"lang" { "Language" "finnish" "Tokens" { "testcommands" " Tässä on punaista ja kursivoitua ja lihavoitua valkoista taas." "[english]testcommands" "This is red and italics and bold white again." "barn.anotherdropship" "Toinen hyökkäysalus! " "[english]barn.anotherdropship" "Another dropship! " "barn.bunyip" " " "[english]barn.bunyip" " " "barn.chatter" "Havaitsemme radioliikennettä. Ne etsivät autoasi. " "[english]barn.chatter" "We're picking up radio chatter. They're looking for your car. " "barn.comeonin" "Tule sisään. " "[english]barn.comeonin" "Come on in. " "barn.crapships" "Voi pahus. Hyökkäysalukset tulevat! " "[english]barn.crapships" "Oh crap. Here come the dropships! " "barn.ditchcar" "Sinun on hylättävä auto, Freeman. He etsivät sitä nyt. " "[english]barn.ditchcar" "You're gonna have to ditch the car, Freeman. They're looking for it now. " "barn.drivecarinhere" "Aja auto tänne. " "[english]barn.drivecarinhere" "Drive the car in here. " "barn.drop_barn" "Hyökkäysalus! Ladon luona! " "[english]barn.drop_barn" "Dropship! By the barn! " "barn.drop_field" "Hyökkäysalus! Kentän yllä! " "[english]barn.drop_field" "Dropship! Over the field! " "barn.drop_lite" "Lisää tulossa! Hyökkäysalus majakalla! " "[english]barn.drop_lite" "Incoming! Dropship at the lighthouse! " "barn.drop_road" "Hyökkäysalus! Tulossa kohti tien yläpuolella! " "[english]barn.drop_road" "Dropship! Coming in over the road! " "barn.exit_cliffpath" "Tätä tietä, tohtori Freeman. Menemme kalliopolulle, ennen kuin toinen tykkialus löytää meidät. " "[english]barn.exit_cliffpath" "This way, Dr. Freeman. We'll take the cliff path before another gunship finds us. " "barn.exit_comewith" "No niin, tohtori Freeman. Tule mukaani. Ennen kuin niitä tulee lisää. " "[english]barn.exit_comewith" "All right, Dr. Freeman, come with me. Before another one comes. " "barn.exit_killship" "Vien sinut kalliopolulle, kunhan tuhoat tuon tykkialuksen. Emme pääse perille, jos tuo vehje on kannoillamme. " "[english]barn.exit_killship" "I'll take you out on the cliffside path as soon as you kill that gunship. There's no way we can make it with that thing harassing us. " "barn.exit_killshipnag" "Tuhoa tykkialus, niin voimme mennä. " "[english]barn.exit_killshipnag" "Kill the gunship, then we'll go. " "barn.exit_watchstep" "Tätä tietä. Astu varoen. " "[english]barn.exit_watchstep" "Right along there. And watch your step. " "barn.getcarinbarn" "Aja autosi nopeasti latoon! " "[english]barn.getcarinbarn" "Hurry, get your car in the barn! " "barn.getcaringarage" "Aja autosi talliin. " "[english]barn.getcaringarage" "Get your car in the garage. " "barn.getcarinhere" "Aja autosi tänne! " "[english]barn.getcarinhere" "Get your car in here! " "barn.getcarinthere" "Aja autosi tuonne! " "[english]barn.getcarinthere" "Get your car in there! " "barn.getoffroad01" "Poistu tieltä! " "[english]barn.getoffroad01" "Get off the road! " "barn.getoffroad01a" "Poistu tieltä! " "[english]barn.getoffroad01a" "Get off the road! " "barn.getoffroad02" "Aja autosi pois tieltä! " "[english]barn.getoffroad02" "Get your car off the road! " "barn.gettauoff" " " "[english]barn.gettauoff" " " "barn.heretheycome" "Täältä he tulevat! " "[english]barn.heretheycome" "Here they come! " "barn.incomingdropship" "Hyökkäysalus lähestyy! " "[english]barn.incomingdropship" "Incoming dropship! " "barn.lighthouse_morale" "Okei, tohtori. Sinun on jatkettava jalkaisin. Kallion rinteellä on salainen polku, mutta sinne ei pääse, ennen kuin hyökkäys on torjuttu. Joukkojemme taistelutahto kohenee, jos sinä taistelet rinnallamme. " "[english]barn.lighthouse_morale" "Okay, Doc, you'll have to go on foot from here. There's a secret path along the cliffside, but no one's going anywhere until we fight off this attack. Having you here to fight alongside us will make a big difference for morale. " "barn.lite_gunship01" "Se on tykkialus! " "[english]barn.lite_gunship01" "It's a gunship! " "barn.lite_gunship02" "Tykkialus! " "[english]barn.lite_gunship02" "Gunship! " "barn.lite_rockets01" "Mene majakkaan, Freeman. Siellä on raketteja! " "[english]barn.lite_rockets01" "Head for the lighthouse, Freeman, there's rockets in there! " "barn.lite_rockets02" "Varastoimme raketit majakkaan. Ota niin monta kuin haluat. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets02" "We stowed our rockets in the lighthouse. Help yourself. " "barn.lite_rockets03" "Onko sinulla raketinheitin, Freeman? Majakka on täynnä raketteja. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets03" "Freeman, if you've got a launcher, the lighthouse is full of rockets. " "barn.lite_rockets04" "Raketinheitin on majakassa, Freeman. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets04" "You'll find the launcher for your rockets up in the lighthouse, Freeman. " "barn.nowwhat" "Voi ei, mitä nyt? " "[english]barn.nowwhat" "Oh man, now what? " "barn.parkit" "Pysäköi se tähän! " "[english]barn.parkit" "Park it there! " "barn.stashinbarn" "Piilota autosi latoon! " "[english]barn.stashinbarn" "Stash your car in the barn! " "barn.vmech_accept" "Freeman ottaa tämän aseen vastaan tai kärsii sen puutteesta suuresti myöhemmin! " "[english]barn.vmech_accept" "The Freeman will accept this weapon, or suffer greatly on the road ahead! " "barn.vmech_proceed" "Freeman ei saa jatkaa ilman tauhiukkastykkiä! " "[english]barn.vmech_proceed" "The Freeman must not proceed without the tau particle cannon! " "barn.vmech_remove" " " "[english]barn.vmech_remove" " " "barn.vmech_wisely" "Tämä tautykki tappoi kerran monia kaltaisiamme. Käytä sitä viisaasti. " "[english]barn.vmech_wisely" "This tau cannon once killed many of our kind. Use it wisely. " "barn.youmadeit" "Onnistuit! " "[english]barn.youmadeit" "You made it! " "breencast.br_collaboration01" "Olen saanut kuulla, että eräät ovat hiljattain moittineet minua siitä, että teen yhteistyötä vihollisen kanssa. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration01" "It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. " "breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "Olen saanut kuulla, että eräät ovat hiljattain moittineet minua siitä, että teen yhteistyötä vihollisen kanssa. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. " "breencast.br_collaboration02" "Kysyn teiltä, onko olemassa arvokkaampaa pyrkimystä kuin yhteistyö? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration02" "I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? " "breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "Kysyn teiltä, onko olemassa arvokkaampaa pyrkimystä kuin yhteistyö? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? " "breencast.br_collaboration03" "Nykyisessä ainutlaatuisessa hankkeessamme yhteistyöstä kieltäytyminen on kehittymisestä kieltäytymistä - tai itsemurhaan pakottautumista. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration03" "In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. " "breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "Nykyisessä ainutlaatuisessa hankkeessamme yhteistyöstä kieltäytyminen on kehittymisestä kieltäytymistä - tai itsemurhaan pakottautumista. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. " "breencast.br_collaboration04" "Kieltäytyikö keuhkokala hengittämästä ilmaa? Ei. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration04" "Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. " "breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "Kieltäytyikö keuhkokala hengittämästä ilmaa? Ei. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. " "breencast.br_collaboration05" "Se ryömi rohkeasti eteenpäin, ja sen toverit jäivät meren syvyyksiin tuijottamaan pimeyttä luomettomilla silmillään tietämättömyyteen ja tuhoon tuomittuina. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration05" "It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. " "breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "Se ryömi rohkeasti eteenpäin, ja sen toverit jäivät meren syvyyksiin tuijottamaan pimeyttä luomettomilla silmillään tietämättömyyteen ja tuhoon tuomittuina. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. " "breencast.br_collaboration06" "Olisiko meidän otettava mallia trilobiiteista? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration06" "Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? " "breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "Olisiko meidän otettava mallia trilobiiteista? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? " "breencast.br_collaboration07" "Onko kaikkien ihmiskunnan saavutusten kohtalona olla vain ohut kerros muovisirpaleita fossiilihaudassa Burgessin liuskeen ja ikivanhojen mutakerrostumien välissä? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration07" "Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? " "breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "Onko kaikkien ihmiskunnan saavutusten kohtalona olla vain ohut kerros muovisirpaleita fossiilihaudassa Burgessin liuskeen ja ikivanhojen mutakerrostumien välissä? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? " "breencast.br_collaboration08" "Meidän on toimittava luontomme ja kohtalomme mukaan ja pyrittävä suurempiin tekoihin. Olemme lähteneet kehdostamme. On turhaa itkeä äidinmaidon perään, kun todellinen ravintomme odottaa tähdissä. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration08" "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. " "breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "Meidän on toimittava luontomme ja kohtalomme mukaan ja pyrittävä suurempiin tekoihin. Olemme lähteneet kehdostamme. On turhaa itkeä äidinmaidon perään, kun todellinen ravintomme odottaa tähdissä. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. " "breencast.br_collaboration09" "Ja vain universaali liitto, jota pikkusieluiset kutsuvat Combineksi, voi viedä meidät sinne. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration09" "And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. " "breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "Ja vain universaali liitto, jota pikkusieluiset kutsuvat Combineksi, voi viedä meidät sinne. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. " "breencast.br_collaboration10" "Siksi myönnän, että teen yhteistyötä sen kanssa. Meidän kaikkien on tehtävä yhteistyötä omasta halustamme ja innokkaasti, jotta voisimme nauttia yhdistymisen eduista. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration10" "Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. " "breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "Siksi myönnän, että teen yhteistyötä sen kanssa. Meidän kaikkien on tehtävä yhteistyötä omasta halustamme ja innokkaasti, jotta voisimme nauttia yhdistymisen eduista. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. " "breencast.br_collaboration11" "Ja me tulemme nauttimaan niistä. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration11" "And reap we shall. " "breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "Ja me tulemme nauttimaan niistä. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "And reap we shall. " "breencast.br_disruptor01" "Olemme nyt saaneet varman vahvistuksen siitä, että joukossamme on rettelöitsijä, jonka maine tiettyjen kansalaistemme piirissä on lähes messiaaninen. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor01" "We now have direct confirmation of a disruptor in our midst, one who has acquired an almost messianic reputation in the minds of certain citizens. " "breencast.br_disruptor02" "Hänen nimestään on tullut vaistonvaraisuuden, tietämättömyyden ja rappion symboli. Eräät Black Mesan tapauksen pahimmat seuraukset on todettu hänen syykseen. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor02" "His figure is synonymous with the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay. Some of the worst excesses of the Black Mesa Incident have been laid directly at his feet. " "breencast.br_disruptor03" "Kehittymättömät mielet luovat hänestä silti romanttisen hahmon, jolla he antavat vaarallisen runollisia nimiä, kuten Ainoa vapaa ihminen tai Tienraivaaja. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor03" "And yet unsophisticated minds continue to imbue him with romantic power, giving him such dangerous poetic labels as the One Free Man, the Opener of the Way. " "breencast.br_disruptor04" "Tahdon muistuttaa kaikkia kansalaisia maagisen ajattelun vaaroista. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor04" "Let me remind all citizens of the dangers of magical thinking. " "breencast.br_disruptor05" "Olemme hädin tuskin nousseet lajimme menneisyyden synkistä syövereistä. Emme saa nyt vaipua takaisin kadotukseen, kun olemme viimein saaneet nähdä vilauksen valosta. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor05" "We have scarcely begun to climb from the dark pit of our species' evolution. Let us not slide backward into oblivion, just as we have finally begun to see the light. " "breencast.br_disruptor06" "Jos näette tämän Vapaan Freemanin, antakaa hänet ilmi. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor06" "If you see this so-called Free Man, report him. " "breencast.br_disruptor07" "Yhteiskunnan auttajille on luvassa palkinto. Hänen auttamisestaan sitä vastoin rangaistaan. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor07" "Civic deeds do not go unrewarded. And contrariwise, complicity with his cause will not go unpunished. " "breencast.br_disruptor08" "Olkaa järkeviä. Olkaa varovaisia. Olkaa tiedostavia. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor08" "Be wise. Be safe. Be aware. " "breencast.br_instinct01" "Luen kirjeen, jonka sain jokin aika sitten. \"Hyvä tohtori Breen. Miksi Combine on päättänyt estää lisääntymisemme? Parhain terveisin, huolestunut kansalainen.\" " "[english]breencast.br_instinct01" "Let me read a letter I recently received. 'Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.' " "breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct02" "Kiitos kirjeestäsi, huolestunut kansalainen. Kysymyksesi koskee yhtä tärkeimmistä biologisista haluistamme, joka koskettaa lajimme tulevaisuuteen liittyviä toiveita ja pelkoja. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct02" "Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. " "breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct03" "Havaitsen kuitenkin myös sanattomia kysymyksiä. Tietävätkö hyväntekijämme todellakin, mikä on parasta meille? Mikä antaa heille oikeuden päättää tästä asiasta ihmiskunnan puolesta? Aikovatko he koskaan sammuttaa estokenttää ja sallia siten lisääntymistä? " "[english]breencast.br_instinct03" "I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again? " "breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct04" "En pyri vastaamaan kaikkiin lausumatta jättämiisi kysymyksiin, vaan pyrin vain keskittymään huoliin, jotka ovat kysymystesi taustalla. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct04" "Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. " "breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct05" "Meidän on ensin otettava huomioon, että lajimme on viimein saavuttamaisillaan kuolemattomuuden. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct05" "First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach. " "breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct06" "Tämän tosiasian seuraukset ovat kauaskantoiset. Se edellyttää geneettisten imperatiiviemme uudelleenarviointia ja muuttamista. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct06" "This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. " "breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct07" "Se edellyttää myös suunnittelua ja harkintaa, jotka ovat täysin hermojärjestelmiemme rakenteiden vastaisia. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct07" "It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural pre-sets. " "breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct08" "Pyrin aina tällaisina aikoina muistuttaa itseäni siitä, että todellinen vihollisemme on vaisto." "[english]breencast.br_instinct08" "I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is Instinct. " "breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct09" "Vaisto oli äitimme, kun lajimme oli nuori. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct09" "Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. " "breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct10" "Vaisto helli meitä ja piti meidät turvassa vaikeina vuosina, kun teroitimme keppejä, paistoimme ensimmäiset ateriamme vaivalloisesti palavan nuotion päällä " "[english]breencast.br_instinct10" "Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when we hardened our sticks and cooked our first meals above a meager fire " "breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct11" "ja pelästyimme luolan seiniin piirtyviä varjoja. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct11" "and started at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern's walls. " "breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct12" "Vaistoa ei voi kuitenkin erottaa sen pahasta kaksoisveljestä taikauskosta. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct12" "But inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, Superstition. " "breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct13" "Vaisto perustuu aina järjenvastaisiin mielitekoihin, ja nykyään näemme sen todellisen luonteen selvästi. Vaisto tietää nyt, että se on tarpeeton. Se on kuin nurkkaan ajettu peto, joka ei kuole ilman veristä taistelua. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct13" "Instinct is inextricably bound to unreasoning impulses, and today we clearly see its true nature. Instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance, and like a cornered beast, it will not go down without a bloody fight. " "breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct14" "Vaisto voi haavoittaa lajiamme kuolettavasti. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct14" "Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species. " "breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct15" "Vaisto luo olemattomia sortajia, ja käskee meitä nousemaan heitä vastaan. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct15" "Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids us rise up against them. " "breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct16" "Vaisto sanoo, että tuntematon on uhka, vaikka se olisi mahdollisuus. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct16" "Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. " "breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct17" "Vaisto johdattaa meidät viekkaasti ja salaa muutoksen ja kehityksen polulta. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct17" "Instinct slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress. " "breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct18" "Sen vuoksi vaisto on tuhottava. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct18" "Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. " "breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct19" "Sitä vastaan on taisteltava kaikin keinoin, ja ensimmäinen kohde on kaikkein alhaisin ihmishalu: halu lisääntyä. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct19" "It must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce. " "breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct20" "Meidän on kiitettävä hyväntekijöitämme siitä, että he ovat vapauttaneet meidät tästä läpitunkevasta voimasta. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct20" "We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. " "breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct21" "He ovat kääntäneet kytkintä ja karkottaneet paholaisemme yhdellä iskulla. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct21" "They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. " "breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct22" "He ovat voimallaan auttaneet meitä voittamaan tämän pakkomielteen, josta emme itse olisi koskaan päässeet eroon. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct22" "They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. " "breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct23" "He ovat antaneet meille tarkoituksen. He ovat kääntäneet katseemme kohti tähtiä. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct23" "They have given us purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars. " "breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct24" "Vakuutan teille, että tämä estokenttä sammutetaan heti, kun olemme oppineet hallitsemaan itsemme..Sinä päivänä, kun voimme todistaa, ettemme enää tarvitse sitä. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct24" "Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off on the day that we have mastered ourselves...the day we can prove we no longer need it. " "breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct25" "Ja olen kuullut luotettavasta lähteestä, että tämä muutoksen päivä on lähellä. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct25" "And that day of transformation, I have it on good authority, is close at hand. " "breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " " "breencast.br_overwatch01" "Minua on pyydetty lausumaan muutama sana sektori 17:n vartion uusihmisille siitä, miten olemme onnistuneet estämään vastarintaliikkeen tiedemiesryhmän jäsenten toimintaa hiljattain. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch01" "I have been asked to say a few words to the transhuman arm of Sector Seventeen Overwatch, concerning recent successes in containing members of the resistance Science Team. " "breencast.br_overwatch02" "Minun on ikäväkseni ensin mainittava, että olemme menestyksen lisäksi kokeneet pettymyksiä. Hallintojohtajana velvollisuuteni on kuitenkin välittää teille viesti, jonka sain hyväntekijöiltämme. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch02" "Let me say up front that I regret having to temper my heartfelt congratulations with a strong measure of disappointment. But I wouldn't be doing my duty as your Administrator if I didn't pass along the message I have received from our Benefactors. " "breencast.br_overwatch03" "Eli Vancen vangitseminen on erittäin merkittävä tapaus. On totta, että olisimme voineet vangita hänet melkein milloin tahansa viime vuosien aikana. Olosuhteet, joissa hänet vangittiin, voivat kuitenkin tuoda mukanaan odottamattomia etuja. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch03" "The capture of Eli Vance is an event of major significance, make no mistake. And while it's true that conceivably we could have taken him at almost any time in the last several years, the manner of his capture may prove to have unexpected benefits. " "breencast.br_overwatch04" "Kaikki vastarintaliikkeen jäsenet ovat varmasti huomanneet, että tohtori Vance vangittiin, kun hän oli antanut turvapaikan Gordon Freemanille. Sen vuoksi muut vastarintaliikkeen jäsenet voivat olla haluttomia piilottelemaan Freemania. Vastarintaliike saattaa alkaa epäillä hänen uskollisuuttaan. Jotkut sen jäsenistä voivat ajaa hänet tiehensä tai jopa luovuttaa hänet meille. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch04" "It cannot have gone unnoticed by all resistance members that Doctor Vance's capture coincided with the act of giving shelter to Gordon Freeman. This might cause other resistance members to think twice before harboring Doctor Freeman. It might cause them to question his allegiance; even prompt some to turn him out, or turn him over to our cause. " "breencast.br_overwatch05" "Emme voi kuitenkaan olla varmoja, että niin tapahtuu. Tohtori Freeman on niin maineikas, että muut epätoivoiset kapinalliset voivat antaa hänelle hänen tekonsa anteeksi, jotta hän voisi jatkaa kaaoksen ja pelon levittämistä " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch05" "However, we cannot count on such developments. Doctor Freeman's reputation is such that other desperate renegades are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror. " "breencast.br_overwatch06" "Tähän asiaan liittyy toinen pettymyksen aihe, jonka hyväntekijämme ovat maininneet minulle. En tietenkään ole mukana kentällä komentamassa tai ohjaamassa vartion asialleen omistautuneita joukkoja, mutta olen silti vastuussa heidän viimeaikaisista laiminlyönneistään ja selkeistä virheistään. Minulta on kysytty vakavia kysymyksiä näistä puutteista, ja sen vuoksi esitän teille seuraavan kysymyksen: " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch06" "This brings me to the one note of disappointment I must echo from our Benefactors. Obviously I am not on the ground to closely command or second-guess the dedicated forces of the Overwatch, but this does not mean I can shirk responsibility for recent lapses and even outright failures on their part. I have been severely questioned about these shortcomings, and now must put the question to you: " "breencast.br_overwatch07" "Miten yksi mies on voinut livahtaa joukkojenne käsistä kerta toisensa jälkeen? Miten se on mahdollista? Kyseessä ei ole provokaattori tai hyvin koulutettu salamurhaaja. Gordon Freeman on teoreettisen fysiikan tutkija, joka oli hädin tuskin ansainnut tohtorin arvonsa, kun Black Mesan tapaus sattui. Tietojeni mukaan hän oli tapauksen jälkeisten vuosien aikana tilassa, jossa hän ei voinut kehittää vakoilutaitojaan. Mies, jota ette ole onnistunut koskaan hidastamaan saati vangitsemaan, on vain tavallinen ihminen. Miksi ette ole vanginneet häntä? " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch07" "How could one man have slipped through your force's fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some agent provocateur or highly trained assassin we are discussing. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the time of the Black Mesa Incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years, he was in a state that precluded further development of covert skills. The man you have consistently failed to slow, let alone capture, is by all standards simply that--an ordinary man. How can you have failed to apprehend him? " "breencast.br_overwatch08" "No... Säästän nuhtelut myöhemmäksi, jos ne ovat silloin vielä tarpeen. Teidän on nyt aika palauttaa kunnianne. Uusihmisten joukoista voi tulla korvaamaton osa Combinen vartiota, mutta se on etuoikeus, joka on ansaittava. Minun ei varmaan tarvitse muistuttaa teitä siitä, että vaihtoehto, jos sitä sellaiseksi voi kutsua, on täydellinen sukupuutto lajin muiden arvottomien haarojen kanssa. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch08" "Well...I will leave the upbraiding for another time, to the extent it proves necessary. Now is the moment to redeem yourselves. If the transhuman forces are to prove themselves an indispensable augmentation to the Combine Overwatch, they will have to earn the privilege. I'm sure I don't have to remind you that the alternative, if you can call it that, is total extinction - in union with all the other unworthy branches of the species. " "breencast.br_overwatch09" "Emme voi sallia sitä. Olen parhaani mukaan vakuuttanut hyväntekijöille, että olette lajimme parhaimmistoa. Tähän mennessä he ovat uskoneet minua, mutta ilman todisteita sanani kuulostavat valheellisilta jopa omiin korviini. Asian todistaminen on teidän vastuullanne. Kuten myös epäonnistumisen seuraukset. Lopetan tähän. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch09" "Let's not allow it to come to that. I have done my best to convince our Benefactors that you are the finest the species has to offer. So far they have accepted my argument, but without concrete evidence to back it up, my words sound increasingly hollow even to me. The burden of proof is on you. As is the consequence of failure. I'll just leave it at that. " "breencast.br_tofreeman01" "Haluaisin puhua hetken suoraan teille, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman01" "I'd like to take a moment to address you directly, Dr. Freeman. " "breencast.br_tofreeman02" "Kyllä. Puhun sinulle. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman02" "Yes. I'm talking to you. " "breencast.br_tofreeman03" "Niin kutsuttu Ainoa vapaa ihminen. Haluan kysyä sinulta jotain. Miten saatoit luopua siitä kaikesta? Se on ällistyttävää. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman03" "The so-called One Free Man. I have a question for you. How could you have thrown it all away? It staggers the mind. " "breencast.br_tofreeman04" "Olet tiedemies ja voit johdattaa taantumuksellisia ja pelokkaita mieliä kohti totuutta " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman04" "A man of science, with the ability to sway reactionary and fearful minds toward the truth " "breencast.br_tofreeman05" "mutta lähdit silti tietämättömyyden ja rappion poluille. Älä luule turhia, tohtori Freeman. Et ole aloittanut tieteellistä vallankumousta. Tämä on kuolemaa ja lopullisuutta. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman05" "choosing instead to embark on a path of ignorance and decay. Make no mistake, Dr. Freeman. This is not a scientific revolution you have sparked...this is death and finality. " "breencast.br_tofreeman06" "Olet syössyt ihmiskunnan tuhon tielle. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman06" "You have plunged humanity into freefall. " "breencast.br_tofreeman07" "Vaikka yrittäisit antautua, en voi taata, että hyväntekijämme suostuisivat siihen. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman07" "Even if you offered your surrender now, I cannot guarantee that our benefactors would accept it. " "breencast.br_tofreeman08" "Pelkään, että tällä hetkellä he epäilevät jopa minun uskollisuuttani. Jos niin on, en voi toimia ihmiskunnan edustajana. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman08" "At the moment, I fear they have begun to look upon even me with suspicion. So much for serving as humanity's representative. " "breencast.br_tofreeman09" "Auta minua saamaan takaisin heidän luottamuksensa, tohtori Freeman. Antaudu, kun vielä voit. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman09" "Help me win back their trust, Dr. Freeman. Surrender while you still can. " "breencast.br_tofreeman10" "Todista, ettei ihmiskunta ole luottanut sinuun turhaan " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman10" "Help ensure that humanity's trust in you is not misguided " "breencast.br_tofreeman11" "Toimi oikein, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman11" "Do what is right, Dr. Freeman. " "breencast.br_tofreeman12" "Palvele ihmiskuntaa. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman12" "Serve mankind. " "breencast.br_welcome01" "Tervetuloa. Tervetuloa Kaupunki 17:ään. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome01" "Welcome. Welcome to City 17. " "breencast.br_welcome02" "Te olette päättänyt muuttaa tai teidät on valittu muuttamaan yhteen hienoimmista jäljellä olevista kaupunkikeskuksistamme. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome02" "You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. " "breencast.br_welcome03" "Arvostan Kaupunki 17:ää niin paljon, että perustin hallintoni täällä sijaitsevaan " "[english]breencast.br_welcome03" "I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here " "breencast.br_welcome04" "Linnoitukseen, jonka hyväntekijämme ystävällisesti rakensivat. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome04" "in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. " "breencast.br_welcome05" "Olen ylpeä siitä, että Kaupunki 17 on kotini. Toivotan siis kaikille tänne jääville tai tätä kautta tuntemattomaan matkaaville: " "[english]breencast.br_welcome05" "I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, " "breencast.br_welcome06" "Tervetuloa Kaupunki 17:ään. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome06" "Welcome to City 17. " "breencast.br_welcome07" "Täällä on turvallisempaa. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome07" "It's safer here. " "canals.airboat_drivehard" "Suojelupalvelua on vaikea välttää ulkona, mutta selviät kyllä, jos liikut päättäväisesti. " "[english]canals.airboat_drivehard" "It's going to be tough dodging Civil Protection out there in the open, but drive hard and you'll make it. " "canals.airboat_gassed" "Hei tohtori Freeman. Toivoinkin näkeväni sinut. Hydrokopteri on tankattu ja valmiina. " "[english]canals.airboat_gassed" "Hey, Dr. Freeman, I've been hoping you'd show up. Got this airboat all gassed up and ready to go. " "canals.airboat_go_nag01" "Sinun on lähdettävä heti! " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now! " "canals.airboat_go_nag02" "Minun on jäätävä tänne. Pakolaisia saattaa tulla lisää. " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag02" "I've gotta stay here. There could always be more runaways coming along. " "canals.airboat_go_nag03" "Jään tähän. Jatka sinä matkaa. " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag03" "I'm staying put. You go on. " "canals.airboat_nag01" "Mene vain veneeseen, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag01" "Go ahead and get in the boat, Dr. Freeman. " "canals.airboat_nag02" "Nouskaa hydrokopteriin, herra. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag02" "Get in the airboat, sir. " "canals.airboat_nag03" "Nouse kyytiin ja käynnistä kone. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag03" "Climb on in and fire her up. " "canals.airboat_redbarn" "Saat lisäapua asema 7:ssä, joka on joella muutaman mutkan takana. Se sijaitsee vanhassa punaisessa ladossa. " "[english]canals.airboat_redbarn" "You'll find more help up at Station 7, just a few bends up the river. It's the old red barn. " "canals.al_radio_stn6" "Black Mesa East kutsuu asemaa 6. Kuuluuko? Tohtori Freeman on matkalla jokea alas. Lainatkaa hänelle hydrokopteri ja auttakaa häntä kaikin mahdollisin tavoin. Toistan. Gordon Freeman on palannut! On erittäin tärkeää, että hän pääsee Black Mesa Eastiin. " "[english]canals.al_radio_stn6" "Black Mesa East to Station 6. Do you read? Dr. Freeman is on his way downriver. Lend him the airboat and give him all the help you can. Repeat. Gordon Freeman has returned! It is critical he reaches Black Mesa East. " "canals.arrest_getgoing" "Ala mennä! " "[english]canals.arrest_getgoing" "Get going! " "canals.arrest_helpme" "Auta minua! " "[english]canals.arrest_helpme" "Help me! " "canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "He etsivät sinua nyt! " "[english]canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "They'll be looking for you now! " "canals.arrest_run" "Sinun on juostava! Et voi tehdä täällä enää mitään! " "[english]canals.arrest_run" "You'd better run! There's nothing else you can do here! " "canals.arrest_stop" "Lopeta! Emme tehneet mitään! " "[english]canals.arrest_stop" "Stop! We didn't do anything! " "canals.boxcar_becareful" "Ole varovainen. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful" "Be careful now. " "canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "Ne eivät saa huomata meitä. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "We really can't afford to get noticed. " "canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "Jos suojelupalvelu saa sinut kiinni täältä, koko pakoreitti on uhattuna. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "Civil Protection catches you down here, it's bad news for the whole railroad. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "Mene nyt. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "Get going now. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "Sinun on mentävä. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "You better get going. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "Häivy täältä. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "Get outta here. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "Ala mennä! " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "Hit the road, Jack! " "canals.boxcar_jolt" "Vortigaunt-ystäväni voi sillä välin antaa sinulle pienen sysäyksen. " "[english]canals.boxcar_jolt" "Meanwhile, let my vortigaunt friend here give you a jolt to get you going. " "canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "Anna hänen auttaa! " "[english]canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "He'll help you if you let him! " "canals.boxcar_lookout" "Me olemme vain pakoreitin vahteja. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout" "Look, we're just the lookout for the underground railroad. " "canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "Pääasema on kulman takana. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "Main station is right around the corner. " "canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "He auttavat sinua. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "They'll get you started on the right foot. " "canals.boxcar_sirens" "Nuo sireenit taitavat olla sinua varten? " "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens" "Guess those sirens are for you, huh? " "canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "Onneksi löysit meidät. " "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "Good thing you found us. " "canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "Et ole ensimmäinen, joka tulee tänne... " "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "You're not the first to come through here by a ... " "canals.boxcar_vortstop" "Hei, lopeta tuo. Vortigauntit ovat nyt meidän puolellamme. " "[english]canals.boxcar_vortstop" "Hey, stop that. The vorts are on our side now. " "canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "Lähde matkaan, tohtori. Meidän on lähdettävä liikkeelle. " "[english]canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "Get going, Doc. We've gotta break camp. " "canals.gunboat_comein" "Tule sisään. Minä näytän, mitä sinulla on vastassasi. " "[english]canals.gunboat_comein" "Come on in. I'll show you what you're up against. " "canals.gunboat_dam" "Tämä on pato. Se on vähän matkan päässä. " "[english]canals.gunboat_dam" "This here's the dam. It's just up ahead. " "canals.gunboat_eliright" "Lähde matkaan, tohtori Freeman. Elin puheet sinusta näyttävät pitävän paikkansa. " "[english]canals.gunboat_eliright" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. I can see Eli was right about you. " "canals.gunboat_farewell" "Näkemiin, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]canals.gunboat_farewell" "Farewell, Dr. Freeman. " "canals.gunboat_finishingup" "Hän on varmaan kohta valmis. " "[english]canals.gunboat_finishingup" "I think he's just finishing up now. " "canals.gunboat_getin" "Ala tulla. Tule sisään. " "[english]canals.gunboat_getin" "Come on, get in here. " "canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "Näytä niille taivaan merkit, tohtori. " "[english]canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "Give 'em hell, Doc. " "canals.gunboat_goonout" "Mene ulos. " "[english]canals.gunboat_goonout" "Go on out. " "canals.gunboat_herelook" "Katsopa tätä. " "[english]canals.gunboat_herelook" "Here, take a look at this. " "canals.gunboat_heyyourefm" "Hei, sinähän olet Freeman, eikö niin? " "[english]canals.gunboat_heyyourefm" "Hey, you're Freeman, aren't you? " "canals.gunboat_hideout" "Elin piilopaikka on täällä, vähän matkan päässä rampista vanhassa vesivoimalassa. " "[english]canals.gunboat_hideout" "Eli's hideout is here, a stone's throw from the apron and nestled in the old hydro plant. " "canals.gunboat_hurry" "Meidän on kiirehdittävä. Meidän on purettava leiri ja häivyttävä. " "[english]canals.gunboat_hurry" "We'd better hurry. We've got to tear down this camp and get out of here. " "canals.gunboat_impossible" "Sinne on kuitenkin lähes mahdoton päästä, jos tuo helikopteri on kannoilla. " "[english]canals.gunboat_impossible" "But getting there, with that hunter-chopper on your ass, next to impossible. " "canals.gunboat_irony" "Näin. Tuo tykki on peräisin samanlaisesta helikopterista kuin se, joka on vastassasi. Pieni ironia piristää tulitaistelua. " "[english]canals.gunboat_irony" "There we are. That gun came off one of the same hunter-choppers you're up against. I always like to bring a little irony to a firefight. " "canals.gunboat_justintime" "Ehdit juuri ajoissa. Meidän on häivyttävä täältä, ennen kuin paljastumme. " "[english]canals.gunboat_justintime" "You made it just in time. We've got to clear out of here before we're discovered. " "canals.gunboat_magic" "Vortigaunt on tehnyt taikojaan hydrokopterillesi, joten sinulla on nyt enemmän tulivoimaa. " "[english]canals.gunboat_magic" "Good news is, the vortigaunt's working his magic on your airboat, so you'll have more firepower going forward. " "canals.gunboat_moveon" "Lähdetään liikkeelle! Meidän häivyttävä, ennen kuin ne ottavat meidät maaliksi. " "[english]canals.gunboat_moveon" "Let's get a move on! We've got to clear out before they target us. " "canals.gunboat_owneyes" "Enpä uskoisi, ellen näkisi omin silmin. Tohtori Gordon Freeman. " "[english]canals.gunboat_owneyes" "Well, I wouldn't believe it if I couldn't see it with my own eyes. Dr. Gordon Freeman himself. " "canals.gunboat_parkboat" "Voit pysäköidä veneen. Se on turvassa täällä. " "[english]canals.gunboat_parkboat" "You can park the boat. It'll be safe here. " "canals.gunboat_pullout" "Tulit juuri ajoissa, tohtori. Meidän on häivyttävä, ennen kuin Combine nappaa meidät. Olemme juuri valmistautumassa lähtöön. " "[english]canals.gunboat_pullout" "You're just in time, Doc. We've got to move out before the Combine picks us up. We're just getting ready to pull out. " "canals.gunboat_takeitdown" "Pudota tuo kopteri, niin voit jatkaa Elin paikkaan. " "[english]canals.gunboat_takeitdown" "Take that chopper down, and you should be able to tear on through to Eli's place. " "canals.gunboat_vort" "Älä huolehdi hydrokopterista. Vortigaunt huolehtii siitä. " "[english]canals.gunboat_vort" "Don't worry about the airboat. The Vort's gonna look after it for you. " "canals.massacre_cop_fire" "Ammu tuo sijoiltaan! " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_fire" "Fire to dislocate that interpose! " "canals.massacre_cop_hesrunning" "Hän juoksee. " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_hesrunning" "He's running. " "canals.massacre_cop_holdit" "Odota. " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_holdit" "Hold it. " "canals.massacre_die" " " "[english]canals.massacre_die" " " "canals.massacre_premassacre" "Emme halua... Mitä te... Älä ammu... Mitä te teette... Älä satuta minua... Älä ammu... Älä ammu! Älä ammu! " "[english]canals.massacre_premassacre" "We don't...what are you...don't shoot...what are you doing...please, don't hurt me...please don't shoot...Don't shoot! Don't shoot! " "canals.massacre_runforyourlife01" "Juokse henkesi edestä! " "[english]canals.massacre_runforyourlife01" "Run for your life! " "canals.massacre_startle01" " " "[english]canals.massacre_startle01" " " "canals.massacre_startle02" " " "[english]canals.massacre_startle02" " " "canals.matt_beglad" "Onneksi et ole se, jota he etsivät. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad" "Be glad you're not the guy they're looking for. " "canals.matt_beglad_b" "Sillä piruparalle ei ole mitään mahdollisuuksia. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad_b" "Poor bastard doesn't stand a chance. " "canals.matt_beglad_c" "Kuulostaa siltä, että he kutsuvat kaikkia Kaupunki 17:n poliisiyksiköitä. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad_c" "Sounds like they're calling in every CP unit in City 17. " "canals.matt_closecall" "Se oli täpärällä. Kiitos avusta! " "[english]canals.matt_closecall" "That was a close call. Thanks for your help! " "canals.matt_flood" "Ne täyttävät edessä olevat alueet manhakeilla.. " "[english]canals.matt_flood" "They're flooding areas up ahead with manhacks. " "canals.matt_flood_b" "Sinun on mentävä, ennen kuin he tulevat tänne. " "[english]canals.matt_flood_b" "You'd better get going before they sweep through here. " "canals.matt_getin" "Tule tänne! Nopeasti! " "[english]canals.matt_getin" "Get in here! Hurry! " "canals.matt_go_nag01" "Sinun on lähdettävä. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now. " "canals.matt_go_nag02" "Kiitos, mutta pärjään kyllä. Minulla on vielä hommia täällä. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag02" "Thanks, but I'll be okay. Got some work to finish up here. " "canals.matt_go_nag03" "Minun täytyy jäädä auttamaan jäljelle jääneitä. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag03" "You understand, I've gotta stay and help any stragglers. " "canals.matt_go_nag04" "Ala mennä! " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag04" "Get going! " "canals.matt_go_nag05" "Jatka sinä matkaa! " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag05" "You go on! " "canals.matt_goodluck" "Onnea matkaan! " "[english]canals.matt_goodluck" "Good luck out there! " "canals.matt_supplies" "Täällä ei ole turvallista. Annan sinulle tarvikkeita matkaa varten, mutta sitten sinun on lähdettävä. " "[english]canals.matt_supplies" "Look, it isn't safe here. I'll give you some supplies to keep you going, then you really gotta go. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr" "Suojelupalvelu on jäljillämme. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr" "Civil Protection is on to us. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr_a" "Puramme pakoreittiä ja peitämme jälkemme. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr_a" "We're tearing up the railroad, covering our tracks. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr_b" "Sinä taidat olla viimeinen, joka pääsee läpi. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr_b" "Looks like you're gonna be the last one through. " "canals.matt_thanksbut" " " "[english]canals.matt_thanksbut" " " "canals.matt_toolate" "Voi pahus! Liian myöhäistä! " "[english]canals.matt_toolate" "Oh shit! Too late! " "canals.mudcop1_01" "Saiko kukaan muu 647-E-lukemaa? " "[english]canals.mudcop1_01" "Anyone else pickup a 647-E reading? " "canals.mudcop1_02" "Saan yhä 647-E-lukeman paikallisesta valvonnasta. " "[english]canals.mudcop1_02" "Still getting that 647-E from local surveillance. " "canals.mudcop1_03" " " "[english]canals.mudcop1_03" " " "canals.mudcop1_04" "UPI ei ole tällä hetkellä näkyvissä. " "[english]canals.mudcop1_04" "No visual on UPI at this time. " "canals.mudcop1_05" " " "[english]canals.mudcop1_05" " " "canals.mudcop1_hey" "Täällä on 10-108! " "[english]canals.mudcop1_hey" "We have a 10-108! " "canals.mudcop2_01" "Tarkista lukema " "[english]canals.mudcop2_01" "Check for miscount " "canals.mudcop2_02" "Selvä, ei 647:ää tai 10-107:ää. " "[english]canals.mudcop2_02" "Clear, no 647, no 10-107. " "canals.mudcop2_03" "Selvä. " "[english]canals.mudcop2_03" "Roger that. " "canals.mudcop2_04" " " "[english]canals.mudcop2_04" " " "canals.mudcop2_05" " " "[english]canals.mudcop2_05" " " "canals.mudcop2_look" "Varo! " "[english]canals.mudcop2_look" "Look out! " "canals.radio_comein12" "Asema 12, vastatkaa. Asema 12, kuuletteko? " "[english]canals.radio_comein12" "Station 12, come in. Station 12, do you read? " "canals.radio_doyoucopy8" "Asema 8, voitteko kuitata? Asema 8, oletteko siellä? Olemme saaneet vahvistettuja manhakkihavaintoja. Toistan: ne lähettävät manhakkeja maan alle. " "[english]canals.radio_doyoucopy8" "Station 8, do you copy? Station 8, are you there? We have confirmed reports of manhacks. Repeat: they're filling the underground with manhacks. " "canals.radio_thisis8" "Tämä on asema 8! Kuulimme, kun asema 12 kaatui. Täsmäiskuyksiköt hyökkäävät rautatieasemiin. Toistan, suojelupalvelu hyökkää rautatieasemiin. Aseman 9 ja lähistön pakolaiset ovat jo täällä! Näyttää siltä, että -" "[english]canals.radio_thisis8" "This is Station 8! We heard 12 go down and out. Surgical strike units are targeting railway stations. Repeat, Civil Protection is coming down on underground stations. We're already getting refugees from 9 and outlying! Looks like we're--" "canals.shanty_badtime" "Tulit pahaan aikaan. " "[english]canals.shanty_badtime" "You got here at a bad time. " "canals.shanty_getitoffhim" "Ota se pois hänen päältään! Ota se pois! " "[english]canals.shanty_getitoffhim" "Get it off him! Get it off! " "canals.shanty_go_nag01" "Häivy täältä! " "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag01" "Get outta here! " "canals.shanty_go_nag02" "Mene! " "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag02" "Go on! " "canals.shanty_go_nag03" "Ala mennä! " "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag03" "Get going! " "canals.shanty_gotsomeammo" "Noissa laatikossa on ammuksia. " "[english]canals.shanty_gotsomeammo" "We've got some ammo in those crates over there. " "canals.shanty_gotword" "Kuulimme, että olet tulossa. " "[english]canals.shanty_gotword" "We got word you were coming. " "canals.shanty_helpyourself" "Ota tarvikkeita ja jatka matkaa. " "[english]canals.shanty_helpyourself" "Help yourself to supplies and keep moving. " "canals.shanty_hey" "Hei! " "[english]canals.shanty_hey" "Hey! " "canals.shanty_toolate" "Liian myöhäistä! Pysy loitolla! " "[english]canals.shanty_toolate" "It's too late! Stand back! " "canals.shanty_yourefm" "Sinähän olet Freeman, eikö niin? " "[english]canals.shanty_yourefm" "You're Freeman, aren't you? " "canals.stn1_cit_illstay" "Jään tänne siltä varalta, että joku muukin on tulossa. Pakoreitti on pidettävä toiminnassa." "[english]canals.stn1_cit_illstay" "I'm gonna stay here in case any others come through. Gotta keep the railway alive." "canals.stn1_cit_keepgoing" "Jatka matkaa, ystävä! Tälle asemalle hyökättiin, mutta edessä on toisia asemia. " "[english]canals.stn1_cit_keepgoing" "Keep going, friend! That station was raided but there's others up ahead. " "canals.stn6_canisters" "He ampuvat tänne kanistereita! " "[english]canals.stn6_canisters" "They're hitting us with canisters! " "canals.stn6_go_nag02" "Mene! " "[english]canals.stn6_go_nag02" "Go on! " "canals.stn6_incoming" "Lisää tulossa! " "[english]canals.stn6_incoming" "Incoming! " "canals.stn6_launch" "Havaitsimme laukaisun. Havaitsimme laukaisun! " "[english]canals.stn6_launch" "We've got a launch. We've got a launch! " "canals.stn6_shellingus" "Ne pommittavat meitä! " "[english]canals.stn6_shellingus" "They're shelling us! " "canals.vort_reckoning" "Tämä on Freeman. Combinen on aika maksaa teoistaan. " "[english]canals.vort_reckoning" "This is the Freeman. The Combine's reckoning has come. " "citadel.al_access" " " "[english]citadel.al_access" " " "citadel.al_ascent" "Upeaa! Oi ei. Breen on aloittanut nousun. " "[english]citadel.al_ascent" "Great! Oh no. Breen's started his ascent. " "citadel.al_beforeescape" "Kiirehdi, Gordon. Hän pakenee. " "[english]citadel.al_beforeescape" "Hurry, Gordon, before he escapes. " "citadel.al_betterhurry" "Meidän on kiirehdittävä, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_betterhurry" "We'd better hurry, Gordon. " "citadel.al_bitofit" "Et ole nähnyt vielä mitään. " "[english]citadel.al_bitofit" "You haven't seen a bit of it yet. " "citadel.al_bluff" "Hän bluffaa, Gordon. Älä kuuntele häntä. " "[english]citadel.al_bluff" "He's bluffing, Gordon. Don't listen to him. " "citadel.al_bothtypes" " " "[english]citadel.al_bothtypes" " " "citadel.al_cantshutdown" "En voi sammuttaa sitä. Hän on siirtänyt hallinnan toiselle puolelle. Sinun on mentävä ytimeen ja tehtävä parhaasi. " "[english]citadel.al_cantshutdown" "I can't shut it down. Looks like he's turned over control to the other side. You'll have to go into the core and do what you can. " "citadel.al_chancelikethis" "Tällaista tilaisuutta ei enää tule. Meidän on pysytettävä tohtori Breen. " "[english]citadel.al_chancelikethis" "We'll never have a chance like this again. We've got to stop Dr. Breen. " "citadel.al_chargeup" "Lataa ensin pukusi. " "[english]citadel.al_chargeup" "Charge up your suit first. " "citadel.al_comegordon" "Tule, Gordon, mennään! " "[english]citadel.al_comegordon" "Come on, Gordon, let's go! " "citadel.al_comeon" "Tule. " "[english]citadel.al_comeon" "Come on. " "citadel.al_comingafterme" "Emme ole tunteneet toisiamme pitkään, Gordon, mutta tiedän, ettei sinun olisi tarvinnut tehdä tätä. Minun oli pelastettava isäni, mutta sinun... Kiitos, että lähdit perääni. " "[english]citadel.al_comingafterme" "Gordon, we haven't known each other very long, but I know you didn't have to do this. I had to rescue my father, but you... well... Thanks for coming after me. " "citadel.al_critical" "Se muuttuu kriittiseksi. Vain muutama lisää. " "[english]citadel.al_critical" "It's gonna go critical. Just a few more. " "citadel.al_dad" "Isä! " "[english]citadel.al_dad" "Dad! " "citadel.al_dadgordonno" "Isä! " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno" "Dad! " "citadel.al_dadgordonno_b" "Gordon, " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno_b" "Gordon " "citadel.al_dadgordonno_c" "Ei... " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno_c" "No... " "citadel.al_dadhangon" "Pidä kiinni, isä! " "[english]citadel.al_dadhangon" "Dad, hang on! " "citadel.al_dadsorry" "Olen pahoillani, isä. " "[english]citadel.al_dadsorry" "Dad, I'm so sorry. " "citadel.al_darkfusionreactor" "Herranjumala. Tämä on Linnoituksen pimeän fuusion reaktori. Se on heidän tunnelointilaitteensa virtalähde. " "[english]citadel.al_darkfusionreactor" "Oh my God. This is the Citadel's dark fusion reactor. It powers their tunneling entanglement device. " "citadel.al_dienow" " " "[english]citadel.al_dienow" " " "citadel.al_dienow_b" "Miten kehtaat edes mainita hänet! " "[english]citadel.al_dienow_b" "How dare you even mention her! " "citadel.al_doingright" "Teet oikein. " "[english]citadel.al_doingright" "You're doing the right thing. " "citadel.al_dontforget" "Älä unohda ladata pukuasi. " "[english]citadel.al_dontforget" "Don't forget to charge up your suit. " "citadel.al_dontlisten" "Älä kuuntele häntä, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_dontlisten" "Don't listen to him, Gordon. " "citadel.al_dontlistentohim" "Älä kuuntele häntä, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_dontlistentohim" "Don't listen to him, Gordon. " "citadel.al_doworst" "Anna palaa, Gordon, mutta... Ole varovainen. " "[english]citadel.al_doworst" "Do your worst Gordon... but... be careful. " "citadel.al_elevator" "Mene hissiin. " "[english]citadel.al_elevator" "Get in the elevator. " "citadel.al_exhaust" "Varo poistoaukkoa. Yritä suojautua siltä. " "[english]citadel.al_exhaust" "Watch out for the exhaust. Try to find cover from it. " "citadel.al_fail_no" "Ei! " "[english]citadel.al_fail_no" "No! " "citadel.al_funnel" " " "[english]citadel.al_funnel" " " "citadel.al_gasp01" "Oho... " "[english]citadel.al_gasp01" "Huh... " "citadel.al_gettingaway" "Ei, hän pääsee pakoon! " "[english]citadel.al_gettingaway" "No, he's getting away! " "citadel.al_gogordon" "Mene, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_gogordon" "Go, Gordon. " "citadel.al_gordonwouldnever" "Gordon ei koskaan tekisi sopimusta kanssasi. " "[english]citadel.al_gordonwouldnever" "Gordon would never make any kind of deal with you. " "citadel.al_heylisten" "Hei, kuuntele. " "[english]citadel.al_heylisten" "Hey, listen. " "citadel.al_hurrymossman02" "Nopeasti! " "[english]citadel.al_hurrymossman02" "Hurry! " "citadel.al_ifonly" " " "[english]citadel.al_ifonly" " " "citadel.al_itsbreen" "Se on tohtori Breen. Tuolla hän on! " "[english]citadel.al_itsbreen" "It's Dr. Breen. There he is! " "citadel.al_keepgoing" "Jatka vaan. " "[english]citadel.al_keepgoing" "Keep going. " "citadel.al_keepgoing01" "Hyvä. Jatka vaan. " "[english]citadel.al_keepgoing01" "Good. Keep going. " "citadel.al_launchtrip" " " "[english]citadel.al_launchtrip" " " "citadel.al_launchup" " " "[english]citadel.al_launchup" " " "citadel.al_letyouin" "Mene hissiin, niin päästän sinut sisään. " "[english]citadel.al_letyouin" "Get in the elevator and I'll let you in. " "citadel.al_lookafterdad" "Tohtori Mossman... " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad" "Dr. Mossman... " "citadel.al_lookafterdad_b" "Judith... " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad_b" "Judith... " "citadel.al_lookafterdad_c" "Pidä huolta isästäni. " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad_c" "Look after my father. " "citadel.al_lookout" "Varo! " "[english]citadel.al_lookout" "Look out! " "citadel.al_lookwhatheleft" "Katso, mitä hän jätti jälkeensä! " "[english]citadel.al_lookwhatheleft" "Hey, look what he left behind! " "citadel.al_mixenergy" " " "[english]citadel.al_mixenergy" " " "citadel.al_noclue" "Hän taitaa olla aivan pihalla. " "[english]citadel.al_noclue" "He doesn't have a clue, does he? " "citadel.al_notagain02" "Pahus, ei kai taas! " "[english]citadel.al_notagain02" "Damn it, not again! " "citadel.al_notsayinggoodbye" "En sano hyvästejä, isä. " "[english]citadel.al_notsayinggoodbye" "Dad, I'm not saying goodbye. " "citadel.al_ohnogordon" "Oi ei. Gordon! " "[english]citadel.al_ohnogordon" "Oh no. Gordon! " "citadel.al_outofhere" "Tule, Gordon. Meidän on häivyttävä täältä. Ehkä meillä on yhä..." "[english]citadel.al_outofhere" "Come on, Gordon, we've got to get out of here. Maybe we still have ..." "citadel.al_pulses" " " "[english]citadel.al_pulses" " " "citadel.al_reactor01" " " "[english]citadel.al_reactor01" " " "citadel.al_reactor02" " " "[english]citadel.al_reactor02" " " "citadel.al_reactor03" "En voi mennä sisään, kun se käynnissä. Pukusi pitäisi suojata sinua. Etsi jokin heikkous ytimestä." "[english]citadel.al_reactor03" "I can't go in there while it's activated, but your suit should protect you. Look for some vulnerability in the core." "citadel.al_reroute" " " "[english]citadel.al_reroute" " " "citadel.al_right" "Selvä. " "[english]citadel.al_right" "Right then. " "citadel.al_shootbeam" " " "[english]citadel.al_shootbeam" " " "citadel.al_soldiers01_a" "Voi ei, Combinen sotilaita. Mistä he tulivat? " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_a" "Oh no, Combine soldiers. Where did they come from? " "citadel.al_soldiers01_b" "Mitä pirua? " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_b" "What the hell? " "citadel.al_soldiers01_c" "Anteeksi, Gordon, en voi pysäyttää heitä täältä. " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_c" "I'm sorry, Gordon, I can't stop them from here. " "citadel.al_stayawaycore" "Pysy loitolla ytimestä. " "[english]citadel.al_stayawaycore" "Stay away from the core. " "citadel.al_staybackbeam" "Varo säteitä! " "[english]citadel.al_staybackbeam" "Watch out for the beams! " "citadel.al_struggle01" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle01" " " "citadel.al_struggle02" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle02" " " "citadel.al_struggle03" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle03" " " "citadel.al_struggle05" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle05" " " "citadel.al_struggle07" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle07" " " "citadel.al_struggle08" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle08" " " "citadel.al_success_yes" "Kyllä! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes" "Yes! " "citadel.al_success_yes_nr" "Kyllä! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes_nr" "Yes! " "citadel.al_success_yes02_nr" "Jeah! Sinä teit sen! