var. " "[english]npc_citizen.notthemanithought02" "You're not the man I thought you were. " "npc_citizen.ohno" "Å, nei! " "[english]npc_citizen.ohno" "Oh no! " "npc_citizen.ok01" "OK. " "[english]npc_citizen.ok01" "Okay. " "npc_citizen.ok02" "OK! " "[english]npc_citizen.ok02" "Okay! " "npc_citizen.okdoc01" "OK, doktor." "[english]npc_citizen.okdoc01" "Okay, Doc." "npc_citizen.okdoc02" "OK, doktor." "[english]npc_citizen.okdoc02" "Okay, Doc." "npc_citizen.okimready01" "OK, jeg er klar. " "[english]npc_citizen.okimready01" "Okay, I'm ready. " "npc_citizen.okimready02" "OK, jeg er klar. " "[english]npc_citizen.okimready02" "Okay, I'm ready. " "npc_citizen.okimready03" "OK, jeg er klar." "[english]npc_citizen.okimready03" "Okay, I'm ready." "npc_citizen.oneforme" "Én til meg og én til deg." "[english]npc_citizen.oneforme" "One for me and one for me." "npc_citizen.onyourside" "Freeman, vi er på din side! " "[english]npc_citizen.onyourside" "Freeman, we're on your side! " "npc_citizen.outofyourway01" "La meg komme meg ut av veien " "[english]npc_citizen.outofyourway01" "Let me get out of your way " "npc_citizen.outofyourway02" "La meg komme meg ut av veien " "[english]npc_citizen.outofyourway02" "Let me get out of your way " "npc_citizen.outthere01" "Der borte!" "[english]npc_citizen.outthere01" "Out there!" "npc_citizen.outthere02" "Der borte!" "[english]npc_citizen.outthere02" "Out there!" "npc_citizen.overhere01" "Hei, hitover!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere01" "Hey, over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere01a" "Hitover!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere01a" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere02" "Hitover!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere02" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere03" "Hitover!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere03" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overthere01" "Der borte!" "[english]npc_citizen.overthere01" "Over there!" "npc_citizen.overthere02" "Der borte!" "[english]npc_citizen.overthere02" "Over there!" "npc_citizen.ow01" "Au!" "[english]npc_citizen.ow01" "Ow!" "npc_citizen.ow02" "Au!" "[english]npc_citizen.ow02" "Ow!" "npc_citizen.pain01" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain01" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain02" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain02" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain03" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain03" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain04" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain04" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain05" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain05" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain06" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain06" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain07" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain07" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain08" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain08" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain09" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain09" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pardonme01" "Unnskyld meg." "[english]npc_citizen.pardonme01" "Pardon me." "npc_citizen.pardonme02" "Unnskyld meg." "[english]npc_citizen.pardonme02" "Pardon me." "npc_citizen.question01" "Jeg tror ikke denne krigen slutter noen gang. " "[english]npc_citizen.question01" "I don't think this war's ever gonna end. " "npc_citizen.question02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.question02" " " "npc_citizen.question03" "Jeg drømmer ikke lenger. " "[english]npc_citizen.question03" "I don't dream anymore. " "npc_citizen.question04" "Når dette er over, skal jeg ... Hah, hvem er det jeg tror jeg lurer? " "[english]npc_citizen.question04" "When this is all over I'm...aw, who am I kidding? " "npc_citizen.question05" "Whoa ... deja vu!" "[english]npc_citizen.question05" "Whoa...deja vu!" "npc_citizen.question06" " " "[english]npc_citizen.question06" " " "npc_citizen.question07" "Kjenner du den lukten? Det lukter frihet. " "[english]npc_citizen.question07" "You smell that? It's freedom. " "npc_citizen.question08" "Hvis jeg noen gang får tak i dr. Breen ..." "[english]npc_citizen.question08" "If I ever get my hands on Dr. Breen..." "npc_citizen.question09" "Jeg kunne spist en hest, med hover og det hele. " "[english]npc_citizen.question09" "I could eat a horse, hooves and all. " "npc_citizen.question10" "Jeg kan nesten ikke tro denne dagen endelig har kommet. " "[english]npc_citizen.question10" "I can't believe this day has finally come. " "npc_citizen.question11" "Jeg er ganske sikker på at dette ikke er en del av planen. " "[english]npc_citizen.question11" "I'm pretty sure this isn't part of the plan. " "npc_citizen.question12" "Virker på meg som om ting blir verre, ikke bedre. " "[english]npc_citizen.question12" "Looks to me like things are getting worse, not better. " "npc_citizen.question13" "Hvis jeg bare kunne levd livet på nytt " "[english]npc_citizen.question13" "If I could live my life over again " "npc_citizen.question14" "Jeg skal ikke engang fortelle deg hva det minner meg om. " "[english]npc_citizen.question14" "I'm not even gonna tell you what that reminds me of. " "npc_citizen.question15" "De kommer aldri til å gjøre meg til en stalker. " "[english]npc_citizen.question15" "They're never gonna make a stalker out of me. " "npc_citizen.question16" "Endelig er det endringer i luften! " "[english]npc_citizen.question16" "Finally, change is in the air! " "npc_citizen.question17" "Merker du det? Jeg merker det! " "[english]npc_citizen.question17" "Do you feel it? I feel it! " "npc_citizen.question18" "Jeg merker ikke noe lenger. " "[english]npc_citizen.question18" "I don't feel anything anymore. " "npc_citizen.question19" "Jeg husker ikke sist jeg tok en dusj. " "[english]npc_citizen.question19" "I can't remember the last time I had a shower. " "npc_citizen.question20" "En dag vil alt dette være et vondt minne. " "[english]npc_citizen.question20" "Some day this will all be a bad memory. " "npc_citizen.question21" "Jeg er ingen gambler, men oddsene er ikke gode. " "[english]npc_citizen.question21" "I'm not a betting man, but the odds are not good. " "npc_citizen.question22" "Er det ingen som bryr seg om hva jeg mener? " "[english]npc_citizen.question22" "Doesn't anyone care what I think? " "npc_citizen.question23" "Jeg får ikke denne sangen ut av hodet. [plystrer]" "[english]npc_citizen.question23" "I can't get this tune out of my head. [whistles]" "npc_citizen.question24" "Jeg vil ikke vite hva slags kjøtt dette er. " "[english]npc_citizen.question24" "I do not want to know what kind of meat this is. " "npc_citizen.question25" "Jeg bare visste at det ville bli en slik dag. " "[english]npc_citizen.question25" "I just knew it was gonna be one of those days. " "npc_citizen.question26" "Dette er noe forbanna tull!" "[english]npc_citizen.question26" "This is bullshit!" "npc_citizen.question27" "Jeg tror jeg har spist noe dårlig mat." "[english]npc_citizen.question27" "I think I ate something bad." "npc_citizen.question28" "Herregud så sulten jeg er." "[english]npc_citizen.question28" "God I'm hungry." "npc_citizen.question29" "Når alt dette er over, skal jeg få meg et kvinnfolk. " "[english]npc_citizen.question29" "When this is all over, I'm gonna mate. " "npc_citizen.question30" "Godt det ikke er noen barn i nærheten " "[english]npc_citizen.question30" "I'm glad there's no kids around to see this " "npc_citizen.question31" "Jeg husker ikke sist jeg gjorde, vel, noe som helst. " "[english]npc_citizen.question31" "I can't remember the last time I had, well, anything. " "npc_citizen.readywhenyouare01" "Klar når du er klar. " "[english]npc_citizen.readywhenyouare01" "Ready when you are. " "npc_citizen.readywhenyouare02" "Klar når du er klar! " "[english]npc_citizen.readywhenyouare02" "Ready when you are! " "npc_citizen.reloadfm01" "Lad på nytt, dr. Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.reloadfm01" "Reload, Dr. Freeman!" "npc_citizen.reloadfm02" "Lad på nytt, dr. Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.reloadfm02" "Reload, Dr. Freeman!" "npc_citizen.rollermines01" "Rulleminer!" "[english]npc_citizen.rollermines01" "Rollermines!" "npc_citizen.rollermines02" "Rulleminer!" "[english]npc_citizen.rollermines02" "Rollermines!" "npc_citizen.runforyourlife01" "Spring for livet! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife01" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.runforyourlife02" "Spring for livet! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife02" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.runforyourlife03" "Spring for livet! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife03" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far01" "Klart. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far01" "Clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far02" "Alt klart. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far02" "All clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far03" "Ser greit ut. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far03" "Looks okay. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_near01" "Klart!" "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near01" "Clear!" "npc_citizen.scan_check_near02" "Alt klart. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near02" "All clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_near03" "Ser greit ut. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near03" "Looks okay. " "npc_citizen.scanners01" "Skannere! " "[english]npc_citizen.scanners01" "Scanners! " "npc_citizen.scanners02" "Skannere! " "[english]npc_citizen.scanners02" "Scanners! " "npc_citizen.shoulder01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.shoulder01" " " "npc_citizen.shoulder02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.shoulder02" " " "npc_citizen.snakebitme" "Hvis det hadde vært en slange, ville den ha bitt meg." "[english]npc_citizen.snakebitme" "If it were a snake, it woulda bit me." "npc_citizen.sorry01" "Beklager." "[english]npc_citizen.sorry01" "Sorry." "npc_citizen.sorry02" "Beklager. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorry02" "Sorry. " "npc_citizen.sorry03" "Beklager. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorry03" "Sorry. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc01" "Beklager, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc01" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc02" "Beklager, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc02" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc04" "Beklager, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc04" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorryfm01" "Beklager, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorryfm01" "Sorry, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.sorryfm02" "Beklager, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorryfm02" "Sorry, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm01" "Greit, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm01" "You got it, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm02" "Hvis du sier det så, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm02" "Anything you say, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm03" "Bare si fra. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm03" "Whatever you say. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm04" "OK, jeg går. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm04" "Okay I'm going. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm05" "Da setter vi i gang. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm05" "Here goes. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm06" "Greit, da setter vi i gang. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm06" "Here goes nothing. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm07" "Godt sett, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm07" "Good call, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm08" "God idé, doktor Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm08" "Good idea, Doctor Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm09" "Greit, Gordon. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm09" "Sure thing, Gordon. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach01" "Gå tilbake til Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach01" "Head back to Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach02" "Her kommer vi. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach02" "Here we come. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach03" "Vi er på vei. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach03" "On our way. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach04" "Kommer. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach04" "Coming. " "npc_citizen.squad_away01" "Denne veien, folkens." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away01" "This way, gang." "npc_citizen.squad_away02" "Hitover. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away02" "Over here. " "npc_citizen.squad_away03" "Følg meg. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away03" "Follow me. " "npc_citizen.squad_follow01" "Følg etter Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow01" "Follow Freeman! " "npc_citizen.squad_follow02" "Kom igjen, alle sammen! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow02" "Come on, everybody! " "npc_citizen.squad_follow03" "Vi drar!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow03" "Let's get moving!" "npc_citizen.squad_follow04" "Hei, alle sammen, følg etter Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow04" "Hey, everybody, follow Freeman!" "npc_citizen.squad_greet01" "Gordon Freeman, du er her! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet01" "Gordon Freeman, you're here! " "npc_citizen.squad_greet02" "Doktor Freeman? Vi blir med deg. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet02" "Doctor Freeman? We're coming with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet03" "Vi blir med deg, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet03" "We're coming with you, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet04" "Med deg her, dr. Freeman, kan vi endelig få opp dampen." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet04" "With you here, Dr. Freeman, we can finally make some headway." "npc_citizen.squad_greet05" "Gordon Freeman er her. Jeg kan ikke tro det. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet05" "Gordon Freeman's here. I don't believe it. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet06" "Gordon Freeman? Vel, nå blir det endelig fart i sakene. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet06" "Gordon Freeman? Well now we're getting somewhere. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group01" "Vent, doktor Freeman. Vi blir med deg. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group01" "Doctor Freeman, wait. We'll come with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group02" "Hei, det er Freeman! La oss følge ham! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group02" "Hey, it's Freeman! Let's follow him! " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group03" "Vi håpte på å bli med deg, doktor Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group03" "We were looking to join you, Doctor Freeman." "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group04" "Vent på oss!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group04" "Wait for us!" "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single01" "Vent på meg, dr. Freeman. Jeg blir med deg. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single01" "Wait for me, Dr. Freeman. I'll come with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single02" "Selveste dr. Freeman, jeg blir med deg. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single02" "Dr. Freeman, I'm coming with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single03" "Hei, det er Freeman! Du går ikke uten meg. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single03" "Hey. it's Freeman! You're not leaving without me. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single04" "Vent på meg. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single04" "Wait for me. " "npc_citizen.squad_train01" "Vi skal gi deg all mulig hjelp, doktor. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train01" "We'll help however we can, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_train02" "Gi beskjed hvor du vil ha oss, dr. Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train02" "Let us know where you want us, Dr. Freeman." "npc_citizen.squad_train03" "OK, doktor, du er sjefen. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train03" "Okay, Doc, you're in charge. " "npc_citizen.squad_train04" "Vi er med deg, dr. Freeman. Gi beskjed hvis det er noe mer vi kan gjøre for å hjelpe." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train04" "We're with you, Dr. Freeman. Let us know if we can do anything extra to help." "npc_citizen.startle01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.startle01" " " "npc_citizen.startle02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.startle02" " " "npc_citizen.stopitfm" "Stopp det der, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.stopitfm" "Stop it, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.strider" "Strider!" "[english]npc_citizen.strider" "Strider!" "npc_citizen.strider_run" "Løp!" "[english]npc_citizen.strider_run" "Run!" "npc_citizen.surething01" "Ja visst." "[english]npc_citizen.surething01" "Sure thing." "npc_citizen.surething02" "Ja visst." "[english]npc_citizen.surething02" "Sure thing." "npc_citizen.takecover01" "I dekning!" "[english]npc_citizen.takecover01" "Take cover!" "npc_citizen.takecover02" "I dekning!" "[english]npc_citizen.takecover02" "Take cover!" "npc_citizen.thanksdoc01" "Takk, doktor." "[english]npc_citizen.thanksdoc01" "Thanks, Doc." "npc_citizen.thanksdoc02" "Takk, doktor." "[english]npc_citizen.thanksdoc02" "Thanks, Doc." "npc_citizen.thehacks01" "Hackene!" "[english]npc_citizen.thehacks01" "The Hacks!" "npc_citizen.thehacks02" "Hackene!" "[english]npc_citizen.thehacks02" "The Hacks!" "npc_citizen.thislldonicely" "Dette blir bra." "[english]npc_citizen.thislldonicely" "This'll do nicely." "npc_citizen.turret" "Kanon!" "[english]npc_citizen.turret" "Turret!" "npc_citizen.turrets" "Kanoner!" "[english]npc_citizen.turrets" "Turrets!" "npc_citizen.uhoh" "Øh, åh." "[english]npc_citizen.uhoh" "Uh-oh." "npc_citizen.upthere01" "Der oppe!" "[english]npc_citizen.upthere01" "Up there!" "npc_citizen.upthere02" "Der oppe! " "[english]npc_citizen.upthere02" "Up there! " "npc_citizen.vanswer01" "Nok tullprat fra deg. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer01" "Enough of your mumbo jumbo. " "npc_citizen.vanswer02" "Forbanna vort-er. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer02" "Damn vorts. " "npc_citizen.vanswer03" "Jeg vet ikke hvordan jeg skal tolke det. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer03" "I'm not sure how to take that. " "npc_citizen.vanswer04" "Burde jeg ta det personlig?" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer04" "Should I take that personally?" "npc_citizen.vanswer05" "Snakk engelsk." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer05" "Speak English." "npc_citizen.vanswer06" "Det fikk du fra meg." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer06" "You got that from me." "npc_citizen.vanswer07" "Det er derfor vi har holdt ut med deg." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer07" "That's why we put up with you." "npc_citizen.vanswer08" "Kunne ikke ha sagt det bedre selv. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer08" "Couldn't have put it better myself. " "npc_citizen.vanswer09" "Det gav nesten mening." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer09" "That almost made sense." "npc_citizen.vanswer10" "Noe må være galt med meg, siden jeg nesten forstod det der." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer10" "Something must be wrong with me, I almost understood that." "npc_citizen.vanswer11" "Jeg begynner visst å bli vant med dere vort-er." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer11" "I guess I'm getting used to you vorts." "npc_citizen.vanswer12" "Ikke mer vort-filosofi, takk." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer12" "None of your vort philosophy." "npc_citizen.vanswer13" "Stopp, jeg klarer ikke mer!" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer13" "Stop, you're killing me!" "npc_citizen.vanswer14" "Hva har jeg gjort for å fortjene dette?" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer14" "What did I do to deserve this?" "npc_citizen.vquestion01" "Ikke se på meg på den måten." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion01" "Stop looking at me like that." "npc_citizen.vquestion02" "Noe blir jeg bare aldri vant til." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion02" "Some things I just never get used to." "npc_citizen.vquestion03" "Jeg aner ikke hvordan dere har overlevd så lenge. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion03" "I don't know how you things have survived as long as you have. " "npc_citizen.vquestion04" "Noen ganger lurer jeg på hvordan jeg endte opp med dere. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion04" "Sometimes I wonder how I ended up with you. " "npc_citizen.vquestion05" "Du er OK, vort-en. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion05" "You're all right vorty. " "npc_citizen.vquestion06" "Dere vort-er er ikke så verst." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion06" "You vorts aren't half bad." "npc_citizen.vquestion07" "Hvis noen hadde fortalt meg at jeg skulle bli kompis med en vortigaunt ..." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion07" "If anyone would have told me I'd be pals with a vortigaunt..." "npc_citizen.waitingsomebody" "Venter du på noen?" "[english]npc_citizen.waitingsomebody" "You waiting for somebody?" "npc_citizen.watchforrhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.watchforrhino01" " " "npc_citizen.watchforrhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.watchforrhino02" " " "npc_citizen.watchout" "Se opp! " "[english]npc_citizen.watchout" "Watch out! " "npc_citizen.watchwhat" "Følg med på hva du gjør. " "[english]npc_citizen.watchwhat" "Watch what you're doing. " "npc_citizen.wetrustedyou01" "Vi stolte på deg. " "[english]npc_citizen.wetrustedyou01" "We trusted you. " "npc_citizen.wetrustedyou02" "Vi stolte på deg! " "[english]npc_citizen.wetrustedyou02" "We trusted you! " "npc_citizen.whatwaitfor" "Hva venter vi på?" "[english]npc_citizen.whatwaitfor" "What are we waiting for?" "npc_citizen.whistle_loop" " " "[english]npc_citizen.whistle_loop" " " "npc_citizen.whohellryou01" "Hvem faen er du?" "[english]npc_citizen.whohellryou01" "Who the hell are you?" "npc_citizen.whoops01" "Ooops." "[english]npc_citizen.whoops01" "Whoops." "npc_citizen.wowniceshot01" "Wow, godt skutt!" "[english]npc_citizen.wowniceshot01" "Wow, nice shot!" "npc_citizen.wowniceshot02" "Wow, godt skutt!" "[english]npc_citizen.wowniceshot02" "Wow, nice shot!" "npc_citizen.yeah02" "Ja!" "[english]npc_citizen.yeah02" "Yeah!" "npc_citizen.youdbetterreload01" "Du bør lade på nytt!" "[english]npc_citizen.youdbetterreload01" "You'd better reload!" "npc_citizen.yougotit02" "Du traff " "[english]npc_citizen.yougotit02" "You got it " "npc_citizen.zombies01" "Zombier!" "[english]npc_citizen.zombies01" "Zombies!" "npc_citizen.zombies02" "Zombier!" "[english]npc_citizen.zombies02" "Zombies!" "npc_citizen.help03" "Hjelp!" "[english]npc_citizen.help03" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help04" "Hjelp!" "[english]npc_citizen.help04" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help05" "Hjelp!" "[english]npc_citizen.help05" "Help!" "npc_citizen.helpme02" "Hjelp meg! " "[english]npc_citizen.helpme02" "Help me! " "npc_citizen.heretheycome02" "Her kommer de! " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome02" "Here they come! " "npc_citizen.heretheycome03" "Her kommer de. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome03" "Here they come. " "npc_citizen.nice01" "Bra!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice01" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.nice02" "Bra!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice02" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.overwatch01" "Overwatch! " "[english]npc_citizen.overwatch01" "Overwatch! " "npc_citizen.overwatch02" "Overwatch! " "[english]npc_citizen.overwatch02" "Overwatch! " "npc_citizen.thislldonicely01" "Dette blir bra. " "[english]npc_citizen.thislldonicely01" "This'll do nicely. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Chuckle" "*kort latter*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Chuckle" "*chuckle*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure" "Gjør deg klar til å få din sivile dom, mistenkt. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure" "Suspect, prepare to receive civil judgment. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure.Leave" "Jeg har et brudd på lojalitetskontrollen – en mulig 10-103M. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure.Leave" "I have a failure to comply with loyalty check, possible 10-103M. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway" "OK. Du kan gå. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway" "All right. You can go. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway.Failure" "Sånn, kom deg ut herfra. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway.Failure" "Now get out of here. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Intro" "Eh, det er mottatt. Vi kjører standard lojalitetskontroll med prosedyre 243. Min 10-22-stasjon, over. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Intro" "Uh, roger that, we'll run standard loyalty check procedure 243, my 10-22 intake station, over. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan" "Plukk opp den boksen. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan" "Pick up that can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan.Nag" "Plukk opp boksen. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan.Nag" "Pick up the can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PutItInTheTrash" "Og så kaster du den i søppelbøtta. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PutItInTheTrash" "Now, put it in the trash can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Success" "Rapporterer innbygger overført til frivillig innrulling for generelle tjenesteoppdrag – T94-322. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Success" "Reporting citizen summoned to voluntary conscription for general service public detail T94-322. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoLeft" "Fortsett." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoLeft" "Move along." "NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoRight" "Kom igjen." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoRight" "Move it." "NPC_MetroPolice.Freeze" "Ikke rør deg." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Freeze" "Don't move." "NPC_MetroPolice.Luggagescript.Warn" "Første advarsel: Gå av gårde. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Luggagescript.Warn" "First warning: Move away. " "npc_vortigaunt.acceptcharge" "Godta en lading. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.acceptcharge" "Accept a charge. " "npc_vortigaunt.acceptenergy" "Godta energi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.acceptenergy" "Accept energy. " "npc_vortigaunt.accompany" "Vi følger villig med. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.accompany" "Gladly we accompany. " "npc_vortigaunt.affirmed" "Bekreftet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.affirmed" "Affirmed. " "npc_vortigaunt.alldear" "Vi har mistet alt vi har kjær. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.alldear" "We have lost all dear to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.allfornow" "Det var alt for øyeblikket. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allfornow" "That is all for now. " "npc_vortigaunt.allinoneinall" "Alle i én og én i alle. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allinoneinall" "All in one and one in all. " "npc_vortigaunt.allowme" "La meg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allowme" "Allow me. " "npc_vortigaunt.allowrecharge" "La oss få lade opp cellene dine. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allowrecharge" "Allow us to recharge your cells. " "npc_vortigaunt.allwecanspare" "Dette er alt vi kan unnvære. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allwecanspare" "That is all we can spare. " "npc_vortigaunt.allwehave" "Alt vårt er ditt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allwehave" "All we have is yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.assent" "Samtykker. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.assent" "Assent. " "npc_vortigaunt.asyouwish" "Som du vil. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.asyouwish" "As you wish. " "npc_vortigaunt.beofservice" "Kan vi hjelpe? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.beofservice" "Can we be of service? " "npc_vortigaunt.bodyyours" "Denne kroppen står til din disposisjon. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.bodyyours" "This body is yours to command. " "npc_vortigaunt.calm" "Ro deg ned. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.calm" "Calm yourself. " "npc_vortigaunt.canconvince" "Kan vi ikke overtale deg til å gjøre noe annet? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.canconvince" "Can we not convince you otherwise? " "npc_vortigaunt.cannotfire" "Vi kan ikke skyte uten å skade Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.cannotfire" "We cannot fire without harm to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.caution" "Forsiktig! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.caution" "Caution! " "npc_vortigaunt.cautionfm" "Forsiktig, Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.cautionfm" "Caution, Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.certainly" "Akkurat. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.certainly" "Certainly. " "npc_vortigaunt.claimvort" " " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.claimvort" " " "npc_vortigaunt.corporeal" "Vi drømte ikke om å møte deg i legemlig utgave. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.corporeal" "We never dreamed to meet you in corporeal form. " "npc_vortigaunt.dedicate" "Vi stiller oss til disposisjon for deg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.dedicate" "We dedicate ourselves to your purpose. " "npc_vortigaunt.done" "Ferdig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.done" "Done. " "npc_vortigaunt.dreamed" "Vi har drømt om dette øyeblikket. