"lang" { "Language" "dutch" "Tokens" { "testcommands" "This is red and italics and bold white again." "[english]testcommands" "This is red and italics and bold white again." "barn.anotherdropship" "Nog een dropship! " "[english]barn.anotherdropship" "Another dropship! " "barn.bunyip" " " "[english]barn.bunyip" " " "barn.chatter" "We pikken radiosignalen op. Ze zoeken naar jouw auto. " "[english]barn.chatter" "We're picking up radio chatter. They're looking for your car. " "barn.comeonin" "Kom erin. " "[english]barn.comeonin" "Come on in. " "barn.crapships" "Oh, shit. Daar komen de dropships! " "[english]barn.crapships" "Oh crap. Here come the dropships! " "barn.ditchcar" "Je moet de auto dumpen, Freeman. Ze zijn ernaar op zoek. " "[english]barn.ditchcar" "You're gonna have to ditch the car, Freeman. They're looking for it now. " "barn.drivecarinhere" "Rij de auto hierin. " "[english]barn.drivecarinhere" "Drive the car in here. " "barn.drop_barn" "Dropship! Bij de schuur! " "[english]barn.drop_barn" "Dropship! By the barn! " "barn.drop_field" "Dropship! Boven het veld! " "[english]barn.drop_field" "Dropship! Over the field! " "barn.drop_lite" "Pas op! Dropship bij de vuurtoren! " "[english]barn.drop_lite" "Incoming! Dropship at the lighthouse! " "barn.drop_road" "Dropship! Ze komen over de weg! " "[english]barn.drop_road" "Dropship! Coming in over the road! " "barn.exit_cliffpath" "Deze kant op, Dr. Freeman. We nemen het klifpad voordat een ander gunship ons vindt. " "[english]barn.exit_cliffpath" "This way, Dr. Freeman. We'll take the cliff path before another gunship finds us. " "barn.exit_comewith" "Dr. Freeman, kom met me mee. Voordat er weer een komt. " "[english]barn.exit_comewith" "All right, Dr. Freeman, come with me. Before another one comes. " "barn.exit_killship" "Ik neem je mee op het klifpad zodra je dat gunship hebt vernietigd. Dat halen we nooit zolang dat ding ons lastigvalt. " "[english]barn.exit_killship" "I'll take you out on the cliffside path as soon as you kill that gunship. There's no way we can make it with that thing harassing us. " "barn.exit_killshipnag" "Vernietig het gunship, dan kunnen we gaan. " "[english]barn.exit_killshipnag" "Kill the gunship, then we'll go. " "barn.exit_watchstep" "Daarlangs. Pas op waar je loopt. " "[english]barn.exit_watchstep" "Right along there. And watch your step. " "barn.getcarinbarn" "Snel, zet de auto in de schuur! " "[english]barn.getcarinbarn" "Hurry, get your car in the barn! " "barn.getcaringarage" "Zet de auto in de garage. " "[english]barn.getcaringarage" "Get your car in the garage. " "barn.getcarinhere" "Rij de auto hierin! " "[english]barn.getcarinhere" "Get your car in here! " "barn.getcarinthere" "Rij de auto daarin! " "[english]barn.getcarinthere" "Get your car in there! " "barn.getoffroad01" "Ga van de weg af! " "[english]barn.getoffroad01" "Get off the road! " "barn.getoffroad01a" "Ga van de weg af! " "[english]barn.getoffroad01a" "Get off the road! " "barn.getoffroad02" "Rij de auto van de weg af! " "[english]barn.getoffroad02" "Get your car off the road! " "barn.gettauoff" " " "[english]barn.gettauoff" " " "barn.heretheycome" "Daar komen ze! " "[english]barn.heretheycome" "Here they come! " "barn.incomingdropship" "Pas op, dropship! " "[english]barn.incomingdropship" "Incoming dropship! " "barn.lighthouse_morale" "Oké, Doc, vanaf nu zul je moeten lopen. Er is een geheim pad langs de kliffen, maar we moeten eerst deze aanval afweren. Als jij met ons meevecht, is dat heel goed voor het moreel van de mannen. " "[english]barn.lighthouse_morale" "Okay, Doc, you'll have to go on foot from here. There's a secret path along the cliffside, but no one's going anywhere until we fight off this attack. Having you here to fight alongside us will make a big difference for morale. " "barn.lite_gunship01" "Een gunship! " "[english]barn.lite_gunship01" "It's a gunship! " "barn.lite_gunship02" "Gunship! " "[english]barn.lite_gunship02" "Gunship! " "barn.lite_rockets01" "Ga naar de vuurtoren, Freeman, daar liggen raketten! " "[english]barn.lite_rockets01" "Head for the lighthouse, Freeman, there's rockets in there! " "barn.lite_rockets02" "We hebben onze raketten in de vuurtoren opgeslagen. Ga je gang. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets02" "We stowed our rockets in the lighthouse. Help yourself. " "barn.lite_rockets03" "Freeman, als je een lanceerder hebt: de vuurtoren ligt vol met raketten. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets03" "Freeman, if you've got a launcher, the lighthouse is full of rockets. " "barn.lite_rockets04" "De lanceerder voor de raketten vind je in de vuurtoren, Freeman. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets04" "You'll find the launcher for your rockets up in the lighthouse, Freeman. " "barn.nowwhat" "Wat nu weer? " "[english]barn.nowwhat" "Oh man, now what? " "barn.parkit" "Parkeer hem daar! " "[english]barn.parkit" "Park it there! " "barn.stashinbarn" "Zet je auto in de schuur! " "[english]barn.stashinbarn" "Stash your car in the barn! " "barn.vmech_accept" "De Freeman accepteert dit wapen of gaat verderop vreselijk lijden! " "[english]barn.vmech_accept" "The Freeman will accept this weapon, or suffer greatly on the road ahead! " "barn.vmech_proceed" "De Freeman moet niet verdergaan zonder het tauondeeltjeskanon! " "[english]barn.vmech_proceed" "The Freeman must not proceed without the tau particle cannon! " "barn.vmech_remove" " " "[english]barn.vmech_remove" " " "barn.vmech_wisely" "Dit tauonkanon heeft ooit vele van onze soortgenoten gedood. Ga er verstandig mee om. " "[english]barn.vmech_wisely" "This tau cannon once killed many of our kind. Use it wisely. " "barn.youmadeit" "Je hebt het gehaald! " "[english]barn.youmadeit" "You made it! " "breencast.br_collaboration01" "Ik heb gehoord dat men mij een collaborateur noemt, alsof die term schandalig zou zijn. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration01" "It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. " "breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "Ik heb gehoord dat men mij een collaborateur noemt, alsof die term schandalig zou zijn. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. " "breencast.br_collaboration02" "Bestaat er een heldhaftiger daad dan collaboratie? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration02" "I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? " "breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "Bestaat er een heldhaftiger daad dan collaboratie? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? " "breencast.br_collaboration03" "In onze momenteel ongeëvenaarde onderneming, is weigeren te collaboreren eenvoudig een weigering om te groeien. Een volharding tot zelfmoord. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration03" "In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. " "breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "In onze momenteel ongeëvenaarde onderneming, is weigeren te collaboreren eenvoudig een weigering om te groeien. Een volharding tot zelfmoord. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. " "breencast.br_collaboration04" "Weigerde de longvis om te ademen? Dat deed hij niet. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration04" "Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. " "breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "Weigerde de longvis om te ademen? Dat deed hij niet. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. " "breencast.br_collaboration05" "Hij kroop dapper verder terwijl zijn broeders achterbleven in de donkere oceaan en met lidloze ogen in de duisternis bleven staren, verdoemd ondanks hun waakzaamheid. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration05" "It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. " "breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "Hij kroop dapper verder terwijl zijn broeders achterbleven in de donkere oceaan en met lidloze ogen in de duisternis bleven staren, verdoemd ondanks hun waakzaamheid. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. " "breencast.br_collaboration06" "Moeten wij een voorbeeld nemen aan de trilobiet? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration06" "Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? " "breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "Moeten wij een voorbeeld nemen aan de trilobiet? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? " "breencast.br_collaboration07" "Gaat alles wat de mensheid heeft bereikt eindigen als een dun laagje gebroken plastic tussen andere uitgestorven fossielen en de modder van een heel tijdperk? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration07" "Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? " "breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "Gaat alles wat de mensheid heeft bereikt eindigen als een dun laagje gebroken plastic tussen andere uitgestorven fossielen en de modder van een heel tijdperk? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? " "breencast.br_collaboration08" "Om trouw te blijven aan onze natuur en onze lotsbestemming moeten we streven naar grootsere zaken. We zijn uit onze wieg gegroeid. Het is zinloos te huilen om moedermelk terwijl onze werkelijke toekomst tussen de sterren op ons wacht. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration08" "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. " "breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "Om trouw te blijven aan onze natuur en onze lotsbestemming moeten we streven naar grootsere zaken. We zijn uit onze wieg gegroeid. Het is zinloos te huilen om moedermelk terwijl onze werkelijke toekomst tussen de sterren op ons wacht. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. " "breencast.br_collaboration09" "Alleen de universele eenheid die door kleingeestigen 'De Combine' wordt genoemd, kan ons daarheen brengen. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration09" "And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. " "breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "Alleen de universele eenheid die door kleingeestigen 'De Combine' wordt genoemd, kan ons daarheen brengen. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. " "breencast.br_collaboration10" "Daarom zeg ik: Ja, ik ben een collaborateur. We moeten allemaal collaboreren, uit eigen vrije wil als we willen profiteren van de voordelen van eenwording. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration10" "Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. " "breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "Daarom zeg ik: Ja, ik ben een collaborateur. We moeten allemaal collaboreren, uit eigen vrije wil als we willen profiteren van de voordelen van eenwording. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. " "breencast.br_collaboration11" "En we zullen profiteren. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration11" "And reap we shall. " "breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "En we zullen profiteren. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "And reap we shall. " "breencast.br_disruptor01" "We weten nu zeker dat er zich een onruststoker in ons midden bevindt, die door bepaalde burgers bijna als een verlosser wordt beschouwd. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor01" "We now have direct confirmation of a disruptor in our midst, one who has acquired an almost messianic reputation in the minds of certain citizens. " "breencast.br_disruptor02" "Dit figuur staat synoniem voor de donkerste wensen van ons instinct, onwetendheid en verval. Hij is persoonlijk verantwoordelijk voor enkele van de ergste excessen van het Black Mesa-incident. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor02" "His figure is synonymous with the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay. Some of the worst excesses of the Black Mesa Incident have been laid directly at his feet. " "breencast.br_disruptor03" "Maar toch blijven eenvoudige geesten hem romantisch beschouwen als de Ene Vrije Man en de Opener Van De Weg. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor03" "And yet unsophisticated minds continue to imbue him with romantic power, giving him such dangerous poetic labels as the One Free Man, the Opener of the Way. " "breencast.br_disruptor04" "Ik wil alle burgers herinneren aan het gevaar van dergelijke gedachten. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor04" "Let me remind all citizens of the dangers of magical thinking. " "breencast.br_disruptor05" "We zijn net bezig uit de donkere put van de evolutie van onze soort te klimmen. We moeten nu niet terugglijden in de vergetelheid terwijl we eindelijk het licht hebben gezien. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor05" "We have scarcely begun to climb from the dark pit of our species' evolution. Let us not slide backward into oblivion, just as we have finally begun to see the light. " "breencast.br_disruptor06" "Rapporteer het als jullie deze zogenoemde Vrije Man zien. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor06" "If you see this so-called Free Man, report him. " "breencast.br_disruptor07" "Een dergelijke burgeractiviteit zal worden beloond. Als jullie dit nalaten, zal dat niet ongestraft blijven. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor07" "Civic deeds do not go unrewarded. And contrariwise, complicity with his cause will not go unpunished. " "breencast.br_disruptor08" "Wees wijs. Wees veilig. Wees alert. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor08" "Be wise. Be safe. Be aware. " "breencast.br_instinct01" "Ik lees een brief voor die ik onlangs ontving. \"Beste Dr. Breen. Waarom onderdrukt de Combine onze voortplantingscyclus? Vriendelijke groeten, een bezorgde burger.\" " "[english]breencast.br_instinct01" "Let me read a letter I recently received. 'Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.' " "breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct02" "Bedankt voor deze brief, bezorgde burger. Natuurlijk heeft deze vraag te maken met onze biologische basisimpulsen, met alle bijbehorende hoop en angst voor de toekomst van onze soort. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct02" "Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. " "breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct03" "Ik bespeur ook enkele onuitgesproken vragen. Weten onze weldoeners echt wat het beste voor ons is? Wat geeft ze het recht om dergelijke beslissingen te nemen over de mensheid? Zullen ze ooit het onderdrukkingsveld uitschakelen en ons weer laten voortplanten? " "[english]breencast.br_instinct03" "I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again? " "breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct04" "Ik wil graag ingaan op de angsten die aan deze vragen ten grondslag liggen, in plaats van alle mogelijke vragen te beantwoorden. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct04" "Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. " "breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct05" "Allereerst moeten we beseffen dat we als soort voor het eerst onsterfelijkheid binnen ons bereik hebben. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct05" "First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach. " "breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct06" "Dit simpele feit heeft verstrekkende gevolgen. We moeten onze genetische verplichtingen opnieuw overdenken en bijstellen. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct06" "This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. " "breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct07" "we moeten ook plannen maken en vooruitdenken, ook al druist dit in tegen onze natuur. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct07" "It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural pre-sets. " "breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct08" "Ik herinner mezelf er tijdens zulke momenten aan dat onze werkelijke vijand ons eigen instinct is. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct08" "I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is Instinct. " "breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct09" "Ons instinct was onze moeder toen we nog een onvolwassen soort waren. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct09" "Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. " "breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct10" "Ons instinct knuffelde ons en zorgde ervoor dat we veilig waren in de tijden dat we onze eerste maaltijden kookten boven een klein vuurtje " "[english]breencast.br_instinct10" "Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when we hardened our sticks and cooked our first meals above a meager fire " "breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct11" "en schrokken van de schaduwen op de wanden van de grot. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct11" "and started at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern's walls. " "breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct12" "Maar instinct is onafscheidelijk verbonden met de duistere eigenschap genaamd bijgeloof. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct12" "But inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, Superstition. " "breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct13" "Ons instinct leidt daarom tot onredelijke impulsen en we kunnen pas nu de werkelijke aard van ons instinct zien. Ons instinct is zich net bewust geworden van zijn eigen irrelevantie. Maar net als een gekooid beest zal het niet opgeven zonder een bloedig gevecht. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct13" "Instinct is inextricably bound to unreasoning impulses, and today we clearly see its true nature. Instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance, and like a cornered beast, it will not go down without a bloody fight. " "breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct14" "Ons instinct kan onze soort dodelijk letsel toebrengen. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct14" "Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species. " "breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct15" "Ons instinct creëert eigen onderdrukkers en zorgt dat we tegen hen in opstand komen. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct15" "Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids us rise up against them. " "breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct16" "Ons instinct zegt dat het onbekende een bedreiging vormt in plaats van een kans. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct16" "Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. " "breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct17" "Ons instinct leidt ons op sluwe wijze weg van veranderingen en vooruitgang. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct17" "Instinct slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress. " "breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct18" "Daarom moet ons instinct worden weggevaagd. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct18" "Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. " "breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct19" "Het moet met hand en tand bevochten worden, te beginnen met de meest basale menselijke drift: de behoefte om voort te planten. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct19" "It must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce. " "breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct20" "We moeten onze weldoeners bedanken omdat ze ons verlichting bieden van deze overweldigende kracht. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct20" "We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. " "breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct21" "Ze hebben een knop omgezet en daarmee ons grootste probleem in een keer opgelost. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct21" "They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. " "breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct22" "Ze hebben ons de kracht gegeven die we zelf nooit hadden gevonden om deze dwangmatige handeling te overwinnen. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct22" "They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. " "breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct23" "Ze hebben ons een doel gegeven. Onze ogen zijn dankzij hen naar de sterren gericht. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct23" "They have given us purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars. " "breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct24" "Ik verzeker jullie dat het onderdrukkingsveld ooit zal worden uitgeschakeld, zodra we onszelf kunnen beheersen en als we bewezen hebben dat we het niet meer nodig hebben. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct24" "Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off on the day that we have mastered ourselves...the day we can prove we no longer need it. " "breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct25" "En die transformatiedag nadert met rasse schreden. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct25" "And that day of transformation, I have it on good authority, is close at hand. " "breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " " "breencast.br_overwatch01" "Mij is gevraagd iets te zeggen tegen de transmenselijke arm van Sector 17 Overwatch met betrekking tot recente successen bij het aanhouden van leden van het opstandige wetenschapsteam. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch01" "I have been asked to say a few words to the transhuman arm of Sector Seventeen Overwatch, concerning recent successes in containing members of the resistance Science Team. " "breencast.br_overwatch02" "Laat ik vooropstellen dat ik het jammer vind dat mijn oprechte felicitaties worden overschaduwd door een gevoel van teleurstelling. Maar het is mijn taak als jullie Administrator om het bericht van onze weldoeners door te geven. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch02" "Let me say up front that I regret having to temper my heartfelt congratulations with a strong measure of disappointment. But I wouldn't be doing my duty as your Administrator if I didn't pass along the message I have received from our Benefactors. " "breencast.br_overwatch03" "Let wel, de gevangenneming van Eli Vance is een belangrijke gebeurtenis. Het is waar dat we hem de afgelopen jaren op elk willekeurig moment hadden kunnen oppakken, maar de manier waarop zou onverwachte voordelen kunnen hebben. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch03" "The capture of Eli Vance is an event of major significance, make no mistake. And while it's true that conceivably we could have taken him at almost any time in the last several years, the manner of his capture may prove to have unexpected benefits. " "breencast.br_overwatch04" "Alle leden van het verzet moeten hebben opgemerkt dat Dr. Vance is opgepakt toen hij onderdak verleende aan Gordon Freeman. Hierdoor zullen andere leden van het verzet twee keer nadenken voordat ze Dr. Freeman zullen helpen. Zij gaan mogelijk twijfelen aan zijn loyaliteit. Misschien zullen ze hem zelf wegsturen of aangeven. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch04" "It cannot have gone unnoticed by all resistance members that Doctor Vance's capture coincided with the act of giving shelter to Gordon Freeman. This might cause other resistance members to think twice before harboring Doctor Freeman. It might cause them to question his allegiance; even prompt some to turn him out, or turn him over to our cause. " "breencast.br_overwatch05" "Maar op dergelijke ontwikkelingen kunnen we niet rekenen. De reputatie van Dr. Freeman is zodanig, dat andere wanhopige rebellen hem waarschijnlijk de mogelijkheid willen bieden chaos en terreur te veroorzaken. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch05" "However, we cannot count on such developments. Doctor Freeman's reputation is such that other desperate renegades are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror. " "breencast.br_overwatch06" "Dit brengt mij bij de opmerking over de teleurstelling die ik moet doorgeven namens onze weldoeners. Ik mag natuurlijk niet twijfelen aan de toegewijde krachten van de Overwatch, maar dat betekent niet dat ik me kan onttrekken aan de verantwoordelijkheid voor de recente misstappen en zelfs regelrechte mislukkingen. Ik ben zwaar ondervraagd over deze tekortkomingen. Nu moet ik jullie dezelfde vraag stellen: " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch06" "This brings me to the one note of disappointment I must echo from our Benefactors. Obviously I am not on the ground to closely command or second-guess the dedicated forces of the Overwatch, but this does not mean I can shirk responsibility for recent lapses and even outright failures on their part. I have been severely questioned about these shortcomings, and now must put the question to you: " "breencast.br_overwatch07" "Hoe kan één man jullie keer op keer door de vingers glippen? Hoe is dat mogelijk? Het gaat hier niet om een agent provocateur of goedgetrainde huurmoordenaar. Gordon Freeman is een wetenschapper die nog maar net zijn graad had behaald ten tijde van het Black Mesa-incident. Ik heb reden om aan te nemen dat hij in de jaren daarop niet in staat is geweest veel clandestiene vaardigheden te ontwikkelen. De man die jullie niet hebben kunnen vertragen, laat staan gevangen nemen, is alleen maar dat: een doodgewone man. Waarom kunnen jullie hem niet te pakken krijgen? " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch07" "How could one man have slipped through your force's fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some agent provocateur or highly trained assassin we are discussing. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the time of the Black Mesa Incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years, he was in a state that precluded further development of covert skills. The man you have consistently failed to slow, let alone capture, is by all standards simply that--an ordinary man. How can you have failed to apprehend him? " "breencast.br_overwatch08" "Ik zal de berisping tot een volgende keer bewaren en afwachten in welke mate die nodig blijkt te zijn. Jullie kunnen het nu goedmaken. Als de transmenselijke krachten zichzelf willen bewijzen als een onmisbare toevoeging voor de Combine Overwatch, moeten ze dat privilege verdienen. Ik hoef jullie er vast niet aan te herinneren wat het 'alternatief' is: totale uitroeiing samen met alle andere onwaardige leden van de soort. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch08" "Well...I will leave the upbraiding for another time, to the extent it proves necessary. Now is the moment to redeem yourselves. If the transhuman forces are to prove themselves an indispensable augmentation to the Combine Overwatch, they will have to earn the privilege. I'm sure I don't have to remind you that the alternative, if you can call it that, is total extinction - in union with all the other unworthy branches of the species. " "breencast.br_overwatch09" "Laat het niet zover komen. Ik heb mijn best gedaan onze weldoeners ervan te overtuigen dat jullie de besten van onze soort zijn. Tot nu toe hebben ze mijn argument geaccepteerd, maar zonder concrete bewijzen zijn het slechts loze woorden. Het is jullie verantwoordelijkheid om het bewijs te leveren of de consequenties te dragen als jullie falen. Daar laat ik het bij. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch09" "Let's not allow it to come to that. I have done my best to convince our Benefactors that you are the finest the species has to offer. So far they have accepted my argument, but without concrete evidence to back it up, my words sound increasingly hollow even to me. The burden of proof is on you. As is the consequence of failure. I'll just leave it at that. " "breencast.br_tofreeman01" "Nu richt ik me even rechtstreeks tot jou, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman01" "I'd like to take a moment to address you directly, Dr. Freeman. " "breencast.br_tofreeman02" "Ja. Ik heb het tegen jou. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman02" "Yes. I'm talking to you. " "breencast.br_tofreeman03" "De zogenaamde Ene Vrije Man. Ik heb een vraag voor je. Waarom heb je alles opgegeven? Onbegrijpelijk. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman03" "The so-called One Free Man. I have a question for you. How could you have thrown it all away? It staggers the mind. " "breencast.br_tofreeman04" "Een wetenschapper, met de mogelijkheid rebelse en angstige geesten naar de waarheid te leiden " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman04" "A man of science, with the ability to sway reactionary and fearful minds toward the truth " "breencast.br_tofreeman05" "die in plaats daarvan kiest voor een weg van onwetendheid en verval. Vergis je niet, Dr. Freeman. Je bent geen wetenschappelijke revolutie begonnen. Wat je doet, leidt tot de dood en finaliteit. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman05" "choosing instead to embark on a path of ignorance and decay. Make no mistake, Dr. Freeman. This is not a scientific revolution you have sparked...this is death and finality. " "breencast.br_tofreeman06" "Je hebt de mensheid tot vallen gebracht. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman06" "You have plunged humanity into freefall. " "breencast.br_tofreeman07" "Zelfs als je je nu zou overgeven, kan ik je niet garanderen dat onze weldoeners het zouden accepteren. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman07" "Even if you offered your surrender now, I cannot guarantee that our benefactors would accept it. " "breencast.br_tofreeman08" "Ik ben bang dat ze momenteel zelfs mij wantrouwen. Fijn hoor, vertegenwoordiger van de mensheid zijn. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman08" "At the moment, I fear they have begun to look upon even me with suspicion. So much for serving as humanity's representative. " "breencast.br_tofreeman09" "Help me hun vertrouwen terug te winnen, Dr. Freeman. Geef je over nu dat nog kan. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman09" "Help me win back their trust, Dr. Freeman. Surrender while you still can. " "breencast.br_tofreeman10" "Zorg ervoor dat het vertrouwen van de mensheid in jou terecht is " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman10" "Help ensure that humanity's trust in you is not misguided " "breencast.br_tofreeman11" "Maak de juiste keuze, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman11" "Do what is right, Dr. Freeman. " "breencast.br_tofreeman12" "Dien de mensheid. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman12" "Serve mankind. " "breencast.br_welcome01" "Welkom. Welkom in City 17. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome01" "Welcome. Welcome to City 17. " "breencast.br_welcome02" "U hebt gekozen, of bent gekozen om te verhuizen naar een van de beste overgebleven stadscentra. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome02" "You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. " "breencast.br_welcome03" "Ik vind City 17 zo geweldig dat ik ervoor heb gekozen hier mijn administratie te vestigen, " "[english]breencast.br_welcome03" "I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here " "breencast.br_welcome04" "in de Citadel die zo zorgzaam is aangeboden door onze weldoeners. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome04" "in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. " "breencast.br_welcome05" "Ik ben er trots op dat City 17 mijn thuis is. Ongeacht of u hier blijft of op doorreis bent naar een onbekende bestemming, " "[english]breencast.br_welcome05" "I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, " "breencast.br_welcome06" "Welkom in City 17. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome06" "Welcome to City 17. " "breencast.br_welcome07" "Het is hier veiliger. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome07" "It's safer here. " "canals.airboat_drivehard" "Het wordt moeilijk om de burgerwacht hier in het open veld te ontwijken, maar als je hard rijdt haal je het wel. " "[english]canals.airboat_drivehard" "It's going to be tough dodging Civil Protection out there in the open, but drive hard and you'll make it. " "canals.airboat_gassed" "Hé, Dr. Freeman, ik hoopte al dat je zou verschijnen. Deze moerasboot is afgetankt en klaar om te gaan. " "[english]canals.airboat_gassed" "Hey, Dr. Freeman, I've been hoping you'd show up. Got this airboat all gassed up and ready to go. " "canals.airboat_go_nag01" "Je kunt maar beter opschieten! " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now! " "canals.airboat_go_nag02" "Ik moet hier blijven. Er kunnen altijd nog meer vluchtelingen komen. " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag02" "I've gotta stay here. There could always be more runaways coming along. " "canals.airboat_go_nag03" "Ik blijf hier. Ga maar." "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag03" "I'm staying put. You go on. " "canals.airboat_nag01" "Ga maar, stap in de boot, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag01" "Go ahead and get in the boat, Dr. Freeman. " "canals.airboat_nag02" "Stap in de moerasboot, sir. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag02" "Get in the airboat, sir. " "canals.airboat_nag03" "Klim er in en start hem op. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag03" "Climb on in and fire her up. " "canals.airboat_redbarn" "Verderop aan de rivier ligt Station 7. Dat is de oude rode schuur. " "[english]canals.airboat_redbarn" "You'll find more help up at Station 7, just a few bends up the river. It's the old red barn. " "canals.al_radio_stn6" "Black Mesa East aan Station 6. Horen jullie me? Dr. Freeman komt zo stroomafwaarts. Leen hem de moerasboot en help hem zoveel mogelijk. Ik herhaal. Gordon Freeman is terug! Het is belangrijk dat hij Black Mesa East bereikt. " "[english]canals.al_radio_stn6" "Black Mesa East to Station 6. Do you read? Dr. Freeman is on his way downriver. Lend him the airboat and give him all the help you can. Repeat. Gordon Freeman has returned! It is critical he reaches Black Mesa East. " "canals.arrest_getgoing" "Ga verder!" "[english]canals.arrest_getgoing" "Get going! " "canals.arrest_helpme" "Help me! " "[english]canals.arrest_helpme" "Help me! " "canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "Nu gaan ze naar je op zoek! " "[english]canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "They'll be looking for you now! " "canals.arrest_run" "Ga maar rennen! Je kunt hier niets meer doen! " "[english]canals.arrest_run" "You'd better run! There's nothing else you can do here! " "canals.arrest_stop" "Stop! We hebben niets gedaan! " "[english]canals.arrest_stop" "Stop! We didn't do anything! " "canals.boxcar_becareful" "Wees voorzichtig. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful" "Be careful now. " "canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "We mogen niet worden opgemerkt. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "We really can't afford to get noticed. " "canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "Als de burgerwacht je hier pakt, is de hele spoorweg in gevaar. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "Civil Protection catches you down here, it's bad news for the whole railroad. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "Ga nu. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "Get going now. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "Je kunt maar beter opschieten. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "You better get going. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "Je moet hier weg." "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "Get outta here. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "Tijd om te gaan! " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "Hit the road, Jack! " "canals.boxcar_jolt" "Laat mijn vriend de vortigaunt je een schok gegeven voor je gaat. " "[english]canals.boxcar_jolt" "Meanwhile, let my vortigaunt friend here give you a jolt to get you going. " "canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "Laat hem je helpen! " "[english]canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "He'll help you if you let him! " "canals.boxcar_lookout" "Wij zijn alleen de uitkijk voor de ondergrondse spoorlijn. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout" "Look, we're just the lookout for the underground railroad. " "canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "Het hoofdstation is net om de hoek. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "Main station is right around the corner. " "canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "Daar kunnen ze je vooruit helpen. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "They'll get you started on the right foot. " "canals.boxcar_sirens" "Die sirenes zijn zeker voor jou?" "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens" "Guess those sirens are for you, huh? " "canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "Goed dat jullie ons hebben gevonden. " "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "Good thing you found us. " "canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "Jullie zijn niet de eersten die hier aankomen met een... " "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "You're not the first to come through here by a ... " "canals.boxcar_vortstop" "Hé, stop daarmee. De vorts staan nu aan onze kant. " "[english]canals.boxcar_vortstop" "Hey, stop that. The vorts are on our side now. " "canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "Ga nu, Doc. We moeten het kamp opbreken. " "[english]canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "Get going, Doc. We've gotta break camp. " "canals.gunboat_comein" "Kom erin. Ik laat je zien wat je te wachten staat." "[english]canals.gunboat_comein" "Come on in. I'll show you what you're up against. " "canals.gunboat_dam" "Dit is de dam. Een stukje verderop. " "[english]canals.gunboat_dam" "This here's the dam. It's just up ahead. " "canals.gunboat_eliright" "Ga nu, Dr. Freeman. Ik zie dat Eli gelijk had. " "[english]canals.gunboat_eliright" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. I can see Eli was right about you. " "canals.gunboat_farewell" "Vaarwel, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]canals.gunboat_farewell" "Farewell, Dr. Freeman. " "canals.gunboat_finishingup" "Ik denk dat hij nu aan het afronden is. " "[english]canals.gunboat_finishingup" "I think he's just finishing up now. " "canals.gunboat_getin" "Toe dan. " "[english]canals.gunboat_getin" "Come on, get in here. " "canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "Pak ze, Doc. " "[english]canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "Give 'em hell, Doc. " "canals.gunboat_goonout" "Ga naar buiten. " "[english]canals.gunboat_goonout" "Go on out. " "canals.gunboat_herelook" "Kijk hier eens naar. " "[english]canals.gunboat_herelook" "Here, take a look at this. " "canals.gunboat_heyyourefm" "Hé, jij bent toch Freeman? " "[english]canals.gunboat_heyyourefm" "Hey, you're Freeman, aren't you? " "canals.gunboat_hideout" "Eli verbergt zich hier, een steenworp van het platform in de oude hydrofabriek. " "[english]canals.gunboat_hideout" "Eli's hideout is here, a stone's throw from the apron and nestled in the old hydro plant. " "canals.gunboat_hurry" "We moeten opschieten. We moeten dit kamp opruimen en wegwezen. " "[english]canals.gunboat_hurry" "We'd better hurry. We've got to tear down this camp and get out of here. " "canals.gunboat_impossible" "Maar met die heli achter je aan ga je daar niet komen. " "[english]canals.gunboat_impossible" "But getting there, with that hunter-chopper on your ass, next to impossible. " "canals.gunboat_irony" "Zo dan. Dat geschut komt uit een van die heli's waar je tegen vecht. Altijd leuk, een beetje ironie in een gevecht. " "[english]canals.gunboat_irony" "There we are. That gun came off one of the same hunter-choppers you're up against. I always like to bring a little irony to a firefight. " "canals.gunboat_justintime" "Net op tijd. We moeten hier weg voordat we ontdekt worden. " "[english]canals.gunboat_justintime" "You made it just in time. We've got to clear out of here before we're discovered. " "canals.gunboat_magic" "Het goede nieuws is dat de vortigaunt bezig is met je moerasboot dus je hebt straks meer vuurkracht als je verdergaat. " "[english]canals.gunboat_magic" "Good news is, the vortigaunt's working his magic on your airboat, so you'll have more firepower going forward. " "canals.gunboat_moveon" "Een beetje opschieten! We moeten weg zijn voor ze ons in het vizier hebben. " "[english]canals.gunboat_moveon" "Let's get a move on! We've got to clear out before they target us. " "canals.gunboat_owneyes" "Ik zou het niet geloven als ik het niet met mijn eigen ogen zag. Dr. Gordon Freeman zelf. " "[english]canals.gunboat_owneyes" "Well, I wouldn't believe it if I couldn't see it with my own eyes. Dr. Gordon Freeman himself. " "canals.gunboat_parkboat" "Parkeer de boot. Hier is het veilig. " "[english]canals.gunboat_parkboat" "You can park the boat. It'll be safe here. " "canals.gunboat_pullout" "Precies op tijd, Doc. We moeten weg zijn voor de Combine ons in de gaten krijgen. We maken ons klaar om terug te trekken. " "[english]canals.gunboat_pullout" "You're just in time, Doc. We've got to move out before the Combine picks us up. We're just getting ready to pull out. " "canals.gunboat_takeitdown" "Als je die heli neerhaalt, kun je door naar de verblijfplaats van Eli. " "[english]canals.gunboat_takeitdown" "Take that chopper down, and you should be able to tear on through to Eli's place. " "canals.gunboat_vort" "Geen zorgen over de moerasboot. De Vort zal ervoor zorgen. " "[english]canals.gunboat_vort" "Don't worry about the airboat. The Vort's gonna look after it for you. " "canals.massacre_cop_fire" "Vuren om die onderbreking te verplaatsen! " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_fire" "Fire to dislocate that interpose! " "canals.massacre_cop_hesrunning" "Hij vlucht. " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_hesrunning" "He's running. " "canals.massacre_cop_holdit" "Wacht even. " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_holdit" "Hold it. " "canals.massacre_die" " " "[english]canals.massacre_die" " " "canals.massacre_premassacre" "Wij...wie zijn jullie...niet schieten...wat doen jullie...doe me alsjeblieft geen pijn...niet schieten...niet schieten! Niet schieten! " "[english]canals.massacre_premassacre" "We don't...what are you...don't shoot...what are you doing...please, don't hurt me...please don't shoot...Don't shoot! Don't shoot! " "canals.massacre_runforyourlife01" "Ren voor je leven! " "[english]canals.massacre_runforyourlife01" "Run for your life! " "canals.massacre_startle01" " " "[english]canals.massacre_startle01" " " "canals.massacre_startle02" " " "[english]canals.massacre_startle02" " " "canals.matt_beglad" "Wees blij dat jij niet degene bent die ze zoeken. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad" "Be glad you're not the guy they're looking for. " "canals.matt_beglad_b" "Die arme drommel heeft geen enkele kans. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad_b" "Poor bastard doesn't stand a chance. " "canals.matt_beglad_c" "Ze roepen de hele burgerwacht in City 17 op. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad_c" "Sounds like they're calling in every CP unit in City 17. " "canals.matt_closecall" "Dat scheelde niet veel. Bedankt voor je hulp! " "[english]canals.matt_closecall" "That was a close call. Thanks for your help! " "canals.matt_flood" "Verderop laten ze gebieden vollopen met manhacks. " "[english]canals.matt_flood" "They're flooding areas up ahead with manhacks. " "canals.matt_flood_b" "Vertrek maar voordat ze hier zijn. " "[english]canals.matt_flood_b" "You'd better get going before they sweep through here. " "canals.matt_getin" "Hierin! Vlug! " "[english]canals.matt_getin" "Get in here! Hurry! " "canals.matt_go_nag01" "Je kunt maar beter opschieten. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now. " "canals.matt_go_nag02" "Bedankt, maar ik red me wel. Ik moet hier nog even afronden. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag02" "Thanks, but I'll be okay. Got some work to finish up here. " "canals.matt_go_nag03" "Je snapt wel dat ik hier blijf om achterblijvers te helpen. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag03" "You understand, I've gotta stay and help any stragglers. " "canals.matt_go_nag04" "Ga verder!" "[english]canals.matt_go_nag04" "Get going! " "canals.matt_go_nag05" "Gaan jullie maar! " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag05" "You go on! " "canals.matt_goodluck" "Veel geluk daar! " "[english]canals.matt_goodluck" "Good luck out there! " "canals.matt_supplies" "Het is hier niet veilig. Ik geef je genoeg voorraad mee en dan moet je gaan. " "[english]canals.matt_supplies" "Look, it isn't safe here. I'll give you some supplies to keep you going, then you really gotta go. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr" "De burgerwacht zit ons op de hielen. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr" "Civil Protection is on to us. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr_a" "We breken de spoorweg af en wissen onze sporen uit. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr_a" "We're tearing up the railroad, covering our tracks. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr_b" "Zo te zien ben jij de laatste. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr_b" "Looks like you're gonna be the last one through. " "canals.matt_thanksbut" " " "[english]canals.matt_thanksbut" " " "canals.matt_toolate" "Oh shit! Te laat! " "[english]canals.matt_toolate" "Oh shit! Too late! " "canals.mudcop1_01" "Pikt nog iemand een 647-E op? " "[english]canals.mudcop1_01" "Anyone else pickup a 647-E reading? " "canals.mudcop1_02" "Ik vang nog steeds die 647-E op van de lokale surveillance. " "[english]canals.mudcop1_02" "Still getting that 647-E from local surveillance. " "canals.mudcop1_03" " " "[english]canals.mudcop1_03" " " "canals.mudcop1_04" "Momenteel geen beeld op de UPI. " "[english]canals.mudcop1_04" "No visual on UPI at this time. " "canals.mudcop1_05" " " "[english]canals.mudcop1_05" " " "canals.mudcop1_hey" "We hebben een 10-108! " "[english]canals.mudcop1_hey" "We have a 10-108! " "canals.mudcop2_01" "Controleren op mistelling " "[english]canals.mudcop2_01" "Check for miscount " "canals.mudcop2_02" "Geen 647, geen 10-107. " "[english]canals.mudcop2_02" "Clear, no 647, no 10-107. " "canals.mudcop2_03" "Ontvangen en begrepen. " "[english]canals.mudcop2_03" "Roger that. " "canals.mudcop2_04" " " "[english]canals.mudcop2_04" " " "canals.mudcop2_05" " " "[english]canals.mudcop2_05" " " "canals.mudcop2_look" "Pas op! " "[english]canals.mudcop2_look" "Look out! " "canals.radio_comein12" "Hallo, station 12? Station 12, horen jullie me? " "[english]canals.radio_comein12" "Station 12, come in. Station 12, do you read? " "canals.radio_doyoucopy8" "Station 8, horen jullie me? Station 8, zijn jullie daar? We hebben bevestigde meldingen van manhacks. Ik herhaal: manhacks onder de grond. " "[english]canals.radio_doyoucopy8" "Station 8, do you copy? Station 8, are you there? We have confirmed reports of manhacks. Repeat: they're filling the underground with manhacks. " "canals.radio_thisis8" "Dit is station 8! Station 12 is uit de lucht. De spoorwegstations worden aangevallen. Ik herhaal: de burgerwacht valt de ondergrondse stations aan. Er komen al vluchtelingen van 9 en verderop! Zo te zien worden we..." "[english]canals.radio_thisis8" "This is Station 8! We heard 12 go down and out. Surgical strike units are targeting railway stations. Repeat, Civil Protection is coming down on underground stations. We're already getting refugees from 9 and outlying! Looks like we're--" "canals.shanty_badtime" "Je komt op een slecht moment. " "[english]canals.shanty_badtime" "You got here at a bad time. " "canals.shanty_getitoffhim" "Haal het van hem af! Haal het eraf! " "[english]canals.shanty_getitoffhim" "Get it off him! Get it off! " "canals.shanty_go_nag01" "Je moet hier weg!" "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag01" "Get outta here! " "canals.shanty_go_nag02" "Ga maar! " "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag02" "Go on! " "canals.shanty_go_nag03" "Ga verder!" "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag03" "Get going! " "canals.shanty_gotsomeammo" "Er zit munitie in die kratten daar. " "[english]canals.shanty_gotsomeammo" "We've got some ammo in those crates over there. " "canals.shanty_gotword" "We hoorden dat je zou komen. " "[english]canals.shanty_gotword" "We got word you were coming. " "canals.shanty_helpyourself" "Pak wat je nodig hebt en blijf doorlopen. " "[english]canals.shanty_helpyourself" "Help yourself to supplies and keep moving. " "canals.shanty_hey" "Hey! " "[english]canals.shanty_hey" "Hey! " "canals.shanty_toolate" "Het is te laat! Achteruit! " "[english]canals.shanty_toolate" "It's too late! Stand back! " "canals.shanty_yourefm" "Jij bent toch Freeman? " "[english]canals.shanty_yourefm" "You're Freeman, aren't you? " "canals.stn1_cit_illstay" "Ik blijf hier. Misschien komen er nog anderen. De spoorweg moet blijven." "[english]canals.stn1_cit_illstay" "I'm gonna stay here in case any others come through. Gotta keep the railway alive." "canals.stn1_cit_keepgoing" "Ga verder, vriend! Dat station is overvallen, maar verderop zijn er nog andere stations. " "[english]canals.stn1_cit_keepgoing" "Keep going, friend! That station was raided but there's others up ahead. " "canals.stn6_canisters" "Ze schieten met granaten op ons! " "[english]canals.stn6_canisters" "They're hitting us with canisters! " "canals.stn6_go_nag02" "Ga maar! " "[english]canals.stn6_go_nag02" "Go on! " "canals.stn6_incoming" "Pas op! " "[english]canals.stn6_incoming" "Incoming! " "canals.stn6_launch" "We hebben gelanceerd. We hebben gelanceerd! " "[english]canals.stn6_launch" "We've got a launch. We've got a launch! " "canals.stn6_shellingus" "Ze beschieten ons! " "[english]canals.stn6_shellingus" "They're shelling us! " "canals.vort_reckoning" "Dit is de Freeman. De Combine zullen moeten boeten. " "[english]canals.vort_reckoning" "This is the Freeman. The Combine's reckoning has come. " "citadel.al_access" " " "[english]citadel.al_access" " " "citadel.al_ascent" "Geweldig! Oh nee. Breen is begonnen met opstijgen. " "[english]citadel.al_ascent" "Great! Oh no. Breen's started his ascent. " "citadel.al_beforeescape" "Opschieten Gordon, voordat hij ontsnapt. " "[english]citadel.al_beforeescape" "Hurry, Gordon, before he escapes. " "citadel.al_betterhurry" "We moeten opschieten, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_betterhurry" "We'd better hurry, Gordon. " "citadel.al_bitofit" "Dat was nog niets. " "[english]citadel.al_bitofit" "You haven't seen a bit of it yet. " "citadel.al_bluff" "Hij bluft, Gordon. Luister niet naar hem. " "[english]citadel.al_bluff" "He's bluffing, Gordon. Don't listen to him. " "citadel.al_bothtypes" " " "[english]citadel.al_bothtypes" " " "citadel.al_cantshutdown" "Ik kan het niet uitschakelen. Hij heeft de controle naar de andere kant gehaald. Je moet de kern ingaan en doen wat je kunt. " "[english]citadel.al_cantshutdown" "I can't shut it down. Looks like he's turned over control to the other side. You'll have to go into the core and do what you can. " "citadel.al_chancelikethis" "Zo'n kans krijgen we nooit meer. We moeten hem tegenhouden, die Dr. Breen. " "[english]citadel.al_chancelikethis" "We'll never have a chance like this again. We've got to stop Dr. Breen. " "citadel.al_chargeup" "Laad eerst je pak op. " "[english]citadel.al_chargeup" "Charge up your suit first. " "citadel.al_comegordon" "Kom op Gordon, we gaan! " "[english]citadel.al_comegordon" "Come on, Gordon, let's go! " "citadel.al_comeon" "Kom. " "[english]citadel.al_comeon" "Come on. " "citadel.al_comingafterme" "Gordon, we kennen elkaar nog niet zo lang, maar ik weet dat je dit niet hoefde te doen. Ik moest mijn vader redden, maar jij... nou ja... bedankt dat je met me meekwam. " "[english]citadel.al_comingafterme" "Gordon, we haven't known each other very long, but I know you didn't have to do this. I had to rescue my father, but you... well... Thanks for coming after me. " "citadel.al_critical" "Het wordt kritiek. Nog maar een paar. " "[english]citadel.al_critical" "It's gonna go critical. Just a few more. " "citadel.al_dad" "Pap! " "[english]citadel.al_dad" "Dad! " "citadel.al_dadgordonno" "Pap! " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno" "Dad! " "citadel.al_dadgordonno_b" "Gordon " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno_b" "Gordon " "citadel.al_dadgordonno_c" "Nee... " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno_c" "No... " "citadel.al_dadhangon" "Pap, hou vol! " "[english]citadel.al_dadhangon" "Dad, hang on! " "citadel.al_dadsorry" "Pap, het spijt me zo. " "[english]citadel.al_dadsorry" "Dad, I'm so sorry. " "citadel.al_darkfusionreactor" "Oh mijn god. Dit is de fusiereactor van de Citadel. Die drijft het tunnelverstrikkingsapparaat aan. " "[english]citadel.al_darkfusionreactor" "Oh my God. This is the Citadel's dark fusion reactor. It powers their tunneling entanglement device. " "citadel.al_dienow" " " "[english]citadel.al_dienow" " " "citadel.al_dienow_b" "Hoe durf je haar naam te noemen! " "[english]citadel.al_dienow_b" "How dare you even mention her! " "citadel.al_doingright" "Je doet wat juist is. " "[english]citadel.al_doingright" "You're doing the right thing. " "citadel.al_dontforget" "Vergeet niet je pak op te laden. " "[english]citadel.al_dontforget" "Don't forget to charge up your suit. " "citadel.al_dontlisten" "Luister niet naar hem, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_dontlisten" "Don't listen to him, Gordon. " "citadel.al_dontlistentohim" "Luister niet naar hem, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_dontlistentohim" "Don't listen to him, Gordon. " "citadel.al_doworst" "Doe je best Gordon, maar wees voorzichtig. " "[english]citadel.al_doworst" "Do your worst Gordon... but... be careful. " "citadel.al_elevator" "Stap in de lift. " "[english]citadel.al_elevator" "Get in the elevator. " "citadel.al_exhaust" "Pas op voor de uitlaat. Probeer dekking te vinden. " "[english]citadel.al_exhaust" "Watch out for the exhaust. Try to find cover from it. " "citadel.al_fail_no" "Nee! " "[english]citadel.al_fail_no" "No! " "citadel.al_funnel" " " "[english]citadel.al_funnel" " " "citadel.al_gasp01" "Huh... " "[english]citadel.al_gasp01" "Huh... " "citadel.al_gettingaway" "Nee, hij ontsnapt! " "[english]citadel.al_gettingaway" "No, he's getting away! " "citadel.al_gogordon" "Ga, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_gogordon" "Go, Gordon. " "citadel.al_gordonwouldnever" "Gordon zou nooit een deal met jou sluiten. " "[english]citadel.al_gordonwouldnever" "Gordon would never make any kind of deal with you. " "citadel.al_heylisten" "Hé, luister. " "[english]citadel.al_heylisten" "Hey, listen. " "citadel.al_hurrymossman02" "Vlug! " "[english]citadel.al_hurrymossman02" "Hurry! " "citadel.al_ifonly" " " "[english]citadel.al_ifonly" " " "citadel.al_itsbreen" "Het is Dr. Breen. Daar is hij! " "[english]citadel.al_itsbreen" "It's Dr. Breen. There he is! " "citadel.al_keepgoing" "Ga verder. " "[english]citadel.al_keepgoing" "Keep going. " "citadel.al_keepgoing01" "Goed. Ga verder. " "[english]citadel.al_keepgoing01" "Good. Keep going. " "citadel.al_launchtrip" " " "[english]citadel.al_launchtrip" " " "citadel.al_launchup" " " "[english]citadel.al_launchup" " " "citadel.al_letyouin" "Stap in de lift, dan laat ik je binnen. " "[english]citadel.al_letyouin" "Get in the elevator and I'll let you in. " "citadel.al_lookafterdad" "Dr. Mossman... " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad" "Dr. Mossman... " "citadel.al_lookafterdad_b" "Judith... " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad_b" "Judith... " "citadel.al_lookafterdad_c" "Zorg voor mijn vader. " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad_c" "Look after my father. " "citadel.al_lookout" "Pas op! " "[english]citadel.al_lookout" "Look out! " "citadel.al_lookwhatheleft" "Hé, kijk wat hij heeft achtergelaten! " "[english]citadel.al_lookwhatheleft" "Hey, look what he left behind! " "citadel.al_mixenergy" " " "[english]citadel.al_mixenergy" " " "citadel.al_noclue" "Hij heeft geen idee, of wel? " "[english]citadel.al_noclue" "He doesn't have a clue, does he? " "citadel.al_notagain02" "Verdomme, niet weer! " "[english]citadel.al_notagain02" "Damn it, not again! " "citadel.al_notsayinggoodbye" "Pap, ik neem geen afscheid. " "[english]citadel.al_notsayinggoodbye" "Dad, I'm not saying goodbye. " "citadel.al_ohnogordon" "Oh nee. Gordon! " "[english]citadel.al_ohnogordon" "Oh no. Gordon! " "citadel.al_outofhere" "Kom op, Gordon, we moeten hier weg. Misschien hebben we nog..." "[english]citadel.al_outofhere" "Come on, Gordon, we've got to get out of here. Maybe we still have ..." "citadel.al_pulses" " " "[english]citadel.al_pulses" " " "citadel.al_reactor01" " " "[english]citadel.al_reactor01" " " "citadel.al_reactor02" " " "[english]citadel.al_reactor02" " " "citadel.al_reactor03" "Ik kan er niet in zolang de kern actief is, maar jij hebt een beschermend pak. Zoek naar een zwakke plek in de kern." "[english]citadel.al_reactor03" "I can't go in there while it's activated, but your suit should protect you. Look for some vulnerability in the core." "citadel.al_reroute" " " "[english]citadel.al_reroute" " " "citadel.al_right" "Goed dan. " "[english]citadel.al_right" "Right then. " "citadel.al_shootbeam" " " "[english]citadel.al_shootbeam" " " "citadel.al_soldiers01_a" "Oh nee, Combine-soldaten. Waar kwamen die vandaan? " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_a" "Oh no, Combine soldiers. Where did they come from? " "citadel.al_soldiers01_b" "Wat gebeurt er? " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_b" "What the hell? " "citadel.al_soldiers01_c" "Het spijt me Gordon, ik kan ze vanuit hier niet tegenhouden. " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_c" "I'm sorry, Gordon, I can't stop them from here. " "citadel.al_stayawaycore" "Blijf weg bij de kern. " "[english]citadel.al_stayawaycore" "Stay away from the core. " "citadel.al_staybackbeam" "Kijk uit voor de stralen! " "[english]citadel.al_staybackbeam" "Watch out for the beams! " "citadel.al_struggle01" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle01" " " "citadel.al_struggle02" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle02" " " "citadel.al_struggle03" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle03" " " "citadel.al_struggle05" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle05" " " "citadel.al_struggle07" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle07" " " "citadel.al_struggle08" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle08" " " "citadel.al_success_yes" "Ja! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes" "Yes! " "citadel.al_success_yes_nr" "Ja! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes_nr" "Yes! " "citadel.al_success_yes02_nr" "Yeah! Gelukt! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes02_nr" "Yeah! You did it! " "citadel.al_tearapart" "Nadat hij is geteletransporteerd, valt dat hele ding uit elkaar. De straal is niet beschermd. We zullen verbranden in de singulariteit. " "[english]citadel.al_tearapart" "Once he teleports, the whole thing will tear apart. The beam is unshielded. We'll be cooked in the singularity. " "citadel.al_thatshim" "Dat is hem. " "[english]citadel.al_thatshim" "That's him. " "citadel.al_thegravgun01" "De gravity gun! " "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun01" "The gravity gun! " "citadel.al_thegravgun03" "Gordon, pak de gravity gun. " "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun03" "Gordon, get the gravity gun. " "citadel.al_thegravgun04" "Pak de gravity gun, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun04" "Take the gravity gun, Gordon. " "citadel.al_thereheis" "Daar is hij! " "[english]citadel.al_thereheis" "There he is! " "citadel.al_triplet" " " "[english]citadel.al_triplet" " " "citadel.al_uptop" "Oh mijn god, de portal gaat open. " "[english]citadel.al_uptop" "Oh my God, the portal's opening. " "citadel.al_watchout01" "Pas op, hij gaat..." "[english]citadel.al_watchout01" "Watch out, he's gonna--" "citadel.al_weak" "Kijk of je een zwakke plek in die platen kunt vinden. We moeten die kern blootleggen als we hem willen destabiliseren. " "[english]citadel.al_weak" "See if you can find a weakness in those plates. We'll have to expose the core if we plan to destabilize it. " "citadel.al_whahappen" "Gordon. Wat is er met de gravity gun gebeurd? Het onttrekt energie aan de Citadel. " "[english]citadel.al_whahappen" "Gordon. What happened to the gravity gun? It must be drawing power from the Citadel. " "citadel.al_wonderwhere" "Ik vraag me af waar hij heen gaat. " "[english]citadel.al_wonderwhere" "I wonder where he's going. " "citadel.al_working" "Hou vol Gordon, het werkt. " "[english]citadel.al_working" "Keep it up, Gordon, it's working. " "citadel.al_yes" "Ja!" "[english]citadel.al_yes" "Yes!" "citadel.al_yes_nr" "Ja!" "[english]citadel.al_yes_nr" "Yes!" "citadel.br_betrayed" "Ze weten dat je ze hebt verraden. Ze zullen zich tegen je keren! Judith - Dr. Mossman. Alsjeblieft! " "[english]citadel.br_betrayed" "They know you betrayed them. They'll turn on you! Judith -- Dr. Mossman. Please! " "citadel.br_betrayed_b" "Judith - Dr. Mossman, alsjeblieft... " "[english]citadel.br_betrayed_b" "Judith - Dr. Mossman - please... " "citadel.br_bidder_a" "Wat vind je, Dr. Freeman? " "[english]citadel.br_bidder_a" "How about it, Dr. Freeman? " "citadel.br_bidder_b" "Wist je dat je contract openstond voor de hoogste bieder? " "[english]citadel.br_bidder_b" "Did you realize your contract was open to the highest bidder? " "citadel.br_bounty" " " "[english]citadel.br_bounty" " " "citadel.br_circum" "Nou, Dr. Freeman, onder andere omstandigheden hadden we misschien kunnen samenwerken in een atmosfeer van vertrouwen en respect. Afgaand op je korte benoeming bij Black Mesa toen ik daar Administrator was, leek je toen een veelbelovende en productieve medewerker aan het wetenschappelijke proces. Maar toch. Ik weet niet wat je ertoe gedreven heeft, maar binnen deze organisatie is geen ruimte voor een bandiet zoals jij." "[english]citadel.br_circum" "Well, Dr. Freeman, under other circumstances I like to think we might have been able to work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Certainly, judging from your brief tenure at Black Mesa while I was its Administrator, you showed every promise of becoming a valuable and productive contributor to the scientific process. And yet... I'm not sure what spurred you to it... but there is really no place in this enterprise for a rogue physicist. " "citadel.br_create" "Vertel eens, Dr. Freeman, als dat kan. Je hebt zoveel vernietigd. Wat heb je nou precies gecreëerd? Kun je ook maar één ding noemen? Dat dacht ik al. " "[english]citadel.br_create" "Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can. You have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not. " "citadel.br_deliver" "Jullie moeten je zorgen maken om mij! Ik kan de aarde nog steeds leveren, maar niet zonder jullie hulp. " "[english]citadel.br_deliver" "It's me you should be concerned about! I can still deliver Earth, but not without your help. " "citadel.br_dictate_a" "Als ik jullie beiden in bewaring heb, kan ik beter onderhandelen met de Combine. " "[english]citadel.br_dictate_a" "Having both of you in my keeping ensures I can dictate the terms of any bargain I care to make with the Combine. " "citadel.br_failing01" "Allemachtig! " "[english]citadel.br_failing01" "Good God! " "citadel.br_failing02" "Ga daar weg! " "[english]citadel.br_failing02" "Get away from there! " "citadel.br_failing03" "Hoe doe je dat?! " "[english]citadel.br_failing03" "How are you doing that?! " "citadel.br_failing04" "Hoe deed je dat?! " "[english]citadel.br_failing04" "How did you do that?! " "citadel.br_failing05" "Hou op met daarmee spelen! " "[english]citadel.br_failing05" "Stop toying with that! " "citadel.br_failing06" "Wat je ook aan het doen bent, stop er nu mee! " "[english]citadel.br_failing06" "Whatever you're doing, stop at once! " "citadel.br_failing07" "Dat niet! " "[english]citadel.br_failing07" "Not that! " "citadel.br_failing08" "Stop! " "[english]citadel.br_failing08" "Stop it! " "citadel.br_failing09" "Stop daarmee! " "[english]citadel.br_failing09" "Stop that! " "citadel.br_failing10" "Stop! " "[english]citadel.br_failing10" "Stop! " "citadel.br_failing11" "Nee! " "[english]citadel.br_failing11" "No! " "citadel.br_failing12" "Ik weet niet wat je aan het doen bent, Freeman, maar ik waarschuw je! " "[english]citadel.br_failing12" "I don't know what you're doing, Freeman, but I'm warning you against it! " "citadel.br_farside" "Echt? Laten we kijken hoe het je bevalt aan de andere kant van een Combine-portal. " "[english]citadel.br_farside" "Really? Well, let's see how it serves you on the far side of a Combine portal. " "citadel.br_foundation" "Ik heb de basis gelegd voor het overleven van de mensheid. Niet op een bekrompen manier, maar op grootsere wijze dan we ons ooit konden voorstellen. We beginnen er nu pas iets van te begrijpen. " "[english]citadel.br_foundation" "I have laid the foundation for humanity's survival, and not as we have narrowly defined ourselves, but as something greater than we could ever imagine. Something we can only now begin to glimpse. " "citadel.br_freemanatlast" "Dus dit is Dr. Freeman, eindelijk. Ik zou willen zeggen dat het een aangename verrassing is, maar het is geen verrassing en voor ons beiden ook niet echt aangenaam. Ik ben een erg pragmatisch figuur. " "[english]citadel.br_freemanatlast" "So, this is Dr. Freeman, at last. I wish I could say this was a pleasant surprise, but it's neither a surprise nor, as you would surely agree, very pleasant. Well, I am nothing if not pragmatic. " "citadel.br_gift" " " "[english]citadel.br_gift" " " "citadel.br_gift_a" "Het hangt allemaal van jou af, oude makker. " "[english]citadel.br_gift_a" "That's all up to you, my old friend. " "citadel.br_gift_b" "Laat je jouw koppige kortzichtigheid het hele menselijke ras verdoemen of " "[english]citadel.br_gift_b" "Will you let your stubborn short-sightedness doom the entire species, or " "citadel.br_gift_c" "geef je jouw kind de kans die haar moeder nooit heeft gekregen? " "[english]citadel.br_gift_c" "will you give your child the chance her mother never had? " "citadel.br_goback" "Ga terug, Freeman, je weet niet wat je doet! " "[english]citadel.br_goback" "Go back, Freeman, you have no idea what you're doing! " "citadel.br_gravgun" "Wat is dit? Oh, zet het daar maar neer. " "[english]citadel.br_gravgun" "What's this? Oh, put it over there. " "citadel.br_guards" "Wachters! Hierin!" "[english]citadel.br_guards" "Guards! Get in here!" "citadel.br_guest" "Het is onze eregast. Wat een genoegen. " "[english]citadel.br_guest" "It's our guest of honor. What a pleasure. " "citadel.br_guest_a" "Als dat Gordon Freeman niet is, eindelijk! " "[english]citadel.br_guest_a" "Well, if it isn't Gordon Freeman, at last. " "citadel.br_guest_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_b" " " "citadel.br_guest_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_c" " " "citadel.br_guest_d" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_d" " " "citadel.br_guest_f" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_f" " " "citadel.br_guest_f_cc" "Ik ben u dankbaar, Doctor. Je leidt me eerst naar mijn oudste vriend toe en nu kom je jezelf brengen. Als ik wist dat je recht naar mijn kantoor toe zou komen, had ik me de moeite kunnen besparen op je te jagen. " "[english]citadel.br_guest_f_cc" "You have my gratitude, Doctor. First you lead me straight to the doorstep of my oldest friend, and then you deliver yourself. If I'd known you were going come straight up to my office, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place. " "citadel.br_hostbody" "Een host-lichaam? Je maakt een grapje, ik kan onmogelijk... " "[english]citadel.br_hostbody" "A host body? You must be joking, I can't possibly--- " "citadel.br_judithwhat" "Judith? Wat ben je aan het doen? " "[english]citadel.br_judithwhat" "Judith? What do you think you're doing? " "citadel.br_justhurry" "Snel, hij zit vlak achter me! " "[english]citadel.br_justhurry" "Just hurry, he's right behind me! " "citadel.br_laugh01" "*gelach*" "[english]citadel.br_laugh01" "*laughter*" "citadel.br_look" "Kijk. Kijk. " "[english]citadel.br_look" "Look. Look. " "citadel.br_lookthere" "Kijk daar. " "[english]citadel.br_lookthere" "Look there. " "citadel.br_mentors" "Natuurlijk is het deels de schuld van je mentors. Mijn teleurstelling in Eli Vance en Isaac Kleiner is groter dan mijn verdriet over jouw ongelukkige carrièrekeuze. Misschien kon je ook wel niet anders. Wie weet wat voor iconoclasme ze in je hoofd hebben geplant toen je jong en lichtgelovig was. Maar hoewel zij grotendeels verantwoordelijk zijn voor de recente problemen, heb jij zelf gekozen voor deze benadering van volledige minachting voor de toekomst van de mensheid. " "[english]citadel.br_mentors" "Your mentors are partly to blame, of course. My disappointment in Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner is far greater than my sorrow over your unfortunate choice of career path. In a way, I suppose you could not have done otherwise. Who knows what seeds of iconoclasm they planted when you were young and gullible. But while they certainly share a great part of the responsibility for the recent troubles, it is you alone who have chosen to act with such willful disregard for humanity's future. " "citadel.br_mock01" "Ben je er nog, Dr. Freeman? Niet veel langer, denk ik. " "[english]citadel.br_mock01" "Are you still with us, Dr. Freeman? Not for much longer, I think. " "citadel.br_mock02" "Ik vertrouw erop dat u weer faalt, Dr. Freeman. Net als ik op je vertrouwde bij Black Mesa. " "[english]citadel.br_mock02" "I'm relying on you to fail again, Dr. Freeman. Just as I relied on you at Black Mesa. " "citadel.br_mock03" "Volgens mij loop je achter. Dat had ik nooit kunnen voorspellen. " "[english]citadel.br_mock03" "It looks like you're falling behind. I could never have predicted that. " "citadel.br_mock04" "Een voorspelbaar fiasco, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock04" "A predictable failure, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock05" "Ik weet niet wat je wilt bereiken, behalve je eigen vernietiging. " "[english]citadel.br_mock05" "I don't know what you can possibly hope to achieve, apart from your own annihilation. " "citadel.br_mock06" "Ik heb je gewaarschuwd dat dit zinloos was. " "[english]citadel.br_mock06" "I warned you this was futile. " "citadel.br_mock07" "Ik had je kunnen zeggen dat het nutteloos is, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock07" "I could have told you that was pointless, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock08" "Het duurt niet lang meer, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock08" "It won't be much longer now, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock09" "Ik hoop dat je afscheid hebt genomen. " "[english]citadel.br_mock09" "I hope you said your farewells. " "citadel.br_mock10" "Oh, Dr. Freeman... " "[english]citadel.br_mock10" "Oh, Dr. Freeman... " "citadel.br_mock11" "Wat een verspilling. " "[english]citadel.br_mock11" "What a waste. " "citadel.br_mock12" "Zinloze actie. " "[english]citadel.br_mock12" "Pointless of you. " "citadel.br_mock13" "Had je je tomeloze energie maar voor iets nuttigs ingezet! " "[english]citadel.br_mock13" "If only you had harnessed your boundless energy for a useful purpose! " "citadel.br_newleader_a" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_a" " " "citadel.br_newleader_a_cc" "Ik ben het ermee eens, totale verspilling. Gelukkig heeft het verzet aangegeven een nieuwe leider te willen accepteren. En deze leider is een prima onderpand voor degenen die hem beheersen. " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_a_cc" "I agree, it's a total waste. Fortunately, the resistance has shown it is willing to accept a new leader. And this one has proven to be a fine pawn for those who control him. " "citadel.br_newleader_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_b" " " "citadel.br_newleader_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_c" " " "citadel.br_no" "Nee! " "[english]citadel.br_no" "No! " "citadel.br_nopoint" "Oh, dat is nog niet het ergste. Maar dat geloof je misschien niet als je eenmaal daar bent. " "[english]citadel.br_nopoint" "Oh, it's hardly the worst. But you might find that hard to believe once you get there. " "citadel.br_nothingtosay_a" "Ik snap dat je dit niet wilt bespreken met je vrienden erbij. " "[english]citadel.br_nothingtosay_a" "I understand if you don't wish to discuss this in front of your friends. " "citadel.br_nothingtosay_b" "Ik zal ze wegsturen, dan kunnen we vrijuit praten. " "[english]citadel.br_nothingtosay_b" "I'll send them on their way, and then we can talk openly. " "citadel.br_oheli07" "...koolstofsterren met oude satellieten, gekoloniseerd door bewuste schimmels." "[english]citadel.br_oheli07" "...carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi." "citadel.br_oheli08" "Gasreuzen bewoond door enorme meteorologische intelligentie. Werelden dungerekt over de membranen waar dimensies " "[english]citadel.br_oheli08" "Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where dimensions " "citadel.br_oheli09" "elkaar kruisen... Onmogelijk te beschrijven met onze beperkte woordenschat!" "[english]citadel.br_oheli09" "intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!" "citadel.br_ohshit" "Oh shit! " "[english]citadel.br_ohshit" "Oh shit! " "citadel.br_playgame_a" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_a" " " "citadel.br_playgame_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_b" " " "citadel.br_playgame_b_cc" "Eli, als je het juiste niet wilt doen voor de mensheid... wil je het misschien wel doen voor één persoon." "[english]citadel.br_playgame_b_cc" "Eli...if you won't do the right thing for the good of all people, maybe you'll do it for one of them." "citadel.br_playgame_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_c" " " "citadel.br_rabble" " " "[english]citadel.br_rabble" " " "citadel.br_rabble_a" "Dankzij jou hebben we alles wat we daarvoor nodig hebben. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_a" "Thanks to you, we have everything we need in that regard. " "citadel.br_rabble_b" "Je bent gekwalificeerd genoeg om dit onderzoek alleen te voltooien. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_b" "You're more than qualified to finish his research yourself. " "citadel.br_rabble_c" "Wat wij beiden niet voor elkaar krijgen, is die paupers in de straten ervan overtuigen hun zinloze strijd op te geven. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_c" "What neither you nor I can do is convince that rabble in the streets to give up their senseless struggle. " "citadel.br_rabble_d" "Maar Eli weigert de woorden uit te spreken die hen allemaal zouden redden. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_d" "Yet Eli refuses to speak the words that would save them all. " "citadel.br_stubborn" "Beste Alyx, je hebt de ogen van je moeder, maar de koppigheid van je vader. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn" "Alyx my dear, you have your mother's eyes. But your father's stubborn nature. " "citadel.br_stubborn01" "Je hebt de ogen van je moeder, " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn01" "You have your mother's eyes, my dear. " "citadel.br_stubborn02" "maar de koppigheid van je vader. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn02" "But your father's stubborn nature. " "citadel.br_synapse" "Dr. Freeman. U zou hier echt niet moeten zijn. Als ik door de telepoort ga, raakt deze kamer op het synapsmoment vol met dodelijke deeltjes waar de menselijke wetenschap nog geen naam voor heeft. Als ik het ooit zelf ga doen, vernoem ik misschien wel een deeltje naar jou. Zodat je niet volledig vergeten raakt. " "[english]citadel.br_synapse" "Dr. Freeman. You really shouldn't be out there. At the moment of synapse, as I teleport, this chamber will be bathed in deadly particles that have yet to be named by human science. Perhaps when I have the leisure to do the work myself, I'll name one after you. That way you won't be completely forgotten. " "citadel.br_synapse02" "Als de singulariteit instort, ben ik hier al ver vandaan. In een ander universum, om precies te zijn. Jij daarentegen wordt op alle mogelijke manieren vernietigd en zelfs op een aantal wezenlijk onmogelijke manieren. " "[english]citadel.br_synapse02" "When the singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact. You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed-and even in some which are essentially impossible. " "citadel.br_takeme" "Neem mij. " "[english]citadel.br_takeme" "Take me. " "citadel.br_unleash" "Je weet niet wat je ontketent! De hele Citadel kan instorten! Denk na, man! Denk aan de mensen daar beneden! " "[english]citadel.br_unleash" "You don't know what you'll unleash! You could bring down this whole Citadel! Think, man, think - of the people below! " "citadel.br_untenable" "De portalbestemming is onhoudbaar. Je kunt het relais vast ergens anders opstellen. Ik kan niet overleven in die omstandigheden. " "[english]citadel.br_untenable" "The portal destination is untenable. Surely you can set the relay elsewhere. There's no way I can survive in that environment. " "citadel.br_warmup" "Ik ben de portal aan het opwarmen om je nu te leveren. " "[english]citadel.br_warmup" "I'm warming up the portal to deliver you even now. " "citadel.br_whatittakes" "Oh goed dan, verdomme, als dat de enige manier is! " "[english]citadel.br_whatittakes" "Oh all right, damn it, if that's what it takes! " "citadel.br_worthit" "Kijk, Gordon. Kijk naar wat je weggooit. Is het de moeite waard? " "[english]citadel.br_worthit" "Look, Gordon. Look at what you are throwing away. Is it worth it? " "citadel.br_yesjudith" "Ja Judith, wat is er? " "[english]citadel.br_yesjudith" "Yes, Judith, what is it? " "citadel.br_youfool" "Dwaas! " "[english]citadel.br_youfool" "You fool! " "citadel.br_youneedme" "Je hebt me nodig! " "[english]citadel.br_youneedme" "You need me! " "citadel.eli_alyx01" "Alyx! Liefje... " "[english]citadel.eli_alyx01" "Alyx! Honey... " "citadel.eli_alyxsweetheart" "Alyx, liefje." "[english]citadel.eli_alyxsweetheart" "Alyx, sweetheart." "citadel.eli_damnbreen" "Verdomme, Breen! Laat haar gaan! " "[english]citadel.eli_damnbreen" "God damn you, Breen! You let her go! " "citadel.eli_dontstruggle" "Verzet je niet, liefje. " "[english]citadel.eli_dontstruggle" "Don't struggle, honey. " "citadel.eli_dontworryboutme" "Oh nee, maak je geen zorgen om mij, liefje. " "[english]citadel.eli_dontworryboutme" "Oh no, don't worry about me honey. " "citadel.eli_genocide" "Voor wat ik gezien heb, zijn er ook geen woorden, Breen. Genocide... onbeschrijfelijk kwaad... " "[english]citadel.eli_genocide" "What I've seen is also beyond words, Breen. Genocide... indescribable evil... " "citadel.eli_goodgod" "Allemachtig. " "[english]citadel.eli_goodgod" "Good God. " "citadel.eli_mygirl" "Dat is mijn meisje. " "[english]citadel.eli_mygirl" "That's my girl. " "citadel.eli_nonever" "Nooit. " "[english]citadel.eli_nonever" "Never. " "citadel.eli_notobreen" "Nee! " "[english]citadel.eli_notobreen" "No! " "citadel.eli_ohalyx" "Oh, Alyx, liefje. " "[english]citadel.eli_ohalyx" "Oh, Alyx, sweetheart. " "citadel.eli_ohjudith" "Oh, Judith... " "[english]citadel.eli_ohjudith" "Oh, Judith... " "citadel.eli_save" "Ze sparen? Waarom? " "[english]citadel.eli_save" "Save them? For what? " "citadel.eli_sendusboth" "Ga je gang, Breen. Als dat het ergste is wat je kunt doen, stuur ons dan allebei door je portal!" "[english]citadel.eli_sendusboth" "Go ahead, Breen, if that's the worst you can do, send us both through your portal!" "citadel.gman_exit01" "Tijd, Dr. Freeman?" "[english]citadel.gman_exit01" "Time, Dr. Freeman? " "citadel.gman_exit02" "Is het echt alweer zo ver? " "[english]citadel.gman_exit02" "Is it really that time again? " "citadel.gman_exit03" "Het lijkt alsof je pas net bent aangekomen. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit03" "It seems as if you only just arrived. " "citadel.gman_exit04" "Je hebt zoveel gedaan in korte tijd. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit04" "You've done a great deal in a small timespan. " "citadel.gman_exit05" "Je hebt het zelfs zo goed gedaan, dat ik enkele interessante aanbiedingen voor jouw diensten heb gekregen. Gewoonlijk zou ik zoiets niet eens overwegen. Maar dit zijn buitengewone tijden. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit05" "You've done so well, in fact, that I've received some interesting offers for your services. Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them. But these are extraordinary times. " "citadel.gman_exit06" "In plaats van je de illusie van vrije keuze te bieden, zal ik de keuze voor je maken. Als en wanneer jouw tijd weer aanbreekt. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit06" "Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty of choosing for you...if and when your time comes round again. " "citadel.gman_exit07" "Mijn excuses voor deze arbitraire taak, Dr. Freeman. Ik vertrouw erop dat het u duidelijk wordt in de loop van...ach... " "[english]citadel.gman_exit07" "I do apologize for what must seem to you an arbitrary imposition, Dr. Freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of...well... " "citadel.gman_exit08" "dat mag ik werkelijk niet vertellen. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit08" "I'm really not at liberty to say. " "citadel.gman_exit09" "In de tussentijd... " "[english]citadel.gman_exit09" "In the meantime... " "citadel.gman_exit10" "Hier stap ik uit. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit10" "This is where I get off. " "citadel.gman_meetagain" "Tot onze volgende ontmoeting " "[english]citadel.gman_meetagain" "Until we meet again " "citadel.gman_rightman" "De juiste man op de verkeerde plaats kan een wereld van verschil maken. " "[english]citadel.gman_rightman" "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. " "citadel.mo_alyxneedthis" "Dit zul je nodig hebben. " "[english]citadel.mo_alyxneedthis" "You'll need this. " "citadel.mo_bargain" "We moeten onderhandelen over het leven van Eli, zodat hij zijn onderzoek kan voortzetten! " "[english]citadel.mo_bargain" "The bargain we should be making is for Eli's life, so he can continue his research! " "citadel.mo_dont" "Niet...!" "[english]citadel.mo_dont" "Don't---!" "citadel.mo_dontlook" "Oh, kijk me niet zo aan. " "[english]citadel.mo_dontlook" "Oh don't give me that look. " "citadel.mo_dontworry" "Maak je geen zorgen. " "[english]citadel.mo_dontworry" "Don't you worry. " "citadel.mo_goyoutwo" "Ga maar, jullie twee. " "[english]citadel.mo_goyoutwo" "Go on, you two. " "citadel.mo_illtakehim" "Ik neem hem vanaf hier. " "[english]citadel.mo_illtakehim" "I'll take him from here. " "citadel.mo_necessary" "Het is niet nodig! " "[english]citadel.mo_necessary" "It isn't necessary! " "citadel.mo_notfollowed" "We zorgen ervoor dat je niet wordt gevolgd. " "[english]citadel.mo_notfollowed" "We'll make sure you're not followed. " "citadel.mo_notimealyx" "Er is geen tijd, Alyx. Hij is onderweg naar de portal. " "[english]citadel.mo_notimealyx" "There's no time, Alyx. He's on his way to the portal. " "citadel.mo_notleavingeli" "Ik verlaat je niet weer, Eli. " "[english]citadel.mo_notleavingeli" "I'm not leaving you again, Eli. " "citadel.mo_nouse" "Niet vechten. Het heeft geen zin. Je kunt niets doen tot je bent waar hij je hebben wil. " "[english]citadel.mo_nouse" "Don't struggle. It's no use. Until you're where he wants you, there's nothing you can do. " "citadel.mo_outoftime" "Het spijt me, Wallace. Je tijd is op. " "[english]citadel.mo_outoftime" "I'm sorry, Wallace. You're all out of time. " "citadel.mo_sorrygordon" "Het spijt me, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.mo_sorrygordon" "I'm sorry, Gordon. " "citadel.mo_stophim" "Ik ben niet voorzichtig genoeg geweest. Breen weet alles wat wij weten. Je moet hem tegenhouden. " "[english]citadel.mo_stophim" "I wasn't careful enough. Breen knows everything we learned. You have to stop him. " "citadel.mo_stoppingyou" "We doen samen wat ik alleen niet kon. We houden je tegen. " "[english]citadel.mo_stoppingyou" "We're doing what I could never do alone. We're stopping you. " "citadel.mo_wallace" "Dr. Breen... Wallace... " "[english]citadel.mo_wallace" "Dr. Breen... Wallace... " "coast.al_captured" "Mijn vader en Dr. Mossman zijn gevangen genomen tijdens het gevecht. Vortigaunts hebben hun sporen gevolgd tot Nova Prospekt, de omgebouwde gevangenis aan de kust. Als je me daar treft, Gordon. Samen hebben we misschien een kans om ze te bevrijden. " "[english]coast.al_captured" "My Dad and Dr. Mossman...they were captured in the fighting. Vortigaunts tracked them to Nova Prospekt, the converted prison up the coast. If you could meet me there, Gordon, then together we might have a chance of getting them out. " "coast.al_goodhands" "Bedankt, Leon. Gordon, ik heb al een jaar niet meer de kustweg genomen, maar ik denk niet dat die veiliger is geworden. Ontmoet me in het depot waar de treinen lossen. Pas goed op jezelf. Ik zie je bij Nova Prospekt. " "[english]coast.al_goodhands" "Thanks, Leon. Gordon, I haven't driven the coast road in over a year, but I have no reason to think it's gotten any safer. Meet me in the depot where the trains unload. Take care of yourself and I'll see you in Nova Prospekt. " "coast.al_goodnews" "Is hij daar? " "[english]coast.al_goodnews" "He's there? " "coast.al_goodtoseeyou" "Goed om je te zien, Gordon. Wees voorzichtig. " "[english]coast.al_goodtoseeyou" "It's good to see you, Gordon. Be careful. " "coast.al_gotcar" "Daarom heb ik jou gebeld, Leon. Ik hoopte dat je die auto van vorige zomer nog had. Die mijn vader met het tauonkanon had uitgerust. " "[english]coast.al_gotcar" "That's why I called you, Leon. I was hoping you still had the scout car we left with you last summer. The one my Dad rigged with the tau cannon. " "coast.al_hitcher01" "Hij is meegenomen naar Nova Prospekt. De vortigaunts hebben het schip gevolgd dat hem en Judith Mossman meenam. Ik ga ervandoor zolang de treinen nog rijden. " "[english]coast.al_hitcher01" "He's been taken to Nova Prospekt. The vortigaunts tracked the ship that made off with him and Judith Mossman. While the trains are still running, I'm going to hitch a ride. " "coast.al_hitcher02" "Dit wordt jouw taak, Gordon. Je moet de kust langs tot je bij Nova Prospekt komt. Het was vroeger een streng bewaakte gevangenis. Het is nu iets nog veel ergers. Maar ik denk dat het makkelijker is erin te sluipen dan eruit te ontsnappen. " "[english]coast.al_hitcher02" "Here's where you come in, Gordon. I need you to make your way along the coast until you get to Nova Prospekt. It used to be a high security prison-it's something much worse than that now. But I think it's still easier to sneak in than to break out. " "coast.al_needyourhelp" "Gordon, ben je heelhuids door Ravenholm gekomen? Gelukkig! Ik heb je hulp nodig! Ze hebben mijn vader meegenomen! " "[english]coast.al_needyourhelp" "Gordon, you made it through Ravenholm? Thank God! I need your help! They've taken my father! " "coast.al_out" "Uit. " "[english]coast.al_out" "Out. " "coast.al_stowaway" "Goed. " "[english]coast.al_stowaway" "Good. " "coast.al_taucar" "Hey, Leon. Heb je die auto nog die mijn vader en ik hebben opgeknapt? " "[english]coast.al_taucar" "Hey, Leon. Do you still have the car my Dad and I put together? " "coast.antman01" " " "[english]coast.antman01" " " "coast.antman02" " " "[english]coast.antman02" " " "coast.bugbait_onemanalone" "Ga nu, Dr. Freeman. Nova Prospekt is vlakbij. Een man alleen heeft niet veel kansen daarbinnen. Maar een man met een groep antlions... dat is een ander verhaal. " "[english]coast.bugbait_onemanalone" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. Nova Prospekt is just ahead. One man alone wouldn't stand much chance going in there, but a man with a pack of antlions... well, that's a different story. " "coast.cr_willdo" "Doe ik! Ik heb net een krat munitie aan de achterkant bevestigd. " "[english]coast.cr_willdo" "Will do! I just finished mounting an ammo crate on the back. " "coast.lady_gotodocks" "Ga naar de perrons daar dan brengen we hem naar buiten voor je. Luister naar de aanwijzingen van de kraanmachinist. " "[english]coast.lady_gotodocks" "Go right on down to the docks there, and we'll bring it out for you. Listen for directions from the crane operator. " "coast.lady_keepgoing" "Loop verder, dan zie je de auto. " "[english]coast.lady_keepgoing" "Keep on going and you'll see the car. " "coast.le_allclear" "Het is Leon. Alles veilig. En Gordon Freeman is bij me! " "[english]coast.le_allclear" "It's Leon. We're all clear. And I've got Gordon Freeman! " "coast.le_allset" "Goede timing. Oké Alyx, we zijn er klaar voor. " "[english]coast.le_allset" "Good timing. Okay, Alyx, we're all set. " "coast.le_buggy" "Noriko, breng de buggy naar buiten, zet hem nu op het perron. Gordon Freeman gaat erin rijden! " "[english]coast.le_buggy" "Noriko, bring the buggy out, put it on the dock right now. Gordon Freeman will be driving it! " "coast.le_bye" "Dag Alyx. " "[english]coast.le_bye" "Bye, Alyx. " "coast.le_followme" "Volg mij. " "[english]coast.le_followme" "Follow me. " "coast.le_goodidea" "Yeah! Goed idee! Wacht even. " "[english]coast.le_goodidea" "Yeah! Good idea! Hold on a sec. " "coast.le_gotgordon" "Alyx, hier is Leon. En Gordon Freeman is bij me. " "[english]coast.le_gotgordon" "Alyx, it's Leon, and I've got Gordon Freeman with me. " "coast.le_map" "Die kaart is verouderd, maar je kunt de route naar Nova Prospekt nog min of meer zien. Ik heb alleen geen idee hoe de weg erbij ligt. We hebben geen contact meer met sommige buitenposten. " "[english]coast.le_map" "That map is out of date, but you can still see more or less the route to Nova Prospekt. Can't vouch for the road, though. We've lost touch with some of the outposts. " "coast.le_onfoot" "Wil je dat hij de kustweg neemt? Te voet redt hij dat nog geen vijf minuten. Het is paartijd voor de antlions." "[english]coast.le_onfoot" "You want him to take the coast road? He won't last five minutes on foot. It's spawning season for the antlions. " "coast.le_overhere" "Hierheen, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]coast.le_overhere" "Over here, Dr. Freeman. " "coast.le_patchhim" "Lap hem op en breng hem naar achteren zodra hij stabiel is. " "[english]coast.le_patchhim" "Patch him up and get him to the back as soon as he's stable. " "coast.le_radio" "Ik zal de volgende basis via de radio laten weten dat je komt. " "[english]coast.le_radio" "I'll radio ahead and let the next base know you're coming. " "coast.le_radioloop" "Shorepoint aan N.L.O." "[english]coast.le_radioloop" "Shorepoint to N.L.O." "coast.le_radioloop_b" "Shorepoint aan New Little Odessa. " "[english]coast.le_radioloop_b" "Shorepoint to New Little Odessa. " "coast.le_radioloop_c" "Hallo Odessa...horen jullie me? " "[english]coast.le_radioloop_c" "Come in, Odessa...do you read? " "coast.le_restock" "Oké Doc, voordat je op pad gaat, zou je misschien wat medkits willen pakken, je munitie willen aanvullen en op de kaart willen kijken om te zien waar je heen gaat. Er zit een munitiekrat aan de achterkant van de auto." "[english]coast.le_restock" "Okay, Doc, before you hit the road, you might want to grab some medkits, restock on ammo, maybe check the map and see where you're headed. There's an ammo supply crate on the back of the car, if that's any comfort. " "coast.le_staywithcar" "Blijf bij de auto en maak gebruik van de stamper. Dan heb je een redelijke kans tegen de antlions." "[english]coast.le_staywithcar" "Stay with the car, make use of the thumpers, and you'll stand a fair chance against the antlions. " "coast.le_whohurt" "Wie is er gewond? " "[english]coast.le_whohurt" "Who's hurt? " "coast.le_youmadeit" "Gordon Freeman! Ongelofelijk dat je het hebt gehaald! We hebben berichten van Alyx ontvangen. Ik probeer haar opnieuw te bereiken. " "[english]coast.le_youmadeit" "Gordon Freeman! It's incredible you made it! We've been getting communications from Alyx. I'll see if I can reach her again. " "coast.leon_getaway" " " "[english]coast.leon_getaway" " " "coast.leon_itisyou" " " "[english]coast.leon_itisyou" " " "coast.leon_suredo" " " "[english]coast.leon_suredo" " " "coast.leon_thisisleon" " " "[english]coast.leon_thisisleon" " " "coast.med_online" "Dr. Freeman? Dat meen je niet. Ik heb Alyx aan de lijn gehad. Haar vader is gevangen genomen. " "[english]coast.med_online" "Dr. Freeman? You're kidding. I've been on the line with Alyx. Her father's been captured. " "coast.pheropod_nag01" "Nou, Dr. Freeman, je bent nu een echte antlion." "[english]coast.pheropod_nag01" "Well, Dr. Freeman, you're a regular antlion now. " "coast.pheropod_nag02" "Ik zweer het op de pheropods. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag02" "I swear by the pheropods myself. " "coast.pheropod_nag03" "De antlions zullen je nu niet meer lastigvallen, Doc. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag03" "The antlions won't bother you now, Doc. " "coast.pheropod_nag04" "Zo te zien heb je wat vrienden gemaakt. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag04" "Looks like you've made yourself some friends. " "coast.vbaittrain_fine" "De Freeman vervult al zijn taken voortreffelijk! " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_fine" "The Freeman again excels at all tasks! " "coast.vbaittrain_gotit" "De Freeman toont zijn uitmuntendheid in alles. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_gotit" "The Freeman shows his excellence in all things. " "coast.vbaittrain_great" "De Freeman heeft het goed gedaan. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_great" "The Freeman has done well. " "coast.vbaittrain01a" "De Freeman eert ons met zijn aanwezigheid. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01a" "The Freeman honors us by his presence. " "coast.vbaittrain01b" "De Freeman krijgt nu instructies in het gebruik van pheropods. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01b" "The Freeman will now be instructed in the use of pheropods. " "coast.vbaittrain01c" "Let op en leer hoe je antlions kunt leiden met dit aas. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01c" "Attend, now, and learn to shepherd antlions with this so-called bug-bait. " "coast.vbaittrain02" "De Freeman breekt nu zijn pheropod en gooit er een in die put. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain02" "The Freeman will now break out his pheropods and toss one into yonder pit. " "coast.vbaittrain02_nag" "De Freeman moet niet wachten. Werp die pheropod in de put. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain02_nag" "The Freeman must not delay: Hurl that pheropod into the pit. " "coast.vbaittrain03" "De Freeman kan zijn antlions ook specifieke doelen laten aanvallen. Observeer de trainingspop en markeer deze goed met een andere pheropod. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain03" "The Freeman can also coax his antlions to attack specific targets. Observe the training manikin, and mark it well with another pheropod. " "coast.vbaittrain03_nag" "Gooi je aas hard tegen de dummy aan. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain03_nag" "Hurl your bug-bait hard against the dummy. " "coast.vbaittrain04" "Let nu goed op. Oefen druk uit op de pheropod. De antlions onder jouw commando zullen je volgen. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain04" "Now, attend well. Apply pressure to your pheropod, to signal the antlions in your command to follow you. " "coast.vbaittrain04_nag" "De Freeman moet hard in zijn aas knijpen als hij wil dat de antlions hem volgen. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain04_nag" "The Freeman must squeeze his bug-bait sharply if he wishes the antlions to follow where he leads. " "coast.vbaittrain05" "Nu moet ik afscheid nemen van de Freeman. Nova Prospekt ligt even verderop. Onthoud goed wat je hier hebt geleerd. De Eli Vance heeft veel vertrouwen in jou. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain05" "And now this one must bid the Freeman farewell. Nova Prospekt lies just beyond. Remember well what you have learned here. The Eli Vance has greatest confidence in you. " "coast.vgossip_01" "Freeman moet ons vergeven. Het is onbeleefd van ons om te communiceren door middel van fluxie in het gezelschap van iemand zonder vortex. " "[english]coast.vgossip_01" "Freeman must excuse us. It is rude of us to commune by flux shifting in front of those whose vortal inputs are impaired. " "coast.vgossip_02" "Ja, we zullen ons in jouw hoorbare taal uitdrukken uit beleefdheid. " "[english]coast.vgossip_02" "Yes, we will vocalize in your auditory language as a matter of courtesy. " "coast.vgossip_03" "Tenzij we onaardige dingen over je willen zeggen. " "[english]coast.vgossip_03" "Unless we wish to say unflattering things about you. " "coast.vgossip_04" "Inderdaad. " "[english]coast.vgossip_04" "Just so. " "coast.vort_extract01" "De Freeman doet er wijs aan acht te slaan op ons extract van de aromatische pheropods van de myrmidont. Het proces is niet erg hygiënisch. Ga daarom opzij. " "[english]coast.vort_extract01" "The Freeman will do wise to heed our extraction of the myrmidont's aromatic pheropods. The process is not entirely hygienic. Therefore, stand aside. " "coast.vort_podnag" "De Freeman moet de gevallen pheropods snel oprapen! " "[english]coast.vort_podnag" "The Freeman must retrieve the fallen pheropods without delay! " "coast.vort_podsforyou01" "De Freeman heeft deze pheropods onderweg nodig. Verzamel ze nu. " "[english]coast.vort_podsforyou01" "The Freeman will have need of these pheropods on the paths ahead. Gather them now. " "coast.wo_winston" "Winston is geraakt. " "[english]coast.wo_winston" "Winston's been hit. " "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_takeemdown" "603, onwettige toegang. " "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_takeemdown" "603, unlawful entry. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit01" "Goed je te kennen. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit01" "Good to know you. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit02" "Ga nu maar. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit02" "You'd better get going. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit03" "Doctor Mossman wacht op u. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit03" "Doctor Mossman's waiting for you. " "eli_lab.al_allright01" "Oké. " "[english]eli_lab.al_allright01" "All right. " "eli_lab.al_anotherdog" "Nog één, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_anotherdog" "Another one, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_autocycle" "We zitten vast in een autocyclus in de luchtsluis van de schroothoop. " "[english]eli_lab.al_autocycle" "We're in the scrapyard airlock stuck in a full autocycle. " "eli_lab.al_awesome" "Geweldig. " "[english]eli_lab.al_awesome" "Awesome. " "eli_lab.al_blamingme" "Geef je mij de schuld? " "[english]eli_lab.al_blamingme" "Are you blaming me? " "eli_lab.al_buildastack" "Kop op Gordon, bouw een stapel en kom naar boven. " "[english]eli_lab.al_buildastack" "Come on, Gordon, build a stack and get up here. " "eli_lab.al_cavedin_b" "Gordon, je moet hier weg. " "[english]eli_lab.al_cavedin_b" "Gordon, you need to get out of here. " "eli_lab.al_cavedin_c" "Ik kan mijn vader niet achterlaten. " "[english]eli_lab.al_cavedin_c" "I can't leave my father. " "eli_lab.al_cmongord01" "Kom op, Gordon! " "[english]eli_lab.al_cmongord01" "Come on, Gordon! " "eli_lab.al_cmongord02" "Kom! " "[english]eli_lab.al_cmongord02" "Come on! " "eli_lab.al_comeongord01" "Kom op, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_comeongord01" "Come on, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_comeongord02" "Deze kant op, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_comeongord02" "This way, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_dad_ques01" "Pap! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_ques01" "Dad? " "eli_lab.al_dad_scared01" "Pap! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_scared01" "Dad? " "eli_lab.al_dad_scared02" "Pap! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_scared02" "Dad! " "eli_lab.al_dadplease" "Pap, alsjeblieft... " "[english]eli_lab.al_dadplease" "Dad, please... " "eli_lab.al_dadwhatsup" "Wat gebeurt er daarbinnen? " "[english]eli_lab.al_dadwhatsup" "What's going on in there? " "eli_lab.al_dogairlock01" "Verdomme! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogairlock01" "Damn it! " "eli_lab.al_dogairlock02" "Dog, open de luchtsluis. Haal ons hieruit. " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogairlock02" "Dog, open the airlock. Get us out of here. " "eli_lab.al_dogcome" "Dog, kom hier! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogcome" "Dog, come! " "eli_lab.al_doggetnow" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_doggetnow" " " "eli_lab.al_doyouread" "Pap, hier Alyx. Hoor je me? " "[english]eli_lab.al_doyouread" "Dad, it's Alyx, do you read? " "eli_lab.al_earnedit01" "Zijn verdiende loon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_earnedit01" "Well, he earned it. " "eli_lab.al_excellent01" "Uitstekend. " "[english]eli_lab.al_excellent01" "Excellent. " "eli_lab.al_getitopen01" "Vlug! Nu! " "[english]eli_lab.al_getitopen01" "Hurry! Now! " "eli_lab.al_getitopen02" "Maak het stuk als dat nodig is! Zorg dat je het open krijgt! " "[english]eli_lab.al_getitopen02" "Tear it apart if you have to! Just get it open! " "eli_lab.al_getoutnow" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_getoutnow" " " "eli_lab.al_getyourball" "Dog, ga je bal halen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_getyourball" "Dog, go get your ball. " "eli_lab.al_giveittry" "Probeer het eens. " "[english]eli_lab.al_giveittry" "Give it a try. " "eli_lab.al_goaheaddog" "Toe maar Dog, gooien! " "[english]eli_lab.al_goaheaddog" "Go ahead, Dog, throw! " "eli_lab.al_godog" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_godog" " " "eli_lab.al_goodcatch" "Goed gevangen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_goodcatch" "Good catch. " "eli_lab.al_gooddoggie" "Brave hond. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gooddoggie" "Good doggie. " "eli_lab.al_goodthrow" "Prima worp. " "[english]eli_lab.al_goodthrow" "Good throw. " "eli_lab.al_goongord" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_goongord" " " "eli_lab.al_grabthrow" "Met de tweede trekker kun je dingen grijpen. Met de eerste kun je ze gooien. " "[english]eli_lab.al_grabthrow" "The secondary trigger lets you grab things. You can throw them with the primary. " "eli_lab.al_gravdrop" "Als je iets hebt opgepakt kun je het voorzichtig laten vallen door opnieuw de tweede trekker over te halen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravdrop" "Once you've picked something up you can drop it gently by pressing your secondary trigger again. " "eli_lab.al_gravgun" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravgun" " " "eli_lab.al_gravgun_cc" "Tuurlijk. Kom op, Gordon. Laten we een feestje bouwen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravgun_cc" "Sure... Come on, Gordon. Let's go have some fun. " "eli_lab.al_havefun" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_havefun" " " "eli_lab.al_hazmat" "Het is ontworpen voor het transporteren van gevaarlijke materialen, maar wij gebruiken het vooral om zware dingen mee te tillen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_hazmat" "It's designed for handling hazardous materials, but we mainly use it for heavy lifting. " "eli_lab.al_hereyougo02" "Alsjeblieft. " "[english]eli_lab.al_hereyougo02" "Here you go. " "eli_lab.al_heshere" "Hij is hier. " "[english]eli_lab.al_heshere" "He's right here. " "eli_lab.al_hums" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hums" " " "eli_lab.al_hums_b" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hums_b" " " "eli_lab.al_hurry" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hurry" " " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock01" "Dog! Kom! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock01" "Dog! Come! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock02" "Hierin! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock02" "Get in here " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock03" "In de luchtsluis! Nu! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock03" "Into the airlock! Now! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock04" "Kom op, vlug! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock04" "Come on, hurry! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock05" "Voordat ze ons zien! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock05" "Before they spot us! " "eli_lab.al_laugh01" "*gelach*" "[english]eli_lab.al_laugh01" "*laughter*" "eli_lab.al_laugh02" "*gelach*" "[english]eli_lab.al_laugh02" "*laughter*" "eli_lab.al_letmedo" "Misschien moet je de berekeningen de volgende keer aan mij overlaten. En de installatie ook. " "[english]eli_lab.al_letmedo" "Then maybe you should let me do the calculations next time, as well as installing it. " "eli_lab.al_liketofetch" "Toen ik je zei dat Dog van apporteren houdt, zei ik er niet bij wie er moest vangen, of wel? " "[english]eli_lab.al_liketofetch" "When I told you Dog liked to play fetch, I didn't tell you who'd be fetching, did I? " "eli_lab.al_metmossman01" "Ik zie dat je kennis hebt gemaakt met Dr. Mossman. Zij is een van de redenen dat ik zo vaak buiten ben. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman01" "So, I see you've met Dr. Mossman. She's one of the main reasons I spend so much time outside. " "eli_lab.al_metmossman03" "Je zou haar eens moeten horen zeuren over wat zij zou hebben gedaan in de testkamer van Black Mesa die dag. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman03" "You should hear her drone on about how it should have been her in the Black Mesa Test Chamber that day. " "eli_lab.al_metmossman04" "Het spijt me, ik moet niet over haar roddelen. Het is wat claustrofobisch hier beneden. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman04" "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking behind her back. It just gets a bit claustrophobic down here. " "eli_lab.al_minefield" "Het is handig om mijnenvelden op te ruimen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_minefield" "I've found it handy for clearing minefields. " "eli_lab.al_nicecatch" "Goed gevangen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_nicecatch" "Nice catch " "eli_lab.al_niceshot" "Goed schot! " "[english]eli_lab.al_niceshot" "Nice shot! " "eli_lab.al_noboydown" "Nee! Nee, jongen! Af! Leg dat neer! " "[english]eli_lab.al_noboydown" "No! No, boy! Down! Put that down! " "eli_lab.al_nodog" "Nee, Dog! " "[english]eli_lab.al_nodog" "No, Dog! " "eli_lab.al_nowcalldog" "Nu ga ik Dog roepen. Hij houdt van apporteren. " "[english]eli_lab.al_nowcalldog" "Now let me call Dog. He loves to play fetch. " "eli_lab.al_okletsplay" "Oké Dog, we gaan een spelletje spelen met Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_okletsplay" "Okay, Dog, let's play catch with Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_pickuptoss" "Pak maar iets op en gooi het weg. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pickuptoss" "Pick up some stuff and toss it. " "eli_lab.al_placeobjs" "Je kunt objecten plaatsen door ze in positie te brengen en nogmaals de tweede trekker over te halen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_placeobjs" "You can place objects by moving them into position and hitting the secondary trigger again. " "eli_lab.al_primary" "De eerste trekker geeft een lading af. Je kunt objecten punten en ze laten vliegen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_primary" "The primary trigger emits a charge. You can punt stuff and send it flying. " "eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance" "Je kunt ook objecten trekken vanaf een afstand. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance" "You can also pull stuff over from a distance. " "eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance_b" "Probeer die tonnen op die richel te pakken. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance_b" "Try grabbing those barrels from that ledge up there. " "eli_lab.al_ravenholm01" "Dat is de oude doorgang naar Ravenholm. Daar gaan we niet meer heen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm01" "That's the old passage to Ravenholm. We don't go there anymore. " "eli_lab.al_ravenholm02" "Vroeger konden we zo naar Ravenholm gaan. Het was een mijnstadje waar wat mensen woonden die uit City 17 waren ontsnapt." "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm02" "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17." "eli_lab.al_ravenholm02b" "Vroeger konden we zo naar Ravenholm gaan. Het was een mijnstadje waar wat mensen woonden die uit City 17 waren ontsnapt." "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm02b" "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17." "eli_lab.al_ravenholm06" "Geloof me, die tunnel is niet voor niets afgesloten. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm06" "Believe me, that tunnel is sealed for a reason. " "eli_lab.al_scanners01" "Wat is er, Dog? " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners01" "What is it, Dog? " "eli_lab.al_scanners02" "Oh mijn god! Wat was dat? " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners02" "Oh my god! What was that? " "eli_lab.al_scanners03" "Scanners! " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners03" "Scanners! " "eli_lab.al_scanners06" "De Combine doorzoeken het gebied! " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners06" "The Combine's sweeping the area! " "eli_lab.al_scanners07" "We moeten terug naar het lab. Kom op, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners07" "We've gotta head back to the lab. Come on, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_scrapyard" "We zijn er. De schroothoop. " "[english]eli_lab.al_scrapyard" "So, here we are. The scrapyard. " "eli_lab.al_seeifyoucanstack" "Stapel wat dingen op elkaar om omhoog te kunnen klimmen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_seeifyoucanstack" "See if you can stack some stuff to climb up here. " "eli_lab.al_somethingbigger" "Dog, gooi eens iets groters. " "[english]eli_lab.al_somethingbigger" "Dog, throw something bigger. " "eli_lab.al_somethingelse" "Oké Gordon, laten we iets anders proberen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_somethingelse" "Okay, Gordon, let's try something else. " "eli_lab.al_soquickly01" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly01" " " "eli_lab.al_soquickly01_cc" "Oh, Gordon! De vortigaunts zeiden dat je hier was! Wat heb je snel gelopen, ongelooflijk. " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly01_cc" "Oh, Gordon! The vortigaunts said you were here! I can't believe you made it so quickly on foot. " "eli_lab.al_soquickly02" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly02" " " "eli_lab.al_soquickly03" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly03" " " "eli_lab.al_standbackdog" "Genoeg, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_standbackdog" "That's enough, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_sweet" "Gaaf! " "[english]eli_lab.al_sweet" "Sweet! " "eli_lab.al_takegord02" "Dog, breng Gordon naar de Ravenholmtunnel. Loop een rondje en kom dan terug naar mij. Vlug! " "[english]eli_lab.al_takegord02" "Dog, take Gordon to the Ravenholm tunnel, then circle around and try to meet up with me. Hurry! " "eli_lab.al_takeit" "Pak aan. " "[english]eli_lab.al_takeit" "Take it. " "eli_lab.al_takethis" "Pak aan. " "[english]eli_lab.al_takethis" "Take this. " "eli_lab.al_thisisdog01" "Gordon, dit is Dog. Mijn vader bouwde hem om mij te beschermen toen ik nog klein was. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thisisdog01" "Gordon, this is Dog. My Dad built him to protect me when I was a kid. " "eli_lab.al_thisisgravgun" "Dit is de gravity gun waar mijn vader het over had. Je mag het de 'Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator' noemen als je dat graag wilt. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thisisgravgun" "This is the gravity gun my father was talking about. You can call it the 'Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator' if you really want to. " "eli_lab.al_throwanotherdog" "Gooi er nog één, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwanotherdog" "Throw another, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_throwitdog" "Gooien, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwitdog" "Throw it, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_throwtodog" "Oké Gordon, gooi jij nu eens iets naar Dog zodat hij het kan vangen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwtodog" "Okay, Gordon, now you throw something to Dog and let him catch. " "eli_lab.al_thyristor02" "Je hebt bewezen dat je jezelf daarbuiten kunt redden. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thyristor02" "I guess you proved you can handle yourself out there. " "eli_lab.al_trystacking" "Probeer wat dingen op te stapelen. Grijp iets met de tweede trekker en haal dan dezelfde trekker weer over om het voorzichtig neer te zetten. " "[english]eli_lab.al_trystacking" "Try stacking some things. Grab something with your secondary trigger, then press the same trigger again to drop it gently. " "eli_lab.al_ugh" "We moeten hier weg. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ugh" "Let's get out of here. " "eli_lab.al_usegravgun" "Je moet de gravity gun gebruiken. " "[english]eli_lab.al_usegravgun" "You'll need to use the gravity gun. " "eli_lab.al_wasted01" "De vortigaunts hebben me afgelost zodat ik Gordon kan bekijken. " "[english]eli_lab.al_wasted01" "The vortigaunts relieved me so I could come see Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_wasted02" "Maar goed, ik zou hier aan de portal moeten werken. " "[english]eli_lab.al_wasted02" "Anyway, I should be in here working on the portal. " "eli_lab.al_wheresball" "Waar is je bal, Dog? " "[english]eli_lab.al_wheresball" "Where's your ball, Dog? " "eli_lab.al_yayhigh" "Het eerste model was ongeveer zo groot. Ik heb sindsdien van alles aan hem toegevoegd. Of niet, jongen? " "[english]eli_lab.al_yayhigh" "First model was about yay-high. I've been adding to him ever since. Haven't I, boy? " "eli_lab.eli_alyxhoney" "Alyx liefje... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_alyxhoney" "Alyx, honey... " "eli_lab.eli_broke" "Ik geloof dat hij jouw record heeft verbroken, liefje. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_broke" "I believe he broke your record, honey. " "eli_lab.eli_finesci" "Goede wetenschapper, die Judith. Ze wilde jouw baan bij Black Mesa maar je was haar voor door je Innsbruck ervaring. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_finesci" "Fine scientist, Judith. She was up for your job at Black Mesa but you edged her out with your Innsbruck experience. " "eli_lab.eli_goodvort" "Prima, je bent goed bezig. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_goodvort" "All right, good, you keep right on it. " "eli_lab.eli_gordonwith" "Is Gordon nog bij je? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gordonwith" "Is Gordon still with you? " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx01" "Ga met Alyx mee, Gordon. Zij zal voor je zorgen. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx01" "Go with Alyx, Gordon. She'll look after you. " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx02" "Ga maar vast, Gordon. We halen je zo wel in. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx02" "Go ahead, Gordon, we'll catch up with you later. " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx03" "Ga maar, Gordon. Ga met Alyx mee. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx03" "Go on Gordon, go with Alyx. " "eli_lab.eli_greeting" "Gordon Freeman! Laat me eens goed naar je kijken! Mijn god, je bent geen jota veranderd! Hoe doe je dat toch? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_greeting" "Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at you, man! My God, you haven't changed one iota! How do you do it? " "eli_lab.eli_handle" "Gorden kan alles aan. Behalve jou misschien. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_handle" "There's nothing Gordon can't handle... with the possible exception of you. " "eli_lab.eli_handle_b" "Ha!" "[english]eli_lab.eli_handle_b" "Ha!" "eli_lab.eli_ladies" "Ahum. Alyx, neem Gordon eens mee en laat hem wat praktijkervaring opdoen met de gravity gun. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_ladies" "Ahem. Alyx, why don't you take Gordon along and give him some practice with the gravity gun. " "eli_lab.eli_littlewhile" "Ik zie je zo weer, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_littlewhile" "See you in a little while, Gordon. " "eli_lab.eli_lookaround" "Kijk gerust even rond." "[english]eli_lab.eli_lookaround" "Feel free to look around " "eli_lab.eli_lookgordon" "Kijk eens, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_lookgordon" "Take a look at this, Gordon. " "eli_lab.eli_mit" "Je hebt groot gelijk. Er zijn maar weinig afgestudeerde technici tegenwoordig. We hijsen je uit dat pak zodat je je labjas weer kunt aantrekken, zoals het hoort. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_mit" "Right you are. MIT graduates are few and far between these days. We'll get you out of that hazard suit and back into your lab coat, where you belong. " "eli_lab.eli_photo01" "Je herinnert je mijn vrouw Azian toch nog wel? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_photo01" "You remember my wife Azian, don't you? " "eli_lab.eli_photo02" "Die foto en Alyx zijn alles wat ik mee kon nemen uit Black Mesa. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_photo02" "That picture, and Alyx, were all I managed to carry out of Black Mesa. " "eli_lab.eli_portal01" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal01" " " "eli_lab.eli_portal01_cc" "We hebben die portal bijna weer aan de praat. Ik snap best dat je waarschijnlijk geen vrijwilliger wilt zijn voor de volgende proef ermee. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal01_cc" "We've almost got that portal working again, but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't volunteer for the next trial run. " "eli_lab.eli_portal02" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal02" " " "eli_lab.eli_safety" "Waar ben je, Alyx? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_safety" "Where are you, Alyx? " "eli_lab.eli_staytogether01" "Neem Gordon mee! Ga naar de kust! " "[english]eli_lab.eli_staytogether01" "Take Gordon out of here! Head for the coast! " "eli_lab.eli_staytogether02" "Neem niet de route door Rav..." "[english]eli_lab.eli_staytogether02" "Do not go through Rav---" "eli_lab.eli_surface" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface" " " "eli_lab.eli_surface_b" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface_b" " " "eli_lab.eli_surface_cc" "Eens kijken. De laatste keer dat ik jou zag, stuurde ik je om te helpen na de resonantiecascade. Ik had nooit gedacht dat het zo lang zou duren voor ik je weer terug zou zien! " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface_cc" "Now, let's see. The last time I saw you, I sent you up for help after the resonance cascade. I never thought it would take you this long to get back to me! " "eli_lab.eli_thing" "We weten nog steeds niet wat dat ding doet. Alyx brengt de vreemdste dingen mee. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_thing" "We're still not sure what that does. Alyx brings in the strangest things. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz01" "Dr. Breen... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz01" "Dr. Breen... " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz02" "Hij is nu de Administrator van deze hele ellendige zaak." "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz02" "He's the Administrator of this whole vile business now. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz03" "Hij heeft een einde gemaakt aan de Seven Hours War door de aarde uit te leveren. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz03" "He ended the Seven Hours War by managing Earth's surrender. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz04" "De Combine hebben hem beloond met macht. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz04" "The Combine rewarded him with power. " "eli_lab.eli_wantyou" "Goed. Ik wil dat jullie twee... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_wantyou" "Good. I want you two to... " "eli_lab.eli_welcometolab" "In elk geval welkom in het lab. Het is geen Black Mesa, maar het is goed genoeg. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_welcometolab" "Welcome to the lab anyway. It's not Black Mesa, but it's served us well enough. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock01" "We hebben iets. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock01" "We've got something. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock02" "Oké, het is menselijk. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock02" "Okay, it's human. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock03" "Hallo? " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock03" "Hello? " "eli_lab.mo_airlock04" "Doe maar rustig daarbinnen. Je bent nu veilig. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock04" "Take it easy in there. You're safe now. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock05" "Onze excuses voor het scanproces. We kunnen geen risico's nemen. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock05" "You'll have to forgive the scanning process. We can't take any chances. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock06" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock06" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock06_cc" "Doctor Freeman? Gordon Freeman? Ben jij het? Hoe ben je hier zo snel gekomen? Eli zal heel verbaasd zijn. En opgelucht. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock06_cc" "Doctor Freeman? Gordon Freeman? Is that you? You've made it here this quickly? Well, Eli is going to be amazed. Not to mention relieved. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock07" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock07" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock08" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock08" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock09" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock09" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock10" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock10" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock10_cc" "Ik ben Dr. Mossman. Dr. Judith Mossman. Ik had al lang voor het Black Mesa incident van je gehoord. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock10_cc" "I'm Dr. Mossman. Dr. Judith Mossman. I've been hearing about you since long before the Black Mesa incident. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock11" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock11" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock12" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock12" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock12_cc" "Ah, Black Mesa! Ik ben zo jaloers op je, je werkte met Eli en Dr. Kleiner samen toen ze aan de top waren." "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock12_cc" "Ah, Black Mesa! I do so envy you, working with Eli and Dr. Kleiner when they were at the top of their field." "eli_lab.mo_airlock13" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock13" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock14" "Ziezo. Nu kun je erdoor. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock14" "There we go. You can come through now. " "eli_lab.mo_alyxonwatch" "Alyx, ik dacht dat jij op wacht stond. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_alyxonwatch" "Alyx, I thought you were on watch. " "eli_lab.mo_anyway04" "Waar was ik gebleven? Oh, ja... " "[english]eli_lab.mo_anyway04" "Where was I? Oh, yes... " "eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor01" "De reparaties zijn prima onder controle. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor01" "I have the repairs well in hand. " "eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor02" "Iemand heeft de capaciteit van de Combine thyristor verkeerd ingeschat... " "[english]eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor02" "Someone misjudged the capacity of the Combine thyristor--- " "eli_lab.mo_deliberately" "Alyx, werkelijk. Soms denk ik dat je me opzettelijk verkeerd begrijpt. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_deliberately" "Alyx, really. Sometimes I think you deliberately misunderstand me. " "eli_lab.mo_difference" "Het gaat meer op Black Mesa lijken nu Gordon ons helpt. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_difference" "It's going to be a lot more like Black Mesa with Gordon here to help. " "eli_lab.mo_digup01" "Ik ga wat werk afronden en zien wat ik kan opgraven. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_digup01" "Let me just finish up some work and I'll see what I can dig up. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp01" "We kunnen wel wat extra hulp gebruiken. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp01" "We could certainly use the extra help around here. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp02" "We hebben veel bereikt in de laatste maanden, maar het zou veel sneller gaan als we meer mensen van jouw kaliber hadden. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp02" "We've covered a lot of ground in the last few months, but things would go so much faster if we had more people with your training. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp03" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp03" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04_cc" "We zijn steeds dichter bij een betrouwbare lokale teletransporttechnologie, iets wat de Combine nog steeds niet voor elkaar hebben. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04_cc" "We're closing in on a reliable local teleport technology, something the Combine still hasn't mastered. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05_cc" "Eli denkt dat hun portalen reeks-gebaseerd zijn, vergelijkbaar met ons Calabi-Yau model, maar ze houden geen rekening met donkere energie-vergelijkingen. Ze kunnen vanuit hun universum via een tunnel hierheen komen, maar zodra ze hier zijn, worden ze afhankelijk van het lokale transport. Als ze wisten wat wij doen met verstrikking... " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05_cc" "Eli thinks their portals are string-based, similar to our Calabi-Yau model, but they've failed to factor in dark energy equations. They can tunnel through from their universe, but once they're here they're dependent on local transportation. If they knew what we're doing with entanglement--- " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp06" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp06" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp07" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp07" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp08" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp08" " " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli01" "Oh, Dr. Freeman! Blijft u maar bij Eli. Ga maar, ik voeg me straks weer bij jullie. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli01" "Oh, Dr. Freeman! You should stay with Eli. Go on, I'll rejoin you shortly. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli02" "Ik heb wat zaken af te handelen, Dr. Freeman. Eli zal je rondleiden. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli02" "I have a few things to attend to, Dr. Freeman. Let Eli show you around. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli03" "Dr. Freeman? Je wilt vast met Eli over vroeger praten. Wij spreken elkaar later wel weer. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli03" "Dr. Freeman? I figured you and Eli would want to talk about old times. We can talk later. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli04" "Toe maar, Dr. Freeman. Breng wat tijd met Eli door. Ik kom terug zodra ik wat werk afheb. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli04" "You go ahead, Dr. Freeman. Spend some time with Eli. I'll be back as soon as I catch up on some work. " "eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx01" "Ga maar met Alyx mee. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx01" "I guess you should go with Alyx. " "eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx02" "Ga maar, ik spreek je later. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx02" "Go ahead, we'll talk later. " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli01" " " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli01_cc" "Oh! Daar is Eli al. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli01_cc" "Oh! Here's Eli now. " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli02" " " "eli_lab.mo_hurryup01" "Schiet op, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hurryup01" "Hurry up, Dr. Freeman. " "eli_lab.mo_lookwho01" "Eli, kijk eens wie ik vond in de luchtsluis. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_lookwho01" "Eli, look who I found in the airlock. " "eli_lab.mo_noblame" "Nee, helemaal niet! Het was een rekenfout, geen mechanisch probleem. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_noblame" "No, not at all! It was a calculation error, not a mechanical problem. " "eli_lab.mo_notatoy" "De Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator is geen speelgoed, Alyx! " "[english]eli_lab.mo_notatoy" "The Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator is not a toy, Alyx! " "eli_lab.mo_postdoc01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc01" " " "eli_lab.mo_postdoc01_cc" "Oh, hoor mij nou, ik klink als een postdoc. Ik vind het zo'n spannend idee dat we eindelijk samen gaan werken." "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc01_cc" "Oh, listen to me, I sound like a post-doc. I'm just so excited to think that we'll finally have the chance to work together." "eli_lab.mo_postdoc02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc02" " " "eli_lab.mo_realhonor02" "Dr. Freeman? Ik ben zeer vereerd. Ik kan niet wachten tot we samen kunnen werken. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_realhonor02" "Dr. Freeman? It's been a real honor. I'm looking forward to working together. " "eli_lab.mo_relay01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay01" " " "eli_lab.mo_relay01_cc" "Waar was ik gebleven? Oh, ja. Dr. Kleiner heeft het Xen-relais verder gecomprimeerd dan hij ooit bij Black Mesa voor mogelijk had gehouden. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay01_cc" "Where was I? Oh, yes. Dr. Kleiner compressed the Xen Relay far beyond anything he imagined at Black Mesa. " "eli_lab.mo_relay02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay02" " " "eli_lab.mo_relay02_cc" "We hebben een manier gevonden om Xen te gebruiken als een as, in feite een driedimensionale katapult. Hiermee kun je rond de grenswereld zwaaien en terugkomen in de lokale ruimte zonder erdoorheen te gaan. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay02_cc" "We've figured out how to use Xen as an unexpressed axis, effectively a dimensional slingshot, so we can swing around the borderworld and come back in local space without having to pass through. " "eli_lab.mo_relay03" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay03" " " "eli_lab.mo_taketoeli" "Ik neem je meteen mee naar Eli. Hij zou het me nooit vergeven als ik je liet wachten. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_taketoeli" "I'll take you to down Eli right away. He would never forgive me if I kept you waiting. " "eli_lab.mo_thiswaydoc" "Deze kant op, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_thiswaydoc" "This way, Dr. Freeman " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use01" "De Eli Vance ontwaart bijna de Alles-in-Een. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use01" "The Eli Vance almost perceives the All-in-One. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use02" "De Eli Vance heeft ons vertouwen gewonnen. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use02" "The Eli Vance has earned our trust. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use03" "De Eli Vance was onze eerste collaborateur. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use03" "The Eli Vance was our first collaborator. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use04" "De Eli Vance is onontbeerlijk voor de bevrijding. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use04" "The Eli Vance is indispensable to the liberation. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use05" "We zijn blij dat de Eli Vance zo positief denkt over de Freeman. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use05" "We are pleased that the Eli Vance thinks so highly of the Freeman. " "k_lab.al_aboutthecat" "Hé, uh, ja. Wat die kat betreft... " "[english]k_lab.al_aboutthecat" "Hey, uh, yeah. About that cat... " "k_lab.al_allrightdoc" "Oh-oh. Alles in orde, Doctor Kleiner? " "[english]k_lab.al_allrightdoc" "Uh-oh. Everything all right, Doctor Kleiner? " "k_lab.al_animalperson" "Barney, hou je niet van dieren? " "[english]k_lab.al_animalperson" "Barney... You're not an animal person? " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink01" "Hmm." "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink01" "Hmm." "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02" " " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02_cc" "Hier. Drink wat van mij. " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02_cc" "Here. Let me buy you a drink. " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink03" " " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink03" " " "k_lab.al_careful" "Voorzichtig. " "[english]k_lab.al_careful" "Careful there. " "k_lab.al_careful02" "Voorzichtig. " "[english]k_lab.al_careful02" "Careful. " "k_lab.al_carefulthere" "Uh, voorzichtig. " "[english]k_lab.al_carefulthere" "Uh, careful there. " "k_lab.al_checkguyout01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout01" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout02" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout03" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout03" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout04" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout04" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout06" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout06" " " "k_lab.al_cmonfreeman" "Doctor Freeman, kom op. " "[english]k_lab.al_cmonfreeman" "Uh, Doctor Freeman, come on. " "k_lab.al_comeon" "Kom. " "[english]k_lab.al_comeon" "Come on. " "k_lab.al_comingthru" "Hij komt erdoor, pap. " "[english]k_lab.al_comingthru" "He's coming through, Dad. " "k_lab.al_comingwith" "Maak je geen zorgen. Hij komt met mij mee " "[english]k_lab.al_comingwith" "Don't worry. He's coming with me " "k_lab.al_docsays01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays01" " " "k_lab.al_docsays01_cc" "Als Dr. Kleiner zegt dat je dat ding moet dragen, moet je het dragen. " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays01_cc" "If Dr. Kleiner says you should wear that thing, you should wear it. " "k_lab.al_docsays02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays02" " " "k_lab.al_foundhim" "Hij liep buiten rond. Hij veroorzaakt wel problemen, niet? " "[english]k_lab.al_foundhim" "I found him wandering around outside. Bit of a troublemaker, isn't he? " "k_lab.al_heydoc" "Hé, Doc! " "[english]k_lab.al_heydoc" "Hey, Doc! " "k_lab.al_hmm" "Hmm. " "[english]k_lab.al_hmm" "Hmm. " "k_lab.al_itsthere" "Hier is het, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.al_itsthere" "It's right there, Gordon. " "k_lab.al_keepitgoing" "Hou vol, Gordon! " "[english]k_lab.al_keepitgoing" "Keep it going, Gordon! " "k_lab.al_kleinerswaiting" "Nou, kom op. Dr. Kleiner wacht. " "[english]k_lab.al_kleinerswaiting" "Well, come on. Dr. Kleiner's waiting. " "k_lab.al_letsdoit" "Laten we het doen. " "[english]k_lab.al_letsdoit" "Then let's do it. " "k_lab.al_lostgordon" " " "[english]k_lab.al_lostgordon" " " "k_lab.al_lostgordon_cc" "We zijn Gordon kwijt! Wat gebeurt er?" "[english]k_lab.al_lostgordon_cc" "We just lost Gordon! What's going on?" "k_lab.al_moveon01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_moveon01" " " "k_lab.al_moveon01_cc" "Ahum. Een beetje opschieten." "[english]k_lab.al_moveon01_cc" "Ahem. Let's get a move on." "k_lab.al_moveon02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_moveon02" " " "k_lab.al_readyforus" "Ben je klaar voor ons, pap? " "[english]k_lab.al_readyforus" "Are you ready for us, Dad? " "k_lab.al_seeifitworks" "Laten we zien of dit ding werkt, goed? " "[english]k_lab.al_seeifitworks" "Let's just see if this thing works, okay? " "k_lab.al_showonroad" "Laten we intussen hiermee verder gaan. " "[english]k_lab.al_showonroad" "Meanwhile, let's get this show on the road. " "k_lab.al_takecredit" "De doorbraak is niet mijn verdienste, doctor." "[english]k_lab.al_takecredit" "I can't take any credit for the breakthrough, Doctor. " "k_lab.al_takeiteasy" "Rustig aan, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.al_takeiteasy" "Take it easy, Gordon. " "k_lab.al_thatsit" "Goed zo. " "[english]k_lab.al_thatsit" "That's it. " "k_lab.al_theplug" "Uh, doctor? De stekker? " "[english]k_lab.al_theplug" "Uh, Doctor? The plug? " "k_lab.al_there" "Uh, daar. " "[english]k_lab.al_there" "Uh, there. " "k_lab.al_thereheis" "Daar is hij! " "[english]k_lab.al_thereheis" "There he is! " "k_lab.al_theswitch" "De schakelaar, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]k_lab.al_theswitch" "The switch, Dr. Freeman. " "k_lab.al_throwswitch" "Je laat Gordon de schakelaar bedienen? " "[english]k_lab.al_throwswitch" "You going to let Gordon throw the switch? " "k_lab.al_uhoh01" "Oh-oh. " "[english]k_lab.al_uhoh01" "Uh-oh. " "k_lab.al_whatcat01" "Welke kat? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatcat01" "What cat? " "k_lab.al_whatcat02" "Welke kat? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatcat02" "What cat? " "k_lab.al_whatsgoingon" "Wat gebeurt er? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatsgoingon" "What's going on? " "k_lab.al_wontlook" "Geen zorgen, ik kijk niet " "[english]k_lab.al_wontlook" "Don't worry, I won't look " "k_lab.al_woohoo" "Uh...oké...oh ah oooh!" "[english]k_lab.al_woohoo" "Uh...okay...oh ah oooh!" "k_lab.al_youcoming" "Kom je? " "[english]k_lab.al_youcoming" "You coming? " "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01" " " "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01_cc" "We kunnen hem hier niet lang houden, Doc. Dat brengt al ons werk in gevaar." "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01_cc" "We can't keep him here long, Doc. It'll jeopardize everything we've worked for." "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim02" " " "k_lab.ba_cantlook" "Ik kan het niet aanzien. " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantlook" "I can't look. " "k_lab.ba_careful01" "Voorzichtig! " "[english]k_lab.ba_careful01" "Careful! " "k_lab.ba_careful02" "Wees voorzichtig! " "[english]k_lab.ba_careful02" "Be careful! " "k_lab.ba_dontblameyou" "Oké, ik snap dat je twijfelt. Maar als we dit gaan doen, moeten we opschieten. " "[english]k_lab.ba_dontblameyou" "Okay, I don't blame you for hesitating, but if we're gonna do this thing, then let's just get through it. " "k_lab.ba_dontworry01" "Geen zorgen Gordon, we... " "[english]k_lab.ba_dontworry01" "Don't worry, Gordon, we'll " "k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing" "Vergeet dat ding toch! " "[english]k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing" "Forget about that thing! " "k_lab.ba_geethanks" "Goh, bedankt. " "[english]k_lab.ba_geethanks" "Gee, thanks. " "k_lab.ba_getamoveon" "Gordon, schiet eens op. " "[english]k_lab.ba_getamoveon" "Gordon, get a move on. " "k_lab.ba_getitoff01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff01" " " "k_lab.ba_getitoff01_cc" "Verdomme! Haal het van me af!" "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff01_cc" "Damn it! Get it off me!" "k_lab.ba_getitoff02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff02" " " "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01" " " "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01_cc" "Bukken. Uit het zicht! Ik kom je zoeken!" "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01_cc" "Get down outta sight! I'll come find you!" "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight02" " " "k_lab.ba_getsuiton" "Trek je pak aan, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_getsuiton" "Get your suit on, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_goodluck02" "Veel geluk, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_goodluck02" "Good luck out there, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_guh" "Oef!" "[english]k_lab.ba_guh" "Ugh!" "k_lab.ba_headhumper01" "Het is je huisdier, die stomme kopkluiver! " "[english]k_lab.ba_headhumper01" "It's your pet, the freakin' head-humper! " "k_lab.ba_headhumper02" "Pas op! " "[english]k_lab.ba_headhumper02" "Look out! " "k_lab.ba_hearthosesirens" "Man, Gordon! Je hebt de menigte goed opgezweept. " "[english]k_lab.ba_hearthosesirens" "Man, Gordon! You stirred up the hive. " "k_lab.ba_hesback01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback01" " " "k_lab.ba_hesback01_cc" "Hé, hé, hij is terug! Ik haal hem eruit!" "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback01_cc" "Hey, hey, he's back! I'm getting him outta there!" "k_lab.ba_hesback02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback02" " " "k_lab.ba_ishehere" "En, is hij er? " "[english]k_lab.ba_ishehere" "Well, is he here? " "k_lab.ba_itsworking01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking01" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking01_cc" "Bedoel je dat het werkt? Deze keer echt? Want ik heb nog steeds nachtmerries over die kat." "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking01_cc" "You mean it's working? For real this time? Because I still have nightmares about that cat." "k_lab.ba_itsworking02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking02" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking03" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking03" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking04" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking04" " " "k_lab.ba_juicedup" "Laad in elk geval je pak op, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_juicedup" "At least get that suit juiced up, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_longer" "Ja. en wat langer als we geluk hebben. " "[english]k_lab.ba_longer" "Yeah, longer if we're lucky. " "k_lab.ba_myshift01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift01" " " "k_lab.ba_myshift01_cc" "Ik moet verder met mijn dienst, maar goed." "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift01_cc" "I've gotta get back on my shift, but okay." "k_lab.ba_myshift02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift02" " " "k_lab.ba_notime" "Doc, hier hebben we geen tijd voor. " "[english]k_lab.ba_notime" "Doc, we don't have time for this. " "k_lab.ba_notimetofool01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool01" " " "k_lab.ba_notimetofool01_cc" "Kom op Gordon, we hebben geen tijd om rond te hangen. Trek je pak aan." "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool01_cc" "Come on, Gordon, we don't have time to fool around. Get your suit on." "k_lab.ba_notimetofool02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool02" " " "k_lab.ba_nottoosoon01" "En geen moment te vroeg. " "[english]k_lab.ba_nottoosoon01" "And not a moment too soon. " "k_lab.ba_outcivvies" "Doc, hij gaat toch de straat niet op, dus die kleren kunnen wel uit. " "[english]k_lab.ba_outcivvies" "Doc, since he's not taking the streets, you might as well get him out of his civvies. " "k_lab.ba_pissinmeoff" "Doe niet zo irritant, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_pissinmeoff" "You're pissin' me off, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_pushinit" "Doe niet zo moeilijk, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_pushinit" "You're pushin' it Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_saidlasttime" "Dat zei je de vorige keer ook. " "[english]k_lab.ba_saidlasttime" "That's what you said last time. " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic01" " " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic01_cc" "Goed werk, Gordon. Die schakelaar omzetten enzo? Die dure opleiding is niet voor niets geweest. " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic01_cc" "Good job, Gordon. Throwing that switch and all? I can see your M.I.T. education really pays for itself. " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic02" " " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic03" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic03" " " "k_lab.ba_suitup" "Tijd voor je pak, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_suitup" "Time to suit up, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_thatpest" "Ik dacht dat je dat kreng niet meer had! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thatpest" "I thought you got rid of that pest! " "k_lab.ba_thereheis" "Daar is hij! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thereheis" "There he is! " "k_lab.ba_thereyouare" "Daar ben je! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thereyouare" "There you are! " "k_lab.ba_thingaway01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway01" " " "k_lab.ba_thingaway01_cc" "Daar gaan we... Aaah!" "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway01_cc" "Here we go... Aaah!" "k_lab.ba_thingaway02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway02" " " "k_lab.ba_thingaway03" "Haal dat ding bij me weg! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway03" "Get that thing away from me! " "k_lab.ba_thisway" "Deze kant op, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_thisway" "This way, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_whatthehell" "Wat gebeurt er? " "[english]k_lab.ba_whatthehell" "What the hell? " "k_lab.ba_whoops" "Oeps! " "[english]k_lab.ba_whoops" "Whoops! " "k_lab.br_significant" "Die man die ik zag, ik weet zeker dat het... " "[english]k_lab.br_significant" "The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... " "k_lab.br_significant_cc" "Die man die ik zag, ik weet zeker dat het... " "[english]k_lab.br_significant_cc" "The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... " "k_lab.br_tele_02" "Wat heeft dit te betekenen? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_02" "What's the meaning of this? " "k_lab.br_tele_03" "Wie ben jij? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_03" "Who are you? " "k_lab.br_tele_05" "Hoe komen jullie hier terecht? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_05" "How did you get in here? " "k_lab.br_thereheis" "Gordon Freeman! " "[english]k_lab.br_thereheis" "Gordon Freeman! " "k_lab.eli_allset" "We zijn klaar aan deze kant. " "[english]k_lab.eli_allset" "We're all set on this end. " "k_lab.eli_areyouthere" "Isaac, ben je daar? " "[english]k_lab.eli_areyouthere" "Isaac, are you there? " "k_lab.eli_behindyou" "Achter je! " "[english]k_lab.eli_behindyou" "Behind you! " "k_lab.eli_bringthrough" "Ga je gang, haal Gordon er nu door. " "[english]k_lab.eli_bringthrough" "Let's go ahead and bring Gordon through now. " "k_lab.eli_didntcomethru" "Hij is er niet. " "[english]k_lab.eli_didntcomethru" "He didn't come through. " "k_lab.eli_dontunder01" "Ik begrijp het niet. " "[english]k_lab.eli_dontunder01" "I don't understand. " "k_lab.eli_dontunder02" "Er is geen andere ontvanger die... " "[english]k_lab.eli_dontunder02" "There's no other receiver that could... " "k_lab.eli_holdsignal" "Verlies het signaal niet, Judith! " "[english]k_lab.eli_holdsignal" "Hold the signal, Judith! " "k_lab.eli_notquite03" "Wat gebeurt er, Judith? " "[english]k_lab.eli_notquite03" "What's going on, Judith? " "k_lab.eli_notwhoithink" "Dat is niet wie ik denk, of wel? " "[english]k_lab.eli_notwhoithink" "That's not who I think it is, is it? " "k_lab.eli_phenom02" "Fantastisch werk, Izzy. " "[english]k_lab.eli_phenom02" "Fantastic work, Izzy. " "k_lab.eli_seeforyourself" "Kijk zelf maar. " "[english]k_lab.eli_seeforyourself" "See for yourself. " "k_lab.eli_shutdown" "Uitschakelen, uitschakelen! " "[english]k_lab.eli_shutdown" "Shut it down, shut it down! " "k_lab.eli_stayput" "Gordon, blijf daar. We gaan je bevrijden. " "[english]k_lab.eli_stayput" "Gordon, stay put. We'll get you out of there. " "k_lab.kl_ahhhh" "Ah! " "[english]k_lab.kl_ahhhh" "Ah! " "k_lab.kl_almostforgot" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_almostforgot" " " "k_lab.kl_almostforgot_cc" "Wat? Oh jee, je hebt gelijk. Ik zou het bijna vergeten. Barney, aan jou de eer." "[english]k_lab.kl_almostforgot_cc" "What? Oh dear, you're right, I almost forgot. Barney, I'll give you the honor." "k_lab.kl_barneyhonor" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_barneyhonor" " " "k_lab.kl_barneysturn" "Goed, Barney. Jouw beurt. " "[english]k_lab.kl_barneysturn" "All right, Barney. Your turn. " "k_lab.kl_besokind" "Barney? Als je zover bent? " "[english]k_lab.kl_besokind" "Barney? If you'd be so kind? " "k_lab.kl_blast" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_blast" " " "k_lab.kl_blast_cc" "Verdraaid, klein...Waar is ze heen? Lamarr? Kom eruit!" "[english]k_lab.kl_blast_cc" "Blast that little...where did she get to? Lamarr? Come out of there!" "k_lab.kl_bonvoyage" "Goede reis en veel geluk in de toekomst. " "[english]k_lab.kl_bonvoyage" "Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors. " "k_lab.kl_cantcontinue" "We kunnen niet verder totdat je in de teletransportkamer bent, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_cantcontinue" "We can't continue until you're in the teleport chamber, Gordon. " "k_lab.kl_cantwade" "Je kan niet zomaar het veld inwaden, dan trekt het je aan stukken! " "[english]k_lab.kl_cantwade" "You can't just wade into the field, it will peel you apart! " "k_lab.kl_careful" "Oh, wees toch voorzichtig. " "[english]k_lab.kl_careful" "Oh, do be careful. " "k_lab.kl_charger01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger01" " " "k_lab.kl_charger01_cc" "Goed idee. Er hangt een oplader aan de muur. Ik heb je pak zo aangepast, dat het opgeladen kan worden bij alle Combine-oplaadpunten. Die zijn overal waar ze patrouilleren. " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger01_cc" "Good idea. There's a charger on the wall. I've modified your suit to draw power from Combine energy outlets, which are plentiful wherever they patrol. " "k_lab.kl_charger02" "Ik heb je pak zo aangepast, dat het opladen kan worden bij alle Combine oplaadpunten. Die zijn overal waar ze patrouilleren. " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger02" "I've modified your suit to draw power from Combine energy outlets, which are plentiful wherever they patrol. " "k_lab.kl_coaxherout" "Oh, foei! Het duurt een week voordat ik haar daar weer uit heb. " "[english]k_lab.kl_coaxherout" "Oh, fie! It'll be another week before I can coax her out of there. " "k_lab.kl_comeout" "Lamarr. Kom eruit. " "[english]k_lab.kl_comeout" "Lamarr. Come out of there. " "k_lab.kl_credit" "Het was niet alleen mijn verdienste. Doctor Freeman was een goede assistent. " "[english]k_lab.kl_credit" "Well I can't take all the credit, Doctor Freeman proved an able assistant. " "k_lab.kl_dearme" "Oh jee. " "[english]k_lab.kl_dearme" "Dear me. " "k_lab.kl_debeaked" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_debeaked" " " "k_lab.kl_debeaked_cc" "Zeker niet! Geen angst, Gordon, haar snavel is geknipt en ze is ongevaarlijk. Het ergste wat ze kan doen, is proberen met je hoofd te paren. Tevergeefs!" "[english]k_lab.kl_debeaked_cc" "Certainly not! Never fear, Gordon, she's de-beaked and completely harmless. The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly!" "k_lab.kl_delaydanger" "Gordon, hoe langer je wacht, hoe groter het gevaar voor ons allen. " "[english]k_lab.kl_delaydanger" "Gordon, the longer you delay, the greater the danger to us all. " "k_lab.kl_diditwork" "En, werkt het? " "[english]k_lab.kl_diditwork" "Well, did it work? " "k_lab.kl_ensconced" "Zodra je veilig in de zender bent genesteld, kunnen we beginnen. " "[english]k_lab.kl_ensconced" "Once you're safely ensconced in the transmitter, we can begin. " "k_lab.kl_excellent" "Uitstekend." "[english]k_lab.kl_excellent" "Excellent." "k_lab.kl_excellent_cc" "Uitstekend. Initialisatie. Drie. Twee. Een!" "[english]k_lab.kl_excellent_cc" "Excellent. Initializing in three...two...one!" "k_lab.kl_fewmoments01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments01" " " "k_lab.kl_fewmoments01_cc" "Je hebt groot gelijk. Ik spreek je zo weer." "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments01_cc" "Right you are! Speak to you again in a few moments." "k_lab.kl_fewmoments02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments02" " " "k_lab.kl_fiddlesticks" "Oh, verdraaid. Wat nu weer? " "[english]k_lab.kl_fiddlesticks" "Oh, fiddlesticks. What now? " "k_lab.kl_finalsequence" "Heel goed. Laatste reeks. We beginnen... nu. " "[english]k_lab.kl_finalsequence" "Very good. Final sequence. Commencing...now. " "k_lab.kl_finalsequence02" "Laatste reeks. " "[english]k_lab.kl_finalsequence02" "Final sequence. " "k_lab.kl_fitglove01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove01" " " "k_lab.kl_fitglove01_cc" "Nou Gordon, ik zie dat je HEV-pak je nog past als een handschoen. In elk geval de handschoenen dan. " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove01_cc" "Well, Gordon, I see your HEV suit still fits you like a glove. At least the glove parts do. " "k_lab.kl_fitglove02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove02" " " "k_lab.kl_fruitlessly" "Het ergste wat ze kan doen, is proberen met je hoofd te paren. Tevergeefs. " "[english]k_lab.kl_fruitlessly" "The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly. " "k_lab.kl_getinposition" "Gordon, zodra je in positie bent, sturen we je naar Eli toe. " "[english]k_lab.kl_getinposition" "Gordon, as soon as you're in position, we'll send you to Eli's. " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun01" " " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun01_cc" "Gordon! Je moet hier weg! Rennen!" "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun01_cc" "Gordon! You must get out of here! Run!" "k_lab.kl_getoutrun02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun02" " " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun03" " " "k_lab.kl_gordongo" "Gordon, ga je gang. " "[english]k_lab.kl_gordongo" "Gordon, go right ahead. " "k_lab.kl_gordonthrow" "Zet de schakelaar om, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_gordonthrow" "Throw your switch, Gordon. " "k_lab.kl_hedyno01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno01" " " "k_lab.kl_hedyno02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno02" " " "k_lab.kl_hedyno02_cc" "Lamarr? Hedy! Nee!" "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno02_cc" "Lamarr? Hedy! No!" "k_lab.kl_hedyno03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno03" " " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx01" " " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx01_cc" "Oh, hallo Alyx! Nou, bijna goed. Lamarr is weer uit haar krat ontsnapt. Als ik niet beter wist, zou ik Barney ervan verdenken... " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx01_cc" "Oh, hello, Alyx! Well, almost all right. Lamarr has gotten out of her crate again. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect Barney of trapping and ... " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx02" " " "k_lab.kl_heremypet01" "Hier, mijn huisdier. Spring erop." "[english]k_lab.kl_heremypet01" "Here, my pet. Hop up." "k_lab.kl_heremypet02" "Nee, niet daarop! " "[english]k_lab.kl_heremypet02" "No, not up there! " "k_lab.kl_hesnotthere" "Wat bedoel je, hij is er niet? " "[english]k_lab.kl_hesnotthere" "What do you mean he's not there? " "k_lab.kl_holdup01" "Ja, ja, Eli, een beetje oponthoud hier. " "[english]k_lab.kl_holdup01" "Yes, yes, Eli, bit of a holdup on this end. " "k_lab.kl_holdup02" "Je raadt nooit wie er vanmorgen in ons lab verscheen. " "[english]k_lab.kl_holdup02" "You'll never guess who found his way into our lab this morning. " "k_lab.kl_initializing" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing" " " "k_lab.kl_initializing_cc" "Initialisatie. Drie. Twee. Een. Oh, verdraaid! Wat nu weer?" "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing_cc" "Initializing in three...two...one... Oh, fiddlesticks! What now?" "k_lab.kl_initializing02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing02" " " "k_lab.kl_interference" "Er treedt onverwachte storing op. " "[english]k_lab.kl_interference" "I'm encountering unexpected interference. " "k_lab.kl_islamarr" "Is Lamarr bij hem? " "[english]k_lab.kl_islamarr" "Is Lamarr with him? " "k_lab.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr! Daar ben je! " "[english]k_lab.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr! There you are! " "k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux" " " "k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux_cc" "Eens kijken. De massaloze veldfluxie moet zichzelf beperken en ik heb de manifoldparameters aan de CY-basis en de LG-orbifold geklemd, inclusief Hilbert. De omstandigheden zijn praktisch ideaal!" "[english]k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux_cc" "Let's see. The massless field-flux should self-limit and I've clamped the manifold parameters to CY base and LG orbifold, Hilbert inclusive. Conditions could hardly be more ideal!" "k_lab.kl_modifications01" "Ik heb een paar aanpassingen gemaakt, maar ik neem slechts de essentiële zaken met je door. Eens kijken. " "[english]k_lab.kl_modifications01" "I've made a few modifications, but I'll just acquaint you with the essentials. Now, let's see... " "k_lab.kl_modifications02" "De Mark V Hazardous Environment-uitrusting is opnieuw ontworpen voor comfort en gebruik... " "[english]k_lab.kl_modifications02" "The Mark V Hazardous Environment Suit has been redesigned for comfort and utility--- " "k_lab.kl_moduli02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_moduli02" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness01" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness02" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness02_cc" "Mijn hemeltje! Gordon Freeman! Je bent het toch wel echt?" "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness02_cc" "My Goodness! Gordon Freeman! It really is you, isn't it?" "k_lab.kl_mygoodness03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness03" " " "k_lab.kl_nocareful" "Nee, nee! Voorzichtig, Lamarr! Die zijn heel breekbaar! " "[english]k_lab.kl_nocareful" "No, no! Careful, Lamarr! Those are quite fragile! " "k_lab.kl_nonsense" "Nonsens. Je talenten overtreffen je lieflijkheid. " "[english]k_lab.kl_nonsense" "Nonsense. Your talents surpass your loveliness. " "k_lab.kl_nownow01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow01" " " "k_lab.kl_nownow01_cc" "Nou, nou, je hoeft niet zenuwachtig te worden. We hebben veel vooruitgang geboekt sindsdien. Veel vooruitgang." "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow01_cc" "Now, now, there's nothing to be nervous about. We've made major strides since then. Major strides." "k_lab.kl_nownow02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow02" " " "k_lab.kl_ohdear" "Oh jee! " "[english]k_lab.kl_ohdear" "Oh, dear! " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime01" " " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime01_cc" "Echt waar, Gordon. Je komt op het juiste moment. Alyx heeft net het laatste onderdeel van onze nieuwe telepoort geplaatst. " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime01_cc" "I must say, Gordon, you come at a very opportune time. Alyx has just installed the final piece for our resurrected teleport. " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime02" " " "k_lab.kl_packing01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_packing01" " " "k_lab.kl_packing01_cc" "Inderdaad. En het is onze bedoeling hem en je aardige dochter meteen op pad te sturen." "[english]k_lab.kl_packing01_cc" "Indeed it is. And it's our intention to send him packing straightaway, in the company of your lovely daughter." "k_lab.kl_packing02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_packing02" " " "k_lab.kl_plugusin" "Oh jee, je hebt gelijk. Gordon, wil je ons aansluiten? " "[english]k_lab.kl_plugusin" "Dear me, you're right. Gordon, would you mind plugging us in? " "k_lab.kl_projectyou" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_projectyou" " " "k_lab.kl_projectyou_cc" "Ja, inderdaad. We staan klaar om je te beschermen, Gordon. Goede reis en veel geluk in de toekomst!" "[english]k_lab.kl_projectyou_cc" "Yes, indeed. We're ready to project you, Gordon. Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors!" "k_lab.kl_redletterday01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday01" " " "k_lab.kl_redletterday01_cc" "Dat klopt, Barney. Het is een feestelijke dag. We wijden de nieuwe telepoort in met een dubbele transmissie! " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday01_cc" "That's right, Barney. This is a red letter day. We'll inaugurate the new teleport with a double transmission! " "k_lab.kl_redletterday02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday02" " " "k_lab.kl_relieved" "Oh, gelukkig. Mijn opluchting is bijna tastbaar. " "[english]k_lab.kl_relieved" "Oh, thank goodness. My relief is almost palpable. " "k_lab.kl_slipin01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin01" " " "k_lab.kl_slipin01_cc" "Nou, Gordon, ga je gang. Trek nu je pak maar aan." "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin01_cc" "Well, Gordon, go ahead. Slip into your suit now." "k_lab.kl_slipin02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin02" " " "k_lab.kl_suitfits01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits01" " " "k_lab.kl_suitfits01_cc" "Gordon, alsjeblieft? Ik ben benieuwd of je oude pak nog past." "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits01_cc" "Gordon, if you please? I'm eager to see if your old suit still fits." "k_lab.kl_suitfits02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits02" " " "k_lab.kl_thenwhere" "Waar is hij dan? " "[english]k_lab.kl_thenwhere" "Then, where is he? " "k_lab.kl_waitmyword" "Gordon, ga maar naast het paneel daar staan en wacht op mijn teken. " "[english]k_lab.kl_waitmyword" "Gordon, why don't you position yourself near the panel over there and wait for my word? " "k_lab.kl_weowe" "We hebben veel te danken aan Dr. Freeman, ook al lijkt hij problemen aan te trekken. " "[english]k_lab.kl_weowe" "We owe a great deal to Dr. Freeman, even if trouble does tend to follow in his wake. " "k_lab.kl_whatisit" "Wat is er? " "[english]k_lab.kl_whatisit" "What is it? " "k_lab.kl_wishiknew" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_wishiknew" " " "k_lab.kl_wishiknew_cc" "Ik wilde dat ik het wist. Er treedt onverwachte storing op!" "[english]k_lab.kl_wishiknew_cc" "I wish I knew. I'm encountering unexpected interference!" "k_lab.kl_yourturn" "Het is jouw beurt, Gordon " "[english]k_lab.kl_yourturn" "It's your turn, Gordon " "k_lab.mo_drawing" "Iets trekt hem weg. " "[english]k_lab.mo_drawing" "Something is drawing him away. " "k_lab.mo_interfer" "Ik weet het niet, het lijkt een soort storing. " "[english]k_lab.mo_interfer" "I'm not sure, it seems to be some kind of interference. " "k_lab.mo_losinghim" "Ah, we zijn hem weer kwijt! " "[english]k_lab.mo_losinghim" "Ah, we're losing him again! " "k_lab2.al_andmyfather" "Maar mijn vader dan? " "[english]k_lab2.al_andmyfather" "But what about my father? " "k_lab2.al_anotherpet" "We vinden wel een nieuwe headcrab voor je! Er zijn er nog genoeg! " "[english]k_lab2.al_anotherpet" "We'll find you another pet headcrab! There are plenty to go around! " "k_lab2.al_aweek" "Een week... " "[english]k_lab2.al_aweek" "A week... " "k_lab2.al_aweek_b" "Maar wat hebben we dan gemist? " "[english]k_lab2.al_aweek_b" "Then what have we missed? " "k_lab2.al_catchup" "Oké, Gordon, je hebt het gehoord. " "[english]k_lab2.al_catchup" "Okay, Gordon, you heard him. " "k_lab2.al_catchup_b" "Ik haal jullie wel in zodra ik Dr. Kleiner heb verhuisd. " "[english]k_lab2.al_catchup_b" "I'll catch up with you as soon as I've got Dr. Kleiner settled. " "k_lab2.al_doggowithgordon" "Dog, ga met Gordon mee. " "[english]k_lab2.al_doggowithgordon" "Dog, go with Gordon. " "k_lab2.al_dogyoumadeit" "Dog! Je hebt het gehaald! " "[english]k_lab2.al_dogyoumadeit" "Dog! You made it! " "k_lab2.al_exploded" "Ik was bang dat wij het ook niet zouden halen. " "[english]k_lab2.al_exploded" "I was afraid we might not make it either. " "k_lab2.al_exploded_b" "Ik denk dat de telepoort is geëxplodeerd toen wij erdoor gingen. " "[english]k_lab2.al_exploded_b" "I think the teleport exploded just as we were porting out. " "k_lab2.al_getmyfather" "We moeten mijn vader bevrijden. " "[english]k_lab2.al_getmyfather" "We've got to get my father out. " "k_lab2.al_goodboy" "Braaf! " "[english]k_lab2.al_goodboy" "Good boy! " "k_lab2.al_gordontakecare" "Gordon... " "[english]k_lab2.al_gordontakecare" "Gordon... " "k_lab2.al_gordontakecare_b" "Pas goed op jezelf. " "[english]k_lab2.al_gordontakecare_b" "Take care of yourself out there. " "k_lab2.al_headyourway" "Gordon en Dog wijzen je de weg. Ik wil Dr. Kleiner in veiligheid brengen. Daarna kom ik naar jullie toe. " "[english]k_lab2.al_headyourway" "Gordon and Dog can head your way. I want to get Dr. Kleiner somewhere safer, then I'll meet up with you. " "k_lab2.al_illtakecareofthis" "Ga maar, Gordon. Ik zorg hier wel voor. " "[english]k_lab2.al_illtakecareofthis" "Go on, Gordon, I'll take care of this. " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag01" "Schiet maar op. " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag01" "You better hurry. " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag02" "Ga maar, Gordon! " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag02" "Go on, Gordon! " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag03" "Toe maar! Zoek Barney! " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag03" "Go on. Find Barney! " "k_lab2.al_notime" "Oh nee... " "[english]k_lab2.al_notime" "Oh no... " "k_lab2.al_notime_b" "Dr. Kleiner, daar is echt geen tijd voor. " "[english]k_lab2.al_notime_b" "Dr. Kleiner, there's really no time. " "k_lab2.al_optimism" "Was ik maar net zo optimistisch als u, doctor..." "[english]k_lab2.al_optimism" "I wish I shared your optimism, Doctor... " "k_lab2.al_wemadeit" "Mijn god...het is gelukt. " "[english]k_lab2.al_wemadeit" "My God... we made it. " "k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean" "Wat bedoel je? " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean" "What do you mean? " "k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean_b" "Gordon en ik waren hier net nog. " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean_b" "Gordon and I were just there a minute ago. " "k_lab2.al_whatswrong" "Wat is er mis? " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatswrong" "What's wrong? " "k_lab2.al_wheresdoc01" "Maar waar is Dr. Kleiner? " "[english]k_lab2.al_wheresdoc01" "But where's Dr. Kleiner? " "k_lab2.al_wheresdoc02" "Dr. Kleiner! Laat ons eruit! " "[english]k_lab2.al_wheresdoc02" "Dr. Kleiner! Let us out! " "k_lab2.ba_getgoing" "Ga maar, schiet op! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_getgoing" "Go on, get going! " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews" "Dat is goed nieuws! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews" "Man, that's good news! " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_b" "Ik gaf jullie bijna als vermist op!" "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_b" "I almost gave you guys up for lost!" "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_c" "Alle hulp is welkom. " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_c" "I'll take all the help I can get. " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_d" "We zijn van plan een podium te bouwen om de Citadel aan te vallen. " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_d" "We're planning to set up a staging area for attacking the citadel. " "k_lab2.ba_heydoc01" "Hey, Doc? Ben je daar? " "[english]k_lab2.ba_heydoc01" "Hey, Doc? Are you there? " "k_lab2.ba_heydoc02" "Hallo Doc, ben je daar? " "[english]k_lab2.ba_heydoc02" "Doc, come in, are you there? " "k_lab2.ba_incoming" "Oh shit! Pas op! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_incoming" "Oh crap! Incoming! " "k_lab2.kl_aroundhere" "Ze moet hier ergens zijn. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_aroundhere" "Now, now, she's around here someplace. " "k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01" "Dat is erg zorgelijk." "[english]k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01" "Well, that is most troubling." "k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01_b" "Volgens de vortigaunts is hij een gevangene in de Citadel. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01_b" "According to the vortigaunts, he is a prisoner at the Citadel. " "k_lab2.kl_aweekago01" "Inderdaad, en het had verstrekkende gevolgen. Maar dat is meer dan een week geleden! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_aweekago01" "Indeed it did... and the repercussions were felt far and wide, but... That was over a week ago! " "k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck01" "Een hoop, m'n beste." "[english]k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck01" "A great deal, my dear. " "k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck02" "Jullie aanval bij Nova Prospekt was een signaal om de opstand te beginnen. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck02" "The blow you struck at Nova Prospekt was taken as a signal to begin the uprising. " "k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr" "Wacht even. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr" "Just a minute. " "k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr_b" "IK kan niet weg zonder Lamarr. Waar is ze gebleven? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr_b" "I can't leave without Lamarr. Now where did she get to? " "k_lab2.kl_comeoutlamarr" "Kom tevoorschijn, Lamarr! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_comeoutlamarr" "Come out, Lamarr! " "k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope02" "Barney heeft een aanval geleid met precies dat doel. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope02" "Barney has been leading a push with that very aim in mind. " "k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope03" "Een andere vriend van jullie is hier een paar dagen terug aangekomen. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope03" "And another of your friends arrived several days ago. " "k_lab2.kl_givenuphope" "Liefje, ik dacht dat ik je nooit meer terug zou zien. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_givenuphope" "My dear, I had given up hope of ever seeing you again. " "k_lab2.kl_greatscott" "Goeie genade! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_greatscott" "Great Scott! " "k_lab2.kl_howandwhen01" "Alyx? Gordon? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_howandwhen01" "Alyx? Gordon? " "k_lab2.kl_howandwhen02" "Mijn god, hoe zijn jullie hier gekomen? En wanneer? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_howandwhen02" "My god... how did you get here? And when? " "k_lab2.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr? Lamarr! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr? Lamarr! " "k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary01" "Ja, Gordon, ga door. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary01" "Yes, Gordon, please do go on. " "k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary02" "Lamarr is extreem op haar hoede voor je koevoet. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary02" "Lamarr is extremely wary of your crowbar. " "k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone" "Ja, Barney. En ik ben niet alleen." "[english]k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone" "Yes, Barney, and I'm no longer alone." "k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone_b" "Alyx en Gordon zijn net aangekomen. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone_b" "Alyx and Gordon have just arrived. " "k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless" "Dus, zie je?" "[english]k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless" "So there, you see?" "k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless_b" "Het is niet allemaal hopeloos. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless_b" "It's not all hopeless. " "k_lab2.kl_onehedy" "Er is maar één Hedy. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_onehedy" "There's only one Hedy. " "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01" "Fascinerend." "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01" "Fascinating." "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01_b" "We hebben een erg langzame telepoort ontwikkeld. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01_b" "We seem to have developed a very slow teleport. " "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport02" "Dit moet uitgebreid onderzocht worden. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport02" "This suggests an entirely new line of investigation. " "nexus.ba_alldown" "Goed zo! Ze zijn allemaal neergehaald. " "[english]nexus.ba_alldown" "That's it! They're all down. " "nexus.ba_armory" "Hé, het is een arsenaal. " "[english]nexus.ba_armory" "Hey, it's an armory. " "nexus.ba_bypass" "Nu kunnen we het plein oversteken, de Nexus passeren en doorstoten naar de Citadel. " "[english]nexus.ba_bypass" "Now we can cut through the square, bypass the Nexus and push straight on toward the Citadel. " "nexus.ba_comingdown" "Ze komen naar beneden. " "[english]nexus.ba_comingdown" "They're coming down. " "nexus.ba_comingfromroof" "Ze komen vanaf het dak. " "[english]nexus.ba_comingfromroof" "They'll be coming from the roof. " "nexus.ba_dayswork" "Het hoort er allemaal bij, toch? " "[english]nexus.ba_dayswork" "All in a day's work, right? " "nexus.ba_done" "Klaar. " "[english]nexus.ba_done" "Done. " "nexus.ba_dontbeseen" "Zorg dat je niet gezien wordt! " "[english]nexus.ba_dontbeseen" "Don't let it see you! " "nexus.ba_dontstandstill" "Ze grijpen je als je stilstaat! " "[english]nexus.ba_dontstandstill" "Don't let it catch you standing still! " "nexus.ba_drawpowerfrominside" "Het krijgt energie vanuit het gebouw, dus daar moeten we heen. " "[english]nexus.ba_drawpowerfrominside" "It draws power from inside the building so that's where we've got to go. " "nexus.ba_exitsigns" "Let op de bordjes van de uitgang. " "[english]nexus.ba_exitsigns" "Look for the exit signs. " "nexus.ba_firstgetin" "We moeten eerst het Nexus-gebouw binnen. " "[english]nexus.ba_firstgetin" "First, we gotta get into the Nexus building. " "nexus.ba_followme01" "Deze kant op, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme01" "This way, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_followme02" "Kom! " "[english]nexus.ba_followme02" "Come on! " "nexus.ba_followme03" "Kom op, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme03" "Come on, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_followme05" "Volg mij. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme05" "Follow me. " "nexus.ba_gateintro" "Daar is het hek waar ik jullie over vertelde. We moeten hier terugkomen nadat we het openen. Als we het open krijgen. " "[english]nexus.ba_gateintro" "There's that gate I was telling you about. We'll have to come back here after we get it open. If we get it open. " "nexus.ba_getthisopen" "Maak dit ding open, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_getthisopen" "Get this thing open, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_goodjob" "Goed werk, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_goodjob" "Good job, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_goonnow" "Ga nu maar. " "[english]nexus.ba_goonnow" "Go on now. " "nexus.ba_gottagetskybopen" "We moeten de luchtbrug open krijgen. " "[english]nexus.ba_gottagetskybopen" "We've gotta get the skybridge open. " "nexus.ba_greatwork" "Goed werk, Doc. Je kunt het nog steeds. " "[english]nexus.ba_greatwork" "Great work, Doc, you've still got the touch. " "nexus.ba_headforroof" "Nu naar het dak toe, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_headforroof" "Let's head for the roof now, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_ifcitscomethru" "Als er nog meer burgers komen stuur ik ze naar boven, naar jou toe. " "[english]nexus.ba_ifcitscomethru" "If any more citizens come through I'll send them up to find you. " "nexus.ba_illopenthis" "Geweldig, ik maak dit open. " "[english]nexus.ba_illopenthis" "Great, I'll open this up. " "nexus.ba_keepgate" "Ik blijf hier en hou dit hek lang genoeg open om een verschil te maken. " "[english]nexus.ba_keepgate" "I'm gonna stay here and keep these gates open long enough to make a difference. " "nexus.ba_lasers_goforit" "Wauw. Zoveel beveiliging, daar moet wel iets goed te vinden zijn. Ga je gang, Doc. Ik wacht hier tot jullie het onklaar hebben gemaakt. Wees voorzichtig. " "[english]nexus.ba_lasers_goforit" "Wow. With that much security, there must be something good in there. Go for it, Doc. I'll wait here till you shut it down. Be careful. " "nexus.ba_lastone" "Nog een generator te gaan. " "[english]nexus.ba_lastone" "One generator to go. " "nexus.ba_letthemout" "Laat ze eruit! " "[english]nexus.ba_letthemout" "Let them out! " "nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb01" "Goed. Zorg er nu voor dat de luchtbrug wordt ingeschakeld. " "[english]nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb01" "Good. Now, get the skybridge connected. " "nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb02" "Gordon, verleng de luchtbrug. " "[english]nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb02" "Gordon, extend the skybridge. " "nexus.ba_nexusahead" "Er is verderop een oud gebouw, een bank of museum of iets dergelijks. Wat het ook geweest is, het is nu een nexus voor de Overwatch in City 17. Het is de grootste pijnbron voor dit deel van de stad, door een enorm onderdrukkingsapparaat dat het vanaf het dak van het gebouw hels laat regenen. " "[english]nexus.ba_nexusahead" "There's an old building up ahead, a bank or museum or something like that. Whatever the hell it used to be, now it's a nexus for Overwatch in City Seventeen. It's the main source of pain for this part of town, thanks to a huge suppression device that's raining down hell from the roof of the place. " "nexus.ba_ontheroof" "Ze staan op het dak! " "[english]nexus.ba_ontheroof" "They're on the roof! " "nexus.ba_ourgate" "Hier is het hek. Ik ga het openen. " "[english]nexus.ba_ourgate" "There's our gate. Let me just get it open. " "nexus.ba_ownsroof" "Oh man. Overwatch heerst over het dak. Precies waar wij heen wilden. " "[english]nexus.ba_ownsroof" "Oh man. Overwatch owns the roof, and that's where we're headed. " "nexus.ba_prisoners" "Gevangenen! Laat ze eruit, Gordon. We kunnen hun hulp goed gebruiken. " "[english]nexus.ba_prisoners" "Prisoners! Let 'em out, Gordon. We could use their help. " "nexus.ba_rollgrenade" "Rol een granaat naar binnen als je die hebt. Dat zou moeten werken. " "[english]nexus.ba_rollgrenade" "Roll a grenade in there if you've got one. That oughtta do it. " "nexus.ba_roofaccess" "De toegang naar het dak is deze kant op. " "[english]nexus.ba_roofaccess" "Roof access is this way. " "nexus.ba_seeyou" "Ik zie je wel weer, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_seeyou" "See you when I see you, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_seeyouonground" "Goed werk, Gordon. Ik zie je beneden. " "[english]nexus.ba_seeyouonground" "Good job, Gordon. I'll see you on the ground. " "nexus.ba_settraps" "Zet wat vallen uit, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_settraps" "Set some traps for them, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_shieldgen" "Moet je die generators zien. Daar heb ik niets mee te maken. We hebben hier een soort actie-op-afstand nodig. " "[english]nexus.ba_shieldgen" "Check out those shield generators. I've got nothing to deal with those. What we need here is some kind of action at a distance. " "nexus.ba_shieldlobby" "Als we door deze schilden heen willen komen, moeten we de generators één voor één uitschakelen. " "[english]nexus.ba_shieldlobby" "If we want to get through these shields, we'll have to take out the generators one at a time. " "nexus.ba_skybreinf" "Ga naar boven en sluit de luchtbrug aan. We moeten uit elke mogelijke richting versterking laten komen. " "[english]nexus.ba_skybreinf" "Go on up and connect the skybridge. We need to let reinforcements come through from every possible direction. " "nexus.ba_spotted" "We zijn niet meer geheim. We zijn ontdekt! " "[english]nexus.ba_spotted" "So much for stealth. We've been spotted! " "nexus.ba_stockup" "Vul je voorraad aan! " "[english]nexus.ba_stockup" "Stock up! " "nexus.ba_supp_nothurt" "Je kunt dat ding vanaf hier beneden niet raken, Gordon. We moeten het van binnenuit uitschakelen. " "[english]nexus.ba_supp_nothurt" "You're not gonna hurt that thing from down here, Gordon. We'll have to shut it down from inside. " "nexus.ba_supp_spotted" "Het heeft ons gezien! " "[english]nexus.ba_supp_spotted" "It spotted us! " "nexus.ba_suppdownroofnow" "De onderdrukking is uitgeschakeld, dus je kunt nu het dak bereiken. " "[english]nexus.ba_suppdownroofnow" "The suppressor's down, so you can get to the roof now. " "nexus.ba_suppressordown" "Daarna wordt de onderdrukking op het dak ook uitgeschakeld. " "[english]nexus.ba_suppressordown" "That'll shut down the suppressor on the roof as well. " "nexus.ba_surrounded" "We zijn omsingeld! " "[english]nexus.ba_surrounded" "We're surrounded! " "nexus.ba_thenletsgo" "Laten we gaan! " "[english]nexus.ba_thenletsgo" "Then let's go! " "nexus.ba_threegen" "We moeten drie generators uitschakelen. We kunnen net zo goed met deze beginnen. " "[english]nexus.ba_threegen" "We've got three generators to disable. Might as well start with this one. " "nexus.ba_totheroof" "Naar het dak, Gordon! " "[english]nexus.ba_totheroof" "To the roof, Gordon! " "nexus.ba_turretsyoudeal" "Oh-oh. Turrets. Jij hebt het HEV-pak, doe jij daar maar wat aan. Dan ga ik aan de slag met de beveiligingsconsole. " "[english]nexus.ba_turretsyoudeal" "Uh-oh. Turrets. You've got the HEV suit, you deal with them. Then I'll work the security console. " "nexus.ba_twotogo" "Oké, nog twee generators over. " "[english]nexus.ba_twotogo" "Okay, two more generators to go. " "nexus.ba_uhohcompany" "Oh-oh. We hebben gezelschap. " "[english]nexus.ba_uhohcompany" "Uh oh. Company. " "nexus.ba_uhohdropships" "Oh-oh. Dropships! " "[english]nexus.ba_uhohdropships" "Uh oh. Dropships! " "nexus.ba_usehoppers" "Gebruik de hoppers tegen ze. " "[english]nexus.ba_usehoppers" "Try using the hoppers against 'em. " "nexus.ba_vista01" "Hier is het. De Overwatch Nexus. Zo te zien zijn ze flink aan het mobiliseren. Je kan het hek bijna zien vanaf hier. Ik laat het zien als we op straatniveau zijn. " "[english]nexus.ba_vista01" "There it is. The Overwatch Nexus. Looks like they're mobilizing, big-time. You can sort of see the gate from here. I'll show you when we get to streetlevel. " "nexus.ba_vista02" "We moeten dat gebouw in om het hek te openen. Zelfs dan onderdrukt het onderdrukkingsveld iedereen die erdoor komt, tenzij we het uitschakelen. " "[english]nexus.ba_vista02" "We'll have to get in that building to open the gate. Even then, the suppression device will suppress anyone coming through unless we shut it down. " "nexus.ba_wisheli" "Was Eli maar hier. Misschien zou hij ons kunnen adviseren. " "[english]nexus.ba_wisheli" "I wish Eli were here. Maybe he'd have some advice for us. " "nexus.ba_yougotgravgun" "Hé, je hebt de gravity gun van Eli! Geef die velden eens een schok, misschien helpt dat. " "[english]nexus.ba_yougotgravgun" "Hey, you've got Eli's gravity gun! Try giving those shields a jolt and see if you can shake em up a bit. " "nexus.cit_rockets" "Dr. Freeman! Omdat je de onderdrukking hebt uitgeschakeld en het hek hebt geopend, kunnen de mensen er nu door! De Combine gaan het merken! We hebben een krat met raketten laten vallen toen we het plein overstaken. Als je daar kunt komen, heb je alles wat je nog hebt om die striders neer te halen. " "[english]nexus.cit_rockets" "Dr. Freeman! Since you shut off the suppressor and opened the gate, we can really move people through now! The Combine's gonna feel the squeeze! We dropped a crate of rockets, coming across the plaza. If you can make it there, you should have everything you need to take down these striders. " "novaprospekt.al_almostthere" "We zijn er bijna. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_almostthere" "Almost there. " "novaprospekt.al_backdown" "Wat is dat? Hou vol. Ik moet dit terug omlaag brengen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_backdown" "What's that? Hold on. Gotta bring this back down. " "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid01" "Vast wel. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid01" "I'll bet you did. " "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid02" "Kijk ernaar, Gordon." "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid02" "Look at it, Gordon." "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid03" "Het ziet eruit of het op ons wacht. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid03" "It looks like it's waiting for us. " "novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor01" "Huh... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor01" "Huh... " "novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor02" "Kom terug! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor02" "Get back! " "novaprospekt.al_bringhimin" "Goed, ik denk dat ik hem binnen kan halen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_bringhimin" "All right, I think I can bring him in. " "novaprospekt.al_careofyourself" "Hé, pas goed op jezelf. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_careofyourself" "Hey, take care of yourself. " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy01" "Nee! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy01" "No! " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy02" " " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy03" "Verdomme, niet te geloven! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy03" "Damn her, I don't believe this! " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy04" "Kom op, Gordon. Nu moeten we echt opschieten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy04" "Come on, Gordon, now we've really gotta hurry. " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy05" "Ga maar vast. Ik verstoor het volgende beveiligingsniveau en haal je zo snel mogelijk weer in. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy05" "Go on ahead. I'll disrupt the next level of security, and catch up with you when I can. " "novaprospekt.al_comebackdad" "Kom terug! Pap! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comebackdad" "Get back here! Dad! " "novaprospekt.al_comeon" "Kom. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comeon" "Come on. " "novaprospekt.al_comeonin02" "Kom binnen, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comeonin02" "Come on in, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_covermegordon" "Geef me dekking, Gordon! Ik moet de portal resetten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_covermegordon" "Cover me, Gordon! I've gotta reset the portal. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_arrival" "Ik ben er zo, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_arrival" "Be there in a second, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_entry" "Je komt zo een andere controlekamer tegen. Zo te zien is die nog bezet. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_entry" "You're coming up to another control room. Looks like it's still occupied. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_fields" "Ik denk dat er nog meer soldaten jouw kant op komen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_fields" "My guess is there's a bunch more soldiers heading your way. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming" "Ik kan die velden vanaf hier niet uitschakelen. Ik moet je inhalen om erbij te kunnen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming" "I can't shut down those fields from here, I'm going to have to catch up with you to get access to them. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming_2" "Ik zie veel soldaten binnenkomen. Verdedig het fort tot ik er ben. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming_2" "I'm picking up a lot of incoming soldiers, hold the fort til I get there. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_search" "Snel, doorzoek de kamer. Er zijn Combine-turrets in de buurt. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_search" "Quick, search the room. There should be some Combine turrets nearby. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_turrets" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_turrets" " " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_wave2" "Er komen nog meer soldaten aan. Hou die turrets aan de praat om te helpen verdedigen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_wave2" "More soldiers are coming. Make sure to keep those turrets up to help defend. " "novaprospekt.al_dadallright" "Pap, alles in orde? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_dadallright" "Dad, are you all right? " "novaprospekt.al_daddownhere01" "Pap! Hier beneden! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_daddownhere01" "Dad! Down here! " "novaprospekt.al_daddownhere02" "Sorry dat het zo lang duurde. Ik hoop dat het niet te erg voor je was. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_daddownhere02" "Sorry we took so long. I hope that wasn't too bad for you. " "novaprospekt.al_dadswork" "Je hebt mijn vaders werk gestolen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_dadswork" "That's my father's work you stole. " "novaprospekt.al_docstop" "Dr. Kleiner, hou ze tegen! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_docstop" "Dr. Kleiner, you have to stop them! " "novaprospekt.al_drk01" "Dr. Kleiner! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drk01" "Dr. Kleiner! " "novaprospekt.al_drk02" "We zijn in Nova Prospekt en we gaan voor het eerst de Xen-emulatie uitvoeren. Ben je er klaar voor? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drk02" "We're in Nova Prospekt, and we're running the Xen emulation for the first time. Are you ready for us? " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01" "Ik heb gesproken met Dr. Kleiner. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01" "I talked to Dr. Kleiner " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_b" "Zijn portal was al bijna weer klaar. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_b" "His portal was almost working again. " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_c" "Als hij hem heeft gerepareerd, eindigen we daar. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_c" "If he's managed to repair it we'll end up there. " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_d" "En zo niet, dan... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_d" "If he hasn't, well... " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_e" "Ach, slechter dan dit kan niet. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_e" "we couldn't be any worse off. " "novaprospekt.al_elevator01" "Ben je er klaar voor? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator01" "You ready for this? " "novaprospekt.al_elevator02" "Je bent een man van weinig woorden, hè? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator02" "Man of few words, aren't you? " "novaprospekt.al_elevator03" "Bereid je voor... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator03" "Get ready... " "novaprospekt.al_enoughbs01" "Ik heb genoeg van jouw gezeik! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_enoughbs01" "Enough of your bullshit! " "novaprospekt.al_enoughbs02" "Kijk, Gordon. Daar is mijn vader. Ik ga hem binnenhalen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_enoughbs02" "Look, Gordon, there's my dad. I'm going to bring him in. " "novaprospekt.al_findmossman01" "Eens kijken of we Mossman kunnen vinden. Zo te zien heb ik met dit station beter toegang. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmossman01" "Let's see if we can find Mossman. It looks like this station might give me better access. " "novaprospekt.al_findmossman03" "Daar is ze. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmossman03" "There she is. " "novaprospekt.al_findmyfather" "Nu mijn vader nog vinden. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmyfather" "Now, to find my father. " "novaprospekt.al_flyingblind" "Ik weet niet precies waar ik mee bezig ben. Nu en dan wordt er een vortigaunt gevangen genomen en die stuurt informatie terug, maar we hebben geen compleet beeld. Het weinige wat we weten, is slecht. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_flyingblind" "I'm afraid I'm flying blind here. Every now and then a vortigaunt gets captured and sends back information, but we don't have a complete picture of the place. The little we do know is all bad. " "novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag01" "Schiet maar op. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag01" "You better hurry. " "novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag02" "Ga maar, Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag02" "Go on, Gordon! " "novaprospekt.al_getopen" "Goed, eens kijken of ik dit open krijg " "[english]novaprospekt.al_getopen" "All right, let me see if I can get this open " "novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyou" "Ik ben blij om je te zien. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyou" "Boy am I glad to see you. " "novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyoureok" "Fijn om te zien dat je in orde bent. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyoureok" "Glad to see you're okay. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru01" "Goed, Gordon. Ga er maar door. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru01" "All right, Gordon, go on through. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru02" "Ik ga terug naar het beveiligingsstation en probeer de radio in je pak te bereiken. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru02" "I'm going to head back to the security station and try to patch into your suit radio. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru03" "Wacht tot je iets van me hoort. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru03" "Wait till you hear from me. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru04" "Toe dan, ga er maar in. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru04" "Go on, get in there. " "novaprospekt.al_gordon01" "Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gordon01" "Gordon! " "novaprospekt.al_gordongetin" "Kom op, Gordon. Erin! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gordongetin" "Come on, Gordon, get in! " "novaprospekt.al_gotyounow01" "Ha! Nu heb ik je. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gotyounow01" "Ha! Got you now. " "novaprospekt.al_gotyounow02" "Kom op, Gordon. We willen haar niet laten wachten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gotyounow02" "Well, come on Gordon. We don't want to keep her waiting. " "novaprospekt.al_hacksecurity01" "Hiermee kan ik in hun beveiligingssysteem. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hacksecurity01" "This'll get me into their security system. " "novaprospekt.al_halfway" "Het is ongeveer halverwege. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_halfway" "Looks like it's about halfway there. " "novaprospekt.al_hereweare" "Oké. Hierheen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hereweare" "All right. Over here. " "novaprospekt.al_holdit" "Hou het daar. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_holdit" "Hold it there. " "novaprospekt.al_holdon" "Hou vol! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_holdon" "Hold on! " "novaprospekt.al_horrible01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible01" " " "novaprospekt.al_horrible01_cc" "Oh mijn god. Jij hebt met dit ding gewerkt? Hoe lang?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible01_cc" "Oh my God. And you've been working with this thing? For how long?" "novaprospekt.al_horrible02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible02" " " "novaprospekt.al_hurrymossman" "Schiet op, Mossman! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hurrymossman" "Hurry up, Mossman! " "novaprospekt.al_icanreprogram" "Ik kan deze turrets herprogrammeren zodat ze de vijand aanvallen. Stel ze op om de controlekamer te verdedigen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_icanreprogram" "I can reprogram these turrets to attack the enemy. You set them up to defend the control room. " "novaprospekt.al_illtakecare" "Ik zorg daar wel voor. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_illtakecare" "I'll take care of that. " "novaprospekt.al_illtalk" "Daar is ze. Laat mij het gesprek voeren, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_illtalk" "There she is. Leave the talking to me Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_inhere01" "Hij zou hierin moeten zijn. Ik ga dit openen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_inhere01" "He should be in here. Let me just get this open. " "novaprospekt.al_itsdone" "Gelukkig, het zit erop. Nu snel wegwezen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_itsdone" "Thank god, it's done. Let's get the hell outta here. " "novaprospekt.al_justseconds" "Nog een paar seconden... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_justseconds" "Just a couple more seconds... " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup01" "Stel je turrets op. Hou vol totdat ik er ben. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup01" "Keep your turrets set up. You've got to hold on til I get there. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02" "Stel die turrets op. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02" "Keep those turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02r" "Stel die turrets op. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02r" "Keep those turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03" "Let op je turrets. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03" "Watch your turrets. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03r" "Let op je turrets. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03r" "Watch your turrets. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04" "Vergeet de turrets niet, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04" "Remember the turrets, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04r" "Vergeet de turrets niet, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04r" "Remember the turrets, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_keepturrets" "Gordon, hou de turrets opgesteld. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepturrets" "Gordon, keep the turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_leapfrog01" "Hé, het werkte. Eens zien wat ik kan doen om de weg voor je vrij te maken. Kijk of je Mossman ergens ziet. Ik leid mijn vader zo ver mogelijk door de gevangenis en haal je daarna in. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_leapfrog01" "Hey, it worked. Let's see what I can do to clear the way for you. Keep an eye out for Mossman. I'll get my dad through the prison as far as I can, then I'll catch up with you. " "novaprospekt.al_letsgetgoing" "Tijd om te gaan. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_letsgetgoing" "Let's get going. " "novaprospekt.al_letsgetout01" "We moeten hier weg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_letsgetout01" "Let's get out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_lookmonitor" "Oh-oh. Kijk eens naar de monitor. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_lookmonitor" "Uh oh. Look at the monitor. " "novaprospekt.al_mayneedher" "Misschien moeten we haar hier weghalen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_mayneedher" "We may need her to get out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_meethim" "Hij is onderweg. Laten we naar hem toe gaan. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meethim" "He's on the way. Let's go meet him. " "novaprospekt.al_meetmethere01" "Gordon! Ontmoet me daar! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meetmethere01" "Gordon! Meet me over there! " "novaprospekt.al_meetyouthere01" "Ik neem geen afscheid, pap. We zien je daar. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meetyouthere01" "I'm not saying goodbye, Dad. We'll meet you there. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers01" "Meer soldaten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers01" "More soldiers. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers02" "Er komen meer soldaten, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers02" "More soldiers are coming, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers03" "Bereid je voor op nog een golf. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers03" "Get ready for another wave. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers04" "Wat een hoop soldaten ineens. Ze komen van alle kanten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers04" "We must have hit a motherlode of soldiers. They're coming in from everywhere. " "novaprospekt.al_mutter" "Laat me even nadenken. Denk, Alyx. Denk!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_mutter" "All right, let me think. Think, Alyx, think!" "novaprospekt.al_no01" "Nee! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_no01" "No! " "novaprospekt.al_nostop" "Nee, stop! Wat doe je? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_nostop" "No, stop! What are you doing? " "novaprospekt.al_notexactly" "Niet helemaal. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notexactly" "Not exactly. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavinghere01" "We gaan niet weg zonder jou. Dat is definitief. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavinghere01" "We're not leaving here without you. That's final. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01" "Ik denk dat ik de Combine-portal kan herkalibreren om te ontsnappen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01" "I think I can recalibrate the Combine portal to get us out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01_a" "Nee, we laten je niet achter. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01_a" "No, we're not leaving you. " "novaprospekt.al_ohmygod" "Oh mijn god. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_ohmygod" "Oh my god. " "novaprospekt.al_onepiece" "Ik ben bij dat je hier heelhuids bent aangekomen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_onepiece" "I'm glad you made it here in one piece. " "novaprospekt.al_overhere" "Hierheen! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_overhere" "Over here! " "novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03" "Mijn vader is daar ergens, in dat gebied. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03" "My Dad's up there somewhere, in that holding area. " "novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03_b" "Het wordt moeilijk om hem eruit te krijgen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03_b" "It's gonna take some doing to get him out. " "novaprospekt.al_pickherup" "Geen zorgen, pap. We vinden haar wel. Ik stuur je nu eerst naar de telepoortkamer. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_pickherup" "Don't worry, Dad, we'll find her. For now, I'm going to send you to the teleport chamber. " "novaprospekt.al_poorpeople" "Oh mijn god, die arme mensen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_poorpeople" "Oh my God...these poor people... " "novaprospekt.al_readings01" "Ik schrik van deze metingen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_readings01" "These readings are scaring me. " "novaprospekt.al_readings02" "Oké, Doc. We zijn erin. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_readings02" "Okay, Doc, we're locked on. " "novaprospekt.al_resetting" "Oké, hij is aan het resetten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_resetting" "Okay, it's resetting. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate" "Dit heb ik in een wip open. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate" "I'll have this open in a jiffy. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2" "Verdomme! Hij zit vast. Oké, ik heb een idee. Ga terug naar dat kantoor. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2" "Damn! It's jammed. Okay, I've got an idea. Head back to that office. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2_nag" "Ga terug naar dat kantoor, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2_nag" "Head back to that office, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_gate" "Wacht even, ik kijk of ik dat hek open kan krijgen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_gate" "Hang on, I'll see if I can figure out how to get that gate open. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_gate_open" "Hebbes. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_gate_open" "Got it. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_lights" "Ik ben op zoek naar de lichtschakelaar. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_lights" "I'm looking for the light switch now. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_lights_on" "Ziezo. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_lights_on" "There we go. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves" "Volgens de schema's is er een ventilatieschacht achter die kasten." "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves" "According to the schematics, there should be a vent behind those shelves. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_2" "Goed werk. Je moet door deze ventilatieschachten kunnen kruipen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_2" "Good job. You should be able to sneak through these vents. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_nag" "Gordon, ga door de luchtschacht achter de kasten." "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_nag" "Gordon, go through the airvent behind the shelves. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush" " " "novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush_2" "Er komen soldaten aan. Hier, ik laat het je zien op deze monitor. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush_2" "I'm picking up incoming soldiers. Here, I'll show you on this monitor. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_gate" "Ik ga aan de gang met dit hek. Momentje. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_gate" "I'll start working on this gate. Just a sec. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_gate2" "Oké, hebbes. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_gate2" "Okay, got it. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_vent" "Wees voorzichtig, Gordon. Er zijn erg veel Combine-sensors in het volgende gebied. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_vent" "Be careful, Gordon, I'm picking up a lot of Combine sensors in the area ahead. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field" "Dit is een filterveld van de Combine. Als je er nooit mee gewerkt hebt: soms kan je de schakelaar mollen door er spullen doorheen te gooien. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field" "This is a Combine filter-field. If you've never dealt with one of these before, you can sometimes break the switch by lobbing stuff through. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_2" "Het filterveld houdt je tegen. Combine-soldaten kunnen erdoor, maar jij niet. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_2" "The filter-field will screen you out. Combine soldiers can get through there, but you can't. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_3" "Deze is niet aangesloten op het net. Ik kan hem niet uitschakelen. De bediening moet vlakbij zitten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_3" "This one isn't connected to the net. I can't turn it off. There must be controls for it nearby. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_success" "Goed werk. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_success" "Good work. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret" "Stop! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret" "Stop! " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_2" "Er staat een turret op de trap recht onder je. Gooi hem omver met een granaat, als je die nog hebt. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_2" "There's a turret in the stairs right below you. Try knocking it over with a grenade, if you have any left. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_3" "Goed genoeg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_3" "Good enough. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor1" "Ik heb deze deur in een seconde open. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor1" "I'll have this door open in a second. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor2" "Oké, laten we gaan. Volg mij. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor2" "Okay let's go. Follow me. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_done" "Oké, Gordon. Ik ga hier nu weg en kom weer naar je toe. Ik ben er zo snel mogelijk." "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_done" "Okay, Gordon, I'm going to leave off here and catch up with you. Be there as soon as I can. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_entry" "Er komen nog meer soldaten aan! Kijk of er turrets in de buurt zijn! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_entry" "I'm picking up more incoming soldiers! See if there are some more turrets nearby! " "novaprospekt.al_room5_incoming" "Daar zijn ze! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_incoming" "Here they come. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_turrets" "Snel, stel deze op. Ik zie soldaten aan alle kanten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_turrets" "Quick, get these set up. I'm seeing soldiers in all directions. " "novaprospekt.al_sealdoor01" "Ik ga deze deur sluiten. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sealdoor01" "Let me seal this door. " "novaprospekt.al_sealdoor02" "Er is geen weg meer terug. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sealdoor02" "No turning back now. " "novaprospekt.al_senddadthru" "Goed. We sturen eerst mijn vader door. Hij staat klaar om... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_senddadthru" "Good. We'll send my dad through first. He's in position for... " "novaprospekt.al_setturrets" "Stel wat turrets op! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_setturrets" "Get some turrets set up! " "novaprospekt.al_sheupto01" "Wacht eens even " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto01" "Wait a minute " "novaprospekt.al_sheupto02" "Hoe kon zij...?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto02" "How'd she...?" "novaprospekt.al_sheupto03" "Wat is ze van plan? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto03" "What's she up to? " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor02" "Ha. Klaar. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor02" "Hah. Done. " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor03" "Kom. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor03" "Come on. " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor04" "Volg mij. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor04" "Follow me. " "novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad01" "Hou je kop. Wees blij dat je nog nut hebt voor ons! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad01" "Shut up and be glad you're still some use to us! " "novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad02" "We gaan de telepoort opnieuw configureren en dan snel weg hier. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad02" "We're going to reconfigure this teleport and get the hell out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_sorrysolong" "Sorry dat het zo lang duurde, Gordon. Zo te zien had je wel wat hulp kunnen gebruiken. Ik zal je niet meer alleen laten. Laten we Mossman opsporen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sorrysolong" "Sorry to take so long, Gordon. Looks like you could have used some help. I won't leave you again though. Now let's track down Mossman. " "novaprospekt.al_sorrytooksolong" "Sorry dat het zo lang duurt. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sorrytooksolong" "Sorry it took me so long. " "novaprospekt.al_takingforever" "God, dit duurt een eeuwigheid! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_takingforever" "God, this is taking forever! " "novaprospekt.al_thecoords" "De coördinaten, Dr. Mossman." "[english]novaprospekt.al_thecoords" "The coordinates, Dr. Mossman." "novaprospekt.al_there" "Daar! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_there" "There! " "novaprospekt.al_thereheis" "Daar is hij! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_thereheis" "There he is. " "novaprospekt.al_theyrecoming" "Ze komen eraan, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_theyrecoming" "They're coming, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_traitor01" "Verrader! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_traitor01" "Traitor! " "novaprospekt.al_uhoh_np" "Oh-oh. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_uhoh_np" "Uh-oh. " "novaprospekt.al_useturrets" "Gordon, gebruik de turrets! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_useturrets" "Gordon, use the turrets! " "novaprospekt.al_warmeditup" "Dus jullie hebben het voor ons opgewarmd. Goed. En net op tijd. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_warmeditup" "So you've warmed it up for us. Good. And just in time. " "novaprospekt.al_werecomingin" "Verdomme! Achteruit, Mossman. We komen naar binnen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_werecomingin" "Damn it! Move back, Mossman, we're coming in. " "novaprospekt.al_whatcoords" "Oh mijn god! Wat zijn dit voor coördinaten? Waar heeft ze hem naartoe gestuurd? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_whatcoords" "Oh my god! What coordinates are these? Where the hell did she take him? " "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou01" "Geweldig, nog een beveiligingsstation. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou01" "Great, another security station. " "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou02" "Goed, Mossman. Waar zit je?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou02" "All right, Mossman, where are you...?" "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou03" "Ha! Ik heb haar gevonden!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou03" "Ha! Found her!" "novaprospekt.al_youandbreen" "We weten alles over jou en Breen. Je bent steeds een spion voor de Combine geweest. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youandbreen" "We know all about you and Breen. You've been a spy for the Combine the whole time. " "novaprospekt.al_youbeenworking" "Jij hebt met dit ding gewerkt? Hoe lang? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youbeenworking" "And you've been working with this thing? For how long? " "novaprospekt.al_youcoming" "Kom je? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youcoming" "You coming? " "novaprospekt.al_youmadeit" "Gordon, je hebt het gehaald! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youmadeit" "Gordon, you made it! " "novaprospekt.al_yououtdad" "We zijn hier om je te bevrijden, pap. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_yououtdad" "We're here to get you out, Dad. " "novaprospekt.al_youput01" "Niet dankzij jou. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youput01" "No thanks to you. " "novaprospekt.al_youput02" "Voer de coördinaten in voor het lab van Dr. Kleiner, dan gaan we op pad. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youput02" "Just enter the coordinates for Dr. Kleiner's lab and let's get moving. " "novaprospekt.br_blinded" "Ik ken Dr. Vance al langer dan jij, liefje. Ik ben bang dat je gevoelens voor hem je hebben verblind... " "[english]novaprospekt.br_blinded" "I have known Dr. Vance far longer than you, my dear. I'm afraid your feelings for him may have blinded you-- " "novaprospekt.br_disturb" "...vanuit jouw gebied. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_disturb" "---from your area. " "novaprospekt.br_leeway01" "Dit staat niet ter discussie, Dr. Mossman. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_leeway01" "This is not open to debate, Dr. Mossman. " "novaprospekt.br_loyalties" "We wisten niet zeker of je daar ooit aan toe zou komen. Daar kennen we de menselijke loyaliteit te goed voor. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_loyalties" "We weren't entirely sure you were ever going to get around to that, human loyalties being what they are. " "novaprospekt.br_outoftime" "Het spijt me, Judith. Ik heb geen tijd meer. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_outoftime" "So sorry, Judith. I'm all out of time. " "novaprospekt.br_overzealous" "De soldaten waren wat overijverig, maar hij is te veel waard om zomaar los rond te laten lopen. Vooral nu Gordon Freeman niet in de buurt is. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_overzealous" "The soldiers were a bit overzealous, I admit, but he was too tempting a prize to simply turn loose, especially in the absence of Gordon Freeman. " "novaprospekt.eli_dontworry" "Maak je over mij geen zorgen, liefje. Judith! Ze hebben je vrijgelaten! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_dontworry" "Don't worry about me, sweetheart. Judith! I see they set you free! " "novaprospekt.eli_foundme01" "Alyx! Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_foundme01" "Alyx! Gordon! " "novaprospekt.eli_foundme02" "Zijn jullie het echt? Ongelofelijk dat jullie me gevonden hebben. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_foundme02" "Is that really you? I can't believe you found me. " "novaprospekt.eli_getoutofhere" "Alles in orde, maar jullie! Jullie moeten hier weg! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_getoutofhere" "I'm fine, but you! You've got to get out of here! " "novaprospekt.eli_iknow" "Dat weet ik. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_iknow" "I know you will. " "novaprospekt.eli_judithshelp01" "We mogen Judith hier ook niet achterlaten. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_judithshelp01" "We can't leave Judith here either. " "novaprospekt.eli_nevermindme01" "Maak je maar niet druk om mij. Red jezelf. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_nevermindme01" "Never mind me. Save yourselves. " "novaprospekt.eli_notime01" "Ik zie je daar, liefje. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_notime01" "I'll see you there, baby. " "novaprospekt.eli_notworthrisk" "Het is het risico niet waard, Alyx. Ik wil je niet kwijt! Ontsnap nu dat nog kan. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_notworthrisk" "It's not worth the risk, Alyx. I can't lose you! Get out while you can. " "novaprospekt.eli_thisisportal" "Dus dit is de Combine portal. Kleiner dan ik dacht. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_thisisportal" "So this is the Combine portal. It's smaller than I imagined. " "novaprospekt.eli_whatgoingon" "Wat gebeurt er, Alyx? Judith? Wat gebeurt er? " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_whatgoingon" "What's going on Alyx? Judith? What's happening? " "novaprospekt.eli_wherewillyougo01" "Maar waar ga je heen? " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_wherewillyougo01" "But where will you go? " "novaprospekt.kl_await" "Ik wacht met spanning op jullie komst. " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_await" "I await your arrival with great anticipation. " "novaprospekt.kl_ready" "Ik ben er helemaal klaar voor! " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_ready" "Ready, willing, and fully enabled! " "novaprospekt.kl_stopwho" "Wie tegenhouden, liefje? " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_stopwho" "Stop who, my dear? " "novaprospekt.kl_yesalyx" "Ja, Alyx. Waar ben je? " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_yesalyx" "Yes, Alyx, where are you? " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01" " " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01_cc" "Zie je? We staan aan dezelfde kant. Ik heb de modulator al opnieuw geprogrammeerd om een Xen-relais uit te zenden. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01_cc" "You see? We're working to the same end. I've already reprogrammed the modulator to emulate a Xen relay. " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted02" " " "novaprospekt.mo_asistated" "Dr. Breen, zoals ik al eerder zei, u moet Eli zelf laten komen, je kunt niet zomaar... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_asistated" "Dr. Breen, as I have stated before, you have to let Eli come around on his own you can't just ... " "novaprospekt.mo_drplease" "Doctor, alstublieft... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_drplease" "Doctor, please... " "novaprospekt.mo_feelings" "Gevoelens? dit heeft niets met gevoelens te maken. Het is simpel zat. Als Eli gelooft in onze..." "[english]novaprospekt.mo_feelings" "Feelings? This has nothing to do with feelings. It's a simple truth that when Eli believes in our---" "novaprospekt.mo_fromplatform" "Maar we moeten naar het telepoortplatform en we zijn buitengesloten. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_fromplatform" "But we need access to the teleport platform, and we're locked out. " "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01" " " "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01_cc" "Het is ook mijn werk! Ik moest aan Dr. Breen bewijzen dat je vader het meest waardevolle lid zou zijn van het onderzoek dat hier plaats zou vinden." "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01_cc" "It's my work too! And I had to prove to Dr. Breen that your father would be the most valuable member of any research effort going forward from here." "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove02" " " "novaprospekt.mo_howdyougetin" "Hallo? Gelukkig heeft iemand... Alyx? Gordon! Hoe komen jullie hier terecht? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_howdyougetin" "Hello? Thank God someone... Alyx? Gordon! How did you get in here? " "novaprospekt.mo_inacell" "Hebben jullie Eli gevonden? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_inacell" "You found Eli? " "novaprospekt.mo_incredible" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_incredible" " " "novaprospekt.mo_nevertillnow" "Nooit, tot nu. Ik wist redelijk goed wat ik kon verwachten... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_nevertillnow" "Never, until now. I did have a fairly good idea of what to expect... " "novaprospekt.mo_onlyway" "Het spijt me, Alyx. Het is de enige manier! " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_onlyway" "I'm sorry, Alyx. It's the only way! " "novaprospekt.mo_promised" "Daar gaat het niet over. Je had beloofd van Eli af te blijven. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_promised" "I'm not calling about that, You promised you weren't going to touch Eli. " "novaprospekt.mo_protectfather01" "Alyx, wat je ook van me denkt, ik verzeker je dat ik je vader heb beschermd. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_protectfather01" "Alyx, whatever you may think, I assure you I've worked to protect your father. " "novaprospekt.mo_pulsefoaming" "De Combine gebruiken een vreemd pulsvormingsnetwerk met een lange opstarttijd. Het duurt behoorlijk lang voordat het weer is opgeladen. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_pulsefoaming" "The Combine use a peculiar pulse-forming network with a very long rise-time. It takes quite a while to recharge. " "novaprospekt.mo_signal" "Je zou Freeman hebben gehad als je geduldig was geweest en op mijn teken had gewacht. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_signal" "You would have had Freeman if you'd been patient and just waited for my signal. " "novaprospekt.mo_talkingabout" "Wat? Waar heb je het over? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_talkingabout" "What? What are you talking about? " "novaprospekt.mo_terriblepurpose" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_terriblepurpose" " " "novaprospekt.mo_worried" "Eli, ik was zo bezorgd over je! " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_worried" "Eli, I was so worried about you! " "npc_alyx.bettergetmoving02" "We moeten gaan. " "[english]npc_alyx.bettergetmoving02" "We'd better get moving. " "npc_alyx.brutal02" "Dat was bruut. " "[english]npc_alyx.brutal02" "That was brutal. " "npc_alyx.careful01" "Voorzichtig, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.careful01" "Careful, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.careful02" "Voorzichtig, Gordon! " "[english]npc_alyx.careful02" "Careful, Gordon! " "npc_alyx.comeon_dist01" "Kom! " "[english]npc_alyx.comeon_dist01" "Come on! " "npc_alyx.coverme01" "Geef me dekking! " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme01" "Cover me! " "npc_alyx.coverme02" "Geef me dekking! " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme02" "Cover me! " "npc_alyx.coverme03" "Geef me dekking. " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme03" "Cover me. " "npc_alyx.excuseme01" "Pardon, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme01" "Excuse me, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.excuseme02" "Sorry, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme02" "Sorry, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.excuseme03" "Sorry. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme03" "Pardon me. " "npc_alyx.followme_dist01" "Volg mij. " "[english]npc_alyx.followme_dist01" "Follow me. " "npc_alyx.gasp02" "Huh... " "[english]npc_alyx.gasp02" "Huh " "npc_alyx.gasp03" "Oh! " "[english]npc_alyx.gasp03" "Ohh! " "npc_alyx.getback01" "Kom terug! " "[english]npc_alyx.getback01" "Get back! " "npc_alyx.getback02" "Kom terug! " "[english]npc_alyx.getback02" "Get back! " "npc_alyx.getdown01" "Bukken!" "[english]npc_alyx.getdown01" "Get down!" "npc_alyx.getmoving_action_dist01" "We moeten weg! " "[english]npc_alyx.getmoving_action_dist01" "Get moving! " "npc_alyx.go01" "Ga! " "[english]npc_alyx.go01" "Go! " "npc_alyx.gordon_dist01" "Gordon! " "[english]npc_alyx.gordon_dist01" "Gordon! " "npc_alyx.herewego_dist01" "Daar gaan we dan! " "[english]npc_alyx.herewego_dist01" "Here we go! " "npc_alyx.howlongwait01" "Hoe lang gaan we wachten? " "[english]npc_alyx.howlongwait01" "How long are we just gonna wait? " "npc_alyx.hurt04" "Auw! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt04" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt05" "Auw! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt05" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt06" "Auw! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt06" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt08" "Ah! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt08" "Ah! " "npc_alyx.keepmoving_dist01" "Ga verder! " "[english]npc_alyx.keepmoving_dist01" "Keep moving! " "npc_alyx.letsgetgoing_dist01" "Tijd om te gaan! " "[english]npc_alyx.letsgetgoing_dist01" "Let's get going! " "npc_alyx.lookout_dist01" "Pas op! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout_dist01" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout_dist02" "Pas op! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout_dist02" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout01" "Pas op! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout01" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout03" "Pas op! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout03" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.no01" "Nee! " "[english]npc_alyx.no01" "No! " "npc_alyx.no02" "Nee! " "[english]npc_alyx.no02" "No! " "npc_alyx.no03" "Nee! " "[english]npc_alyx.no03" "No! " "npc_alyx.ohgod01" "Oh, god! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohgod01" "Oh God! " "npc_alyx.ohmother01" "Oh, moeder... " "[english]npc_alyx.ohmother01" "Oh, Mother... " "npc_alyx.ohno_startle01" "Oh nee! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohno_startle01" "Oh no! " "npc_alyx.ohno_startle03" "Oh nee! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohno_startle03" "Oh no! " "npc_alyx.overhere01" "Hierheen. " "[english]npc_alyx.overhere01" "Over here. " "npc_alyx.quick_dist02" "Snel! " "[english]npc_alyx.quick_dist02" "Quick! " "npc_alyx.run_dist01" "Rennen! " "[english]npc_alyx.run_dist01" "Run! " "npc_alyx.uggh01" "Ach! " "[english]npc_alyx.uggh01" "Agh! " "npc_alyx.uggh02" "Ahh! " "[english]npc_alyx.uggh02" "Ahh! " "npc_alyx.watchout01" "Kijk uit! " "[english]npc_alyx.watchout01" "Watch out! " "npc_alyx.watchout02" "Kijk uit! " "[english]npc_alyx.watchout02" "Watch out! " "npc_alyx.youcoming01" "Kom je? " "[english]npc_alyx.youcoming01" "You coming? " "npc_alyx.youcoming02" "Kom je? " "[english]npc_alyx.youcoming02" "You coming? " "npc_alyx.youreload01" "Je moet herladen. " "[english]npc_alyx.youreload01" "You'd better reload. " "npc_alyx.youreload02" "Je moet herladen. " "[english]npc_alyx.youreload02" "You'd better reload. " "npc_barney.ba_hurryup" "Schiet op. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurryup" "Hurry up. " "npc_barney.ba_letsgo" "Kom op! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_letsgo" "Let's go! " "npc_barney.ba_allclear" "Alles veilig! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_allclear" "All clear! " "npc_barney.ba_bringiton" "Laat maar komen! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_bringiton" "Bring it on! " "npc_barney.ba_catchmybreath" "Even op adem komen. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_catchmybreath" "Let me catch my breath. " "npc_barney.ba_clearfornow" "Nu even veilig. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_clearfornow" "Clear for now. " "npc_barney.ba_comehere01" "Kom hier. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_comehere01" "Come here. " "npc_barney.ba_comehere02" "Kom hier. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_comehere02" "Come here. " "npc_barney.ba_covermegord" "Geef me dekking, Gordon! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_covermegord" "Cover me, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_damnit" "Verdomme!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_damnit" "Damn it!" "npc_barney.ba_danger01" "Volgens mij is het een hinderlaag. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger01" "I smell an ambush. " "npc_barney.ba_danger02" "Dit staat me helemaal niet aan. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger02" "I don't like the looks of this. " "npc_barney.ba_danger03" "Ik heb hier een slecht gevoel over. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger03" "I have a bad feeling about this. " "npc_barney.ba_danger04" "Hé, weet je nog dat we dachten dat Black Mesa het absolute dieptepunt was? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger04" "Hey, remember when we thought Black Mesa was as bad as it could get? " "npc_barney.ba_danger05" "Ongelofelijk dat we heelhuids zover gekomen zijn. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger05" "Hard to believe we made it this far with all our parts. " "npc_barney.ba_downyougo" "Naar beneden. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_downyougo" "Down you go. " "npc_barney.ba_duck" "Duiken! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_duck" "Duck! " "npc_barney.ba_followme01" "Deze kant op, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme01" "This way, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme02" "Kom! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme02" "Come on! " "npc_barney.ba_followme03" "Kom op, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme03" "Come on, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme04" "Tijd om te gaan, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme04" "Get going, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme05" "Volg mij. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme05" "Follow me. " "npc_barney.ba_getaway" "Ga daar weg! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getaway" "Get away from there. " "npc_barney.ba_getdown" "Bukken! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getdown" "Get down! " "npc_barney.ba_getoutofway" "Hé, ga uit de weg! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getoutofway" "Hey, get out of the way! " "npc_barney.ba_goingdown" "Jij gaat eraan! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_goingdown" "You're going down! " "npc_barney.ba_gordonhelp" "Gordon! Help! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gordonhelp" "Gordon! Help! " "npc_barney.ba_gotone" "Ik heb er één! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gotone" "Got one! " "npc_barney.ba_grenade01" "Granaat! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_grenade01" "Grenade! " "npc_barney.ba_grenade02" "Granaat! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_grenade02" "Grenade! " "npc_barney.ba_gurgle01" "Ah! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle01" "Gah! " "npc_barney.ba_gurgle02" "Oef!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle02" "Ugh!" "npc_barney.ba_gurgle03" "Oh!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle03" "Ooh!" "npc_barney.ba_haletsdoit" "Daar gaat -ie dan! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_haletsdoit" "Let's do it! " "npc_barney.ba_headcrabs01" "Jakkes! Headcrabs! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headcrabs01" "Ew! Headcrabs! " "npc_barney.ba_headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "npc_barney.ba_headhumpers" "Kopkluivers! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headhumpers" "Headhumpers! " "npc_barney.ba_healed01" "Yeah, dat is beter. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed01" "Yeah, that's better. " "npc_barney.ba_healed02" "Oké, alles in orde. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed02" "Okay, I'm good. " "npc_barney.ba_healed03" "Veel beter. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed03" "Much better. " "npc_barney.ba_healed04" "Hé, bedankt. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed04" "Hey, thanks. " "npc_barney.ba_healme01" "Hé, lap me op. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme01" "Hey, patch me up. " "npc_barney.ba_healme02" "Help me eruit. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme02" "Help me out. " "npc_barney.ba_healme03" "Een beetje medische verzorging hier? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme03" "Can I get a little medical attention here? " "npc_barney.ba_hereitcomes" "Daar komt het! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hereitcomes" "Here it comes! " "npc_barney.ba_heretheycome01" "Daar komen ze! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_heretheycome01" "Here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_heretheycome02" "Daar komen ze! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_heretheycome02" "Here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_hurry01" "Vlug! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry01" "Hurry. " "npc_barney.ba_hurry02" "Vlug! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry02" "Hurry! " "npc_barney.ba_hurry03" "Vlug! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry03" "Hurry! " "npc_barney.ba_imwithyou" "Ik help je, makker. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_imwithyou" "I'm with ya buddy. " "npc_barney.ba_incoming01" "Pas op! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_incoming01" "Incoming! " "npc_barney.ba_incoming02" "Pas op! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_incoming02" "Incoming! " "npc_barney.ba_laugh01" "*gelach*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh01" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh02" "*gelach*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh02" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh03" "*gelach*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh03" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh04" "*gelach*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh04" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_letsdoit" "Daar gaat -ie dan. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_letsdoit" "Let's do it. " "npc_barney.ba_littlehelphere" "Beetje hulp hier, Gordon? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_littlehelphere" "Little help here, Gordon? " "npc_barney.ba_lookout" "Pas op! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_lookout" "Look out! " "npc_barney.ba_losttouch" "Ik kan het nog steeds! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_losttouch" "I haven't lost my touch! " "npc_barney.ba_no01" "Nee! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_no01" "No! " "npc_barney.ba_no02" "Nee! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_no02" "No! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit01" "Oh shit! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit01" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit02" "Oh shit! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit02" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit03" "Oh shit! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit03" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohyeah" "Oh yeah! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohyeah" "Oh yeah! " "npc_barney.ba_oldtimes" "Net als vroeger hè, Gordon? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_oldtimes" "Just like old times, eh, Gordon? " "npc_barney.ba_openfiregord" "Vuren, Gordon! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_openfiregord" "Open fire, Gordon! " "npc_barney.ba_overhere01" "Hierheen! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_overhere01" "Over here! " "npc_barney.ba_overhere02" "Hierheen! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_overhere02" "Over here! " "npc_barney.ba_pain01" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain01" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain02" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain02" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain03" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain03" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain04" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain04" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain05" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain05" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain06" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain06" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain07" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain07" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain08" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain08" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain09" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain09" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain10" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain10" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_regroup" "Hergroeperen! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_regroup" "Regroup! " "npc_barney.ba_run01" "Rennen! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_run01" "Run! " "npc_barney.ba_run02" "Rennen! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_run02" "Run! " "npc_barney.ba_soldiers" "Soldaten! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_soldiers" "Soldiers! " "npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose01" "Dat scheelde niet veel! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose01" "That was close! " "npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose02" "Dat scheelde niet veel! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose02" "That was close! " "npc_barney.ba_thisisbad01" "Dit is slecht. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thisisbad01" "This is bad. " "npc_barney.ba_thisisbad02" "Oké, dit is slecht. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thisisbad02" "Okay, this is bad. " "npc_barney.ba_turret" "Turret! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_turret" "Turret! " "npc_barney.ba_uhohheretheycome" "Oh-oh, daar komen ze! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_uhohheretheycome" "Uh oh, here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_wounded01" "Ik ben gewond, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded01" "I'm hurtin, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_wounded02" "Ik moet opgelapt worden. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded02" "I need to get patched up. " "npc_barney.ba_wounded03" "Ik ben ernstig gewond. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded03" "I'm hurt pretty bad... " "npc_barney.ba_yell" "Yeah! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_yell" "Yeah! " "npc_citizen.abouttime01" "Kijk nou, Gordon Freeman! Het werd tijd. " "[english]npc_citizen.abouttime01" "Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too. " "npc_citizen.abouttime02" "Kijk nou, Gordon Freeman! Het werd tijd. " "[english]npc_citizen.abouttime02" "Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too. " "npc_citizen.ahgordon01" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.ahgordon01" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "npc_citizen.ahgordon02" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.ahgordon02" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "npc_citizen.almosthityou01" "Ik had je bijna geslagen." "[english]npc_citizen.almosthityou01" "I almost hit you." "npc_citizen.almosthityou02" "Ik had je bijna geslagen." "[english]npc_citizen.almosthityou02" "I almost hit you." "npc_citizen.ammo01" "Freeman, munitie! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo01" "Freeman, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo02" "Freeman, munitie! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo02" "Freeman, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo03" "Hier, munitie! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo03" "Here, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo04" "Neem wat munitie mee! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo04" "Take some ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo05" "Neem wat munitie mee! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo05" "Take some ammo! " "npc_citizen.answer01" "Echt wat voor jou. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer01" "That's you all over. " "npc_citizen.answer02" "Ik zal het niet tegen je gebruiken. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer02" "I won't hold it against you. " "npc_citizen.answer03" "Logisch. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer03" "Figures. " "npc_citizen.answer04" "Blijf er niet in hangen. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer04" "Try not to dwell on it. " "npc_citizen.answer05" "Kunnen we daar later over praten? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer05" "Could we talk about this later? " "npc_citizen.answer06" "Hou het voor je. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer06" "Keep it to yourself. " "npc_citizen.answer07" "Hier hetzelfde. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer07" "Same here. " "npc_citizen.answer08" "Ik snap wat je bedoelt. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer08" "Know what you mean. " "npc_citizen.answer09" "Je praat weer tegen jezelf. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer09" "You're talking to yourself again. " "npc_citizen.answer10" "Dat zou ik niet te hard zeggen. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer10" "I wouldn't say that too loud. " "npc_citizen.answer11" "Ik zet het wel op je grafsteen. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer11" "I'll put it on your tombstone. " "npc_citizen.answer12" "Zet dat maar uit je hoofd. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer12" "Doesn't bear thinking about. " "npc_citizen.answer13" "Mee eens. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer13" "I'm with you. " "npc_citizen.answer14" "Hier nog één. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer14" "You and me both. " "npc_citizen.answer15" "Zo kun je het ook bekijken. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer15" "That's one way of looking at it. " "npc_citizen.answer16" "Heb je ook wel eens een originele gedachte? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer16" "Have you ever had an original thought? " "npc_citizen.answer17" "Ik ga niet eens zeggen dat je je bek moet houden. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer17" "I'm not even gonna tell you to shut up. " "npc_citizen.answer18" "Laten we ons op het werk concentreren. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer18" "Let's concentrate on the task at hand. " "npc_citizen.answer19" "Hou je hoofd bij je werk. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer19" "Keep your mind on your work. " "npc_citizen.answer20" "Jouw hoofd is in de goot. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer20" "Your mind is in the gutter. " "npc_citizen.answer21" "Wees daar maar niet zo zeker van. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer21" "Don't be so sure of that. " "npc_citizen.answer22" "Je weet maar nooit. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer22" "You never know. " "npc_citizen.answer23" "Je kunt nooit weten. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer23" "Never can tell. " "npc_citizen.answer24" "Waarom vertel je dat aan mij? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer24" "Why are you telling me? " "npc_citizen.answer25" "Wat zeg je daarvan? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer25" "How about that? " "npc_citizen.answer26" "Meer informatie dan ik nodig had. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer26" "That's more information than I require. " "npc_citizen.answer27" "Wil je wedden? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer27" "Wanna bet? " "npc_citizen.answer28" "Als ik toch eens geld kreeg elke keer dat iemand dat zei. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer28" "I wish I had a dime for every time somebody said that. " "npc_citizen.answer29" "Wat moet ik daar aan doen? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer29" "What am I supposed to do about it? " "npc_citizen.answer30" "Heb je het tegen mij? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer30" "You talking to me? " "npc_citizen.answer31" "Dat soort praatjes moet je in de kiem smoren. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer31" "You should nip that kind of talk in the bud. " "npc_citizen.answer32" "Goed zo. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer32" "Right on. " "npc_citizen.answer33" "Ik spreek je niet tegen. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer33" "No argument there. " "npc_citizen.answer34" "Vergeet Hawaï niet. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer34" "Don't forget Hawaii. " "npc_citizen.answer35" "Maak je er niet druk over. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer35" "Try not to let it get to you. " "npc_citizen.answer36" "Dat zou niet de eerste keer zijn. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer36" "Wouldn't be the first time. " "npc_citizen.answer37" "Weet je dat zeker? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer37" "You sure about that? " "npc_citizen.answer38" "Laat maar zitten. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer38" "Leave it alone. " "npc_citizen.answer39" "Ik heb genoeg gehoord. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer39" "That's enough outta you. " "npc_citizen.answer40" "Voor alles is een eerste keer. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer40" "There's a first time for everything. " "npc_citizen.antguard01" "Een antlion-guard!" "[english]npc_citizen.antguard01" "It's an antlion guard!" "npc_citizen.antguard02" "Een antlion-guard!" "[english]npc_citizen.antguard02" "It's an antlion guard!" "npc_citizen.antlion01" "Antlion!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlion01" "Antlion!" "npc_citizen.antlion02" "Antlion!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlion02" "Antlion!" "npc_citizen.antlions01" "Antlions!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlions01" "Antlions!" "npc_citizen.antlions02" "Antlions!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlions02" "Antlions!" "npc_citizen.antrhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.antrhino01" " " "npc_citizen.antrhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.antrhino02" " " "npc_citizen.areyoucrazy" "Ben je gek? Ik ga daar niet heen!" "[english]npc_citizen.areyoucrazy" "Are you crazy? I am not going out in that!" "npc_citizen.barnacles01" "Barnacles!" "[english]npc_citizen.barnacles01" "Barnacles!" "npc_citizen.barnacles02" "Barnacles" "[english]npc_citizen.barnacles02" "Barnacles" "npc_citizen.behindyou01" "Achter je!" "[english]npc_citizen.behindyou01" "Behind you!" "npc_citizen.behindyou02" "Achter je!" "[english]npc_citizen.behindyou02" "Behind you!" "npc_citizen.bouncebombs01" "Stuiterbommen!" "[english]npc_citizen.bouncebombs01" "Bouncebombs!" "npc_citizen.bouncebombs02" "Stuiterbommen!" "[english]npc_citizen.bouncebombs02" "Bouncebombs!" "npc_citizen.busy01" "Niet nu. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy01" "Not right now. " "npc_citizen.busy02" "Zie je niet dat ik het druk heb? " "[english]npc_citizen.busy02" "Can't you see I'm busy? " "npc_citizen.busy03" "Het komt nu niet uit. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy03" "This isn't a good time. " "npc_citizen.busy04" "Het komt niet uit. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy04" "This isn't the time. " "npc_citizen.busy05" "Later, alsjeblieft. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy05" "Later, please. " "npc_citizen.cantbeseen02" "Ik mag niet met jou samen worden gezien." "[english]npc_citizen.cantbeseen02" "I can't be seen talking to you." "npc_citizen.cantgetawaywiththat" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cantgetawaywiththat" " " "npc_citizen.careful01" "Voorzichtig, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.careful01" "Careful, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.careful02" "Voorzichtig, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.careful02" "Careful, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.carefultherefm" "Doe voorzichtig, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.carefultherefm" "Careful there, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper01" "Hé, daar beneden! Voorraden! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper01" "Hey down there! Supplies! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper02" "Hé, vangen! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper02" "Hey, catch! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper03" "Kijk wat ik gevonden heb. " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper03" "Look what I found. " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper04" "Kijk uit beneden! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper04" "Look out below! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper05" "Hé jij daar, ga je gang! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper05" "Hey you, help yourself! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper06" "Daar ga je! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper06" "Here ya go! " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding01" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding02" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding03" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding03" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding04" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding04" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding05" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding05" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding06" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding06" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding07" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding07" " " "npc_citizen.civilprotection01" "Burgerwacht!" "[english]npc_citizen.civilprotection01" "Civil Protection!" "npc_citizen.civilprotection02" "Burgerwacht! " "[english]npc_citizen.civilprotection02" "Civil Protection! " "npc_citizen.com_cantgetthru01" "Ik kom er niet door. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_cantgetthru01" "I can't get through. " "npc_citizen.com_onmyway01" "Ik ben onderweg." "[english]npc_citizen.com_onmyway01" "I'm on my way." "npc_citizen.com_standby_multi01" "We zijn stand-by." "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_multi01" "We are standing by." "npc_citizen.com_standby_multi02" "We zijn er klaar voor. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_multi02" "We're ready when you are. " "npc_citizen.com_standby_solo01" "Ik wacht op jouw signaal, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_solo01" "I'm waiting for your signal, Doc. " "npc_citizen.com_standby_solo02" "We wachten!" "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_solo02" "Ready and waiting!" "npc_citizen.combine01" "Combine!" "[english]npc_citizen.combine01" "Combine!" "npc_citizen.combine02" "Combine!" "[english]npc_citizen.combine02" "Combine!" "npc_citizen.coverwhilereload01" "Geef me dekking terwijl ik herlaad!" "[english]npc_citizen.coverwhilereload01" "Cover me while I reload!" "npc_citizen.coverwhilereload02" "Geef me dekking terwijl ik herlaad!" "[english]npc_citizen.coverwhilereload02" "Cover me while I reload!" "npc_citizen.cps01" "Burgerwacht!" "[english]npc_citizen.cps01" "CPs!" "npc_citizen.cps02" "Burgerwacht! " "[english]npc_citizen.cps02" "CPs! " "npc_citizen.crabshells01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.crabshells01" " " "npc_citizen.crabshells02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.crabshells02" " " "npc_citizen.damntiddly01" "Verdomde vlooien!" "[english]npc_citizen.damntiddly01" "Damn tiddly-winks!" "npc_citizen.damntiddly02" "Verdomde vlooien!" "[english]npc_citizen.damntiddly02" "Damn tiddly-winks!" "npc_citizen.die" " " "[english]npc_citizen.die" " " "npc_citizen.docfreeman01" "Dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.docfreeman01" "Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.docfreeman02" "Dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.docfreeman02" "Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.doiknowyoufromsomewhere" "Ken ik jou ergens van?" "[english]npc_citizen.doiknowyoufromsomewhere" "Do I know you from somewhere?" "npc_citizen.doingsomething" "Moeten we niet iets doen?" "[english]npc_citizen.doingsomething" "Shouldn't we be doing something?" "npc_citizen.dontforgetreload01" "Vergeet niet te herladen, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.dontforgetreload01" "Don't forget to reload, Dr. Freeman " "npc_citizen.downthere01" "Daar beneden!" "[english]npc_citizen.downthere01" "Down there!" "npc_citizen.downthere02" "Daar beneden!" "[english]npc_citizen.downthere02" "Down there!" "npc_citizen.evenodds" "Laten we de kansen gelijk trekken " "[english]npc_citizen.evenodds" "Let's even the odds a little " "npc_citizen.excuseme01" "Pardon. " "[english]npc_citizen.excuseme01" "Excuse me. " "npc_citizen.excuseme02" "Pardon. " "[english]npc_citizen.excuseme02" "Excuse me. " "npc_citizen.fantastic01" "Fantastisch! " "[english]npc_citizen.fantastic01" "Fantastic! " "npc_citizen.fantastic02" "Fantastisch! " "[english]npc_citizen.fantastic02" "Fantastic! " "npc_citizen.finally" "Eindelijk!" "[english]npc_citizen.finally" "Finally!" "npc_citizen.freeman" "Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.freeman" "Freeman." "npc_citizen.getawayfromme01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.getawayfromme01" " " "npc_citizen.getdown01" "Bukken!" "[english]npc_citizen.getdown01" "Get down!" "npc_citizen.getdown02" "Bukken!" "[english]npc_citizen.getdown02" "Get down!" "npc_citizen.getgoingsoon" "Gaan we nu snel weg?" "[english]npc_citizen.getgoingsoon" "Are we gonna get going soon?" "npc_citizen.gethellout" "Wegwezen hier!" "[english]npc_citizen.gethellout" "Get the hell out of here!" "npc_citizen.goodgod" "Allemachtig!" "[english]npc_citizen.goodgod" "Good god!" "npc_citizen.goodidea01" "Goed idee, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.goodidea01" "Good idea, Doc." "npc_citizen.goodidea02" "Goed idee, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.goodidea02" "Good idea, Doc." "npc_citizen.goodplan01" "Goed plan." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplan01" "Good plan." "npc_citizen.goodplan02" "Goed plan." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplan02" "Good plan." "npc_citizen.goodplandoc" "Goed plan, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplandoc" "Good plan, Doc." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "Wat nu weer?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "Now what?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "En het ging net zo goed." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "And things were going so well." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "Ik weet het." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "Don't tell me." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "Oh, god!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "Oh, God!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "Oh nee!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "Oh no!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "Alsjeblieft niet!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "Please no!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "Als je zegt \"Dat doet vast pijn\" maak ik je af." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "If you dare say 'That's gotta hurt,' I'll kill you." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "Moeten we hem hier begraven?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "Should we bury him here?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "Ik denk dat zelfs hij ons niet kon helpen." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "I had a feeling even he couldn't help us." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "Zeg het voort." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "Spread the word." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "Wat heeft het voor nut?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "What's the use?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "Wat heeft het voor zin?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "What's the point?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "Waarom zouden we doorgaan?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "Why go on?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "We gaan eraan. " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "We're done for. " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "Wat nu weer? " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "Well, now what? " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "Ik wil dat pak." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "Dibs on the suit." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "Wacht eens, dat is Gordon Freeman niet! " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "Wait a second that's not Gordon Freeman! " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "Hij heeft dit eerder gedaan. Het komt wel goed met hem." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "He's done this before. He'll be okay." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "Ik moet kotsen." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "I'm gonna be sick." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "Pak zijn koevoet." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "Somebody take his crowbar." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "Hij is dood." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "He's dead." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "Wat een manier om te sterven. " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "What a way to go. " "npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "Oh mijn god, het is Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "Oh my God, it's Freeman! " "npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "Oh mijn god, het is Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "Oh my God, it's Freeman!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "Freeman is...dood..." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "Freeman is...dead..." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "Dat is toch niet Freeman?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "That's not Freeman is it?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "Dit kan niet waar zijn!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "This can't be!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "Kijk, hij is dood!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "Look, he's dead!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "Hij heeft het ver geschopt sinds Black Mesa." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "He came a long way from Black Mesa." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "Hij beweegt niet." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "He's not moving." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "Dit is slecht." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "This is bad." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "Ik dacht dat hij onoverwinnelijk was!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "I thought he was invincible!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "Dat was dan Doctor Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "So much for Doctor Freeman." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "Dat was dan onze laatste hoop." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "So much for our last hope." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "Zo hoort het niet te eindigen." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "It's not supposed to end like this." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "Dr. Freeman? Hoor je mij? Niet naar het licht toe gaan!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "Dr. Freeman? Can you hear me? Do not go into the light!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "Wat nu weer?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "What now?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "Nog laatste woorden, Doc? " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "Any last words, Doc? " "npc_citizen.gotone01" "Ik heb er één!" "[english]npc_citizen.gotone01" "Got one!" "npc_citizen.gotone02" "Ik heb er één! " "[english]npc_citizen.gotone02" "I got one! " "npc_citizen.gottareload01" "Ik moet herladen!" "[english]npc_citizen.gottareload01" "Gotta reload!" "npc_citizen.gunship01" "Gunship!" "[english]npc_citizen.gunship01" "Gunship" "npc_citizen.gunship02" "Gunship!" "[english]npc_citizen.gunship02" "Gunship!" "npc_citizen.hacks01" "Hacks!" "[english]npc_citizen.hacks01" "Hacks!" "npc_citizen.hacks02" "Hacks! " "[english]npc_citizen.hacks02" "Hacks! " "npc_citizen.headcrabs01" "Headcrabs!" "[english]npc_citizen.headcrabs01" "Headcrabs!" "npc_citizen.headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "[english]npc_citizen.headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "npc_citizen.headsup01" "Let op! " "[english]npc_citizen.headsup01" "Heads up! " "npc_citizen.headsup02" "Let op!" "[english]npc_citizen.headsup02" "Heads up!" "npc_citizen.health01" "Neem deze medkit. " "[english]npc_citizen.health01" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health02" "Neem deze medkit. " "[english]npc_citizen.health02" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health03" "Neem deze medkit. " "[english]npc_citizen.health03" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health04" "Hier, een medkit. " "[english]npc_citizen.health04" "Here, have a medkit. " "npc_citizen.health05" "Hier, lap jezelf op. " "[english]npc_citizen.health05" "Here, patch yourself up. " "npc_citizen.hellodrfm01" "Hallo, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.hellodrfm01" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.hellodrfm02" "Hallo, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.hellodrfm02" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.help01" "Help!" "[english]npc_citizen.help01" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help02" "Help!" "[english]npc_citizen.help02" "Help!" "npc_citizen.helpme01" "Help me!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpme01" "Help me!" "npc_citizen.helpoverhere01" "Help! Hierheen!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpoverhere01" "Help! over here!" "npc_citizen.helpoverhere02" "Help! Hierheen!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpoverhere02" "Help! Over here!" "npc_citizen.helpus01" "Help ons!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpus01" "Help us!" "npc_citizen.helpus02" "Help ons!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpus02" "Help us!" "npc_citizen.herecomehacks01" "Daar komen de hacks!" "[english]npc_citizen.herecomehacks01" "Here come the hacks!" "npc_citizen.herecomehacks02" "Daar komen de hacks!" "[english]npc_citizen.herecomehacks02" "Here come the hacks!" "npc_citizen.heretheycome01" "Daar komen ze! " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome01" "Here they come! " "npc_citizen.heretohelp01" "Ik dacht dat je ons kwam helpen. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretohelp01" "We thought you were here to help. " "npc_citizen.heretohelp02" "Ik dacht dat je ons kwam helpen. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretohelp02" "We thought you were here to help. " "npc_citizen.heydoc01" "Hé, Doc! " "[english]npc_citizen.heydoc01" "Hey, Doc. " "npc_citizen.heydoc02" "Hé, Doc! " "[english]npc_citizen.heydoc02" "Hey, Doc. " "npc_citizen.heythanksfm01" "Hé, bedankt, Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.heythanksfm01" "Hey, thanks, Freeman." "npc_citizen.heythanksfm02" "Hé, bedankt, Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.heythanksfm02" "Hey, thanks, Freeman." "npc_citizen.hi01" "Hoi. " "[english]npc_citizen.hi01" "Hi. " "npc_citizen.hi02" "Hoi. " "[english]npc_citizen.hi02" "Hi. " "npc_citizen.hitingut01" "In de buik geraakt!" "[english]npc_citizen.hitingut01" "Hit in the gut!" "npc_citizen.hitingut02" "In de buik geraakt!" "[english]npc_citizen.hitingut02" "Hit in the gut!" "npc_citizen.holddownspot01" "Ik blijf hier om dit stuk te verdedigen. " "[english]npc_citizen.holddownspot01" "I'm gonna stay and hold down this spot. " "npc_citizen.holddownspot02" "Ik blijf hier om dit stuk te verdedigen. " "[english]npc_citizen.holddownspot02" "I'm gonna stay and hold down this spot. " "npc_citizen.hoppers01" "Hoppers!" "[english]npc_citizen.hoppers01" "Hoppers!" "npc_citizen.hoppers02" "Hoppers!" "[english]npc_citizen.hoppers02" "Hoppers!" "npc_citizen.howdimissthat" "Hoe kon ik dat missen?" "[english]npc_citizen.howdimissthat" "How'd I miss that?" "npc_citizen.illstayhere01" "Ik blijf hier. " "[english]npc_citizen.illstayhere01" "I'll stay here. " "npc_citizen.imhurt01" "Ik ben gewond! " "[english]npc_citizen.imhurt01" "I'm hurt! " "npc_citizen.imhurt02" "Ik ben gewond!" "[english]npc_citizen.imhurt02" "I'm hurt!" "npc_citizen.imstickinghere01" "Ik blijf hier." "[english]npc_citizen.imstickinghere01" "I'm sticking here." "npc_citizen.incoming01" "Pas op!" "[english]npc_citizen.incoming01" "Incoming!" "npc_citizen.incoming02" "Pas op!" "[english]npc_citizen.incoming02" "Incoming!" "npc_citizen.inthere01" "Daarin!" "[english]npc_citizen.inthere01" "In there!" "npc_citizen.inthere02" "Daarin!" "[english]npc_citizen.inthere02" "In there!" "npc_citizen.itsamanhack01" "Een manhack!" "[english]npc_citizen.itsamanhack01" "It's a manhack!" "npc_citizen.itsamanhack02" "Een manhack!" "[english]npc_citizen.itsamanhack02" "It's a manhack!" "npc_citizen.itsarhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.itsarhino01" " " "npc_citizen.itsarhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.itsarhino02" " " "npc_citizen.joe00" " " "[english]npc_citizen.joe00" " " "npc_citizen.leadon01" "Ga voort, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.leadon01" "Lead on, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.leadon02" "Ga voort, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.leadon02" "Lead on, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.leadtheway01" "Ga jij voorop. " "[english]npc_citizen.leadtheway01" "You lead the way. " "npc_citizen.leadtheway02" "Ga jij voorop." "[english]npc_citizen.leadtheway02" "Lead the way." "npc_citizen.letsgo01" "Kom op! " "[english]npc_citizen.letsgo01" "Let's go! " "npc_citizen.letsgo02" "Kom op! " "[english]npc_citizen.letsgo02" "Let's go! " "npc_citizen.likethat" "Haha! Lekker? " "[english]npc_citizen.likethat" "Ha ha! Like that? " "npc_citizen.likethemapples" "Lekkere appels? " "[english]npc_citizen.likethemapples" "Like them apples? " "npc_citizen.littlecorner01" "Ik heb een klein hoekje en dat hou ik ook. " "[english]npc_citizen.littlecorner01" "I've got my little corner and I'm sticking to it " "npc_citizen.lookoutfm01" "Kijk uit, Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.lookoutfm01" "Look out, Freeman " "npc_citizen.lookoutfm02" "Kijk uit, Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.lookoutfm02" "Look out, Freeman " "npc_citizen.manhacks01" "Manhacks!" "[english]npc_citizen.manhacks01" "Manhacks!" "npc_citizen.manhacks02" "Manhacks!" "[english]npc_citizen.manhacks02" "Manhacks!" "npc_citizen.moan01" "*kreun*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan01" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan02" "*kreun*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan02" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan03" "*kreun*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan03" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan04" "*kreun*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan04" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan05" "*kreun*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan05" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.myarm01" "Mijn arm!" "[english]npc_citizen.myarm01" "My arm!" "npc_citizen.myarm02" "Mijn arm!" "[english]npc_citizen.myarm02" "My arm!" "npc_citizen.mygut01" "Mijn buik!" "[english]npc_citizen.mygut01" "My gut!" "npc_citizen.mygut02" "Mijn buik!" "[english]npc_citizen.mygut02" "My gut!" "npc_citizen.myleg01" "Mijn been!" "[english]npc_citizen.myleg01" "My leg!" "npc_citizen.myleg02" "Mijn been!" "[english]npc_citizen.myleg02" "My leg!" "npc_citizen.nice" "Mooi!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.no01" "Nee!" "[english]npc_citizen.no01" "No!" "npc_citizen.no02" "Nee!" "[english]npc_citizen.no02" "No!" "npc_citizen.notthemanithought01" "Je bent niet zo'n vent als ik dacht. " "[english]npc_citizen.notthemanithought01" "You're not the man I thought you were. " "npc_citizen.notthemanithought02" "Je bent niet zo'n vent als ik dacht. " "[english]npc_citizen.notthemanithought02" "You're not the man I thought you were. " "npc_citizen.ohno" "Oh nee! " "[english]npc_citizen.ohno" "Oh no! " "npc_citizen.ok01" "Oké. " "[english]npc_citizen.ok01" "Okay. " "npc_citizen.ok02" "Oké. " "[english]npc_citizen.ok02" "Okay! " "npc_citizen.okdoc01" "Oké, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.okdoc01" "Okay, Doc." "npc_citizen.okdoc02" "Oké, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.okdoc02" "Okay, Doc." "npc_citizen.okimready01" "Oké, ik ben er klaar voor. " "[english]npc_citizen.okimready01" "Okay, I'm ready. " "npc_citizen.okimready02" "Oké, ik ben er klaar voor. " "[english]npc_citizen.okimready02" "Okay, I'm ready. " "npc_citizen.okimready03" "Oké, ik ben er klaar voor." "[english]npc_citizen.okimready03" "Okay, I'm ready." "npc_citizen.oneforme" "Een voor mij en nog een voor mij." "[english]npc_citizen.oneforme" "One for me and one for me." "npc_citizen.onyourside" "Freeman, we staan aan jouw kant! " "[english]npc_citizen.onyourside" "Freeman, we're on your side! " "npc_citizen.outofyourway01" "Ik zal uit de weg gaan " "[english]npc_citizen.outofyourway01" "Let me get out of your way " "npc_citizen.outofyourway02" "Ik zal uit de weg gaan " "[english]npc_citizen.outofyourway02" "Let me get out of your way " "npc_citizen.outthere01" "Daarbuiten!" "[english]npc_citizen.outthere01" "Out there!" "npc_citizen.outthere02" "Daarbuiten!" "[english]npc_citizen.outthere02" "Out there!" "npc_citizen.overhere01" "Hé, hierzo!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere01" "Hey, over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere01a" "Hierheen!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere01a" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere02" "Hierheen!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere02" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere03" "Hierheen!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere03" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overthere01" "Daarheen!" "[english]npc_citizen.overthere01" "Over there!" "npc_citizen.overthere02" "Daarheen!" "[english]npc_citizen.overthere02" "Over there!" "npc_citizen.ow01" "Auw!" "[english]npc_citizen.ow01" "Ow!" "npc_citizen.ow02" "Auw!" "[english]npc_citizen.ow02" "Ow!" "npc_citizen.pain01" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain01" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain02" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain02" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain03" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain03" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain04" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain04" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain05" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain05" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain06" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain06" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain07" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain07" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain08" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain08" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain09" "*pijn!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain09" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pardonme01" "Sorry." "[english]npc_citizen.pardonme01" "Pardon me." "npc_citizen.pardonme02" "Sorry." "[english]npc_citizen.pardonme02" "Pardon me." "npc_citizen.question01" "Volgens mij houdt deze oorlog nooit op. " "[english]npc_citizen.question01" "I don't think this war's ever gonna end. " "npc_citizen.question02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.question02" " " "npc_citizen.question03" "Ik droom niet meer. " "[english]npc_citizen.question03" "I don't dream anymore. " "npc_citizen.question04" "Als dit over is, ga ik...Ach, wie hou ik voor de gek? " "[english]npc_citizen.question04" "When this is all over I'm...aw, who am I kidding? " "npc_citizen.question05" "Wow...déjà vu!" "[english]npc_citizen.question05" "Whoa...deja vu!" "npc_citizen.question06" " " "[english]npc_citizen.question06" " " "npc_citizen.question07" "Ruik je dat? Dat is vrijheid. " "[english]npc_citizen.question07" "You smell that? It's freedom. " "npc_citizen.question08" "Als ik die Dr. Breen..." "[english]npc_citizen.question08" "If I ever get my hands on Dr. Breen..." "npc_citizen.question09" "Ik zou een paard kunnen opeten, met hoeven en al. " "[english]npc_citizen.question09" "I could eat a horse, hooves and all. " "npc_citizen.question10" "Ongelofelijk dat deze dag eindelijk is aangebroken. " "[english]npc_citizen.question10" "I can't believe this day has finally come. " "npc_citizen.question11" "Dit hoort vast niet bij het plan. " "[english]npc_citizen.question11" "I'm pretty sure this isn't part of the plan. " "npc_citizen.question12" "Zo te zien wordt het alleen maar erger in plaats van beter. " "[english]npc_citizen.question12" "Looks to me like things are getting worse, not better. " "npc_citizen.question13" "Als ik mijn leven toch over zou kunnen doen " "[english]npc_citizen.question13" "If I could live my life over again " "npc_citizen.question14" "Ik ga niet eens zeggen waar dat me aan doet denken. " "[english]npc_citizen.question14" "I'm not even gonna tell you what that reminds me of. " "npc_citizen.question15" "Ze zullen van mij nooit een stalker maken. " "[english]npc_citizen.question15" "They're never gonna make a stalker out of me. " "npc_citizen.question16" "Eindelijk verandering op til! " "[english]npc_citizen.question16" "Finally, change is in the air! " "npc_citizen.question17" "Voel je het? Ik voel het! " "[english]npc_citizen.question17" "Do you feel it? I feel it! " "npc_citizen.question18" "Ik voel niets meer. " "[english]npc_citizen.question18" "I don't feel anything anymore. " "npc_citizen.question19" "Ik kan me niet herinneren wanneer ik voor het laatst een douche nam. " "[english]npc_citizen.question19" "I can't remember the last time I had a shower. " "npc_citizen.question20" "Ooit is dit allemaal een slechte herinnering. " "[english]npc_citizen.question20" "Some day this will all be a bad memory. " "npc_citizen.question21" "Ik ben geen gokker, maar de kansen zijn niet goed. " "[english]npc_citizen.question21" "I'm not a betting man, but the odds are not good. " "npc_citizen.question22" "Kan het iemand iets schelen wat ik ervan vind? " "[english]npc_citizen.question22" "Doesn't anyone care what I think? " "npc_citizen.question23" "Ik krijg dit melodietje niet uit mijn hoofd. [fluit]" "[english]npc_citizen.question23" "I can't get this tune out of my head. [whistles]" "npc_citizen.question24" "Ik wil niet weten wat voor vlees dit is. " "[english]npc_citizen.question24" "I do not want to know what kind of meat this is. " "npc_citizen.question25" "Ik wist dat het zo'n dag zou worden. " "[english]npc_citizen.question25" "I just knew it was gonna be one of those days. " "npc_citizen.question26" "Dit is gezeik!" "[english]npc_citizen.question26" "This is bullshit!" "npc_citizen.question27" "Ik heb iets verkeerds gegeten." "[english]npc_citizen.question27" "I think I ate something bad." "npc_citizen.question28" "Wat heb ik honger." "[english]npc_citizen.question28" "God I'm hungry." "npc_citizen.question29" "Als dit voorbij is, ga ik paren. " "[english]npc_citizen.question29" "When this is all over, I'm gonna mate. " "npc_citizen.question30" "Ik ben blij dat er geen kinderen zijn die dit kunnen zien " "[english]npc_citizen.question30" "I'm glad there's no kids around to see this " "npc_citizen.question31" "Ik kan me niet meer herinneren wanneer ik voor het laatst wat dan ook heb gehad. " "[english]npc_citizen.question31" "I can't remember the last time I had, well, anything. " "npc_citizen.readywhenyouare01" "Ik ben er klaar voor. " "[english]npc_citizen.readywhenyouare01" "Ready when you are. " "npc_citizen.readywhenyouare02" "Ik ben er klaar voor. " "[english]npc_citizen.readywhenyouare02" "Ready when you are! " "npc_citizen.reloadfm01" "Herladen, Dr. Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.reloadfm01" "Reload, Dr. Freeman!" "npc_citizen.reloadfm02" "Herladen, Dr. Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.reloadfm02" "Reload, Dr. Freeman!" "npc_citizen.rollermines01" "Rolmijnen!" "[english]npc_citizen.rollermines01" "Rollermines!" "npc_citizen.rollermines02" "Rolmijnen!" "[english]npc_citizen.rollermines02" "Rollermines!" "npc_citizen.runforyourlife01" "Ren voor je leven! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife01" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.runforyourlife02" "Ren voor je leven! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife02" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.runforyourlife03" "Ren voor je leven! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife03" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far01" "Veilig. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far01" "Clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far02" "Alles veilig. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far02" "All clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far03" "Ziet er goed uit. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far03" "Looks okay. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_near01" "Veilig!" "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near01" "Clear!" "npc_citizen.scan_check_near02" "Alles veilig. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near02" "All clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_near03" "Ziet er goed uit. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near03" "Looks okay. " "npc_citizen.scanners01" "Scanners! " "[english]npc_citizen.scanners01" "Scanners! " "npc_citizen.scanners02" "Scanners! " "[english]npc_citizen.scanners02" "Scanners! " "npc_citizen.shoulder01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.shoulder01" " " "npc_citizen.shoulder02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.shoulder02" " " "npc_citizen.snakebitme" "Als het een slang was, had hij me gebeten." "[english]npc_citizen.snakebitme" "If it were a snake, it woulda bit me." "npc_citizen.sorry01" "Sorry." "[english]npc_citizen.sorry01" "Sorry." "npc_citizen.sorry02" "Sorry. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorry02" "Sorry. " "npc_citizen.sorry03" "Sorry. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorry03" "Sorry. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc01" "Sorry, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc01" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc02" "Sorry, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc02" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc04" "Sorry, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc04" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorryfm01" "Sorry, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorryfm01" "Sorry, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.sorryfm02" "Sorry, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorryfm02" "Sorry, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm01" "Zeker, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm01" "You got it, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm02" "Wat je maar wilt, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm02" "Anything you say, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm03" "Wat je maar wilt. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm03" "Whatever you say. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm04" "Oké, ik ga. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm04" "Okay I'm going. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm05" "Daar gaat -ie. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm05" "Here goes. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm06" "Daar gaat -ie dan. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm06" "Here goes nothing. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm07" "Goede zet, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm07" "Good call, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm08" "Goed idee, Doctor Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm08" "Good idea, Doctor Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm09" "Zeker weten, Gordon. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm09" "Sure thing, Gordon. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach01" "Ga terug naar Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach01" "Head back to Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach02" "Hier komen we. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach02" "Here we come. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach03" "We zijn onderweg. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach03" "On our way. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach04" "We komen eraan. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach04" "Coming. " "npc_citizen.squad_away01" "Deze kant op, mensen." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away01" "This way, gang." "npc_citizen.squad_away02" "Hierheen. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away02" "Over here. " "npc_citizen.squad_away03" "Volg mij. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away03" "Follow me. " "npc_citizen.squad_follow01" "Volg Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow01" "Follow Freeman! " "npc_citizen.squad_follow02" "Kom op, allemaal! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow02" "Come on, everybody! " "npc_citizen.squad_follow03" "Laten we gaan!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow03" "Let's get moving!" "npc_citizen.squad_follow04" "Hé, allemaal. Volg Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow04" "Hey, everybody, follow Freeman!" "npc_citizen.squad_greet01" "Gordon Freeman, je bent er! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet01" "Gordon Freeman, you're here! " "npc_citizen.squad_greet02" "Doctor Freeman? We gaan met jou mee. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet02" "Doctor Freeman? We're coming with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet03" "We gaan met jou mee, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet03" "We're coming with you, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet04" "Met jou hier, Dr. Freeman, kunnen we eindelijk vooruitgang boeken." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet04" "With you here, Dr. Freeman, we can finally make some headway." "npc_citizen.squad_greet05" "Gordon Freeman is hier. Niet te geloven. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet05" "Gordon Freeman's here. I don't believe it. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet06" "Gordon Freeman? Nu gaat het opschieten. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet06" "Gordon Freeman? Well now we're getting somewhere. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group01" "Doctor Freeman, wacht. We gaan met je mee. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group01" "Doctor Freeman, wait. We'll come with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group02" "Hé, het is Freeman! Laten we hem volgen! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group02" "Hey, it's Freeman! Let's follow him! " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group03" "We willen ons bij u aansluiten, doctor Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group03" "We were looking to join you, Doctor Freeman." "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group04" "Wacht op ons!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group04" "Wait for us!" "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single01" "Wacht op mij, Dr. Freeman. Ik ga met je mee. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single01" "Wait for me, Dr. Freeman. I'll come with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single02" "Dr. Freeman, ik ga met je mee. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single02" "Dr. Freeman, I'm coming with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single03" "Hey! Het is Freeman! Jullie gaan niet zonder me weg. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single03" "Hey. it's Freeman! You're not leaving without me. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single04" "Wacht op mij. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single04" "Wait for me. " "npc_citizen.squad_train01" "We zullen je zoveel mogelijk helpen, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train01" "We'll help however we can, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_train02" "Laat maar weten waar u ons wilt hebben, Dr. Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train02" "Let us know where you want us, Dr. Freeman." "npc_citizen.squad_train03" "Oké, Doc. Jij bent de baas. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train03" "Okay, Doc, you're in charge. " "npc_citizen.squad_train04" "We staan aan uw kant, Dr. Freeman. Laat maar weten wat we kunnen doen om je te helpen." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train04" "We're with you, Dr. Freeman. Let us know if we can do anything extra to help." "npc_citizen.startle01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.startle01" " " "npc_citizen.startle02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.startle02" " " "npc_citizen.stopitfm" "Stop daarmee, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.stopitfm" "Stop it, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.strider" "Strider!" "[english]npc_citizen.strider" "Strider!" "npc_citizen.strider_run" "Rennen!" "[english]npc_citizen.strider_run" "Run!" "npc_citizen.surething01" "Tuurlijk." "[english]npc_citizen.surething01" "Sure thing." "npc_citizen.surething02" "Tuurlijk." "[english]npc_citizen.surething02" "Sure thing." "npc_citizen.takecover01" "Zoek dekking!" "[english]npc_citizen.takecover01" "Take cover!" "npc_citizen.takecover02" "Zoek dekking!" "[english]npc_citizen.takecover02" "Take cover!" "npc_citizen.thanksdoc01" "Bedankt, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.thanksdoc01" "Thanks, Doc." "npc_citizen.thanksdoc02" "Bedankt, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.thanksdoc02" "Thanks, Doc." "npc_citizen.thehacks01" "De hacks!" "[english]npc_citizen.thehacks01" "The Hacks!" "npc_citizen.thehacks02" "De hacks!" "[english]npc_citizen.thehacks02" "The Hacks!" "npc_citizen.thislldonicely" "Dit werkt prima." "[english]npc_citizen.thislldonicely" "This'll do nicely." "npc_citizen.turret" "Turret!" "[english]npc_citizen.turret" "Turret!" "npc_citizen.turrets" "Turrets!" "[english]npc_citizen.turrets" "Turrets!" "npc_citizen.uhoh" "Oh-oh." "[english]npc_citizen.uhoh" "Uh-oh." "npc_citizen.upthere01" "Daarboven!" "[english]npc_citizen.upthere01" "Up there!" "npc_citizen.upthere02" "Daarboven! " "[english]npc_citizen.upthere02" "Up there! " "npc_citizen.vanswer01" "Genoeg abracadabra. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer01" "Enough of your mumbo jumbo. " "npc_citizen.vanswer02" "Stomme Vorts. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer02" "Damn vorts. " "npc_citizen.vanswer03" "Ik weet niet hoe ik dat moet opvatten. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer03" "I'm not sure how to take that. " "npc_citizen.vanswer04" "Is dat persoonlijk bedoeld?" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer04" "Should I take that personally?" "npc_citizen.vanswer05" "Spreek Engels." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer05" "Speak English." "npc_citizen.vanswer06" "Dat zeg ik." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer06" "You got that from me." "npc_citizen.vanswer07" "Daarom mag je blijven." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer07" "That's why we put up with you." "npc_citizen.vanswer08" "Ik had het zelf niet beter kunnen doen. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer08" "Couldn't have put it better myself. " "npc_citizen.vanswer09" "Dat was bijna logisch." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer09" "That almost made sense." "npc_citizen.vanswer10" "Er is iets mis me, ik snapte dat bijna." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer10" "Something must be wrong with me, I almost understood that." "npc_citizen.vanswer11" "Ik geloof dat ik begin te wennen aan die Vorts." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer11" "I guess I'm getting used to you vorts." "npc_citizen.vanswer12" "Geen Vort-filosofie alsjeblieft." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer12" "None of your vort philosophy." "npc_citizen.vanswer13" "Stop, je vermoordt me!" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer13" "Stop, you're killing me!" "npc_citizen.vanswer14" "Waar heb ik dit aan verdiend?" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer14" "What did I do to deserve this?" "npc_citizen.vquestion01" "Kijk me niet zo aan." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion01" "Stop looking at me like that." "npc_citizen.vquestion02" "Sommige dingen wennen nooit." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion02" "Some things I just never get used to." "npc_citizen.vquestion03" "Hoe hebben jullie ooit zo lang kunnen overleven? " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion03" "I don't know how you things have survived as long as you have. " "npc_citizen.vquestion04" "Soms vraag ik me af hoe ik bij jou ben terechtgekomen. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion04" "Sometimes I wonder how I ended up with you. " "npc_citizen.vquestion05" "Jij bent oké, Vorty. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion05" "You're all right vorty. " "npc_citizen.vquestion06" "Die Vorts vallen best mee." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion06" "You vorts aren't half bad." "npc_citizen.vquestion07" "Als iemand me ooit had verteld dat ik vriendschap zou sluiten met een Vortigaunt..." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion07" "If anyone would have told me I'd be pals with a vortigaunt..." "npc_citizen.waitingsomebody" "Wacht je op iemand?" "[english]npc_citizen.waitingsomebody" "You waiting for somebody?" "npc_citizen.watchforrhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.watchforrhino01" " " "npc_citizen.watchforrhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.watchforrhino02" " " "npc_citizen.watchout" "Kijk uit! " "[english]npc_citizen.watchout" "Watch out! " "npc_citizen.watchwhat" "Kijk uit wat je doet. " "[english]npc_citizen.watchwhat" "Watch what you're doing. " "npc_citizen.wetrustedyou01" "We vertrouwden jou. " "[english]npc_citizen.wetrustedyou01" "We trusted you. " "npc_citizen.wetrustedyou02" "We vertrouwden jou! " "[english]npc_citizen.wetrustedyou02" "We trusted you! " "npc_citizen.whatwaitfor" "Waar wachten we op?" "[english]npc_citizen.whatwaitfor" "What are we waiting for?" "npc_citizen.whistle_loop" " " "[english]npc_citizen.whistle_loop" " " "npc_citizen.whohellryou01" "Wie ben jij nou weer?" "[english]npc_citizen.whohellryou01" "Who the hell are you?" "npc_citizen.whoops01" "Oeps!" "[english]npc_citizen.whoops01" "Whoops." "npc_citizen.wowniceshot01" "Wow, goed schot!" "[english]npc_citizen.wowniceshot01" "Wow, nice shot!" "npc_citizen.wowniceshot02" "Wow, goed schot!" "[english]npc_citizen.wowniceshot02" "Wow, nice shot!" "npc_citizen.yeah02" "Yeah!" "[english]npc_citizen.yeah02" "Yeah!" "npc_citizen.youdbetterreload01" "Je moet herladen!" "[english]npc_citizen.youdbetterreload01" "You'd better reload!" "npc_citizen.yougotit02" "Goed zo " "[english]npc_citizen.yougotit02" "You got it " "npc_citizen.zombies01" "Zombies!" "[english]npc_citizen.zombies01" "Zombies!" "npc_citizen.zombies02" "Zombies!" "[english]npc_citizen.zombies02" "Zombies!" "npc_citizen.help03" "Help!" "[english]npc_citizen.help03" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help04" "Help!" "[english]npc_citizen.help04" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help05" "Help!" "[english]npc_citizen.help05" "Help!" "npc_citizen.helpme02" "Help me! " "[english]npc_citizen.helpme02" "Help me! " "npc_citizen.heretheycome02" "Daar komen ze! " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome02" "Here they come! " "npc_citizen.heretheycome03" "Daar zijn ze! " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome03" "Here they come. " "npc_citizen.nice01" "Mooi!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice01" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.nice02" "Mooi!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice02" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.overwatch01" "Overwatch! " "[english]npc_citizen.overwatch01" "Overwatch! " "npc_citizen.overwatch02" "Overwatch! " "[english]npc_citizen.overwatch02" "Overwatch! " "npc_citizen.thislldonicely01" "Dit werkt prima. " "[english]npc_citizen.thislldonicely01" "This'll do nicely. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Chuckle" "*grinnik*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Chuckle" "*chuckle*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure" "Verdachte, bereid je voor op een burgeroordeel. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure" "Suspect, prepare to receive civil judgment. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure.Leave" "Iemand hier heeft gefaald voor de loyaliteitscontrole, een mogelijke 10-103M. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure.Leave" "I have a failure to comply with loyalty check, possible 10-103M. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway" "Oké. Je kunt gaan. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway" "All right. You can go. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway.Failure" "Snel weg hier. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway.Failure" "Now get out of here. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Intro" "Ontvangen en begrepen, we voeren de standaardprocedure 243 voor loyaliteitscontrole uit, station 10-22. Over. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Intro" "Uh, roger that, we'll run standard loyalty check procedure 243, my 10-22 intake station, over. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan" "Pak dat blik op. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan" "Pick up that can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan.Nag" "Pak het blik op. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan.Nag" "Pick up the can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PutItInTheTrash" "Gooi het nu in de prullenbak. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PutItInTheTrash" "Now, put it in the trash can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Success" "Ik rapporteer een burger die is opgeroepen voor vrijwillige algemene servicedienst, detail T94-322. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Success" "Reporting citizen summoned to voluntary conscription for general service public detail T94-322. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoLeft" "Doorlopen." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoLeft" "Move along." "NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoRight" "Opschieten." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoRight" "Move it." "NPC_MetroPolice.Freeze" "Sta stil." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Freeze" "Don't move." "NPC_MetroPolice.Luggagescript.Warn" "Eerste waarschuwing: weg daar. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Luggagescript.Warn" "First warning: Move away. " "npc_vortigaunt.acceptcharge" "Accepteer een lading. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.acceptcharge" "Accept a charge. " "npc_vortigaunt.acceptenergy" "Accepteer energie. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.acceptenergy" "Accept energy. " "npc_vortigaunt.accompany" "Wij begeleiden met plezier. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.accompany" "Gladly we accompany. " "npc_vortigaunt.affirmed" "Bevestigd. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.affirmed" "Affirmed. " "npc_vortigaunt.alldear" "We hebben alles verloren wat ons dierbaar was. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.alldear" "We have lost all dear to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.allfornow" "Dat was voorlopig alles. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allfornow" "That is all for now. " "npc_vortigaunt.allinoneinall" "Alles-in-één en één-in-alles. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allinoneinall" "All in one and one in all. " "npc_vortigaunt.allowme" "Sta mij toe. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allowme" "Allow me. " "npc_vortigaunt.allowrecharge" "Sta ons toe je cellen op te laden. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allowrecharge" "Allow us to recharge your cells. " "npc_vortigaunt.allwecanspare" "Dat is alles wat we kunnen afstaan. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allwecanspare" "That is all we can spare. " "npc_vortigaunt.allwehave" "Alles wat we hebben is van jou. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allwehave" "All we have is yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.assent" "Mee eens. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.assent" "Assent. " "npc_vortigaunt.asyouwish" "Zoals je wilt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.asyouwish" "As you wish. " "npc_vortigaunt.beofservice" "Kunnen wij helpen? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.beofservice" "Can we be of service? " "npc_vortigaunt.bodyyours" "Beveel dit lichaam. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.bodyyours" "This body is yours to command. " "npc_vortigaunt.calm" "Kalmeer jezelf. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.calm" "Calm yourself. " "npc_vortigaunt.canconvince" "Kunnen we je niet overhalen tot iets anders? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.canconvince" "Can we not convince you otherwise? " "npc_vortigaunt.cannotfire" "We kunnen niet vuren zonder schade aan de Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.cannotfire" "We cannot fire without harm to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.caution" "Voorzichtig! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.caution" "Caution! " "npc_vortigaunt.cautionfm" "Voorzichtig, Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.cautionfm" "Caution, Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.certainly" "Zeker. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.certainly" "Certainly. " "npc_vortigaunt.claimvort" " " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.claimvort" " " "npc_vortigaunt.corporeal" "We hadden nooit gedacht je in lichamelijke vorm te ontmoeten. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.corporeal" "We never dreamed to meet you in corporeal form. " "npc_vortigaunt.dedicate" "We wijden ons aan jouw doel. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.dedicate" "We dedicate ourselves to your purpose. " "npc_vortigaunt.done" "Klaar. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.done" "Done. " "npc_vortigaunt.dreamed" "We hebben van dit moment gedroomd. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.dreamed" "We have dreamed of this moment. " "npc_vortigaunt.empowerus" "Geef ons kracht! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.empowerus" "Empower us! " "npc_vortigaunt.energyempower" "De energie geeft ons kracht. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.energyempower" "Its energy empowers us. " "npc_vortigaunt.fearfailed" "We vrezen te hebben gefaald. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fearfailed" "We fear we have failed you. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmbeware" "Freeman, pas op! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmbeware" "Freeman, beware! " "npc_vortigaunt.fmcanuse" "De Freeman kan dit gebruiken. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmcanuse" "The Freeman can make use of this. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmdoesushonor" "De Freeman doet ons eer aan. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmdoesushonor" "The Freeman does us honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmhonorsus" "De Freeman eert ons. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmhonorsus" "The Freeman honors us. " "npc_vortigaunt.fminway" "De Freeman staat in de weg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fminway" "The Freeman is in our way. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmknowsbest" "De Freeman weet het het beste. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmknowsbest" "The Freeman knows best. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustbeware" "De Freeman moet oppassen! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustbeware" "The Freeman must beware! " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustfollow" "De Freeman moet volgen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustfollow" "The Freeman must follow. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustmove" "De Freeman moet bewegen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustmove" "The Freeman must move. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmstandstill" "De Freeman moet stil staan. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmstandstill" "The Freeman must stand still. " "npc_vortigaunt.followfm" "Volg, Freeman." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.followfm" "Follow, Freeman." "npc_vortigaunt.forfreedom" "Voor vrijheid! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forfreedom" "For Freedom! " "npc_vortigaunt.forthefm" "Voor de Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forthefm" "For the Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.forward" "Voorwaarts! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forward" "Forward! " "npc_vortigaunt.freeman" "Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.freeman" "Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.giveover" "Geef je wezen over. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.giveover" "Give over your essence. " "npc_vortigaunt.gladly" "Met plezier. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.gladly" "Gladly. " "npc_vortigaunt.gloriousend" "Naar ons glorieuze einde. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.gloriousend" "To our glorious end. " "npc_vortigaunt.greetingsfm" "Gegroet zij de Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.greetingsfm" "Greetings to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.halt" "Halt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.halt" "Halt. " "npc_vortigaunt.here" "Hier. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.here" "Here. " "npc_vortigaunt.herewestay" "Hier verblijven we. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.herewestay" "Here we stay. " "npc_vortigaunt.hold" "Wacht. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.hold" "Hold. " "npc_vortigaunt.holdorcantcharge" "Niet bewegen, anders kunnen we je niet opladen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.holdorcantcharge" "Hold still or we cannot charge you. " "npc_vortigaunt.holdstill" "Beweeg niet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.holdstill" "Hold still. " "npc_vortigaunt.honorfollow" "Eerbiedig volgen we je. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.honorfollow" "To our honor we follow you. " "npc_vortigaunt.honorours" "De eer is aan ons. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.honorours" "The honor is ours. " "npc_vortigaunt.hopeless" "Onze zaak lijkt hopeloos. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.hopeless" "Our cause seems hopeless. " "npc_vortigaunt.ifyoumove" "Als je beweegt, kunnen wij je niet helpen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ifyoumove" "If you move we cannot help you. " "npc_vortigaunt.isitthefm" "Is het de Freeman? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.isitthefm" "Is it the Freeman? " "npc_vortigaunt.itishonor" "Het is een eer. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.itishonor" "It is an honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.itisthefm" "Het is de Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.itisthefm" "It is the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.keepfmsafe" "Dat houdt de Freeman veilig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.keepfmsafe" "That should keep the Freeman safe. " "npc_vortigaunt.leadon" "Ga voort. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.leadon" "Lead on. " "npc_vortigaunt.leadus" "Leid ons. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.leadus" "Lead us. " "npc_vortigaunt.livetoserve" "Wij leven om te dienen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.livetoserve" "We live to serve. " "npc_vortigaunt.morethanmeets" "Er is meer aan de Freeman dan het oog kan zien. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.morethanmeets" "There is more to the Freeman than meets the eye. " "npc_vortigaunt.movingtarget" "We kunnen een bewegend doel niet genezen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.movingtarget" "We cannot heal a moving target. " "npc_vortigaunt.mutual" "Ons doel is wederzijds. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.mutual" "Our purpose is mutual. " "npc_vortigaunt.mystery" "We dienen hetzelfde mysterie. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.mystery" "We serve the same mystery. " "npc_vortigaunt.neuroprints" "Dus de neuroprints zijn waar. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.neuroprints" "So the neuroprints are true. " "npc_vortigaunt.nodenexus" "Node en nexus, voed u met dit leven! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.nodenexus" "Node and nexus, feed upon this life! " "npc_vortigaunt.onward" "Voorwaarts! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.onward" "Onward! " "npc_vortigaunt.opaque" "Je geest is opaak. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.opaque" "Your mind is opaque. " "npc_vortigaunt.optical" "We kunnen de optische papillen van de Freeman niet uitlezen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.optical" "We cannot read the Freeman's optical buds. " "npc_vortigaunt.ourhonor" "Op onze eer. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ourhonor" "By our honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.ourplacehere" "Onze plaats is hier. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ourplacehere" "Our place is here. " "npc_vortigaunt.passon" "Geef door! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.passon" "Pass on! " "npc_vortigaunt.persevere" "Dit is onverdraaglijk, maar wij zullen volharden. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.persevere" "This is more than anyone can bear, but we will persevere. " "npc_vortigaunt.pleasure" "Met genoegen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.pleasure" "With pleasure. " "npc_vortigaunt.poet" "Onze beste dichter beschrijft het zo: Gallum galla gilla ma. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.poet" "Our finest poet describes it thus: Gallum galla gilla ma. " "npc_vortigaunt.prepare" "Ontvang de energie. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.prepare" "Prepare to receive energy. " "npc_vortigaunt.prevail" "Wij zullen overwinnen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.prevail" "We shall prevail. " "npc_vortigaunt.propitious" "Gunstige alliantie. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.propitious" "Propitious alliance. " "npc_vortigaunt.putaside" "We zullen Black Mesa vergeten... voor nu. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.putaside" "We will put aside Black Mesa... for now. " "npc_vortigaunt.reasondelay" "Is er reden voor vertraging?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.reasondelay" "Is there reason for delay?" "npc_vortigaunt.regrettable" "Dit is spijtig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.regrettable" "This is regrettable. " "npc_vortigaunt.rememberus" "Je moet je ons herinneren van Black Mesa?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.rememberus" "You must remember us from Black Mesa." "npc_vortigaunt.returntoall" "Ga terug naar de alles-in-één. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.returntoall" "Return to the all in one. " "npc_vortigaunt.returnvoid" "Ga terug naar de leegte. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.returnvoid" "Return to the void. " "npc_vortigaunt.salute" "Als je werkelijk de Freeman bent, groeten wij je. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.salute" "If you are truly the Freeman, we salute you. " "npc_vortigaunt.satisfaction" "Voldoening. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.satisfaction" "Satisfaction. " "npc_vortigaunt.seebeforeoureye" "Is dit de Freeman die we voor ons zien? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.seebeforeoureye" "Is this the Freeman we see before our eyes? " "npc_vortigaunt.seenworse" "We hebben in het verleden wel erger overleefd. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.seenworse" "We have survived worse across the ages. " "npc_vortigaunt.servebetterhere" "Wellicht zijn we je hier beter van dienst. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.servebetterhere" "Perhaps we will serve you better here. " "npc_vortigaunt.standclear" "Maak plaats. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.standclear" "Stand clear. " "npc_vortigaunt.stillhere" "We zijn er nog. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.stillhere" "We are still here. " "npc_vortigaunt.surge" "We laden ons op. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.surge" "We surge. " "npc_vortigaunt.takeus" "Freeman, neem ons mee. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.takeus" "Freeman, take us with you. " "npc_vortigaunt.tethercut" "De ketting is gebroken. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.tethercut" "The tether is cut. " "npc_vortigaunt.thatisall" "Dat is alles. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.thatisall" "That is all. " "npc_vortigaunt.thefreeman" "De Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.thefreeman" "The Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.tothevoid" "Naar de leegte. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.tothevoid" "To the void with you. " "npc_vortigaunt.troubleus" "Die zal ons geen last meer bezorgen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.troubleus" "That one shall trouble us no more. " "npc_vortigaunt.trulyitis" "Het is werkelijk de Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.trulyitis" "Truly it is the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.undeserving" "Het bewustzijn niet waardig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.undeserving" "Undeserving of consciousness. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer01" "We blijven niet overtuigd " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer01" "We remain unconvinced " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer02" "Jullie zijn niet de enigen die dergelijke illusies koesteren " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer02" "You're not the first to harbor such illusions " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer03" "Wij geloven het tegenovergestelde " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer03" "We believe the opposite " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer04" "Dat is net zo goed " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer04" "It is just as well " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "Dat verwachtten we al " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "We expected as much " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Zinloze speculatie " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Idle speculation " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Je bezorgdheid is roerend " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Your concern is touching " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Vertrouw er niet op. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Don't rely on it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer09" "Neem niets aan " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer09" "Assume nothing " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer10" "Niets daarvan " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer10" "Nothing of the sort " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer11" "Jullie zijn misleid " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer11" "You are deluded " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer12" "We willen dat je gelijk had " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer12" "We wish you were right " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer13" "Vergeef ons onze tactloze wisselvalligheden " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer13" "Excuse our gauche vicissitudes " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer14" "We vragen om je oplettendheid " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer14" "We beg your awareness " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer15" "Ook wij zijn zeker. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer15" "Likewise, we are sure. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer16" "Dat is wederzijds " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer16" "The feeling is mutual " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer17" "Dit is ongebruikelijk " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer17" "This is unaccustomed " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer18" "Het is allemaal hetzelfde in de overvloed " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer18" "It is all one in the plenitude " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_01" "Is het de Freeman? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_01" "Is it the Freeman? " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_02" "Komt er een man? Het is waar! De Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_02" "Comes a man? It is! The Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_03" "We herinneren ons de Freeman. We zijn gelijktijdig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_03" "We remember the Freeman. We are coterminous. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_04" "Er is geen afstand tussen ons. Valse sluiers van tijd of ruimte kunnen niet tussen ons komen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_04" "There is no distance between us. No false veil of time or space may intervene. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_05" "We zien je nog steeds in Black Mesa. We zien je duidelijk in de kamer van de Nihilanth. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_05" "We see you still in Black Mesa. Clearly we see you in the Nihilanth's chamber. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_06" "We zijn getuige van de heldere eeuwigheid van het verscheiden van de Nihilanth. Je springt, je valt, we zien je achter de grenzen verdwijnen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_06" "We bear witness to the bright eternity of the Nihilanth's demise. You leap, you fall, we see you flash beyond the barriers. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_07" "Een korte tijd was je bij ons aangesloten. Je bent één. Tussen de werelden. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_07" "For a brief time you joined with us. You are one. Between the worlds. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_08" "De gemeenschap van de Vortessentie. En dat andere: een dieper mysterie. Niet dieper dan de leegte zelf. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_08" "Communion of the vortessence. And that other: a deeper mystery. No deeper than the void itself. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_09" "We kunnen degenen niet vergeten wiens kabels je hebt doorgesneden. Het is niet aan ons om vergeving te schenken. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_09" "We cannot forget those whose cords you cut. Forgiveness is not ours to bestow. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_10" "De eenheid van ons doel, het afschudden van de gelijke ketenen. We bewandelen dezelfde weg. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_10" "Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_11" "Wij zingen jouw lied en blijven tot in de eeuwigheid zingen. Wat de consequenties van deze strijd ook mogen zijn. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_11" "Your song we sing and shall sing for eternity. No matter the consequences of this struggle. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_12" "Je hebt ons veel verdriet en onmeetbare verrukking gebracht. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_12" "You have brought us grief and jubilation beyond measure. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_13" "We zijn hier nog steeds en observeren jouw genadeslag. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_13" "We are there still, in observance of your final stroke. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_14" "Terwijl de onzen verspreid aan je voeten lagen, heb je de vortale kabel doorgesneden waarmee de Nihilanth met het leven en met ons in verbinding stonden. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_14" "While our own lay scattered at your feet, you severed the vortal cord that bound the Nihilanth to life, and to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_15" "Die scherpe aansporing van hoop is tot op de dag van vandaag nog niet vervlogen. Toen de mindere heerser was verslagen, wisten we dat de grotere heerser met de tijd ook zou moeten vallen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_15" "That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day. For once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_16" "Met jou, een talisman van overwinning, aan onze zijde nadert de dag der vrijheid. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_16" "With you beside us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_17" "Je heldere gezicht verduistert je donkere masker. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_17" "Your bright face obscures your darker mask. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_18" "We noemen je onze verwant, hoewel je geest en je bedoelingen een mysterie zijn voor ons. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_18" "We call you sib, although your mind and meaning are a mystery to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_19" "Ver verwijderde ogen kijken door jouw ogen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_19" "Far distant eyes look out through yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_20" "Een geheim bestuurt ons beiden. We zullen het niet benoemen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_20" "Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_21" "We hebben deze pijnlijke boeien eons lang verdragen, maar een ogenblik langer slavernij lijkt onverdraagbaar! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_21" "We have endured these chafing bonds for eons, yet a single moment of further servitude seems intolerable! " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_22" "Hoe vaak hebben we ons juk niet afgeworpen, waarna het ons opnieuw verstikte. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_22" "How often have we slipped our yoke, only to find it choking us again. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_23" "Laat deze oorlog eindigen in totale overwinning of onze ondergang. We zullen geen verder compromis toestaan. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_23" "Let this war end in either total victory or our extinction. No further compromise shall we allow. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_24" "We nemen onze plaats in naast jou. Hier, op deze miserabele rots. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_24" "We take our stand beside you, here, upon this miserable rock. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_25" "De weg die voor ons ligt is momenteel duister. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_25" "The way ahead is dark for the moment. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_26" "Wat voor jou een opoffering lijkt, is voor ons slechts een oscillatie. We voelen geen angst voor de interval van duisternis. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_26" "What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_27" "We zijn een tapijt geweven uit Vortessentie. Hetzelfde geldt voor jou als je het maar kon zien. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_27" "We are a tapestry woven of vortessence. It is the same for you if only you would see it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_28" "Hoeveel zijn er in jou? Welke hoop en dromen omsluiten jou? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_28" "How many are there in you? Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass? " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_29" "Kon je de ogen in jouw ogen, de geesten in jouw geest maar zien, dan zou je inzien hoeveel wij delen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_29" "Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in your mind, you would see how much we share. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_30" "Wij zijn jou, Freeman. En jij bent ons. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_30" "We are you, Freeman. And you are us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese02" "Ah gurrrr..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese02" "Ah ghurrrr..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese03" "Taaar..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese03" "Taaar..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese04" "Riiit..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese04" "Riiit..