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes02_nr" "Yeah! You did it! " "citadel.al_tearapart" "Kun hän käyttää teleporttia, koko hoito hajoaa. Säde on suojaamaton. Me käristymme singulariteetissa. " "[english]citadel.al_tearapart" "Once he teleports, the whole thing will tear apart. The beam is unshielded. We'll be cooked in the singularity. " "citadel.al_thatshim" "Tuolla hän on. " "[english]citadel.al_thatshim" "That's him. " "citadel.al_thegravgun01" "Painovoima-ase! " "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun01" "The gravity gun! " "citadel.al_thegravgun03" "Gordon, ota painovoima-ase. " "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun03" "Gordon, get the gravity gun. " "citadel.al_thegravgun04" "Ota painovoima-ase, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun04" "Take the gravity gun, Gordon. " "citadel.al_thereheis" "Tuolla hän on! " "[english]citadel.al_thereheis" "There he is! " "citadel.al_triplet" " " "[english]citadel.al_triplet" " " "citadel.al_uptop" "Voi luoja, portti avautuu. " "[english]citadel.al_uptop" "Oh my God, the portal's opening. " "citadel.al_watchout01" "Varo, hän aikoo -" "[english]citadel.al_watchout01" "Watch out, he's gonna--" "citadel.al_weak" "Yritä löytää heikko kohta noista levyistä. Meidän on paljastettava ydin, jos haluamme tehdä sen epävakaaksi. " "[english]citadel.al_weak" "See if you can find a weakness in those plates. We'll have to expose the core if we plan to destabilize it. " "citadel.al_whahappen" "Gordon. Mitä painovoima-aseelle tapahtui? Se saa varmaan voimaa Linnoituksesta. " "[english]citadel.al_whahappen" "Gordon. What happened to the gravity gun? It must be drawing power from the Citadel. " "citadel.al_wonderwhere" "Mihinköhän hän on menossa. " "[english]citadel.al_wonderwhere" "I wonder where he's going. " "citadel.al_working" "Jatka, Gordon, se toimii. " "[english]citadel.al_working" "Keep it up, Gordon, it's working. " "citadel.al_yes" "Kyllä!" "[english]citadel.al_yes" "Yes!" "citadel.al_yes_nr" "Kyllä!" "[english]citadel.al_yes_nr" "Yes!" "citadel.br_betrayed" "He tietävät, että petit heidät. He kääntyvät sinua vastaan! Judith - tohtori Mossman. Älä! " "[english]citadel.br_betrayed" "They know you betrayed them. They'll turn on you! Judith -- Dr. Mossman. Please! " "citadel.br_betrayed_b" "Judith - tohtori Mossman - älä... " "[english]citadel.br_betrayed_b" "Judith - Dr. Mossman - please... " "citadel.br_bidder_a" "Miten on, tohtori Freeman " "[english]citadel.br_bidder_a" "How about it, Dr. Freeman? " "citadel.br_bidder_b" "Tiesitkö, että sopimuksesi myytiin korkeimmalle tarjoajalle? " "[english]citadel.br_bidder_b" "Did you realize your contract was open to the highest bidder? " "citadel.br_bounty" " " "[english]citadel.br_bounty" " " "citadel.br_circum" "No, tohtori Freeman, luulen, että jos olosuhteet olisivat olleet erilaiset, olisimme voineet tehdä yhteistyötä molemminpuolisen luottamuksen ja kunnioituksen ilmapiirissä. Lyhyt pestinne Black Mesassa, kun minä olin sen hallintojohtaja, sai minut vakuuttuneeksi siitä, että teistä olisi voinut kehittyä arvokas ja tuottelias tieteen tekijä. Mutta silti... En tiedä, mikä sai teidät tekemään niin... Tässä hankkeessa ei tarvita omaa tietään kulkevia fyysikkoja. " "[english]citadel.br_circum" "Well, Dr. Freeman, under other circumstances I like to think we might have been able to work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Certainly, judging from your brief tenure at Black Mesa while I was its Administrator, you showed every promise of becoming a valuable and productive contributor to the scientific process. And yet... I'm not sure what spurred you to it... but there is really no place in this enterprise for a rogue physicist. " "citadel.br_create" "Kertokaa minulle, tohtori Freeman, jos vain voitte. Olette tuhonnut niin paljon. Mitä oikein olette luonut? Voitteko mainita edes yhtä asiaa? Niin luulinkin. " "[english]citadel.br_create" "Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can. You have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not. " "citadel.br_deliver" "Sinun pitäisi olla huolissasi minusta! Voin yhä pelastaa Maan, mutta en ilman sinun apuasi. " "[english]citadel.br_deliver" "It's me you should be concerned about! I can still deliver Earth, but not without your help. " "citadel.br_dictate_a" "Jos molemmat teistä ovat hallussani, voin sanella minkä tahansa Combinen kanssa tekemäni sopimuksen ehdot. " "[english]citadel.br_dictate_a" "Having both of you in my keeping ensures I can dictate the terms of any bargain I care to make with the Combine. " "citadel.br_failing01" "Jestas sentään! " "[english]citadel.br_failing01" "Good God! " "citadel.br_failing02" "Häivy täältä! " "[english]citadel.br_failing02" "Get away from there! " "citadel.br_failing03" "Miten teet tuon?! " "[english]citadel.br_failing03" "How are you doing that?! " "citadel.br_failing04" "Miten teit tuon?! " "[english]citadel.br_failing04" "How did you do that?! " "citadel.br_failing05" "Älä leiki sen kanssa! " "[english]citadel.br_failing05" "Stop toying with that! " "citadel.br_failing06" "Lopeta heti se, mitä olet tekemässä! " "[english]citadel.br_failing06" "Whatever you're doing, stop at once! " "citadel.br_failing07" "Ei noin! " "[english]citadel.br_failing07" "Not that! " "citadel.br_failing08" "Lopeta! " "[english]citadel.br_failing08" "Stop it! " "citadel.br_failing09" "Lopeta! " "[english]citadel.br_failing09" "Stop that! " "citadel.br_failing10" "Lopeta! " "[english]citadel.br_failing10" "Stop! " "citadel.br_failing11" "Ei! " "[english]citadel.br_failing11" "No! " "citadel.br_failing12" "En tiedä, mitä teet, Freeman, mutta kiellän sinua tekemästä niin! " "[english]citadel.br_failing12" "I don't know what you're doing, Freeman, but I'm warning you against it! " "citadel.br_farside" "Ihanko totta? Katsotaan, miten siihen suhtaudutaan Combinen portin toisella puolella. " "[english]citadel.br_farside" "Really? Well, let's see how it serves you on the far side of a Combine portal. " "citadel.br_foundation" "Olen luonut perustan ihmiskunnan selviytymiselle. Voimme luopua itsellemme asettamistamme ahtaista rajoista ja muuttua joksikin suuremmaksi, jota emme voi edes kuvitella. Olemme nähneet siitä vain ensimmäisen vilauksen. " "[english]citadel.br_foundation" "I have laid the foundation for humanity's survival, and not as we have narrowly defined ourselves, but as something greater than we could ever imagine. Something we can only now begin to glimpse. " "citadel.br_freemanatlast" "Tämä on siis tohtori Freeman. Viimeinkin tapaamme. Haluaisin sanoa tämän olevan iloinen yllätys, mutta tämä ei ole yllätys eikä myöskään kovin iloista. Olette varmasti samaa mieltä. No, minä olen hyvin pragmaattinen. " "[english]citadel.br_freemanatlast" "So, this is Dr. Freeman, at last. I wish I could say this was a pleasant surprise, but it's neither a surprise nor, as you would surely agree, very pleasant. Well, I am nothing if not pragmatic. " "citadel.br_gift" " " "[english]citadel.br_gift" " " "citadel.br_gift_a" "Se riippuu täysin sinusta, vanha ystäväni. " "[english]citadel.br_gift_a" "That's all up to you, my old friend. " "citadel.br_gift_b" "Tuomitsetko koko lajin tuhoon itsepäisellä lyhytnäköisyydelläsi vai " "[english]citadel.br_gift_b" "Will you let your stubborn short-sightedness doom the entire species, or " "citadel.br_gift_c" "annatko lapsellesi mahdollisuuden, jota hänen äidillään ei koskaan ollut? " "[english]citadel.br_gift_c" "will you give your child the chance her mother never had? " "citadel.br_goback" "Mene takaisin, Freeman. Et tiedä, mitä teet! " "[english]citadel.br_goback" "Go back, Freeman, you have no idea what you're doing! " "citadel.br_gravgun" "Mitä nyt? No, laita se tuonne. " "[english]citadel.br_gravgun" "What's this? Oh, put it over there. " "citadel.br_guards" "Vartijat! Tule tänne!" "[english]citadel.br_guards" "Guards! Get in here!" "citadel.br_guest" "Se on kunniavieraamme. Miten mukavaa. " "[english]citadel.br_guest" "It's our guest of honor. What a pleasure. " "citadel.br_guest_a" "Sehän on Gordon Freeman. Viimeinkin. " "[english]citadel.br_guest_a" "Well, if it isn't Gordon Freeman, at last. " "citadel.br_guest_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_b" " " "citadel.br_guest_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_c" " " "citadel.br_guest_d" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_d" " " "citadel.br_guest_f" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_f" " " "citadel.br_guest_f_cc" "Olen kiitollinen, tohtori. Ensin johdatat minut vanhimman ystäväni luo ja sitten tulet itse luokseni. Jos olisin tiennyt, että tulet suoraan toimistooni, en olisi viitsinyt jahdata sinua. " "[english]citadel.br_guest_f_cc" "You have my gratitude, Doctor. First you lead me straight to the doorstep of my oldest friend, and then you deliver yourself. If I'd known you were going come straight up to my office, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place. " "citadel.br_hostbody" "Isäntäruumis? Ette voi olla tosissanne, en mitenkään voi - " "[english]citadel.br_hostbody" "A host body? You must be joking, I can't possibly--- " "citadel.br_judithwhat" "Judith? Mitä oikein luulet tekeväsi? " "[english]citadel.br_judithwhat" "Judith? What do you think you're doing? " "citadel.br_justhurry" "Pidä kiirettä, hän on kannoillani! " "[english]citadel.br_justhurry" "Just hurry, he's right behind me! " "citadel.br_laugh01" "*naurua*" "[english]citadel.br_laugh01" "*laughter*" "citadel.br_look" "Katso. Katso. " "[english]citadel.br_look" "Look. Look. " "citadel.br_lookthere" "Katso tuonne. " "[english]citadel.br_lookthere" "Look there. " "citadel.br_mentors" "Käskijäsi ovat tietysti osasyyllisiä. Eli Vance ja Isaac Kleiner olivat minulle huomattavasti suurempia pettymyksiä kuin sinun onneton uravalintasi. Tavallaan et pystynyt tekemään toisin. Kuka tietää, millaisia kapinallisia siemeniä he istuttivat sinuun, kun olit nuori ja herkkäuskoinen. Mutta vaikka viimeaikaiset ongelmat ovat suurimmaksi osaksi heidän syytään, sinä yksin olet päättänyt tahallisesti vaarantaa ihmiskunnan tulevaisuuden " "[english]citadel.br_mentors" "Your mentors are partly to blame, of course. My disappointment in Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner is far greater than my sorrow over your unfortunate choice of career path. In a way, I suppose you could not have done otherwise. Who knows what seeds of iconoclasm they planted when you were young and gullible. But while they certainly share a great part of the responsibility for the recent troubles, it is you alone who have chosen to act with such willful disregard for humanity's future. " "citadel.br_mock01" "Vieläkö olette mukana, tohtori Freeman Ette ainakaan kovin kauan. " "[english]citadel.br_mock01" "Are you still with us, Dr. Freeman? Not for much longer, I think. " "citadel.br_mock02" "Luotan jälleen teidän epäonnistumiseenne, tohtori Freeman. Luotin teihin myös Black Mesassa. " "[english]citadel.br_mock02" "I'm relying on you to fail again, Dr. Freeman. Just as I relied on you at Black Mesa. " "citadel.br_mock03" "Olette jäämässä jälkeen. En olisi millään voinut ennustaa sitä. " "[english]citadel.br_mock03" "It looks like you're falling behind. I could never have predicted that. " "citadel.br_mock04" "Odotettu epäonnistuminen, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock04" "A predictable failure, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock05" "En tiedä, mitä luulette voivanne saavuttaa, ellei se ole oma tuhonne. " "[english]citadel.br_mock05" "I don't know what you can possibly hope to achieve, apart from your own annihilation. " "citadel.br_mock06" "Varoitin, että se olisi turhaa. " "[english]citadel.br_mock06" "I warned you this was futile. " "citadel.br_mock07" "Olisin voinut kertoa teille, että se on turhaa, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock07" "I could have told you that was pointless, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock08" "Ei enää kauan, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock08" "It won't be much longer now, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock09" "Toivottavasti olette hyvästellyt kaikki. " "[english]citadel.br_mock09" "I hope you said your farewells. " "citadel.br_mock10" "Niin, tohtori Freeman... " "[english]citadel.br_mock10" "Oh, Dr. Freeman... " "citadel.br_mock11" "Mitä tuhlausta. " "[english]citadel.br_mock11" "What a waste. " "citadel.br_mock12" "Tuo on täysin turhaa. " "[english]citadel.br_mock12" "Pointless of you. " "citadel.br_mock13" "Olisittepa käyttäneet rajattoman energianne hyödyllisiin tarkoituksiin! " "[english]citadel.br_mock13" "If only you had harnessed your boundless energy for a useful purpose! " "citadel.br_newleader_a" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_a" " " "citadel.br_newleader_a_cc" "Olen samaa mieltä, se on täysin turhaa. Onneksi vastarintaliike on osoittanut, että se suostuu hyväksymään uuden johtajan. Ja tämä on ollut mainio työkalu niiden käsissä, jotka ohjaavat häntä. " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_a_cc" "I agree, it's a total waste. Fortunately, the resistance has shown it is willing to accept a new leader. And this one has proven to be a fine pawn for those who control him. " "citadel.br_newleader_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_b" " " "citadel.br_newleader_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_c" " " "citadel.br_no" "Ei! " "[english]citadel.br_no" "No! " "citadel.br_nopoint" "Pystyn kyllä pahempaankin. Mutta ette ehkä usko sitä, kun pääsette perille. " "[english]citadel.br_nopoint" "Oh, it's hardly the worst. But you might find that hard to believe once you get there. " "citadel.br_nothingtosay_a" "Ymmärrän kyllä, että ette halua keskustella tästä ystävienne edessä. " "[english]citadel.br_nothingtosay_a" "I understand if you don't wish to discuss this in front of your friends. " "citadel.br_nothingtosay_b" "Lähetän heidät matkaan, niin voimme keskustella avoimesti. " "[english]citadel.br_nothingtosay_b" "I'll send them on their way, and then we can talk openly. " "citadel.br_oheli07" "...hiilitähtiä, joiden muinaiset kiertolaiset ovat älyllisten sienten asuttamia." "[english]citadel.br_oheli07" "...carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi." "citadel.br_oheli08" "Kaasujättiläisiä, joissa asuu valtavia meteorologisia mieliä. Ohuita maailmoja kalvoilla, joissa ulottuvuudet " "[english]citadel.br_oheli08" "Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where dimensions " "citadel.br_oheli09" "kohtaavat... Niitä ei voi kuvailla rajallisilla sanoillamme!" "[english]citadel.br_oheli09" "intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!" "citadel.br_ohshit" "Voi pahus! " "[english]citadel.br_ohshit" "Oh shit! " "citadel.br_playgame_a" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_a" " " "citadel.br_playgame_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_b" " " "citadel.br_playgame_b_cc" "Eli... Jos et aio toimia oikein kaikkien ihmisten hyväksi, ehkä teet sen yhden ihmisen vuoksi." "[english]citadel.br_playgame_b_cc" "Eli...if you won't do the right thing for the good of all people, maybe you'll do it for one of them." "citadel.br_playgame_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_c" " " "citadel.br_rabble" " " "[english]citadel.br_rabble" " " "citadel.br_rabble_a" "Sinun ansiostasi meillä on jo kaikki tarvitsemamme. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_a" "Thanks to you, we have everything we need in that regard. " "citadel.br_rabble_b" "Pystyt aivan hyvin viimeistelemään hänen tutkimuksensa itse. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_b" "You're more than qualified to finish his research yourself. " "citadel.br_rabble_c" "Kumpikaan meistä ei pysty suostuttelemaan katujen roskasakkia lopettamaan mieletöntä kamppailuaan. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_c" "What neither you nor I can do is convince that rabble in the streets to give up their senseless struggle. " "citadel.br_rabble_d" "Mutta Eli ei suostu sanomaan sanoja, jotka pelastaisivat heidät kaikki. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_d" "Yet Eli refuses to speak the words that would save them all. " "citadel.br_stubborn" "Alyx-kulta, sinulla on äitisi silmät. Mutta isäsi itsepäinen luonne. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn" "Alyx my dear, you have your mother's eyes. But your father's stubborn nature. " "citadel.br_stubborn01" "Sinulla on äitisi silmät, kultaseni. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn01" "You have your mother's eyes, my dear. " "citadel.br_stubborn02" "Mutta isäsi itsepäinen luonne. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn02" "But your father's stubborn nature. " "citadel.br_synapse" "Tohtori Freeman. Sinun ei pitäisi olla täällä. Synapsin hetkellä, kun siirryn teleportin kautta, tämä kammio täyttyy tappavista hiukkasista, joita ihmistiede ei ole vielä nimennyt. Kun minulla on aikaa, nimeän ehkä yhden niistä sinun mukaasi. Siten sinua ei unohdeta täysin. " "[english]citadel.br_synapse" "Dr. Freeman. You really shouldn't be out there. At the moment of synapse, as I teleport, this chamber will be bathed in deadly particles that have yet to be named by human science. Perhaps when I have the leisure to do the work myself, I'll name one after you. That way you won't be completely forgotten. " "citadel.br_synapse02" "Kun singulariteetti romahtaa, minä olen kaukana. Itse asiassa toisessa maailmankaikkeudessa. Sinut taas tuhotaan kaikilla mahdollisilla tavoilla - ja jopa tavoilla, jotka ovat oikeastaan mahdottomia. " "[english]citadel.br_synapse02" "When the singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact. You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed-and even in some which are essentially impossible. " "citadel.br_takeme" "Ota minut. " "[english]citadel.br_takeme" "Take me. " "citadel.br_unleash" "Et tiedä, mitä päästät valloilleen! Saatat tuhota koko tämän Linnoituksen! Ajattele - ajattele alapuolella olevia ihmisiä! " "[english]citadel.br_unleash" "You don't know what you'll unleash! You could bring down this whole Citadel! Think, man, think - of the people below! " "citadel.br_untenable" "Portin määränpää ei ole sopiva. Voitte varmasti asettaa linkin jonnekin muualle. En voi selviytyä tuossa ympäristössä. " "[english]citadel.br_untenable" "The portal destination is untenable. Surely you can set the relay elsewhere. There's no way I can survive in that environment. " "citadel.br_warmup" "Käynnistän parhaillaan porttia sinun siirtämistäsi varten. " "[english]citadel.br_warmup" "I'm warming up the portal to deliver you even now. " "citadel.br_whatittakes" "Hyvä on, piru vieköön, jos muuta ei voi! " "[english]citadel.br_whatittakes" "Oh all right, damn it, if that's what it takes! " "citadel.br_worthit" "Katso, Gordon. Katso, mistä olet luopumassa. Onko se sen arvoista? " "[english]citadel.br_worthit" "Look, Gordon. Look at what you are throwing away. Is it worth it? " "citadel.br_yesjudith" "Niin, Judith. Mitä haluat sanoa? " "[english]citadel.br_yesjudith" "Yes, Judith, what is it? " "citadel.br_youfool" "Senkin hölmö! " "[english]citadel.br_youfool" "You fool! " "citadel.br_youneedme" "Tarvitset minua! " "[english]citadel.br_youneedme" "You need me! " "citadel.eli_alyx01" "Alyx! Kulta... " "[english]citadel.eli_alyx01" "Alyx! Honey... " "citadel.eli_alyxsweetheart" "Alyx, kulta." "[english]citadel.eli_alyxsweetheart" "Alyx, sweetheart." "citadel.eli_damnbreen" "Piru sinut periköön, Breen! Päästä hänet! " "[english]citadel.eli_damnbreen" "God damn you, Breen! You let her go! " "citadel.eli_dontstruggle" "Älä kamppaile, kulta. " "[english]citadel.eli_dontstruggle" "Don't struggle, honey. " "citadel.eli_dontworryboutme" "Älä ole huolissasi minusta, kulta. " "[english]citadel.eli_dontworryboutme" "Oh no, don't worry about me honey. " "citadel.eli_genocide" "Minäkin olen nähnyt sanoinkuvaamattomia asioita, Breen. Kansanmurha... Käsittämätön pahuus... " "[english]citadel.eli_genocide" "What I've seen is also beyond words, Breen. Genocide... indescribable evil... " "citadel.eli_goodgod" "Hyvä jumala. " "[english]citadel.eli_goodgod" "Good God. " "citadel.eli_mygirl" "Niin sitä pitää, tyttö. " "[english]citadel.eli_mygirl" "That's my girl. " "citadel.eli_nonever" "Ei koskaan. " "[english]citadel.eli_nonever" "Never. " "citadel.eli_notobreen" "Ei! " "[english]citadel.eli_notobreen" "No! " "citadel.eli_ohalyx" "Voi Alyx-kulta. " "[english]citadel.eli_ohalyx" "Oh, Alyx, sweetheart. " "citadel.eli_ohjudith" "Voi Judith... " "[english]citadel.eli_ohjudith" "Oh, Judith... " "citadel.eli_save" "Pelastaa heidät? Mitä varten? " "[english]citadel.eli_save" "Save them? For what? " "citadel.eli_sendusboth" "Siitä vaan, Breen. Lähetä meidät portin läpi, jos se on pahinta, mihin pystyt!" "[english]citadel.eli_sendusboth" "Go ahead, Breen, if that's the worst you can do, send us both through your portal!" "citadel.gman_exit01" "On aika, tohtori Freeman " "[english]citadel.gman_exit01" "Time, Dr. Freeman? " "citadel.gman_exit02" "Onko taas se aika? " "[english]citadel.gman_exit02" "Is it really that time again? " "citadel.gman_exit03" "Tuntuu kuin olisit juuri saapunut. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit03" "It seems as if you only just arrived. " "citadel.gman_exit04" "Olet saanut aikaan paljon lyhyessä ajassa. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit04" "You've done a great deal in a small timespan. " "citadel.gman_exit05" "Olet pärjännyt niin hyvin, että olen saanut mielenkiintoisia sinua koskevia tarjouksia. Tavallisesti en harkitsisi niitä. Mutta ajat ovat poikkeukselliset. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit05" "You've done so well, in fact, that I've received some interesting offers for your services. Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them. But these are extraordinary times. " "citadel.gman_exit06" "En halua antaa sinulle harhakuvaa vapaasta tahdosta, joten valitsen puolestasi... Jos ja kun aikasi koittaa uudelleen. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit06" "Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty of choosing for you...if and when your time comes round again. " "citadel.gman_exit07" "Pahoittelen tätä mielivaltaiselta vaikuttavaa väliintuloa, tohtori Freeman. Ymmärrätte sen varmasti myöhemmin, kun... No... " "[english]citadel.gman_exit07" "I do apologize for what must seem to you an arbitrary imposition, Dr. Freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of...well... " "citadel.gman_exit08" "En oikeastaan saa sanoa sitä. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit08" "I'm really not at liberty to say. " "citadel.gman_exit09" "Sillä välin... " "[english]citadel.gman_exit09" "In the meantime... " "citadel.gman_exit10" "Lähden nyt pois. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit10" "This is where I get off. " "citadel.gman_meetagain" "Tapaamisiin " "[english]citadel.gman_meetagain" "Until we meet again " "citadel.gman_rightman" "Oikea mies väärässä paikassa voi muuttaa maailmaa. " "[english]citadel.gman_rightman" "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. " "citadel.mo_alyxneedthis" "Tarvitset tätä. " "[english]citadel.mo_alyxneedthis" "You'll need this. " "citadel.mo_bargain" "Meidän pitäisi pyytää heitä säästämään Elin henki, jotta hän voi jatkaa tutkimuksiaan! " "[english]citadel.mo_bargain" "The bargain we should be making is for Eli's life, so he can continue his research! " "citadel.mo_dont" "Älä!" "[english]citadel.mo_dont" "Don't---!" "citadel.mo_dontlook" "Älä katso minua noin. " "[english]citadel.mo_dontlook" "Oh don't give me that look. " "citadel.mo_dontworry" "Älä ole huolissasi. " "[english]citadel.mo_dontworry" "Don't you worry. " "citadel.mo_goyoutwo" "Menkää, te kaksi. " "[english]citadel.mo_goyoutwo" "Go on, you two. " "citadel.mo_illtakehim" "Minä jatkan tästä. " "[english]citadel.mo_illtakehim" "I'll take him from here. " "citadel.mo_necessary" "Se ei ole tarpeellista! " "[english]citadel.mo_necessary" "It isn't necessary! " "citadel.mo_notfollowed" "Me varmistamme, että sinua ei seurata. " "[english]citadel.mo_notfollowed" "We'll make sure you're not followed. " "citadel.mo_notimealyx" "Aikaa ei ole, Alyx. Hän on matkalla portille. " "[english]citadel.mo_notimealyx" "There's no time, Alyx. He's on his way to the portal. " "citadel.mo_notleavingeli" "En eroa sinusta enää, Eli. " "[english]citadel.mo_notleavingeli" "I'm not leaving you again, Eli. " "citadel.mo_nouse" "Älä kamppaile. Siitä ei ole hyötyä. Et voi tehdä mitään, ennen kuin hän on vienyt sinut sinne, minne haluaa. " "[english]citadel.mo_nouse" "Don't struggle. It's no use. Until you're where he wants you, there's nothing you can do. " "citadel.mo_outoftime" "Olen pahoillani, Wallace. Aika on lopussa. " "[english]citadel.mo_outoftime" "I'm sorry, Wallace. You're all out of time. " "citadel.mo_sorrygordon" "Olen pahoillani, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.mo_sorrygordon" "I'm sorry, Gordon. " "citadel.mo_stophim" "En ollut tarpeeksi varovainen. Breen tietää, mitä olemme saaneet selville. Sinun on pysäytettävä hänet. " "[english]citadel.mo_stophim" "I wasn't careful enough. Breen knows everything we learned. You have to stop him. " "citadel.mo_stoppingyou" "Teemme sen, mitä en koskaan pystynyt tekemään yksin. Pysäytämme sinut. " "[english]citadel.mo_stoppingyou" "We're doing what I could never do alone. We're stopping you. " "citadel.mo_wallace" "Tohtori Breen... Wallace... " "[english]citadel.mo_wallace" "Dr. Breen... Wallace... " "coast.al_captured" "Isäni ja tohtori. Mossman... Heidät vangittiin taistelussa. Vortigauntit saivat selville, että he ovat Nova Prospektissa, joka on rannikolla sijaitseva vanha vankila. Jos voit tavata minut siellä, Gordon, voimme ehkä yhdessä vapauttaa heidät. " "[english]coast.al_captured" "My Dad and Dr. Mossman...they were captured in the fighting. Vortigaunts tracked them to Nova Prospekt, the converted prison up the coast. If you could meet me there, Gordon, then together we might have a chance of getting them out. " "coast.al_goodhands" "Kiitos, Leon. En ole ajanut rannikkotiellä yli vuoteen, Gordon, mutta se ei varmaan ole muuttunut yhtään turvallisemmaksi. Tavataan varikolla, jossa junien lastit puretaan. Pidä huolta itsestäsi. Tavataan Nova Prospektissa. " "[english]coast.al_goodhands" "Thanks, Leon. Gordon, I haven't driven the coast road in over a year, but I have no reason to think it's gotten any safer. Meet me in the depot where the trains unload. Take care of yourself and I'll see you in Nova Prospekt. " "coast.al_goodnews" "Onko hän täällä? " "[english]coast.al_goodnews" "He's there? " "coast.al_goodtoseeyou" "Mukava nähdä sinua, Gordon. Ole varovainen. " "[english]coast.al_goodtoseeyou" "It's good to see you, Gordon. Be careful. " "coast.al_gotcar" "Siksi kutsuin sinut, Leon. Toivoin, että sinulla olisi vielä partioauto, jonka jätimme sinulle viime kesänä. Se, johon isäni asensi tautykin. " "[english]coast.al_gotcar" "That's why I called you, Leon. I was hoping you still had the scout car we left with you last summer. The one my Dad rigged with the tau cannon. " "coast.al_hitcher01" "Hänet on viety Nova Prospektiin. Vortigauntit jäljittivät aluksen, joka vei hänet ja Judith Mossmanin. Menen junalla, kun ne vielä kulkevat. " "[english]coast.al_hitcher01" "He's been taken to Nova Prospekt. The vortigaunts tracked the ship that made off with him and Judith Mossman. While the trains are still running, I'm going to hitch a ride. " "coast.al_hitcher02" "Sinun tehtäväsi alkaa tästä, Gordon. Sinun on matkattava rannikkoa pitkin, kunnes saavut Nova Prospektiin. Se oli ennen tarkasti vartioitu vankila. Nyt se on jotain paljon pahempaa. Luulen silti, että sinne tunkeutuminen on helpompaa kuin sieltä pakeneminen. " "[english]coast.al_hitcher02" "Here's where you come in, Gordon. I need you to make your way along the coast until you get to Nova Prospekt. It used to be a high security prison-it's something much worse than that now. But I think it's still easier to sneak in than to break out. " "coast.al_needyourhelp" "Pääsit Ravenholmin läpi, Gordon. Luojan kiitos! Tarvitsen apua! He veivät isäni! " "[english]coast.al_needyourhelp" "Gordon, you made it through Ravenholm? Thank God! I need your help! They've taken my father! " "coast.al_out" "Ulos. " "[english]coast.al_out" "Out. " "coast.al_stowaway" "Hyvä. " "[english]coast.al_stowaway" "Good. " "coast.al_taucar" "Hei Leon. Onko sinulla vielä se auto, jonka rakensimme isäni kanssa? " "[english]coast.al_taucar" "Hey, Leon. Do you still have the car my Dad and I put together? " "coast.antman01" " " "[english]coast.antman01" " " "coast.antman02" " " "[english]coast.antman02" " " "coast.bugbait_onemanalone" "Lähde matkaan, tohtori Freeman. Nova Prospekt ei ole kaukana. Yhdellä miehellä ei ole mahdollisuuksia päästä sinne, mutta yksi mies ja muurahaiskorentolauma... Se on aivan eri juttu. " "[english]coast.bugbait_onemanalone" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. Nova Prospekt is just ahead. One man alone wouldn't stand much chance going in there, but a man with a pack of antlions... well, that's a different story. " "coast.cr_willdo" "Selvä! Asensin ammuslaatikon taakse. " "[english]coast.cr_willdo" "Will do! I just finished mounting an ammo crate on the back. " "coast.lady_gotodocks" "Mene alas telakalle, niin tuomme sen sinulle. Kuuntele nostokurjen ohjaajan neuvoja. " "[english]coast.lady_gotodocks" "Go right on down to the docks there, and we'll bring it out for you. Listen for directions from the crane operator. " "coast.lady_keepgoing" "Jatka, niin näet auton. " "[english]coast.lady_keepgoing" "Keep on going and you'll see the car. " "coast.le_allclear" "Se on Leon. Kaikki on kunnossa. Ja Gordon Freeman on mukanani! " "[english]coast.le_allclear" "It's Leon. We're all clear. And I've got Gordon Freeman! " "coast.le_allset" "Hyvä ajoitus. Okei, Alyx, olemme valmiina. " "[english]coast.le_allset" "Good timing. Okay, Alyx, we're all set. " "coast.le_buggy" "Noriko, tuo kärry ulos ja laita se laiturille. Gordon Freeman aikoo ajaa sillä! " "[english]coast.le_buggy" "Noriko, bring the buggy out, put it on the dock right now. Gordon Freeman will be driving it! " "coast.le_bye" "Näkemiin, Alyx. " "[english]coast.le_bye" "Bye, Alyx. " "coast.le_followme" "Seuraa minua. " "[english]coast.le_followme" "Follow me. " "coast.le_goodidea" "Jeah! Hyvä idea! Pieni hetki. " "[english]coast.le_goodidea" "Yeah! Good idea! Hold on a sec. " "coast.le_gotgordon" "Täällä on Leon, Alyx. Gordon Freeman on mukanani. " "[english]coast.le_gotgordon" "Alyx, it's Leon, and I've got Gordon Freeman with me. " "coast.le_map" "Kartta on vanhentunut, mutta siitä näkee silti reitin Nova Prospektiin. En ole tosin varma tiestä. Olemme kadottaneet yhteyden joihinkin vartioasemiin. " "[english]coast.le_map" "That map is out of date, but you can still see more or less the route to Nova Prospekt. Can't vouch for the road, though. We've lost touch with some of the outposts. " "coast.le_onfoot" "Haluatko hänen kulkevan rannikkotietä? Hän ei selviä viittä minuuttiakaan jalkaisin. On muurahaiskorentojen lisääntymiskausi. " "[english]coast.le_onfoot" "You want him to take the coast road? He won't last five minutes on foot. It's spawning season for the antlions. " "coast.le_overhere" "Täällä, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]coast.le_overhere" "Over here, Dr. Freeman. " "coast.le_patchhim" "Hoida hänet kuntoon ja vie hänet taakse heti, kun hänen tilansa on vakaa. " "[english]coast.le_patchhim" "Patch him up and get him to the back as soon as he's stable. " "coast.le_radio" "Ilmoitan radiolla seuraavaan tukikohtaan, jotta he tietävät sinun olevan tulossa. " "[english]coast.le_radio" "I'll radio ahead and let the next base know you're coming. " "coast.le_radioloop" "Shorepoint kutsuu N.L.O:ta" "[english]coast.le_radioloop" "Shorepoint to N.L.O." "coast.le_radioloop_b" "Shorepoint kutsuu New Little Odessaa. " "[english]coast.le_radioloop_b" "Shorepoint to New Little Odessa. " "coast.le_radioloop_c" "Vastatkaa, Odessa... Kuuletteko? " "[english]coast.le_radioloop_c" "Come in, Odessa...do you read? " "coast.le_restock" "Ota mukaasi lääkintäpakkauksia sekä ammuksia ja tarkista määränpääsi kartasta, ennen kuin lähdet liikkeelle, tohtori. Auton takaosassa on ammuslaatikko, jos tarvitset sellaista. " "[english]coast.le_restock" "Okay, Doc, before you hit the road, you might want to grab some medkits, restock on ammo, maybe check the map and see where you're headed. There's an ammo supply crate on the back of the car, if that's any comfort. " "coast.le_staywithcar" "Pysy auton lähellä ja hyödynnä karkoittajia, niin sinulla on mahdollisuus muurahaiskorentoja vastaan." "[english]coast.le_staywithcar" "Stay with the car, make use of the thumpers, and you'll stand a fair chance against the antlions. " "coast.le_whohurt" "Kuka on haavoittunut? " "[english]coast.le_whohurt" "Who's hurt? " "coast.le_youmadeit" "Gordon Freeman! Uskomatonta, että selvisit! Olemme saaneet viestejä Alyxilta. Yritän ottaa häneen taas yhteyden. " "[english]coast.le_youmadeit" "Gordon Freeman! It's incredible you made it! We've been getting communications from Alyx. I'll see if I can reach her again. " "coast.leon_getaway" " " "[english]coast.leon_getaway" " " "coast.leon_itisyou" " " "[english]coast.leon_itisyou" " " "coast.leon_suredo" " " "[english]coast.leon_suredo" " " "coast.leon_thisisleon" " " "[english]coast.leon_thisisleon" " " "coast.med_online" "Tohtori Freeman. Ei voi olla totta. Puhuin Alyxin kanssa. Hänen isänsä on vangittu. " "[english]coast.med_online" "Dr. Freeman? You're kidding. I've been on the line with Alyx. Her father's been captured. " "coast.pheropod_nag01" "No, tohtori Freeman, olet nyt oikea muurahaiskorento. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag01" "Well, Dr. Freeman, you're a regular antlion now. " "coast.pheropod_nag02" "Luotan itsekin pheropodeihin. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag02" "I swear by the pheropods myself. " "coast.pheropod_nag03" "Muurahaiskorennot eivät enää häiritse sinua, tohtori. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag03" "The antlions won't bother you now, Doc. " "coast.pheropod_nag04" "Olet tainnut saada uusia ystäviä. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag04" "Looks like you've made yourself some friends. " "coast.vbaittrain_fine" "Freeman onnistuu jälleen kaikissa tehtävissään erinomaisesti! " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_fine" "The Freeman again excels at all tasks! " "coast.vbaittrain_gotit" "Freeman osoittaa erinomaisuutta kaikissa asioissa. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_gotit" "The Freeman shows his excellence in all things. " "coast.vbaittrain_great" "Freeman on onnistunut hyvin. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_great" "The Freeman has done well. " "coast.vbaittrain01a" "Freeman kunnioittaa meitä läsnäolollaan. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01a" "The Freeman honors us by his presence. " "coast.vbaittrain01b" "Freemanille opetetaan nyt, miten pheropodeja käytetään. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01b" "The Freeman will now be instructed in the use of pheropods. " "coast.vbaittrain01c" "Kuuntele nyt, niin opit paimentamaan muurahaiskorentoja tällä niin sanotulla ötökkäsyötillä. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01c" "Attend, now, and learn to shepherd antlions with this so-called bug-bait. " "coast.vbaittrain02" "Freeman ottaa pheropodin käteensä ja heittää sen kuoppaan. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain02" "The Freeman will now break out his pheropods and toss one into yonder pit. " "coast.vbaittrain02_nag" "Freeman ei saa empiä: heitä pheropod kuoppaan. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain02_nag" "The Freeman must not delay: Hurl that pheropod into the pit. " "coast.vbaittrain03" "Freeman voi myös lähettää muurahaiskorentonsa tiettyjen kohteiden kimppuun. Katso harjoitusnukkea ja merkitse se toisella pheropodilla. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain03" "The Freeman can also coax his antlions to attack specific targets. Observe the training manikin, and mark it well with another pheropod. " "coast.vbaittrain03_nag" "Heitä syötti kovaa nukkea päin. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain03_nag" "Hurl your bug-bait hard against the dummy. " "coast.vbaittrain04" "Kuuntele tarkkaan. Purista pheropodia, niin komennossasi olevat muurahaiskorennot seuraavat sinua. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain04" "Now, attend well. Apply pressure to your pheropod, to signal the antlions in your command to follow you. " "coast.vbaittrain04_nag" "Freemanin on puristettava syöttiä lujaa, jotta muurahaiskorennot seuraisivat häntä. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain04_nag" "The Freeman must squeeze his bug-bait sharply if he wishes the antlions to follow where he leads. " "coast.vbaittrain05" "Tämän on nyt sanottava Freemanille näkemiin. Nova Prospekt on edessä. Muista, mitä olet oppinut täällä. Eli Vance luottaa sinuun. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain05" "And now this one must bid the Freeman farewell. Nova Prospekt lies just beyond. Remember well what you have learned here. The Eli Vance has greatest confidence in you. " "coast.vgossip_01" "Pyydämme Freemanilta anteeksi. Meidän on epäkohteliasta viestiä virtausvaihtelun kautta sellaisten edessä, joiden vortaaliaistit ovat vajavaiset. " "[english]coast.vgossip_01" "Freeman must excuse us. It is rude of us to commune by flux shifting in front of those whose vortal inputs are impaired. " "coast.vgossip_02" "Kyllä, me äännämme puhekieltäsi kohteliaisuuden vuoksi. " "[english]coast.vgossip_02" "Yes, we will vocalize in your auditory language as a matter of courtesy. " "coast.vgossip_03" "Ellemme halua sanoa epämiellyttäviä asioita sinusta. " "[english]coast.vgossip_03" "Unless we wish to say unflattering things about you. " "coast.vgossip_04" "Juuri niin. " "[english]coast.vgossip_04" "Just so. " "coast.vort_extract01" "Freemanin on varottava, kun poistamme myrmidontin aromaattiset pheropodit. Toimenpide ei ole täysin hygieeninen. Astu sen vuoksi sivuun. " "[english]coast.vort_extract01" "The Freeman will do wise to heed our extraction of the myrmidont's aromatic pheropods. The process is not entirely hygienic. Therefore, stand aside. " "coast.vort_podnag" "Freemanin on noudettava pudonneet pheropodit välittömästi! " "[english]coast.vort_podnag" "The Freeman must retrieve the fallen pheropods without delay! " "coast.vort_podsforyou01" "Freeman tarvitsee pheropodeja tulevalla matkallaan. Kerää ne heti. " "[english]coast.vort_podsforyou01" "The Freeman will have need of these pheropods on the paths ahead. Gather them now. " "coast.wo_winston" "Winstoniin on osunut. " "[english]coast.wo_winston" "Winston's been hit. " "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_takeemdown" "603, laiton sisääntulo. " "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_takeemdown" "603, unlawful entry. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit01" "Mukava tavata sinut. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit01" "Good to know you. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit02" "Sinun on lähdettävä. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit02" "You'd better get going. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit03" "Tohtori Mossman odottaa sinua. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit03" "Doctor Mossman's waiting for you. " "eli_lab.al_allright01" "Hyvä on. " "[english]eli_lab.al_allright01" "All right. " "eli_lab.al_anotherdog" "Taas yksi, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_anotherdog" "Another one, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_autocycle" "Olemme romuttamon ilmalukossa, joka on jumiutunut täyteen automaattikiertoon " "[english]eli_lab.al_autocycle" "We're in the scrapyard airlock stuck in a full autocycle. " "eli_lab.al_awesome" "Mahtavaa. " "[english]eli_lab.al_awesome" "Awesome. " "eli_lab.al_blamingme" "Syytätkö minua? " "[english]eli_lab.al_blamingme" "Are you blaming me? " "eli_lab.al_buildastack" "Rakenna kasa ja tule tänne, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_buildastack" "Come on, Gordon, build a stack and get up here. " "eli_lab.al_cavedin_b" "Sinun on lähdettävä täältä, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_cavedin_b" "Gordon, you need to get out of here. " "eli_lab.al_cavedin_c" "En voi jättää isääni. " "[english]eli_lab.al_cavedin_c" "I can't leave my father. " "eli_lab.al_cmongord01" "Tule, Gordon! " "[english]eli_lab.al_cmongord01" "Come on, Gordon! " "eli_lab.al_cmongord02" "Tule! " "[english]eli_lab.al_cmongord02" "Come on! " "eli_lab.al_comeongord01" "Tule, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_comeongord01" "Come on, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_comeongord02" "Tänne päin, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_comeongord02" "This way, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_dad_ques01" "Isä? " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_ques01" "Dad? " "eli_lab.al_dad_scared01" "Isä? " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_scared01" "Dad? " "eli_lab.al_dad_scared02" "Isä! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_scared02" "Dad! " "eli_lab.al_dadplease" "Isä... " "[english]eli_lab.al_dadplease" "Dad, please... " "eli_lab.al_dadwhatsup" "Mitä täällä tapahtuu? " "[english]eli_lab.al_dadwhatsup" "What's going on in there? " "eli_lab.al_dogairlock01" "Pahus! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogairlock01" "Damn it! " "eli_lab.al_dogairlock02" "Avaa ilmalukko, Dog. Hoida meidät pois täältä. " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogairlock02" "Dog, open the airlock. Get us out of here. " "eli_lab.al_dogcome" "Tule, Dog! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogcome" "Dog, come! " "eli_lab.al_doggetnow" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_doggetnow" " " "eli_lab.al_doyouread" "Isä, täällä Alyx. Kuuletko? " "[english]eli_lab.al_doyouread" "Dad, it's Alyx, do you read? " "eli_lab.al_earnedit01" "No, hän ansaitsi sen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_earnedit01" "Well, he earned it. " "eli_lab.al_excellent01" "Erinomaista " "[english]eli_lab.al_excellent01" "Excellent. " "eli_lab.al_getitopen01" "Nopeasti! Nyt! " "[english]eli_lab.al_getitopen01" "Hurry! Now! " "eli_lab.al_getitopen02" "Revi se kappaleiksi, jos täytyy! Avaa se! " "[english]eli_lab.al_getitopen02" "Tear it apart if you have to! Just get it open! " "eli_lab.al_getoutnow" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_getoutnow" " " "eli_lab.al_getyourball" "Hae pallosi, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_getyourball" "Dog, go get your ball. " "eli_lab.al_giveittry" "Kokeile sitä. " "[english]eli_lab.al_giveittry" "Give it a try. " "eli_lab.al_goaheaddog" "Heitä vaan, Dog! " "[english]eli_lab.al_goaheaddog" "Go ahead, Dog, throw! " "eli_lab.al_godog" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_godog" " " "eli_lab.al_goodcatch" "Hyvä koppi. " "[english]eli_lab.al_goodcatch" "Good catch. " "eli_lab.al_gooddoggie" "Hyvä hauva. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gooddoggie" "Good doggie. " "eli_lab.al_goodthrow" "Hyvä heitto. " "[english]eli_lab.al_goodthrow" "Good throw. " "eli_lab.al_goongord" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_goongord" " " "eli_lab.al_grabthrow" "Toisen liipaisimen avulla voit ottaa kiinni esineistä. Voit heittää ne ensimmäisen liipaisimen avulla. " "[english]eli_lab.al_grabthrow" "The secondary trigger lets you grab things. You can throw them with the primary. " "eli_lab.al_gravdrop" "Kun olet poiminut esineen, voit laskea sen hellävaraisesti painamalla toista liipaisinta uudelleen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravdrop" "Once you've picked something up you can drop it gently by pressing your secondary trigger again. " "eli_lab.al_gravgun" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravgun" " " "eli_lab.al_gravgun_cc" "Selvä... Tule, Gordon. Pidetään vähän hauskaa. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravgun_cc" "Sure... Come on, Gordon. Let's go have some fun. " "eli_lab.al_havefun" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_havefun" " " "eli_lab.al_hazmat" "Se on suunniteltu vaarallisten aineiden käsittelyyn, mutta käytämme sitä yleensä raskaan tavaran siirtämiseen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_hazmat" "It's designed for handling hazardous materials, but we mainly use it for heavy lifting. " "eli_lab.al_hereyougo02" "Tästä näin. " "[english]eli_lab.al_hereyougo02" "Here you go. " "eli_lab.al_heshere" "Hän on tuolla. " "[english]eli_lab.al_heshere" "He's right here. " "eli_lab.al_hums" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hums" " " "eli_lab.al_hums_b" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hums_b" " " "eli_lab.al_hurry" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hurry" " " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock01" "Dog! Tule! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock01" "Dog! Come! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock02" "Tule tänne. " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock02" "Get in here " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock03" "Ilmalukkoon! Nyt! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock03" "Into the airlock! Now! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock04" "Tule, pidä kiirettä! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock04" "Come on, hurry! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock05" "Ennen kuin ne huomaavat! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock05" "Before they spot us! " "eli_lab.al_laugh01" "*naurua*" "[english]eli_lab.al_laugh01" "*laughter*" "eli_lab.al_laugh02" "*naurua*" "[english]eli_lab.al_laugh02" "*laughter*" "eli_lab.al_letmedo" "Ehkä sinun pitäisi antaa minun tehdä laskutoimitukset ja asennus seuraavalla kerralla. " "[english]eli_lab.al_letmedo" "Then maybe you should let me do the calculations next time, as well as installing it. " "eli_lab.al_liketofetch" "Kun sanoin, että Dog pitää noutamisesta, enhän sanonut, kuka hoitaa noutamisen? " "[english]eli_lab.al_liketofetch" "When I told you Dog liked to play fetch, I didn't tell you who'd be fetching, did I? " "eli_lab.al_metmossman01" "Olet siis tavannut tohtori Mossman. Hän on yksi syy siihen, miksi vietän niin paljon aikaa ulkona. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman01" "So, I see you've met Dr. Mossman. She's one of the main reasons I spend so much time outside. " "eli_lab.al_metmossman03" "Kuulisitpa, kun hän valittaa, että hänen olisi pitänyt olla Black Mesan testikammiossa sinä päivänä. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman03" "You should hear her drone on about how it should have been her in the Black Mesa Test Chamber that day. " "eli_lab.al_metmossman04" "Anteeksi, minun ei pitäisi puhua hänen selkänsä takana. Täällä on vain hieman liian ahdasta. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman04" "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking behind her back. It just gets a bit claustrophobic down here. " "eli_lab.al_minefield" "Siitä on ollut hyötyä miinakenttien raivaamisessa. " "[english]eli_lab.al_minefield" "I've found it handy for clearing minefields. " "eli_lab.al_nicecatch" "Hyvä koppi " "[english]eli_lab.al_nicecatch" "Nice catch " "eli_lab.al_niceshot" "Hieno laukaus! " "[english]eli_lab.al_niceshot" "Nice shot! " "eli_lab.al_noboydown" "Ei! Ei, poika! Alas! Laske se alas! " "[english]eli_lab.al_noboydown" "No! No, boy! Down! Put that down! " "eli_lab.al_nodog" "Ei, Dog! " "[english]eli_lab.al_nodog" "No, Dog! " "eli_lab.al_nowcalldog" "Kutsun Dogin. Se pitää noutamisesta. " "[english]eli_lab.al_nowcalldog" "Now let me call Dog. He loves to play fetch. " "eli_lab.al_okletsplay" "Okei, Dog. Leikitään noutamista Gordonin kanssa. " "[english]eli_lab.al_okletsplay" "Okay, Dog, let's play catch with Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_pickuptoss" "Poimi joitain esineitä ja heitä ne. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pickuptoss" "Pick up some stuff and toss it. " "eli_lab.al_placeobjs" "Voit asettaa esineitä tiettyyn paikkaan siirtämällä ne ja painamalla toista liipaisinta uudelleen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_placeobjs" "You can place objects by moving them into position and hitting the secondary trigger again. " "eli_lab.al_primary" "Ensimmäisen liipaisimen painaminen lähettää latauksen. Voit iskeä esineitä ja lennättää ne ilmaan. " "[english]eli_lab.al_primary" "The primary trigger emits a charge. You can punt stuff and send it flying. " "eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance" "Voit myös vetää kaukana olevia esineitä lähemmäs. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance" "You can also pull stuff over from a distance. " "eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance_b" "Yritä napata nuo ulkonemalla olevat tynnyrit. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance_b" "Try grabbing those barrels from that ledge up there. " "eli_lab.al_ravenholm01" "Tuo on vanha reitti Ravenholmiin. Emme enää käy siellä. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm01" "That's the old passage to Ravenholm. We don't go there anymore. " "eli_lab.al_ravenholm02" "Pystyimme ennen kulkemaan tuota pitkin Ravenholmiin. Se oli vanha kaivoskaupunki, jossa asui Kaupunki 17:n pakolaisia." "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm02" "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17." "eli_lab.al_ravenholm02b" "Pystyimme ennen kulkemaan tuota pitkin Ravenholmiin. Se oli vanha kaivoskaupunki, jossa asui Kaupunki 17:n pakolaisia." "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm02b" "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17." "eli_lab.al_ravenholm06" "Voin vakuuttaa, että tunneli on suljettu hyvästä syystä. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm06" "Believe me, that tunnel is sealed for a reason. " "eli_lab.al_scanners01" "Mitä nyt, Dog? " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners01" "What is it, Dog? " "eli_lab.al_scanners02" "Voi hyvä Jumala! Mitä tuo oli? " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners02" "Oh my god! What was that? " "eli_lab.al_scanners03" "Skannereita! " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners03" "Scanners! " "eli_lab.al_scanners06" "Combine tutkii alueen! " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners06" "The Combine's sweeping the area! " "eli_lab.al_scanners07" "Meidän on palattava laboratorioon. Tule, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners07" "We've gotta head back to the lab. Come on, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_scrapyard" "No niin, olemme täällä. Romuttamo. " "[english]eli_lab.al_scrapyard" "So, here we are. The scrapyard. " "eli_lab.al_seeifyoucanstack" "Yritä pinota tavaroita, jotta voimme kiivetä ylös. " "[english]eli_lab.al_seeifyoucanstack" "See if you can stack some stuff to climb up here. " "eli_lab.al_somethingbigger" "Heitä jotain suurempaa, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_somethingbigger" "Dog, throw something bigger. " "eli_lab.al_somethingelse" "Okei, Gordon, kokeillaan jotain muuta. " "[english]eli_lab.al_somethingelse" "Okay, Gordon, let's try something else. " "eli_lab.al_soquickly01" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly01" " " "eli_lab.al_soquickly01_cc" "Ai niin, Gordon! Vortigauntit sanoivat, että olisit täällä! Uskomatonta, että kuljit näin nopeasti jalkaisin. " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly01_cc" "Oh, Gordon! The vortigaunts said you were here! I can't believe you made it so quickly on foot. " "eli_lab.al_soquickly02" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly02" " " "eli_lab.al_soquickly03" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly03" " " "eli_lab.al_standbackdog" "Tuo riittää, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_standbackdog" "That's enough, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_sweet" "Hienoa! " "[english]eli_lab.al_sweet" "Sweet! " "eli_lab.al_takegord02" "Vie Gordon Ravenholmin tunneliin, Dog. Kierrä sitten ympäri minun luokseni. Nopeasti! " "[english]eli_lab.al_takegord02" "Dog, take Gordon to the Ravenholm tunnel, then circle around and try to meet up with me. Hurry! " "eli_lab.al_takeit" "Ota se. " "[english]eli_lab.al_takeit" "Take it. " "eli_lab.al_takethis" "Ota tämä. " "[english]eli_lab.al_takethis" "Take this. " "eli_lab.al_thisisdog01" "Gordon, tämä on Dog. Isäni rakensi sen suojelemaan minua, kun olin lapsi. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thisisdog01" "Gordon, this is Dog. My Dad built him to protect me when I was a kid. " "eli_lab.al_thisisgravgun" "Tämä on painovoima-ase, josta isäni puhui. Voit kutsua sitä Zero Point Energy Field Manipulatoriksi, jos todella haluat. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thisisgravgun" "This is the gravity gun my father was talking about. You can call it the 'Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator' if you really want to. " "eli_lab.al_throwanotherdog" "Heitä toinen, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwanotherdog" "Throw another, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_throwitdog" "Heitä se, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwitdog" "Throw it, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_throwtodog" "Heitä jotain Dogille, Gordon, niin hän ottaa sen kiinni. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwtodog" "Okay, Gordon, now you throw something to Dog and let him catch. " "eli_lab.al_thyristor02" "Todistit, että pystyt pitämään huolta itsestäsi. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thyristor02" "I guess you proved you can handle yourself out there. " "eli_lab.al_trystacking" "Pinoa joitain tavaroita. Nappaa jokin esine painamalla toista liipaisinta ja pudota se sitten hellävaraisesti painamalla samaa liipaisinta uudestaan. " "[english]eli_lab.al_trystacking" "Try stacking some things. Grab something with your secondary trigger, then press the same trigger again to drop it gently. " "eli_lab.al_ugh" "Painutaan pois täältä. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ugh" "Let's get out of here. " "eli_lab.al_usegravgun" "Sinun on käytettävä painovoima-asetta. " "[english]eli_lab.al_usegravgun" "You'll need to use the gravity gun. " "eli_lab.al_wasted01" "Vortigauntit suostuivat tuuraamaan minua, jotta voisin tavata Gordonin. " "[english]eli_lab.al_wasted01" "The vortigaunts relieved me so I could come see Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_wasted02" "Minun pitäisi joka tapauksessa olla täällä korjaamassa porttia. " "[english]eli_lab.al_wasted02" "Anyway, I should be in here working on the portal. " "eli_lab.al_wheresball" "Missä pallosi on, Dog? " "[english]eli_lab.al_wheresball" "Where's your ball, Dog? " "eli_lab.al_yayhigh" "Ensimmäinen malli oli pienempi. Olen lisännyt siihen osia sen jälkeen. Enkö olekin, poika? " "[english]eli_lab.al_yayhigh" "First model was about yay-high. I've been adding to him ever since. Haven't I, boy? " "eli_lab.eli_alyxhoney" "Alyx-kulta... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_alyxhoney" "Alyx, honey... " "eli_lab.eli_broke" "Hän taisi rikkoa ennätyksesi, kulta. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_broke" "I believe he broke your record, honey. " "eli_lab.eli_finesci" "Judith on taitava tiedenainen. Hän oli ehdolla virkaasi Black Mesassa, mutta voitit hänet Innsbruckin kokemuksesi ansiosta. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_finesci" "Fine scientist, Judith. She was up for your job at Black Mesa but you edged her out with your Innsbruck experience. " "eli_lab.eli_goodvort" "Hyvä on. Jatka samaa rataa. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_goodvort" "All right, good, you keep right on it. " "eli_lab.eli_gordonwith" "Onko Gordon vielä mukanasi? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gordonwith" "Is Gordon still with you? " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx01" "Mene Alyxin mukaan, Gordon. Hän huolehtii sinusta. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx01" "Go with Alyx, Gordon. She'll look after you. " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx02" "Mene vain, Gordon, tapaamme myöhemmin. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx02" "Go ahead, Gordon, we'll catch up with you later. " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx03" "Lähde Gordon, mene Alyxin mukaan. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx03" "Go on Gordon, go with Alyx. " "eli_lab.eli_greeting" "Gordon Freeman! Onpa mukava nähdä sinua! Voi luoja, et ole muuttunut lainkaan! Miten oikein teet sen? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_greeting" "Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at you, man! My God, you haven't changed one iota! How do you do it? " "eli_lab.eli_handle" "Gordon selviää kaikesta... Paitsi ei ehkä sinusta. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_handle" "There's nothing Gordon can't handle... with the possible exception of you. " "eli_lab.eli_handle_b" "Hah!" "[english]eli_lab.eli_handle_b" "Ha!" "eli_lab.eli_ladies" "Öhöm. Ota Gordon mukaasi, Alyx, ja opeta hänet käyttämään painovoima-asetta. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_ladies" "Ahem. Alyx, why don't you take Gordon along and give him some practice with the gravity gun. " "eli_lab.eli_littlewhile" "Nähdään pian, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_littlewhile" "See you in a little while, Gordon. " "eli_lab.eli_lookaround" "Voit tutkia paikkoja vapaasti " "[english]eli_lab.eli_lookaround" "Feel free to look around " "eli_lab.eli_lookgordon" "Katsopa tätä, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_lookgordon" "Take a look at this, Gordon. " "eli_lab.eli_mit" "Olet oikeassa. MIT:stä valmistuneet ovat nykyään harvassa. Kohta voit riisua tuon suojapuvun ja palata töihin laboratorioon, jonne oikeasti kuulut. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_mit" "Right you are. MIT graduates are few and far between these days. We'll get you out of that hazard suit and back into your lab coat, where you belong. " "eli_lab.eli_photo01" "Muistathan vaimoni Azianin? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_photo01" "You remember my wife Azian, don't you? " "eli_lab.eli_photo02" "Alyxin lisäksi pystyin tuomaan vain tuon kuvan mukanani Black Mesasta. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_photo02" "That picture, and Alyx, were all I managed to carry out of Black Mesa. " "eli_lab.eli_portal01" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal01" " " "eli_lab.eli_portal01_cc" "Portti on jo lähes toimintakunnossa, mutta ymmärrän, jos et halua osallistua seuraavaan kokeeseen. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal01_cc" "We've almost got that portal working again, but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't volunteer for the next trial run. " "eli_lab.eli_portal02" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal02" " " "eli_lab.eli_safety" "Missä olet, Alyx? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_safety" "Where are you, Alyx? " "eli_lab.eli_staytogether01" "Vie Gordon pois täältä! Lähde rannikolle! " "[english]eli_lab.eli_staytogether01" "Take Gordon out of here! Head for the coast! " "eli_lab.eli_staytogether02" "Älkää käykö Rav-" "[english]eli_lab.eli_staytogether02" "Do not go through Rav---" "eli_lab.eli_surface" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface" " " "eli_lab.eli_surface_b" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface_b" " " "eli_lab.eli_surface_cc" "No niin, katsotaan. Kun viimeksi tapasin sinut, lähetin sinut hakemaan apua resonanssionnettomuuden jälkeen En arvannut, että tulisit takaisin vasta nyt! " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface_cc" "Now, let's see. The last time I saw you, I sent you up for help after the resonance cascade. I never thought it would take you this long to get back to me! " "eli_lab.eli_thing" "Emme vieläkään ymmärrä tuon tarkoitusta. Alyx tuo mukanaan mitä kummallisempia asioita. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_thing" "We're still not sure what that does. Alyx brings in the strangest things. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz01" "Tohtori Breenin käsiini... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz01" "Dr. Breen... " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz02" "Hän on nyt koko tämän iljettävän järjestelmän johtaja. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz02" "He's the Administrator of this whole vile business now. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz03" "Hän lopetti Seitsemän tunnin sodan järjestämällä Maan antautumisen. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz03" "He ended the Seven Hours War by managing Earth's surrender. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz04" "Combine palkitsi hänet vallalla. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz04" "The Combine rewarded him with power. " "eli_lab.eli_wantyou" "Hyvä. Haluan teidän kahden... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_wantyou" "Good. I want you two to... " "eli_lab.eli_welcometolab" "Tervetuloa laboratorioon. Se ei ole Black Mesa, mutta se on kelvannut meille hyvin. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_welcometolab" "Welcome to the lab anyway. It's not Black Mesa, but it's served us well enough. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock01" "Täällä on jotain. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock01" "We've got something. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock02" "Okei, se on ihminen. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock02" "Okay, it's human. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock03" "Huhuu? " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock03" "Hello? " "eli_lab.mo_airlock04" "Ottakaa rauhallisesti. Olette turvassa. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock04" "Take it easy in there. You're safe now. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock05" "Pyydän anteeksi tarkastusta. Emme voi ottaa riskejä. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock05" "You'll have to forgive the scanning process. We can't take any chances. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock06" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock06" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock06_cc" "Tohtori Freeman? Gordon Freeman? Oletko se sinä? Miten pääsit tänne näin pian? Eli varmasti ällistyy. Ja helpottuu. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock06_cc" "Doctor Freeman? Gordon Freeman? Is that you? You've made it here this quickly? Well, Eli is going to be amazed. Not to mention relieved. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock07" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock07" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock08" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock08" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock09" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock09" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock10" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock10" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock10_cc" "Olen tohtori Mossman. Tohtori Judith Mossman. Kuulin sinusta jo kauan ennen Black Mesan tapausta. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock10_cc" "I'm Dr. Mossman. Dr. Judith Mossman. I've been hearing about you since long before the Black Mesa incident. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock11" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock11" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock12" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock12" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock12_cc" "Black Mesa! Olen niin kateellinen siitä, että sait työskennellä Elin ja tohtori Kleinerin kanssa, kun he olivat alansa huipulla." "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock12_cc" "Ah, Black Mesa! I do so envy you, working with Eli and Dr. Kleiner when they were at the top of their field." "eli_lab.mo_airlock13" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock13" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock14" "No niin. Voitte nyt tulla sisään. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock14" "There we go. You can come through now. " "eli_lab.mo_alyxonwatch" "Eikö sinun pitänyt olla vartiossa, Alyx? " "[english]eli_lab.mo_alyxonwatch" "Alyx, I thought you were on watch. " "eli_lab.mo_anyway04" "Missä olinkaan? Ai niin... " "[english]eli_lab.mo_anyway04" "Where was I? Oh, yes... " "eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor01" "Korjaukset etenevät hyvin. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor01" "I have the repairs well in hand. " "eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor02" "Joku arvioi Combinen thyristorin kapasiteetin väärin - " "[english]eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor02" "Someone misjudged the capacity of the Combine thyristor--- " "eli_lab.mo_deliberately" "Älä viitsi, Alyx. Joskus tuntuu siltä, että käsität sanani väärin tahallasi. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_deliberately" "Alyx, really. Sometimes I think you deliberately misunderstand me. " "eli_lab.mo_difference" "Tämä on kuin Black Mesa, kun Gordon on täällä auttamassa. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_difference" "It's going to be a lot more like Black Mesa with Gordon here to help. " "eli_lab.mo_digup01" "Viimeistelen vain pari hommaa ja etsin sitten jotain sinulle. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_digup01" "Let me just finish up some work and I'll see what I can dig up. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp01" "Lisäapu on kyllä tarpeen täällä. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp01" "We could certainly use the extra help around here. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp02" "Olemme edistyneet viime kuukausina, mutta asiat sujuisivat paljon nopeammin, jos meillä olisi enemmän ihmisiä, jotka ovat yhtä hyvin koulutettuja kuin sinä. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp02" "We've covered a lot of ground in the last few months, but things would go so much faster if we had more people with your training. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp03" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp03" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04_cc" "Pystymme pian luomaan luotettavan teleporttiteknologian. Combine ei ole vielä pystynyt siihen. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04_cc" "We're closing in on a reliable local teleport technology, something the Combine still hasn't mastered. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05_cc" "Elin mukaan heidän porttinsa perustuvat säikeisiin, kuten meidän Calabi-Yau-mallimme. He eivät kuitenkaan ole ottaneet pimeän energian yhtälöitä huomioon. He voivat luoda tunnelin tänne omasta maailmankaikkeudestaan, mutta täällä heidän on käytettävä muita keinoja liikkumiseen. Jos he tietäisivät, miten hyödynnämme kietoutumista--- " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05_cc" "Eli thinks their portals are string-based, similar to our Calabi-Yau model, but they've failed to factor in dark energy equations. They can tunnel through from their universe, but once they're here they're dependent on local transportation. If they knew what we're doing with entanglement--- " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp06" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp06" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp07" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp07" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp08" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp08" " " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli01" "Niin, tohtori Freeman! Pysy Elin seurassa. Mene, palaan seuraasi hetken päästä. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli01" "Oh, Dr. Freeman! You should stay with Eli. Go on, I'll rejoin you shortly. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli02" "Minun on hoidettava joitain asioita, tohtori Freeman. Eli näyttää sinulle paikkoja. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli02" "I have a few things to attend to, Dr. Freeman. Let Eli show you around. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli03" "Tohtori Freeman Arvelin, että sinä ja Eli haluatte puhua vanhoista ajoista. Me voimme puhua myöhemmin. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli03" "Dr. Freeman? I figured you and Eli would want to talk about old times. We can talk later. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli04" "Mene edellä, tohtori Freeman. Vietä hetki Elin seurassa. Palaan, kun olen saanut työni valmiiksi. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli04" "You go ahead, Dr. Freeman. Spend some time with Eli. I'll be back as soon as I catch up on some work. " "eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx01" "Sinun pitäisi kai mennä Alyxin mukaan. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx01" "I guess you should go with Alyx. " "eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx02" "Mene vain, voimme puhua myöhemmin. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx02" "Go ahead, we'll talk later. " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli01" " " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli01_cc" "Oho! Eli tulee. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli01_cc" "Oh! Here's Eli now. " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli02" " " "eli_lab.mo_hurryup01" "Kiirehdi, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hurryup01" "Hurry up, Dr. Freeman. " "eli_lab.mo_lookwho01" "Katso, kenet löysin ilmalukosta, Eli. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_lookwho01" "Eli, look who I found in the airlock. " "eli_lab.mo_noblame" "Ei, en suinkaan! Se ei ollut mekaaninen ongelma vaan laskentavirhe. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_noblame" "No, not at all! It was a calculation error, not a mechanical problem. " "eli_lab.mo_notatoy" "Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator ei ole lelu, Alyx! " "[english]eli_lab.mo_notatoy" "The Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator is not a toy, Alyx! " "eli_lab.mo_postdoc01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc01" " " "eli_lab.mo_postdoc01_cc" "Voi, minähän kuulostan aivan aloittelevalta tutkijalta. Olen vain niin innoissani siitä, että voimme viimeinkin työskennellä yhdessä." "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc01_cc" "Oh, listen to me, I sound like a post-doc. I'm just so excited to think that we'll finally have the chance to work together." "eli_lab.mo_postdoc02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc02" " " "eli_lab.mo_realhonor02" "Tohtori Freeman On ollut kunnia tavata teidät. Odotan innolla, että pääsemme työskentelemään yhdessä. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_realhonor02" "Dr. Freeman? It's been a real honor. I'm looking forward to working together. " "eli_lab.mo_relay01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay01" " " "eli_lab.mo_relay01_cc" "Missä olinkaan? Ai niin. Tohtori Kleiner pakkasi Xen-linkin paljon tiiviimpään muotoon, jollaista hän ei osannut kuvitellakaan Black Mesassa. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay01_cc" "Where was I? Oh, yes. Dr. Kleiner compressed the Xen Relay far beyond anything he imagined at Black Mesa. " "eli_lab.mo_relay02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay02" " " "eli_lab.mo_relay02_cc" "Keksimme, miten Xeniä voi käyttää ilmaisemattomana akselina, joka toimii ulottuvuuksien välisenä linkona. Voimme siis kiertää rajamaailman kautta ja palata paikalliseen avaruuteen kulkematta sen läpi. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay02_cc" "We've figured out how to use Xen as an unexpressed axis, effectively a dimensional slingshot, so we can swing around the borderworld and come back in local space without having to pass through. " "eli_lab.mo_relay03" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay03" " " "eli_lab.mo_taketoeli" "Vien sinut heti Elin luo. Hän ei koskaan antaisi anteeksi, jos jättäisin sinut odottamaan. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_taketoeli" "I'll take you to down Eli right away. He would never forgive me if I kept you waiting. " "eli_lab.mo_thiswaydoc" "Tätä tietä, tohtori Freeman " "[english]eli_lab.mo_thiswaydoc" "This way, Dr. Freeman " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use01" "Eli Vance melkein ymmärtää, mikä Kaikki-yhdessä on. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use01" "The Eli Vance almost perceives the All-in-One. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use02" "Eli Vance on ansainnut luottamuksemme. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use02" "The Eli Vance has earned our trust. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use03" "Eli Vance oli ensimmäinen avustajamme. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use03" "The Eli Vance was our first collaborator. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use04" "Eli Vancea tarvitaan, jotta vapautus onnistuisi. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use04" "The Eli Vance is indispensable to the liberation. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use05" "Olemme iloisia siitä, että Eli Vance arvostaa Freemania. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use05" "We are pleased that the Eli Vance thinks so highly of the Freeman. " "k_lab.al_aboutthecat" "Niin siis siitä kissasta vielä... " "[english]k_lab.al_aboutthecat" "Hey, uh, yeah. About that cat... " "k_lab.al_allrightdoc" "Oi voi. Onko kaikki kunnossa, tohtori Kleiner? " "[english]k_lab.al_allrightdoc" "Uh-oh. Everything all right, Doctor Kleiner? " "k_lab.al_animalperson" "Barney... Etkö pidä eläimistä? " "[english]k_lab.al_animalperson" "Barney... You're not an animal person? " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink01" "Hmm." "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink01" "Hmm." "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02" " " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02_cc" "Täällä. Ostan sinulle juoman. " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02_cc" "Here. Let me buy you a drink. " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink03" " " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink03" " " "k_lab.al_careful" "Ole varovainen. " "[english]k_lab.al_careful" "Careful there. " "k_lab.al_careful02" "Varovasti. " "[english]k_lab.al_careful02" "Careful. " "k_lab.al_carefulthere" "Öh, ole varovainen. " "[english]k_lab.al_carefulthere" "Uh, careful there. " "k_lab.al_checkguyout01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout01" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout02" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout03" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout03" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout04" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout04" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout06" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout06" " " "k_lab.al_cmonfreeman" "Öh, ala tulla, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]k_lab.al_cmonfreeman" "Uh, Doctor Freeman, come on. " "k_lab.al_comeon" "Tule. " "[english]k_lab.al_comeon" "Come on. " "k_lab.al_comingthru" "Hän on tulossa, isä. " "[english]k_lab.al_comingthru" "He's coming through, Dad. " "k_lab.al_comingwith" "Älä huolehdi. Hän tulee kanssani " "[english]k_lab.al_comingwith" "Don't worry. He's coming with me " "k_lab.al_docsays01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays01" " " "k_lab.al_docsays01_cc" "Jos tohtori Kleiner pyytää sinua pukeutumaan tuohon, sinun pitää tehdä niin. " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays01_cc" "If Dr. Kleiner says you should wear that thing, you should wear it. " "k_lab.al_docsays02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays02" " " "k_lab.al_foundhim" "Löysin hänet harhailemasta ulkoa. Hän taitaa olla aikamoinen rettelöitsijä? " "[english]k_lab.al_foundhim" "I found him wandering around outside. Bit of a troublemaker, isn't he? " "k_lab.al_heydoc" "Hei, tohtori! " "[english]k_lab.al_heydoc" "Hey, Doc! " "k_lab.al_hmm" "Hmm. " "[english]k_lab.al_hmm" "Hmm. " "k_lab.al_itsthere" "Se on täällä, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.al_itsthere" "It's right there, Gordon. " "k_lab.al_keepitgoing" "Jatka vain, Gordon! " "[english]k_lab.al_keepitgoing" "Keep it going, Gordon! " "k_lab.al_kleinerswaiting" "Mennään. Tohtori Kleiner odottaa. " "[english]k_lab.al_kleinerswaiting" "Well, come on. Dr. Kleiner's waiting. " "k_lab.al_letsdoit" "Aloitetaan sitten. " "[english]k_lab.al_letsdoit" "Then let's do it. " "k_lab.al_lostgordon" " " "[english]k_lab.al_lostgordon" " " "k_lab.al_lostgordon_cc" "Kadotimme Gordonin! Mitä tapahtuu?" "[english]k_lab.al_lostgordon_cc" "We just lost Gordon! What's going on?" "k_lab.al_moveon01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_moveon01" " " "k_lab.al_moveon01_cc" "Öhöm. Lähdetään liikkeelle." "[english]k_lab.al_moveon01_cc" "Ahem. Let's get a move on." "k_lab.al_moveon02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_moveon02" " " "k_lab.al_readyforus" "Oletko valmiina ottamaan meidät vastaan, isä? " "[english]k_lab.al_readyforus" "Are you ready for us, Dad? " "k_lab.al_seeifitworks" "Mitä jos katsoisimme, toimiiko tämä laite. " "[english]k_lab.al_seeifitworks" "Let's just see if this thing works, okay? " "k_lab.al_showonroad" "Laitetaan sillä välin tämä homma käyntiin. " "[english]k_lab.al_showonroad" "Meanwhile, let's get this show on the road. " "k_lab.al_takecredit" "En voi ottaa kunniaa läpimurrosta, tohtori. " "[english]k_lab.al_takecredit" "I can't take any credit for the breakthrough, Doctor. " "k_lab.al_takeiteasy" "Ole rauhallinen, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.al_takeiteasy" "Take it easy, Gordon. " "k_lab.al_thatsit" "Nyt riitti.. " "[english]k_lab.al_thatsit" "That's it. " "k_lab.al_theplug" "Tohtori? Pistoke? " "[english]k_lab.al_theplug" "Uh, Doctor? The plug? " "k_lab.al_there" "Tuolla. " "[english]k_lab.al_there" "Uh, there. " "k_lab.al_thereheis" "Tuolla hän on! " "[english]k_lab.al_thereheis" "There he is! " "k_lab.al_theswitch" "Kytkin, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]k_lab.al_theswitch" "The switch, Dr. Freeman. " "k_lab.al_throwswitch" "Annatko Gordonin kääntää kytkintä? " "[english]k_lab.al_throwswitch" "You going to let Gordon throw the switch? " "k_lab.al_uhoh01" "Oi voi. " "[english]k_lab.al_uhoh01" "Uh-oh. " "k_lab.al_whatcat01" "Mikä kissa? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatcat01" "What cat? " "k_lab.al_whatcat02" "Mikä kissa? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatcat02" "What cat? " "k_lab.al_whatsgoingon" "Mitä tapahtuu? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatsgoingon" "What's going on? " "k_lab.al_wontlook" "Älä huolestu, en katso " "[english]k_lab.al_wontlook" "Don't worry, I won't look " "k_lab.al_woohoo" "Öh...okei...uh ah uuuh!" "[english]k_lab.al_woohoo" "Uh...okay...oh ah oooh!" "k_lab.al_youcoming" "Oletko tulossa? " "[english]k_lab.al_youcoming" "You coming? " "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01" " " "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01_cc" "Emme voi pitää häntä kauan täällä, tohtori. Se vaarantaa kaikki suunnitelmamme." "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01_cc" "We can't keep him here long, Doc. It'll jeopardize everything we've worked for." "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim02" " " "k_lab.ba_cantlook" "En uskalla katsoa. " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantlook" "I can't look. " "k_lab.ba_careful01" "Varovasti! " "[english]k_lab.ba_careful01" "Careful! " "k_lab.ba_careful02" "Ole varovainen! " "[english]k_lab.ba_careful02" "Be careful! " "k_lab.ba_dontblameyou" "Ymmärrän epäröintisi, mutta meidän on tehtävä tämä, joten ala mennä vain. " "[english]k_lab.ba_dontblameyou" "Okay, I don't blame you for hesitating, but if we're gonna do this thing, then let's just get through it. " "k_lab.ba_dontworry01" "Älä ole huolissasi, Gordon, me " "[english]k_lab.ba_dontworry01" "Don't worry, Gordon, we'll " "k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing" "Unohda se otus! " "[english]k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing" "Forget about that thing! " "k_lab.ba_geethanks" "Kiitos vaan paljon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_geethanks" "Gee, thanks. " "k_lab.ba_getamoveon" "Ala mennä, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_getamoveon" "Gordon, get a move on. " "k_lab.ba_getitoff01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff01" " " "k_lab.ba_getitoff01_cc" "Pahus! Ota se pois päältäni!" "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff01_cc" "Damn it! Get it off me!" "k_lab.ba_getitoff02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff02" " " "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01" " " "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01_cc" "Painu piiloon! Tulen etsimään sinut!" "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01_cc" "Get down outta sight! I'll come find you!" "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight02" " " "k_lab.ba_getsuiton" "Laita puku päälle, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_getsuiton" "Get your suit on, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_goodluck02" "Onnea matkaan, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_goodluck02" "Good luck out there, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_guh" "Uh!" "[english]k_lab.ba_guh" "Ugh!" "k_lab.ba_headhumper01" "Se on lemmikkisi, se pirun päänpurija! " "[english]k_lab.ba_headhumper01" "It's your pet, the freakin' head-humper! " "k_lab.ba_headhumper02" "Varo! " "[english]k_lab.ba_headhumper02" "Look out! " "k_lab.ba_hearthosesirens" "Oho, Gordon! Olet sohaissut ampiaispesää. " "[english]k_lab.ba_hearthosesirens" "Man, Gordon! You stirred up the hive. " "k_lab.ba_hesback01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback01" " " "k_lab.ba_hesback01_cc" "Hei, hän palasi! Hoidan hänet pois täältä!" "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback01_cc" "Hey, hey, he's back! I'm getting him outta there!" "k_lab.ba_hesback02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback02" " " "k_lab.ba_ishehere" "No, missä hän on? " "[english]k_lab.ba_ishehere" "Well, is he here? " "k_lab.ba_itsworking01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking01" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking01_cc" "Toimiiko se siis? Ihan oikeasti tällä kertaa? Näen vieläkin painajaisia siitä kissasta." "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking01_cc" "You mean it's working? For real this time? Because I still have nightmares about that cat." "k_lab.ba_itsworking02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking02" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking03" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking03" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking04" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking04" " " "k_lab.ba_juicedup" "Lataa edes puku, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_juicedup" "At least get that suit juiced up, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_longer" "Joo, tai kauemmin, jos meillä on onnea. " "[english]k_lab.ba_longer" "Yeah, longer if we're lucky. " "k_lab.ba_myshift01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift01" " " "k_lab.ba_myshift01_cc" "Minun on palattava töihin, mutta selvä on." "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift01_cc" "I've gotta get back on my shift, but okay." "k_lab.ba_myshift02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift02" " " "k_lab.ba_notime" "Tohtori, meillä ei ole aikaa tähän. " "[english]k_lab.ba_notime" "Doc, we don't have time for this. " "k_lab.ba_notimetofool01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool01" " " "k_lab.ba_notimetofool01_cc" "Pistä töpinäksi, Gordon, meillä ei ole aikaa pelleillä. Laita puku päälle." "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool01_cc" "Come on, Gordon, we don't have time to fool around. Get your suit on." "k_lab.ba_notimetofool02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool02" " " "k_lab.ba_nottoosoon01" "Eikä hetkeäkään liian aikaisin. " "[english]k_lab.ba_nottoosoon01" "And not a moment too soon. " "k_lab.ba_outcivvies" "Hän ei enää liiku kaduilla, tohtori, joten hän voisi ainakin riisua siviilivaatteet. " "[english]k_lab.ba_outcivvies" "Doc, since he's not taking the streets, you might as well get him out of his civvies. " "k_lab.ba_pissinmeoff" "Suutun kohta, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_pissinmeoff" "You're pissin' me off, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_pushinit" "Älä ärsytä minua, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_pushinit" "You're pushin' it Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_saidlasttime" "Niin sanoit viime kerrallakin. " "[english]k_lab.ba_saidlasttime" "That's what you said last time. " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic01" " " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic01_cc" "Hyvää työtä, Gordon. Käänsit kytkimen ihan itse. M.I.T:n tutkinnosta näyttää tosiaan olevan hyötyä. " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic01_cc" "Good job, Gordon. Throwing that switch and all? I can see your M.I.T. education really pays for itself. " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic02" " " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic03" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic03" " " "k_lab.ba_suitup" "On aika pistää puku päälle, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_suitup" "Time to suit up, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_thatpest" "Luulin, että oli hankkiutunut eroon siitä tuholaisesta! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thatpest" "I thought you got rid of that pest! " "k_lab.ba_thereheis" "Tuolla hän on! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thereheis" "There he is! " "k_lab.ba_thereyouare" "Siinähän sinä olet! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thereyouare" "There you are! " "k_lab.ba_thingaway01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway01" " " "k_lab.ba_thingaway01_cc" "Täällä se on... Aaah!" "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway01_cc" "Here we go... Aaah!" "k_lab.ba_thingaway02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway02" " " "k_lab.ba_thingaway03" "Pidä tuo otus loitolla minusta! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway03" "Get that thing away from me! " "k_lab.ba_thisway" "Tänne päin, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_thisway" "This way, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_whatthehell" "Mitä pirua? " "[english]k_lab.ba_whatthehell" "What the hell? " "k_lab.ba_whoops" "Hupsista! " "[english]k_lab.ba_whoops" "Whoops! " "k_lab.br_significant" "Olen melkein varma, että näkemäni mies oli... " "[english]k_lab.br_significant" "The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... " "k_lab.br_significant_cc" "Olen melkein varma, että näkemäni mies oli... " "[english]k_lab.br_significant_cc" "The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... " "k_lab.br_tele_02" "Mitä tämä tarkoittaa? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_02" "What's the meaning of this? " "k_lab.br_tele_03" "Kuka sinä olet? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_03" "Who are you? " "k_lab.br_tele_05" "Miten pääsit tänne? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_05" "How did you get in here? " "k_lab.br_thereheis" "Gordon Freeman! " "[english]k_lab.br_thereheis" "Gordon Freeman! " "k_lab.eli_allset" "Olemme valmiina täällä päässä. " "[english]k_lab.eli_allset" "We're all set on this end. " "k_lab.eli_areyouthere" "Isaac, oletko siellä? " "[english]k_lab.eli_areyouthere" "Isaac, are you there? " "k_lab.eli_behindyou" "Takanasi! " "[english]k_lab.eli_behindyou" "Behind you! " "k_lab.eli_bringthrough" "Jatketaan ja lähetetään Gordon nyt. " "[english]k_lab.eli_bringthrough" "Let's go ahead and bring Gordon through now. " "k_lab.eli_didntcomethru" "Hän ei saapunut. " "[english]k_lab.eli_didntcomethru" "He didn't come through. " "k_lab.eli_dontunder01" "En ymmärrä. " "[english]k_lab.eli_dontunder01" "I don't understand. " "k_lab.eli_dontunder02" "Mikään muu vastaanotin ei voi... " "[english]k_lab.eli_dontunder02" "There's no other receiver that could... " "k_lab.eli_holdsignal" "Säilytä signaali, Judith! " "[english]k_lab.eli_holdsignal" "Hold the signal, Judith! " "k_lab.eli_notquite03" "Mitä tapahtuu, Judith? " "[english]k_lab.eli_notquite03" "What's going on, Judith? " "k_lab.eli_notwhoithink" "Ei kai tuo tosiaan ole hän? " "[english]k_lab.eli_notwhoithink" "That's not who I think it is, is it? " "k_lab.eli_phenom02" "Upeaa työtä, Izzy. " "[english]k_lab.eli_phenom02" "Fantastic work, Izzy. " "k_lab.eli_seeforyourself" "Tässä ollaan. " "[english]k_lab.eli_seeforyourself" "See for yourself. " "k_lab.eli_shutdown" "Sammuta se, sammuta se! " "[english]k_lab.eli_shutdown" "Shut it down, shut it down! " "k_lab.eli_stayput" "Pysy paikallasi, Gordon. Haemme sinut pois sieltä. " "[english]k_lab.eli_stayput" "Gordon, stay put. We'll get you out of there. " "k_lab.kl_ahhhh" "Aah! " "[english]k_lab.kl_ahhhh" "Ah! " "k_lab.kl_almostforgot" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_almostforgot" " " "k_lab.kl_almostforgot_cc" "Mitä? Hyvänen aika, olet oikeassa. Melkein unohdin sen. Saat kunnian, Barney." "[english]k_lab.kl_almostforgot_cc" "What? Oh dear, you're right, I almost forgot. Barney, I'll give you the honor." "k_lab.kl_barneyhonor" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_barneyhonor" " " "k_lab.kl_barneysturn" "Hyvä on, Barney. Sinun vuorosi. " "[english]k_lab.kl_barneysturn" "All right, Barney. Your turn. " "k_lab.kl_besokind" "Barney? Olisitko ystävällinen? " "[english]k_lab.kl_besokind" "Barney? If you'd be so kind? " "k_lab.kl_blast" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_blast" " " "k_lab.kl_blast_cc" "Se pahuksen... Mihin se meni? Lamarr? Tule pois sieltä!" "[english]k_lab.kl_blast_cc" "Blast that little...where did she get to? Lamarr? Come out of there!" "k_lab.kl_bonvoyage" "Hyvää matkaa ja onnea tuleviin koitoksiin. " "[english]k_lab.kl_bonvoyage" "Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors. " "k_lab.kl_cantcontinue" "Emme voi jatkaa, ellet mene teleporttikammioon, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_cantcontinue" "We can't continue until you're in the teleport chamber, Gordon. " "k_lab.kl_cantwade" "Et voi harhailla kenttään, se repii sinut hajalle! " "[english]k_lab.kl_cantwade" "You can't just wade into the field, it will peel you apart! " "k_lab.kl_careful" "Ole varovainen. " "[english]k_lab.kl_careful" "Oh, do be careful. " "k_lab.kl_charger01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger01" " " "k_lab.kl_charger01_cc" "Hyvä idea. Seinässä on laturi. Olen muokannut puvun siten, että se voi käyttää Combinen energialähteitä, joita on kaikkialla, missä sen joukot partioivat. " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger01_cc" "Good idea. There's a charger on the wall. I've modified your suit to draw power from Combine energy outlets, which are plentiful wherever they patrol. " "k_lab.kl_charger02" "Olen muokannut puvun siten, että se voi käyttää Combinen energialähteitä, joita on kaikkialla, missä sen joukot partioivat. " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger02" "I've modified your suit to draw power from Combine energy outlets, which are plentiful wherever they patrol. " "k_lab.kl_coaxherout" "Voi pahus! Kestää ainakin viikon houkutella se pois tuolta. " "[english]k_lab.kl_coaxherout" "Oh, fie! It'll be another week before I can coax her out of there. " "k_lab.kl_comeout" "Lamarr. Tule pois sieltä. " "[english]k_lab.kl_comeout" "Lamarr. Come out of there. " "k_lab.kl_credit" "Kunnia ei ole yksin minun, sillä tohtori Freeman oli oiva avustaja. " "[english]k_lab.kl_credit" "Well I can't take all the credit, Doctor Freeman proved an able assistant. " "k_lab.kl_dearme" "Hyvänen aika. " "[english]k_lab.kl_dearme" "Dear me. " "k_lab.kl_debeaked" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_debeaked" " " "k_lab.kl_debeaked_cc" "En tietenkään! Älä pelkää, Gordon. Siltä on poistettu nokka, ja se on täysin vaaraton. Se voi korkeintaan yrittää paritella pääsi kanssa. Tuloksetta!" "[english]k_lab.kl_debeaked_cc" "Certainly not! Never fear, Gordon, she's de-beaked and completely harmless. The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly!" "k_lab.kl_delaydanger" "Mitä kauemmin viivyttelet, Gordon, sitä suuremmassa vaarassa olemme. " "[english]k_lab.kl_delaydanger" "Gordon, the longer you delay, the greater the danger to us all. " "k_lab.kl_diditwork" "No, toimiko se? " "[english]k_lab.kl_diditwork" "Well, did it work? " "k_lab.kl_ensconced" "Kun olet päässyt turvallisesti lähettimen sisään, voimme aloittaa. " "[english]k_lab.kl_ensconced" "Once you're safely ensconced in the transmitter, we can begin. " "k_lab.kl_excellent" "Erinomaista" "[english]k_lab.kl_excellent" "Excellent." "k_lab.kl_excellent_cc" "Erinomaista Lähtölaskenta alkaa: kolme...kaksi...yksi!" "[english]k_lab.kl_excellent_cc" "Excellent. Initializing in three...two...one!" "k_lab.kl_fewmoments01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments01" " " "k_lab.kl_fewmoments01_cc" "Olet oikeassa! Jatketaan keskustelua hetken päästä." "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments01_cc" "Right you are! Speak to you again in a few moments." "k_lab.kl_fewmoments02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments02" " " "k_lab.kl_fiddlesticks" "Voi voi. Mitä nyt? " "[english]k_lab.kl_fiddlesticks" "Oh, fiddlesticks. What now? " "k_lab.kl_finalsequence" "Selvä. Viimeinen jakso. Aloitetaan…nyt. " "[english]k_lab.kl_finalsequence" "Very good. Final sequence. Commencing...now. " "k_lab.kl_finalsequence02" "Viimeinen jakso. " "[english]k_lab.kl_finalsequence02" "Final sequence. " "k_lab.kl_fitglove01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove01" " " "k_lab.kl_fitglove01_cc" "HEV-puku sopii sinulle yhä kuin hansikas käteen, Gordon. Tai ainakin sen hansikasosat sopivat. " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove01_cc" "Well, Gordon, I see your HEV suit still fits you like a glove. At least the glove parts do. " "k_lab.kl_fitglove02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove02" " " "k_lab.kl_fruitlessly" "Se voi korkeintaan yrittää paritella pääsi kanssa. Tuloksetta. " "[english]k_lab.kl_fruitlessly" "The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly. " "k_lab.kl_getinposition" "Lähetämme sinut Elin luo heti, kun menet paikallesi, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_getinposition" "Gordon, as soon as you're in position, we'll send you to Eli's. " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun01" " " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun01_cc" "Gordon! Sinun on häivyttävä täältä! Juokse!" "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun01_cc" "Gordon! You must get out of here! Run!" "k_lab.kl_getoutrun02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun02" " " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun03" " " "k_lab.kl_gordongo" "Siitä vaan, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_gordongo" "Gordon, go right ahead. " "k_lab.kl_gordonthrow" "Käännä kytkintä, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_gordonthrow" "Throw your switch, Gordon. " "k_lab.kl_hedyno01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno01" " " "k_lab.kl_hedyno02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno02" " " "k_lab.kl_hedyno02_cc" "Lamarr? Hedy! Ei!" "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno02_cc" "Lamarr? Hedy! No!" "k_lab.kl_hedyno03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno03" " " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx01" " " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx01_cc" "Hei Alyx! No, olin melkein oikeassa. Lamarr on taas karannut laatikostaan. Alan pian epäillä, että Barney on kaapannut ja... " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx01_cc" "Oh, hello, Alyx! Well, almost all right. Lamarr has gotten out of her crate again. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect Barney of trapping and ... " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx02" " " "k_lab.kl_heremypet01" "Tässä, lemmikkini. Hyppää ylös." "[english]k_lab.kl_heremypet01" "Here, my pet. Hop up." "k_lab.kl_heremypet02" "Ei, ei sinne ylös! " "[english]k_lab.kl_heremypet02" "No, not up there! " "k_lab.kl_hesnotthere" "Miten niin hän ei ole siellä? " "[english]k_lab.kl_hesnotthere" "What do you mean he's not there? " "k_lab.kl_holdup01" "Kyllä, Eli. Täällä päässä oli pieni viive. " "[english]k_lab.kl_holdup01" "Yes, yes, Eli, bit of a holdup on this end. " "k_lab.kl_holdup02" "Et arvaa, kuka eksyi laboratorioomme tänä aamuna. " "[english]k_lab.kl_holdup02" "You'll never guess who found his way into our lab this morning. " "k_lab.kl_initializing" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing" " " "k_lab.kl_initializing_cc" "Lähtölaskenta alkaa: kolme...kaksi...yksi... Voi voi! Mitä nyt?" "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing_cc" "Initializing in three...two...one... Oh, fiddlesticks! What now?" "k_lab.kl_initializing02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing02" " " "k_lab.kl_interference" "Havaitsen odottamattomia häiriöitä. " "[english]k_lab.kl_interference" "I'm encountering unexpected interference. " "k_lab.kl_islamarr" "Onko Lamarr hänen mukanaan? " "[english]k_lab.kl_islamarr" "Is Lamarr with him? " "k_lab.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr! Siinähän sinä olet! " "[english]k_lab.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr! There you are! " "k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux" " " "k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux_cc" "Katsotaanpa. Massattoman kenttävirtauksen pitäisi rajoittaa itse itsensä, ja olen asettanut monilukuisten parametrien arvoiksi perus-CY:n ja Hilbertin inklusiivisen rengassuuntaisen LG:n. Olosuhteet eivät voisi olla paremmat!" "[english]k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux_cc" "Let's see. The massless field-flux should self-limit and I've clamped the manifold parameters to CY base and LG orbifold, Hilbert inclusive. Conditions could hardly be more ideal!" "k_lab.kl_modifications01" "Olen tehnyt joitain muutoksia, mutta esittelen teille vain tärkeimmät asiat. No niin, katsotaanpa... " "[english]k_lab.kl_modifications01" "I've made a few modifications, but I'll just acquaint you with the essentials. Now, let's see... " "k_lab.kl_modifications02" "Vaarallisia olosuhteita varten suunniteltu Mark V -suojapuku on mukava ja monikäyttöinen - " "[english]k_lab.kl_modifications02" "The Mark V Hazardous Environment Suit has been redesigned for comfort and utility--- " "k_lab.kl_moduli02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_moduli02" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness01" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness02" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness02_cc" "Voi hyvänen aika! Gordon Freeman! Se todellakin olet sinä." "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness02_cc" "My Goodness! Gordon Freeman! It really is you, isn't it?" "k_lab.kl_mygoodness03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness03" " " "k_lab.kl_nocareful" "Ei, ei! Varovasti, Lamarr! Ne särkyvät helposti! " "[english]k_lab.kl_nocareful" "No, no! Careful, Lamarr! Those are quite fragile! " "k_lab.kl_nonsense" "Hölynpölyä. Lahjakkuutesi on suurempi kuin viehätysvoimasi. " "[english]k_lab.kl_nonsense" "Nonsense. Your talents surpass your loveliness. " "k_lab.kl_nownow01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow01" " " "k_lab.kl_nownow01_cc" "No no, ei ole mitään syytä hermostua. Suuria edistysaskeleita on tapahtunut sen jälkeen. Suuria edistysaskelia." "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow01_cc" "Now, now, there's nothing to be nervous about. We've made major strides since then. Major strides." "k_lab.kl_nownow02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow02" " " "k_lab.kl_ohdear" "Voi hyvänen aika! " "[english]k_lab.kl_ohdear" "Oh, dear! " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime01" " " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime01_cc" "Tulit erittäin sopivaan aikaan, Gordon. Alyx on juuri asentanut uudistetun teleportin viimeisen osan. " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime01_cc" "I must say, Gordon, you come at a very opportune time. Alyx has just installed the final piece for our resurrected teleport. " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime02" " " "k_lab.kl_packing01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_packing01" " " "k_lab.kl_packing01_cc" "Kyllä. Ja aiomme lähettää hänet matkaan heti ihastuttavan tyttäresi seurassa." "[english]k_lab.kl_packing01_cc" "Indeed it is. And it's our intention to send him packing straightaway, in the company of your lovely daughter." "k_lab.kl_packing02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_packing02" " " "k_lab.kl_plugusin" "Hyvänen aika, olet oikeassa. Voisitko kytkeä virran, Gordon? " "[english]k_lab.kl_plugusin" "Dear me, you're right. Gordon, would you mind plugging us in? " "k_lab.kl_projectyou" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_projectyou" " " "k_lab.kl_projectyou_cc" "Aivan niin. Olemme valmiit lähettämään sinut, Gordon. Hyvää matkaa ja onnea tuleviin koitoksiin!" "[english]k_lab.kl_projectyou_cc" "Yes, indeed. We're ready to project you, Gordon. Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors!" "k_lab.kl_redletterday01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday01" " " "k_lab.kl_redletterday01_cc" "Juuri niin, Barney. Tämä on merkkipäivä. Juhlistamme uuden teleporttimme valmistumista kaksoislähetyksellä! " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday01_cc" "That's right, Barney. This is a red letter day. We'll inaugurate the new teleport with a double transmission! " "k_lab.kl_redletterday02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday02" " " "k_lab.kl_relieved" "Taivaan kiitos. Oloni helpottui suunnattomasti. " "[english]k_lab.kl_relieved" "Oh, thank goodness. My relief is almost palpable. " "k_lab.kl_slipin01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin01" " " "k_lab.kl_slipin01_cc" "Käy toimeen, Gordon. Pue pukusi päälle." "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin01_cc" "Well, Gordon, go ahead. Slip into your suit now." "k_lab.kl_slipin02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin02" " " "k_lab.kl_suitfits01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits01" " " "k_lab.kl_suitfits01_cc" "Ole hyvä, Gordon. Haluan nähdä, sopiiko vanha puku yhä sinulle." "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits01_cc" "Gordon, if you please? I'm eager to see if your old suit still fits." "k_lab.kl_suitfits02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits02" " " "k_lab.kl_thenwhere" "Missä hän sitten on? " "[english]k_lab.kl_thenwhere" "Then, where is he? " "k_lab.kl_waitmyword" "Voisitko mennä tuon paneelin luokse ja odottaa merkkiäni, Gordon? " "[english]k_lab.kl_waitmyword" "Gordon, why don't you position yourself near the panel over there and wait for my word? " "k_lab.kl_weowe" "Olemme kiitollisuudenvelassa tohtori Freemanille, vaikka vaikeudet seuraavatkin häntä kaikkialle. " "[english]k_lab.kl_weowe" "We owe a great deal to Dr. Freeman, even if trouble does tend to follow in his wake. " "k_lab.kl_whatisit" "Mikä hätänä? " "[english]k_lab.kl_whatisit" "What is it? " "k_lab.kl_wishiknew" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_wishiknew" " " "k_lab.kl_wishiknew_cc" "Kunpa tietäisin. Havaitsen odottamattomia häiriöitä!" "[english]k_lab.kl_wishiknew_cc" "I wish I knew. I'm encountering unexpected interference!" "k_lab.kl_yourturn" "Sinun vuorosi, Gordon " "[english]k_lab.kl_yourturn" "It's your turn, Gordon " "k_lab.mo_drawing" "Jokin vetää hänet pois. " "[english]k_lab.mo_drawing" "Something is drawing him away. " "k_lab.mo_interfer" "En ole varma, ne ovat jonkinlaisia häiriöitä. " "[english]k_lab.mo_interfer" "I'm not sure, it seems to be some kind of interference. " "k_lab.mo_losinghim" "Kadotamme hänet taas! " "[english]k_lab.mo_losinghim" "Ah, we're losing him again! " "k_lab2.al_andmyfather" "Mutta entä isäni? " "[english]k_lab2.al_andmyfather" "But what about my father? " "k_lab2.al_anotherpet" "Löydämme sinulle toisen pääravun lemmikiksi! Niitä on riittävästi! " "[english]k_lab2.al_anotherpet" "We'll find you another pet headcrab! There are plenty to go around! " "k_lab2.al_aweek" "Viikko... " "[english]k_lab2.al_aweek" "A week... " "k_lab2.al_aweek_b" "Mitä sillä välin on tapahtunut? " "[english]k_lab2.al_aweek_b" "Then what have we missed? " "k_lab2.al_catchup" "Kuulit, mitä hän sanoi, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab2.al_catchup" "Okay, Gordon, you heard him. " "k_lab2.al_catchup_b" "Seuraan perässä, kun tohtori Kleiner on asettunut aloilleen. " "[english]k_lab2.al_catchup_b" "I'll catch up with you as soon as I've got Dr. Kleiner settled. " "k_lab2.al_doggowithgordon" "Mene Gordonin mukaan, Dog. " "[english]k_lab2.al_doggowithgordon" "Dog, go with Gordon. " "k_lab2.al_dogyoumadeit" "Dog, selviydyit! " "[english]k_lab2.al_dogyoumadeit" "Dog! You made it! " "k_lab2.al_exploded" "Pelkäsin, ettemme mekään selviytyisi. " "[english]k_lab2.al_exploded" "I was afraid we might not make it either. " "k_lab2.al_exploded_b" "Teleportti taisi räjähtää juuri, kun siirryimme pois. " "[english]k_lab2.al_exploded_b" "I think the teleport exploded just as we were porting out. " "k_lab2.al_getmyfather" "Meidän on haettava isäni . " "[english]k_lab2.al_getmyfather" "We've got to get my father out. " "k_lab2.al_goodboy" "Hyvä poika! " "[english]k_lab2.al_goodboy" "Good boy! " "k_lab2.al_gordontakecare" "Gordon... " "[english]k_lab2.al_gordontakecare" "Gordon... " "k_lab2.al_gordontakecare_b" "Pidä huolta itsestäsi. " "[english]k_lab2.al_gordontakecare_b" "Take care of yourself out there. " "k_lab2.al_headyourway" "Gordon ja Dog voivat tulla luoksesi. Toimitan tohtori Kleinerin turvallisempaan paikkaan ja liityn sitten seuraanne. " "[english]k_lab2.al_headyourway" "Gordon and Dog can head your way. I want to get Dr. Kleiner somewhere safer, then I'll meet up with you. " "k_lab2.al_illtakecareofthis" "Mene, Gordon. Minä huolehdin tästä. " "[english]k_lab2.al_illtakecareofthis" "Go on, Gordon, I'll take care of this. " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag01" "Pidä kiirettä. " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag01" "You better hurry. " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag02" "Mene, Gordon! " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag02" "Go on, Gordon! " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag03" "Mene. Etsi Barney! " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag03" "Go on. Find Barney! " "k_lab2.al_notime" "Voi ei... " "[english]k_lab2.al_notime" "Oh no... " "k_lab2.al_notime_b" "Tohtori Kleiner, meillä ei ole aikaa. " "[english]k_lab2.al_notime_b" "Dr. Kleiner, there's really no time. " "k_lab2.al_optimism" "Olisinpa yhtä optimistinen, tohtori... " "[english]k_lab2.al_optimism" "I wish I shared your optimism, Doctor... " "k_lab2.al_wemadeit" "Voi luoja... Me selvisimme. " "[english]k_lab2.al_wemadeit" "My God... we made it. " "k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean" "Mitä tarkoitat? " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean" "What do you mean? " "k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean_b" "Gordon ja minä olimme siellä vain pari minuuttia sitten. " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean_b" "Gordon and I were just there a minute ago. " "k_lab2.al_whatswrong" "Mikä on vikana? " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatswrong" "What's wrong? " "k_lab2.al_wheresdoc01" "Missä on tohtori Kleiner? " "[english]k_lab2.al_wheresdoc01" "But where's Dr. Kleiner? " "k_lab2.al_wheresdoc02" "Tohtori Kleiner! Päästäkää meidät ulos! " "[english]k_lab2.al_wheresdoc02" "Dr. Kleiner! Let us out! " "k_lab2.ba_getgoing" "Ala mennä! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_getgoing" "Go on, get going! " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews" "Se on hyvä uutinen! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews" "Man, that's good news! " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_b" "Luulin teidän jo kadonneen!" "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_b" "I almost gave you guys up for lost!" "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_c" "Kaikki apu on tervetullutta. " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_c" "I'll take all the help I can get. " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_d" "Alamme valmistella hyökkäystä Linnoitukseen. " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_d" "We're planning to set up a staging area for attacking the citadel. " "k_lab2.ba_heydoc01" "Hei, tohtori? Oletteko siellä? " "[english]k_lab2.ba_heydoc01" "Hey, Doc? Are you there? " "k_lab2.ba_heydoc02" "Kuuletko, tohtori? Oletko siellä? " "[english]k_lab2.ba_heydoc02" "Doc, come in, are you there? " "k_lab2.ba_incoming" "Voi piru! Lisää tulossa! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_incoming" "Oh crap! Incoming! " "k_lab2.kl_aroundhere" "Ei hätää, hän on jossain täällä. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_aroundhere" "Now, now, she's around here someplace. " "k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01" "No, se on hyvin huolestuttavaa." "[english]k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01" "Well, that is most troubling." "k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01_b" "Vortigauntien mukaan hän on vankina Linnoituksessa. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01_b" "According to the vortigaunts, he is a prisoner at the Citadel. " "k_lab2.kl_aweekago01" "Niin juuri tapahtui... Ja sen seuraukset olivat huomattavat... Siitä on yli viikko! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_aweekago01" "Indeed it did... and the repercussions were felt far and wide, but... That was over a week ago! " "k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck01" "Hyvin paljon, kultaseni. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck01" "A great deal, my dear. " "k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck02" "Nova Prospektiin tekemänne isku aloitti kansannousun. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck02" "The blow you struck at Nova Prospekt was taken as a signal to begin the uprising. " "k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr" "Pieni hetki vain. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr" "Just a minute. " "k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr_b" "En voi lähteä ilman Lamarria. Mihin se meni? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr_b" "I can't leave without Lamarr. Now where did she get to? " "k_lab2.kl_comeoutlamarr" "Tule ulos, Lamarr! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_comeoutlamarr" "Come out, Lamarr! " "k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope02" "Barney on johtanut hanketta, jonka tavoitteena on juuri se. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope02" "Barney has been leading a push with that very aim in mind. " "k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope03" "Myös toinen ystäväsi saapui useita päiviä sitten. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope03" "And another of your friends arrived several days ago. " "k_lab2.kl_givenuphope" "Kultaseni. Luulin jo, etten koskaan näkisi sinua uudelleen. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_givenuphope" "My dear, I had given up hope of ever seeing you again. " "k_lab2.kl_greatscott" "Hyvänen aika! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_greatscott" "Great Scott! " "k_lab2.kl_howandwhen01" "Alyx? Gordon? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_howandwhen01" "Alyx? Gordon? " "k_lab2.kl_howandwhen02" "Voi luoja... miten pääsitte tänne? Ja milloin? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_howandwhen02" "My god... how did you get here? And when? " "k_lab2.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr? Lamarr! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr? Lamarr! " "k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary01" "Niin, Gordon. Jatka vain. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary01" "Yes, Gordon, please do go on. " "k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary02" "Lamarr pelkää sorkkarautaasi suunnattomasti. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary02" "Lamarr is extremely wary of your crowbar. " "k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone" "Kyllä, Barney, enkä ole enää yksin." "[english]k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone" "Yes, Barney, and I'm no longer alone." "k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone_b" "Alyx ja Gordon ovat juuri saapuneet. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone_b" "Alyx and Gordon have just arrived. " "k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless" "No niin, näettekö?" "[english]k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless" "So there, you see?" "k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless_b" "Tilanne ei olekaan täysin toivoton. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless_b" "It's not all hopeless. " "k_lab2.kl_onehedy" "On vain yksi Hedy. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_onehedy" "There's only one Hedy. " "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01" "Kiehtovaa." "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01" "Fascinating." "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01_b" "Olemme ilmeisesti kehittäneet erittäin hitaan teleportin. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01_b" "We seem to have developed a very slow teleport. " "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport02" "Tämä avaa aivan uuden tutkimussuunnan. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport02" "This suggests an entirely new line of investigation. " "nexus.ba_alldown" "Se onnistui! Ne kaikki on sammutettu. " "[english]nexus.ba_alldown" "That's it! They're all down. " "nexus.ba_armory" "Hei, se on asevarasto. " "[english]nexus.ba_armory" "Hey, it's an armory. " "nexus.ba_bypass" "Nyt voimme ylittää aukion, ohittaa päämajan ja edetä suoraan kohti Linnoitusta. " "[english]nexus.ba_bypass" "Now we can cut through the square, bypass the Nexus and push straight on toward the Citadel. " "nexus.ba_comingdown" "Ne laskeutuvat. " "[english]nexus.ba_comingdown" "They're coming down. " "nexus.ba_comingfromroof" "Ne tulevat katolta. " "[english]nexus.ba_comingfromroof" "They'll be coming from the roof. " "nexus.ba_dayswork" "Tämähän on ihan arkipäiväistä, vai mitä? " "[english]nexus.ba_dayswork" "All in a day's work, right? " "nexus.ba_done" "Tehty. " "[english]nexus.ba_done" "Done. " "nexus.ba_dontbeseen" "Älä anna sen nähdä sinua! " "[english]nexus.ba_dontbeseen" "Don't let it see you! " "nexus.ba_dontstandstill" "Älä jää seisomaan sen eteen! " "[english]nexus.ba_dontstandstill" "Don't let it catch you standing still! " "nexus.ba_drawpowerfrominside" "Se saa voimaa rakennuksen sisältä, joten meidän on mentävä sinne. " "[english]nexus.ba_drawpowerfrominside" "It draws power from inside the building so that's where we've got to go. " "nexus.ba_exitsigns" "Etsi ulospääsyjä. " "[english]nexus.ba_exitsigns" "Look for the exit signs. " "nexus.ba_firstgetin" "Meidän on ensin päästävä päämajarakennukseen. " "[english]nexus.ba_firstgetin" "First, we gotta get into the Nexus building. " "nexus.ba_followme01" "Tänne päin, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme01" "This way, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_followme02" "Tule! " "[english]nexus.ba_followme02" "Come on! " "nexus.ba_followme03" "Tule, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme03" "Come on, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_followme05" "Seuraa minua. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme05" "Follow me. " "nexus.ba_gateintro" "Siinä on portti, josta kerroin sinulle. Meidän on palattava tänne, kun olemme avanneet sen. Jos onnistumme avaamaan sen. " "[english]nexus.ba_gateintro" "There's that gate I was telling you about. We'll have to come back here after we get it open. If we get it open. " "nexus.ba_getthisopen" "Avaa tämä, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_getthisopen" "Get this thing open, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_goodjob" "Hyvää työtä, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_goodjob" "Good job, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_goonnow" "Mene nyt. " "[english]nexus.ba_goonnow" "Go on now. " "nexus.ba_gottagetskybopen" "Meidän on avattava taivassilta. " "[english]nexus.ba_gottagetskybopen" "We've gotta get the skybridge open. " "nexus.ba_greatwork" "Hienoa työtä, tohtori. Olet yhä hyvässä vedossa. " "[english]nexus.ba_greatwork" "Great work, Doc, you've still got the touch. " "nexus.ba_headforroof" "Mennään nyt katolle, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_headforroof" "Let's head for the roof now, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_ifcitscomethru" "Jos lisää kansalaisia tulee tätä kautta, lähetän heidät ylös luoksesi. " "[english]nexus.ba_ifcitscomethru" "If any more citizens come through I'll send them up to find you. " "nexus.ba_illopenthis" "Hienoa, avaan tämän. " "[english]nexus.ba_illopenthis" "Great, I'll open this up. " "nexus.ba_keepgate" "Jään tänne ja pidän nämä portit auki riittävän kauan. " "[english]nexus.ba_keepgate" "I'm gonna stay here and keep these gates open long enough to make a difference. " "nexus.ba_lasers_goforit" "Vau. Puolustukset ovat niin laajat, että sisällä täytyy olla jotain arvokasta. Anna mennä, tohtori. Odota täällä, kunnes sammutat sen. Ole varovainen. " "[english]nexus.ba_lasers_goforit" "Wow. With that much security, there must be something good in there. Go for it, Doc. I'll wait here till you shut it down. Be careful. " "nexus.ba_lastone" "Yksi generaattori jäljellä. " "[english]nexus.ba_lastone" "One generator to go. " "nexus.ba_letthemout" "Päästä ne ulos! " "[english]nexus.ba_letthemout" "Let them out! " "nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb01" "Hyvä. Yhdistä nyt taivassilta. " "[english]nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb01" "Good. Now, get the skybridge connected. " "nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb02" "Levitä taivassilta, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb02" "Gordon, extend the skybridge. " "nexus.ba_nexusahead" "Edessä on vanha rakennus. Se on kai pankki tai museo tai joku muu sellainen. Oli mikä oli, mutta nyt se on Kaupunki 17:n vartion päämaja. Se on suurin harmien aiheuttaja tässä kaupunginosassa, koska siellä sijaitsee valtava estolaite, joka kylvää tuhoa rakennuksen katolta. " "[english]nexus.ba_nexusahead" "There's an old building up ahead, a bank or museum or something like that. Whatever the hell it used to be, now it's a nexus for Overwatch in City Seventeen. It's the main source of pain for this part of town, thanks to a huge suppression device that's raining down hell from the roof of the place. " "nexus.ba_ontheroof" "Ne ovat katolla! " "[english]nexus.ba_ontheroof" "They're on the roof! " "nexus.ba_ourgate" "Tämä on oikea portti. Avaan sen. " "[english]nexus.ba_ourgate" "There's our gate. Let me just get it open. " "nexus.ba_ownsroof" "Voi veljet. Overwatch hallitsee kattoa, ja me olemme menossa sinne. " "[english]nexus.ba_ownsroof" "Oh man. Overwatch owns the roof, and that's where we're headed. " "nexus.ba_prisoners" "Vankeja! Päästä heidät ulos, Gordon. He voivat auttaa meitä. " "[english]nexus.ba_prisoners" "Prisoners! Let 'em out, Gordon. We could use their help. " "nexus.ba_rollgrenade" "Vieritä tuonne kranaatti, jos sinulla on sellainen. Tuon pitäisi tepsiä. " "[english]nexus.ba_rollgrenade" "Roll a grenade in there if you've got one. That oughtta do it. " "nexus.ba_roofaccess" "Katolle pääsee täältä. " "[english]nexus.ba_roofaccess" "Roof access is this way. " "nexus.ba_seeyou" "Tavataan myöhemmin, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_seeyou" "See you when I see you, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_seeyouonground" "Hyvää työtä, Gordon. Nähdään maan pinnalla. " "[english]nexus.ba_seeyouonground" "Good job, Gordon. I'll see you on the ground. " "nexus.ba_settraps" "Aseta heille ansoja, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_settraps" "Set some traps for them, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_shieldgen" "Katso noita kilpigeneraattoreita. Minulla ei ole mitään, mikä tepsisi niihin. Meidän täytyy toimia kaukaa käsin. " "[english]nexus.ba_shieldgen" "Check out those shield generators. I've got nothing to deal with those. What we need here is some kind of action at a distance. " "nexus.ba_shieldlobby" "Meidän tuhottava generaattorit yksi kerrallaan, jotta pääsemme kilpien läpi. " "[english]nexus.ba_shieldlobby" "If we want to get through these shields, we'll have to take out the generators one at a time. " "nexus.ba_skybreinf" "Mene ylös ja liitä taivassilta. Tarvitsemme vahvistuksia kaikista mahdollisista suunnista. " "[english]nexus.ba_skybreinf" "Go on up and connect the skybridge. We need to let reinforcements come through from every possible direction. " "nexus.ba_spotted" "Hiiviskelyn voi nyt unohtaa. Meidät on havaittu! " "[english]nexus.ba_spotted" "So much for stealth. We've been spotted! " "nexus.ba_stockup" "Ota täydennystä! " "[english]nexus.ba_stockup" "Stock up! " "nexus.ba_supp_nothurt" "Et voi vahingoittaa sitä täältä käsin, Gordon. Meidän on sammutettava se sisältä. " "[english]nexus.ba_supp_nothurt" "You're not gonna hurt that thing from down here, Gordon. We'll have to shut it down from inside. " "nexus.ba_supp_spotted" "Se näki meidät! " "[english]nexus.ba_supp_spotted" "It spotted us! " "nexus.ba_suppdownroofnow" "Estolaite on sammunut, joten voimme mennä nyt katolle. " "[english]nexus.ba_suppdownroofnow" "The suppressor's down, so you can get to the roof now. " "nexus.ba_suppressordown" "Katolla oleva estolaite sammuu myös. " "[english]nexus.ba_suppressordown" "That'll shut down the suppressor on the roof as well. " "nexus.ba_surrounded" "Meidät on piiritetty! " "[english]nexus.ba_surrounded" "We're surrounded! " "nexus.ba_thenletsgo" "Mennään sitten! " "[english]nexus.ba_thenletsgo" "Then let's go! " "nexus.ba_threegen" "Meidän on sammutettava kolme generaattoria. Aloitetaan vaikka tästä. " "[english]nexus.ba_threegen" "We've got three generators to disable. Might as well start with this one. " "nexus.ba_totheroof" "Katolle, Gordon! " "[english]nexus.ba_totheroof" "To the roof, Gordon! " "nexus.ba_turretsyoudeal" "Oi voi. Tykkitorneja. Sinulla on HEV-puku, joten saat huolehtia niistä. Minä hoidan sitten suojauskonsolin. " "[english]nexus.ba_turretsyoudeal" "Uh-oh. Turrets. You've got the HEV suit, you deal with them. Then I'll work the security console. " "nexus.ba_twotogo" "Okei, kaksi generaattoria jäljellä. " "[english]nexus.ba_twotogo" "Okay, two more generators to go. " "nexus.ba_uhohcompany" "Oi voi. Saimme seuraa. " "[english]nexus.ba_uhohcompany" "Uh oh. Company. " "nexus.ba_uhohdropships" "Oi voi. Hyökkäysaluksia! " "[english]nexus.ba_uhohdropships" "Uh oh. Dropships! " "nexus.ba_usehoppers" "Käytä hyppymiinoja niitä vastaan. " "[english]nexus.ba_usehoppers" "Try using the hoppers against 'em. " "nexus.ba_vista01" "Siinä se on. Overwatchin päämaja. He ovat koonneet valtavasti joukkoja. Portin voi melkein nähdä tästä. Näytän sen, kun pääsemme katutasolle. " "[english]nexus.ba_vista01" "There it is. The Overwatch Nexus. Looks like they're mobilizing, big-time. You can sort of see the gate from here. I'll show you when we get to streetlevel. " "nexus.ba_vista02" "Meidän on mentävä tuohon rakennukseen, jotta voimme avata oven. Estolaite pysäyttää silti jokaisen, ellemme sammuta sitä. " "[english]nexus.ba_vista02" "We'll have to get in that building to open the gate. Even then, the suppression device will suppress anyone coming through unless we shut it down. " "nexus.ba_wisheli" "Olisipa Eli täällä. Hänellä voisi olla hyviä neuvoja. " "[english]nexus.ba_wisheli" "I wish Eli were here. Maybe he'd have some advice for us. " "nexus.ba_yougotgravgun" "Hei, sinulla on Elin painovoima-ase! Täräytä kilpiä. Se saattaa heikentää niitä. " "[english]nexus.ba_yougotgravgun" "Hey, you've got Eli's gravity gun! Try giving those shields a jolt and see if you can shake em up a bit. " "nexus.cit_rockets" "Tohtori Freeman! Sammutit estolaitteen ja avasit portin, joten voimme nyt siirtää ihmisiä toden teolla! Combine on ahtaalla! Pudotimme rakettilaatikon, kun tulimme aukion halki. Tarvitset välineet striderien tuhoamiseen, jotta voisit päästä perille. " "[english]nexus.cit_rockets" "Dr. Freeman! Since you shut off the suppressor and opened the gate, we can really move people through now! The Combine's gonna feel the squeeze! We dropped a crate of rockets, coming across the plaza. If you can make it there, you should have everything you need to take down these striders. " "novaprospekt.al_almostthere" "Melkein perillä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_almostthere" "Almost there. " "novaprospekt.al_backdown" "Mikä tuo on? Odota. Tämä on sammutettava. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_backdown" "What's that? Hold on. Gotta bring this back down. " "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid01" "Olen varma siitä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid01" "I'll bet you did. " "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid02" "Katso sitä, Gordon." "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid02" "Look at it, Gordon." "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid03" "Aivan kuin se odottaisi meitä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid03" "It looks like it's waiting for us. " "novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor01" "Oho... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor01" "Huh... " "novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor02" "Mene takaisin! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor02" "Get back! " "novaprospekt.al_bringhimin" "No niin. Luulen, että voin tuoda hänet tänne. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_bringhimin" "All right, I think I can bring him in. " "novaprospekt.al_careofyourself" "Hei, pidä huolta itsestäsi. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_careofyourself" "Hey, take care of yourself. " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy01" "Ei! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy01" "No! " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy02" " " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy03" "Piru hänet periköön, en usko tätä! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy03" "Damn her, I don't believe this! " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy04" "Tule, Gordon, meillä on nyt oikeasti kiire. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy04" "Come on, Gordon, now we've really gotta hurry. " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy05" "Jatka vain. Lamautan seuraavan tason puolustukset ja otan sinut kiinni, kun voin. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy05" "Go on ahead. I'll disrupt the next level of security, and catch up with you when I can. " "novaprospekt.al_comebackdad" "Mene takaisin! Isä! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comebackdad" "Get back here! Dad! " "novaprospekt.al_comeon" "Tule. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comeon" "Come on. " "novaprospekt.al_comeonin02" "Tule sisään, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comeonin02" "Come on in, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_covermegordon" "Suojaa minua, Gordon! Minun on nollattava portti. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_covermegordon" "Cover me, Gordon! I've gotta reset the portal. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_arrival" "Olen siellä hetken päästä, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_arrival" "Be there in a second, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_entry" "Saavut toiseen valvomoon. Siellä näyttää olevan vielä väkeä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_entry" "You're coming up to another control room. Looks like it's still occupied. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_fields" "Luulen, että sinua kohti on tulossa joukko sotilaita. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_fields" "My guess is there's a bunch more soldiers heading your way. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming" "En voi sulkea näitä kenttiä täältä. Minun on tultava luoksesi, jotta voin käsitellä niitä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming" "I can't shut down those fields from here, I'm going to have to catch up with you to get access to them. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming_2" "Havaitsen paljon kohti tulevia sotilaita. Puolusta asemiasi, kunnes pääsen siinä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming_2" "I'm picking up a lot of incoming soldiers, hold the fort til I get there. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_search" "Tutki huone nopeasti. Lähistöllä pitäisi olla Combinen tykkitorneja. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_search" "Quick, search the room. There should be some Combine turrets nearby. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_turrets" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_turrets" " " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_wave2" "Lisää sotilaita on tulossa. Pidä tykkitornit käynnissä. Ne helpottavat puolustamista. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_wave2" "More soldiers are coming. Make sure to keep those turrets up to help defend. " "novaprospekt.al_dadallright" "Oletko kunnossa, isä? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_dadallright" "Dad, are you all right? " "novaprospekt.al_daddownhere01" "Isä! Alhaalla! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_daddownhere01" "Dad! Down here! " "novaprospekt.al_daddownhere02" "Anteeksi, että viivyimme. Toivottavasti et kärsinyt pahasti. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_daddownhere02" "Sorry we took so long. I hope that wasn't too bad for you. " "novaprospekt.al_dadswork" "Varastit isäni työn. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_dadswork" "That's my father's work you stole. " "novaprospekt.al_docstop" "Tohtori Kleiner, sinun on pysäytettävä heidät! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_docstop" "Dr. Kleiner, you have to stop them! " "novaprospekt.al_drk01" "Tohtori Kleiner! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drk01" "Dr. Kleiner! " "novaprospekt.al_drk02" "Olemme Nova Prospektissa ja ajamme Xen-emulaatiota ensimmäisen kerran. Oletko valmiit ottamaan meidät vastaan? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drk02" "We're in Nova Prospekt, and we're running the Xen emulation for the first time. Are you ready for us? " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01" "Keskustelin tohtori Kleinerin kanssa " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01" "I talked to Dr. Kleiner " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_b" "Hänen porttinsa on melkein käyttökunnossa. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_b" "His portal was almost working again. " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_c" "Jos hän on onnistunut korjaamaan sen, päädymme sinne. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_c" "If he's managed to repair it we'll end up there. " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_d" "Jos sitä ei ole korjattu, no... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_d" "If he hasn't, well... " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_e" "tilanteemme ei voi pahentua tästä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_e" "we couldn't be any worse off. " "novaprospekt.al_elevator01" "Oletko valmiina? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator01" "You ready for this? " "novaprospekt.al_elevator02" "Et tosiaankaan puhu paljon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator02" "Man of few words, aren't you? " "novaprospekt.al_elevator03" "Valmistaudu... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator03" "Get ready... " "novaprospekt.al_enoughbs01" "Nyt riittää! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_enoughbs01" "Enough of your bullshit! " "novaprospekt.al_enoughbs02" "Katso, Gordon, isäni on tuolla. Haen hänet. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_enoughbs02" "Look, Gordon, there's my dad. I'm going to bring him in. " "novaprospekt.al_findmossman01" "Yritetään löytää Mossman. Voin varmaan saada paremman pääsyn tästä asemasta. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmossman01" "Let's see if we can find Mossman. It looks like this station might give me better access. " "novaprospekt.al_findmossman03" "Tuolla hän on. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmossman03" "There she is. " "novaprospekt.al_findmyfather" "Etsitään nyt isäni. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmyfather" "Now, to find my father. " "novaprospekt.al_flyingblind" "En valitettavasti tunne tätä paikkaa. Vortigauntit joutuvat vangeiksi silloin tällöin ja lähettävät tietoja meille, mutta tietämyksemme on puutteellinen. Tiedämme vain pahoja asioita tästä paikasta. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_flyingblind" "I'm afraid I'm flying blind here. Every now and then a vortigaunt gets captured and sends back information, but we don't have a complete picture of the place. The little we do know is all bad. " "novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag01" "Pidä kiirettä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag01" "You better hurry. " "novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag02" "Mene, Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag02" "Go on, Gordon! " "novaprospekt.al_getopen" "Hyvä on, yritän avata tämän portin " "[english]novaprospekt.al_getopen" "All right, let me see if I can get this open " "novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyou" "Onpa mukava nähdä sinua. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyou" "Boy am I glad to see you. " "novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyoureok" "Onneksi olet kunnossa. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyoureok" "Glad to see you're okay. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru01" "Hyvä on, Gordon, jatka vain. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru01" "All right, Gordon, go on through. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru02" "Minä palaan turvallisuusasemalle ja yritän saada yhteyden pukusi radioon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru02" "I'm going to head back to the security station and try to patch into your suit radio. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru03" "Odota, kunnes otan yhteyden. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru03" "Wait till you hear from me. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru04" "Siitä vain, mene sisään. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru04" "Go on, get in there. " "novaprospekt.al_gordon01" "Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gordon01" "Gordon! " "novaprospekt.al_gordongetin" "Ala mennä, Gordon, mene sisään! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gordongetin" "Come on, Gordon, get in! " "novaprospekt.al_gotyounow01" "Hah! Sain sinut kiikkiin. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gotyounow01" "Ha! Got you now. " "novaprospekt.al_gotyounow02" "Mennään, Gordon. Ei anneta hänen odottaa." "[english]novaprospekt.al_gotyounow02" "Well, come on Gordon. We don't want to keep her waiting. " "novaprospekt.al_hacksecurity01" "Pääsen tästä heidän turvallisuusjärjestelmäänsä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hacksecurity01" "This'll get me into their security system. " "novaprospekt.al_halfway" "Se näyttää olevan puolimatkassa. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_halfway" "Looks like it's about halfway there. " "novaprospekt.al_hereweare" "Hyvä on. Täällä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hereweare" "All right. Over here. " "novaprospekt.al_holdit" "Pidä sitä siinä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_holdit" "Hold it there. " "novaprospekt.al_holdon" "Odotas hetki! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_holdon" "Hold on! " "novaprospekt.al_horrible01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible01" " " "novaprospekt.al_horrible01_cc" "Herranjumala. Ja sinä olet rakentanut tätä laitetta? Kuinka kauan?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible01_cc" "Oh my God. And you've been working with this thing? For how long?" "novaprospekt.al_horrible02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible02" " " "novaprospekt.al_hurrymossman" "Pidä kiirettä, Mossman! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hurrymossman" "Hurry up, Mossman! " "novaprospekt.al_icanreprogram" "Voin ohjelmoida nämä tykkitornit tulittamaan vihollisia. Aseta ne puolustamaan valvomoa. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_icanreprogram" "I can reprogram these turrets to attack the enemy. You set them up to defend the control room. " "novaprospekt.al_illtakecare" "Minä huolehdin siitä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_illtakecare" "I'll take care of that. " "novaprospekt.al_illtalk" "Tuolla hän on. Jätä puhuminen minulle, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_illtalk" "There she is. Leave the talking to me Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_inhere01" "Hänen pitäisi olla täällä. Avaan tämän. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_inhere01" "He should be in here. Let me just get this open. " "novaprospekt.al_itsdone" "Luojan kiitos, se on valmis. Häivytään täältä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_itsdone" "Thank god, it's done. Let's get the hell outta here. " "novaprospekt.al_justseconds" "Vielä pari sekuntia... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_justseconds" "Just a couple more seconds... " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup01" "Pidä tykkitornit asemissa. Sinun on kestettävä, kunnes pääsen sinne. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup01" "Keep your turrets set up. You've got to hold on til I get there. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02" "Pidä tykkitornit asemissa. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02" "Keep those turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02r" "Pidä tykkitornit asemissa. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02r" "Keep those turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03" "Tarkkaile tykkitorneja. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03" "Watch your turrets. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03r" "Tarkkaile tykkitorneja. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03r" "Watch your turrets. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04" "Muista tykkitornit, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04" "Remember the turrets, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04r" "Muista tykkitornit, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04r" "Remember the turrets, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_keepturrets" "Pidä tykkitornit asemissa, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepturrets" "Gordon, keep the turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_leapfrog01" "Hei, se toimi. Katsotaan, voinko raivata polun sinulle. Pidä silmäsi auki Mossmanin varalta. Tuon isäni vankilan läpi niin pitkälle kuin voin ja otan sitten sinut kiinni. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_leapfrog01" "Hey, it worked. Let's see what I can do to clear the way for you. Keep an eye out for Mossman. I'll get my dad through the prison as far as I can, then I'll catch up with you. " "novaprospekt.al_letsgetgoing" "Lähdetään. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_letsgetgoing" "Let's get going. " "novaprospekt.al_letsgetout01" "Painutaan pois täältä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_letsgetout01" "Let's get out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_lookmonitor" "Oi voi. Katso näyttöä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_lookmonitor" "Uh oh. Look at the monitor. " "novaprospekt.al_mayneedher" "Tarvitsemme ehkä häntä, jotta pääsemme pois täältä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_mayneedher" "We may need her to get out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_meethim" "Hän on matkalla. Mennään tapaamaan häntä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meethim" "He's on the way. Let's go meet him. " "novaprospekt.al_meetmethere01" "Gordon! Tavataan siellä! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meetmethere01" "Gordon! Meet me over there! " "novaprospekt.al_meetyouthere01" "En sano hyvästejä, isä. Tapaamme siellä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meetyouthere01" "I'm not saying goodbye, Dad. We'll meet you there. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers01" "Lisää sotilaita. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers01" "More soldiers. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers02" "Lisää sotilaita on tulossa, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers02" "More soldiers are coming, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers03" "Valmistaudu seuraavaan aaltoon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers03" "Get ready for another wave. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers04" "Taisimme törmätä pääjoukkoon. Niitä tulee joka puolelta. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers04" "We must have hit a motherlode of soldiers. They're coming in from everywhere. " "novaprospekt.al_mutter" "Hyvä on, anna minun ajatella. Ajattele, Alyx, ajattele!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_mutter" "All right, let me think. Think, Alyx, think!" "novaprospekt.al_no01" "Ei! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_no01" "No! " "novaprospekt.al_nostop" "Ei, lopeta! Mitä oikein teet? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_nostop" "No, stop! What are you doing? " "novaprospekt.al_notexactly" "Se ei ole aivan totta. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notexactly" "Not exactly. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavinghere01" "Emme lähde ilman sinua. Se on varma. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavinghere01" "We're not leaving here without you. That's final. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01" "Voin ehkä kalibroida Combinen portin uudelleen ja siirtää meidät pois täältä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01" "I think I can recalibrate the Combine portal to get us out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01_a" "Ei, me emme jätä sinua. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01_a" "No, we're not leaving you. " "novaprospekt.al_ohmygod" "Herranjumala. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_ohmygod" "Oh my god. " "novaprospekt.al_onepiece" "Onneksi selvisit tänne ehjänä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_onepiece" "I'm glad you made it here in one piece. " "novaprospekt.al_overhere" "Täällä! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_overhere" "Over here! " "novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03" "Isäni on jossain tuolla säilytysalueella. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03" "My Dad's up there somewhere, in that holding area. " "novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03_b" "Häntä ei ole helppo pelastaa sieltä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03_b" "It's gonna take some doing to get him out. " "novaprospekt.al_pickherup" "Älä huolehdi, isä, me löydämme hänet. Lähetän sinut nyt teleporttikammioon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_pickherup" "Don't worry, Dad, we'll find her. For now, I'm going to send you to the teleport chamber. " "novaprospekt.al_poorpeople" "Voi luoja.. Nämä ihmisparat... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_poorpeople" "Oh my God...these poor people... " "novaprospekt.al_readings01" "Nämä lukemat pelottavat minua. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_readings01" "These readings are scaring me. " "novaprospekt.al_readings02" "Okei, tohtori. Kohde on lukittu. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_readings02" "Okay, Doc, we're locked on. " "novaprospekt.al_resetting" "Okei, se nollautuu. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_resetting" "Okay, it's resetting. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate" "Avaan tämän hetkessä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate" "I'll have this open in a jiffy. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2" "Piru! Se on jumissa. Okei, sain idean. Mene takaisin toimistoon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2" "Damn! It's jammed. Okay, I've got an idea. Head back to that office. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2_nag" "Mene takaisin toimistoon, Gordon " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2_nag" "Head back to that office, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_gate" "Odota. Yritän keksiä keinon, jolla portin voi avata. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_gate" "Hang on, I'll see if I can figure out how to get that gate open. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_gate_open" "Löysin sen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_gate_open" "Got it. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_lights" "Etsin valokatkaisinta. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_lights" "I'm looking for the light switch now. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_lights_on" "No niin. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_lights_on" "There we go. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves" "Piirustusten mukaan noiden hyllyjen takana pitäisi olla ilmastointikanava. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves" "According to the schematics, there should be a vent behind those shelves. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_2" "Hyvää työtä. Sinun pitäisi pystyä hiipimään kanavien läpi. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_2" "Good job. You should be able to sneak through these vents. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_nag" "Mene hyllyjen takana olevaan kanavaan, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_nag" "Gordon, go through the airvent behind the shelves. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush" " " "novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush_2" "Havaitsen kohti tulevia sotilaita. Tule, näet sen näytöstä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush_2" "I'm picking up incoming soldiers. Here, I'll show you on this monitor. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_gate" "Alan käsitellä tätä porttia. Pieni hetki. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_gate" "I'll start working on this gate. Just a sec. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_gate2" "Okei, se on hoidossa. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_gate2" "Okay, got it. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_vent" "Ole varovainen, Gordon, Havaitse useita Combinen antureita edessä olevalla alueella. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_vent" "Be careful, Gordon, I'm picking up a lot of Combine sensors in the area ahead. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field" "Tämä on Combinen suodatinkenttä. Jos et ole koskaan kohdannut tällaista, et ehkä tiedä, että kytkimen voi joskus rikkoa heittämällä esineitä läpi. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field" "This is a Combine filter-field. If you've never dealt with one of these before, you can sometimes break the switch by lobbing stuff through. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_2" "Suodatinkenttä pitää sinut ulkona. Combinen sotilaat voivat kulkea läpi, mutta sinä et. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_2" "The filter-field will screen you out. Combine soldiers can get through there, but you can't. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_3" "Tätä ei ole kytketty verkkoon. En voi sammuttaa sitä. Sen ohjaimet ovat varmasti lähellä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_3" "This one isn't connected to the net. I can't turn it off. There must be controls for it nearby. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_success" "Hyvää työtä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_success" "Good work. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret" "Lopeta! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret" "Stop! " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_2" "Allasi olevissa portaissa on tykkitorni. Yritä kaataa se kranaatilla, jos sinulla on sellainen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_2" "There's a turret in the stairs right below you. Try knocking it over with a grenade, if you have any left. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_3" "Riittävän hyvä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_3" "Good enough. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor1" "Avaan tämän oven hetkessä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor1" "I'll have this door open in a second. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor2" "Okei, mennään. Seuraa minua. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor2" "Okay let's go. Follow me. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_done" "Jään tähän, Gordon. Otan sinut kiinni myöhemmin. Tulen sinne niin pian kuin voin. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_done" "Okay, Gordon, I'm going to leave off here and catch up with you. Be there as soon as I can. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_entry" "Havaitsen lisää kohti tulevia sotilaita! Katso, onko lähellä lisää tykkitorneja! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_entry" "I'm picking up more incoming soldiers! See if there are some more turrets nearby! " "novaprospekt.al_room5_incoming" "Sieltä ne tulevat. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_incoming" "Here they come. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_turrets" "Laita nämä nopeasti asemiin. Näen sotilaita kaikissa suunnissa. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_turrets" "Quick, get these set up. I'm seeing soldiers in all directions. " "novaprospekt.al_sealdoor01" "Suljen tämän oven. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sealdoor01" "Let me seal this door. " "novaprospekt.al_sealdoor02" "Emme voi enää kääntyä takaisin. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sealdoor02" "No turning back now. " "novaprospekt.al_senddadthru" "Hyvä. Lähetämme isäni ensin. Hän on asemissa... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_senddadthru" "Good. We'll send my dad through first. He's in position for... " "novaprospekt.al_setturrets" "Laita tykkitornit asemiin! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_setturrets" "Get some turrets set up! " "novaprospekt.al_sheupto01" "Odota hetki " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto01" "Wait a minute " "novaprospekt.al_sheupto02" "Miten hän...?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto02" "How'd she...?" "novaprospekt.al_sheupto03" "Mitä hän aikoo? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto03" "What's she up to? " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor02" "Hah. Tehty. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor02" "Hah. Done. " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor03" "Tule. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor03" "Come on. " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor04" "Seuraa minua. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor04" "Follow me. " "novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad01" "Tuki suusi ja ole iloinen siitä, että sinusta on vielä hyötyä meille! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad01" "Shut up and be glad you're still some use to us! " "novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad02" "Aiomme muuntaa tämän teleportin ja häipyä täältä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad02" "We're going to reconfigure this teleport and get the hell out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_sorrysolong" "Anteeksi, että viivyin niin kauan, Gordon. Näyttää siltä, että täällä olisi kaivattu apua. En eroa sinusta enää uudelleen. Etsitään nyt Mossman. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sorrysolong" "Sorry to take so long, Gordon. Looks like you could have used some help. I won't leave you again though. Now let's track down Mossman. " "novaprospekt.al_sorrytooksolong" "Anteeksi, että viivyin niin kauan. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sorrytooksolong" "Sorry it took me so long. " "novaprospekt.al_takingforever" "Voi luoja, tämä kestää ikuisuuden! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_takingforever" "God, this is taking forever! " "novaprospekt.al_thecoords" "Koordinaatit, tohtori Mossman." "[english]novaprospekt.al_thecoords" "The coordinates, Dr. Mossman." "novaprospekt.al_there" "Siinä! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_there" "There! " "novaprospekt.al_thereheis" "Tuolla hän on. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_thereheis" "There he is. " "novaprospekt.al_theyrecoming" "Ne ovat tulossa, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_theyrecoming" "They're coming, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_traitor01" "Petturi! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_traitor01" "Traitor! " "novaprospekt.al_uhoh_np" "Oi voi. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_uhoh_np" "Uh-oh. " "novaprospekt.al_useturrets" "Käytä tykkitorneja, Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_useturrets" "Gordon, use the turrets! " "novaprospekt.al_warmeditup" "Olet siis laittanut sen valmiiksi meitä varten. Hyvä. Juuri ajoissa. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_warmeditup" "So you've warmed it up for us. Good. And just in time. " "novaprospekt.al_werecomingin" "Pahus! Pysy loitolla, Mossman, tulemme sisään. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_werecomingin" "Damn it! Move back, Mossman, we're coming in. " "novaprospekt.al_whatcoords" "Voi hyvä Jumala! Mitä nämä koordinaatit ovat? Minne ihmeeseen Mossman vei hänet? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_whatcoords" "Oh my god! What coordinates are these? Where the hell did she take him? " "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou01" "Hienoa, taas yksi turvallisuusasema. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou01" "Great, another security station. " "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou02" "Missä olet, Mossman...?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou02" "All right, Mossman, where are you...?" "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou03" "Hah! Löysin hänet!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou03" "Ha! Found her!" "novaprospekt.al_youandbreen" "Tiedämme kaiken sinusta ja Breenistä. Olet koko ajan ollut Combinen vakooja. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youandbreen" "We know all about you and Breen. You've been a spy for the Combine the whole time. " "novaprospekt.al_youbeenworking" "Ja sinä olet rakentanut tätä laitetta? Kuinka kauan? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youbeenworking" "And you've been working with this thing? For how long? " "novaprospekt.al_youcoming" "Oletko tulossa? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youcoming" "You coming? " "novaprospekt.al_youmadeit" "Teit sen, Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youmadeit" "Gordon, you made it! " "novaprospekt.al_yououtdad" "Tulimme pelastamaan sinut, isä. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_yououtdad" "We're here to get you out, Dad. " "novaprospekt.al_youput01" "Sinusta huolimatta. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youput01" "No thanks to you. " "novaprospekt.al_youput02" "Syötä tohtori Kleinerin laboratorion koordinaatit, niin menemme. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youput02" "Just enter the coordinates for Dr. Kleiner's lab and let's get moving. " "novaprospekt.br_blinded" "Olen tuntenut tohtori Vancen kauemmin kuin sinä, kultaseni. Pelkään, että tunteesi häntä kohtaan ovat voineet sokaista sinut - " "[english]novaprospekt.br_blinded" "I have known Dr. Vance far longer than you, my dear. I'm afraid your feelings for him may have blinded you-- " "novaprospekt.br_disturb" "- alueeltanne. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_disturb" "---from your area. " "novaprospekt.br_leeway01" "Tästä ei keskustella, tohtori Mossman. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_leeway01" "This is not open to debate, Dr. Mossman. " "novaprospekt.br_loyalties" "Emme olleet varmoja, aikoisitko todella tehdä niin. Ihmisten uskollisuus on niin arvaamatonta " "[english]novaprospekt.br_loyalties" "We weren't entirely sure you were ever going to get around to that, human loyalties being what they are. " "novaprospekt.br_outoftime" "Olen pahoillani, Judith. Aika on lopussa. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_outoftime" "So sorry, Judith. I'm all out of time. " "novaprospekt.br_overzealous" "Sotilaat olivat kyllä hieman liian innokkaita, mutta hän oli niin houkutteleva kohde, ettei häntä voinut jättää vapaaksi. Varsinkin, kun Gordon Freeman puuttuu. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_overzealous" "The soldiers were a bit overzealous, I admit, but he was too tempting a prize to simply turn loose, especially in the absence of Gordon Freeman. " "novaprospekt.eli_dontworry" "Älä huolehdi minusta, kulta. Judith! He näemmä vapauttivat sinut! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_dontworry" "Don't worry about me, sweetheart. Judith! I see they set you free! " "novaprospekt.eli_foundme01" "Alyx! Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_foundme01" "Alyx! Gordon! " "novaprospekt.eli_foundme02" "Oletteko todellakin siinä? En voi uskoa, että löysitte minut. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_foundme02" "Is that really you? I can't believe you found me. " "novaprospekt.eli_getoutofhere" "Olen kunnossa, mutta te! Teidän on poistuttava täältä! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_getoutofhere" "I'm fine, but you! You've got to get out of here! " "novaprospekt.eli_iknow" "Tiedän sen. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_iknow" "I know you will. " "novaprospekt.eli_judithshelp01" "Emme voi jättää Judithiakaan tänne. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_judithshelp01" "We can't leave Judith here either. " "novaprospekt.eli_nevermindme01" "Älä huolehdi minusta. Pelastakaa itsenne. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_nevermindme01" "Never mind me. Save yourselves. " "novaprospekt.eli_notime01" "Tapaan sinut siellä, kulta. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_notime01" "I'll see you there, baby. " "novaprospekt.eli_notworthrisk" "Riski on liian suuri, Alyx. En voi menettää sinua! Häivy, kun se on vielä mahdollista. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_notworthrisk" "It's not worth the risk, Alyx. I can't lose you! Get out while you can. " "novaprospekt.eli_thisisportal" "Tämä on siis Combinen portti. Se on paljon pienempi kuin kuvittelin. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_thisisportal" "So this is the Combine portal. It's smaller than I imagined. " "novaprospekt.eli_whatgoingon" "Mitä täällä tapahtuu, Alyx? Judith? Mitä tapahtuu? " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_whatgoingon" "What's going on Alyx? Judith? What's happening? " "novaprospekt.eli_wherewillyougo01" "Mutta minne menisitte? " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_wherewillyougo01" "But where will you go? " "novaprospekt.kl_await" "Odotan saapumistanne innolla. " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_await" "I await your arrival with great anticipation. " "novaprospekt.kl_ready" "Valmis, innokas ja täysin toiminnassa! " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_ready" "Ready, willing, and fully enabled! " "novaprospekt.kl_stopwho" "Kenet, kultaseni? " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_stopwho" "Stop who, my dear? " "novaprospekt.kl_yesalyx" "Kyllä, Alyx, missä olet? " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_yesalyx" "Yes, Alyx, where are you? " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01" " " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01_cc" "Ymmärrätkö? Meillä on sama päämäärä. Olemme jo ohjelmoineet modulaattorin emuloimaan Xen-linkkiä. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01_cc" "You see? We're working to the same end. I've already reprogrammed the modulator to emulate a Xen relay. " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted02" " " "novaprospekt.mo_asistated" "Tohtori Breen, olen jo sanonut sinulle, että Elin on tehtävä oma päätöksensä, häntä ei voi vain ... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_asistated" "Dr. Breen, as I have stated before, you have to let Eli come around on his own you can't just ... " "novaprospekt.mo_drplease" "Pyydän teitä, tohtori... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_drplease" "Doctor, please... " "novaprospekt.mo_feelings" "Tunteet? Tunteilla ei ole mitään tekemistä tämän asian kanssa. On vain niin, että kun Eli uskoo meidän -" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_feelings" "Feelings? This has nothing to do with feelings. It's a simple truth that when Eli believes in our---" "novaprospekt.mo_fromplatform" "Meidän on päästävä teleporttialustalle, mutta meidät on lukittu ulos. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_fromplatform" "But we need access to the teleport platform, and we're locked out. " "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01" " " "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01_cc" "Se on myös minun työtäni! Ja minun oli todistettava tohtori Breenille, että isäsi osallistuminen tämän teknologian kehittämiseen olisi elintärkeää." "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01_cc" "It's my work too! And I had to prove to Dr. Breen that your father would be the most valuable member of any research effort going forward from here." "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove02" " " "novaprospekt.mo_howdyougetin" "Huhuu? Luojan kiitos joku... Alyx? Gordon! Miten pääsit tänne? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_howdyougetin" "Hello? Thank God someone... Alyx? Gordon! How did you get in here? " "novaprospekt.mo_inacell" "Löysitte Elin? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_inacell" "You found Eli? " "novaprospekt.mo_incredible" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_incredible" " " "novaprospekt.mo_nevertillnow" "En koskaan ennen tätä. Tiesin kyllä melko hyvin, mitä odottaa... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_nevertillnow" "Never, until now. I did have a fairly good idea of what to expect... " "novaprospekt.mo_onlyway" "Olen pahoillani, Alyx. Se on ainoa tapa! " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_onlyway" "I'm sorry, Alyx. It's the only way! " "novaprospekt.mo_promised" "En ottanut yhteyttä sen vuoksi. Lupasit, ettei Eliin kosketa. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_promised" "I'm not calling about that, You promised you weren't going to touch Eli. " "novaprospekt.mo_protectfather01" "Olen pyrkinyt suojelemaan isääsi, Alyx, vaikka luulet varmaan toisin. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_protectfather01" "Alyx, whatever you may think, I assure you I've worked to protect your father. " "novaprospekt.mo_pulsefoaming" "Combine käyttää kummallista pulssinmuodostusverkkoa, jonka valmisteleminen kestää kauan. Sen lataaminen vie aikaa. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_pulsefoaming" "The Combine use a peculiar pulse-forming network with a very long rise-time. It takes quite a while to recharge. " "novaprospekt.mo_signal" "Olisit saanut Freemanin, jos olisit ollut kärsivällinen ja odottanut merkkiäni. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_signal" "You would have had Freeman if you'd been patient and just waited for my signal. " "novaprospekt.mo_talkingabout" "Mitä? Mistä oikein puhut? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_talkingabout" "What? What are you talking about? " "novaprospekt.mo_terriblepurpose" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_terriblepurpose" " " "novaprospekt.mo_worried" "Olin niin huolissani sinusta, Eli! " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_worried" "Eli, I was so worried about you! " "npc_alyx.bettergetmoving02" "Meidän on lähdettävä liikkeelle. " "[english]npc_alyx.bettergetmoving02" "We'd better get moving. " "npc_alyx.brutal02" "Se oli rankkaa. " "[english]npc_alyx.brutal02" "That was brutal. " "npc_alyx.careful01" "Varovasti, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.careful01" "Careful, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.careful02" "Varovasti, Gordon! " "[english]npc_alyx.careful02" "Careful, Gordon! " "npc_alyx.comeon_dist01" "Tule! " "[english]npc_alyx.comeon_dist01" "Come on! " "npc_alyx.coverme01" "Suojaa minua! " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme01" "Cover me! " "npc_alyx.coverme02" "Suojaa minua! " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme02" "Cover me! " "npc_alyx.coverme03" "Suojaa minua. " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme03" "Cover me. " "npc_alyx.excuseme01" "Anteeksi, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme01" "Excuse me, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.excuseme02" "Olen pahoillani, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme02" "Sorry, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.excuseme03" "Suokaa anteeksi. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme03" "Pardon me. " "npc_alyx.followme_dist01" "Seuraa minua. " "[english]npc_alyx.followme_dist01" "Follow me. " "npc_alyx.gasp02" "Oho " "[english]npc_alyx.gasp02" "Huh " "npc_alyx.gasp03" "Oho! " "[english]npc_alyx.gasp03" "Ohh! " "npc_alyx.getback01" "Mene takaisin! " "[english]npc_alyx.getback01" "Get back! " "npc_alyx.getback02" "Mene takaisin! " "[english]npc_alyx.getback02" "Get back! " "npc_alyx.getdown01" "Mene maahan!" "[english]npc_alyx.getdown01" "Get down!" "npc_alyx.getmoving_action_dist01" "Liiku! " "[english]npc_alyx.getmoving_action_dist01" "Get moving! " "npc_alyx.go01" "Nyt! " "[english]npc_alyx.go01" "Go! " "npc_alyx.gordon_dist01" "Gordon! " "[english]npc_alyx.gordon_dist01" "Gordon! " "npc_alyx.herewego_dist01" "Nyt mennään! " "[english]npc_alyx.herewego_dist01" "Here we go! " "npc_alyx.howlongwait01" "Kuinka kauan aiomme odotella? " "[english]npc_alyx.howlongwait01" "How long are we just gonna wait? " "npc_alyx.hurt04" "Au! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt04" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt05" "Au! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt05" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt06" "Au! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt06" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt08" "Aah! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt08" "Ah! " "npc_alyx.keepmoving_dist01" "Jatkakaa matkaa! " "[english]npc_alyx.keepmoving_dist01" "Keep moving! " "npc_alyx.letsgetgoing_dist01" "Lähdetään! " "[english]npc_alyx.letsgetgoing_dist01" "Let's get going! " "npc_alyx.lookout_dist01" "Varo! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout_dist01" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout_dist02" "Varo! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout_dist02" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout01" "Varo! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout01" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout03" "Varo! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout03" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.no01" "Ei! " "[english]npc_alyx.no01" "No! " "npc_alyx.no02" "Ei! " "[english]npc_alyx.no02" "No! " "npc_alyx.no03" "Ei! " "[english]npc_alyx.no03" "No! " "npc_alyx.ohgod01" "Voi luoja! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohgod01" "Oh God! " "npc_alyx.ohmother01" "Voi äiti... " "[english]npc_alyx.ohmother01" "Oh, Mother... " "npc_alyx.ohno_startle01" "Voi ei! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohno_startle01" "Oh no! " "npc_alyx.ohno_startle03" "Voi ei! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohno_startle03" "Oh no! " "npc_alyx.overhere01" "Täällä. " "[english]npc_alyx.overhere01" "Over here. " "npc_alyx.quick_dist02" "Nopeasti! " "[english]npc_alyx.quick_dist02" "Quick! " "npc_alyx.run_dist01" "Juokse! " "[english]npc_alyx.run_dist01" "Run! " "npc_alyx.uggh01" "Argh! " "[english]npc_alyx.uggh01" "Agh! " "npc_alyx.uggh02" "Aah! " "[english]npc_alyx.uggh02" "Ahh! " "npc_alyx.watchout01" "Varo! " "[english]npc_alyx.watchout01" "Watch out! " "npc_alyx.watchout02" "Varo! " "[english]npc_alyx.watchout02" "Watch out! " "npc_alyx.youcoming01" "Oletko tulossa? " "[english]npc_alyx.youcoming01" "You coming? " "npc_alyx.youcoming02" "Oletko tulossa? " "[english]npc_alyx.youcoming02" "You coming? " "npc_alyx.youreload01" "Sinun pitää ladata. " "[english]npc_alyx.youreload01" "You'd better reload. " "npc_alyx.youreload02" "Sinun pitää ladata. " "[english]npc_alyx.youreload02" "You'd better reload. " "npc_barney.ba_hurryup" "Kiirehdi. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurryup" "Hurry up. " "npc_barney.ba_letsgo" "Mennään! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_letsgo" "Let's go! " "npc_barney.ba_allclear" "Kaikki kunnossa! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_allclear" "All clear! " "npc_barney.ba_bringiton" "Antaa tulla vaan! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_bringiton" "Bring it on! " "npc_barney.ba_catchmybreath" "Anna minun vetää henkeä. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_catchmybreath" "Let me catch my breath. " "npc_barney.ba_clearfornow" "Tällä hetkellä kaikki on kunnossa. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_clearfornow" "Clear for now. " "npc_barney.ba_comehere01" "Tule tänne. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_comehere01" "Come here. " "npc_barney.ba_comehere02" "Tule tänne. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_comehere02" "Come here. " "npc_barney.ba_covermegord" "Suojaa minua, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_covermegord" "Cover me, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_damnit" "Pahus!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_damnit" "Damn it!" "npc_barney.ba_danger01" "Näyttää väijytykseltä. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger01" "I smell an ambush. " "npc_barney.ba_danger02" "En pidä tästä. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger02" "I don't like the looks of this. " "npc_barney.ba_danger03" "Tämä vaikuttaa epäilyttävältä. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger03" "I have a bad feeling about this. " "npc_barney.ba_danger04" "Muistatko, kun luulimme, että Black Mesaa pahempaa ei voi olla? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger04" "Hey, remember when we thought Black Mesa was as bad as it could get? " "npc_barney.ba_danger05" "Vaikea uskoa, että olemme selvinneet näin pitkälle ehjinä. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger05" "Hard to believe we made it this far with all our parts. " "npc_barney.ba_downyougo" "Mene alas. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_downyougo" "Down you go. " "npc_barney.ba_duck" "Syöksy maahan! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_duck" "Duck! " "npc_barney.ba_followme01" "Tänne päin, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme01" "This way, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme02" "Tule! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme02" "Come on! " "npc_barney.ba_followme03" "Tule, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme03" "Come on, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme04" "Ala mennä, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme04" "Get going, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme05" "Seuraa minua. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme05" "Follow me. " "npc_barney.ba_getaway" "Tule pois sieltä. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getaway" "Get away from there. " "npc_barney.ba_getdown" "Mene maahan! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getdown" "Get down! " "npc_barney.ba_getoutofway" "Hei, mene pois tieltä! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getoutofway" "Hey, get out of the way! " "npc_barney.ba_goingdown" "Sinä kuolet kohta! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_goingdown" "You're going down! " "npc_barney.ba_gordonhelp" "Gordon! Apua! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gordonhelp" "Gordon! Help! " "npc_barney.ba_gotone" "Sain yhden! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gotone" "Got one! " "npc_barney.ba_grenade01" "Kranaatti! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_grenade01" "Grenade! " "npc_barney.ba_grenade02" "Kranaatti! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_grenade02" "Grenade! " "npc_barney.ba_gurgle01" "Aah! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle01" "Gah! " "npc_barney.ba_gurgle02" "Uh!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle02" "Ugh!" "npc_barney.ba_gurgle03" "Oi!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle03" "Ooh!" "npc_barney.ba_haletsdoit" "Hoidetaan homma! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_haletsdoit" "Let's do it! " "npc_barney.ba_headcrabs01" "Hyi! Päärapuja! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headcrabs01" "Ew! Headcrabs! " "npc_barney.ba_headcrabs02" "Päärapuja! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "npc_barney.ba_headhumpers" "Päänpurijoita! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headhumpers" "Headhumpers! " "npc_barney.ba_healed01" "Joo, nyt on parempi. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed01" "Yeah, that's better. " "npc_barney.ba_healed02" "Okei, olen kunnossa. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed02" "Okay, I'm good. " "npc_barney.ba_healed03" "Paljon parempi. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed03" "Much better. " "npc_barney.ba_healed04" "Kiitos. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed04" "Hey, thanks. " "npc_barney.ba_healme01" "Laita minut kuntoon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme01" "Hey, patch me up. " "npc_barney.ba_healme02" "Auta minua. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme02" "Help me out. " "npc_barney.ba_healme03" "Saisinko vähän lääkintäapua? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme03" "Can I get a little medical attention here? " "npc_barney.ba_hereitcomes" "Sieltä se tulee! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hereitcomes" "Here it comes! " "npc_barney.ba_heretheycome01" "Täältä he tulevat! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_heretheycome01" "Here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_heretheycome02" "Täältä he tulevat! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_heretheycome02" "Here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_hurry01" "Kiirehdi. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry01" "Hurry. " "npc_barney.ba_hurry02" "Nopeasti! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry02" "Hurry! " "npc_barney.ba_hurry03" "Nopeasti! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry03" "Hurry! " "npc_barney.ba_imwithyou" "Olen mukanasi. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_imwithyou" "I'm with ya buddy. " "npc_barney.ba_incoming01" "Lisää tulossa! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_incoming01" "Incoming! " "npc_barney.ba_incoming02" "Lisää tulossa! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_incoming02" "Incoming! " "npc_barney.ba_laugh01" "*naurua*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh01" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh02" "*naurua*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh02" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh03" "*naurua*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh03" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh04" "*naurua*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh04" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_letsdoit" "Tehdään se. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_letsdoit" "Let's do it. " "npc_barney.ba_littlehelphere" "Voisitko auttaa, Gordon? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_littlehelphere" "Little help here, Gordon? " "npc_barney.ba_lookout" "Varo! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_lookout" "Look out! " "npc_barney.ba_losttouch" "Taitoni ovat yhä tallella! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_losttouch" "I haven't lost my touch! " "npc_barney.ba_no01" "Ei! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_no01" "No! " "npc_barney.ba_no02" "Ei! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_no02" "No! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit01" "Voi pahus! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit01" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit02" "Voi pahus! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit02" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit03" "Voi pahus! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit03" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohyeah" "Hienoa! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohyeah" "Oh yeah! " "npc_barney.ba_oldtimes" "Ihan niin kuin vanhoina aikoina, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_oldtimes" "Just like old times, eh, Gordon? " "npc_barney.ba_openfiregord" "Avaa tuli, Gordon! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_openfiregord" "Open fire, Gordon! " "npc_barney.ba_overhere01" "Täällä! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_overhere01" "Over here! " "npc_barney.ba_overhere02" "Täällä! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_overhere02" "Over here! " "npc_barney.ba_pain01" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain01" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain02" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain02" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain03" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain03" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain04" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain04" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain05" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain05" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain06" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain06" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain07" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain07" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain08" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain08" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain09" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain09" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain10" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain10" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_regroup" "Ryhmittäydytään uudelleen! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_regroup" "Regroup! " "npc_barney.ba_run01" "Juokse! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_run01" "Run! " "npc_barney.ba_run02" "Juokse! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_run02" "Run! " "npc_barney.ba_soldiers" "Sotilaita! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_soldiers" "Soldiers! " "npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose01" "Se oli lähellä! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose01" "That was close! " "npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose02" "Se oli lähellä! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose02" "That was close! " "npc_barney.ba_thisisbad01" "Tämä näyttää huonolta. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thisisbad01" "This is bad. " "npc_barney.ba_thisisbad02" "Okei, tämä on paha juttu. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thisisbad02" "Okay, this is bad. " "npc_barney.ba_turret" "Tykkitorni! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_turret" "Turret! " "npc_barney.ba_uhohheretheycome" "Voi ei, sieltä ne tulevat! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_uhohheretheycome" "Uh oh, here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_wounded01" "Olen haavoittunut, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded01" "I'm hurtin, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_wounded02" "Minut on parannettava. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded02" "I need to get patched up. " "npc_barney.ba_wounded03" "Olen pahasti haavoittunut... " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded03" "I'm hurt pretty bad... " "npc_barney.ba_yell" "Jeah! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_yell" "Yeah! " "npc_citizen.abouttime01" "No, Gordon Freeman! Oli jo aikakin. " "[english]npc_citizen.abouttime01" "Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too. " "npc_citizen.abouttime02" "No, Gordon Freeman! Oli jo aikakin. " "[english]npc_citizen.abouttime02" "Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too. " "npc_citizen.ahgordon01" "Ahaa, Gordon Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.ahgordon01" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "npc_citizen.ahgordon02" "Ahaa, Gordon Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.ahgordon02" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "npc_citizen.almosthityou01" "Osuin melkein sinuun." "[english]npc_citizen.almosthityou01" "I almost hit you." "npc_citizen.almosthityou02" "Osuin melkein sinuun." "[english]npc_citizen.almosthityou02" "I almost hit you." "npc_citizen.ammo01" "Ammo, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo01" "Freeman, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo02" "Anna ammuksia, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo02" "Freeman, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo03" "Tässä on ammuksia! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo03" "Here, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo04" "Ota ammuksia! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo04" "Take some ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo05" "Ota ammuksia! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo05" "Take some ammo! " "npc_citizen.answer01" "Se on sinun luontosi. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer01" "That's you all over. " "npc_citizen.answer02" "En kanna kaunaa. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer02" "I won't hold it against you. " "npc_citizen.answer03" "Pitihän se tietää. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer03" "Figures. " "npc_citizen.answer04" "Älä ajattele sitä. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer04" "Try not to dwell on it. " "npc_citizen.answer05" "Voimmeko puhua tästä myöhemmin? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer05" "Could we talk about this later? " "npc_citizen.answer06" "Pidä se omana tietonasi. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer06" "Keep it to yourself. " "npc_citizen.answer07" "Sama täällä. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer07" "Same here. " "npc_citizen.answer08" "Tiedän, mitä tarkoitat. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer08" "Know what you mean. " "npc_citizen.answer09" "Puhut taas itseksesi. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer09" "You're talking to yourself again. " "npc_citizen.answer10" "En sanoisi tuota liian lujaa. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer10" "I wouldn't say that too loud. " "npc_citizen.answer11" "Kaiverran sen hautakiveesi. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer11" "I'll put it on your tombstone. " "npc_citizen.answer12" "Sitä ei sovi ajatella. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer12" "Doesn't bear thinking about. " "npc_citizen.answer13" "Olen mukana. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer13" "I'm with you. " "npc_citizen.answer14" "Olen aivan samaa mieltä. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer14" "You and me both. " "npc_citizen.answer15" "Voihan sen nähdä tuollakin tavalla. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer15" "That's one way of looking at it. " "npc_citizen.answer16" "Onko sinulla koskaan ollut omia ajatuksia? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer16" "Have you ever had an original thought? " "npc_citizen.answer17" "En viitsi edes käskeä sinua tukkimaan suutasi. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer17" "I'm not even gonna tell you to shut up. " "npc_citizen.answer18" "Keskitytään tehtäväämme. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer18" "Let's concentrate on the task at hand. " "npc_citizen.answer19" "Keskity työhösi. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer19" "Keep your mind on your work. " "npc_citizen.answer20" "Sinulla on hävyttömiä ajatuksia. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer20" "Your mind is in the gutter. " "npc_citizen.answer21" "Älä ole niin varma. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer21" "Don't be so sure of that. " "npc_citizen.answer22" "Koskaan ei voi olla varma. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer22" "You never know. " "npc_citizen.answer23" "Koskaan ei tiedä. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer23" "Never can tell. " "npc_citizen.answer24" "Miksi kerrot minulle? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer24" "Why are you telling me? " "npc_citizen.answer25" "Mitäs tuosta sanot? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer25" "How about that? " "npc_citizen.answer26" "En halua kuulla enempää. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer26" "That's more information than I require. " "npc_citizen.answer27" "Lyödäänkö vetoa? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer27" "Wanna bet? " "npc_citizen.answer28" "Saisinpa kolikon joka kerta, kun joku sanoo noin. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer28" "I wish I had a dime for every time somebody said that. " "npc_citizen.answer29" "Mitä minä muka sille mahdan? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer29" "What am I supposed to do about it? " "npc_citizen.answer30" "Puhutko minulle? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer30" "You talking to me? " "npc_citizen.answer31" "Tuollaisia puheita sopii varoa. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer31" "You should nip that kind of talk in the bud. " "npc_citizen.answer32" "Hyvä homma. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer32" "Right on. " "npc_citizen.answer33" "Olen samaa mieltä. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer33" "No argument there. " "npc_citizen.answer34" "Älä unohda Havaijia. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer34" "Don't forget Hawaii. " "npc_citizen.answer35" "Älä anna sen lannistaa. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer35" "Try not to let it get to you. " "npc_citizen.answer36" "Se ei olisi ensimmäinen kerta. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer36" "Wouldn't be the first time. " "npc_citizen.answer37" "Oletko varma? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer37" "You sure about that? " "npc_citizen.answer38" "Anna sen olla. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer38" "Leave it alone. " "npc_citizen.answer39" "En halua kuulla enempää. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer39" "That's enough outta you. " "npc_citizen.answer40" "Kerta se on ensimmäinenkin. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer40" "There's a first time for everything. " "npc_citizen.antguard01" "Muurahaiskorentosuojelija!" "[english]npc_citizen.antguard01" "It's an antlion guard!" "npc_citizen.antguard02" "Muurahaiskorentosuojelija!" "[english]npc_citizen.antguard02" "It's an antlion guard!" "npc_citizen.antlion01" "Muurahaiskorento!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlion01" "Antlion!" "npc_citizen.antlion02" "Muurahaiskorento!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlion02" "Antlion!" "npc_citizen.antlions01" "Muurahaiskorentoja!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlions01" "Antlions!" "npc_citizen.antlions02" "Muurahaiskorentoja!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlions02" "Antlions!" "npc_citizen.antrhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.antrhino01" " " "npc_citizen.antrhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.antrhino02" " " "npc_citizen.areyoucrazy" "Oletko hullu? En voi mennä ulos nyt!" "[english]npc_citizen.areyoucrazy" "Are you crazy? I am not going out in that!" "npc_citizen.barnacles01" "Riippujia!" "[english]npc_citizen.barnacles01" "Barnacles!" "npc_citizen.barnacles02" "Riippujia" "[english]npc_citizen.barnacles02" "Barnacles" "npc_citizen.behindyou01" "Takanasi!" "[english]npc_citizen.behindyou01" "Behind you!" "npc_citizen.behindyou02" "Takanasi!" "[english]npc_citizen.behindyou02" "Behind you!" "npc_citizen.bouncebombs01" "Hyppypommeja" "[english]npc_citizen.bouncebombs01" "Bouncebombs!" "npc_citizen.bouncebombs02" "Hyppypommeja" "[english]npc_citizen.bouncebombs02" "Bouncebombs!" "npc_citizen.busy01" "Ei juuri nyt. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy01" "Not right now. " "npc_citizen.busy02" "Etkö näe, että minulla on töitä? " "[english]npc_citizen.busy02" "Can't you see I'm busy? " "npc_citizen.busy03" "Tämä on paha aika. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy03" "This isn't a good time. " "npc_citizen.busy04" "Nyt ei ole sen aika. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy04" "This isn't the time. " "npc_citizen.busy05" "Myöhemmin. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy05" "Later, please. " "npc_citizen.cantbeseen02" "Ne eivät saa nähdä minun puhuvan sinulle." "[english]npc_citizen.cantbeseen02" "I can't be seen talking to you." "npc_citizen.cantgetawaywiththat" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cantgetawaywiththat" " " "npc_citizen.careful01" "Varoen, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.careful01" "Careful, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.careful02" "Varoen, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.careful02" "Careful, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.carefultherefm" "Ole varovainen, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.carefultherefm" "Careful there, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper01" "Hei, siellä alhaalla! Tarvikkeita! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper01" "Hey down there! Supplies! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper02" "Hei, ota koppi! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper02" "Hey, catch! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper03" "Katso, mitä löysin. " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper03" "Look what I found. " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper04" "Varo, alla! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper04" "Look out below! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper05" "Hei sinä, ota nämä! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper05" "Hey you, help yourself! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper06" "Tässä on! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper06" "Here ya go! " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding01" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding02" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding03" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding03" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding04" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding04" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding05" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding05" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding06" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding06" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding07" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding07" " " "npc_citizen.civilprotection01" "Suojelupalvelu!" "[english]npc_citizen.civilprotection01" "Civil Protection!" "npc_citizen.civilprotection02" "Suojelupalvelu! " "[english]npc_citizen.civilprotection02" "Civil Protection! " "npc_citizen.com_cantgetthru01" "En pääse läpi. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_cantgetthru01" "I can't get through. " "npc_citizen.com_onmyway01" "Olen matkalla." "[english]npc_citizen.com_onmyway01" "I'm on my way." "npc_citizen.com_standby_multi01" "Olemme valmiudessa." "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_multi01" "We are standing by." "npc_citizen.com_standby_multi02" "Olemme valmiit ja odotamme sinua. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_multi02" "We're ready when you are. " "npc_citizen.com_standby_solo01" "Odotamme merkkiäsi, tohtori. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_solo01" "I'm waiting for your signal, Doc. " "npc_citizen.com_standby_solo02" "Olemme valmiit ja odotamme!" "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_solo02" "Ready and waiting!" "npc_citizen.combine01" "Combine!" "[english]npc_citizen.combine01" "Combine!" "npc_citizen.combine02" "Combine!" "[english]npc_citizen.combine02" "Combine!" "npc_citizen.coverwhilereload01" "Suojaa minua, niin lataan!" "[english]npc_citizen.coverwhilereload01" "Cover me while I reload!" "npc_citizen.coverwhilereload02" "Suojaa minua, niin lataan!" "[english]npc_citizen.coverwhilereload02" "Cover me while I reload!" "npc_citizen.cps01" "Poliiseja!" "[english]npc_citizen.cps01" "CPs!" "npc_citizen.cps02" "Poliiseja! " "[english]npc_citizen.cps02" "CPs! " "npc_citizen.crabshells01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.crabshells01" " " "npc_citizen.crabshells02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.crabshells02" " " "npc_citizen.damntiddly01" "Pirun kirput!" "[english]npc_citizen.damntiddly01" "Damn tiddly-winks!" "npc_citizen.damntiddly02" "Pirun kirput!" "[english]npc_citizen.damntiddly02" "Damn tiddly-winks!" "npc_citizen.die" " " "[english]npc_citizen.die" " " "npc_citizen.docfreeman01" "Tohtori Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.docfreeman01" "Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.docfreeman02" "Tohtori Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.docfreeman02" "Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.doiknowyoufromsomewhere" "Olenko tavannut sinut jossain?" "[english]npc_citizen.doiknowyoufromsomewhere" "Do I know you from somewhere?" "npc_citizen.doingsomething" "Eikö meidän pitäisi tehdä jotain?" "[english]npc_citizen.doingsomething" "Shouldn't we be doing something?" "npc_citizen.dontforgetreload01" "Muista ladata, tohtori Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.dontforgetreload01" "Don't forget to reload, Dr. Freeman " "npc_citizen.downthere01" "Alhaalla!" "[english]npc_citizen.downthere01" "Down there!" "npc_citizen.downthere02" "Alhaalla!" "[english]npc_citizen.downthere02" "Down there!" "npc_citizen.evenodds" "Tasoitetaan tilannetta vähän " "[english]npc_citizen.evenodds" "Let's even the odds a little " "npc_citizen.excuseme01" "Anteeksi. " "[english]npc_citizen.excuseme01" "Excuse me. " "npc_citizen.excuseme02" "Anteeksi. " "[english]npc_citizen.excuseme02" "Excuse me. " "npc_citizen.fantastic01" "Fantastista! " "[english]npc_citizen.fantastic01" "Fantastic! " "npc_citizen.fantastic02" "Fantastista! " "[english]npc_citizen.fantastic02" "Fantastic! " "npc_citizen.finally" "Viimeinkin!" "[english]npc_citizen.finally" "Finally!" "npc_citizen.freeman" "Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.freeman" "Freeman." "npc_citizen.getawayfromme01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.getawayfromme01" " " "npc_citizen.getdown01" "Mene maahan!" "[english]npc_citizen.getdown01" "Get down!" "npc_citizen.getdown02" "Mene maahan!" "[english]npc_citizen.getdown02" "Get down!" "npc_citizen.getgoingsoon" "Lähdemmekö liikkeelle pian?" "[english]npc_citizen.getgoingsoon" "Are we gonna get going soon?" "npc_citizen.gethellout" "Häivy täältä!" "[english]npc_citizen.gethellout" "Get the hell out of here!" "npc_citizen.goodgod" "Hyvä jumala!" "[english]npc_citizen.goodgod" "Good god!" "npc_citizen.goodidea01" "Hyvä idea, tohtori." "[english]npc_citizen.goodidea01" "Good idea, Doc." "npc_citizen.goodidea02" "Hyvä idea, tohtori." "[english]npc_citizen.goodidea02" "Good idea, Doc." "npc_citizen.goodplan01" "Hyvä suunnitelma." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplan01" "Good plan." "npc_citizen.goodplan02" "Hyvä suunnitelma." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplan02" "Good plan." "npc_citizen.goodplandoc" "Hyvä suunnitelma, tohtori." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplandoc" "Good plan, Doc." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "Mitä nyt?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "Now what?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "Kaikki sujui jo niin hyvin." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "And things were going so well." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "Älä vain sano." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "Don't tell me." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "Voi luoja!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "Oh, God!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "Voi ei!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "Oh no!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "Ei!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "Please no!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "Jos sanot \"tuo varmaan sattui\", tapan sinut." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "If you dare say 'That's gotta hurt,' I'll kill you." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "Pitäisikö meidän haudata hänet tänne?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "Should we bury him here?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "Minusta tuntui, ettei hänkään olisi voinut auttaa meitä." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "I had a feeling even he couldn't help us." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "Levitä uutisia." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "Spread the word." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "Mitä hyötyä siitä on?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "What's the use?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "Mitä järkeä tässä on?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "What's the point?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "Miksi jatkaisimme?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "Why go on?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "Olemme tuomittuja. " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "We're done for. " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "No, mitä nyt? " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "Well, now what? " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "Minä otan puvun." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "Dibs on the suit." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "Odottakaa hetki, tuo ei ole Gordon Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "Wait a second that's not Gordon Freeman! " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "Hän on tehnyt tätä aiemminkin. Hän selviää." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "He's done this before. He'll be okay." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "Minä oksennan." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "I'm gonna be sick." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "Ottakaa joku hänen sorkkarautansa." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "Somebody take his crowbar." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "Hän on kuollut." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "He's dead." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "Mikä tapa kuolla. " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "What a way to go. " "npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "Voi luoja, se on Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "Oh my God, it's Freeman! " "npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "Voi luoja, se on Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "Oh my God, it's Freeman!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "Freeman on... kuollut..." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "Freeman is...dead..." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "Ei kai tuo ole Freeman?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "That's not Freeman is it?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "Se ei voi olla!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "This can't be!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "Katso, hän on kuollut!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "Look, he's dead!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "Hän on kaukana Black Mesasta." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "He came a long way from Black Mesa." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "Hän ei liiku." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "He's not moving." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "Tämä näyttää huonolta." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "This is bad." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "Luulin, että hän on kuolematon!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "I thought he was invincible!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "Se tohtori Freemanista." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "So much for Doctor Freeman." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "Se viimeisestä toivostamme." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "So much for our last hope." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "Sen ei pitänyt päättyä näin." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "It's not supposed to end like this." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "Tohtori Freeman Kuuletko sinä minua? Älä astu valoon!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "Dr. Freeman? Can you hear me? Do not go into the light!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "Mitä nyt?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "What now?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "Onko viimeisiä sanoja, tohtori? " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "Any last words, Doc? " "npc_citizen.gotone01" "Sain yhden!" "[english]npc_citizen.gotone01" "Got one!" "npc_citizen.gotone02" "Minä sain yhden " "[english]npc_citizen.gotone02" "I got one! " "npc_citizen.gottareload01" "Täytyy ladata!" "[english]npc_citizen.gottareload01" "Gotta reload!" "npc_citizen.gunship01" "Tykkialus" "[english]npc_citizen.gunship01" "Gunship" "npc_citizen.gunship02" "Tykkialus!" "[english]npc_citizen.gunship02" "Gunship!" "npc_citizen.hacks01" "Hakkeja!" "[english]npc_citizen.hacks01" "Hacks!" "npc_citizen.hacks02" "Hakkeja! " "[english]npc_citizen.hacks02" "Hacks! " "npc_citizen.headcrabs01" "Päärapuja!" "[english]npc_citizen.headcrabs01" "Headcrabs!" "npc_citizen.headcrabs02" "Päärapuja! " "[english]npc_citizen.headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "npc_citizen.headsup01" "Päät pystyyn! " "[english]npc_citizen.headsup01" "Heads up! " "npc_citizen.headsup02" "Päät pystyyn!" "[english]npc_citizen.headsup02" "Heads up!" "npc_citizen.health01" "Ota tämä lääkintäpakkaus. " "[english]npc_citizen.health01" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health02" "Ota tämä lääkintäpakkaus. " "[english]npc_citizen.health02" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health03" "Ota tämä lääkintäpakkaus. " "[english]npc_citizen.health03" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health04" "Ota lääkintäpakkaus. " "[english]npc_citizen.health04" "Here, have a medkit. " "npc_citizen.health05" "Ota tämä ja hoida itsesi kuntoon. " "[english]npc_citizen.health05" "Here, patch yourself up. " "npc_citizen.hellodrfm01" "Hei, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.hellodrfm01" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.hellodrfm02" "Hei, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.hellodrfm02" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.help01" "Apua!" "[english]npc_citizen.help01" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help02" "Apua!" "[english]npc_citizen.help02" "Help!" "npc_citizen.helpme01" "Auta minua!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpme01" "Help me!" "npc_citizen.helpoverhere01" "Apua! täällä!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpoverhere01" "Help! over here!" "npc_citizen.helpoverhere02" "Apua! Täällä!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpoverhere02" "Help! Over here!" "npc_citizen.helpus01" "Auttakaa meitä!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpus01" "Help us!" "npc_citizen.helpus02" "Auttakaa meitä!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpus02" "Help us!" "npc_citizen.herecomehacks01" "Täältä tulee manhakkeja!" "[english]npc_citizen.herecomehacks01" "Here come the hacks!" "npc_citizen.herecomehacks02" "Täältä tulee manhakkeja!" "[english]npc_citizen.herecomehacks02" "Here come the hacks!" "npc_citizen.heretheycome01" "Täältä he tulevat! " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome01" "Here they come! " "npc_citizen.heretohelp01" "Luulimme, että tulit tänne auttamaan. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretohelp01" "We thought you were here to help. " "npc_citizen.heretohelp02" "Luulimme, että tulit tänne auttamaan. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretohelp02" "We thought you were here to help. " "npc_citizen.heydoc01" "Hei tohtori. " "[english]npc_citizen.heydoc01" "Hey, Doc. " "npc_citizen.heydoc02" "Hei tohtori. " "[english]npc_citizen.heydoc02" "Hey, Doc. " "npc_citizen.heythanksfm01" "Kiitos, Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.heythanksfm01" "Hey, thanks, Freeman." "npc_citizen.heythanksfm02" "Kiitos, Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.heythanksfm02" "Hey, thanks, Freeman." "npc_citizen.hi01" "Hei. " "[english]npc_citizen.hi01" "Hi. " "npc_citizen.hi02" "Hei. " "[english]npc_citizen.hi02" "Hi. " "npc_citizen.hitingut01" "Osuma vatsaan!" "[english]npc_citizen.hitingut01" "Hit in the gut!" "npc_citizen.hitingut02" "Osuma vatsaan!" "[english]npc_citizen.hitingut02" "Hit in the gut!" "npc_citizen.holddownspot01" "Jään tähän ja puolustan tätä kohtaa. " "[english]npc_citizen.holddownspot01" "I'm gonna stay and hold down this spot. " "npc_citizen.holddownspot02" "Jään tähän ja puolustan tätä kohtaa. " "[english]npc_citizen.holddownspot02" "I'm gonna stay and hold down this spot. " "npc_citizen.hoppers01" "Hyppijöitä!" "[english]npc_citizen.hoppers01" "Hoppers!" "npc_citizen.hoppers02" "Hyppijöitä!" "[english]npc_citizen.hoppers02" "Hoppers!" "npc_citizen.howdimissthat" "Miksi en osunut tuohon?" "[english]npc_citizen.howdimissthat" "How'd I miss that?" "npc_citizen.illstayhere01" "Pysyn tässä. " "[english]npc_citizen.illstayhere01" "I'll stay here. " "npc_citizen.imhurt01" "Olen haavoittunut! " "[english]npc_citizen.imhurt01" "I'm hurt! " "npc_citizen.imhurt02" "Olen haavoittunut!" "[english]npc_citizen.imhurt02" "I'm hurt!" "npc_citizen.imstickinghere01" "Pysyn tässä." "[english]npc_citizen.imstickinghere01" "I'm sticking here." "npc_citizen.incoming01" "Lisää tulossa!" "[english]npc_citizen.incoming01" "Incoming!" "npc_citizen.incoming02" "Lisää tulossa!" "[english]npc_citizen.incoming02" "Incoming!" "npc_citizen.inthere01" "Tuolla!" "[english]npc_citizen.inthere01" "In there!" "npc_citizen.inthere02" "Tuolla!" "[english]npc_citizen.inthere02" "In there!" "npc_citizen.itsamanhack01" "Se on manhakki!" "[english]npc_citizen.itsamanhack01" "It's a manhack!" "npc_citizen.itsamanhack02" "Se on manhakki!" "[english]npc_citizen.itsamanhack02" "It's a manhack!" "npc_citizen.itsarhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.itsarhino01" " " "npc_citizen.itsarhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.itsarhino02" " " "npc_citizen.joe00" " " "[english]npc_citizen.joe00" " " "npc_citizen.leadon01" "Johda, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.leadon01" "Lead on, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.leadon02" "Johda, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.leadon02" "Lead on, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.leadtheway01" "Mene sinä kärkeen. " "[english]npc_citizen.leadtheway01" "You lead the way. " "npc_citizen.leadtheway02" "Mene edeltä." "[english]npc_citizen.leadtheway02" "Lead the way." "npc_citizen.letsgo01" "Mennään! " "[english]npc_citizen.letsgo01" "Let's go! " "npc_citizen.letsgo02" "Mennään! " "[english]npc_citizen.letsgo02" "Let's go! " "npc_citizen.likethat" "Ha haa! Noinko? " "[english]npc_citizen.likethat" "Ha ha! Like that? " "npc_citizen.likethemapples" "Miltä tuntuu? " "[english]npc_citizen.likethemapples" "Like them apples? " "npc_citizen.littlecorner01" "Olen omassa pikku nurkassani ja jään tähän " "[english]npc_citizen.littlecorner01" "I've got my little corner and I'm sticking to it " "npc_citizen.lookoutfm01" "Varo, Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.lookoutfm01" "Look out, Freeman " "npc_citizen.lookoutfm02" "Varo, Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.lookoutfm02" "Look out, Freeman " "npc_citizen.manhacks01" "Manhakkeja!" "[english]npc_citizen.manhacks01" "Manhacks!" "npc_citizen.manhacks02" "Manhakkeja!" "[english]npc_citizen.manhacks02" "Manhacks!" "npc_citizen.moan01" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan01" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan02" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan02" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan03" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan03" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan04" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan04" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan05" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan05" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.myarm01" "Käteni!" "[english]npc_citizen.myarm01" "My arm!" "npc_citizen.myarm02" "Käteni!" "[english]npc_citizen.myarm02" "My arm!" "npc_citizen.mygut01" "Mahani!" "[english]npc_citizen.mygut01" "My gut!" "npc_citizen.mygut02" "Mahani!" "[english]npc_citizen.mygut02" "My gut!" "npc_citizen.myleg01" "Jalkani!" "[english]npc_citizen.myleg01" "My leg!" "npc_citizen.myleg02" "Jalkani!" "[english]npc_citizen.myleg02" "My leg!" "npc_citizen.nice" "Hienoa!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.no01" "Ei!" "[english]npc_citizen.no01" "No!" "npc_citizen.no02" "Ei!" "[english]npc_citizen.no02" "No!" "npc_citizen.notthemanithought01" "Et ole mies, joksi luulimme sinua. " "[english]npc_citizen.notthemanithought01" "You're not the man I thought you were. " "npc_citizen.notthemanithought02" "Et ole mies, joksi luulimme sinua. " "[english]npc_citizen.notthemanithought02" "You're not the man I thought you were. " "npc_citizen.ohno" "Voi ei! " "[english]npc_citizen.ohno" "Oh no! " "npc_citizen.ok01" "Selvä. " "[english]npc_citizen.ok01" "Okay. " "npc_citizen.ok02" "Okei! " "[english]npc_citizen.ok02" "Okay! " "npc_citizen.okdoc01" "Okei, tohtori." "[english]npc_citizen.okdoc01" "Okay, Doc." "npc_citizen.okdoc02" "Okei, tohtori." "[english]npc_citizen.okdoc02" "Okay, Doc." "npc_citizen.okimready01" "Okei, olen valmis. " "[english]npc_citizen.okimready01" "Okay, I'm ready. " "npc_citizen.okimready02" "Okei, olen valmis. " "[english]npc_citizen.okimready02" "Okay, I'm ready. " "npc_citizen.okimready03" "Okei, olen valmis." "[english]npc_citizen.okimready03" "Okay, I'm ready." "npc_citizen.oneforme" "Yksi minulle, toinen minulle." "[english]npc_citizen.oneforme" "One for me and one for me." "npc_citizen.onyourside" "Olemme sinun puolellasi, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.onyourside" "Freeman, we're on your side! " "npc_citizen.outofyourway01" "Menen pois tieltäsi " "[english]npc_citizen.outofyourway01" "Let me get out of your way " "npc_citizen.outofyourway02" "Menen pois tieltäsi " "[english]npc_citizen.outofyourway02" "Let me get out of your way " "npc_citizen.outthere01" "Tuolla!" "[english]npc_citizen.outthere01" "Out there!" "npc_citizen.outthere02" "Tuolla!" "[english]npc_citizen.outthere02" "Out there!" "npc_citizen.overhere01" "Hei, täällä!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere01" "Hey, over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere01a" "Täällä!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere01a" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere02" "Täällä!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere02" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere03" "Täällä!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere03" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overthere01" "Tuolla!" "[english]npc_citizen.overthere01" "Over there!" "npc_citizen.overthere02" "Tuolla!" "[english]npc_citizen.overthere02" "Over there!" "npc_citizen.ow01" "Au!" "[english]npc_citizen.ow01" "Ow!" "npc_citizen.ow02" "Au!" "[english]npc_citizen.ow02" "Ow!" "npc_citizen.pain01" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain01" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain02" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain02" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain03" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain03" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain04" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain04" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain05" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain05" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain06" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain06" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain07" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain07" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain08" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain08" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain09" "*kipua!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain09" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pardonme01" "Suokaa anteeksi." "[english]npc_citizen.pardonme01" "Pardon me." "npc_citizen.pardonme02" "Suokaa anteeksi." "[english]npc_citizen.pardonme02" "Pardon me." "npc_citizen.question01" "Tämä sota ei varmaan koskaan lopu. " "[english]npc_citizen.question01" "I don't think this war's ever gonna end. " "npc_citizen.question02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.question02" " " "npc_citizen.question03" "En näe enää unia. " "[english]npc_citizen.question03" "I don't dream anymore. " "npc_citizen.question04" "Kun tämä päättyy, minä... Äh, mitä minä oikein kuvittelen? " "[english]npc_citizen.question04" "When this is all over I'm...aw, who am I kidding? " "npc_citizen.question05" "Vau... Deja vu!" "[english]npc_citizen.question05" "Whoa...deja vu!" "npc_citizen.question06" " " "[english]npc_citizen.question06" " " "npc_citizen.question07" "Haistatko tuon? Se on vapautta. " "[english]npc_citizen.question07" "You smell that? It's freedom. " "npc_citizen.question08" "Jos saan tohtori Breenin käsiini..." "[english]npc_citizen.question08" "If I ever get my hands on Dr. Breen..." "npc_citizen.question09" "Voisin syödä hevosen kavioineen. " "[english]npc_citizen.question09" "I could eat a horse, hooves and all. " "npc_citizen.question10" "Vaikea uskoa, että tämä päivä on viimein koittanut. " "[english]npc_citizen.question10" "I can't believe this day has finally come. " "npc_citizen.question11" "Olen melko varma, että tämä ei kuulu suunnitelmaan. " "[english]npc_citizen.question11" "I'm pretty sure this isn't part of the plan. " "npc_citizen.question12" "Näyttää siltä, että asiat eivät parane vaan huononevat. " "[english]npc_citizen.question12" "Looks to me like things are getting worse, not better. " "npc_citizen.question13" "Jos vain voisin elää elämäni uudelleen " "[english]npc_citizen.question13" "If I could live my life over again " "npc_citizen.question14" "En edes sano, mitä tuo minusta muistuttaa. " "[english]npc_citizen.question14" "I'm not even gonna tell you what that reminds me of. " "npc_citizen.question15" "He eivät koskaan tee minusta hiipijää. " "[english]npc_citizen.question15" "They're never gonna make a stalker out of me. " "npc_citizen.question16" "Muutos on vihdoin tulossa! " "[english]npc_citizen.question16" "Finally, change is in the air! " "npc_citizen.question17" "Tunnetko sen? Minä tunnen sen! " "[english]npc_citizen.question17" "Do you feel it? I feel it! " "npc_citizen.question18" "En tunne enää mitään. " "[english]npc_citizen.question18" "I don't feel anything anymore. " "npc_citizen.question19" "En muista, milloin viimeksi olin suihkussa. " "[english]npc_citizen.question19" "I can't remember the last time I had a shower. " "npc_citizen.question20" "Jonain päivänä kaikki tämä on vain paha muisto. " "[english]npc_citizen.question20" "Some day this will all be a bad memory. " "npc_citizen.question21" "Jos olisin vedonlyöjä, en veikkaisi meitä voittajiksi. " "[english]npc_citizen.question21" "I'm not a betting man, but the odds are not good. " "npc_citizen.question22" "Eikä kukaan välitä minun mielipiteistäni? " "[english]npc_citizen.question22" "Doesn't anyone care what I think? " "npc_citizen.question23" "Tämä kappale on jäänyt soimaan päähäni. [viheltää]" "[english]npc_citizen.question23" "I can't get this tune out of my head. [whistles]" "npc_citizen.question24" "En halua tietää, millaista lihaa tämä on. " "[english]npc_citizen.question24" "I do not want to know what kind of meat this is. " "npc_citizen.question25" "Arvasin, että tästä tulee yksi niistä päivistä. " "[english]npc_citizen.question25" "I just knew it was gonna be one of those days. " "npc_citizen.question26" "Tämä on roskaa!" "[english]npc_citizen.question26" "This is bullshit!" "npc_citizen.question27" "Taisin syödä jotain pilaantunutta." "[english]npc_citizen.question27" "I think I ate something bad." "npc_citizen.question28" "Minulla on pirunmoinen nälkä." "[english]npc_citizen.question28" "God I'm hungry." "npc_citizen.question29" "Kun tämä on ohi, aion pariutua. " "[english]npc_citizen.question29" "When this is all over, I'm gonna mate. " "npc_citizen.question30" "Onneksi ei ole lapsia, jotka näkisivät tämän " "[english]npc_citizen.question30" "I'm glad there's no kids around to see this " "npc_citizen.question31" "En muista, milloin viimeksi olin missään. " "[english]npc_citizen.question31" "I can't remember the last time I had, well, anything. " "npc_citizen.readywhenyouare01" "Voimme mennä, kun olet valmis. " "[english]npc_citizen.readywhenyouare01" "Ready when you are. " "npc_citizen.readywhenyouare02" "Voimme mennä, kun olet valmis! " "[english]npc_citizen.readywhenyouare02" "Ready when you are! " "npc_citizen.reloadfm01" "Lataa, tohtori Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.reloadfm01" "Reload, Dr. Freeman!" "npc_citizen.reloadfm02" "Lataa, tohtori Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.reloadfm02" "Reload, Dr. Freeman!" "npc_citizen.rollermines01" "Rullamiinoja!" "[english]npc_citizen.rollermines01" "Rollermines!" "npc_citizen.rollermines02" "Rullamiinoja!" "[english]npc_citizen.rollermines02" "Rollermines!" "npc_citizen.runforyourlife01" "Juokse henkesi edestä! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife01" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.runforyourlife02" "Juokse henkesi edestä! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife02" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.runforyourlife03" "Juokse henkesi edestä! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife03" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far01" "Kunnossa. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far01" "Clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far02" "Kaikki kunnossa. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far02" "All clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far03" "Näyttää hyvältä. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far03" "Looks okay. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_near01" "Kunnossa!" "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near01" "Clear!" "npc_citizen.scan_check_near02" "Kaikki kunnossa. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near02" "All clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_near03" "Näyttää hyvältä. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near03" "Looks okay. " "npc_citizen.scanners01" "Skannereita! " "[english]npc_citizen.scanners01" "Scanners! " "npc_citizen.scanners02" "Skannereita! " "[english]npc_citizen.scanners02" "Scanners! " "npc_citizen.shoulder01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.shoulder01" " " "npc_citizen.shoulder02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.shoulder02" " " "npc_citizen.snakebitme" "Jos se olisi käärme, se olisi purrut minua." "[english]npc_citizen.snakebitme" "If it were a snake, it woulda bit me." "npc_citizen.sorry01" "Anteeksi." "[english]npc_citizen.sorry01" "Sorry." "npc_citizen.sorry02" "Anteeksi. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorry02" "Sorry. " "npc_citizen.sorry03" "Anteeksi. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorry03" "Sorry. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc01" "Anteeksi, tohtori. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc01" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc02" "Anteeksi, tohtori. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc02" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc04" "Anteeksi, tohtori. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc04" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorryfm01" "Anteeksi, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorryfm01" "Sorry, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.sorryfm02" "Anteeksi, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorryfm02" "Sorry, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm01" "Selvä homma, tohtori. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm01" "You got it, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm02" "Kuten haluat, tohtori. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm02" "Anything you say, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm03" "Hyvä on. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm03" "Whatever you say. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm04" "Okei, minä menen. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm04" "Okay I'm going. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm05" "Antaa mennä. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm05" "Here goes. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm06" "Antaa mennä vaan. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm06" "Here goes nothing. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm07" "Hyvin keksitty, tohtori. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm07" "Good call, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm08" "Hyvä idea, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm08" "Good idea, Doctor Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm09" "Selvä, Gordon. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm09" "Sure thing, Gordon. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach01" "Palaa Freemanin luo. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach01" "Head back to Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach02" "Täältä tullaan. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach02" "Here we come. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach03" "Olemme tulossa. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach03" "On our way. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach04" "Tullaan. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach04" "Coming. " "npc_citizen.squad_away01" "Tätä tietä, joukko." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away01" "This way, gang." "npc_citizen.squad_away02" "Täällä. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away02" "Over here. " "npc_citizen.squad_away03" "Seuratkaa minua. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away03" "Follow me. " "npc_citizen.squad_follow01" "Seuratkaa Freemania! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow01" "Follow Freeman! " "npc_citizen.squad_follow02" "Alkakaa kaikki tulla! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow02" "Come on, everybody! " "npc_citizen.squad_follow03" "Lähdetään liikkeelle!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow03" "Let's get moving!" "npc_citizen.squad_follow04" "Seuratkaa kaikki Freemania!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow04" "Hey, everybody, follow Freeman!" "npc_citizen.squad_greet01" "Gordon Freeman! Olet täällä! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet01" "Gordon Freeman, you're here! " "npc_citizen.squad_greet02" "Tohtori Freeman? Tulemme mukaasi. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet02" "Doctor Freeman? We're coming with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet03" "Tulemme mukaasi, tohtori " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet03" "We're coming with you, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet04" "Teidän avullanne, tohtori Freeman, voimme viimeinkin saada jotain aikaan." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet04" "With you here, Dr. Freeman, we can finally make some headway." "npc_citizen.squad_greet05" "Gordon Freeman on täällä. Uskomatonta. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet05" "Gordon Freeman's here. I don't believe it. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet06" "Gordon Freeman? Nyt asiat alkavat edistyä. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet06" "Gordon Freeman? Well now we're getting somewhere. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group01" "Odottakaa, tohtori Freeman. Tulemme mukaan. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group01" "Doctor Freeman, wait. We'll come with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group02" "Hei, se on Freeman! Seurataan häntä! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group02" "Hey, it's Freeman! Let's follow him! " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group03" "Haluamme tulla mukaasi, tohtori Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group03" "We were looking to join you, Doctor Freeman." "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group04" "Odota meitä!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group04" "Wait for us!" "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single01" "Odota minua, tohtori Freeman. Tulen mukaasi. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single01" "Wait for me, Dr. Freeman. I'll come with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single02" "Tohtori Freeman, tulen mukaasi. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single02" "Dr. Freeman, I'm coming with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single03" "Hei. Se on Freeman! Et saa mennä ilman minua. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single03" "Hey. it's Freeman! You're not leaving without me. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single04" "Odota minua. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single04" "Wait for me. " "npc_citizen.squad_train01" "Autamme kaikin tavoin, tohtori. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train01" "We'll help however we can, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_train02" "Kerro, mitä haluat meidän tekevän, tohtori Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train02" "Let us know where you want us, Dr. Freeman." "npc_citizen.squad_train03" "Okei, tohtori, sinä käsket. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train03" "Okay, Doc, you're in charge. " "npc_citizen.squad_train04" "Seuraamme sinua, tohtori Freeman. Kerro, jos voimme auttaa sinua muilla tavoin." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train04" "We're with you, Dr. Freeman. Let us know if we can do anything extra to help." "npc_citizen.startle01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.startle01" " " "npc_citizen.startle02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.startle02" " " "npc_citizen.stopitfm" "Lopeta, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.stopitfm" "Stop it, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.strider" "Strider!" "[english]npc_citizen.strider" "Strider!" "npc_citizen.strider_run" "Juokse!" "[english]npc_citizen.strider_run" "Run!" "npc_citizen.surething01" "Selvä." "[english]npc_citizen.surething01" "Sure thing." "npc_citizen.surething02" "Selvä." "[english]npc_citizen.surething02" "Sure thing." "npc_citizen.takecover01" "Suojaan!" "[english]npc_citizen.takecover01" "Take cover!" "npc_citizen.takecover02" "Suojaan!" "[english]npc_citizen.takecover02" "Take cover!" "npc_citizen.thanksdoc01" "Kiitos, tohtori." "[english]npc_citizen.thanksdoc01" "Thanks, Doc." "npc_citizen.thanksdoc02" "Kiitos, tohtori." "[english]npc_citizen.thanksdoc02" "Thanks, Doc." "npc_citizen.thehacks01" "Manhakit!" "[english]npc_citizen.thehacks01" "The Hacks!" "npc_citizen.thehacks02" "Manhakit!" "[english]npc_citizen.thehacks02" "The Hacks!" "npc_citizen.thislldonicely" "Tämä käy hyvin." "[english]npc_citizen.thislldonicely" "This'll do nicely." "npc_citizen.turret" "Tykkitorni!" "[english]npc_citizen.turret" "Turret!" "npc_citizen.turrets" "Tykit!" "[english]npc_citizen.turrets" "Turrets!" "npc_citizen.uhoh" "Oi voi." "[english]npc_citizen.uhoh" "Uh-oh." "npc_citizen.upthere01" "Ylhäällä!" "[english]npc_citizen.upthere01" "Up there!" "npc_citizen.upthere02" "Ylhäällä! " "[english]npc_citizen.upthere02" "Up there! " "npc_citizen.vanswer01" "Hölynpölynne saa riittää. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer01" "Enough of your mumbo jumbo. " "npc_citizen.vanswer02" "Pirun vortigauntit. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer02" "Damn vorts. " "npc_citizen.vanswer03" "En tiedä, miten minun pitäisi suhtautua tuohon. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer03" "I'm not sure how to take that. " "npc_citizen.vanswer04" "Pitäisikö minun ottaa se henkilökohtaisesti?" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer04" "Should I take that personally?" "npc_citizen.vanswer05" "Puhu englantia." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer05" "Speak English." "npc_citizen.vanswer06" "Sait sen minulta." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer06" "You got that from me." "npc_citizen.vanswer07" "Siksi siedämme teitä." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer07" "That's why we put up with you." "npc_citizen.vanswer08" "En olisi osannut sanoa sitä paremmin. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer08" "Couldn't have put it better myself. " "npc_citizen.vanswer09" "Tuohan oli melkein järkevää." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer09" "That almost made sense." "npc_citizen.vanswer10" "Jotain on vialla, minä melkein ymmärsin tuon." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer10" "Something must be wrong with me, I almost understood that." "npc_citizen.vanswer11" "Olen tainnut tottua teihin vortigaunteihin." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer11" "I guess I'm getting used to you vorts." "npc_citizen.vanswer12" "En halua kuulla vortigauntien filosofointia." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer12" "None of your vort philosophy." "npc_citizen.vanswer13" "Lopeta, kuolen kohta!" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer13" "Stop, you're killing me!" "npc_citizen.vanswer14" "Mitä tein ansaitakseni tämän?" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer14" "What did I do to deserve this?" "npc_citizen.vquestion01" "Älä katso minua noin." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion01" "Stop looking at me like that." "npc_citizen.vquestion02" "Joihinkin asioihin ei vain voi tottua." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion02" "Some things I just never get used to." "npc_citizen.vquestion03" "En ymmärrä, miten olette selviytyneet niin kauan. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion03" "I don't know how you things have survived as long as you have. " "npc_citizen.vquestion04" "Joskus ihmettelen, miten päädyin seuraanne. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion04" "Sometimes I wonder how I ended up with you. " "npc_citizen.vquestion05" "Olet ihan hyvä tyyppi, vortigaunt. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion05" "You're all right vorty. " "npc_citizen.vquestion06" "Te vortigauntit olette mukavaa sakkia." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion06" "You vorts aren't half bad." "npc_citizen.vquestion07" "Kuka olisi voinut aavistaa, että kaveeraisin vortigauntien kanssa..." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion07" "If anyone would have told me I'd be pals with a vortigaunt..." "npc_citizen.waitingsomebody" "Odotatko jotain henkilöä?" "[english]npc_citizen.waitingsomebody" "You waiting for somebody?" "npc_citizen.watchforrhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.watchforrhino01" " " "npc_citizen.watchforrhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.watchforrhino02" " " "npc_citizen.watchout" "Varo! " "[english]npc_citizen.watchout" "Watch out! " "npc_citizen.watchwhat" "Varo vähän. " "[english]npc_citizen.watchwhat" "Watch what you're doing. " "npc_citizen.wetrustedyou01" "Luotimme sinuun. " "[english]npc_citizen.wetrustedyou01" "We trusted you. " "npc_citizen.wetrustedyou02" "Luotimme sinuun! " "[english]npc_citizen.wetrustedyou02" "We trusted you! " "npc_citizen.whatwaitfor" "Mitä me oikein odotamme?" "[english]npc_citizen.whatwaitfor" "What are we waiting for?" "npc_citizen.whistle_loop" " " "[english]npc_citizen.whistle_loop" " " "npc_citizen.whohellryou01" "Kuka piru sinä olet?" "[english]npc_citizen.whohellryou01" "Who the hell are you?" "npc_citizen.whoops01" "Hups." "[english]npc_citizen.whoops01" "Whoops." "npc_citizen.wowniceshot01" "Vau, hyvin ammuttu!" "[english]npc_citizen.wowniceshot01" "Wow, nice shot!" "npc_citizen.wowniceshot02" "Vau, hyvin ammuttu!" "[english]npc_citizen.wowniceshot02" "Wow, nice shot!" "npc_citizen.yeah02" "Jeah!" "[english]npc_citizen.yeah02" "Yeah!" "npc_citizen.youdbetterreload01" "Sinun pitää ladata!" "[english]npc_citizen.youdbetterreload01" "You'd better reload!" "npc_citizen.yougotit02" "Selvä " "[english]npc_citizen.yougotit02" "You got it " "npc_citizen.zombies01" "Zombieita!" "[english]npc_citizen.zombies01" "Zombies!" "npc_citizen.zombies02" "Zombieita!" "[english]npc_citizen.zombies02" "Zombies!" "npc_citizen.help03" "Apua!" "[english]npc_citizen.help03" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help04" "Apua!" "[english]npc_citizen.help04" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help05" "Apua!" "[english]npc_citizen.help05" "Help!" "npc_citizen.helpme02" "Auta minua! " "[english]npc_citizen.helpme02" "Help me! " "npc_citizen.heretheycome02" "Täältä he tulevat! " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome02" "Here they come! " "npc_citizen.heretheycome03" "Sieltä ne tulevat. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome03" "Here they come. " "npc_citizen.nice01" "Hienoa!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice01" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.nice02" "Hienoa!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice02" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.overwatch01" "Overwatch! " "[english]npc_citizen.overwatch01" "Overwatch! " "npc_citizen.overwatch02" "Overwatch! " "[english]npc_citizen.overwatch02" "Overwatch! " "npc_citizen.thislldonicely01" "Tämä käy hyvin. " "[english]npc_citizen.thislldonicely01" "This'll do nicely. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Chuckle" "*naurua*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Chuckle" "*chuckle*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure" "Valmistaudu vastaanottamaan yhteiskunnan tuomio, epäilty. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure" "Suspect, prepare to receive civil judgment. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure.Leave" "Uskollisuustarkistuksen noudattamatta jättäminen, mahdollinen 10-103M. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure.Leave" "I have a failure to comply with loyalty check, possible 10-103M. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway" "Hyvä on. Voit mennä. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway" "All right. You can go. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway.Failure" "Häivy nyt täältä. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway.Failure" "Now get out of here. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Intro" "Selvä, suoritamme tavanomaisen uskollisuustarkistuksen 243 sisäänottoasemallani 10-22. Loppu " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Intro" "Uh, roger that, we'll run standard loyalty check procedure 243, my 10-22 intake station, over. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan" "Poimi tuo tölkki. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan" "Pick up that can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan.Nag" "Poimi tölkki. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan.Nag" "Pick up the can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PutItInTheTrash" "Laita se roskapönttöön. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PutItInTheTrash" "Now, put it in the trash can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Success" "Raportoin, että kansalainen on kutsuttu vapaaehtoiseen työpalveluun suorittamaan yleishyödyllistä tehtävää T94-322. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Success" "Reporting citizen summoned to voluntary conscription for general service public detail T94-322. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoLeft" "Jatka matkaa." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoLeft" "Move along." "NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoRight" "Mene." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoRight" "Move it." "NPC_MetroPolice.Freeze" "Älä liiku." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Freeze" "Don't move." "NPC_MetroPolice.Luggagescript.Warn" "Ensimmäinen varoitus: siirry loitommas. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Luggagescript.Warn" "First warning: Move away. " "npc_vortigaunt.acceptcharge" "Hyväksy lataus. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.acceptcharge" "Accept a charge. " "npc_vortigaunt.acceptenergy" "Hyväksy energia. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.acceptenergy" "Accept energy. " "npc_vortigaunt.accompany" "Tulemme mielellämme mukaan. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.accompany" "Gladly we accompany. " "npc_vortigaunt.affirmed" "Vahvistettu. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.affirmed" "Affirmed. " "npc_vortigaunt.alldear" "Olemme menettäneet kaiken rakkaan. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.alldear" "We have lost all dear to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.allfornow" "Siinä kaikki tältä erää. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allfornow" "That is all for now. " "npc_vortigaunt.allinoneinall" "Kaikki yhdessä ja yksi kaikessa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allinoneinall" "All in one and one in all. " "npc_vortigaunt.allowme" "Salli minun. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allowme" "Allow me. " "npc_vortigaunt.allowrecharge" "Antakaa meidän ladata kennonne. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allowrecharge" "Allow us to recharge your cells. " "npc_vortigaunt.allwecanspare" "Enempää emme voi antaa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allwecanspare" "That is all we can spare. " "npc_vortigaunt.allwehave" "Saatte kaiken. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allwehave" "All we have is yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.assent" "Suostun. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.assent" "Assent. " "npc_vortigaunt.asyouwish" "Kuten haluat. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.asyouwish" "As you wish. " "npc_vortigaunt.beofservice" "Voinko auttaa? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.beofservice" "Can we be of service? " "npc_vortigaunt.bodyyours" "Tämä keho on sinun vallassasi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.bodyyours" "This body is yours to command. " "npc_vortigaunt.calm" "Rauhoitu. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.calm" "Calm yourself. " "npc_vortigaunt.canconvince" "Emme voi muuttaa mieltäsi? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.canconvince" "Can we not convince you otherwise? " "npc_vortigaunt.cannotfire" "Emme voi ampua vahingoittamatta Freemania. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.cannotfire" "We cannot fire without harm to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.caution" "Varoen! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.caution" "Caution! " "npc_vortigaunt.cautionfm" "Varoen, Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.cautionfm" "Caution, Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.certainly" "Tietenkin. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.certainly" "Certainly. " "npc_vortigaunt.claimvort" " " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.claimvort" " " "npc_vortigaunt.corporeal" "Emme koskaan uskoneet tapaavamme ruumiillista muotoasi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.corporeal" "We never dreamed to meet you in corporeal form. " "npc_vortigaunt.dedicate" "Omistamme itsemme päämäärällenne " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.dedicate" "We dedicate ourselves to your purpose. " "npc_vortigaunt.done" "Tehty. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.done" "Done. " "npc_vortigaunt.dreamed" "Olemme unelmoineet tästä hetkestä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.dreamed" "We have dreamed of this moment. " "npc_vortigaunt.empowerus" "Anna meille voimaa! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.empowerus" "Empower us! " "npc_vortigaunt.energyempower" "Sen energia tuo meille voimaa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.energyempower" "Its energy empowers us. " "npc_vortigaunt.fearfailed" "Pelkään, että olemme pettäneet sinut. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fearfailed" "We fear we have failed you. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmbeware" "Varo, Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmbeware" "Freeman, beware! " "npc_vortigaunt.fmcanuse" "Freemanille on hyötyä tästä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmcanuse" "The Freeman can make use of this. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmdoesushonor" "Freeman on meille kunniaksi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmdoesushonor" "The Freeman does us honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmhonorsus" "Freeman tuo meille kunniaa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmhonorsus" "The Freeman honors us. " "npc_vortigaunt.fminway" "Freeman on tiellämme. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fminway" "The Freeman is in our way. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmknowsbest" "Freeman tietää parhaiten. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmknowsbest" "The Freeman knows best. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustbeware" "Freemanin on varottava! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustbeware" "The Freeman must beware! " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustfollow" "Freemanin on seurattava. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustfollow" "The Freeman must follow. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustmove" "Freemanin on liikuttava. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustmove" "The Freeman must move. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmstandstill" "Freemanin on oltava paikoillaan. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmstandstill" "The Freeman must stand still. " "npc_vortigaunt.followfm" "Seuraa, Freeman." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.followfm" "Follow, Freeman." "npc_vortigaunt.forfreedom" "Vapauden puolesta. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forfreedom" "For Freedom! " "npc_vortigaunt.forthefm" "Freemanin puolesta! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forthefm" "For the Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.forward" "Eteenpäin! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forward" "Forward! " "npc_vortigaunt.freeman" "Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.freeman" "Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.giveover" "Anna olemuksesi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.giveover" "Give over your essence. " "npc_vortigaunt.gladly" "Mielihyvin. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.gladly" "Gladly. " "npc_vortigaunt.gloriousend" "Kunniakkaalle lopullemme. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.gloriousend" "To our glorious end. " "npc_vortigaunt.greetingsfm" "Tervehdys Freemanille. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.greetingsfm" "Greetings to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.halt" "Seis. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.halt" "Halt. " "npc_vortigaunt.here" "Täällä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.here" "Here. " "npc_vortigaunt.herewestay" "Tähän jäämme. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.herewestay" "Here we stay. " "npc_vortigaunt.hold" "Paikallasi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.hold" "Hold. " "npc_vortigaunt.holdorcantcharge" "Pysy paikallasi, tai lataaminen ei onnistu. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.holdorcantcharge" "Hold still or we cannot charge you. " "npc_vortigaunt.holdstill" "Pysy paikallasi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.holdstill" "Hold still. " "npc_vortigaunt.honorfollow" "Kunniaksemme seuraamme sinua. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.honorfollow" "To our honor we follow you. " "npc_vortigaunt.honorours" "Kunnia on meidän. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.honorours" "The honor is ours. " "npc_vortigaunt.hopeless" "Hankkeemme vaikuttaa toivottomalta. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.hopeless" "Our cause seems hopeless. " "npc_vortigaunt.ifyoumove" "Jos liikut, emme voi auttaa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ifyoumove" "If you move we cannot help you. " "npc_vortigaunt.isitthefm" "Onko se Freeman? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.isitthefm" "Is it the Freeman? " "npc_vortigaunt.itishonor" "Se on kunnia. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.itishonor" "It is an honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.itisthefm" "Se on Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.itisthefm" "It is the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.keepfmsafe" "Näin Freeman on turvassa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.keepfmsafe" "That should keep the Freeman safe. " "npc_vortigaunt.leadon" "Näytä tie. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.leadon" "Lead on. " "npc_vortigaunt.leadus" "Johda meitä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.leadus" "Lead us. " "npc_vortigaunt.livetoserve" "Elämme palvelemista varten. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.livetoserve" "We live to serve. " "npc_vortigaunt.morethanmeets" "Freemanilla on kätkettyjä ominaisuuksia. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.morethanmeets" "There is more to the Freeman than meets the eye. " "npc_vortigaunt.movingtarget" "Emme voi parantaa liikkuvaa kohdetta. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.movingtarget" "We cannot heal a moving target. " "npc_vortigaunt.mutual" "Tavoitteemme on yhteinen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.mutual" "Our purpose is mutual. " "npc_vortigaunt.mystery" "Palvelemme samaa mysteeriä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.mystery" "We serve the same mystery. " "npc_vortigaunt.neuroprints" "Neuroprintit ovat siis oikeassa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.neuroprints" "So the neuroprints are true. " "npc_vortigaunt.nodenexus" "Node ja Nexus, käykää kiinni tähän elämään! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.nodenexus" "Node and nexus, feed upon this life! " "npc_vortigaunt.onward" "Edespäin! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.onward" "Onward! " "npc_vortigaunt.opaque" "Mielesi on läpinäkymätön. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.opaque" "Your mind is opaque. " "npc_vortigaunt.optical" "Emme voi lukea Freemanin näkösilmuja. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.optical" "We cannot read the Freeman's optical buds. " "npc_vortigaunt.ourhonor" "Kunniamme kautta. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ourhonor" "By our honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.ourplacehere" "Paikkamme on täällä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ourplacehere" "Our place is here. " "npc_vortigaunt.passon" "Eteenpäin! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.passon" "Pass on! " "npc_vortigaunt.persevere" "Kukaan ei voisi kestää tällaista, mutta me jatkamme. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.persevere" "This is more than anyone can bear, but we will persevere. " "npc_vortigaunt.pleasure" "Mielihyvin. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.pleasure" "With pleasure. " "npc_vortigaunt.poet" "Taitavin runoilijamme kuvaili sitä sanoin \"gallum galla gilla ma\". " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.poet" "Our finest poet describes it thus: Gallum galla gilla ma. " "npc_vortigaunt.prepare" "Valmistaudu saamaan energiaa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.prepare" "Prepare to receive energy. " "npc_vortigaunt.prevail" "Me onnistumme. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.prevail" "We shall prevail. " "npc_vortigaunt.propitious" "Suotuisa liitto. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.propitious" "Propitious alliance. " "npc_vortigaunt.putaside" "Unohdamme Black Mesan... Ainakin hetkeksi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.putaside" "We will put aside Black Mesa... for now. " "npc_vortigaunt.reasondelay" "Onko syytä viivytellä?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.reasondelay" "Is there reason for delay?" "npc_vortigaunt.regrettable" "Tämä on valitettavaa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.regrettable" "This is regrettable. " "npc_vortigaunt.rememberus" "Muistat varmaan meidät Black Mesasta." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.rememberus" "You must remember us from Black Mesa." "npc_vortigaunt.returntoall" "Palaa kaikkeen yhdessä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.returntoall" "Return to the all in one. " "npc_vortigaunt.returnvoid" "Palaa tyhjyyteen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.returnvoid" "Return to the void. " "npc_vortigaunt.salute" "Jos olet todella Freeman, tervehdimme sinua. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.salute" "If you are truly the Freeman, we salute you. " "npc_vortigaunt.satisfaction" "Tyydytys. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.satisfaction" "Satisfaction. " "npc_vortigaunt.seebeforeoureye" "Onko silmiemme edessä Freeman? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.seebeforeoureye" "Is this the Freeman we see before our eyes? " "npc_vortigaunt.seenworse" "Olemme selviytyneet pahemmastakin aikojen saatossa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.seenworse" "We have survived worse across the ages. " "npc_vortigaunt.servebetterhere" "Ehkä voimme palvella sinua paremmin täällä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.servebetterhere" "Perhaps we will serve you better here. " "npc_vortigaunt.standclear" "Pysy etäällä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.standclear" "Stand clear. " "npc_vortigaunt.stillhere" "Olemme yhä täällä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.stillhere" "We are still here. " "npc_vortigaunt.surge" "Lataamme energiaa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.surge" "We surge. " "npc_vortigaunt.takeus" "Ota meidät mukaasi, Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.takeus" "Freeman, take us with you. " "npc_vortigaunt.tethercut" "Lieka on katkaistu. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.tethercut" "The tether is cut. " "npc_vortigaunt.thatisall" "Siinä on kaikki. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.thatisall" "That is all. " "npc_vortigaunt.thefreeman" "Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.thefreeman" "The Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.tothevoid" "Tyhjyyteen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.tothevoid" "To the void with you. " "npc_vortigaunt.troubleus" "Tuo ei enää tule tiellemme. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.troubleus" "That one shall trouble us no more. " "npc_vortigaunt.trulyitis" "Totisesti se on Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.trulyitis" "Truly it is the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.undeserving" "Ei ansaitse tietoisuutta. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.undeserving" "Undeserving of consciousness. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer01" "Emme ole vakuuttuneita " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer01" "We remain unconvinced " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer02" "Et ole ensimmäinen, jolla on nuo kuvitelmat " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer02" "You're not the first to harbor such illusions " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer03" "Me uskomme päinvastaista " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer03" "We believe the opposite " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer04" "Sillä ei ole väliä " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer04" "It is just as well " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "Odotimme tätä " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "We expected as much " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Turhaa arvailua " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Idle speculation " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Huolesi on liikuttava " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Your concern is touching " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Älä luota siihen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Don't rely on it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer09" "Älä oleta mitään " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer09" "Assume nothing " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer10" "Ei suinkaan " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer10" "Nothing of the sort " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer11" "Olet harhainen " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer11" "You are deluded " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer12" "Toivomme, että olisit oikeassa " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer12" "We wish you were right " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer13" "Pahoittelen karkeita vastoinkäymisiämme " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer13" "Excuse our gauche vicissitudes " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer14" "Pyydämme huomiotasi " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer14" "We beg your awareness " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer15" "Samoin. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer15" "Likewise, we are sure. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer16" "Tunne on molemminpuolinen " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer16" "The feeling is mutual " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer17" "Tämä on epätavallista " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer17" "This is unaccustomed " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer18" "Kaikki on yhtä paljoudessa " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer18" "It is all one in the plenitude " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_01" "Onko se Freeman? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_01" "Is it the Freeman? " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_02" "Tuleeko ihminen? Se on! Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_02" "Comes a man? It is! The Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_03" "Muistamme Freemanin. Kuulumme samaan. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_03" "We remember the Freeman. We are coterminous. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_04" "Välillämme ei ole etäisyyttä. Ajan tai avaruuden valheelliset hunnut eivät voi häiritä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_04" "There is no distance between us. No false veil of time or space may intervene. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_05" "Näemme sinut yhä Black Mesassa. Näemme sinut selvästi Nihilanthin kammiossa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_05" "We see you still in Black Mesa. Clearly we see you in the Nihilanth's chamber. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_06" "Todistamme Nihilanthin tuhon kirkasta ikuisuutta. Sinä hyppäät ja kaadut, ja me näemme sinun vilahtavan esteiden takana. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_06" "We bear witness to the bright eternity of the Nihilanth's demise. You leap, you fall, we see you flash beyond the barriers. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_07" "Liityit meihin lyhyeksi ajaksi. Olet yhtä. Maailmojen välillä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_07" "For a brief time you joined with us. You are one. Between the worlds. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_08" "Vorteisuuden yhteys. Ja se toinen, syvempi mysteeri. Ei itse tyhjyyttä syvempi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_08" "Communion of the vortessence. And that other: a deeper mystery. No deeper than the void itself. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_09" "Emme voi unohtaa niitä, joiden nuorat katkoit. Me emme voi suoda anteeksiantoa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_09" "We cannot forget those whose cords you cut. Forgiveness is not ours to bestow. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_10" "Tarkoituksen ykseys, yhteisten kahleiden katkaiseminen, yhteinen tie, jolla kuljemme. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_10" "Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_11" "Laulamme lauluasi ikuisuuden ajan. Tämän kamppailun lopputulos ei vaikuta siihen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_11" "Your song we sing and shall sing for eternity. No matter the consequences of this struggle. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_12" "Olet tuonut meille mittaamattomasti surua ja iloa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_12" "You have brought us grief and jubilation beyond measure. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_13" "Olemme vielä siellä katsomassa viimeistä iskuasi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_13" "We are there still, in observance of your final stroke. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_14" "Kun kaltaisemme olivat hajallaan jalkojesi juurella, katkaisit vortaalinuoran, joka sitoi Nihilanthin elämään ja meihin. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_14" "While our own lay scattered at your feet, you severed the vortal cord that bound the Nihilanth to life, and to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_15" "Se toivon lyhyt tunne ei ole vaimentunut tähän päivään mennessä. Kun heikompi herra oli voitettu, tiesimme, että myös suuremman oli joskus kaaduttava. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_15" "That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day. For once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_16" "Sinä olet rinnallamme voiton talismaanina, ja vapauden päivä lähestyy. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_16" "With you beside us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_17" "Kirkkaat kasvosi peittävät synkemmän naamiosi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_17" "Your bright face obscures your darker mask. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_18" "Kutsumme sinua veljeksi, vaikka mielesi ja tarkoituksesi ovat meille mysteerejä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_18" "We call you sib, although your mind and meaning are a mystery to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_19" "Kaukaiset silmät katsovat sinun silmiesi kautta. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_19" "Far distant eyes look out through yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_20" "Jokin salainen ohjaa meitä molempia. Emme nimeä sitä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_20" "Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_21" "Olemme kantaneet näitä kahleita iäisyyksien ajan, mutta silti vain lyhyt orjuuden hetki tuntuu kestämättömältä! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_21" "We have endured these chafing bonds for eons, yet a single moment of further servitude seems intolerable! " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_22" "Olemme niin usein saaneet vapauden ja menettäneet sen uudelleen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_22" "How often have we slipped our yoke, only to find it choking us again. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_23" "Tämän sodan on loputtava täydelliseen voittoon tai sukupuuttoomme. Emme salli uusia kompromisseja. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_23" "Let this war end in either total victory or our extinction. No further compromise shall we allow. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_24" "Seisomme rinnallanne täällä, tällä surkealla kivellä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_24" "We take our stand beside you, here, upon this miserable rock. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_25" "Tie eteenpäin on tällä hetkellä tuntematon. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_25" "The way ahead is dark for the moment. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_26" "Se, mikä teistä vaikuttaa uhraukselta, on meille vain vaihtelua. Emme pelkää pimeyden jaksoa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_26" "What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_27" "Me olemme vorteisuudesta luotu kangas. Sama koskee myös sinua, jos vain näkisit sen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_27" "We are a tapestry woven of vortessence. It is the same for you if only you would see it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_28" "Kuinka monta sinussa on? Kenen toiveet ja unelmat ovat sinussa? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_28" "How many are there in you? Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass? " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_29" "Jos vain näkisit silmissäsi olevat silmät ja mielessäsi olevat mielet, ymmärtäisit, miten samanlaisia olemme. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_29" "Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in your mind, you would see how much we share. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_30" "Me olemme sinä, Freeman. Ja sinä olet me. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_30" "We are you, Freeman. And you are us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese02" "Ah ghurrrr..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese02" "Ah ghurrrr..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese03" "Taaar..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese03" "Taaar..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese04" "Riiit..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese04" "Riiit..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese05" "Lung gah..