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.dreamed" "We have dreamed of this moment. " "npc_vortigaunt.empowerus" "Gjør oss sterke! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.empowerus" "Empower us! " "npc_vortigaunt.energyempower" "Energien gjør oss sterke. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.energyempower" "Its energy empowers us. " "npc_vortigaunt.fearfailed" "Vi er redd vi har sviktet deg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fearfailed" "We fear we have failed you. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmbeware" "Vær på vakt, Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmbeware" "Freeman, beware! " "npc_vortigaunt.fmcanuse" "Freeman kan få bruk for denne. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmcanuse" "The Freeman can make use of this. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmdoesushonor" "Freeman gjør ære på oss. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmdoesushonor" "The Freeman does us honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmhonorsus" "Freeman beærer oss. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmhonorsus" "The Freeman honors us. " "npc_vortigaunt.fminway" "Freeman er i veien for oss. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fminway" "The Freeman is in our way. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmknowsbest" "Freeman vet best. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmknowsbest" "The Freeman knows best. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustbeware" "Freeman må være obs! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustbeware" "The Freeman must beware! " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustfollow" "Freeman må følge etter. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustfollow" "The Freeman must follow. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustmove" "Freeman må bevege seg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustmove" "The Freeman must move. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmstandstill" "Freeman må stå stille. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmstandstill" "The Freeman must stand still. " "npc_vortigaunt.followfm" "Følg etter, Freeman." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.followfm" "Follow, Freeman." "npc_vortigaunt.forfreedom" "For frihet! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forfreedom" "For Freedom! " "npc_vortigaunt.forthefm" "For Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forthefm" "For the Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.forward" "Fremover! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forward" "Forward! " "npc_vortigaunt.freeman" "Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.freeman" "Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.giveover" "Overlever essensen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.giveover" "Give over your essence. " "npc_vortigaunt.gladly" "Med glede. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.gladly" "Gladly. " "npc_vortigaunt.gloriousend" "Mot en praktfull slutt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.gloriousend" "To our glorious end. " "npc_vortigaunt.greetingsfm" "Vær hilset, Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.greetingsfm" "Greetings to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.halt" "Stopp. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.halt" "Halt. " "npc_vortigaunt.here" "Her. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.here" "Here. " "npc_vortigaunt.herewestay" "Her blir vi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.herewestay" "Here we stay. " "npc_vortigaunt.hold" "Stå i ro. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.hold" "Hold. " "npc_vortigaunt.holdorcantcharge" "Stå stille, ellers kan vi ikke lade deg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.holdorcantcharge" "Hold still or we cannot charge you. " "npc_vortigaunt.holdstill" "Stå stille. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.holdstill" "Hold still. " "npc_vortigaunt.honorfollow" "Vi følger deg med ære. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.honorfollow" "To our honor we follow you. " "npc_vortigaunt.honorours" "Æren er på vår side. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.honorours" "The honor is ours. " "npc_vortigaunt.hopeless" "Saken vår virker håpløs. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.hopeless" "Our cause seems hopeless. " "npc_vortigaunt.ifyoumove" "Hvis du beveger deg, kan vi ikke hjelpe. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ifyoumove" "If you move we cannot help you. " "npc_vortigaunt.isitthefm" "Er det Freeman? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.isitthefm" "Is it the Freeman? " "npc_vortigaunt.itishonor" "Det er en ære. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.itishonor" "It is an honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.itisthefm" "Det er Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.itisthefm" "It is the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.keepfmsafe" "Det burde gjøre Freeman trygg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.keepfmsafe" "That should keep the Freeman safe. " "npc_vortigaunt.leadon" "Led an. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.leadon" "Lead on. " "npc_vortigaunt.leadus" "Vis vei. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.leadus" "Lead us. " "npc_vortigaunt.livetoserve" "Vi lever for å tjene. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.livetoserve" "We live to serve. " "npc_vortigaunt.morethanmeets" "Det er mer ved Freeman enn det ser ut til. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.morethanmeets" "There is more to the Freeman than meets the eye. " "npc_vortigaunt.movingtarget" "Vi kan ikke helbrede et bevegelig mål. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.movingtarget" "We cannot heal a moving target. " "npc_vortigaunt.mutual" "Vi har samme formål. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.mutual" "Our purpose is mutual. " "npc_vortigaunt.mystery" "Vi tjener det samme mysteriet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.mystery" "We serve the same mystery. " "npc_vortigaunt.neuroprints" "Så nevroavtrykkene stemmer. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.neuroprints" "So the neuroprints are true. " "npc_vortigaunt.nodenexus" "Node og forbindelse, få næring i dette livet! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.nodenexus" "Node and nexus, feed upon this life! " "npc_vortigaunt.onward" "Fremad! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.onward" "Onward! " "npc_vortigaunt.opaque" "Tankene dine kan ikke leses. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.opaque" "Your mind is opaque. " "npc_vortigaunt.optical" "Vi kan ikke lese Freemans optiske signaler. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.optical" "We cannot read the Freeman's optical buds. " "npc_vortigaunt.ourhonor" "Æresord. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ourhonor" "By our honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.ourplacehere" "Vår plass er her. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ourplacehere" "Our place is here. " "npc_vortigaunt.passon" "Send videre! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.passon" "Pass on! " "npc_vortigaunt.persevere" "Dette er mer enn noen kan tåle, men vi skal holde ut. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.persevere" "This is more than anyone can bear, but we will persevere. " "npc_vortigaunt.pleasure" "Med glede. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.pleasure" "With pleasure. " "npc_vortigaunt.poet" "Vår mest kjente poet beskriver det på denne måten: Gallum galla gilla ma. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.poet" "Our finest poet describes it thus: Gallum galla gilla ma. " "npc_vortigaunt.prepare" "Gjør klar for å motta energi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.prepare" "Prepare to receive energy. " "npc_vortigaunt.prevail" "Vi skal seire. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.prevail" "We shall prevail. " "npc_vortigaunt.propitious" "Gunstig allianse. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.propitious" "Propitious alliance. " "npc_vortigaunt.putaside" "Vi legger Black Mesa til side ... for nå. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.putaside" "We will put aside Black Mesa... for now. " "npc_vortigaunt.reasondelay" "Er det noen grunn til forsinkelse?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.reasondelay" "Is there reason for delay?" "npc_vortigaunt.regrettable" "Dette er beklagelig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.regrettable" "This is regrettable. " "npc_vortigaunt.rememberus" "Du må da huske oss fra Black Mesa." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.rememberus" "You must remember us from Black Mesa." "npc_vortigaunt.returntoall" "Tilbake til alle i én. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.returntoall" "Return to the all in one. " "npc_vortigaunt.returnvoid" "Tilbake til tomrommet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.returnvoid" "Return to the void. " "npc_vortigaunt.salute" "Hvis du virkelig er Freeman, så hyller vi deg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.salute" "If you are truly the Freeman, we salute you. " "npc_vortigaunt.satisfaction" "Tilfredsstillelse. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.satisfaction" "Satisfaction. " "npc_vortigaunt.seebeforeoureye" "Er dette den Freeman som står her foran oss? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.seebeforeoureye" "Is this the Freeman we see before our eyes? " "npc_vortigaunt.seenworse" "Vi har overlevd verre ting opp gjennom årene. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.seenworse" "We have survived worse across the ages. " "npc_vortigaunt.servebetterhere" "Kanskje vi kan være til bedre hjelp her. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.servebetterhere" "Perhaps we will serve you better here. " "npc_vortigaunt.standclear" "Hold avstand. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.standclear" "Stand clear. " "npc_vortigaunt.stillhere" "Vi er fortsatt her. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.stillhere" "We are still here. " "npc_vortigaunt.surge" "Vi stiger. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.surge" "We surge. " "npc_vortigaunt.takeus" "La oss få bli med deg, Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.takeus" "Freeman, take us with you. " "npc_vortigaunt.tethercut" "Tauet er kuttet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.tethercut" "The tether is cut. " "npc_vortigaunt.thatisall" "Det er det hele. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.thatisall" "That is all. " "npc_vortigaunt.thefreeman" "Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.thefreeman" "The Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.tothevoid" "Til tomrommet med deg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.tothevoid" "To the void with you. " "npc_vortigaunt.troubleus" "Den der vil ikke gi oss flere problemer. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.troubleus" "That one shall trouble us no more. " "npc_vortigaunt.trulyitis" "Visst er det Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.trulyitis" "Truly it is the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.undeserving" "Fortjener ikke bevissthet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.undeserving" "Undeserving of consciousness. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer01" "Vi er ikke overbevist " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer01" "We remain unconvinced " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer02" "Du er ikke den første som har hatt slike misoppfatninger " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer02" "You're not the first to harbor such illusions " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer03" "Vi tror det motsatte " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer03" "We believe the opposite " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer04" "Det er like greit " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer04" "It is just as well " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "Vi forventet like mye " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "We expected as much " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Grunnløs spekulasjon " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Idle speculation " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Din bekymring er rørende " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Your concern is touching " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Ikke stol på det. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Don't rely on it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer09" "Ikke anta noe " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer09" "Assume nothing " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer10" "Ikke i det hele tatt " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer10" "Nothing of the sort " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer11" "Du er villedet " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer11" "You are deluded " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer12" "Vi skulle ønske du hadde rett " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer12" "We wish you were right " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer13" "Unnskyld våre klønete omkalfatringer " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer13" "Excuse our gauche vicissitudes " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer14" "Vi ber deg være på vakt " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer14" "We beg your awareness " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer15" "Takk, det samme. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer15" "Likewise, we are sure. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer16" "Følelsen er gjensidig " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer16" "The feeling is mutual " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer17" "Dette er uvanlig " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer17" "This is unaccustomed " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer18" "Alt er ett i overfloden " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer18" "It is all one in the plenitude " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_01" "Er det Freeman? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_01" "Is it the Freeman? " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_02" "Kommer det en mann? Det er det! Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_02" "Comes a man? It is! The Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_03" "Vi husker Freeman. Vi er samlet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_03" "We remember the Freeman. We are coterminous. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_04" "Det er ingen avstand mellom oss. Ingen falske slør for tid eller rom kan forstyrre. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_04" "There is no distance between us. No false veil of time or space may intervene. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_05" "Vi ser deg fortsatt i Black Mesa. Klart ser vi deg i Nihilantens rom. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_05" "We see you still in Black Mesa. Clearly we see you in the Nihilanth's chamber. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_06" "Vi vitner om den lysende evigheten til Nihilantens undergang. Du satser, du faller, og vi ser deg forsvinne i avgrunnen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_06" "We bear witness to the bright eternity of the Nihilanth's demise. You leap, you fall, we see you flash beyond the barriers. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_07" "En liten stund var du med oss. Du er den eneste. Mellom verdenene. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_07" "For a brief time you joined with us. You are one. Between the worlds. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_08" "Vortessensens samhørighet. Og det andre: et større mysterium. Ikke større enn selve tomrommet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_08" "Communion of the vortessence. And that other: a deeper mystery. No deeper than the void itself. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_09" "Vi kan ikke glemme de du kuttet båndene til. Det er ikke vi som skal tilgi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_09" "We cannot forget those whose cords you cut. Forgiveness is not ours to bestow. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_10" "Enhetlig hensikt, ødeleggelse av felles hindre, vi går på samme vei. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_10" "Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_11" "Vi synger din sang, og vi skal synge for evig. Uansett hvilke konsekvenser denne kampen får. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_11" "Your song we sing and shall sing for eternity. No matter the consequences of this struggle. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_12" "Du har brakt oss grenseløs sorg og glede. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_12" "You have brought us grief and jubilation beyond measure. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_13" "Vi er fortsatt her, og vi skal bevitne ditt siste slag. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_13" "We are there still, in observance of your final stroke. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_14" "Mens våre egne ligger spredt for dine føtter, kuttet du den vortale forbindelsen som knyttet Nihilanten til livet og til oss. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_14" "While our own lay scattered at your feet, you severed the vortal cord that bound the Nihilanth to life, and to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_15" "Det knivskarpe håpet har ikke minsket til denne dag. For en gangs skyld ligger den svakeste mesteren slagen på bakken, men vi vet at også den sterkeste må falle en dag. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_15" "That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day. For once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_16" "Med deg ved vår side, en seierstalisman, nærmer frihetsdagen seg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_16" "With you beside us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_17" "Ditt lysende ansikt overskygger din mørkere side. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_17" "Your bright face obscures your darker mask. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_18" "Vi kaller deg bror, selv om sinnet ditt og hensikten din fortsatt er et mysterium for oss. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_18" "We call you sib, although your mind and meaning are a mystery to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_19" "Øyne langt borte fra stirrer gjennom dine øyne. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_19" "Far distant eyes look out through yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_20" "Det er noe skjult som styrer oss begge. Vi skal ikke sette navn på dette. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_20" "Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_21" "Vi har holdt ut med disse båndene i evigheter, men nå virker hvert lille øyeblikk med fortsatt slaveri helt uholdbart! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_21" "We have endured these chafing bonds for eons, yet a single moment of further servitude seems intolerable! " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_22" "Hvor ofte har vi ikke unnsluppet åket, bare for å oppleve at det igjen tar kvelertak? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_22" "How often have we slipped our yoke, only to find it choking us again. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_23" "La denne krigen avsluttes med total seier eller vår utslettelse. Vi går ikke med på flere kompromisser. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_23" "Let this war end in either total victory or our extinction. No further compromise shall we allow. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_24" "Vi stiller oss ved din side, her på denne sørgelige steinen av en planet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_24" "We take our stand beside you, here, upon this miserable rock. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_25" "Fremtiden ser ikke lys ut nå. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_25" "The way ahead is dark for the moment. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_26" "Det som ser ut som et offer for deg, er bare en bevegelse av pendelen for oss. Vi frykter ikke den mørke tiden. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_26" "What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_27" "Vi er et lappeteppe laget av vortessens. Det er det samme for deg hvis du bare ville innrømmet det. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_27" "We are a tapestry woven of vortessence. It is the same for you if only you would see it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_28" "Hvor mange finnes det i deg? Hvem bærer du håpene og drømmene til? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_28" "How many are there in you? Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass? " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_29" "Hvis du bare kunne sette øynene i dine egne øyne og sinnene i ditt sinn, så ville du oppdaget hvor mye vi har til felles. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_29" "Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in your mind, you would see how much we share. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_30" "Vi er deg, Freeman. Og du er oss. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_30" "We are you, Freeman. And you are us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese02" "Ah ghurrrr ..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese02" "Ah ghurrrr..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese03" "Taaar ..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese03" "Taaar..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese04" "Riiit ..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese04" "Riiit..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese05" "Lung gah ..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese05" "Lung gah..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese07" "Gong ..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese07" "Gong..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese08" "Galanga ..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese08" "Galanga..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese09" "Ga la lung ... " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese09" "Ga la lung... " "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese11" "Churr galing chur alla gung ..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese11" "Churr galing chur alla gung..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese12" "Chur lung gong chella gurr ..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese12" "Chur lung gong chella gurr..." "npc_vortigaunt.vques01" "Vi har mistet alt vi har kjær." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques01" "We have lost all dear to us." "npc_vortigaunt.vques02" "Combine kommer til å få svi for sitt moralske forfall." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques02" "The Combine will pay in kind for their depravity." "npc_vortigaunt.vques03" "Håpet er i sikte. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques03" "Hope is in sight. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques04" "Dette markerer et veiskille. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques04" "This marks a turning point. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques05" "En slik pessimisme vil fordømme oss alle. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques05" "Such pessimism will doom us all. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques06" "Vi har overlevd mørkere tider. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques06" "We have survived darker times. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques07" "Vi er klar over ordene til vår store filosof: companum gannennen vorgenot!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques07" "We are mindful of the words of our greatest philosopher: companum gannennen vorgenot!" "npc_vortigaunt.vques08" "Dere mennesker, som alltid skal være så kloke. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques08" "You humans, always in the qualidity. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques09" "Vi anser dette samarbeidet som ukrenkelig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques09" "We deem this company inviolable. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques10" "Deres kameratskap er under angrep. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques10" "Your companionship is greatly belabored. " "npc_vortigaunt.ware" "Forsiktig! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ware" "Ware! " "npc_vortigaunt.warefm" "Forsiktig, Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.warefm" "Ware, Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.warningfm" "Advarsel til Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.warningfm" "Warning to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.weareyours" "Vi stiller oss til din disposisjon. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weareyours" "We are yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.webeofuse" "Vi kan være til nytte for deg, Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.webeofuse" "Freeman, we could be of use to you. " "npc_vortigaunt.weclaimyou" "Vi gjør krav på deg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weclaimyou" "We claim you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wefollowfm" "Vi følger Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wefollowfm" "We follow the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.wehonored" "Vi er beæret. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wehonored" "We are honored. " "npc_vortigaunt.weknowyou" "Vi kjenner deg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weknowyou" "We know you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wellmet" "Vel møtt, Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wellmet" "Well met, Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.weshare" "Vi skal dele vortessensen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weshare" "We shall share the vortessence. " "npc_vortigaunt.wewillcharge" "Vi vil lade deg opp. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wewillcharge" "We will charge you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wewillhelp" "Vi vil hjelpe deg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wewillhelp" "We will help you. " "npc_vortigaunt.whereto" "Hvor drar vi nå? Og hva er meningen med det? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.whereto" "Where to now? And to what end? " "npc_vortigaunt.willremain" "Vi blir her hvis du befaler oss til det. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.willremain" "We will remain if you so instruct. " "npc_vortigaunt.worthless" "Livet vårt er verdiløst hvis ikke det leves i frihet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.worthless" "Our life is worthless unless spent on freedom. " "npc_vortigaunt.yes" "Ja! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.yes" "Yes! " "npc_vortigaunt.yesforward" "Ja, fremover. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.yesforward" "Yes, forward. " "npc_vortigaunt.chant03" "Hurrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Churrrrrrrrrrr---Koff! Hack! Wheeze!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.chant03" "Hurrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Churrrrrrrrrrr---Koff! Hack! Wheeze!" "odessa.cub_damn" " " "[english]odessa.cub_damn" " " "odessa.cub_eli" " " "[english]odessa.cub_eli" " " "odessa.cub_pleasure" " " "[english]odessa.cub_pleasure" " " "odessa.cub_showyou" " " "[english]odessa.cub_showyou" " " "odessa.cub_tricky" " " "[english]odessa.cub_tricky" " " "odessa.nlo_after01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after01" " " "odessa.nlo_after02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after02" " " "odessa.nlo_after03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after03" " " "odessa.nlo_after04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after04" " " "odessa.nlo_after05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after05" " " "odessa.nlo_before01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before01" " " "odessa.nlo_before02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before02" " " "odessa.nlo_before03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before03" " " "odessa.nlo_before04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before04" " " "odessa.nlo_before05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before05" " " "odessa.nlo_before06" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before06" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag01" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag02" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag03" " " "odessa.nlo_cheer01" "*tilrop*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer01" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_cheer02" "*tilrop*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer02" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_cheer03" "*latter*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer03" "*laughter*" "odessa.nlo_cheer04" "*tilrop*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer04" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_citizen_bringcar" "Hent bilen, så skal jeg åpne porten for deg. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_bringcar" "Bring your car up here and I'll open the gate for you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_drivesafe" "Kjør forsiktig! " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_drivesafe" "Drive safely! " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet01" "Jeg ville gått ned i kjelleren hvis jeg var deg. Vi gjør oss klar til et angrep. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet01" "I'd get into the basement if I were you. We're bracing for an attack. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet02" "Gordon Freeman? Obersten venter på deg. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet02" "Gordon Freeman? The Colonel is expecting you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet03" "Dette er ikke tiden for å vandre rundt på måfå. Combine nærmer seg. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet03" "This is no time to be wandering around. The Combine's closing in. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet04" "Gå ned i kjelleren! Vi kontrollerer at alle har det de trenger for å motstå angrepet. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet04" "Get in the basement! We're making sure everyone has what they need to hold off an attack. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet05" "Du burde ikke vandre rundt der ute. Kom deg ned i kjelleren. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet05" "You shouldn't be walking around out here. Get into the basement. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post01" "Ta vare på den utskyteren, dr. Freeman. Du vil være glad du tok den med videre på ferden. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post01" "Hold onto that launcher, Dr. Freeman. You'll be glad you have it on the road ahead. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post02" "Dra av gårde, dr. Freeman. Vi vet at Eli Vance er avhengig av deg. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post02" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. We know Eli Vance is depending on you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post03" "Lykke til i Nova Prospekt, dr. Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post03" "Good luck in Nova Prospekt, Dr. Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_cub_carry" "Vel, hvem er den heldige som får æren av å bære denne inn i strid? " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_carry" "Now, who's going to be the lucky one to carry it into combat? " "odessa.nlo_cub_class01" "Denne styrbare rakettutskyteren er vårt beste kort når det gjelder å skyte ned kampskip. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class01" "This steerable rocket launcher is our best bet for taking down a gunship. " "odessa.nlo_cub_class02" "Ved hjelp av lasermekanismen kan du styre raketten forbi kampskipets forsvarsmekanismer og dermed hindre det i å skyte ned raketten din. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class02" "Using the laser guide, you can steer your rocket past the gunship's defenses and prevent it from shooting down your rocket. " "odessa.nlo_cub_class03" "Dette vil først bare gjør det sint, men hvis du holder ut lenge nok til at du får inn flere direktetreff, så vil du bli belønnet med noe som er verdig enhver premiehylle. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class03" "This will only anger it at first, but if you can survive long enough to make several direct hits, you'll be rewarded with a prize worthy of any mantlepiece. " "odessa.nlo_cub_corkscrew" "Husk dette: Bruk lasersiktet til utskyteren til å styre raketten forbi kampskipets forsvarsmekanismer. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_corkscrew" "Remember: use the launcher's laser guide to steer your rocket past the gunship's defenses. " "odessa.nlo_cub_farewell" "Farvel! Og vennligst fortell dr. Vance at oberst Cubbage beklager at han ikke selv har kunnet redde ham! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_farewell" "Farewell! And please tell Dr. Vance that Colonel Cubbage regrets not having been able to rescue him in person! " "odessa.nlo_cub_freeman" "Ja visst! Gordon Freeman! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_freeman" "Ah, yes! Gordon Freeman! " "odessa.nlo_cub_hello" "Ah, hallo! Jeg kommer om et øyeblikk! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_hello" "Ah, hello! I'll be right with you! " "odessa.nlo_cub_ledtobelieve" "Jeg antar du har blitt kvitt det kampskipet, dr. Freeman. Ryktet ditt er velfortjent, sir. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_ledtobelieve" "I gather you've disposed of that gunship, Dr. Freeman. Your reputation, sir, is well deserved. " "odessa.nlo_cub_opengate" "Jeg skal få noen til å åpne porten for deg umiddelbart, slik at du kan kjøre videre. Jeg skjønner at dr. Vance er i store vanskeligheter. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_opengate" "I shall have someone open the gate for you immediately, so that you can drive on. I understand that Dr. Vance is in great need. " "odessa.nlo_cub_radio" "N.L.O. til Lighthouse Point. N.L.O. til Lighthouse Point. Kom inn. Dette er oberst Cubbage. Vennligst kom inn. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_radio" "N.L.O. to Lighthouse Point. N.L.O. to Lighthouse Point. Come in. This is Colonel Cubbage. Come in, please. " "odessa.nlo_cub_roadahead" "Vær ekstremt forsiktig når du nærmer deg broen. Radiostillhet fra den utposten får meg til å tro at Combine har overtatt kontrollen der. Du er likevel rett person for jobben! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_roadahead" "Use extreme caution when approaching the Bridge. Radio silence from that outpost leads me to believe it has come under Combine control. Still, you're clearly the right man for the job! " "odessa.nlo_cub_service" "Oberst Odessa Cubbage til tjeneste! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_service" "Colonel Odessa Cubbage at your service! " "odessa.nlo_cub_teachgunship" "Fortsett! Lær det kampskipet en lekse det aldri vil glemme! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_teachgunship" "Go on! Teach that gunship a lesson it will never forget! " "odessa.nlo_cub_thatsthat" "Vel, det var det. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_thatsthat" "Well, that's that. " "odessa.nlo_cub_volunteer" "Jeg kunne ikke ha fått en bedre frivillig! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_volunteer" "I couldn't have asked for a finer volunteer! " "odessa.nlo_cub_warning" "Pokker! La meg bare sende en advarsel til Lighthouse Point, og deretter skal jeg hjelpe deg! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_warning" "Damn! Let me just send a warning to Lighthouse Point, then I'll come right up to lend a hand! " "odessa.nlo_cub_wherewasi" "Sånn, hvor var jeg? Ah, der, ja ... " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_wherewasi" "Now, where was I? Ah, yes... " "odessa.nlo_cub_youllmakeit" "Hvis noen klarer seg, så er det du. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_youllmakeit" "You'll make it through if anyone can. " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath01" "Nei. Nei! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath01" "No. No! " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath02" "Nei! Nei! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath02" "No! No! " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath03" " " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath04" " " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath05" " " "odessa.nlo_farewell" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_farewell" " " "odessa.nlo_getyourjeep" "Sett deg inn i bilen, så skal jeg åpne opp porten. " "[english]odessa.nlo_getyourjeep" "Get in your car and I'll open up this gate. " "odessa.nlo_greet_freeman" "Gordon Freeman! " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_freeman" "Gordon Freeman! " "odessa.nlo_greet_intro" "Skynd deg ned i kjelleren! Vi forventer kampskip når som helst. Oberst Cubbage blir glad når han ser du klarte deg. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_intro" "Hurry, get in the basement. We're expecting gunships at any moment. Colonel Cubbage will be glad to see you made it. " "odessa.nlo_greet_nag01" "Denne veien, dr. Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_nag01" "This way, Dr. Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_greet_nag02" "Oberst Cubbage er i kjelleren, doktor Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_nag02" "Colonel Cubbage is in the basement, Doctor Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_opengate" "Jeg skal åpne porten og slippe deg gjennom doktor Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_opengate" "Doctor Freeman, I'll open the gate and let you through. " "odessa.nlo_opengate02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_opengate02" " " "odessa.nlo_userockets" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_userockets" " " "odessa.nlo_vort_exit" "Freeman må skynde seg nå! Eli Vance kjemper for livet! " "[english]odessa.nlo_vort_exit" "The Freeman must now hurry on! The Eli Vance is held in distress most dire! " "odessa.nlo_yourcarsir" "Hent bilen, doktor. Du kommer ikke langt til fots. " "[english]odessa.nlo_yourcarsir" "Get your car, Doc. You won't get far on foot. " "odessa.stairman_follow01" "Denne veien. " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow01" "This way. " "odessa.stairman_follow02" " " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow02" " " "odessa.stairman_follow03" "Hold deg hos meg, Freeman. " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow03" "Stay with me, Freeman. " "odessa.stairman_upstairs" " " "[english]odessa.stairman_upstairs" " " "opening.cit_bench01" "Hold deg tilbake, ellers tiltrekker du uønsket oppmerksomhet. " "[english]opening.cit_bench01" "Stay back, you'll attract unwanted attention. " "opening.cit_bench02" "Ingen må se at vi snakker sammen. Ikke her ute. " "[english]opening.cit_bench02" "I can't be seen talking to you. Not out here. " "opening.cit_bench03" "Ikke sitt ved siden av meg. Det vil se mistenkelig ut. " "[english]opening.cit_bench03" "Don't sit near me. It'll look suspicious. " "opening.cit_bench04" "Du skremmer duene. " "[english]opening.cit_bench04" "You're scaring off the pigeons. " "opening.cit_blocker_getin" "Kom inn hit, fort! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_getin" "Get in here, quick! " "opening.cit_blocker_go01" "Dra av gårde! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go01" "Get going! " "opening.cit_blocker_go02" "Fortsett! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go02" "Go on! " "opening.cit_blocker_go03" "Dra av gårde! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go03" "Get going! " "opening.cit_blocker_holdem" "Fortsett, jeg skal oppholde dem. " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_holdem" "Go on, I'll hold 'em. " "opening.cit_blocker_roof" "Fortsett videre. Gå opp på taket! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_roof" "Keep moving. Head for the roof! " "opening.cit_breenagain" "Selveste dr. Breen igjen? Jeg håpte det var siste gang jeg så ham i City 14. " "[english]opening.cit_breenagain" "Dr. Breen again? I was hoping I'd seen the last of him in City 14. " "opening.cit_cell_coupon" "Dette må være en feil. Jeg fikk en standard omplasseringslapp i likhet med alle andre. " "[english]opening.cit_cell_coupon" "This must be a mistake. I got a standard relocation coupon, just like everybody else. " "opening.cit_couch_use05" "Hva foregår? " "[english]opening.cit_couch_use05" "What's going on? " "opening.cit_drunk" "Var det du som banket på? Jeg visste ikke engang at vi hadde en dør lenger. " "[english]opening.cit_drunk" "Was that you knocking? I didn't even know we still had a door. " "opening.cit_fence_onlyones" "Var det bare dere på toget? " "[english]opening.cit_fence_onlyones" "Were you the only ones on that train? " "opening.cit_fence_woods" "Overwatch stoppet toget vårt i skogen og tok mannen min med seg til avhør. De sa han skulle sendes med neste tog. Jeg er ikke helt sikker på når det var. De er greie som lar meg vente på ham. " "[english]opening.cit_fence_woods" "Overwatch stopped our train in the woods and took my husband for questioning. They said he'd be on the next train. I'm not sure when that was. They're being nice, though, letting me wait for him. " "opening.cit_foodline01" "Køen starter bakerst. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline01" "The line starts at the end. " "opening.cit_foodline02" "Du må vente på tur som alle andre. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline02" "You'll have to wait your turn like everybody else. " "opening.cit_foodline03" "Du må være veldig sulten for å vente i kø på denne dritten. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline03" "You gotta be damn hungry to wait in line for this crap. " "opening.cit_foodline04" "Ikke vet jeg, men jeg blir snart med i Borgerrettsvernet bare for å få et ordentlig måltid. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline04" "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to join Civil Protection just to get a decent meal. " "opening.cit_hall_psst" "Psst! Hei, du! Her inne! " "[english]opening.cit_hall_psst" "Psst! Hey you! In here! " "opening.cit_hall_roof" "Gå opp på taket! Vi har ingen tid å miste! " "[english]opening.cit_hall_roof" "Head for the roof! There's no time to lose! " "opening.cit_hit01" "Kutt ut det der! " "[english]opening.cit_hit01" "Cut it out! " "opening.cit_hit02" "Slutt med det! " "[english]opening.cit_hit02" "Stop that! " "opening.cit_hit03" "Se deg for, hæ? " "[english]opening.cit_hit03" "Watch it, will ya? " "opening.cit_hit04" "Slutt! " "[english]opening.cit_hit04" "No more! " "opening.cit_hit05" "Det er nok av det der. " "[english]opening.cit_hit05" "That's enough of that. " "opening.cit_lug_allihave" "Men disse greiene her er alt jeg har igjen ... " "[english]opening.cit_lug_allihave" "But this stuff, it's all I have left... " "opening.cit_lug_allright" "OK, jeg flytter meg. Jøss. " "[english]opening.cit_lug_allright" "All right, I'm moving. Jeez. " "opening.cit_nerve" "Jeg psyker meg opp til å fortsette. " "[english]opening.cit_nerve" "I'm working up the nerve to go on. " "opening.cit_pacing" " ...De drar alltid av gårde, men de kommer aldri frem ... og de som kommer frem, ... de drar aldri av gårde ... du ser aldri at de drar av gårde, det er aldri ledige plasser ... ingen hopper på, men de er alltid ... de drar alltid av gårde, men de kommer aldri frem ... " "[english]opening.cit_pacing" "...They're always departing but they never arrive... and the ones that do arrive... they never leave... you never see them go they're always full... no one ever gets on but they're always... they're always departing but they never arrive... " "opening.cit_pedestrian01" "Ny i byen, eller? " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian01" "New in town, aren't ya? " "opening.cit_pedestrian02" "Et godt råd: ikke snakk for mye. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian02" "Word to the wise: keep it to yourself. " "opening.cit_pedestrian03" "Hvis jeg snakker med deg her ute, så havner vi begge i trøbbel. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian03" "If I talk to you out here, we'll both be in trouble. " "opening.cit_pedestrian04" "Ingen må se at vi snakker sammen. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian04" "We can't be seen talking to each other. " "opening.cit_pedestrian05" "Jeg skulle gjerne hjulpet deg, men det er ikke aktuelt. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian05" "I'd like to help you, but it's out of the question. " "opening.cit_raid_findone" "Slapp av, de finner en. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_findone" "Don't worry, they'll find one. " "opening.cit_raid_reason" "De har ingen grunn til å komme hit. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_reason" "They have no reason to come to our place. " "opening.cit_raid_start" "Det er slik det alltid begynner. Først en bygning, og så hele blokken. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_start" "This is how it always starts. First a building, then the whole block. " "opening.cit_raid_use01" "Bare vær glad for at du ikke bor der. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_use01" "Just be glad you don't live there. " "opening.cit_raid_use02" "Hvis du leter etter et sted å overnatte, bør du fortsette. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_use02" "If you're looking for a place to stay, you better keep going. " "opening.cit_tookcase" "Jeg ser de tok kofferten din også! De kan ikke komme unna med dette særlig lenger. " "[english]opening.cit_tookcase" "I see they took your suitcase too! They can't get away with this much longer. " "opening.cit_tooloud" "Jeg ville ikke sagt det for høyt. Dette er operasjonsbasen. " "[english]opening.cit_tooloud" "I wouldn't say that too loud. This is his base of operations. " "opening.cit_train_endline" "Vel, siste stopp. " "[english]opening.cit_train_endline" "Well, end of the line. " "opening.cit_train_geton" "Jeg så ikke at du gikk på. " "[english]opening.cit_train_geton" "I didn't see you get on. " "opening.cit_train_hookup" "Kanskje vi kan treffes senere. " "[english]opening.cit_train_hookup" "Maybe we can hook up later. " "opening.cit_train_reloc" "Uansett hvor mange ganger jeg har blitt omplassert, så blir jeg aldri vant til det. " "[english]opening.cit_train_reloc" "No matter how many times I've been relocated, I never get used to it. " "opening.cit_water" "Ikke drikk vannet. De har blandet noe i det som gjør at du mister hukommelsen. Jeg husker ikke engang hvordan jeg kom hit. " "[english]opening.cit_water" "Don't drink the water. They put something in it to make you forget. I don't even remember how I got here. " "opening.cit_window_cop" "Å, jeg trodde du var politi. " "[english]opening.cit_window_cop" "Oh, I thought you were a cop. " "opening.cit_window_hope" "Jeg håper du tar feil for en gangs skyld. " "[english]opening.cit_window_hope" "Just this once I hope you're wrong. " "opening.cit_window_look" "Se på dem der nede. " "[english]opening.cit_window_look" "Look at them down there. " "opening.cit_window_stand" "Han er en av oss. " "[english]opening.cit_window_stand" "He's one of us. " "opening.cit_window_use01" "Dette ser ikke bra ut. " "[english]opening.cit_window_use01" "This doesn't look good. " "opening.cit_window_use02" "De kommer definitivt inn hit! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use02" "They're definitely coming in here! " "opening.cit_window_use03" "Det var bare et tidsspørsmål! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use03" "It was just a matter of time! " "opening.cit_window_use04" "Det var det nabolaget! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use04" "Here goes the rest of the neighborhood! " "opening.cit_window_usnext" "Jeg sa at de ville komme etter oss neste gang! " "[english]opening.cit_window_usnext" "I told you they'd be coming for us next! " "opening.husb_allright" "Det er OK. " "[english]opening.husb_allright" "It's all right. " "opening.husb_dontworry" "Ikke vær redd. " "[english]opening.husb_dontworry" "Don't worry. " "opening.husb_okay" "Alt kommer til å ordne seg. " "[english]opening.husb_okay" "Everything's going to be okay. " "opening.husb_think" "Vi kommer på noe. " "[english]opening.husb_think" "We'll think of something. " "opening.wife_canttake" "Jeg holder ikke ut lenger. " "[english]opening.wife_canttake" "I can't take it anymore. " "opening.wife_end" "Når skal det bli en slutt på alt dette? " "[english]opening.wife_end" "When is it all going to end? " "opening.wife_please" "Vær så snill! " "[english]opening.wife_please" "Please! " "opening.wife_whattodo" "Hva skal vi gjøre? " "[english]opening.wife_whattodo" "What are we going to do? " "plaza.citizen_beating" "*smerte*" "[english]plaza.citizen_beating" "*pain*" "ravenholm.aimforhead" "Sikt på hodet! " "[english]ravenholm.aimforhead" "Aim for the head! " "ravenholm.attic_apologize" "Ah, det er deg, broder! Jeg beklager så mye! Men ingen skade er skjedd. Mine kuler er det minste du bør bekymre deg for. " "[english]ravenholm.attic_apologize" "Ah, it is you, brother! I apologize! But no harm done. My bullets are the least of your concerns. " "ravenholm.bucket_almost" "Nesten der, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_almost" "Almost there, brother! " "ravenholm.bucket_brake" "Håndbrekket, broder! Løsne det, og kom ned! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_brake" "The hand-brake, brother! Release it and come down! " "ravenholm.bucket_guardwell" "Pass godt på deg selv! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_guardwell" "Guard yourself well! " "ravenholm.bucket_patience" "Tålmodighet, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_patience" "Patience, brother! " "ravenholm.bucket_stepin" "Nå, broder! Sett deg inn i vognen! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_stepin" "Now, brother! Step into the cart! " "ravenholm.bucket_thereyouare" "Sånn, der er du! Endelig! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_thereyouare" "Ah, there you are! At last! " "ravenholm.bucket_waited" "Jeg sender vognen bort til deg, broder. Den kommer øyeblikkelig. " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_waited" "I will send the cart for you, brother. It will be but a moment. " "ravenholm.cartrap_better" "Bedre og bedre! " "[english]ravenholm.cartrap_better" "Better and better! " "ravenholm.cartrap_iamgrig" "Jeg er fader Grigori! Du har allerede møtt forsamlingen min. " "[english]ravenholm.cartrap_iamgrig" "I am Father Grigori! You have already met my congregation. " "ravenholm.engage01" "Ja, kom til meg! Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage01" "Yes, come to me! Come! " "ravenholm.engage02" "Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage02" "Come! " "ravenholm.engage03" "Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage03" "Come! " "ravenholm.engage04" "Jeg skal får slutt på dine lidelser! " "[english]ravenholm.engage04" "I will end your torment! " "ravenholm.engage05" "La meg gjøre slutt på lidelsene dine! " "[english]ravenholm.engage05" "Let me end your torment! " "ravenholm.engage06" "Ja, mine barn, det er meg! " "[english]ravenholm.engage06" "Yes, my children, it is I! " "ravenholm.engage07" "Kom til lyset jeg holder! Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage07" "Come to the light I carry! Come! " "ravenholm.engage08" "Det er ikke meg dere vil ha, men lyset som skinner gjennom meg! " "[english]ravenholm.engage08" "It is not me you want, but the light that shines through me! " "ravenholm.engage09" "Kom til lyset! " "[english]ravenholm.engage09" "Come to the light! " "ravenholm.exit_darkroad" "Farvel, broder! Jeg er redd jeg fører deg til et mørkere sted. Måtte Lysets lys lyse opp veien der du går. " "[english]ravenholm.exit_darkroad" "Farewell, Brother! I fear I deliver you to a darker place. May the Light of Lights illuminate your path. " "ravenholm.exit_goquickly" "Skynd deg! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_goquickly" "Go quickly! " "ravenholm.exit_hurry" "Skynd deg mens jeg holder porten! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_hurry" "Hurry while I hold the gate! " "ravenholm.exit_nag01" "Flykt, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_nag01" "Flee, brother! " "ravenholm.exit_nag02" "Dra til gruvene! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_nag02" "Onward to the mines! " "ravenholm.exit_salvation" "Redd deg selv! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_salvation" "Look to your own salvation! " "ravenholm.firetrap_freeuse" "Bruk fellene mine, men pass på så du ikke faller i dem selv. " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_freeuse" "Make free use of my traps, but take care not to fall in them yourself. " "ravenholm.firetrap_lookout" "Pass deg, broder! Bak deg! " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_lookout" "Look out, brother! Behind you! " "ravenholm.firetrap_vigil" "I Ravenholm gjør du klokt i å være på vakt. " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_vigil" "In Ravenholm, you do well to be vigilant. " "ravenholm.firetrap_welldone" "Godt gjort, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_welldone" "Well done, brother! " "ravenholm.grave_follow" "Følg meg, broder. Og trø forsiktig. For dette er hellig grunn. " "[english]ravenholm.grave_follow" "Follow me, brother. And tread lightly. For this is hallowed ground. " "ravenholm.grave_stayclose" "Hold deg i nærheten av meg, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.grave_stayclose" "Stay close to me, brother! " "ravenholm.madlaugh01" "*latter*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh01" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh02" "*latter*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh02" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh03" "*latter*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh03" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh04" "*latter*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh04" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.monk_blocked01" "Unna! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked01" "Out of my way! " "ravenholm.monk_blocked02" "Se opp! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked02" "Look out! " "ravenholm.monk_blocked03" "Flytt deg, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked03" "Stand aside, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme01" "Dekk meg, broder. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme01" "Cover me, brother. " "ravenholm.monk_coverme02" "Hjelp meg, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme02" "Your assistance, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme03" "Her borte, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme03" "Over here, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme04" "Til meg, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme04" "To me, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme05" "Jeg trenger din hjelp, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme05" "I require your assistance, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme07" "Hvor er du, broder? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme07" "Where art thou, brother? " "ravenholm.monk_danger01" "Se opp! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger01" "Look out! " "ravenholm.monk_danger02" "Pass på! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger02" "Beware! " "ravenholm.monk_danger03" "Forsiktig, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger03" "Careful, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_death07" "Au! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_death07" "Agh! " "ravenholm.monk_followme" "Følg meg. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_followme" "Follow me. " "ravenholm.monk_giveammo01" "Her, broder! Ammunisjon! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_giveammo01" "Here, brother! Ammunition! " "ravenholm.monk_givehealth01" "Helbred deg selv, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_givehealth01" "Heal thyself, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme01" "Jeg er omringet! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme01" "I am outnumbered! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme02" "Hjelp meg, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme02" "Help me, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme03" "Jeg kan ikke bekjempe dem alene! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme03" "I cannot fight them all alone! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme04" "Gi en hjelpende hånd, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme04" "Lend a hand, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme05" "Jeg trenger hjelp, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme05" "I need help, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_kill01" "Stakkars deg! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill01" "Woe to thee! " "ravenholm.monk_kill02" "Stakkars deg, barn! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill02" "Woe betide thee, child! " "ravenholm.monk_kill03" "Hvil, mitt barn. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill03" "Rest, my child. " "ravenholm.monk_kill04" "Jeg tror ikke noe ondt om deg. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill04" "I think no worse of thee. " "ravenholm.monk_kill05" "Måtte Lysets lys være med deg. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill05" "May the Light of Lights be with you. " "ravenholm.monk_kill06" "Du mente ikke noe ondt. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill06" "You meant no harm. " "ravenholm.monk_kill07" "Gå tilbake til din sanne natur. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill07" "Return to your true nature. " "ravenholm.monk_kill08" "Balsam for sjelen din, barn. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill08" "Balm for your affliction, child. " "ravenholm.monk_kill09" "Vær fri, mitt barn! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill09" "Be free, my child! " "ravenholm.monk_kill10" "Graven vil ikke være noe verre for deg. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill10" "The grave holds nothing worse for you. " "ravenholm.monk_kill11" "Jeg husker ditt sanne ansikt! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill11" "I remember your true face! " "ravenholm.monk_mourn01" "Vel, broder, hvis jeg overlever denne natten, skal jeg lage et skikkelig bål for deg. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn01" "Well, brother, if I survive this night, I shall build you an honest pyre. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn02" "Å, Lysets lys! Hvorfor har du tatt min hjelper? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn02" "Oh Light of Lights! Why have you taken my helper? " "ravenholm.monk_mourn03" "Så ... igjen er jeg alene. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn03" "So... again I am alone. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn04" "Vel, broder ... du har funnet en annen utgang fra kaoshuset. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn04" "Well, brother... you have found another egress from the House of Chaos. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn05" "Hvil nå, broder. For du skal sannelig leve igjen. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn05" "Rest now, brother. For you will surely live again. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn06" "Stå opp, broder. Stå opp! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn06" "Rise, brother. Rise! " "ravenholm.monk_mourn07" "Lev igjen, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn07" "Live again, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_overhere" "Her borte, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_overhere" "Over here, brother. " "ravenholm.monk_pain01" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain01" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain02" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain02" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain03" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain03" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain04" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain04" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain05" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain05" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain06" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain06" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain07" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain07" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain08" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain08" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain09" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain09" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain10" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain10" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain12" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain12" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_quicklybro" "Skynd deg, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_quicklybro" "Quickly, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_rant01" "Ondskapens snarer er listige, men ved hjelp av Lysets lys skal jeg motstå dem. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant01" "Iniquity's snares are cunning, but by the Light of Lights, mine are greater still. " "ravenholm.monk_rant02" "Stakkars dere alle, for vårt hjem er langt unna, og vi vandrer gjennom kaosets hjemtrakter. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant02" "Woe to all, for our dwelling place is distant, and we wander through the domiciles of Chaos. " "ravenholm.monk_rant03" "Min kraft gikk tapt på steder som ikke var mine. Smerten hjemsøkte meg, og nådeløsheten angrep meg uten grunn. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant03" "My power was lost in places which were not mine. Affliction besought me, and the merciless ones attacked me without cause. " "ravenholm.monk_rant04" "Selv om de sier jeg er gal, bryr jeg meg ikke, for du er min hjelper, min styrke og min frelser. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant04" "Although they call me crazy I care not, for thou art my helper, my strength, and my saviour. " "ravenholm.monk_rant05" "Din vilje skal skje, du Lysets lys. Jeg velsigner din storhet hele dagen og gjennom nattens mørke. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant05" "Thy will be done, Oh Light of Lights. I bless the glory of thy greatness all the day and through the darkness of this night. " "ravenholm.monk_rant06" "Jeg ber om at du aldri må vende lyset bort fra meg. Lytt til meg, og la mine fiender gå i fellene når jeg roper etter din hjelp. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant06" "I pray do never turn away thy light. Give heed to me, and spring thy traps upon my enemies when I cry out to thee. " "ravenholm.monk_rant07" "For det ble sagt at de hadde blitt til disse særegne demonene, som bor i materie, men der lys ikke trenger inn. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant07" "For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found. " "ravenholm.monk_rant08" "Ikke snu deg bort fra meg, og lytt til meg når jeg sier at jeg skal rope etter din hjelp når min nød er størst. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant08" "Turn not thy face away from me; incline thy ear and hear me when I shall cry to thee in my affliction. " "ravenholm.monk_rant09" "For mitt livs dager har forsvunnet som røyk, og mine bein er forbrent som aske. La alle mine urenheter være en kime til det bålet til ingenting er igjen, bortsett fra lyset. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant09" "For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone. " "ravenholm.monk_rant10" "Fra mine stønn kan du høre at kroppen min holder på å revne. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant10" "From the voice of my groaning my bone has cleaved to my flesh. " "ravenholm.monk_rant11" "Min sjel er fylt med ondskap, og i likhet med dette stedet må jeg bli renset. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant11" "For my soul is filled with evil, and like this place must be purged. " "ravenholm.monk_rant12" "For de døde sover ikke i sin grav, og du skal heller ikke huske dem før de tilintetgjøres gjennom dine hender. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant12" "For the dead know no sleep in their graves, nor dost thou remember them, until they are destroyed through thy hands. " "ravenholm.monk_rant13" "Jeg har blitt lagt ned i et mørkt hull med dødens skygge over meg. Og din vrede har tynget meg, og alle dine bekymringer har blitt lagt på mine skuldre. Og fra dette leiet roper jeg på at du må bringe meg ditt lys! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant13" "I have been laid down in a pit of darknesses and the shadow of death. And thy anger has pressed down upon me; and all thy cares have come down upon me. And from this bed I cry out for the kindling of thy Light! " "ravenholm.monk_rant14" "Og hvilke forferdelige undere er det som har skjedd blant de døde? Hvilke skygger stiger opp og avslører sitt budskap, og hvilke gjenferd skal kalle deg ved ditt rette navn? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant14" "And what terrible wonders are these those hast done among the dead. What shades rise to confess thee, and what specters shall know thee by thy name? " "ravenholm.monk_rant15" "Å, Lys, måtte ditt navn bli uttalt i gravene og stavet i bein og aske! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant15" "Oh Light, may thy name be spoken in the graves, and spelled in bones and ashes! " "ravenholm.monk_rant16" "Ditt sinne har slått imot meg, og din frykt har gjort meg urolig. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant16" "Thy rages have come down upon me, and thy fears have agitated me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant17" "Døm dem som gjør meg urett, og kjemp sammen med dem som kjemper med meg. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant17" "Judge those who do injustice to me; fight with those who fight with me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant18" "Grip våpen og skjold, og kom og hjelp meg. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant18" "Take hold of a weapon and shield, and rise to help me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant19" "Ta frem ditt sverd og la det finne hvile i dem som gjør meg ondt. Si til min sjel: Jeg er din frelse. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant19" "Draw forth a sword and sheathe it in those that afflict me; say to my soul: I am thy salvation. " "ravenholm.monk_rant20" "Måtte de bli til støv i vinden, og måtte herrens engel jage dem for alltid. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant20" "May they become like dust before the wind; may the angel of the Lord pursue them. " "ravenholm.monk_rant21" "Måtte deres veier bli mørke og uframkommelige, og måtte herrens engel hjemsøke dem. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant21" "May their paths become dark and slippery; and may the angel of the Lord afflict them. " "ravenholm.monk_rant22" "Måtte fellen de enda ikke vet om, fange dem, og måtte nettet de har lagt ut for meg, fange dem i stedet for meg. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant22" "May the snare which they do not know come to them; and may the net, which they have hidden for me, catch them in my place. " "ravenholm.monk_stayclosebro" "Hold deg i nærheten, broder. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_stayclosebro" "Stay close, brother. " "ravenholm.pyre_anotherlife" "Men hvem er dette? Enda et liv å redde? " "[english]ravenholm.pyre_anotherlife" "But who is this? Another life to save? " "ravenholm.pyre_keepeye" "Jeg kommer til å holde øye med deg. Mer enn det kan jeg ikke love. " "[english]ravenholm.pyre_keepeye" "I'll keep my eye on you. More than that, I cannot promise. " "ravenholm.shotgun_advice" "Mitt råd til deg er ... sikt på hodet! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_advice" "My advice to you is... aim for the head! " "ravenholm.shotgun_bettergun" "Her, jeg har et passende våpen til deg. Du trenger det. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_bettergun" "Here, I have a more suitable gun for you. You'll need it. " "ravenholm.shotgun_catch" "Ta imot! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_catch" "Catch! " "ravenholm.shotgun_closer" "Kom nærmere. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_closer" "Come closer. " "ravenholm.shotgun_hush" "Hysj! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_hush" "Hush! " "ravenholm.shotgun_keepitclose" "Bra. Hold det nær deg. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_keepitclose" "Good. Now keep it close. " "ravenholm.shotgun_moveon" "Det finnes ingen hvile i Ravenholm. Fortsett. Jeg møter dere ved kirken! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_moveon" "There is no rest in Ravenholm. Move on and I will meet you at the church! " "ravenholm.shotgun_overhere" "Her, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_overhere" "Here, brother! " "ravenholm.shotgun_stirreduphell" "Du har laget et helvete! En mann etter mitt hjerte! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_stirreduphell" "You've stirred up Hell! A man after my own heart! " "ravenholm.shotgun_theycome" "De kommer! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_theycome" "They come! " "ravenholm.wrongside_howcome" "Hvordan kom du hit, broder? " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_howcome" "How came you here, brother? " "ravenholm.wrongside_mendways" "Forbedre deg før det er for sent! " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_mendways" "Mend your ways, before it is too late! " "ravenholm.wrongside_seekchurch" "Ba jeg deg ikke om å gå i kirken? " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_seekchurch" "Did I not tell you to seek the church? " "ravenholm.wrongside_town" "Dette er feil side av byen for deg! " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_town" "This is the wrong side of town for you! " "ravenholm.yard_greetings" "Hallo, broder! Vi møtes til slutt. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_greetings" "Greetings, brother! And so we meet at last. " "ravenholm.yard_shepherd" "For min del ... En gjeter må passe på flokken sin. Spesielt når den har blitt uregjerlig. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_shepherd" "As for me... A shepherd must tend to his flock. Especially when they have grown unruly. " "ravenholm.yard_suspect" "Jeg antar at du har lite lyst å bli i Ravenholm, så jeg skal vise deg gruvene. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_suspect" "I suspect you have little wish to remain in Ravenholm, so I will show you to the mines. " "ravenholm.yard_traps" "Du skal få en utmerkelse for at du unngikk mine feller. Arbeidet til en mann som en gang hadde for mye fritid, men som i disse dager bare er opptatt av frelsesarbeid. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_traps" "You are to be commended for avoiding my traps. The work of a man who once had too much time on his hands, and now finds time for nothing but the work of salvation. " "rubble.ba_comebackdog" "Her, bisken, Dog! Kom tilbake hit, Dog! " "[english]rubble.ba_comebackdog" "Here boy, Dog! come back here, Dog! " "rubble.ba_damnitall" "Til helsike med alt! " "[english]rubble.ba_damnitall" "Damn it all! " "rubble.ba_dogwantsyou" "Jeg tror han vil at du skal gå gjennom, Gordon. Du bør skynde deg. " "[english]rubble.ba_dogwantsyou" "I think he wants you to go through, Gordon. You'd better hurry. " "rubble.ba_gordon" "Gordon! " "[english]rubble.ba_gordon" "Gordon! " "rubble.ba_helpmeout" "Hei! Hjelp meg her ute! " "[english]rubble.ba_helpmeout" "Hey! Help me out here! " "rubble.ba_illbedamned" "Vel, det var som pokker. " "[english]rubble.ba_illbedamned" "Well, I'll be damned. " "rubble.ba_lookingforalyx" "Dog kom stormede over torget og veltet masse greier og ... Jeg tror han leter etter Alyx. Det virker som om han har fått for seg at hun er i citadellet. " "[english]rubble.ba_lookingforalyx" "Dog came crashing through the plaza, knocking over walls and...I think he's looking for Alyx. He seems to have it set in his head that she's in the Citadel. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall01" "Gå gjennom, Gordon. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall01" "Go on through, Gordon. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall02" "Du bør komme deg av gårde, Gordon. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall02" "Better get going, Gordon. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall03" "Jeg skal holde dem unna. Du bør komme deg av gårde. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall03" "I'll hold 'em off. You'd better get going. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall04" "Fortsett! " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall04" "Go on! " "rubble.ba_nag_wall05" "Hei, kom deg av gårde! " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall05" "Hey, go! " "rubble.ba_nottheredog" "Hei, Dog! Ikke der! Du kommer ikke gjennom den veien! " "[english]rubble.ba_nottheredog" "Hey, Dog! Not there! You can't get through that way! " "rubble.ba_tellbreen" "Og hvis du ser dr. Breen, kan du si at jeg sa, \"Fa--t--eg!\" " "[english]rubble.ba_tellbreen" "And if you see Dr. Breen, tell him I said, 'Fu----ou!' " "rubble.ba_trystoppinghim" "Jeg fant ut at Alyx ikke ville at han skulle havne i enda mer trøbbel, men ... Faen heller, forsøk å stoppe ham du! " "[english]rubble.ba_trystoppinghim" "I figured Alyx wouldn't want him getting any deeper in trouble, but... Hell, you try stopping him! " "rubble.ba_youhurryon" "Åh-åh. Jeg blir her. Du må skynde deg. Lykke til der oppe, Gordon! " "[english]rubble.ba_youhurryon" "Uh oh. I'll stay here. You hurry on. Good luck up there, Gordon! " "rubble.cit_cache" "Vi er nesten framme ved citadellveggen, doktor. Jeg aner ikke hvordan i helsike vi skal klare å trenge gjennom den, men du har da kommet så langt. Jeg er sikker på at du finner på noe. " "[english]rubble.cit_cache" "We're almost to the Citadel wall, Doc. I don't know how the hell we're going to breach it, but you've made it this far. I'm sure you'll think of something. " "rubble.cit_striders" "Selveste dr. Freeman! Det er det rene kaos her ute. Så nær citadellet har de overgitt gatene til stridere. Jeg tror vi kan tvinge dem tilbake hvis vi bare kommer oss høyere opp. " "[english]rubble.cit_striders" "Dr. Freeman! It's a mess out there. This close to the Citadel they've turned the streets over to Striders. I think we can push them back if we can just get to high ground. " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse01" "Løp mot hesten! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse01" "Head for the horse! " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse02" "Vi må komme oss til hesten! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse02" "We have to get to the horse! " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse03" "La oss møtes ved hesten! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse03" "Let's meet up at the horse! " "sandtrap.sandy_asyougo" "Husk å holde deg unna sanden. Antlionene er ganske på tuppa nå. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_asyougo" "Remember to stay off the sand. The antlions are edgy right now. " "sandtrap.sandy_dontmove" "Laszlo, ikke rør deg! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_dontmove" "Laszlo, don't move! " "sandtrap.sandy_dontstep" "Ikke tråkk på sanden! Da blir antlionene helt gale! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_dontstep" "Don't step on the sand! It makes the antlions crazy! " "sandtrap.sandy_goahead" "Bare gå, du. Jeg håper du har mer flaks enn det vi hadde. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_goahead" "Go ahead. I hope you have better luck than we had. " "sandtrap.sandy_help" "Nei! Hjelp! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_help" "No! Help! " "sandtrap.sandy_holdstill" "Stå stille, Laszlo! Det kommer noen! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_holdstill" "Hold still, Laszlo! Someone's coming! " "sandtrap.sandy_poorlaszlo" "Herregud! Stakkars Laszlo! Den beste hjernen i sin generasjon. Tenk at han skulle få et slikt endelikt. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_poorlaszlo" "Dear God! Poor Laszlo! The finest mind of his generation, come to such an end. " "sandtrap.sandy_stop" "Stopp der! Hold dere på klippene! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_stop" "Stop where you are! Stay on the rocks! " "sandtrap.sandy_vortcamp" "Vi var på vei til vortigaunt-leiren for om mulig å hente bugbait, slik at disse forbanna krypene kunne la oss være i fred en stund. Men hva er poenget uten Laszlo? " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_vortcamp" "We were heading to the vortigaunt camp, hoping to pick up some bugbait so these damn things would leave us alone. But without Laszlo what's the point? " "sandtrap.sandy_youidiot" "Din dust! Hvis du går på sanden, kommer antlionene etter deg! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youidiot" "You idiot! Walking on the sand brings antlions after you! " "sandtrap.sandy_youthere" "Du, der! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youthere" "You, there! " "sandtrap.sandy_youtried" "Jeg vet at du forsøkte å hjelpe. Jeg blir her med ham en stund. Det er noe jeg må gjøre. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youtried" "I know you tried to help. I'll stay with him awhile. There's something I have to do. " "sniper.cit_greeting" "Selveste dr. Freeman! Barney sa du var på vei. Vi måtte dele oss på grunn av snikskyttere, og han sitter nå fast i et lager lenger oppe. Bare gå, du. Han stoler på deg. " "[english]sniper.cit_greeting" "Dr. Freeman! Barney said you were on the way. We got split up by snipers, and he's pinned down in a warehouse up ahead. Go ahead. He's relying on you. " "sniper.cit_savebarney" "Du er Barneys gamle kompis, er du ikke? Kanskje du kan hjelpe ham. Snikskyttere har fanget ham på taket av lageret. Han var på vei til et granatdepot, men jeg tviler på at han kommer seg dit nå. Fortsett, dr. Freeman. " "[english]sniper.cit_savebarney" "You're Barney's old friend, aren't you? Maybe you can help him. Snipers trapped him on that warehouse roof. He was going for a cache of grenades, but I doubt he can get to them now. Go on, Dr. Freeman. " "streetwar.al_ah" "Ah! " "[english]streetwar.al_ah" "Ah! " "streetwar.al_ahno" "Å nei! " "[english]streetwar.al_ahno" "Ah, no! " "streetwar.al_almostdone" "Nesten ferdig." "[english]streetwar.al_almostdone" "Almost done." "streetwar.al_bridge01" "Broen vi må komme oss over, er gjennom den porten." "[english]streetwar.al_bridge01" "The bridge we've gotta cross is beyond that gate." "streetwar.al_bridge02" "Jeg kan hacke portkontrollen og holde den åpen til vi er gjennom, men du må dekke meg mens jeg holder på." "[english]streetwar.al_bridge02" "I can hack the gate controls and hold it open till we're through, but you're gonna have to watch my back while I'm working." "streetwar.al_cmoncmon" "Kom igjen, kom igjen. " "[english]streetwar.al_cmoncmon" "Come on, come on. " "streetwar.al_comeon03_r" "Kom igjen, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.al_comeon03_r" "Come on, Gordon! " "streetwar.al_commandcenter" "Det er et kommandosenter i underetasjen. Jeg håper vi finner informasjon om generatorplasseringene. " "[english]streetwar.al_commandcenter" "There's a command center downstairs. I'm hoping to find information about generator locations. " "streetwar.al_coreexposed" "OK, kjernen er ubeskyttet. " "[english]streetwar.al_coreexposed" "Okay, the core's exposed. " "streetwar.al_coreexposed_r" "OK, kjernen er ubeskyttet. " "[english]streetwar.al_coreexposed_r" "Okay, the core's exposed. " "streetwar.al_coupleminutes" "Det tar kanskje et par minutter før jeg får porten under kontroll." "[english]streetwar.al_coupleminutes" "It could take me a couple minutes to take control of the gate." "streetwar.al_damn" "Pokker!" "[english]streetwar.al_damn" "Damn!" "streetwar.al_disablegen" "Vel, vi har flaks. Det finnes en generator på plassen utenfor. Vi prøver å deaktivere så mange som mulig for å svekke Combines kontroll i denne sektoren. " "[english]streetwar.al_disablegen" "Well, we're in luck. There's a generator in the square outside. We're trying to disable as many as we can to loosen the Combine's grip on this sector. " "streetwar.al_exposecore_a" "Det tar meg et par minutter å avdekke kjernen. " "[english]streetwar.al_exposecore_a" "It'll take me a few minutes to expose the core. " "streetwar.al_exposecore_b" "Deretter må du skyte på den med gravitasjonsvåpnet. " "[english]streetwar.al_exposecore_b" "Then I'll need you to hit it with a burst from the gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_extshield" "Da er det eksterne skjoldet fjernet. " "[english]streetwar.al_extshield" "There goes the external shield. " "streetwar.al_extshield_r" "Da er det eksterne skjoldet fjernet. " "[english]streetwar.al_extshield_r" "There goes the external shield. " "streetwar.al_farside" "OK. Barney burde være på andre siden av den ... kanalen. " "[english]streetwar.al_farside" "Okay. Barney should be on the far side of that... canal. " "streetwar.al_firstbit" "Dermed var første del gjort." "[english]streetwar.al_firstbit" "First bit's done." "streetwar.al_gateisopen_r" "Porten er åpen. " "[english]streetwar.al_gateisopen_r" "The gate is open. " "streetwar.al_getoverhere" "Kom her! " "[english]streetwar.al_getoverhere" "Get over here! " "streetwar.al_goingthru01" "Ser ut til at i stedet for å gå over " "[english]streetwar.al_goingthru01" "Looks like instead of going over it " "streetwar.al_goingthru02" "så må vi gå gjennom. " "[english]streetwar.al_goingthru02" "we'll be going through. " "streetwar.al_goodletsgo" "Bra. Kom igjen." "[english]streetwar.al_goodletsgo" "Good. Let's go." "streetwar.al_gordonrun" "Løp, Gordon! Kom deg ut herfra! " "[english]streetwar.al_gordonrun" "Gordon, run! Get out of here! " "streetwar.al_hadfeeling" "Gordon! Det ante meg at jeg ville finne deg her. " "[english]streetwar.al_hadfeeling" "Gordon! I had a feeling I'd find you here. " "streetwar.al_heregoes" "OK, da setter vi i gang." "[english]streetwar.al_heregoes" "All right, here goes." "streetwar.al_hey" "Hei! " "[english]streetwar.al_hey" "Hey! " "streetwar.al_hurry" "Skynd deg! " "[english]streetwar.al_hurry" "Hurry! " "streetwar.al_imwaiting_r" "Jeg venter, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_imwaiting_r" "I'm waiting, Gordon. " "streetwar.al_inshield" "De indre skjoldene senkes ned. " "[english]streetwar.al_inshield" "Inner shields are coming down. " "streetwar.al_inshield_r" "De indre skjoldene senkes ned. " "[english]streetwar.al_inshield_r" "Inner shields are coming down. " "streetwar.al_iwasafraid" "Jeg var redd du ikke skulle klare det. " "[english]streetwar.al_iwasafraid" "I was afraid you weren't going to make it. " "streetwar.al_letsgo" "Klar? Kom an! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo" "Ready? Let's go! " "streetwar.al_letsgo01" "Kom an! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo01" "Let's go! " "streetwar.al_letsgo02_r" "Kom an! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo02_r" "Let's go! " "streetwar.al_no" "Nei! " "[english]streetwar.al_no" "No! " "streetwar.al_nottoolong" "Dette bør ikke ta for lang tid. Med en gang generatoren er deaktivert, åpner jeg porten slik at vi kommer oss ut herfra. " "[english]streetwar.al_nottoolong" "This shouldn't take too long. As soon as the generator's down, I'll open that gate and we can get out of here. " "streetwar.al_nowtobarney" "Jeg har dr. Kleiner på et trygt sted. Nå kan vi finne Barney igjen. " "[english]streetwar.al_nowtobarney" "I've got Dr. Kleiner in a safe spot. Now we can join up with Barney. " "streetwar.al_nowtricky" "Og nå den vanskelige delen." "[english]streetwar.al_nowtricky" "Now for the tricky part." "streetwar.al_okthatsit" "OK, det var det!" "[english]streetwar.al_okthatsit" "Okay, that's it!" "streetwar.al_okthisisit" "OK, det var det. Du tar den døren. Jeg tar denne. " "[english]streetwar.al_okthisisit" "Okay, this is it. You take that door. I'll take this one. " "streetwar.al_onemorebit" "Én ting til, og så er vi ferdige." "[english]streetwar.al_onemorebit" "One more bit and we're ready." "streetwar.al_onewill01" " " "[english]streetwar.al_onewill01" " " "streetwar.al_onewill02" " " "[english]streetwar.al_onewill02" " " "streetwar.al_openinggate" "OK, jeg åpner porten. " "[english]streetwar.al_openinggate" "All right, I'm opening the gate. " "streetwar.al_readywhenyou" "Klar når du er klar. " "[english]streetwar.al_readywhenyou" "Ready when you are. " "streetwar.al_scout" "Skal vi se om ikke jeg kan finne en ny vei. " "[english]streetwar.al_scout" "Let me see if I can scout a new path. " "streetwar.al_standardpanel" "Det er et standardpanel. " "[english]streetwar.al_standardpanel" "It's a standard panel. " "streetwar.al_thankgod" "Takk og pris. " "[english]streetwar.al_thankgod" "Thank God. " "streetwar.al_thatsit" "OK. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatsit" "That's it. " "streetwar.al_thatsit_r" "OK. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatsit_r" "That's it. " "streetwar.al_thatway" "La oss gå den veien. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatway" "Let's head that way. " "streetwar.al_thebridge" "Broen! " "[english]streetwar.al_thebridge" "The bridge! " "streetwar.al_thedeal" "OK, vi gjør følgende." "[english]streetwar.al_thedeal" "Ok, here's the deal." "streetwar.al_there" "Der." "[english]streetwar.al_there" "There." "streetwar.al_theresbridge01" "Der er broen " "[english]streetwar.al_theresbridge01" "There's the bridge " "streetwar.al_theresbridge02" "La oss gå over. " "[english]streetwar.al_theresbridge02" "Let's get across. " "streetwar.al_theysawus" "De så oss! " "[english]streetwar.al_theysawus" "They saw us! " "streetwar.al_thrudownthere" "Ser ut til at vi kanskje kan komme oss gjennom der nede. " "[english]streetwar.al_thrudownthere" "Looks like we might be able to get through down there. " "streetwar.al_usedtobe" "Vel, det var en bro her tidligere. " "[english]streetwar.al_usedtobe" "Well, there used to be a bridge here. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun01" "Bruk gravitasjonsvåpnet, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun01" "Use the gravity gun, Gordon. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun01_r" "Bruk gravitasjonsvåpnet, Gordon." "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun01_r" "Use the gravity gun, Gordon." "streetwar.al_usegravgun02" "Kom igjen, Gordon, gi kjernen et støt. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun02" "Go on, Gordon, give the core a jolt. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun02_r" "Kom igjen, Gordon, gi kjernen et støt. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun02_r" "Go on, Gordon, give the core a jolt. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun03" "Treff kjernen med gravitasjonsvåpnet, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun03" "Gordon, hit the core with your gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun03_r" "Treff kjernen med gravitasjonsvåpnet, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun03_r" "Gordon, hit the core with your gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_waitforme" "Vent på meg her. " "[english]streetwar.al_waitforme" "Wait for me here. " "streetwar.al_watchmyback" "I mellomtiden må dere dekke meg. " "[english]streetwar.al_watchmyback" "In the meantime, watch my back. " "streetwar.al_whatnow01" "Hva nå? " "[english]streetwar.al_whatnow01" "What now? " "streetwar.al_whatnow02" "Vi må komme oss over denne kanalen! " "[english]streetwar.al_whatnow02" "We have to get across this canal! " "streetwar.ba_allclearthxgordon" "Det er klart, takket være Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_allclearthxgordon" "It's all clear, thanks to Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_cantmove" "Gordon, jeg kommer ingen vei. Disse snikskytterne har fanget meg. " "[english]streetwar.ba_cantmove" "Gordon, I can't move. These snipers got me pinned down. " "streetwar.ba_gateclearance" "La meg åpne porten. Min status i Borgerrettsvernet gir meg ubegrenset adgang. " "[english]streetwar.ba_gateclearance" "Let me get this gate. My Civil Protection status still gives me limited clearance. " "streetwar.ba_goodtohavehelp" "Godt å se deg, Gordon. Det skal bli bra å ha din hjelp når vi skal inn i bygningen lenger oppe. " "[english]streetwar.ba_goodtohavehelp" "It's good to see ya, Gordon. It'll be good to have your help goin' into the nexus up ahead. " "streetwar.ba_hauntsme" "Den forbanna tingen hjemsøker meg. " "[english]streetwar.ba_hauntsme" "That damn thing haunts me. " "streetwar.ba_headhumpersgordon" "Se opp for hodeplagerne, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_headhumpersgordon" "Watch the headhumpers, Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_hearcat" "Hørte du en katt akkurat nå? " "[english]streetwar.ba_hearcat" "Did you hear a cat just now? " "streetwar.ba_heycomeon" "Hei, kom igjen! " "[english]streetwar.ba_heycomeon" "Hey, come on! " "streetwar.ba_letsclearout" "OK. Takk, Gordon. Sånn, la oss komme oss ut herfra. " "[english]streetwar.ba_letsclearout" "All right, thanks, Gordon. Now let's clear outta here. " "streetwar.ba_letsgetgoing" "La oss komme oss av gårde. " "[english]streetwar.ba_letsgetgoing" "Let's get going. " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade01" "Granatene, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade01" "The grenades, Gordon! " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade02" "Hei, følg med på granatene, gidder du? " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade02" "Hey, look at the grenades, would ya? " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade03" "Hva med en granat, Gordon? " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade03" "How about a grenade, Gordon? " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade04" "Sleng av gårde et par granater, Gordon. Da blir vi kvitt dem. " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade04" "Gordon, lob a couple grenades, that'll clear 'em out. " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade05" "Gordon! Granater!" "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade05" "Gordon! Grenades!" "streetwar.ba_onedown" "Én nede! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onedown" "One down! " "streetwar.ba_onedownonetogo" "Det var én. Da har vi bare én igjen, kompis! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onedownonetogo" "That's one down, one to go, buddy! " "streetwar.ba_onemorenow" "OK! Bare én igjen nå! Kom igjen, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onemorenow" "All right! One more now! Come on, Gordon! " "streetwar.ba_overhere" "Hitover! " "[english]streetwar.ba_overhere" "Over here! " "streetwar.ba_putsqueeze" " " "[english]streetwar.ba_putsqueeze" " " "streetwar.ba_returnhero" "Du er den tilbakevendte helten for tiden, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_returnhero" "You're quite the returning hero these days, Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_takeoutsnipers" "Drep disse snikskytterne, Gordon, vil du?! " "[english]streetwar.ba_takeoutsnipers" "Gordon, take out these snipers, would ya?! " "streetwar.c17_05_firepit_greet" "Selveste dr. Freeman? Vi håpte på en kriger til for å storme barrikaden, men vi trodde aldri det skulle bli deg. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_firepit_greet" "Dr. Freeman? We hoped for one more fighter to help storm that barricade, but we never guessed it would be you. " "streetwar.c17_05_hoppers" "Se opp for hopperne! De er over alt! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_hoppers" "Watch out for the hoppers. They're everywhere! " "streetwar.c17_05_letusthru" "Slipp oss gjennom! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_letusthru" "Let us through! " "streetwar.c17_05_minehelp1" "Ikke kast bort hopperne, dr. Freeman. Vi kan bruke dem mot Combine. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_minehelp1" "Don't waste the hoppers, Dr. Freeman. We can use them against the Combine. " "streetwar.c17_05_minehelp2" "Hvis du kan få satt opp de hopperne uten å aktivere dem, kan du plassere dem hvor som helst. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_minehelp2" "If you can get those hoppers up without setting them off, you can plant them wherever you want them. " "streetwar.c17_05_opengate" "Åpne porten! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_opengate" "Open the gate! " "streetwar.c17_05_tail" "De er i hælene på oss!" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_tail" "They're on our tail!" "streetwar.c17_06_det01" "Gordon Freeman? Det er deg, er det ikke? Et øyeblikk, jeg skal bare fikse noen ladninger og sprenge oss vei. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det01" "Gordon Freeman? It is you, isn't it? Give me a minute, I'm gonna plant some charges and blow this open. " "streetwar.c17_06_det02" "Kan du holde dem unna, jeg er snart ferdig her. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det02" "If you can hold them off, I'm almost done here. " "streetwar.c17_06_det03" "OK, siste ladning! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det03" "Okay, last charge! " "streetwar.c17_06_det04" "Hold avstand. Nå smeller det! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det04" "Stand back. It's gonna blow! " "streetwar.c17_06_det05" "Kom gjennom, Freeman. Og skynd deg. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det05" "Come on through, Freeman. And hurry. " "streetwar.c17_06_keepcoming" "Manhackerne kommer i hopetall. De stopper aldri! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_keepcoming" "The manhacks just keep coming. They're never gonna stop! " "streetwar.c17_06_keepmoving" "Fortsett, dr. Freeman. Jeg skal gi beskjed om at du kommer. Ses lenger framme. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_keepmoving" "Keep moving, Dr. Freeman. I'll send word you're coming, and see you up ahead. " "streetwar.c17_06_notsafe" "Selveste dr. Freeman? Hvis du leter etter et sted å gjemme deg, er det ikke trygt her lenger. De bomber oss sønder og sammen. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_notsafe" "Dr. Freeman? If you were looking for a place to hole up, it's not safe here anymore. They're shelling the hell out of us. " "streetwar.c17_06_password01" "Hei, det er meg. Åpne døren. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password01" "Hey, it's me. Open the door. " "streetwar.c17_06_password02" "Hva er passordet? " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password02" "What's the password? " "streetwar.c17_06_password03" "Passord! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password03" "Password! " "streetwar.c17_06_password04" "Kom inn. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password04" "Come on in. " "streetwar.c17_06_plank01" "OK, kom over! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_plank01" "Okay, come across! " "streetwar.c17_06_plank02" "Jeg må bli her i tilfelle noen andre må over. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_plank02" "I've got to stay here in case anyone else needs to get across. " "streetwar.c17_06_tunnel_greet" "Selveste dr. Freeman! Combine har avskåret forsyningstunnelen vår. Hvis du vil bli med oss, så skal vi forsøke å kjempe oss gjennom utposten deres. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_tunnel_greet" "Dr. Freeman! The Combine has cut our supply tunnel in two. If you'll join up with us, we'll take a stab at pushing through their outpost. " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_allover" "Det var bedre. Jeg trodde det var ute med meg." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_allover" "That's better. I thought it was all over for me." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_cantmove" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_cantmove" " " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_gothru" "Gå gjennom, Gordon." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_gothru" "Go on through, Gordon." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_headout" "OK, la oss gå mot porten, så åpner jeg den mens kysten er klar." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_headout" "Okay, let's head for the gate and I'll open it while the coast is clear." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_medic" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_medic" " " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_needhelp" "Vi trenger all den hjelp vi kan få hvis vi skal klare å takle bygningen lenger oppe." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_needhelp" "We're going to need all the help we can get, dealing with the Nexus up ahead." "streetwar.c17_09_casualties" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_casualties" " " "streetwar.c17_09_cellar" "Hjelp! Hjelp meg! Vi trodde vi var tryggere her nede. Men vi ante ikke at dette stedet krydde av fiender. Resten gikk opp og tok sjansen mot snikskytterne. Jeg tror de er der oppe ennå. " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellar" "Help! Help me! We thought we'd be safer down here. Little did we know the place was infested. Rest of 'em headed upstairs, took their chances with the snipers. I guess they're still up there. " "streetwar.c17_09_help01" "Hjelp!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help01" "Help!" "streetwar.c17_09_help02" "Hjelp meg!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help02" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_help03" "Er det noen der oppe?" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help03" "Is somebody up there!" "streetwar.c17_09_help04" "Hjelp meg!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help04" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_med_greet" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_med_greet" " " "streetwar.c17_09_med_heal" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_med_heal" " " "streetwar.c17_10_heshere" "Det er Freeman. Han er her! Slipp oss ut, vi skal hjelpe dere. " "[english]streetwar.c17_10_heshere" "It's Freeman, he's here! Let us out, we'll throw in with you. " "streetwar.c17_10_letusout" "Hei, slipp oss ut herfra! " "[english]streetwar.c17_10_letusout" "Hey, let us out of here! " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det01" "Den døren er låst fra andre siden, dr. Freeman. Kanskje du kan finne en vei rundt. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det01" "That door's locked from the other side, Dr. Freeman. Maybe you can find a way around. " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det02" "Ser ille ut her inne. Godt du har den drakten. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det02" "Looks nasty in there. Good thing you've got that suit. " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det03" "Hei! Slipp oss gjennom! Jeg kan høre deg der inne! Kom igjen! Åpne døren! " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det03" "Hey! Let us through! I can hear you in there! Come on! Open the door! " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det04" "Jeg ser du klarte deg fint. Tenkte du ville gjøre det. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det04" "I see you made it through okay. Figured you would. " "streetwar.d3_c17_07_tenant" "Du var helt utrolig tidligere, dr. Freeman! Men jeg synes synd på alle som betalte et depositum. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_07_tenant" "You were amazing back there, Dr. Freeman! But I feel sorry for anyone who put down a security deposit. " "streetwar.al_gordon02" "Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.al_gordon02" "Gordon! " "streetwar.al_uggh02" "Au! " "[english]streetwar.al_uggh02" "Agh! " "Trainride.gman_riseshine" "Opp og hopp, dr. Freeman. Opp og hopp. " "[english]Trainride.gman_riseshine" "Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. " "Trainride.gman_02" "Ikke at jeg insinuerer at du har sovet på vakt. Ingen fortjener en hvil mer enn deg. Og alle bestrebelser ville ha vært fånyttes ... vel, la oss si at tiden har kommet for deg igjen. " "[english]Trainride.gman_02" "Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until...well, let's just say your hour has come again. " "Trainride.gman_03" "Den rette mannen på feil sted kan gjøre himmelvid forskjell. " "[english]Trainride.gman_03" "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. " "Trainride.gman_04" "Så, våkn opp, mr. Freeman. Våkn opp og kjenn duften av aske. " "[english]Trainride.gman_04" "So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes. " "Trainyard.al_dadstarted" "Heh. Ikke få faren min til å snakke om dr. Breen. " "[english]Trainyard.al_dadstarted" "Heh. Don't get my dad started on Dr. Breen. " "Trainyard.al_hmm" "Hm." "[english]Trainyard.al_hmm" "Hm." "Trainyard.al_imalyx" "Jeg er Alyx Vance. Faren min arbeidet sammen med deg i Black Mesa. Jeg er imidlertid sikker på at du ikke husker meg. " "[english]Trainyard.al_imalyx" "I'm Alyx Vance. My father worked with you, back in Black Mesa. I'm sure you don't remember me though. " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet" " " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_b" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_b" " " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_cc" "Å, og forresten? Hyggelig endelig å møte deg." "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_cc" "Oh, and by the way? Nice to finally meet you." "Trainyard.al_nomap" "Selveste dr. Kleiner sa du skulle komme innom. Jeg tror ikke han tenkte på at du kanskje hadde med deg et kart. " "[english]Trainyard.al_nomap" "Dr. Kleiner said you'd be coming this way. I don't think it occurred to him that you might not have a map. " "Trainyard.al_noyoudont" "Ha! Nei, det gjør du ikke! " "[english]Trainyard.al_noyoudont" "Ha! No you don't! " "Trainyard.al_oldadmin" "Husker du ham fra Black Mesa? Den gamle administratoren din? " "[english]Trainyard.al_oldadmin" "Remember him from Black Mesa? Your old Administrator? " "Trainyard.al_overhere" "Hitover! " "[english]Trainyard.al_overhere" "Over here! " "Trainyard.al_presume" "Doktor Freeman, formoder jeg? " "[english]Trainyard.al_presume" "Doctor Freeman, I presume? " "Trainyard.al_suspicious" "Vi må skynde oss. Combine våkner ganske langsomt, men når de har kommet seg på beina, bør du ikke gå i veien for dem. " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious" "We'd better hurry. The Combine can be slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. " "Trainyard.al_suspicious_b" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious_b" " " "Trainyard.al_suspicious_cc" "Vi må skynde oss. Combine våkner ganske langsomt, men når de har kommet seg på beina, bør du ikke gå i veien for dem. " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious_cc" "We'd better hurry. The Combine can be slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. " "Trainyard.al_thisday" "For et sammentreff at du dukker opp akkurat på denne dagen. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday" "Funny, you showing up on this day in particular. " "Trainyard.al_thisday01" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday01" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday01_cc" "Vi har hjulpet folk til å flykte fra byen til fots. Det er en farlig rute til min fars lab, gjennom de gamle kanalene. I dag har vi nesten klart å finne en bedre vei. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday01_cc" "We've been helping people escape the city on foot. It's a dangerous route to my father's lab, through the old canals. Today we're finally on the verge of having a better way. " "Trainyard.al_thisday02" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday02" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday03" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday03" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday04" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday04" " " "Trainyard.al_thruhere" "Gjennom her. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thruhere" "Through here. " "Trainyard.ba_backup" "Tilbake! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_backup" "Back up! " "Trainyard.ba_blowcover" "Å pokker. Det ante meg. Gå inn her, Gordon, før du avslører meg. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_blowcover" "Oh man, that's what I was afraid of. Get in here, Gordon, before you blow my cover. " "Trainyard.ba_blowcover_b" "Stable noen greier sammen slik at vi kommer oss gjennom det vinduet, og fortsett til du kommer til torget. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_blowcover_b" "Pile up some stuff to get through that window, and keep going till you're in the plaza. " "Trainyard.ba_checkpoints" "Vel, så lenge han holder seg unna kontrollpostene, bør vi klare oss. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_checkpoints" "Well, as long as he stays away from checkpoints we should be okay. " "Trainyard.ba_citadel02" "Citadellet er i høyeste beredskap! Jeg har aldri sett det så opplyst. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_citadel02" "The Citadel's on full alert! I've never seen it lit up like that. " "Trainyard.ba_crowbar01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar01" " " "Trainyard.ba_crowbar01_cc" "Å, og før jeg glemmer det. Jeg tror du mistet dette i Black Mesa." "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar01_cc" "Oh, and before I forget. I think you dropped this back in Black Mesa." "Trainyard.ba_crowbar02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar02" " " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag01" "Vi har ingen tid å miste her, Gordon. Få opp farten! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag01" "There's no time to waste here, Gordon. Get a move on! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag02" "De er like utenfor, så kom igjen! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag02" "They're right outside, get going! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag03" "Hei, få opp farten, sier jeg. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag03" "Hey, move it now, will you? " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag04" "Kan du se å komme deg av gårde? " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag04" "Will you get going? " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag05" "Gå videre! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag05" "Move it along! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag06" "Gå videre, Gordon! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag06" "Get going, Gordon! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag07" "Fort! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag07" "Hurry up! " "Trainyard.ba_getin" "Kom deg inn! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_getin" "Get in! " "Trainyard.ba_getoutfast" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_getoutfast" " " "Trainyard.ba_getoutfast_cc" "Kom deg ut av City 17 så fort du kan, Gordon! Bruk de gamle kanalene, hører du? De vil føre deg til Elis lab. Det er en farlig rute, men det finnes et nettverk av flyktninger, og de hjelper deg hvis de kan." "[english]Trainyard.ba_getoutfast_cc" "Get out of City 17 as fast as you can, Gordon! Take the old canals, right? They'll get you to Eli's lab. It's a dangerous route, but there's a whole network of refugees and they'll help you if they can." "Trainyard.ba_goodluck01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck01" " " "Trainyard.ba_goodluck01_cc" "Lykke til der ute, kompis. Du kommer til å trenge det." "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck01_cc" "Good luck out there, buddy. You're gonna need it." "Trainyard.ba_goodluck02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck02" " " "Trainyard.ba_goon" "Fortsett!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_goon" "Go on!" "Trainyard.ba_gottago" "Hør her, doktor, jeg må gå. Vi har allerede tatt nok sjanser. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_gottago" "Listen, I gotta go, Doc. We're taking enough chances as it is. " "Trainyard.ba_heygordon" "Hei, Gordon! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_heygordon" "Hey, Gordon! " "Trainyard.ba_inhere2" "Kom deg inn hit. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_inhere2" "Get in here. " "Trainyard.ba_lookafterdoc" "Jeg skulle gjerne blitt med deg, men jeg må ta hånd om dr. Kleiner. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_lookafterdoc" "I'd come with you, but I've got to look after Dr. Kleiner. " "Trainyard.ba_lookwho" "Beklager, doktor, men se hvem som er her. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_lookwho" "Sorry, Doc, but look who's here. " "Trainyard.ba_meetyoulater01" "Jeg ser deg igjen senere. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_meetyoulater01" "I'll meet up with you later. " "Trainyard.ba_move01" "Jeg sa GÅ! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_move01" "I said 'move!' " "Trainyard.ba_noimgood" "Nei, jeg klarer meg. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_noimgood" "No, I'm good. " "Trainyard.ba_oldcanals" "Bruk kanalene, hører du? De vil føre deg til Elis lab. Det er en farlig rute, men det finnes et nettverk av flyktninger, og de hjelper deg hvis de kan. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_oldcanals" "Take the canals, right? They'll get you to Eli's lab. It's a dangerous route, but there's a whole network of refugees and they'll help you if they can. " "Trainyard.ba_ownway" "OK, Gordon. Du må finne veien til dr. Kleiners lab selv. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_ownway" "Okay, Gordon you're gonna have to make your own way to Dr. Kleiner's lab. " "Trainyard.ba_privacy" "Ja, jeg trenger litt tid for meg selv for å klare dette! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_privacy" "Yeah, I'm gonna need me some privacy for this! " "Trainyard.ba_rememberme" "Det er meg, Gordon! Barney fra Black Mesa. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_rememberme" "It's me, Gordon! Barney from Black Mesa. " "Trainyard.ba_rooftops" "Det skal visstnok være en vei over taktoppene, men ... jeg har aldri gått den veien selv. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_rooftops" "There's supposed to be a high route over the rooftops, but... I've never been that way myself. " "Trainyard.ba_sorryscare" "Hei, beklager at du ble skremt. Jeg måtte lage litt show for kameraene. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_sorryscare" "Hey, sorry for the scare. I had to put on a show for the cameras. " "Trainyard.ba_tellme01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme01" " " "Trainyard.ba_tellme01_cc" "Ja, jeg også, doktor. Han var i ferd med å gå på ekspressen til Nova Prospekt." "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme01_cc" "Yeah, you and me both, Doc. He was about to board the Express to Nova Prospekt." "Trainyard.ba_tellme02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme02" " " "Trainyard.ba_thatbeer01" "Vel ..." "[english]Trainyard.ba_thatbeer01" "Now..." "Trainyard.ba_thatbeer02" " ...angående den øllen jeg skylder deg. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_thatbeer02" "...about that beer I owed ya. " "Trainyard.ba_thinking01" "Jeg tenker, jeg tenker. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_thinking01" "I'm thinking, I'm thinking. " "Trainyard.ba_undercover" "Jeg har jobbet som spaner med Borgerrettsvernet. Jeg kan ikke bli for lenge, ellers begynner de å fatte mistanke. Jeg har havnet i bakleksa med bankekvota. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_undercover" "I've been working undercover with Civil Protection. I can't take too long or they'll get suspicious. I'm way behind on my beating quota. " "Trainyard.ba_youcomewith" "Du, innbygger! Bli med meg. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_youcomewith" "You, Citizen! Come with me. " "Trainyard.cit_term_ques02" "Dette er min tredje overføring dette året. " "[english]Trainyard.cit_term_ques02" "This is my third transfer this year. " "Trainyard.cop_knockitoff" "Kom deg ut herfra. " "[english]Trainyard.cop_knockitoff" "Get out of here. " "Trainyard.cop_needanyhelp" "Trenger du hjelp med denne? " "[english]Trainyard.cop_needanyhelp" "Need any help with this one? " "Trainyard.kl_alyxaround" "Alyx er her et eller annet sted. Hun ville visst en bedre måte å få ham hit på. " "[english]Trainyard.kl_alyxaround" "Alyx is around here somewhere. She would have a better idea how to get him here. " "Trainyard.kl_intend" "Vel, Barney, hva har du tenkt å gjøre? " "[english]Trainyard.kl_intend" "Well, Barney, what do you intend? " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn01" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn01" " " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn01_cc" "Flott, Scott! Gordon Freeman! Jeg forventet flere advarsler." "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn01_cc" "Great Scott! Gordon Freeman! I expected more warning." "Trainyard.kl_morewarn02" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn02" " " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn03" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn03" " " "Trainyard.kl_verywell" "Ja vel. Og, eh, Gordon? Godt å se deg! " "[english]Trainyard.kl_verywell" "Very well. And, eh, Gordon? Good to see you! " "Trainyard.kl_whatisit01" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit01" " " "Trainyard.kl_whatisit01_cc" "Ja, Barney, hva er det? Jeg er midt i en kritisk test." "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit01_cc" "Yes, Barney, what is it? I'm in the middle of a critical test." "Trainyard.kl_whatisit02" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit02" " " "Trainyard.man_me" "Jeg?! " "[english]Trainyard.man_me" "Me?! " "Trainyard.man_waitaminute" "Vent litt .... " "[english]Trainyard.man_waitaminute" "Wait a minute... " "Trainyard.man_whereyoutakingme" "Hvor skal vi? " "[english]Trainyard.man_whereyoutakingme" "Where are you taking me? " "Trainyard.metro_suprise" " " "[english]Trainyard.metro_suprise" " " "opening.cit_tvbust01" "Hva holder du på med? " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust01" "What are you doing? " "opening.cit_tvbust02" "Du kommer til å havne i trøbbel. " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust02" "You're gonna be in trouble. " "opening.cit_tvbust03" "Hei, du kommer til å lage trøbbel for alle sammen! " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust03" "Hey, you're gonna bring trouble down on all of us! " "opening.cit_tvbust04" "Legg den ned! " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust04" "Put that down! " "opening.cit_tvbust05" "Å nei. Nå kommer vi virkelig til å få svi. " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust05" "Oh no. Now we're really gonna get it. " "Canals.d1_canals_01_arrest_helpme" "Hjelp meg!" "[english]Canals.d1_canals_01_arrest_helpme" "Help me!" "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant07" "For det ble sagt at de hadde blitt til disse særegne demonene, som bor i materie, men der lys ikke trenger inn." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant07" "For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant09" "For mitt livs dager har forsvunnet som røyk, og mine bein er forbrent som aske. La alle mine urenheter være en kime til det bålet til ingenting er igjen, bortsett fra lyset." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant09" "For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone." "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant20" "Måtte de bli til støv i vinden, og måtte herrens engel jage dem for alltid." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant20" "May they become like dust before the wind; may the angel of the Lord pursue them." "coast.crane_playerincar" "Bra, da går vi." "[english]coast.crane_playerincar" "Good, here we go." "coast.crane_magfail" "Den pokkers magneten svikter ... vent litt!" "[english]coast.crane_magfail" "Damn magnet's failing...hold on!" "coast.crane_sorry" "Beklager, doktor." "[english]coast.crane_sorry" "Sorry, Doc." "coast.crane_gravgun" "Bruk gravitasjonsvåpnet til å snu bilen igjen." "[english]coast.crane_gravgun" "Use your gravity gun to flip the car over again." "coast.crane_driveforfeel" "Hvorfor kjører du ikke en tur rundt på stranden slik at du får gjort deg kjent med bilen. Når du har gjort det, kjører du til skråningen nede ved vannet." "[english]coast.crane_driveforfeel" "Why don't you take a spin around the beach until you've got a feel for the car. When you're done, head for the slope down by the water." "coast.crane_antlions" "Se opp for antlioner." "[english]coast.crane_antlions" "Watch out for antlions." "coast.crane_rockslide" "Du får ikke noe grep i den grusen. Prøv skråningen nede ved vannet." "[english]coast.crane_rockslide" "You're never gonna get traction in that gravel. Try the slope down by the water." "coast.crane_pier01" "Kom opp igjen, dr. Freeman. Bilen er på moloen." "[english]coast.crane_pier01" "Come back up, Dr. Freeman. The car's on the pier." "coast.crane_pier02" "Jeg sa at du skulle komme deg tilbake opp på moloen." "[english]coast.crane_pier02" "I said, get back up on the pier." "coast.crane_pier03" "Selveste dr. Freeman, du kommer ikke langt til fots. Kom opp igjen, og sett deg inn i bilen." "[english]coast.crane_pier03" "Dr. Freeman, you won't get anywhere on foot. Come back up and get in the car." "coast.crane_hopin" "Hopp inn, så skal jeg fire deg ned til stranden." "[english]coast.crane_hopin" "Hop in and I'll lower you down to the beach." "coast.crane_carsallready" "Hallo, dr. Freeman. Bilen er klar." "[english]coast.crane_carsallready" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. The car's all ready for you." "coast.crane_getupandhellout" "Få den bilen på hjulene, og kom deg til helvete bort herfra!" "[english]coast.crane_getupandhellout" "Get that car upright and get the hell out of here!" "streetwar.d3_c17_06a_overhere01" "Hei, hitover!" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06a_overhere01" "Hey, over here!" "Streetwar.d3_c17_07_al_thatwasclose" "Det var nære på!" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_07_al_thatwasclose" "That was close!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp02" "Hjelp meg!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp02" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp01" "Hjelp!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp01" "Help!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp03" "Er det noen der oppe?" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp03" "Is somebody up there?" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit" "[Lyden av brekkjernskraping!]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit" "[Crowbar Thwap!]" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld" "[Lyden av brekkjernslag!]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld" "[Crowbar Whack!]" "Weapon_Crowbar.Single" "[Lyden av brekkjern som slås i tomme luften]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Single" "[Crowbar Swoosh]" "Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire" " " "Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch" " " "Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup" " " "Weapon_Pistol.Empty" "[Tomt kammer]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_Pistol.Single" "[Pistolskudd]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.Single" "[Pistol Shot]" "Weapon_357.Single" "[Skudd med .357-kaliber]" "[english]Weapon_357.Single" "[.357 Shot]" "Weapon_SMG1.Double" "[SMG-granatutskyting]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Double" "[SMG Grenade Launch]" "Weapon_SMG1.Single" "[SMG-hovedsalve]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Single" "[SMG Primary Fire]" "Weapon_SMG1.Empty" "[Tomt kammer]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_SMG1.Reload" "[Lader på nytt]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_SMG1.Special1" "[SMG-granatutskyting]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Special1" "[SMG Grenade Launch]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Double" "[Skudd fra dobbeltløpet hagle!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Double" "[Double Shotgun Blast!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Single" "[Skudd fra enkeltløpet hagle!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Single" "[Single Shotgun Blast!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Empty" "[Tomt kammer]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" "[Lader på nytt]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_AR2.Single" "[Hovedsalve]" "[english]Weapon_AR2.Single" "[Primary fire]" "Weapon_AR2.Reload" "[Lader på nytt]" "[english]Weapon_AR2.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_IRifle.Empty" "[Tom]" "[english]Weapon_IRifle.Empty" "[Empty]" "Weapon_IRifle.Single" "[Andre salve]" "[english]Weapon_IRifle.Single" "[Secondary Fire]" "Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" "[Ladet andresalve]" "[english]Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" "[Charged secondary fire]" "Weapon_Crossbow.Single" "[Armbrøstskudd]" "[english]Weapon_Crossbow.Single" "[Crossbow shot]" "Weapon_Crossbow.Reload" "[Ny lading av armbrøst]" "[english]Weapon_Crossbow.Reload" "[Crossbow reload]" "Weapon_RPG.Single" "[RPG-oppskyting]" "[english]Weapon_RPG.Single" "[RPG Launch]" "WeaponFrag.Roll" "[Granatrulling!]" "[english]WeaponFrag.Roll" "[Grenade rolling!]" "Grenade.Blip" "[Granattidtaker]" "[english]Grenade.Blip" "[Grenade Timer]" "Weapon_Gauss.Single" "[Støt fra Tau-kanon!]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Single" "[Tau Cannon Jolt!]" "Weapon_Gauss.Special1" "[Salve fra Tau-kanon]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Special1" "[Tau Cannon Fire]" "Weapon_Gauss.Special2" "[Sprengladning fra Tau-kanon]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Special2" "[Tau Cannon Charged Blast]" "Weapon_Bugbait.Splat" "[Pip fra bugbait]" "[english]Weapon_Bugbait.Splat" "[Bugbait Squeak]" "GrenadeBugBait.Splat" "[Klaskelyd fra bugbait]" "[english]GrenadeBugBait.Splat" "[Bugbait Splat]" "Weapon_FlareGun.Single" "[Skudd fra nødblusspistol!]" "[english]Weapon_FlareGun.Single" "[Flaregun shot!]" "Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld" " " "[english]Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld" " " "Weapon_StunStick.Swing" " " "[english]Weapon_StunStick.Swing" " " "Weapon_Pistol.NPC_Single" "[Pistolskudd]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.NPC_Single" "[Pistol Shot]" "Weapon_Mortar.Single" "[Undertrykkerutskyter]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Single" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Weapon_Mortar.Incomming" "[Innkommende bombe]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Incomming" "[Incoming Mortar]" "Weapon_Mortar.Impact" "[Treff på undertrykker!]