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese05" "Lung gah..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese05" "Lung gah..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese07" "Gong..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese07" "Gong..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese08" "Galanga..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese08" "Galanga..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese09" "Ga la lung... " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese09" "Ga la lung... " "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese11" "Churr galing chur alla gung..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese11" "Churr galing chur alla gung..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese12" "Chur lung gong chella gurr..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese12" "Chur lung gong chella gurr..." "npc_vortigaunt.vques01" "We hebben alles verloren wat ons dierbaar was." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques01" "We have lost all dear to us." "npc_vortigaunt.vques02" "De Combine zullen boeten voor hun verdorvenheid." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques02" "The Combine will pay in kind for their depravity." "npc_vortigaunt.vques03" "Er is hoop in zicht. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques03" "Hope is in sight. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques04" "Dit betekent een keerpunt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques04" "This marks a turning point. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques05" "Dergelijk pessimisme zal ons allen verdoemen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques05" "Such pessimism will doom us all. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques06" "We hebben duisterder tijden overleefd. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques06" "We have survived darker times. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques07" "We denken aan de woorden van onze grootste filosoof: companum gannennen vorgenot!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques07" "We are mindful of the words of our greatest philosopher: companum gannennen vorgenot!" "npc_vortigaunt.vques08" "Jullie mensen, altijd in de qualiditeit. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques08" "You humans, always in the qualidity. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques09" "We beschouwen dit gezelschap als onschendbaar. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques09" "We deem this company inviolable. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques10" "Je gezelschap is erg afgeranseld. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques10" "Your companionship is greatly belabored. " "npc_vortigaunt.ware" "Waak u! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ware" "Ware! " "npc_vortigaunt.warefm" "Waak u, Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.warefm" "Ware, Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.warningfm" "Waarschuwing voor de Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.warningfm" "Warning to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.weareyours" "We zijn de jouwen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weareyours" "We are yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.webeofuse" "Freeman, we kunnen je van pas komen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.webeofuse" "Freeman, we could be of use to you. " "npc_vortigaunt.weclaimyou" "Wij claimen je. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weclaimyou" "We claim you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wefollowfm" "Wij volgen de Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wefollowfm" "We follow the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.wehonored" "We zijn vereerd. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wehonored" "We are honored. " "npc_vortigaunt.weknowyou" "Wij kennen je. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weknowyou" "We know you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wellmet" "Goed ontmoet, Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wellmet" "Well met, Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.weshare" "We zullen de Vortessentie delen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weshare" "We shall share the vortessence. " "npc_vortigaunt.wewillcharge" "We zullen je opladen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wewillcharge" "We will charge you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wewillhelp" "We zullen je helpen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wewillhelp" "We will help you. " "npc_vortigaunt.whereto" "Waar nu heen? En met welk doel? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.whereto" "Where to now? And to what end? " "npc_vortigaunt.willremain" "We blijven als je ons dat opdraagt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.willremain" "We will remain if you so instruct. " "npc_vortigaunt.worthless" "Ons leven is waardeloos tenzij het in vrijheid wordt genoten. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.worthless" "Our life is worthless unless spent on freedom. " "npc_vortigaunt.yes" "Ja! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.yes" "Yes! " "npc_vortigaunt.yesforward" "Ja, voorwaarts. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.yesforward" "Yes, forward. " "npc_vortigaunt.chant03" "Hurrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Churrrrrrrrrrr---Koff! Hack! Wiezz!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.chant03" "Hurrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Churrrrrrrrrrr---Koff! Hack! Wheeze!" "odessa.cub_damn" " " "[english]odessa.cub_damn" " " "odessa.cub_eli" " " "[english]odessa.cub_eli" " " "odessa.cub_pleasure" " " "[english]odessa.cub_pleasure" " " "odessa.cub_showyou" " " "[english]odessa.cub_showyou" " " "odessa.cub_tricky" " " "[english]odessa.cub_tricky" " " "odessa.nlo_after01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after01" " " "odessa.nlo_after02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after02" " " "odessa.nlo_after03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after03" " " "odessa.nlo_after04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after04" " " "odessa.nlo_after05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after05" " " "odessa.nlo_before01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before01" " " "odessa.nlo_before02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before02" " " "odessa.nlo_before03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before03" " " "odessa.nlo_before04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before04" " " "odessa.nlo_before05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before05" " " "odessa.nlo_before06" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before06" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag01" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag02" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag03" " " "odessa.nlo_cheer01" "*aanmoedigingen*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer01" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_cheer02" "*aanmoedigingen*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer02" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_cheer03" "*gelach*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer03" "*laughter*" "odessa.nlo_cheer04" "*aanmoedigingen*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer04" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_citizen_bringcar" "Breng je auto hierheen, dan open ik het hek voor je. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_bringcar" "Bring your car up here and I'll open the gate for you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_drivesafe" "Rij voorzichtig! " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_drivesafe" "Drive safely! " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet01" "Ik zou naar de kelder gaan als ik jou was. We zetten ons schrap voor een aanval. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet01" "I'd get into the basement if I were you. We're bracing for an attack. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet02" "Gordon Freeman? De kolonel verwacht je. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet02" "Gordon Freeman? The Colonel is expecting you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet03" "Dit is geen tijd om rond te wandelen. De Combine komen steeds dichterbij. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet03" "This is no time to be wandering around. The Combine's closing in. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet04" "Ga naar de kelder! We zorgen ervoor dat iedereen heeft om een aanval af te weren. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet04" "Get in the basement! We're making sure everyone has what they need to hold off an attack. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet05" "Je moet hier niet rondlopen. Ga naar de kelder. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet05" "You shouldn't be walking around out here. Get into the basement. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post01" "Wees zuinig op die lanceerder, Dr. Freeman. Je zult later nog blij zijn dat je hem hebt. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post01" "Hold onto that launcher, Dr. Freeman. You'll be glad you have it on the road ahead. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post02" "Ga nu, Dr. Freeman. We weten dat Eli Vance op je rekent. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post02" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. We know Eli Vance is depending on you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post03" "Veel succes in Nova Prospekt, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post03" "Good luck in Nova Prospekt, Dr. Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_cub_carry" "Wie is de gelukkige die het mag meenemen in een gevecht? " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_carry" "Now, who's going to be the lucky one to carry it into combat? " "odessa.nlo_cub_class01" "Deze bestuurbare raketlanceerder is ons beste gereedschap om een gunship mee neer te halen. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class01" "This steerable rocket launcher is our best bet for taking down a gunship. " "odessa.nlo_cub_class02" "Met de lasergeleiding kun je je raket achter de verdediging van het schip sturen zodat de raket niet neergeschoten wordt. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class02" "Using the laser guide, you can steer your rocket past the gunship's defenses and prevent it from shooting down your rocket. " "odessa.nlo_cub_class03" "Eerst wordt het hier kwaad van, maar als je lang genoeg overleeft om een aantal keer rechtstreeks te raken, verdien je een prijs die niet misstaat op de schoorsteenmantel. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class03" "This will only anger it at first, but if you can survive long enough to make several direct hits, you'll be rewarded with a prize worthy of any mantlepiece. " "odessa.nlo_cub_corkscrew" "Gebruik de lasergeleiding van de raketlanceerder om je raket voorbij de verdediging van het gunship te sturen. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_corkscrew" "Remember: use the launcher's laser guide to steer your rocket past the gunship's defenses. " "odessa.nlo_cub_farewell" "Vaarwel! Zeg alsjeblieft tegen Dr. Vance dat het kolonel Cubbage spijt dat hij hem niet persoonlijk kon redden! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_farewell" "Farewell! And please tell Dr. Vance that Colonel Cubbage regrets not having been able to rescue him in person! " "odessa.nlo_cub_freeman" "Ah, ja! Gordon Freeman! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_freeman" "Ah, yes! Gordon Freeman! " "odessa.nlo_cub_hello" "Ah, hallo! Ik kom zo bij je! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_hello" "Ah, hello! I'll be right with you! " "odessa.nlo_cub_ledtobelieve" "Ik neem aan dat je het gunship hebt vernietigd, Dr. Freeman. Sir, uw reputatie is welverdiend. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_ledtobelieve" "I gather you've disposed of that gunship, Dr. Freeman. Your reputation, sir, is well deserved. " "odessa.nlo_cub_opengate" "Ik zal onmiddellijk het hek voor u laten openen zodat u kunt doorrijden. Ik begrijp dat Dr. Vance in grote nood is. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_opengate" "I shall have someone open the gate for you immediately, so that you can drive on. I understand that Dr. Vance is in great need. " "odessa.nlo_cub_radio" "N.L.O. aan Lighthouse Point. N.L.O. aan Lighthouse Point. Hoort iemand mij? Dit is kolonel Cubbage. Antwoord, alsjeblieft. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_radio" "N.L.O. to Lighthouse Point. N.L.O. to Lighthouse Point. Come in. This is Colonel Cubbage. Come in, please. " "odessa.nlo_cub_roadahead" "Wees zeer voorzichtig als je de brug nadert. Radiostilte van die buitenpost doet me geloven dat het in handen van de Combine is gevallen. Toch ben je duidelijk de juiste man voor deze klus! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_roadahead" "Use extreme caution when approaching the Bridge. Radio silence from that outpost leads me to believe it has come under Combine control. Still, you're clearly the right man for the job! " "odessa.nlo_cub_service" "Kolonel Odessa Cubbage, tot uw dienst! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_service" "Colonel Odessa Cubbage at your service! " "odessa.nlo_cub_teachgunship" "Ga maar! Leer dat gunship een lesje dat het nooit meer vergeet! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_teachgunship" "Go on! Teach that gunship a lesson it will never forget! " "odessa.nlo_cub_thatsthat" "Nou, dat is dan dat. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_thatsthat" "Well, that's that. " "odessa.nlo_cub_volunteer" "Ik had geen betere vrijwilliger kunnen wensen! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_volunteer" "I couldn't have asked for a finer volunteer! " "odessa.nlo_cub_warning" "Verdomme! Ik ga een waarschuwing doorgeven aan Lighthouse Point. Daarna kom ik jullie helpen! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_warning" "Damn! Let me just send a warning to Lighthouse Point, then I'll come right up to lend a hand! " "odessa.nlo_cub_wherewasi" "Goed, waar was ik gebleven? Oh ja... " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_wherewasi" "Now, where was I? Ah, yes... " "odessa.nlo_cub_youllmakeit" "Als iemand het haalt, ben jij het wel. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_youllmakeit" "You'll make it through if anyone can. " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath01" "Nee! Nee! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath01" "No. No! " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath02" "Nee! Nee! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath02" "No! No! " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath03" " " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath04" " " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath05" " " "odessa.nlo_farewell" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_farewell" " " "odessa.nlo_getyourjeep" "Stap in je auto dan doe ik het hek open. " "[english]odessa.nlo_getyourjeep" "Get in your car and I'll open up this gate. " "odessa.nlo_greet_freeman" "Gordon Freeman! " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_freeman" "Gordon Freeman! " "odessa.nlo_greet_intro" "Snel, naar de kelder. We verwachten elk moment gunships. Kolonel Cubbage zal blij zijn dat jullie het gehaald hebben. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_intro" "Hurry, get in the basement. We're expecting gunships at any moment. Colonel Cubbage will be glad to see you made it. " "odessa.nlo_greet_nag01" "Deze kant op, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_nag01" "This way, Dr. Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_greet_nag02" "Kolonel Cubbage is in de kelder, doctor Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_nag02" "Colonel Cubbage is in the basement, Doctor Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_opengate" "Doctor Freeman, ik open het hek en laat u erdoor. " "[english]odessa.nlo_opengate" "Doctor Freeman, I'll open the gate and let you through. " "odessa.nlo_opengate02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_opengate02" " " "odessa.nlo_userockets" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_userockets" " " "odessa.nlo_vort_exit" "De Freeman moet nu voortsnellen! De Eli Vance wordt onder verschrikkelijke omstandigheden vastgehouden! " "[english]odessa.nlo_vort_exit" "The Freeman must now hurry on! The Eli Vance is held in distress most dire! " "odessa.nlo_yourcarsir" "Ga je auto halen, Doc. Te voet kom je niet ver. " "[english]odessa.nlo_yourcarsir" "Get your car, Doc. You won't get far on foot. " "odessa.stairman_follow01" "Deze kant op. " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow01" "This way. " "odessa.stairman_follow02" " " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow02" " " "odessa.stairman_follow03" "Blijf bij me, Freeman. " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow03" "Stay with me, Freeman. " "odessa.stairman_upstairs" " " "[english]odessa.stairman_upstairs" " " "opening.cit_bench01" "Blijf daar anders trek je ongewilde aandacht. " "[english]opening.cit_bench01" "Stay back, you'll attract unwanted attention. " "opening.cit_bench02" "Ik mag niet met jou samen worden gezien. Niet hier buiten. " "[english]opening.cit_bench02" "I can't be seen talking to you. Not out here. " "opening.cit_bench03" "Ga niet bij mij zitten. Dat ziet er verdacht uit. " "[english]opening.cit_bench03" "Don't sit near me. It'll look suspicious. " "opening.cit_bench04" "Je jaagt de duiven weg. " "[english]opening.cit_bench04" "You're scaring off the pigeons. " "opening.cit_blocker_getin" "Hierin, snel! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_getin" "Get in here, quick! " "opening.cit_blocker_go01" "Ga verder!" "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go01" "Get going! " "opening.cit_blocker_go02" "Ga maar! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go02" "Go on! " "opening.cit_blocker_go03" "Ga verder!" "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go03" "Get going! " "opening.cit_blocker_holdem" "Ga maar, ik hou ze tegen. " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_holdem" "Go on, I'll hold 'em. " "opening.cit_blocker_roof" "Ga verder. Ga naar het dak! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_roof" "Keep moving. Head for the roof! " "opening.cit_breenagain" "Dr. Breen? Ik hoopte hem na City 14 nooit meer te zien. " "[english]opening.cit_breenagain" "Dr. Breen again? I was hoping I'd seen the last of him in City 14. " "opening.cit_cell_coupon" "Dit moet een vergissing zijn. Ik heb een standaard verhuiscoupon, net als iedereen. " "[english]opening.cit_cell_coupon" "This must be a mistake. I got a standard relocation coupon, just like everybody else. " "opening.cit_couch_use05" "Wat gebeurt er? " "[english]opening.cit_couch_use05" "What's going on? " "opening.cit_drunk" "Klopte jij? Ik wist niet eens dat we nog een deur hadden. " "[english]opening.cit_drunk" "Was that you knocking? I didn't even know we still had a door. " "opening.cit_fence_onlyones" "Waren jullie de enigen in die trein? " "[english]opening.cit_fence_onlyones" "Were you the only ones on that train? " "opening.cit_fence_woods" "De Overwatch hield onze trein aan in het bos. Ze namen mijn man mee ter ondervraging. Ze zeiden dat hij met de volgende trein zou komen. Ik weet niet meer wanneer dat was. Wel aardig van ze dat ik op hem mag wachten. " "[english]opening.cit_fence_woods" "Overwatch stopped our train in the woods and took my husband for questioning. They said he'd be on the next train. I'm not sure when that was. They're being nice, though, letting me wait for him. " "opening.cit_foodline01" "Achteraan aansluiten. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline01" "The line starts at the end. " "opening.cit_foodline02" "Je moet op je beurt wachten, net als alle anderen. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline02" "You'll have to wait your turn like everybody else. " "opening.cit_foodline03" "Je moet wel heel veel honger hebben om hiervoor in de rij te staan. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline03" "You gotta be damn hungry to wait in line for this crap. " "opening.cit_foodline04" "Ik weet niet hoe jij er over denkt, maar ik zou me bij de burgerwacht aansluiten voor een fatsoenlijke maaltijd. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline04" "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to join Civil Protection just to get a decent meal. " "opening.cit_hall_psst" "Psst! Jij daar! Hierheen! " "[english]opening.cit_hall_psst" "Psst! Hey you! In here! " "opening.cit_hall_roof" "Ga naar het dak! Geen tijd te verliezen! " "[english]opening.cit_hall_roof" "Head for the roof! There's no time to lose! " "opening.cit_hit01" "Hou daarmee op! " "[english]opening.cit_hit01" "Cut it out! " "opening.cit_hit02" "Stop daarmee! " "[english]opening.cit_hit02" "Stop that! " "opening.cit_hit03" "Kijk je een beetje uit? " "[english]opening.cit_hit03" "Watch it, will ya? " "opening.cit_hit04" "Genoeg! " "[english]opening.cit_hit04" "No more! " "opening.cit_hit05" "Ik heb er genoeg van. " "[english]opening.cit_hit05" "That's enough of that. " "opening.cit_lug_allihave" "Maar dit is alles wat ik nog over heb... " "[english]opening.cit_lug_allihave" "But this stuff, it's all I have left... " "opening.cit_lug_allright" "Goed, ik loop door. Jeetje. " "[english]opening.cit_lug_allright" "All right, I'm moving. Jeez. " "opening.cit_nerve" "Ik ben de moed aan het verzamelen om door te gaan. " "[english]opening.cit_nerve" "I'm working up the nerve to go on. " "opening.cit_pacing" "...Ze vertrekken altijd maar ze komen nooit aan... en degene die aankomen...die gaan nooit weg... je ziet ze nooit gaan maar ze zijn altijd vol... er stapt niemand in maar ze zijn altijd... Ze vertrekken altijd maar ze komen nooit aan... " "[english]opening.cit_pacing" "...They're always departing but they never arrive... and the ones that do arrive... they never leave... you never see them go they're always full... no one ever gets on but they're always... they're always departing but they never arrive... " "opening.cit_pedestrian01" "Nieuw in de stad, of niet? " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian01" "New in town, aren't ya? " "opening.cit_pedestrian02" "Wijze woorden: hou het voor jezelf. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian02" "Word to the wise: keep it to yourself. " "opening.cit_pedestrian03" "Als ik hierbuiten met je praat, krijgen we allebei problemen. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian03" "If I talk to you out here, we'll both be in trouble. " "opening.cit_pedestrian04" "Niemand mag zien dat we met elkaar praten. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian04" "We can't be seen talking to each other. " "opening.cit_pedestrian05" "Ik wil je wel helpen, maar dat kan niet. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian05" "I'd like to help you, but it's out of the question. " "opening.cit_raid_findone" "Geen zorgen, ze vinden er wel één. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_findone" "Don't worry, they'll find one. " "opening.cit_raid_reason" "Ze hebben geen reden om naar ons huis te komen. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_reason" "They have no reason to come to our place. " "opening.cit_raid_start" "Zo begint het altijd. Eerst een gebouw, dan het hele blok." "[english]opening.cit_raid_start" "This is how it always starts. First a building, then the whole block. " "opening.cit_raid_use01" "Wees maar blij dat je hier niet woont. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_use01" "Just be glad you don't live there. " "opening.cit_raid_use02" "Als je ergens wilt overnachten, kun je beter verder zoeken. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_use02" "If you're looking for a place to stay, you better keep going. " "opening.cit_tookcase" "Ik zie dat ze jouw koffers ook hebben afgepakt! Hier kunnen ze niet veel langer mee wegkomen. " "[english]opening.cit_tookcase" "I see they took your suitcase too! They can't get away with this much longer. " "opening.cit_tooloud" "Dat zou ik niet te hard zeggen. Dit is de operatiebasis. " "[english]opening.cit_tooloud" "I wouldn't say that too loud. This is his base of operations. " "opening.cit_train_endline" "Einde van de lijn. " "[english]opening.cit_train_endline" "Well, end of the line. " "opening.cit_train_geton" "Ik heb jou niet zien instappen. " "[english]opening.cit_train_geton" "I didn't see you get on. " "opening.cit_train_hookup" "Misschien kunnen we later nog afspreken. " "[english]opening.cit_train_hookup" "Maybe we can hook up later. " "opening.cit_train_reloc" "Hoe vaak ik ook verhuis, ik wen er nooit aan. " "[english]opening.cit_train_reloc" "No matter how many times I've been relocated, I never get used to it. " "opening.cit_water" "Het water moet je niet drinken. Ze doen er iets in om je te laten vergeten. Ik weet niet eens hoe ik hier ben gekomen. " "[english]opening.cit_water" "Don't drink the water. They put something in it to make you forget. I don't even remember how I got here. " "opening.cit_window_cop" "Oh, ik dacht dat je een agent was. " "[english]opening.cit_window_cop" "Oh, I thought you were a cop. " "opening.cit_window_hope" "Ik hoop deze keer dat je ongelijk hebt. " "[english]opening.cit_window_hope" "Just this once I hope you're wrong. " "opening.cit_window_look" "Kijk naar ze, daar beneden. " "[english]opening.cit_window_look" "Look at them down there. " "opening.cit_window_stand" "Hij is één van ons. " "[english]opening.cit_window_stand" "He's one of us. " "opening.cit_window_use01" "Dit ziet er slecht uit. " "[english]opening.cit_window_use01" "This doesn't look good. " "opening.cit_window_use02" "Ze komen echt hierheen! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use02" "They're definitely coming in here! " "opening.cit_window_use03" "Het was slechts een kwestie van tijd! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use03" "It was just a matter of time! " "opening.cit_window_use04" "Daar gaat de rest van de buurt! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use04" "Here goes the rest of the neighborhood! " "opening.cit_window_usnext" "Ik zei toch dat ze ons zouden komen halen! " "[english]opening.cit_window_usnext" "I told you they'd be coming for us next! " "opening.husb_allright" "Alles is in orde. " "[english]opening.husb_allright" "It's all right. " "opening.husb_dontworry" "Maak je geen zorgen. " "[english]opening.husb_dontworry" "Don't worry. " "opening.husb_okay" "Alles komt goed. " "[english]opening.husb_okay" "Everything's going to be okay. " "opening.husb_think" "We bedenken wel wat. " "[english]opening.husb_think" "We'll think of something. " "opening.wife_canttake" "Ik kan er niet meer tegen. " "[english]opening.wife_canttake" "I can't take it anymore. " "opening.wife_end" "Wanneer houdt dit op? " "[english]opening.wife_end" "When is it all going to end? " "opening.wife_please" "Alsjeblieft! " "[english]opening.wife_please" "Please! " "opening.wife_whattodo" "Wat gaan we doen? " "[english]opening.wife_whattodo" "What are we going to do? " "plaza.citizen_beating" "*pijn*" "[english]plaza.citizen_beating" "*pain*" "ravenholm.aimforhead" "Richt op het hoofd! " "[english]ravenholm.aimforhead" "Aim for the head! " "ravenholm.attic_apologize" "Ah, ben jij het, broeder! Mijn excuses! Maar er is niets gebeurd. Mijn kogels zijn de minste zorg voor jou. " "[english]ravenholm.attic_apologize" "Ah, it is you, brother! I apologize! But no harm done. My bullets are the least of your concerns. " "ravenholm.bucket_almost" "We zijn er bijna, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_almost" "Almost there, brother! " "ravenholm.bucket_brake" "De handrem, broeder! Laat hem los en kom omlaag! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_brake" "The hand-brake, brother! Release it and come down! " "ravenholm.bucket_guardwell" "Bescherm jezelf goed! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_guardwell" "Guard yourself well! " "ravenholm.bucket_patience" "Geduld, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_patience" "Patience, brother! " "ravenholm.bucket_stepin" "Nu, broeder! Stap in de kar! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_stepin" "Now, brother! Step into the cart! " "ravenholm.bucket_thereyouare" "Ah, daar ben je! Eindelijk! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_thereyouare" "Ah, there you are! At last! " "ravenholm.bucket_waited" "ik stuur de kar naar je toe, broeder. Een momentje. " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_waited" "I will send the cart for you, brother. It will be but a moment. " "ravenholm.cartrap_better" "Beter en beter! " "[english]ravenholm.cartrap_better" "Better and better! " "ravenholm.cartrap_iamgrig" "Ik ben Father Grigori! Je hebt mijn gemeente al ontmoet. " "[english]ravenholm.cartrap_iamgrig" "I am Father Grigori! You have already met my congregation. " "ravenholm.engage01" "Ja, kom naar me toe! Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage01" "Yes, come to me! Come! " "ravenholm.engage02" "Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage02" "Come! " "ravenholm.engage03" "Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage03" "Come! " "ravenholm.engage04" "Ik maak een einde aan jullie kwelling! " "[english]ravenholm.engage04" "I will end your torment! " "ravenholm.engage05" "Laat me jullie kwelling beëindigen! " "[english]ravenholm.engage05" "Let me end your torment! " "ravenholm.engage06" "Ja, mijn kinderen, ik ben het! " "[english]ravenholm.engage06" "Yes, my children, it is I! " "ravenholm.engage07" "Kom naar het licht dat ik breng! Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage07" "Come to the light I carry! Come! " "ravenholm.engage08" "Je wilt niet mij, maar het licht dat door mij schijnt! " "[english]ravenholm.engage08" "It is not me you want, but the light that shines through me! " "ravenholm.engage09" "Kom naar het licht! " "[english]ravenholm.engage09" "Come to the light! " "ravenholm.exit_darkroad" "Vaarwel, broeder! Ik ben bang dat ik je naar een duistere plek stuur. Moge het licht der lichten uw pad verlichten. " "[english]ravenholm.exit_darkroad" "Farewell, Brother! I fear I deliver you to a darker place. May the Light of Lights illuminate your path. " "ravenholm.exit_goquickly" "Ga snel! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_goquickly" "Go quickly! " "ravenholm.exit_hurry" "Schiet op terwijl ik voor het hek zorg! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_hurry" "Hurry while I hold the gate! " "ravenholm.exit_nag01" "Vlucht, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_nag01" "Flee, brother! " "ravenholm.exit_nag02" "Voorwaarts naar de mijnen! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_nag02" "Onward to the mines! " "ravenholm.exit_salvation" "Zorg voor je eigen verlossing! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_salvation" "Look to your own salvation! " "ravenholm.firetrap_freeuse" "Maak gerust gebruik van mijn vallen, maar loop er zelf niet in. " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_freeuse" "Make free use of my traps, but take care not to fall in them yourself. " "ravenholm.firetrap_lookout" "Kijk uit, broeder! Achter je! " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_lookout" "Look out, brother! Behind you! " "ravenholm.firetrap_vigil" "In Ravenholm moet je waakzaam zijn. " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_vigil" "In Ravenholm, you do well to be vigilant. " "ravenholm.firetrap_welldone" "Goed gedaan, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_welldone" "Well done, brother! " "ravenholm.grave_follow" "Volg mij, broeder. Met lichte tred. Dit is gewijde grond. " "[english]ravenholm.grave_follow" "Follow me, brother. And tread lightly. For this is hallowed ground. " "ravenholm.grave_stayclose" "Blijf dicht bij mij, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.grave_stayclose" "Stay close to me, brother! " "ravenholm.madlaugh01" "*gelach*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh01" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh02" "*gelach*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh02" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh03" "*gelach*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh03" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh04" "*gelach*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh04" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.monk_blocked01" "Uit de weg! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked01" "Out of my way! " "ravenholm.monk_blocked02" "Pas op! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked02" "Look out! " "ravenholm.monk_blocked03" "Ga opzij, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked03" "Stand aside, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme01" "Geef me dekking, broeder. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme01" "Cover me, brother. " "ravenholm.monk_coverme02" "Assisteer me, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme02" "Your assistance, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme03" "Hier, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme03" "Over here, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme04" "Naar mij, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme04" "To me, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme05" "Ik heb je assistentie nodig, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme05" "I require your assistance, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme07" "Waar zijt gij, broeder? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme07" "Where art thou, brother? " "ravenholm.monk_danger01" "Pas op! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger01" "Look out! " "ravenholm.monk_danger02" "Pas op! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger02" "Beware! " "ravenholm.monk_danger03" "Voorzichtig, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger03" "Careful, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_death07" "Ach! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_death07" "Agh! " "ravenholm.monk_followme" "Volg mij. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_followme" "Follow me. " "ravenholm.monk_giveammo01" "Hier, broeder! Munitie! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_giveammo01" "Here, brother! Ammunition! " "ravenholm.monk_givehealth01" "Heel jezelf, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_givehealth01" "Heal thyself, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme01" "Ik ben in de minderheid! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme01" "I am outnumbered! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme02" "Help me, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme02" "Help me, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme03" "Ik kan ze niet alleen bevechten! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme03" "I cannot fight them all alone! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme04" "Help een handje, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme04" "Lend a hand, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme05" "Ik heb hulp nodig, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme05" "I need help, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_kill01" "Wee u! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill01" "Woe to thee! " "ravenholm.monk_kill02" "Wee u, kind! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill02" "Woe betide thee, child! " "ravenholm.monk_kill03" "Rust, mijn kind. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill03" "Rest, my child. " "ravenholm.monk_kill04" "Ik denk niet slechter over u. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill04" "I think no worse of thee. " "ravenholm.monk_kill05" "Moge het licht der lichten bij u zijn. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill05" "May the Light of Lights be with you. " "ravenholm.monk_kill06" "Gij bedoelde geen kwaad. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill06" "You meant no harm. " "ravenholm.monk_kill07" "Keer terug naar uw werkelijke staat. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill07" "Return to your true nature. " "ravenholm.monk_kill08" "Zalving voor je kwelling, kind. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill08" "Balm for your affliction, child. " "ravenholm.monk_kill09" "Wees vrij, mijn kind! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill09" "Be free, my child! " "ravenholm.monk_kill10" "Het graf kent niets ergers voor je. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill10" "The grave holds nothing worse for you. " "ravenholm.monk_kill11" "Ik herinner me je echte gezicht! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill11" "I remember your true face! " "ravenholm.monk_mourn01" "Nou broeder, als ik deze nacht overleef, bouw ik een goede brandstapel. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn01" "Well, brother, if I survive this night, I shall build you an honest pyre. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn02" "Oh licht der lichten! Waarom heeft gij mijn helper genomen? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn02" "Oh Light of Lights! Why have you taken my helper? " "ravenholm.monk_mourn03" "Dus wederom ben ik alleen. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn03" "So... again I am alone. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn04" "Nou broeder, je hebt een andere uitweg uit het huis van chaos gevonden. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn04" "Well, brother... you have found another egress from the House of Chaos. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn05" "Rust nu, broeder. Je zult vast opnieuw leven. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn05" "Rest now, brother. For you will surely live again. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn06" "Sta op, broeder. Sta op! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn06" "Rise, brother. Rise! " "ravenholm.monk_mourn07" "Leef opnieuw, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn07" "Live again, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_overhere" "Hier, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_overhere" "Over here, brother. " "ravenholm.monk_pain01" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain01" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain02" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain02" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain03" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain03" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain04" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain04" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain05" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain05" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain06" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain06" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain07" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain07" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain08" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain08" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain09" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain09" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain10" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain10" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain12" "*pijn!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain12" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_quicklybro" "Snel, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_quicklybro" "Quickly, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_rant01" "De hinderlagen van de zonde zijn vernuftig, maar bij het licht der lichten, de mijne zijn nog beter. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant01" "Iniquity's snares are cunning, but by the Light of Lights, mine are greater still. " "ravenholm.monk_rant02" "Wee allen. Onze woning is ver weg en we dwalen door de domiciliën van chaos. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant02" "Woe to all, for our dwelling place is distant, and we wander through the domiciles of Chaos. " "ravenholm.monk_rant03" "Mijn kracht was verloren op plaatsen die niet de mijne waren. Onheil drong zich op en de genadelozen vielen me zonder reden aan. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant03" "My power was lost in places which were not mine. Affliction besought me, and the merciless ones attacked me without cause. " "ravenholm.monk_rant04" "Men noemt mij gek, maar het deert mij niet. Want gij zijt mijn helper, mijn kracht, mijn verlosser. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant04" "Although they call me crazy I care not, for thou art my helper, my strength, and my saviour. " "ravenholm.monk_rant05" "U wil geschiede, o licht der lichten. Ik zegen de glorie van uw grootsheid, de hele dag en door de duisternis van deze nacht. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant05" "Thy will be done, Oh Light of Lights. I bless the glory of thy greatness all the day and through the darkness of this night. " "ravenholm.monk_rant06" "Ik bid u, keer u nooit af van het licht. Sla acht op mij en sla de vallen van mijn vijanden dicht wanneer ik u aanroep. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant06" "I pray do never turn away thy light. Give heed to me, and spring thy traps upon my enemies when I cry out to thee. " "ravenholm.monk_rant07" "Het is gezegd dat ik zou worden als deze vreemde demonen die dwalen maar waarin geen licht meer brandt. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant07" "For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found. " "ravenholm.monk_rant08" "Keer uw gezicht niet van mij weg, leen mij uw oor en hoor mij als ik mij tot u richt in mijn onheil. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant08" "Turn not thy face away from me; incline thy ear and hear me when I shall cry to thee in my affliction. " "ravenholm.monk_rant09" "De dagen van mijn leven zijn vervlogen als rook en mijn beenderen zijn verschroeid als as. Laat al mijn onzuiverheden de brandstof vormen voor het allesverslindende vuur totdat er niets overblijft dan het licht alleen. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant09" "For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone. " "ravenholm.monk_rant10" "Mijn beenderen hebben mijn vlees doorkliefd door het geluid van mijn zuchten. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant10" "From the voice of my groaning my bone has cleaved to my flesh. " "ravenholm.monk_rant11" "Want mijn ziel is vol van kwaad en moet net als deze plaats worden gelouterd. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant11" "For my soul is filled with evil, and like this place must be purged. " "ravenholm.monk_rant12" "De doden kennen geen slaap in hun graven en gij herinnert ze u niet, totdat zij zijn vernietigd door uw handen. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant12" "For the dead know no sleep in their graves, nor dost thou remember them, until they are destroyed through thy hands. " "ravenholm.monk_rant13" "Ik ben neder gelegd in een put van duisternis en de schaduw des doods. En uw woede heeft op mij neder gedrukt, al uw zorgen zijn op mij overgegaan. Vanuit deze rustplaats roep ik om de gloed van uw licht! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant13" "I have been laid down in a pit of darknesses and the shadow of death. And thy anger has pressed down upon me; and all thy cares have come down upon me. And from this bed I cry out for the kindling of thy Light! " "ravenholm.monk_rant14" "Welke vreselijke wonderen zijn er verricht temidden van de doden. Welke schaduw verrijst om u te erkennen, welke schimmen kennen u bij uw naam? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant14" "And what terrible wonders are these those hast done among the dead. What shades rise to confess thee, and what specters shall know thee by thy name? " "ravenholm.monk_rant15" "O licht, moge uw naam worden genoemd in de graven en worden gespeld met beenderen en as! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant15" "Oh Light, may thy name be spoken in the graves, and spelled in bones and ashes! " "ravenholm.monk_rant16" "Uw woede is op mij nedergedaald en uw angsten hebben mij geagiteerd. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant16" "Thy rages have come down upon me, and thy fears have agitated me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant17" "Oordeel over hen die mij onrecht aandoen; vecht met hen die mij bevechten. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant17" "Judge those who do injustice to me; fight with those who fight with me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant18" "Neem wapen en schild op en rijs op om mij te helpen. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant18" "Take hold of a weapon and shield, and rise to help me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant19" "Trek een zwaard en stoot het in hen die mij kwellen. Vertel mijn ziel: ik ben uw verlossing. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant19" "Draw forth a sword and sheathe it in those that afflict me; say to my soul: I am thy salvation. " "ravenholm.monk_rant20" "Mogen zij verworden tot stof in de wind. Moge de engel des Heren hen vervolgen. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant20" "May they become like dust before the wind; may the angel of the Lord pursue them. " "ravenholm.monk_rant21" "Moge hun paden duister en glibberig worden en moge de engel des Heren hen kwellen. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant21" "May their paths become dark and slippery; and may the angel of the Lord afflict them. " "ravenholm.monk_rant22" "Moge de onbekende hinderlagen tot hen komen en moge het net dat zij voor mij hebben verborgen, henzelf in mijn plaats vangen. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant22" "May the snare which they do not know come to them; and may the net, which they have hidden for me, catch them in my place. " "ravenholm.monk_stayclosebro" "Blijf dichtbij, broeder. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_stayclosebro" "Stay close, brother. " "ravenholm.pyre_anotherlife" "Maar wie is dit? Nog een leven om te redden? " "[english]ravenholm.pyre_anotherlife" "But who is this? Another life to save? " "ravenholm.pyre_keepeye" "Ik hou je in de gaten. Meer dan dat kan ik niet beloven. " "[english]ravenholm.pyre_keepeye" "I'll keep my eye on you. More than that, I cannot promise. " "ravenholm.shotgun_advice" "Mijn advies voor jou is... richt op het hoofd! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_advice" "My advice to you is... aim for the head! " "ravenholm.shotgun_bettergun" "Hier, ik heb een geschikter wapen voor je. Je zult het nodig hebben. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_bettergun" "Here, I have a more suitable gun for you. You'll need it. " "ravenholm.shotgun_catch" "Vangen! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_catch" "Catch! " "ravenholm.shotgun_closer" "Kom dichterbij. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_closer" "Come closer. " "ravenholm.shotgun_hush" "Stil! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_hush" "Hush! " "ravenholm.shotgun_keepitclose" "Goed. Hou het nu dichtbij je. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_keepitclose" "Good. Now keep it close. " "ravenholm.shotgun_moveon" "Er is geen rust in Ravenholm. Ga door, ik tref je bij de kerk! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_moveon" "There is no rest in Ravenholm. Move on and I will meet you at the church! " "ravenholm.shotgun_overhere" "Hier, broeder! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_overhere" "Here, brother! " "ravenholm.shotgun_stirreduphell" "Je hebt de hel aangewakkerd! Een man naar mijn hart! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_stirreduphell" "You've stirred up Hell! A man after my own heart! " "ravenholm.shotgun_theycome" "Ze komen eraan! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_theycome" "They come! " "ravenholm.wrongside_howcome" "Hoe kwam je hier, broeder? " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_howcome" "How came you here, brother? " "ravenholm.wrongside_mendways" "Ga je beter gedragen voordat het te laat is! " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_mendways" "Mend your ways, before it is too late! " "ravenholm.wrongside_seekchurch" "Zei ik niet dat je de kerk moest zoeken? " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_seekchurch" "Did I not tell you to seek the church? " "ravenholm.wrongside_town" "Dit is het verkeerde deel van de stad voor jou! " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_town" "This is the wrong side of town for you! " "ravenholm.yard_greetings" "Gegroet, broeder! Eindelijk ontmoeten we elkaar. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_greetings" "Greetings, brother! And so we meet at last. " "ravenholm.yard_shepherd" "Wat mij betreft...een herder moet voor zijn kudde zorgen. Vooral als die onhandelbaar is geworden. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_shepherd" "As for me... A shepherd must tend to his flock. Especially when they have grown unruly. " "ravenholm.yard_suspect" "Ik vermoed dat je niet in Ravenholm wilt blijven. Ik zal je de weg naar de mijnen wijzen. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_suspect" "I suspect you have little wish to remain in Ravenholm, so I will show you to the mines. " "ravenholm.yard_traps" "Goed dat je mijn vallen hebt weten te ontwijken. Het werk van een man die eens te veel tijd omhanden had en nu voor niets anders tijd heeft dan het werk van verlossing. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_traps" "You are to be commended for avoiding my traps. The work of a man who once had too much time on his hands, and now finds time for nothing but the work of salvation. " "rubble.ba_comebackdog" "Hier, Dog! Kom terug, Dog! " "[english]rubble.ba_comebackdog" "Here boy, Dog! come back here, Dog! " "rubble.ba_damnitall" "Verdomme! " "[english]rubble.ba_damnitall" "Damn it all! " "rubble.ba_dogwantsyou" "Volgens mij wil hij dat je er doorgaat, Gordon. Schiet maar op. " "[english]rubble.ba_dogwantsyou" "I think he wants you to go through, Gordon. You'd better hurry. " "rubble.ba_gordon" "Gordon! " "[english]rubble.ba_gordon" "Gordon! " "rubble.ba_helpmeout" "Hey! Help me eens even! " "[english]rubble.ba_helpmeout" "Hey! Help me out here! " "rubble.ba_illbedamned" "Krijg nou wat. " "[english]rubble.ba_illbedamned" "Well, I'll be damned. " "rubble.ba_lookingforalyx" "Dog kwam het plein over gestormd, ramde muren omver en volgens mij is hij op zoek naar Alyx. Hij heeft het in zijn hoofd gehaald dat ze in de Citadel is. " "[english]rubble.ba_lookingforalyx" "Dog came crashing through the plaza, knocking over walls and...I think he's looking for Alyx. He seems to have it set in his head that she's in the Citadel. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall01" "Ga erdoor, Gordon. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall01" "Go on through, Gordon. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall02" "Ga nu maar, Gordon. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall02" "Better get going, Gordon. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall03" "Ik hou ze tegen. Ga nu maar. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall03" "I'll hold 'em off. You'd better get going. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall04" "Ga maar! " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall04" "Go on! " "rubble.ba_nag_wall05" "Hé, ga! " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall05" "Hey, go! " "rubble.ba_nottheredog" "Hé, Dog! Niet daar! Daar kun je niet door! " "[english]rubble.ba_nottheredog" "Hey, Dog! Not there! You can't get through that way! " "rubble.ba_tellbreen" "En als je Dr. Breen ziet, geef dan dit maar door: 'Fu** you!' " "[english]rubble.ba_tellbreen" "And if you see Dr. Breen, tell him I said, 'Fu----ou!' " "rubble.ba_trystoppinghim" "Ik dacht dat Alyx niet zou willen dat hij in de problemen komt. Maar probeer hem maar eens tegen te houden! " "[english]rubble.ba_trystoppinghim" "I figured Alyx wouldn't want him getting any deeper in trouble, but... Hell, you try stopping him! " "rubble.ba_youhurryon" "Oh-oh. Ik blijf hier. Ga maar snel verder. Veel succes daarboven, Gordon! " "[english]rubble.ba_youhurryon" "Uh oh. I'll stay here. You hurry on. Good luck up there, Gordon! " "rubble.cit_cache" "We zijn bijna bij de muur van de Citadel, Doc. Ik heb geen idee hoe we daar doorheen gaan breken, maar we hebben het tot hier gered. Je bedenkt vast wel iets. " "[english]rubble.cit_cache" "We're almost to the Citadel wall, Doc. I don't know how the hell we're going to breach it, but you've made it this far. I'm sure you'll think of something. " "rubble.cit_striders" "Dr. Freeman! Het is een rotzooi daar. Zo dichtbij de Citadel zijn de straten in handen van Striders. Ik denk dat we ze terug kunnen dwingen als we wat hoger kunnen komen. " "[english]rubble.cit_striders" "Dr. Freeman! It's a mess out there. This close to the Citadel they've turned the streets over to Striders. I think we can push them back if we can just get to high ground. " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse01" "Ga naar het paard! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse01" "Head for the horse! " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse02" "We moeten naar het paard zien te komen! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse02" "We have to get to the horse! " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse03" "We treffen elkaar bij het paard! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse03" "Let's meet up at the horse! " "sandtrap.sandy_asyougo" "Niet over het zand lopen. De antlions zijn nu nogal prikkelbaar. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_asyougo" "Remember to stay off the sand. The antlions are edgy right now. " "sandtrap.sandy_dontmove" "Laszlo, niet bewegen! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_dontmove" "Laszlo, don't move! " "sandtrap.sandy_dontstep" "Niet over het zand lopen! Daar worden de antlions razend van! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_dontstep" "Don't step on the sand! It makes the antlions crazy! " "sandtrap.sandy_goahead" "Ga je gang. Ik hoop dat je meer geluk hebt dan wij hadden. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_goahead" "Go ahead. I hope you have better luck than we had. " "sandtrap.sandy_help" "Nee! Help! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_help" "No! Help! " "sandtrap.sandy_holdstill" "Rustig maar, Laszolo! Er komt iemand aan!" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_holdstill" "Hold still, Laszlo! Someone's coming! " "sandtrap.sandy_poorlaszlo" "Mijn god! Arme Laszlo! Dat de slimste van zijn generatie toch zo aan zijn einde moet komen. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_poorlaszlo" "Dear God! Poor Laszlo! The finest mind of his generation, come to such an end. " "sandtrap.sandy_stop" "Stop waar je bent! Blijf op de rotsen! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_stop" "Stop where you are! Stay on the rocks! " "sandtrap.sandy_vortcamp" "We waren op weg naar het vortigauntkamp. We hoopten wat aas te scoren zodat deze dingen ons met rust zouden laten. Maar wat is het nut zonder Laszlo? " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_vortcamp" "We were heading to the vortigaunt camp, hoping to pick up some bugbait so these damn things would leave us alone. But without Laszlo what's the point? " "sandtrap.sandy_youidiot" "Idioot! Als je over het zand loopt, komen de antlions achter je aan! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youidiot" "You idiot! Walking on the sand brings antlions after you! " "sandtrap.sandy_youthere" "Jij daar! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youthere" "You, there! " "sandtrap.sandy_youtried" "Ik weet dat je probeerde te helpen. Ik blijf even bij hem. Ik moet iets doen. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youtried" "I know you tried to help. I'll stay with him awhile. There's something I have to do. " "sniper.cit_greeting" "Dr. Freeman! Barney vertelde dat je onderweg was. We raakten verdeeld door sluipschutters. Hij zit vast in een pakhuis verderop. Ga je gang. Hij vertrouwt op jou. " "[english]sniper.cit_greeting" "Dr. Freeman! Barney said you were on the way. We got split up by snipers, and he's pinned down in a warehouse up ahead. Go ahead. He's relying on you. " "sniper.cit_savebarney" "Jij bent een oude vriend van Barney, toch? Misschien kun jij hem helpen. Door die sluipschutters zit hij vast op het dak van dat pakhuis. Hij ging een voorraad granaten halen, maar ik vraag me af of hij daar nu nog bij kan komen. Ga maar, Dr. Freeman. " "[english]sniper.cit_savebarney" "You're Barney's old friend, aren't you? Maybe you can help him. Snipers trapped him on that warehouse roof. He was going for a cache of grenades, but I doubt he can get to them now. Go on, Dr. Freeman. " "streetwar.al_ah" "Ah! " "[english]streetwar.al_ah" "Ah! " "streetwar.al_ahno" "Ah, nee! " "[english]streetwar.al_ahno" "Ah, no! " "streetwar.al_almostdone" "Bijna klaar." "[english]streetwar.al_almostdone" "Almost done." "streetwar.al_bridge01" "De brug die we over moeten, ligt achter dat hek." "[english]streetwar.al_bridge01" "The bridge we've gotta cross is beyond that gate." "streetwar.al_bridge02" "Ik kan de hekbediening hacken en openlaten tot we erdoor zijn, maar dan moeten jullie me dekking geven terwijl ik werk." "[english]streetwar.al_bridge02" "I can hack the gate controls and hold it open till we're through, but you're gonna have to watch my back while I'm working." "streetwar.al_cmoncmon" "Kom op, kom op. " "[english]streetwar.al_cmoncmon" "Come on, come on. " "streetwar.al_comeon03_r" "Kom op, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.al_comeon03_r" "Come on, Gordon! " "streetwar.al_commandcenter" "Er is beneden een commandocentrum. Ik hoop informatie te vinden over de locatie van generators. " "[english]streetwar.al_commandcenter" "There's a command center downstairs. I'm hoping to find information about generator locations. " "streetwar.al_coreexposed" "Oké, de kern ligt bloot. " "[english]streetwar.al_coreexposed" "Okay, the core's exposed. " "streetwar.al_coreexposed_r" "Oké, de kern ligt bloot. " "[english]streetwar.al_coreexposed_r" "Okay, the core's exposed. " "streetwar.al_coupleminutes" "Het kan een paar minuten duren voordat ik de controle over het hek heb." "[english]streetwar.al_coupleminutes" "It could take me a couple minutes to take control of the gate." "streetwar.al_damn" "Verdomme!" "[english]streetwar.al_damn" "Damn!" "streetwar.al_disablegen" "We hebben geluk. Er is een generator op het plein buiten. We proberen zoveel mogelijk uit te schakelen om de grip van de Combine op deze sector te verslappen. " "[english]streetwar.al_disablegen" "Well, we're in luck. There's a generator in the square outside. We're trying to disable as many as we can to loosen the Combine's grip on this sector. " "streetwar.al_exposecore_a" "Het kan een paar minuten duren voordat de kern blootligt. " "[english]streetwar.al_exposecore_a" "It'll take me a few minutes to expose the core. " "streetwar.al_exposecore_b" "Daarna moet je hem raken met een schot uit de gravity gun. " "[english]streetwar.al_exposecore_b" "Then I'll need you to hit it with a burst from the gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_extshield" "Daar gaat het externe schild. " "[english]streetwar.al_extshield" "There goes the external shield. " "streetwar.al_extshield_r" "Daar gaat het externe schild. " "[english]streetwar.al_extshield_r" "There goes the external shield. " "streetwar.al_farside" "Oké. Barney is waarschijnlijk aan de andere kant van dat...kanaal. " "[english]streetwar.al_farside" "Okay. Barney should be on the far side of that... canal. " "streetwar.al_firstbit" "Het eerste deel is klaar." "[english]streetwar.al_firstbit" "First bit's done." "streetwar.al_gateisopen_r" "Het hek is open. " "[english]streetwar.al_gateisopen_r" "The gate is open. " "streetwar.al_getoverhere" "Kom hierheen! " "[english]streetwar.al_getoverhere" "Get over here! " "streetwar.al_goingthru01" "In plaats van er overheen " "[english]streetwar.al_goingthru01" "Looks like instead of going over it " "streetwar.al_goingthru02" "kunnen we er doorheen. " "[english]streetwar.al_goingthru02" "we'll be going through. " "streetwar.al_goodletsgo" "Goed. Kom op!" "[english]streetwar.al_goodletsgo" "Good. Let's go." "streetwar.al_gordonrun" "Gordon, rennen! Wegwezen hier! " "[english]streetwar.al_gordonrun" "Gordon, run! Get out of here! " "streetwar.al_hadfeeling" "Gordon! Ik dacht al dat ik je hier kon vinden. " "[english]streetwar.al_hadfeeling" "Gordon! I had a feeling I'd find you here. " "streetwar.al_heregoes" "Oké, daar gaat -ie dan." "[english]streetwar.al_heregoes" "All right, here goes." "streetwar.al_hey" "Hey! " "[english]streetwar.al_hey" "Hey! " "streetwar.al_hurry" "Vlug! " "[english]streetwar.al_hurry" "Hurry! " "streetwar.al_imwaiting_r" "Ik wacht, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_imwaiting_r" "I'm waiting, Gordon. " "streetwar.al_inshield" "Het binnenschild begeeft het. " "[english]streetwar.al_inshield" "Inner shields are coming down. " "streetwar.al_inshield_r" "Het binnenschild begeeft het. " "[english]streetwar.al_inshield_r" "Inner shields are coming down. " "streetwar.al_iwasafraid" "Ik was bang dat het je niet zou lukken. " "[english]streetwar.al_iwasafraid" "I was afraid you weren't going to make it. " "streetwar.al_letsgo" "Klaar? Kom op! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo" "Ready? Let's go! " "streetwar.al_letsgo01" "Kom op! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo01" "Let's go! " "streetwar.al_letsgo02_r" "Kom op! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo02_r" "Let's go! " "streetwar.al_no" "Nee! " "[english]streetwar.al_no" "No! " "streetwar.al_nottoolong" "Dit is zo klaar. Zodra de generator is uitgeschakeld, open ik het hek en kunnen we hier weg. " "[english]streetwar.al_nottoolong" "This shouldn't take too long. As soon as the generator's down, I'll open that gate and we can get out of here. " "streetwar.al_nowtobarney" "Ik heb Dr. Kleiner naar een veilige plaats gebracht. Nu kunnen we ons aansluiten bij Barney. " "[english]streetwar.al_nowtobarney" "I've got Dr. Kleiner in a safe spot. Now we can join up with Barney. " "streetwar.al_nowtricky" "Nu het lastige gedeelte nog." "[english]streetwar.al_nowtricky" "Now for the tricky part." "streetwar.al_okthatsit" "Oké, gelukt!" "[english]streetwar.al_okthatsit" "Okay, that's it!" "streetwar.al_okthisisit" "Oké, het is gelukt. Neem jij die deur. Dan neem ik deze. " "[english]streetwar.al_okthisisit" "Okay, this is it. You take that door. I'll take this one. " "streetwar.al_onemorebit" "Een stukje nog, dan zijn we klaar." "[english]streetwar.al_onemorebit" "One more bit and we're ready." "streetwar.al_onewill01" " " "[english]streetwar.al_onewill01" " " "streetwar.al_onewill02" " " "[english]streetwar.al_onewill02" " " "streetwar.al_openinggate" "Goed, ik doe het hek open. " "[english]streetwar.al_openinggate" "All right, I'm opening the gate. " "streetwar.al_readywhenyou" "Ik ben er klaar voor. " "[english]streetwar.al_readywhenyou" "Ready when you are. " "streetwar.al_scout" "Even kijken of ik een nieuw pad kan ontdekken. " "[english]streetwar.al_scout" "Let me see if I can scout a new path. " "streetwar.al_standardpanel" "Het is een standaardpaneel. " "[english]streetwar.al_standardpanel" "It's a standard panel. " "streetwar.al_thankgod" "Gelukkig. " "[english]streetwar.al_thankgod" "Thank God. " "streetwar.al_thatsit" "Goed zo. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatsit" "That's it. " "streetwar.al_thatsit_r" "Goed zo. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatsit_r" "That's it. " "streetwar.al_thatway" "Laten we die kant op gaan. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatway" "Let's head that way. " "streetwar.al_thebridge" "De brug! " "[english]streetwar.al_thebridge" "The bridge! " "streetwar.al_thedeal" "Oké, het zit zo." "[english]streetwar.al_thedeal" "Ok, here's the deal." "streetwar.al_there" "Daar!" "[english]streetwar.al_there" "There." "streetwar.al_theresbridge01" "Daar is de brug " "[english]streetwar.al_theresbridge01" "There's the bridge " "streetwar.al_theresbridge02" "Laten we oversteken. " "[english]streetwar.al_theresbridge02" "Let's get across. " "streetwar.al_theysawus" "Ze hebben ons gezien! " "[english]streetwar.al_theysawus" "They saw us! " "streetwar.al_thrudownthere" "Misschien kunnen we hierdoor. " "[english]streetwar.al_thrudownthere" "Looks like we might be able to get through down there. " "streetwar.al_usedtobe" "Vroeger was hier een brug. " "[english]streetwar.al_usedtobe" "Well, there used to be a bridge here. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun01" "Gebruik de gravity gun, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun01" "Use the gravity gun, Gordon. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun01_r" "Gebruik de gravity gun, Gordon." "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun01_r" "Use the gravity gun, Gordon." "streetwar.al_usegravgun02" "Toe dan, Gordon. Vuur op die kern. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun02" "Go on, Gordon, give the core a jolt. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun02_r" "Toe dan, Gordon. Vuur op die kern. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun02_r" "Go on, Gordon, give the core a jolt. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun03" "Gordon, raak de kern met je gravity gun. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun03" "Gordon, hit the core with your gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun03_r" "Gordon, raak de kern met je gravity gun. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun03_r" "Gordon, hit the core with your gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_waitforme" "Wacht hier op mij. " "[english]streetwar.al_waitforme" "Wait for me here. " "streetwar.al_watchmyback" "Geef me ondertussen dekking. " "[english]streetwar.al_watchmyback" "In the meantime, watch my back. " "streetwar.al_whatnow01" "Wat nu weer? " "[english]streetwar.al_whatnow01" "What now? " "streetwar.al_whatnow02" "We moeten dit kanaal over! " "[english]streetwar.al_whatnow02" "We have to get across this canal! " "streetwar.ba_allclearthxgordon" "Alles veilig, dankzij Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_allclearthxgordon" "It's all clear, thanks to Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_cantmove" "Gordon, ik kan niet bewegen. Ik zit vast door die sluipschutters. " "[english]streetwar.ba_cantmove" "Gordon, I can't move. These snipers got me pinned down. " "streetwar.ba_gateclearance" "Ik zorg wel voor dit hek. Als burgerwacht heb ik gelimiteerde toestemming. " "[english]streetwar.ba_gateclearance" "Let me get this gate. My Civil Protection status still gives me limited clearance. " "streetwar.ba_goodtohavehelp" "Goed om je te zien, Gordon. Je hulp zal van pas komen als we de nexus ingaan. " "[english]streetwar.ba_goodtohavehelp" "It's good to see ya, Gordon. It'll be good to have your help goin' into the nexus up ahead. " "streetwar.ba_hauntsme" "Dat stomme ding jaagt op mij. " "[english]streetwar.ba_hauntsme" "That damn thing haunts me. " "streetwar.ba_headhumpersgordon" "Pas op voor de kopkluivers, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_headhumpersgordon" "Watch the headhumpers, Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_hearcat" "Hoorde jij ook een kat? " "[english]streetwar.ba_hearcat" "Did you hear a cat just now? " "streetwar.ba_heycomeon" "Hé, kom op! " "[english]streetwar.ba_heycomeon" "Hey, come on! " "streetwar.ba_letsclearout" "Oké, bedankt, Gordon. Wegwezen hier. " "[english]streetwar.ba_letsclearout" "All right, thanks, Gordon. Now let's clear outta here. " "streetwar.ba_letsgetgoing" "Tijd om te gaan. " "[english]streetwar.ba_letsgetgoing" "Let's get going. " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade01" "De granaten, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade01" "The grenades, Gordon! " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade02" "Hé, let op die granaten, wil je? " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade02" "Hey, look at the grenades, would ya? " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade03" "Wat dacht je van een granaat, Gordon? " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade03" "How about a grenade, Gordon? " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade04" "Gordon, smijt een paar granaten. Dat ruimt zo lekker op. " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade04" "Gordon, lob a couple grenades, that'll clear 'em out. " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade05" "Gordon! Granaten!" "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade05" "Gordon! Grenades!" "streetwar.ba_onedown" "Eén neer! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onedown" "One down! " "streetwar.ba_onedownonetogo" "Eén neer, nog één te gaan, maat! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onedownonetogo" "That's one down, one to go, buddy! " "streetwar.ba_onemorenow" "Netjes! Nog eentje! Kom op, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onemorenow" "All right! One more now! Come on, Gordon! " "streetwar.ba_overhere" "Hierheen! " "[english]streetwar.ba_overhere" "Over here! " "streetwar.ba_putsqueeze" " " "[english]streetwar.ba_putsqueeze" " " "streetwar.ba_returnhero" "Je bent een terugkerende held tegenwoordig, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_returnhero" "You're quite the returning hero these days, Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_takeoutsnipers" "Gordon, haal die sluipschutters even neer alsjeblieft! " "[english]streetwar.ba_takeoutsnipers" "Gordon, take out these snipers, would ya?! " "streetwar.c17_05_firepit_greet" "Dr. Freeman? We hoopten op een extra strijder om die barricade te bestormen. We hadden nooit gedacht dat jij het zou zijn. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_firepit_greet" "Dr. Freeman? We hoped for one more fighter to help storm that barricade, but we never guessed it would be you. " "streetwar.c17_05_hoppers" "Pas op voor de hoppers. Ze zijn overal! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_hoppers" "Watch out for the hoppers. They're everywhere! " "streetwar.c17_05_letusthru" "Laat ons erdoor! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_letusthru" "Let us through! " "streetwar.c17_05_minehelp1" "Verspil de hoppers niet, Dr. Freeman. We kunnen ze gebruiken tegen de Combine. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_minehelp1" "Don't waste the hoppers, Dr. Freeman. We can use them against the Combine. " "streetwar.c17_05_minehelp2" "Als je die hoppers te pakken krijgt zonder dat ze afgaan, kun je ze plaatsen waar je maar wilt. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_minehelp2" "If you can get those hoppers up without setting them off, you can plant them wherever you want them. " "streetwar.c17_05_opengate" "Doe het hek open! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_opengate" "Open the gate! " "streetwar.c17_05_tail" "Ze zitten ons op de hielen!" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_tail" "They're on our tail!" "streetwar.c17_06_det01" "Gordon Freeman? Jij bent het, of niet? Een moment, ik plaats wat explosieven en blaas dit op. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det01" "Gordon Freeman? It is you, isn't it? Give me a minute, I'm gonna plant some charges and blow this open. " "streetwar.c17_06_det02" "Als jij ze tegen kunt houden, ik ben hier bijna klaar. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det02" "If you can hold them off, I'm almost done here. " "streetwar.c17_06_det03" "Oké, laatste explosief! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det03" "Okay, last charge! " "streetwar.c17_06_det04" "Achteruit. Het gaat ontploffen! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det04" "Stand back. It's gonna blow! " "streetwar.c17_06_det05" "Kom er maar door, Freeman. Schiet op. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det05" "Come on through, Freeman. And hurry. " "streetwar.c17_06_keepcoming" "Die manhacks blijven maar komen. Ze stoppen nooit! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_keepcoming" "The manhacks just keep coming. They're never gonna stop! " "streetwar.c17_06_keepmoving" "Doorgaan, Dr. Freeman. Ik zal doorgeven dat je eraan komt. Ik zie je verderop weer. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_keepmoving" "Keep moving, Dr. Freeman. I'll send word you're coming, and see you up ahead. " "streetwar.c17_06_notsafe" "Dr. Freeman? Als je een schuilplaats zoekt, hier is het niet meer veilig. We worden enorm beschoten. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_notsafe" "Dr. Freeman? If you were looking for a place to hole up, it's not safe here anymore. They're shelling the hell out of us. " "streetwar.c17_06_password01" "Hé, ik ben het. Doe de deur open. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password01" "Hey, it's me. Open the door. " "streetwar.c17_06_password02" "Wat is het wachtwoord? " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password02" "What's the password? " "streetwar.c17_06_password03" "Wachtwoord! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password03" "Password! " "streetwar.c17_06_password04" "Kom erin. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password04" "Come on in. " "streetwar.c17_06_plank01" "Oké, kom maar hierheen! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_plank01" "Okay, come across! " "streetwar.c17_06_plank02" "Ik blijf hier, voor als er nog iemand moet oversteken. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_plank02" "I've got to stay here in case anyone else needs to get across. " "streetwar.c17_06_tunnel_greet" "Dr. Freeman! De Combine heeft onze voorraadtunnel afgesneden. Als je je bij ons aansluit, proberen we door hun buitenpost te breken. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_tunnel_greet" "Dr. Freeman! The Combine has cut our supply tunnel in two. If you'll join up with us, we'll take a stab at pushing through their outpost. " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_allover" "Dat is beter. Ik dacht dat ik er geweest was." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_allover" "That's better. I thought it was all over for me." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_cantmove" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_cantmove" " " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_gothru" "Ga erdoor, Gordon." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_gothru" "Go on through, Gordon." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_headout" "Oké, naar het hek toe. Ik open het zodra de kust veilig is." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_headout" "Okay, let's head for the gate and I'll open it while the coast is clear." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_medic" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_medic" " " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_needhelp" "We kunnen alle hulp goed gebruiken bij de Nexus verderop." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_needhelp" "We're going to need all the help we can get, dealing with the Nexus up ahead." "streetwar.c17_09_casualties" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_casualties" " " "streetwar.c17_09_cellar" "Help! Help me! We dachten dat het hieronder veiliger zou zijn. Wisten wij veel dat het zo zou zijn. De rest is naar boven gegaan en hebben het opgenomen tegen de sluipschutters. Ik denk dat ze nog boven zijn. " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellar" "Help! Help me! We thought we'd be safer down here. Little did we know the place was infested. Rest of 'em headed upstairs, took their chances with the snipers. I guess they're still up there. " "streetwar.c17_09_help01" "Help!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help01" "Help!" "streetwar.c17_09_help02" "Help me!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help02" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_help03" "Is er iemand daarboven?" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help03" "Is somebody up there!" "streetwar.c17_09_help04" "Help me!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help04" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_med_greet" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_med_greet" " " "streetwar.c17_09_med_heal" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_med_heal" " " "streetwar.c17_10_heshere" "Het is Freeman, hij is hier! Laat ons eruit, we zullen je helpen. " "[english]streetwar.c17_10_heshere" "It's Freeman, he's here! Let us out, we'll throw in with you. " "streetwar.c17_10_letusout" "Hé, laat ons hieruit! " "[english]streetwar.c17_10_letusout" "Hey, let us out of here! " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det01" "Die deur zit vanaf de andere kant op slot, Dr. Freeman. Misschien kun je een weg eromheen vinden. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det01" "That door's locked from the other side, Dr. Freeman. Maybe you can find a way around. " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det02" "Ziet er niet prettig uit. gelukkig heb je dat pak aan. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det02" "Looks nasty in there. Good thing you've got that suit. " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det03" "Hey! Laat ons erdoor! Ik hoor je daarbinnen! Kom! Doe de deur open. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det03" "Hey! Let us through! I can hear you in there! Come on! Open the door! " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det04" "Ik zie dat je het hebt gehaald. Dat had ik al verwacht. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det04" "I see you made it through okay. Figured you would. " "streetwar.d3_c17_07_tenant" "Geweldig wat u daar deed, Dr. Freeman! Ik heb medelijden met degene die een aanbetaling heeft gedaan. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_07_tenant" "You were amazing back there, Dr. Freeman! But I feel sorry for anyone who put down a security deposit. " "streetwar.al_gordon02" "Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.al_gordon02" "Gordon! " "streetwar.al_uggh02" "Ach! " "[english]streetwar.al_uggh02" "Agh! " "Trainride.gman_riseshine" "Wakker worden en opstaan, Mr. Freeman. Wakker worden en opstaan. " "[english]Trainride.gman_riseshine" "Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. " "Trainride.gman_02" "Niet dat ik wil suggereren dat u tijdens het werk ligt te slapen. Niemand heeft zijn rust meer verdiend. En alle moeite in de wereld zou verspild zijn geweest tot..laten we het erop houden dat je moment weer is aangebroken. " "[english]Trainride.gman_02" "Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until...well, let's just say your hour has come again. " "Trainride.gman_03" "De juiste man op de verkeerde plaats kan een wereld van verschil maken. " "[english]Trainride.gman_03" "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. " "Trainride.gman_04" "Dus wakker worden, Mr. Freeman. Word wakker en ruik de as. " "[english]Trainride.gman_04" "So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes. " "Trainyard.al_dadstarted" "Heh. Laat mijn vader niet beginnen over Dr. Breen. " "[english]Trainyard.al_dadstarted" "Heh. Don't get my dad started on Dr. Breen. " "Trainyard.al_hmm" "Hm." "[english]Trainyard.al_hmm" "Hm." "Trainyard.al_imalyx" "Ik ben Alyx Vance. Mijn vader heeft met je samengewerkt toen in Black Mesa. Maar je herinnert je mij vast niet. " "[english]Trainyard.al_imalyx" "I'm Alyx Vance. My father worked with you, back in Black Mesa. I'm sure you don't remember me though. " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet" " " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_b" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_b" " " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_cc" "O, en trouwens? Leuk om je eindelijk te ontmoeten." "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_cc" "Oh, and by the way? Nice to finally meet you." "Trainyard.al_nomap" "Dr. Kleiner vertelde dat je deze kant op zou komen. Ik denk niet dat hij eraan heeft gedacht dat je geen kaart hebt. " "[english]Trainyard.al_nomap" "Dr. Kleiner said you'd be coming this way. I don't think it occurred to him that you might not have a map. " "Trainyard.al_noyoudont" "Ha! Nee, mooi niet! " "[english]Trainyard.al_noyoudont" "Ha! No you don't! " "Trainyard.al_oldadmin" "Herinner je je hem nog van Black Mesa? Je oude Administrator?" "[english]Trainyard.al_oldadmin" "Remember him from Black Mesa? Your old Administrator? " "Trainyard.al_overhere" "Hierheen! " "[english]Trainyard.al_overhere" "Over here! " "Trainyard.al_presume" "Doctor Freeman, neem ik aan? " "[english]Trainyard.al_presume" "Doctor Freeman, I presume? " "Trainyard.al_suspicious" "We moeten opschieten. De Combine wordt misschien langzaam wakker, maar als ze eenmaal zijn opgestaan, wil je ze niet in de weg lopen. " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious" "We'd better hurry. The Combine can be slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. " "Trainyard.al_suspicious_b" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious_b" " " "Trainyard.al_suspicious_cc" "We moeten opschieten. De Combine wordt misschien langzaam wakker, maar als ze eenmaal zijn opgestaan, wil je ze niet in de weg lopen. " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious_cc" "We'd better hurry. The Combine can be slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. " "Trainyard.al_thisday" "Grappig dat je precies vandaag opduikt. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday" "Funny, you showing up on this day in particular. " "Trainyard.al_thisday01" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday01" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday01_cc" "We hebben mensen geholpen lopend uit de stad te ontsnappen. Het is een gevaarlijke route naar mijn vaders lab via de oude kanalen. Vandaag staan we op het punt een betere manier te krijgen. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday01_cc" "We've been helping people escape the city on foot. It's a dangerous route to my father's lab, through the old canals. Today we're finally on the verge of having a better way. " "Trainyard.al_thisday02" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday02" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday03" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday03" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday04" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday04" " " "Trainyard.al_thruhere" "Hierdoor. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thruhere" "Through here. " "Trainyard.ba_backup" "Terug! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_backup" "Back up! " "Trainyard.ba_blowcover" "Oh nee, daar was ik al bang voor. Hierin, Gordon. Voordat je mijn dekmantel verpest. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_blowcover" "Oh man, that's what I was afraid of. Get in here, Gordon, before you blow my cover. " "Trainyard.ba_blowcover_b" "Maak een stapel zodat je door dat raam kunt klimmen en ga door totdat je bij het plein bent. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_blowcover_b" "Pile up some stuff to get through that window, and keep going till you're in the plaza. " "Trainyard.ba_checkpoints" "Zolang hij bij de controlepunten uit de buurt blijft, komt het wel goed. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_checkpoints" "Well, as long as he stays away from checkpoints we should be okay. " "Trainyard.ba_citadel02" "Volledig alarm in de Citadel! Ik heb het nog nooit zo verlicht gezien. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_citadel02" "The Citadel's on full alert! I've never seen it lit up like that. " "Trainyard.ba_crowbar01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar01" " " "Trainyard.ba_crowbar01_cc" "O, voordat ik het vergeet. volgens mij heb je dit laten vallen toen in Black Mesa." "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar01_cc" "Oh, and before I forget. I think you dropped this back in Black Mesa." "Trainyard.ba_crowbar02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar02" " " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag01" "Geen tijd te verliezen, Gordon. Opschieten! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag01" "There's no time to waste here, Gordon. Get a move on! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag02" "Ze zijn vlakbij, wegwezen! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag02" "They're right outside, get going! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag03" "Hé, snel een beetje graag! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag03" "Hey, move it now, will you? " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag04" "Schieten je nog op? " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag04" "Will you get going? " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag05" "Een beetje tempo! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag05" "Move it along! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag06" "Tijd om te gaan, Gordon. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag06" "Get going, Gordon! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag07" "Schiet op! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag07" "Hurry up! " "Trainyard.ba_getin" "Stap in! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_getin" "Get in! " "Trainyard.ba_getoutfast" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_getoutfast" " " "Trainyard.ba_getoutfast_cc" "Zorg dat je zo snel mogelijk uit City 17 wegkomt, Gordon! Ga via de oude kanalen, goed? Dan kom je bij het lab van Eli. Het is een gevaarlijke route, maar er is een netwerk van vluchtelingen. Zij zullen je helpen." "[english]Trainyard.ba_getoutfast_cc" "Get out of City 17 as fast as you can, Gordon! Take the old canals, right? They'll get you to Eli's lab. It's a dangerous route, but there's a whole network of refugees and they'll help you if they can." "Trainyard.ba_goodluck01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck01" " " "Trainyard.ba_goodluck01_cc" "Veel succes, makker. Je zult het nodig hebben." "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck01_cc" "Good luck out there, buddy. You're gonna need it." "Trainyard.ba_goodluck02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck02" " " "Trainyard.ba_goon" "Ga maar!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_goon" "Go on!" "Trainyard.ba_gottago" "Hoor eens, ik moet weg, Doc. We lopen al genoeg risico. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_gottago" "Listen, I gotta go, Doc. We're taking enough chances as it is. " "Trainyard.ba_heygordon" "Hé, Gordon! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_heygordon" "Hey, Gordon! " "Trainyard.ba_inhere2" "Hierin! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_inhere2" "Get in here. " "Trainyard.ba_lookafterdoc" "Ik zou wel met je mee willen gaan, maar ik moet zorgen voor Dr. Kleiner. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_lookafterdoc" "I'd come with you, but I've got to look after Dr. Kleiner. " "Trainyard.ba_lookwho" "Sorry, Doc. Maar kijk eens wie hier is. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_lookwho" "Sorry, Doc, but look who's here. " "Trainyard.ba_meetyoulater01" "Ik zie je later weer. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_meetyoulater01" "I'll meet up with you later. " "Trainyard.ba_move01" "Doorlopen zei ik! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_move01" "I said 'move!' " "Trainyard.ba_noimgood" "Nee, bedankt. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_noimgood" "No, I'm good. " "Trainyard.ba_oldcanals" "Via de kanalen, goed? Dan kom je bij het lab van Eli. Het is een gevaarlijke route, maar er is een netwerk van vluchtelingen. Zij zullen je helpen. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_oldcanals" "Take the canals, right? They'll get you to Eli's lab. It's a dangerous route, but there's a whole network of refugees and they'll help you if they can. " "Trainyard.ba_ownway" "Oké, Gordon. Je moet zelf naar het lab van Dr. Kleiner zien te komen. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_ownway" "Okay, Gordon you're gonna have to make your own way to Dr. Kleiner's lab. " "Trainyard.ba_privacy" "Ja, ik heb hier een beetje privacy bij nodig! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_privacy" "Yeah, I'm gonna need me some privacy for this! " "Trainyard.ba_rememberme" "Gordon, ik ben het! Barney van Black Mesa. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_rememberme" "It's me, Gordon! Barney from Black Mesa. " "Trainyard.ba_rooftops" "Er schijnt een route via de daken te zijn, maar die weg heb ik zelf nog nooit genomen. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_rooftops" "There's supposed to be a high route over the rooftops, but... I've never been that way myself. " "Trainyard.ba_sorryscare" "Sorry dat ik je liet schrikken. Ik moest een show opvoeren voor de camera's. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_sorryscare" "Hey, sorry for the scare. I had to put on a show for the cameras. " "Trainyard.ba_tellme01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme01" " " "Trainyard.ba_tellme01_cc" "Ja, wij allebei, Doc. Hij ging bijna aan boord van de Express naar Nova Prospekt." "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme01_cc" "Yeah, you and me both, Doc. He was about to board the Express to Nova Prospekt." "Trainyard.ba_tellme02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme02" " " "Trainyard.ba_thatbeer01" "Nou..." "[english]Trainyard.ba_thatbeer01" "Now..." "Trainyard.ba_thatbeer02" "...over dat biertje dat je van me tegoed hebt. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_thatbeer02" "...about that beer I owed ya. " "Trainyard.ba_thinking01" "Ik denk, ik denk. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_thinking01" "I'm thinking, I'm thinking. " "Trainyard.ba_undercover" "Ik werk undercover bij de burgerwacht. Het mag niet lang duren, anders worden ze wantrouwig. Ik loop achter met bestraffen. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_undercover" "I've been working undercover with Civil Protection. I can't take too long or they'll get suspicious. I'm way behind on my beating quota. " "Trainyard.ba_youcomewith" "Jij, burger! Kom met mij mee. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_youcomewith" "You, Citizen! Come with me. " "Trainyard.cit_term_ques02" "Dit is mijn derde overplaatsing dit jaar. " "[english]Trainyard.cit_term_ques02" "This is my third transfer this year. " "Trainyard.cop_knockitoff" "Wegwezen hier! " "[english]Trainyard.cop_knockitoff" "Get out of here. " "Trainyard.cop_needanyhelp" "Heb je hulp nodig met deze? " "[english]Trainyard.cop_needanyhelp" "Need any help with this one? " "Trainyard.kl_alyxaround" "Alyx moet hier ergens zijn. Zij heeft vast een beter plan om hem daar te krijgen. " "[english]Trainyard.kl_alyxaround" "Alyx is around here somewhere. She would have a better idea how to get him here. " "Trainyard.kl_intend" "Nou, Barney. Wat ben je van plan? " "[english]Trainyard.kl_intend" "Well, Barney, what do you intend? " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn01" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn01" " " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn01_cc" "Goeie genade! Gordon Freeman! Ik verwachtte een waarschuwing." "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn01_cc" "Great Scott! Gordon Freeman! I expected more warning." "Trainyard.kl_morewarn02" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn02" " " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn03" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn03" " " "Trainyard.kl_verywell" "Heel goed. En, eh, Gordon? Blij om je weer te zien! " "[english]Trainyard.kl_verywell" "Very well. And, eh, Gordon? Good to see you! " "Trainyard.kl_whatisit01" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit01" " " "Trainyard.kl_whatisit01_cc" "Ja, Barney. Wat is er? Ik ben druk bezig met een kritieke test." "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit01_cc" "Yes, Barney, what is it? I'm in the middle of a critical test." "Trainyard.kl_whatisit02" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit02" " " "Trainyard.man_me" "Ik?! " "[english]Trainyard.man_me" "Me?! " "Trainyard.man_waitaminute" "Wacht even... " "[english]Trainyard.man_waitaminute" "Wait a minute... " "Trainyard.man_whereyoutakingme" "Waar breng je me heen? " "[english]Trainyard.man_whereyoutakingme" "Where are you taking me? " "Trainyard.metro_suprise" " " "[english]Trainyard.metro_suprise" " " "opening.cit_tvbust01" "Wat doe je? " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust01" "What are you doing? " "opening.cit_tvbust02" "Je komt in de problemen. " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust02" "You're gonna be in trouble. " "opening.cit_tvbust03" "Hé, je brengt ons allemaal in de problemen! " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust03" "Hey, you're gonna bring trouble down on all of us! " "opening.cit_tvbust04" "Leg dat neer! " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust04" "Put that down! " "opening.cit_tvbust05" "Oh nee. Nu gaat het echt mis. " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust05" "Oh no. Now we're really gonna get it. " "Canals.d1_canals_01_arrest_helpme" "Help me!" "[english]Canals.d1_canals_01_arrest_helpme" "Help me!" "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant07" "Het is gezegd dat ik zou worden als deze vreemde demonen die dwalen maar waarin geen licht meer brandt." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant07" "For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant09" "De dagen van mijn leven zijn vervlogen als rook en mijn beenderen zijn verschroeid als as. Laat al mijn onzuiverheden de brandstof vormen voor het allesverslindende vuur totdat er niets overblijft dan het licht alleen." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant09" "For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone." "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant20" "Mogen zij verworden tot stof in de wind. Moge de engel des Heren hen vervolgen." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant20" "May they become like dust before the wind; may the angel of the Lord pursue them." "coast.crane_playerincar" "Goed, daar gaan we dan." "[english]coast.crane_playerincar" "Good, here we go." "coast.crane_magfail" "Die stomme magneet stoort, hou vol!" "[english]coast.crane_magfail" "Damn magnet's failing...hold on!" "coast.crane_sorry" "Sorry, Doc." "[english]coast.crane_sorry" "Sorry, Doc." "coast.crane_gravgun" "Gebruik je gravity gun om de auto weer om te draaien." "[english]coast.crane_gravgun" "Use your gravity gun to flip the car over again." "coast.crane_driveforfeel" "Waarom rij je niet een rondje op het strand om het autorijden onder de knie te krijgen? Rij als je klaar bent naar de helling bij het water." "[english]coast.crane_driveforfeel" "Why don't you take a spin around the beach until you've got a feel for the car. When you're done, head for the slope down by the water." "coast.crane_antlions" "Pas op voor antlions." "[english]coast.crane_antlions" "Watch out for antlions." "coast.crane_rockslide" "Op dat grind heb je niet genoeg grip. Probeer de helling aan het water." "[english]coast.crane_rockslide" "You're never gonna get traction in that gravel. Try the slope down by the water." "coast.crane_pier01" "Kom terug naar boven, Dr. Freeman. De auto staat op de pier." "[english]coast.crane_pier01" "Come back up, Dr. Freeman. The car's on the pier." "coast.crane_pier02" "Kom terug op de pier." "[english]coast.crane_pier02" "I said, get back up on the pier." "coast.crane_pier03" "Dr. Freeman, je komt te voet niet ver. Kom terug en stap in de auto." "[english]coast.crane_pier03" "Dr. Freeman, you won't get anywhere on foot. Come back up and get in the car." "coast.crane_hopin" "Stap in dan rij ik je naar het strand." "[english]coast.crane_hopin" "Hop in and I'll lower you down to the beach." "coast.crane_carsallready" "Hallo, Dr. Freeman. De auto staat voor je klaar." "[english]coast.crane_carsallready" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. The car's all ready for you." "coast.crane_getupandhellout" "Zet die auto overeind en dan snel wegwezen hier!" "[english]coast.crane_getupandhellout" "Get that car upright and get the hell out of here!" "streetwar.d3_c17_06a_overhere01" "Hé, hierzo!" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06a_overhere01" "Hey, over here!" "Streetwar.d3_c17_07_al_thatwasclose" "Dat scheelde niet veel!" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_07_al_thatwasclose" "That was close!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp02" "Help me!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp02" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp01" "Help!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp01" "Help!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp03" "Is er iemand daarboven?" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp03" "Is somebody up there?" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit" "[Slag met koevoet!]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit" "[Crowbar Thwap!]" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld" "[Stoot met koevoet!]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld" "[Crowbar Whack!]" "Weapon_Crowbar.Single" "[Zwaai met koevoet]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Single" "[Crowbar Swoosh]" "Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire" " " "Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch" " " "Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup" " " "Weapon_Pistol.Empty" "[Lege kamer]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_Pistol.Single" "[Pistoolschot]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.Single" "[Pistol Shot]" "Weapon_357.Single" "[Schot met .357]" "[english]Weapon_357.Single" "[.357 Shot]" "Weapon_SMG1.Double" "[Granaatvuur met AMG]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Double" "[SMG Grenade Launch]" "Weapon_SMG1.Single" "[Primair schot met AMG]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Single" "[SMG Primary Fire]" "Weapon_SMG1.Empty" "[Lege kamer]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_SMG1.Reload" "[Herladen]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_SMG1.Special1" "[Granaatvuur met AMG]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Special1" "[SMG Grenade Launch]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Double" "[Schot met dubbelloops geweer!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Double" "[Double Shotgun Blast!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Single" "[Schot met enkelloops geweer!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Single" "[Single Shotgun Blast!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Empty" "[Lege patroonkamer]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" "[Herladen]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_AR2.Single" "[Primair schot]" "[english]Weapon_AR2.Single" "[Primary fire]" "Weapon_AR2.Reload" "[Herladen]" "[english]Weapon_AR2.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_IRifle.Empty" "[Leeg]" "[english]Weapon_IRifle.Empty" "[Empty]" "Weapon_IRifle.Single" "[Secundair schot]" "[english]Weapon_IRifle.Single" "[Secondary Fire]" "Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" "[Secundair laden]" "[english]Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" "[Charged secondary fire]" "Weapon_Crossbow.Single" "[Schot met kruisboog]" "[english]Weapon_Crossbow.Single" "[Crossbow shot]" "Weapon_Crossbow.Reload" "[Kruisboog herladen]" "[english]Weapon_Crossbow.Reload" "[Crossbow reload]" "Weapon_RPG.Single" "[RPG-lancering]" "[english]Weapon_RPG.Single" "[RPG Launch]" "WeaponFrag.Roll" "[Rollende granaat!]" "[english]WeaponFrag.Roll" "[Grenade rolling!]" "Grenade.Blip" "[Timer van granaat]" "[english]Grenade.Blip" "[Grenade Timer]" "Weapon_Gauss.Single" "[Schok met tauonkanon!]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Single" "[Tau Cannon Jolt!]" "Weapon_Gauss.Special1" "[Schot met tauonkanon]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Special1" "[Tau Cannon Fire]" "Weapon_Gauss.Special2" "[Schot met opgeladen tauonkanon]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Special2" "[Tau Cannon Charged Blast]" "Weapon_Bugbait.Splat" "[Piep van aas]" "[english]Weapon_Bugbait.Splat" "[Bugbait Squeak]" "GrenadeBugBait.Splat" "[Splet van aas]" "[english]GrenadeBugBait.Splat" "[Bugbait Splat]" "Weapon_FlareGun.Single" "[Schot met flaregun!]" "[english]Weapon_FlareGun.Single" "[Flaregun shot!]" "Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld" " " "[english]Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld" " " "Weapon_StunStick.Swing" " " "[english]Weapon_StunStick.Swing" " " "Weapon_Pistol.NPC_Single" "[Pistoolschot]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.NPC_Single" "[Pistol Shot]" "Weapon_Mortar.Single" "[Lancering onderdrukking]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Single" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Weapon_Mortar.Incomming" "[Inkomende mortier]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Incomming" "[Incoming Mortar]" "Weapon_Mortar.Impact" "[Impact van onderdrukking!]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Impact" "[Suppressor Impact!]" "AlyxEMP.Charge" " " "[english]AlyxEMP.Charge" " " "AlyxEMP.Discharge" "[EMP-uitbarsting]" "[english]AlyxEMP.Discharge" "[EMP Burst]" "AlyxEMP.Stop" " " "[english]AlyxEMP.Stop" " " "Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload" "[Herladen!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload" "[Reloading!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Single" "[Boem!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Single" "[Boom!]" "GenericNPC.GunSound" "[Vijandelijk vuur]" "[english]GenericNPC.GunSound" "[Enemy Gunfire]" "BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup" "[Munitie oppakken]" "[english]BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup" "[Ammo pickup]" "BaseExplosionEffect.Sound" "[EXPLOSIE!]" "[english]BaseExplosionEffect.Sound" "[EXPLOSION!]" "BaseGrenade.Explode" "[Granaatexplosie!]" "[english]BaseGrenade.Explode" "[Grenade Explosion!]" "Bullets.DefaultNearmiss" "[Kogel-bijna raak!]" "[english]Bullets.DefaultNearmiss" "[Bullet--Near Miss!]" "Bullets.GunshipNearmiss" "[Gunshipkogel-bijna raak!]" "[english]Bullets.GunshipNearmiss" "[Gunship bullet--Near miss!]" "Bullets.StriderNearmiss" "[Striderschot-bijna raak!]" "[english]Bullets.StriderNearmiss" "[Strider shot--Near miss!]" "FX_RicochetSound.Ricochet" "[Ricochet!]" "[english]FX_RicochetSound.Ricochet" "[Ricochet!]" "Crane_engine_start" "[Motor start]" "[english]Crane_engine_start" "[Motor starts]" "Crane_engine_stop" "[Motor stopt]" "[english]Crane_engine_stop" "[Motor stops]" "Crane_magnet_release" "[Kraanmagneet laat los]" "[english]Crane_magnet_release" "[Crane magnet release]" "Crane_magnet_toggle" "[Kraanmagneet grijpt]" "[english]Crane_magnet_toggle" "[Crane magnet grab]" "Crane_magnet_creak" "[Knars!]" "[english]Crane_magnet_creak" "[Creak!]" "ATV_engine_idle" " " "[english]ATV_engine_idle" " " "ATV_engine_start" "[Motor start]" "[english]ATV_engine_start" "[Engine start]" "ATV_engine_stop" "[Motor stopt]" "[english]ATV_engine_stop" "[Engine stop]" "ATV_rev" " " "[english]ATV_rev" " " "ATV_skid_lowfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_lowfriction" " " "ATV_skid_normalfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_normalfriction" " " "ATV_skid_highfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_highfriction" " " "ATV_impact_heavy" " " "[english]ATV_impact_heavy" " " "ATV_impact_medium" " " "[english]ATV_impact_medium" " " "ATV_turbo_on" "[Turbo aan]" "[english]ATV_turbo_on" "[Turbo On]" "ATV_turbo_off" "[Turbo uit]" "[english]ATV_turbo_off" "[Turbo Off]" "ATV_start_in_water" "[Motor start in water]" "[english]ATV_start_in_water" "[Engine starting in water]" "ATV_stall_in_water" "[Motor slaat af in water]" "[english]ATV_stall_in_water" "[Engine stalled in water]" "Jeep.GaussCharge" "[Tauonkanon laadt op]" "[english]Jeep.GaussCharge" "[Tau Cannon Charging]" "PropJeep.FireCannon" "[Schok van tauonkanon]" "[english]PropJeep.FireCannon" "[Tau Cannon Jolt]" "PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" "[Schot met opgeladen tauonkanon]" "[english]PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" "[Tau Cannon Charged Blast]" "PropJeep.AmmoOpen" "[Munitiedoos open]" "[english]PropJeep.AmmoOpen" "[Ammocase open]" "PropJeep.AmmoClose" "[Munitiedoos dicht]" "[english]PropJeep.AmmoClose" "[Ammocase close]" "PropAPC.FireCannon" "[Combine APC-kanonvuur]" "[english]PropAPC.FireCannon" "[Combine APC Cannon Fire]" "PropAPC.FireRocket" "[Combine APC-raketvuur]" "[english]PropAPC.FireRocket" "[Combine APC Rocket Fire]" "Airboat_engine_start" "[Motor slijkspringer start]" "[english]Airboat_engine_start" "[Mudskipper Engine Start]" "Airboat_engine_stop" "[Motor slijkspringer stopt]" "[english]Airboat_engine_stop" "[Mudskipper Engine Stop]" "Airboat_skid_rough" "" "[english]Airboat_skid_rough" "" "Airboat_skid_smooth" "" "[english]Airboat_skid_smooth" "" "Airboat_impact_hard" "" "[english]Airboat_impact_hard" "" "Airboat_impact_soft" "" "[english]Airboat_impact_soft" "" "Airboat_impact_splash" " " "[english]Airboat_impact_splash" " " "Airboat_gun_charge" "[Geweer opladen]" "[english]Airboat_gun_charge" "[Gun charging]" "Airboat_gun_shoot" "[Geweervuur]" "[english]Airboat_gun_shoot" "[Gun firing]" "Airboat.FireGunHeavy" "[Zwaar geweervuur]" "[english]Airboat.FireGunHeavy" "[Heavy gun firing]" "HEV._comma" " " "[english]HEV._comma" " " "HEV.acquired" "verworven" "[english]HEV.acquired" "acquired" "HEV.activated" "geactiveerd" "[english]HEV.activated" "activated" "HEV.administering_medical" "Medische hulp wordt toegediend." "[english]HEV.administering_medical" "Administering Medical Attention." "HEV.ammo_depleted" "Munitie op." "[english]HEV.ammo_depleted" "Ammunition Depleted." "HEV.antidote_shot" "Tegengif toegediend." "[english]HEV.antidote_shot" "Antidote administered." "HEV.antitoxin_shot" "Zenuwgas toegediend." "[english]HEV.antitoxin_shot" "Antitoxin administered." "HEV.armor_gone" "Harnas beschadigd." "[english]HEV.armor_gone" "Armor Compromised." "HEV.automedic_on" "Automatische medische systemen ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV.automedic_on" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV.beep" "[Piep]" "[english]HEV.beep" "[Beep]" "HEV.bell" "[Telefoon]" "[english]HEV.bell" "[Belltone]" "HEV.bio_reading" "Mogelijke biometing." "[english]HEV.bio_reading" "Possible Bio-reading." "HEV.biohazard_detected" "Waarschuwing: biologisch risico gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.biohazard_detected" "Warning: Biohazard detected." "HEV.bleeding_stopped" "Bloeding is gestopt." "[english]HEV.bleeding_stopped" "Bleeding has stopped." "HEV.blip" "[Bliep]" "[english]HEV.blip" "[Blip]" "HEV.blood_loss" "Bloedverlies gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.blood_loss" "Blood loss detected." "HEV.blood_plasma" "Bloedplasma toegediend." "[english]HEV.blood_plasma" "Blood plasma administered." "HEV.blood_toxins" "Waarschuwing: Bloedvergiftiging gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.blood_toxins" "Warning: Blood toxin levels detected." "HEV.boop" "[Boep]" "[english]HEV.boop" "[Boop]" "HEV.buzz" "[Buzz]" "[english]HEV.buzz" "[Buzz]" "HEV.chemical_detected" "Chemicaliën gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.chemical_detected" "Chemical detected." "HEV.deactivated" "Uitgeschakeld" "[english]HEV.deactivated" "Deactivated" "HEV.eighty" "80" "[english]HEV.eighty" "80" "HEV.evacuate_area" "Gebied evacueren." "[english]HEV.evacuate_area" "Evacuate area." "HEV.fifteen" "15" "[english]HEV.fifteen" "15" "HEV.fifty" "50" "[english]HEV.fifty" "50" "HEV.five" "05" "[english]HEV.five" "05" "HEV.flatline" "[Piep-piep-piieep.] Gebruiker dood." "[english]HEV.flatline" "[Beep-beep-beeeeeeeeep.] User Fatality." "HEV.fourty" "40" "[english]HEV.fourty" "40" "HEV.fuzz" "[Fuzz]" "[english]HEV.fuzz" "[Fuzz]" "HEV.get_44ammo" " " "[english]HEV.get_44ammo" " " "HEV.get_44pistol" " " "[english]HEV.get_44pistol" " " "HEV.get_9mmclip" " " "[english]HEV.get_9mmclip" " " "HEV.get_alien_wpn" " " "[english]HEV.get_alien_wpn" " " "HEV.get_assault" " " "[english]HEV.get_assault" " " "HEV.get_assaultgren" " " "[english]HEV.get_assaultgren" " " "HEV.get_battery" " " "[english]HEV.get_battery" " " "HEV.get_bolts" " " "[english]HEV.get_bolts" " " "HEV.get_buckshot" " " "[english]HEV.get_buckshot" " " "HEV.get_crossbow" " " "[english]HEV.get_crossbow" " " "HEV.get_egon" " " "[english]HEV.get_egon" " " "HEV.get_egonpower" " " "[english]HEV.get_egonpower" " " "HEV.get_gauss" " " "[english]HEV.get_gauss" " " "HEV.get_grenade" " " "[english]HEV.get_grenade" " " "HEV.get_medkit" " " "[english]HEV.get_medkit" " " "HEV.get_pistol" " " "[english]HEV.get_pistol" " " "HEV.get_rpg" " " "[english]HEV.get_rpg" " " "HEV.get_rpgammo" " " "[english]HEV.get_rpgammo" " " "HEV.get_shotgun" " " "[english]HEV.get_shotgun" " " "HEV.health_critical" "Waarschuwing: Vitale functies kritiek." "[english]HEV.health_critical" "Warning: Vital signs critical." "HEV.health_dropping" "Waarschuwing: Vitale functies gaan achteruit." "[english]HEV.health_dropping" "Warning: Vital signs dropping." "HEV.health_dropping2" "Vitale functies gaan achteruit." "[english]HEV.health_dropping2" "Vital signs are dropping." "HEV.heat_damage" "Extreme hitteschade gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.heat_damage" "Extreme heat damage detected." "HEV.hev_critical_fail" "HEV kritieke fout--fout---" "[english]HEV.hev_critical_fail" "HEV critical failure--failure---" "HEV.hev_damage" "HEV schade opgelopen." "[english]HEV.hev_damage" "HEV damage sustained." "HEV.hev_general_fail" "HEV algemene fout!" "[english]HEV.hev_general_fail" "HEV general failure!" "HEV.hev_shutdown" "Onvoldoende vermogen. HEV wordt afgesloten." "[english]HEV.hev_shutdown" "Insufficient power. HEV shutting down." "HEV.hiss" "[Sis!]" "[english]HEV.hiss" "[Hiss!]" "HEV.immediately" "onmiddellijk" "[english]HEV.immediately" "immediately" "HEV.insufficient_medical" "Onvoldoende medische middelen om schade te herstellen." "[english]HEV.insufficient_medical" "Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage." "HEV.internal_bleeding" "Interne bloeding gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.internal_bleeding" "Internal bleeding detected." "HEV.major_fracture" "Grote fractuur gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.major_fracture" "Major fracture detected." "HEV.major_lacerations" "Grote wonden gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.major_lacerations" "Major lacerations detected." "HEV.medical_repaired" "Medische schade gerepareerd." "[english]HEV.medical_repaired" "Medical damage repaired." "HEV.minor_fracture" "Kleine fractuur gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.minor_fracture" "Minor fracture detected." "HEV.minor_lacerations" "Kleine wonden gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.minor_lacerations" "Minor lacerations detected." "HEV.morphine_shot" "Morfine toegediend." "[english]HEV.morphine_shot" "Morphine administered." "HEV.near_death" "Bijna dood." "[english]HEV.near_death" "Near death." "HEV.ninety" "90" "[english]HEV.ninety" "90" "HEV.onehundred" "100" "[english]HEV.onehundred" "100" "HEV.percent" "procent" "[english]HEV.percent" "percent" "HEV.power_below" "Vermogen onder" "[english]HEV.power_below" "Power below" "HEV.power_level_is" "Vermogen is" "[english]HEV.power_level_is" "Power level is" "HEV.power_restored" "Vermogen hersteld." "[english]HEV.power_restored" "Power restored." "HEV.powermove_overload" "Waarschuwing: Overbelasting vermogenssysteem." "[english]HEV.powermove_overload" "Warning: Power movement system overload." "HEV.radiation_detected" "Waarschuwing: Gevaarlijke straling gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.radiation_detected" "Warning: Hazardous radiation levels detected." "HEV.seek_medic" "Zoek medische hulp." "[english]HEV.seek_medic" "Seek medical attention." "HEV.seventy" "70" "[english]HEV.seventy" "70" "HEV.shock_damage" "Elektrische schade gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV.shock_damage" "Electrical damage detected." "HEV.sixty" "60" "[english]HEV.sixty" "60" "HEV.targetting_system" "Automatisch doelverwervingssysteem." "[english]HEV.targetting_system" "Automatic target acquisition system." "HEV.targetting_system_on" "Automatisch doelverwervingssysteem ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV.targetting_system_on" "Automatic target acquisition system activated." "HEV.targetting_system_off" "Automatisch doelverwervingssysteem uitgeschakeld." "[english]HEV.targetting_system_off" "Automatic target acquisition system deactivated." "HEV.ten" "10" "[english]HEV.ten" "10" "HEV.thirty" "30" "[english]HEV.thirty" "30" "HEV.torniquette_applied" "Tourniquet aangebracht." "[english]HEV.torniquette_applied" "Tourniquette applied." "HEV.twenty" "20" "[english]HEV.twenty" "20" "HEV.voice_off" " " "[english]HEV.voice_off" " " "HEV.voice_on" " " "[english]HEV.voice_on" " " "HEV.warning" "Waarschuwing!" "[english]HEV.warning" "Warning!" "HEV.wound_sterilized" "Wond gesteriliseerd." "[english]HEV.wound_sterilized" "Wound sterilized." "HEV.sterilized_morphine" "Wond gesteriliseerd. Morfine toegediend." "[english]HEV.sterilized_morphine" "Wound sterilized. Morphine administered." "HEV.torni_bleed" "Tourniquet aangebracht. Bloeding is gestopt." "[english]HEV.torni_bleed" "Tourniquette applied. Bleeding has stopped." "HEV.health2_evac" "Vitale functies gaan achteruit. Gebied evacueren." "[english]HEV.health2_evac" "Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area." "HEV.health_crit_evac" "Waarschuwing: Vitale functies kritiek. Gebied evacueren." "[english]HEV.health_crit_evac" "Warning: Vital signs critical. Evacuate area." "HEV.near_death_evac" "Bijna dood. Gebied onmiddellijk evacueren." "[english]HEV.near_death_evac" "Near death. Evacuate area immediately." "HEV_A0" "Welkom bij het HEV Mark 4 beschermingssysteem voor gebruik in gevaarlijke omstandigheden." "[english]HEV_A0" "Welcome to the HEV Mark 4 Protective System, for use in hazardous environment conditions." "HEV_A1" "Vermogenshulpbeweging ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV_A1" "Power assist movement activated." "HEV_A2" "Hoog impact reactief harnas ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV_A2" "High impact reactive armor activated." "HEV_A3" "Atmosfeerbesmettingssensors ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV_A3" "Atmospheric contaminant sensors activated." "HEV_A4" "Bewaking vitale functies ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV_A4" "Vital sign monitoring activated." "HEV_A5" "Bewaking munitieniveau ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV_A5" "Munition-level monitoring activated." "HEV_A6" "Interfacecommunicatie online." "[english]HEV_A6" "Communications interface online." "HEV_A7" "Selectiesysteem verdedigingswapens ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV_A7" "Defensive weapon selection system activated." "HEV_A8" "Automatische medische systemen ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV_A8" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV_A9" "Vermogen is 100 procent." "[english]HEV_A9" "Power level is ... 100 percent." "HEV_A10" "Een veilige dag gewenst." "[english]HEV_A10" "Have a very safe day." "HEV_MED0" "Onvoldoende medische middelen om schade te herstellen." "[english]HEV_MED0" "Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage." "HEV_MED1" "Automatische medische systemen ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV_MED1" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV_MED2" "Medische hulp wordt toegediend." "[english]HEV_MED2" "Administering medical attention." "HEV_HEAL0" "Wond gesteriliseerd. Morfine toegediend." "[english]HEV_HEAL0" "Wound sterilised. Morphine administered." "HEV_HEAL1" "Lokale tourniquet aangebracht. Bloeding is gestopt." "[english]HEV_HEAL1" "Local torniquette applied. Bleeding has stopped." "HEV_HEAL2" "Bloeding is gestopt." "[english]HEV_HEAL2" "Bleeding has stopped." "HEV_HEAL3" "Bloedplasma toegediend." "[english]HEV_HEAL3" "Blood plasma administered." "HEV_HEAL4" "Zenuwgas toegediend." "[english]HEV_HEAL4" "Antitoxin administered." "HEV_HEAL5" "Tegengif toegediend." "[english]HEV_HEAL5" "Antidote administered." "HEV_HEAL6" "Wond gesteriliseerd." "[english]HEV_HEAL6" "Wound sterilised." "HEV_HEAL7" "Morfine toegediend." "[english]HEV_HEAL7" "Morphine administered." "HEV_HEAL8" "Medische schade gerepareerd." "[english]HEV_HEAL8" "Medical damage repaired." "HEV_DMG0" "Kleine wonden gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_DMG0" "Minor lacterations detected." "HEV_DMG1" "Grote wonden gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_DMG1" "Major lacerations detected." "HEV_DMG2" "Interne bloeding gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_DMG2" "Internal bleeding detected." "HEV_DMG3" "Waarschuwing. Bloedvergiftiging gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_DMG3" "Warning. Blood toxin levels detected." "HEV_DMG4" "Kleine fractuur gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_DMG4" "Minor fracture detected." "HEV_DMG5" "Grote fractuur gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_DMG5" "Major fracture detected." "HEV_DMG6" "Bloedverlies gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_DMG6" "Blood loss detected." "HEV_DMG7" "Zoek medische hulp." "[english]HEV_DMG7" "Seek medical attention." "HEV_HLTH0" "Waarschuwing. Vitale functies gaan achteruit." "[english]HEV_HLTH0" "Warning. Vital signs dropping." "HEV_HLTH1" "Vitale functies gaan achteruit." "[english]HEV_HLTH1" "Vital signs are dropping." "HEV_HLTH2" "Waarschuwing. Vitale functies kritiek." "[english]HEV_HLTH2" "Warning. Vital signs critical." "HEV_HLTH3" "Noodgeval. Dood gebruiker nabij." "[english]HEV_HLTH3" "Emergency. User death imminent." "HEV_HLTH4" "Vitale functies gaan achteruit. Gebied evacueren." "[english]HEV_HLTH4" "Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area." "HEV_HLTH5" "Waarschuwing. Vitale functies kritiek. Gebied evacueren." "[english]HEV_HLTH5" "Warning. Vital signs critical. Evacuate area." "HEV_HLTH6" "Noodgeval. Dood gebruiker nabij. Gebied onmiddellijk evacueren." "[english]HEV_HLTH6" "Emergency. User death imminent. Evacuate area immediately." "HEV_SHOCK" "Waarschuwing. Elektrische schade gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_SHOCK" "Warning. Electrical damage detected." "HEV_FIRE" "Waarschuwing. Extreme hitteschade gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_FIRE" "Warning. Extreme heat damage detected." "HEV_AIM_ON" "Automatisch doelverwervingssysteem ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV_AIM_ON" "Automatic target acquisition system activated." "HEV_AIM_OFF" "Automatisch doelverwervingssysteem uitgeschakeld." "[english]HEV_AIM_OFF" "Automatic target acquisition system deactivated." "HEV_BATTERY" "HEV vermogenseenheid verworven." "[english]HEV_BATTERY" "HEV Power Unit acquired." "HEV_MEDKIT" "Automatische medische kit." "[english]HEV_MEDKIT" "Automatic Medical Kit." "HEV_PISTOL" "Semi-automatisch 9-millimeter handwapen." "[english]HEV_PISTOL" "9 millimeter semi-automatic hand gun." "HEV_SHOTGUN" "Combat shotgun verworven." "[english]HEV_SHOTGUN" "Combat shotgun acquired." "HEV_GRENADE" "Fragmentatiegranaat verworven." "[english]HEV_GRENADE" "Fragmentation grenage acquired." "HEV_ASSAULT" "Volautomatisch 9-millimeter wapen verworven." "[english]HEV_ASSAULT" "9 millimeter fully automatic weapon acquired." "HEV_44PISTOL" "44-kaliber handwapen verworven." "[english]HEV_44PISTOL" "44 calibre handgun acquired." "HEV_RPG" "Lasergestuurde raketwerper verworven." "[english]HEV_RPG" "Laser guided rocket launcher acquired." "HEV_SATCHEL" "Afstandbedienbare sloopeenheid verworven." "[english]HEV_SATCHEL" "Remote activated demolition unit acquired." "HEV_TRIPMINE" "Lasergeactiveerde antipersoneelmijn verworven." "[english]HEV_TRIPMINE" "Laser activated anti-personnel mine acquired." "HEV_HORNET" "Ongeïdentificeerd biologisch wapen." "[english]HEV_HORNET" "Unidentified bio weapon." "HEV_SQUEEK" "Ongeïdentificeerd biologisch wapen." "[english]HEV_SQUEEK" "Unidentified bio weapon." "HEV_EGON" "Experimenteel energiewapen verworven." "[english]HEV_EGON" "Experimental energy weapon acquired." "HEV_GAUSS" "Experimenteel hypersnelheidswapen verworven." "[english]HEV_GAUSS" "Experimental hyper-velocity weapon acquired." "HEV_XBOW" "Hogesnelheidskruisboog verworven." "[english]HEV_XBOW" "High velocity stealth crossbow acquired." "HEV_9MM" "9-millimeter munitie verworven." "[english]HEV_9MM" "9 milimetre ammunition acquired." "HEV_44AMMO" "44-kaliber munitie verworven." "[english]HEV_44AMMO" "44 calibre ammunition acquired." "HEV_BUCKSHOT" "Munitie voor de combat shotgun verworven." "[english]HEV_BUCKSHOT" "Combat shotgun ammunition acquired." "HEV_BOLTS" "Zenuwgasbehandelde kruisboogmunitie verworven." "[english]HEV_BOLTS" "Neuro toxin treated crossbow ammunition acquired." "HEV_RPGAMMO" "Lasergestuurde raket verworven." "[english]HEV_RPGAMMO" "Laser guided rocket acquired." "HEV_AGRENADE" "Zelfaangedreven granaat verworven." "[english]HEV_AGRENADE" "Self propelled grenade acquired." "HEV_EGONPOWER" "Energieoplaadeenheid verworven." "[english]HEV_EGONPOWER" "Energy recharge unit acquired." "HEV_C1" "Het is nu 01.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C1" "The time is now ... 1 AM" "HEV_C1t" "Het is nu 01.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C1t" "The time is now 1 am" "HEV_C2" "Het is nu 02.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C2" "The time is now ... 2 AM" "HEV_C3" "Het is nu 03.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C3" "The time is now ... 3 AM" "HEV_C4" "Het is nu 04.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C4" "The time is now ... 4 AM" "HEV_C5" "Het is nu 05.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C5" "The time is now ... 5 AM" "HEV_C6" "Het is nu 06.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C6" "The time is now ... 6 AM" "HEV_C7" "Het is nu 07.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C7" "The time is now ... 7 AM" "HEV_C8" "Het is nu 08.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C8" "The time is now ... 8 AM" "HEV_C9" "Het is nu 09.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C9" "The time is now ... 9 AM" "HEV_C10" "Het is nu 10.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C10" "The time is now ... 10 AM" "HEV_C11" "Het is nu 11.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C11" "The time is now ... 11 AM" "HEV_C12" "Het is nu 12.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C12" "The time is now ... 12 AM" "HEV_C13" "Het is nu 13.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C13" "The time is now ... 1 PM" "HEV_C13t" "Het is nu 13.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C13t" "The time is now 1 pm" "HEV_C14" "Het is nu 14.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C14" "The time is now ... 2 PM" "HEV_C15" "Het is nu 15.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C15" "The time is now ... 3 PM" "HEV_C16" "Het is nu 16.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C16" "The time is now ... 4 PM" "HEV_C17" "Het is nu 17.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C17" "The time is now ... 5 PM" "HEV_C18" "Het is nu 18.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C18" "The time is now ... 6 PM" "HEV_C19" "Het is nu 19.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C19" "The time is now ... 7 PM" "HEV_C20" "Het is nu 20.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C20" "The time is now ... 8 PM" "HEV_C21" "Het is nu 21.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C21" "The time is now ... 9 PM" "HEV_C22" "Het is nu 22.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C22" "The time is now ... 10 PM" "HEV_C23" "Het is nu 23.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C23" "The time is now ... 11 PM" "HEV_C24" "Het is nu 00.00 uur" "[english]HEV_C24" "The time is now ... 12 PM" "HEV_D00" "Vermogen hersteld." "[english]HEV_D00" "Power restored." "HEV_D01" "Onvoldoende vermogen. HEV wordt afgesloten." "[english]HEV_D01" "Insufficient power. HEV shutting down." "HEV_0P" "Waarschuwing. HEV-vermogen minder dan 5 procent." "[english]HEV_0P" "Warning. HEV power level below...5 percent." "HEV_1P" "Vermogen hersteld: 10 procent." "[english]HEV_1P" "Power restored ... 10 percent." "HEV_2P" "Vermogen hersteld: 15 procent." "[english]HEV_2P" "Power restored ... 15 percent." "HEV_3P" "Vermogen hersteld: 20 procent." "[english]HEV_3P" "Power restored ... 20 percent." "HEV_4P" "Vermogen hersteld: 25 procent." "[english]HEV_4P" "Power restored ... 25 percent." "HEV_5P" "Vermogen hersteld: 30 procent." "[english]HEV_5P" "Power restored ... 30 percent." "HEV_6P" "Vermogen hersteld: 35 procent." "[english]HEV_6P" "Power restored ... 35 percent." "HEV_7P" "Vermogen hersteld: 40 procent." "[english]HEV_7P" "Power restored ... 40 percent." "HEV_8P" "Vermogen hersteld: 45 procent." "[english]HEV_8P" "Power restored ... 45 percent." "HEV_9P" "Vermogen hersteld: 50 procent." "[english]HEV_9P" "Power restored ... 50 percent." "HEV_10P" "Vermogen hersteld: 55 procent." "[english]HEV_10P" "Power restored ... 55 percent." "HEV_11P" "Vermogen hersteld: 60 procent." "[english]HEV_11P" "Power restored ... 60 percent." "HEV_12P" "Vermogen hersteld: 65 procent." "[english]HEV_12P" "Power restored ... 65 percent." "HEV_13P" "Vermogen hersteld: 70 procent." "[english]HEV_13P" "Power restored ... 70 percent." "HEV_14P" "Vermogen hersteld: 75 procent." "[english]HEV_14P" "Power restored ... 75 percent." "HEV_15P" "Vermogen hersteld: 80 procent." "[english]HEV_15P" "Power restored ... 80 percent." "HEV_16P" "Vermogen hersteld: 85 procent." "[english]HEV_16P" "Power restored ... 85 percent." "HEV_17P" "Vermogen hersteld: 90 procent." "[english]HEV_17P" "Power restored ... 90 percent." "HEV_18P" "Vermogen hersteld: 95 procent." "[english]HEV_18P" "Power restored ... 95 percent." "HEV_19P" "Vermogen is 100 procent." "[english]HEV_19P" "Power level is ... 100 percent." "HEV_AMO0" "Munitie op." "[english]HEV_AMO0" "Ammunition depleted." "HEV_V0" "Stemsysteem ingeschakeld." "[english]HEV_V0" "Voice system activated." "HEV_V1" "Stemsysteem uitgeschakeld." "[english]HEV_V1" "Voice system deactivated." "HEV_E0" "Harnas beschadigd." "[english]HEV_E0" "Armour compromised." "HEV_E1" "Harnas beschadigd." "[english]HEV_E1" "Armour compromised." "HEV_E2" "Kritieke fout HEV. Fout." "[english]HEV_E2" "HEV - critical failure. Failure." "HEV_E3" "Algemene fout HEV." "[english]HEV_E3" "HEV - general failure." "HEV_E4" "HEV beschadigd." "[english]HEV_E4" "HEV - damage sustained." "HEV_E5" "Waarschuwing. Overbelasting vermogenssysteem." "[english]HEV_E5" "Warning. Power movement system overload." "HEV_F1" "1" "[english]HEV_F1" "1" "HEV_F2" "2" "[english]HEV_F2" "2" "HEV_F3" "3" "[english]HEV_F3" "3" "HEV_F4" "4" "[english]HEV_F4" "4" "HEV_F5" "5" "[english]HEV_F5" "5" "HEV_F6" "6" "[english]HEV_F6" "6" "HEV_F7" "7" "[english]HEV_F7" "7" "HEV_F8" "8" "[english]HEV_F8" "8" "HEV_F9" "9" "[english]HEV_F9" "9" "HEV_F10" "Resterende tijd: 10 seconden." "[english]HEV_F10" "Time remaining ... 10 seconds." "HEV_F15" "Resterende tijd: 15 seconden." "[english]HEV_F15" "Time remaining ... 15 seconds." "HEV_F20" "Resterende tijd: 20 seconden." "[english]HEV_F20" "Time remaining ... 20 seconds." "HEV_F30" "Resterende tijd: 30 seconden." "[english]HEV_F30" "Time remaining ... 30 seconds." "HEV_DET0" "Waarschuwing. Biologisch risico gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_DET0" "Warning. Biohazard detected." "HEV_DET1" "Waarschuwing. Gevaarlijke chemicaliën gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_DET1" "Warning. Hazardous chemical detected." "HEV_DET2" "Waarschuwing. Gevaarlijke stralingsniveaus gedetecteerd." "[english]HEV_DET2" "Warning. Hazardous radiation levels detected." "HEV_DET3" "Mogelijke biometing." "[english]HEV_DET3" "Possible bio reading." "HEV_DET4" "Zenuwgas toegediend. 100 procent." "[english]HEV_DET4" "Antitoxin administered. 100 percent." "HEV_DET5" "Zenuwgas toegediend. Waarschuwing. Gevaarlijke stralingsniveaus gedetecteerd. 100 procent." "[english]HEV_DET5" "Antitoxin administered. Warning. Hazardous radiation levels detected. 