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese05" "Lung gah..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese07" "Gong..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese07" "Gong..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese08" "Galanga..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese08" "Galanga..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese09" "Ga la lung... " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese09" "Ga la lung... " "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese11" "Churr galing chur alla gung..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese11" "Churr galing chur alla gung..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese12" "Chur lung gong chella gurr..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese12" "Chur lung gong chella gurr..." "npc_vortigaunt.vques01" "Olemme menettäneet kaiken rakkaan." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques01" "We have lost all dear to us." "npc_vortigaunt.vques02" "Combinen on maksettava turmeltuneisuudestaan." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques02" "The Combine will pay in kind for their depravity." "npc_vortigaunt.vques03" "Toivoa on jälleen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques03" "Hope is in sight. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques04" "Tämä on käännekohta. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques04" "This marks a turning point. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques05" "Tuollainen pessimisti tuhoaa meidät kaikki. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques05" "Such pessimism will doom us all. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques06" "Olemme selviytyneet pimeämpien aikojen läpi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques06" "We have survived darker times. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques07" "Muistamme suurimman filosofimme sanat: \"companum gannennen vorgenot\"!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques07" "We are mindful of the words of our greatest philosopher: companum gannennen vorgenot!" "npc_vortigaunt.vques08" "Voi teitä ihmisiä, olette aina laatuisuudessa. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques08" "You humans, always in the qualidity. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques09" "Pidämme nykyistä seuraamme loukkaamattomana. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques09" "We deem this company inviolable. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques10" "Kumppanuutenne on hyvin työlästä. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques10" "Your companionship is greatly belabored. " "npc_vortigaunt.ware" "Varo! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ware" "Ware! " "npc_vortigaunt.warefm" "Varo, Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.warefm" "Ware, Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.warningfm" "Varoitus Freemanille. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.warningfm" "Warning to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.weareyours" "Olemme sinun. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weareyours" "We are yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.webeofuse" "Meistä voi olla hyötyä sinulle, Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.webeofuse" "Freeman, we could be of use to you. " "npc_vortigaunt.weclaimyou" "Otamme sinut. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weclaimyou" "We claim you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wefollowfm" "Seuraamme Freemania. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wefollowfm" "We follow the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.wehonored" "Tämä on suuri kunnia meille. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wehonored" "We are honored. " "npc_vortigaunt.weknowyou" "Tunnemme sinut. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weknowyou" "We know you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wellmet" "Hyvin kohdattu, Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wellmet" "Well met, Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.weshare" "Jaamme vorteisuuden. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weshare" "We shall share the vortessence. " "npc_vortigaunt.wewillcharge" "Lataamme sinut. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wewillcharge" "We will charge you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wewillhelp" "Autamme sinua. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wewillhelp" "We will help you. " "npc_vortigaunt.whereto" "Minne nyt? Ja mitä varten? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.whereto" "Where to now? And to what end? " "npc_vortigaunt.willremain" "Jäämme tähän, jos käsket niin. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.willremain" "We will remain if you so instruct. " "npc_vortigaunt.worthless" "Elämämme on arvotonta ilman vapautta. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.worthless" "Our life is worthless unless spent on freedom. " "npc_vortigaunt.yes" "Kyllä! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.yes" "Yes! " "npc_vortigaunt.yesforward" "Kyllä, eteenpäin. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.yesforward" "Yes, forward. " "npc_vortigaunt.chant03" "Hurrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Churrrrrrrrrrr---Koff! Köh! Khiih!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.chant03" "Hurrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Churrrrrrrrrrr---Koff! Hack! Wheeze!" "odessa.cub_damn" " " "[english]odessa.cub_damn" " " "odessa.cub_eli" " " "[english]odessa.cub_eli" " " "odessa.cub_pleasure" " " "[english]odessa.cub_pleasure" " " "odessa.cub_showyou" " " "[english]odessa.cub_showyou" " " "odessa.cub_tricky" " " "[english]odessa.cub_tricky" " " "odessa.nlo_after01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after01" " " "odessa.nlo_after02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after02" " " "odessa.nlo_after03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after03" " " "odessa.nlo_after04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after04" " " "odessa.nlo_after05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after05" " " "odessa.nlo_before01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before01" " " "odessa.nlo_before02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before02" " " "odessa.nlo_before03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before03" " " "odessa.nlo_before04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before04" " " "odessa.nlo_before05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before05" " " "odessa.nlo_before06" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before06" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag01" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag02" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag03" " " "odessa.nlo_cheer01" "*riemunhuutoja*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer01" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_cheer02" "*riemunhuutoja*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer02" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_cheer03" "*naurua*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer03" "*laughter*" "odessa.nlo_cheer04" "*riemunhuutoja*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer04" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_citizen_bringcar" "Tuo autosi tänne, niin avaan portin. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_bringcar" "Bring your car up here and I'll open the gate for you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_drivesafe" "Aja varovasti! " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_drivesafe" "Drive safely! " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet01" "Sinun kannattaa mennä kellariin. Valmistaudumme torjumaan hyökkäyksen. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet01" "I'd get into the basement if I were you. We're bracing for an attack. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet02" "Gordon Freeman? Eversti odottaa sinua. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet02" "Gordon Freeman? The Colonel is expecting you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet03" "Nyt ei ole aikaa harhailla. Combine lähestyy. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet03" "This is no time to be wandering around. The Combine's closing in. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet04" "Mene kellariin! Meidän on varmistettava, että jokaisella on oikeat varusteet hyökkäyksen torjumiseen. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet04" "Get in the basement! We're making sure everyone has what they need to hold off an attack. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet05" "Sinun ei pitäisi kuljeskella täällä. Mene kellariin. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet05" "You shouldn't be walking around out here. Get into the basement. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post01" "Säilytä tuo heitin, tohtori Freeman. Siitä on hyötyä matkan varrella. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post01" "Hold onto that launcher, Dr. Freeman. You'll be glad you have it on the road ahead. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post02" "Lähde matkaan, tohtori Freeman. Tiedämme, että Eli Vance luottaa sinuun. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post02" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. We know Eli Vance is depending on you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post03" "Onnea Nova Prospektiin, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post03" "Good luck in Nova Prospekt, Dr. Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_cub_carry" "Kuka on se onnekas, joka saa käyttää sitä taistelussa? " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_carry" "Now, who's going to be the lucky one to carry it into combat? " "odessa.nlo_cub_class01" "Tämä ohjattava raketinheitin antaa parhaan mahdollisuuden tykkialuksen tuhoamiseen. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class01" "This steerable rocket launcher is our best bet for taking down a gunship. " "odessa.nlo_cub_class02" "Laserohjaimen avulla raketin voi ohjata tykkialuksen puolustuksen ohi, jolloin se ei voi ampua rakettia alas. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class02" "Using the laser guide, you can steer your rocket past the gunship's defenses and prevent it from shooting down your rocket. " "odessa.nlo_cub_class03" "Ensimmäinen osuma vain suututtaa tykkialuksen, mutta jos selviät riittävän kauan ja osut useita kertoja, saat mahtavan metsästysmuiston. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class03" "This will only anger it at first, but if you can survive long enough to make several direct hits, you'll be rewarded with a prize worthy of any mantlepiece. " "odessa.nlo_cub_corkscrew" "Muista ohjata raketti tykkialuksen puolustuksen ohi heittimen laserohjaimella. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_corkscrew" "Remember: use the launcher's laser guide to steer your rocket past the gunship's defenses. " "odessa.nlo_cub_farewell" "Hyvästi! Kerro tohtori Vancelle, että eversti Cubbage on pahoillaan siitä, ettei voi pelastaa häntä itse " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_farewell" "Farewell! And please tell Dr. Vance that Colonel Cubbage regrets not having been able to rescue him in person! " "odessa.nlo_cub_freeman" "Ah, kyllä! Gordon Freeman! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_freeman" "Ah, yes! Gordon Freeman! " "odessa.nlo_cub_hello" "Hei! Tulen sinne heti! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_hello" "Ah, hello! I'll be right with you! " "odessa.nlo_cub_ledtobelieve" "Tuhositte ilmeisesti tuon tykkialuksen, tohtori Freeman. Olette maineenne veroinen. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_ledtobelieve" "I gather you've disposed of that gunship, Dr. Freeman. Your reputation, sir, is well deserved. " "odessa.nlo_cub_opengate" "Käsken avaamaan portin heti, niin voitte ajaa eteenpäin. Tohtori Vance on ilmeisesti suurissa vaikeuksissa. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_opengate" "I shall have someone open the gate for you immediately, so that you can drive on. I understand that Dr. Vance is in great need. " "odessa.nlo_cub_radio" "N.L.O. kutsuu Lighthouse Pointia. N.L.O. kutsuu Lighthouse Pointia. Vastatkaa. Tämä on eversti Cubbage. Olkaa hyvä ja vastatkaa. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_radio" "N.L.O. to Lighthouse Point. N.L.O. to Lighthouse Point. Come in. This is Colonel Cubbage. Come in, please. " "odessa.nlo_cub_roadahead" "Ole erittäin varovainen, kun lähestyt siltaa. Vartioaseman radiohiljaisuus viittaa siihen, että Combine on ottanut sen hallintaansa. Oli miten oli, sinä olet oikea mies tehtävään! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_roadahead" "Use extreme caution when approaching the Bridge. Radio silence from that outpost leads me to believe it has come under Combine control. Still, you're clearly the right man for the job! " "odessa.nlo_cub_service" "Eversti Odessa Cubbage palveluksessanne! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_service" "Colonel Odessa Cubbage at your service! " "odessa.nlo_cub_teachgunship" "Mene! Anna tuolle tykkialukselle opetus, jota se ei unohda! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_teachgunship" "Go on! Teach that gunship a lesson it will never forget! " "odessa.nlo_cub_thatsthat" "No, se siitä. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_thatsthat" "Well, that's that. " "odessa.nlo_cub_volunteer" "En olisi voinut saada parempaa vapaaehtoista! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_volunteer" "I couldn't have asked for a finer volunteer! " "odessa.nlo_cub_warning" "Piru! Lähetän vain varoituksen Lighthouse Pointiin ja tulen sitten mukaan auttamaan! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_warning" "Damn! Let me just send a warning to Lighthouse Point, then I'll come right up to lend a hand! " "odessa.nlo_cub_wherewasi" "Missä olinkaan? Ai niin... " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_wherewasi" "Now, where was I? Ah, yes... " "odessa.nlo_cub_youllmakeit" "Sinä kyllä pääset läpi, jos se on ylipäänsä mahdollista. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_youllmakeit" "You'll make it through if anyone can. " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath01" "En. Ei! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath01" "No. No! " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath02" "Ei! Ei! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath02" "No! No! " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath03" " " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath04" " " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath05" " " "odessa.nlo_farewell" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_farewell" " " "odessa.nlo_getyourjeep" "Mene autoon, niin avaan portin. " "[english]odessa.nlo_getyourjeep" "Get in your car and I'll open up this gate. " "odessa.nlo_greet_freeman" "Gordon Freeman! " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_freeman" "Gordon Freeman! " "odessa.nlo_greet_intro" "Mene nopeasti kellariin! Tykkialukset saapuvat aivan pian. Eversti Cubbage ilahtuu, kun näkee sinun päässeen perille. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_intro" "Hurry, get in the basement. We're expecting gunships at any moment. Colonel Cubbage will be glad to see you made it. " "odessa.nlo_greet_nag01" "Tätä tietä, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_nag01" "This way, Dr. Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_greet_nag02" "Eversti Cubbage on kellarissa, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_nag02" "Colonel Cubbage is in the basement, Doctor Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_opengate" "Avaan portin ja päästän sinut lävitse, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_opengate" "Doctor Freeman, I'll open the gate and let you through. " "odessa.nlo_opengate02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_opengate02" " " "odessa.nlo_userockets" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_userockets" " " "odessa.nlo_vort_exit" "Freemanin on kiirehdittävä! Eli Vance on erittäin pahoissa vaikeuksissa! " "[english]odessa.nlo_vort_exit" "The Freeman must now hurry on! The Eli Vance is held in distress most dire! " "odessa.nlo_yourcarsir" "Mene autoon, tohtori. Et pääse pitkälle jalkaisin. " "[english]odessa.nlo_yourcarsir" "Get your car, Doc. You won't get far on foot. " "odessa.stairman_follow01" "Tänne päin. " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow01" "This way. " "odessa.stairman_follow02" " " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow02" " " "odessa.stairman_follow03" "Pysy mukanani, Freeman. " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow03" "Stay with me, Freeman. " "odessa.stairman_upstairs" " " "[english]odessa.stairman_upstairs" " " "opening.cit_bench01" "Pysy loitolla. Herätät huomiota. " "[english]opening.cit_bench01" "Stay back, you'll attract unwanted attention. " "opening.cit_bench02" "Ne eivät saa nähdä minun puhuvan sinulle. Ei täällä. " "[english]opening.cit_bench02" "I can't be seen talking to you. Not out here. " "opening.cit_bench03" "Älä istu lähelläni. Se näyttäisi epäilyttävältä. " "[english]opening.cit_bench03" "Don't sit near me. It'll look suspicious. " "opening.cit_bench04" "Pelotat pulut. " "[english]opening.cit_bench04" "You're scaring off the pigeons. " "opening.cit_blocker_getin" "Tule nopeasti tänne! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_getin" "Get in here, quick! " "opening.cit_blocker_go01" "Ala mennä! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go01" "Get going! " "opening.cit_blocker_go02" "Mene! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go02" "Go on! " "opening.cit_blocker_go03" "Ala mennä! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go03" "Get going! " "opening.cit_blocker_holdem" "Ala mennä, minä pidättelen niitä. " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_holdem" "Go on, I'll hold 'em. " "opening.cit_blocker_roof" "Pysy liikkeellä. Mene katolle! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_roof" "Keep moving. Head for the roof! " "opening.cit_breenagain" "Tohtori Breenkö taas? Ehdin jo toivoa, että näin hänet viimeisen kerran Kaupunki 14:ssä. " "[english]opening.cit_breenagain" "Dr. Breen again? I was hoping I'd seen the last of him in City 14. " "opening.cit_cell_coupon" "Tämän on oltava erehdys. Minulla on tavallinen uudelleensijoituskuponki niin kuin muillakin. " "[english]opening.cit_cell_coupon" "This must be a mistake. I got a standard relocation coupon, just like everybody else. " "opening.cit_couch_use05" "Mitä tapahtuu? " "[english]opening.cit_couch_use05" "What's going on? " "opening.cit_drunk" "Koputitko sinä? En edes tiennyt, että meillä oli vielä ovi. " "[english]opening.cit_drunk" "Was that you knocking? I didn't even know we still had a door. " "opening.cit_fence_onlyones" "Olitteko te ainoat junassa? " "[english]opening.cit_fence_onlyones" "Were you the only ones on that train? " "opening.cit_fence_woods" "Overwatch pysäytti junamme metsässä ja vei mieheni kuulusteltavaksi. He sanoivat, että hän olisi seuraavassa junassa. En tiedä, milloin se saapui. He ovat kilttejä, kun antavat minun odottaa. " "[english]opening.cit_fence_woods" "Overwatch stopped our train in the woods and took my husband for questioning. They said he'd be on the next train. I'm not sure when that was. They're being nice, though, letting me wait for him. " "opening.cit_foodline01" "Jono alkaa takaa. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline01" "The line starts at the end. " "opening.cit_foodline02" "Sinun on odotettava vuoroasi. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline02" "You'll have to wait your turn like everybody else. " "opening.cit_foodline03" "Täytyy olla pirunmoinen nälkä, että viitsii jonottaa tätä roskaa. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline03" "You gotta be damn hungry to wait in line for this crap. " "opening.cit_foodline04" "Olen melkein valmis liittymään suojelupalveluun vain sen takia, että saisin kunnon aterian. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline04" "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to join Civil Protection just to get a decent meal. " "opening.cit_hall_psst" "Psst! Hei sinä! Täällä! " "[english]opening.cit_hall_psst" "Psst! Hey you! In here! " "opening.cit_hall_roof" "Mene katolle! Aikaa ei ole paljon! " "[english]opening.cit_hall_roof" "Head for the roof! There's no time to lose! " "opening.cit_hit01" "Lopeta! " "[english]opening.cit_hit01" "Cut it out! " "opening.cit_hit02" "Lopeta! " "[english]opening.cit_hit02" "Stop that! " "opening.cit_hit03" "Viitsisitkö varoa?" "[english]opening.cit_hit03" "Watch it, will ya? " "opening.cit_hit04" "Ei enää! " "[english]opening.cit_hit04" "No more! " "opening.cit_hit05" "Tuo riittää. " "[english]opening.cit_hit05" "That's enough of that. " "opening.cit_lug_allihave" "Mutta minulla ei enää ole muuta... " "[english]opening.cit_lug_allihave" "But this stuff, it's all I have left... " "opening.cit_lug_allright" "Hyvä on, minä menen. Voihan jeesus " "[english]opening.cit_lug_allright" "All right, I'm moving. Jeez. " "opening.cit_nerve" "Kerään rohkeutta jatkamista varten. " "[english]opening.cit_nerve" "I'm working up the nerve to go on. " "opening.cit_pacing" "...Ne lähtevät aina, mutta eivät koskaan saavu... ja ne jotka saapuvat... ne eivät koskaan lähde... niiden lähtöä ei koskaan näe, ne ovat aina täynnä... kukaan ei koskaan nouse kyytiin, mutta ne ovat aina... ne ovat aina lähdössä, mutta ne eivät koskaan saavu... " "[english]opening.cit_pacing" "...They're always departing but they never arrive... and the ones that do arrive... they never leave... you never see them go they're always full... no one ever gets on but they're always... they're always departing but they never arrive... " "opening.cit_pedestrian01" "Taisit juuri saapua kaupunkiin? " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian01" "New in town, aren't ya? " "opening.cit_pedestrian02" "Suosittelen, että pidät suusi kiinni. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian02" "Word to the wise: keep it to yourself. " "opening.cit_pedestrian03" "Jos puhun sinulle täällä, olemme molemmat vaikeuksissa. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian03" "If I talk to you out here, we'll both be in trouble. " "opening.cit_pedestrian04" "Ne eivät saa nähdä meidän keskustelevan. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian04" "We can't be seen talking to each other. " "opening.cit_pedestrian05" "Haluaisin auttaa, muttei se käy päinsä." "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian05" "I'd like to help you, but it's out of the question. " "opening.cit_raid_findone" "Älä huolehdi siitä, kyllä ne jotain keksivät. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_findone" "Don't worry, they'll find one. " "opening.cit_raid_reason" "Niillä ei ole mitään syytä tulla meidän luoksemme. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_reason" "They have no reason to come to our place. " "opening.cit_raid_start" "Näin se alkaa aina. Ensin rakennus, ja sitten koko kortteli. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_start" "This is how it always starts. First a building, then the whole block. " "opening.cit_raid_use01" "Ole iloinen siitä, ettet asu tuolla. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_use01" "Just be glad you don't live there. " "opening.cit_raid_use02" "Jos etsit majapaikkaa, mene muualle. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_use02" "If you're looking for a place to stay, you better keep going. " "opening.cit_tookcase" "Ne ovat ottaneet sinunkin laukkusi! Tällainen ei voi enää jatkua kauan. " "[english]opening.cit_tookcase" "I see they took your suitcase too! They can't get away with this much longer. " "opening.cit_tooloud" "En sanoisi tuota liian lujaa. Hän toimii täältä käsin. " "[english]opening.cit_tooloud" "I wouldn't say that too loud. This is his base of operations. " "opening.cit_train_endline" "Päätepysäkki. " "[english]opening.cit_train_endline" "Well, end of the line. " "opening.cit_train_geton" "En nähnyt sinun nousevan junaan. " "[english]opening.cit_train_geton" "I didn't see you get on. " "opening.cit_train_hookup" "Ehkä voimme tavata myöhemmin. " "[english]opening.cit_train_hookup" "Maybe we can hook up later. " "opening.cit_train_reloc" "Minut on sijoitettu uudelleen monta kertaa, mutta en koskaan totu siihen. " "[english]opening.cit_train_reloc" "No matter how many times I've been relocated, I never get used to it. " "opening.cit_water" "Älä juo vettä. He laittavat siihen jotain, joka saa unohtamaan. En edes muista, miten tulin tänne. " "[english]opening.cit_water" "Don't drink the water. They put something in it to make you forget. I don't even remember how I got here. " "opening.cit_window_cop" "Luulin, että olit poliisi. " "[english]opening.cit_window_cop" "Oh, I thought you were a cop. " "opening.cit_window_hope" "Toivon, että olet tällä kertaa väärässä. " "[english]opening.cit_window_hope" "Just this once I hope you're wrong. " "opening.cit_window_look" "Katso niitä. " "[english]opening.cit_window_look" "Look at them down there. " "opening.cit_window_stand" "Hän on yksi meistä. " "[english]opening.cit_window_stand" "He's one of us. " "opening.cit_window_use01" "Tämä ei vaikuta hyvältä. " "[english]opening.cit_window_use01" "This doesn't look good. " "opening.cit_window_use02" "Ne ovat tulossa tänne! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use02" "They're definitely coming in here! " "opening.cit_window_use03" "Se oli väistämätöntä! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use03" "It was just a matter of time! " "opening.cit_window_use04" "Koko tämä kaupunginosa on mennyttä! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use04" "Here goes the rest of the neighborhood! " "opening.cit_window_usnext" "Sanoin, että he hakevat meidät seuraavaksi! " "[english]opening.cit_window_usnext" "I told you they'd be coming for us next! " "opening.husb_allright" "Ei hätää. " "[english]opening.husb_allright" "It's all right. " "opening.husb_dontworry" "Älä huolehdi. " "[english]opening.husb_dontworry" "Don't worry. " "opening.husb_okay" "Kaikki kyllä järjestyy. " "[english]opening.husb_okay" "Everything's going to be okay. " "opening.husb_think" "Keksimme jotain. " "[english]opening.husb_think" "We'll think of something. " "opening.wife_canttake" "En kestä enää. " "[english]opening.wife_canttake" "I can't take it anymore. " "opening.wife_end" "Milloin tämä loppuu? " "[english]opening.wife_end" "When is it all going to end? " "opening.wife_please" "Älä! " "[english]opening.wife_please" "Please! " "opening.wife_whattodo" "Mitä me teemme? " "[english]opening.wife_whattodo" "What are we going to do? " "plaza.citizen_beating" "*kipua*" "[english]plaza.citizen_beating" "*pain*" "ravenholm.aimforhead" "Tähtää päähän! " "[english]ravenholm.aimforhead" "Aim for the head! " "ravenholm.attic_apologize" "Ai, se olet sinä, veli! Pyydän anteeksi! Vahinkoa ei tapahtunut. Luotini ovat pienin huolistasi. " "[english]ravenholm.attic_apologize" "Ah, it is you, brother! I apologize! But no harm done. My bullets are the least of your concerns. " "ravenholm.bucket_almost" "Ei enää kauan, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_almost" "Almost there, brother! " "ravenholm.bucket_brake" "Käsijarru, veli! Vapauta se ja tule alas! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_brake" "The hand-brake, brother! Release it and come down! " "ravenholm.bucket_guardwell" "Vartioi itseäsi hyvin! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_guardwell" "Guard yourself well! " "ravenholm.bucket_patience" "Kärsivällisyyttä, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_patience" "Patience, brother! " "ravenholm.bucket_stepin" "Nyt, veli! Astu kärryyn! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_stepin" "Now, brother! Step into the cart! " "ravenholm.bucket_thereyouare" "Siellähän sinä olet! Viimeinkin! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_thereyouare" "Ah, there you are! At last! " "ravenholm.bucket_waited" "Lähetän sinulle kärryn, veli. Se on siellä hetken päästä. " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_waited" "I will send the cart for you, brother. It will be but a moment. " "ravenholm.cartrap_better" "Aina vain parempaa! " "[english]ravenholm.cartrap_better" "Better and better! " "ravenholm.cartrap_iamgrig" "Olen isä Grigori! Olet jo tavannut seurakuntani. " "[english]ravenholm.cartrap_iamgrig" "I am Father Grigori! You have already met my congregation. " "ravenholm.engage01" "Kyllä, tulkaa luokseni! Tule! " "[english]ravenholm.engage01" "Yes, come to me! Come! " "ravenholm.engage02" "Tule! " "[english]ravenholm.engage02" "Come! " "ravenholm.engage03" "Tule! " "[english]ravenholm.engage03" "Come! " "ravenholm.engage04" "Lopetan kärsimyksenne! " "[english]ravenholm.engage04" "I will end your torment! " "ravenholm.engage05" "Antakaa minun lopettaa kärsimyksenne! " "[english]ravenholm.engage05" "Let me end your torment! " "ravenholm.engage06" "Kyllä, lapseni, se olen minä! " "[english]ravenholm.engage06" "Yes, my children, it is I! " "ravenholm.engage07" "Astukaa valoon, jota kannan mukanani! Tule! " "[english]ravenholm.engage07" "Come to the light I carry! Come! " "ravenholm.engage08" "Ette halua minua, vaan valon, joka loistaa minussa! " "[english]ravenholm.engage08" "It is not me you want, but the light that shines through me! " "ravenholm.engage09" "Tulkaa valoon! " "[english]ravenholm.engage09" "Come to the light! " "ravenholm.exit_darkroad" "Hyvästi, veli! Pelkään pahoin, että lähetän sinut synkempään paikkaan. Valaiskoon valojen valo tietäsi. " "[english]ravenholm.exit_darkroad" "Farewell, Brother! I fear I deliver you to a darker place. May the Light of Lights illuminate your path. " "ravenholm.exit_goquickly" "Mene pian! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_goquickly" "Go quickly! " "ravenholm.exit_hurry" "Kiirehdi, minä pitelen porttia! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_hurry" "Hurry while I hold the gate! " "ravenholm.exit_nag01" "Pakene, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_nag01" "Flee, brother! " "ravenholm.exit_nag02" "Eteenpäin kaivoksille! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_nag02" "Onward to the mines! " "ravenholm.exit_salvation" "Pelasta itse itsesi! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_salvation" "Look to your own salvation! " "ravenholm.firetrap_freeuse" "Voit käyttää ansojani vapaasti, mutta älä putoa niihin itse. " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_freeuse" "Make free use of my traps, but take care not to fall in them yourself. " "ravenholm.firetrap_lookout" "Varo, veli! Takanasi! " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_lookout" "Look out, brother! Behind you! " "ravenholm.firetrap_vigil" "Ravenholmissa on syytä olla varuillaan. " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_vigil" "In Ravenholm, you do well to be vigilant. " "ravenholm.firetrap_welldone" "Hyvää työtä, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_welldone" "Well done, brother! " "ravenholm.grave_follow" "Seuraa minua, veli. Astu varoen. Tämä on pyhää maata. " "[english]ravenholm.grave_follow" "Follow me, brother. And tread lightly. For this is hallowed ground. " "ravenholm.grave_stayclose" "Pysy lähelläni, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.grave_stayclose" "Stay close to me, brother! " "ravenholm.madlaugh01" "*naurua*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh01" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh02" "*naurua*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh02" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh03" "*naurua*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh03" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh04" "*naurua*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh04" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.monk_blocked01" "Pois tieltä! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked01" "Out of my way! " "ravenholm.monk_blocked02" "Varo! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked02" "Look out! " "ravenholm.monk_blocked03" "Astu sivuun, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked03" "Stand aside, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme01" "Suojaa minua, veli. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme01" "Cover me, brother. " "ravenholm.monk_coverme02" "Tarvitsen apuasi, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme02" "Your assistance, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme03" "Täällä, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme03" "Over here, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme04" "Tule luokseni, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme04" "To me, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme05" "Pyydän apuasi, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme05" "I require your assistance, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme07" "Missä olet, veli? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme07" "Where art thou, brother? " "ravenholm.monk_danger01" "Varo! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger01" "Look out! " "ravenholm.monk_danger02" "Ole varovainen! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger02" "Beware! " "ravenholm.monk_danger03" "Varovasti, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger03" "Careful, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_death07" "Argh! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_death07" "Agh! " "ravenholm.monk_followme" "Seuraa minua. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_followme" "Follow me. " "ravenholm.monk_giveammo01" "Tässä, veli! Ammo! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_giveammo01" "Here, brother! Ammunition! " "ravenholm.monk_givehealth01" "Paranna itsesi, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_givehealth01" "Heal thyself, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme01" "Olen alakynnessä! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme01" "I am outnumbered! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme02" "Auta minua, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme02" "Help me, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme03" "En voi taistella niitä kaikkia vastaan yksin! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme03" "I cannot fight them all alone! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme04" "Anna apua, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme04" "Lend a hand, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme05" "Tarvitsen apua, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme05" "I need help, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_kill01" "Voi sinua! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill01" "Woe to thee! " "ravenholm.monk_kill02" "Voi sinua, lapsi! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill02" "Woe betide thee, child! " "ravenholm.monk_kill03" "Lepää, lapseni. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill03" "Rest, my child. " "ravenholm.monk_kill04" "En ajattele pahaa sinusta. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill04" "I think no worse of thee. " "ravenholm.monk_kill05" "Olkoon valo kanssasi. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill05" "May the Light of Lights be with you. " "ravenholm.monk_kill06" "Et halunnut vahingoittaa. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill06" "You meant no harm. " "ravenholm.monk_kill07" "Anna todellisen luontosi palata. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill07" "Return to your true nature. " "ravenholm.monk_kill08" "Parannan vaivasi, lapsi. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill08" "Balm for your affliction, child. " "ravenholm.monk_kill09" "Saat vapauden, lapseni! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill09" "Be free, my child! " "ravenholm.monk_kill10" "Mikään pahempi ei odota sinua haudan takana. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill10" "The grave holds nothing worse for you. " "ravenholm.monk_kill11" "Muistan todelliset kasvosi! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill11" "I remember your true face! " "ravenholm.monk_mourn01" "Jos selviän tästä yöstä, veli, rakennan todellisen rovion. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn01" "Well, brother, if I survive this night, I shall build you an honest pyre. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn02" "Voi valojen valo! Miksi olet riistänyt minulta auttajan? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn02" "Oh Light of Lights! Why have you taken my helper? " "ravenholm.monk_mourn03" "Niin... Olen taas yksin. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn03" "So... again I am alone. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn04" "No, veli... Olet löytänyt toisen ulospääsyn sekasorron talosta. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn04" "Well, brother... you have found another egress from the House of Chaos. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn05" "Lepää nyt, veli. Sillä elät varmasti uudelleen. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn05" "Rest now, brother. For you will surely live again. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn06" "Nouse, veli. Nouse! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn06" "Rise, brother. Rise! " "ravenholm.monk_mourn07" "Nouse uudelleen, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn07" "Live again, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_overhere" "Tänne, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_overhere" "Over here, brother. " "ravenholm.monk_pain01" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain01" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain02" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain02" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain03" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain03" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain04" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain04" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain05" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain05" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain06" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain06" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain07" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain07" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain08" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain08" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain09" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain09" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain10" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain10" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain12" "*kipua!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain12" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_quicklybro" "Nopeasti, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_quicklybro" "Quickly, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_rant01" "Pahuuden ansat ovat viekkaita, mutta valojen valo tietää, että minun ansani ovat vieläkin viekkaampia. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant01" "Iniquity's snares are cunning, but by the Light of Lights, mine are greater still. " "ravenholm.monk_rant02" "Voi meitä kaikkia, sillä asuinpaikkamme on kaukana ja vaellamme sekasorron mailla. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant02" "Woe to all, for our dwelling place is distant, and we wander through the domiciles of Chaos. " "ravenholm.monk_rant03" "Voimani katosi paikoissa, jotka eivät olleet minun. Tuska valtasi minut, ja armottomat hyökkäsivät kimppuuni syyttä. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant03" "My power was lost in places which were not mine. Affliction besought me, and the merciless ones attacked me without cause. " "ravenholm.monk_rant04" "He kutsuvat minua hulluksi, mutta en välitä, sillä sinä olet auttajani, voimani ja pelastajani. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant04" "Although they call me crazy I care not, for thou art my helper, my strength, and my saviour. " "ravenholm.monk_rant05" "Tapahtukoon sinun tahtosi, valojen valo. Kiitän sinun suuruutesi loistoa koko päivän ja yön pimeydessä. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant05" "Thy will be done, Oh Light of Lights. I bless the glory of thy greatness all the day and through the darkness of this night. " "ravenholm.monk_rant06" "Rukoilen, ettet koskaan käännä valoasi pois minusta. Kuuntele minua ja aseta ansasi vihollisilleni, kun kutsun sinua. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant06" "I pray do never turn away thy light. Give heed to me, and spring thy traps upon my enemies when I cry out to thee. " "ravenholm.monk_rant07" "Sillä sanottiin, että heistä oli tullut kuin demoneja, jotka ovat aineellisia mutta joissa ei ole valoa. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant07" "For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found. " "ravenholm.monk_rant08" "Älä käännä kasvojasi minusta. Heristä korvaasi ja kuuntele, kun kutsun sinua tuskissani. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant08" "Turn not thy face away from me; incline thy ear and hear me when I shall cry to thee in my affliction. " "ravenholm.monk_rant09" "Sillä elämäni päivät ovat kadonneet kuin savu, ja luuni ovat karrella kuin tuhka. Lietsokoon epäpuhtauteni tulta, kunnes vain valo on jäljellä " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant09" "For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone. " "ravenholm.monk_rant10" "Luuni on halkonut lihani vaikerointi vuoksi. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant10" "From the voice of my groaning my bone has cleaved to my flesh. " "ravenholm.monk_rant11" "Sillä sieluni on täynnä pahuutta, ja tämä paikka on puhdistettava. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant11" "For my soul is filled with evil, and like this place must be purged. " "ravenholm.monk_rant12" "Sillä kuolleet eivät nuku haudoissaan etkä sinä muista heitä, ennen kuin minun käteni on ne tuhonnut. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant12" "For the dead know no sleep in their graves, nor dost thou remember them, until they are destroyed through thy hands. " "ravenholm.monk_rant13" "Minut on laskettu pimeyden syövereihin ja kuoleman varjoon. Ja vihasi on painanut minua. Kaikki huolesi on annettu minulle Ja näiltä sijoilta rukoilen valosi syttymistä! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant13" "I have been laid down in a pit of darknesses and the shadow of death. And thy anger has pressed down upon me; and all thy cares have come down upon me. And from this bed I cry out for the kindling of thy Light! " "ravenholm.monk_rant14" "Ja mitä karmeita ihmeitä olet tehnyt näiden kuolleiden parissa. Mitkä varjot tunnustavat sinulle, ja mitkä aaveet tuntevat sinun nimesi? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant14" "And what terrible wonders are these those hast done among the dead. What shades rise to confess thee, and what specters shall know thee by thy name? " "ravenholm.monk_rant15" "Oi valo, sinun nimesi lausutaan haudoissa ja kirjoitetaan luilla ja tuhkalla! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant15" "Oh Light, may thy name be spoken in the graves, and spelled in bones and ashes! " "ravenholm.monk_rant16" "Sinun raivosi on laskeutunut päälleni ja sinun pelkosi ovat tehneet minut levottomaksi. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant16" "Thy rages have come down upon me, and thy fears have agitated me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant17" "Älä tuomitse niitä, jotka rikkovat minua vastaan, vaan taistele niiden kanssa, jotka taistelevat kanssani. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant17" "Judge those who do injustice to me; fight with those who fight with me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant18" "Ota ase ja kilpi ja nouse auttamaan minua. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant18" "Take hold of a weapon and shield, and rise to help me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant19" "Vedä miekkasi ja upota se niihin, jotka vaivaavat minua. Sano sielulleni, että olet pelastukseni. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant19" "Draw forth a sword and sheathe it in those that afflict me; say to my soul: I am thy salvation. " "ravenholm.monk_rant20" "Tulkoon heistä kuin tomua tuulessa. Jahdatkoon Herran enkeli heitä. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant20" "May they become like dust before the wind; may the angel of the Lord pursue them. " "ravenholm.monk_rant21" "Tulkoon heidän poluistaan pimeitä ja liukkaita. Herran enkeli koetelkoon heitä. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant21" "May their paths become dark and slippery; and may the angel of the Lord afflict them. " "ravenholm.monk_rant22" "Astukoot he ansaan, josta he eivät tiedä, ja vangitkoon heidät verkko, jonka he ovat piilottaneet minua varten. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant22" "May the snare which they do not know come to them; and may the net, which they have hidden for me, catch them in my place. " "ravenholm.monk_stayclosebro" "Pysy lähellä, veli. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_stayclosebro" "Stay close, brother. " "ravenholm.pyre_anotherlife" "Mutta kuka tämä on? Taas yksi pelastettava? " "[english]ravenholm.pyre_anotherlife" "But who is this? Another life to save? " "ravenholm.pyre_keepeye" "Pidän sinua silmällä. En voi luvata enempää. " "[english]ravenholm.pyre_keepeye" "I'll keep my eye on you. More than that, I cannot promise. " "ravenholm.shotgun_advice" "Voin antaa sinulle neuvon... Tähtää päähän! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_advice" "My advice to you is... aim for the head! " "ravenholm.shotgun_bettergun" "Tässä on sinulle sopivampi ase. Tarvitset sitä. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_bettergun" "Here, I have a more suitable gun for you. You'll need it. " "ravenholm.shotgun_catch" "Ota koppi! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_catch" "Catch! " "ravenholm.shotgun_closer" "Tule lähemmäs. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_closer" "Come closer. " "ravenholm.shotgun_hush" "Hiljaa! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_hush" "Hush! " "ravenholm.shotgun_keepitclose" "Hyvä. Pidä sitä lähettyvillä. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_keepitclose" "Good. Now keep it close. " "ravenholm.shotgun_moveon" "Ravenholmissa ei tunneta lepoa. Jatka matkaa. Tapaamme kirkolla! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_moveon" "There is no rest in Ravenholm. Move on and I will meet you at the church! " "ravenholm.shotgun_overhere" "Tässä, veli! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_overhere" "Here, brother! " "ravenholm.shotgun_stirreduphell" "Olet päästänyt helvetin valloilleen! Olet mies minun makuuni! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_stirreduphell" "You've stirred up Hell! A man after my own heart! " "ravenholm.shotgun_theycome" "Ne tulevat! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_theycome" "They come! " "ravenholm.wrongside_howcome" "Miksi tulit tänne, veli? " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_howcome" "How came you here, brother? " "ravenholm.wrongside_mendways" "Paranna tapasi, ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä! " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_mendways" "Mend your ways, before it is too late! " "ravenholm.wrongside_seekchurch" "Enkö käskenyt sinua etsimään kirkon? " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_seekchurch" "Did I not tell you to seek the church? " "ravenholm.wrongside_town" "Olet väärässä kaupunginosassa! " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_town" "This is the wrong side of town for you! " "ravenholm.yard_greetings" "Tervehdys, veli! Tapaamme viimeinkin. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_greetings" "Greetings, brother! And so we meet at last. " "ravenholm.yard_shepherd" "Mitä minuun tulee... Paimenen on huolehdittava laumastaan. Varsinkin, kun siitä on tullut levoton. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_shepherd" "As for me... A shepherd must tend to his flock. Especially when they have grown unruly. " "ravenholm.yard_suspect" "Et varmaan halua jäädä Ravenholmiin, joten näytän sinulle tien kaivoksiin. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_suspect" "I suspect you have little wish to remain in Ravenholm, so I will show you to the mines. " "ravenholm.yard_traps" "Ansaitset kehut siitä, että vältit ansani. Ne on luonut mies, jolla ennen oli liian paljon vapaa-aikaa ja jolla nyt ei ole aikaa muuhun kuin pelastamiseen. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_traps" "You are to be commended for avoiding my traps. The work of a man who once had too much time on his hands, and now finds time for nothing but the work of salvation. " "rubble.ba_comebackdog" "Tule tänne, Dog! tule takaisin, Dog! " "[english]rubble.ba_comebackdog" "Here boy, Dog! come back here, Dog! " "rubble.ba_damnitall" "Piru periköön kaiken! " "[english]rubble.ba_damnitall" "Damn it all! " "rubble.ba_dogwantsyou" "Se taitaa haluta, että menet läpi, Gordon. Pidä kiirettä. " "[english]rubble.ba_dogwantsyou" "I think he wants you to go through, Gordon. You'd better hurry. " "rubble.ba_gordon" "Gordon! " "[english]rubble.ba_gordon" "Gordon! " "rubble.ba_helpmeout" "Hei! Auta minua! " "[english]rubble.ba_helpmeout" "Hey! Help me out here! " "rubble.ba_illbedamned" "Enpä olisi uskonut. " "[english]rubble.ba_illbedamned" "Well, I'll be damned. " "rubble.ba_lookingforalyx" "Dog syöksyi aukion poikki ja kaatoi seiniä. Luulen, että se etsii Alyxia. Se on varmaan saanut päähänsä, että hän on Linnoituksessa. " "[english]rubble.ba_lookingforalyx" "Dog came crashing through the plaza, knocking over walls and...I think he's looking for Alyx. He seems to have it set in his head that she's in the Citadel. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall01" "Mene läpi, Gordon. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall01" "Go on through, Gordon. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall02" "Ala mennä, Gordon. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall02" "Better get going, Gordon. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall03" "Minä pidättelen niitä. Sinun on lähdettävä. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall03" "I'll hold 'em off. You'd better get going. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall04" "Mene! " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall04" "Go on! " "rubble.ba_nag_wall05" "Hei, mene! " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall05" "Hey, go! " "rubble.ba_nottheredog" "Hei Dog! Ei sinne! Siitä ei pääse läpi! " "[english]rubble.ba_nottheredog" "Hey, Dog! Not there! You can't get through that way! " "rubble.ba_tellbreen" "Jos näet tohtori Breenin, haistattele hänelle puolestani. " "[english]rubble.ba_tellbreen" "And if you see Dr. Breen, tell him I said, 'Fu----ou!' " "rubble.ba_trystoppinghim" "Alyx ei varmaan haluaisi sen joutuvan pahempaan pulaan, mutta… No, yritä itse pysäyttää se! " "[english]rubble.ba_trystoppinghim" "I figured Alyx wouldn't want him getting any deeper in trouble, but... Hell, you try stopping him! " "rubble.ba_youhurryon" "Oi voi. Pysyn tässä. Pidä kiirettä. Onnea matkaan, Gordon! " "[english]rubble.ba_youhurryon" "Uh oh. I'll stay here. You hurry on. Good luck up there, Gordon! " "rubble.cit_cache" "Olemme melkein Linnoituksen muurilla, tohtori. En tiedä, miten pirussa voimme murtaa sen, mutta olette päässyt pitkälle. Keksitte varmasti jotain. " "[english]rubble.cit_cache" "We're almost to the Citadel wall, Doc. I don't know how the hell we're going to breach it, but you've made it this far. I'm sure you'll think of something. " "rubble.cit_striders" "Tohtori Freeman! Ulkona on täysi sekasorto. Kadut ovat striderien valvonnassa näin lähellä Linnoitusta. Voimme ajaa ne pois, jos vain pääsemme korkealle. " "[english]rubble.cit_striders" "Dr. Freeman! It's a mess out there. This close to the Citadel they've turned the streets over to Striders. I think we can push them back if we can just get to high ground. " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse01" "Menkää hevosen luo! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse01" "Head for the horse! " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse02" "Meidän on päästävä hevosen luo! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse02" "We have to get to the horse! " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse03" "Tavataan hevosen luona! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse03" "Let's meet up at the horse! " "sandtrap.sandy_asyougo" "Muista välttää hiekkaa. Muurahaiskorennot ovat juuri nyt hermona. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_asyougo" "Remember to stay off the sand. The antlions are edgy right now. " "sandtrap.sandy_dontmove" "Älä liiku, Laszlo! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_dontmove" "Laszlo, don't move! " "sandtrap.sandy_dontstep" "Älä astu hiekalle! Se suututtaa muurahaiskorennot! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_dontstep" "Don't step on the sand! It makes the antlions crazy! " "sandtrap.sandy_goahead" "Siitä vaan. Toivottavasti onnistut paremmin kuin me. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_goahead" "Go ahead. I hope you have better luck than we had. " "sandtrap.sandy_help" "Ei! Apua! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_help" "No! Help! " "sandtrap.sandy_holdstill" "Pysy paikallasi, Laszlo! Joku tulee! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_holdstill" "Hold still, Laszlo! Someone's coming! " "sandtrap.sandy_poorlaszlo" "Hyvä luoja! Laszlo-parka! Hirveä loppu sukupolvensa lupaavimmalle mielelle. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_poorlaszlo" "Dear God! Poor Laszlo! The finest mind of his generation, come to such an end. " "sandtrap.sandy_stop" "Pysähdy siihen! Pysyttele kivillä! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_stop" "Stop where you are! Stay on the rocks! " "sandtrap.sandy_vortcamp" "Olimme matkalla vortigauntien leiriin. Toivoimme saavamme sieltä syöttejä, jotta nämä otukset jättäisivät meidät rauhaan. Mutta mitä väliä sillä on ilman Laszloa? " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_vortcamp" "We were heading to the vortigaunt camp, hoping to pick up some bugbait so these damn things would leave us alone. But without Laszlo what's the point? " "sandtrap.sandy_youidiot" "Senkin idiootti! Muurahaiskorennot hyökkäävät kimppuusi, jos kävelet hiekalla! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youidiot" "You idiot! Walking on the sand brings antlions after you! " "sandtrap.sandy_youthere" "Sinä siellä! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youthere" "You, there! " "sandtrap.sandy_youtried" "Tiedän, että yritit auttaa. Jään hänen luokseen hetkeksi. Minun on tehtävä eräs asia. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youtried" "I know you tried to help. I'll stay with him awhile. There's something I have to do. " "sniper.cit_greeting" "Tohtori Freeman! Barney sanoi, että olet tulossa. Jouduimme eroon tarkka-ampujien vuoksi, ja hän on jumissa tuossa edessä olevassa varastossa Siitä vaan. Hän luottaa sinuun " "[english]sniper.cit_greeting" "Dr. Freeman! Barney said you were on the way. We got split up by snipers, and he's pinned down in a warehouse up ahead. Go ahead. He's relying on you. " "sniper.cit_savebarney" "Sinä olet Barneyn vanha ystävä, etkö olekin? Ehkä voit auttaa häntä. Hän jäi tarkka-ampujien ansaan tuolla varaston katolla. Hän oli hakemassa kranaattilaatikkoa, mutta en usko, että hän saa niitä nyt. Jatka, tohtori Freeman. " "[english]sniper.cit_savebarney" "You're Barney's old friend, aren't you? Maybe you can help him. Snipers trapped him on that warehouse roof. He was going for a cache of grenades, but I doubt he can get to them now. Go on, Dr. Freeman. " "streetwar.al_ah" "Aah! " "[english]streetwar.al_ah" "Ah! " "streetwar.al_ahno" "Oi ei! " "[english]streetwar.al_ahno" "Ah, no! " "streetwar.al_almostdone" "Melkein valmista." "[english]streetwar.al_almostdone" "Almost done." "streetwar.al_bridge01" "Silta, joka meidän ylitettävä, on tuon portin takana." "[english]streetwar.al_bridge01" "The bridge we've gotta cross is beyond that gate." "streetwar.al_bridge02" "Voin tunkeutua portin ohjausjärjestelmään ja pitää sen auki, kunnes pääsemme läpi. Sinun on kuitenkin suojattava minua." "[english]streetwar.al_bridge02" "I can hack the gate controls and hold it open till we're through, but you're gonna have to watch my back while I'm working." "streetwar.al_cmoncmon" "Ala tulla jo. " "[english]streetwar.al_cmoncmon" "Come on, come on. " "streetwar.al_comeon03_r" "Tule, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.al_comeon03_r" "Come on, Gordon! " "streetwar.al_commandcenter" "Alakerrassa on komentokeskus. Toivon löytäväni tietoja generaattorien sijainnista. " "[english]streetwar.al_commandcenter" "There's a command center downstairs. I'm hoping to find information about generator locations. " "streetwar.al_coreexposed" "Okei, ydin on paljastettu. " "[english]streetwar.al_coreexposed" "Okay, the core's exposed. " "streetwar.al_coreexposed_r" "Okei, ydin on paljastettu. " "[english]streetwar.al_coreexposed_r" "Okay, the core's exposed. " "streetwar.al_coupleminutes" "Portin ottaminen hallintaan voi kestää pari minuuttia." "[english]streetwar.al_coupleminutes" "It could take me a couple minutes to take control of the gate." "streetwar.al_damn" "Piru!" "[english]streetwar.al_damn" "Damn!" "streetwar.al_disablegen" "Meillä on onnea. Ulkona olevalla aukiolla on generaattori. Yritämme sammuttaa niin monta kuin voimme, jotta Combinen valta tällä sektorilla heikkenisi. " "[english]streetwar.al_disablegen" "Well, we're in luck. There's a generator in the square outside. We're trying to disable as many as we can to loosen the Combine's grip on this sector. " "streetwar.al_exposecore_a" "Ytimen paljastaminen kestää pari minuuttia. " "[english]streetwar.al_exposecore_a" "It'll take me a few minutes to expose the core. " "streetwar.al_exposecore_b" "Sen jälkeen sinun on ammuttava siihen lataus painovoima-aseella. " "[english]streetwar.al_exposecore_b" "Then I'll need you to hit it with a burst from the gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_extshield" "Ulkoinen kilpi on sammutettu. " "[english]streetwar.al_extshield" "There goes the external shield. " "streetwar.al_extshield_r" "Ulkoinen kilpi on sammutettu. " "[english]streetwar.al_extshield_r" "There goes the external shield. " "streetwar.al_farside" "Selvä. Barneyn pitäisi olla tuon... tuon kanavan toisella puolella. " "[english]streetwar.al_farside" "Okay. Barney should be on the far side of that... canal. " "streetwar.al_firstbit" "Ensimmäinen vaihe on valmis." "[english]streetwar.al_firstbit" "First bit's done." "streetwar.al_gateisopen_r" "Portti on auki. " "[english]streetwar.al_gateisopen_r" "The gate is open. " "streetwar.al_getoverhere" "Tule tänne! " "[english]streetwar.al_getoverhere" "Get over here! " "streetwar.al_goingthru01" "Me emme siis menekään sen yli " "[english]streetwar.al_goingthru01" "Looks like instead of going over it " "streetwar.al_goingthru02" "vaan siitä läpi. " "[english]streetwar.al_goingthru02" "we'll be going through. " "streetwar.al_goodletsgo" "Hyvä. Mennään." "[english]streetwar.al_goodletsgo" "Good. Let's go." "streetwar.al_gordonrun" "Juokse, Gordon! Häivy täältä!. " "[english]streetwar.al_gordonrun" "Gordon, run! Get out of here! " "streetwar.al_hadfeeling" "Gordon! Arvasin, että olisit täällä. " "[english]streetwar.al_hadfeeling" "Gordon! I had a feeling I'd find you here. " "streetwar.al_heregoes" "Hyvä on, antaa mennä." "[english]streetwar.al_heregoes" "All right, here goes." "streetwar.al_hey" "Hei! " "[english]streetwar.al_hey" "Hey! " "streetwar.al_hurry" "Nopeasti! " "[english]streetwar.al_hurry" "Hurry! " "streetwar.al_imwaiting_r" "Minä odotan, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_imwaiting_r" "I'm waiting, Gordon. " "streetwar.al_inshield" "Sisäkilvet ovat sammumassa. " "[english]streetwar.al_inshield" "Inner shields are coming down. " "streetwar.al_inshield_r" "Sisäkilvet ovat sammumassa. " "[english]streetwar.al_inshield_r" "Inner shields are coming down. " "streetwar.al_iwasafraid" "Pelkäsin, ettet selviäisi. " "[english]streetwar.al_iwasafraid" "I was afraid you weren't going to make it. " "streetwar.al_letsgo" "Valmiina? Mennään! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo" "Ready? Let's go! " "streetwar.al_letsgo01" "Mennään! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo01" "Let's go! " "streetwar.al_letsgo02_r" "Mennään! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo02_r" "Let's go! " "streetwar.al_no" "Ei! " "[english]streetwar.al_no" "No! " "streetwar.al_nottoolong" "Tämän ei pitäisi kestää kauan. Heti kun generaattori sammuu, minä avaan portin ja voimme häipyä täältä. " "[english]streetwar.al_nottoolong" "This shouldn't take too long. As soon as the generator's down, I'll open that gate and we can get out of here. " "streetwar.al_nowtobarney" "Tohtori Kleiner on turvallisessa paikassa. Voimme nyt mennä Barneyn luo. " "[english]streetwar.al_nowtobarney" "I've got Dr. Kleiner in a safe spot. Now we can join up with Barney. " "streetwar.al_nowtricky" "Seuraavaksi vaikea osuus." "[english]streetwar.al_nowtricky" "Now for the tricky part." "streetwar.al_okthatsit" "Okei, se oli siinä!" "[english]streetwar.al_okthatsit" "Okay, that's it!" "streetwar.al_okthisisit" "Okei, se on tässä. Hoida sinä tuo ovi. Minä hoidan tämän. " "[english]streetwar.al_okthisisit" "Okay, this is it. You take that door. I'll take this one. " "streetwar.al_onemorebit" "Vielä yksi osa, niin olemme valmiit." "[english]streetwar.al_onemorebit" "One more bit and we're ready." "streetwar.al_onewill01" " " "[english]streetwar.al_onewill01" " " "streetwar.al_onewill02" " " "[english]streetwar.al_onewill02" " " "streetwar.al_openinggate" "Hyvä on, avaan portin. " "[english]streetwar.al_openinggate" "All right, I'm opening the gate. " "streetwar.al_readywhenyou" "Voimme mennä, kun olet valmis. " "[english]streetwar.al_readywhenyou" "Ready when you are. " "streetwar.al_scout" "Yritän etsiä toisen reitin. " "[english]streetwar.al_scout" "Let me see if I can scout a new path. " "streetwar.al_standardpanel" "Se on tavallinen paneeli. " "[english]streetwar.al_standardpanel" "It's a standard panel. " "streetwar.al_thankgod" "Luojan kiitos. " "[english]streetwar.al_thankgod" "Thank God. " "streetwar.al_thatsit" "Nyt riitti.. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatsit" "That's it. " "streetwar.al_thatsit_r" "Nyt riitti.. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatsit_r" "That's it. " "streetwar.al_thatway" "Mennään tuota tietä. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatway" "Let's head that way. " "streetwar.al_thebridge" "Silta! " "[english]streetwar.al_thebridge" "The bridge! " "streetwar.al_thedeal" "Asiat ovat näin." "[english]streetwar.al_thedeal" "Ok, here's the deal." "streetwar.al_there" "Tuolla." "[english]streetwar.al_there" "There." "streetwar.al_theresbridge01" "Silta on tuolla " "[english]streetwar.al_theresbridge01" "There's the bridge " "streetwar.al_theresbridge02" "Mennään yli. " "[english]streetwar.al_theresbridge02" "Let's get across. " "streetwar.al_theysawus" "He näkivät meidät! " "[english]streetwar.al_theysawus" "They saw us! " "streetwar.al_thrudownthere" "Näyttää siltä, että voimme päästä läpi alhaalta. " "[english]streetwar.al_thrudownthere" "Looks like we might be able to get through down there. " "streetwar.al_usedtobe" "No, ainakin tässä oli silta. " "[english]streetwar.al_usedtobe" "Well, there used to be a bridge here. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun01" "Käytä painovoima-asetta, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun01" "Use the gravity gun, Gordon. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun01_r" "Käytä painovoima-asetta, Gordon." "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun01_r" "Use the gravity gun, Gordon." "streetwar.al_usegravgun02" "Anna mennä, Gordon. Täräytä ydintä. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun02" "Go on, Gordon, give the core a jolt. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun02_r" "Anna mennä, Gordon. Täräytä ydintä. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun02_r" "Go on, Gordon, give the core a jolt. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun03" "Iske ydintä painovoima-aseella, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun03" "Gordon, hit the core with your gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun03_r" "Iske ydintä painovoima-aseella, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun03_r" "Gordon, hit the core with your gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_waitforme" "Odota minua täällä. " "[english]streetwar.al_waitforme" "Wait for me here. " "streetwar.al_watchmyback" "Vahdi sillä välin selustaani. " "[english]streetwar.al_watchmyback" "In the meantime, watch my back. " "streetwar.al_whatnow01" "Mitä nyt? " "[english]streetwar.al_whatnow01" "What now? " "streetwar.al_whatnow02" "Meidän on päästävä tämän kanavan yli! " "[english]streetwar.al_whatnow02" "We have to get across this canal! " "streetwar.ba_allclearthxgordon" "Kaikki on kunnossa Gordonin ansiosta. " "[english]streetwar.ba_allclearthxgordon" "It's all clear, thanks to Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_cantmove" "En voi liikkua, Gordon. Nuo tarkka-ampujat ovat saaneet minut ansaan. " "[english]streetwar.ba_cantmove" "Gordon, I can't move. These snipers got me pinned down. " "streetwar.ba_gateclearance" "Hoidan tämän portin. Asemani suojelupalvelussa antaa minulle rajoitetun pääsyn. " "[english]streetwar.ba_gateclearance" "Let me get this gate. My Civil Protection status still gives me limited clearance. " "streetwar.ba_goodtohavehelp" "Mukava nähdä sinua, Gordon. Apusi on tarpeen, kun hyökkäämme edessä olevaan päämajaan. " "[english]streetwar.ba_goodtohavehelp" "It's good to see ya, Gordon. It'll be good to have your help goin' into the nexus up ahead. " "streetwar.ba_hauntsme" "Se pirun otus vainoaa minua. " "[english]streetwar.ba_hauntsme" "That damn thing haunts me. " "streetwar.ba_headhumpersgordon" "Varo päänpurijoita, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_headhumpersgordon" "Watch the headhumpers, Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_hearcat" "Kuulitko kissan äänen? " "[english]streetwar.ba_hearcat" "Did you hear a cat just now? " "streetwar.ba_heycomeon" "Hei, ala tulla! " "[english]streetwar.ba_heycomeon" "Hey, come on! " "streetwar.ba_letsclearout" "Hyvä on. Kiitos, Gordon. Häivytään täältä. " "[english]streetwar.ba_letsclearout" "All right, thanks, Gordon. Now let's clear outta here. " "streetwar.ba_letsgetgoing" "Lähdetään. " "[english]streetwar.ba_letsgetgoing" "Let's get going. " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade01" "Kranaatit, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade01" "The grenades, Gordon! " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade02" "Hei, ole tarkkana kranaattien kanssa. " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade02" "Hey, look at the grenades, would ya? " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade03" "Miten olisi kranaatti, Gordon? " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade03" "How about a grenade, Gordon? " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade04" "Heitä pari kranaattia, Gordon, niin pääsemme heistä eroon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade04" "Gordon, lob a couple grenades, that'll clear 'em out. " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade05" "Gordon! Kranaatteja!" "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade05" "Gordon! Grenades!" "streetwar.ba_onedown" "Siinä meni yksi! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onedown" "One down! " "streetwar.ba_onedownonetogo" "Yksi kuollut ja yksi jäljellä, kaveri! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onedownonetogo" "That's one down, one to go, buddy! " "streetwar.ba_onemorenow" "Hienoa! Vielä yksi! Tule, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onemorenow" "All right! One more now! Come on, Gordon! " "streetwar.ba_overhere" "Täällä! " "[english]streetwar.ba_overhere" "Over here! " "streetwar.ba_putsqueeze" " " "[english]streetwar.ba_putsqueeze" " " "streetwar.ba_returnhero" "Olet tehnyt aikamoisen sankarin paluun, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_returnhero" "You're quite the returning hero these days, Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_takeoutsnipers" "Viitsisitkö hoitaa nuo tarkka-ampujat, Gordon? " "[english]streetwar.ba_takeoutsnipers" "Gordon, take out these snipers, would ya?! " "streetwar.c17_05_firepit_greet" "Tohtori Freeman Toivoimme saavamme vielä yhden taistelijan barrikadin valtaamista varten, mutta en arvannut, että se olisit sinä. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_firepit_greet" "Dr. Freeman? We hoped for one more fighter to help storm that barricade, but we never guessed it would be you. " "streetwar.c17_05_hoppers" "Varo hyppymiinoja. Niitä on joka puolella! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_hoppers" "Watch out for the hoppers. They're everywhere! " "streetwar.c17_05_letusthru" "Päästäkää meidät läpi! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_letusthru" "Let us through! " "streetwar.c17_05_minehelp1" "Älkää tuhlatko hyppymiinoja, tohtori Freeman. Voimme käyttää niitä Combinea vastaan. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_minehelp1" "Don't waste the hoppers, Dr. Freeman. We can use them against the Combine. " "streetwar.c17_05_minehelp2" "Jos saat nuo hyppymiinat ilmaan räjäyttämättä niitä, voit asettaa ne mihin haluat. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_minehelp2" "If you can get those hoppers up without setting them off, you can plant them wherever you want them. " "streetwar.c17_05_opengate" "Avaa portti! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_opengate" "Open the gate! " "streetwar.c17_05_tail" "Ne ovat kannoillamme!" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_tail" "They're on our tail!" "streetwar.c17_06_det01" "Gordon Freeman? Se todellakin olet sinä. Odota hetki, asetan räjähteitä ja räjäytän tämän auki. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det01" "Gordon Freeman? It is you, isn't it? Give me a minute, I'm gonna plant some charges and blow this open. " "streetwar.c17_06_det02" "Olen melkein valmis, yritä pidätellä heitä. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det02" "If you can hold them off, I'm almost done here. " "streetwar.c17_06_det03" "Okei, viimeinen lataus! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det03" "Okay, last charge! " "streetwar.c17_06_det04" "Pysy etäämmällä. Se räjähtää! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det04" "Stand back. It's gonna blow! " "streetwar.c17_06_det05" "Tule läpi, Freeman. Ja pidä kiirettä. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det05" "Come on through, Freeman. And hurry. " "streetwar.c17_06_keepcoming" "Manhakit jatkavat hyökkäyksiään. Ne eivät koskaan lopu! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_keepcoming" "The manhacks just keep coming. They're never gonna stop! " "streetwar.c17_06_keepmoving" "Pysy liikkeellä, tohtori Freeman. Ilmoitan, että olet tulossa, ja tapaan sinut myöhemmin. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_keepmoving" "Keep moving, Dr. Freeman. I'll send word you're coming, and see you up ahead. " "streetwar.c17_06_notsafe" "Tohtori Freeman Täällä ei ole enää turvallista, jos olet etsimässä piilopaikkaa. Ne pommittavat meitä koko ajan. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_notsafe" "Dr. Freeman? If you were looking for a place to hole up, it's not safe here anymore. They're shelling the hell out of us. " "streetwar.c17_06_password01" "Hei, minä tässä. Avaa ovi. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password01" "Hey, it's me. Open the door. " "streetwar.c17_06_password02" "Mikä on salasana? " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password02" "What's the password? " "streetwar.c17_06_password03" "Salasana! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password03" "Password! " "streetwar.c17_06_password04" "Tule sisään. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password04" "Come on in. " "streetwar.c17_06_plank01" "Okei, tule yli! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_plank01" "Okay, come across! " "streetwar.c17_06_plank02" "Meidän on jäätävä tänne sen varalta, että muita tulee yli. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_plank02" "I've got to stay here in case anyone else needs to get across. " "streetwar.c17_06_tunnel_greet" "Tohtori Freeman! Combine on katkaissut huoltotunnelimme. Tule mukaani, niin voimme yrittää tunkeutua heidän vartioasemansa lävitse. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_tunnel_greet" "Dr. Freeman! The Combine has cut our supply tunnel in two. If you'll join up with us, we'll take a stab at pushing through their outpost. " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_allover" "Nyt on parempi. Luulin jo, että loppuni on tullut." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_allover" "That's better. I thought it was all over for me." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_cantmove" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_cantmove" " " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_gothru" "Mene läpi, Gordon." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_gothru" "Go on through, Gordon." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_headout" "Okei, mennään portin luo. Avaan sen, kun tilanne on rauhoittunut." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_headout" "Okay, let's head for the gate and I'll open it while the coast is clear." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_medic" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_medic" " " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_needhelp" "Tarvitsemme kaiken mahdollisen avun, kun hyökkäämme edessä olevaan päämajaan." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_needhelp" "We're going to need all the help we can get, dealing with the Nexus up ahead." "streetwar.c17_09_casualties" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_casualties" " " "streetwar.c17_09_cellar" "Apua! Auta minua! Ajattelimme, että täällä alhaalla olisi turvallisempaa. Emme tienneet, että tämä paikka kuhisee vihollisia. Muut menivät yläkertaan kokeilemaan onneaan tarkka-ampujien kanssa. He ovat kai yhä siellä. " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellar" "Help! Help me! We thought we'd be safer down here. Little did we know the place was infested. Rest of 'em headed upstairs, took their chances with the snipers. I guess they're still up there. " "streetwar.c17_09_help01" "Apua!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help01" "Help!" "streetwar.c17_09_help02" "Auta minua!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help02" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_help03" "Onko siellä joku!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help03" "Is somebody up there!" "streetwar.c17_09_help04" "Auta minua!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help04" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_med_greet" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_med_greet" " " "streetwar.c17_09_med_heal" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_med_heal" " " "streetwar.c17_10_heshere" "Se on Freeman, hän on täällä! Päästä meidät ulos, lähdemme mukaasi. " "[english]streetwar.c17_10_heshere" "It's Freeman, he's here! Let us out, we'll throw in with you. " "streetwar.c17_10_letusout" "Hei, päästä meidät pois täältä! " "[english]streetwar.c17_10_letusout" "Hey, let us out of here! " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det01" "Ovi on lukittu toiselta puolelta, tohtori Freeman. Ehkä voit löytää kiertotien. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det01" "That door's locked from the other side, Dr. Freeman. Maybe you can find a way around. " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det02" "Näyttää pahalta paikalta. Onneksi sinulla on tuo puku. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det02" "Looks nasty in there. Good thing you've got that suit. " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det03" "Hei! Päästäkää meidät läpi! Kuulen sinut! Tule! Avaa ovi! " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det03" "Hey! Let us through! I can hear you in there! Come on! Open the door! " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det04" "Selvisit siis perille. Osasin odottaa sitä. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det04" "I see you made it through okay. Figured you would. " "streetwar.d3_c17_07_tenant" "Toimitte äsken upeasti, tohtori Freeman! Mutta säälin sitä, joka maksoi takuuvuokran. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_07_tenant" "You were amazing back there, Dr. Freeman! But I feel sorry for anyone who put down a security deposit. " "streetwar.al_gordon02" "Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.al_gordon02" "Gordon! " "streetwar.al_uggh02" "Argh! " "[english]streetwar.al_uggh02" "Agh! " "Trainride.gman_riseshine" "Herätys, herra Freeman. Herätys. " "[english]Trainride.gman_riseshine" "Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. " "Trainride.gman_02" "En suinkaan halua vihjata, että olette laiminlyönyt työnne. Olette ansainnut leponne. Eikä ponnisteluista olisi edes ollut hyötyä, ennen kuin... No, sanotaan nyt vain, että aikanne on tullut taas. " "[english]Trainride.gman_02" "Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until...well, let's just say your hour has come again. " "Trainride.gman_03" "Oikea mies väärässä paikassa voi muuttaa maailmaa. " "[english]Trainride.gman_03" "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. " "Trainride.gman_04" "Herätkää siis, herra Freeman. Herätkää uuteen maailmaan. " "[english]Trainride.gman_04" "So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes. " "Trainyard.al_dadstarted" "Heh, Älä mainitse isälle tohtori Breeniä. " "[english]Trainyard.al_dadstarted" "Heh. Don't get my dad started on Dr. Breen. " "Trainyard.al_hmm" "Hmmm." "[english]Trainyard.al_hmm" "Hm." "Trainyard.al_imalyx" "Minä olen Alyx Vance. Isäni työskenteli kanssasi Black Mesassa. Et varmaan muista minua. " "[english]Trainyard.al_imalyx" "I'm Alyx Vance. My father worked with you, back in Black Mesa. I'm sure you don't remember me though. " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet" " " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_b" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_b" " " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_cc" "Ai niin. Hauska viimeinkin tavata sinut." "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_cc" "Oh, and by the way? Nice to finally meet you." "Trainyard.al_nomap" "Tohtori Kleiner kertoi, että tulisit tätä kautta. Hän ei varmaan ottanut huomioon sitä, ettei sinulla ole karttaa. " "[english]Trainyard.al_nomap" "Dr. Kleiner said you'd be coming this way. I don't think it occurred to him that you might not have a map. " "Trainyard.al_noyoudont" "Hah! Älä yritä! " "[english]Trainyard.al_noyoudont" "Ha! No you don't! " "Trainyard.al_oldadmin" "Muistatko hänet Black Mesasta? Hän on entinen hallintojohtaja. " "[english]Trainyard.al_oldadmin" "Remember him from Black Mesa? Your old Administrator? " "Trainyard.al_overhere" "Täällä! " "[english]Trainyard.al_overhere" "Over here! " "Trainyard.al_presume" "Tohtori Freeman, oletan? " "[english]Trainyard.al_presume" "Doctor Freeman, I presume? " "Trainyard.al_suspicious" "Meidän on kiirehdittävä. Combine havahtuu hitaasti, mutta kun se on valmiudessa, sen tielle ei kannata joutua. " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious" "We'd better hurry. The Combine can be slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. " "Trainyard.al_suspicious_b" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious_b" " " "Trainyard.al_suspicious_cc" "Meidän on kiirehdittävä. Combine havahtuu hitaasti, mutta kun se on valmiudessa, sen tielle ei kannata joutua. " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious_cc" "We'd better hurry. The Combine can be slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. " "Trainyard.al_thisday" "Hassua, että saavut juuri tänään. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday" "Funny, you showing up on this day in particular. " "Trainyard.al_thisday01" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday01" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday01_cc" "Olemme auttaneet ihmisiä pakenemaan kaupungista jalan. Reitti vanhojen kanavien kautta isäni laboratorioon on vaarallinen. Tänään voimme viimeinkin alkaa käyttää parempaa keinoa. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday01_cc" "We've been helping people escape the city on foot. It's a dangerous route to my father's lab, through the old canals. Today we're finally on the verge of having a better way. " "Trainyard.al_thisday02" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday02" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday03" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday03" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday04" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday04" " " "Trainyard.al_thruhere" "Tänne. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thruhere" "Through here. " "Trainyard.ba_backup" "Peräänny! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_backup" "Back up! " "Trainyard.ba_blowcover" "Voi ei, juuri sitä pelkäsin. Mene sisään, Gordon, ennen kuin minä paljastun. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_blowcover" "Oh man, that's what I was afraid of. Get in here, Gordon, before you blow my cover. " "Trainyard.ba_blowcover_b" "Pinoa tavaroita ja poistu ikkunasta. Jatka matkaa, kunnes pääset aukiolle. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_blowcover_b" "Pile up some stuff to get through that window, and keep going till you're in the plaza. " "Trainyard.ba_checkpoints" "Hänelle ei pitäisi tapahtua mitään, kunhan hän välttelee tarkistuspisteitä. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_checkpoints" "Well, as long as he stays away from checkpoints we should be okay. " "Trainyard.ba_citadel02" "Linnoitus on täydessä hälytystilassa! En ole koskaan nähnyt sitä tuollaisena. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_citadel02" "The Citadel's on full alert! I've never seen it lit up like that. " "Trainyard.ba_crowbar01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar01" " " "Trainyard.ba_crowbar01_cc" "Ai niin, meinasin unohtaa. Taisit jättää tämän Black Mesaan." "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar01_cc" "Oh, and before I forget. I think you dropped this back in Black Mesa." "Trainyard.ba_crowbar02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar02" " " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag01" "Aikaa ei ole tuhlattavaksi, Gordon. Lähde liikkeelle! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag01" "There's no time to waste here, Gordon. Get a move on! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag02" "He ovat aivan lähellä, ala mennä! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag02" "They're right outside, get going! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag03" "Ala mennä jo, onko selvä? " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag03" "Hey, move it now, will you? " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag04" "Lähtisitkö jo menemään? " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag04" "Will you get going? " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag05" "Liikettä! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag05" "Move it along! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag06" "Ala mennä, Gordon! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag06" "Get going, Gordon! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag07" "Kiirehdi! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag07" "Hurry up! " "Trainyard.ba_getin" "Mene sisään! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_getin" "Get in! " "Trainyard.ba_getoutfast" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_getoutfast" " " "Trainyard.ba_getoutfast_cc" "Häivy Kaupunki 17:stä niin nopeasti kuin voit, Gordon! Kulje vanhoja kanavia pitkin. Ne vievät Elin laboratorioon. Se on vaarallinen reitti, mutta pakolaiset ovat luoneet verkoston, joka voi auttaa sinua." "[english]Trainyard.ba_getoutfast_cc" "Get out of City 17 as fast as you can, Gordon! Take the old canals, right? They'll get you to Eli's lab. It's a dangerous route, but there's a whole network of refugees and they'll help you if they can." "Trainyard.ba_goodluck01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck01" " " "Trainyard.ba_goodluck01_cc" "Onnea matkaan, kaveri. Tarvitset sitä." "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck01_cc" "Good luck out there, buddy. You're gonna need it." "Trainyard.ba_goodluck02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck02" " " "Trainyard.ba_goon" "Mene!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_goon" "Go on!" "Trainyard.ba_gottago" "Minun on nyt mentävä, tohtori. Olemme jo ottaneet suuria riskejä. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_gottago" "Listen, I gotta go, Doc. We're taking enough chances as it is. " "Trainyard.ba_heygordon" "Hei, Gordon! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_heygordon" "Hey, Gordon! " "Trainyard.ba_inhere2" "Tule tänne. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_inhere2" "Get in here. " "Trainyard.ba_lookafterdoc" "Tulisin mukaasi, mutta minun on pidettävä huolta tohtori Kleinerista. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_lookafterdoc" "I'd come with you, but I've got to look after Dr. Kleiner. " "Trainyard.ba_lookwho" "Anteeksi, tohtori. Mutta katsopa kuka täällä on. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_lookwho" "Sorry, Doc, but look who's here. " "Trainyard.ba_meetyoulater01" "Tapaan sinut myöhemmin. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_meetyoulater01" "I'll meet up with you later. " "Trainyard.ba_move01" "Käskin sinua liikkumaan! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_move01" "I said 'move!' " "Trainyard.ba_noimgood" "En, pärjään kyllä. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_noimgood" "No, I'm good. " "Trainyard.ba_oldcanals" "Kulje siis kanavia pitkin. Ne vievät Elin laboratorioon. Se on vaarallinen reitti, mutta pakolaiset ovat luoneet verkoston, joka voi auttaa sinua. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_oldcanals" "Take the canals, right? They'll get you to Eli's lab. It's a dangerous route, but there's a whole network of refugees and they'll help you if they can. " "Trainyard.ba_ownway" "Sinun on kuljettava omin päin tohtori Kleinerin laboratorioon. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_ownway" "Okay, Gordon you're gonna have to make your own way to Dr. Kleiner's lab. " "Trainyard.ba_privacy" "Joo, tarvitsen vähän omaa rauhaa tätä varten! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_privacy" "Yeah, I'm gonna need me some privacy for this! " "Trainyard.ba_rememberme" "Se olen minä, Gordon! Barney Black Mesasta. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_rememberme" "It's me, Gordon! Barney from Black Mesa. " "Trainyard.ba_rooftops" "Kattojen kautta kulkee kuulemma reitti, mutta en ole käyttänyt sitä koskaan itse. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_rooftops" "There's supposed to be a high route over the rooftops, but... I've never been that way myself. " "Trainyard.ba_sorryscare" "Anteeksi, että pelästytin. Minun oli pakko näytellä kameroiden edessä. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_sorryscare" "Hey, sorry for the scare. I had to put on a show for the cameras. " "Trainyard.ba_tellme01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme01" " " "Trainyard.ba_tellme01_cc" "En minäkään, tohtori. Hän oli nousemassa Nova Prospektin pikajunaan." "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme01_cc" "Yeah, you and me both, Doc. He was about to board the Express to Nova Prospekt." "Trainyard.ba_tellme02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme02" " " "Trainyard.ba_thatbeer01" "No niin..." "[english]Trainyard.ba_thatbeer01" "Now..." "Trainyard.ba_thatbeer02" "Olen sinulle kaljan velkaa. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_thatbeer02" "...about that beer I owed ya. " "Trainyard.ba_thinking01" "Ajattelen juuri sitä. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_thinking01" "I'm thinking, I'm thinking. " "Trainyard.ba_undercover" "Olen soluttautunut suojelupalveluun. On epäilyttävää, jos viivyn liian kauan. Minun on saatava hakkauskiintiöni täyteen. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_undercover" "I've been working undercover with Civil Protection. I can't take too long or they'll get suspicious. I'm way behind on my beating quota. " "Trainyard.ba_youcomewith" "Sinä siellä, kansalainen! Tule mukaani. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_youcomewith" "You, Citizen! Come with me. " "Trainyard.cit_term_ques02" "Tämä on kolmas siirtoni tänä vuonna. " "[english]Trainyard.cit_term_ques02" "This is my third transfer this year. " "Trainyard.cop_knockitoff" "Häivy täältä. " "[english]Trainyard.cop_knockitoff" "Get out of here. " "Trainyard.cop_needanyhelp" "Tarvitsetko apua tuon kanssa? " "[english]Trainyard.cop_needanyhelp" "Need any help with this one? " "Trainyard.kl_alyxaround" "Alyx on jossain täällä. Hän varmaan keksii, miten hänet saadaan tänne. " "[english]Trainyard.kl_alyxaround" "Alyx is around here somewhere. She would have a better idea how to get him here. " "Trainyard.kl_intend" "No, Barney. Mitä aiot? " "[english]Trainyard.kl_intend" "Well, Barney, what do you intend? " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn01" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn01" " " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn01_cc" "Hyvänen aika! Gordon Freeman! En odottanut sinua näin pian." "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn01_cc" "Great Scott! Gordon Freeman! I expected more warning." "Trainyard.kl_morewarn02" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn02" " " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn03" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn03" " " "Trainyard.kl_verywell" "Hyvä on. Ai niin, Gordon. Hauska nähdä sinua! " "[english]Trainyard.kl_verywell" "Very well. And, eh, Gordon? Good to see you! " "Trainyard.kl_whatisit01" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit01" " " "Trainyard.kl_whatisit01_cc" "Mitä haluat, Barney? Suoritan parhaillaan elintärkeää koetta." "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit01_cc" "Yes, Barney, what is it? I'm in the middle of a critical test." "Trainyard.kl_whatisit02" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit02" " " "Trainyard.man_me" "Minä?! " "[english]Trainyard.man_me" "Me?! " "Trainyard.man_waitaminute" "Odota hetki... " "[english]Trainyard.man_waitaminute" "Wait a minute... " "Trainyard.man_whereyoutakingme" "Mihin viette minut? " "[english]Trainyard.man_whereyoutakingme" "Where are you taking me? " "Trainyard.metro_suprise" " " "[english]Trainyard.metro_suprise" " " "opening.cit_tvbust01" "Mitä oikein teet? " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust01" "What are you doing? " "opening.cit_tvbust02" "Joudut vaikeuksiin. " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust02" "You're gonna be in trouble. " "opening.cit_tvbust03" "Hei, olemme kohta kaikki vaikeuksissa sinun takiasi! " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust03" "Hey, you're gonna bring trouble down on all of us! " "opening.cit_tvbust04" "Laske se alas! " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust04" "Put that down! " "opening.cit_tvbust05" "Oi ei. Nyt meille kävi todella huonosti. " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust05" "Oh no. Now we're really gonna get it. " "Canals.d1_canals_01_arrest_helpme" "Auta minua!" "[english]Canals.d1_canals_01_arrest_helpme" "Help me!" "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant07" "Sillä sanottiin, että heistä oli tullut kuin demoneja, jotka ovat aineellisia mutta joissa ei ole valoa." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant07" "For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant09" "Sillä elämäni päivät ovat kadonneet kuin savu, ja luuni ovat karrella kuin tuhka. Lietsokoon epäpuhtauteni tulta, kunnes vain valo on jäljellä " "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant09" "For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone." "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant20" "Tulkoon heistä kuin tomua tuulessa. Jahdatkoon Herran enkeli heitä." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant20" "May they become like dust before the wind; may the angel of the Lord pursue them." "coast.crane_playerincar" "Hyvä, annetaan palaa." "[english]coast.crane_playerincar" "Good, here we go." "coast.crane_magfail" "Pahuksen magneetti ei toimi… Pidä kiinni!" "[english]coast.crane_magfail" "Damn magnet's failing...hold on!" "coast.crane_sorry" "Anteeksi, tohtori." "[english]coast.crane_sorry" "Sorry, Doc." "coast.crane_gravgun" "Käännä auto painovoima-aseella." "[english]coast.crane_gravgun" "Use your gravity gun to flip the car over again." "coast.crane_driveforfeel" "Ajele vähän rannalla, niin opit käsittelemään autoa. Kun olet valmis, mene veden äärellä olevalle rinteelle." "[english]coast.crane_driveforfeel" "Why don't you take a spin around the beach until you've got a feel for the car. When you're done, head for the slope down by the water." "coast.crane_antlions" "Varo muurahaiskorentoja." "[english]coast.crane_antlions" "Watch out for antlions." "coast.crane_rockslide" "Renkaat eivät pidä tuossa sorassa. Kokeile veden äärellä olevaa rinnettä." "[english]coast.crane_rockslide" "You're never gonna get traction in that gravel. Try the slope down by the water." "coast.crane_pier01" "Palaa ylös, tohtori Freeman. Auto on laiturilla." "[english]coast.crane_pier01" "Come back up, Dr. Freeman. The car's on the pier." "coast.crane_pier02" "Pyysin palaamaan laiturille." "[english]coast.crane_pier02" "I said, get back up on the pier." "coast.crane_pier03" "Tohtori Freeman, ette pääse perille jalkaisin. Palatkaa ylös ja hakekaa auto." "[english]coast.crane_pier03" "Dr. Freeman, you won't get anywhere on foot. Come back up and get in the car." "coast.crane_hopin" "Nouse kyytiin, niin lasken sinut rannalle." "[english]coast.crane_hopin" "Hop in and I'll lower you down to the beach." "coast.crane_carsallready" "Hei, tohtori Freeman. Auto on valmiina sinua varten." "[english]coast.crane_carsallready" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. The car's all ready for you." "coast.crane_getupandhellout" "Käännä auto oikein päin ja häivy täältä!" "[english]coast.crane_getupandhellout" "Get that car upright and get the hell out of here!" "streetwar.d3_c17_06a_overhere01" "Hei, täällä!" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06a_overhere01" "Hey, over here!" "Streetwar.d3_c17_07_al_thatwasclose" "Se oli lähellä!" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_07_al_thatwasclose" "That was close!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp02" "Auta minua!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp02" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp01" "Apua!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp01" "Help!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp03" "Onko siellä ylhäällä joku?" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp03" "Is somebody up there?" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit" "[sorkkaraudan pehmeä isku]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit" "[Crowbar Thwap!]" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld" "[sorkkaraudan kova isku]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld" "[Crowbar Whack!]" "Weapon_Crowbar.Single" "[sorkkaraudan suhahdus]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Single" "[Crowbar Swoosh]" "Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire" " " "Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch" " " "Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup" " " "Weapon_Pistol.Empty" "[Tyhjä pesä]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_Pistol.Single" "[Pistoolin laukaus]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.Single" "[Pistol Shot]" "Weapon_357.Single" "[.357:n laukaus]" "[english]Weapon_357.Single" "[.357 Shot]" "Weapon_SMG1.Double" "[Konepistoolin kranaatin laukaisu]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Double" "[SMG Grenade Launch]" "Weapon_SMG1.Single" "[Konepistoolin ensisijainen tulitus]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Single" "[SMG Primary Fire]" "Weapon_SMG1.Empty" "[Tyhjä pesä]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_SMG1.Reload" "[Ladataan]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_SMG1.Special1" "[Konepistoolin kranaatin laukaisu]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Special1" "[SMG Grenade Launch]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Double" "[Haulikon tuplalaukaus]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Double" "[Double Shotgun Blast!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Single" "[Haulikon laukaus!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Single" "[Single Shotgun Blast!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Empty" "[Tyhjä pesä]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" "[Ladataan]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_AR2.Single" "[Ensisijainen tulitus]" "[english]Weapon_AR2.Single" "[Primary fire]" "Weapon_AR2.Reload" "[Ladataan]" "[english]Weapon_AR2.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_IRifle.Empty" "[Tyhjä]" "[english]Weapon_IRifle.Empty" "[Empty]" "Weapon_IRifle.Single" "[Toissijainen tulitus]" "[english]Weapon_IRifle.Single" "[Secondary Fire]" "Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" "[Ladattu toissijainen tulitus]" "[english]Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" "[Charged secondary fire]" "Weapon_Crossbow.Single" "[Varsijousen laukaisu]" "[english]Weapon_Crossbow.Single" "[Crossbow shot]" "Weapon_Crossbow.Reload" "[Varsijousen lataaminen]" "[english]Weapon_Crossbow.Reload" "[Crossbow reload]" "Weapon_RPG.Single" "[Raketinheittimen laukaisu]" "[english]Weapon_RPG.Single" "[RPG Launch]" "WeaponFrag.Roll" "[Kranaatti vierii!]" "[english]WeaponFrag.Roll" "[Grenade rolling!]" "Grenade.Blip" "[Kranaatin ajastin]" "[english]Grenade.Blip" "[Grenade Timer]" "Weapon_Gauss.Single" "[Tautykin sysäys!]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Single" "[Tau Cannon Jolt!]" "Weapon_Gauss.Special1" "[Tautykin tulitus]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Special1" "[Tau Cannon Fire]" "Weapon_Gauss.Special2" "[Tautykin ladattu isku]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Special2" "[Tau Cannon Charged Blast]" "Weapon_Bugbait.Splat" "[Syötin narina]" "[english]Weapon_Bugbait.Splat" "[Bugbait Squeak]" "GrenadeBugBait.Splat" "[Syötin läiskäys]" "[english]GrenadeBugBait.Splat" "[Bugbait Splat]" "Weapon_FlareGun.Single" "[Valopistoolin laukaus!]" "[english]Weapon_FlareGun.Single" "[Flaregun shot!]" "Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld" " " "[english]Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld" " " "Weapon_StunStick.Swing" " " "[english]Weapon_StunStick.Swing" " " "Weapon_Pistol.NPC_Single" "[Pistoolin laukaus]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.NPC_Single" "[Pistol Shot]" "Weapon_Mortar.Single" "[Estolaitteen laukaisu]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Single" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Weapon_Mortar.Incomming" "[Lähestyvä kranaatti]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Incomming" "[Incoming Mortar]" "Weapon_Mortar.Impact" "[Estolaitteen osuma!]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Impact" "[Suppressor Impact!]" "AlyxEMP.Charge" " " "[english]AlyxEMP.Charge" " " "AlyxEMP.Discharge" "[EMP-purkaus]" "[english]AlyxEMP.Discharge" "[EMP Burst]" "AlyxEMP.Stop" " " "[english]AlyxEMP.Stop" " " "Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload" "[Ladataan!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload" "[Reloading!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Single" "[Pamaus!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Single" "[Boom!]" "GenericNPC.GunSound" "[Vihollisen tulitus]" "[english]GenericNPC.GunSound" "[Enemy Gunfire]" "BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup" "[Lisäammuksia]" "[english]BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup" "[Ammo pickup]" "BaseExplosionEffect.Sound" "[RÄJÄHDYS!]" "[english]BaseExplosionEffect.Sound" "[EXPLOSION!]" "BaseGrenade.Explode" "[Kranaatin räjähdys!]" "[english]BaseGrenade.Explode" "[Grenade Explosion!]" "Bullets.DefaultNearmiss" "[Luoti - ohilaukaus!]" "[english]Bullets.DefaultNearmiss" "[Bullet--Near Miss!]" "Bullets.GunshipNearmiss" "[Tykkialuksen luoti - ohilaukaus!]" "[english]Bullets.GunshipNearmiss" "[Gunship bullet--Near miss!]" "Bullets.StriderNearmiss" "[Striderin ammus - ohilaukaus]" "[english]Bullets.StriderNearmiss" "[Strider shot--Near miss!]" "FX_RicochetSound.Ricochet" "[Kimmoke!]" "[english]FX_RicochetSound.Ricochet" "[Ricochet!]" "Crane_engine_start" "[Moottori käynnistyy]" "[english]Crane_engine_start" "[Motor starts]" "Crane_engine_stop" "[Moottori sammuu]" "[english]Crane_engine_stop" "[Motor stops]" "Crane_magnet_release" "[Nostokurjen magneetin irtoaminen]" "[english]Crane_magnet_release" "[Crane magnet release]" "Crane_magnet_toggle" "[Nostokurjen magneetin kiinnittyminen]" "[english]Crane_magnet_toggle" "[Crane magnet grab]" "Crane_magnet_creak" "[Narina!]" "[english]Crane_magnet_creak" "[Creak!]" "ATV_engine_idle" " " "[english]ATV_engine_idle" " " "ATV_engine_start" "[Moottori käynnistyy]" "[english]ATV_engine_start" "[Engine start]" "ATV_engine_stop" "[Moottorin sammutus]" "[english]ATV_engine_stop" "[Engine stop]" "ATV_rev" " " "[english]ATV_rev" " " "ATV_skid_lowfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_lowfriction" " " "ATV_skid_normalfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_normalfriction" " " "ATV_skid_highfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_highfriction" " " "ATV_impact_heavy" " " "[english]ATV_impact_heavy" " " "ATV_impact_medium" " " "[english]ATV_impact_medium" " " "ATV_turbo_on" "[Turbo päällä]" "[english]ATV_turbo_on" "[Turbo On]" "ATV_turbo_off" "[Turbo pois päältä]" "[english]ATV_turbo_off" "[Turbo Off]" "ATV_start_in_water" "[Moottori käynnistyy vedessä]" "[english]ATV_start_in_water" "[Engine starting in water]" "ATV_stall_in_water" "[Moottori sammuu vedessä]" "[english]ATV_stall_in_water" "[Engine stalled in water]" "Jeep.GaussCharge" "[Tautykki latautuu]" "[english]Jeep.GaussCharge" "[Tau Cannon Charging]" "PropJeep.FireCannon" "[Tautykin sysäys]" "[english]PropJeep.FireCannon" "[Tau Cannon Jolt]" "PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" "[Tautykin ladattu isku]" "[english]PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" "[Tau Cannon Charged Blast]" "PropJeep.AmmoOpen" "[Ammuslaatikko avattu]" "[english]PropJeep.AmmoOpen" "[Ammocase open]" "PropJeep.AmmoClose" "[Ammuslaatikko suljettu]" "[english]PropJeep.AmmoClose" "[Ammocase close]" "PropAPC.FireCannon" "[Combinen panssariauton tykkitulitus]" "[english]PropAPC.FireCannon" "[Combine APC Cannon Fire]" "PropAPC.FireRocket" "[Combinen panssariauton rakettitulitus]" "[english]PropAPC.FireRocket" "[Combine APC Rocket Fire]" "Airboat_engine_start" "[Hydrokopterin moottorin käynnistys]" "[english]Airboat_engine_start" "[Mudskipper Engine Start]" "Airboat_engine_stop" "[Hydrokopterin moottorin sammutus]" "[english]Airboat_engine_stop" "[Mudskipper Engine Stop]" "Airboat_skid_rough" "" "[english]Airboat_skid_rough" "" "Airboat_skid_smooth" "" "[english]Airboat_skid_smooth" "" "Airboat_impact_hard" "" "[english]Airboat_impact_hard" "" "Airboat_impact_soft" "" "[english]Airboat_impact_soft" "" "Airboat_impact_splash" " " "[english]Airboat_impact_splash" " " "Airboat_gun_charge" "[Tykin lataus]" "[english]Airboat_gun_charge" "[Gun charging]" "Airboat_gun_shoot" "[Tykin laukaisu]" "[english]Airboat_gun_shoot" "[Gun firing]" "Airboat.FireGunHeavy" "[Raskaan tykin tulitus]" "[english]Airboat.FireGunHeavy" "[Heavy gun firing]" "HEV._comma" " " "[english]HEV._comma" " " "HEV.acquired" "saatu" "[english]HEV.acquired" "acquired" "HEV.activated" "käytössä" "[english]HEV.activated" "activated" "HEV.administering_medical" "Annetaan lääkintäapua." "[english]HEV.administering_medical" "Administering Medical Attention." "HEV.ammo_depleted" "Ammukset loppu." "[english]HEV.ammo_depleted" "Ammunition Depleted." "HEV.antidote_shot" "Vastalääke annettu." "[english]HEV.antidote_shot" "Antidote administered." "HEV.antitoxin_shot" "Vastamyrkky annettu." "[english]HEV.antitoxin_shot" "Antitoxin administered." "HEV.armor_gone" "Panssari vaurioitunut." "[english]HEV.armor_gone" "Armor Compromised." "HEV.automedic_on" "Automaattiset lääkintäjärjestelmät käynnissä." "[english]HEV.automedic_on" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV.beep" "[Piip]" "[english]HEV.beep" "[Beep]" "HEV.bell" "[Kellon ääni]" "[english]HEV.bell" "[Belltone]" "HEV.bio_reading" "Mahdollinen biohavainto." "[english]HEV.bio_reading" "Possible Bio-reading." "HEV.biohazard_detected" "Varoitus: biologinen uhka havaittu." "[english]HEV.biohazard_detected" "Warning: Biohazard detected." "HEV.bleeding_stopped" "Verenvuoto on tyrehtynyt." "[english]HEV.bleeding_stopped" "Bleeding has stopped." "HEV.blip" "[Piippaus]" "[english]HEV.blip" "[Blip]" "HEV.blood_loss" "Verenvuoto havaittu." "[english]HEV.blood_loss" "Blood loss detected." "HEV.blood_plasma" "Veriplasmaa annettu." "[english]HEV.blood_plasma" "Blood plasma administered." "HEV.blood_toxins" "Varoitus: myrkkyä havaittu veressä." "[english]HEV.blood_toxins" "Warning: Blood toxin levels detected." "HEV.boop" "[Puup]" "[english]HEV.boop" "[Boop]" "HEV.buzz" "[Surina]" "[english]HEV.buzz" "[Buzz]" "HEV.chemical_detected" "Kemikaali havaittu." "[english]HEV.chemical_detected" "Chemical detected." "HEV.deactivated" "Poistettu" "[english]HEV.deactivated" "Deactivated" "HEV.eighty" "80" "[english]HEV.eighty" "80" "HEV.evacuate_area" "Alue on evakuoitava." "[english]HEV.evacuate_area" "Evacuate area." "HEV.fifteen" "15" "[english]HEV.fifteen" "15" "HEV.fifty" "50" "[english]HEV.fifty" "50" "HEV.five" "05" "[english]HEV.five" "05" "HEV.flatline" "[Piip-piip-piiiiiip.] Käyttäjän kuolema." "[english]HEV.flatline" "[Beep-beep-beeeeeeeeep.] User Fatality." "HEV.fourty" "40" "[english]HEV.fourty" "40" "HEV.fuzz" "[Särinää]" "[english]HEV.fuzz" "[Fuzz]" "HEV.get_44ammo" " " "[english]HEV.get_44ammo" " " "HEV.get_44pistol" " " "[english]HEV.get_44pistol" " " "HEV.get_9mmclip" " " "[english]HEV.get_9mmclip" " " "HEV.get_alien_wpn" " " "[english]HEV.get_alien_wpn" " " "HEV.get_assault" " " "[english]HEV.get_assault" " " "HEV.get_assaultgren" " " "[english]HEV.get_assaultgren" " " "HEV.get_battery" " " "[english]HEV.get_battery" " " "HEV.get_bolts" " " "[english]HEV.get_bolts" " " "HEV.get_buckshot" " " "[english]HEV.get_buckshot" " " "HEV.get_crossbow" " " "[english]HEV.get_crossbow" " " "HEV.get_egon" " " "[english]HEV.get_egon" " " "HEV.get_egonpower" " " "[english]HEV.get_egonpower" " " "HEV.get_gauss" " " "[english]HEV.get_gauss" " " "HEV.get_grenade" " " "[english]HEV.get_grenade" " " "HEV.get_medkit" " " "[english]HEV.get_medkit" " " "HEV.get_pistol" " " "[english]HEV.get_pistol" " " "HEV.get_rpg" " " "[english]HEV.get_rpg" " " "HEV.get_rpgammo" " " "[english]HEV.get_rpgammo" " " "HEV.get_shotgun" " " "[english]HEV.get_shotgun" " " "HEV.health_critical" "Varoitus: elonmerkit kriittiset." "[english]HEV.health_critical" "Warning: Vital signs critical." "HEV.health_dropping" "Varoitus: elonmerkit heikentyvät." "[english]HEV.health_dropping" "Warning: Vital signs dropping." "HEV.health_dropping2" "Elonmerkit heikentyvät." "[english]HEV.health_dropping2" "Vital signs are dropping." "HEV.heat_damage" "Äärimmäinen lämpövaurio havaittu." "[english]HEV.heat_damage" "Extreme heat damage detected." "HEV.hev_critical_fail" "Kriittinen HEV-vaurio - vaurio -" "[english]HEV.hev_critical_fail" "HEV critical failure--failure---" "HEV.hev_damage" "HEV-vaurioita kärsitty." "[english]HEV.hev_damage" "HEV damage sustained." "HEV.hev_general_fail" "Yleinen HEV-vaurio!" "[english]HEV.hev_general_fail" "HEV general failure!" "HEV.hev_shutdown" "Virtaa ei ole riittävästi. HEV sammuu." "[english]HEV.hev_shutdown" "Insufficient power. HEV shutting down." "HEV.hiss" "[Sähinää]" "[english]HEV.hiss" "[Hiss!]" "HEV.immediately" "välittömästi" "[english]HEV.immediately" "immediately" "HEV.insufficient_medical" "Lääkintätarvikkeita ei ole riittävästi vaurioiden korjaamista varten." "[english]HEV.insufficient_medical" "Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage." "HEV.internal_bleeding" "Sisäinen verenvuoto havaittu." "[english]HEV.internal_bleeding" "Internal bleeding detected." "HEV.major_fracture" "Vakava murtuma havaittu." "[english]HEV.major_fracture" "Major fracture detected." "HEV.major_lacerations" "Vakavia haavoja havaittu." "[english]HEV.major_lacerations" "Major lacerations detected." "HEV.medical_repaired" "Lääketieteelliset vauriot korjattu." "[english]HEV.medical_repaired" "Medical damage repaired." "HEV.minor_fracture" "Lievä murtuma havaittu." "[english]HEV.minor_fracture" "Minor fracture detected." "HEV.minor_lacerations" "Lieviä haavoja havaittu." "[english]HEV.minor_lacerations" "Minor lacerations detected." "HEV.morphine_shot" "Morfiini annettu." "[english]HEV.morphine_shot" "Morphine administered." "HEV.near_death" "Kuolema lähestyy." "[english]HEV.near_death" "Near death." "HEV.ninety" "90" "[english]HEV.ninety" "90" "HEV.onehundred" "100" "[english]HEV.onehundred" "100" "HEV.percent" "prosenttia" "[english]HEV.percent" "percent" "HEV.power_below" "Virta on alle" "[english]HEV.power_below" "Power below" "HEV.power_level_is" "Virtataso on" "[english]HEV.power_level_is" "Power level is" "HEV.power_restored" "Virta palautettu." "[english]HEV.power_restored" "Power restored." "HEV.powermove_overload" "Varoitus: teholiikuntajärjestelmän ylikuormitus." "[english]HEV.powermove_overload" "Warning: Power movement system overload." "HEV.radiation_detected" "Varoitus: vaarallinen säteilytaso havaittu." "[english]HEV.radiation_detected" "Warning: Hazardous radiation levels detected." "HEV.seek_medic" "Hanki lääkintäapua." "[english]HEV.seek_medic" "Seek medical attention." "HEV.seventy" "70" "[english]HEV.seventy" "70" "HEV.shock_damage" "Sähkövaurioita havaittu." "[english]HEV.shock_damage" "Electrical damage detected." "HEV.sixty" "60" "[english]HEV.sixty" "60" "HEV.targetting_system" "Automaattinen kohdehakujärjestelmä." "[english]HEV.targetting_system" "Automatic target acquisition system." "HEV.targetting_system_on" "Automaattinen kohdehakujärjestelmä käytössä." "[english]HEV.targetting_system_on" "Automatic target acquisition system activated." "HEV.targetting_system_off" "Automaattinen kohdehakujärjestelmä ei ole käytössä." "[english]HEV.targetting_system_off" "Automatic target acquisition system deactivated." "HEV.ten" "10" "[english]HEV.ten" "10" "HEV.thirty" "30" "[english]HEV.thirty" "30" "HEV.torniquette_applied" "Kiristysside sidottu." "[english]HEV.torniquette_applied" "Tourniquette applied." "HEV.twenty" "20" "[english]HEV.twenty" "20" "HEV.voice_off" " " "[english]HEV.voice_off" " " "HEV.voice_on" " " "[english]HEV.voice_on" " " "HEV.warning" "Varoitus!" "[english]HEV.warning" "Warning!" "HEV.wound_sterilized" "Haava steriloitu." "[english]HEV.wound_sterilized" "Wound sterilized." "HEV.sterilized_morphine" "Haava steriloitu. Morfiini annettu." "[english]HEV.sterilized_morphine" "Wound sterilized. Morphine administered." "HEV.torni_bleed" "Kiristysside sidottu. Verenvuoto on tyrehtynyt." "[english]HEV.torni_bleed" "Tourniquette applied. Bleeding has stopped." "HEV.health2_evac" "Elonmerkit heikentyvät. Alue on evakuoitava." "[english]HEV.health2_evac" "Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area." "HEV.health_crit_evac" "Varoitus: elonmerkit kriittiset. Alue on evakuoitava." "[english]HEV.health_crit_evac" "Warning: Vital signs critical. Evacuate area." "HEV.near_death_evac" "Kuolema lähestyy. Alue on evakuoitava välittömästi." "[english]HEV.near_death_evac" "Near death. Evacuate area immediately." "HEV_A0" "Tervetuloa käyttämään HEV Mark 4 -suojausjärjestelmää, joka on suunniteltu vaarallisia olosuhteita varten." "[english]HEV_A0" "Welcome to the HEV Mark 4 Protective System, for use in hazardous environment conditions." "HEV_A1" "Tehostettu liikkuminen käynnistetty." "[english]HEV_A1" "Power assist movement activated." "HEV_A2" "Vahva reaktiivinen panssari käytössä." "[english]HEV_A2" "High impact reactive armor activated." "HEV_A3" "Ilmastomyrkkyjen tunnistimet käytössä." "[english]HEV_A3" "Atmospheric contaminant sensors activated." "HEV_A4" "Elonmerkkien seuranta käytössä." "[english]HEV_A4" "Vital sign monitoring activated." "HEV_A5" "Ammustason seuranta käytössä." "[english]HEV_A5" "Munition-level monitoring activated." "HEV_A6" "Viestintäliitäntä käytössä." "[english]HEV_A6" "Communications interface online." "HEV_A7" "Puolustusaseiden valintajärjestelmä käytössä." "[english]HEV_A7" "Defensive weapon selection system activated." "HEV_A8" "Automaattiset lääkintäjärjestelmät käynnissä." "[english]HEV_A8" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV_A9" "Virtataso on ... 100 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_A9" "Power level is ... 100 percent." "HEV_A10" "Turvallista päivää." "[english]HEV_A10" "Have a very safe day." "HEV_MED0" "Lääkintätarvikkeita ei ole riittävästi vaurioiden korjaamista varten." "[english]HEV_MED0" "Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage." "HEV_MED1" "Automaattiset lääkintäjärjestelmät käynnissä." "[english]HEV_MED1" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV_MED2" "Annetaan lääkintäapua." "[english]HEV_MED2" "Administering medical attention." "HEV_HEAL0" "Haava steriloitu. Morfiini annettu." "[english]HEV_HEAL0" "Wound sterilised. Morphine administered." "HEV_HEAL1" "Paikallinen puristusside sidottu. Verenvuoto on tyrehtynyt." "[english]HEV_HEAL1" "Local torniquette applied. Bleeding has stopped." "HEV_HEAL2" "Verenvuoto on tyrehtynyt." "[english]HEV_HEAL2" "Bleeding has stopped." "HEV_HEAL3" "Veriplasmaa annettu." "[english]HEV_HEAL3" "Blood plasma administered." "HEV_HEAL4" "Vastamyrkky annettu." "[english]HEV_HEAL4" "Antitoxin administered." "HEV_HEAL5" "Vastalääke annettu." "[english]HEV_HEAL5" "Antidote administered." "HEV_HEAL6" "Haava steriloitu." "[english]HEV_HEAL6" "Wound sterilised." "HEV_HEAL7" "Morfiini annettu." "[english]HEV_HEAL7" "Morphine administered." "HEV_HEAL8" "Lääketieteelliset vauriot korjattu." "[english]HEV_HEAL8" "Medical damage repaired." "HEV_DMG0" "Lieviä haavoja havaittu." "[english]HEV_DMG0" "Minor lacterations detected." "HEV_DMG1" "Vakavia haavoja havaittu." "[english]HEV_DMG1" "Major lacerations detected." "HEV_DMG2" "Sisäinen verenvuoto havaittu." "[english]HEV_DMG2" "Internal bleeding detected." "HEV_DMG3" "Varoitus. Myrkkyä havaittu veressä." "[english]HEV_DMG3" "Warning. Blood toxin levels detected." "HEV_DMG4" "Lievä murtuma havaittu." "[english]HEV_DMG4" "Minor fracture detected." "HEV_DMG5" "Vakava murtuma havaittu." "[english]HEV_DMG5" "Major fracture detected." "HEV_DMG6" "Verenvuoto havaittu." "[english]HEV_DMG6" "Blood loss detected." "HEV_DMG7" "Hanki lääkintäapua." "[english]HEV_DMG7" "Seek medical attention." "HEV_HLTH0" "Varoitus. Elonmerkit heikentyvät." "[english]HEV_HLTH0" "Warning. Vital signs dropping." "HEV_HLTH1" "Elonmerkit heikentyvät." "[english]HEV_HLTH1" "Vital signs are dropping." "HEV_HLTH2" "Varoitus. Elonmerkit ovat kriittiset." "[english]HEV_HLTH2" "Warning. Vital signs critical." "HEV_HLTH3" "Hätätila. Käyttäjän kuolema välitön." "[english]HEV_HLTH3" "Emergency. User death imminent." "HEV_HLTH4" "Elonmerkit heikentyvät. Alue on evakuoitava." "[english]HEV_HLTH4" "Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area." "HEV_HLTH5" "Varoitus. Elonmerkit ovat kriittiset. Alue on evakuoitava." "[english]HEV_HLTH5" "Warning. Vital signs critical. Evacuate area." "HEV_HLTH6" "Hätätila. Käyttäjän kuolema välitön. Alue on evakuoitava välittömästi." "[english]HEV_HLTH6" "Emergency. User death imminent. Evacuate area immediately." "HEV_SHOCK" "Varoitus. Sähkövaurioita havaittu." "[english]HEV_SHOCK" "Warning. Electrical damage detected." "HEV_FIRE" "Varoitus. Äärimmäinen lämpövaurio havaittu." "[english]HEV_FIRE" "Warning. Extreme heat damage detected." "HEV_AIM_ON" "Automaattinen kohdehakujärjestelmä käytössä." "[english]HEV_AIM_ON" "Automatic target acquisition system activated." "HEV_AIM_OFF" "Automaattinen kohdehakujärjestelmä ei ole käytössä." "[english]HEV_AIM_OFF" "Automatic target acquisition system deactivated." "HEV_BATTERY" "HEV-virtayksikkö saatu." "[english]HEV_BATTERY" "HEV Power Unit acquired." "HEV_MEDKIT" "Automaattinen lääkintäpakkaus." "[english]HEV_MEDKIT" "Automatic Medical Kit." "HEV_PISTOL" "9 millimetrin puoliautomaattinen käsiase." "[english]HEV_PISTOL" "9 millimeter semi-automatic hand gun." "HEV_SHOTGUN" "Taisteluhaulikko saatu." "[english]HEV_SHOTGUN" "Combat shotgun acquired." "HEV_GRENADE" "Sirpalekranaatti saatu." "[english]HEV_GRENADE" "Fragmentation grenage acquired." "HEV_ASSAULT" "9 millimetrin täysautomaattiase saatu." "[english]HEV_ASSAULT" "9 millimeter fully automatic weapon acquired." "HEV_44PISTOL" "Kaliiperin 44 käsiase saatu." "[english]HEV_44PISTOL" "44 calibre handgun acquired." "HEV_RPG" "Laserohjattu raketinheitin saatu." "[english]HEV_RPG" "Laser guided rocket launcher acquired." "HEV_SATCHEL" "Etälaukaistava räjäytyslaite saatu." "[english]HEV_SATCHEL" "Remote activated demolition unit acquired." "HEV_TRIPMINE" "Laserkäyttöinen henkilömiina saatu." "[english]HEV_TRIPMINE" "Laser activated anti-personnel mine acquired." "HEV_HORNET" "Tunnistamaton bioase." "[english]HEV_HORNET" "Unidentified bio weapon." "HEV_SQUEEK" "Tunnistamaton bioase." "[english]HEV_SQUEEK" "Unidentified bio weapon." "HEV_EGON" "Kokeellinen energia-ase saatu." "[english]HEV_EGON" "Experimental energy weapon acquired." "HEV_GAUSS" "Kokeellinen erittäin korkeanopeuksinen ase saatu." "[english]HEV_GAUSS" "Experimental hyper-velocity weapon acquired." "HEV_XBOW" "Korkeanopeuksinen varsijousi saatu." "[english]HEV_XBOW" "High velocity stealth crossbow acquired." "HEV_9MM" "9 millimetrin ammuksia saatu." "[english]HEV_9MM" "9 milimetre ammunition acquired." "HEV_44AMMO" "Kaliiperin 44 ammuksia saatu." "[english]HEV_44AMMO" "44 calibre ammunition acquired." "HEV_BUCKSHOT" "Taisteluhaulikon ammuksia saatu." "[english]HEV_BUCKSHOT" "Combat shotgun ammunition acquired." "HEV_BOLTS" "Varsijousen hermomyrkkyammuksia saatu." "[english]HEV_BOLTS" "Neuro toxin treated crossbow ammunition acquired." "HEV_RPGAMMO" "Laserohjattu raketti saatu." "[english]HEV_RPGAMMO" "Laser guided rocket acquired." "HEV_AGRENADE" "Raketti saatu." "[english]HEV_AGRENADE" "Self propelled grenade acquired." "HEV_EGONPOWER" "Energian latausyksikkö saatu." "[english]HEV_EGONPOWER" "Energy recharge unit acquired." "HEV_C1" "Aika on nyt … 1.00" "[english]HEV_C1" "The time is now ... 1 AM" "HEV_C1t" "Aika on nyt 1.00" "[english]HEV_C1t" "The time is now 1 am" "HEV_C2" "Aika on nyt … 2.00" "[english]HEV_C2" "The time is now ... 2 AM" "HEV_C3" "Aika on nyt … 3.00" "[english]HEV_C3" "The time is now ... 3 AM" "HEV_C4" "Aika on nyt … 4.00" "[english]HEV_C4" "The time is now ... 4 AM" "HEV_C5" "Aika on nyt … 5.00" "[english]HEV_C5" "The time is now ... 5 AM" "HEV_C6" "Aika on nyt … 6.00" "[english]HEV_C6" "The time is now ... 6 AM" "HEV_C7" "Aika on nyt … 7.00" "[english]HEV_C7" "The time is now ... 7 AM" "HEV_C8" "Aika on nyt … 8.00" "[english]HEV_C8" "The time is now ... 8 AM" "HEV_C9" "Aika on nyt … 9.00" "[english]HEV_C9" "The time is now ... 9 AM" "HEV_C10" "Aika on nyt … 10.00" "[english]HEV_C10" "The time is now ... 10 AM" "HEV_C11" "Aika on nyt … 11.00" "[english]HEV_C11" "The time is now ... 11 AM" "HEV_C12" "Aika on nyt … 12.00" "[english]HEV_C12" "The time is now ... 12 AM" "HEV_C13" "Aika on nyt … 13.00" "[english]HEV_C13" "The time is now ... 1 PM" "HEV_C13t" "Aika on nyt 13.00" "[english]HEV_C13t" "The time is now 1 pm" "HEV_C14" "Aika on nyt … 14.00" "[english]HEV_C14" "The time is now ... 2 PM" "HEV_C15" "Aika on nyt … 15.00" "[english]HEV_C15" "The time is now ... 3 PM" "HEV_C16" "Aika on nyt … 16.00" "[english]HEV_C16" "The time is now ... 4 PM" "HEV_C17" "Aika on nyt … 17.00" "[english]HEV_C17" "The time is now ... 5 PM" "HEV_C18" "Aika on nyt … 18.00" "[english]HEV_C18" "The time is now ... 6 PM" "HEV_C19" "Aika on nyt … 19.00" "[english]HEV_C19" "The time is now ... 7 PM" "HEV_C20" "Aika on nyt … 20.00" "[english]HEV_C20" "The time is now ... 8 PM" "HEV_C21" "Aika on nyt … 21.00" "[english]HEV_C21" "The time is now ... 9 PM" "HEV_C22" "Aika on nyt … 22.00" "[english]HEV_C22" "The time is now ... 10 PM" "HEV_C23" "Aika on nyt … 23.00" "[english]HEV_C23" "The time is now ... 11 PM" "HEV_C24" "Aika on nyt … 0.00" "[english]HEV_C24" "The time is now ... 12 PM" "HEV_D00" "Virta palautettu." "[english]HEV_D00" "Power restored." "HEV_D01" "Virtaa ei ole riittävästi. HEV sammuu." "[english]HEV_D01" "Insufficient power. HEV shutting down." "HEV_0P" "Varoitus. HEV-virtataso on alle...5 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_0P" "Warning. HEV power level below...5 percent." "HEV_1P" "Virta palautettu … 10 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_1P" "Power restored ... 10 percent." "HEV_2P" "Virta palautettu … 15 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_2P" "Power restored ... 15 percent." "HEV_3P" "Virta palautettu … 20 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_3P" "Power restored ... 20 percent." "HEV_4P" "Virta palautettu … 25 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_4P" "Power restored ... 25 percent." "HEV_5P" "Virta palautettu … 30 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_5P" "Power restored ... 30 percent." "HEV_6P" "Virta palautettu … 35 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_6P" "Power restored ... 35 percent." "HEV_7P" "Virta palautettu … 40 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_7P" "Power restored ... 40 percent." "HEV_8P" "Virta palautettu … 45 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_8P" "Power restored ... 45 percent." "HEV_9P" "Virta palautettu … 50 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_9P" "Power restored ... 50 percent." "HEV_10P" "Virta palautettu … 55 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_10P" "Power restored ... 55 percent." "HEV_11P" "Virta palautettu … 60 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_11P" "Power restored ... 60 percent." "HEV_12P" "Virta palautettu … 65 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_12P" "Power restored ... 65 percent." "HEV_13P" "Virta palautettu … 70 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_13P" "Power restored ... 70 percent." "HEV_14P" "Virta palautettu … 75 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_14P" "Power restored ... 75 percent." "HEV_15P" "Virta palautettu … 80 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_15P" "Power restored ... 80 percent." "HEV_16P" "Virta palautettu … 85 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_16P" "Power restored ... 85 percent." "HEV_17P" "Virta palautettu … 90 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_17P" "Power restored ... 90 percent." "HEV_18P" "Virta palautettu … 95 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_18P" "Power restored ... 95 percent." "HEV_19P" "Virtataso on ... 100 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_19P" "Power level is ... 100 percent." "HEV_AMO0" "Ammukset loppu." "[english]HEV_AMO0" "Ammunition depleted." "HEV_V0" "Äänijärjestelmä käytössä." "[english]HEV_V0" "Voice system activated." "HEV_V1" "Äänijärjestelmä poistettu käytöstä." "[english]HEV_V1" "Voice system deactivated." "HEV_E0" "Panssari vaurioitunut." "[english]HEV_E0" "Armour compromised." "HEV_E1" "Panssari vaurioitunut." "[english]HEV_E1" "Armour compromised." "HEV_E2" "HEV – kriittinen vaurio. Häiriö." "[english]HEV_E2" "HEV - critical failure. Failure." "HEV_E3" "HEV – yleinen vaurio." "[english]HEV_E3" "HEV - general failure." "HEV_E4" "HEV – vaurioita kärsitty." "[english]HEV_E4" "HEV - damage sustained." "HEV_E5" "Varoitus. Teholiikuntajärjestelmän ylikuormitus." "[english]HEV_E5" "Warning. Power movement system overload." "HEV_F1" "1" "[english]HEV_F1" "1" "HEV_F2" "2" "[english]HEV_F2" "2" "HEV_F3" "3" "[english]HEV_F3" "3" "HEV_F4" "4" "[english]HEV_F4" "4" "HEV_F5" "5" "[english]HEV_F5" "5" "HEV_F6" "6" "[english]HEV_F6" "6" "HEV_F7" "7" "[english]HEV_F7" "7" "HEV_F8" "8" "[english]HEV_F8" "8" "HEV_F9" "9" "[english]HEV_F9" "9" "HEV_F10" "Aikaa jäljellä ... 10 sekuntia." "[english]HEV_F10" "Time remaining ... 10 seconds." "HEV_F15" "Aikaa jäljellä ... 15 sekuntia." "[english]HEV_F15" "Time remaining ... 15 seconds." "HEV_F20" "Aikaa jäljellä ... 20 sekuntia." "[english]HEV_F20" "Time remaining ... 20 seconds." "HEV_F30" "Aikaa jäljellä ... 30 sekuntia." "[english]HEV_F30" "Time remaining ... 30 seconds." "HEV_DET0" "Varoitus. Biologinen uhka havaittu." "[english]HEV_DET0" "Warning. Biohazard detected." "HEV_DET1" "Varoitus. Vaarallinen kemikaali havaittu." "[english]HEV_DET1" "Warning. Hazardous chemical detected." "HEV_DET2" "Varoitus. Vaarallinen säteilytaso havaittu." "[english]HEV_DET2" "Warning. Hazardous radiation levels detected." "HEV_DET3" "Mahdollinen biologinen havainto." "[english]HEV_DET3" "Possible bio reading." "HEV_DET4" "Vastamyrkky annettu. 100 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_DET4" "Antitoxin administered. 100 percent." "HEV_DET5" "Vastamyrkky annettu. Varoitus. Vaarallinen säteilytaso havaittu. 100 prosenttia." "[english]HEV_DET5" "Antitoxin administered. Warning. Hazardous radiation levels detected. 100 percent." "HEV_GR0" "etäisyys 20 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR0" "range 20 meters" "HEV_GR1" "etäisyys 19 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR1" "range 19 meters" "HEV_GR2" "etäisyys 18 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR2" "range 18 meters" "HEV_GR3" "etäisyys 17 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR3" "range 17 meters" "HEV_GR4" "etäisyys 16 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR4" "range 16 meters" "HEV_GR5" "etäisyys 15 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR5" "range 15 meters" "HEV_GR6" "etäisyys 14 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR6" "range 14 meters" "HEV_GR7" "etäisyys 13 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR7" "range 13 meters" "HEV_GR8" "etäisyys 12 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR8" "range 12 meters" "HEV_GR9" "etäisyys 11 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR9" "range 11 meters" "HEV_GR10" "etäisyys 10 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR10" "range 10 meters" "HEV_GR11" "etäisyys 9 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR11" "range 9 meters" "HEV_GR12" "etäisyys 8 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR12" "range 8 meters" "HEV_GR13" "etäisyys 7 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR13" "range 7 meters" "HEV_GR14" "etäisyys 6 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR14" "range 6 meters" "HEV_GR15" "etäisyys 5 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR15" "range 5 meters" "HEV_GR16" "etäisyys 4 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR16" "range 4 meters" "HEV_GR17" "etäisyys 3 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR17" "range 3 meters" "HEV_GR18" "etäisyys 2 metriä" "[english]HEV_GR18" "range 2 meters" "HEV_GR19" "etäisyys 1 metri" "[english]HEV_GR19" "range 1 meter" "HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" "[Alhaisen terveyden varoitus!]" "[english]HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" "[Low Health Warning!]" "HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" "[Vähäisen ammusvarannon varoitus!]" "[english]HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" "[Low Ammunition Warning!]" "HL2Player.SprintNoPower" "[Nopea juoksu kulutettu]" "[english]HL2Player.SprintNoPower" "[Sprint Depleted]" "HL2Player.SprintStart" "[Nopea juoksu käytössä]" "[english]HL2Player.SprintStart" "[Sprint On]" "HL2Player.UseDeny" "[Ei voi käyttää]" "[english]HL2Player.UseDeny" "[Can't Use]" "Player.Death" "[Kuolema]" "[english]Player.Death" "[Death]" "Player.PlasmaDamage" "[Palaa]" "[english]Player.PlasmaDamage" "[Burning]" "Player.SonicDamage" "[Äänivaurioita]" "[english]Player.SonicDamage" "[Sonic Damage]" "Player.DrownStart" "[Hukkuu]" "[english]Player.DrownStart" "[Drowning]" "Player.FallDamage" "[Putoamisvaurioita]" "[english]Player.FallDamage" "[Falling Damage]" "Player.FallGib" "[Splät!]" "[english]Player.FallGib" "[Splat!]" "Player.UseDeny" "[Ei voi käyttää]" "[english]Player.UseDeny" "[Can't Use]" "Player.pickupweapon" "[Poimittava ase]" "[english]Player.pickupweapon" "[Weapon pickup]" "Geiger.BeepLow" "[Hidas geigermittarin ääni]" "[english]Geiger.BeepLow" "[Slow Geiger tick]" "Geiger.BeepHigh" "[Nopea geigermittarin ääni]" "[english]Geiger.BeepHigh" "[Fast Geiger tick]" "TriggerSuperArmor.StartCharging" "[Aloita lataaminen]" "[english]TriggerSuperArmor.StartCharging" "[Start Charging]" "TriggerSuperArmor.DoneCharging" "[Lopeta lataaminen]" "[english]TriggerSuperArmor.DoneCharging" "[End Charging]" "ItemBattery.Touch" "[Poimittava akku]" "[english]ItemBattery.Touch" "[Battery Pickup]" "HealthKit.Touch" "[Poimittava lääkintäpakkaus]" "[english]HealthKit.Touch" "[Medkit Pickup]" "HealthVial.Touch" "[Poimittava terveyspullo]" "[english]HealthVial.Touch" "[Health Vial Pickup]" "WallHealth.Deny" "[Estä]" "[english]WallHealth.Deny" "[Deny]" "WallHealth.Start" "[Aloita parantaminen]" "[english]WallHealth.Start" "[Begin Healing]" "SuitRecharge.Deny" "[Estä]" "[english]SuitRecharge.Deny" "[Deny]" "SuitRecharge.Start" "[Aloita lataaminen]" "[english]SuitRecharge.Start" "[Begin Charging]" "NPC_Alyx.