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Impact" "[Suppressor Impact!]" "AlyxEMP.Charge" " " "[english]AlyxEMP.Charge" " " "AlyxEMP.Discharge" "[EMP-salve]" "[english]AlyxEMP.Discharge" "[EMP Burst]" "AlyxEMP.Stop" " " "[english]AlyxEMP.Stop" " " "Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload" "[Lad på nytt!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload" "[Reloading!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Single" "[Boom!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Single" "[Boom!]" "GenericNPC.GunSound" "[Fiendtlige skuddsalver]" "[english]GenericNPC.GunSound" "[Enemy Gunfire]" "BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup" "[Henting av ammo]" "[english]BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup" "[Ammo pickup]" "BaseExplosionEffect.Sound" "[EKSPLOSJON!]" "[english]BaseExplosionEffect.Sound" "[EXPLOSION!]" "BaseGrenade.Explode" "[Granateksplosjon!]" "[english]BaseGrenade.Explode" "[Grenade Explosion!]" "Bullets.DefaultNearmiss" "[Kule -- bommet så vidt!]" "[english]Bullets.DefaultNearmiss" "[Bullet--Near Miss!]" "Bullets.GunshipNearmiss" "[Kule fra kampskip -- bommet så vidt!]" "[english]Bullets.GunshipNearmiss" "[Gunship bullet--Near miss!]" "Bullets.StriderNearmiss" "[Skudd fra strider -- bommet så vidt!]" "[english]Bullets.StriderNearmiss" "[Strider shot--Near miss!]" "FX_RicochetSound.Ricochet" "[Rikosjett!]" "[english]FX_RicochetSound.Ricochet" "[Ricochet!]" "Crane_engine_start" "[Motor som starter]" "[english]Crane_engine_start" "[Motor starts]" "Crane_engine_stop" "[Motor som stopper]" "[english]Crane_engine_stop" "[Motor stops]" "Crane_magnet_release" "[Kranmagnet slippes]" "[english]Crane_magnet_release" "[Crane magnet release]" "Crane_magnet_toggle" "[Kranmagnet griper tak]" "[english]Crane_magnet_toggle" "[Crane magnet grab]" "Crane_magnet_creak" "[Knirk!]" "[english]Crane_magnet_creak" "[Creak!]" "ATV_engine_idle" " " "[english]ATV_engine_idle" " " "ATV_engine_start" "[Maskin som starter]" "[english]ATV_engine_start" "[Engine start]" "ATV_engine_stop" "[Maskin som stopper]" "[english]ATV_engine_stop" "[Engine stop]" "ATV_rev" " " "[english]ATV_rev" " " "ATV_skid_lowfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_lowfriction" " " "ATV_skid_normalfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_normalfriction" " " "ATV_skid_highfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_highfriction" " " "ATV_impact_heavy" " " "[english]ATV_impact_heavy" " " "ATV_impact_medium" " " "[english]ATV_impact_medium" " " "ATV_turbo_on" "[Turbo på]" "[english]ATV_turbo_on" "[Turbo On]" "ATV_turbo_off" "[Turbo av]" "[english]ATV_turbo_off" "[Turbo Off]" "ATV_start_in_water" "[Maskin som starter i vann]" "[english]ATV_start_in_water" "[Engine starting in water]" "ATV_stall_in_water" "[Maskin som stopper i vann]" "[english]ATV_stall_in_water" "[Engine stalled in water]" "Jeep.GaussCharge" "[Tau-kanon lades]" "[english]Jeep.GaussCharge" "[Tau Cannon Charging]" "PropJeep.FireCannon" "[Støt fra Tau-kanon]" "[english]PropJeep.FireCannon" "[Tau Cannon Jolt]" "PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" "[Sprengladning fra Tau-kanon]" "[english]PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" "[Tau Cannon Charged Blast]" "PropJeep.AmmoOpen" "[Ammokasse åpnes]" "[english]PropJeep.AmmoOpen" "[Ammocase open]" "PropJeep.AmmoClose" "[Ammokasse lukkes]" "[english]PropJeep.AmmoClose" "[Ammocase close]" "PropAPC.FireCannon" "[APC-kanonsalve fra Combine]" "[english]PropAPC.FireCannon" "[Combine APC Cannon Fire]" "PropAPC.FireRocket" "[APC-rakettsalve fra Combine]" "[english]PropAPC.FireRocket" "[Combine APC Rocket Fire]" "Airboat_engine_start" "[Mudskipper-maskin som starter]" "[english]Airboat_engine_start" "[Mudskipper Engine Start]" "Airboat_engine_stop" "[Mudskipper-maskin som stopper]" "[english]Airboat_engine_stop" "[Mudskipper Engine Stop]" "Airboat_skid_rough" "" "[english]Airboat_skid_rough" "" "Airboat_skid_smooth" "" "[english]Airboat_skid_smooth" "" "Airboat_impact_hard" "" "[english]Airboat_impact_hard" "" "Airboat_impact_soft" "" "[english]Airboat_impact_soft" "" "Airboat_impact_splash" " " "[english]Airboat_impact_splash" " " "Airboat_gun_charge" "[Våpen lades]" "[english]Airboat_gun_charge" "[Gun charging]" "Airboat_gun_shoot" "[Våpen avfyres]" "[english]Airboat_gun_shoot" "[Gun firing]" "Airboat.FireGunHeavy" "[Tunge skuddsalver]" "[english]Airboat.FireGunHeavy" "[Heavy gun firing]" "HEV._comma" " " "[english]HEV._comma" " " "HEV.acquired" "anskaffet" "[english]HEV.acquired" "acquired" "HEV.activated" "aktivert" "[english]HEV.activated" "activated" "HEV.administering_medical" "Utføre førstehjelp." "[english]HEV.administering_medical" "Administering Medical Attention." "HEV.ammo_depleted" "Tom for ammunisjon." "[english]HEV.ammo_depleted" "Ammunition Depleted." "HEV.antidote_shot" "Motgift gitt." "[english]HEV.antidote_shot" "Antidote administered." "HEV.antitoxin_shot" "Antitoksin gitt." "[english]HEV.antitoxin_shot" "Antitoxin administered." "HEV.armor_gone" "Panser svekket." "[english]HEV.armor_gone" "Armor Compromised." "HEV.automedic_on" "Automatiske, medisinske systemer iverksatt." "[english]HEV.automedic_on" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV.beep" "[Beep]" "[english]HEV.beep" "[Beep]" "HEV.bell" "[Klokkelyd]" "[english]HEV.bell" "[Belltone]" "HEV.bio_reading" "Mulig bioutslag." "[english]HEV.bio_reading" "Possible Bio-reading." "HEV.biohazard_detected" "Advarsel: Biofare oppdaget." "[english]HEV.biohazard_detected" "Warning: Biohazard detected." "HEV.bleeding_stopped" "Blødningen har stoppet." "[english]HEV.bleeding_stopped" "Bleeding has stopped." "HEV.blip" "[Blip]" "[english]HEV.blip" "[Blip]" "HEV.blood_loss" "Blodtap oppdaget." "[english]HEV.blood_loss" "Blood loss detected." "HEV.blood_plasma" "Blodplasma gitt." "[english]HEV.blood_plasma" "Blood plasma administered." "HEV.blood_toxins" "Advarsel: Blodtoksinnivåer oppdaget." "[english]HEV.blood_toxins" "Warning: Blood toxin levels detected." "HEV.boop" "[Boop]" "[english]HEV.boop" "[Boop]" "HEV.buzz" "[Buzz]" "[english]HEV.buzz" "[Buzz]" "HEV.chemical_detected" "Kjemiske stoffer oppdaget." "[english]HEV.chemical_detected" "Chemical detected." "HEV.deactivated" "Deaktivert" "[english]HEV.deactivated" "Deactivated" "HEV.eighty" "80" "[english]HEV.eighty" "80" "HEV.evacuate_area" "Evakuer område." "[english]HEV.evacuate_area" "Evacuate area." "HEV.fifteen" "15" "[english]HEV.fifteen" "15" "HEV.fifty" "50" "[english]HEV.fifty" "50" "HEV.five" "05" "[english]HEV.five" "05" "HEV.flatline" "[Beep-beep-beeeeeeeeep.] Bruker drept." "[english]HEV.flatline" "[Beep-beep-beeeeeeeeep.] User Fatality." "HEV.fourty" "40" "[english]HEV.fourty" "40" "HEV.fuzz" "[Fuzz]" "[english]HEV.fuzz" "[Fuzz]" "HEV.get_44ammo" " " "[english]HEV.get_44ammo" " " "HEV.get_44pistol" " " "[english]HEV.get_44pistol" " " "HEV.get_9mmclip" " " "[english]HEV.get_9mmclip" " " "HEV.get_alien_wpn" " " "[english]HEV.get_alien_wpn" " " "HEV.get_assault" " " "[english]HEV.get_assault" " " "HEV.get_assaultgren" " " "[english]HEV.get_assaultgren" " " "HEV.get_battery" " " "[english]HEV.get_battery" " " "HEV.get_bolts" " " "[english]HEV.get_bolts" " " "HEV.get_buckshot" " " "[english]HEV.get_buckshot" " " "HEV.get_crossbow" " " "[english]HEV.get_crossbow" " " "HEV.get_egon" " " "[english]HEV.get_egon" " " "HEV.get_egonpower" " " "[english]HEV.get_egonpower" " " "HEV.get_gauss" " " "[english]HEV.get_gauss" " " "HEV.get_grenade" " " "[english]HEV.get_grenade" " " "HEV.get_medkit" " " "[english]HEV.get_medkit" " " "HEV.get_pistol" " " "[english]HEV.get_pistol" " " "HEV.get_rpg" " " "[english]HEV.get_rpg" " " "HEV.get_rpgammo" " " "[english]HEV.get_rpgammo" " " "HEV.get_shotgun" " " "[english]HEV.get_shotgun" " " "HEV.health_critical" "Advarsel: Vitale organer i kritisk tilstand." "[english]HEV.health_critical" "Warning: Vital signs critical." "HEV.health_dropping" "Advarsel: Vitale organer svikter." "[english]HEV.health_dropping" "Warning: Vital signs dropping." "HEV.health_dropping2" "Vitale organer i ferd med å svikte." "[english]HEV.health_dropping2" "Vital signs are dropping." "HEV.heat_damage" "Ekstrem varmeskade oppdaget." "[english]HEV.heat_damage" "Extreme heat damage detected." "HEV.hev_critical_fail" "Kritisk HEV-feil--feil---" "[english]HEV.hev_critical_fail" "HEV critical failure--failure---" "HEV.hev_damage" "HEV-skade påført." "[english]HEV.hev_damage" "HEV damage sustained." "HEV.hev_general_fail" "Generell HEV-feil!" "[english]HEV.hev_general_fail" "HEV general failure!" "HEV.hev_shutdown" "Ikke nok strøm. HEV slås av." "[english]HEV.hev_shutdown" "Insufficient power. HEV shutting down." "HEV.hiss" "[Hves!]" "[english]HEV.hiss" "[Hiss!]" "HEV.immediately" "umiddelbart" "[english]HEV.immediately" "immediately" "HEV.insufficient_medical" "For lite medisinsk utstyr til å lege skaden." "[english]HEV.insufficient_medical" "Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage." "HEV.internal_bleeding" "Interne blødninger oppdaget." "[english]HEV.internal_bleeding" "Internal bleeding detected." "HEV.major_fracture" "Alvorlig brudd oppdaget." "[english]HEV.major_fracture" "Major fracture detected." "HEV.major_lacerations" "Alvorlig vevskade oppdaget." "[english]HEV.major_lacerations" "Major lacerations detected." "HEV.medical_repaired" "Medisinsk skade leget." "[english]HEV.medical_repaired" "Medical damage repaired." "HEV.minor_fracture" "Mindre brudd oppdaget." "[english]HEV.minor_fracture" "Minor fracture detected." "HEV.minor_lacerations" "Mindre vevskade oppdaget." "[english]HEV.minor_lacerations" "Minor lacerations detected." "HEV.morphine_shot" "Morfin gitt." "[english]HEV.morphine_shot" "Morphine administered." "HEV.near_death" "Nær døden." "[english]HEV.near_death" "Near death." "HEV.ninety" "90" "[english]HEV.ninety" "90" "HEV.onehundred" "100" "[english]HEV.onehundred" "100" "HEV.percent" "prosent" "[english]HEV.percent" "percent" "HEV.power_below" "Strøm nedenfor" "[english]HEV.power_below" "Power below" "HEV.power_level_is" "Strømnivået er" "[english]HEV.power_level_is" "Power level is" "HEV.power_restored" "Strøm tilbake." "[english]HEV.power_restored" "Power restored." "HEV.powermove_overload" "Advarsel: Overbelastning i strømfordelingssystemet." "[english]HEV.powermove_overload" "Warning: Power movement system overload." "HEV.radiation_detected" "Advarsel: Skadelige strålenivåer oppdaget." "[english]HEV.radiation_detected" "Warning: Hazardous radiation levels detected." "HEV.seek_medic" "Søk medisinsk pleie." "[english]HEV.seek_medic" "Seek medical attention." "HEV.seventy" "70" "[english]HEV.seventy" "70" "HEV.shock_damage" "Elektrisk skade oppdaget." "[english]HEV.shock_damage" "Electrical damage detected." "HEV.sixty" "60" "[english]HEV.sixty" "60" "HEV.targetting_system" "System for automatisk målinnhenting." "[english]HEV.targetting_system" "Automatic target acquisition system." "HEV.targetting_system_on" "System for automatisk målinnhenting aktivert." "[english]HEV.targetting_system_on" "Automatic target acquisition system activated." "HEV.targetting_system_off" "System for automatisk målinnhenting deaktivert." "[english]HEV.targetting_system_off" "Automatic target acquisition system deactivated." "HEV.ten" "10" "[english]HEV.ten" "10" "HEV.thirty" "30" "[english]HEV.thirty" "30" "HEV.torniquette_applied" "Turniké påsatt." "[english]HEV.torniquette_applied" "Tourniquette applied." "HEV.twenty" "20" "[english]HEV.twenty" "20" "HEV.voice_off" " " "[english]HEV.voice_off" " " "HEV.voice_on" " " "[english]HEV.voice_on" " " "HEV.warning" "Advarsel!" "[english]HEV.warning" "Warning!" "HEV.wound_sterilized" "Sår sterilisert." "[english]HEV.wound_sterilized" "Wound sterilized." "HEV.sterilized_morphine" "Sår sterilisert. Morfin gitt." "[english]HEV.sterilized_morphine" "Wound sterilized. Morphine administered." "HEV.torni_bleed" "Turniké påsatt. Blødningen har stoppet." "[english]HEV.torni_bleed" "Tourniquette applied. Bleeding has stopped." "HEV.health2_evac" "Vitale organer i ferd med å svikte. Evakuer område." "[english]HEV.health2_evac" "Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area." "HEV.health_crit_evac" "Advarsel: Vitale organer i kritisk tilstand. Evakuer område." "[english]HEV.health_crit_evac" "Warning: Vital signs critical. Evacuate area." "HEV.near_death_evac" "Nær døden. Evakuer område umiddelbart." "[english]HEV.near_death_evac" "Near death. Evacuate area immediately." "HEV_A0" "Velkommen til beskyttelsessystemet HEV Mark 4, som brukes i omgivelser med farlige stoffer." "[english]HEV_A0" "Welcome to the HEV Mark 4 Protective System, for use in hazardous environment conditions." "HEV_A1" "Power Assist-bevegelse aktivert." "[english]HEV_A1" "Power assist movement activated." "HEV_A2" "Panser for beskyttelse mot kraftige treff aktivert." "[english]HEV_A2" "High impact reactive armor activated." "HEV_A3" "Atmosfæriske forurensningssensorer aktivert." "[english]HEV_A3" "Atmospheric contaminant sensors activated." "HEV_A4" "Overvåking av vitale organer aktivert." "[english]HEV_A4" "Vital sign monitoring activated." "HEV_A5" "Overvåking av ammunisjonsnivåer aktivert." "[english]HEV_A5" "Munition-level monitoring activated." "HEV_A6" "Kommunikasjonsgrensesnitt online." "[english]HEV_A6" "Communications interface online." "HEV_A7" "System for valg av forsvarsvåpen aktivert." "[english]HEV_A7" "Defensive weapon selection system activated." "HEV_A8" "Automatiske, medisinske systemer iverksatt." "[english]HEV_A8" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV_A9" "Strømnivå er ... 100 prosent." "[english]HEV_A9" "Power level is ... 100 percent." "HEV_A10" "Ha en trygg og sikker dag." "[english]HEV_A10" "Have a very safe day." "HEV_MED0" "For lite medisinsk utstyr til å lege skaden." "[english]HEV_MED0" "Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage." "HEV_MED1" "Automatiske, medisinske systemer iverksatt." "[english]HEV_MED1" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV_MED2" "Gi medisinsk hjelp." "[english]HEV_MED2" "Administering medical attention." "HEV_HEAL0" "Sår sterilisert. Morfin gitt." "[english]HEV_HEAL0" "Wound sterilised. Morphine administered." "HEV_HEAL1" "Spesialturniké påsatt. Blødningen har stoppet." "[english]HEV_HEAL1" "Local torniquette applied. Bleeding has stopped." "HEV_HEAL2" "Blødningen har stoppet." "[english]HEV_HEAL2" "Bleeding has stopped." "HEV_HEAL3" "Blodplasma gitt." "[english]HEV_HEAL3" "Blood plasma administered." "HEV_HEAL4" "Antitoksin gitt." "[english]HEV_HEAL4" "Antitoxin administered." "HEV_HEAL5" "Motgift gitt." "[english]HEV_HEAL5" "Antidote administered." "HEV_HEAL6" "Sår sterilisert." "[english]HEV_HEAL6" "Wound sterilised." "HEV_HEAL7" "Morfin gitt." "[english]HEV_HEAL7" "Morphine administered." "HEV_HEAL8" "Medisinsk skade leget." "[english]HEV_HEAL8" "Medical damage repaired." "HEV_DMG0" "Mindre vevskader oppdaget." "[english]HEV_DMG0" "Minor lacterations detected." "HEV_DMG1" "Alvorlig vevskade oppdaget." "[english]HEV_DMG1" "Major lacerations detected." "HEV_DMG2" "Interne blødninger oppdaget." "[english]HEV_DMG2" "Internal bleeding detected." "HEV_DMG3" "Advarsel. Blodtoksinnivåer oppdaget." "[english]HEV_DMG3" "Warning. Blood toxin levels detected." "HEV_DMG4" "Mindre brudd oppdaget." "[english]HEV_DMG4" "Minor fracture detected." "HEV_DMG5" "Alvorlig brudd oppdaget." "[english]HEV_DMG5" "Major fracture detected." "HEV_DMG6" "Blodtap oppdaget." "[english]HEV_DMG6" "Blood loss detected." "HEV_DMG7" "Søk medisinsk pleie." "[english]HEV_DMG7" "Seek medical attention." "HEV_HLTH0" "Advarsel. Vitale organer svikter." "[english]HEV_HLTH0" "Warning. Vital signs dropping." "HEV_HLTH1" "Vitale organer i ferd med å svikte." "[english]HEV_HLTH1" "Vital signs are dropping." "HEV_HLTH2" "Advarsel. Vitale organer i kritisk tilstand." "[english]HEV_HLTH2" "Warning. Vital signs critical." "HEV_HLTH3" "Krisesituasjon. Brukerens død er nært forestående." "[english]HEV_HLTH3" "Emergency. User death imminent." "HEV_HLTH4" "Vitale organer i ferd med å svikte. Evakuer område." "[english]HEV_HLTH4" "Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area." "HEV_HLTH5" "Advarsel. Vitale organer i kritisk tilstand. Evakuer område." "[english]HEV_HLTH5" "Warning. Vital signs critical. Evacuate area." "HEV_HLTH6" "Krisesituasjon. Brukerens død er nært forestående. Evakuer område umiddelbart." "[english]HEV_HLTH6" "Emergency. User death imminent. Evacuate area immediately." "HEV_SHOCK" "Advarsel. Elektrisk skade oppdaget." "[english]HEV_SHOCK" "Warning. Electrical damage detected." "HEV_FIRE" "Advarsel. Ekstrem varmeskade oppdaget." "[english]HEV_FIRE" "Warning. Extreme heat damage detected." "HEV_AIM_ON" "System for automatisk målinnhenting aktivert." "[english]HEV_AIM_ON" "Automatic target acquisition system activated." "HEV_AIM_OFF" "System for automatisk målinnhenting deaktivert." "[english]HEV_AIM_OFF" "Automatic target acquisition system deactivated." "HEV_BATTERY" "HEV-strømenhet anskaffet." "[english]HEV_BATTERY" "HEV Power Unit acquired." "HEV_MEDKIT" "Automatisk førstehjelpsutstyr." "[english]HEV_MEDKIT" "Automatic Medical Kit." "HEV_PISTOL" "9-millimeters halvautomatisk håndvåpen." "[english]HEV_PISTOL" "9 millimeter semi-automatic hand gun." "HEV_SHOTGUN" "Hagle anskaffet." "[english]HEV_SHOTGUN" "Combat shotgun acquired." "HEV_GRENADE" "Splinthåndgranat anskaffet." "[english]HEV_GRENADE" "Fragmentation grenage acquired." "HEV_ASSAULT" "9-millimeters helautomatisk våpen anskaffet." "[english]HEV_ASSAULT" "9 millimeter fully automatic weapon acquired." "HEV_44PISTOL" "44-kalibers håndvåpen anskaffet." "[english]HEV_44PISTOL" "44 calibre handgun acquired." "HEV_RPG" "Laserstyrt rakettutskyter anskaffet." "[english]HEV_RPG" "Laser guided rocket launcher acquired." "HEV_SATCHEL" "Fjernaktivert sprengningsenhet anskaffet." "[english]HEV_SATCHEL" "Remote activated demolition unit acquired." "HEV_TRIPMINE" "Laseraktivert antipersonellmine anskaffet." "[english]HEV_TRIPMINE" "Laser activated anti-personnel mine acquired." "HEV_HORNET" "Uidentifisert biovåpen." "[english]HEV_HORNET" "Unidentified bio weapon." "HEV_SQUEEK" "Uidentifisert biovåpen." "[english]HEV_SQUEEK" "Unidentified bio weapon." "HEV_EGON" "Eksperimentelt energivåpen anskaffet." "[english]HEV_EGON" "Experimental energy weapon acquired." "HEV_GAUSS" "Eksperimentelt høyhastighetsvåpen anskaffet." "[english]HEV_GAUSS" "Experimental hyper-velocity weapon acquired." "HEV_XBOW" "Høyhastighets stealth-armbrøst anskaffet." "[english]HEV_XBOW" "High velocity stealth crossbow acquired." "HEV_9MM" "9-millimeters ammunisjon anskaffet." "[english]HEV_9MM" "9 milimetre ammunition acquired." "HEV_44AMMO" "44-kalibers ammunisjon anskaffet." "[english]HEV_44AMMO" "44 calibre ammunition acquired." "HEV_BUCKSHOT" "Ammunisjon til hagle anskaffet." "[english]HEV_BUCKSHOT" "Combat shotgun ammunition acquired." "HEV_BOLTS" "Ammunisjon for nervetoksinbehandlet armbrøst anskaffet." "[english]HEV_BOLTS" "Neuro toxin treated crossbow ammunition acquired." "HEV_RPGAMMO" "Laserstyrt rakett anskaffet." "[english]HEV_RPGAMMO" "Laser guided rocket acquired." "HEV_AGRENADE" "Selvstyrt granat anskaffet." "[english]HEV_AGRENADE" "Self propelled grenade acquired." "HEV_EGONPOWER" "Energiladerenhet anskaffet." "[english]HEV_EGONPOWER" "Energy recharge unit acquired." "HEV_C1" "Klokken er nå ... 01:00" "[english]HEV_C1" "The time is now ... 1 AM" "HEV_C1t" "Klokken er nå 01:00" "[english]HEV_C1t" "The time is now 1 am" "HEV_C2" "Klokken er nå ... 02:00" "[english]HEV_C2" "The time is now ... 2 AM" "HEV_C3" "Klokken er nå ... 03:00" "[english]HEV_C3" "The time is now ... 3 AM" "HEV_C4" "Klokken er nå ... 04:00" "[english]HEV_C4" "The time is now ... 4 AM" "HEV_C5" "Klokken er nå ... 05:00" "[english]HEV_C5" "The time is now ... 5 AM" "HEV_C6" "Klokken er nå ... 06:00" "[english]HEV_C6" "The time is now ... 6 AM" "HEV_C7" "Klokken er nå ... 07:00" "[english]HEV_C7" "The time is now ... 7 AM" "HEV_C8" "Klokken er nå ... 08:00" "[english]HEV_C8" "The time is now ... 8 AM" "HEV_C9" "Klokken er nå ... 09:00" "[english]HEV_C9" "The time is now ... 9 AM" "HEV_C10" "Klokken er nå ... 10:00" "[english]HEV_C10" "The time is now ... 10 AM" "HEV_C11" "Klokken er nå ... 11:00" "[english]HEV_C11" "The time is now ... 11 AM" "HEV_C12" "Klokken er nå ... 12:00" "[english]HEV_C12" "The time is now ... 12 AM" "HEV_C13" "Klokken er nå ... 13:00" "[english]HEV_C13" "The time is now ... 1 PM" "HEV_C13t" "Klokken er nå 13:00" "[english]HEV_C13t" "The time is now 1 pm" "HEV_C14" "Klokken er nå ... 14:00" "[english]HEV_C14" "The time is now ... 2 PM" "HEV_C15" "Klokken er nå ... 15:00" "[english]HEV_C15" "The time is now ... 3 PM" "HEV_C16" "Klokken er nå ... 16:00" "[english]HEV_C16" "The time is now ... 4 PM" "HEV_C17" "Klokken er nå ... 17:00" "[english]HEV_C17" "The time is now ... 5 PM" "HEV_C18" "Klokken er nå ... 18:00" "[english]HEV_C18" "The time is now ... 6 PM" "HEV_C19" "Klokken er nå ... 19:00" "[english]HEV_C19" "The time is now ... 7 PM" "HEV_C20" "Klokken er nå ... 20:00" "[english]HEV_C20" "The time is now ... 8 PM" "HEV_C21" "Klokken er nå ... 21:00" "[english]HEV_C21" "The time is now ... 9 PM" "HEV_C22" "Klokken er nå ... 22:00" "[english]HEV_C22" "The time is now ... 10 PM" "HEV_C23" "Klokken er nå ... 23:00" "[english]HEV_C23" "The time is now ... 11 PM" "HEV_C24" "Klokken er nå ... 00:00" "[english]HEV_C24" "The time is now ... 12 PM" "HEV_D00" "Strøm tilbake." "[english]HEV_D00" "Power restored." "HEV_D01" "Ikke nok strøm. HEV slås av." "[english]HEV_D01" "Insufficient power. HEV shutting down." "HEV_0P" "Advarsel. HEV-strømnivå under ... 5 prosent." "[english]HEV_0P" "Warning. HEV power level below...5 percent." "HEV_1P" "Strøm tilbake ... 10 prosent." "[english]HEV_1P" "Power restored ... 10 percent." "HEV_2P" "Strøm tilbake ... 15 prosent." "[english]HEV_2P" "Power restored ... 15 percent." "HEV_3P" "Strøm tilbake ... 20 prosent." "[english]HEV_3P" "Power restored ... 20 percent." "HEV_4P" "Strøm tilbake ... 25 prosent." "[english]HEV_4P" "Power restored ... 25 percent." "HEV_5P" "Strøm tilbake ... 30 prosent." "[english]HEV_5P" "Power restored ... 30 percent." "HEV_6P" "Strøm tilbake ... 35 prosent." "[english]HEV_6P" "Power restored ... 35 percent." "HEV_7P" "Strøm tilbake ... 40 prosent." "[english]HEV_7P" "Power restored ... 40 percent." "HEV_8P" "Strøm tilbake ... 45 prosent." "[english]HEV_8P" "Power restored ... 45 percent." "HEV_9P" "Strøm tilbake ... 50 prosent." "[english]HEV_9P" "Power restored ... 50 percent." "HEV_10P" "Strøm tilbake ... 55 prosent." "[english]HEV_10P" "Power restored ... 55 percent." "HEV_11P" "Strøm tilbake ... 60 prosent." "[english]HEV_11P" "Power restored ... 60 percent." "HEV_12P" "Strøm tilbake ... 65 prosent." "[english]HEV_12P" "Power restored ... 65 percent." "HEV_13P" "Strøm tilbake ... 70 prosent." "[english]HEV_13P" "Power restored ... 70 percent." "HEV_14P" "Strøm tilbake ... 75 prosent." "[english]HEV_14P" "Power restored ... 75 percent." "HEV_15P" "Strøm tilbake ... 80 prosent." "[english]HEV_15P" "Power restored ... 80 percent." "HEV_16P" "Strøm tilbake ... 85 prosent." "[english]HEV_16P" "Power restored ... 85 percent." "HEV_17P" "Strøm tilbake ... 90 prosent." "[english]HEV_17P" "Power restored ... 90 percent." "HEV_18P" "Strøm tilbake ... 95 prosent." "[english]HEV_18P" "Power restored ... 95 percent." "HEV_19P" "Strømnivå er ... 100 prosent." "[english]HEV_19P" "Power level is ... 100 percent." "HEV_AMO0" "Tom for ammunisjon." "[english]HEV_AMO0" "Ammunition depleted." "HEV_V0" "Talesystem aktivert." "[english]HEV_V0" "Voice system activated." "HEV_V1" "Talesystem deaktivert." "[english]HEV_V1" "Voice system deactivated." "HEV_E0" "Panser utsatt for fare." "[english]HEV_E0" "Armour compromised." "HEV_E1" "Panser utsatt for fare." "[english]HEV_E1" "Armour compromised." "HEV_E2" "HEV – kritisk feil. Feil." "[english]HEV_E2" "HEV - critical failure. Failure." "HEV_E3" "HEV – generell feil." "[english]HEV_E3" "HEV - general failure." "HEV_E4" "HEV – skade påført." "[english]HEV_E4" "HEV - damage sustained." "HEV_E5" "Advarsel. Overbelastning i strømfordelingssystemet." "[english]HEV_E5" "Warning. Power movement system overload." "HEV_F1" "1" "[english]HEV_F1" "1" "HEV_F2" "2" "[english]HEV_F2" "2" "HEV_F3" "3" "[english]HEV_F3" "3" "HEV_F4" "4" "[english]HEV_F4" "4" "HEV_F5" "5" "[english]HEV_F5" "5" "HEV_F6" "6" "[english]HEV_F6" "6" "HEV_F7" "7" "[english]HEV_F7" "7" "HEV_F8" "8" "[english]HEV_F8" "8" "HEV_F9" "9" "[english]HEV_F9" "9" "HEV_F10" "Tid igjen ... 10 sekunder." "[english]HEV_F10" "Time remaining ... 10 seconds." "HEV_F15" "Tid igjen ... 15 sekunder." "[english]HEV_F15" "Time remaining ... 15 seconds." "HEV_F20" "Tid igjen ... 20 sekunder." "[english]HEV_F20" "Time remaining ... 20 seconds." "HEV_F30" "Tid igjen ... 30 sekunder." "[english]HEV_F30" "Time remaining ... 30 seconds." "HEV_DET0" "Advarsel. Biofare oppdaget." "[english]HEV_DET0" "Warning. Biohazard detected." "HEV_DET1" "Advarsel. Skadelige kjemiske stoffer oppdaget." "[english]HEV_DET1" "Warning. Hazardous chemical detected." "HEV_DET2" "Advarsel. Skadelige strålenivåer oppdaget." "[english]HEV_DET2" "Warning. Hazardous radiation levels detected." "HEV_DET3" "Mulig bioutslag." "[english]HEV_DET3" "Possible bio reading." "HEV_DET4" "Antitoksin gitt. 100 prosent." "[english]HEV_DET4" "Antitoxin administered. 100 percent." "HEV_DET5" "Antitoksin gitt. Advarsel. Skadelige strålenivåer oppdaget. 100 prosent." "[english]HEV_DET5" "Antitoxin administered. Warning. Hazardous radiation levels detected. 100 percent." "HEV_GR0" "avstand på 20 meter" "[english]HEV_GR0" "range 20 meters" "HEV_GR1" "avstand på 19 meter" "[english]HEV_GR1" "range 19 meters" "HEV_GR2" "avstand på 18 meter" "[english]HEV_GR2" "range 18 meters" "HEV_GR3" "avstand på 17 meter" "[english]HEV_GR3" "range 17 meters" "HEV_GR4" "avstand på 16 meter" "[english]HEV_GR4" "range 16 meters" "HEV_GR5" "avstand på 15 meter" "[english]HEV_GR5" "range 15 meters" "HEV_GR6" "avstand på 14 meter" "[english]HEV_GR6" "range 14 meters" "HEV_GR7" "avstand på 13 meter" "[english]HEV_GR7" "range 13 meters" "HEV_GR8" "avstand på 12 meter" "[english]HEV_GR8" "range 12 meters" "HEV_GR9" "avstand på 11 meter" "[english]HEV_GR9" "range 11 meters" "HEV_GR10" "avstand på 10 meter" "[english]HEV_GR10" "range 10 meters" "HEV_GR11" "avstand på 9 meter" "[english]HEV_GR11" "range 9 meters" "HEV_GR12" "avstand på 8 meter" "[english]HEV_GR12" "range 8 meters" "HEV_GR13" "avstand på 7 meter" "[english]HEV_GR13" "range 7 meters" "HEV_GR14" "avstand på 6 meter" "[english]HEV_GR14" "range 6 meters" "HEV_GR15" "avstand på 5 meter" "[english]HEV_GR15" "range 5 meters" "HEV_GR16" "avstand på 4 meter" "[english]HEV_GR16" "range 4 meters" "HEV_GR17" "avstand på 3 meter" "[english]HEV_GR17" "range 3 meters" "HEV_GR18" "avstand på 2 meter" "[english]HEV_GR18" "range 2 meters" "HEV_GR19" "avstand på 1 meter" "[english]HEV_GR19" "range 1 meter" "HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" "[Advarsel om dårlig helse!]" "[english]HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" "[Low Health Warning!]" "HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" "[Advarsel om lite ammunisjon!]" "[english]HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" "[Low Ammunition Warning!]" "HL2Player.SprintNoPower" "[Kan ikke løpe]" "[english]HL2Player.SprintNoPower" "[Sprint Depleted]" "HL2Player.SprintStart" "[Løping aktivert]" "[english]HL2Player.SprintStart" "[Sprint On]" "HL2Player.UseDeny" "[Kan ikke bruke]" "[english]HL2Player.UseDeny" "[Can't Use]" "Player.Death" "[Død]" "[english]Player.Death" "[Death]" "Player.PlasmaDamage" "[Brenner]" "[english]Player.PlasmaDamage" "[Burning]" "Player.SonicDamage" "[Sonisk skade]" "[english]Player.SonicDamage" "[Sonic Damage]" "Player.DrownStart" "[Drukner]" "[english]Player.DrownStart" "[Drowning]" "Player.FallDamage" "[Fallskade]" "[english]Player.FallDamage" "[Falling Damage]" "Player.FallGib" "[Klask!]" "[english]Player.FallGib" "[Splat!]" "Player.UseDeny" "[Kan ikke bruke]" "[english]Player.UseDeny" "[Can't Use]" "Player.pickupweapon" "[Plukker opp våpen]" "[english]Player.pickupweapon" "[Weapon pickup]" "Geiger.BeepLow" "[Langsom Geiger-tikking]" "[english]Geiger.BeepLow" "[Slow Geiger tick]" "Geiger.BeepHigh" "[Hurtig Geiger-tikking]" "[english]Geiger.BeepHigh" "[Fast Geiger tick]" "TriggerSuperArmor.StartCharging" "[Start lading]" "[english]TriggerSuperArmor.StartCharging" "[Start Charging]" "TriggerSuperArmor.DoneCharging" "[Avslutt lading]" "[english]TriggerSuperArmor.DoneCharging" "[End Charging]" "ItemBattery.Touch" "[Plukker opp batteri]" "[english]ItemBattery.Touch" "[Battery Pickup]" "HealthKit.Touch" "[Plukker opp førstehjelp]" "[english]HealthKit.Touch" "[Medkit Pickup]" "HealthVial.Touch" "[Plukker opp helseampull]" "[english]HealthVial.Touch" "[Health Vial Pickup]" "WallHealth.Deny" "[Avslå]" "[english]WallHealth.Deny" "[Deny]" "WallHealth.Start" "[Start helbredelse]" "[english]WallHealth.Start" "[Begin Healing]" "SuitRecharge.Deny" "[Avslå]" "[english]SuitRecharge.Deny" "[Deny]" "SuitRecharge.Start" "[Start lading]" "[english]SuitRecharge.Start" "[Begin Charging]" "NPC_Alyx.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Alyx.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Alyx.PushButton1" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushButton1" "[Button Sound]" "NPC_Alyx.PushButton2" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushButton2" "[Button Sound]" "NPC_Alyx.PushKeypad1" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushKeypad1" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Coin" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Coin" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Button" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Button" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Hit" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Hit" " " "NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Start" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Start" " " "NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Land" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Land" " " "NPC_Alyx.ScrapYard_Hop" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.ScrapYard_Hop" " " "NPC_Alyx.ClimbLadder1" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.ClimbLadder1" " " "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttack" "[Antlion-angrep]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttack" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.BurrowIn" "[Antlion som graver seg ned]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.BurrowIn" "[Antlion Burrowing]" "NPC_Antlion.BurrowOut" "[Antlion som dukker opp]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.BurrowOut" "[Antlion Emerging]" "NPC_Antlion.FootstepSoft" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.FootstepSoft" " " "NPC_Antlion.