100 percent." "HEV_GR0" "afstand 20 meter" "[english]HEV_GR0" "range 20 meters" "HEV_GR1" "afstand 19 meter" "[english]HEV_GR1" "range 19 meters" "HEV_GR2" "afstand 18 meter" "[english]HEV_GR2" "range 18 meters" "HEV_GR3" "afstand 17 meter" "[english]HEV_GR3" "range 17 meters" "HEV_GR4" "afstand 16 meter" "[english]HEV_GR4" "range 16 meters" "HEV_GR5" "afstand 15 meter" "[english]HEV_GR5" "range 15 meters" "HEV_GR6" "afstand 14 meter" "[english]HEV_GR6" "range 14 meters" "HEV_GR7" "afstand 13 meter" "[english]HEV_GR7" "range 13 meters" "HEV_GR8" "afstand 12 meter" "[english]HEV_GR8" "range 12 meters" "HEV_GR9" "afstand 11 meter" "[english]HEV_GR9" "range 11 meters" "HEV_GR10" "afstand 10 meter" "[english]HEV_GR10" "range 10 meters" "HEV_GR11" "afstand 9 meter" "[english]HEV_GR11" "range 9 meters" "HEV_GR12" "afstand 8 meter" "[english]HEV_GR12" "range 8 meters" "HEV_GR13" "afstand 7 meter" "[english]HEV_GR13" "range 7 meters" "HEV_GR14" "afstand 6 meter" "[english]HEV_GR14" "range 6 meters" "HEV_GR15" "afstand 5 meter" "[english]HEV_GR15" "range 5 meters" "HEV_GR16" "afstand 4 meter" "[english]HEV_GR16" "range 4 meters" "HEV_GR17" "afstand 3 meter" "[english]HEV_GR17" "range 3 meters" "HEV_GR18" "afstand 2 meter" "[english]HEV_GR18" "range 2 meters" "HEV_GR19" "afstand 1 meter" "[english]HEV_GR19" "range 1 meter" "HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" "[Waarschuwing gezondheid!]" "[english]HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" "[Low Health Warning!]" "HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" "[Waarschuwing munitie!]" "[english]HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" "[Low Ammunition Warning!]" "HL2Player.SprintNoPower" "[Sprint leeg]" "[english]HL2Player.SprintNoPower" "[Sprint Depleted]" "HL2Player.SprintStart" "[Sprint aan]" "[english]HL2Player.SprintStart" "[Sprint On]" "HL2Player.UseDeny" "[Onbruikbaar]" "[english]HL2Player.UseDeny" "[Can't Use]" "Player.Death" "[Dood]" "[english]Player.Death" "[Death]" "Player.PlasmaDamage" "[In brand]" "[english]Player.PlasmaDamage" "[Burning]" "Player.SonicDamage" "[Sonische schade]" "[english]Player.SonicDamage" "[Sonic Damage]" "Player.DrownStart" "[Verdrinken]" "[english]Player.DrownStart" "[Drowning]" "Player.FallDamage" "[Valschade]" "[english]Player.FallDamage" "[Falling Damage]" "Player.FallGib" "[Splet!]" "[english]Player.FallGib" "[Splat!]" "Player.UseDeny" "[Onbruikbaar]" "[english]Player.UseDeny" "[Can't Use]" "Player.pickupweapon" "[Wapen oppakken]" "[english]Player.pickupweapon" "[Weapon pickup]" "Geiger.BeepLow" "[Langzame Geiger-tik]" "[english]Geiger.BeepLow" "[Slow Geiger tick]" "Geiger.BeepHigh" "[Snelle Geiger-tik]" "[english]Geiger.BeepHigh" "[Fast Geiger tick]" "TriggerSuperArmor.StartCharging" "[Begin opladen]" "[english]TriggerSuperArmor.StartCharging" "[Start Charging]" "TriggerSuperArmor.DoneCharging" "[Einde opladen]" "[english]TriggerSuperArmor.DoneCharging" "[End Charging]" "ItemBattery.Touch" "[Batterij oppakken]" "[english]ItemBattery.Touch" "[Battery Pickup]" "HealthKit.Touch" "[Medkit oppakken]" "[english]HealthKit.Touch" "[Medkit Pickup]" "HealthVial.Touch" "[Gezondheidsflesje oppakken]" "[english]HealthVial.Touch" "[Health Vial Pickup]" "WallHealth.Deny" "[Weigert]" "[english]WallHealth.Deny" "[Deny]" "WallHealth.Start" "[Begin genezing]" "[english]WallHealth.Start" "[Begin Healing]" "SuitRecharge.Deny" "[Weigert]" "[english]SuitRecharge.Deny" "[Deny]" "SuitRecharge.Start" "[Begin opladen]" "[english]SuitRecharge.Start" "[Begin Charging]" "NPC_Alyx.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Alyx.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Alyx.PushButton1" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushButton1" "[Button Sound]" "NPC_Alyx.PushButton2" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushButton2" "[Button Sound]" "NPC_Alyx.PushKeypad1" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushKeypad1" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Coin" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Coin" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Button" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Button" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Hit" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Hit" " " "NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Start" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Start" " " "NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Land" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Land" " " "NPC_Alyx.ScrapYard_Hop" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.ScrapYard_Hop" " " "NPC_Alyx.ClimbLadder1" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.ClimbLadder1" " " "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttack" "[Aanvallende antlion]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttack" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.BurrowIn" "[Wroetende antlion]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.BurrowIn" "[Antlion Burrowing]" "NPC_Antlion.BurrowOut" "[Naderende antlion]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.BurrowOut" "[Antlion Emerging]" "NPC_Antlion.FootstepSoft" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.FootstepSoft" " " "NPC_Antlion.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Footstep" " " "NPC_Antlion.FootstepHeavy" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.FootstepHeavy" " " "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackSingle" "[Aanvallende antlion]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackSingle" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackDouble" "[Aanvallende antlion]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackDouble" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.Distracted" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Distracted" " " "NPC_Antlion.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Idle" " " "NPC_Antlion.Pain" "[Pijn antlion]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.Pain" "[Antlion Pain]" "NPC_Antlion.JumpTouch" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.JumpTouch" " " "NPC_Antlion.Land" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Land" " " "NPC_Antlion.WingsOpen" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.WingsOpen" " " "NPC_Antlion.LoopingAgitated" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.LoopingAgitated" " " "NPC_AntlionGrub.Scared" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGrub.Scared" " " "NPC_AntlionGrub.Squash" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGrub.Squash" " " "FX_AntlionImpact.ShellImpact" " " "[english]FX_AntlionImpact.ShellImpact" " " "NPC_Antlion.RunOverByVehicle" "[Knars antlion]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.RunOverByVehicle" "[Antlion Crunch]" "NPC_Antlion.Movement" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Movement" " " "NPC_Antlion.Voice" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Voice" " " "NPC_Antlion.Heal" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Heal" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.SniffFound" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.SniffFound" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Shove" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Shove" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.HitHard" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.HitHard" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.StepLight" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.StepLight" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.StepHeavy" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.StepHeavy" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Anger" "[Antlion-guard boos]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Anger" "[Antlion Guard Angry]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlHigh" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlHigh" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlIdle" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlIdle" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.BreathSound" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.BreathSound" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Confused" "[Antlion-guard verward]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Confused" "[Antlion Guard Confused]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Roar" "[Antlion-guard brult]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Roar" "[Antlion Guard Roar]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Die" "[Antlion-guard dood]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Die" "[Antlion Guard Death]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Fallover" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Fallover" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.FireGun" "[Hunter-heli achtervolgt]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.FireGun" "[Hunter-Chopper Pursuit]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeGun" "[Hunter-heli valt aan]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeGun" "[Hunter-Chopper Charging]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeDownGun" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeDownGun" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorBlast" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorBlast" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.NearFlyby" "[Hunter-heli vliegt over]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.NearFlyby" "[Hunter-Chopper Flyby]" "NPC_AttackHelicopterGrenade.Ping" "[Hunter-heli bom-ping]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopterGrenade.Ping" "[Hunter-Chopper Bomb Ping]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.DropMine" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.DropMine" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.MegabombAlert" "[Hunter-heli bomalarm]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.MegabombAlert" "[Hunter-Chopper Bombing Alert]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.BadlyDamagedAlert" "[Hunter-heli beschadigd]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.BadlyDamagedAlert" "[Hunter-Chopper Damaged]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.CrashingAlarm1" "[Hunter-heli alarm]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.CrashingAlarm1" "[Hunter-Chopper Alarm]" "NPC_Helicopter.FireRocket" "[Hunter-heli raket afgevuurd]" "[english]NPC_Helicopter.FireRocket" "[Hunter-Chopper Rocket Fired]" "NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" "[Zeepok bijt]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" "[Barnacle Bite]" "NPC_Barnacle.Die" "[Zeepok dood]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Die" "[Barnacle Death]" "NPC_Barnacle.TongueOut" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.TongueOut" " " "NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" " " "NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" "[Zeepok trekt]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" "[Barnacle Pull]" "NPC_Barnacle.Grunt" "[Zeepok gromt]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Grunt" "[Barnacle Grunt]" "NPC_Barnacle.BabyGrunt" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.BabyGrunt" " " "NPC_Barnacle.Scream" "[Zeepok schreeuwt]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Scream" "[Barnacle Scream]" "NPC_Barnacle.Digest" "[Zeepok spijsvertering]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Digest" "[Barnacle Digestion]" "NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" "[Zeepok botbreuk]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" "[Barnacle Bonebreak]" "NPC_Barney.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Barney.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Barney.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Barney.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Bite" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Attack" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Attack" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.FootstepWalk" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.FootstepWalk" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Telegraph" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Telegraph" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Threat" "[Headcrab dreiging]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Threat" "[Headcrab Threat]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Idle" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Talk" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Talk" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.AlertVoice" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.AlertVoice" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Pain" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab dood]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Impact" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Impact" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.ImpactAngry" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.ImpactAngry" " " "NPC_Combine.WeaponBash" " " "[english]NPC_Combine.WeaponBash" " " "NPC_CombineS.DissolveScream" "*Combine-soldaat dood*" "[english]NPC_CombineS.DissolveScream" "*Combine Soldier Death*" "NPC_CombineS.ElectrocuteScream" "*Combine-soldaat dood*" "[english]NPC_CombineS.ElectrocuteScream" "*Combine Soldier Death*" "NPC_CombineBall.Explosion" "[EXPLOSIE!]" "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Explosion" "[Explosion!]" "NPC_CombineBall.HoldingInPhysCannon" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.HoldingInPhysCannon" " " "NPC_CombineBall.WhizFlyby" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.WhizFlyby" " " "NPC_CombineBall.Launch" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Launch" " " "NPC_CombineBall.KillImpact" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.KillImpact" " " "NPC_CombineBall.Impact" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Impact" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Retire" "[Camera terugtrekken]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Retire" "[Camera Retire]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Deploy" "[Camera gereedmaken]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Deploy" "[Camera Deploy]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Move" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Move" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Active" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Active" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.BecomeIdle" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.BecomeIdle" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Alert" "[Camera waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Alert" "[Camera Alert]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Angry" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Angry" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Ping" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Ping" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Click" "[Camera klikt]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Click" "[Camera Click]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Die" "[Camera vernietigd]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Die" "[Camera Destroyed]" "NPC_CombineMine.Hop" "[Mijnhop]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.Hop" "[Mine Hop]" "NPC_CombineMine.FlipOver" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.FlipOver" " " "NPC_CombineMine.TurnOn" "[Mijn ingeschakeld]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.TurnOn" "[Mine Activated]" "NPC_CombineMine.TurnOff" "[Mijn uitgeschakeld]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.TurnOff" "[Mine De-activated]" "NPC_CombineMine.OpenHooks" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.OpenHooks" " " "NPC_CombineMine.CloseHooks" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.CloseHooks" " " "NPC_CombineMine.ActiveLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.ActiveLoop" " " "NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Crow.Hop" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Hop" " " "NPC_Crow.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Gib" " " "NPC_Crow.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Idle" " " "NPC_Crow.Alert" "[Kraai waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Alert" "[Crow Alert]" "NPC_Crow.Pain" "[Kraai pijn]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Pain" "[Crow Pain]" "NPC_Crow.Die" "[Kraai dood]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Die" "[Crow Death]" "NPC_Crow.Flap" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Flap" " " "NPC_Crow.Squawk" "[Kraai krijst!]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Squawk" "[Crow Squawk!]" "NPC_dog.Idlemode_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Idlemode_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Combatmode_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Combatmode_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Roll_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Roll_1" " " "NPC_dog.Slide" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Slide" " " "NPC_dog.PoundGround" "[Dog stampt op de grond]" "[english]NPC_dog.PoundGround" "[Dog Pounding Ground]" "NPC_dog.PoundGround_hard" "[Dog stampt op de grond]" "[english]NPC_dog.PoundGround_hard" "[Dog Pounding Ground]" "NPC_dog.MetalHit_Soft_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.MetalHit_Soft_1" " " "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Pickup" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Pickup" " " "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Rattle" "[Ratel-ratel!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Rattle" "[Rattle-rattle!]" "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Drop" "[Klap!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Drop" "[Crash!]" "NPC_dog.Servo_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_1" " " "NPC_dog.Servo_up_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_up_1" " " "NPC_dog.Servo_dn_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_dn_1" " " "NPC_dog.Pneumatic_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Pneumatic_1" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_1" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_2" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_2" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_3" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_3" " " "NPC_dog.Rock_Lift1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Rock_Lift1" " " "NPC_dog.Rock_Drop" "[Plof op rots]" "[english]NPC_dog.Rock_Drop" "[Rock Thud]" "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Creak" "[Deur kraakt]" "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Creak" "[Door Creak]" "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Opened" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Opened" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closing" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closing" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closed" "[Deur dicht]" "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closed" "[Door Closed]" "NPC_dog.Scrape_Car" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Scrape_Car" " " "NPC_dog.Throw_Car" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Throw_Car" " " "NPC_dog.Pain_1" "[Dog beschadigd]" "[english]NPC_dog.Pain_1" "[Dog Damaged]" "NPC_dog.Pain_2" "[Dog beschadigd]" "[english]NPC_dog.Pain_2" "[Dog Damaged]" "NPC_dog.Surprise_1" "[Dog verbaasd]" "[english]NPC_dog.Surprise_1" "[Dog Surprised]" "NPC_dog.Surprise_2" "[Dog verbaasd]" "[english]NPC_dog.Surprise_2" "[Dog Surprised]" "NPC_dog.Scared_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Scared_1" " " "NPC_dog.Talk_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Talk_1" " " "NPC_dog.Angry_1" "[Dog boos]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_1" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Angry_2" "[Dog boos]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_2" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Angry_3" "[Dog boos]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_3" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Curious_1" "[Dog nieuwsgierig]" "[english]NPC_dog.Curious_1" "[Dog Curious]" "NPC_dog.Dissapointed_1" "[Dog teleurgesteld]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dissapointed_1" "[Dog Disappointed]" "NPC_dog.Growl_1" "[Dog gromt]" "[english]NPC_dog.Growl_1" "[Dog Growl]" "NPC_dog.Growl_2" "[Dog gromt]" "[english]NPC_dog.Growl_2" "[Dog Growl]" "NPC_dog.Laugh_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Laugh_1" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_1" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_3" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_3" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_4" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_4" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_5" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_5" " " "NPC_dog.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_dog.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_dog.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_dog.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_dog.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_dog.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_dog.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_dog.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_dog.Hang_On_Dropship" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Hang_On_Dropship" " " "NPC_dog.Thrown_Car_Hits_Ground" "[Klap!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Thrown_Car_Hits_Ground" "[Crash!]" "NPC_CombineDropship.RotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.RotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.NearRotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.NearRotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.FireLoop" "[Dropship achtervolgt]" "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.FireLoop" "[Dropship Pursuit]" "NPC_CombineDropship.OnGroundRotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.OnGroundRotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.DescendingWarningLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.DescendingWarningLoop" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Idle" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Pain" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab dood]" "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Bite" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Attack" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Attack" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_FastZombie.LeapAttack" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.LeapAttack" " " "NPC_FastZombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_FastZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_FastZombie.AttackHit" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AttackHit" " " "NPC_FastZombie.AttackMiss" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AttackMiss" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Attack" "[Aanvallende zombie]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Attack" "[Zombie Attack]" "NPC_FastZombie.Idle" "*huil*" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Idle" "*howl*" "NPC_FastZombie.AlertFar" "[Zombie waarschuwing veraf]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AlertFar" "[Distant Zombie Alert]" "NPC_FastZombie.AlertNear" "[Zombie waarschuwing dichtbij]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AlertNear" "[Nearby Zombie Alert]" "NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft" " " "NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Scream" "[Zombie schreeuwt]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Scream" "[Zombie Scream]" "NPC_FastZombie.RangeAttack" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.RangeAttack" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Frenzy" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Frenzy" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Moan1" "*kreun*" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_FastZombie.Gurgle" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Gurgle" " " "NPC_FastZombie.NoSound" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.NoSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStartSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStartSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStopSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStopSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.DyingSound" "[Gunship dood]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.DyingSound" "[Gunship Dying]" "NPC_CombineGunship.RotorSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.RotorSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.ExhaustSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.ExhaustSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.RotorBlastSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.RotorBlastSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.SearchPing" "[Gunship ping]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.SearchPing" "[Gunship Ping]" "NPC_CombineGunship.PatrolPing" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.PatrolPing" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.SeeEnemy" "[Gunship waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.SeeEnemy" "[Gunship Alert]" "NPC_CombineGunship.Pain" "[Gunship beschadigd]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.Pain" "[Gunship Damaged]" "NPC_CombineGunship.Explode" "[Gunship explosie]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.Explode" "[Gunship Explosion]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Burning" "[Headcrab in brand]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Burning" "[Headcrab Burning]" "NPC_HeadCrab.StopBurning" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.StopBurning" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Gib" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Idle" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Alert" "[Headcrab waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Pain" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Die" "[Headcrab dood]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Bite" " " "NPC_Headcrab.Attack" "[Aanvallende headcrab]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.Attack" "[Headcrab attack]" "NPC_Headcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_Headcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_Headcrab.BurrowIn" "[Headcrab graaft]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.BurrowIn" "[Headcrab Digging]" "NPC_Headcrab.BurrowOut" "[Naderende headcrab]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.BurrowOut" "[Headcrab Emerging]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.Growl" "[Ichthyosaurus gromt]" "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.Growl" "[Ichthyosaur Growl]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.AttackGrowl" "[Ichthyosaurus brult]" "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.AttackGrowl" "[Ichthyosaur Roar]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.Bite" " " "NPC_Ichthyosaur.BiteMiss" " " "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.BiteMiss" " " "WateryDeath.Warn" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Warn" " " "WateryDeath.Pull" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Pull" " " "WateryDeath.Bite" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Bite" " " "NPC_Manhack.Die" "[Manhack dood]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Die" "[Manhack Death]" "NPC_Manhack.Bat" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Bat" " " "NPC_Manhack.Splash" "[Plons!]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Splash" "[Splash!]" "NPC_Manhack.Slice" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Slice" " " "NPC_Manhack.Grind" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Grind" " " "NPC_Manhack.EngineNoise" "[Manhack motor]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineNoise" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.Unpack" "[Manhack gereedmaken]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Unpack" "[Manhack Deploy]" "NPC_Manhack.EngineSound1" "[Manhack motor]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineSound1" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.EngineSound2" "[Manhack motor]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineSound2" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.BladeSound" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.BladeSound" " " "NPC_Manhack.ChargeAnnounce" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.ChargeAnnounce" " " "NPC_Manhack.ChargeEnd" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.ChargeEnd" " " "NPC_Manhack.Stunned" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Stunned" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.SentenceParameters" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.SentenceParameters" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.HitByVehicle" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.HitByVehicle" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Shove" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Shove" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.HidingSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.HidingSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.LocateSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.LocateSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.OnFireScream" "*gegil*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.OnFireScream" "*screaming*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Pain" "*pijn*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Pain" "*pain*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Die" "*dood*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Die" "*death*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.Off" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.Off" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.On" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.On" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Stay" "Wacht even." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Stay" "Hold it." "NPC_MetroPolice.Warn" "[Waarschuwing vijand]" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Warn" "[Enemy Warning]" "NPC_MetroPolice.WaterSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.WaterSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong1" "Doorlopen." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong1" "Move along!" "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong2" "Doorlopen zeg ik!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong2" "I said move!" "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong3" "Bereid je voor op veroordeling!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong3" "Prepare for judgment!" "NPC_CombineS.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_CombineS.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Combine.RadioChatter" "[Combine-radiogebabbel]" "[english]NPC_Combine.RadioChatter" "[Combine Radio: Chatter]" "NPC_Combine.Alert" "[Combine-radio: waarschuwing!]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Alert" "[Combine Radio: Alert!]" "NPC_Combine.Pain" "*pijn*" "[english]NPC_Combine.Pain" "*pain*" "NPC_Combine.Death" "*dood*" "[english]NPC_Combine.Death" "*death*" "NPC_Combine.Grenade" "[Combine-radio: waarschuwing granaat!]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Grenade" "[Combine Radio: Grenade Alert!]" "NPC_Combine.Last" "[Combine-radio: verzoek om versterking]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Last" "[Combine Radio: Requesting Backup]" "NPC_Combine.Coord" "[Combine-radio: tactisch]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Coord" "[Combine Radio: Tactical]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Die" "[Zombie dood]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Die" "[Zombie Death]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.ThrowWarn" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.ThrowWarn" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.Throw" "[Parasiet gegooid]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Throw" "[Parasite Thrown]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Idle" "*kreun*" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Idle" "*moan*" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Pain" "[Zombie pijn]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Pain" "[Zombie Pain]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Alert" "[Zombie waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Alert" "[Zombie Alert]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.FastBreath" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FastBreath" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.Moan1" "*kreun*" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_RollerMine.Roll" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Roll" " " "NPC_RollerMine.RollWithSpikes" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.RollWithSpikes" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Tossed" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Tossed" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Held" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Held" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Taunt" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Taunt" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Ping" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Ping" " " "NPC_RollerMine.OpenSpikes" "[Rolmijn gereedmaken]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.OpenSpikes" "[Rollermine Deploy]" "NPC_RollerMine.CloseSpikes" "[Rolmijn terugtrekken]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.CloseSpikes" "[Rollermine Retract]" "NPC_RollerMine.Shock" "[Rolmijn schok]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Shock" "[Rollermine Shock]" "NPC_RollerMine.Hurt" "[Rolmijn beschadigd]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Hurt" "[Rollermine Damaged]" "NPC_RollerMine.Chirp" "[Rolmijn tjirpt]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Chirp" "[Rollermine Chirp]" "NPC_RollerMine.ChirpRespond" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.ChirpRespond" " " "NPC_RollerMine.JoltVehicle" "[Rolmijn schok]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.JoltVehicle" "[Rollermine Jolt]" "NPC_CScanner.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Gib" " " "NPC_CScanner.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Shoot" " " "NPC_CScanner.Alert" "[Scanner waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Alert" "[Scanner Alert]" "NPC_CScanner.Die" "[Scanner dood]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Die" "[Scanner Death]" "NPC_CScanner.Combat" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Combat" " " "NPC_CScanner.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Idle" " " "NPC_CScanner.Pain" "[Scanner beschadigd]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Pain" "[Scanner Damaged]" "NPC_CScanner.TakePhoto" "[Scanner klikt]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.TakePhoto" "[Scanner Click]" "NPC_CScanner.PreFlash" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.PreFlash" " " "NPC_CScanner.PreGas" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.PreGas" " " "NPC_CScanner.AttackFlash" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.AttackFlash" " " "NPC_CScanner.AttackGas" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.AttackGas" " " "NPC_CScanner.DiveBomb" "[Scanner duikbom]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.DiveBomb" "[Scanner Divebomb]" "NPC_SScanner.FlySound" " " "[english]NPC_SScanner.FlySound" " " "NPC_CScanner.DiveBombFlyby" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.DiveBombFlyby" " " "NPC_CScanner.OpenEye" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.OpenEye" " " "NPC_CScanner.Illuminate" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Illuminate" " " "NPC_CScanner.FlyLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.FlyLoop" " " "NPC_Sniper.Idle" "<[Combine Radio: Sniper Chatter]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Idle" "<[Combine Radio: Sniper Chatter]" "NPC_Sniper.Alert" "[Sluipschutter waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Alert" "[Sniper Alert]" "NPC_Sniper.Die" "[Sluipschutter dood]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Die" "[Sniper Death]" "NPC_Sniper.TargetHidden" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.TargetHidden" " " "NPC_Sniper.CoverDestroyed" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.CoverDestroyed" " " "NPC_Sniper.TargetDestroyed" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.TargetDestroyed" " " "NPC_Sniper.HearDanger" "[Sluipschutter waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.HearDanger" "[Sniper Alert]" "NPC_Sniper.FireBullet" "[Sluitschutter schiet]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.FireBullet" "[Sniper Shot]" "NPC_Sniper.Reload" "[Sluipschutter herlaadt]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Reload" "[Sniper Reload]" "NPC_Sniper.SonicBoom" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.SonicBoom" " " "NPC_Strider.Alert" "[Strider waarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Alert" "[Strider Alert]" "NPC_Strider.Pain" "[Strider pijn]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Pain" "[Strider Pain]" "NPC_Strider.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Idle" " " "NPC_Strider.Death" "[Strider dood]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Death" "[Strider Death]" "NPC_Strider.Charge" "[Strider aanval]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Charge" "[Strider Charge]" "NPC_Strider.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Shoot" " " "NPC_Strider.FireMinigun" "[Strider minigun]" "[english]NPC_Strider.FireMinigun" "[Strider Minigun]" "NPC_Strider.Whoosh" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Whoosh" " " "NPC_Strider.Footstep" "[Strider voetstappen]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Footstep" "[Strider Footsteps]" "NPC_Strider.Creak" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Creak" " " "NPC_Strider.Skewer" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Skewer" " " "NPC_Strider.RagdollDetach" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.RagdollDetach" " " "NPC_Strider.OpenHatch" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.OpenHatch" " " "NPC_Strider.DieFalling" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.DieFalling" " " "NPC_Strider.HitGround" "[Klap!]" "[english]NPC_Strider.HitGround" "[Crash!]" "NPC_Strider.SkewerHitBody" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.SkewerHitBody" " " "NPC_Strider.SkewerTalk" "*schreeuw*" "[english]NPC_Strider.SkewerTalk" "*scream*" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Retire" "[Turret terugtrekken]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Retire" "[Turret Retire]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Deploy" "[Turret gereedmaken]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Deploy" "[Turret Deploy]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Move" " " "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Move" " " "NPC_CeilingTurret.Active" " " "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Active" " " "NPC_CeilingTurret.Alert" "[Turretwaarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Alert" "[Turret Alert]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Shoot" "[Turret vuurt]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Shoot" "[Turret Firing]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Ping" "[Turret-ping]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Ping" "[Turret Ping]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Die" "[Turret dood]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Retire" "[Turret terugtrekken]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Retire" "[Turret Retire]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Deploy" "[Turret gereedmaken]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Deploy" "[Turret Deploy]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Move" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Move" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.Activate" "[Turret ingeschakeld]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Activate" "[Turret Activated]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Alert" "[Turretwaarschuwing]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Alert" "[Turret Alert]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Shoot" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.Die" "[Turret dood]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Retract" "[Turret intrekken]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Retract" "[Turret Retract]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Alarm" "[Turretalarm]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Alarm" "[Turret Alarm]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" "[Turret-ping]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" "[Turret Ping]" "NPC_GroundTurret.Die" "[Turret dood]" "[english]NPC_GroundTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitOn" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitOn" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitCharge" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitCharge" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Claw" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Claw" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Shoot" "[Vortigaunt straalaanval]" "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Shoot" "[Vortigaunt Beam Attack]" "NPC_Vortigaunt.Swing" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Swing" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Kick" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Kick" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.ClawBeam" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.ClawBeam" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.PoundDoor" " " "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.PoundDoor" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.Swat" " " "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Swat" " " "Zombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]Zombie.FootstepRight" " " "Zombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]Zombie.FootstepLeft" " " "Zombie.ScuffRight" " " "[english]Zombie.ScuffRight" " " "Zombie.ScuffLeft" " " "[english]Zombie.ScuffLeft" " " "Zombie.AttackHit" " " "[english]Zombie.AttackHit" " " "Zombie.AttackMiss" " " "[english]Zombie.AttackMiss" " " "Zombie.Pain" "[Zombie pijn]" "[english]Zombie.Pain" "[Zombie Pain]" "Zombie.Alert" "[Zombie waarschuwing]" "[english]Zombie.Alert" "[Zombie Alert]" "Zombie.Idle" "*kreun*" "[english]Zombie.Idle" "*moan*" "Zombie.Die" "*Zombie dood*" "[english]Zombie.Die" "*Zombie Death*" "Zombie.Attack" " " "[english]Zombie.Attack" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" "*kreun*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" "*kreun*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" "*kreun*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" "*kreun*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" "*moan*" "combine.door_lock" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]combine.door_lock" "[Locked]" "combine.sheild_touch" "[Zoemtoon krachtveld]" "[english]combine.sheild_touch" "[Forcefield hum]" "d1_trainstation.city_voice_misscount" "Waarschuwingsstem: Mistelling gedetecteerd in sector" "[english]d1_trainstation.city_voice_misscount" "Warning Voice: Miscount Detected In Sector" "d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop1" "[Alarm]" "[english]d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop1" "[Alarm]" "d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop2" "[Alarm]" "[english]d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop2" "[Alarm]" "d1_trainstation.citizen_hitpain" "*pijn*" "[english]d1_trainstation.citizen_hitpain" "*pain*" "d1_trainstation.boots_on_stairs" "[Laarzen op de trap!]" "[english]d1_trainstation.boots_on_stairs" "[Bootsteps on stairs!]" "Trainyard.sodamachine_empty" "[Leeg]" "[english]Trainyard.sodamachine_empty" "[Empty]" "Trainyard.alyx_emp_spark" "[EMP-apparaat ontploft!]" "[english]Trainyard.alyx_emp_spark" "[EMP Device Burst!]" "d1_trainstation_01.combinelock_unlock" "[Ontgrendeld]" "[english]d1_trainstation_01.combinelock_unlock" "[Unlocked]" "d1_trainstation_01.citizen_introom_beating" "*pijn*" "[english]d1_trainstation_01.citizen_introom_beating" "*pain*" "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorknock" "[Bonzen op de deur]" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorknock" "[Door Pounding]" "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorkick" "[KLAP!]" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorkick" "[CRASH!]" "d1_trainstation_03.citizen_beating" "*gedempt geluid van bestraffing*" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.citizen_beating" "*muffled beating*" "Trainyard.train_horn" "[Toeterende trein]" "[english]Trainyard.train_horn" "[Train Horn]" "Trainyard.doll" "[Mama!]" "[english]Trainyard.doll" "[Ma-ma!]" "Trainyard.door_pound" "[Klopklopklop!]" "[english]Trainyard.door_pound" "[Knock knock knock!]" "k_lab.ickyscene_growl1" "[Grom...]" "[english]k_lab.ickyscene_growl1" "[Growl...]" "k_lab.ickyscene_growl2" " " "[english]k_lab.ickyscene_growl2" " " "k_lab.eyescanner_use" "[Oogscan inschakelen]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_use" "[Eye-scanner Activate]" "k_lab.eyescanner_fail" "[Oogscan mislukt]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_fail" "[Eye-scan Failed]" "k_lab.eyescanner_success" "[Oogscan goedgekeurd]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_success" "[Eye-scan Approved]" "k_lab.distantsiren" "[Sirene veraf]" "[english]k_lab.distantsiren" "[Distant Siren]" "k_lab.headcrab_in_vent" "[Gescharrel in luchtbuis]" "[english]k_lab.headcrab_in_vent" "[Scurrying in airduct]" "k_lab.teleport_heartbeat" "[Hartslag...]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_heartbeat" "[Heartbeat...]" "k_lab.teleport_breathing" "[Ademhaling...]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_breathing" "[Breathing...]" "k_lab.teleport_sound" "[Zap!]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_sound" "[Zap!]" "razortrain_horn" "[Toeterende trein!]" "[english]razortrain_horn" "[Train Horn!]" "train_horn_01" "[Toeterende trein!]" "[english]train_horn_01" "[Train horn!]" "razortrain_wheels" "[Piepende treinwielen!]" "[english]razortrain_wheels" "[Train wheels screeching!]" "underground_steamjet" "[Stoomgesis]" "[english]underground_steamjet" "[Steam hiss]" "d1_canals.Floodgate_Klaxon" "[Claxon!]" "[english]d1_canals.Floodgate_Klaxon" "[Klaxon!]" "d1_canals.Floodgate_AlarmBellLoop" "[Claxon!]" "[english]d1_canals.Floodgate_AlarmBellLoop" "[Klaxon!]" "canals_citadel_siren" "[Citadel sirene!]" "[english]canals_citadel_siren" "[Citadel siren!]" "d1_canals_03.siren01" "[Sirene!]" "[english]d1_canals_03.siren01" "[Siren!]" "water_flood_in" "[Binnenstromend water]" "[english]water_flood_in" "[Inrushing Water]" "water_flood_out" "[Uitstromend water]" "[english]water_flood_out" "[Outrushing Water]" "train_forcefield" "[Zoemtoon krachtveld]" "[english]train_forcefield" "[Forcefield Hum]" "train_crossing_bell" "[Spoorwegovergang]" "[english]train_crossing_bell" "[Train Crossing Bell]" "apc_siren1" "[APC-sirene!]" "[english]apc_siren1" "[APC Siren!]" "canals.locks_tower_precollapse" "[Krakende toren!]" "[english]canals.locks_tower_precollapse" "[Tower Creaking!]" "d1_canals_05.canister_open" "[Granaat opent]" "[english]d1_canals_05.canister_open" "[Canister Opening]" "d1_canals.metropolice_thereheis" "Daar is hij!" "[english]d1_canals.metropolice_thereheis" "There he is!" "d1_canals.headcrabbing_moan" "*kreun!*" "[english]d1_canals.headcrabbing_moan" "*Moan!*" "eli_lab.elevator_ding" "[Liftbel]" "[english]eli_lab.elevator_ding" "[Elevator Bell]" "eli_lab.firebell_loop_1" "[Claxon]" "[english]eli_lab.firebell_loop_1" "[Klaxon]" "eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_pound" "[Gebons!]" "[english]eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_pound" "[Pounding!]" "eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_bend" "[Schrapend metaal]" "[english]eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_bend" "[Metal Screeching]" "eli_lab.attack_battleloop_1" "[AANVAL!]" "[english]eli_lab.attack_battleloop_1" "[ATTACK!]" "d1_town.Slicer" "[Kapgeluid]" "[english]d1_town.Slicer" "[Slice]" "d1_town.TramHouseStart" "[Tram start]" "[english]d1_town.TramHouseStart" "[Tram start]" "d1_town.TramStop" "[Tram stopt]" "[english]d1_town.TramStop" "[Tram stop]" "d1_town.SlicerCartStop" "[Snijmachine stopt]" "[english]d1_town.SlicerCartStop" "[Slicer stop]" "d1_town.CarHit" "[KLAP!]" "[english]d1_town.CarHit" "[CRASH!]" "d1_town.FlameTrapIgnite" "[Vlam ontbrandt]" "[english]d1_town.FlameTrapIgnite" "[Flame ignite]" "d1_town.GasJet" "[Sissende gasopening]" "[english]d1_town.GasJet" "[Hissing gas jet]" "E3_Phystown.Slicer" "[Sjwik!]" "[english]E3_Phystown.Slicer" "[Schwick!]" "Town.d1_town_01_lightswitch2" "[Ontstekingsvonk]" "[english]Town.d1_town_01_lightswitch2" "[Ignition Spark]" "Town.d1_town_03_metalgrate3" "[Ratelende rioolpijp]" "[english]Town.d1_town_03_metalgrate3" "[Gutterpipe rattling]" "Town.d1_town_02_metalgrate3" "[Ratelende rioolpijp]" "[english]Town.d1_town_02_metalgrate3" "[Gutterpipe rattling]" "coast.thumper_hit" "[Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!]" "[english]coast.thumper_hit" "[Thump! Thump! Thump!]" "coast.thumper_large_hit" "[Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!]" "[english]coast.thumper_large_hit" "[Thump! Thump! Thump!]" "coast.thumper_startup" "[Antlion-afweer start]" "[english]coast.thumper_startup" "[Starting Antlion Repeller]" "coast.thumper_shutdown" "[Antlion-afweer stopt]" "[english]coast.thumper_shutdown" "[Stopping Antlion Repeller]" "coast.bunker_siren1" "[Bunkersirene]" "[english]coast.bunker_siren1" "[Bunker Siren]" "coast.bunker_siren2" "[Bunkersirene]" "[english]coast.bunker_siren2" "[Bunker Siren]" "coast.gaspump_ignite" "[Gaspomp ontbrandt]" "[english]coast.gaspump_ignite" "[Gaspump Ignites]" "coast.leech_bites_loop" "[Bloedzuiger bijt]" "[english]coast.leech_bites_loop" "[Leech bites]" "coast.siren_citizen" "[Dorpssirene!]" "[english]coast.siren_citizen" "[Village Siren!]" "coast.radio_dead" "[Radio stil]" "[english]coast.radio_dead" "[Radio Static]" "novaprospekt.Alyx_EMP_2" "[EMP-apparaat ontploft]" "[english]novaprospekt.Alyx_EMP_2" "[EMP Device Burst]" "Novaprospekt.flare_fire" "[Flaregun afgevuurd]" "[english]Novaprospekt.flare_fire" "[Flaregun fired]" "novaprospekt.GateGrindsUp" "[Knarsende muur]" "[english]novaprospekt.GateGrindsUp" "[Wall Grinding]" "novaprospekt.GateGroundCrunch" "[Instortende muur!]" "[english]novaprospekt.GateGroundCrunch" "[Wall Crashing!]" "novaprospekt.CaveInScrape" "[Schrapend geluid]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInScrape" "[Scraping...]" "novaprospekt.CaveInCrash" "[Klap!]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInCrash" "[Crash!]" "novaprospekt.CaveInRumble" "[Rommelend geluid]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInRumble" "[Rumble...]" "streetwar.d3_c17_08_steam01" "[Stoomgesis]" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_08_steam01" "[Steam Hiss]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_03_default_locked" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_03_default_locked" "[Locked]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_07_fire" "[Flaregun afgevuurd]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_07_fire" "[Flaregun fired]" "streetwar.Zombie.wakeupsnarl" "[Zombie snauwt]" "[english]streetwar.Zombie.wakeupsnarl" "[Zombie Snarls]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_siren" "[Sirene]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_siren" "[Siren]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_1" "[EXPLOSIE!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_1" "[Explosion!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_3" "[EXPLOSIE!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_3" "[Explosion!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_default_locked" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_default_locked" "[Locked]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_alarm1" "[Alarm!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_alarm1" "[Alarm!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_fire" "[Lancering onderdrukking]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_fire" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire" "[Lancering onderdrukking]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire2" "[Inkomende onderdrukking]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire2" "[Suppressor Incoming]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_die" "[Turret dood]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_die" "[Turret Dies]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_move1" "[Ophaalbrug beweegt]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_move1" "[Drawbridge moves]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_stop1" "[Ophaalbrug stopt]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_stop1" "[Drawbridge stops]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_die" "[Turret dood]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_die" "[Turret dies]" "Streetwar.d3_C17_13_explode_2" "[Explosie]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_C17_13_explode_2" "[Explosion]" "citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip" "[Waarschuwingsstem: Confiscatieveld ingeschakeld]" "[english]citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip" "[Warning Voice: Confiscation Field Activated]" "citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip_fail" "[Waarschuwingsstem: Fout confiscatieveld]" "[english]citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip_fail" "[Warning Voice: Confiscation Field Failure]" "d3_citadel.elevator_rings_locked" "[Lift gereed]" "[english]d3_citadel.elevator_rings_locked" "[Elevator Ready]" "d3_citadel.elevator_alarm" "[Lift geroepen]" "[english]d3_citadel.elevator_alarm" "[Elevator Called]" "d3_citadel.guards_bangdoor" "[GEBONK OP DEUREN]" "[english]d3_citadel.guards_bangdoor" "[BANGING ON DOORS]" "Wood_Box.Break" "[Brekend hout]" "[english]Wood_Box.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Door.Locked1" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]Door.Locked1" "[Locked]" "Door.Locked2" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]Door.Locked2" "[Locked]" "DoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]DoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Locked]" "RotDoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]RotDoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Locked]" "Doors.FullClose1" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose1" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose2" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose2" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose3" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose3" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose4" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose4" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose5" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose5" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose6" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose6" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose7" "[Geluid van hek]" "[english]Doors.FullClose7" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose8" "[Metaalgeluid]" "[english]Doors.FullClose8" "[Metal Clang]" "Doors.FullClose9" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose9" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose10" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose10" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose11" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose11" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose12" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose12" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose13" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose13" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose14" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose14" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose15" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]Doors.FullClose15" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose16" "[Geluid van hek]" "[english]Doors.FullClose16" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose17" "[Geluid van hek]" "[english]Doors.FullClose17" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose18" "[Geluid van hek]" "[english]Doors.FullClose18" "[Gate Sound]" "doors.locker_shut" "[Geluid van vergrendeling]" "[english]doors.locker_shut" "[Locker Sound]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked1" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked1" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked1" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked1" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked2" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked2" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked2" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked2" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked3" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked3" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked3" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked3" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked4" "[Geluid van deur]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked4" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked4" "[Vergrendeld]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked4" "[Locked]" "Buttons.snd0" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd0" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd1" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd1" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd2" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd2" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd3" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd3" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd4" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd4" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd5" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd5" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd6" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd6" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd7" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd7" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd8" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd8" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd9" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd9" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd10" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd10" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd11" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd11" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd12" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd12" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd13" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd13" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd14" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd14" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd15" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd15" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd16" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd16" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd17" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd17" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd18" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd18" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd19" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd19" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd20" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd20" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd31" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd31" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd32" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd32" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd33" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd33" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd34" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd34" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd35" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd35" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd36" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd36" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd37" "[Knopgeluid]" "[english]Buttons.snd37" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd21" "[Geluid van hendel]" "[english]Buttons.snd21" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd22" "[Geluid van hendel]" "[english]Buttons.snd22" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd23" "[Geluid van hendel]" "[english]Buttons.snd23" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd24" "[Geluid van hendel]" "[english]Buttons.snd24" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd25" "[Geluid van hendel]" "[english]Buttons.snd25" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd26" "[Geluid van hendel]" "[english]Buttons.snd26" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd27" "[Geluid van hendel]" "[english]Buttons.snd27" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd28" "[Geluid van hendel]" "[english]Buttons.snd28" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd40" "[Knop vergrendeld]" "[english]Buttons.snd40" "[Button locked]" "Buttons.snd41" "[Geluid van Combine-knop]" "[english]Buttons.snd41" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd42" "[Geluid van Combine-knop]" "[english]Buttons.snd42" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd43" "[Geluid van Combine-knop]" "[english]Buttons.snd43" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd44" "[Geluid van Combine-knop]" "[english]Buttons.snd44" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd45" "[Geluid van Combine-knop]" "[english]Buttons.snd45" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd46" "[Geluid van Combine-knop]" "[english]Buttons.snd46" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd47" "[Geluid van Combine-knop]" "[english]Buttons.snd47" "[Combine Button sound]" "Physics.WaterSplash" "[Plons in water]" "[english]Physics.WaterSplash" "[Water Splash]" "Glass.BulletImpact" "[Glasscherven]" "[english]Glass.BulletImpact" "[Shattering Glass]" "Glass.Break" "[Glasscherven]" "[english]Glass.Break" "[Shattering Glass]" "Pottery.Break" "[Brekend keramiek]" "[english]Pottery.Break" "[Breaking Ceramics]" "Pottery.BulletImpact" "[Keramiekscherven]" "[english]Pottery.BulletImpact" "[Shattering ceramics]" "Computer.BulletImpact" "[Monitorscherven]" "[english]Computer.BulletImpact" "[Shattering monitor]" "Watermelon.Impact" "[Uiteenspattende meloen]" "[english]Watermelon.Impact" "[Melon Splat]" "Watermelon.BulletImpact" "[Uiteenspattende meloen]" "[english]Watermelon.BulletImpact" "[Melon Splat]" "MetalVehicle.ImpactHard" "[Harde impact]" "[english]MetalVehicle.ImpactHard" "[Hard Impact]" "GlassBottle.BulletImpact" "[Glasscherven]" "[english]GlassBottle.BulletImpact" "[Shattering Glass]" "GlassBottle.Break" "[Glasscherven]" "[english]GlassBottle.Break" "[Shattering Glass]" "Breakable.Crate" "[Brekend hout]" "[english]Breakable.Crate" "[Wood Breaking]" "Breakable.Metal" "[Metaal vernietigd]" "[english]Breakable.Metal" "[Metal Destroyed]" "Breakable.Glass" "[Glasscherven]" "[english]Breakable.Glass" "[Glass shattering]" "Breakable.Concrete" "[Brekend beton]" "[english]Breakable.Concrete" "[Concrete Breaking]" "Breakable.Ceiling" "[Brekend pleisterwerk]" "[english]Breakable.Ceiling" "[Plaster Breaking]" "Breakable.MatWood" "[Brekend hout]" "[english]Breakable.MatWood" "[Wood Breaking]" "Cardboard.Break" "[Scheurend kartong]" "[english]Cardboard.Break" "[Cardboard breaking]" "Plastic_Barrel.Break" "[Brekend plastic]" "[english]Plastic_Barrel.Break" "[Plastic breaking]" "Plastic_Box.Break" "[Brekend plastic]" "[english]Plastic_Box.Break" "[Plastic breaking]" "Wood.Break" "[Brekend hout]" "[english]Wood.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood.Strain" "[Buigend hout]" "[english]Wood.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood.bulletimpact" "[Versplinterd hout]" "[english]Wood.bulletimpact" "[Wood splintering]" "Wood_Crate.Break" "[Brekend hout]" "[english]Wood_Crate.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Plank.Break" "[Brekend hout]" "[english]Wood_Plank.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Plank.Strain" "[Buigend hout]" "[english]Wood_Plank.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood_Solid.Break" "[Brekend hout]" "[english]Wood_Solid.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Solid.Strain" "[Buigend hout]" "[english]Wood_Solid.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood_Furniture.Break" "[Brekend hout]" "[english]Wood_Furniture.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Panel.Break" "[Brekend hout]" "[english]Wood_Panel.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Panel.Strain" "[Buigend hout]" "[english]Wood_Panel.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Metal_Box.Break" "[Metaal buigt]" "[english]Metal_Box.Break" "[Metal breaking]" "Metal_Box.Strain" "[Metaal buigt]" "[english]Metal_Box.Strain" "[Metal straining]" "Metal.SawbladeStick" "[Sproing!]" "[english]Metal.SawbladeStick" "[Sproing!]" "npc_dog.phrase02" " " "[english]npc_dog.phrase02" " " "npc_dog.servo_5" " " "[english]npc_dog.servo_5" " " "npc_dog.metal_strain2" " " "[english]npc_dog.metal_strain2" " " "solidmetal.scraperough" " " "[english]solidmetal.scraperough" " " "wood.scraperough" " " "[english]wood.scraperough" " " "plastic_box.scraperough" " " "[english]plastic_box.scraperough" " " } }