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Alyx.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Alyx.PushButton1" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushButton1" "[Button Sound]" "NPC_Alyx.PushButton2" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushButton2" "[Button Sound]" "NPC_Alyx.PushKeypad1" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushKeypad1" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Coin" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Coin" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Button" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Button" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Hit" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Hit" " " "NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Start" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Start" " " "NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Land" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Land" " " "NPC_Alyx.ScrapYard_Hop" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.ScrapYard_Hop" " " "NPC_Alyx.ClimbLadder1" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.ClimbLadder1" " " "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttack" "[Muurahaiskorennon hyökkäys]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttack" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.BurrowIn" "[Muurahaiskorento kolossa]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.BurrowIn" "[Antlion Burrowing]" "NPC_Antlion.BurrowOut" "[Muurahaiskorento tulee esiin]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.BurrowOut" "[Antlion Emerging]" "NPC_Antlion.FootstepSoft" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.FootstepSoft" " " "NPC_Antlion.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Footstep" " " "NPC_Antlion.FootstepHeavy" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.FootstepHeavy" " " "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackSingle" "[Muurahaiskorennon hyökkäys]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackSingle" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackDouble" "[Muurahaiskorennon hyökkäys]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackDouble" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.Distracted" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Distracted" " " "NPC_Antlion.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Idle" " " "NPC_Antlion.Pain" "[Muurahaiskorennon kipu]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.Pain" "[Antlion Pain]" "NPC_Antlion.JumpTouch" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.JumpTouch" " " "NPC_Antlion.Land" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Land" " " "NPC_Antlion.WingsOpen" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.WingsOpen" " " "NPC_Antlion.LoopingAgitated" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.LoopingAgitated" " " "NPC_AntlionGrub.Scared" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGrub.Scared" " " "NPC_AntlionGrub.Squash" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGrub.Squash" " " "FX_AntlionImpact.ShellImpact" " " "[english]FX_AntlionImpact.ShellImpact" " " "NPC_Antlion.RunOverByVehicle" "[Muurahaiskorennon rusennus]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.RunOverByVehicle" "[Antlion Crunch]" "NPC_Antlion.Movement" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Movement" " " "NPC_Antlion.Voice" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Voice" " " "NPC_Antlion.Heal" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Heal" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.SniffFound" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.SniffFound" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Shove" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Shove" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.HitHard" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.HitHard" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.StepLight" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.StepLight" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.StepHeavy" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.StepHeavy" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Anger" "[Vihainen muurahaiskorentosuojelija]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Anger" "[Antlion Guard Angry]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlHigh" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlHigh" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlIdle" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlIdle" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.BreathSound" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.BreathSound" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Confused" "[Hämmentynyt muurahaiskorentosuojelija]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Confused" "[Antlion Guard Confused]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Roar" "[Muurahaiskorentosuojelijan karjaisu]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Roar" "[Antlion Guard Roar]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Die" "[Muurahaiskorentosuojelijan kuolema]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Die" "[Antlion Guard Death]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Fallover" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Fallover" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.FireGun" "[Helikopteri ajaa takaa]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.FireGun" "[Hunter-Chopper Pursuit]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeGun" "[Helikopteri hyökkää]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeGun" "[Hunter-Chopper Charging]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeDownGun" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeDownGun" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorBlast" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorBlast" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.NearFlyby" "[Helikopteri lentää ohi]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.NearFlyby" "[Hunter-Chopper Flyby]" "NPC_AttackHelicopterGrenade.Ping" "[Helikopterin pommin ääni]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopterGrenade.Ping" "[Hunter-Chopper Bomb Ping]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.DropMine" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.DropMine" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.MegabombAlert" "[Helikopterin pommin hälytys]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.MegabombAlert" "[Hunter-Chopper Bombing Alert]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.BadlyDamagedAlert" "[Helikopteri vaurioitunut]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.BadlyDamagedAlert" "[Hunter-Chopper Damaged]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.CrashingAlarm1" "[Helikopterin hälytys]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.CrashingAlarm1" "[Hunter-Chopper Alarm]" "NPC_Helicopter.FireRocket" "[Helikopterin raketti laukaistu]" "[english]NPC_Helicopter.FireRocket" "[Hunter-Chopper Rocket Fired]" "NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" "[Riippujan purema]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" "[Barnacle Bite]" "NPC_Barnacle.Die" "[Riippujan kuolema]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Die" "[Barnacle Death]" "NPC_Barnacle.TongueOut" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.TongueOut" " " "NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" " " "NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" "[Riippujan veto]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" "[Barnacle Pull]" "NPC_Barnacle.Grunt" "[Riippujan murahdus]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Grunt" "[Barnacle Grunt]" "NPC_Barnacle.BabyGrunt" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.BabyGrunt" " " "NPC_Barnacle.Scream" "[Riippujan huuto]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Scream" "[Barnacle Scream]" "NPC_Barnacle.Digest" "[Riippujan ruuansulatus]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Digest" "[Barnacle Digestion]" "NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" "[Riippujan luunmurskaus]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" "[Barnacle Bonebreak]" "NPC_Barney.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Barney.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Barney.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Barney.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Bite" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Attack" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Attack" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.FootstepWalk" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.FootstepWalk" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Telegraph" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Telegraph" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Threat" "[Pääravun uhka]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Threat" "[Headcrab Threat]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Alert" "[Pääravun hälytys]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Idle" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Talk" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Talk" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.AlertVoice" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.AlertVoice" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Pain" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Die" "[Pääravun kuolema]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Impact" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Impact" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.ImpactAngry" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.ImpactAngry" " " "NPC_Combine.WeaponBash" " " "[english]NPC_Combine.WeaponBash" " " "NPC_CombineS.DissolveScream" "*Combinen sotilaan kuolema*" "[english]NPC_CombineS.DissolveScream" "*Combine Soldier Death*" "NPC_CombineS.ElectrocuteScream" "*Combinen sotilaan kuolema*" "[english]NPC_CombineS.ElectrocuteScream" "*Combine Soldier Death*" "NPC_CombineBall.Explosion" "[Räjähdys!]" "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Explosion" "[Explosion!]" "NPC_CombineBall.HoldingInPhysCannon" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.HoldingInPhysCannon" " " "NPC_CombineBall.WhizFlyby" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.WhizFlyby" " " "NPC_CombineBall.Launch" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Launch" " " "NPC_CombineBall.KillImpact" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.KillImpact" " " "NPC_CombineBall.Impact" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Impact" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Retire" "[Kameran vetäytyminen]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Retire" "[Camera Retire]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Deploy" "[Kameran käyttöönotto]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Deploy" "[Camera Deploy]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Move" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Move" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Active" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Active" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.BecomeIdle" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.BecomeIdle" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Alert" "[Kameran hälytys]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Alert" "[Camera Alert]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Angry" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Angry" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Ping" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Ping" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Click" "[Kameran naksahdus]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Click" "[Camera Click]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Die" "[Kamera tuhottu]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Die" "[Camera Destroyed]" "NPC_CombineMine.Hop" "[Miinan hyppy]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.Hop" "[Mine Hop]" "NPC_CombineMine.FlipOver" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.FlipOver" " " "NPC_CombineMine.TurnOn" "[Miina käytössä]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.TurnOn" "[Mine Activated]" "NPC_CombineMine.TurnOff" "[Miina poistettu käytöstä]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.TurnOff" "[Mine De-activated]" "NPC_CombineMine.OpenHooks" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.OpenHooks" " " "NPC_CombineMine.CloseHooks" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.CloseHooks" " " "NPC_CombineMine.ActiveLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.ActiveLoop" " " "NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Crow.Hop" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Hop" " " "NPC_Crow.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Gib" " " "NPC_Crow.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Idle" " " "NPC_Crow.Alert" "[Variksen hälytys]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Alert" "[Crow Alert]" "NPC_Crow.Pain" "[Variksen kipu]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Pain" "[Crow Pain]" "NPC_Crow.Die" "[Variksen kuolema]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Die" "[Crow Death]" "NPC_Crow.Flap" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Flap" " " "NPC_Crow.Squawk" "[Variksen rääkäisy!]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Squawk" "[Crow Squawk!]" "NPC_dog.Idlemode_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Idlemode_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Combatmode_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Combatmode_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Roll_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Roll_1" " " "NPC_dog.Slide" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Slide" " " "NPC_dog.PoundGround" "[Dog hakkaa maata]" "[english]NPC_dog.PoundGround" "[Dog Pounding Ground]" "NPC_dog.PoundGround_hard" "[Dog hakkaa maata]" "[english]NPC_dog.PoundGround_hard" "[Dog Pounding Ground]" "NPC_dog.MetalHit_Soft_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.MetalHit_Soft_1" " " "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Pickup" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Pickup" " " "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Rattle" "[Kolinaa!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Rattle" "[Rattle-rattle!]" "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Drop" "[Törmäys!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Drop" "[Crash!]" "NPC_dog.Servo_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_1" " " "NPC_dog.Servo_up_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_up_1" " " "NPC_dog.Servo_dn_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_dn_1" " " "NPC_dog.Pneumatic_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Pneumatic_1" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_1" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_2" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_2" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_3" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_3" " " "NPC_dog.Rock_Lift1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Rock_Lift1" " " "NPC_dog.Rock_Drop" "[Kiven tömähdys]" "[english]NPC_dog.Rock_Drop" "[Rock Thud]" "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Creak" "[Oven narina]" "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Creak" "[Door Creak]" "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Opened" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Opened" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closing" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closing" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closed" "[Ovi suljettu]" "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closed" "[Door Closed]" "NPC_dog.Scrape_Car" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Scrape_Car" " " "NPC_dog.Throw_Car" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Throw_Car" " " "NPC_dog.Pain_1" "[Ovi vaurioitunut]" "[english]NPC_dog.Pain_1" "[Dog Damaged]" "NPC_dog.Pain_2" "[Ovi vaurioitunut]" "[english]NPC_dog.Pain_2" "[Dog Damaged]" "NPC_dog.Surprise_1" "[Yllättynyt Dog]" "[english]NPC_dog.Surprise_1" "[Dog Surprised]" "NPC_dog.Surprise_2" "[Yllättynyt Dog]" "[english]NPC_dog.Surprise_2" "[Dog Surprised]" "NPC_dog.Scared_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Scared_1" " " "NPC_dog.Talk_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Talk_1" " " "NPC_dog.Angry_1" "[Vihainen Dog]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_1" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Angry_2" "[Vihainen Dog]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_2" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Angry_3" "[Vihainen Dog]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_3" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Curious_1" "[Utelias Dog]" "[english]NPC_dog.Curious_1" "[Dog Curious]" "NPC_dog.Dissapointed_1" "[Pettynyt Dog]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dissapointed_1" "[Dog Disappointed]" "NPC_dog.Growl_1" "[Dogin murina]" "[english]NPC_dog.Growl_1" "[Dog Growl]" "NPC_dog.Growl_2" "[Dogin murina]" "[english]NPC_dog.Growl_2" "[Dog Growl]" "NPC_dog.Laugh_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Laugh_1" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_1" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_3" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_3" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_4" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_4" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_5" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_5" " " "NPC_dog.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_dog.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_dog.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_dog.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_dog.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_dog.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_dog.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_dog.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_dog.Hang_On_Dropship" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Hang_On_Dropship" " " "NPC_dog.Thrown_Car_Hits_Ground" "[Törmäys!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Thrown_Car_Hits_Ground" "[Crash!]" "NPC_CombineDropship.RotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.RotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.NearRotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.NearRotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.FireLoop" "[Hyökkäysalus ajaa takaa]" "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.FireLoop" "[Dropship Pursuit]" "NPC_CombineDropship.OnGroundRotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.OnGroundRotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.DescendingWarningLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.DescendingWarningLoop" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Idle" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Alert" "[Pääravun hälytys]" "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Pain" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Die" "[Pääravun kuolema]" "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Bite" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Attack" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Attack" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_FastZombie.LeapAttack" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.LeapAttack" " " "NPC_FastZombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_FastZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_FastZombie.AttackHit" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AttackHit" " " "NPC_FastZombie.AttackMiss" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AttackMiss" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Attack" "[Zombien hyökkäys]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Attack" "[Zombie Attack]" "NPC_FastZombie.Idle" "*ulvonta*" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Idle" "*howl*" "NPC_FastZombie.AlertFar" "[Hälytys kaukaisesta zombista]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AlertFar" "[Distant Zombie Alert]" "NPC_FastZombie.AlertNear" "[Hälytys lähellä olevasta zombista]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AlertNear" "[Nearby Zombie Alert]" "NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft" " " "NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Scream" "[Zombien huuto]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Scream" "[Zombie Scream]" "NPC_FastZombie.RangeAttack" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.RangeAttack" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Frenzy" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Frenzy" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Moan1" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_FastZombie.Gurgle" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Gurgle" " " "NPC_FastZombie.NoSound" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.NoSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStartSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStartSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStopSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStopSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.DyingSound" "[Tykkialus tuhoutuu]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.DyingSound" "[Gunship Dying]" "NPC_CombineGunship.RotorSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.RotorSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.ExhaustSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.ExhaustSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.RotorBlastSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.RotorBlastSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.SearchPing" "[Tykkialuksen kilahdus]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.SearchPing" "[Gunship Ping]" "NPC_CombineGunship.PatrolPing" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.PatrolPing" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.SeeEnemy" "[Hälytys tykkialuksesta]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.SeeEnemy" "[Gunship Alert]" "NPC_CombineGunship.Pain" "[Tykkialus vaurioitunut]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.Pain" "[Gunship Damaged]" "NPC_CombineGunship.Explode" "[Tykkialuksen räjähdys]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.Explode" "[Gunship Explosion]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Burning" "[Päärapu palaa]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Burning" "[Headcrab Burning]" "NPC_HeadCrab.StopBurning" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.StopBurning" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Gib" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Idle" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Alert" "[Pääravun hälytys]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Pain" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Die" "[Pääravun kuolema]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Bite" " " "NPC_Headcrab.Attack" "[Pääravun hyökkäys]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.Attack" "[Headcrab attack]" "NPC_Headcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_Headcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_Headcrab.BurrowIn" "[Päärapu kaivaa]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.BurrowIn" "[Headcrab Digging]" "NPC_Headcrab.BurrowOut" "[Päärapu tulee esiin]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.BurrowOut" "[Headcrab Emerging]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.Growl" "[Kalaliskon murina]" "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.Growl" "[Ichthyosaur Growl]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.AttackGrowl" "[Kalaliskon karjunta]" "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.AttackGrowl" "[Ichthyosaur Roar]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.Bite" " " "NPC_Ichthyosaur.BiteMiss" " " "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.BiteMiss" " " "WateryDeath.Warn" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Warn" " " "WateryDeath.Pull" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Pull" " " "WateryDeath.Bite" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Bite" " " "NPC_Manhack.Die" "[Manhakin tuhoutuminen]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Die" "[Manhack Death]" "NPC_Manhack.Bat" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Bat" " " "NPC_Manhack.Splash" "[Spläsh!]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Splash" "[Splash!]" "NPC_Manhack.Slice" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Slice" " " "NPC_Manhack.Grind" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Grind" " " "NPC_Manhack.EngineNoise" "[Manhakin moottori]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineNoise" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.Unpack" "[Manhakin ilmestyminen]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Unpack" "[Manhack Deploy]" "NPC_Manhack.EngineSound1" "[Manhakin moottori]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineSound1" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.EngineSound2" "[Manhakin moottori]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineSound2" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.BladeSound" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.BladeSound" " " "NPC_Manhack.ChargeAnnounce" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.ChargeAnnounce" " " "NPC_Manhack.ChargeEnd" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.ChargeEnd" " " "NPC_Manhack.Stunned" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Stunned" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.SentenceParameters" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.SentenceParameters" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.HitByVehicle" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.HitByVehicle" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Shove" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Shove" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.HidingSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.HidingSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.LocateSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.LocateSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.OnFireScream" "*huutoa*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.OnFireScream" "*screaming*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Pain" "*kipua*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Pain" "*pain*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Die" "*kuolema*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Die" "*death*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.Off" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.Off" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.On" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.On" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Stay" "Odota." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Stay" "Hold it." "NPC_MetroPolice.Warn" "[Varoitus vihollisesta]" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Warn" "[Enemy Warning]" "NPC_MetroPolice.WaterSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.WaterSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong1" "Liiku eteenpäin!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong1" "Move along!" "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong2" "Käskin liikkumaan!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong2" "I said move!" "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong3" "Valmistaudu tuomioon!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong3" "Prepare for judgment!" "NPC_CombineS.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_CombineS.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Combine.RadioChatter" "[Combinen radio: juttelua]" "[english]NPC_Combine.RadioChatter" "[Combine Radio: Chatter]" "NPC_Combine.Alert" "[Combinen radio: hälytys!]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Alert" "[Combine Radio: Alert!]" "NPC_Combine.Pain" "*kipua*" "[english]NPC_Combine.Pain" "*pain*" "NPC_Combine.Death" "*kuolema*" "[english]NPC_Combine.Death" "*death*" "NPC_Combine.Grenade" "[Combinen radio: kranaattihälytys!]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Grenade" "[Combine Radio: Grenade Alert!]" "NPC_Combine.Last" "[Combinen radio: vahvistuksia kutsutaan]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Last" "[Combine Radio: Requesting Backup]" "NPC_Combine.Coord" "[Combinen radio: taktinen]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Coord" "[Combine Radio: Tactical]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Die" "[Zombin kuolema]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Die" "[Zombie Death]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.ThrowWarn" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.ThrowWarn" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.Throw" "[Parasiitti heitetty]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Throw" "[Parasite Thrown]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Idle" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Idle" "*moan*" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Pain" "[Zombin kipu]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Pain" "[Zombie Pain]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Alert" "[Zombin hälytys]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Alert" "[Zombie Alert]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.FastBreath" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FastBreath" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.Moan1" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_RollerMine.Roll" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Roll" " " "NPC_RollerMine.RollWithSpikes" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.RollWithSpikes" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Tossed" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Tossed" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Held" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Held" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Taunt" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Taunt" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Ping" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Ping" " " "NPC_RollerMine.OpenSpikes" "[Rullamiinan valmistelu]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.OpenSpikes" "[Rollermine Deploy]" "NPC_RollerMine.CloseSpikes" "[Rullamiinan sisäänveto]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.CloseSpikes" "[Rollermine Retract]" "NPC_RollerMine.Shock" "[Rullamiinan isku]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Shock" "[Rollermine Shock]" "NPC_RollerMine.Hurt" "[Rullamiinan vahingoittunut]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Hurt" "[Rollermine Damaged]" "NPC_RollerMine.Chirp" "[Rullamiinan siritys]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Chirp" "[Rollermine Chirp]" "NPC_RollerMine.ChirpRespond" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.ChirpRespond" " " "NPC_RollerMine.JoltVehicle" "[Rullamiinan sysäys]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.JoltVehicle" "[Rollermine Jolt]" "NPC_CScanner.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Gib" " " "NPC_CScanner.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Shoot" " " "NPC_CScanner.Alert" "[Skannerin hälytys]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Alert" "[Scanner Alert]" "NPC_CScanner.Die" "[Skannerin tuhoutuminen]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Die" "[Scanner Death]" "NPC_CScanner.Combat" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Combat" " " "NPC_CScanner.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Idle" " " "NPC_CScanner.Pain" "[Skanneri vahingoittunut]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Pain" "[Scanner Damaged]" "NPC_CScanner.TakePhoto" "[Skannerin naksahdus]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.TakePhoto" "[Scanner Click]" "NPC_CScanner.PreFlash" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.PreFlash" " " "NPC_CScanner.PreGas" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.PreGas" " " "NPC_CScanner.AttackFlash" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.AttackFlash" " " "NPC_CScanner.AttackGas" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.AttackGas" " " "NPC_CScanner.DiveBomb" "[Skannerin syöksy]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.DiveBomb" "[Scanner Divebomb]" "NPC_SScanner.FlySound" " " "[english]NPC_SScanner.FlySound" " " "NPC_CScanner.DiveBombFlyby" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.DiveBombFlyby" " " "NPC_CScanner.OpenEye" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.OpenEye" " " "NPC_CScanner.Illuminate" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Illuminate" " " "NPC_CScanner.FlyLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.FlyLoop" " " "NPC_Sniper.Idle" "<[Combine Radio: Sniper Chatter]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Idle" "<[Combine Radio: Sniper Chatter]" "NPC_Sniper.Alert" "[Tarkka-ampujan hälytys]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Alert" "[Sniper Alert]" "NPC_Sniper.Die" "[Tarkka-ampujan kuolema]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Die" "[Sniper Death]" "NPC_Sniper.TargetHidden" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.TargetHidden" " " "NPC_Sniper.CoverDestroyed" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.CoverDestroyed" " " "NPC_Sniper.TargetDestroyed" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.TargetDestroyed" " " "NPC_Sniper.HearDanger" "[Tarkka-ampujan hälytys]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.HearDanger" "[Sniper Alert]" "NPC_Sniper.FireBullet" "[Tarkka-ampujan laukaus]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.FireBullet" "[Sniper Shot]" "NPC_Sniper.Reload" "[Tarkka-ampujan lataaminen]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Reload" "[Sniper Reload]" "NPC_Sniper.SonicBoom" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.SonicBoom" " " "NPC_Strider.Alert" "[Strider-hälytys]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Alert" "[Strider Alert]" "NPC_Strider.Pain" "[Striderin kipu]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Pain" "[Strider Pain]" "NPC_Strider.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Idle" " " "NPC_Strider.Death" "[Striderin kuolema]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Death" "[Strider Death]" "NPC_Strider.Charge" "[Striderin lataaminen]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Charge" "[Strider Charge]" "NPC_Strider.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Shoot" " " "NPC_Strider.FireMinigun" "[Striderin minitykki]" "[english]NPC_Strider.FireMinigun" "[Strider Minigun]" "NPC_Strider.Whoosh" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Whoosh" " " "NPC_Strider.Footstep" "[Striderin askeleet]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Footstep" "[Strider Footsteps]" "NPC_Strider.Creak" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Creak" " " "NPC_Strider.Skewer" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Skewer" " " "NPC_Strider.RagdollDetach" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.RagdollDetach" " " "NPC_Strider.OpenHatch" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.OpenHatch" " " "NPC_Strider.DieFalling" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.DieFalling" " " "NPC_Strider.HitGround" "[Törmäys!]" "[english]NPC_Strider.HitGround" "[Crash!]" "NPC_Strider.SkewerHitBody" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.SkewerHitBody" " " "NPC_Strider.SkewerTalk" "*huuto*" "[english]NPC_Strider.SkewerTalk" "*scream*" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Retire" "[Tykkitornin vetäytyminen]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Retire" "[Turret Retire]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Deploy" "[Tykkitornin käyttöönotto]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Deploy" "[Turret Deploy]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Move" " " "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Move" " " "NPC_CeilingTurret.Active" " " "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Active" " " "NPC_CeilingTurret.Alert" "[Tykkitornivaroitus]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Alert" "[Turret Alert]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Shoot" "[Tykkitornin tulitus]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Shoot" "[Turret Firing]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Ping" "[Tykkitornin kilahdus]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Ping" "[Turret Ping]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Die" "[Tykkitornin tuhoutuminen]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Retire" "[Tykkitornin vetäytyminen]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Retire" "[Turret Retire]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Deploy" "[Tykkitornin käyttöönotto]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Deploy" "[Turret Deploy]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Move" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Move" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.Activate" "[Tykkitorni käytössä]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Activate" "[Turret Activated]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Alert" "[Tykkitornivaroitus]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Alert" "[Turret Alert]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Shoot" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.Die" "[Tykkitornin tuhoutuminen]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Retract" "[Tykkitornin sisäänveto]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Retract" "[Turret Retract]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Alarm" "[Tykkitornihälytys]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Alarm" "[Turret Alarm]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" "[Tykkitornin kilahdus]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" "[Turret Ping]" "NPC_GroundTurret.Die" "[Tykkitornin tuhoutuminen]" "[english]NPC_GroundTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitOn" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitOn" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitCharge" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitCharge" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Claw" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Claw" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Shoot" "[Vortigauntin sädehyökkäys]" "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Shoot" "[Vortigaunt Beam Attack]" "NPC_Vortigaunt.Swing" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Swing" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Kick" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Kick" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.ClawBeam" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.ClawBeam" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.PoundDoor" " " "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.PoundDoor" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.Swat" " " "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Swat" " " "Zombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]Zombie.FootstepRight" " " "Zombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]Zombie.FootstepLeft" " " "Zombie.ScuffRight" " " "[english]Zombie.ScuffRight" " " "Zombie.ScuffLeft" " " "[english]Zombie.ScuffLeft" " " "Zombie.AttackHit" " " "[english]Zombie.AttackHit" " " "Zombie.AttackMiss" " " "[english]Zombie.AttackMiss" " " "Zombie.Pain" "[Zombin kipu]" "[english]Zombie.Pain" "[Zombie Pain]" "Zombie.Alert" "[Zombin hälytys]" "[english]Zombie.Alert" "[Zombie Alert]" "Zombie.Idle" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]Zombie.Idle" "*moan*" "Zombie.Die" "*Zombien kuolema*" "[english]Zombie.Die" "*Zombie Death*" "Zombie.Attack" " " "[english]Zombie.Attack" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" "*vaikerointia*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" "*moan*" "combine.door_lock" "[Lukittu]" "[english]combine.door_lock" "[Locked]" "combine.sheild_touch" "[Voimakentän humina]" "[english]combine.sheild_touch" "[Forcefield hum]" "d1_trainstation.city_voice_misscount" "Varoitusääni: väärä lukema havaittu sektorissa" "[english]d1_trainstation.city_voice_misscount" "Warning Voice: Miscount Detected In Sector" "d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop1" "[Hälytys]" "[english]d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop1" "[Alarm]" "d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop2" "[Hälytys]" "[english]d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop2" "[Alarm]" "d1_trainstation.citizen_hitpain" "*kipua*" "[english]d1_trainstation.citizen_hitpain" "*pain*" "d1_trainstation.boots_on_stairs" "[Askeleita portaissa]" "[english]d1_trainstation.boots_on_stairs" "[Bootsteps on stairs!]" "Trainyard.sodamachine_empty" "[Tyhjä]" "[english]Trainyard.sodamachine_empty" "[Empty]" "Trainyard.alyx_emp_spark" "[EMP-laitteen purkaus!]" "[english]Trainyard.alyx_emp_spark" "[EMP Device Burst!]" "d1_trainstation_01.combinelock_unlock" "[Avattu]" "[english]d1_trainstation_01.combinelock_unlock" "[Unlocked]" "d1_trainstation_01.citizen_introom_beating" "*kipua*" "[english]d1_trainstation_01.citizen_introom_beating" "*pain*" "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorknock" "[Oven kolkutus]" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorknock" "[Door Pounding]" "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorkick" "[RYSÄHDYS!]" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorkick" "[CRASH!]" "d1_trainstation_03.citizen_beating" "*vaimeaa hakkaamista*" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.citizen_beating" "*muffled beating*" "Trainyard.train_horn" "[Junan pilli]" "[english]Trainyard.train_horn" "[Train Horn]" "Trainyard.doll" "[Äi-ti!]" "[english]Trainyard.doll" "[Ma-ma!]" "Trainyard.door_pound" "[Kolkutus!]" "[english]Trainyard.door_pound" "[Knock knock knock!]" "k_lab.ickyscene_growl1" "[Murina...]" "[english]k_lab.ickyscene_growl1" "[Growl...]" "k_lab.ickyscene_growl2" " " "[english]k_lab.ickyscene_growl2" " " "k_lab.eyescanner_use" "[Silmän tunnistus käynnistyy]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_use" "[Eye-scanner Activate]" "k_lab.eyescanner_fail" "[Silmän tunnistus epäonnistui]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_fail" "[Eye-scan Failed]" "k_lab.eyescanner_success" "[Silmän tunnistus onnistui]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_success" "[Eye-scan Approved]" "k_lab.distantsiren" "[Kaukainen sireeni]" "[english]k_lab.distantsiren" "[Distant Siren]" "k_lab.headcrab_in_vent" "[Nopeaa liikkumista ilmanvaihtokanavassa]" "[english]k_lab.headcrab_in_vent" "[Scurrying in airduct]" "k_lab.teleport_heartbeat" "[Sydämenlyönti...]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_heartbeat" "[Heartbeat...]" "k_lab.teleport_breathing" "[Hengitystä...]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_breathing" "[Breathing...]" "k_lab.teleport_sound" "[Tsiuh!]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_sound" "[Zap!]" "razortrain_horn" "[Junan pilli!]" "[english]razortrain_horn" "[Train Horn!]" "train_horn_01" "[Junan pilli!]" "[english]train_horn_01" "[Train horn!]" "razortrain_wheels" "[Junan pyörät kirskuvat!]" "[english]razortrain_wheels" "[Train wheels screeching!]" "underground_steamjet" "[Höyryn sihinää]" "[english]underground_steamjet" "[Steam hiss]" "d1_canals.Floodgate_Klaxon" "[Torvi!]" "[english]d1_canals.Floodgate_Klaxon" "[Klaxon!]" "d1_canals.Floodgate_AlarmBellLoop" "[Torvi!]" "[english]d1_canals.Floodgate_AlarmBellLoop" "[Klaxon!]" "canals_citadel_siren" "[Linnoituksen sireeni!]" "[english]canals_citadel_siren" "[Citadel siren!]" "d1_canals_03.siren01" "[Sireeni!]" "[english]d1_canals_03.siren01" "[Siren!]" "water_flood_in" "[Vesi virtaa sisään]" "[english]water_flood_in" "[Inrushing Water]" "water_flood_out" "[Vesi virtaa ulos]" "[english]water_flood_out" "[Outrushing Water]" "train_forcefield" "[Voimakentän humina]" "[english]train_forcefield" "[Forcefield Hum]" "train_crossing_bell" "[Junan kello]" "[english]train_crossing_bell" "[Train Crossing Bell]" "apc_siren1" "[Panssariauton sireeni!]" "[english]apc_siren1" "[APC Siren!]" "canals.locks_tower_precollapse" "[Torni narisee!]" "[english]canals.locks_tower_precollapse" "[Tower Creaking!]" "d1_canals_05.canister_open" "[Kanisteri avautuu]" "[english]d1_canals_05.canister_open" "[Canister Opening]" "d1_canals.metropolice_thereheis" "Tuolla hän on!" "[english]d1_canals.metropolice_thereheis" "There he is!" "d1_canals.headcrabbing_moan" "*Voihkaisu!*" "[english]d1_canals.headcrabbing_moan" "*Moan!*" "eli_lab.elevator_ding" "[Hissin kello]" "[english]eli_lab.elevator_ding" "[Elevator Bell]" "eli_lab.firebell_loop_1" "[Torvi]" "[english]eli_lab.firebell_loop_1" "[Klaxon]" "eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_pound" "[Jyskytystä!]" "[english]eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_pound" "[Pounding!]" "eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_bend" "[Metallin kirskuntaa]" "[english]eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_bend" "[Metal Screeching]" "eli_lab.attack_battleloop_1" "[HYÖKKÄYS!]" "[english]eli_lab.attack_battleloop_1" "[ATTACK!]" "d1_town.Slicer" "[Viilto]" "[english]d1_town.Slicer" "[Slice]" "d1_town.TramHouseStart" "[Vaunu lähtee]" "[english]d1_town.TramHouseStart" "[Tram start]" "d1_town.TramStop" "[Vaunu pysähtyy]" "[english]d1_town.TramStop" "[Tram stop]" "d1_town.SlicerCartStop" "[Viillon loppu]" "[english]d1_town.SlicerCartStop" "[Slicer stop]" "d1_town.CarHit" "[RYSÄHDYS!]" "[english]d1_town.CarHit" "[CRASH!]" "d1_town.FlameTrapIgnite" "[Liekki syttyy]" "[english]d1_town.FlameTrapIgnite" "[Flame ignite]" "d1_town.GasJet" "[Sihisevä kaasusuihku]" "[english]d1_town.GasJet" "[Hissing gas jet]" "E3_Phystown.Slicer" "[Shiih!]" "[english]E3_Phystown.Slicer" "[Schwick!]" "Town.d1_town_01_lightswitch2" "[Käynnistyksen kipinä]" "[english]Town.d1_town_01_lightswitch2" "[Ignition Spark]" "Town.d1_town_03_metalgrate3" "[Ränni kolisee]" "[english]Town.d1_town_03_metalgrate3" "[Gutterpipe rattling]" "Town.d1_town_02_metalgrate3" "[Ränni kolisee]" "[english]Town.d1_town_02_metalgrate3" "[Gutterpipe rattling]" "coast.thumper_hit" "[Tömähdys! Tömähdys! Tömähdys!}" "[english]coast.thumper_hit" "[Thump! Thump! Thump!]" "coast.thumper_large_hit" "[Tömähdys! Tömähdys! Tömähdys!}" "[english]coast.thumper_large_hit" "[Thump! Thump! Thump!]" "coast.thumper_startup" "[Muurahaiskorentojen karkotin käynnistyy]" "[english]coast.thumper_startup" "[Starting Antlion Repeller]" "coast.thumper_shutdown" "[Muurahaiskorentojen karkotin sammuu]" "[english]coast.thumper_shutdown" "[Stopping Antlion Repeller]" "coast.bunker_siren1" "[Bunkkerin sireeni]" "[english]coast.bunker_siren1" "[Bunker Siren]" "coast.bunker_siren2" "[Bunkkerin sireeni]" "[english]coast.bunker_siren2" "[Bunker Siren]" "coast.gaspump_ignite" "[Kaasupumppu syttyy]" "[english]coast.gaspump_ignite" "[Gaspump Ignites]" "coast.leech_bites_loop" "[Iilimato puree]" "[english]coast.leech_bites_loop" "[Leech bites]" "coast.siren_citizen" "[Kylän sireeni!]" "[english]coast.siren_citizen" "[Village Siren!]" "coast.radio_dead" "[Radion kohinaa]" "[english]coast.radio_dead" "[Radio Static]" "novaprospekt.Alyx_EMP_2" "[EMP-laitteen purkaus]" "[english]novaprospekt.Alyx_EMP_2" "[EMP Device Burst]" "Novaprospekt.flare_fire" "[Valopistoolin laukaisu]" "[english]Novaprospekt.flare_fire" "[Flaregun fired]" "novaprospekt.GateGrindsUp" "[Seinän kirskuna]" "[english]novaprospekt.GateGrindsUp" "[Wall Grinding]" "novaprospekt.GateGroundCrunch" "[Seinä kaatuu]" "[english]novaprospekt.GateGroundCrunch" "[Wall Crashing!]" "novaprospekt.CaveInScrape" "[Raaputusta...]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInScrape" "[Scraping...]" "novaprospekt.CaveInCrash" "[Törmäys!]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInCrash" "[Crash!]" "novaprospekt.CaveInRumble" "[Jyrinää...]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInRumble" "[Rumble...]" "streetwar.d3_c17_08_steam01" "[Höyryn sihinää]" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_08_steam01" "[Steam Hiss]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_03_default_locked" "[Lukittu]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_03_default_locked" "[Locked]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_07_fire" "[Valopistoolin laukaisu]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_07_fire" "[Flaregun fired]" "streetwar.Zombie.wakeupsnarl" "[Zombin murinaa]" "[english]streetwar.Zombie.wakeupsnarl" "[Zombie Snarls]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_siren" "[Sireeni]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_siren" "[Siren]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_1" "[Räjähdys!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_1" "[Explosion!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_3" "[Räjähdys!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_3" "[Explosion!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_default_locked" "[Lukittu]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_default_locked" "[Locked]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_alarm1" "[Hälytys!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_alarm1" "[Alarm!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_fire" "[Estolaitteen laukaisu]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_fire" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire" "[Estolaitteen laukaisu]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire2" "[Estolaite tulossa]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire2" "[Suppressor Incoming]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_die" "[Tykkitorni tuhoutuu]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_die" "[Turret Dies]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_move1" "[Nostosilta liikkuu]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_move1" "[Drawbridge moves]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_stop1" "[Nostosilta pysähtyy]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_stop1" "[Drawbridge stops]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_die" "[Tykkitorni tuhoutuu]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_die" "[Turret dies]" "Streetwar.d3_C17_13_explode_2" "[Räjähdys]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_C17_13_explode_2" "[Explosion]" "citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip" "[Varoitusääni: takavarikointikenttä käytössä]" "[english]citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip" "[Warning Voice: Confiscation Field Activated]" "citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip_fail" "[Varoitusääni: takavarikointikenttä epäonnistui]" "[english]citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip_fail" "[Warning Voice: Confiscation Field Failure]" "d3_citadel.elevator_rings_locked" "[Hissi valmiina]" "[english]d3_citadel.elevator_rings_locked" "[Elevator Ready]" "d3_citadel.elevator_alarm" "[Hissi kutsuttu]" "[english]d3_citadel.elevator_alarm" "[Elevator Called]" "d3_citadel.guards_bangdoor" "[OVEN HAKKAAMISTA]" "[english]d3_citadel.guards_bangdoor" "[BANGING ON DOORS]" "Wood_Box.Break" "[Puu rikkoutuu]" "[english]Wood_Box.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Door.Locked1" "[Lukittu]" "[english]Door.Locked1" "[Locked]" "Door.Locked2" "[Lukittu]" "[english]Door.Locked2" "[Locked]" "DoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Lukittu]" "[english]DoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Locked]" "RotDoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Lukittu]" "[english]RotDoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Locked]" "Doors.FullClose1" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose1" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose2" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose2" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose3" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose3" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose4" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose4" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose5" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose5" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose6" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose6" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose7" "[Portin ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose7" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose8" "[Metallista kolinaa]" "[english]Doors.FullClose8" "[Metal Clang]" "Doors.FullClose9" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose9" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose10" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose10" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose11" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose11" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose12" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose12" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose13" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose13" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose14" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose14" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose15" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose15" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose16" "[Portin ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose16" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose17" "[Portin ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose17" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose18" "[Portin ääni]" "[english]Doors.FullClose18" "[Gate Sound]" "doors.locker_shut" "[Kaapin ääni]" "[english]doors.locker_shut" "[Locker Sound]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked1" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked1" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked1" "[Lukittu]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked1" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked2" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked2" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked2" "[Lukittu]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked2" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked3" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked3" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked3" "[Lukittu]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked3" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked4" "[Oven ääni]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked4" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked4" "[Lukittu]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked4" "[Locked]" "Buttons.snd0" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd0" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd1" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd1" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd2" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd2" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd3" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd3" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd4" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd4" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd5" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd5" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd6" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd6" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd7" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd7" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd8" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd8" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd9" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd9" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd10" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd10" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd11" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd11" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd12" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd12" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd13" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd13" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd14" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd14" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd15" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd15" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd16" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd16" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd17" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd17" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd18" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd18" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd19" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd19" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd20" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd20" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd31" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd31" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd32" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd32" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd33" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd33" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd34" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd34" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd35" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd35" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd36" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd36" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd37" "[Painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd37" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd21" "[Vivun ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd21" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd22" "[Vivun ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd22" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd23" "[Vivun ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd23" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd24" "[Vivun ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd24" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd25" "[Vivun ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd25" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd26" "[Vivun ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd26" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd27" "[Vivun ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd27" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd28" "[Vivun ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd28" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd40" "[Painike lukittu]" "[english]Buttons.snd40" "[Button locked]" "Buttons.snd41" "[Combinen painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd41" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd42" "[Combinen painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd42" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd43" "[Combinen painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd43" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd44" "[Combinen painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd44" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd45" "[Combinen painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd45" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd46" "[Combinen painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd46" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd47" "[Combinen painikkeen ääni]" "[english]Buttons.snd47" "[Combine Button sound]" "Physics.WaterSplash" "[Veden loisketta]" "[english]Physics.WaterSplash" "[Water Splash]" "Glass.BulletImpact" "[Särkyvä lasi]" "[english]Glass.BulletImpact" "[Shattering Glass]" "Glass.Break" "[Särkyvä lasi]" "[english]Glass.Break" "[Shattering Glass]" "Pottery.Break" "[Astiat rikkoutuvat]" "[english]Pottery.Break" "[Breaking Ceramics]" "Pottery.BulletImpact" "[Astiat särkyvät]" "[english]Pottery.BulletImpact" "[Shattering ceramics]" "Computer.BulletImpact" "[Näyttö särkyy]" "[english]Computer.BulletImpact" "[Shattering monitor]" "Watermelon.Impact" "[Melonin läiskähdys]" "[english]Watermelon.Impact" "[Melon Splat]" "Watermelon.BulletImpact" "[Melonin läiskähdys]" "[english]Watermelon.BulletImpact" "[Melon Splat]" "MetalVehicle.ImpactHard" "[Kova isku]" "[english]MetalVehicle.ImpactHard" "[Hard Impact]" "GlassBottle.BulletImpact" "[Särkyvä lasi]" "[english]GlassBottle.BulletImpact" "[Shattering Glass]" "GlassBottle.Break" "[Särkyvä lasi]" "[english]GlassBottle.Break" "[Shattering Glass]" "Breakable.Crate" "[Puu rikkoutuu]" "[english]Breakable.Crate" "[Wood Breaking]" "Breakable.Metal" "[Metalli tuhoutuu]" "[english]Breakable.Metal" "[Metal Destroyed]" "Breakable.Glass" "[Lasi särkyy]" "[english]Breakable.Glass" "[Glass shattering]" "Breakable.Concrete" "[Betoni rikkoutuu]" "[english]Breakable.Concrete" "[Concrete Breaking]" "Breakable.Ceiling" "[Laasti rikkoutuu]" "[english]Breakable.Ceiling" "[Plaster Breaking]" "Breakable.MatWood" "[Puu rikkoutuu]" "[english]Breakable.MatWood" "[Wood Breaking]" "Cardboard.Break" "[Pahvi rikkoutuu]" "[english]Cardboard.Break" "[Cardboard breaking]" "Plastic_Barrel.Break" "[Muovi rikkoutuu]" "[english]Plastic_Barrel.Break" "[Plastic breaking]" "Plastic_Box.Break" "[Muovi rikkoutuu]" "[english]Plastic_Box.Break" "[Plastic breaking]" "Wood.Break" "[Puu rikkoutuu]" "[english]Wood.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood.Strain" "[Puu pingottuu]" "[english]Wood.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood.bulletimpact" "[Puu pirstoutuu]" "[english]Wood.bulletimpact" "[Wood splintering]" "Wood_Crate.Break" "[Puu rikkoutuu]" "[english]Wood_Crate.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Plank.Break" "[Puu rikkoutuu]" "[english]Wood_Plank.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Plank.Strain" "[Puu pingottuu]" "[english]Wood_Plank.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood_Solid.Break" "[Puu rikkoutuu]" "[english]Wood_Solid.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Solid.Strain" "[Puu pingottuu]" "[english]Wood_Solid.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood_Furniture.Break" "[Puu rikkoutuu]" "[english]Wood_Furniture.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Panel.Break" "[Puu rikkoutuu]" "[english]Wood_Panel.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Panel.Strain" " [Puu pingottuu]" "[english]Wood_Panel.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Metal_Box.Break" "[Katkeava metalli]" "[english]Metal_Box.Break" "[Metal breaking]" "Metal_Box.Strain" "[Metalli pingottuu]" "[english]Metal_Box.Strain" "[Metal straining]" "Metal.SawbladeStick" "[Jousen ääni!]" "[english]Metal.SawbladeStick" "[Sproing!]" "npc_dog.phrase02" " " "[english]npc_dog.phrase02" " " "npc_dog.servo_5" " " "[english]npc_dog.servo_5" " " "npc_dog.metal_strain2" " " "[english]npc_dog.metal_strain2" " " "solidmetal.scraperough" " " "[english]solidmetal.scraperough" " " "wood.scraperough" " " "[english]wood.scraperough" " " "plastic_box.scraperough" " " "[english]plastic_box.scraperough" " " } }