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Footstep" " " "NPC_Antlion.FootstepHeavy" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.FootstepHeavy" " " "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackSingle" "[Antlion-angrep]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackSingle" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackDouble" "[Antlion-angrep]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackDouble" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.Distracted" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Distracted" " " "NPC_Antlion.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Idle" " " "NPC_Antlion.Pain" "[Antlion-smerte]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.Pain" "[Antlion Pain]" "NPC_Antlion.JumpTouch" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.JumpTouch" " " "NPC_Antlion.Land" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Land" " " "NPC_Antlion.WingsOpen" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.WingsOpen" " " "NPC_Antlion.LoopingAgitated" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.LoopingAgitated" " " "NPC_AntlionGrub.Scared" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGrub.Scared" " " "NPC_AntlionGrub.Squash" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGrub.Squash" " " "FX_AntlionImpact.ShellImpact" " " "[english]FX_AntlionImpact.ShellImpact" " " "NPC_Antlion.RunOverByVehicle" "[Antlion-skvising]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.RunOverByVehicle" "[Antlion Crunch]" "NPC_Antlion.Movement" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Movement" " " "NPC_Antlion.Voice" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Voice" " " "NPC_Antlion.Heal" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Heal" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.SniffFound" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.SniffFound" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Shove" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Shove" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.HitHard" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.HitHard" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.StepLight" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.StepLight" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.StepHeavy" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.StepHeavy" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Anger" "[Sint antlion-vakt]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Anger" "[Antlion Guard Angry]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlHigh" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlHigh" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlIdle" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlIdle" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.BreathSound" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.BreathSound" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Confused" "[Forvirret antlion-vakt]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Confused" "[Antlion Guard Confused]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Roar" "[Antlion-vakt brøler]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Roar" "[Antlion Guard Roar]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Die" "[Antlion-vakt dør]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Die" "[Antlion Guard Death]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Fallover" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Fallover" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.FireGun" "[Forfulgt av kamphelikopter]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.FireGun" "[Hunter-Chopper Pursuit]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeGun" "[Kamphelikopter angriper]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeGun" "[Hunter-Chopper Charging]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeDownGun" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeDownGun" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorBlast" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorBlast" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.NearFlyby" "[Kamphelikopter flyr forbi]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.NearFlyby" "[Hunter-Chopper Flyby]" "NPC_AttackHelicopterGrenade.Ping" "[Lyden av bomber fra kamphelikopter]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopterGrenade.Ping" "[Hunter-Chopper Bomb Ping]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.DropMine" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.DropMine" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.MegabombAlert" "[Varsel om bombing fra kamphelikopter]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.MegabombAlert" "[Hunter-Chopper Bombing Alert]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.BadlyDamagedAlert" "[Kamphelikopter skadet]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.BadlyDamagedAlert" "[Hunter-Chopper Damaged]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.CrashingAlarm1" "[Kamphelikopteralarm]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.CrashingAlarm1" "[Hunter-Chopper Alarm]" "NPC_Helicopter.FireRocket" "[Kamphelikopterrakett avfyrt]" "[english]NPC_Helicopter.FireRocket" "[Hunter-Chopper Rocket Fired]" "NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" "[Barnacle-bitt]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" "[Barnacle Bite]" "NPC_Barnacle.Die" "[Barnacle dør]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Die" "[Barnacle Death]" "NPC_Barnacle.TongueOut" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.TongueOut" " " "NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" " " "NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" "[Barnacle-sleping]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" "[Barnacle Pull]" "NPC_Barnacle.Grunt" "[Barnacle-grynt]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Grunt" "[Barnacle Grunt]" "NPC_Barnacle.BabyGrunt" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.BabyGrunt" " " "NPC_Barnacle.Scream" "[Barnacle-skrik]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Scream" "[Barnacle Scream]" "NPC_Barnacle.Digest" "[Barnacle-spising]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Digest" "[Barnacle Digestion]" "NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" "[Barnacle-beinbrudd]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" "[Barnacle Bonebreak]" "NPC_Barney.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Barney.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Barney.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Barney.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Bite" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Attack" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Attack" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.FootstepWalk" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.FootstepWalk" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Telegraph" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Telegraph" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Threat" "[Headcrab-trussel]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Threat" "[Headcrab Threat]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab-alarm]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Idle" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Talk" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Talk" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.AlertVoice" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.AlertVoice" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Pain" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab dør]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Impact" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Impact" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.ImpactAngry" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.ImpactAngry" " " "NPC_Combine.WeaponBash" " " "[english]NPC_Combine.WeaponBash" " " "NPC_CombineS.DissolveScream" "*Combine-soldat dør*" "[english]NPC_CombineS.DissolveScream" "*Combine Soldier Death*" "NPC_CombineS.ElectrocuteScream" "*Combine-soldat dør*" "[english]NPC_CombineS.ElectrocuteScream" "*Combine Soldier Death*" "NPC_CombineBall.Explosion" "[Eksplosjon!]" "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Explosion" "[Explosion!]" "NPC_CombineBall.HoldingInPhysCannon" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.HoldingInPhysCannon" " " "NPC_CombineBall.WhizFlyby" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.WhizFlyby" " " "NPC_CombineBall.Launch" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Launch" " " "NPC_CombineBall.KillImpact" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.KillImpact" " " "NPC_CombineBall.Impact" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Impact" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Retire" "[Kamera ikke lenger i bruk]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Retire" "[Camera Retire]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Deploy" "[Bruk kamera]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Deploy" "[Camera Deploy]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Move" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Move" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Active" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Active" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.BecomeIdle" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.BecomeIdle" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Alert" "[Kameravarsel]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Alert" "[Camera Alert]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Angry" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Angry" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Ping" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Ping" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Click" "[Kameraklikk]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Click" "[Camera Click]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Die" "[Kamera ødelagt]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Die" "[Camera Destroyed]" "NPC_CombineMine.Hop" "[Minehopp]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.Hop" "[Mine Hop]" "NPC_CombineMine.FlipOver" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.FlipOver" " " "NPC_CombineMine.TurnOn" "[Mine aktivert]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.TurnOn" "[Mine Activated]" "NPC_CombineMine.TurnOff" "[Mine deaktivert]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.TurnOff" "[Mine De-activated]" "NPC_CombineMine.OpenHooks" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.OpenHooks" " " "NPC_CombineMine.CloseHooks" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.CloseHooks" " " "NPC_CombineMine.ActiveLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.ActiveLoop" " " "NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Crow.Hop" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Hop" " " "NPC_Crow.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Gib" " " "NPC_Crow.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Idle" " " "NPC_Crow.Alert" "[Kråkevarsel]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Alert" "[Crow Alert]" "NPC_Crow.Pain" "[Kråkesmerte]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Pain" "[Crow Pain]" "NPC_Crow.Die" "[Kråke dør]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Die" "[Crow Death]" "NPC_Crow.Flap" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Flap" " " "NPC_Crow.Squawk" "[Kråkeskrik!]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Squawk" "[Crow Squawk!]" "NPC_dog.Idlemode_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Idlemode_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Combatmode_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Combatmode_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Roll_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Roll_1" " " "NPC_dog.Slide" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Slide" " " "NPC_dog.PoundGround" "[Dog hopper opp og ned på bakken]" "[english]NPC_dog.PoundGround" "[Dog Pounding Ground]" "NPC_dog.PoundGround_hard" "[Dog hopper opp og ned på bakken]" "[english]NPC_dog.PoundGround_hard" "[Dog Pounding Ground]" "NPC_dog.MetalHit_Soft_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.MetalHit_Soft_1" " " "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Pickup" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Pickup" " " "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Rattle" "[Skrangle-skrangle!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Rattle" "[Rattle-rattle!]" "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Drop" "[Krasj!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Drop" "[Crash!]" "NPC_dog.Servo_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_1" " " "NPC_dog.Servo_up_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_up_1" " " "NPC_dog.Servo_dn_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_dn_1" " " "NPC_dog.Pneumatic_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Pneumatic_1" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_1" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_2" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_2" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_3" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_3" " " "NPC_dog.Rock_Lift1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Rock_Lift1" " " "NPC_dog.Rock_Drop" "[Dunk fra stein]" "[english]NPC_dog.Rock_Drop" "[Rock Thud]" "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Creak" "[Dørknirking]" "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Creak" "[Door Creak]" "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Opened" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Opened" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closing" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closing" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closed" "[Dør lukket]" "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closed" "[Door Closed]" "NPC_dog.Scrape_Car" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Scrape_Car" " " "NPC_dog.Throw_Car" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Throw_Car" " " "NPC_dog.Pain_1" "[Dog skadet]" "[english]NPC_dog.Pain_1" "[Dog Damaged]" "NPC_dog.Pain_2" "[Dog skadet]" "[english]NPC_dog.Pain_2" "[Dog Damaged]" "NPC_dog.Surprise_1" "[Dog overrasket]" "[english]NPC_dog.Surprise_1" "[Dog Surprised]" "NPC_dog.Surprise_2" "[Dog overrasket]" "[english]NPC_dog.Surprise_2" "[Dog Surprised]" "NPC_dog.Scared_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Scared_1" " " "NPC_dog.Talk_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Talk_1" " " "NPC_dog.Angry_1" "[Dog sint]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_1" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Angry_2" "[Dog sint]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_2" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Angry_3" "[Dog sint]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_3" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Curious_1" "[Dog nysgjerrig]" "[english]NPC_dog.Curious_1" "[Dog Curious]" "NPC_dog.Dissapointed_1" "[Dog skuffet]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dissapointed_1" "[Dog Disappointed]" "NPC_dog.Growl_1" "[Dog klynker]" "[english]NPC_dog.Growl_1" "[Dog Growl]" "NPC_dog.Growl_2" "[Dog klynker]" "[english]NPC_dog.Growl_2" "[Dog Growl]" "NPC_dog.Laugh_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Laugh_1" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_1" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_3" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_3" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_4" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_4" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_5" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_5" " " "NPC_dog.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_dog.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_dog.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_dog.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_dog.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_dog.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_dog.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_dog.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_dog.Hang_On_Dropship" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Hang_On_Dropship" " " "NPC_dog.Thrown_Car_Hits_Ground" "[Krasj!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Thrown_Car_Hits_Ground" "[Crash!]" "NPC_CombineDropship.RotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.RotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.NearRotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.NearRotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.FireLoop" "[Forfulgt av romskip]" "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.FireLoop" "[Dropship Pursuit]" "NPC_CombineDropship.OnGroundRotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.OnGroundRotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.DescendingWarningLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.DescendingWarningLoop" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Idle" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab-alarm]" "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Pain" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab dør]" "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Bite" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Attack" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Attack" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_FastZombie.LeapAttack" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.LeapAttack" " " "NPC_FastZombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_FastZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_FastZombie.AttackHit" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AttackHit" " " "NPC_FastZombie.AttackMiss" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AttackMiss" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Attack" "[Zombie-angrep]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Attack" "[Zombie Attack]" "NPC_FastZombie.Idle" "*hyl*" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Idle" "*howl*" "NPC_FastZombie.AlertFar" "[Fjernt zombie-varsel]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AlertFar" "[Distant Zombie Alert]" "NPC_FastZombie.AlertNear" "[Zombie-varsel i nærheten]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AlertNear" "[Nearby Zombie Alert]" "NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft" " " "NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Scream" "[Zombie-skrik]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Scream" "[Zombie Scream]" "NPC_FastZombie.RangeAttack" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.RangeAttack" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Frenzy" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Frenzy" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Moan1" "*stønn*" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_FastZombie.Gurgle" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Gurgle" " " "NPC_FastZombie.NoSound" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.NoSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStartSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStartSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStopSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStopSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.DyingSound" "[Kampskip i ferd med å styrte]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.DyingSound" "[Gunship Dying]" "NPC_CombineGunship.RotorSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.RotorSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.ExhaustSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.ExhaustSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.RotorBlastSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.RotorBlastSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.SearchPing" "[Kampskip-ping]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.SearchPing" "[Gunship Ping]" "NPC_CombineGunship.PatrolPing" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.PatrolPing" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.SeeEnemy" "[Varsel om kampskip]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.SeeEnemy" "[Gunship Alert]" "NPC_CombineGunship.Pain" "[Kampskip skadet]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.Pain" "[Gunship Damaged]" "NPC_CombineGunship.Explode" "[Kampskipeksplosjon]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.Explode" "[Gunship Explosion]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Burning" "[Headcrab brenner" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Burning" "[Headcrab Burning]" "NPC_HeadCrab.StopBurning" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.StopBurning" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Gib" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Idle" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Alert" "[Headcrab-alarm]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Pain" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Die" "[Headcrab dør]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Bite" " " "NPC_Headcrab.Attack" "[Headcrab-angrep]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.Attack" "[Headcrab attack]" "NPC_Headcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_Headcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_Headcrab.BurrowIn" "[Headcrab graver]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.BurrowIn" "[Headcrab Digging]" "NPC_Headcrab.BurrowOut" "[Headcrab dukker opp]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.BurrowOut" "[Headcrab Emerging]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.Growl" "[Fiskeøgle klynker]" "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.Growl" "[Ichthyosaur Growl]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.AttackGrowl" "[Fiskeøgle brøler]" "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.AttackGrowl" "[Ichthyosaur Roar]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.Bite" " " "NPC_Ichthyosaur.BiteMiss" " " "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.BiteMiss" " " "WateryDeath.Warn" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Warn" " " "WateryDeath.Pull" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Pull" " " "WateryDeath.Bite" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Bite" " " "NPC_Manhack.Die" "[Manhack dør]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Die" "[Manhack Death]" "NPC_Manhack.Bat" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Bat" " " "NPC_Manhack.Splash" "[Plask!]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Splash" "[Splash!]" "NPC_Manhack.Slice" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Slice" " " "NPC_Manhack.Grind" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Grind" " " "NPC_Manhack.EngineNoise" "[Manhack-maskin]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineNoise" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.Unpack" "[Bruk manhack]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Unpack" "[Manhack Deploy]" "NPC_Manhack.EngineSound1" "[Manhack-maskin]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineSound1" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.EngineSound2" "[Manhack-maskin]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineSound2" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.BladeSound" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.BladeSound" " " "NPC_Manhack.ChargeAnnounce" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.ChargeAnnounce" " " "NPC_Manhack.ChargeEnd" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.ChargeEnd" " " "NPC_Manhack.Stunned" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Stunned" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.SentenceParameters" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.SentenceParameters" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.HitByVehicle" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.HitByVehicle" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Shove" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Shove" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.HidingSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.HidingSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.LocateSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.LocateSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.OnFireScream" "*skriker*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.OnFireScream" "*screaming*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Pain" "*smerte*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Pain" "*pain*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Die" "*død*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Die" "*death*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.Off" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.Off" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.On" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.On" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Stay" "Vent." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Stay" "Hold it." "NPC_MetroPolice.Warn" "[Fiendevarsel]" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Warn" "[Enemy Warning]" "NPC_MetroPolice.WaterSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.WaterSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong1" "Fortsett!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong1" "Move along!" "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong2" "Jeg sa fortsett!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong2" "I said move!" "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong3" "Gjør deg klar for dom!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong3" "Prepare for judgment!" "NPC_CombineS.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_CombineS.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Combine.RadioChatter" "[Combine-radio: snakk]" "[english]NPC_Combine.RadioChatter" "[Combine Radio: Chatter]" "NPC_Combine.Alert" "[Combine-radio: varsel!]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Alert" "[Combine Radio: Alert!]" "NPC_Combine.Pain" "*smerte*" "[english]NPC_Combine.Pain" "*pain*" "NPC_Combine.Death" "*død*" "[english]NPC_Combine.Death" "*death*" "NPC_Combine.Grenade" "[Combine-radio: granatvarsel!]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Grenade" "[Combine Radio: Grenade Alert!]" "NPC_Combine.Last" "[Combine-radio: ber om støtte]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Last" "[Combine Radio: Requesting Backup]" "NPC_Combine.Coord" "[Combine-radio: taktisk team]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Coord" "[Combine Radio: Tactical]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Die" "[Zombie dør]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Die" "[Zombie Death]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.ThrowWarn" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.ThrowWarn" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.Throw" "[Parasitt overvunnet]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Throw" "[Parasite Thrown]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Idle" "*stønn*" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Idle" "*moan*" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Pain" "[Zombie-smerte]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Pain" "[Zombie Pain]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Alert" "[Zombie-varsel]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Alert" "[Zombie Alert]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.FastBreath" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FastBreath" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.Moan1" "*stønn*" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_RollerMine.Roll" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Roll" " " "NPC_RollerMine.RollWithSpikes" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.RollWithSpikes" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Tossed" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Tossed" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Held" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Held" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Taunt" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Taunt" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Ping" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Ping" " " "NPC_RollerMine.OpenSpikes" "[Bruk rullemine]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.OpenSpikes" "[Rollermine Deploy]" "NPC_RollerMine.CloseSpikes" "[Rullemine trukket tilbake]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.CloseSpikes" "[Rollermine Retract]" "NPC_RollerMine.Shock" "[Rulleminesjokk]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Shock" "[Rollermine Shock]" "NPC_RollerMine.Hurt" "[Rullemine skadet]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Hurt" "[Rollermine Damaged]" "NPC_RollerMine.Chirp" "[Rulleminelyd]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Chirp" "[Rollermine Chirp]" "NPC_RollerMine.ChirpRespond" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.ChirpRespond" " " "NPC_RollerMine.JoltVehicle" "[Rulleminestøt]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.JoltVehicle" "[Rollermine Jolt]" "NPC_CScanner.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Gib" " " "NPC_CScanner.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Shoot" " " "NPC_CScanner.Alert" "[Skannervarsel]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Alert" "[Scanner Alert]" "NPC_CScanner.Die" "[Skanner dør]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Die" "[Scanner Death]" "NPC_CScanner.Combat" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Combat" " " "NPC_CScanner.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Idle" " " "NPC_CScanner.Pain" "[Skanner skadet]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Pain" "[Scanner Damaged]" "NPC_CScanner.TakePhoto" "[Skannerklikk]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.TakePhoto" "[Scanner Click]" "NPC_CScanner.PreFlash" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.PreFlash" " " "NPC_CScanner.PreGas" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.PreGas" " " "NPC_CScanner.AttackFlash" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.AttackFlash" " " "NPC_CScanner.AttackGas" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.AttackGas" " " "NPC_CScanner.DiveBomb" "[Skannerdykkebombe]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.DiveBomb" "[Scanner Divebomb]" "NPC_SScanner.FlySound" " " "[english]NPC_SScanner.FlySound" " " "NPC_CScanner.DiveBombFlyby" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.DiveBombFlyby" " " "NPC_CScanner.OpenEye" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.OpenEye" " " "NPC_CScanner.Illuminate" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Illuminate" " " "NPC_CScanner.FlyLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.FlyLoop" " " "NPC_Sniper.Idle" "<[Combine Radio: Sniper Chatter]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Idle" "<[Combine Radio: Sniper Chatter]" "NPC_Sniper.Alert" "[Snikskyttervarsel]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Alert" "[Sniper Alert]" "NPC_Sniper.Die" "[Snikskytter dør]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Die" "[Sniper Death]" "NPC_Sniper.TargetHidden" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.TargetHidden" " " "NPC_Sniper.CoverDestroyed" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.CoverDestroyed" " " "NPC_Sniper.TargetDestroyed" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.TargetDestroyed" " " "NPC_Sniper.HearDanger" "[Snikskyttervarsel]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.HearDanger" "[Sniper Alert]" "NPC_Sniper.FireBullet" "[Snikskytterskudd]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.FireBullet" "[Sniper Shot]" "NPC_Sniper.Reload" "[Snikskytter lader om]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Reload" "[Sniper Reload]" "NPC_Sniper.SonicBoom" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.SonicBoom" " " "NPC_Strider.Alert" "[Strider-varsel]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Alert" "[Strider Alert]" "NPC_Strider.Pain" "[Strider-smerte]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Pain" "[Strider Pain]" "NPC_Strider.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Idle" " " "NPC_Strider.Death" "[Strider dør]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Death" "[Strider Death]" "NPC_Strider.Charge" "[Strider-lading]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Charge" "[Strider Charge]" "NPC_Strider.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Shoot" " " "NPC_Strider.FireMinigun" "[Strider-minivåpen]" "[english]NPC_Strider.FireMinigun" "[Strider Minigun]" "NPC_Strider.Whoosh" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Whoosh" " " "NPC_Strider.Footstep" "[Strider-skritt]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Footstep" "[Strider Footsteps]" "NPC_Strider.Creak" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Creak" " " "NPC_Strider.Skewer" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Skewer" " " "NPC_Strider.RagdollDetach" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.RagdollDetach" " " "NPC_Strider.OpenHatch" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.OpenHatch" " " "NPC_Strider.DieFalling" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.DieFalling" " " "NPC_Strider.HitGround" "[Krasj!]" "[english]NPC_Strider.HitGround" "[Crash!]" "NPC_Strider.SkewerHitBody" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.SkewerHitBody" " " "NPC_Strider.SkewerTalk" "*skrik*" "[english]NPC_Strider.SkewerTalk" "*scream*" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Retire" "[Kanon ikke lenger i bruk]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Retire" "[Turret Retire]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Deploy" "[Bruk kanon]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Deploy" "[Turret Deploy]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Move" " " "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Move" " " "NPC_CeilingTurret.Active" " " "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Active" " " "NPC_CeilingTurret.Alert" "[Kanonvarsel]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Alert" "[Turret Alert]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Shoot" "[Kanonsalve]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Shoot" "[Turret Firing]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Ping" "[Kanonping]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Ping" "[Turret Ping]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Die" "[Kanon ødelagt]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Retire" "[Kanon ikke lenger i bruk]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Retire" "[Turret Retire]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Deploy" "[Bruk kanon]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Deploy" "[Turret Deploy]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Move" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Move" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.Activate" "[Kanon aktivert]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Activate" "[Turret Activated]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Alert" "[Kanonvarsel]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Alert" "[Turret Alert]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Shoot" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.Die" "[Kanon ødelagt]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Retract" "[Kanon trukket tilbake]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Retract" "[Turret Retract]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Alarm" "[Kanonalarm]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Alarm" "[Turret Alarm]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" "[Kanonping]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" "[Turret Ping]" "NPC_GroundTurret.Die" "[Kanon ødelagt]" "[english]NPC_GroundTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitOn" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitOn" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitCharge" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitCharge" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Claw" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Claw" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Shoot" "[Vortigaunt-stråleangrep]" "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Shoot" "[Vortigaunt Beam Attack]" "NPC_Vortigaunt.Swing" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Swing" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Kick" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Kick" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.ClawBeam" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.ClawBeam" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.PoundDoor" " " "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.PoundDoor" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.Swat" " " "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Swat" " " "Zombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]Zombie.FootstepRight" " " "Zombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]Zombie.FootstepLeft" " " "Zombie.ScuffRight" " " "[english]Zombie.ScuffRight" " " "Zombie.ScuffLeft" " " "[english]Zombie.ScuffLeft" " " "Zombie.AttackHit" " " "[english]Zombie.AttackHit" " " "Zombie.AttackMiss" " " "[english]Zombie.AttackMiss" " " "Zombie.Pain" "[Zombie-smerte]" "[english]Zombie.Pain" "[Zombie Pain]" "Zombie.Alert" "[Zombie-varsel]" "[english]Zombie.Alert" "[Zombie Alert]" "Zombie.Idle" "*stønn*" "[english]Zombie.Idle" "*moan*" "Zombie.Die" "*Zombie dør*" "[english]Zombie.Die" "*Zombie Death*" "Zombie.Attack" " " "[english]Zombie.Attack" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" "*stønn*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" "*stønn*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" "*stønn*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" "*stønn*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" "*moan*" "combine.door_lock" "[Låst]" "[english]combine.door_lock" "[Locked]" "combine.sheild_touch" "[Summing fra kraftfelt]" "[english]combine.sheild_touch" "[Forcefield hum]" "d1_trainstation.city_voice_misscount" "Advarende stemme: Feiltelling oppdaget i sektor" "[english]d1_trainstation.city_voice_misscount" "Warning Voice: Miscount Detected In Sector" "d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop1" "[Alarm]" "[english]d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop1" "[Alarm]" "d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop2" "[Alarm]" "[english]d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop2" "[Alarm]" "d1_trainstation.citizen_hitpain" "*smerte*" "[english]d1_trainstation.citizen_hitpain" "*pain*" "d1_trainstation.boots_on_stairs" "[Støvelskritt i trapper!]" "[english]d1_trainstation.boots_on_stairs" "[Bootsteps on stairs!]" "Trainyard.sodamachine_empty" "[Tom]" "[english]Trainyard.sodamachine_empty" "[Empty]" "Trainyard.alyx_emp_spark" "[Salve fra EMP-enhet!]" "[english]Trainyard.alyx_emp_spark" "[EMP Device Burst!]" "d1_trainstation_01.combinelock_unlock" "[Ulåst]" "[english]d1_trainstation_01.combinelock_unlock" "[Unlocked]" "d1_trainstation_01.citizen_introom_beating" "*smerte*" "[english]d1_trainstation_01.citizen_introom_beating" "*pain*" "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorknock" "[Banking på dør]" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorknock" "[Door Pounding]" "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorkick" "[KRASJ!]" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorkick" "[CRASH!]" "d1_trainstation_03.citizen_beating" "*dempede slag*" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.citizen_beating" "*muffled beating*" "Trainyard.train_horn" "[Togfløyte]" "[english]Trainyard.train_horn" "[Train Horn]" "Trainyard.doll" "[Ma-mma!]" "[english]Trainyard.doll" "[Ma-ma!]" "Trainyard.door_pound" "[Bank bank bank!]" "[english]Trainyard.door_pound" "[Knock knock knock!]" "k_lab.ickyscene_growl1" "[Knurr ...]" "[english]k_lab.ickyscene_growl1" "[Growl...]" "k_lab.ickyscene_growl2" " " "[english]k_lab.ickyscene_growl2" " " "k_lab.eyescanner_use" "[Øyeskanner aktivert]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_use" "[Eye-scanner Activate]" "k_lab.eyescanner_fail" "[Øyeskanning mislyktes]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_fail" "[Eye-scan Failed]" "k_lab.eyescanner_success" "[Øyeskanning godkjent]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_success" "[Eye-scan Approved]" "k_lab.distantsiren" "[Sirene langt borte]" "[english]k_lab.distantsiren" "[Distant Siren]" "k_lab.headcrab_in_vent" "[Bevegelser i luftkanal]" "[english]k_lab.headcrab_in_vent" "[Scurrying in airduct]" "k_lab.teleport_heartbeat" "[Hjerteslag ...]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_heartbeat" "[Heartbeat...]" "k_lab.teleport_breathing" "[Pusting ...]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_breathing" "[Breathing...]" "k_lab.teleport_sound" "[Zap!]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_sound" "[Zap!]" "razortrain_horn" "[Togfløyte!]" "[english]razortrain_horn" "[Train Horn!]" "train_horn_01" "[Togfløyte!]" "[english]train_horn_01" "[Train horn!]" "razortrain_wheels" "[Toghjul som hviner!]" "[english]razortrain_wheels" "[Train wheels screeching!]" "underground_steamjet" "[Damphveselyd]" "[english]underground_steamjet" "[Steam hiss]" "d1_canals.Floodgate_Klaxon" "[Klaxon!]" "[english]d1_canals.Floodgate_Klaxon" "[Klaxon!]" "d1_canals.Floodgate_AlarmBellLoop" "[Klaxon!]" "[english]d1_canals.Floodgate_AlarmBellLoop" "[Klaxon!]" "canals_citadel_siren" "[Citadellsirene!]" "[english]canals_citadel_siren" "[Citadel siren!]" "d1_canals_03.siren01" "[Sirene!]" "[english]d1_canals_03.siren01" "[Siren!]" "water_flood_in" "[Innstrømmende vann]" "[english]water_flood_in" "[Inrushing Water]" "water_flood_out" "[Utstrømmende vann]" "[english]water_flood_out" "[Outrushing Water]" "train_forcefield" "[Summing fra kraftfelt]" "[english]train_forcefield" "[Forcefield Hum]" "train_crossing_bell" "[Signal om kryssende tog]" "[english]train_crossing_bell" "[Train Crossing Bell]" "apc_siren1" "[APC-sirene!]" "[english]apc_siren1" "[APC Siren!]" "canals.locks_tower_precollapse" "[Tårn som knirker!]" "[english]canals.locks_tower_precollapse" "[Tower Creaking!]" "d1_canals_05.canister_open" "[Boks som åpnes]" "[english]d1_canals_05.canister_open" "[Canister Opening]" "d1_canals.metropolice_thereheis" "Der er han!" "[english]d1_canals.metropolice_thereheis" "There he is!" "d1_canals.headcrabbing_moan" "*Stønn!*" "[english]d1_canals.headcrabbing_moan" "*Moan!*" "eli_lab.elevator_ding" "[Heissignal]" "[english]eli_lab.elevator_ding" "[Elevator Bell]" "eli_lab.firebell_loop_1" "[Klaxon]" "[english]eli_lab.firebell_loop_1" "[Klaxon]" "eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_pound" "[Banker!]" "[english]eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_pound" "[Pounding!]" "eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_bend" "[Metallhvining]" "[english]eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_bend" "[Metal Screeching]" "eli_lab.attack_battleloop_1" "[ANGRIP!]" "[english]eli_lab.attack_battleloop_1" "[ATTACK!]" "d1_town.Slicer" "[Kutt]" "[english]d1_town.Slicer" "[Slice]" "d1_town.TramHouseStart" "[Trikk som starter]" "[english]d1_town.TramHouseStart" "[Tram start]" "d1_town.TramStop" "[Trikk som stopper]" "[english]d1_town.TramStop" "[Tram stop]" "d1_town.SlicerCartStop" "[Kutter som stopper]" "[english]d1_town.SlicerCartStop" "[Slicer stop]" "d1_town.CarHit" "[KRASJ!]" "[english]d1_town.CarHit" "[CRASH!]" "d1_town.FlameTrapIgnite" "[Flammer som tiltar]" "[english]d1_town.FlameTrapIgnite" "[Flame ignite]" "d1_town.GasJet" "[Hvesende gassdamp]" "[english]d1_town.GasJet" "[Hissing gas jet]" "E3_Phystown.Slicer" "[Schwick!]" "[english]E3_Phystown.Slicer" "[Schwick!]" "Town.d1_town_01_lightswitch2" "[Startgnist]" "[english]Town.d1_town_01_lightswitch2" "[Ignition Spark]" "Town.d1_town_03_metalgrate3" "[Kloakkrør som skrangler]" "[english]Town.d1_town_03_metalgrate3" "[Gutterpipe rattling]" "Town.d1_town_02_metalgrate3" "[Kloakkrør som skrangler]" "[english]Town.d1_town_02_metalgrate3" "[Gutterpipe rattling]" "coast.thumper_hit" "[Dunk! Dunk! Dunk!]" "[english]coast.thumper_hit" "[Thump! Thump! Thump!]" "coast.thumper_large_hit" "[Dunk! Dunk! Dunk!]" "[english]coast.thumper_large_hit" "[Thump! Thump! Thump!]" "coast.thumper_startup" "[Starter antlion-avstøter]" "[english]coast.thumper_startup" "[Starting Antlion Repeller]" "coast.thumper_shutdown" "[Stopper antlion-avstøter]" "[english]coast.thumper_shutdown" "[Stopping Antlion Repeller]" "coast.bunker_siren1" "[Bunkersirene]" "[english]coast.bunker_siren1" "[Bunker Siren]" "coast.bunker_siren2" "[Bunkersirene]" "[english]coast.bunker_siren2" "[Bunker Siren]" "coast.gaspump_ignite" "[Gasspumpe starter]" "[english]coast.gaspump_ignite" "[Gaspump Ignites]" "coast.leech_bites_loop" "[Iglebitt]" "[english]coast.leech_bites_loop" "[Leech bites]" "coast.siren_citizen" "[Landsbysirene!]" "[english]coast.siren_citizen" "[Village Siren!]" "coast.radio_dead" "[Radiostøy]" "[english]coast.radio_dead" "[Radio Static]" "novaprospekt.Alyx_EMP_2" "[Salve fra EMP-enhet]" "[english]novaprospekt.Alyx_EMP_2" "[EMP Device Burst]" "Novaprospekt.flare_fire" "[Nødblusspistol avfyrt]" "[english]Novaprospekt.flare_fire" "[Flaregun fired]" "novaprospekt.GateGrindsUp" "[Vegg som smuldrer bort]" "[english]novaprospekt.GateGrindsUp" "[Wall Grinding]" "novaprospekt.GateGroundCrunch" "[Vegg som kollapser!]" "[english]novaprospekt.GateGroundCrunch" "[Wall Crashing!]" "novaprospekt.CaveInScrape" "[Skrapelyd ...]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInScrape" "[Scraping...]" "novaprospekt.CaveInCrash" "[Krasj!]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInCrash" "[Crash!]" "novaprospekt.CaveInRumble" "[Brak ...]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInRumble" "[Rumble...]" "streetwar.d3_c17_08_steam01" "[Damphvesing]" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_08_steam01" "[Steam Hiss]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_03_default_locked" "[Låst]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_03_default_locked" "[Locked]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_07_fire" "[Nødblusspistol avfyrt]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_07_fire" "[Flaregun fired]" "streetwar.Zombie.wakeupsnarl" "[Zombie som snerrer]" "[english]streetwar.Zombie.wakeupsnarl" "[Zombie Snarls]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_siren" "[Sirene]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_siren" "[Siren]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_1" "[Eksplosjon!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_1" "[Explosion!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_3" "[Eksplosjon!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_3" "[Explosion!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_default_locked" "[Låst]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_default_locked" "[Locked]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_alarm1" "[Alarm!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_alarm1" "[Alarm!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_fire" "[Undertrykkerutskyter]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_fire" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire" "[Undertrykkerutskyter]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire2" "[Innkommende undertrykker]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire2" "[Suppressor Incoming]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_die" "[Kanon blir ødelagt]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_die" "[Turret Dies]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_move1" "[Trekkbro flyttes]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_move1" "[Drawbridge moves]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_stop1" "[Trekkbro stopper]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_stop1" "[Drawbridge stops]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_die" "[Kanon blir ødelagt]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_die" "[Turret dies]" "Streetwar.d3_C17_13_explode_2" "[Eksplosjon]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_C17_13_explode_2" "[Explosion]" "citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip" "[Advarende stemme: Beslagleggingsfelt aktivert]" "[english]citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip" "[Warning Voice: Confiscation Field Activated]" "citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip_fail" "[Advarende stemme: Feil i beslagleggingsfelt]" "[english]citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip_fail" "[Warning Voice: Confiscation Field Failure]" "d3_citadel.elevator_rings_locked" "[Heis klar]" "[english]d3_citadel.elevator_rings_locked" "[Elevator Ready]" "d3_citadel.elevator_alarm" "[Heis tilkalt]" "[english]d3_citadel.elevator_alarm" "[Elevator Called]" "d3_citadel.guards_bangdoor" "[HAMRING PÅ DØRER]" "[english]d3_citadel.guards_bangdoor" "[BANGING ON DOORS]" "Wood_Box.Break" "[Tre som knekkes]" "[english]Wood_Box.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Door.Locked1" "[Låst]" "[english]Door.Locked1" "[Locked]" "Door.Locked2" "[Låst]" "[english]Door.Locked2" "[Locked]" "DoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Låst]" "[english]DoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Locked]" "RotDoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Låst]" "[english]RotDoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Locked]" "Doors.FullClose1" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose1" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose2" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose2" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose3" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose3" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose4" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose4" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose5" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose5" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose6" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose6" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose7" "[Portlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose7" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose8" "[Metallklang]" "[english]Doors.FullClose8" "[Metal Clang]" "Doors.FullClose9" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose9" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose10" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose10" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose11" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose11" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose12" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose12" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose13" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose13" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose14" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose14" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose15" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose15" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose16" "[Portlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose16" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose17" "[Portlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose17" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose18" "[Portlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose18" "[Gate Sound]" "doors.locker_shut" "[Låslyd]" "[english]doors.locker_shut" "[Locker Sound]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked1" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked1" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked1" "[Låst]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked1" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked2" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked2" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked2" "[Låst]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked2" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked3" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked3" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked3" "[Låst]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked3" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked4" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked4" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked4" "[Låst]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked4" "[Locked]" "Buttons.snd0" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd0" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd1" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd1" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd2" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd2" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd3" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd3" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd4" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd4" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd5" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd5" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd6" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd6" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd7" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd7" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd8" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd8" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd9" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd9" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd10" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd10" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd11" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd11" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd12" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd12" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd13" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd13" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd14" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd14" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd15" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd15" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd16" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd16" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd17" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd17" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd18" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd18" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd19" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd19" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd20" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd20" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd31" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd31" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd32" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd32" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd33" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd33" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd34" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd34" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd35" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd35" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd36" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd36" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd37" "[Knappelyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd37" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd21" "[Håndtaklyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd21" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd22" "[Håndtaklyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd22" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd23" "[Håndtaklyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd23" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd24" "[Håndtaklyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd24" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd25" "[Håndtaklyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd25" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd26" "[Håndtaklyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd26" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd27" "[Håndtaklyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd27" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd28" "[Håndtaklyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd28" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd40" "[Knapp låst]" "[english]Buttons.snd40" "[Button locked]" "Buttons.snd41" "[Lyd av Combine-knapp]" "[english]Buttons.snd41" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd42" "[Lyd av Combine-knapp]" "[english]Buttons.snd42" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd43" "[Lyd av Combine-knapp]" "[english]Buttons.snd43" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd44" "[Lyd av Combine-knapp]" "[english]Buttons.snd44" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd45" "[Lyd av Combine-knapp]" "[english]Buttons.snd45" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd46" "[Lyd av Combine-knapp]" "[english]Buttons.snd46" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd47" "[Lyd av Combine-knapp]" "[english]Buttons.snd47" "[Combine Button sound]" "Physics.WaterSplash" "[Vannplask]" "[english]Physics.WaterSplash" "[Water Splash]" "Glass.BulletImpact" "[Glass som knuses]" "[english]Glass.BulletImpact" "[Shattering Glass]" "Glass.Break" "[Glass som knuses]" "[english]Glass.Break" "[Shattering Glass]" "Pottery.Break" "[Keramikk som ødelegges]" "[english]Pottery.Break" "[Breaking Ceramics]" "Pottery.BulletImpact" "[Keramikk som knuses]" "[english]Pottery.BulletImpact" "[Shattering ceramics]" "Computer.BulletImpact" "[Skjerm som knuses]" "[english]Computer.BulletImpact" "[Shattering monitor]" "Watermelon.Impact" "[Melonklask]" "[english]Watermelon.Impact" "[Melon Splat]" "Watermelon.BulletImpact" "[Melonklask]" "[english]Watermelon.BulletImpact" "[Melon Splat]" "MetalVehicle.ImpactHard" "[Hardt støt]" "[english]MetalVehicle.ImpactHard" "[Hard Impact]" "GlassBottle.BulletImpact" "[Glass som knuses]" "[english]GlassBottle.BulletImpact" "[Shattering Glass]" "GlassBottle.Break" "[Glass som knuses]" "[english]GlassBottle.Break" "[Shattering Glass]" "Breakable.Crate" "[Tre som knekkes]" "[english]Breakable.Crate" "[Wood Breaking]" "Breakable.Metal" "[Metall som blir ødelagt]" "[english]Breakable.Metal" "[Metal Destroyed]" "Breakable.Glass" "[Glass som knuses]" "[english]Breakable.Glass" "[Glass shattering]" "Breakable.Concrete" "[Betong som faller sammen]" "[english]Breakable.Concrete" "[Concrete Breaking]" "Breakable.Ceiling" "[Gips som smuldrer]" "[english]Breakable.Ceiling" "[Plaster Breaking]" "Breakable.MatWood" "[Tre som knekkes]" "[english]Breakable.MatWood" "[Wood Breaking]" "Cardboard.Break" "[Papp som revner]" "[english]Cardboard.Break" "[Cardboard breaking]" "Plastic_Barrel.Break" "[Plast som revner]" "[english]Plastic_Barrel.Break" "[Plastic breaking]" "Plastic_Box.Break" "[Plast som revner]" "[english]Plastic_Box.Break" "[Plastic breaking]" "Wood.Break" "[Tre som knekkes]" "[english]Wood.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood.Strain" "[Tre som strekkes]" "[english]Wood.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood.bulletimpact" "[Tre som splintres]" "[english]Wood.bulletimpact" "[Wood splintering]" "Wood_Crate.Break" "[Tre som knekkes]" "[english]Wood_Crate.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Plank.Break" "[Tre som knekkes]" "[english]Wood_Plank.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Plank.Strain" "[Tre som strekkes]" "[english]Wood_Plank.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood_Solid.Break" "[Tre som knekkes]" "[english]Wood_Solid.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Solid.Strain" "[Tre som strekkes]" "[english]Wood_Solid.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood_Furniture.Break" "[Tre som knekkes]" "[english]Wood_Furniture.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Panel.Break" "[Tre som knekkes]" "[english]Wood_Panel.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Panel.Strain" "[Tre som strekkes]" "[english]Wood_Panel.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Metal_Box.Break" "[Metall som ødelegges]" "[english]Metal_Box.Break" "[Metal breaking]" "Metal_Box.Strain" "[Metall som strekkes]" "[english]Metal_Box.Strain" "[Metal straining]" "Metal.SawbladeStick" "[Sproing!]" "[english]Metal.SawbladeStick" "[Sproing!]" "npc_dog.phrase02" " " "[english]npc_dog.phrase02" " " "npc_dog.servo_5" " " "[english]npc_dog.servo_5" " " "npc_dog.metal_strain2" " " "[english]npc_dog.metal_strain2" " " "solidmetal.scraperough" " " "[english]solidmetal.scraperough" " " "wood.scraperough" " " "[english]wood.scraperough" " " "plastic_box.scraperough" " " "[english]plastic_box.scraperough" " " } }