"lang" { "Language" "danish" "Tokens" { "testcommands" "Dette er rød og kursiv og fed hvid igen." "[english]testcommands" "This is red and italics and bold white again." "barn.anotherdropship" "Endnu et landingsfartøj! " "[english]barn.anotherdropship" "Another dropship! " "barn.bunyip" " " "[english]barn.bunyip" " " "barn.chatter" "Vi opfanger radiokommunikation. De leder efter bilen. " "[english]barn.chatter" "We're picking up radio chatter. They're looking for your car. " "barn.comeonin" "Kom ind. " "[english]barn.comeonin" "Come on in. " "barn.crapships" "Åh, lort. Her kommer landingsfartøjerne! " "[english]barn.crapships" "Oh crap. Here come the dropships! " "barn.ditchcar" "Du er nødt til at skille dig af med bilen, Freeman. De leder efter den nu. " "[english]barn.ditchcar" "You're gonna have to ditch the car, Freeman. They're looking for it now. " "barn.drivecarinhere" "Kør bilen herind. " "[english]barn.drivecarinhere" "Drive the car in here. " "barn.drop_barn" "Landingsfartøj! Ved laden! " "[english]barn.drop_barn" "Dropship! By the barn! " "barn.drop_field" "Landingsfartøj! Over marken! " "[english]barn.drop_field" "Dropship! Over the field! " "barn.drop_lite" "Indkommende! Landingsfartøj ved fyrtårnet! " "[english]barn.drop_lite" "Incoming! Dropship at the lighthouse! " "barn.drop_road" "Landingsfartøj! Kommer ind over vejen! " "[english]barn.drop_road" "Dropship! Coming in over the road! " "barn.exit_cliffpath" "Denne vej, dr. Freeman. Vi tager klippevejen, før et nyt kampfartøj finder os. " "[english]barn.exit_cliffpath" "This way, Dr. Freeman. We'll take the cliff path before another gunship finds us. " "barn.exit_comewith" "Okay, dr. Freeman, kom med mig. Før der kommer et til. " "[english]barn.exit_comewith" "All right, Dr. Freeman, come with me. Before another one comes. " "barn.exit_killship" "Jeg fører dig ud på den klippesti, så snart du dræber det kampfartøj. Vi klarer den aldrig med den tingest i nakken. " "[english]barn.exit_killship" "I'll take you out on the cliffside path as soon as you kill that gunship. There's no way we can make it with that thing harassing us. " "barn.exit_killshipnag" "Dræb kampfartøjet, så tager vi af sted. " "[english]barn.exit_killshipnag" "Kill the gunship, then we'll go. " "barn.exit_watchstep" "Lige den vej. Og pas på, hvor du går. " "[english]barn.exit_watchstep" "Right along there. And watch your step. " "barn.getcarinbarn" "Hurtigt, kør bilen ind i laden! " "[english]barn.getcarinbarn" "Hurry, get your car in the barn! " "barn.getcaringarage" "Kør bilen ind i garagen. " "[english]barn.getcaringarage" "Get your car in the garage. " "barn.getcarinhere" "Kør bilen herind! " "[english]barn.getcarinhere" "Get your car in here! " "barn.getcarinthere" "Kør bilen derind! " "[english]barn.getcarinthere" "Get your car in there! " "barn.getoffroad01" "Se at komme af vejen! " "[english]barn.getoffroad01" "Get off the road! " "barn.getoffroad01a" "Se at komme af vejen! " "[english]barn.getoffroad01a" "Get off the road! " "barn.getoffroad02" "Få bilen af vejen! " "[english]barn.getoffroad02" "Get your car off the road! " "barn.gettauoff" " " "[english]barn.gettauoff" " " "barn.heretheycome" "Her kommer de! " "[english]barn.heretheycome" "Here they come! " "barn.incomingdropship" "Indkommende landingsfartøj! " "[english]barn.incomingdropship" "Incoming dropship! " "barn.lighthouse_morale" "Ok, Doc, det går videre til fods herfra. Der er en hemmelig sti langs klipperne, men ingen går nogen steder, før det her angreb er nedkæmpet. At du kæmper sammen med os betyder meget for moralen. " "[english]barn.lighthouse_morale" "Okay, Doc, you'll have to go on foot from here. There's a secret path along the cliffside, but no one's going anywhere until we fight off this attack. Having you here to fight alongside us will make a big difference for morale. " "barn.lite_gunship01" "Det er et kampfartøj! " "[english]barn.lite_gunship01" "It's a gunship! " "barn.lite_gunship02" "Kampfartøj! " "[english]barn.lite_gunship02" "Gunship! " "barn.lite_rockets01" "Hen til fyrtårnet, Freeman, der er raketter derinde! " "[english]barn.lite_rockets01" "Head for the lighthouse, Freeman, there's rockets in there! " "barn.lite_rockets02" "Vi har deponeret vores raketter i fyrtårnet. Bare tag for dig. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets02" "We stowed our rockets in the lighthouse. Help yourself. " "barn.lite_rockets03" "Freeman, hvis du har et raketstyr, er fyrtårnet proppet med raketter. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets03" "Freeman, if you've got a launcher, the lighthouse is full of rockets. " "barn.lite_rockets04" "Styret til dine raketter finder du oppe i fyrtårnet, Freeman. " "[english]barn.lite_rockets04" "You'll find the launcher for your rockets up in the lighthouse, Freeman. " "barn.nowwhat" "Åh mand, hvad nu? " "[english]barn.nowwhat" "Oh man, now what? " "barn.parkit" "Parkér her! " "[english]barn.parkit" "Park it there! " "barn.stashinbarn" "Gem bilen i laden! " "[english]barn.stashinbarn" "Stash your car in the barn! " "barn.vmech_accept" "Freeman'en vil acceptere dette våben eller betale prisen senere! " "[english]barn.vmech_accept" "The Freeman will accept this weapon, or suffer greatly on the road ahead! " "barn.vmech_proceed" "Freeman'en må ikke fortsætte uden tau-partikelkanonen! " "[english]barn.vmech_proceed" "The Freeman must not proceed without the tau particle cannon! " "barn.vmech_remove" " " "[english]barn.vmech_remove" " " "barn.vmech_wisely" "Denne tau-kanon dræbte engang mange af vores slægt. Brug den med omtanke. " "[english]barn.vmech_wisely" "This tau cannon once killed many of our kind. Use it wisely. " "barn.youmadeit" "Du klarede den! " "[english]barn.youmadeit" "You made it! " "breencast.br_collaboration01" "Jeg har fået at vide, at man på det seneste har kaldt mig kollaboratør – som om der var nogen skam i det. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration01" "It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. " "breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "Jeg har fået at vide, at man på det seneste har kaldt mig kollaboratør – som om der var nogen skam i det. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. " "breencast.br_collaboration02" "Jeg spørger jer, hvilket større forehavende eksisterer end kollaboration? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration02" "I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? " "breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "Jeg spørger jer, hvilket større forehavende eksisterer end kollaboration? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? " "breencast.br_collaboration03" "I vores aktuelle uovertrufne forehavende er manglende kollaboration det samme som at nægte at vokse – at insistere på selvmord, om man vil. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration03" "In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. " "breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "I vores aktuelle uovertrufne forehavende er manglende kollaboration det samme som at nægte at vokse – at insistere på selvmord, om man vil. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. " "breencast.br_collaboration04" "Nægtede lungefisken at trække vejret? Jeg gjorde ikke. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration04" "Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. " "breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "Nægtede lungefisken at trække vejret? Jeg gjorde ikke. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. " "breencast.br_collaboration05" "Den krøb modigt fremad, mens dens brødre forblev i det sorteste havdyb, uden øjenlåg for evigt stirrende ind i mørket, uvidende og fordømte trods deres evige vagtsomhed. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration05" "It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. " "breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "Den krøb modigt fremad, mens dens brødre forblev i det sorteste havdyb, uden øjenlåg for evigt stirrende ind i mørket, uvidende og fordømte trods deres evige vagtsomhed. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. " "breencast.br_collaboration06" "Skulle vi følge trilobittens eksempel? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration06" "Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? " "breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "Skulle vi følge trilobittens eksempel? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? " "breencast.br_collaboration07" "Er alle menneskehedens bedrifter dømt til at ende som et tyndt lag fossile plasticfragmenter indeklemt imellem skiferler og æoners mudder? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration07" "Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? " "breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "Er alle menneskehedens bedrifter dømt til at ende som et tyndt lag fossile plasticfragmenter indeklemt imellem skiferler og æoners mudder? " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? " "breencast.br_collaboration08" "Hvis vi vil respektere vores natur og vores skæbne, må vi sætte os højere mål. Vi er vokset fra vores vugge. Det er frugtesløst at græde efter modermælken, når vores virkelige næring venter os blandt stjernerne. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration08" "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. " "breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "Hvis vi vil respektere vores natur og vores skæbne, må vi sætte os højere mål. Vi er vokset fra vores vugge. Det er frugtesløst at græde efter modermælken, når vores virkelige næring venter os blandt stjernerne. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. " "breencast.br_collaboration09" "Og kun den universelle forening, de snæversynede kalder 'Combine', kan løfte os dertil. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration09" "And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. " "breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "Og kun den universelle forening, de snæversynede kalder 'Combine', kan løfte os dertil. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. " "breencast.br_collaboration10" "Derfor siger jeg, ja, jeg er kollaboratør. Vi skal alle kollaborere, villigt, ivrigt, hvis vi forventer at høste fordelene ved forening. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration10" "Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. " "breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "Derfor siger jeg, ja, jeg er kollaboratør. Vi skal alle kollaborere, villigt, ivrigt, hvis vi forventer at høste fordelene ved forening. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. " "breencast.br_collaboration11" "Og høste, det vil vi. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration11" "And reap we shall. " "breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "Og høste, det vil vi. " "[english]breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "And reap we shall. " "breencast.br_disruptor01" "Vi har nu direkte bekræftelse på, at der er en sabotør i vores midte, én, der har opnået et næsten messiansk omdømme i visse borgeres øjne. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor01" "We now have direct confirmation of a disruptor in our midst, one who has acquired an almost messianic reputation in the minds of certain citizens. " "breencast.br_disruptor02" "Hans person er synonym med instinktets, uvidenhedens og forfaldets mørkeste impulser. Nogle af de værste følger af Black Mesa-hændelsen er blevet placeret direkte for hans fødder. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor02" "His figure is synonymous with the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay. Some of the worst excesses of the Black Mesa Incident have been laid directly at his feet. " "breencast.br_disruptor03" "Og alligevel fortsætter enfoldige sind med at tilskrive ham romantisk kraft og give ham så farlige poetiske tilnavne som Én Fri Mand, Åbneren af Vejen. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor03" "And yet unsophisticated minds continue to imbue him with romantic power, giving him such dangerous poetic labels as the One Free Man, the Opener of the Way. " "breencast.br_disruptor04" "Lad mig minde alle borgere om farerne ved magisk tænkning. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor04" "Let me remind all citizens of the dangers of magical thinking. " "breencast.br_disruptor05" "Vi er dårligt nok begyndt at kravle op af vores udviklings mørke grav. Lad os ikke glide tilbage i glemslen, netop som vi endelig er begyndt at ane lyset. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor05" "We have scarcely begun to climb from the dark pit of our species' evolution. Let us not slide backward into oblivion, just as we have finally begun to see the light. " "breencast.br_disruptor06" "Hvis I ser denne såkaldte Frie Mand, skal I rapportere det. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor06" "If you see this so-called Free Man, report him. " "breencast.br_disruptor07" "Borgergerninger forbliver ikke ubelønnet. Og modsat vil medskyldighed i hans sag ikke forblive ustraffet. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor07" "Civic deeds do not go unrewarded. And contrariwise, complicity with his cause will not go unpunished. " "breencast.br_disruptor08" "Vær vis. Vær sikker. Vær opmærksom. " "[english]breencast.br_disruptor08" "Be wise. Be safe. Be aware. " "breencast.br_instinct01" "Lad mig læse et brev, jeg har modtaget for nylig. 'Kære dr. Breen. Hvorfor finder Combine det passende at undertrykke vores forplantningscyklus? Venlig hilsen, En Bekymret Borger.' " "[english]breencast.br_instinct01" "Let me read a letter I recently received. 'Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.' " "breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct02" "Tak for dit brev, Bekymret. Dit spørgsmål berører naturligvis en af de grundlæggende biologiske impulser med alt dens tilknyttede håb og frygt for artens fremtid. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct02" "Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. " "breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct03" "Jeg fornemmer også et stiltiende spørgsmål. Ved vores velgørere virkelig, hvad der er bedst for os? Hvad giver dem ret til at træffe sådan en beslutning for menneskeheden? Vil de nogensinde deaktivere undertrykkelsesfeltet og lade os forplante os igen? " "[english]breencast.br_instinct03" "I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again? " "breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct04" "Tillad mig at omtale den angst, der ligger til grund for dine bekymringer, i stedet for at forsøge at besvare alle mulige spørgsmål, der evt. endnu ikke er stillet. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct04" "Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. " "breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct05" "Lad os først overveje det faktum, at udødeligheden for første gang er inden for vores rækkevidde som art. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct05" "First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach. " "breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct06" "Dette simple faktum har vidtrækkende konsekvenser. Det kræver radikal nytænkning og ændring af vores genetiske udfordringer. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct06" "This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. " "breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct07" "Det kræver også planlægning og fremsynethed, der er i direkte modsætning til vores neurale forudsætninger. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct07" "It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural pre-sets. " "breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct08" "Jeg finder det af og til i tider som disse nyttigt at minde mig om, at vores virkelige fjende er instinkt. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct08" "I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is Instinct. " "breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct09" "Instinkt var vores mor, da vi var en helt ny art. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct09" "Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. " "breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct10" "Instinkt nussede os og holdt os i sikkerhed i de karske år, hvor vi hærdede vores stokke og tilberedte vores første måltider over en sagte ild " "[english]breencast.br_instinct10" "Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when we hardened our sticks and cooked our first meals above a meager fire " "breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct11" "og stirrede på skyggerne, der sprang på hulens vægge. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct11" "and started at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern's walls. " "breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct12" "Uadskillelig fra instinkt er imidlertid dens mørke tvilling, overtro. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct12" "But inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, Superstition. " "breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct13" "Instinkt er uadskilleligt knyttet til ikke-resonerende impulser, og i dag ser vi tydeligt dens sande karakter. Instinktet er netop blevet opmærksomt på dets irrelevans, og som et udyr, der er trængt op i en krog, opgiver det ikke uden blodig kamp. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct13" "Instinct is inextricably bound to unreasoning impulses, and today we clearly see its true nature. Instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance, and like a cornered beast, it will not go down without a bloody fight. " "breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct14" "Instinktet påfører vores art banesår. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct14" "Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species. " "breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct15" "Instinktet skaber sine egne undertrykkere og byder os at rejse os imod dem. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct15" "Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids us rise up against them. " "breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct16" "Instinktet fortæller os, at det ukendte er en trussel frem for en mulighed. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct16" "Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. " "breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct17" "Instinktet trænger os snedigt og i det skjulte bort fra forandring og fremskridt. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct17" "Instinct slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress. " "breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct18" "Instinktet skal derfor elimineres. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct18" "Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. " "breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct19" "Det skal bekæmpes med næb og kløer, begyndende med den mest grundlæggende menneskelige impuls: Impulsen til reproduktion. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct19" "It must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce. " "breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct20" "Vi bør takke vores velgørere for at give os frirum fra denne overmægtige kraft. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct20" "We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. " "breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct21" "De har trykket på en knap og uddrevet vores dæmoner med ét slag. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct21" "They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. " "breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct22" "De har givet os den styrke, vi aldrig selv kunne have mønstret, til at overvinde denne trang. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct22" "They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. " "breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct23" "De har givet os formål. De har vendt vores øjne mod stjernerne. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct23" "They have given us purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars. " "breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct24" "Lad mig forsikre jer om, at undertrykkelsesfeltet deaktiveres den dag, hvor vi mestrer os selv... den dag, hvor vi beviser, at vi ikke længere behøver det. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct24" "Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off on the day that we have mastered ourselves...the day we can prove we no longer need it. " "breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " " "breencast.br_instinct25" "Og den omdannelsens dag, har jeg fra pålidelig kilde, er ikke fjern. " "[english]breencast.br_instinct25" "And that day of transformation, I have it on good authority, is close at hand. " "breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " " "[english]breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " " "breencast.br_overwatch01" "Jeg er blevet bedt om at sige lidt om den transhumane del af Sektor Sytten Overwatch i forbindelse med nylige succeser med at indeslutte medlemmer af modstandsbevægelsens videnskabsteam. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch01" "I have been asked to say a few words to the transhuman arm of Sector Seventeen Overwatch, concerning recent successes in containing members of the resistance Science Team. " "breencast.br_overwatch02" "Lad mig først sige, at jeg er ked af at skulle dæmpe mine dybtfølte lykønskninger med et stort mål skuffelse. Jeg ville imidlertid forsømme min pligt som jeres administrator, hvis jeg ikke videregav den besked, jeg har fået fra vores velgørere. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch02" "Let me say up front that I regret having to temper my heartfelt congratulations with a strong measure of disappointment. But I wouldn't be doing my duty as your Administrator if I didn't pass along the message I have received from our Benefactors. " "breencast.br_overwatch03" "Tilfangetagelsen af Eli Vance er en betydende begivenhed – tag ikke fejl. Og selv om det er sandt, at vi begribeligvis kunne have taget ham stort set når som helst de seneste år, kan metoden for hans tilfangetagelse vise sig at have uventede fordele. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch03" "The capture of Eli Vance is an event of major significance, make no mistake. And while it's true that conceivably we could have taken him at almost any time in the last several years, the manner of his capture may prove to have unexpected benefits. " "breencast.br_overwatch04" "Det kan næppe have forbigået modstandsmedlemmernes opmærksomhed, at doktor Vances tilfangetagelse faldt sammen med hans husen af Gordon Freeman. Det kan måske få andre til at tænke sig om to gange, før de giver doktor Freeman husly. Det får dem måske til at tvivle på hans loyalitet; nogle vil evt. afvise ham eller endda udlevere ham til vores sag. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch04" "It cannot have gone unnoticed by all resistance members that Doctor Vance's capture coincided with the act of giving shelter to Gordon Freeman. This might cause other resistance members to think twice before harboring Doctor Freeman. It might cause them to question his allegiance; even prompt some to turn him out, or turn him over to our cause. " "breencast.br_overwatch05" "Vi kan imidlertid ikke regne med en sådan udvikling. Doktor Freemans rygte er af en sådan art, at andre desperate overløbere sandsynligvis giver ham en del spillerum med henblik på at sprede generelt kaos og terror. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch05" "However, we cannot count on such developments. Doctor Freeman's reputation is such that other desperate renegades are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror. " "breencast.br_overwatch06" "Det bringer mig til den ene skuffelse jeg skal udtrykke på vegne af vores velgørere. Jeg er tydeligvis ikke i felten og kan således ikke nærmere kommandere eller korrigere de dedikerede styrker fra Overwatch, men det betyder ikke, at jeg kan undslå mig ansvar for nylige svigt og endda direkte fejltagelser fra deres side. Jeg er blevet nøje forhørt om disse mangler, og nu må jeg stille jer dette spørgsmål: " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch06" "This brings me to the one note of disappointment I must echo from our Benefactors. Obviously I am not on the ground to closely command or second-guess the dedicated forces of the Overwatch, but this does not mean I can shirk responsibility for recent lapses and even outright failures on their part. I have been severely questioned about these shortcomings, and now must put the question to you: " "breencast.br_overwatch07" "Hvordan har én mand kunnet undslippe jeres styrker gang på gang? Hvordan er det muligt? Det er ikke en provokatør eller effektivt trænet snigmorder, vi taler om. Gordon Freeman er teoretisk fysiker, og han havde knapt fået sin ph.d., da Black Mesa-hændelsen fandt sted. Jeg har al mulig grund til at tro, at han i de mellemliggende år har været i en tilstand, der har udelukket yderligere udvikling af taktiske færdigheder. Manden, I konsekvent ikke har kunnet bremse, for slet ikke at sige fange, er efter alt at dømme netop det – en almindelig mand. Hvordan kan I have undgået at gribe ham? " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch07" "How could one man have slipped through your force's fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some agent provocateur or highly trained assassin we are discussing. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the time of the Black Mesa Incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years, he was in a state that precluded further development of covert skills. The man you have consistently failed to slow, let alone capture, is by all standards simply that--an ordinary man. How can you have failed to apprehend him? " "breencast.br_overwatch08" "Nå... jeg venter med beskyldningerne til en anden gang – i det omfang, de viser sig nødvendige. Nu er øjeblikket kommet til at bevise jeres værd. Hvis de transhumane styrker skal være en uundværlig forbedring af Combine Overwatch, må de gøre sig fortjent til det. Jeg behøver vel ikke at minde jer om, at alternativet – hvis man kan kalde det det – er total udselettelse sammen med alle andre uværdige grene af arten. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch08" "Well...I will leave the upbraiding for another time, to the extent it proves necessary. Now is the moment to redeem yourselves. If the transhuman forces are to prove themselves an indispensable augmentation to the Combine Overwatch, they will have to earn the privilege. I'm sure I don't have to remind you that the alternative, if you can call it that, is total extinction - in union with all the other unworthy branches of the species. " "breencast.br_overwatch09" "Lad os forhindre, at det kommer så vidt. Jeg har gjort mit bedste for at overbevise vores velgørere om, at I er de bedste, arten kan byde på. Indtil videre har de taget mit ord for gode varer, men uden konkrete beviser til underbygning, lyder mine ord stadigt mere hule, selv for mig. Bevisbyrden ligger hos jer. Det gælder også følgerne af at svigte. Jeg lader det blive ved det. " "[english]breencast.br_overwatch09" "Let's not allow it to come to that. I have done my best to convince our Benefactors that you are the finest the species has to offer. So far they have accepted my argument, but without concrete evidence to back it up, my words sound increasingly hollow even to me. The burden of proof is on you. As is the consequence of failure. I'll just leave it at that. " "breencast.br_tofreeman01" "Jeg vil gerne bruge et øjeblik på at tale direkte til Dem, dr. Freeman. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman01" "I'd like to take a moment to address you directly, Dr. Freeman. " "breencast.br_tofreeman02" "Ja. Jeg taler til Dem. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman02" "Yes. I'm talking to you. " "breencast.br_tofreeman03" "Den såkaldte Én Fri Mand. Jeg har et spørgsmål til Dem. Hvordan kan De have smidt alting væk? Det trodser enhver sund fornuft. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman03" "The so-called One Free Man. I have a question for you. How could you have thrown it all away? It staggers the mind. " "breencast.br_tofreeman04" "En videnskabens mand med evnen til at lære reaktionære og frygtsomme sind sandheden, " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman04" "A man of science, with the ability to sway reactionary and fearful minds toward the truth " "breencast.br_tofreeman05" "og som i stedet vælger uvidenhedens og forfaldets vej. Tag ikke fejl, dr. Freeman. Det er ikke en videnskabelig revolution, De har antændt... det er død og endegyldighed. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman05" "choosing instead to embark on a path of ignorance and decay. Make no mistake, Dr. Freeman. This is not a scientific revolution you have sparked...this is death and finality. " "breencast.br_tofreeman06" "De har kastet menneskeheden ud i et frit fald. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman06" "You have plunged humanity into freefall. " "breencast.br_tofreeman07" "Selv, hvis De overgav Dem nu, er jeg ikke sikker på, at vores velgørere ville acceptere det. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman07" "Even if you offered your surrender now, I cannot guarantee that our benefactors would accept it. " "breencast.br_tofreeman08" "Jeg er bange for, at de i øjeblikket også er begyndt at se skeptisk på mig. Så meget for at fungere som menneskehedens repræsentant. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman08" "At the moment, I fear they have begun to look upon even me with suspicion. So much for serving as humanity's representative. " "breencast.br_tofreeman09" "Hjælp mig med at vinde deres tillid tilbage, dr. Freeman. Overgiv Dem, mens De stadig kan. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman09" "Help me win back their trust, Dr. Freeman. Surrender while you still can. " "breencast.br_tofreeman10" "Hjælp med at sikre, at menneskehedens tillid til Dem ikke er uberettiget " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman10" "Help ensure that humanity's trust in you is not misguided " "breencast.br_tofreeman11" "Gør det rigtige, dr. Freeman. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman11" "Do what is right, Dr. Freeman. " "breencast.br_tofreeman12" "Tjen menneskeheden. " "[english]breencast.br_tofreeman12" "Serve mankind. " "breencast.br_welcome01" "Velkommen. Velkommen til by 17. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome01" "Welcome. Welcome to City 17. " "breencast.br_welcome02" "Du har valgt eller er blevet udvalgt til at flytte til et af vores fineste bycentre. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome02" "You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. " "breencast.br_welcome03" "Jeg syntes så godt om by 17, at jeg valgte at etablere min administration her " "[english]breencast.br_welcome03" "I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here " "breencast.br_welcome04" "i citadellet, som vores velgørere så betænksomt har tilvejebragt. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome04" "in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. " "breencast.br_welcome05" "Jeg har været stolt over at kalde by 17 mit hjem. Og dermed – om du nu er her for at blive eller kun på gennemrejse på vej til ukendte steder, " "[english]breencast.br_welcome05" "I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, " "breencast.br_welcome06" "Velkommen til by 17. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome06" "Welcome to City 17. " "breencast.br_welcome07" "Der er sikrere her. " "[english]breencast.br_welcome07" "It's safer here. " "canals.airboat_drivehard" "Det bliver svært at undvige civilbeskyttelsen herude i det fri, men gå hårdt til den, så skal det nok gå. " "[english]canals.airboat_drivehard" "It's going to be tough dodging Civil Protection out there in the open, but drive hard and you'll make it. " "canals.airboat_gassed" "Hey, dr. Freeman, jeg havde håbet, at du ville dukke op. Jeg har den her propelbåd tanket op og klar til afgang. " "[english]canals.airboat_gassed" "Hey, Dr. Freeman, I've been hoping you'd show up. Got this airboat all gassed up and ready to go. " "canals.airboat_go_nag01" "Du må hellere komme af sted nu! " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now! " "canals.airboat_go_nag02" "Jeg er nødt til at blive. Der kan hele tiden komme flere flygtninge. " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag02" "I've gotta stay here. There could always be more runaways coming along. " "canals.airboat_go_nag03" "Jeg bliver her. Fortsæt bare. " "[english]canals.airboat_go_nag03" "I'm staying put. You go on. " "canals.airboat_nag01" "Bare stig på båden, dr. Freeman. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag01" "Go ahead and get in the boat, Dr. Freeman. " "canals.airboat_nag02" "Stig på båden, sir. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag02" "Get in the airboat, sir. " "canals.airboat_nag03" "Stig på, så starter jeg hende. " "[english]canals.airboat_nag03" "Climb on in and fire her up. " "canals.airboat_redbarn" "Du finder mere hjælp ved station 7, bare et par bugtninger oppe ad floden. Det er den gamle røde lade. " "[english]canals.airboat_redbarn" "You'll find more help up at Station 7, just a few bends up the river. It's the old red barn. " "canals.al_radio_stn6" "Black Mesa-øst til station 6. Modtager I? Dr. Freeman er på vej ned ad floden. Lån ham propelbåden, og hjælp ham, så meget I kan. Gentager. Gordon Freeman er tilbage! Det er afgørende, at han når frem til Black Mesa-øst. " "[english]canals.al_radio_stn6" "Black Mesa East to Station 6. Do you read? Dr. Freeman is on his way downriver. Lend him the airboat and give him all the help you can. Repeat. Gordon Freeman has returned! It is critical he reaches Black Mesa East. " "canals.arrest_getgoing" "Kom i gang! " "[english]canals.arrest_getgoing" "Get going! " "canals.arrest_helpme" "Hjælp mig! " "[english]canals.arrest_helpme" "Help me! " "canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "De leder efter dig nu! " "[english]canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "They'll be looking for you now! " "canals.arrest_run" "Du må hellere løbe! Der er intet andet, du kan gøre her! " "[english]canals.arrest_run" "You'd better run! There's nothing else you can do here! " "canals.arrest_stop" "Stop! Vi har ikke gjort noget! " "[english]canals.arrest_stop" "Stop! We didn't do anything! " "canals.boxcar_becareful" "Vær nu forsigtig. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful" "Be careful now. " "canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "Vi kan ikke tillade os at blive set. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "We really can't afford to get noticed. " "canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "Civilbeskyttelsen fanger dig hernede, og det er skidt for hele jernbanen. " "[english]canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "Civil Protection catches you down here, it's bad news for the whole railroad. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "Kom i gang nu. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "Get going now. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "Kom hellere af sted. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "You better get going. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "Kom væk herfra. " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "Get outta here. " "canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "Nå, men du må videre! " "[english]canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "Hit the road, Jack! " "canals.boxcar_jolt" "I mellemtiden giver min vortigaunt-ven her dig et stød, så du kommer i gang. " "[english]canals.boxcar_jolt" "Meanwhile, let my vortigaunt friend here give you a jolt to get you going. " "canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "Han hjælper gerne, hvis du lader ham! " "[english]canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "He'll help you if you let him! " "canals.boxcar_lookout" "Hør, vi er på udkig efter undergrundsjernbanen. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout" "Look, we're just the lookout for the underground railroad. " "canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "Hovedstationen er lige om hjørnet. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "Main station is right around the corner. " "canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "De får dig rigtigt i gang. " "[english]canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "They'll get you started on the right foot. " "canals.boxcar_sirens" "De sirener er nok dine, eller hvad? " "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens" "Guess those sirens are for you, huh? " "canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "Godt at du fandt os." "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "Good thing you found us. " "canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "Du er ikke den første, der kommer forbi her med en..." "[english]canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "You're not the first to come through here by a ... " "canals.boxcar_vortstop" "Hey, hold op med det. Vort'erne er på vores side nu. " "[english]canals.boxcar_vortstop" "Hey, stop that. The vorts are on our side now. " "canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "Kom i gang, Doc. Vi må forlade lejren. " "[english]canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "Get going, Doc. We've gotta break camp. " "canals.gunboat_comein" "Kom ind. Jeg viser dig, hvad du er oppe imod." "[english]canals.gunboat_comein" "Come on in. I'll show you what you're up against. " "canals.gunboat_dam" "Der er dæmningen. Den er lige der fremme. " "[english]canals.gunboat_dam" "This here's the dam. It's just up ahead. " "canals.gunboat_eliright" "Kom i gang, dr. Freeman. Jeg kan se, at Eli havde ret om dig. " "[english]canals.gunboat_eliright" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. I can see Eli was right about you. " "canals.gunboat_farewell" "Farvel, dr. Freeman. " "[english]canals.gunboat_farewell" "Farewell, Dr. Freeman. " "canals.gunboat_finishingup" "Jeg tror, han gør sig færdig nu. " "[english]canals.gunboat_finishingup" "I think he's just finishing up now. " "canals.gunboat_getin" "Kom nu, kom ind. " "[english]canals.gunboat_getin" "Come on, get in here. " "canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "Gør dem helvede hedt, Doc. " "[english]canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "Give 'em hell, Doc. " "canals.gunboat_goonout" "Bare gå ud. " "[english]canals.gunboat_goonout" "Go on out. " "canals.gunboat_herelook" "Her, se engang her. " "[english]canals.gunboat_herelook" "Here, take a look at this. " "canals.gunboat_heyyourefm" "Hey, du er Freeman, er du ikke? " "[english]canals.gunboat_heyyourefm" "Hey, you're Freeman, aren't you? " "canals.gunboat_hideout" "Elis er her, et stenkast fra skørtet og indbygget i det gamle vandkraftværk. " "[english]canals.gunboat_hideout" "Eli's hideout is here, a stone's throw from the apron and nestled in the old hydro plant. " "canals.gunboat_hurry" "Vi må hellere skynde os. Vi må fjerne lejren og komme væk. " "[english]canals.gunboat_hurry" "We'd better hurry. We've got to tear down this camp and get out of here. " "canals.gunboat_impossible" "Men det er stort set umuligt at komme igennem med den jagthelikopter efter os. " "[english]canals.gunboat_impossible" "But getting there, with that hunter-chopper on your ass, next to impossible. " "canals.gunboat_irony" "Sådan der. Den kanon er fra en af de jagthelikoptere, du kæmper imod. Jeg holder altid af at bringe lidt ironi ind i en ildkamp." "[english]canals.gunboat_irony" "There we are. That gun came off one of the same hunter-choppers you're up against. I always like to bring a little irony to a firefight. " "canals.gunboat_justintime" "I klarede det lige netop i tide. Vi må væk herfra, før vi bliver opdaget. " "[english]canals.gunboat_justintime" "You made it just in time. We've got to clear out of here before we're discovered. " "canals.gunboat_magic" "De gode nyheder er, at vortigaunten tryller med din propelbåd, så du får mere ildkraft fremad." "[english]canals.gunboat_magic" "Good news is, the vortigaunt's working his magic on your airboat, so you'll have more firepower going forward. " "canals.gunboat_moveon" "Lad os komme i gang! Vi må væk, før de får os på kornet. " "[english]canals.gunboat_moveon" "Let's get a move on! We've got to clear out before they target us. " "canals.gunboat_owneyes" "Tja, jeg ville ikke tro det, hvis jeg ikke kunne se det med mine egne øjne. Selveste dr. Gordon Freeman." "[english]canals.gunboat_owneyes" "Well, I wouldn't believe it if I couldn't see it with my own eyes. Dr. Gordon Freeman himself. " "canals.gunboat_parkboat" "Parkér bare båden. Den er i sikkerhed her. " "[english]canals.gunboat_parkboat" "You can park the boat. It'll be safe here. " "canals.gunboat_pullout" "Du kommer lige i rette tid, Doc. Vi må væk, før Combine finder os. Vi gør klar til at rykke ud. " "[english]canals.gunboat_pullout" "You're just in time, Doc. We've got to move out before the Combine picks us up. We're just getting ready to pull out. " "canals.gunboat_takeitdown" "Gør det af med helikopteren, og der skulle være fri bane til Elis anlæg. " "[english]canals.gunboat_takeitdown" "Take that chopper down, and you should be able to tear on through to Eli's place. " "canals.gunboat_vort" "Propelbåden er intet problem. Vort'en ser efter den for dig. " "[english]canals.gunboat_vort" "Don't worry about the airboat. The Vort's gonna look after it for you. " "canals.massacre_cop_fire" "Skyd for at få den mellemkobling løs! " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_fire" "Fire to dislocate that interpose! " "canals.massacre_cop_hesrunning" "Han løber. " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_hesrunning" "He's running. " "canals.massacre_cop_holdit" "Vent. " "[english]canals.massacre_cop_holdit" "Hold it. " "canals.massacre_die" " " "[english]canals.massacre_die" " " "canals.massacre_premassacre" "Nej... hvad gør I... skyd ikke... hvad laver I... gør mig ikke noget... skyd ikke... skyd ikke! Skyd ikke! " "[english]canals.massacre_premassacre" "We don't...what are you...don't shoot...what are you doing...please, don't hurt me...please don't shoot...Don't shoot! Don't shoot! " "canals.massacre_runforyourlife01" "Løb for livet! " "[english]canals.massacre_runforyourlife01" "Run for your life! " "canals.massacre_startle01" " " "[english]canals.massacre_startle01" " " "canals.massacre_startle02" " " "[english]canals.massacre_startle02" " " "canals.matt_beglad" "Vær glad for, at det ikke er dig, de leder efter. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad" "Be glad you're not the guy they're looking for. " "canals.matt_beglad_b" "Arme satan, har ikke en chance. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad_b" "Poor bastard doesn't stand a chance. " "canals.matt_beglad_c" "Lyder som om, de kalder alle civilbeskyttelsesenheder til by 17. " "[english]canals.matt_beglad_c" "Sounds like they're calling in every CP unit in City 17. " "canals.matt_closecall" "Det var tæt på. Tak for hjælpen! " "[english]canals.matt_closecall" "That was a close call. Thanks for your help! " "canals.matt_flood" "De oversvømmer områderne forude med manhack'er. " "[english]canals.matt_flood" "They're flooding areas up ahead with manhacks. " "canals.matt_flood_b" "Kom hellere af sted, før de kommer igennem her. " "[english]canals.matt_flood_b" "You'd better get going before they sweep through here. " "canals.matt_getin" "Kom herind! Skynd dig! " "[english]canals.matt_getin" "Get in here! Hurry! " "canals.matt_go_nag01" "Du må hellere komme af sted nu. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now. " "canals.matt_go_nag02" "Tak, men jeg har styr på det. Jeg har arbejde at ordne heroppe. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag02" "Thanks, but I'll be okay. Got some work to finish up here. " "canals.matt_go_nag03" "Du ved, at jeg må blive og hjælpe strejfere. " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag03" "You understand, I've gotta stay and help any stragglers. " "canals.matt_go_nag04" "Kom i gang! " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag04" "Get going! " "canals.matt_go_nag05" "Fortsæt bare! " "[english]canals.matt_go_nag05" "You go on! " "canals.matt_goodluck" "Held og lykke derude! " "[english]canals.matt_goodluck" "Good luck out there! " "canals.matt_supplies" "Hør, det er ikke sikkert her. Jeg giver dig nogle forsyninger, så du kan klare dig, og så er det bare om at komme af sted." "[english]canals.matt_supplies" "Look, it isn't safe here. I'll give you some supplies to keep you going, then you really gotta go. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr" "Civilbeskyttelsen er efter os. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr" "Civil Protection is on to us. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr_a" "Vi rykker jernbanen op for at dække vores spor. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr_a" "We're tearing up the railroad, covering our tracks. " "canals.matt_tearinguprr_b" "Ser ud til, at du er den sidste. " "[english]canals.matt_tearinguprr_b" "Looks like you're gonna be the last one through. " "canals.matt_thanksbut" " " "[english]canals.matt_thanksbut" " " "canals.matt_toolate" "Åh lort! For sent! " "[english]canals.matt_toolate" "Oh shit! Too late! " "canals.mudcop1_01" "Nogen anden med en 647-E-udlæsning? " "[english]canals.mudcop1_01" "Anyone else pickup a 647-E reading? " "canals.mudcop1_02" "Modtager stadig den 647-E fra den lokale overvågning. " "[english]canals.mudcop1_02" "Still getting that 647-E from local surveillance. " "canals.mudcop1_03" " " "[english]canals.mudcop1_03" " " "canals.mudcop1_04" "Ingen visuel på UPI lige nu. " "[english]canals.mudcop1_04" "No visual on UPI at this time. " "canals.mudcop1_05" " " "[english]canals.mudcop1_05" " " "canals.mudcop1_hey" "Vi har en 10-108! " "[english]canals.mudcop1_hey" "We have a 10-108! " "canals.mudcop2_01" "Kontrollér for fejltælling " "[english]canals.mudcop2_01" "Check for miscount " "canals.mudcop2_02" "Klar, ingen 647, ingen 10-107. " "[english]canals.mudcop2_02" "Clear, no 647, no 10-107. " "canals.mudcop2_03" "Modtaget. " "[english]canals.mudcop2_03" "Roger that. " "canals.mudcop2_04" " " "[english]canals.mudcop2_04" " " "canals.mudcop2_05" " " "[english]canals.mudcop2_05" " " "canals.mudcop2_look" "Pas på! " "[english]canals.mudcop2_look" "Look out! " "canals.radio_comein12" "Station 12, kom ind. Station 12, hører I? " "[english]canals.radio_comein12" "Station 12, come in. Station 12, do you read? " "canals.radio_doyoucopy8" "Station 8, modtager I? Station 8, er I der? Vi har bekræftede rapporter om manhacks. Gentager: De fylder undergrunden med manhacks. " "[english]canals.radio_doyoucopy8" "Station 8, do you copy? Station 8, are you there? We have confirmed reports of manhacks. Repeat: they're filling the underground with manhacks. " "canals.radio_thisis8" "Dette er station 8! Vi hørte 12 gå ned. Indsatsenheder angriber togstationerne. Gentager, civilbeskyttelsen angriber undergrundsstationer. Vi får allerede flygtninge fra 9 og omliggende! Ser ud til, at vi -" "[english]canals.radio_thisis8" "This is Station 8! We heard 12 go down and out. Surgical strike units are targeting railway stations. Repeat, Civil Protection is coming down on underground stations. We're already getting refugees from 9 and outlying! Looks like we're--" "canals.shanty_badtime" "Det her er et skidt tidspunkt. " "[english]canals.shanty_badtime" "You got here at a bad time. " "canals.shanty_getitoffhim" "Få den af ham! Få den af! " "[english]canals.shanty_getitoffhim" "Get it off him! Get it off! " "canals.shanty_go_nag01" "Kom væk herfra! " "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag01" "Get outta here! " "canals.shanty_go_nag02" "Kom nu! " "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag02" "Go on! " "canals.shanty_go_nag03" "Kom i gang! " "[english]canals.shanty_go_nag03" "Get going! " "canals.shanty_gotsomeammo" "Vi har ammunition i de kasser herovre. " "[english]canals.shanty_gotsomeammo" "We've got some ammo in those crates over there. " "canals.shanty_gotword" "Vi hørte, at du var på vej. " "[english]canals.shanty_gotword" "We got word you were coming. " "canals.shanty_helpyourself" "Tag for dig af forsyninger, og fortsæt. " "[english]canals.shanty_helpyourself" "Help yourself to supplies and keep moving. " "canals.shanty_hey" "Hey! " "[english]canals.shanty_hey" "Hey! " "canals.shanty_toolate" "Det er for sent! Pas på! " "[english]canals.shanty_toolate" "It's too late! Stand back! " "canals.shanty_yourefm" "Du er Freeman, er du ikke? " "[english]canals.shanty_yourefm" "You're Freeman, aren't you? " "canals.stn1_cit_illstay" "Jeg bliver her i tilfælde af, at der kommer andre forbi. Må holde jernbanen i live." "[english]canals.stn1_cit_illstay" "I'm gonna stay here in case any others come through. Gotta keep the railway alive." "canals.stn1_cit_keepgoing" "Fortsæt, min ven! Stationen blev angrebet, men der er andre forude. " "[english]canals.stn1_cit_keepgoing" "Keep going, friend! That station was raided but there's others up ahead. " "canals.stn6_canisters" "De beskyder os med beholdere! " "[english]canals.stn6_canisters" "They're hitting us with canisters! " "canals.stn6_go_nag02" "Kom nu! " "[english]canals.stn6_go_nag02" "Go on! " "canals.stn6_incoming" "Indkommende! " "[english]canals.stn6_incoming" "Incoming! " "canals.stn6_launch" "Vi har en affyring. Vi har en affyring! " "[english]canals.stn6_launch" "We've got a launch. We've got a launch! " "canals.stn6_shellingus" "De beskyder os! " "[english]canals.stn6_shellingus" "They're shelling us! " "canals.vort_reckoning" "Det her er Freeman'en. Combines hævn er nu. " "[english]canals.vort_reckoning" "This is the Freeman. The Combine's reckoning has come. " "citadel.al_access" " " "[english]citadel.al_access" " " "citadel.al_ascent" "Fedt! Åh nej. Breen har påbegyndt opstigningen. " "[english]citadel.al_ascent" "Great! Oh no. Breen's started his ascent. " "citadel.al_beforeescape" "Hurtigt, Gordon, før han undslipper. " "[english]citadel.al_beforeescape" "Hurry, Gordon, before he escapes. " "citadel.al_betterhurry" "Vi må hellere skynde os, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_betterhurry" "We'd better hurry, Gordon. " "citadel.al_bitofit" "Du har ingenting set endnu. " "[english]citadel.al_bitofit" "You haven't seen a bit of it yet. " "citadel.al_bluff" "Han bluffer, Gordon. Lyt ikke til ham. " "[english]citadel.al_bluff" "He's bluffing, Gordon. Don't listen to him. " "citadel.al_bothtypes" " " "[english]citadel.al_bothtypes" " " "citadel.al_cantshutdown" "Jeg kan ikke lukke ned. Han har vel overdraget kontrollen til den anden side. Du må gå ind i kernen og gøre, hvad du kan. " "[english]citadel.al_cantshutdown" "I can't shut it down. Looks like he's turned over control to the other side. You'll have to go into the core and do what you can. " "citadel.al_chancelikethis" "Vi får aldrig en chance som denne igen. Vi må stoppe dr. Breen. " "[english]citadel.al_chancelikethis" "We'll never have a chance like this again. We've got to stop Dr. Breen. " "citadel.al_chargeup" "Oplad din dragt først. " "[english]citadel.al_chargeup" "Charge up your suit first. " "citadel.al_comegordon" "Kom nu, Gordon, lad os komme af sted! " "[english]citadel.al_comegordon" "Come on, Gordon, let's go! " "citadel.al_comeon" "Kom nu. " "[english]citadel.al_comeon" "Come on. " "citadel.al_comingafterme" "Gordon, vi har ikke kendt hinanden længe, men jeg ved, at du ikke behøvede at gøre det her. Jeg måtte redde min far, men du... tja... Tak, fordi du kom og hentede mig. " "[english]citadel.al_comingafterme" "Gordon, we haven't known each other very long, but I know you didn't have to do this. I had to rescue my father, but you... well... Thanks for coming after me. " "citadel.al_critical" "Det bli'r kritisk. Bare et par til. " "[english]citadel.al_critical" "It's gonna go critical. Just a few more. " "citadel.al_dad" "Far! " "[english]citadel.al_dad" "Dad! " "citadel.al_dadgordonno" "Far! " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno" "Dad! " "citadel.al_dadgordonno_b" "Gordon, " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno_b" "Gordon " "citadel.al_dadgordonno_c" "Nej... " "[english]citadel.al_dadgordonno_c" "No... " "citadel.al_dadhangon" "Far, vent lidt! " "[english]citadel.al_dadhangon" "Dad, hang on! " "citadel.al_dadsorry" "Far, jeg er meget ked af det. " "[english]citadel.al_dadsorry" "Dad, I'm so sorry. " "citadel.al_darkfusionreactor" "Åh du godeste. Det her er citadellets mørkefusionsreaktor. Den driver deres tunnelforviklingsenhed. " "[english]citadel.al_darkfusionreactor" "Oh my God. This is the Citadel's dark fusion reactor. It powers their tunneling entanglement device. " "citadel.al_dienow" " " "[english]citadel.al_dienow" " " "citadel.al_dienow_b" "Hvor vover du at nævne hende! " "[english]citadel.al_dienow_b" "How dare you even mention her! " "citadel.al_doingright" "Du gør det rigtige. " "[english]citadel.al_doingright" "You're doing the right thing. " "citadel.al_dontforget" "Glem ikke at oplade dragten. " "[english]citadel.al_dontforget" "Don't forget to charge up your suit. " "citadel.al_dontlisten" "Lyt ikke til ham, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_dontlisten" "Don't listen to him, Gordon. " "citadel.al_dontlistentohim" "Lyt ikke til ham, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_dontlistentohim" "Don't listen to him, Gordon. " "citadel.al_doworst" "Gør så meget du kan Gordon... men ... vær forsigtig. " "[english]citadel.al_doworst" "Do your worst Gordon... but... be careful. " "citadel.al_elevator" "Kom ind i elevatoren. " "[english]citadel.al_elevator" "Get in the elevator. " "citadel.al_exhaust" "Hold øje med udblæsningen. Forsøg at finde dækning for den. " "[english]citadel.al_exhaust" "Watch out for the exhaust. Try to find cover from it. " "citadel.al_fail_no" "Nej! " "[english]citadel.al_fail_no" "No! " "citadel.al_funnel" " " "[english]citadel.al_funnel" " " "citadel.al_gasp01" "Hva'... " "[english]citadel.al_gasp01" "Huh... " "citadel.al_gettingaway" "Nej, han slipper væk! " "[english]citadel.al_gettingaway" "No, he's getting away! " "citadel.al_gogordon" "Af sted, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.al_gogordon" "Go, Gordon. " "citadel.al_gordonwouldnever" "Gordon ville aldrig indgå en aftale med dig. " "[english]citadel.al_gordonwouldnever" "Gordon would never make any kind of deal with you. " "citadel.al_heylisten" "Hey, lyt. " "[english]citadel.al_heylisten" "Hey, listen. " "citadel.al_hurrymossman02" "Skynd dig! " "[english]citadel.al_hurrymossman02" "Hurry! " "citadel.al_ifonly" " " "[english]citadel.al_ifonly" " " "citadel.al_itsbreen" "Det er dr. Breen. Der er han! " "[english]citadel.al_itsbreen" "It's Dr. Breen. There he is! " "citadel.al_keepgoing" "Fortsæt. " "[english]citadel.al_keepgoing" "Keep going. " "citadel.al_keepgoing01" "Godt. Fortsæt. " "[english]citadel.al_keepgoing01" "Good. Keep going. " "citadel.al_launchtrip" " " "[english]citadel.al_launchtrip" " " "citadel.al_launchup" " " "[english]citadel.al_launchup" " " "citadel.al_letyouin" "Gå ind i elevatoren, så lukker jeg dig ind. " "[english]citadel.al_letyouin" "Get in the elevator and I'll let you in. " "citadel.al_lookafterdad" "Dr. Mossman... " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad" "Dr. Mossman... " "citadel.al_lookafterdad_b" "Judith... " "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad_b" "Judith... " "citadel.al_lookafterdad_c" "Tag dig af min far." "[english]citadel.al_lookafterdad_c" "Look after my father. " "citadel.al_lookout" "Pas på! " "[english]citadel.al_lookout" "Look out! " "citadel.al_lookwhatheleft" "Hey, se, hvad han efterlod! " "[english]citadel.al_lookwhatheleft" "Hey, look what he left behind! " "citadel.al_mixenergy" " " "[english]citadel.al_mixenergy" " " "citadel.al_noclue" "Han fatter ingenting, gør han? " "[english]citadel.al_noclue" "He doesn't have a clue, does he? " "citadel.al_notagain02" "Forbandet, ikke igen! " "[english]citadel.al_notagain02" "Damn it, not again! " "citadel.al_notsayinggoodbye" "Far, jeg siger ikke farvel. " "[english]citadel.al_notsayinggoodbye" "Dad, I'm not saying goodbye. " "citadel.al_ohnogordon" "Åh nej. Gordon! " "[english]citadel.al_ohnogordon" "Oh no. Gordon! " "citadel.al_outofhere" "Kom nu, Gordon, vi må væk herfra. Vi har måske stadig..." "[english]citadel.al_outofhere" "Come on, Gordon, we've got to get out of here. Maybe we still have ..." "citadel.al_pulses" " " "[english]citadel.al_pulses" " " "citadel.al_reactor01" " " "[english]citadel.al_reactor01" " " "citadel.al_reactor02" " " "[english]citadel.al_reactor02" " " "citadel.al_reactor03" "Jeg kan ikke gå derind, mens den er aktiv, men din dragt burde beskytte dig. Se efter svage steder i kernen." "[english]citadel.al_reactor03" "I can't go in there while it's activated, but your suit should protect you. Look for some vulnerability in the core." "citadel.al_reroute" " " "[english]citadel.al_reroute" " " "citadel.al_right" "Godt så. " "[english]citadel.al_right" "Right then. " "citadel.al_shootbeam" " " "[english]citadel.al_shootbeam" " " "citadel.al_soldiers01_a" "Åh nej, Combine-soldater. Hvor kom de fra? " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_a" "Oh no, Combine soldiers. Where did they come from? " "citadel.al_soldiers01_b" "Hvad helvede? " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_b" "What the hell? " "citadel.al_soldiers01_c" "Beklager, Gordon, jeg kan ikke stoppe dem herfra. " "[english]citadel.al_soldiers01_c" "I'm sorry, Gordon, I can't stop them from here. " "citadel.al_stayawaycore" "Hold dig fra kernen. " "[english]citadel.al_stayawaycore" "Stay away from the core. " "citadel.al_staybackbeam" "Hold øje med strålerne! " "[english]citadel.al_staybackbeam" "Watch out for the beams! " "citadel.al_struggle01" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle01" " " "citadel.al_struggle02" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle02" " " "citadel.al_struggle03" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle03" " " "citadel.al_struggle05" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle05" " " "citadel.al_struggle07" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle07" " " "citadel.al_struggle08" " " "[english]citadel.al_struggle08" " " "citadel.al_success_yes" "Ja! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes" "Yes! " "citadel.al_success_yes_nr" "Ja! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes_nr" "Yes! " "citadel.al_success_yes02_nr" "Yeah! Du gjorde det! " "[english]citadel.al_success_yes02_nr" "Yeah! You did it! " "citadel.al_tearapart" "Når han teleporterer, ryger det hele fra hinanden. Strålen er uafskærmet. Vi bliver kogt i singulariteten. " "[english]citadel.al_tearapart" "Once he teleports, the whole thing will tear apart. The beam is unshielded. We'll be cooked in the singularity. " "citadel.al_thatshim" "Der er han. " "[english]citadel.al_thatshim" "That's him. " "citadel.al_thegravgun01" "Tyngdekraftvåbnet!" "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun01" "The gravity gun! " "citadel.al_thegravgun03" "Gordon, tag tyngdekraftvåbnet." "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun03" "Gordon, get the gravity gun. " "citadel.al_thegravgun04" "Tag tyngdekraftvåbnet, Gordon." "[english]citadel.al_thegravgun04" "Take the gravity gun, Gordon. " "citadel.al_thereheis" "Der er han! " "[english]citadel.al_thereheis" "There he is! " "citadel.al_triplet" " " "[english]citadel.al_triplet" " " "citadel.al_uptop" "Åh Gud, portalen åbner. " "[english]citadel.al_uptop" "Oh my God, the portal's opening. " "citadel.al_watchout01" "Pas på, han -" "[english]citadel.al_watchout01" "Watch out, he's gonna--" "citadel.al_weak" "Prøv, om du kan finde en svaghed i de plader. Vi må blotlægge kernen, hvis vi skal destabilisere den. " "[english]citadel.al_weak" "See if you can find a weakness in those plates. We'll have to expose the core if we plan to destabilize it. " "citadel.al_whahappen" "Gordon. Hvad skete der med tyngdekraftvåbnet? Det trækker nok energi fra citadellet." "[english]citadel.al_whahappen" "Gordon. What happened to the gravity gun? It must be drawing power from the Citadel. " "citadel.al_wonderwhere" "Hvor mon han skal hen? " "[english]citadel.al_wonderwhere" "I wonder where he's going. " "citadel.al_working" "Bliv ved, Gordon, det fungerer. " "[english]citadel.al_working" "Keep it up, Gordon, it's working. " "citadel.al_yes" "Ja!" "[english]citadel.al_yes" "Yes!" "citadel.al_yes_nr" "Ja!" "[english]citadel.al_yes_nr" "Yes!" "citadel.br_betrayed" "De ved, du har forrådt dem. De vender sig imod dig! Judith – dr. Mossman. Hør nu! " "[english]citadel.br_betrayed" "They know you betrayed them. They'll turn on you! Judith -- Dr. Mossman. Please! " "citadel.br_betrayed_b" "Judith – dr. Mossman – hør nu... " "[english]citadel.br_betrayed_b" "Judith - Dr. Mossman - please... " "citadel.br_bidder_a" "Hvad siger du til det, dr. Freeman? " "[english]citadel.br_bidder_a" "How about it, Dr. Freeman? " "citadel.br_bidder_b" "Vidste du, at din kontrakt var til salg til højestbydende? " "[english]citadel.br_bidder_b" "Did you realize your contract was open to the highest bidder? " "citadel.br_bounty" " " "[english]citadel.br_bounty" " " "citadel.br_circum" "Tja, dr. Freeman, jeg er sikker på, at vi under andre omstændigheder ville kunne samarbejde under gensidig tillid og respekt. Under Deres korte ophold ved Black Mesa med mig som administrator viste De i hvert fald, at De havde, hvad der skal til for at blive en værdifuld og produktiv bidragyder til den videnskabelige proces. Og alligevel... Jeg aner ikke, hvad der ansporede Dem... men her er ingen plads til en fandenivoldsk fysiker." "[english]citadel.br_circum" "Well, Dr. Freeman, under other circumstances I like to think we might have been able to work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Certainly, judging from your brief tenure at Black Mesa while I was its Administrator, you showed every promise of becoming a valuable and productive contributor to the scientific process. And yet... I'm not sure what spurred you to it... but there is really no place in this enterprise for a rogue physicist. " "citadel.br_create" "Sig mig, dr. Freeman, hvis De kan. De har ødelagt så meget. Hvad er det helt præcist, De har skabt? Kan De bare nævne en eneste ting? Tænkte jeg nok. " "[english]citadel.br_create" "Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can. You have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not. " "citadel.br_deliver" "Det er mig, De skal være bekymret for! Jeg kan stadig befri jorden, men ikke uden Deres hjælp. " "[english]citadel.br_deliver" "It's me you should be concerned about! I can still deliver Earth, but not without your help. " "citadel.br_dictate_a" "At I begge er i min varetægt sikrer, at jeg kan diktere betingelserne i enhver studehandel, jeg gør med Combine. " "[english]citadel.br_dictate_a" "Having both of you in my keeping ensures I can dictate the terms of any bargain I care to make with the Combine. " "citadel.br_failing01" "Du gode Gud! " "[english]citadel.br_failing01" "Good God! " "citadel.br_failing02" "Kom væk derfra! " "[english]citadel.br_failing02" "Get away from there! " "citadel.br_failing03" "Hvordan gør du det?! " "[english]citadel.br_failing03" "How are you doing that?! " "citadel.br_failing04" "Hvordan gjorde du det? " "[english]citadel.br_failing04" "How did you do that?! " "citadel.br_failing05" "Hold op med at lege der! " "[english]citadel.br_failing05" "Stop toying with that! " "citadel.br_failing06" "Uanset hvad du gør – hold op med det samme! " "[english]citadel.br_failing06" "Whatever you're doing, stop at once! " "citadel.br_failing07" "Ikke det! " "[english]citadel.br_failing07" "Not that! " "citadel.br_failing08" "Hold op! " "[english]citadel.br_failing08" "Stop it! " "citadel.br_failing09" "Stop det der! " "[english]citadel.br_failing09" "Stop that! " "citadel.br_failing10" "Stop! " "[english]citadel.br_failing10" "Stop! " "citadel.br_failing11" "Nej! " "[english]citadel.br_failing11" "No! " "citadel.br_failing12" "Jeg aner ikke, hvad De laver, Freeman, men jeg advarer Dem imod det! " "[english]citadel.br_failing12" "I don't know what you're doing, Freeman, but I'm warning you against it! " "citadel.br_farside" "Virkelig? Hm, lad os nu se, hvor rart I får det på den anden side af en Combine-portal. " "[english]citadel.br_farside" "Really? Well, let's see how it serves you on the far side of a Combine portal. " "citadel.br_foundation" "Jeg har lagt fundamentet for menneskehedens overlevelse, og ikke som vi så snæversynet har defineret os, men som noget større, end vi nogensinde kunne forestille os. Noget, vi kun kan ane nu. " "[english]citadel.br_foundation" "I have laid the foundation for humanity's survival, and not as we have narrowly defined ourselves, but as something greater than we could ever imagine. Something we can only now begin to glimpse. " "citadel.br_freemanatlast" "Så det her er dr. Freeman, endelig. Bare jeg kunne kalde det her en behagelig overraskelse, men det er hverken en overraskelse eller – som De nok er enig i, særligt behageligt. Tja, jeg er da i hvert fald pragmatisk. " "[english]citadel.br_freemanatlast" "So, this is Dr. Freeman, at last. I wish I could say this was a pleasant surprise, but it's neither a surprise nor, as you would surely agree, very pleasant. Well, I am nothing if not pragmatic. " "citadel.br_gift" " " "[english]citadel.br_gift" " " "citadel.br_gift_a" "Det er helt op til dig, min gamle ven. " "[english]citadel.br_gift_a" "That's all up to you, my old friend. " "citadel.br_gift_b" "Vil du lade din stædige kortsynethed fordømme hele arten, eller " "[english]citadel.br_gift_b" "Will you let your stubborn short-sightedness doom the entire species, or " "citadel.br_gift_c" "vil du give dit barn den chance, hendes mor aldrig havde? " "[english]citadel.br_gift_c" "will you give your child the chance her mother never had? " "citadel.br_goback" "Gå tilbage, Freeman, du ved ikke, hvad du gør! " "[english]citadel.br_goback" "Go back, Freeman, you have no idea what you're doing! " "citadel.br_gravgun" "Hvad er det her? Åh, læg det bare derover. " "[english]citadel.br_gravgun" "What's this? Oh, put it over there. " "citadel.br_guards" "Vagter! Kom herind!" "[english]citadel.br_guards" "Guards! Get in here!" "citadel.br_guest" "Det er vores æresgæst. Hvilken fornøjelse. " "[english]citadel.br_guest" "It's our guest of honor. What a pleasure. " "citadel.br_guest_a" "Men er det ikke Gordon Freeman, omsider. " "[english]citadel.br_guest_a" "Well, if it isn't Gordon Freeman, at last. " "citadel.br_guest_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_b" " " "citadel.br_guest_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_c" " " "citadel.br_guest_d" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_d" " " "citadel.br_guest_f" " " "[english]citadel.br_guest_f" " " "citadel.br_guest_f_cc" "Jeg er dig tak skyldig, doktor. Først fører du mig direkte til min ældste vens dørtrin, og derefter leverer du dig selv. Hvis jeg havde vidst, at du ville komme direkte til mit kontor, havde jeg ikke ulejliget mig med at jage dig til at begynde med." "[english]citadel.br_guest_f_cc" "You have my gratitude, Doctor. First you lead me straight to the doorstep of my oldest friend, and then you deliver yourself. If I'd known you were going come straight up to my office, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place. " "citadel.br_hostbody" "En værtskrop? Du spøger, jeg kan umuligt - " "[english]citadel.br_hostbody" "A host body? You must be joking, I can't possibly--- " "citadel.br_judithwhat" "Judith? Hvad tror du egentlig, du laver? " "[english]citadel.br_judithwhat" "Judith? What do you think you're doing? " "citadel.br_justhurry" "Bare skynd dig, han er lige bag mig! " "[english]citadel.br_justhurry" "Just hurry, he's right behind me! " "citadel.br_laugh01" "*latter*" "[english]citadel.br_laugh01" "*laughter*" "citadel.br_look" "Se. Se. " "[english]citadel.br_look" "Look. Look. " "citadel.br_lookthere" "Se der. " "[english]citadel.br_lookthere" "Look there. " "citadel.br_mentors" "Det er dine mentorer naturligvis til dels skyld i. Min skuffelse over Eli Vance og Isaac Kleiner er langt større end min sorg over dit uheldige valg af karriere. Egentlig kunne du vel ikke have gjort det anderledes. Hvem ved, hvilken billedlig påvirkning de såede, da du var ung og godtroende. Men selv om de bestemt bærer en stor del af ansvaret for de seneste problemer, er det dig alene, der har valgt at handle med en sådan ringeagt for menneskehedens fremtid. " "[english]citadel.br_mentors" "Your mentors are partly to blame, of course. My disappointment in Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner is far greater than my sorrow over your unfortunate choice of career path. In a way, I suppose you could not have done otherwise. Who knows what seeds of iconoclasm they planted when you were young and gullible. But while they certainly share a great part of the responsibility for the recent troubles, it is you alone who have chosen to act with such willful disregard for humanity's future. " "citadel.br_mock01" "Er du stadig med os, dr. Freeman? Ikke meget længere, tror jeg. " "[english]citadel.br_mock01" "Are you still with us, Dr. Freeman? Not for much longer, I think. " "citadel.br_mock02" "Jeg regner med, at du svigter igen, dr. Freeman. Præcis som jeg regnede med dig ved Black Mesa. " "[english]citadel.br_mock02" "I'm relying on you to fail again, Dr. Freeman. Just as I relied on you at Black Mesa. " "citadel.br_mock03" "Du ser ud til at sakke bagud. Det kunne jeg aldrig have forudset. " "[english]citadel.br_mock03" "It looks like you're falling behind. I could never have predicted that. " "citadel.br_mock04" "Et forudsigeligt svigt, dr. Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock04" "A predictable failure, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock05" "Jeg aner ikke, hvad du forventer at opnå – ud over din egen udslettelse. " "[english]citadel.br_mock05" "I don't know what you can possibly hope to achieve, apart from your own annihilation. " "citadel.br_mock06" "Jeg sagde, at det her var frugtesløst. " "[english]citadel.br_mock06" "I warned you this was futile. " "citadel.br_mock07" "Jeg kunne have fortalt, at det var meningsløst, dr. Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock07" "I could have told you that was pointless, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock08" "Nu varer det ikke meget længere, dr. Freeman. " "[english]citadel.br_mock08" "It won't be much longer now, Dr. Freeman. " "citadel.br_mock09" "Du har forhåbentlig sagt farvel. " "[english]citadel.br_mock09" "I hope you said your farewells. " "citadel.br_mock10" "Åh, dr. Freeman... " "[english]citadel.br_mock10" "Oh, Dr. Freeman... " "citadel.br_mock11" "Hvilket spild. " "[english]citadel.br_mock11" "What a waste. " "citadel.br_mock12" "Meningsløst af dig. " "[english]citadel.br_mock12" "Pointless of you. " "citadel.br_mock13" "Hvis du blot havde brugt din uendelige energi til noget nyttigt! " "[english]citadel.br_mock13" "If only you had harnessed your boundless energy for a useful purpose! " "citadel.br_newleader_a" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_a" " " "citadel.br_newleader_a_cc" "Enig, komplet spild. Heldigvis har modstandsbevægelsen vist, at de er villige til at acceptere en ny leder. Og den her har vist sig at være en fremragende brik for dem, der kontrollerer ham. " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_a_cc" "I agree, it's a total waste. Fortunately, the resistance has shown it is willing to accept a new leader. And this one has proven to be a fine pawn for those who control him. " "citadel.br_newleader_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_b" " " "citadel.br_newleader_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_newleader_c" " " "citadel.br_no" "Nej! " "[english]citadel.br_no" "No! " "citadel.br_nopoint" "Åh, det er næppe det værste. Men I finder det nok svært at tro, når I først ankommer der." "[english]citadel.br_nopoint" "Oh, it's hardly the worst. But you might find that hard to believe once you get there. " "citadel.br_nothingtosay_a" "Jeg forstår, hvis du ikke vil diskutere det foran dine venner. " "[english]citadel.br_nothingtosay_a" "I understand if you don't wish to discuss this in front of your friends. " "citadel.br_nothingtosay_b" "Jeg sender dem væk, så vi kan tale åbent. " "[english]citadel.br_nothingtosay_b" "I'll send them on their way, and then we can talk openly. " "citadel.br_oheli07" "... kulstofstjerner med ældgamle satellitter koloniseret af intelligente svampe." "[english]citadel.br_oheli07" "...carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi." "citadel.br_oheli08" "Gasgiganter beboet af store meteorologiske intelligenser. Verdener udstrakt over membranerne, hvor dimensioner " "[english]citadel.br_oheli08" "Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where dimensions " "citadel.br_oheli09" "krydser hinanden... Umuligt at beskrive med vores begrænsede ordforråd!" "[english]citadel.br_oheli09" "intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!" "citadel.br_ohshit" "Åh lort! " "[english]citadel.br_ohshit" "Oh shit! " "citadel.br_playgame_a" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_a" " " "citadel.br_playgame_b" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_b" " " "citadel.br_playgame_b_cc" "Eli... hvis du ikke vil gøre det rigtige til gavn for menneskeheden, vil du måske gøre det for ét af dens medlemmer." "[english]citadel.br_playgame_b_cc" "Eli...if you won't do the right thing for the good of all people, maybe you'll do it for one of them." "citadel.br_playgame_c" " " "[english]citadel.br_playgame_c" " " "citadel.br_rabble" " " "[english]citadel.br_rabble" " " "citadel.br_rabble_a" "Takket være dig har vi alt, vi behøver i den forbindelse. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_a" "Thanks to you, we have everything we need in that regard. " "citadel.br_rabble_b" "Du er mere end kvalificeret til at færdiggøre hans forskning selv. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_b" "You're more than qualified to finish his research yourself. " "citadel.br_rabble_c" "Hvad hverken du eller jeg kan gøre er at overbevise pøblen i gaderne om, at de skal opgive deres meningsløse kamp. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_c" "What neither you nor I can do is convince that rabble in the streets to give up their senseless struggle. " "citadel.br_rabble_d" "Alligevel nægter Eli at sige ordene, der kan redde dem alle. " "[english]citadel.br_rabble_d" "Yet Eli refuses to speak the words that would save them all. " "citadel.br_stubborn" "Alyx, min kære, du har din mors øjne. Men din fars stædige natur. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn" "Alyx my dear, you have your mother's eyes. But your father's stubborn nature. " "citadel.br_stubborn01" "Du har din mors øjne, min kære. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn01" "You have your mother's eyes, my dear. " "citadel.br_stubborn02" "Men din fars stædige natur. " "[english]citadel.br_stubborn02" "But your father's stubborn nature. " "citadel.br_synapse" "Dr. Freeman. Du burde virkelig ikke være derude. I synapseøjeblikket, når jeg teleporterer, bades dette kammer i dødbringende partikler, som menneskevidenskaben endnu ikke har noget navn for. Når jeg har tid til at gøre arbejdet selv, navngiver jeg måske en efter dig. Så bliver du da ikke glemt fuldstændigt. " "[english]citadel.br_synapse" "Dr. Freeman. You really shouldn't be out there. At the moment of synapse, as I teleport, this chamber will be bathed in deadly particles that have yet to be named by human science. Perhaps when I have the leisure to do the work myself, I'll name one after you. That way you won't be completely forgotten. " "citadel.br_synapse02" "Når singulariteten kollapser, er jeg langt borte herfra. I et andet univers, faktisk. Du, på den anden side, bliver destrueret på enhver mulig måde man kan destrueres på og endda på nogle måder, som i bund og grund er umulige." "[english]citadel.br_synapse02" "When the singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact. You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed-and even in some which are essentially impossible. " "citadel.br_takeme" "Tag mig. " "[english]citadel.br_takeme" "Take me. " "citadel.br_unleash" "Du aner ikke, hvad du slipper fri! Du kan lægge hele dette citadel i aske! Tænk, mand, tænk – på menneskerne nedenunder! " "[english]citadel.br_unleash" "You don't know what you'll unleash! You could bring down this whole Citadel! Think, man, think - of the people below! " "citadel.br_untenable" "Portaldestinationen kan ikke holdes. Relæet kan helt sikkert indstilles andetsteds. Jeg kan umuligt overleve i det miljø. " "[english]citadel.br_untenable" "The portal destination is untenable. Surely you can set the relay elsewhere. There's no way I can survive in that environment. " "citadel.br_warmup" "Jeg varmer portalen op for at sende dig nu. " "[english]citadel.br_warmup" "I'm warming up the portal to deliver you even now. " "citadel.br_whatittakes" "Åh godt, skidt med det, hvis det skal til! " "[english]citadel.br_whatittakes" "Oh all right, damn it, if that's what it takes! " "citadel.br_worthit" "Se, Gordon. Se, hvad du smider væk. Er det dét værd? " "[english]citadel.br_worthit" "Look, Gordon. Look at what you are throwing away. Is it worth it? " "citadel.br_yesjudith" "Ja, Judith, hvad er det?" "[english]citadel.br_yesjudith" "Yes, Judith, what is it? " "citadel.br_youfool" "Dit fæ! " "[english]citadel.br_youfool" "You fool! " "citadel.br_youneedme" "Du har brug for mig! " "[english]citadel.br_youneedme" "You need me! " "citadel.eli_alyx01" "Alyx! Skat... " "[english]citadel.eli_alyx01" "Alyx! Honey... " "citadel.eli_alyxsweetheart" "Alyx, min kære." "[english]citadel.eli_alyxsweetheart" "Alyx, sweetheart." "citadel.eli_damnbreen" "Fanden tage dig, Breen! Lad hende gå! " "[english]citadel.eli_damnbreen" "God damn you, Breen! You let her go! " "citadel.eli_dontstruggle" "Kæmp ikke imod, skat. " "[english]citadel.eli_dontstruggle" "Don't struggle, honey. " "citadel.eli_dontworryboutme" "Åh nej, vær ikke bekymret for mig, skat. " "[english]citadel.eli_dontworryboutme" "Oh no, don't worry about me honey. " "citadel.eli_genocide" "Det, jeg har set, trodser også enhver beskrivelse, Breen. Folkemord... ubeskrivelig ondskab... " "[english]citadel.eli_genocide" "What I've seen is also beyond words, Breen. Genocide... indescribable evil... " "citadel.eli_goodgod" "Du gode Gud. " "[english]citadel.eli_goodgod" "Good God. " "citadel.eli_mygirl" "Det er min pige. " "[english]citadel.eli_mygirl" "That's my girl. " "citadel.eli_nonever" "Aldrig. " "[english]citadel.eli_nonever" "Never. " "citadel.eli_notobreen" "Nej! " "[english]citadel.eli_notobreen" "No! " "citadel.eli_ohalyx" "Åh, Alyx, kæreste. " "[english]citadel.eli_ohalyx" "Oh, Alyx, sweetheart. " "citadel.eli_ohjudith" "Åh, Judith... " "[english]citadel.eli_ohjudith" "Oh, Judith... " "citadel.eli_save" "Redde dem? Fra hvad?" "[english]citadel.eli_save" "Save them? For what? " "citadel.eli_sendusboth" "Kom bare, Breen, hvis det er dit slemmeste, så send os igennem din portal!" "[english]citadel.eli_sendusboth" "Go ahead, Breen, if that's the worst you can do, send us both through your portal!" "citadel.gman_exit01" "Tid, dr. Freeman? " "[english]citadel.gman_exit01" "Time, Dr. Freeman? " "citadel.gman_exit02" "Er det virkelig den tid igen? " "[english]citadel.gman_exit02" "Is it really that time again? " "citadel.gman_exit03" "Det virker som om, du lige er kommet. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit03" "It seems as if you only just arrived. " "citadel.gman_exit04" "Du har udrettet en del på kort tid. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit04" "You've done a great deal in a small timespan. " "citadel.gman_exit05" "Du har faktisk gjort det så godt, at jeg har modtaget interessante tilbud for din hjælp. Normalt ville jeg ikke overveje dem. Men tiderne er usædvanlige. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit05" "You've done so well, in fact, that I've received some interesting offers for your services. Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them. But these are extraordinary times. " "citadel.gman_exit06" "I stedet for at give dig illusioner om frit valg, tillader jeg mig at vælge for dig... hvis og når din tid kommer igen. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit06" "Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty of choosing for you...if and when your time comes round again. " "citadel.gman_exit07" "Jeg beklager, hvad der for dig må virke som en tilfældig påtvingen, dr. Freeman. Jeg regner med, at du vil forstå det hele i løbet af... tja... " "[english]citadel.gman_exit07" "I do apologize for what must seem to you an arbitrary imposition, Dr. Freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of...well... " "citadel.gman_exit08" "Det må jeg faktisk ikke sige. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit08" "I'm really not at liberty to say. " "citadel.gman_exit09" "I mellemtiden... " "[english]citadel.gman_exit09" "In the meantime... " "citadel.gman_exit10" "Det er her, jeg skal af. " "[english]citadel.gman_exit10" "This is where I get off. " "citadel.gman_meetagain" "Indtil vi mødes igen" "[english]citadel.gman_meetagain" "Until we meet again " "citadel.gman_rightman" "Den rette mand på det forkerte sted kan gøre alverden til forskel. " "[english]citadel.gman_rightman" "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. " "citadel.mo_alyxneedthis" "Det her får du brug for. " "[english]citadel.mo_alyxneedthis" "You'll need this. " "citadel.mo_bargain" "Vi burde forhandle om Elis liv, så han kan fortsætte sin forskning! " "[english]citadel.mo_bargain" "The bargain we should be making is for Eli's life, so he can continue his research! " "citadel.mo_dont" "Lad være – !" "[english]citadel.mo_dont" "Don't---!" "citadel.mo_dontlook" "Se ikke sådan på mig. " "[english]citadel.mo_dontlook" "Oh don't give me that look. " "citadel.mo_dontworry" "Bare rolig. " "[english]citadel.mo_dontworry" "Don't you worry. " "citadel.mo_goyoutwo" "Gå bare, I to. " "[english]citadel.mo_goyoutwo" "Go on, you two. " "citadel.mo_illtakehim" "Jeg tager ham herfra. " "[english]citadel.mo_illtakehim" "I'll take him from here. " "citadel.mo_necessary" "Det er ikke nødvendigt! " "[english]citadel.mo_necessary" "It isn't necessary! " "citadel.mo_notfollowed" "Vi sørger for, at ingen følger efter. " "[english]citadel.mo_notfollowed" "We'll make sure you're not followed. " "citadel.mo_notimealyx" "Der er ikke tid, Alyx. Han er på vej til portalen. " "[english]citadel.mo_notimealyx" "There's no time, Alyx. He's on his way to the portal. " "citadel.mo_notleavingeli" "Jeg forlader dig ikke igen, Eli. " "[english]citadel.mo_notleavingeli" "I'm not leaving you again, Eli. " "citadel.mo_nouse" "Kæmp ikke imod. Det nytter ikke. Indtil du er, hvor han vil ha' dig, kan du intet gøre. " "[english]citadel.mo_nouse" "Don't struggle. It's no use. Until you're where he wants you, there's nothing you can do. " "citadel.mo_outoftime" "Beklager, Wallace. Du har ikke mere tid. " "[english]citadel.mo_outoftime" "I'm sorry, Wallace. You're all out of time. " "citadel.mo_sorrygordon" "Beklager, Gordon. " "[english]citadel.mo_sorrygordon" "I'm sorry, Gordon. " "citadel.mo_stophim" "Jeg var ikke forsigtig nok. Breen ved alt, hvad vi har fundet ud af. Du må stoppe ham. " "[english]citadel.mo_stophim" "I wasn't careful enough. Breen knows everything we learned. You have to stop him. " "citadel.mo_stoppingyou" "Vi udretter, hvad jeg aldrig kunne alene. Vi stopper dig. " "[english]citadel.mo_stoppingyou" "We're doing what I could never do alone. We're stopping you. " "citadel.mo_wallace" "Dr. Breen... Wallace... " "[english]citadel.mo_wallace" "Dr. Breen... Wallace... " "coast.al_captured" "Min far og dr. Mossman... de blev fanget under kampene. Vortigaunter sporede dem til Nova Prospekt, det ombyggede fængsel oppe ad kysten. Hvis du kunne møde mig der, Gordon, kunne vi sammen forsøge at få dem fri. " "[english]coast.al_captured" "My Dad and Dr. Mossman...they were captured in the fighting. Vortigaunts tracked them to Nova Prospekt, the converted prison up the coast. If you could meet me there, Gordon, then together we might have a chance of getting them out. " "coast.al_goodhands" "Tak, Leon. Gordon, jeg har ikke kørt på kystvejen i over et år, men der er ingen grund til at tro, at den er blevet sikrere. Mød mig i depotet, hvor togene losser. Pas på dig selv, og vi ses i Nova Prospekt. " "[english]coast.al_goodhands" "Thanks, Leon. Gordon, I haven't driven the coast road in over a year, but I have no reason to think it's gotten any safer. Meet me in the depot where the trains unload. Take care of yourself and I'll see you in Nova Prospekt. " "coast.al_goodnews" "Er han her? " "[english]coast.al_goodnews" "He's there? " "coast.al_goodtoseeyou" "Det er rart at se dig, Gordon. Vær forsigtig. " "[english]coast.al_goodtoseeyou" "It's good to see you, Gordon. Be careful. " "coast.al_gotcar" "Derfor kontaktede jeg dig, Leon. Jeg håbede, at du stadig havde den spejderbil, vi efterlod hos dig sidste sommer. Den, min far udstyrede med tau-kanonen." "[english]coast.al_gotcar" "That's why I called you, Leon. I was hoping you still had the scout car we left with you last summer. The one my Dad rigged with the tau cannon. " "coast.al_hitcher01" "Han er blevet ført til Nova Prospekt. Vortigaunterne har sporet skibet, der sejlede væk med ham og Judith Mossman. Jeg forsøger at komme med, mens togene stadig kører. " "[english]coast.al_hitcher01" "He's been taken to Nova Prospekt. The vortigaunts tracked the ship that made off with him and Judith Mossman. While the trains are still running, I'm going to hitch a ride. " "coast.al_hitcher02" "Her kommer du ind i billedet, Gordon. Du må begive dig op langs kysten, indtil du kommer til Nova Prospekt. Det var engang et højsikkerhedsfængsel – nu er det noget endnu værre. Jeg tror, at det stadig er nemmere at snige sig ind end at bryde ud. " "[english]coast.al_hitcher02" "Here's where you come in, Gordon. I need you to make your way along the coast until you get to Nova Prospekt. It used to be a high security prison-it's something much worse than that now. But I think it's still easier to sneak in than to break out. " "coast.al_needyourhelp" "Gordon, du kom igennem Ravenholm? Gudskelov! Jeg behøver din hjælp! De har taget min far! " "[english]coast.al_needyourhelp" "Gordon, you made it through Ravenholm? Thank God! I need your help! They've taken my father! " "coast.al_out" "Slut. " "[english]coast.al_out" "Out. " "coast.al_stowaway" "Godt. " "[english]coast.al_stowaway" "Good. " "coast.al_taucar" "Hey, Leon. Har du stadig den bil, min far og jeg byggede? " "[english]coast.al_taucar" "Hey, Leon. Do you still have the car my Dad and I put together? " "coast.antman01" " " "[english]coast.antman01" " " "coast.antman02" " " "[english]coast.antman02" " " "coast.bugbait_onemanalone" "Kom i gang, dr. Freeman. Nova Prospekt er lige forude. Ingen mand har alene store chancer for at komme derind, men en mand med et kobbel antlioner... det er en anden sag. " "[english]coast.bugbait_onemanalone" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. Nova Prospekt is just ahead. One man alone wouldn't stand much chance going in there, but a man with a pack of antlions... well, that's a different story. " "coast.cr_willdo" "Straks! Jeg har netop monteret en ammunitionskasse bagpå. " "[english]coast.cr_willdo" "Will do! I just finished mounting an ammo crate on the back. " "coast.lady_gotodocks" "Fortsæt ned til molerne der, og vi gør klar til dig. Lyt til kranførerens instruktioner. " "[english]coast.lady_gotodocks" "Go right on down to the docks there, and we'll bring it out for you. Listen for directions from the crane operator. " "coast.lady_keepgoing" "Fortsæt, og du vil få øje på bilen. " "[english]coast.lady_keepgoing" "Keep on going and you'll see the car. " "coast.le_allclear" "Det er Leon. Vi er klar. Og jeg har Gordon Freeman! " "[english]coast.le_allclear" "It's Leon. We're all clear. And I've got Gordon Freeman! " "coast.le_allset" "Fin timing. Ok, Alyx, vi er klar. " "[english]coast.le_allset" "Good timing. Okay, Alyx, we're all set. " "coast.le_buggy" "Noriko, tag buggyen ud, og sæt den på kajen lige nu. Gordon Freeman kører den! " "[english]coast.le_buggy" "Noriko, bring the buggy out, put it on the dock right now. Gordon Freeman will be driving it! " "coast.le_bye" "Farvel, Alyx." "[english]coast.le_bye" "Bye, Alyx. " "coast.le_followme" "Følg mig. " "[english]coast.le_followme" "Follow me. " "coast.le_goodidea" "Yeah! God idé! Vent lige et sekund. " "[english]coast.le_goodidea" "Yeah! Good idea! Hold on a sec. " "coast.le_gotgordon" "Alyx, det er Leon, og Gordon Freeman er hos mig. " "[english]coast.le_gotgordon" "Alyx, it's Leon, and I've got Gordon Freeman with me. " "coast.le_map" "Kortet er gammelt, men du kan stadig nogenlunde se ruten til Nova Prospekt. Kan dog ikke garantere for vejen. Vi har mistet kontakten med nogle af forposterne. " "[english]coast.le_map" "That map is out of date, but you can still see more or less the route to Nova Prospekt. Can't vouch for the road, though. We've lost touch with some of the outposts. " "coast.le_onfoot" "Du vil ha' ham til at tage kystvejen? Han holder ikke fem minutter til fods. Det er klækkesæson for antlionerne. " "[english]coast.le_onfoot" "You want him to take the coast road? He won't last five minutes on foot. It's spawning season for the antlions. " "coast.le_overhere" "Herovre, dr. Freeman. " "[english]coast.le_overhere" "Over here, Dr. Freeman. " "coast.le_patchhim" "Lap ham sammen, og få ham bagud, når han er stabil. " "[english]coast.le_patchhim" "Patch him up and get him to the back as soon as he's stable. " "coast.le_radio" "Jeg kalder og fortæller den næste base, at du kommer." "[english]coast.le_radio" "I'll radio ahead and let the next base know you're coming. " "coast.le_radioloop" "Shorepoint til N.L.O." "[english]coast.le_radioloop" "Shorepoint to N.L.O." "coast.le_radioloop_b" "Shorepoint til New Little Odessa. " "[english]coast.le_radioloop_b" "Shorepoint to New Little Odessa. " "coast.le_radioloop_c" "Kom ind, Odessa... modtager I? " "[english]coast.le_radioloop_c" "Come in, Odessa...do you read? " "coast.le_restock" "Ok, Doc, før du stikker af, burde du måske snuppe nogle medicinsæt og lidt ammunition og kigge på kortet, så du ved, hvor du skal hen. Der er en ammunitionskasse bag på den bil, hvis det er nogen trøst. " "[english]coast.le_restock" "Okay, Doc, before you hit the road, you might want to grab some medkits, restock on ammo, maybe check the map and see where you're headed. There's an ammo supply crate on the back of the car, if that's any comfort. " "coast.le_staywithcar" "Bliv ved bilen, brug dunkene, og du har en rimelig chance imod de antlioner. " "[english]coast.le_staywithcar" "Stay with the car, make use of the thumpers, and you'll stand a fair chance against the antlions. " "coast.le_whohurt" "Hvem er såret? " "[english]coast.le_whohurt" "Who's hurt? " "coast.le_youmadeit" "Gordon Freeman! Utroligt, at du klarede den! Vi har modtaget kommunikation fra Alyx. Jeg forsøger at nå hende igen. " "[english]coast.le_youmadeit" "Gordon Freeman! It's incredible you made it! We've been getting communications from Alyx. I'll see if I can reach her again. " "coast.leon_getaway" " " "[english]coast.leon_getaway" " " "coast.leon_itisyou" " " "[english]coast.leon_itisyou" " " "coast.leon_suredo" " " "[english]coast.leon_suredo" " " "coast.leon_thisisleon" " " "[english]coast.leon_thisisleon" " " "coast.med_online" "Dr. Freeman? Du spøger. Jeg har talt med Alyx. Hendes far er blevet fanget. " "[english]coast.med_online" "Dr. Freeman? You're kidding. I've been on the line with Alyx. Her father's been captured. " "coast.pheropod_nag01" "Tja, dr. Freeman, du er en rigtig antlion. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag01" "Well, Dr. Freeman, you're a regular antlion now. " "coast.pheropod_nag02" "Jeg sværger selv til feropoderne. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag02" "I swear by the pheropods myself. " "coast.pheropod_nag03" "Antlionerne generer dig ikke nu, Doc. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag03" "The antlions won't bother you now, Doc. " "coast.pheropod_nag04" "Du har vist fået nogle venner. " "[english]coast.pheropod_nag04" "Looks like you've made yourself some friends. " "coast.vbaittrain_fine" "Freeman'en udmærker sig igen i alle opgaver! " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_fine" "The Freeman again excels at all tasks! " "coast.vbaittrain_gotit" "Freeman'en viser sin udmærkelse i alle ting. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_gotit" "The Freeman shows his excellence in all things. " "coast.vbaittrain_great" "Freeman'en har gjort godt. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain_great" "The Freeman has done well. " "coast.vbaittrain01a" "Freeman'en beærer os med sin tilstedeværelse. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01a" "The Freeman honors us by his presence. " "coast.vbaittrain01b" "Freeman'en instrueres nu i at bruge feropoderne. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01b" "The Freeman will now be instructed in the use of pheropods. " "coast.vbaittrain01c" "Lyt nu, og lær at styre antlionerne med denne såkaldte insektmadding. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain01c" "Attend, now, and learn to shepherd antlions with this so-called bug-bait. " "coast.vbaittrain02" "Freeman'en tager nu sine feropoder frem og kaster én i hullet hist." "[english]coast.vbaittrain02" "The Freeman will now break out his pheropods and toss one into yonder pit. " "coast.vbaittrain02_nag" "Freeman'en må ikke tøve: Kyl den feropod i hullet. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain02_nag" "The Freeman must not delay: Hurl that pheropod into the pit. " "coast.vbaittrain03" "Freeman'en kan også narre sine antlioner til at angribe bestemte mål. Iagttag øvelsesdukken, og marker den omhyggeligt med en anden feropod. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain03" "The Freeman can also coax his antlions to attack specific targets. Observe the training manikin, and mark it well with another pheropod. " "coast.vbaittrain03_nag" "Kyl din insektmadding hårdt imod dukken. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain03_nag" "Hurl your bug-bait hard against the dummy. " "coast.vbaittrain04" "Lyt nu godt efter. Tryk på feropod for at få antlionerne under din kommando til at følge dig. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain04" "Now, attend well. Apply pressure to your pheropod, to signal the antlions in your command to follow you. " "coast.vbaittrain04_nag" "Freeman'en skal trykke skarpt på sin insektmadding, hvis han vil have antlionerne til at følge sig. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain04_nag" "The Freeman must squeeze his bug-bait sharply if he wishes the antlions to follow where he leads. " "coast.vbaittrain05" "Og nu må denne byde Freeman'en farvel. Nova Prospekt er lige der fremme. Husk på det, du har lært her. Eli Vance'n har den største tiltro til dig. " "[english]coast.vbaittrain05" "And now this one must bid the Freeman farewell. Nova Prospekt lies just beyond. Remember well what you have learned here. The Eli Vance has greatest confidence in you. " "coast.vgossip_01" "Freeman må undskylde os. Det er uhøfligt af os at kommunikere med flux-manipulation foran dem, hvis vortalindgange er hæmmede. " "[english]coast.vgossip_01" "Freeman must excuse us. It is rude of us to commune by flux shifting in front of those whose vortal inputs are impaired. " "coast.vgossip_02" "Ja, vi vokaliserer på jeres lydlige sprog for at være høflige. " "[english]coast.vgossip_02" "Yes, we will vocalize in your auditory language as a matter of courtesy. " "coast.vgossip_03" "Medmindre vi har mindre smigrende ting at sige om jer. " "[english]coast.vgossip_03" "Unless we wish to say unflattering things about you. " "coast.vgossip_04" "Og det er godt. " "[english]coast.vgossip_04" "Just so. " "coast.vort_extract01" "Freeman'en gør klogt i at mærke sig vores udvinding af myrmidontens aromatiske feropoder. Processen er ikke virkelig hygiejnisk. Derfor, træd til side. " "[english]coast.vort_extract01" "The Freeman will do wise to heed our extraction of the myrmidont's aromatic pheropods. The process is not entirely hygienic. Therefore, stand aside. " "coast.vort_podnag" "Freeman'en skal opsamle de faldne feropoder uden tøven! " "[english]coast.vort_podnag" "The Freeman must retrieve the fallen pheropods without delay! " "coast.vort_podsforyou01" "Freeman'en får brug for disse feropoder på vejen frem. Saml dem op. " "[english]coast.vort_podsforyou01" "The Freeman will have need of these pheropods on the paths ahead. Gather them now. " "coast.wo_winston" "Winston er ramt. " "[english]coast.wo_winston" "Winston's been hit. " "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_takeemdown" "603, ulovlig indtrængen. " "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_takeemdown" "603, unlawful entry. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit01" "Rart at kende dig. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit01" "Good to know you. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit02" "Du må hellere komme af sted. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit02" "You'd better get going. " "eli_lab.airlock_cit03" "Doktor Mossman venter på dig. " "[english]eli_lab.airlock_cit03" "Doctor Mossman's waiting for you. " "eli_lab.al_allright01" "Godt. " "[english]eli_lab.al_allright01" "All right. " "eli_lab.al_anotherdog" "Endnu en, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_anotherdog" "Another one, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_autocycle" "Vi sidder i en skrotluftsluse, der er blokeret i fuld autocyklus. " "[english]eli_lab.al_autocycle" "We're in the scrapyard airlock stuck in a full autocycle. " "eli_lab.al_awesome" "Fantastisk. " "[english]eli_lab.al_awesome" "Awesome. " "eli_lab.al_blamingme" "Bebrejder du mig? " "[english]eli_lab.al_blamingme" "Are you blaming me? " "eli_lab.al_buildastack" "Kom nu, Gordon, lav en stabel, og kom herop. " "[english]eli_lab.al_buildastack" "Come on, Gordon, build a stack and get up here. " "eli_lab.al_cavedin_b" "Gordon, du skal væk herfra. " "[english]eli_lab.al_cavedin_b" "Gordon, you need to get out of here. " "eli_lab.al_cavedin_c" "Jeg kan ikke efterlade min far. " "[english]eli_lab.al_cavedin_c" "I can't leave my father. " "eli_lab.al_cmongord01" "Kom nu, Gordon! " "[english]eli_lab.al_cmongord01" "Come on, Gordon! " "eli_lab.al_cmongord02" "Kom nu! " "[english]eli_lab.al_cmongord02" "Come on! " "eli_lab.al_comeongord01" "Kom nu, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_comeongord01" "Come on, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_comeongord02" "Denne vej, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_comeongord02" "This way, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_dad_ques01" "Far? " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_ques01" "Dad? " "eli_lab.al_dad_scared01" "Far? " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_scared01" "Dad? " "eli_lab.al_dad_scared02" "Far! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dad_scared02" "Dad! " "eli_lab.al_dadplease" "Far, jeg beder dig... " "[english]eli_lab.al_dadplease" "Dad, please... " "eli_lab.al_dadwhatsup" "Hvad sker der derinde? " "[english]eli_lab.al_dadwhatsup" "What's going on in there? " "eli_lab.al_dogairlock01" "Forbandet! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogairlock01" "Damn it! " "eli_lab.al_dogairlock02" "Dog, åbn luftslusen. Få os væk herfra. " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogairlock02" "Dog, open the airlock. Get us out of here. " "eli_lab.al_dogcome" "Dog, kom! " "[english]eli_lab.al_dogcome" "Dog, come! " "eli_lab.al_doggetnow" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_doggetnow" " " "eli_lab.al_doyouread" "Far, det er Alyx, modtager du? " "[english]eli_lab.al_doyouread" "Dad, it's Alyx, do you read? " "eli_lab.al_earnedit01" "Tja, det fortjente han. " "[english]eli_lab.al_earnedit01" "Well, he earned it. " "eli_lab.al_excellent01" "Fremragende. " "[english]eli_lab.al_excellent01" "Excellent. " "eli_lab.al_getitopen01" "Skynd dig! Nu! " "[english]eli_lab.al_getitopen01" "Hurry! Now! " "eli_lab.al_getitopen02" "Smadr den om nødvendigt! Bare åbn! " "[english]eli_lab.al_getitopen02" "Tear it apart if you have to! Just get it open! " "eli_lab.al_getoutnow" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_getoutnow" " " "eli_lab.al_getyourball" "Dog, hent din bold. " "[english]eli_lab.al_getyourball" "Dog, go get your ball. " "eli_lab.al_giveittry" "Prøv engang. " "[english]eli_lab.al_giveittry" "Give it a try. " "eli_lab.al_goaheaddog" "Kom bare, Dog, kast! " "[english]eli_lab.al_goaheaddog" "Go ahead, Dog, throw! " "eli_lab.al_godog" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_godog" " " "eli_lab.al_goodcatch" "Godt grebet. " "[english]eli_lab.al_goodcatch" "Good catch. " "eli_lab.al_gooddoggie" "God hund. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gooddoggie" "Good doggie. " "eli_lab.al_goodthrow" "Flot kast. " "[english]eli_lab.al_goodthrow" "Good throw. " "eli_lab.al_goongord" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_goongord" " " "eli_lab.al_grabthrow" "Med den sekundære aftrækker kan du gribe ting. Du kan kaste dem med den primære. " "[english]eli_lab.al_grabthrow" "The secondary trigger lets you grab things. You can throw them with the primary. " "eli_lab.al_gravdrop" "Når du har samlet noget op, kan du lægge det fra dig igen ved at trykke på din sekundære aftrækker igen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravdrop" "Once you've picked something up you can drop it gently by pressing your secondary trigger again. " "eli_lab.al_gravgun" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravgun" " " "eli_lab.al_gravgun_cc" "Bestemt... kom, Gordon. Lad os more os. " "[english]eli_lab.al_gravgun_cc" "Sure... Come on, Gordon. Let's go have some fun. " "eli_lab.al_havefun" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_havefun" " " "eli_lab.al_hazmat" "Den er beregnet til håndtering af farlige stoffer, men vi bruger den mest til tunge løft. " "[english]eli_lab.al_hazmat" "It's designed for handling hazardous materials, but we mainly use it for heavy lifting. " "eli_lab.al_hereyougo02" "Værsgo'. " "[english]eli_lab.al_hereyougo02" "Here you go. " "eli_lab.al_heshere" "Han er lige her. " "[english]eli_lab.al_heshere" "He's right here. " "eli_lab.al_hums" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hums" " " "eli_lab.al_hums_b" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hums_b" " " "eli_lab.al_hurry" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_hurry" " " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock01" "Dog! Kom! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock01" "Dog! Come! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock02" "Kom herind " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock02" "Get in here " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock03" "Ind i luftslusen! Nu! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock03" "Into the airlock! Now! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock04" "Kom, hurtigt! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock04" "Come on, hurry! " "eli_lab.al_intoairlock05" "Før de ser os! " "[english]eli_lab.al_intoairlock05" "Before they spot us! " "eli_lab.al_laugh01" "*latter*" "[english]eli_lab.al_laugh01" "*laughter*" "eli_lab.al_laugh02" "*latter*" "[english]eli_lab.al_laugh02" "*laughter*" "eli_lab.al_letmedo" "Så skulle du måske lade mig lave udregningerne næste gang – og installere. " "[english]eli_lab.al_letmedo" "Then maybe you should let me do the calculations next time, as well as installing it. " "eli_lab.al_liketofetch" "Da jeg sagde, at Dog gerne leger \"hent\", sagde jeg ikke, hvem han henter, gjorde jeg? " "[english]eli_lab.al_liketofetch" "When I told you Dog liked to play fetch, I didn't tell you who'd be fetching, did I? " "eli_lab.al_metmossman01" "Du har altså mødt dr. Mossman. Hun er en af grundene til, at jeg er så meget ude. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman01" "So, I see you've met Dr. Mossman. She's one of the main reasons I spend so much time outside. " "eli_lab.al_metmossman03" "Du skulle høre hende rable løs om, hvordan hun skulle have været i Black Mesa-testkammeret den dag." "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman03" "You should hear her drone on about how it should have been her in the Black Mesa Test Chamber that day. " "eli_lab.al_metmossman04" "Undskyld, jeg bør ikke tale om hende bag hendes ryg. Det bliver bare lidt klaustrofobisk hernede. " "[english]eli_lab.al_metmossman04" "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking behind her back. It just gets a bit claustrophobic down here. " "eli_lab.al_minefield" "Jeg har fundet det nyttigt til rydning af minefelter. " "[english]eli_lab.al_minefield" "I've found it handy for clearing minefields. " "eli_lab.al_nicecatch" "Flot grebet " "[english]eli_lab.al_nicecatch" "Nice catch " "eli_lab.al_niceshot" "Flot skudt! " "[english]eli_lab.al_niceshot" "Nice shot! " "eli_lab.al_noboydown" "Nej! Nej, knægt! Ned! Læg det! " "[english]eli_lab.al_noboydown" "No! No, boy! Down! Put that down! " "eli_lab.al_nodog" "Nej, Dog! " "[english]eli_lab.al_nodog" "No, Dog! " "eli_lab.al_nowcalldog" "Lad mig kalde på Dog. Han elsker at lege \"hent\". " "[english]eli_lab.al_nowcalldog" "Now let me call Dog. He loves to play fetch. " "eli_lab.al_okletsplay" "Godt, Dog, lad os lege \"hent\" med Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_okletsplay" "Okay, Dog, let's play catch with Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_pickuptoss" "Saml et eller andet op, og kast det. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pickuptoss" "Pick up some stuff and toss it. " "eli_lab.al_placeobjs" "Du kan placere genstande ved at flytte dem i position og trykke på den sekundære aftrækker igen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_placeobjs" "You can place objects by moving them into position and hitting the secondary trigger again. " "eli_lab.al_primary" "Den primære aftrækker afgiver en ladning. Du kan kaste ting og sende dem af sted. " "[english]eli_lab.al_primary" "The primary trigger emits a charge. You can punt stuff and send it flying. " "eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance" "Du kan også trække ting på afstand. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance" "You can also pull stuff over from a distance. " "eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance_b" "Prøv at tage de tønder fra afsatsen deroppe. " "[english]eli_lab.al_pullfromdistance_b" "Try grabbing those barrels from that ledge up there. " "eli_lab.al_ravenholm01" "Det er den gamle passage til Ravenholm. Der tager vi ikke hen mere. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm01" "That's the old passage to Ravenholm. We don't go there anymore. " "eli_lab.al_ravenholm02" "Vi plejede at kunne tage lige derop til Ravenholm. Det var en gammel mineby befolket af undslupne fra by 17." "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm02" "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17." "eli_lab.al_ravenholm02b" "Vi plejede at kunne tage lige derop til Ravenholm. Det var en gammel mineby befolket af undslupne fra by 17." "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm02b" "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17." "eli_lab.al_ravenholm06" "Tro mig, den tunnel er lukket af en grund." "[english]eli_lab.al_ravenholm06" "Believe me, that tunnel is sealed for a reason. " "eli_lab.al_scanners01" "Hvad er der, Dog? " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners01" "What is it, Dog? " "eli_lab.al_scanners02" "Åh du godeste! Hvad var det? " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners02" "Oh my god! What was that? " "eli_lab.al_scanners03" "Scannere! " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners03" "Scanners! " "eli_lab.al_scanners06" "Combine afsøger området! " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners06" "The Combine's sweeping the area! " "eli_lab.al_scanners07" "Vi må tilbage til laboratoriet. Kom nu, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_scanners07" "We've gotta head back to the lab. Come on, Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_scrapyard" "Her er vi så. Skrotpladsen. " "[english]eli_lab.al_scrapyard" "So, here we are. The scrapyard. " "eli_lab.al_seeifyoucanstack" "Prøv at stable nogle ting og klatre herop. " "[english]eli_lab.al_seeifyoucanstack" "See if you can stack some stuff to climb up here. " "eli_lab.al_somethingbigger" "Dog, kast noget større. " "[english]eli_lab.al_somethingbigger" "Dog, throw something bigger. " "eli_lab.al_somethingelse" "Ok, Gordon, lad os prøve noget andet. " "[english]eli_lab.al_somethingelse" "Okay, Gordon, let's try something else. " "eli_lab.al_soquickly01" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly01" " " "eli_lab.al_soquickly01_cc" "Åh, Gordon! Vortigaunterne sagde, at du var her! Jeg fatter ikke, at du klarede det så hurtigt til fods." "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly01_cc" "Oh, Gordon! The vortigaunts said you were here! I can't believe you made it so quickly on foot. " "eli_lab.al_soquickly02" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly02" " " "eli_lab.al_soquickly03" " " "[english]eli_lab.al_soquickly03" " " "eli_lab.al_standbackdog" "Det rækker, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_standbackdog" "That's enough, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_sweet" "Fedt! " "[english]eli_lab.al_sweet" "Sweet! " "eli_lab.al_takegord02" "Dog, før Gordon til Ravenholm-tunnelen, og vend så om, og forsøg at mødes med mig. Skynd dig! " "[english]eli_lab.al_takegord02" "Dog, take Gordon to the Ravenholm tunnel, then circle around and try to meet up with me. Hurry! " "eli_lab.al_takeit" "Her. " "[english]eli_lab.al_takeit" "Take it. " "eli_lab.al_takethis" "Her, værsgo'. " "[english]eli_lab.al_takethis" "Take this. " "eli_lab.al_thisisdog01" "Gordon, det her er Dog. Min far byggede ham for at beskytte mig, da jeg var barn. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thisisdog01" "Gordon, this is Dog. My Dad built him to protect me when I was a kid. " "eli_lab.al_thisisgravgun" "Det her er tyngdekraftvåbnet, min far talte om. Du kan kalde det 'nulpunktsenergifeltmanipulatoren', hvis du virkelig vil." "[english]eli_lab.al_thisisgravgun" "This is the gravity gun my father was talking about. You can call it the 'Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator' if you really want to. " "eli_lab.al_throwanotherdog" "Kast igen, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwanotherdog" "Throw another, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_throwitdog" "Kast, Dog. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwitdog" "Throw it, Dog. " "eli_lab.al_throwtodog" "Okay, Gordon, kast nu et eller andet til Dog, og lad ham gribe. " "[english]eli_lab.al_throwtodog" "Okay, Gordon, now you throw something to Dog and let him catch. " "eli_lab.al_thyristor02" "Du har vist bevist, at du kan klare dig derude. " "[english]eli_lab.al_thyristor02" "I guess you proved you can handle yourself out there. " "eli_lab.al_trystacking" "Prøv at stable nogle ting. Tag fat i et eller andet med din sekundære aftrækker, og tryk derefter på den samme aftrækker igen for at lægge det forsigtigt. " "[english]eli_lab.al_trystacking" "Try stacking some things. Grab something with your secondary trigger, then press the same trigger again to drop it gently. " "eli_lab.al_ugh" "Lad os komme væk herfra. " "[english]eli_lab.al_ugh" "Let's get out of here. " "eli_lab.al_usegravgun" "Du skal bruge tyngdekraftvåbnet." "[english]eli_lab.al_usegravgun" "You'll need to use the gravity gun. " "eli_lab.al_wasted01" "Vortigaunterne aflastede mig, så jeg kunne besøge Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.al_wasted01" "The vortigaunts relieved me so I could come see Gordon. " "eli_lab.al_wasted02" "Jeg bør alligevel være herinde og arbejde på portalen." "[english]eli_lab.al_wasted02" "Anyway, I should be in here working on the portal. " "eli_lab.al_wheresball" "Hvor er din bold, Dog? " "[english]eli_lab.al_wheresball" "Where's your ball, Dog? " "eli_lab.al_yayhigh" "Første model var omtrent så høj. Jeg har udbygget ham lige siden. Har jeg ikke, knægt? " "[english]eli_lab.al_yayhigh" "First model was about yay-high. I've been adding to him ever since. Haven't I, boy? " "eli_lab.eli_alyxhoney" "Alyx, min skat... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_alyxhoney" "Alyx, honey... " "eli_lab.eli_broke" "Jeg tror, jeg lige slog din rekord, skat. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_broke" "I believe he broke your record, honey. " "eli_lab.eli_finesci" "God videnskabsmand, Judith. Hun var kandidat til dit job ved Black Mesa, men du slog hende med din erfaring fra Innsbruck. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_finesci" "Fine scientist, Judith. She was up for your job at Black Mesa but you edged her out with your Innsbruck experience. " "eli_lab.eli_goodvort" "Ok, godt, bare bliv ved. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_goodvort" "All right, good, you keep right on it. " "eli_lab.eli_gordonwith" "Er Gordon der stadig? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gordonwith" "Is Gordon still with you? " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx01" "Tag med Alyx, Gordon. Hun passer på dig. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx01" "Go with Alyx, Gordon. She'll look after you. " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx02" "Bare gå, Gordon, vi indhenter dig senere. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx02" "Go ahead, Gordon, we'll catch up with you later. " "eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx03" "Bare gå, Gordon, gå med Alyx. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_gowithalyx03" "Go on Gordon, go with Alyx. " "eli_lab.eli_greeting" "Gordon Freeman! Lad mig se dig engang, mand! Du gode... du har ikke forandret dig spor! Hvordan gør du det? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_greeting" "Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at you, man! My God, you haven't changed one iota! How do you do it? " "eli_lab.eli_handle" "Det er intet, Gordon ikke kan håndtere... måske lige undtagen dig. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_handle" "There's nothing Gordon can't handle... with the possible exception of you. " "eli_lab.eli_handle_b" "Ha!" "[english]eli_lab.eli_handle_b" "Ha!" "eli_lab.eli_ladies" "Ahem. Alyx, hvorfor tager du ikke Gordon med, så han får lidt øvelse med tyngdekraftvåbnet?" "[english]eli_lab.eli_ladies" "Ahem. Alyx, why don't you take Gordon along and give him some practice with the gravity gun. " "eli_lab.eli_littlewhile" "Ses om lidt, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_littlewhile" "See you in a little while, Gordon. " "eli_lab.eli_lookaround" "Se dig bare omkring. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_lookaround" "Feel free to look around " "eli_lab.eli_lookgordon" "Se engang her, Gordon. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_lookgordon" "Take a look at this, Gordon. " "eli_lab.eli_mit" "Helt rigtigt. Der er langt mellem MIT-kandidater nu til dags. Vi får dig ud af den sikkerhedsdragt og tilbage i laboratoriekitlen, hvor du hører til. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_mit" "Right you are. MIT graduates are few and far between these days. We'll get you out of that hazard suit and back into your lab coat, where you belong. " "eli_lab.eli_photo01" "Du husker min hustru Azian, ikke? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_photo01" "You remember my wife Azian, don't you? " "eli_lab.eli_photo02" "Det billede og Alyx var det eneste, det lykkedes mig at få med ud af Black Mesa." "[english]eli_lab.eli_photo02" "That picture, and Alyx, were all I managed to carry out of Black Mesa. " "eli_lab.eli_portal01" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal01" " " "eli_lab.eli_portal01_cc" "Vi har næsten fået portalen køreklar igen, men jeg forstår godt, hvis du ikke melder dig til næste prøvekørsel. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal01_cc" "We've almost got that portal working again, but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't volunteer for the next trial run. " "eli_lab.eli_portal02" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_portal02" " " "eli_lab.eli_safety" "Hvor er du, Alyx? " "[english]eli_lab.eli_safety" "Where are you, Alyx? " "eli_lab.eli_staytogether01" "Få Gordon væk herfra! Ud til kysten! " "[english]eli_lab.eli_staytogether01" "Take Gordon out of here! Head for the coast! " "eli_lab.eli_staytogether02" "Tag ikke igennem Rav –" "[english]eli_lab.eli_staytogether02" "Do not go through Rav---" "eli_lab.eli_surface" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface" " " "eli_lab.eli_surface_b" " " "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface_b" " " "eli_lab.eli_surface_cc" "Lad mig se. Sidste gang, jeg så dig, sendte jeg dig efter hjælp efter resonanskaskaden. Jeg regnede ikke med, at det ville tage så lang tid at komme tilbage til mig!" "[english]eli_lab.eli_surface_cc" "Now, let's see. The last time I saw you, I sent you up for help after the resonance cascade. I never thought it would take you this long to get back to me! " "eli_lab.eli_thing" "Vi er endnu ikke sikre på, hvad den kan. Alyx tager de særeste ting med hjem. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_thing" "We're still not sure what that does. Alyx brings in the strangest things. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz01" "Dr. Breen... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz01" "Dr. Breen... " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz02" "Han administrerer hele foretagendet nu. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz02" "He's the Administrator of this whole vile business now. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz03" "Han afsluttede Syvtimerskrigen ved at få jorden til at overgive sig. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz03" "He ended the Seven Hours War by managing Earth's surrender. " "eli_lab.eli_vilebiz04" "Combine belønnede ham med magt. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_vilebiz04" "The Combine rewarded him with power. " "eli_lab.eli_wantyou" "Godt. Kan I to ikke... " "[english]eli_lab.eli_wantyou" "Good. I want you two to... " "eli_lab.eli_welcometolab" "Nå ja, velkommen til laboratoriet. Det er ikke Black Mesa, men det fungerer. " "[english]eli_lab.eli_welcometolab" "Welcome to the lab anyway. It's not Black Mesa, but it's served us well enough. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock01" "Vi har noget. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock01" "We've got something. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock02" "Ok, det er menneskeligt. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock02" "Okay, it's human. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock03" "Hallo? " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock03" "Hello? " "eli_lab.mo_airlock04" "Rolig derinde. Du er i sikkerhed nu. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock04" "Take it easy in there. You're safe now. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock05" "Undskyld scanningsprocessen. Vi kan ikke tage chancer. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock05" "You'll have to forgive the scanning process. We can't take any chances. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock06" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock06" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock06_cc" "Doktor Freeman? Gordon Freeman? Er det dig? Du er tilbage så hurtigt? Ja, Eli bliver imponeret. For ikke at sige lettet. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock06_cc" "Doctor Freeman? Gordon Freeman? Is that you? You've made it here this quickly? Well, Eli is going to be amazed. Not to mention relieved. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock07" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock07" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock08" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock08" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock09" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock09" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock10" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock10" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock10_cc" "Jeg er dr. Mossman. Dr. Judith Mossman. Jeg har hørt om dig siden længe før Black Mesa-hændelsen. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock10_cc" "I'm Dr. Mossman. Dr. Judith Mossman. I've been hearing about you since long before the Black Mesa incident. " "eli_lab.mo_airlock11" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock11" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock12" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock12" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock12_cc" "Ah, Black Mesa! Jeg misunder dig arbejdet med Eli og dr. Kleiner, da de var de bedste på deres felt." "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock12_cc" "Ah, Black Mesa! I do so envy you, working with Eli and Dr. Kleiner when they were at the top of their field." "eli_lab.mo_airlock13" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock13" " " "eli_lab.mo_airlock14" "Her. Kom bare igennem nu. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_airlock14" "There we go. You can come through now. " "eli_lab.mo_alyxonwatch" "Alyx, jeg troede, du havde vagt. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_alyxonwatch" "Alyx, I thought you were on watch. " "eli_lab.mo_anyway04" "Hvor kom jeg fra? Åh, ja... " "[english]eli_lab.mo_anyway04" "Where was I? Oh, yes... " "eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor01" "Jeg har reparationerne under kontrol. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor01" "I have the repairs well in hand. " "eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor02" "En eller anden fejlvurderede Combine-tyristorens kapacitet – " "[english]eli_lab.mo_badcapacitor02" "Someone misjudged the capacity of the Combine thyristor--- " "eli_lab.mo_deliberately" "Alyx, helt ærligt. Nogle gange tror jeg, at du misforstår mig med vilje. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_deliberately" "Alyx, really. Sometimes I think you deliberately misunderstand me. " "eli_lab.mo_difference" "Det bliver meget mere som Black Mesa med Gordon her til at hjælpe. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_difference" "It's going to be a lot more like Black Mesa with Gordon here to help. " "eli_lab.mo_digup01" "Lad mig lige blive færdig, så skal jeg se, hvad jeg kan grave frem. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_digup01" "Let me just finish up some work and I'll see what I can dig up. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp01" "Vi kunne helt bestemt bruge en hånd heromkring. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp01" "We could certainly use the extra help around here. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp02" "Vi er kommet langt de sidste måneder, men det hele ville gå hurtigere, hvis vi havde flere folk med din erfaring. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp02" "We've covered a lot of ground in the last few months, but things would go so much faster if we had more people with your training. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp03" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp03" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04_cc" "Vi nærmer os en pålidelig lokal teleportteknologi, hvilket Combine endnu ikke har opnået. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp04_cc" "We're closing in on a reliable local teleport technology, something the Combine still hasn't mastered. " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05_cc" "Eli mener, at deres portaler er strengbaseret – som i Calabi-Yau-modellen, men de har ikke kunnet mestre mørkenergiligningerne. De kan komme igennem fra deres univers, men de er afhængige af lokal transport. Hvis de vidste, hvad vi laver med forviklingen – " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp05_cc" "Eli thinks their portals are string-based, similar to our Calabi-Yau model, but they've failed to factor in dark energy equations. They can tunnel through from their universe, but once they're here they're dependent on local transportation. If they knew what we're doing with entanglement--- " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp06" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp06" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp07" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp07" " " "eli_lab.mo_extrahelp08" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_extrahelp08" " " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli01" "Åh, dr. Freeman! Du bør blive hos Eli. Gå bare, jeg kommer straks. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli01" "Oh, Dr. Freeman! You should stay with Eli. Go on, I'll rejoin you shortly. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli02" "Jeg har nogle ting at tage mig af, dr. Freeman. Lad Eli vise dig rundt. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli02" "I have a few things to attend to, Dr. Freeman. Let Eli show you around. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli03" "Dr. Freeman? Jeg regnede med, at du og Eli ville tale om gamle dage. Vi kan snakke senere. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli03" "Dr. Freeman? I figured you and Eli would want to talk about old times. We can talk later. " "eli_lab.mo_gotoeli04" "Bare gå, dr. Freeman. Brug lidt tid sammen med Eli. Jeg kommer, så snart jeg har styr på arbejdet. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gotoeli04" "You go ahead, Dr. Freeman. Spend some time with Eli. I'll be back as soon as I catch up on some work. " "eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx01" "Mon ikke, du skulle gå med Alyx. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx01" "I guess you should go with Alyx. " "eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx02" "Bare gå, vi snakker senere. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_gowithalyx02" "Go ahead, we'll talk later. " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli01" " " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli01_cc" "Åh! Her er Eli." "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli01_cc" "Oh! Here's Eli now. " "eli_lab.mo_hereseli02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hereseli02" " " "eli_lab.mo_hurryup01" "Hurtigere, dr. Freeman. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_hurryup01" "Hurry up, Dr. Freeman. " "eli_lab.mo_lookwho01" "Eli, se, hvem jeg fandt i luftslusen. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_lookwho01" "Eli, look who I found in the airlock. " "eli_lab.mo_noblame" "Nej, slet ikke! Det var en regnefejl – ikke et mekanisk problem. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_noblame" "No, not at all! It was a calculation error, not a mechanical problem. " "eli_lab.mo_notatoy" "Nulpunktenergifeltmanipulatoren er ikke legetøj, Alyx! " "[english]eli_lab.mo_notatoy" "The Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator is not a toy, Alyx! " "eli_lab.mo_postdoc01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc01" " " "eli_lab.mo_postdoc01_cc" "Åh, hør mig lige, jeg lyder som en nyuddannet. Jeg er bare så spændt over, at vi endelig kan arbejde sammen." "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc01_cc" "Oh, listen to me, I sound like a post-doc. I'm just so excited to think that we'll finally have the chance to work together." "eli_lab.mo_postdoc02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_postdoc02" " " "eli_lab.mo_realhonor02" "Dr. Freeman? Det har virkelig været en ære. Jeg ser frem til samarbejdet. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_realhonor02" "Dr. Freeman? It's been a real honor. I'm looking forward to working together. " "eli_lab.mo_relay01" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay01" " " "eli_lab.mo_relay01_cc" "Hvor kom jeg fra? Åh, ja. Dr. Kleiner har komprimeret Xen-relæet langt mere, end han havde forestillet sig ved Black Mesa. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay01_cc" "Where was I? Oh, yes. Dr. Kleiner compressed the Xen Relay far beyond anything he imagined at Black Mesa. " "eli_lab.mo_relay02" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay02" " " "eli_lab.mo_relay02_cc" "Vi har fundet ud af at bruge Xen som en ikke-udtrykt akse, egentlig en dimensionsslangebøsse, så vi kan svinge omkring grænseverdenen og komme tilbage i lokalt rum uden at skulle passere igennem. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay02_cc" "We've figured out how to use Xen as an unexpressed axis, effectively a dimensional slingshot, so we can swing around the borderworld and come back in local space without having to pass through. " "eli_lab.mo_relay03" " " "[english]eli_lab.mo_relay03" " " "eli_lab.mo_taketoeli" "Jeg fører dig ned til Eli med det samme. Hen tilgiver mig aldrig, hvis jeg lader dig vente. " "[english]eli_lab.mo_taketoeli" "I'll take you to down Eli right away. He would never forgive me if I kept you waiting. " "eli_lab.mo_thiswaydoc" "Denne vej, dr. Freeman " "[english]eli_lab.mo_thiswaydoc" "This way, Dr. Freeman " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use01" "Eli Vance'n forstår næsten alle-i-ét'et. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use01" "The Eli Vance almost perceives the All-in-One. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use02" "Eli Vance'n har vundet vores tillid. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use02" "The Eli Vance has earned our trust. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use03" "Eli Vance'n var vores første kollaboratør. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use03" "The Eli Vance was our first collaborator. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use04" "Eli Vance'n er uundværlig for befrielsen. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use04" "The Eli Vance is indispensable to the liberation. " "eli_lab.vort_elab_use05" "Vi er glade for, at Eli Vance'n værdsætter Freeman'en så meget. " "[english]eli_lab.vort_elab_use05" "We are pleased that the Eli Vance thinks so highly of the Freeman. " "k_lab.al_aboutthecat" "Hey, øh, jep. Angående den kat... " "[english]k_lab.al_aboutthecat" "Hey, uh, yeah. About that cat... " "k_lab.al_allrightdoc" "Åh nej. Alt i orden, doktor Kleiner? " "[english]k_lab.al_allrightdoc" "Uh-oh. Everything all right, Doctor Kleiner? " "k_lab.al_animalperson" "Barney... Du er ingen dyreven? " "[english]k_lab.al_animalperson" "Barney... You're not an animal person? " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink01" "Hmm." "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink01" "Hmm." "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02" " " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02_cc" "Her. Lad mig gi' en drink. " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink02_cc" "Here. Let me buy you a drink. " "k_lab.al_buyyoudrink03" " " "[english]k_lab.al_buyyoudrink03" " " "k_lab.al_careful" "Forsigtig der. " "[english]k_lab.al_careful" "Careful there. " "k_lab.al_careful02" "Forsigtig. " "[english]k_lab.al_careful02" "Careful. " "k_lab.al_carefulthere" "Øh, forsigtig der. " "[english]k_lab.al_carefulthere" "Uh, careful there. " "k_lab.al_checkguyout01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout01" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout02" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout03" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout03" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout04" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout04" " " "k_lab.al_checkguyout06" " " "[english]k_lab.al_checkguyout06" " " "k_lab.al_cmonfreeman" "Øh, doktor Freeman, kom. " "[english]k_lab.al_cmonfreeman" "Uh, Doctor Freeman, come on. " "k_lab.al_comeon" "Kom nu. " "[english]k_lab.al_comeon" "Come on. " "k_lab.al_comingthru" "Han kommer, far. " "[english]k_lab.al_comingthru" "He's coming through, Dad. " "k_lab.al_comingwith" "Bare rolig. Han kommer med mig " "[english]k_lab.al_comingwith" "Don't worry. He's coming with me " "k_lab.al_docsays01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays01" " " "k_lab.al_docsays01_cc" "Hvis dr. Kleiner siger, at du bør ha' den tingest på, er det nok en god idé. " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays01_cc" "If Dr. Kleiner says you should wear that thing, you should wear it. " "k_lab.al_docsays02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_docsays02" " " "k_lab.al_foundhim" "Han vandrede omkring udenfor. Lidt af en ballademager, ikke? " "[english]k_lab.al_foundhim" "I found him wandering around outside. Bit of a troublemaker, isn't he? " "k_lab.al_heydoc" "Hey, Doc! " "[english]k_lab.al_heydoc" "Hey, Doc! " "k_lab.al_hmm" "Hmm. " "[english]k_lab.al_hmm" "Hmm. " "k_lab.al_itsthere" "Det er lige her, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.al_itsthere" "It's right there, Gordon. " "k_lab.al_keepitgoing" "Fortsæt, Gordon! " "[english]k_lab.al_keepitgoing" "Keep it going, Gordon! " "k_lab.al_kleinerswaiting" "Nå, men kom nu. Dr. Kleiner venter. " "[english]k_lab.al_kleinerswaiting" "Well, come on. Dr. Kleiner's waiting. " "k_lab.al_letsdoit" "Så lad os komme i gang. " "[english]k_lab.al_letsdoit" "Then let's do it. " "k_lab.al_lostgordon" " " "[english]k_lab.al_lostgordon" " " "k_lab.al_lostgordon_cc" "Vi mistede lige Gordon! Hvad sker der?" "[english]k_lab.al_lostgordon_cc" "We just lost Gordon! What's going on?" "k_lab.al_moveon01" " " "[english]k_lab.al_moveon01" " " "k_lab.al_moveon01_cc" "Ahem. Lad os få fart på!" "[english]k_lab.al_moveon01_cc" "Ahem. Let's get a move on." "k_lab.al_moveon02" " " "[english]k_lab.al_moveon02" " " "k_lab.al_readyforus" "Er du klar til os, far? " "[english]k_lab.al_readyforus" "Are you ready for us, Dad? " "k_lab.al_seeifitworks" "Lad os lige se, om tingesten fungerer, ok? " "[english]k_lab.al_seeifitworks" "Let's just see if this thing works, okay? " "k_lab.al_showonroad" "Lad os få gang i forestillingen. " "[english]k_lab.al_showonroad" "Meanwhile, let's get this show on the road. " "k_lab.al_takecredit" "Jeg kan ikke tage æren for gennembruddet, doktor. " "[english]k_lab.al_takecredit" "I can't take any credit for the breakthrough, Doctor. " "k_lab.al_takeiteasy" "Tag det roligt, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.al_takeiteasy" "Take it easy, Gordon. " "k_lab.al_thatsit" "Sådan. " "[english]k_lab.al_thatsit" "That's it. " "k_lab.al_theplug" "Øh, doktor? Stikket? " "[english]k_lab.al_theplug" "Uh, Doctor? The plug? " "k_lab.al_there" "Åh, der. " "[english]k_lab.al_there" "Uh, there. " "k_lab.al_thereheis" "Der er han! " "[english]k_lab.al_thereheis" "There he is! " "k_lab.al_theswitch" "Kontakten, dr. Freeman. " "[english]k_lab.al_theswitch" "The switch, Dr. Freeman. " "k_lab.al_throwswitch" "Får Gordon lov at tænde? " "[english]k_lab.al_throwswitch" "You going to let Gordon throw the switch? " "k_lab.al_uhoh01" "Åh nej. " "[english]k_lab.al_uhoh01" "Uh-oh. " "k_lab.al_whatcat01" "Hvilken kat? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatcat01" "What cat? " "k_lab.al_whatcat02" "Hvilken kat? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatcat02" "What cat? " "k_lab.al_whatsgoingon" "Hvad sker der? " "[english]k_lab.al_whatsgoingon" "What's going on? " "k_lab.al_wontlook" "Rolig, jeg kigger ikke " "[english]k_lab.al_wontlook" "Don't worry, I won't look " "k_lab.al_woohoo" "Åh... okay... åh øh åååh!" "[english]k_lab.al_woohoo" "Uh...okay...oh ah oooh!" "k_lab.al_youcoming" "Kommer du? " "[english]k_lab.al_youcoming" "You coming? " "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01" " " "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01_cc" "Vi kan ikke holde ham her længe, Doc. Det bringer alt, vi har arbejdet for, i fare." "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim01_cc" "We can't keep him here long, Doc. It'll jeopardize everything we've worked for." "k_lab.ba_cantkeephim02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantkeephim02" " " "k_lab.ba_cantlook" "Jeg kan ikke se på. " "[english]k_lab.ba_cantlook" "I can't look. " "k_lab.ba_careful01" "Forsigtig! " "[english]k_lab.ba_careful01" "Careful! " "k_lab.ba_careful02" "Vær forsigtig! " "[english]k_lab.ba_careful02" "Be careful! " "k_lab.ba_dontblameyou" "Ok, forstår godt, at du tøver, men hvis vi skal gøre det, så lad os får det overstået. " "[english]k_lab.ba_dontblameyou" "Okay, I don't blame you for hesitating, but if we're gonna do this thing, then let's just get through it. " "k_lab.ba_dontworry01" "Bare rolig, Gordon, vi " "[english]k_lab.ba_dontworry01" "Don't worry, Gordon, we'll " "k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing" "Glem alt om den tingest! " "[english]k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing" "Forget about that thing! " "k_lab.ba_geethanks" "Hmm, tak. " "[english]k_lab.ba_geethanks" "Gee, thanks. " "k_lab.ba_getamoveon" "Gordon, lad os få fart på. " "[english]k_lab.ba_getamoveon" "Gordon, get a move on. " "k_lab.ba_getitoff01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff01" " " "k_lab.ba_getitoff01_cc" "Forbandet! Få den af mig!" "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff01_cc" "Damn it! Get it off me!" "k_lab.ba_getitoff02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getitoff02" " " "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01" " " "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01_cc" "Kom ned og ud af syne! Jeg finder dig!" "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight01_cc" "Get down outta sight! I'll come find you!" "k_lab.ba_getoutofsight02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_getoutofsight02" " " "k_lab.ba_getsuiton" "Tag dragten på, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_getsuiton" "Get your suit on, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_goodluck02" "Held og lykke derude, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_goodluck02" "Good luck out there, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_guh" "Ugh!" "[english]k_lab.ba_guh" "Ugh!" "k_lab.ba_headhumper01" "Det er dit kæledyr, den skide hovedkrammer! " "[english]k_lab.ba_headhumper01" "It's your pet, the freakin' head-humper! " "k_lab.ba_headhumper02" "Pas på! " "[english]k_lab.ba_headhumper02" "Look out! " "k_lab.ba_hearthosesirens" "Mand, Gordon! Du rodede op i hvepseboet. " "[english]k_lab.ba_hearthosesirens" "Man, Gordon! You stirred up the hive. " "k_lab.ba_hesback01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback01" " " "k_lab.ba_hesback01_cc" "Hey, hey, han er tilbage! Jeg skaffer ham væk derfra!" "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback01_cc" "Hey, hey, he's back! I'm getting him outta there!" "k_lab.ba_hesback02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_hesback02" " " "k_lab.ba_ishehere" "Men, er han her? " "[english]k_lab.ba_ishehere" "Well, is he here? " "k_lab.ba_itsworking01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking01" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking01_cc" "Du mener, den fungerer? Virkelig denne gang? For jeg har stadig mareridt om den kat." "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking01_cc" "You mean it's working? For real this time? Because I still have nightmares about that cat." "k_lab.ba_itsworking02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking02" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking03" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking03" " " "k_lab.ba_itsworking04" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_itsworking04" " " "k_lab.ba_juicedup" "Få i det mindste strøm på dragten, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_juicedup" "At least get that suit juiced up, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_longer" "Jep, længere, hvis vi er heldige. " "[english]k_lab.ba_longer" "Yeah, longer if we're lucky. " "k_lab.ba_myshift01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift01" " " "k_lab.ba_myshift01_cc" "Jeg må tilbage til mit arbejde, men ok." "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift01_cc" "I've gotta get back on my shift, but okay." "k_lab.ba_myshift02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_myshift02" " " "k_lab.ba_notime" "Doc, vi har ikke tid til det her. " "[english]k_lab.ba_notime" "Doc, we don't have time for this. " "k_lab.ba_notimetofool01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool01" " " "k_lab.ba_notimetofool01_cc" "Kom nu, Gordon, vi har ikke tid til at fjolle rundt. Tag dragten på." "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool01_cc" "Come on, Gordon, we don't have time to fool around. Get your suit on." "k_lab.ba_notimetofool02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_notimetofool02" " " "k_lab.ba_nottoosoon01" "Og ikke et øjeblik for tidligt. " "[english]k_lab.ba_nottoosoon01" "And not a moment too soon. " "k_lab.ba_outcivvies" "Doc, da han ikke skal ad vejen, kan han lige så godt tage det civile tøj af. " "[english]k_lab.ba_outcivvies" "Doc, since he's not taking the streets, you might as well get him out of his civvies. " "k_lab.ba_pissinmeoff" "Du gør mig sur, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_pissinmeoff" "You're pissin' me off, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_pushinit" "Du presser den, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_pushinit" "You're pushin' it Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_saidlasttime" "Det sagde du også sidste gang. " "[english]k_lab.ba_saidlasttime" "That's what you said last time. " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic01" " " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic01_cc" "Godt gjort, Gordon. Tænde kontakten og det hele? Jeg kan se, at din universitetsuddannelse har været alle pengene værd. " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic01_cc" "Good job, Gordon. Throwing that switch and all? I can see your M.I.T. education really pays for itself. " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic02" " " "k_lab.ba_sarcastic03" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_sarcastic03" " " "k_lab.ba_suitup" "Tid til at få dragten på, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_suitup" "Time to suit up, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_thatpest" "Jeg troede, den plage for længst var væk! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thatpest" "I thought you got rid of that pest! " "k_lab.ba_thereheis" "Der er han! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thereheis" "There he is! " "k_lab.ba_thereyouare" "Der er du! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thereyouare" "There you are! " "k_lab.ba_thingaway01" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway01" " " "k_lab.ba_thingaway01_cc" "Sådan dér... Aaah!" "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway01_cc" "Here we go... Aaah!" "k_lab.ba_thingaway02" " " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway02" " " "k_lab.ba_thingaway03" "Få den tingest væk fra mit! " "[english]k_lab.ba_thingaway03" "Get that thing away from me! " "k_lab.ba_thisway" "Denne vej, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.ba_thisway" "This way, Gordon. " "k_lab.ba_whatthehell" "Hvad helvede? " "[english]k_lab.ba_whatthehell" "What the hell? " "k_lab.ba_whoops" "Ups! " "[english]k_lab.ba_whoops" "Whoops! " "k_lab.br_significant" "Manden, jeg så, jeg er næsten sikker på, at det var... " "[english]k_lab.br_significant" "The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... " "k_lab.br_significant_cc" "Manden, jeg så, jeg er næsten sikker på, at det var... " "[english]k_lab.br_significant_cc" "The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... " "k_lab.br_tele_02" "Hvad skal det betyde? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_02" "What's the meaning of this? " "k_lab.br_tele_03" "Hvem er du? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_03" "Who are you? " "k_lab.br_tele_05" "Hvordan er du kommet herind? " "[english]k_lab.br_tele_05" "How did you get in here? " "k_lab.br_thereheis" "Gordon Freeman! " "[english]k_lab.br_thereheis" "Gordon Freeman! " "k_lab.eli_allset" "Vi er klar i denne ende. " "[english]k_lab.eli_allset" "We're all set on this end. " "k_lab.eli_areyouthere" "Isaac, er du der? " "[english]k_lab.eli_areyouthere" "Isaac, are you there? " "k_lab.eli_behindyou" "Bag dig! " "[english]k_lab.eli_behindyou" "Behind you! " "k_lab.eli_bringthrough" "Lad os få Gordon igennem nu. " "[english]k_lab.eli_bringthrough" "Let's go ahead and bring Gordon through now. " "k_lab.eli_didntcomethru" "Han kom ikke igennem. " "[english]k_lab.eli_didntcomethru" "He didn't come through. " "k_lab.eli_dontunder01" "Jeg forstår ikke. " "[english]k_lab.eli_dontunder01" "I don't understand. " "k_lab.eli_dontunder02" "Der er ingen anden modtager, der kunne... " "[english]k_lab.eli_dontunder02" "There's no other receiver that could... " "k_lab.eli_holdsignal" "Hold signalet, Judith! " "[english]k_lab.eli_holdsignal" "Hold the signal, Judith! " "k_lab.eli_notquite03" "Hvad sker der, Judith? " "[english]k_lab.eli_notquite03" "What's going on, Judith? " "k_lab.eli_notwhoithink" "Det er da ikke den, jeg tror det er, eller? " "[english]k_lab.eli_notwhoithink" "That's not who I think it is, is it? " "k_lab.eli_phenom02" "Fantastisk arbejde, Izzy. " "[english]k_lab.eli_phenom02" "Fantastic work, Izzy. " "k_lab.eli_seeforyourself" "Se selv. " "[english]k_lab.eli_seeforyourself" "See for yourself. " "k_lab.eli_shutdown" "Luk den ned, luk den ned! " "[english]k_lab.eli_shutdown" "Shut it down, shut it down! " "k_lab.eli_stayput" "Gordon, bliv der. Vi får dig væk derfra. " "[english]k_lab.eli_stayput" "Gordon, stay put. We'll get you out of there. " "k_lab.kl_ahhhh" "Ah! " "[english]k_lab.kl_ahhhh" "Ah! " "k_lab.kl_almostforgot" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_almostforgot" " " "k_lab.kl_almostforgot_cc" "Hvad? Du godeste, du har ret, det glemte jeg næsten. Barney, du får æren." "[english]k_lab.kl_almostforgot_cc" "What? Oh dear, you're right, I almost forgot. Barney, I'll give you the honor." "k_lab.kl_barneyhonor" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_barneyhonor" " " "k_lab.kl_barneysturn" "Ok, Barney. Din tur. " "[english]k_lab.kl_barneysturn" "All right, Barney. Your turn. " "k_lab.kl_besokind" "Barney? Vil du være så venlig? " "[english]k_lab.kl_besokind" "Barney? If you'd be so kind? " "k_lab.kl_blast" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_blast" " " "k_lab.kl_blast_cc" "Fordømt - den lille... hvor blev hun af? Lamarr? Kom ud derfra!" "[english]k_lab.kl_blast_cc" "Blast that little...where did she get to? Lamarr? Come out of there!" "k_lab.kl_bonvoyage" "Lykke på rejsen, og held og lykke fremover. " "[english]k_lab.kl_bonvoyage" "Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors. " "k_lab.kl_cantcontinue" "Vi kan først fortsætte, når du er i teleportkammeret, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_cantcontinue" "We can't continue until you're in the teleport chamber, Gordon. " "k_lab.kl_cantwade" "Du kan ikke bare vade ind i feltet – det skræller dig fuldstændigt! " "[english]k_lab.kl_cantwade" "You can't just wade into the field, it will peel you apart! " "k_lab.kl_careful" "Åh, vær nu forsigtig. " "[english]k_lab.kl_careful" "Oh, do be careful. " "k_lab.kl_charger01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger01" " " "k_lab.kl_charger01_cc" "God idé. Der er en lader på væggen. Jeg har ændret din dragt, så den kan trække strøm fra Combines energibøsninger, som altid findes, hvor de patruljerer. " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger01_cc" "Good idea. There's a charger on the wall. I've modified your suit to draw power from Combine energy outlets, which are plentiful wherever they patrol. " "k_lab.kl_charger02" "Jeg har ændret din dragt, så den kan trække strøm fra Combines energibøsninger, som altid findes, hvor de patruljerer. " "[english]k_lab.kl_charger02" "I've modified your suit to draw power from Combine energy outlets, which are plentiful wherever they patrol. " "k_lab.kl_coaxherout" "Åh, føj! Der går mindst en uge, før jeg kan lokke hende ud derfra. " "[english]k_lab.kl_coaxherout" "Oh, fie! It'll be another week before I can coax her out of there. " "k_lab.kl_comeout" "Lamarr. Kom ud derfra. " "[english]k_lab.kl_comeout" "Lamarr. Come out of there. " "k_lab.kl_credit" "Nu kan jeg jo ikke tage hele æren – doktor Freeman var en kyndig assistent. " "[english]k_lab.kl_credit" "Well I can't take all the credit, Doctor Freeman proved an able assistant. " "k_lab.kl_dearme" "Du godeste. " "[english]k_lab.kl_dearme" "Dear me. " "k_lab.kl_debeaked" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_debeaked" " " "k_lab.kl_debeaked_cc" "Helt bestemt ikke! Ikke bange, Gordon, hun har fået næbet fjernet og er helt uskadelig. Hun kan højst forsøge at forbinde sig med dit hoved. Uden held!" "[english]k_lab.kl_debeaked_cc" "Certainly not! Never fear, Gordon, she's de-beaked and completely harmless. The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly!" "k_lab.kl_delaydanger" "Gordon, jo længere du venter, desto større bliver faren for os alle. " "[english]k_lab.kl_delaydanger" "Gordon, the longer you delay, the greater the danger to us all. " "k_lab.kl_diditwork" "Nå, fungerede det? " "[english]k_lab.kl_diditwork" "Well, did it work? " "k_lab.kl_ensconced" "Når du er sikkert anbragt i senderen, kan vi begynde. " "[english]k_lab.kl_ensconced" "Once you're safely ensconced in the transmitter, we can begin. " "k_lab.kl_excellent" "Fremragende." "[english]k_lab.kl_excellent" "Excellent." "k_lab.kl_excellent_cc" "Fremragende. Initialiserer om tre... to... en!" "[english]k_lab.kl_excellent_cc" "Excellent. Initializing in three...two...one!" "k_lab.kl_fewmoments01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments01" " " "k_lab.kl_fewmoments01_cc" "Helt korrekt! Tales ved om et øjeblik." "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments01_cc" "Right you are! Speak to you again in a few moments." "k_lab.kl_fewmoments02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fewmoments02" " " "k_lab.kl_fiddlesticks" "Åh, sludder og vrøvl. Hvad nu? " "[english]k_lab.kl_fiddlesticks" "Oh, fiddlesticks. What now? " "k_lab.kl_finalsequence" "Udmærket. Slutsekvens. Begynder... nu. " "[english]k_lab.kl_finalsequence" "Very good. Final sequence. Commencing...now. " "k_lab.kl_finalsequence02" "Slutsekvens. " "[english]k_lab.kl_finalsequence02" "Final sequence. " "k_lab.kl_fitglove01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove01" " " "k_lab.kl_fitglove01_cc" "Nå, Gordon, jeg ser, at din HEV-dragt stadig passer som hånd i handske. I hvert fald handskerne. " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove01_cc" "Well, Gordon, I see your HEV suit still fits you like a glove. At least the glove parts do. " "k_lab.kl_fitglove02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_fitglove02" " " "k_lab.kl_fruitlessly" "Hun kan højst forsøge at forbinde sig med dit hoved. Uden held. " "[english]k_lab.kl_fruitlessly" "The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly. " "k_lab.kl_getinposition" "Gordon, så snart du er i position, sender vi dig til Elis. " "[english]k_lab.kl_getinposition" "Gordon, as soon as you're in position, we'll send you to Eli's. " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun01" " " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun01_cc" "Gordon! Du skal væk derfra! Løb!" "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun01_cc" "Gordon! You must get out of here! Run!" "k_lab.kl_getoutrun02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun02" " " "k_lab.kl_getoutrun03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_getoutrun03" " " "k_lab.kl_gordongo" "Gordon, fortsæt bare. " "[english]k_lab.kl_gordongo" "Gordon, go right ahead. " "k_lab.kl_gordonthrow" "Tryk på kontakten, Gordon. " "[english]k_lab.kl_gordonthrow" "Throw your switch, Gordon. " "k_lab.kl_hedyno01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno01" " " "k_lab.kl_hedyno02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno02" " " "k_lab.kl_hedyno02_cc" "Lamarr? Hedy! Nej!" "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno02_cc" "Lamarr? Hedy! No!" "k_lab.kl_hedyno03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_hedyno03" " " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx01" " " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx01_cc" "Åh, dav, Alyx! Nå ja, næsten i orden. Lamarr er sluppet ud af kassen igen. Hvis jeg ikke vidste bedre, ville jeg mene, at Barney har fanget og... " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx01_cc" "Oh, hello, Alyx! Well, almost all right. Lamarr has gotten out of her crate again. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect Barney of trapping and ... " "k_lab.kl_helloalyx02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_helloalyx02" " " "k_lab.kl_heremypet01" "Her, min kære. Hop op." "[english]k_lab.kl_heremypet01" "Here, my pet. Hop up." "k_lab.kl_heremypet02" "Nej, ikke derop! " "[english]k_lab.kl_heremypet02" "No, not up there! " "k_lab.kl_hesnotthere" "Hvad mener du med, at han ikke er der?" "[english]k_lab.kl_hesnotthere" "What do you mean he's not there? " "k_lab.kl_holdup01" "Ja, ja, Eli, en mindre forsinkelse her. " "[english]k_lab.kl_holdup01" "Yes, yes, Eli, bit of a holdup on this end. " "k_lab.kl_holdup02" "Gæt, hvem der lagde sin vej forbi vores laboratorium i morges. " "[english]k_lab.kl_holdup02" "You'll never guess who found his way into our lab this morning. " "k_lab.kl_initializing" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing" " " "k_lab.kl_initializing_cc" "Initialiserer om tre... to... ét... Åh, sludder og vrøvl! Hvad nu?" "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing_cc" "Initializing in three...two...one... Oh, fiddlesticks! What now?" "k_lab.kl_initializing02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_initializing02" " " "k_lab.kl_interference" "Jeg registrerer uventet interferens. " "[english]k_lab.kl_interference" "I'm encountering unexpected interference. " "k_lab.kl_islamarr" "Er Lamarr med ham? " "[english]k_lab.kl_islamarr" "Is Lamarr with him? " "k_lab.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr! Der er du! " "[english]k_lab.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr! There you are! " "k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux" " " "k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux_cc" "Lad mig se. Den masseløse felt-flux skulle begrænse sig selv, og jeg har tvunget manifoldparametrene til CY-basis og LG-kredsløbsfaktor, inkl. Hilbert. Forholdene kunne dårligt være bedre!" "[english]k_lab.kl_masslessfieldflux_cc" "Let's see. The massless field-flux should self-limit and I've clamped the manifold parameters to CY base and LG orbifold, Hilbert inclusive. Conditions could hardly be more ideal!" "k_lab.kl_modifications01" "Jeg har foretaget modifikationer, men jeg sætter dig ind i det vigtigste. Lad os nu se... " "[english]k_lab.kl_modifications01" "I've made a few modifications, but I'll just acquaint you with the essentials. Now, let's see... " "k_lab.kl_modifications02" "Mark V-sikkerhedsdragten er omdesignet med henblik på komfort og anvendelighed – " "[english]k_lab.kl_modifications02" "The Mark V Hazardous Environment Suit has been redesigned for comfort and utility--- " "k_lab.kl_moduli02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_moduli02" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness01" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness02" " " "k_lab.kl_mygoodness02_cc" "Du godeste! Gordon Freeman! Det er virkelig dig, ikke?" "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness02_cc" "My Goodness! Gordon Freeman! It really is you, isn't it?" "k_lab.kl_mygoodness03" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_mygoodness03" " " "k_lab.kl_nocareful" "Nej, nej! Forsigtig, Lamarr! De er ret skrøbelige! " "[english]k_lab.kl_nocareful" "No, no! Careful, Lamarr! Those are quite fragile! " "k_lab.kl_nonsense" "Sludder. Dine talenter overgår din skønhed. " "[english]k_lab.kl_nonsense" "Nonsense. Your talents surpass your loveliness. " "k_lab.kl_nownow01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow01" " " "k_lab.kl_nownow01_cc" "Nå, nå, der er intet at være nervøs for. De har gjort store fremskridt siden da. Enorme fremskridt." "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow01_cc" "Now, now, there's nothing to be nervous about. We've made major strides since then. Major strides." "k_lab.kl_nownow02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_nownow02" " " "k_lab.kl_ohdear" "Du godeste! " "[english]k_lab.kl_ohdear" "Oh, dear! " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime01" " " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime01_cc" "Gordon, jeg må sige, at du kommer i rette øjeblik. Alyx har netop monteret den sidste del på vores genopstandne teleport. " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime01_cc" "I must say, Gordon, you come at a very opportune time. Alyx has just installed the final piece for our resurrected teleport. " "k_lab.kl_opportunetime02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_opportunetime02" " " "k_lab.kl_packing01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_packing01" " " "k_lab.kl_packing01_cc" "Helt bestemt. Og vi har til hensigt at sende ham af sted med det samme i selskab med din yndige datter." "[english]k_lab.kl_packing01_cc" "Indeed it is. And it's our intention to send him packing straightaway, in the company of your lovely daughter." "k_lab.kl_packing02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_packing02" " " "k_lab.kl_plugusin" "Du godeste, det er rigtigt. Gordon, kan du koble os ind? " "[english]k_lab.kl_plugusin" "Dear me, you're right. Gordon, would you mind plugging us in? " "k_lab.kl_projectyou" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_projectyou" " " "k_lab.kl_projectyou_cc" "Ja, bestemt. Vi er klar til at projicere dig, Gordon. Lykke på rejsen, og held og lykke fremover!" "[english]k_lab.kl_projectyou_cc" "Yes, indeed. We're ready to project you, Gordon. Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors!" "k_lab.kl_redletterday01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday01" " " "k_lab.kl_redletterday01_cc" "Nemlig, Barney. Det her er en rød dag i kalenderen. Vi indvier den nye teleport med en dobbelt transmission! " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday01_cc" "That's right, Barney. This is a red letter day. We'll inaugurate the new teleport with a double transmission! " "k_lab.kl_redletterday02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_redletterday02" " " "k_lab.kl_relieved" "Åh, gudskelov. Min lettelse er næsten håndgribelig. " "[english]k_lab.kl_relieved" "Oh, thank goodness. My relief is almost palpable. " "k_lab.kl_slipin01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin01" " " "k_lab.kl_slipin01_cc" "Nå, Gordon, værsgo'. Tag dragten på nu." "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin01_cc" "Well, Gordon, go ahead. Slip into your suit now." "k_lab.kl_slipin02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_slipin02" " " "k_lab.kl_suitfits01" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits01" " " "k_lab.kl_suitfits01_cc" "Gordon, venligst? Jeg er spændt på, om dragten stadig passer." "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits01_cc" "Gordon, if you please? I'm eager to see if your old suit still fits." "k_lab.kl_suitfits02" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_suitfits02" " " "k_lab.kl_thenwhere" "Men hvor er han så? " "[english]k_lab.kl_thenwhere" "Then, where is he? " "k_lab.kl_waitmyword" "Gordon, stiller du dig lige over til panelet der og venter på, at jeg siger til? " "[english]k_lab.kl_waitmyword" "Gordon, why don't you position yourself near the panel over there and wait for my word? " "k_lab.kl_weowe" "Vi skylder dr. Freeman en masse, selv om han har problemer i kølvandet. " "[english]k_lab.kl_weowe" "We owe a great deal to Dr. Freeman, even if trouble does tend to follow in his wake. " "k_lab.kl_whatisit" "Hvad er det? " "[english]k_lab.kl_whatisit" "What is it? " "k_lab.kl_wishiknew" " " "[english]k_lab.kl_wishiknew" " " "k_lab.kl_wishiknew_cc" "Bare jeg vidste det. Jeg registrerer uventet interferens!" "[english]k_lab.kl_wishiknew_cc" "I wish I knew. I'm encountering unexpected interference!" "k_lab.kl_yourturn" "Din tur, Gordon " "[english]k_lab.kl_yourturn" "It's your turn, Gordon " "k_lab.mo_drawing" "Et eller andet trækker ham væk. " "[english]k_lab.mo_drawing" "Something is drawing him away. " "k_lab.mo_interfer" "Jeg er ikke sikker, det ser ud som en eller anden form for interferens. " "[english]k_lab.mo_interfer" "I'm not sure, it seems to be some kind of interference. " "k_lab.mo_losinghim" "Åh, vi mister ham igen! " "[english]k_lab.mo_losinghim" "Ah, we're losing him again! " "k_lab2.al_andmyfather" "Men hvad med min far? " "[english]k_lab2.al_andmyfather" "But what about my father? " "k_lab2.al_anotherpet" "Vi finder en anden headcrab, du kan få som kæledyr! Der er masser rundt omkring! " "[english]k_lab2.al_anotherpet" "We'll find you another pet headcrab! There are plenty to go around! " "k_lab2.al_aweek" "En uge... " "[english]k_lab2.al_aweek" "A week... " "k_lab2.al_aweek_b" "Hvad er vi så gået glip af? " "[english]k_lab2.al_aweek_b" "Then what have we missed? " "k_lab2.al_catchup" "Ok, Gordon, du hørte ham. " "[english]k_lab2.al_catchup" "Okay, Gordon, you heard him. " "k_lab2.al_catchup_b" "Jeg kommer, så snart jeg har fået dr. Kleiner på plads. " "[english]k_lab2.al_catchup_b" "I'll catch up with you as soon as I've got Dr. Kleiner settled. " "k_lab2.al_doggowithgordon" "Dog, gå med Gordon. " "[english]k_lab2.al_doggowithgordon" "Dog, go with Gordon. " "k_lab2.al_dogyoumadeit" "Dog! Du klarede den! " "[english]k_lab2.al_dogyoumadeit" "Dog! You made it! " "k_lab2.al_exploded" "Jeg frygtede, at vi måske heller ikke ville klare den. " "[english]k_lab2.al_exploded" "I was afraid we might not make it either. " "k_lab2.al_exploded_b" "Jeg tror, at teleporten eksploderede, da vi var på vej ud. " "[english]k_lab2.al_exploded_b" "I think the teleport exploded just as we were porting out. " "k_lab2.al_getmyfather" "Vi må skaffe min far ud. " "[english]k_lab2.al_getmyfather" "We've got to get my father out. " "k_lab2.al_goodboy" "Det var godt! " "[english]k_lab2.al_goodboy" "Good boy! " "k_lab2.al_gordontakecare" "Gordon... " "[english]k_lab2.al_gordontakecare" "Gordon... " "k_lab2.al_gordontakecare_b" "Pas på derude. " "[english]k_lab2.al_gordontakecare_b" "Take care of yourself out there. " "k_lab2.al_headyourway" "Gordon og Dog kan komme til jer. Jeg vil have dr. Kleiner i sikkerhed, så møder jeg jer bagefter. " "[english]k_lab2.al_headyourway" "Gordon and Dog can head your way. I want to get Dr. Kleiner somewhere safer, then I'll meet up with you. " "k_lab2.al_illtakecareofthis" "Bare gå, Gordon, jeg ordner det her. " "[english]k_lab2.al_illtakecareofthis" "Go on, Gordon, I'll take care of this. " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag01" "Skynd dig hellere. " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag01" "You better hurry. " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag02" "Fortsæt, Gordon! " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag02" "Go on, Gordon! " "k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag03" "Kom nu. Find Barney! " "[english]k_lab2.al_klab2_exitnag03" "Go on. Find Barney! " "k_lab2.al_notime" "Åh nej... " "[english]k_lab2.al_notime" "Oh no... " "k_lab2.al_notime_b" "Dr. Kleiner, der er virkelig ikke tid. " "[english]k_lab2.al_notime_b" "Dr. Kleiner, there's really no time. " "k_lab2.al_optimism" "Bare, jeg var så optimistisk som dig, doktor... " "[english]k_lab2.al_optimism" "I wish I shared your optimism, Doctor... " "k_lab2.al_wemadeit" "Åh Gud... vi klarede den. " "[english]k_lab2.al_wemadeit" "My God... we made it. " "k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean" "Hvad mener du? " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean" "What do you mean? " "k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean_b" "Gordon og jeg var der for et øjeblik siden. " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatdoyoumean_b" "Gordon and I were just there a minute ago. " "k_lab2.al_whatswrong" "Hvad er der galt? " "[english]k_lab2.al_whatswrong" "What's wrong? " "k_lab2.al_wheresdoc01" "Men hvor er dr. Kleiner? " "[english]k_lab2.al_wheresdoc01" "But where's Dr. Kleiner? " "k_lab2.al_wheresdoc02" "Dr. Kleiner! Luk os ud! " "[english]k_lab2.al_wheresdoc02" "Dr. Kleiner! Let us out! " "k_lab2.ba_getgoing" "Kom nu, fart på! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_getgoing" "Go on, get going! " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews" "Mand, det er godt nyt! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews" "Man, that's good news! " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_b" "Troede næsten, at I var fortabte!" "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_b" "I almost gave you guys up for lost!" "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_c" "Jeg tager imod al den hjælp, jeg kan få. " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_c" "I'll take all the help I can get. " "k_lab2.ba_goodnews_d" "Vi planlægger et samlingssted til et angreb på citadellet. " "[english]k_lab2.ba_goodnews_d" "We're planning to set up a staging area for attacking the citadel. " "k_lab2.ba_heydoc01" "Hey, Doc? Er du der? " "[english]k_lab2.ba_heydoc01" "Hey, Doc? Are you there? " "k_lab2.ba_heydoc02" "Doc, kom ind, er du der? " "[english]k_lab2.ba_heydoc02" "Doc, come in, are you there? " "k_lab2.ba_incoming" "Åh, lort! Indkommende! " "[english]k_lab2.ba_incoming" "Oh crap! Incoming! " "k_lab2.kl_aroundhere" "Rolig, hun er her et sted. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_aroundhere" "Now, now, she's around here someplace. " "k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01" "Hm, det er yderst foruroligende." "[english]k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01" "Well, that is most troubling." "k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01_b" "Ifølge vortigaunterne er han fange i citadellet. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_atthecitadel01_b" "According to the vortigaunts, he is a prisoner at the Citadel. " "k_lab2.kl_aweekago01" "Jo, faktisk... og følgevirkningerne kunne mærkes nært og fjernt, men... Det var over en uge siden! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_aweekago01" "Indeed it did... and the repercussions were felt far and wide, but... That was over a week ago! " "k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck01" "En hel del, min kære. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck01" "A great deal, my dear. " "k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck02" "Slaget ved Nova Prospekt blev opfattet som signal til opstand. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_blowyoustruck02" "The blow you struck at Nova Prospekt was taken as a signal to begin the uprising. " "k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr" "Lige et minut. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr" "Just a minute. " "k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr_b" "Jeg kan ikke tage af sted uden Lamarr. Hvor har hun mon gemt sig? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_cantleavelamarr_b" "I can't leave without Lamarr. Now where did she get to? " "k_lab2.kl_comeoutlamarr" "Kom frem, Lamarr! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_comeoutlamarr" "Come out, Lamarr! " "k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope02" "Barney har anført et fremstød med netop det mål i tankerne. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope02" "Barney has been leading a push with that very aim in mind. " "k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope03" "En anden af jeres venner ankom for flere dage siden. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_dontgiveuphope03" "And another of your friends arrived several days ago. " "k_lab2.kl_givenuphope" "Men dog, jeg havde opgivet nogensinde at se jer igen." "[english]k_lab2.kl_givenuphope" "My dear, I had given up hope of ever seeing you again. " "k_lab2.kl_greatscott" "Du store! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_greatscott" "Great Scott! " "k_lab2.kl_howandwhen01" "Alyx? Gordon? " "[english]k_lab2.kl_howandwhen01" "Alyx? Gordon? " "k_lab2.kl_howandwhen02" "Du godeste... hvordan kom I herhen? Og hvornår?" "[english]k_lab2.kl_howandwhen02" "My god... how did you get here? And when? " "k_lab2.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr? Lamarr! " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarr" "Lamarr? Lamarr! " "k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary01" "Ja, Gordon, fortsæt endelig. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary01" "Yes, Gordon, please do go on. " "k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary02" "Lamarr er ekstremt opmærksom på dit brækjern. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_lamarrwary02" "Lamarr is extremely wary of your crowbar. " "k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone" "Ja, Barney, og jeg er ikke længere alene." "[english]k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone" "Yes, Barney, and I'm no longer alone." "k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone_b" "Alyx og Gordon er lige kommet. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_nolongeralone_b" "Alyx and Gordon have just arrived. " "k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless" "Altså, ser du?" "[english]k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless" "So there, you see?" "k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless_b" "Det hele er ikke håbløst. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_notallhopeless_b" "It's not all hopeless. " "k_lab2.kl_onehedy" "Der er kun én Hedy. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_onehedy" "There's only one Hedy. " "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01" "Fascinerende." "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01" "Fascinating." "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01_b" "Vi har tilsyneladende udviklet en meget langsom teleport. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport01_b" "We seem to have developed a very slow teleport. " "k_lab2.kl_slowteleport02" "Det peger på en helt ny efterforskningslinje. " "[english]k_lab2.kl_slowteleport02" "This suggests an entirely new line of investigation. " "nexus.ba_alldown" "Sådan! De er alle sammen nede. " "[english]nexus.ba_alldown" "That's it! They're all down. " "nexus.ba_armory" "Hey, et våbendepot. " "[english]nexus.ba_armory" "Hey, it's an armory. " "nexus.ba_bypass" "Nu kan vi skære igennem pladsen, omgå neksuset og rykke direkte mod citadellet. " "[english]nexus.ba_bypass" "Now we can cut through the square, bypass the Nexus and push straight on toward the Citadel. " "nexus.ba_comingdown" "De kommer ned. " "[english]nexus.ba_comingdown" "They're coming down. " "nexus.ba_comingfromroof" "De kommer fra taget. " "[english]nexus.ba_comingfromroof" "They'll be coming from the roof. " "nexus.ba_dayswork" "Alt sammen en del af arbejdet, ikke? " "[english]nexus.ba_dayswork" "All in a day's work, right? " "nexus.ba_done" "Færdig. " "[english]nexus.ba_done" "Done. " "nexus.ba_dontbeseen" "Lad den ikke se dig! " "[english]nexus.ba_dontbeseen" "Don't let it see you! " "nexus.ba_dontstandstill" "Lad den ikke fange dig, mens du står stille! " "[english]nexus.ba_dontstandstill" "Don't let it catch you standing still! " "nexus.ba_drawpowerfrominside" "Den får energi fra bygningens indre, så der må vi hen. " "[english]nexus.ba_drawpowerfrominside" "It draws power from inside the building so that's where we've got to go. " "nexus.ba_exitsigns" "Se efter Exit-skiltene. " "[english]nexus.ba_exitsigns" "Look for the exit signs. " "nexus.ba_firstgetin" "Først må vi ind i neksusbygningen. " "[english]nexus.ba_firstgetin" "First, we gotta get into the Nexus building. " "nexus.ba_followme01" "Denne vej, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme01" "This way, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_followme02" "Kom nu! " "[english]nexus.ba_followme02" "Come on! " "nexus.ba_followme03" "Kom nu, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme03" "Come on, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_followme05" "Følg mig. " "[english]nexus.ba_followme05" "Follow me. " "nexus.ba_gateintro" "Der er den port, jeg fortalte om. Vi må tilbage hertil, når vi har fået åbnet den. hvis vi får åbnet den. " "[english]nexus.ba_gateintro" "There's that gate I was telling you about. We'll have to come back here after we get it open. If we get it open. " "nexus.ba_getthisopen" "Få den lukket op, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_getthisopen" "Get this thing open, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_goodjob" "Godt gjort, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_goodjob" "Good job, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_goonnow" "Fortsæt nu. " "[english]nexus.ba_goonnow" "Go on now. " "nexus.ba_gottagetskybopen" "Vi må have gangbroen åben. " "[english]nexus.ba_gottagetskybopen" "We've gotta get the skybridge open. " "nexus.ba_greatwork" "Flor arbejde, Doc, du kan stadig. " "[english]nexus.ba_greatwork" "Great work, Doc, you've still got the touch. " "nexus.ba_headforroof" "Lad os komme op på taget nu, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_headforroof" "Let's head for the roof now, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_ifcitscomethru" "Hvis der kommer flere borgere igennem, sender jeg dem op til dig. " "[english]nexus.ba_ifcitscomethru" "If any more citizens come through I'll send them up to find you. " "nexus.ba_illopenthis" "Fedt, jeg åbner her. " "[english]nexus.ba_illopenthis" "Great, I'll open this up. " "nexus.ba_keepgate" "Jeg bliver her og holder portene åbne, så længe at det gør en forskel. " "[english]nexus.ba_keepgate" "I'm gonna stay here and keep these gates open long enough to make a difference. " "nexus.ba_lasers_goforit" "Wow. Med så omfattende sikkerhed, må der være noget godt derinde. Prøv ad, Doc. Jeg venter her, indtil du lukker ned. Vær forsigtig. " "[english]nexus.ba_lasers_goforit" "Wow. With that much security, there must be something good in there. Go for it, Doc. I'll wait here till you shut it down. Be careful. " "nexus.ba_lastone" "Én generator tilbage. " "[english]nexus.ba_lastone" "One generator to go. " "nexus.ba_letthemout" "Luk dem ud! " "[english]nexus.ba_letthemout" "Let them out! " "nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb01" "Godt. Få så den gangbro tilsluttet. " "[english]nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb01" "Good. Now, get the skybridge connected. " "nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb02" "Gordon, kør gangbroen ud. " "[english]nexus.ba_nag_connectskyb02" "Gordon, extend the skybridge. " "nexus.ba_nexusahead" "Der ligger en gammel bygning forude – en bank eller et museum. Uanset hvad fanden det så har været, er det nu et neksus for Overwatch i by Sytten. Det er primær kilde til smerte i denne del af byen med den enorme undertrykkelsesenhed, der lader helvede regne ned fra taget. " "[english]nexus.ba_nexusahead" "There's an old building up ahead, a bank or museum or something like that. Whatever the hell it used to be, now it's a nexus for Overwatch in City Seventeen. It's the main source of pain for this part of town, thanks to a huge suppression device that's raining down hell from the roof of the place. " "nexus.ba_ontheroof" "De er på taget! " "[english]nexus.ba_ontheroof" "They're on the roof! " "nexus.ba_ourgate" "Der er vores port. Lad mig lige åbne den. " "[english]nexus.ba_ourgate" "There's our gate. Let me just get it open. " "nexus.ba_ownsroof" "Åh, mand. Overwatch har kontrollen over taget, og der skal vi hen. " "[english]nexus.ba_ownsroof" "Oh man. Overwatch owns the roof, and that's where we're headed. " "nexus.ba_prisoners" "Fanger! Luk dem ud, Gordon. Vi kunne bruge deres hjælp. " "[english]nexus.ba_prisoners" "Prisoners! Let 'em out, Gordon. We could use their help. " "nexus.ba_rollgrenade" "Rul en granat derind, hvis du har en. Det skulle være nok. " "[english]nexus.ba_rollgrenade" "Roll a grenade in there if you've got one. That oughtta do it. " "nexus.ba_roofaccess" "Adgangen til taget er denne vej. " "[english]nexus.ba_roofaccess" "Roof access is this way. " "nexus.ba_seeyou" "Vi ses, når vi ses, Gordon." "[english]nexus.ba_seeyou" "See you when I see you, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_seeyouonground" "Godt gjort, Gordon. Vi ses nede på jorden. " "[english]nexus.ba_seeyouonground" "Good job, Gordon. I'll see you on the ground. " "nexus.ba_settraps" "Sæt fælder for dem, Gordon. " "[english]nexus.ba_settraps" "Set some traps for them, Gordon. " "nexus.ba_shieldgen" "Tjek de skjoldgeneratorer. Jeg har intet, der kan hamle op med dem. Vi har brug for en eller anden form for afstandspåvirkning. " "[english]nexus.ba_shieldgen" "Check out those shield generators. I've got nothing to deal with those. What we need here is some kind of action at a distance. " "nexus.ba_shieldlobby" "Hvis vi skal igennem de her skjolde, må vi sætte generatorerne ud af spillet én ad gangen. " "[english]nexus.ba_shieldlobby" "If we want to get through these shields, we'll have to take out the generators one at a time. " "nexus.ba_skybreinf" "Gå op, og tilslut gangbroen. Vi må lade forstærkningerne komme igennem fra flest mulige retninger. " "[english]nexus.ba_skybreinf" "Go on up and connect the skybridge. We need to let reinforcements come through from every possible direction. " "nexus.ba_spotted" "Det var den snigertilgang. Vi er blevet set! " "[english]nexus.ba_spotted" "So much for stealth. We've been spotted! " "nexus.ba_stockup" "Fyld lommerne! " "[english]nexus.ba_stockup" "Stock up! " "nexus.ba_supp_nothurt" "Du kan ikke skade den tingest hernedefra, Gordon. Vi må lukke den ned indefra. " "[english]nexus.ba_supp_nothurt" "You're not gonna hurt that thing from down here, Gordon. We'll have to shut it down from inside. " "nexus.ba_supp_spotted" "Den har set os! " "[english]nexus.ba_supp_spotted" "It spotted us! " "nexus.ba_suppdownroofnow" "Undertrykkeren er nede, så du kan komme op på taget nu. " "[english]nexus.ba_suppdownroofnow" "The suppressor's down, so you can get to the roof now. " "nexus.ba_suppressordown" "Det lukker også undertrykkeren på taget ned. " "[english]nexus.ba_suppressordown" "That'll shut down the suppressor on the roof as well. " "nexus.ba_surrounded" "Vi er omringet! " "[english]nexus.ba_surrounded" "We're surrounded! " "nexus.ba_thenletsgo" "Så lad os gå! " "[english]nexus.ba_thenletsgo" "Then let's go! " "nexus.ba_threegen" "Vi har tre generatorer at deaktivere. Kan lige så godt starte med den her. " "[english]nexus.ba_threegen" "We've got three generators to disable. Might as well start with this one. " "nexus.ba_totheroof" "Til taget, Gordon! " "[english]nexus.ba_totheroof" "To the roof, Gordon! " "nexus.ba_turretsyoudeal" "Åh nej. Tårne. Du har HEV-dragten, tag du dig af dem. Jeg ordner sikkerhedskonsollen imens. " "[english]nexus.ba_turretsyoudeal" "Uh-oh. Turrets. You've got the HEV suit, you deal with them. Then I'll work the security console. " "nexus.ba_twotogo" "Ok, to generatorer tilbage. " "[english]nexus.ba_twotogo" "Okay, two more generators to go. " "nexus.ba_uhohcompany" "Åh nej. Selskab. " "[english]nexus.ba_uhohcompany" "Uh oh. Company. " "nexus.ba_uhohdropships" "Åh nej. Landingsfartøjer! " "[english]nexus.ba_uhohdropships" "Uh oh. Dropships! " "nexus.ba_usehoppers" "Prøv at bruge hopperne imod dem. " "[english]nexus.ba_usehoppers" "Try using the hoppers against 'em. " "nexus.ba_vista01" "Der er den. Overwatch Neksus. De mobiliserer vist, i den grad. Man kan næsten se porten herfra. Jeg viser dig den, når vi kommer op i gadeniveau. " "[english]nexus.ba_vista01" "There it is. The Overwatch Nexus. Looks like they're mobilizing, big-time. You can sort of see the gate from here. I'll show you when we get to streetlevel. " "nexus.ba_vista02" "Vi skal ind i den bygning for at åbne porten. Selv da vil undertrykkelsesenheden undertrykke enhver, der kommer igennem, medmindre vi lukker det ned. " "[english]nexus.ba_vista02" "We'll have to get in that building to open the gate. Even then, the suppression device will suppress anyone coming through unless we shut it down. " "nexus.ba_wisheli" "Bare Eli var her. Han havde måske nogle råd til os. " "[english]nexus.ba_wisheli" "I wish Eli were here. Maybe he'd have some advice for us. " "nexus.ba_yougotgravgun" "Hey, du har Elis tyngdekraftvåben! Prøv at puffe til de skjolde; måske kan du ryste dem løse." "[english]nexus.ba_yougotgravgun" "Hey, you've got Eli's gravity gun! Try giving those shields a jolt and see if you can shake em up a bit. " "nexus.cit_rockets" "Dr. Freeman! Da du har lukket undertrykkeren ned og åbnet porten, kan vi virkelig få folk igennem! Combine kommer under pres nu! Vi tabte en kasse raketter på vej over pladsen. Hvis du kan komme derover, burde du have alt, hvad der kræves for at smadre striderne. " "[english]nexus.cit_rockets" "Dr. Freeman! Since you shut off the suppressor and opened the gate, we can really move people through now! The Combine's gonna feel the squeeze! We dropped a crate of rockets, coming across the plaza. If you can make it there, you should have everything you need to take down these striders. " "novaprospekt.al_almostthere" "Næsten fremme. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_almostthere" "Almost there. " "novaprospekt.al_backdown" "Hvad er det? Øjeblik! Må have den med ned igen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_backdown" "What's that? Hold on. Gotta bring this back down. " "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid01" "Det gjorde du garanteret. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid01" "I'll bet you did. " "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid02" "Se på den, Gordon." "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid02" "Look at it, Gordon." "novaprospekt.al_betyoudid03" "Den ser ud til at vente på os. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_betyoudid03" "It looks like it's waiting for us. " "novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor01" "Hva'... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor01" "Huh... " "novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor02" "Tilbage! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_boilerdoor02" "Get back! " "novaprospekt.al_bringhimin" "Okay, jeg tror, jeg kan få ham ind. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_bringhimin" "All right, I think I can bring him in. " "novaprospekt.al_careofyourself" "Hey, pas på dig selv. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_careofyourself" "Hey, take care of yourself. " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy01" "Nej! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy01" "No! " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy02" " " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy03" "For helvede, det er løgn! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy03" "Damn her, I don't believe this! " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy04" "Kom nu, Gordon, nu har vi virkelig travlt. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy04" "Come on, Gordon, now we've really gotta hurry. " "novaprospekt.al_combinespy05" "Bare gå i forvejen. Jeg afbryder næste sikkerhedsniveau og indhenter dig bagefter. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_combinespy05" "Go on ahead. I'll disrupt the next level of security, and catch up with you when I can. " "novaprospekt.al_comebackdad" "Kom tilbage! Far! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comebackdad" "Get back here! Dad! " "novaprospekt.al_comeon" "Kom nu. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comeon" "Come on. " "novaprospekt.al_comeonin02" "Kom bare ind, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_comeonin02" "Come on in, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_covermegordon" "Dæk mig, Gordon! Jeg må nulstille portalen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_covermegordon" "Cover me, Gordon! I've gotta reset the portal. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_arrival" "Kommer om et sekund, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_arrival" "Be there in a second, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_entry" "Du kommer op til et andet kontrolrum. Det er vist stadig optaget. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_entry" "You're coming up to another control room. Looks like it's still occupied. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_fields" "Jeg tror, der kommer en masse flere soldater din vej. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_fields" "My guess is there's a bunch more soldiers heading your way. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming" "Jeg kan ikke lukke felterne ned herfra – jeg må indhente dig for at få adgang til dem. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming" "I can't shut down those fields from here, I'm going to have to catch up with you to get access to them. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming_2" "Jeg opfanger en masse indkommende soldater; hold stillingen, til jeg kommer frem. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_incoming_2" "I'm picking up a lot of incoming soldiers, hold the fort til I get there. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_search" "Hurtigt, gennemsøg lokalet. Der burde være nogle Combine-tårne i nærheden. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_search" "Quick, search the room. There should be some Combine turrets nearby. " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_turrets" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_turrets" " " "novaprospekt.al_croom2_wave2" "Flere soldater er på vej. Sørg for at holde de tårne oppe for at hjælpe med forsvaret. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_croom2_wave2" "More soldiers are coming. Make sure to keep those turrets up to help defend. " "novaprospekt.al_dadallright" "Far, er du ok? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_dadallright" "Dad, are you all right? " "novaprospekt.al_daddownhere01" "Far! Hernede! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_daddownhere01" "Dad! Down here! " "novaprospekt.al_daddownhere02" "Undskyld, det tog så længe. Jeg håber ikke, det var alt for slemt. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_daddownhere02" "Sorry we took so long. I hope that wasn't too bad for you. " "novaprospekt.al_dadswork" "Du har stjålet min fars arbejde. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_dadswork" "That's my father's work you stole. " "novaprospekt.al_docstop" "Dr. Kleiner, De må stoppe dem! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_docstop" "Dr. Kleiner, you have to stop them! " "novaprospekt.al_drk01" "Dr. Kleiner! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drk01" "Dr. Kleiner! " "novaprospekt.al_drk02" "Vi er i Nova Prospekt, og vi kører Xen-emuleringen for første gang. Er du klar til os? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drk02" "We're in Nova Prospekt, and we're running the Xen emulation for the first time. Are you ready for us? " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01" "Jeg talte med dr. Kleiner " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01" "I talked to Dr. Kleiner " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_b" "Hans portal fungerede næsten igen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_b" "His portal was almost working again. " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_c" "Hvis han har fået den repareret, ender vi deroppe. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_c" "If he's managed to repair it we'll end up there. " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_d" "Hvis ikke, tja... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_d" "If he hasn't, well... " "novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_e" "det kan vel dårligt gå os værre. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_drkleiner01_e" "we couldn't be any worse off. " "novaprospekt.al_elevator01" "Er du klar til det her? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator01" "You ready for this? " "novaprospekt.al_elevator02" "En mand af få ord, ikke? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator02" "Man of few words, aren't you? " "novaprospekt.al_elevator03" "Klar... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_elevator03" "Get ready... " "novaprospekt.al_enoughbs01" "Ikke mere ævl, nu! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_enoughbs01" "Enough of your bullshit! " "novaprospekt.al_enoughbs02" "Se, Gordon, der er min far. Jeg tager ham med ind. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_enoughbs02" "Look, Gordon, there's my dad. I'm going to bring him in. " "novaprospekt.al_findmossman01" "Lad os se, om vi kan finde Mossman. Det ser ud til, at denne station kan give mig bedre adgang. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmossman01" "Let's see if we can find Mossman. It looks like this station might give me better access. " "novaprospekt.al_findmossman03" "Der er hun. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmossman03" "There she is. " "novaprospekt.al_findmyfather" "Nu må jeg finde min far. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_findmyfather" "Now, to find my father. " "novaprospekt.al_flyingblind" "Jeg er bange for, at jeg flyver i blinde her. En gang imellem bliver en vortigaunt taget til fange og sender information tilbage, men vi har ikke et fuldstændigt overblik over stedet. Den smule, vi ved, er intet værd. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_flyingblind" "I'm afraid I'm flying blind here. Every now and then a vortigaunt gets captured and sends back information, but we don't have a complete picture of the place. The little we do know is all bad. " "novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag01" "Skynd dig hellere. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag01" "You better hurry. " "novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag02" "Fortsæt, Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gauntlet_exitnag02" "Go on, Gordon! " "novaprospekt.al_getopen" "Ok, lad mig se, om jeg kan få åbnet her " "[english]novaprospekt.al_getopen" "All right, let me see if I can get this open " "novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyou" "Mand, jeg er glad for at se dig. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyou" "Boy am I glad to see you. " "novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyoureok" "Godt, at du er ok. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gladtoseeyoureok" "Glad to see you're okay. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru01" "Ok, Gordon, fortsæt igennem. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru01" "All right, Gordon, go on through. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru02" "Jeg tager tilbage til sikkerhedsstationen og forsøger at kontakte radioen i din dragt. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru02" "I'm going to head back to the security station and try to patch into your suit radio. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru03" "Vent, til du hører fra mig. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru03" "Wait till you hear from me. " "novaprospekt.al_goonthru04" "Gå bare derind. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_goonthru04" "Go on, get in there. " "novaprospekt.al_gordon01" "Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gordon01" "Gordon! " "novaprospekt.al_gordongetin" "Kom nu Gordon, gå ind! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gordongetin" "Come on, Gordon, get in! " "novaprospekt.al_gotyounow01" "Ha! Jeg har dig nu. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gotyounow01" "Ha! Got you now. " "novaprospekt.al_gotyounow02" "Nå, kom nu, Gordon. Hun skal helst ikke vente. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_gotyounow02" "Well, come on Gordon. We don't want to keep her waiting. " "novaprospekt.al_hacksecurity01" "På den her måde kan jeg komme ind i deres sikkerhedssystem. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hacksecurity01" "This'll get me into their security system. " "novaprospekt.al_halfway" "Ser ud til at være næsten halvvejs. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_halfway" "Looks like it's about halfway there. " "novaprospekt.al_hereweare" "Godt. Herover. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hereweare" "All right. Over here. " "novaprospekt.al_holdit" "Stop der. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_holdit" "Hold it there. " "novaprospekt.al_holdon" "Rolig nu! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_holdon" "Hold on! " "novaprospekt.al_horrible01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible01" " " "novaprospekt.al_horrible01_cc" "Åh du godeste. Og du har arbejdet med den tingest? Hvor længe?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible01_cc" "Oh my God. And you've been working with this thing? For how long?" "novaprospekt.al_horrible02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_horrible02" " " "novaprospekt.al_hurrymossman" "Hurtigere, Mossman! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_hurrymossman" "Hurry up, Mossman! " "novaprospekt.al_icanreprogram" "Jeg kan omprogrammere de her tårne til at angribe fjenden. Konfigurer dem til at beskytte kontrolrummet. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_icanreprogram" "I can reprogram these turrets to attack the enemy. You set them up to defend the control room. " "novaprospekt.al_illtakecare" "Det ordner jeg. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_illtakecare" "I'll take care of that. " "novaprospekt.al_illtalk" "Der er hun. Bare lad mig føre ordet, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_illtalk" "There she is. Leave the talking to me Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_inhere01" "Han skulle være herinde. Lad mig lige åbne her. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_inhere01" "He should be in here. Let me just get this open. " "novaprospekt.al_itsdone" "Gudskelov, det er forbi. Lad os så komme væk. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_itsdone" "Thank god, it's done. Let's get the hell outta here. " "novaprospekt.al_justseconds" "Bare et par sekunder til... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_justseconds" "Just a couple more seconds... " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup01" "Hold dine tårne klar. Hold ud, indtil jeg kommer frem. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup01" "Keep your turrets set up. You've got to hold on til I get there. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02" "Hold de tårne klar. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02" "Keep those turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02r" "Hold de tårne klar. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup02r" "Keep those turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03" "Pas på tårnene. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03" "Watch your turrets. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03r" "Pas på tårnene. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup03r" "Watch your turrets. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04" "Husk tårnene, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04" "Remember the turrets, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04r" "Husk tårnene, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepsetup04r" "Remember the turrets, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_keepturrets" "Gordon, hold tårnene klar. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_keepturrets" "Gordon, keep the turrets set up. " "novaprospekt.al_leapfrog01" "Hey, det fungerede. Lad os se, hvad jeg kan gøre for at bane vejen. Hold øje med Mossman. Jeg får min far så langt igennem fængslet, jeg kan, og så indhenter jeg dig. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_leapfrog01" "Hey, it worked. Let's see what I can do to clear the way for you. Keep an eye out for Mossman. I'll get my dad through the prison as far as I can, then I'll catch up with you. " "novaprospekt.al_letsgetgoing" "Lad os komme i gang. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_letsgetgoing" "Let's get going. " "novaprospekt.al_letsgetout01" "Lad os komme væk herfra. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_letsgetout01" "Let's get out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_lookmonitor" "Åh nej. Se på skærmen. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_lookmonitor" "Uh oh. Look at the monitor. " "novaprospekt.al_mayneedher" "Vi får nok brug for hende for at komme væk. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_mayneedher" "We may need her to get out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_meethim" "Han er på vej. Lad os gå ham i møde. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meethim" "He's on the way. Let's go meet him. " "novaprospekt.al_meetmethere01" "Gordon! Mød mig derovre! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meetmethere01" "Gordon! Meet me over there! " "novaprospekt.al_meetyouthere01" "Far, jeg siger ikke farvel. Vi mødes der. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_meetyouthere01" "I'm not saying goodbye, Dad. We'll meet you there. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers01" "Flere soldater. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers01" "More soldiers. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers02" "Flere soldater er på vej, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers02" "More soldiers are coming, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers03" "Vær klar til endnu en bølge. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers03" "Get ready for another wave. " "novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers04" "Vi må have ramt en guldåre af soldater. De kommer ind fra alle retninger. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_moresoldiers04" "We must have hit a motherlode of soldiers. They're coming in from everywhere. " "novaprospekt.al_mutter" "Lad mig lige tænke. Tænk, Alyx, tænk!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_mutter" "All right, let me think. Think, Alyx, think!" "novaprospekt.al_no01" "Nej! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_no01" "No! " "novaprospekt.al_nostop" "Nej, stop! Hvad laver du? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_nostop" "No, stop! What are you doing? " "novaprospekt.al_notexactly" "Ikke ligefrem. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notexactly" "Not exactly. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavinghere01" "Vi efterlader dig ikke. Slut. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavinghere01" "We're not leaving here without you. That's final. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01" "Jeg tror, jeg kan omkalibrere Combine-portalen til at få os væk herfra. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01" "I think I can recalibrate the Combine portal to get us out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01_a" "Nej, vi efterlader dig ikke. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_notleavingyou01_a" "No, we're not leaving you. " "novaprospekt.al_ohmygod" "Åh du godeste. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_ohmygod" "Oh my god. " "novaprospekt.al_onepiece" "Jeg er glad for, at du kom uskadt frem. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_onepiece" "I'm glad you made it here in one piece. " "novaprospekt.al_overhere" "Herovre! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_overhere" "Over here! " "novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03" "Min far er et eller andet sted deroppe, i det celleområde. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03" "My Dad's up there somewhere, in that holding area. " "novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03_b" "Det vil kræve en del at få ham ud." "[english]novaprospekt.al_perfecttiming03_b" "It's gonna take some doing to get him out. " "novaprospekt.al_pickherup" "Bare rolig, far, vi finder hende. Indtil videre sender jeg dig til teleportkammeret. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_pickherup" "Don't worry, Dad, we'll find her. For now, I'm going to send you to the teleport chamber. " "novaprospekt.al_poorpeople" "Åh du godeste... de stakkels mennesker... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_poorpeople" "Oh my God...these poor people... " "novaprospekt.al_readings01" "De her udlæsninger skræmmer mig. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_readings01" "These readings are scaring me. " "novaprospekt.al_readings02" "Ok, Doc, vi er fastlåst. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_readings02" "Okay, Doc, we're locked on. " "novaprospekt.al_resetting" "Ok, den nulstiller. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_resetting" "Okay, it's resetting. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate" "Jeg åbner den om et øjeblik." "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate" "I'll have this open in a jiffy. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2" "Forbandet! Den er klemt fast. Okay, jeg har en idé. Gå tilbage til det kontor. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2" "Damn! It's jammed. Okay, I've got an idea. Head back to that office. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2_nag" "Tilbage til det kontor, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_blockedgate_2_nag" "Head back to that office, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_gate" "Øjeblik, jeg ser lige, om jeg kan få den port åbnet. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_gate" "Hang on, I'll see if I can figure out how to get that gate open. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_gate_open" "Sådan. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_gate_open" "Got it. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_lights" "Jeg leder efter lyskontakten nu. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_lights" "I'm looking for the light switch now. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_lights_on" "Her. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_lights_on" "There we go. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves" "Ifølge byggeplanerne skulle der være en udluftningskanal bag de der hylder. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves" "According to the schematics, there should be a vent behind those shelves. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_2" "Godt gjort. Man burde kunne snige sig igennem de her kanaler. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_2" "Good job. You should be able to sneak through these vents. " "novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_nag" "Gordon, kravl igennem luftdysen bag hylderne. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room1_move_shelves_nag" "Gordon, go through the airvent behind the shelves. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush" " " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush" " " "novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush_2" "Jeg opfanger indkommende soldater. Her, jeg viser dig det på denne skærm. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_ambush_2" "I'm picking up incoming soldiers. Here, I'll show you on this monitor. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_gate" "Jeg går i gang med denne port. Lige et sekund. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_gate" "I'll start working on this gate. Just a sec. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_gate2" "Ok, i orden. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_gate2" "Okay, got it. " "novaprospekt.al_room2_vent" "Vær forsigtig, Gordon, jeg opfanger en masse Combine-sensorer forude. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room2_vent" "Be careful, Gordon, I'm picking up a lot of Combine sensors in the area ahead. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field" "Det her er et Combine-filterfelt. Hvis du aldrig har mødt et af dem før, kan du nogle gange deaktivere det ved at kaste ting igennem. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field" "This is a Combine filter-field. If you've never dealt with one of these before, you can sometimes break the switch by lobbing stuff through. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_2" "Filterfeltet vil blænde dig ud. Combine-soldater kan komme igennem, men det kan du ikke. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_2" "The filter-field will screen you out. Combine soldiers can get through there, but you can't. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_3" "Det her er ikke forbundet med nettet. Jeg kan ikke slukke det. Der må være kontroller til det i nærheden. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_3" "This one isn't connected to the net. I can't turn it off. There must be controls for it nearby. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_field_success" "Godt arbejde. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_field_success" "Good work. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret" "Stop! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret" "Stop! " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_2" "Der er et tårn på trapperne lige under dig. Prøv at vælte det med en granat, hvis du har nogen tilbage. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_2" "There's a turret in the stairs right below you. Try knocking it over with a grenade, if you have any left. " "novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_3" "Godt nok. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room3_turret_3" "Good enough. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor1" "Jeg har døren åben om lidt. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor1" "I'll have this door open in a second. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor2" "Ok, af sted med os. Følg mig. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_alyx_exitdoor2" "Okay let's go. Follow me. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_done" "Ok, Gordon, jeg forlader positionen og indhenter dig. Kommer straks. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_done" "Okay, Gordon, I'm going to leave off here and catch up with you. Be there as soon as I can. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_entry" "Jeg opfanger flere indkommende soldater! Se efter, om der er tårne i nærheden! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_entry" "I'm picking up more incoming soldiers! See if there are some more turrets nearby! " "novaprospekt.al_room5_incoming" "Her kommer de. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_incoming" "Here they come. " "novaprospekt.al_room5_turrets" "Hurtigt, få dem gjort klar. Jeg kan se soldater i alle retninger. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_room5_turrets" "Quick, get these set up. I'm seeing soldiers in all directions. " "novaprospekt.al_sealdoor01" "Lad mig forsegle denne dør. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sealdoor01" "Let me seal this door. " "novaprospekt.al_sealdoor02" "Ingen vej tilbage nu. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sealdoor02" "No turning back now. " "novaprospekt.al_senddadthru" "Godt. Vi sender min far igennem først. Han er i position til... " "[english]novaprospekt.al_senddadthru" "Good. We'll send my dad through first. He's in position for... " "novaprospekt.al_setturrets" "Få nogle tårne gjort klar! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_setturrets" "Get some turrets set up! " "novaprospekt.al_sheupto01" "Vent et øjeblik. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto01" "Wait a minute " "novaprospekt.al_sheupto02" "Hvordan ku' hun...?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto02" "How'd she...?" "novaprospekt.al_sheupto03" "Hvad har hun for? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sheupto03" "What's she up to? " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor02" "Hah. Færdig. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor02" "Hah. Done. " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor03" "Kom nu. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor03" "Come on. " "novaprospekt.al_shielddoor04" "Følg mig. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shielddoor04" "Follow me. " "novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad01" "Hold kæft, og vær glad for, at du stadig er nyttig for os! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad01" "Shut up and be glad you're still some use to us! " "novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad02" "Vi omkonfigurerer denne teleport, og forsvinder herfra. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_shutupandbeglad02" "We're going to reconfigure this teleport and get the hell out of here. " "novaprospekt.al_sorrysolong" "Undskyld ventetiden, Gordon. Du kunne vist have brugt hjælp. Jeg forlader dig ikke igen. Lad os så finde Mossman. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sorrysolong" "Sorry to take so long, Gordon. Looks like you could have used some help. I won't leave you again though. Now let's track down Mossman. " "novaprospekt.al_sorrytooksolong" "Undskyld, det tog så længe. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_sorrytooksolong" "Sorry it took me so long. " "novaprospekt.al_takingforever" "Argh – det her varer en evighed! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_takingforever" "God, this is taking forever! " "novaprospekt.al_thecoords" "Koordinaterne, dr. Mossman." "[english]novaprospekt.al_thecoords" "The coordinates, Dr. Mossman." "novaprospekt.al_there" "Der! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_there" "There! " "novaprospekt.al_thereheis" "Der er han. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_thereheis" "There he is. " "novaprospekt.al_theyrecoming" "De kommer, Gordon. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_theyrecoming" "They're coming, Gordon. " "novaprospekt.al_traitor01" "Forræder! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_traitor01" "Traitor! " "novaprospekt.al_uhoh_np" "Åh nej. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_uhoh_np" "Uh-oh. " "novaprospekt.al_useturrets" "Gordon, brug tårnene! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_useturrets" "Gordon, use the turrets! " "novaprospekt.al_warmeditup" "Den er altså varmet op for os. Godt. Og lige i rette øjeblik. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_warmeditup" "So you've warmed it up for us. Good. And just in time. " "novaprospekt.al_werecomingin" "Forbandet! Tilbage, Mossman, vi kommer ind. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_werecomingin" "Damn it! Move back, Mossman, we're coming in. " "novaprospekt.al_whatcoords" "Åh du godeste! Hvad er det for koordinater? Hvor fanden har hun ført ham hen? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_whatcoords" "Oh my god! What coordinates are these? Where the hell did she take him? " "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou01" "Fedt, endnu en sikkerhedsstation. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou01" "Great, another security station. " "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou02" "Godt, Mossman, hvor er du...?" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou02" "All right, Mossman, where are you...?" "novaprospekt.al_whereareyou03" "Ha! Fandt hende!" "[english]novaprospekt.al_whereareyou03" "Ha! Found her!" "novaprospekt.al_youandbreen" "Vi ved alt om dig og Breen. Du har hele tiden været spion for Combine. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youandbreen" "We know all about you and Breen. You've been a spy for the Combine the whole time. " "novaprospekt.al_youbeenworking" "Og du har arbejdet med den tingest? Hvor længe? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youbeenworking" "And you've been working with this thing? For how long? " "novaprospekt.al_youcoming" "Kommer du? " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youcoming" "You coming? " "novaprospekt.al_youmadeit" "Gordon, du klarede den! " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youmadeit" "Gordon, you made it! " "novaprospekt.al_yououtdad" "Vi er kommet for at få dig fri, far. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_yououtdad" "We're here to get you out, Dad. " "novaprospekt.al_youput01" "Ikke takket være dig. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youput01" "No thanks to you. " "novaprospekt.al_youput02" "Bare indtast koordinaterne til dr. Kleiners laboratorium, og lad os komme i gang. " "[english]novaprospekt.al_youput02" "Just enter the coordinates for Dr. Kleiner's lab and let's get moving. " "novaprospekt.br_blinded" "Jeg har kendt dr. Vance meget længere end dig, min kære. Jeg er bange form at dine følelser for ham har gjort dig blind – " "[english]novaprospekt.br_blinded" "I have known Dr. Vance far longer than you, my dear. I'm afraid your feelings for him may have blinded you-- " "novaprospekt.br_disturb" " – fra dit område. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_disturb" "---from your area. " "novaprospekt.br_leeway01" "Dette er ikke genstand for diskussion, dr. Mossman. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_leeway01" "This is not open to debate, Dr. Mossman. " "novaprospekt.br_loyalties" "Vi var ikke helt sikre på, at du nogensinde kom ind på det – i betragtning af standarden for menneskelig loyalitet. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_loyalties" "We weren't entirely sure you were ever going to get around to that, human loyalties being what they are. " "novaprospekt.br_outoftime" "Beklager, Judith. Jeg har ikke mere tid. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_outoftime" "So sorry, Judith. I'm all out of time. " "novaprospekt.br_overzealous" "Soldaterne var lidt overivrige, må jeg indrømme, men han var for værdifuld til bare at lade ham gå – især i Gordon Freemans fravær. " "[english]novaprospekt.br_overzealous" "The soldiers were a bit overzealous, I admit, but he was too tempting a prize to simply turn loose, especially in the absence of Gordon Freeman. " "novaprospekt.eli_dontworry" "Vær ikke bekymret for mig, kæreste. Judith! De satte dig på fri fod! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_dontworry" "Don't worry about me, sweetheart. Judith! I see they set you free! " "novaprospekt.eli_foundme01" "Alyx! Gordon! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_foundme01" "Alyx! Gordon! " "novaprospekt.eli_foundme02" "Er det virkelig dig? Jeg nægter at tro, I fandt mig. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_foundme02" "Is that really you? I can't believe you found me. " "novaprospekt.eli_getoutofhere" "Jeg er ok, men dig! Du må ud herfra! " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_getoutofhere" "I'm fine, but you! You've got to get out of here! " "novaprospekt.eli_iknow" "Det skal nok lykkes. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_iknow" "I know you will. " "novaprospekt.eli_judithshelp01" "Vi kan heller ikke lade Judith blive her. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_judithshelp01" "We can't leave Judith here either. " "novaprospekt.eli_nevermindme01" "Glem mig. Red jer selv. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_nevermindme01" "Never mind me. Save yourselves. " "novaprospekt.eli_notime01" "Vi ses der, skat. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_notime01" "I'll see you there, baby. " "novaprospekt.eli_notworthrisk" "Det er ikke risikoen værd, Alyx. Jeg vil ikke miste dig! Kom ud mens I kan." "[english]novaprospekt.eli_notworthrisk" "It's not worth the risk, Alyx. I can't lose you! Get out while you can. " "novaprospekt.eli_thisisportal" "Det her er altså Combine-portalen. Den er mindre, end jeg troede. " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_thisisportal" "So this is the Combine portal. It's smaller than I imagined. " "novaprospekt.eli_whatgoingon" "Hvad foregår der, Alyx? Judith? Hvad sker der? " "[english]novaprospekt.eli_whatgoingon" "What's going on Alyx? Judith? What's happening? " "novaprospekt.eli_wherewillyougo01" "Men hvor vil du hen?" "[english]novaprospekt.eli_wherewillyougo01" "But where will you go? " "novaprospekt.kl_await" "Jeg afventer din ankomst med spænding. " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_await" "I await your arrival with great anticipation. " "novaprospekt.kl_ready" "Klar, villig og i topform! " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_ready" "Ready, willing, and fully enabled! " "novaprospekt.kl_stopwho" "Stoppe hvem, søde? " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_stopwho" "Stop who, my dear? " "novaprospekt.kl_yesalyx" "Ja, Alyx, hvor er du? " "[english]novaprospekt.kl_yesalyx" "Yes, Alyx, where are you? " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01" " " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01_cc" "Kan du se? Vi har samme mål for øje. Jeg har allerede omprogrammeret modulatoren til at emulere et Xen-relæ. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted01_cc" "You see? We're working to the same end. I've already reprogrammed the modulator to emulate a Xen relay. " "novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_alreadyrerouted02" " " "novaprospekt.mo_asistated" "Dr. Breen, som jeg har sagt før, må De lade Eli komme af sig selv; De kan ikke bare... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_asistated" "Dr. Breen, as I have stated before, you have to let Eli come around on his own you can't just ... " "novaprospekt.mo_drplease" "Doktor, jeg beder Dem... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_drplease" "Doctor, please... " "novaprospekt.mo_feelings" "Følelser? Det har intet at gøre med følelser. Det er fakta, at hvis Eli tror på vores –" "[english]novaprospekt.mo_feelings" "Feelings? This has nothing to do with feelings. It's a simple truth that when Eli believes in our---" "novaprospekt.mo_fromplatform" "Men vi skal have adgang til teleportplatformen, og vi er låst ude. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_fromplatform" "But we need access to the teleport platform, and we're locked out. " "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01" " " "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01_cc" "Det er også mit arbejde! Og jeg måtte bevise for dr. Breen, at din far ville være det mest værdifulde medlem af enhver forskningsindsats videre herfra." "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove01_cc" "It's my work too! And I had to prove to Dr. Breen that your father would be the most valuable member of any research effort going forward from here." "novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove02" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_hadtoprove02" " " "novaprospekt.mo_howdyougetin" "Hallo? Tak Gud, en eller anden... Alyx? Gordon! Hvordan er du kommet herind? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_howdyougetin" "Hello? Thank God someone... Alyx? Gordon! How did you get in here? " "novaprospekt.mo_inacell" "Fandt du Eli? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_inacell" "You found Eli? " "novaprospekt.mo_incredible" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_incredible" " " "novaprospekt.mo_nevertillnow" "Aldrig, før nu. Jeg vidste egentlig, hvad jeg havde i vente... " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_nevertillnow" "Never, until now. I did have a fairly good idea of what to expect... " "novaprospekt.mo_onlyway" "Undskyld, Alyx. Det er den eneste løsning! " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_onlyway" "I'm sorry, Alyx. It's the only way! " "novaprospekt.mo_promised" "Det er ikke det, jeg ringer om; du lovede ikke at røre Eli. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_promised" "I'm not calling about that, You promised you weren't going to touch Eli. " "novaprospekt.mo_protectfather01" "Alyx, uanset hvad du tror, lover jeg, at jeg har forsøgt at beskytte din far. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_protectfather01" "Alyx, whatever you may think, I assure you I've worked to protect your father. " "novaprospekt.mo_pulsefoaming" "Combine benytter et særligt impulsdannende netværk med en meget lang stigningstid. Det tager en del tid at genoplade. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_pulsefoaming" "The Combine use a peculiar pulse-forming network with a very long rise-time. It takes quite a while to recharge. " "novaprospekt.mo_signal" "Du havde haft Freeman, hvis du havde været tålmodig og afventet mit signal. " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_signal" "You would have had Freeman if you'd been patient and just waited for my signal. " "novaprospekt.mo_talkingabout" "Hvad? Hvad taler du om? " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_talkingabout" "What? What are you talking about? " "novaprospekt.mo_terriblepurpose" " " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_terriblepurpose" " " "novaprospekt.mo_worried" "Eli, jeg var så bekymret for dig! " "[english]novaprospekt.mo_worried" "Eli, I was so worried about you! " "npc_alyx.bettergetmoving02" "Vi må hellere komme væk. " "[english]npc_alyx.bettergetmoving02" "We'd better get moving. " "npc_alyx.brutal02" "Det var brutalt. " "[english]npc_alyx.brutal02" "That was brutal. " "npc_alyx.careful01" "Forsigtig, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.careful01" "Careful, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.careful02" "Forsigtig, Gordon! " "[english]npc_alyx.careful02" "Careful, Gordon! " "npc_alyx.comeon_dist01" "Kom nu! " "[english]npc_alyx.comeon_dist01" "Come on! " "npc_alyx.coverme01" "Dæk mig! " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme01" "Cover me! " "npc_alyx.coverme02" "Dæk mig! " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme02" "Cover me! " "npc_alyx.coverme03" "Dæk mig. " "[english]npc_alyx.coverme03" "Cover me. " "npc_alyx.excuseme01" "Undskyld mig, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme01" "Excuse me, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.excuseme02" "Undskyld, Gordon. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme02" "Sorry, Gordon. " "npc_alyx.excuseme03" "Om forladelse. " "[english]npc_alyx.excuseme03" "Pardon me. " "npc_alyx.followme_dist01" "Følg mig. " "[english]npc_alyx.followme_dist01" "Follow me. " "npc_alyx.gasp02" "Hva' " "[english]npc_alyx.gasp02" "Huh " "npc_alyx.gasp03" "Åhh! " "[english]npc_alyx.gasp03" "Ohh! " "npc_alyx.getback01" "Tilbage! " "[english]npc_alyx.getback01" "Get back! " "npc_alyx.getback02" "Tilbage! " "[english]npc_alyx.getback02" "Get back! " "npc_alyx.getdown01" "Kom ned!" "[english]npc_alyx.getdown01" "Get down!" "npc_alyx.getmoving_action_dist01" "Kom i gang! " "[english]npc_alyx.getmoving_action_dist01" "Get moving! " "npc_alyx.go01" "Go! " "[english]npc_alyx.go01" "Go! " "npc_alyx.gordon_dist01" "Gordon! " "[english]npc_alyx.gordon_dist01" "Gordon! " "npc_alyx.herewego_dist01" "Sådan! " "[english]npc_alyx.herewego_dist01" "Here we go! " "npc_alyx.howlongwait01" "Hvor længe skal vi bare vente? " "[english]npc_alyx.howlongwait01" "How long are we just gonna wait? " "npc_alyx.hurt04" "Av! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt04" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt05" "Av! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt05" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt06" "Av! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt06" "Ow! " "npc_alyx.hurt08" "Ah! " "[english]npc_alyx.hurt08" "Ah! " "npc_alyx.keepmoving_dist01" "Fortsæt! " "[english]npc_alyx.keepmoving_dist01" "Keep moving! " "npc_alyx.letsgetgoing_dist01" "Lad os komme i gang! " "[english]npc_alyx.letsgetgoing_dist01" "Let's get going! " "npc_alyx.lookout_dist01" "Pas på! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout_dist01" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout_dist02" "Pas på! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout_dist02" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout01" "Pas på! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout01" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.lookout03" "Pas på! " "[english]npc_alyx.lookout03" "Look out! " "npc_alyx.no01" "Nej! " "[english]npc_alyx.no01" "No! " "npc_alyx.no02" "Nej! " "[english]npc_alyx.no02" "No! " "npc_alyx.no03" "Nej! " "[english]npc_alyx.no03" "No! " "npc_alyx.ohgod01" "Åh Gud! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohgod01" "Oh God! " "npc_alyx.ohmother01" "Åh, kæreste... " "[english]npc_alyx.ohmother01" "Oh, Mother... " "npc_alyx.ohno_startle01" "Åh nej! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohno_startle01" "Oh no! " "npc_alyx.ohno_startle03" "Åh nej! " "[english]npc_alyx.ohno_startle03" "Oh no! " "npc_alyx.overhere01" "Herover. " "[english]npc_alyx.overhere01" "Over here. " "npc_alyx.quick_dist02" "Hurtigt! " "[english]npc_alyx.quick_dist02" "Quick! " "npc_alyx.run_dist01" "Løb! " "[english]npc_alyx.run_dist01" "Run! " "npc_alyx.uggh01" "Agh! " "[english]npc_alyx.uggh01" "Agh! " "npc_alyx.uggh02" "Ahh! " "[english]npc_alyx.uggh02" "Ahh! " "npc_alyx.watchout01" "Pas på! " "[english]npc_alyx.watchout01" "Watch out! " "npc_alyx.watchout02" "Pas på! " "[english]npc_alyx.watchout02" "Watch out! " "npc_alyx.youcoming01" "Kommer du? " "[english]npc_alyx.youcoming01" "You coming? " "npc_alyx.youcoming02" "Kommer du? " "[english]npc_alyx.youcoming02" "You coming? " "npc_alyx.youreload01" "Du må hellere genoplade. " "[english]npc_alyx.youreload01" "You'd better reload. " "npc_alyx.youreload02" "Du må hellere genoplade. " "[english]npc_alyx.youreload02" "You'd better reload. " "npc_barney.ba_hurryup" "Skynd dig. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurryup" "Hurry up. " "npc_barney.ba_letsgo" "Af sted! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_letsgo" "Let's go! " "npc_barney.ba_allclear" "Fri bane! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_allclear" "All clear! " "npc_barney.ba_bringiton" "Kom an! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_bringiton" "Bring it on! " "npc_barney.ba_catchmybreath" "Lad mig lige få luft. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_catchmybreath" "Let me catch my breath. " "npc_barney.ba_clearfornow" "Fri bane indtil videre. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_clearfornow" "Clear for now. " "npc_barney.ba_comehere01" "Kom her. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_comehere01" "Come here. " "npc_barney.ba_comehere02" "Kom her. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_comehere02" "Come here. " "npc_barney.ba_covermegord" "Dæk mig, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_covermegord" "Cover me, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_damnit" "Forbandet!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_damnit" "Damn it!" "npc_barney.ba_danger01" "Det lugter af baghold. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger01" "I smell an ambush. " "npc_barney.ba_danger02" "Det ser ikke godt ud. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger02" "I don't like the looks of this. " "npc_barney.ba_danger03" "Jeg har en skidt fornemmelse af det her. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger03" "I have a bad feeling about this. " "npc_barney.ba_danger04" "Hey, ka' du huske, da vi troede, at Black Mesa var det værste nogensinde? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger04" "Hey, remember when we thought Black Mesa was as bad as it could get? " "npc_barney.ba_danger05" "Svært at tro, vi er kommet så langt med alt i behold. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_danger05" "Hard to believe we made it this far with all our parts. " "npc_barney.ba_downyougo" "Ned med dig. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_downyougo" "Down you go. " "npc_barney.ba_duck" "Ned! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_duck" "Duck! " "npc_barney.ba_followme01" "Denne vej, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme01" "This way, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme02" "Kom nu! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme02" "Come on! " "npc_barney.ba_followme03" "Kom nu, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme03" "Come on, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme04" "Kom i gang, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme04" "Get going, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_followme05" "Følg mig. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_followme05" "Follow me. " "npc_barney.ba_getaway" "Kom væk derfra. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getaway" "Get away from there. " "npc_barney.ba_getdown" "Kom ned! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getdown" "Get down! " "npc_barney.ba_getoutofway" "Hey, kom af banen! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_getoutofway" "Hey, get out of the way! " "npc_barney.ba_goingdown" "Du skal ned! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_goingdown" "You're going down! " "npc_barney.ba_gordonhelp" "Gordon! Hjælp! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gordonhelp" "Gordon! Help! " "npc_barney.ba_gotone" "Fik én! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gotone" "Got one! " "npc_barney.ba_grenade01" "Granat! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_grenade01" "Grenade! " "npc_barney.ba_grenade02" "Granat! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_grenade02" "Grenade! " "npc_barney.ba_gurgle01" "Gah! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle01" "Gah! " "npc_barney.ba_gurgle02" "Ugh!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle02" "Ugh!" "npc_barney.ba_gurgle03" "Ååh!" "[english]npc_barney.ba_gurgle03" "Ooh!" "npc_barney.ba_haletsdoit" "Lad os gøre det! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_haletsdoit" "Let's do it! " "npc_barney.ba_headcrabs01" "Ad! Headcrabs! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headcrabs01" "Ew! Headcrabs! " "npc_barney.ba_headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "npc_barney.ba_headhumpers" "Hovedkrammere! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_headhumpers" "Headhumpers! " "npc_barney.ba_healed01" "Jep, det er bedre. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed01" "Yeah, that's better. " "npc_barney.ba_healed02" "Ok, jeg er i orden. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed02" "Okay, I'm good. " "npc_barney.ba_healed03" "Meget bedre. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed03" "Much better. " "npc_barney.ba_healed04" "Hey, tak. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healed04" "Hey, thanks. " "npc_barney.ba_healme01" "Hey, lap mig sammen. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme01" "Hey, patch me up. " "npc_barney.ba_healme02" "Hjælp mig lige. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme02" "Help me out. " "npc_barney.ba_healme03" "Kan jeg få lidt lægehjælp her? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_healme03" "Can I get a little medical attention here? " "npc_barney.ba_hereitcomes" "Her kommer det! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hereitcomes" "Here it comes! " "npc_barney.ba_heretheycome01" "Her kommer de! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_heretheycome01" "Here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_heretheycome02" "Her kommer de! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_heretheycome02" "Here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_hurry01" "Hurtigere. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry01" "Hurry. " "npc_barney.ba_hurry02" "Skynd dig! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry02" "Hurry! " "npc_barney.ba_hurry03" "Skynd dig! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_hurry03" "Hurry! " "npc_barney.ba_imwithyou" "Jeg er hos dig, makker. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_imwithyou" "I'm with ya buddy. " "npc_barney.ba_incoming01" "Indkommende! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_incoming01" "Incoming! " "npc_barney.ba_incoming02" "Indkommende! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_incoming02" "Incoming! " "npc_barney.ba_laugh01" "*latter*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh01" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh02" "*latter*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh02" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh03" "*latter*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh03" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_laugh04" "*latter*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_laugh04" "*laughter*" "npc_barney.ba_letsdoit" "Lad os gøre det. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_letsdoit" "Let's do it. " "npc_barney.ba_littlehelphere" "Lidt hjælp her, Gordon? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_littlehelphere" "Little help here, Gordon? " "npc_barney.ba_lookout" "Pas på! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_lookout" "Look out! " "npc_barney.ba_losttouch" "Jeg har ikke mistet grebet! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_losttouch" "I haven't lost my touch! " "npc_barney.ba_no01" "Nej! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_no01" "No! " "npc_barney.ba_no02" "Nej! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_no02" "No! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit01" "Åh lort! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit01" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit02" "Åh lort! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit02" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohshit03" "Åh lort! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohshit03" "Oh shit! " "npc_barney.ba_ohyeah" "Oh yeah! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_ohyeah" "Oh yeah! " "npc_barney.ba_oldtimes" "Som i gamle dage, hva', Gordon? " "[english]npc_barney.ba_oldtimes" "Just like old times, eh, Gordon? " "npc_barney.ba_openfiregord" "Åbn ild, Gordon! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_openfiregord" "Open fire, Gordon! " "npc_barney.ba_overhere01" "Herovre! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_overhere01" "Over here! " "npc_barney.ba_overhere02" "Herovre! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_overhere02" "Over here! " "npc_barney.ba_pain01" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain01" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain02" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain02" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain03" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain03" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain04" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain04" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain05" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain05" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain06" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain06" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain07" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain07" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain08" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain08" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain09" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain09" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_pain10" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_barney.ba_pain10" "*pain!*" "npc_barney.ba_regroup" "Omgrupper! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_regroup" "Regroup! " "npc_barney.ba_run01" "Løb! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_run01" "Run! " "npc_barney.ba_run02" "Løb! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_run02" "Run! " "npc_barney.ba_soldiers" "Soldater! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_soldiers" "Soldiers! " "npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose01" "Det var tæt på! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose01" "That was close! " "npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose02" "Det var tæt på! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thatwasclose02" "That was close! " "npc_barney.ba_thisisbad01" "Det her er skidt. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thisisbad01" "This is bad. " "npc_barney.ba_thisisbad02" "Ok, det her er skidt. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_thisisbad02" "Okay, this is bad. " "npc_barney.ba_turret" "Tårn! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_turret" "Turret! " "npc_barney.ba_uhohheretheycome" "Åh nej, her kommer de! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_uhohheretheycome" "Uh oh, here they come! " "npc_barney.ba_wounded01" "Jeg har ondt, Gordon. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded01" "I'm hurtin, Gordon. " "npc_barney.ba_wounded02" "Jeg skal lappes sammen. " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded02" "I need to get patched up. " "npc_barney.ba_wounded03" "Jeg er slemt såret... " "[english]npc_barney.ba_wounded03" "I'm hurt pretty bad... " "npc_barney.ba_yell" "Yeah! " "[english]npc_barney.ba_yell" "Yeah! " "npc_citizen.abouttime01" "Selveste, Gordon Freeman! Det var fand'me på tide. " "[english]npc_citizen.abouttime01" "Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too. " "npc_citizen.abouttime02" "Selveste, Gordon Freeman! Det var fand'me på tide. " "[english]npc_citizen.abouttime02" "Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too. " "npc_citizen.ahgordon01" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.ahgordon01" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "npc_citizen.ahgordon02" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.ahgordon02" "Ah, Gordon Freeman. " "npc_citizen.almosthityou01" "Jeg ramte dig næsten." "[english]npc_citizen.almosthityou01" "I almost hit you." "npc_citizen.almosthityou02" "Jeg ramte dig næsten." "[english]npc_citizen.almosthityou02" "I almost hit you." "npc_citizen.ammo01" "Freeman, ammunition! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo01" "Freeman, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo02" "Freeman, ammunition! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo02" "Freeman, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo03" "Her, ammunition! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo03" "Here, ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo04" "Tag noget ammunition! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo04" "Take some ammo! " "npc_citizen.ammo05" "Tag noget ammunition! " "[english]npc_citizen.ammo05" "Take some ammo! " "npc_citizen.answer01" "Det er dig om igen. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer01" "That's you all over. " "npc_citizen.answer02" "Jeg tager det ikke ilde op. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer02" "I won't hold it against you. " "npc_citizen.answer03" "Typisk. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer03" "Figures. " "npc_citizen.answer04" "Dvæl ikke ved det. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer04" "Try not to dwell on it. " "npc_citizen.answer05" "Kan vi tage det op senere? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer05" "Could we talk about this later? " "npc_citizen.answer06" "Hold det for dig selv. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer06" "Keep it to yourself. " "npc_citizen.answer07" "Samme her. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer07" "Same here. " "npc_citizen.answer08" "Ved, hvad du mener. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer08" "Know what you mean. " "npc_citizen.answer09" "Du taler til dig selv igen. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer09" "You're talking to yourself again. " "npc_citizen.answer10" "Det ville jeg ikke sige alt for højt. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer10" "I wouldn't say that too loud. " "npc_citizen.answer11" "Det skriver jeg på din gravsten. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer11" "I'll put it on your tombstone. " "npc_citizen.answer12" "Ikke til at holde ud at tænke på. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer12" "Doesn't bear thinking about. " "npc_citizen.answer13" "Jeg er med dig. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer13" "I'm with you. " "npc_citizen.answer14" "Både dig og mig. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer14" "You and me both. " "npc_citizen.answer15" "Det er da én måde at betragte det på. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer15" "That's one way of looking at it. " "npc_citizen.answer16" "Har du nogensinde tænkt en selvstændig tanke? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer16" "Have you ever had an original thought? " "npc_citizen.answer17" "Jeg siger ikke engang til dig om at holde kæft. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer17" "I'm not even gonna tell you to shut up. " "npc_citizen.answer18" "Lad os koncentrere os om opgaven. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer18" "Let's concentrate on the task at hand. " "npc_citizen.answer19" "Koncentrer dig om dit arbejdet. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer19" "Keep your mind on your work. " "npc_citizen.answer20" "Du har tankerne i rendestenen. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer20" "Your mind is in the gutter. " "npc_citizen.answer21" "Vær ikke så sikker på det. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer21" "Don't be so sure of that. " "npc_citizen.answer22" "Man ved aldrig. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer22" "You never know. " "npc_citizen.answer23" "Ikke til at sige. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer23" "Never can tell. " "npc_citizen.answer24" "Hvorfor fortæller du det? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer24" "Why are you telling me? " "npc_citizen.answer25" "Hvad skal man sige til det? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer25" "How about that? " "npc_citizen.answer26" "Det er mere information, end jeg behøver. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer26" "That's more information than I require. " "npc_citizen.answer27" "Skal vi vædde? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer27" "Wanna bet? " "npc_citizen.answer28" "Bare jeg havde en mønt, for hver gang nogen sagde det. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer28" "I wish I had a dime for every time somebody said that. " "npc_citizen.answer29" "Hvad skal jeg så gøre ved det? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer29" "What am I supposed to do about it? " "npc_citizen.answer30" "Taler du til mig? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer30" "You talking to me? " "npc_citizen.answer31" "Den slags snak skal tages i opløbet. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer31" "You should nip that kind of talk in the bud. " "npc_citizen.answer32" "Nemlig. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer32" "Right on. " "npc_citizen.answer33" "Ingen uenighed her. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer33" "No argument there. " "npc_citizen.answer34" "Glem ikke Hawaii. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer34" "Don't forget Hawaii. " "npc_citizen.answer35" "Lad det ikke gå dig på. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer35" "Try not to let it get to you. " "npc_citizen.answer36" "Det ville ikke være første gang. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer36" "Wouldn't be the first time. " "npc_citizen.answer37" "Sikker på det? " "[english]npc_citizen.answer37" "You sure about that? " "npc_citizen.answer38" "Lad det ligge. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer38" "Leave it alone. " "npc_citizen.answer39" "Det er rigeligt fra dig. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer39" "That's enough outta you. " "npc_citizen.answer40" "Én gang skal jo være den første. " "[english]npc_citizen.answer40" "There's a first time for everything. " "npc_citizen.antguard01" "Det er en antlion-vagt!" "[english]npc_citizen.antguard01" "It's an antlion guard!" "npc_citizen.antguard02" "Det er en antlion-vagt!" "[english]npc_citizen.antguard02" "It's an antlion guard!" "npc_citizen.antlion01" "Antlion!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlion01" "Antlion!" "npc_citizen.antlion02" "Antlion!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlion02" "Antlion!" "npc_citizen.antlions01" "Antlioner!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlions01" "Antlions!" "npc_citizen.antlions02" "Antlioner!" "[english]npc_citizen.antlions02" "Antlions!" "npc_citizen.antrhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.antrhino01" " " "npc_citizen.antrhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.antrhino02" " " "npc_citizen.areyoucrazy" "Er du sindssyg? Det går jeg ikke ud i!" "[english]npc_citizen.areyoucrazy" "Are you crazy? I am not going out in that!" "npc_citizen.barnacles01" "Barnacler!" "[english]npc_citizen.barnacles01" "Barnacles!" "npc_citizen.barnacles02" "Barnacler" "[english]npc_citizen.barnacles02" "Barnacles" "npc_citizen.behindyou01" "Bag dig!" "[english]npc_citizen.behindyou01" "Behind you!" "npc_citizen.behindyou02" "Bag dig!" "[english]npc_citizen.behindyou02" "Behind you!" "npc_citizen.bouncebombs01" "Springbomber!" "[english]npc_citizen.bouncebombs01" "Bouncebombs!" "npc_citizen.bouncebombs02" "Springbomber!" "[english]npc_citizen.bouncebombs02" "Bouncebombs!" "npc_citizen.busy01" "Ikke lige nu. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy01" "Not right now. " "npc_citizen.busy02" "Kan du ikke se, jeg har travlt? " "[english]npc_citizen.busy02" "Can't you see I'm busy? " "npc_citizen.busy03" "Lige nu er ikke godt. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy03" "This isn't a good time. " "npc_citizen.busy04" "Ikke lige nu. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy04" "This isn't the time. " "npc_citizen.busy05" "Senere, tak. " "[english]npc_citizen.busy05" "Later, please. " "npc_citizen.cantbeseen02" "Jeg må ikke blive set i samtale med dig." "[english]npc_citizen.cantbeseen02" "I can't be seen talking to you." "npc_citizen.cantgetawaywiththat" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cantgetawaywiththat" " " "npc_citizen.careful01" "Forsigtig, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.careful01" "Careful, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.careful02" "Forsigtig, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.careful02" "Careful, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.carefultherefm" "Forsigtig, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.carefultherefm" "Careful there, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper01" "Hey, dernede! Forsyninger! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper01" "Hey down there! Supplies! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper02" "Hey, grib! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper02" "Hey, catch! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper03" "Se, hvad jeg fandt. " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper03" "Look what I found. " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper04" "Pas på nedenfor! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper04" "Look out below! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper05" "Hey du, tag for dig! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper05" "Hey you, help yourself! " "npc_citizen.cit_dropper06" "Værsgo'! " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_dropper06" "Here ya go! " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding01" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding02" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding03" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding03" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding04" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding04" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding05" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding05" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding06" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding06" " " "npc_citizen.cit_hiding07" " " "[english]npc_citizen.cit_hiding07" " " "npc_citizen.civilprotection01" "Civilbeskyttelsen!" "[english]npc_citizen.civilprotection01" "Civil Protection!" "npc_citizen.civilprotection02" "Civilbeskyttelsen! " "[english]npc_citizen.civilprotection02" "Civil Protection! " "npc_citizen.com_cantgetthru01" "Jeg kan ikke komme igennem. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_cantgetthru01" "I can't get through. " "npc_citizen.com_onmyway01" "Jeg er på vej." "[english]npc_citizen.com_onmyway01" "I'm on my way." "npc_citizen.com_standby_multi01" "Vi venter." "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_multi01" "We are standing by." "npc_citizen.com_standby_multi02" "Vi er klar, når vi får signal. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_multi02" "We're ready when you are. " "npc_citizen.com_standby_solo01" "Jeg venter på dit signal, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_solo01" "I'm waiting for your signal, Doc. " "npc_citizen.com_standby_solo02" "Klar og venter!" "[english]npc_citizen.com_standby_solo02" "Ready and waiting!" "npc_citizen.combine01" "Combine!" "[english]npc_citizen.combine01" "Combine!" "npc_citizen.combine02" "Combine!" "[english]npc_citizen.combine02" "Combine!" "npc_citizen.coverwhilereload01" "Dæk mig, mens jeg genlader!" "[english]npc_citizen.coverwhilereload01" "Cover me while I reload!" "npc_citizen.coverwhilereload02" "Dæk mig, mens jeg genlader!" "[english]npc_citizen.coverwhilereload02" "Cover me while I reload!" "npc_citizen.cps01" "Civilbeskyttere!" "[english]npc_citizen.cps01" "CPs!" "npc_citizen.cps02" "Civilbeskyttere! " "[english]npc_citizen.cps02" "CPs! " "npc_citizen.crabshells01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.crabshells01" " " "npc_citizen.crabshells02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.crabshells02" " " "npc_citizen.damntiddly01" "Nævenyttige sataner!" "[english]npc_citizen.damntiddly01" "Damn tiddly-winks!" "npc_citizen.damntiddly02" "Nævenyttige sataner!" "[english]npc_citizen.damntiddly02" "Damn tiddly-winks!" "npc_citizen.die" " " "[english]npc_citizen.die" " " "npc_citizen.docfreeman01" "Dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.docfreeman01" "Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.docfreeman02" "Dr. Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.docfreeman02" "Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.doiknowyoufromsomewhere" "Kender jeg dig et eller andet sted fra?" "[english]npc_citizen.doiknowyoufromsomewhere" "Do I know you from somewhere?" "npc_citizen.doingsomething" "Bør vi ikke gøre noget?" "[english]npc_citizen.doingsomething" "Shouldn't we be doing something?" "npc_citizen.dontforgetreload01" "Glem ikke at genoplade, dr. Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.dontforgetreload01" "Don't forget to reload, Dr. Freeman " "npc_citizen.downthere01" "Dernede!" "[english]npc_citizen.downthere01" "Down there!" "npc_citizen.downthere02" "Dernede!" "[english]npc_citizen.downthere02" "Down there!" "npc_citizen.evenodds" "Lad os udligne odds en smule " "[english]npc_citizen.evenodds" "Let's even the odds a little " "npc_citizen.excuseme01" "Undskyld mig. " "[english]npc_citizen.excuseme01" "Excuse me. " "npc_citizen.excuseme02" "Undskyld mig. " "[english]npc_citizen.excuseme02" "Excuse me. " "npc_citizen.fantastic01" "Fantastisk! " "[english]npc_citizen.fantastic01" "Fantastic! " "npc_citizen.fantastic02" "Fantastisk! " "[english]npc_citizen.fantastic02" "Fantastic! " "npc_citizen.finally" "Endelig!" "[english]npc_citizen.finally" "Finally!" "npc_citizen.freeman" "Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.freeman" "Freeman." "npc_citizen.getawayfromme01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.getawayfromme01" " " "npc_citizen.getdown01" "Kom ned!" "[english]npc_citizen.getdown01" "Get down!" "npc_citizen.getdown02" "Kom ned!" "[english]npc_citizen.getdown02" "Get down!" "npc_citizen.getgoingsoon" "Skal vi af sted snart?" "[english]npc_citizen.getgoingsoon" "Are we gonna get going soon?" "npc_citizen.gethellout" "Se at komme væk herfra!" "[english]npc_citizen.gethellout" "Get the hell out of here!" "npc_citizen.goodgod" "Du gode Gud!" "[english]npc_citizen.goodgod" "Good god!" "npc_citizen.goodidea01" "God idé, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.goodidea01" "Good idea, Doc." "npc_citizen.goodidea02" "God idé, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.goodidea02" "Good idea, Doc." "npc_citizen.goodplan01" "God plan." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplan01" "Good plan." "npc_citizen.goodplan02" "God plan." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplan02" "Good plan." "npc_citizen.goodplandoc" "God plan, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.goodplandoc" "Good plan, Doc." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "Hvad nu?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "Now what?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "Og nu gik det hele lige så godt." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "And things were going so well." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "Sig det ikke." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "Don't tell me." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "Åh Gud!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "Oh, God!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "Åh nej!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "Oh no!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "Neeeej!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "Please no!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "Hvis du vover at sige 'Det må gøre nas', får du bly." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "If you dare say 'That's gotta hurt,' I'll kill you." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "Skal vi begrave ham her?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "Should we bury him here?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "Jeg havde på fornemmelsen, at selv han ikke ku' hjælpe os." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "I had a feeling even he couldn't help us." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "Sig det videre." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "Spread the word." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "Til hvad nytte?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "What's the use?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "Hvad hjælper det hele?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "What's the point?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "Hvorfor fortsætte?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "Why go on?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "Vi er færdige. " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "We're done for. " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "Nå men, hvad nu? " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "Well, now what? " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "Helle for dragten." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "Dibs on the suit." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "Vent lige, det er ikke Gordon Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "Wait a second that's not Gordon Freeman! " "npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "Han har gjort det før. Han klarer sig nok." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "He's done this before. He'll be okay." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "Jeg brækker mig." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "I'm gonna be sick." "npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "En eller anden, tag hans brækjern." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "Somebody take his crowbar." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "Han er død." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "He's dead." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "Sikke en måde at ryge på. " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "What a way to go. " "npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "Åh Gud, det er Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "Oh my God, it's Freeman! " "npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "Åh Gud, det er Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "Oh my God, it's Freeman!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "Freeman er... død..." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "Freeman is...dead..." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "Det er ikke Freeman, er det?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "That's not Freeman is it?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "Det kan ikke passe!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "This can't be!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "Se, han er død!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "Look, he's dead!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "Han kom langt fra Black Mesa." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "He came a long way from Black Mesa." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "Han bevæger sig ikke." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "He's not moving." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "Det her er skidt." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "This is bad." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "Jeg troede, han var usårlig!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "I thought he was invincible!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "Så meget for doktor Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "So much for Doctor Freeman." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "Så meget for vores sidste håb." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "So much for our last hope." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "Det skulle da ikke ende sådan." "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "It's not supposed to end like this." "npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "Dr. Freeman? Kan du høre mig? Gå ikke imod lyset!" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "Dr. Freeman? Can you hear me? Do not go into the light!" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "Hvad nu?" "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "What now?" "npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "Nogen sidste ord, Doc? " "[english]npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "Any last words, Doc? " "npc_citizen.gotone01" "Fik én!" "[english]npc_citizen.gotone01" "Got one!" "npc_citizen.gotone02" "Jeg fik én! " "[english]npc_citizen.gotone02" "I got one! " "npc_citizen.gottareload01" "Jeg må genlade!" "[english]npc_citizen.gottareload01" "Gotta reload!" "npc_citizen.gunship01" "Kampfartøj" "[english]npc_citizen.gunship01" "Gunship" "npc_citizen.gunship02" "Kampfartøj!" "[english]npc_citizen.gunship02" "Gunship!" "npc_citizen.hacks01" "Hack'er!" "[english]npc_citizen.hacks01" "Hacks!" "npc_citizen.hacks02" "Hack'er! " "[english]npc_citizen.hacks02" "Hacks! " "npc_citizen.headcrabs01" "Headcrabs!" "[english]npc_citizen.headcrabs01" "Headcrabs!" "npc_citizen.headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "[english]npc_citizen.headcrabs02" "Headcrabs! " "npc_citizen.headsup01" "Se jer for! " "[english]npc_citizen.headsup01" "Heads up! " "npc_citizen.headsup02" "Se jer for!" "[english]npc_citizen.headsup02" "Heads up!" "npc_citizen.health01" "Tag dette medicinsæt. " "[english]npc_citizen.health01" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health02" "Tag dette medicinsæt. " "[english]npc_citizen.health02" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health03" "Tag dette medicinsæt. " "[english]npc_citizen.health03" "Take this medkit. " "npc_citizen.health04" "Her, tag et medicinsæt. " "[english]npc_citizen.health04" "Here, have a medkit. " "npc_citizen.health05" "Her, lap dig selv sammen. " "[english]npc_citizen.health05" "Here, patch yourself up. " "npc_citizen.hellodrfm01" "Goddag, dr. Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.hellodrfm01" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.hellodrfm02" "Goddag, dr. Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.hellodrfm02" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. " "npc_citizen.help01" "Hjælp!" "[english]npc_citizen.help01" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help02" "Hjælp!" "[english]npc_citizen.help02" "Help!" "npc_citizen.helpme01" "Hjælp mig!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpme01" "Help me!" "npc_citizen.helpoverhere01" "Hjælp! herovre!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpoverhere01" "Help! over here!" "npc_citizen.helpoverhere02" "Hjælp! Herovre!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpoverhere02" "Help! Over here!" "npc_citizen.helpus01" "Hjælp os!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpus01" "Help us!" "npc_citizen.helpus02" "Hjælp os!" "[english]npc_citizen.helpus02" "Help us!" "npc_citizen.herecomehacks01" "Her kommer hack'erne!" "[english]npc_citizen.herecomehacks01" "Here come the hacks!" "npc_citizen.herecomehacks02" "Her kommer hack'erne!" "[english]npc_citizen.herecomehacks02" "Here come the hacks!" "npc_citizen.heretheycome01" "Her kommer de! " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome01" "Here they come! " "npc_citizen.heretohelp01" "Vi troede, du var her for at hjælpe. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretohelp01" "We thought you were here to help. " "npc_citizen.heretohelp02" "Vi troede, du var her for at hjælpe. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretohelp02" "We thought you were here to help. " "npc_citizen.heydoc01" "Hey, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.heydoc01" "Hey, Doc. " "npc_citizen.heydoc02" "Hey, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.heydoc02" "Hey, Doc. " "npc_citizen.heythanksfm01" "Hey, tak, Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.heythanksfm01" "Hey, thanks, Freeman." "npc_citizen.heythanksfm02" "Hey, tak, Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.heythanksfm02" "Hey, thanks, Freeman." "npc_citizen.hi01" "Hej. " "[english]npc_citizen.hi01" "Hi. " "npc_citizen.hi02" "Hej. " "[english]npc_citizen.hi02" "Hi. " "npc_citizen.hitingut01" "I maven!" "[english]npc_citizen.hitingut01" "Hit in the gut!" "npc_citizen.hitingut02" "I maven!" "[english]npc_citizen.hitingut02" "Hit in the gut!" "npc_citizen.holddownspot01" "Jeg bli'r og holder stedet her. " "[english]npc_citizen.holddownspot01" "I'm gonna stay and hold down this spot. " "npc_citizen.holddownspot02" "Jeg bli'r og holder stedet her. " "[english]npc_citizen.holddownspot02" "I'm gonna stay and hold down this spot. " "npc_citizen.hoppers01" "Hoppere!" "[english]npc_citizen.hoppers01" "Hoppers!" "npc_citizen.hoppers02" "Hoppere!" "[english]npc_citizen.hoppers02" "Hoppers!" "npc_citizen.howdimissthat" "Hvordan overså jeg det?" "[english]npc_citizen.howdimissthat" "How'd I miss that?" "npc_citizen.illstayhere01" "Jeg bli'r her. " "[english]npc_citizen.illstayhere01" "I'll stay here. " "npc_citizen.imhurt01" "Jeg er såret! " "[english]npc_citizen.imhurt01" "I'm hurt! " "npc_citizen.imhurt02" "Jeg er såret!" "[english]npc_citizen.imhurt02" "I'm hurt!" "npc_citizen.imstickinghere01" "Jeg bli'r her." "[english]npc_citizen.imstickinghere01" "I'm sticking here." "npc_citizen.incoming01" "Indkommende!" "[english]npc_citizen.incoming01" "Incoming!" "npc_citizen.incoming02" "Indkommende!" "[english]npc_citizen.incoming02" "Incoming!" "npc_citizen.inthere01" "Derinde!" "[english]npc_citizen.inthere01" "In there!" "npc_citizen.inthere02" "Derinde!" "[english]npc_citizen.inthere02" "In there!" "npc_citizen.itsamanhack01" "Det er en manhack!" "[english]npc_citizen.itsamanhack01" "It's a manhack!" "npc_citizen.itsamanhack02" "Det er en manhack!" "[english]npc_citizen.itsamanhack02" "It's a manhack!" "npc_citizen.itsarhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.itsarhino01" " " "npc_citizen.itsarhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.itsarhino02" " " "npc_citizen.joe00" " " "[english]npc_citizen.joe00" " " "npc_citizen.leadon01" "Før an, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.leadon01" "Lead on, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.leadon02" "Før an, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.leadon02" "Lead on, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.leadtheway01" "Du fører an. " "[english]npc_citizen.leadtheway01" "You lead the way. " "npc_citizen.leadtheway02" "Vis vej." "[english]npc_citizen.leadtheway02" "Lead the way." "npc_citizen.letsgo01" "Af sted! " "[english]npc_citizen.letsgo01" "Let's go! " "npc_citizen.letsgo02" "Af sted! " "[english]npc_citizen.letsgo02" "Let's go! " "npc_citizen.likethat" "Ha ha! Hvad siger du til det? " "[english]npc_citizen.likethat" "Ha ha! Like that? " "npc_citizen.likethemapples" "Er det sådan, det skal være? " "[english]npc_citizen.likethemapples" "Like them apples? " "npc_citizen.littlecorner01" "Jeg har mit lille hjørne, og her bliver jeg " "[english]npc_citizen.littlecorner01" "I've got my little corner and I'm sticking to it " "npc_citizen.lookoutfm01" "Pas på, Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.lookoutfm01" "Look out, Freeman " "npc_citizen.lookoutfm02" "Pas på, Freeman " "[english]npc_citizen.lookoutfm02" "Look out, Freeman " "npc_citizen.manhacks01" "Manhack'er!" "[english]npc_citizen.manhacks01" "Manhacks!" "npc_citizen.manhacks02" "Manhack'er!" "[english]npc_citizen.manhacks02" "Manhacks!" "npc_citizen.moan01" "*støn*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan01" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan02" "*støn*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan02" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan03" "*støn*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan03" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan04" "*støn*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan04" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.moan05" "*støn*" "[english]npc_citizen.moan05" "*moan*" "npc_citizen.myarm01" "Min arm!" "[english]npc_citizen.myarm01" "My arm!" "npc_citizen.myarm02" "Min arm!" "[english]npc_citizen.myarm02" "My arm!" "npc_citizen.mygut01" "Min mave!" "[english]npc_citizen.mygut01" "My gut!" "npc_citizen.mygut02" "Min mave!" "[english]npc_citizen.mygut02" "My gut!" "npc_citizen.myleg01" "Mit ben!" "[english]npc_citizen.myleg01" "My leg!" "npc_citizen.myleg02" "Mit ben!" "[english]npc_citizen.myleg02" "My leg!" "npc_citizen.nice" "Flot!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.no01" "Nej!" "[english]npc_citizen.no01" "No!" "npc_citizen.no02" "Nej!" "[english]npc_citizen.no02" "No!" "npc_citizen.notthemanithought01" "Du er ikke den mand, jeg troede. " "[english]npc_citizen.notthemanithought01" "You're not the man I thought you were. " "npc_citizen.notthemanithought02" "Du er ikke den mand, jeg troede. " "[english]npc_citizen.notthemanithought02" "You're not the man I thought you were. " "npc_citizen.ohno" "Åh nej! " "[english]npc_citizen.ohno" "Oh no! " "npc_citizen.ok01" "Okay. " "[english]npc_citizen.ok01" "Okay. " "npc_citizen.ok02" "Okay! " "[english]npc_citizen.ok02" "Okay! " "npc_citizen.okdoc01" "Okay, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.okdoc01" "Okay, Doc." "npc_citizen.okdoc02" "Okay, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.okdoc02" "Okay, Doc." "npc_citizen.okimready01" "Okay, jeg er klar. " "[english]npc_citizen.okimready01" "Okay, I'm ready. " "npc_citizen.okimready02" "Okay, jeg er klar. " "[english]npc_citizen.okimready02" "Okay, I'm ready. " "npc_citizen.okimready03" "Okay, jeg er klar." "[english]npc_citizen.okimready03" "Okay, I'm ready." "npc_citizen.oneforme" "Én til mig og én til mig." "[english]npc_citizen.oneforme" "One for me and one for me." "npc_citizen.onyourside" "Freeman, vi er på din side! " "[english]npc_citizen.onyourside" "Freeman, we're on your side! " "npc_citizen.outofyourway01" "Lad mig lige komme af vejen " "[english]npc_citizen.outofyourway01" "Let me get out of your way " "npc_citizen.outofyourway02" "Lad mig lige komme af vejen " "[english]npc_citizen.outofyourway02" "Let me get out of your way " "npc_citizen.outthere01" "Derude!" "[english]npc_citizen.outthere01" "Out there!" "npc_citizen.outthere02" "Derude!" "[english]npc_citizen.outthere02" "Out there!" "npc_citizen.overhere01" "Hey, herovre!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere01" "Hey, over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere01a" "Herovre!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere01a" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere02" "Herovre!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere02" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overhere03" "Herovre!" "[english]npc_citizen.overhere03" "Over here!" "npc_citizen.overthere01" "Derovre!" "[english]npc_citizen.overthere01" "Over there!" "npc_citizen.overthere02" "Derovre!" "[english]npc_citizen.overthere02" "Over there!" "npc_citizen.ow01" "Av!" "[english]npc_citizen.ow01" "Ow!" "npc_citizen.ow02" "Av!" "[english]npc_citizen.ow02" "Ow!" "npc_citizen.pain01" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain01" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain02" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain02" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain03" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain03" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain04" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain04" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain05" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain05" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain06" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain06" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain07" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain07" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain08" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain08" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pain09" "*smerte!*" "[english]npc_citizen.pain09" "*pain!*" "npc_citizen.pardonme01" "Om forladelse." "[english]npc_citizen.pardonme01" "Pardon me." "npc_citizen.pardonme02" "Om forladelse." "[english]npc_citizen.pardonme02" "Pardon me." "npc_citizen.question01" "Jeg tror ikke, denne krig nogensinde slutter. " "[english]npc_citizen.question01" "I don't think this war's ever gonna end. " "npc_citizen.question02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.question02" " " "npc_citizen.question03" "Jeg drømmer ikke mere. " "[english]npc_citizen.question03" "I don't dream anymore. " "npc_citizen.question04" "Når alt det her er forbi... arh, hvem forsøger jeg at narre? " "[english]npc_citizen.question04" "When this is all over I'm...aw, who am I kidding? " "npc_citizen.question05" "Wow... deja-vu!" "[english]npc_citizen.question05" "Whoa...deja vu!" "npc_citizen.question06" " " "[english]npc_citizen.question06" " " "npc_citizen.question07" "Ka' du lugte det? Det er frihed. " "[english]npc_citizen.question07" "You smell that? It's freedom. " "npc_citizen.question08" "Hvis jeg nogensinde får fat i dr. Breen..." "[english]npc_citizen.question08" "If I ever get my hands on Dr. Breen..." "npc_citizen.question09" "Jeg ku' æde en hest – med hove og det hele. " "[english]npc_citizen.question09" "I could eat a horse, hooves and all. " "npc_citizen.question10" "Jeg kan ikke tro, at dagen endelig er kommet. " "[english]npc_citizen.question10" "I can't believe this day has finally come. " "npc_citizen.question11" "Jeg er ret sikker på, at det her ikke er en del af planen. " "[english]npc_citizen.question11" "I'm pretty sure this isn't part of the plan. " "npc_citizen.question12" "For mig ser tingene ud til at blive værre – ikke bedre. " "[english]npc_citizen.question12" "Looks to me like things are getting worse, not better. " "npc_citizen.question13" "Hvis jeg kunne leve mit liv om igen " "[english]npc_citizen.question13" "If I could live my life over again " "npc_citizen.question14" "Jeg siger ikke, hvad det minder mig om. " "[english]npc_citizen.question14" "I'm not even gonna tell you what that reminds me of. " "npc_citizen.question15" "De får aldrig lavet en stalker ud af mig. " "[english]npc_citizen.question15" "They're never gonna make a stalker out of me. " "npc_citizen.question16" "Omsider, der er forandring i luften! " "[english]npc_citizen.question16" "Finally, change is in the air! " "npc_citizen.question17" "Kan du mærke det? Jeg kan! " "[english]npc_citizen.question17" "Do you feel it? I feel it! " "npc_citizen.question18" "Jeg kan ikke mærke noget mere. " "[english]npc_citizen.question18" "I don't feel anything anymore. " "npc_citizen.question19" "Jeg kan ikke huske sidste gang, jeg var i bad. " "[english]npc_citizen.question19" "I can't remember the last time I had a shower. " "npc_citizen.question20" "En dag vil alt dette være grimme minder. " "[english]npc_citizen.question20" "Some day this will all be a bad memory. " "npc_citizen.question21" "Jeg vædder ikke, men oddsene er ikke fremragende. " "[english]npc_citizen.question21" "I'm not a betting man, but the odds are not good. " "npc_citizen.question22" "Interesserer det ingen, hvad jeg mener? " "[english]npc_citizen.question22" "Doesn't anyone care what I think? " "npc_citizen.question23" "Jeg kan ikke få den melodi ud af knolden. [fløjter]" "[english]npc_citizen.question23" "I can't get this tune out of my head. [whistles]" "npc_citizen.question24" "Jeg vil ikke vide, hvilken slags kød det her er. " "[english]npc_citizen.question24" "I do not want to know what kind of meat this is. " "npc_citizen.question25" "Jeg vidste, at det ville blive en af de dage. " "[english]npc_citizen.question25" "I just knew it was gonna be one of those days. " "npc_citizen.question26" "Det her er det rene lort!" "[english]npc_citizen.question26" "This is bullshit!" "npc_citizen.question27" "Jeg tror, jeg har spist noget dårligt." "[english]npc_citizen.question27" "I think I ate something bad." "npc_citizen.question28" "Mand, hvor er jeg sulten." "[english]npc_citizen.question28" "God I'm hungry." "npc_citizen.question29" "Når alt det her er forbi, vil jeg parre mig. " "[english]npc_citizen.question29" "When this is all over, I'm gonna mate. " "npc_citizen.question30" "Jeg er glad for, at der ikke er børn i nærheden " "[english]npc_citizen.question30" "I'm glad there's no kids around to see this " "npc_citizen.question31" "Jeg kan ikke huske sidste gang, jeg fik – noget som helst. " "[english]npc_citizen.question31" "I can't remember the last time I had, well, anything. " "npc_citizen.readywhenyouare01" "Klar, når du er. " "[english]npc_citizen.readywhenyouare01" "Ready when you are. " "npc_citizen.readywhenyouare02" "Klar, når du er! " "[english]npc_citizen.readywhenyouare02" "Ready when you are! " "npc_citizen.reloadfm01" "Genoplad, dr. Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.reloadfm01" "Reload, Dr. Freeman!" "npc_citizen.reloadfm02" "Genoplad, dr. Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.reloadfm02" "Reload, Dr. Freeman!" "npc_citizen.rollermines01" "Rulleminer!" "[english]npc_citizen.rollermines01" "Rollermines!" "npc_citizen.rollermines02" "Rulleminer!" "[english]npc_citizen.rollermines02" "Rollermines!" "npc_citizen.runforyourlife01" "Løb for livet! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife01" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.runforyourlife02" "Løb for livet! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife02" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.runforyourlife03" "Løb for livet! " "[english]npc_citizen.runforyourlife03" "Run for your life! " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far01" "Fri. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far01" "Clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far02" "Fri bane. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far02" "All clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_far03" "Ser ok ud. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_far03" "Looks okay. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_near01" "Fri!" "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near01" "Clear!" "npc_citizen.scan_check_near02" "Fri bane. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near02" "All clear. " "npc_citizen.scan_check_near03" "Ser ok ud. " "[english]npc_citizen.scan_check_near03" "Looks okay. " "npc_citizen.scanners01" "Scannere! " "[english]npc_citizen.scanners01" "Scanners! " "npc_citizen.scanners02" "Scannere! " "[english]npc_citizen.scanners02" "Scanners! " "npc_citizen.shoulder01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.shoulder01" " " "npc_citizen.shoulder02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.shoulder02" " " "npc_citizen.snakebitme" "Hvis det havde været en slange, havde den bidt mig." "[english]npc_citizen.snakebitme" "If it were a snake, it woulda bit me." "npc_citizen.sorry01" "Undskyld." "[english]npc_citizen.sorry01" "Sorry." "npc_citizen.sorry02" "Undskyld. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorry02" "Sorry. " "npc_citizen.sorry03" "Undskyld. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorry03" "Sorry. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc01" "Undskyld, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc01" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc02" "Undskyld, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc02" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorrydoc04" "Undskyld, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorrydoc04" "Sorry, Doc. " "npc_citizen.sorryfm01" "Undskyld, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorryfm01" "Sorry, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.sorryfm02" "Undskyld, Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.sorryfm02" "Sorry, Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm01" "Præcis, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm01" "You got it, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm02" "Hvis du siger det, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm02" "Anything you say, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm03" "Som du vil. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm03" "Whatever you say. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm04" "Ok, jeg går. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm04" "Okay I'm going. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm05" "På med vanten. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm05" "Here goes. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm06" "På med vanten. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm06" "Here goes nothing. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm07" "Godt set, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm07" "Good call, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm08" "God idé, doktor Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm08" "Good idea, Doctor Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_affirm09" "Helt sikkert, Gordon. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_affirm09" "Sure thing, Gordon. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach01" "Gå tilbage til Freeman. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach01" "Head back to Freeman. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach02" "Her kommer vi. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach02" "Here we come. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach03" "Er på vej. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach03" "On our way. " "npc_citizen.squad_approach04" "Kommer. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_approach04" "Coming. " "npc_citizen.squad_away01" "Denne vej, folkens." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away01" "This way, gang." "npc_citizen.squad_away02" "Herover. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away02" "Over here. " "npc_citizen.squad_away03" "Følg mig. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_away03" "Follow me. " "npc_citizen.squad_follow01" "Følg Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow01" "Follow Freeman! " "npc_citizen.squad_follow02" "Kom, alle sammen! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow02" "Come on, everybody! " "npc_citizen.squad_follow03" "Lad os komme af sted!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow03" "Let's get moving!" "npc_citizen.squad_follow04" "Hey, alle sammen, følg Freeman!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_follow04" "Hey, everybody, follow Freeman!" "npc_citizen.squad_greet01" "Gordon Freeman, du kom! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet01" "Gordon Freeman, you're here! " "npc_citizen.squad_greet02" "Doktor Freeman? Vi kommer med dig. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet02" "Doctor Freeman? We're coming with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet03" "Vi kommer med dig, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet03" "We're coming with you, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet04" "Nu, da du er her, dr. Freeman, kan vi endelig komme fremad." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet04" "With you here, Dr. Freeman, we can finally make some headway." "npc_citizen.squad_greet05" "Gordon Freeman er her. Det er da løgn. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet05" "Gordon Freeman's here. I don't believe it. " "npc_citizen.squad_greet06" "Gordon Freeman? Nu kommer vi da fremad. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_greet06" "Gordon Freeman? Well now we're getting somewhere. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group01" "Doktor Freeman, vent. Vi følger med dig. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group01" "Doctor Freeman, wait. We'll come with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group02" "Hey, det er Freeman! Lad os følge ham! " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group02" "Hey, it's Freeman! Let's follow him! " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group03" "Vi ville gerne slutte os til dig, doktor Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group03" "We were looking to join you, Doctor Freeman." "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group04" "Vent på os!" "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_group04" "Wait for us!" "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single01" "Vent på mig, dr. Freeman. Jeg følger med dig. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single01" "Wait for me, Dr. Freeman. I'll come with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single02" "Dr. Freeman, jeg følger med dig. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single02" "Dr. Freeman, I'm coming with you. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single03" "Hey, det er Freeman! Du går ikke uden mig. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single03" "Hey. it's Freeman! You're not leaving without me. " "npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single04" "Vent på mig. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_reinforce_single04" "Wait for me. " "npc_citizen.squad_train01" "Vi hjælper, hvor vi kan, Doc. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train01" "We'll help however we can, Doc. " "npc_citizen.squad_train02" "Sig til, hvor du vil ha' os, dr. Freeman." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train02" "Let us know where you want us, Dr. Freeman." "npc_citizen.squad_train03" "Ok, Doc, du bestemmer. " "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train03" "Okay, Doc, you're in charge. " "npc_citizen.squad_train04" "Vi står bag dig, dr. Freeman. Sig til, hvis vi kan køre andet for at hjælpe." "[english]npc_citizen.squad_train04" "We're with you, Dr. Freeman. Let us know if we can do anything extra to help." "npc_citizen.startle01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.startle01" " " "npc_citizen.startle02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.startle02" " " "npc_citizen.stopitfm" "Hold op, Freeman! " "[english]npc_citizen.stopitfm" "Stop it, Freeman! " "npc_citizen.strider" "Strider!" "[english]npc_citizen.strider" "Strider!" "npc_citizen.strider_run" "Løb!" "[english]npc_citizen.strider_run" "Run!" "npc_citizen.surething01" "Helt sikkert." "[english]npc_citizen.surething01" "Sure thing." "npc_citizen.surething02" "Helt sikkert." "[english]npc_citizen.surething02" "Sure thing." "npc_citizen.takecover01" "Søg dækning!" "[english]npc_citizen.takecover01" "Take cover!" "npc_citizen.takecover02" "Søg dækning!" "[english]npc_citizen.takecover02" "Take cover!" "npc_citizen.thanksdoc01" "Tak, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.thanksdoc01" "Thanks, Doc." "npc_citizen.thanksdoc02" "Tak, Doc." "[english]npc_citizen.thanksdoc02" "Thanks, Doc." "npc_citizen.thehacks01" "Hack'erne!" "[english]npc_citizen.thehacks01" "The Hacks!" "npc_citizen.thehacks02" "Hack'erne!" "[english]npc_citizen.thehacks02" "The Hacks!" "npc_citizen.thislldonicely" "Det er fint sådan." "[english]npc_citizen.thislldonicely" "This'll do nicely." "npc_citizen.turret" "Tårn!" "[english]npc_citizen.turret" "Turret!" "npc_citizen.turrets" "Tårne!" "[english]npc_citizen.turrets" "Turrets!" "npc_citizen.uhoh" "Åh nej." "[english]npc_citizen.uhoh" "Uh-oh." "npc_citizen.upthere01" "Deroppe!" "[english]npc_citizen.upthere01" "Up there!" "npc_citizen.upthere02" "Deroppe! " "[english]npc_citizen.upthere02" "Up there! " "npc_citizen.vanswer01" "Nok med dit vrøvl. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer01" "Enough of your mumbo jumbo. " "npc_citizen.vanswer02" "Forbandede vort'er. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer02" "Damn vorts. " "npc_citizen.vanswer03" "Jeg er ikke sikker på, hvordan jeg skal forstå det. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer03" "I'm not sure how to take that. " "npc_citizen.vanswer04" "Skal jeg tage det personligt?" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer04" "Should I take that personally?" "npc_citizen.vanswer05" "Tal engelsk." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer05" "Speak English." "npc_citizen.vanswer06" "Det har du fra mig." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer06" "You got that from me." "npc_citizen.vanswer07" "Derfor finder vi os i dig." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer07" "That's why we put up with you." "npc_citizen.vanswer08" "Ku' ikke have sagt det bedre selv. " "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer08" "Couldn't have put it better myself. " "npc_citizen.vanswer09" "Det gav næsten mening." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer09" "That almost made sense." "npc_citizen.vanswer10" "Der må være noget galt med mig, jeg forstod det næsten." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer10" "Something must be wrong with me, I almost understood that." "npc_citizen.vanswer11" "Jeg er vel ved at være vant til jer vort'er." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer11" "I guess I'm getting used to you vorts." "npc_citizen.vanswer12" "Ikke noget med jeres vort-filosofi." "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer12" "None of your vort philosophy." "npc_citizen.vanswer13" "Stop, I tager livet af mig!" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer13" "Stop, you're killing me!" "npc_citizen.vanswer14" "Hvordan har jeg gjort mig fortjent til dette?" "[english]npc_citizen.vanswer14" "What did I do to deserve this?" "npc_citizen.vquestion01" "Kig ikke sådan på mig." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion01" "Stop looking at me like that." "npc_citizen.vquestion02" "Visse ting vænner jeg mig aldrig til." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion02" "Some things I just never get used to." "npc_citizen.vquestion03" "Jeg forstår ikke, hvordan i alverden I har overlevet indtil nu. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion03" "I don't know how you things have survived as long as you have. " "npc_citizen.vquestion04" "Jeg spekulerer af og til på, hvordan jeg er endt med jer. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion04" "Sometimes I wonder how I ended up with you. " "npc_citizen.vquestion05" "Du er god nok, vorty. " "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion05" "You're all right vorty. " "npc_citizen.vquestion06" "I vort'er er ikke helt åndssvage." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion06" "You vorts aren't half bad." "npc_citizen.vquestion07" "Hvis nogen havde sagt, at jeg skulle blive venner med en vortigaunt..." "[english]npc_citizen.vquestion07" "If anyone would have told me I'd be pals with a vortigaunt..." "npc_citizen.waitingsomebody" "Venter du på nogen?" "[english]npc_citizen.waitingsomebody" "You waiting for somebody?" "npc_citizen.watchforrhino01" " " "[english]npc_citizen.watchforrhino01" " " "npc_citizen.watchforrhino02" " " "[english]npc_citizen.watchforrhino02" " " "npc_citizen.watchout" "Pas på! " "[english]npc_citizen.watchout" "Watch out! " "npc_citizen.watchwhat" "Se efter, hvad du foretager dig. " "[english]npc_citizen.watchwhat" "Watch what you're doing. " "npc_citizen.wetrustedyou01" "Vi stolede på dig. " "[english]npc_citizen.wetrustedyou01" "We trusted you. " "npc_citizen.wetrustedyou02" "Vi stolede på dig! " "[english]npc_citizen.wetrustedyou02" "We trusted you! " "npc_citizen.whatwaitfor" "Hvad venter vi på?" "[english]npc_citizen.whatwaitfor" "What are we waiting for?" "npc_citizen.whistle_loop" " " "[english]npc_citizen.whistle_loop" " " "npc_citizen.whohellryou01" "Hvem fanden er du?" "[english]npc_citizen.whohellryou01" "Who the hell are you?" "npc_citizen.whoops01" "Ups." "[english]npc_citizen.whoops01" "Whoops." "npc_citizen.wowniceshot01" "Wow, flot skud!" "[english]npc_citizen.wowniceshot01" "Wow, nice shot!" "npc_citizen.wowniceshot02" "Wow, flot skud!" "[english]npc_citizen.wowniceshot02" "Wow, nice shot!" "npc_citizen.yeah02" "Yeah!" "[english]npc_citizen.yeah02" "Yeah!" "npc_citizen.youdbetterreload01" "Du må hellere genoplade!" "[english]npc_citizen.youdbetterreload01" "You'd better reload!" "npc_citizen.yougotit02" "Så gerne" "[english]npc_citizen.yougotit02" "You got it " "npc_citizen.zombies01" "Zombier!" "[english]npc_citizen.zombies01" "Zombies!" "npc_citizen.zombies02" "Zombier!" "[english]npc_citizen.zombies02" "Zombies!" "npc_citizen.help03" "Hjælp!" "[english]npc_citizen.help03" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help04" "Hjælp!" "[english]npc_citizen.help04" "Help!" "npc_citizen.help05" "Hjælp!" "[english]npc_citizen.help05" "Help!" "npc_citizen.helpme02" "Hjælp mig! " "[english]npc_citizen.helpme02" "Help me! " "npc_citizen.heretheycome02" "Her kommer de! " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome02" "Here they come! " "npc_citizen.heretheycome03" "Her kommer de. " "[english]npc_citizen.heretheycome03" "Here they come. " "npc_citizen.nice01" "Flot!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice01" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.nice02" "Flot!" "[english]npc_citizen.nice02" "Nice!" "npc_citizen.overwatch01" "Overwatch! " "[english]npc_citizen.overwatch01" "Overwatch! " "npc_citizen.overwatch02" "Overwatch! " "[english]npc_citizen.overwatch02" "Overwatch! " "npc_citizen.thislldonicely01" "Det er fint sådan. " "[english]npc_citizen.thislldonicely01" "This'll do nicely. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Chuckle" "*kluklatter*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Chuckle" "*chuckle*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure" "Mistænkte, forbered dig på at modtage civil dom. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure" "Suspect, prepare to receive civil judgment. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure.Leave" "Jeg har undladelse af at efterkomme loyalitetstjek, mulig 10-103M. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Failure.Leave" "I have a failure to comply with loyalty check, possible 10-103M. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway" "Godt. Du kan gå. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway" "All right. You can go. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway.Failure" "Og forsvind så! " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.GoAway.Failure" "Now get out of here. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Intro" "Øh, modtaget, vi gennemfører standard-loyalitetstjekprocedure 243, min 10-22 indgangsstation, slut. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Intro" "Uh, roger that, we'll run standard loyalty check procedure 243, my 10-22 intake station, over. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan" "Saml den dåse op. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan" "Pick up that can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan.Nag" "Saml dåsen op. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PickUpTheCan.Nag" "Pick up the can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PutItInTheTrash" "Læg den så i skraldespanden. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.PutItInTheTrash" "Now, put it in the trash can. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Success" "Rapporterer borger indkaldt til frivillig værnepligt til offentlig generel serviceenhed T94-322. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Cupcop.Success" "Reporting citizen summoned to voluntary conscription for general service public detail T94-322. " "NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoLeft" "Passér." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoLeft" "Move along." "NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoRight" "Bevæg dig." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Customs.GoRight" "Move it." "NPC_MetroPolice.Freeze" "Rør dig ikke." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Freeze" "Don't move." "NPC_MetroPolice.Luggagescript.Warn" "Første advarsel: Passér. " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Luggagescript.Warn" "First warning: Move away. " "npc_vortigaunt.acceptcharge" "Accepter en ladning. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.acceptcharge" "Accept a charge. " "npc_vortigaunt.acceptenergy" "Accepter energi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.acceptenergy" "Accept energy. " "npc_vortigaunt.accompany" "Vi ledsager med glæde. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.accompany" "Gladly we accompany. " "npc_vortigaunt.affirmed" "Bekræftet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.affirmed" "Affirmed. " "npc_vortigaunt.alldear" "Vi har mistet alt, hvad vi havde kær. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.alldear" "We have lost all dear to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.allfornow" "Det var det hele indtil videre. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allfornow" "That is all for now. " "npc_vortigaunt.allinoneinall" "Alt i ét og ét i alt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allinoneinall" "All in one and one in all. " "npc_vortigaunt.allowme" "Tillad mig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allowme" "Allow me. " "npc_vortigaunt.allowrecharge" "Lad os genoplade jeres celler. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allowrecharge" "Allow us to recharge your cells. " "npc_vortigaunt.allwecanspare" "Det er alt, vi kan undvære. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allwecanspare" "That is all we can spare. " "npc_vortigaunt.allwehave" "Alt, vi har, er jeres. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.allwehave" "All we have is yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.assent" "Enighed. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.assent" "Assent. " "npc_vortigaunt.asyouwish" "Som ønsket. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.asyouwish" "As you wish. " "npc_vortigaunt.beofservice" "Kan vi stå til tjeneste? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.beofservice" "Can we be of service? " "npc_vortigaunt.bodyyours" "Du kan styre denne krop. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.bodyyours" "This body is yours to command. " "npc_vortigaunt.calm" "Fald til ro. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.calm" "Calm yourself. " "npc_vortigaunt.canconvince" "Vi kan ikke overbevise dig om andet? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.canconvince" "Can we not convince you otherwise? " "npc_vortigaunt.cannotfire" "Vi kan ikke skyde uden at skade Freeman'en. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.cannotfire" "We cannot fire without harm to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.caution" "Forsigtig! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.caution" "Caution! " "npc_vortigaunt.cautionfm" "Forsigtig, Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.cautionfm" "Caution, Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.certainly" "Bestemt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.certainly" "Certainly. " "npc_vortigaunt.claimvort" " " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.claimvort" " " "npc_vortigaunt.corporeal" "Vi havde aldrig troet, at vi skulle møde dig korporligt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.corporeal" "We never dreamed to meet you in corporeal form. " "npc_vortigaunt.dedicate" "Vi helliger os jeres formål. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.dedicate" "We dedicate ourselves to your purpose. " "npc_vortigaunt.done" "Færdig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.done" "Done. " "npc_vortigaunt.dreamed" "Vi har drømt om dette øjeblik. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.dreamed" "We have dreamed of this moment. " "npc_vortigaunt.empowerus" "Giv os styrke! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.empowerus" "Empower us! " "npc_vortigaunt.energyempower" "Dens energi giver os styrke. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.energyempower" "Its energy empowers us. " "npc_vortigaunt.fearfailed" "Vi frygter, at vi har svigtet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fearfailed" "We fear we have failed you. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmbeware" "Freeman, pas på! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmbeware" "Freeman, beware! " "npc_vortigaunt.fmcanuse" "Freeman'en kan bruge dette. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmcanuse" "The Freeman can make use of this. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmdoesushonor" "Freeman'en gør os ære. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmdoesushonor" "The Freeman does us honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmhonorsus" "Freeman'en ærer os. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmhonorsus" "The Freeman honors us. " "npc_vortigaunt.fminway" "Freeman'en er i vejen for os. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fminway" "The Freeman is in our way. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmknowsbest" "Freeman'en ved bedst. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmknowsbest" "The Freeman knows best. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustbeware" "Freeman'en skal passe på! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustbeware" "The Freeman must beware! " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustfollow" "Freeman'en skal følge. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustfollow" "The Freeman must follow. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmmustmove" "Freeman'en skal bevæge sig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmmustmove" "The Freeman must move. " "npc_vortigaunt.fmstandstill" "Freeman'en skal stå stille. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.fmstandstill" "The Freeman must stand still. " "npc_vortigaunt.followfm" "Følg, Freeman." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.followfm" "Follow, Freeman." "npc_vortigaunt.forfreedom" "For friheden! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forfreedom" "For Freedom! " "npc_vortigaunt.forthefm" "For Freeman'en! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forthefm" "For the Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.forward" "Fremad! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.forward" "Forward! " "npc_vortigaunt.freeman" "Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.freeman" "Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.giveover" "Overdrag din essens. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.giveover" "Give over your essence. " "npc_vortigaunt.gladly" "Med glæde. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.gladly" "Gladly. " "npc_vortigaunt.gloriousend" "Til vores glorværdige formål. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.gloriousend" "To our glorious end. " "npc_vortigaunt.greetingsfm" "Hilsner til Freeman'en. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.greetingsfm" "Greetings to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.halt" "Stop. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.halt" "Halt. " "npc_vortigaunt.here" "Her. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.here" "Here. " "npc_vortigaunt.herewestay" "Her bliver vi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.herewestay" "Here we stay. " "npc_vortigaunt.hold" "Holdt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.hold" "Hold. " "npc_vortigaunt.holdorcantcharge" "Stå stille, ellers kan vi ikke lade dig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.holdorcantcharge" "Hold still or we cannot charge you. " "npc_vortigaunt.holdstill" "Stå stille. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.holdstill" "Hold still. " "npc_vortigaunt.honorfollow" "Til vores ære følger vi dig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.honorfollow" "To our honor we follow you. " "npc_vortigaunt.honorours" "Æren er vores. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.honorours" "The honor is ours. " "npc_vortigaunt.hopeless" "Vores sag ser håbløs ud. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.hopeless" "Our cause seems hopeless. " "npc_vortigaunt.ifyoumove" "Hvis du bevæger dig, kan vi ikke hjælpe. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ifyoumove" "If you move we cannot help you. " "npc_vortigaunt.isitthefm" "Er det Freeman'en? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.isitthefm" "Is it the Freeman? " "npc_vortigaunt.itishonor" "Det er en ære. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.itishonor" "It is an honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.itisthefm" "Det er Freeman'en. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.itisthefm" "It is the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.keepfmsafe" "Det skulle holde Freeman'en sikker. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.keepfmsafe" "That should keep the Freeman safe. " "npc_vortigaunt.leadon" "Før an. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.leadon" "Lead on. " "npc_vortigaunt.leadus" "Før os an. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.leadus" "Lead us. " "npc_vortigaunt.livetoserve" "Vi lever for at tjene. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.livetoserve" "We live to serve. " "npc_vortigaunt.morethanmeets" "Der er mere ved Freeman'en, end man umiddelbart ser. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.morethanmeets" "There is more to the Freeman than meets the eye. " "npc_vortigaunt.movingtarget" "Vi kan ikke hele et bevægeligt mål. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.movingtarget" "We cannot heal a moving target. " "npc_vortigaunt.mutual" "Vores formål er gensidigt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.mutual" "Our purpose is mutual. " "npc_vortigaunt.mystery" "Vi tjener det samme mysterium. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.mystery" "We serve the same mystery. " "npc_vortigaunt.neuroprints" "Så neuroprintene er sande. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.neuroprints" "So the neuroprints are true. " "npc_vortigaunt.nodenexus" "Knudepunkt og forbindelse, tag næring af dette liv! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.nodenexus" "Node and nexus, feed upon this life! " "npc_vortigaunt.onward" "Fremad! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.onward" "Onward! " "npc_vortigaunt.opaque" "Dit sind er tåget. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.opaque" "Your mind is opaque. " "npc_vortigaunt.optical" "Vi kan ikke læse Freeman'ens optiske centre. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.optical" "We cannot read the Freeman's optical buds. " "npc_vortigaunt.ourhonor" "På vores ære. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ourhonor" "By our honor. " "npc_vortigaunt.ourplacehere" "Vores plads er her. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ourplacehere" "Our place is here. " "npc_vortigaunt.passon" "Gå videre! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.passon" "Pass on! " "npc_vortigaunt.persevere" "Det her er mere, end nogen kan bære, men vi står igennem det. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.persevere" "This is more than anyone can bear, but we will persevere. " "npc_vortigaunt.pleasure" "Med fornøjelse. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.pleasure" "With pleasure. " "npc_vortigaunt.poet" "Vores bedste poet beskriver det således: Gallum galla gilla ma. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.poet" "Our finest poet describes it thus: Gallum galla gilla ma. " "npc_vortigaunt.prepare" "Forbered modtagelse af energi. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.prepare" "Prepare to receive energy. " "npc_vortigaunt.prevail" "Vi vil sejre. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.prevail" "We shall prevail. " "npc_vortigaunt.propitious" "Lovende alliance. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.propitious" "Propitious alliance. " "npc_vortigaunt.putaside" "Vi stiller Black Mesa i baggrunden... indtil videre. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.putaside" "We will put aside Black Mesa... for now. " "npc_vortigaunt.reasondelay" "Er der grund til forsinkelse?" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.reasondelay" "Is there reason for delay?" "npc_vortigaunt.regrettable" "Dette er beklageligt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.regrettable" "This is regrettable. " "npc_vortigaunt.rememberus" "Du må huske os fra Black Mesa." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.rememberus" "You must remember us from Black Mesa." "npc_vortigaunt.returntoall" "Tilbage til alle i ét'et. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.returntoall" "Return to the all in one. " "npc_vortigaunt.returnvoid" "Tilbage til tomrummet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.returnvoid" "Return to the void. " "npc_vortigaunt.salute" "Hvis du virkelig er Freeman'en, hilser vi dig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.salute" "If you are truly the Freeman, we salute you. " "npc_vortigaunt.satisfaction" "Tilfredsstillelse. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.satisfaction" "Satisfaction. " "npc_vortigaunt.seebeforeoureye" "Er dette Freeman'en, vi ser for vore øjne? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.seebeforeoureye" "Is this the Freeman we see before our eyes? " "npc_vortigaunt.seenworse" "Vi har overlevet værre i tidernes løb. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.seenworse" "We have survived worse across the ages. " "npc_vortigaunt.servebetterhere" "Vi tjener dig måske bedre her. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.servebetterhere" "Perhaps we will serve you better here. " "npc_vortigaunt.standclear" "Giv plads. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.standclear" "Stand clear. " "npc_vortigaunt.stillhere" "Vi er her endnu. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.stillhere" "We are still here. " "npc_vortigaunt.surge" "Vi stormer. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.surge" "We surge. " "npc_vortigaunt.takeus" "Freeman, tag os med dig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.takeus" "Freeman, take us with you. " "npc_vortigaunt.tethercut" "Tråden er kappet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.tethercut" "The tether is cut. " "npc_vortigaunt.thatisall" "Det er det hele. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.thatisall" "That is all. " "npc_vortigaunt.thefreeman" "Freeman'en. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.thefreeman" "The Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.tothevoid" "Til tomrummet med dig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.tothevoid" "To the void with you. " "npc_vortigaunt.troubleus" "Den giver os ikke flere problemer. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.troubleus" "That one shall trouble us no more. " "npc_vortigaunt.trulyitis" "Det er virkelig Freeman'en. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.trulyitis" "Truly it is the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.undeserving" "Fortjener ikke bevidsthed. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.undeserving" "Undeserving of consciousness. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer01" "Vi forbliver uoverbeviste " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer01" "We remain unconvinced " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer02" "Du er ikke den første med den slags vildfarelser " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer02" "You're not the first to harbor such illusions " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer03" "Vi mener det modsatte " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer03" "We believe the opposite " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer04" "Det er godt det samme " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer04" "It is just as well " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "Det regnede vi også med " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "We expected as much " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Tankespind " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Idle speculation " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Din uro er rørende " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Your concern is touching " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Stol ikke på det. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Don't rely on it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer09" "Formod intet " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer09" "Assume nothing " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer10" "Overhovedet ikke " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer10" "Nothing of the sort " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer11" "Det er en vildfarelse " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer11" "You are deluded " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer12" "Vi ønsker, at du havde ret " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer12" "We wish you were right " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer13" "Undskyld vores kluntede holdningsskift " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer13" "Excuse our gauche vicissitudes " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer14" "Vi beder om din opmærksomhed " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer14" "We beg your awareness " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer15" "I lige måde. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer15" "Likewise, we are sure. " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer16" "Følelsen er gensidig " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer16" "The feeling is mutual " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer17" "Dette er uvant " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer17" "This is unaccustomed " "npc_vortigaunt.vanswer18" "Det er alle i en i flersomheden " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer18" "It is all one in the plenitude " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_01" "Er det Freeman'en? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_01" "Is it the Freeman? " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_02" "Kommer en mand? Det er det! Freeman'en! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_02" "Comes a man? It is! The Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_03" "Vi husker Freeman'en. Vi er tilstødende. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_03" "We remember the Freeman. We are coterminous. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_04" "Der er ingen afstand mellem os. Intet falsk slør af tid eller rum kan gribe ind. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_04" "There is no distance between us. No false veil of time or space may intervene. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_05" "Vi ser dig stadig i Black Mesa. Tydeligt vi ser dig i Nihilanth'ens kammer. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_05" "We see you still in Black Mesa. Clearly we see you in the Nihilanth's chamber. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_06" "Vi er vidner til den lyse evighed i Nihilanth'ens skæbne. Du springer, du falder, vi ser dig blinke bag barriererne. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_06" "We bear witness to the bright eternity of the Nihilanth's demise. You leap, you fall, we see you flash beyond the barriers. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_07" "I en kort tid sluttede du dig til os. Du er én. Imellem verdenerne. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_07" "For a brief time you joined with us. You are one. Between the worlds. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_08" "Kommunikation af vortessensen. Og den anden: Et dybere mysterium. Ikke dybere end selve tomrummet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_08" "Communion of the vortessence. And that other: a deeper mystery. No deeper than the void itself. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_09" "Vi kan ikke glemme dem, hvis tråde du kappede. Tilgivelse er ikke vores at give. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_09" "We cannot forget those whose cords you cut. Forgiveness is not ours to bestow. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_10" "Fælles formål, knusning af fælles lænker, en og samme vej vi går. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_10" "Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_11" "Din sang vi synger og skal synge evigt. Uanset konsekvenserne af denne kamp. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_11" "Your song we sing and shall sing for eternity. No matter the consequences of this struggle. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_12" "Du har bragt os umådelig sorg og glæde. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_12" "You have brought us grief and jubilation beyond measure. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_13" "Vi er der stadig, afventende dit sidste slag. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_13" "We are there still, in observance of your final stroke. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_14" "Mens dine egne lå sønderknuste for dine fødder, brød du vortal-båndet, der bandt Nihilanth'en til livet og til os. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_14" "While our own lay scattered at your feet, you severed the vortal cord that bound the Nihilanth to life, and to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_15" "Det stærke oplevelse af håb er den dag i dag ikke dæmpet. En gang lå den ringere mester besejret; vi ved, at den stærkere også skal falde i rette tid. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_15" "That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day. For once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_16" "Med dig ved vores side, en sejrstalisman, er frihedens dag nærmere. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_16" "With you beside us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_17" "Dit lyse ansigt dækker over din mørkere maske. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_17" "Your bright face obscures your darker mask. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_18" "Vi kalder dig vor slægt, selv om dit sind og din betydning er et mysterium for os. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_18" "We call you sib, although your mind and meaning are a mystery to us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_19" "Fjerne fraværende øjne kigger igennem dine. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_19" "Far distant eyes look out through yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_20" "Noget hemmeligt styrer os begge. Vi vil ikke omtale det. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_20" "Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_21" "Vi har udholdt de snærende bånd i æoner, men blot et yderligere øjebliks underkastelse forekommer ulideligt! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_21" "We have endured these chafing bonds for eons, yet a single moment of further servitude seems intolerable! " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_22" "Hvor ofte har vi hastet vores åg for bare at finde det på vores skuldre igen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_22" "How often have we slipped our yoke, only to find it choking us again. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_23" "Lad denne krig ende i enten total sejr eller i vores udslettelse. Ingen yderligere kompromisser vil vi tillade. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_23" "Let this war end in either total victory or our extinction. No further compromise shall we allow. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_24" "Vi gør modstand ved siden af dig, her på denne ynkelige klippe. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_24" "We take our stand beside you, here, upon this miserable rock. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_25" "Vejen frem er mørk i øjeblikket. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_25" "The way ahead is dark for the moment. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_26" "Hvad der for dig virker som et offer, er for os blot et udsving. Vi frygter ej mørkets interval. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_26" "What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_27" "Vi er et klæde vævet af vortessensen. Det er det samme for dig, hvis du bare ville indse det. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_27" "We are a tapestry woven of vortessence. It is the same for you if only you would see it. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_28" "Hvor mange er der i dig? Hvis håb og drømme omfatter du? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_28" "How many are there in you? Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass? " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_29" "Kunne du blot se øjnene inden i dine egne, sindene i dit sind, ville du se, hvor meget vi deler. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_29" "Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in your mind, you would see how much we share. " "npc_vortigaunt.vmono_30" "Vi er dig, Freeman. Og du er os. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vmono_30" "We are you, Freeman. And you are us. " "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese02" "Ah ghurrrr..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese02" "Ah ghurrrr..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese03" "Taaar..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese03" "Taaar..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese04" "Riiit..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese04" "Riiit..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese05" "Lung gah..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese05" "Lung gah..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese07" "Gong..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese07" "Gong..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese08" "Galanga..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese08" "Galanga..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese09" "Ga la lung... " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese09" "Ga la lung... " "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese11" "Churr galing chur alla gung..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese11" "Churr galing chur alla gung..." "npc_vortigaunt.vortigese12" "Chur lung gong chella gurr..." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vortigese12" "Chur lung gong chella gurr..." "npc_vortigaunt.vques01" "Vi har mistet alt, hvad vi havde kær." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques01" "We have lost all dear to us." "npc_vortigaunt.vques02" "Combine betaler dyrt for deres afsporethed." "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques02" "The Combine will pay in kind for their depravity." "npc_vortigaunt.vques03" "Håbet er i sigte. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques03" "Hope is in sight. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques04" "Dette markerer et vendepunkt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques04" "This marks a turning point. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques05" "Sådan pessimisme fordømmer os alle. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques05" "Such pessimism will doom us all. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques06" "Vi har overlevet mørkere tider. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques06" "We have survived darker times. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques07" "Vi husker på vores største filosofs ord: companum gannennen vorgenot!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques07" "We are mindful of the words of our greatest philosopher: companum gannennen vorgenot!" "npc_vortigaunt.vques08" "I mennesker, altid retskafne. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques08" "You humans, always in the qualidity. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques09" "Vi betragter dette selskab som ukrænkeligt. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques09" "We deem this company inviolable. " "npc_vortigaunt.vques10" "Jeres kammeratskab er kraftigt prøvet. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.vques10" "Your companionship is greatly belabored. " "npc_vortigaunt.ware" "Pas på! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.ware" "Ware! " "npc_vortigaunt.warefm" "Pas på, Freeman! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.warefm" "Ware, Freeman! " "npc_vortigaunt.warningfm" "Advarsel til Freeman'en. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.warningfm" "Warning to the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.weareyours" "Vi er dine. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weareyours" "We are yours. " "npc_vortigaunt.webeofuse" "Freeman, vi kunne være nyttige for dig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.webeofuse" "Freeman, we could be of use to you. " "npc_vortigaunt.weclaimyou" "Vi gør krav på dig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weclaimyou" "We claim you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wefollowfm" "Vi følger Freeman'en. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wefollowfm" "We follow the Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.wehonored" "Vi er beæret. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wehonored" "We are honored. " "npc_vortigaunt.weknowyou" "Vi kender dig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weknowyou" "We know you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wellmet" "Vel mødt, Freeman. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wellmet" "Well met, Freeman. " "npc_vortigaunt.weshare" "Vi vil dele vort-essensen. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.weshare" "We shall share the vortessence. " "npc_vortigaunt.wewillcharge" "Vi lader dig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wewillcharge" "We will charge you. " "npc_vortigaunt.wewillhelp" "Vi hjælper dig. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.wewillhelp" "We will help you. " "npc_vortigaunt.whereto" "Hvorhen nu? Og med hvilket formål? " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.whereto" "Where to now? And to what end? " "npc_vortigaunt.willremain" "Vi forbliver, hvis du instruerer om det. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.willremain" "We will remain if you so instruct. " "npc_vortigaunt.worthless" "Vores liv er værdiløst, medmindre det tilbringes i frihed. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.worthless" "Our life is worthless unless spent on freedom. " "npc_vortigaunt.yes" "Ja! " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.yes" "Yes! " "npc_vortigaunt.yesforward" "Ja, fremad. " "[english]npc_vortigaunt.yesforward" "Yes, forward. " "npc_vortigaunt.chant03" "Hurrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Churrrrrrrrrrr---Koff! Hack! Hvæse!" "[english]npc_vortigaunt.chant03" "Hurrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Churrrrrrrrrrr---Koff! Hack! Wheeze!" "odessa.cub_damn" " " "[english]odessa.cub_damn" " " "odessa.cub_eli" " " "[english]odessa.cub_eli" " " "odessa.cub_pleasure" " " "[english]odessa.cub_pleasure" " " "odessa.cub_showyou" " " "[english]odessa.cub_showyou" " " "odessa.cub_tricky" " " "[english]odessa.cub_tricky" " " "odessa.nlo_after01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after01" " " "odessa.nlo_after02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after02" " " "odessa.nlo_after03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after03" " " "odessa.nlo_after04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after04" " " "odessa.nlo_after05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_after05" " " "odessa.nlo_before01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before01" " " "odessa.nlo_before02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before02" " " "odessa.nlo_before03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before03" " " "odessa.nlo_before04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before04" " " "odessa.nlo_before05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before05" " " "odessa.nlo_before06" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_before06" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag01" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag01" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag02" " " "odessa.nlo_beforenag03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_beforenag03" " " "odessa.nlo_cheer01" "*jubel*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer01" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_cheer02" "*jubel*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer02" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_cheer03" "*latter*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer03" "*laughter*" "odessa.nlo_cheer04" "*jubel*" "[english]odessa.nlo_cheer04" "*cheers*" "odessa.nlo_citizen_bringcar" "Få bilen herop, så åbner jeg porten. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_bringcar" "Bring your car up here and I'll open the gate for you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_drivesafe" "Kør sikkert! " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_drivesafe" "Drive safely! " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet01" "Jeg ville søge ned i kælderen, hvis jeg var dig. Vi forbereder os på et angreb. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet01" "I'd get into the basement if I were you. We're bracing for an attack. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet02" "Gordon Freeman? Oversten venter dig. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet02" "Gordon Freeman? The Colonel is expecting you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet03" "Dette er ikke tidspunktet til at vandre omkring. Combines nærmer sig. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet03" "This is no time to be wandering around. The Combine's closing in. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet04" "Ned i kælderen! Vi sørger for, at alle har, hvad de behøver, for at modstå et angreb. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet04" "Get in the basement! We're making sure everyone has what they need to hold off an attack. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_greet05" "Det er ingen god idé at gå rundt her. Søg ned i kælderen. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_greet05" "You shouldn't be walking around out here. Get into the basement. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post01" "Pas på det styr, dr. Freeman. Du vil sætte pris på den undervejs. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post01" "Hold onto that launcher, Dr. Freeman. You'll be glad you have it on the road ahead. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post02" "Kom i gang, dr. Freeman. Vi ved, at Eli Vance afhænger af dig. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post02" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. We know Eli Vance is depending on you. " "odessa.nlo_citizen_post03" "Held og lykke i Nova Prospekt, dr. Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_citizen_post03" "Good luck in Nova Prospekt, Dr. Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_cub_carry" "Men hvem er det heldige asen, der får lov at bære det i kamp? " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_carry" "Now, who's going to be the lucky one to carry it into combat? " "odessa.nlo_cub_class01" "Dette styrbare raketstyr er vores bedste chance for at ordne et kampfartøj. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class01" "This steerable rocket launcher is our best bet for taking down a gunship. " "odessa.nlo_cub_class02" "Med laserstyringen kan du styre raketten forbi kampfartøjets forsvar og forhindre den i at skyde raketten ned. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class02" "Using the laser guide, you can steer your rocket past the gunship's defenses and prevent it from shooting down your rocket. " "odessa.nlo_cub_class03" "Det irriterer det kun i starten, men hvis du overlever længe nok til at placere flere direkte træffere, får du en præmie, der vil gøre sig på enhver kaminhylde. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_class03" "This will only anger it at first, but if you can survive long enough to make several direct hits, you'll be rewarded with a prize worthy of any mantlepiece. " "odessa.nlo_cub_corkscrew" "Husk: Brug styrets laserstyring til at styre din raket forbi kampfartøjets forsvar. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_corkscrew" "Remember: use the launcher's laser guide to steer your rocket past the gunship's defenses. " "odessa.nlo_cub_farewell" "Farvel! Og fortæl venligst dr. Vance, at oberst Cubbage beklager ikke at kunne redde ham personligt! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_farewell" "Farewell! And please tell Dr. Vance that Colonel Cubbage regrets not having been able to rescue him in person! " "odessa.nlo_cub_freeman" "Ah, ja! Gordon Freeman! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_freeman" "Ah, yes! Gordon Freeman! " "odessa.nlo_cub_hello" "Åh, dav! Nu skal jeg være der!" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_hello" "Ah, hello! I'll be right with you! " "odessa.nlo_cub_ledtobelieve" "Det var vel dig, der ordnede det kampfartøj, dr. Freeman. Dit omdømme, sir, er velfortjent. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_ledtobelieve" "I gather you've disposed of that gunship, Dr. Freeman. Your reputation, sir, is well deserved. " "odessa.nlo_cub_opengate" "Jeg skal få nogen til at åbne porten med det samme, så du kan køre videre. Jeg forstår, at dr. Vance har stort behov. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_opengate" "I shall have someone open the gate for you immediately, so that you can drive on. I understand that Dr. Vance is in great need. " "odessa.nlo_cub_radio" "N.L.O. til Lighthouse Point. N.L.O. til Lighthouse Point. Kom ind. Her er oberst Cubbage. Kom ind. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_radio" "N.L.O. to Lighthouse Point. N.L.O. to Lighthouse Point. Come in. This is Colonel Cubbage. Come in, please. " "odessa.nlo_cub_roadahead" "Vær forsigtig når du nærmer dig broen. Radiotavshed fra forposten får mig til at tro, at den er faldet i Combine-hænder. Du er alligevel tydeligvis den rette mand til opgaven!" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_roadahead" "Use extreme caution when approaching the Bridge. Radio silence from that outpost leads me to believe it has come under Combine control. Still, you're clearly the right man for the job! " "odessa.nlo_cub_service" "Oberst Odessa Cubbage til tjeneste! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_service" "Colonel Odessa Cubbage at your service! " "odessa.nlo_cub_teachgunship" "Kom nu! Giv det kampfartøj en lektion, det aldrig glemmer! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_teachgunship" "Go on! Teach that gunship a lesson it will never forget! " "odessa.nlo_cub_thatsthat" "Tja, det var så det." "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_thatsthat" "Well, that's that. " "odessa.nlo_cub_volunteer" "Jeg kunne ikke have ønsket mig en bedre frivillig!" "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_volunteer" "I couldn't have asked for a finer volunteer! " "odessa.nlo_cub_warning" "Forbandet! Lad mig lige sende en advarsel til Lighthouse Point, så kommer jeg straks og giver en hånd! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_warning" "Damn! Let me just send a warning to Lighthouse Point, then I'll come right up to lend a hand! " "odessa.nlo_cub_wherewasi" "Nå, hvor kom jeg fra? Åh, ja... " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_wherewasi" "Now, where was I? Ah, yes... " "odessa.nlo_cub_youllmakeit" "Du kommer igennem, om nogen. " "[english]odessa.nlo_cub_youllmakeit" "You'll make it through if anyone can. " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath01" "Nej. Nej! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath01" "No. No! " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath02" "Nej! Nej! " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath02" "No! No! " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath03" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath03" " " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath04" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath04" " " "odessa.nlo_cubdeath05" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_cubdeath05" " " "odessa.nlo_farewell" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_farewell" " " "odessa.nlo_getyourjeep" "Stig ind i bilen, så åbner jeg porten. " "[english]odessa.nlo_getyourjeep" "Get in your car and I'll open up this gate. " "odessa.nlo_greet_freeman" "Gordon Freeman! " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_freeman" "Gordon Freeman! " "odessa.nlo_greet_intro" "Hurtigt, ned i kælderen. Vi venter kampfartøjer når som helst. Oberst Cubbage bliver glad for at se, at du klarede den." "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_intro" "Hurry, get in the basement. We're expecting gunships at any moment. Colonel Cubbage will be glad to see you made it. " "odessa.nlo_greet_nag01" "Denne vej, dr. Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_nag01" "This way, Dr. Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_greet_nag02" "Oberst Cubbage er i kælderen, doktor Freeman. " "[english]odessa.nlo_greet_nag02" "Colonel Cubbage is in the basement, Doctor Freeman. " "odessa.nlo_opengate" "Doktor Freeman, jeg åbner porten og lukker Dem igennem. " "[english]odessa.nlo_opengate" "Doctor Freeman, I'll open the gate and let you through. " "odessa.nlo_opengate02" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_opengate02" " " "odessa.nlo_userockets" " " "[english]odessa.nlo_userockets" " " "odessa.nlo_vort_exit" "Freeman'en skal skynde sig videre! Eli Vance'n holdes i alvorlige vanskeligheder! " "[english]odessa.nlo_vort_exit" "The Freeman must now hurry on! The Eli Vance is held in distress most dire! " "odessa.nlo_yourcarsir" "Hent din bil, Doc. Du kommer ikke langt til fods. " "[english]odessa.nlo_yourcarsir" "Get your car, Doc. You won't get far on foot. " "odessa.stairman_follow01" "Denne vej. " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow01" "This way. " "odessa.stairman_follow02" " " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow02" " " "odessa.stairman_follow03" "Bliv hos mig, Freeman. " "[english]odessa.stairman_follow03" "Stay with me, Freeman. " "odessa.stairman_upstairs" " " "[english]odessa.stairman_upstairs" " " "opening.cit_bench01" "Bliv tilbage, du tiltrækker unødig opmærksomhed. " "[english]opening.cit_bench01" "Stay back, you'll attract unwanted attention. " "opening.cit_bench02" "Jeg må ikke blive set i samtale med dig. Ikke herude. " "[english]opening.cit_bench02" "I can't be seen talking to you. Not out here. " "opening.cit_bench03" "Sæt dig ikke tæt på mig. Det ser mistænkeligt ud. " "[english]opening.cit_bench03" "Don't sit near me. It'll look suspicious. " "opening.cit_bench04" "Du skræmmer duerne væk. " "[english]opening.cit_bench04" "You're scaring off the pigeons. " "opening.cit_blocker_getin" "Herind, hurtigt! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_getin" "Get in here, quick! " "opening.cit_blocker_go01" "Kom i gang! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go01" "Get going! " "opening.cit_blocker_go02" "Kom nu! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go02" "Go on! " "opening.cit_blocker_go03" "Kom i gang! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_go03" "Get going! " "opening.cit_blocker_holdem" "Fortsæt, jeg holder dem. " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_holdem" "Go on, I'll hold 'em. " "opening.cit_blocker_roof" "Fortsæt. Op på taget! " "[english]opening.cit_blocker_roof" "Keep moving. Head for the roof! " "opening.cit_breenagain" "Dr. Breen igen? Jeg håbede at have set det sidste til ham i by 14. " "[english]opening.cit_breenagain" "Dr. Breen again? I was hoping I'd seen the last of him in City 14. " "opening.cit_cell_coupon" "Det må være en fejltagelse. Jeg fik en almindelig forflyttelseskupon, præcis som alle andre. " "[english]opening.cit_cell_coupon" "This must be a mistake. I got a standard relocation coupon, just like everybody else. " "opening.cit_couch_use05" "Hvad sker der? " "[english]opening.cit_couch_use05" "What's going on? " "opening.cit_drunk" "Var det dig, der bankede? Jeg vidste ikke, at vi havde en dør endnu. " "[english]opening.cit_drunk" "Was that you knocking? I didn't even know we still had a door. " "opening.cit_fence_onlyones" "Var I de eneste på det tog? " "[english]opening.cit_fence_onlyones" "Were you the only ones on that train? " "opening.cit_fence_woods" "Overwatch standsede vores tog i skoven, og tog min mand med til forhør. De sagde, at han ville komme med næste tog. Jeg er ikke sikker på, hvornår det var. De er da flinke, at jeg sådan for lov at vente på ham. " "[english]opening.cit_fence_woods" "Overwatch stopped our train in the woods and took my husband for questioning. They said he'd be on the next train. I'm not sure when that was. They're being nice, though, letting me wait for him. " "opening.cit_foodline01" "Køen begynder for enden. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline01" "The line starts at the end. " "opening.cit_foodline02" "Du må vente på din tur som alle andre. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline02" "You'll have to wait your turn like everybody else. " "opening.cit_foodline03" "Man skal sgu være sulten for at stå i kø for det her lort. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline03" "You gotta be damn hungry to wait in line for this crap. " "opening.cit_foodline04" "Jeg ved ikke med dig, men jeg er klar til at slutte mig til civilbeskyttelsen bare for at få et ordentligt måltid. " "[english]opening.cit_foodline04" "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to join Civil Protection just to get a decent meal. " "opening.cit_hall_psst" "Psst! Hey, du! Herinde! " "[english]opening.cit_hall_psst" "Psst! Hey you! In here! " "opening.cit_hall_roof" "Op på taget! Der er ingen tid at spilde! " "[english]opening.cit_hall_roof" "Head for the roof! There's no time to lose! " "opening.cit_hit01" "Hold op med det! " "[english]opening.cit_hit01" "Cut it out! " "opening.cit_hit02" "Stop det der! " "[english]opening.cit_hit02" "Stop that! " "opening.cit_hit03" "Pas lige på, ik'? " "[english]opening.cit_hit03" "Watch it, will ya? " "opening.cit_hit04" "Ikke mere! " "[english]opening.cit_hit04" "No more! " "opening.cit_hit05" "Det rækker nu. " "[english]opening.cit_hit05" "That's enough of that. " "opening.cit_lug_allihave" "Men det her er alt, hvad jeg har tilbage... " "[english]opening.cit_lug_allihave" "But this stuff, it's all I have left... " "opening.cit_lug_allright" "Godt, jeg flytter mig. Helt ærligt. " "[english]opening.cit_lug_allright" "All right, I'm moving. Jeez. " "opening.cit_nerve" "Jeg samler mod til at fortsætte. " "[english]opening.cit_nerve" "I'm working up the nerve to go on. " "opening.cit_pacing" "... De afgår altid, men ankommer aldrig... og de, der ankommer... de afgår aldrig... man ser dem aldrig køre, de er altid fulde... ingen kommer nogensinde ud, men de er altid... de afgår altid, men de ankommer aldrig... " "[english]opening.cit_pacing" "...They're always departing but they never arrive... and the ones that do arrive... they never leave... you never see them go they're always full... no one ever gets on but they're always... they're always departing but they never arrive... " "opening.cit_pedestrian01" "Ny i byen, ikke? " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian01" "New in town, aren't ya? " "opening.cit_pedestrian02" "Et godt råd: Hold det for dig selv. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian02" "Word to the wise: keep it to yourself. " "opening.cit_pedestrian03" "Hvis jeg taler med dig herude, får vi begge problemer. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian03" "If I talk to you out here, we'll both be in trouble. " "opening.cit_pedestrian04" "Vi må ikke blive set talende sammen. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian04" "We can't be seen talking to each other. " "opening.cit_pedestrian05" "Jeg ville gerne hjælpe, men det er udelukket. " "[english]opening.cit_pedestrian05" "I'd like to help you, but it's out of the question. " "opening.cit_raid_findone" "Bare rolig, de finder én. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_findone" "Don't worry, they'll find one. " "opening.cit_raid_reason" "De har ingen grund til at komme til os. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_reason" "They have no reason to come to our place. " "opening.cit_raid_start" "Sådan begynder det altid. Først en bygning, så hele karreen. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_start" "This is how it always starts. First a building, then the whole block. " "opening.cit_raid_use01" "Bare vær glad for, at du ikke bor der. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_use01" "Just be glad you don't live there. " "opening.cit_raid_use02" "Hvis du leder efter et sted at bo, må du hellere fortsætte. " "[english]opening.cit_raid_use02" "If you're looking for a place to stay, you better keep going. " "opening.cit_tookcase" "De tog også din kuffert! De slipper ikke af sted med det meget længere. " "[english]opening.cit_tookcase" "I see they took your suitcase too! They can't get away with this much longer. " "opening.cit_tooloud" "Det ville jeg ikke sige alt for højt. Det her er hans operationsbase. " "[english]opening.cit_tooloud" "I wouldn't say that too loud. This is his base of operations. " "opening.cit_train_endline" "Tja, endestationen. " "[english]opening.cit_train_endline" "Well, end of the line. " "opening.cit_train_geton" "Jeg så dig ikke stige på. " "[english]opening.cit_train_geton" "I didn't see you get on. " "opening.cit_train_hookup" "Vi kan måske mødes senere. " "[english]opening.cit_train_hookup" "Maybe we can hook up later. " "opening.cit_train_reloc" "Uanset hvor mange gange, jeg bliver genhuset – jeg vænner mig aldrig til det. " "[english]opening.cit_train_reloc" "No matter how many times I've been relocated, I never get used to it. " "opening.cit_water" "Drik ikke vandet. De hælder noget i det, så man glemmer. Jeg husker ikke engang, hvordan jeg kom hertil. " "[english]opening.cit_water" "Don't drink the water. They put something in it to make you forget. I don't even remember how I got here. " "opening.cit_window_cop" "Åh, jeg troede, du var betjent. " "[english]opening.cit_window_cop" "Oh, I thought you were a cop. " "opening.cit_window_hope" "Bare denne ene gang håber jeg, du tager fejl. " "[english]opening.cit_window_hope" "Just this once I hope you're wrong. " "opening.cit_window_look" "Se dem dernede. " "[english]opening.cit_window_look" "Look at them down there. " "opening.cit_window_stand" "Han er en af os. " "[english]opening.cit_window_stand" "He's one of us. " "opening.cit_window_use01" "Det ser ikke godt ud. " "[english]opening.cit_window_use01" "This doesn't look good. " "opening.cit_window_use02" "De kommer helt sikkert herind! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use02" "They're definitely coming in here! " "opening.cit_window_use03" "Det var bare et spørgsmål om tid! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use03" "It was just a matter of time! " "opening.cit_window_use04" "Det var så resten af nabolaget! " "[english]opening.cit_window_use04" "Here goes the rest of the neighborhood! " "opening.cit_window_usnext" "Jeg sagde jo, at de ville tage os som de næste! " "[english]opening.cit_window_usnext" "I told you they'd be coming for us next! " "opening.husb_allright" "Det er i orden. " "[english]opening.husb_allright" "It's all right. " "opening.husb_dontworry" "Bare rolig. " "[english]opening.husb_dontworry" "Don't worry. " "opening.husb_okay" "Alt bli'r godt igen. " "[english]opening.husb_okay" "Everything's going to be okay. " "opening.husb_think" "Vi finder på noget. " "[english]opening.husb_think" "We'll think of something. " "opening.wife_canttake" "Jeg holder det ikke ud længere. " "[english]opening.wife_canttake" "I can't take it anymore. " "opening.wife_end" "Hvornår slutter det hele? " "[english]opening.wife_end" "When is it all going to end? " "opening.wife_please" "Hør nu! " "[english]opening.wife_please" "Please! " "opening.wife_whattodo" "Hvad skal vi gøre? " "[english]opening.wife_whattodo" "What are we going to do? " "plaza.citizen_beating" "*smerte*" "[english]plaza.citizen_beating" "*pain*" "ravenholm.aimforhead" "Sigt efter hovedet! " "[english]ravenholm.aimforhead" "Aim for the head! " "ravenholm.attic_apologize" "Åh, det er dig, broder! Jeg undskylder! Ingen skade sket. Mine projektiler er dit mindste problem." "[english]ravenholm.attic_apologize" "Ah, it is you, brother! I apologize! But no harm done. My bullets are the least of your concerns. " "ravenholm.bucket_almost" "Næsten der, broder!" "[english]ravenholm.bucket_almost" "Almost there, brother! " "ravenholm.bucket_brake" "Håndbremsen, broder! Slæk den, og kom ned! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_brake" "The hand-brake, brother! Release it and come down! " "ravenholm.bucket_guardwell" "Beskyt dig omhyggeligt! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_guardwell" "Guard yourself well! " "ravenholm.bucket_patience" "Tålmodighed, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_patience" "Patience, brother! " "ravenholm.bucket_stepin" "Nu, broder! Træd ind i vognen! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_stepin" "Now, brother! Step into the cart! " "ravenholm.bucket_thereyouare" "Ah, der er du! Endelig! " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_thereyouare" "Ah, there you are! At last! " "ravenholm.bucket_waited" "Jeg sender vognen efter dig, broder. Det tager bare et øjeblik. " "[english]ravenholm.bucket_waited" "I will send the cart for you, brother. It will be but a moment. " "ravenholm.cartrap_better" "Bedre og bedre! " "[english]ravenholm.cartrap_better" "Better and better! " "ravenholm.cartrap_iamgrig" "Jeg er fader Grigori! Du har allerede mødt min menighed. " "[english]ravenholm.cartrap_iamgrig" "I am Father Grigori! You have already met my congregation. " "ravenholm.engage01" "Ja, kom til mig! Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage01" "Yes, come to me! Come! " "ravenholm.engage02" "Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage02" "Come! " "ravenholm.engage03" "Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage03" "Come! " "ravenholm.engage04" "Jeg gør en ende på pinslerne! " "[english]ravenholm.engage04" "I will end your torment! " "ravenholm.engage05" "Lad mig gøre en ende på pinslerne! " "[english]ravenholm.engage05" "Let me end your torment! " "ravenholm.engage06" "Ja, mine børn, der er mig! " "[english]ravenholm.engage06" "Yes, my children, it is I! " "ravenholm.engage07" "Kom til det lys, jeg bærer! Kom! " "[english]ravenholm.engage07" "Come to the light I carry! Come! " "ravenholm.engage08" "Det er ikke mig, I vil ha' men det lys, der skinner igennem mig! " "[english]ravenholm.engage08" "It is not me you want, but the light that shines through me! " "ravenholm.engage09" "Kom til lyset! " "[english]ravenholm.engage09" "Come to the light! " "ravenholm.exit_darkroad" "Farvel, broder! Jeg frygter, at jeg bringer dig til et mørkere sted. Må lysets lys oplyse din vej. " "[english]ravenholm.exit_darkroad" "Farewell, Brother! I fear I deliver you to a darker place. May the Light of Lights illuminate your path. " "ravenholm.exit_goquickly" "Af sted, hurtigt! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_goquickly" "Go quickly! " "ravenholm.exit_hurry" "Hurtigt, mens jeg holder porten! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_hurry" "Hurry while I hold the gate! " "ravenholm.exit_nag01" "Flygt, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_nag01" "Flee, brother! " "ravenholm.exit_nag02" "Videre til minerne! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_nag02" "Onward to the mines! " "ravenholm.exit_salvation" "Se efter din egen frelse! " "[english]ravenholm.exit_salvation" "Look to your own salvation! " "ravenholm.firetrap_freeuse" "Brug mine fælder, men pas på ikke selv at gå i dem. " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_freeuse" "Make free use of my traps, but take care not to fall in them yourself. " "ravenholm.firetrap_lookout" "Pas på, broder! Bag dig! " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_lookout" "Look out, brother! Behind you! " "ravenholm.firetrap_vigil" "I Ravenholm gør du klogt i at være på vagt. " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_vigil" "In Ravenholm, you do well to be vigilant. " "ravenholm.firetrap_welldone" "Godt gjort, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.firetrap_welldone" "Well done, brother! " "ravenholm.grave_follow" "Følg mig, broder. Og træd forsigtigt. Thi dette er hellig jord. " "[english]ravenholm.grave_follow" "Follow me, brother. And tread lightly. For this is hallowed ground. " "ravenholm.grave_stayclose" "Bliv tæt ved mig, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.grave_stayclose" "Stay close to me, brother! " "ravenholm.madlaugh01" "*latter*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh01" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh02" "*latter*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh02" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh03" "*latter*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh03" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.madlaugh04" "*latter*" "[english]ravenholm.madlaugh04" "*laughter*" "ravenholm.monk_blocked01" "Af vejen! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked01" "Out of my way! " "ravenholm.monk_blocked02" "Pas på! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked02" "Look out! " "ravenholm.monk_blocked03" "Træd til side, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_blocked03" "Stand aside, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme01" "Dæk mig, broder. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme01" "Cover me, brother. " "ravenholm.monk_coverme02" "Din hjælp, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme02" "Your assistance, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme03" "Herover, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme03" "Over here, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme04" "Til mig, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme04" "To me, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme05" "Jeg behøver din hjælp, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme05" "I require your assistance, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_coverme07" "Hvor est du, broder? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_coverme07" "Where art thou, brother? " "ravenholm.monk_danger01" "Pas på! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger01" "Look out! " "ravenholm.monk_danger02" "Forsigtig! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger02" "Beware! " "ravenholm.monk_danger03" "Forsigtig, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_danger03" "Careful, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_death07" "Agh! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_death07" "Agh! " "ravenholm.monk_followme" "Følg mig. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_followme" "Follow me. " "ravenholm.monk_giveammo01" "Her, broder! Ammunition! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_giveammo01" "Here, brother! Ammunition! " "ravenholm.monk_givehealth01" "Helbred eder selv, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_givehealth01" "Heal thyself, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme01" "Jeg er i undertal! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme01" "I am outnumbered! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme02" "Hjælp mig, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme02" "Help me, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme03" "Jeg kan ikke klare dem alle sammen alene! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme03" "I cannot fight them all alone! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme04" "Giv en hånd, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme04" "Lend a hand, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_helpme05" "Jeg behøver hjælp, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_helpme05" "I need help, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_kill01" "Stakkels eder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill01" "Woe to thee! " "ravenholm.monk_kill02" "Stakkels eder, barn! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill02" "Woe betide thee, child! " "ravenholm.monk_kill03" "Hvil, mit barn. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill03" "Rest, my child. " "ravenholm.monk_kill04" "Jeg tænker ikke ringere om eder. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill04" "I think no worse of thee. " "ravenholm.monk_kill05" "Må lysets lys være med dig. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill05" "May the Light of Lights be with you. " "ravenholm.monk_kill06" "Det var ikke ondt ment. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill06" "You meant no harm. " "ravenholm.monk_kill07" "Vend tilbage til din sande natur. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill07" "Return to your true nature. " "ravenholm.monk_kill08" "Balsam til din lidelse, barn. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill08" "Balm for your affliction, child. " "ravenholm.monk_kill09" "Vær fri, mit barn! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill09" "Be free, my child! " "ravenholm.monk_kill10" "Graven rummer intet værre for dig. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill10" "The grave holds nothing worse for you. " "ravenholm.monk_kill11" "Jeg husker dit sande ansigt! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_kill11" "I remember your true face! " "ravenholm.monk_mourn01" "Tja, broder, hvis jeg overlever denne nat, bygger jeg dig et ægte bål. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn01" "Well, brother, if I survive this night, I shall build you an honest pyre. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn02" "Åh lysets lys! Hvorfor har du taget min hjælper? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn02" "Oh Light of Lights! Why have you taken my helper? " "ravenholm.monk_mourn03" "Så... igen er jeg alene. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn03" "So... again I am alone. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn04" "Tja, broder... du har fundet en anden udgang fra Kaosets Hus. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn04" "Well, brother... you have found another egress from the House of Chaos. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn05" "Hvil nu, broder. Thi du vil med sikkerhed leve igen. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn05" "Rest now, brother. For you will surely live again. " "ravenholm.monk_mourn06" "Rejs dig, broder. Rejs dig! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn06" "Rise, brother. Rise! " "ravenholm.monk_mourn07" "Lev igen, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_mourn07" "Live again, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_overhere" "Herover, broder. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_overhere" "Over here, brother. " "ravenholm.monk_pain01" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain01" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain02" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain02" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain03" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain03" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain04" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain04" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain05" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain05" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain06" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain06" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain07" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain07" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain08" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain08" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain09" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain09" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain10" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain10" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_pain12" "*smerte!*" "[english]ravenholm.monk_pain12" "*pain!*" "ravenholm.monk_quicklybro" "Hurtigt, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_quicklybro" "Quickly, brother! " "ravenholm.monk_rant01" "Uretfærdighedens snarer er snedige, men ved lysets lys, mine er bedre endnu. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant01" "Iniquity's snares are cunning, but by the Light of Lights, mine are greater still. " "ravenholm.monk_rant02" "Stakkels alle, thi vores opholdssted er fjernt, og vi vandrer igennem kaosets domicil. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant02" "Woe to all, for our dwelling place is distant, and we wander through the domiciles of Chaos. " "ravenholm.monk_rant03" "Min kraft blev tabt på steder, der ikke var mine. Lidelse hjemsøgte mig, og de nådesløse angreb mig uden formål. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant03" "My power was lost in places which were not mine. Affliction besought me, and the merciless ones attacked me without cause. " "ravenholm.monk_rant04" "Selv om de kalder mig vanvittig, interesserer det mig ej, thi du er min hjælper, min styrke og min frelser. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant04" "Although they call me crazy I care not, for thou art my helper, my strength, and my saviour. " "ravenholm.monk_rant05" "Din vilje ske, oh lysets lys. Jeg velsigner eders storheds hæder den udstrakte dag og igennem denne nats mørke. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant05" "Thy will be done, Oh Light of Lights. I bless the glory of thy greatness all the day and through the darkness of this night. " "ravenholm.monk_rant06" "Jeg beder til, at jeg aldrig vender eders lys bort. Hør efter mig, og udløs eders fælder på mine fjender, når jeg kalder på eder. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant06" "I pray do never turn away thy light. Give heed to me, and spring thy traps upon my enemies when I cry out to thee. " "ravenholm.monk_rant07" "Thi det blev sagt, at de var blevet som de sære dæmoner, som dvæler i materie, men i hvem intet lys er at finde. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant07" "For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found. " "ravenholm.monk_rant08" "Vend ikke eders ansigt bort fra mig; giv mig eders øre, og lyt efter mig, når jeg råber op i pine. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant08" "Turn not thy face away from me; incline thy ear and hear me when I shall cry to thee in my affliction. " "ravenholm.monk_rant09" "Thi mit livs dage er forsvundet som røg, og mine knogler er indtørret som aske, og lad alle mine urenheder være som brændstof for branden, indtil intet resterer ud over selve lyset. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant09" "For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone. " "ravenholm.monk_rant10" "Min stønnens stemme har min knogle kløvet til mit kød. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant10" "From the voice of my groaning my bone has cleaved to my flesh. " "ravenholm.monk_rant11" "Thi min sjæl er fyldt med ondskab, og skal udrenses som dette sted. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant11" "For my soul is filled with evil, and like this place must be purged. " "ravenholm.monk_rant12" "Thi de døde finder ingen hvile i deres grave, ej heller husker du dem, før de er tilintetgjort ved min hånd. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant12" "For the dead know no sleep in their graves, nor dost thou remember them, until they are destroyed through thy hands. " "ravenholm.monk_rant13" "Jeg er lagt i et mørkets hul og dødens skygge. Og eders vrede har tynget mig; og alle eders bekymringer er kommet over mig. Og fra denne seng, råber jeg ud på næringen af eders lys! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant13" "I have been laid down in a pit of darknesses and the shadow of death. And thy anger has pressed down upon me; and all thy cares have come down upon me. And from this bed I cry out for the kindling of thy Light! " "ravenholm.monk_rant14" "Og hvilke forfærdelige undere er de, som de har gjort blandt de døde. Hvilke skygger rejser sig for at bekende dig, og hvilke gestalter skal kende eder ved eders navn? " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant14" "And what terrible wonders are these those hast done among the dead. What shades rise to confess thee, and what specters shall know thee by thy name? " "ravenholm.monk_rant15" "Åh lys, må eders navn blive talt i gravene og skrevet i knogler og aske! " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant15" "Oh Light, may thy name be spoken in the graves, and spelled in bones and ashes! " "ravenholm.monk_rant16" "Eders raseri er kommet ned over mig, og eders frygt har rystet mig. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant16" "Thy rages have come down upon me, and thy fears have agitated me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant17" "Døm de, som begår uret imod mig; kæmp med dem, der kæmper med mig. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant17" "Judge those who do injustice to me; fight with those who fight with me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant18" "Grib et våben og skjold, og stig op for at hjælpe mig. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant18" "Take hold of a weapon and shield, and rise to help me. " "ravenholm.monk_rant19" "Drag frem et sværd, og begrav det i dem, der piner mig; sig til min sjæl: Jeg er din frelse. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant19" "Draw forth a sword and sheathe it in those that afflict me; say to my soul: I am thy salvation. " "ravenholm.monk_rant20" "Må de blive som støv for vinden; må Herrens engel forfølge dem. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant20" "May they become like dust before the wind; may the angel of the Lord pursue them. " "ravenholm.monk_rant21" "Må deres veje blive mørke og usikre; og må Herrens engel bringe dem lidelse. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant21" "May their paths become dark and slippery; and may the angel of the Lord afflict them. " "ravenholm.monk_rant22" "Må den snare, de ikke kender, komme til dem; og må det net, de har gemt for mig, fange dem i mit sted. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_rant22" "May the snare which they do not know come to them; and may the net, which they have hidden for me, catch them in my place. " "ravenholm.monk_stayclosebro" "Bliv nær ved, broder. " "[english]ravenholm.monk_stayclosebro" "Stay close, brother. " "ravenholm.pyre_anotherlife" "Men hvem er dette? Endnu et liv at redde? " "[english]ravenholm.pyre_anotherlife" "But who is this? Another life to save? " "ravenholm.pyre_keepeye" "Jeg holder øje med dig. Mere end det kan jeg ikke love. " "[english]ravenholm.pyre_keepeye" "I'll keep my eye on you. More than that, I cannot promise. " "ravenholm.shotgun_advice" "Mit råd til dig er... sigt efter hovedet! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_advice" "My advice to you is... aim for the head! " "ravenholm.shotgun_bettergun" "Her, jeg har et bedre egnet våben til dig. Du får brug for det." "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_bettergun" "Here, I have a more suitable gun for you. You'll need it. " "ravenholm.shotgun_catch" "Grib! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_catch" "Catch! " "ravenholm.shotgun_closer" "Kom tættere på. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_closer" "Come closer. " "ravenholm.shotgun_hush" "Stille! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_hush" "Hush! " "ravenholm.shotgun_keepitclose" "Godt. Hold den nu tæt på. " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_keepitclose" "Good. Now keep it close. " "ravenholm.shotgun_moveon" "Der er ingen hvile i Ravenholm. Fortsæt, og jeg møder dig ved kirken! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_moveon" "There is no rest in Ravenholm. Move on and I will meet you at the church! " "ravenholm.shotgun_overhere" "Her, broder! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_overhere" "Here, brother! " "ravenholm.shotgun_stirreduphell" "Du har hvirvlet op i helvede! En mand lige efter mit hoved! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_stirreduphell" "You've stirred up Hell! A man after my own heart! " "ravenholm.shotgun_theycome" "De kommer! " "[english]ravenholm.shotgun_theycome" "They come! " "ravenholm.wrongside_howcome" "Hvorledes kom du her, broder? " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_howcome" "How came you here, brother? " "ravenholm.wrongside_mendways" "Få styr på dine sager, før det er for sent! " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_mendways" "Mend your ways, before it is too late! " "ravenholm.wrongside_seekchurch" "Sagde jeg ikke, at du skulle søge til kirken? " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_seekchurch" "Did I not tell you to seek the church? " "ravenholm.wrongside_town" "Det her er den forkerte del af byen for dig! " "[english]ravenholm.wrongside_town" "This is the wrong side of town for you! " "ravenholm.yard_greetings" "Vær hilset, broder! Og så mødes vi omsider. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_greetings" "Greetings, brother! And so we meet at last. " "ravenholm.yard_shepherd" "Og for mig... En hyrde må se efter sin flok. Især når de er blevet uregerlige. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_shepherd" "As for me... A shepherd must tend to his flock. Especially when they have grown unruly. " "ravenholm.yard_suspect" "Jeg mistænker, at du ikke ønsker at blive i Ravenholm, så jeg viser dig til minerne. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_suspect" "I suspect you have little wish to remain in Ravenholm, so I will show you to the mines. " "ravenholm.yard_traps" "Du fortjener ros for at undgå mine fælder. Arbejde udført af en mand, der engang havde for meget tid, og som nu kun har tid til frelsende arbejde. " "[english]ravenholm.yard_traps" "You are to be commended for avoiding my traps. The work of a man who once had too much time on his hands, and now finds time for nothing but the work of salvation. " "rubble.ba_comebackdog" "Her knægt, Dog! Kom tilbage, Dog! " "[english]rubble.ba_comebackdog" "Here boy, Dog! come back here, Dog! " "rubble.ba_damnitall" "Til helvede med det hele! " "[english]rubble.ba_damnitall" "Damn it all! " "rubble.ba_dogwantsyou" "Jeg tror, han vil have dig til at gå igennem, Gordon. Skynd dig hellere. " "[english]rubble.ba_dogwantsyou" "I think he wants you to go through, Gordon. You'd better hurry. " "rubble.ba_gordon" "Gordon! " "[english]rubble.ba_gordon" "Gordon! " "rubble.ba_helpmeout" "Hey! Hjælp mig her! " "[english]rubble.ba_helpmeout" "Hey! Help me out here! " "rubble.ba_illbedamned" "Ja, det var fandens. " "[english]rubble.ba_illbedamned" "Well, I'll be damned. " "rubble.ba_lookingforalyx" "Dog kom styrtende over pladsen, væltede vægge og... han leder vist efter Alyx. Han har vist fået ind i knolden, at hun er i citadellet. " "[english]rubble.ba_lookingforalyx" "Dog came crashing through the plaza, knocking over walls and...I think he's looking for Alyx. He seems to have it set in his head that she's in the Citadel. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall01" "Gå bare igennem, Gordon. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall01" "Go on through, Gordon. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall02" "Kom hellere i gang, Gordon. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall02" "Better get going, Gordon. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall03" "Jeg holder dem stangen. Du må hellere komme af sted. " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall03" "I'll hold 'em off. You'd better get going. " "rubble.ba_nag_wall04" "Kom nu! " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall04" "Go on! " "rubble.ba_nag_wall05" "Hey, af sted! " "[english]rubble.ba_nag_wall05" "Hey, go! " "rubble.ba_nottheredog" "Hey, Dog! Ikke der! Du kan ikke komme igennem den vej! " "[english]rubble.ba_nottheredog" "Hey, Dog! Not there! You can't get through that way! " "rubble.ba_tellbreen" "Og hvis du ser dr. Breen, så hils ham og sig \"Fu----ig!\"" "[english]rubble.ba_tellbreen" "And if you see Dr. Breen, tell him I said, 'Fu----ou!' " "rubble.ba_trystoppinghim" "Jeg regnede ikke med, at Alyx ville ha' ham i flere problemer, men... For fanden, prøv du at stoppe ham! " "[english]rubble.ba_trystoppinghim" "I figured Alyx wouldn't want him getting any deeper in trouble, but... Hell, you try stopping him! " "rubble.ba_youhurryon" "Åh nej. Jeg bli'r her. Skynd dig videre. Held og lykke deroppe, Gordon! " "[english]rubble.ba_youhurryon" "Uh oh. I'll stay here. You hurry on. Good luck up there, Gordon! " "rubble.cit_cache" "Vi er næsten ved citadellets mur, Doc. Jeg aner ikke, hvordan fanden vi kommer igennem, men du er da kommet så vidt. Du finder nok ud af noget. " "[english]rubble.cit_cache" "We're almost to the Citadel wall, Doc. I don't know how the hell we're going to breach it, but you've made it this far. I'm sure you'll think of something. " "rubble.cit_striders" "Dr. Freeman! Det er et værre rod derude. Så tæt på citadellet har de overdraget gaderne til striderne. Jeg tror, vi kan tvinge dem tilbage, hvis vi kan opnå en højdefordel. " "[english]rubble.cit_striders" "Dr. Freeman! It's a mess out there. This close to the Citadel they've turned the streets over to Striders. I think we can push them back if we can just get to high ground. " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse01" "Hen til hesten! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse01" "Head for the horse! " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse02" "Vi må hen til hesten! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse02" "We have to get to the horse! " "rubble.d3_c17_13_horse03" "Lad os mødes ved hesten! " "[english]rubble.d3_c17_13_horse03" "Let's meet up at the horse! " "sandtrap.sandy_asyougo" "Husk at blive væk fra sandet. Antlionerne er irritable lige nu. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_asyougo" "Remember to stay off the sand. The antlions are edgy right now. " "sandtrap.sandy_dontmove" "Laszlo, rør dig ikke! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_dontmove" "Laszlo, don't move! " "sandtrap.sandy_dontstep" "Træd ikke på sandet! Det gør antlionerne vanvittige! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_dontstep" "Don't step on the sand! It makes the antlions crazy! " "sandtrap.sandy_goahead" "Fortsæt bare. Jeg håber, du har bedre held, end vi havde." "[english]sandtrap.sandy_goahead" "Go ahead. I hope you have better luck than we had. " "sandtrap.sandy_help" "Nej! Hjælp! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_help" "No! Help! " "sandtrap.sandy_holdstill" "Lig stille, Laszlo! Der kommer nogen! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_holdstill" "Hold still, Laszlo! Someone's coming! " "sandtrap.sandy_poorlaszlo" "Gode Gud! Arme Laszlo! Hans generations fineste hjerne – at ende på den måde. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_poorlaszlo" "Dear God! Poor Laszlo! The finest mind of his generation, come to such an end. " "sandtrap.sandy_stop" "Stop på stedet! Bliv på klipperne! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_stop" "Stop where you are! Stay on the rocks! " "sandtrap.sandy_vortcamp" "Vi var på vej til vortigaunt-lejren, hvor vi håbede at få insektmadding, så de fandens tingester ville lade os være i fred. Men uden Laszlo, hvad nytter det så?" "[english]sandtrap.sandy_vortcamp" "We were heading to the vortigaunt camp, hoping to pick up some bugbait so these damn things would leave us alone. But without Laszlo what's the point? " "sandtrap.sandy_youidiot" "Din idiot! Hvis du går på sandet, kommer antlionerne efter dig! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youidiot" "You idiot! Walking on the sand brings antlions after you! " "sandtrap.sandy_youthere" "Du der! " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youthere" "You, there! " "sandtrap.sandy_youtried" "Jeg ved, du forsøgte at hjælpe. Jeg bliver hos ham lidt. Der er noget, jeg skal ha' ordnet. " "[english]sandtrap.sandy_youtried" "I know you tried to help. I'll stay with him awhile. There's something I have to do. " "sniper.cit_greeting" "Dr. Freeman! Barney sagde, at du var på vej. Vi kom fra hinanden pga. snigskytter, og han sidder fast i en lagerbygning der fremme. Fortsæt bare. Han regner med dig. " "[english]sniper.cit_greeting" "Dr. Freeman! Barney said you were on the way. We got split up by snipers, and he's pinned down in a warehouse up ahead. Go ahead. He's relying on you. " "sniper.cit_savebarney" "Du er Barneys gamle ven, ikke? Måske kan du hjælpe ham. Snigskytterne fangede ham på taget af det lager. Han ville hente granater, men han kan nok ikke komme til dem nu. Fortsæt, dr. Freeman. " "[english]sniper.cit_savebarney" "You're Barney's old friend, aren't you? Maybe you can help him. Snipers trapped him on that warehouse roof. He was going for a cache of grenades, but I doubt he can get to them now. Go on, Dr. Freeman. " "streetwar.al_ah" "Ah! " "[english]streetwar.al_ah" "Ah! " "streetwar.al_ahno" "Åh, nej! " "[english]streetwar.al_ahno" "Ah, no! " "streetwar.al_almostdone" "Næsten færdig." "[english]streetwar.al_almostdone" "Almost done." "streetwar.al_bridge01" "Broen, vi skal over, er på den anden side af den port." "[english]streetwar.al_bridge01" "The bridge we've gotta cross is beyond that gate." "streetwar.al_bridge02" "Jeg kan hacke portstyringen og holde den åben, til vi er igennem, men jeg behøver dækning, mens jeg arbejder." "[english]streetwar.al_bridge02" "I can hack the gate controls and hold it open till we're through, but you're gonna have to watch my back while I'm working." "streetwar.al_cmoncmon" "Kom nu, kom nu. " "[english]streetwar.al_cmoncmon" "Come on, come on. " "streetwar.al_comeon03_r" "Kom nu, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.al_comeon03_r" "Come on, Gordon! " "streetwar.al_commandcenter" "Der er et kommandocenter nedenunder. Jeg håber at finde information om generatorlokaliteter. " "[english]streetwar.al_commandcenter" "There's a command center downstairs. I'm hoping to find information about generator locations. " "streetwar.al_coreexposed" "Ok, kernen er blotlagt. " "[english]streetwar.al_coreexposed" "Okay, the core's exposed. " "streetwar.al_coreexposed_r" "Ok, kernen er blotlagt. " "[english]streetwar.al_coreexposed_r" "Okay, the core's exposed. " "streetwar.al_coupleminutes" "Det kan tage mig et par minutter at få porten under kontrol." "[english]streetwar.al_coupleminutes" "It could take me a couple minutes to take control of the gate." "streetwar.al_damn" "Forbandet!" "[english]streetwar.al_damn" "Damn!" "streetwar.al_disablegen" "Der var vi heldige. Der er en generator på torvet udenfor. Vi forsøger at deaktivere så mange som muligt for at slække Combines greb om denne sektor. " "[english]streetwar.al_disablegen" "Well, we're in luck. There's a generator in the square outside. We're trying to disable as many as we can to loosen the Combine's grip on this sector. " "streetwar.al_exposecore_a" "Det tager nogle minutter at få blotlagt kernen. " "[english]streetwar.al_exposecore_a" "It'll take me a few minutes to expose the core. " "streetwar.al_exposecore_b" "Derefter skal du gi’ den en salve med tyngdekraftvåbnet." "[english]streetwar.al_exposecore_b" "Then I'll need you to hit it with a burst from the gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_extshield" "Det var så det eksterne skjold. " "[english]streetwar.al_extshield" "There goes the external shield. " "streetwar.al_extshield_r" "Det var så det eksterne skjold. " "[english]streetwar.al_extshield_r" "There goes the external shield. " "streetwar.al_farside" "Okay. Barney skulle være på den fjerne side af den... kanal. " "[english]streetwar.al_farside" "Okay. Barney should be on the far side of that... canal. " "streetwar.al_firstbit" "Første del er klar." "[english]streetwar.al_firstbit" "First bit's done." "streetwar.al_gateisopen_r" "Porten er åben. " "[english]streetwar.al_gateisopen_r" "The gate is open. " "streetwar.al_getoverhere" "Kom herover! " "[english]streetwar.al_getoverhere" "Get over here! " "streetwar.al_goingthru01" "I stedet for at gå over den " "[english]streetwar.al_goingthru01" "Looks like instead of going over it " "streetwar.al_goingthru02" "må vi vist igennem. " "[english]streetwar.al_goingthru02" "we'll be going through. " "streetwar.al_goodletsgo" "Godt. Af sted." "[english]streetwar.al_goodletsgo" "Good. Let's go." "streetwar.al_gordonrun" "Gordon, løb! Kom væk herfra! " "[english]streetwar.al_gordonrun" "Gordon, run! Get out of here! " "streetwar.al_hadfeeling" "Gordon! Jeg anede nok, at du ville være her. " "[english]streetwar.al_hadfeeling" "Gordon! I had a feeling I'd find you here. " "streetwar.al_heregoes" "Godt, på med vanten." "[english]streetwar.al_heregoes" "All right, here goes." "streetwar.al_hey" "Hey! " "[english]streetwar.al_hey" "Hey! " "streetwar.al_hurry" "Skynd dig! " "[english]streetwar.al_hurry" "Hurry! " "streetwar.al_imwaiting_r" "Jeg venter, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.al_imwaiting_r" "I'm waiting, Gordon. " "streetwar.al_inshield" "Indre skjolde kommer ned. " "[english]streetwar.al_inshield" "Inner shields are coming down. " "streetwar.al_inshield_r" "Indre skjolde kommer ned. " "[english]streetwar.al_inshield_r" "Inner shields are coming down. " "streetwar.al_iwasafraid" "Jeg var bange for, at du ikke klarede den. " "[english]streetwar.al_iwasafraid" "I was afraid you weren't going to make it. " "streetwar.al_letsgo" "Klar? Af sted! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo" "Ready? Let's go! " "streetwar.al_letsgo01" "Af sted! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo01" "Let's go! " "streetwar.al_letsgo02_r" "Af sted! " "[english]streetwar.al_letsgo02_r" "Let's go! " "streetwar.al_no" "Nej! " "[english]streetwar.al_no" "No! " "streetwar.al_nottoolong" "Det her burde ikke vare længe. Så snart generatoren er nede, åbner jeg porten, så vi kan komme væk. " "[english]streetwar.al_nottoolong" "This shouldn't take too long. As soon as the generator's down, I'll open that gate and we can get out of here. " "streetwar.al_nowtobarney" "Jeg har dr. Kleiner et sikkert sted. Nu kan vi slutte os til Barney. " "[english]streetwar.al_nowtobarney" "I've got Dr. Kleiner in a safe spot. Now we can join up with Barney. " "streetwar.al_nowtricky" "Nu til den vanskelige del." "[english]streetwar.al_nowtricky" "Now for the tricky part." "streetwar.al_okthatsit" "Okay, sådan!" "[english]streetwar.al_okthatsit" "Okay, that's it!" "streetwar.al_okthisisit" "Okay, nu gælder det. Du tager den dør. Jeg tager den her. " "[english]streetwar.al_okthisisit" "Okay, this is it. You take that door. I'll take this one. " "streetwar.al_onemorebit" "En del til, og vi er klar." "[english]streetwar.al_onemorebit" "One more bit and we're ready." "streetwar.al_onewill01" " " "[english]streetwar.al_onewill01" " " "streetwar.al_onewill02" " " "[english]streetwar.al_onewill02" " " "streetwar.al_openinggate" "Godt, jeg åbner porten. " "[english]streetwar.al_openinggate" "All right, I'm opening the gate. " "streetwar.al_readywhenyou" "Klar, når du er. " "[english]streetwar.al_readywhenyou" "Ready when you are. " "streetwar.al_scout" "Lad mig se, om jeg kan finde en ny vej. " "[english]streetwar.al_scout" "Let me see if I can scout a new path. " "streetwar.al_standardpanel" "Det er et standardpanel. " "[english]streetwar.al_standardpanel" "It's a standard panel. " "streetwar.al_thankgod" "Gudskelov. " "[english]streetwar.al_thankgod" "Thank God. " "streetwar.al_thatsit" "Sådan. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatsit" "That's it. " "streetwar.al_thatsit_r" "Sådan. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatsit_r" "That's it. " "streetwar.al_thatway" "Lad os gå den vej. " "[english]streetwar.al_thatway" "Let's head that way. " "streetwar.al_thebridge" "Broen! " "[english]streetwar.al_thebridge" "The bridge! " "streetwar.al_thedeal" "Ok, det er det her, det gælder om." "[english]streetwar.al_thedeal" "Ok, here's the deal." "streetwar.al_there" "Der." "[english]streetwar.al_there" "There." "streetwar.al_theresbridge01" "Der er broen " "[english]streetwar.al_theresbridge01" "There's the bridge " "streetwar.al_theresbridge02" "Lad os komme over. " "[english]streetwar.al_theresbridge02" "Let's get across. " "streetwar.al_theysawus" "De så os! " "[english]streetwar.al_theysawus" "They saw us! " "streetwar.al_thrudownthere" "Ser ud til, at vi måske kan komme igennem dernede. " "[english]streetwar.al_thrudownthere" "Looks like we might be able to get through down there. " "streetwar.al_usedtobe" "Jo, der plejer at være en bro der. " "[english]streetwar.al_usedtobe" "Well, there used to be a bridge here. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun01" "Brug tyngdekraftvåbnet, Gordon." "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun01" "Use the gravity gun, Gordon. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun01_r" "Brug tyngdekraftvåbnet, Gordon." "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun01_r" "Use the gravity gun, Gordon." "streetwar.al_usegravgun02" "Kom, Gordon, giv kernen en tur. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun02" "Go on, Gordon, give the core a jolt. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun02_r" "Kom, Gordon, giv kernen en tur. " "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun02_r" "Go on, Gordon, give the core a jolt. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun03" "Gordon, ram kernen med dit tyngdekraftvåben." "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun03" "Gordon, hit the core with your gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_usegravgun03_r" "Gordon, ram kernen med dit tyngdekraftvåben." "[english]streetwar.al_usegravgun03_r" "Gordon, hit the core with your gravity gun. " "streetwar.al_waitforme" "Vent på mig her. " "[english]streetwar.al_waitforme" "Wait for me here. " "streetwar.al_watchmyback" "Giv mig rygdækning i mellemtiden. " "[english]streetwar.al_watchmyback" "In the meantime, watch my back. " "streetwar.al_whatnow01" "Hvad nu? " "[english]streetwar.al_whatnow01" "What now? " "streetwar.al_whatnow02" "Vi skal over den her kanal! " "[english]streetwar.al_whatnow02" "We have to get across this canal! " "streetwar.ba_allclearthxgordon" "Fri bane takket være Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_allclearthxgordon" "It's all clear, thanks to Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_cantmove" "Gordon, jeg kan ikke røre mig. De snigskytter har låst mig fast. " "[english]streetwar.ba_cantmove" "Gordon, I can't move. These snipers got me pinned down. " "streetwar.ba_gateclearance" "Lad mig ordne den her port. Min civilbeskyttelsesstatus giver mig stadig begrænset godkendelse. " "[english]streetwar.ba_gateclearance" "Let me get this gate. My Civil Protection status still gives me limited clearance. " "streetwar.ba_goodtohavehelp" "Rart at se dig, Gordon. Det bliver godt at have din hjælp til at komme ind i neksuset forude. " "[english]streetwar.ba_goodtohavehelp" "It's good to see ya, Gordon. It'll be good to have your help goin' into the nexus up ahead. " "streetwar.ba_hauntsme" "Den skide tingest forfølger mig. " "[english]streetwar.ba_hauntsme" "That damn thing haunts me. " "streetwar.ba_headhumpersgordon" "Pas på hovedkrammerne, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_headhumpersgordon" "Watch the headhumpers, Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_hearcat" "Hørte du lige en kat? " "[english]streetwar.ba_hearcat" "Did you hear a cat just now? " "streetwar.ba_heycomeon" "Hey, kom nu! " "[english]streetwar.ba_heycomeon" "Hey, come on! " "streetwar.ba_letsclearout" "Godt, tak, Gordon. Lad os nu komme væk. " "[english]streetwar.ba_letsclearout" "All right, thanks, Gordon. Now let's clear outta here. " "streetwar.ba_letsgetgoing" "Lad os komme i gang. " "[english]streetwar.ba_letsgetgoing" "Let's get going. " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade01" "Granaterne, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade01" "The grenades, Gordon! " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade02" "Hey, se på granaterne, gider du? " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade02" "Hey, look at the grenades, would ya? " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade03" "Hvad med en granat, Gordon? " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade03" "How about a grenade, Gordon? " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade04" "Gordon, kyl et par granater, det skal nok få dem ud. " "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade04" "Gordon, lob a couple grenades, that'll clear 'em out. " "streetwar.ba_nag_grenade05" "Gordon! Granater!" "[english]streetwar.ba_nag_grenade05" "Gordon! Grenades!" "streetwar.ba_onedown" "Én nede! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onedown" "One down! " "streetwar.ba_onedownonetogo" "Én nede, én tilbage, makker! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onedownonetogo" "That's one down, one to go, buddy! " "streetwar.ba_onemorenow" "I orden! Én til nu! Kom nu, Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.ba_onemorenow" "All right! One more now! Come on, Gordon! " "streetwar.ba_overhere" "Herovre! " "[english]streetwar.ba_overhere" "Over here! " "streetwar.ba_putsqueeze" " " "[english]streetwar.ba_putsqueeze" " " "streetwar.ba_returnhero" "Du er lidt af en tilbagevendende helt for tiden, Gordon. " "[english]streetwar.ba_returnhero" "You're quite the returning hero these days, Gordon. " "streetwar.ba_takeoutsnipers" "Gordon, ordn de snigskytter, gider du?! " "[english]streetwar.ba_takeoutsnipers" "Gordon, take out these snipers, would ya?! " "streetwar.c17_05_firepit_greet" "Dr. Freeman? Vi håbede på yderligere en kæmper til hjælp med den barrikade, men vi havde da ikke regnet med dig. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_firepit_greet" "Dr. Freeman? We hoped for one more fighter to help storm that barricade, but we never guessed it would be you. " "streetwar.c17_05_hoppers" "Hold øje med hopperne! De er over alt! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_hoppers" "Watch out for the hoppers. They're everywhere! " "streetwar.c17_05_letusthru" "Lad os komme igennem! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_letusthru" "Let us through! " "streetwar.c17_05_minehelp1" "Spild ikke hopperne, dr. Freeman. Vi kan bruge dem imod Combine. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_minehelp1" "Don't waste the hoppers, Dr. Freeman. We can use them against the Combine. " "streetwar.c17_05_minehelp2" "Hvis du kan få de hoppere op uden at detonere dem, kan du plante dem, hvor du vil. " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_minehelp2" "If you can get those hoppers up without setting them off, you can plant them wherever you want them. " "streetwar.c17_05_opengate" "Åbn porten! " "[english]streetwar.c17_05_opengate" "Open the gate! " "streetwar.c17_05_tail" "De er i halen på dig!" "[english]streetwar.c17_05_tail" "They're on our tail!" "streetwar.c17_06_det01" "Gordon Freeman? Det er dig, ikke? Giv mig et øjeblik, jeg lægger nogle ladninger og sprænger den her op. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det01" "Gordon Freeman? It is you, isn't it? Give me a minute, I'm gonna plant some charges and blow this open. " "streetwar.c17_06_det02" "Hvis du kan holde dem væk, er jeg næsten færdig her. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det02" "If you can hold them off, I'm almost done here. " "streetwar.c17_06_det03" "Okay, sidste ladning! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det03" "Okay, last charge! " "streetwar.c17_06_det04" "Pas på. Det ryger i luften! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det04" "Stand back. It's gonna blow! " "streetwar.c17_06_det05" "Kom igennem, Freeman. Og hurtigt. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_det05" "Come on through, Freeman. And hurry. " "streetwar.c17_06_keepcoming" "Manhack'erne myldrer bare frem. De stopper ikke! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_keepcoming" "The manhacks just keep coming. They're never gonna stop! " "streetwar.c17_06_keepmoving" "Fortsæt, dr. Freeman. Jeg sender besked, om at du kommer, og så ses vi forude. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_keepmoving" "Keep moving, Dr. Freeman. I'll send word you're coming, and see you up ahead. " "streetwar.c17_06_notsafe" "Dr. Freeman? Hvis du ledte efter et sted at søge dækning, er her ikke sikkert længere. De bombarderer os ad helvede til. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_notsafe" "Dr. Freeman? If you were looking for a place to hole up, it's not safe here anymore. They're shelling the hell out of us. " "streetwar.c17_06_password01" "Hey, det er mig. Åbn døren. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password01" "Hey, it's me. Open the door. " "streetwar.c17_06_password02" "Hvad er adgangskoden? " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password02" "What's the password? " "streetwar.c17_06_password03" "Adgangskode! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password03" "Password! " "streetwar.c17_06_password04" "Kom ind. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_password04" "Come on in. " "streetwar.c17_06_plank01" "Ok, kom over! " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_plank01" "Okay, come across! " "streetwar.c17_06_plank02" "Jeg må blive her, hvis nu der er andre, der skal over. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_plank02" "I've got to stay here in case anyone else needs to get across. " "streetwar.c17_06_tunnel_greet" "Dr. Freeman! Combine har delt vores forsyningstunnel i to. Hvis du slutter dig til os, prøver vi at løbe deres forpost over ende. " "[english]streetwar.c17_06_tunnel_greet" "Dr. Freeman! The Combine has cut our supply tunnel in two. If you'll join up with us, we'll take a stab at pushing through their outpost. " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_allover" "Bedre. Jeg troede, det var forbi for mig." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_allover" "That's better. I thought it was all over for me." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_cantmove" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_cantmove" " " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_gothru" "Gå bare igennem, Gordon." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_gothru" "Go on through, Gordon." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_headout" "Okay, lad os komme hen til porten, så åbner jeg den, mens kysten er klar." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_headout" "Okay, let's head for the gate and I'll open it while the coast is clear." "streetwar.c17_09_ba_medic" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_medic" " " "streetwar.c17_09_ba_needhelp" "Vi får brug for al mulig hjælp med neksuset forude." "[english]streetwar.c17_09_ba_needhelp" "We're going to need all the help we can get, dealing with the Nexus up ahead." "streetwar.c17_09_casualties" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_casualties" " " "streetwar.c17_09_cellar" "Hjælp! Hjælp mig! Vi troede, der var sikrere hernede. Vi kunne jo ikke vide, at stedet var inficeret. Resten af dem gik op, tog chancen med snigskytterne. De er nok stadig deroppe. " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellar" "Help! Help me! We thought we'd be safer down here. Little did we know the place was infested. Rest of 'em headed upstairs, took their chances with the snipers. I guess they're still up there. " "streetwar.c17_09_help01" "Hjælp!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help01" "Help!" "streetwar.c17_09_help02" "Hjælp mig!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help02" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_help03" "Er der nogen deroppe!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help03" "Is somebody up there!" "streetwar.c17_09_help04" "Hjælp mig!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_help04" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_med_greet" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_med_greet" " " "streetwar.c17_09_med_heal" " " "[english]streetwar.c17_09_med_heal" " " "streetwar.c17_10_heshere" "Det er Freeman, han er her! Luk os ud, vi er med jer. " "[english]streetwar.c17_10_heshere" "It's Freeman, he's here! Let us out, we'll throw in with you. " "streetwar.c17_10_letusout" "Hey, luk os ud herfra! " "[english]streetwar.c17_10_letusout" "Hey, let us out of here! " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det01" "Den dør er låst fra den anden side, dr. Freeman. Måske er der en vej udenom. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det01" "That door's locked from the other side, Dr. Freeman. Maybe you can find a way around. " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det02" "Ser ilde ud derinde. Godt, at du har den dragt. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det02" "Looks nasty in there. Good thing you've got that suit. " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det03" "Hey! Lad os komme igennem! Jeg kan høre jer derinde! Kom nu! Åbn døren! " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det03" "Hey! Let us through! I can hear you in there! Come on! Open the door! " "streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det04" "Jeg ser, at du kom igennem uskadt. Regnede jeg også med. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06_post_det04" "I see you made it through okay. Figured you would. " "streetwar.d3_c17_07_tenant" "Du var utrolig derhenne, dr. Freeman! Men jeg har ondt af den, der har betalt depositum. " "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_07_tenant" "You were amazing back there, Dr. Freeman! But I feel sorry for anyone who put down a security deposit. " "streetwar.al_gordon02" "Gordon! " "[english]streetwar.al_gordon02" "Gordon! " "streetwar.al_uggh02" "Agh! " "[english]streetwar.al_uggh02" "Agh! " "Trainride.gman_riseshine" "Vågn op, hr. Freeman. Vågn op. " "[english]Trainride.gman_riseshine" "Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. " "Trainride.gman_02" "Ikke at jeg vil antyde, at du har sovet på posten. Ingen fortjener hvile mere. Og alverdens anstrengelser ville være spildt, indtil... nå ja, lad os bare sige, at din tid er her igen. " "[english]Trainride.gman_02" "Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until...well, let's just say your hour has come again. " "Trainride.gman_03" "Den rette mand på det forkerte sted kan gøre alverden til forskel. " "[english]Trainride.gman_03" "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. " "Trainride.gman_04" "Så vågn op, hr. Freeman. Vågn op, og duft til asken. " "[english]Trainride.gman_04" "So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes. " "Trainyard.al_dadstarted" "Heh. Få ikke min far i gang med at tale om dr. Breen. " "[english]Trainyard.al_dadstarted" "Heh. Don't get my dad started on Dr. Breen. " "Trainyard.al_hmm" "Hm." "[english]Trainyard.al_hmm" "Hm." "Trainyard.al_imalyx" "Jeg er Alyx Vance. Min far samarbejdede med dig i Black Mesa. Du husker mig nu nok ikke. " "[english]Trainyard.al_imalyx" "I'm Alyx Vance. My father worked with you, back in Black Mesa. I'm sure you don't remember me though. " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet" " " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_b" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_b" " " "Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_cc" "Åh, og for resten? Rart at møde dig langt om længe." "[english]Trainyard.al_nicetomeet_cc" "Oh, and by the way? Nice to finally meet you." "Trainyard.al_nomap" "Dr. Kleiner sagde, at du kom denne vej. Det faldt ham nok ikke ind, at du eventuelt ikke har et kort. " "[english]Trainyard.al_nomap" "Dr. Kleiner said you'd be coming this way. I don't think it occurred to him that you might not have a map. " "Trainyard.al_noyoudont" "Ha! Det kan du glemme! " "[english]Trainyard.al_noyoudont" "Ha! No you don't! " "Trainyard.al_oldadmin" "Husker du ham fra Black Mesa? Din gamle administrator? " "[english]Trainyard.al_oldadmin" "Remember him from Black Mesa? Your old Administrator? " "Trainyard.al_overhere" "Herovre! " "[english]Trainyard.al_overhere" "Over here! " "Trainyard.al_presume" "Doktor Freeman, formoder jeg? " "[english]Trainyard.al_presume" "Doctor Freeman, I presume? " "Trainyard.al_suspicious" "Vi må hellere skynde os. Combine kan være længe om at vågne, men når de først er oppe, er det en skidt idé at komme i vejen for dem. " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious" "We'd better hurry. The Combine can be slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. " "Trainyard.al_suspicious_b" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious_b" " " "Trainyard.al_suspicious_cc" "Vi må hellere skynde os. Combine kan være længe om at vågne, men når de først er oppe, er det en skidt idé at komme i vejen for dem. " "[english]Trainyard.al_suspicious_cc" "We'd better hurry. The Combine can be slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. " "Trainyard.al_thisday" "Sært, at du netop kommer på denne dag. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday" "Funny, you showing up on this day in particular. " "Trainyard.al_thisday01" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday01" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday01_cc" "Vi har hjulpet folk væk fra byen til fods. Vejen til min fars laboratorium er farlig og fører igennem de gamle kanaler. I dag er vi endelig på vej til at finde en bedre måde. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday01_cc" "We've been helping people escape the city on foot. It's a dangerous route to my father's lab, through the old canals. Today we're finally on the verge of having a better way. " "Trainyard.al_thisday02" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday02" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday03" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday03" " " "Trainyard.al_thisday04" " " "[english]Trainyard.al_thisday04" " " "Trainyard.al_thruhere" "Denne vej. " "[english]Trainyard.al_thruhere" "Through here. " "Trainyard.ba_backup" "Tilbage! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_backup" "Back up! " "Trainyard.ba_blowcover" "Åh mand, det var det, jeg frygtede. Ind med dig, Gordon, før du afslører mig. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_blowcover" "Oh man, that's what I was afraid of. Get in here, Gordon, before you blow my cover. " "Trainyard.ba_blowcover_b" "Stabl ting og sager, så du kan komme igennem vinduet, og fortsæt, til du kommer til torvet. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_blowcover_b" "Pile up some stuff to get through that window, and keep going till you're in the plaza. " "Trainyard.ba_checkpoints" "Tja, så længe han holder sig fra kontrolpunkter, klarer vi den nok. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_checkpoints" "Well, as long as he stays away from checkpoints we should be okay. " "Trainyard.ba_citadel02" "Citadellet er i fuldt beredskab! Jeg har aldrig før set det så oplyst. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_citadel02" "The Citadel's on full alert! I've never seen it lit up like that. " "Trainyard.ba_crowbar01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar01" " " "Trainyard.ba_crowbar01_cc" "Åh, og før jeg glemmer det. Du tabte vist det her tilbage i Black Mesa." "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar01_cc" "Oh, and before I forget. I think you dropped this back in Black Mesa." "Trainyard.ba_crowbar02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_crowbar02" " " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag01" "Der er ingen tid at spilde her, Gordon. Få fart på! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag01" "There's no time to waste here, Gordon. Get a move on! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag02" "De er lige udenfor, kom i gang! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag02" "They're right outside, get going! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag03" "Hey, let dig nu, gider du? " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag03" "Hey, move it now, will you? " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag04" "Kommer du i gang? " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag04" "Will you get going? " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag05" "Videre! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag05" "Move it along! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag06" "Kom i gang, Gordon! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag06" "Get going, Gordon! " "Trainyard.ba_exitnag07" "Skynd dig! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_exitnag07" "Hurry up! " "Trainyard.ba_getin" "Ind! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_getin" "Get in! " "Trainyard.ba_getoutfast" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_getoutfast" " " "Trainyard.ba_getoutfast_cc" "Kom ud af by 17, så hurtigt du kan, Gordon! Tag de gamle kanaler, ikke? De fører dig til Elis laboratorium. Det er en farlig vej, men der er et helt netværk af flygtninge, og de hjælper dig, hvis de kan." "[english]Trainyard.ba_getoutfast_cc" "Get out of City 17 as fast as you can, Gordon! Take the old canals, right? They'll get you to Eli's lab. It's a dangerous route, but there's a whole network of refugees and they'll help you if they can." "Trainyard.ba_goodluck01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck01" " " "Trainyard.ba_goodluck01_cc" "Held og lykke derude, kammerat. Du får brug for det." "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck01_cc" "Good luck out there, buddy. You're gonna need it." "Trainyard.ba_goodluck02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_goodluck02" " " "Trainyard.ba_goon" "Kom nu!" "[english]Trainyard.ba_goon" "Go on!" "Trainyard.ba_gottago" "Hør, jeg må gå, Doc. Vi tager store chancer allerede. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_gottago" "Listen, I gotta go, Doc. We're taking enough chances as it is. " "Trainyard.ba_heygordon" "Hey, Gordon! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_heygordon" "Hey, Gordon! " "Trainyard.ba_inhere2" "Kom herind. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_inhere2" "Get in here. " "Trainyard.ba_lookafterdoc" "Jeg ville egentlig komme med, men jeg skal passe på dr. Kleiner. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_lookafterdoc" "I'd come with you, but I've got to look after Dr. Kleiner. " "Trainyard.ba_lookwho" "Beklager, Doc, men se, hvem der er her. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_lookwho" "Sorry, Doc, but look who's here. " "Trainyard.ba_meetyoulater01" "Vi ses senere. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_meetyoulater01" "I'll meet up with you later. " "Trainyard.ba_move01" "Jeg sagde 'af sted!' " "[english]Trainyard.ba_move01" "I said 'move!' " "Trainyard.ba_noimgood" "Nej, jeg mangler ikke noget. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_noimgood" "No, I'm good. " "Trainyard.ba_oldcanals" "Tag kanalerne, ikke? De fører dig til Elis laboratorium. Det er en farlig vej, men der er et helt netværk af flygtninge, og de hjælper dig, hvis de kan. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_oldcanals" "Take the canals, right? They'll get you to Eli's lab. It's a dangerous route, but there's a whole network of refugees and they'll help you if they can. " "Trainyard.ba_ownway" "Okay, Gordon du må selv finde vej til dr. Kleiners laboratorium. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_ownway" "Okay, Gordon you're gonna have to make your own way to Dr. Kleiner's lab. " "Trainyard.ba_privacy" "Jep, jeg må have lidt ro til det her! " "[english]Trainyard.ba_privacy" "Yeah, I'm gonna need me some privacy for this! " "Trainyard.ba_rememberme" "Det er mig, Gordon! Barney fra Black Mesa. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_rememberme" "It's me, Gordon! Barney from Black Mesa. " "Trainyard.ba_rooftops" "Der skulle være en vej over tagene, men... jeg har aldrig selv været den vej. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_rooftops" "There's supposed to be a high route over the rooftops, but... I've never been that way myself. " "Trainyard.ba_sorryscare" "Hey, undskyld forskrækkelsen. Jeg måtte optræde lidt for kameraerne. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_sorryscare" "Hey, sorry for the scare. I had to put on a show for the cameras. " "Trainyard.ba_tellme01" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme01" " " "Trainyard.ba_tellme01_cc" "Jep, både du og jeg, Doc. Han var ved at stige på ekspressen til Nova Prospekt." "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme01_cc" "Yeah, you and me both, Doc. He was about to board the Express to Nova Prospekt." "Trainyard.ba_tellme02" " " "[english]Trainyard.ba_tellme02" " " "Trainyard.ba_thatbeer01" "Men..." "[english]Trainyard.ba_thatbeer01" "Now..." "Trainyard.ba_thatbeer02" "...angående den øl, jeg skyldte dig. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_thatbeer02" "...about that beer I owed ya. " "Trainyard.ba_thinking01" "Jeg tænker, jeg tænker. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_thinking01" "I'm thinking, I'm thinking. " "Trainyard.ba_undercover" "Jeg har arbejdet under dække i civilbeskyttelsen. Jeg kan ikke være væk for længe uden at vække mistanke. Jeg er langt bagud med min tæskekvote. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_undercover" "I've been working undercover with Civil Protection. I can't take too long or they'll get suspicious. I'm way behind on my beating quota. " "Trainyard.ba_youcomewith" "Du, borger! Kom med mig. " "[english]Trainyard.ba_youcomewith" "You, Citizen! Come with me. " "Trainyard.cit_term_ques02" "Dette er min tredje forflyttelse i år. " "[english]Trainyard.cit_term_ques02" "This is my third transfer this year. " "Trainyard.cop_knockitoff" "Kom væk herfra. " "[english]Trainyard.cop_knockitoff" "Get out of here. " "Trainyard.cop_needanyhelp" "Brug for hjælp med den her? " "[english]Trainyard.cop_needanyhelp" "Need any help with this one? " "Trainyard.kl_alyxaround" "Alyx er her et eller andet sted. Hun ved bedre, hvordan vi får ham hertil. " "[english]Trainyard.kl_alyxaround" "Alyx is around here somewhere. She would have a better idea how to get him here. " "Trainyard.kl_intend" "Nå, Barney, hvad har du for? " "[english]Trainyard.kl_intend" "Well, Barney, what do you intend? " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn01" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn01" " " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn01_cc" "Du store! Gordon Freeman! Jeg forventede lidt mere varsel." "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn01_cc" "Great Scott! Gordon Freeman! I expected more warning." "Trainyard.kl_morewarn02" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn02" " " "Trainyard.kl_morewarn03" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_morewarn03" " " "Trainyard.kl_verywell" "Udmærket. Og, øh, Gordon? Godt at se dig! " "[english]Trainyard.kl_verywell" "Very well. And, eh, Gordon? Good to see you! " "Trainyard.kl_whatisit01" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit01" " " "Trainyard.kl_whatisit01_cc" "Ja, Barney, hvad er det? Jeg er midt i en vigtig test." "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit01_cc" "Yes, Barney, what is it? I'm in the middle of a critical test." "Trainyard.kl_whatisit02" " " "[english]Trainyard.kl_whatisit02" " " "Trainyard.man_me" "Mig?! " "[english]Trainyard.man_me" "Me?! " "Trainyard.man_waitaminute" "Vent et øjeblik... " "[english]Trainyard.man_waitaminute" "Wait a minute... " "Trainyard.man_whereyoutakingme" "Hvor skal jeg hen? " "[english]Trainyard.man_whereyoutakingme" "Where are you taking me? " "Trainyard.metro_suprise" " " "[english]Trainyard.metro_suprise" " " "opening.cit_tvbust01" "Hvad laver du? " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust01" "What are you doing? " "opening.cit_tvbust02" "Du får problemer. " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust02" "You're gonna be in trouble. " "opening.cit_tvbust03" "Hey, du får os alle i problemer! " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust03" "Hey, you're gonna bring trouble down on all of us! " "opening.cit_tvbust04" "Læg det! " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust04" "Put that down! " "opening.cit_tvbust05" "Åh nej. Nu sidder vi virkelig i det. " "[english]opening.cit_tvbust05" "Oh no. Now we're really gonna get it. " "Canals.d1_canals_01_arrest_helpme" "Hjælp mig!" "[english]Canals.d1_canals_01_arrest_helpme" "Help me!" "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant07" "Thi det blev sagt, at de var blevet som de sære dæmoner, som dvæler i materie, men i hvem intet lys er at finde." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant07" "For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant09" "Thi mit livs dage er forsvundet som røg, og mine knogler er indtørret som aske, og lad alle mine urenheder være som brændstof for branden, indtil intet resterer ud over selve lyset." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant09" "For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone." "Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant20" "Må de blive som støv for vinden; må Herrens engel forfølge dem." "[english]Town.d1_town_01_monk_rant20" "May they become like dust before the wind; may the angel of the Lord pursue them." "coast.crane_playerincar" "Godt, på med vanten." "[english]coast.crane_playerincar" "Good, here we go." "coast.crane_magfail" "Den forbandede magnet svigter... pas på!" "[english]coast.crane_magfail" "Damn magnet's failing...hold on!" "coast.crane_sorry" "Undskyld, Doc." "[english]coast.crane_sorry" "Sorry, Doc." "coast.crane_gravgun" "Brug dit tyngdekraftvåben til at vende bilen om igen." "[english]coast.crane_gravgun" "Use your gravity gun to flip the car over again." "coast.crane_driveforfeel" "Hvorfor tager du ikke en tur på stranden og lærer bilen at kende. Kør til skråningen ved vandet, når du er færdig." "[english]coast.crane_driveforfeel" "Why don't you take a spin around the beach until you've got a feel for the car. When you're done, head for the slope down by the water." "coast.crane_antlions" "Pas på antlionerne." "[english]coast.crane_antlions" "Watch out for antlions." "coast.crane_rockslide" "Du får aldrig bid i det grus. Prøv skråningen nede ved vandet." "[english]coast.crane_rockslide" "You're never gonna get traction in that gravel. Try the slope down by the water." "coast.crane_pier01" "Kom op igen, dr. Freeman. Bilen står på kajen." "[english]coast.crane_pier01" "Come back up, Dr. Freeman. The car's on the pier." "coast.crane_pier02" "Jeg sagde, kom op på kajen." "[english]coast.crane_pier02" "I said, get back up on the pier." "coast.crane_pier03" "Dr. Freeman, du kommer ingen vegne til fods. Kom op igen, og sæt dig i bilen." "[english]coast.crane_pier03" "Dr. Freeman, you won't get anywhere on foot. Come back up and get in the car." "coast.crane_hopin" "Hop ind, så sænker jeg dig ned til stranden." "[english]coast.crane_hopin" "Hop in and I'll lower you down to the beach." "coast.crane_carsallready" "God dag, dr. Freeman. Bilen er klar til dig." "[english]coast.crane_carsallready" "Hello, Dr. Freeman. The car's all ready for you." "coast.crane_getupandhellout" "Få bilen vendt rigtigt, og se at komme væk!" "[english]coast.crane_getupandhellout" "Get that car upright and get the hell out of here!" "streetwar.d3_c17_06a_overhere01" "Hey, herovre!" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_06a_overhere01" "Hey, over here!" "Streetwar.d3_c17_07_al_thatwasclose" "Det var tæt på!" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_07_al_thatwasclose" "That was close!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp02" "Hjælp mig!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp02" "Help me!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp01" "Hjælp!" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp01" "Help!" "streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp03" "Er der nogen deroppe?" "[english]streetwar.c17_09_cellarhelp03" "Is somebody up there?" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit" "[Brækjernsslag!]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit" "[Crowbar Thwap!]" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld" "[Brækjernsklask!]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld" "[Crowbar Whack!]" "Weapon_Crowbar.Single" "[Brækjernssving]" "[english]Weapon_Crowbar.Single" "[Crowbar Swoosh]" "Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire" " " "Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch" " " "Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup" " " "[english]Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup" " " "Weapon_Pistol.Empty" "[Tomt kammer]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_Pistol.Single" "[Pistolskud]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.Single" "[Pistol Shot]" "Weapon_357.Single" "[.357-skud]" "[english]Weapon_357.Single" "[.357 Shot]" "Weapon_SMG1.Double" "[SMG-granataffyring]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Double" "[SMG Grenade Launch]" "Weapon_SMG1.Single" "[SMG primær skydning]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Single" "[SMG Primary Fire]" "Weapon_SMG1.Empty" "[Tomt kammer]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_SMG1.Reload" "[Genlader]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_SMG1.Special1" "[SMG-granataffyring]" "[english]Weapon_SMG1.Special1" "[SMG Grenade Launch]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Double" "[Dobbelt haglgeværskud!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Double" "[Double Shotgun Blast!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Single" "[Enkelt haglgeværskud!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Single" "[Single Shotgun Blast!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Empty" "[Tomt kammer]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Empty" "[Empty chamber]" "Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" "[Genlader]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_AR2.Single" "[Primær skydning]" "[english]Weapon_AR2.Single" "[Primary fire]" "Weapon_AR2.Reload" "[Genlader]" "[english]Weapon_AR2.Reload" "[Reloading]" "Weapon_IRifle.Empty" "[Tom]" "[english]Weapon_IRifle.Empty" "[Empty]" "Weapon_IRifle.Single" "[Sekundær skydning]" "[english]Weapon_IRifle.Single" "[Secondary Fire]" "Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" "[Ladt sekundær skydning]" "[english]Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" "[Charged secondary fire]" "Weapon_Crossbow.Single" "[Armbrøstskud]" "[english]Weapon_Crossbow.Single" "[Crossbow shot]" "Weapon_Crossbow.Reload" "[Armbrøstgenopladning]" "[english]Weapon_Crossbow.Reload" "[Crossbow reload]" "Weapon_RPG.Single" "[Granataffyring]" "[english]Weapon_RPG.Single" "[RPG Launch]" "WeaponFrag.Roll" "[Granat ruller!]" "[english]WeaponFrag.Roll" "[Grenade rolling!]" "Grenade.Blip" "[Granattimer]" "[english]Grenade.Blip" "[Grenade Timer]" "Weapon_Gauss.Single" "[Tau-kanonslag!]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Single" "[Tau Cannon Jolt!]" "Weapon_Gauss.Special1" "[Tau-kanonild]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Special1" "[Tau Cannon Fire]" "Weapon_Gauss.Special2" "[Ladet salve fra tau-kanon]" "[english]Weapon_Gauss.Special2" "[Tau Cannon Charged Blast]" "Weapon_Bugbait.Splat" "[Insektmadding piber]" "[english]Weapon_Bugbait.Splat" "[Bugbait Squeak]" "GrenadeBugBait.Splat" "[Insektmadding splat]" "[english]GrenadeBugBait.Splat" "[Bugbait Splat]" "Weapon_FlareGun.Single" "[Bluspistolskud!]" "[english]Weapon_FlareGun.Single" "[Flaregun shot!]" "Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld" " " "[english]Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld" " " "Weapon_StunStick.Swing" " " "[english]Weapon_StunStick.Swing" " " "Weapon_Pistol.NPC_Single" "[Pistolskud]" "[english]Weapon_Pistol.NPC_Single" "[Pistol Shot]" "Weapon_Mortar.Single" "[Undertrykkeraffyring]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Single" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Weapon_Mortar.Incomming" "[Indkommende morter]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Incomming" "[Incoming Mortar]" "Weapon_Mortar.Impact" "[Undertrykkerneslag!]" "[english]Weapon_Mortar.Impact" "[Suppressor Impact!]" "AlyxEMP.Charge" " " "[english]AlyxEMP.Charge" " " "AlyxEMP.Discharge" "[EMP-udladning]" "[english]AlyxEMP.Discharge" "[EMP Burst]" "AlyxEMP.Stop" " " "[english]AlyxEMP.Stop" " " "Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload" "[Genlader!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload" "[Reloading!]" "Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Single" "[Bum!]" "[english]Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Single" "[Boom!]" "GenericNPC.GunSound" "[Fjendtlig kanonild]" "[english]GenericNPC.GunSound" "[Enemy Gunfire]" "BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup" "[Opsamling af ammunition]" "[english]BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup" "[Ammo pickup]" "BaseExplosionEffect.Sound" "[EKSPLOSION!]" "[english]BaseExplosionEffect.Sound" "[EXPLOSION!]" "BaseGrenade.Explode" "[Granateksplosion!]" "[english]BaseGrenade.Explode" "[Grenade Explosion!]" "Bullets.DefaultNearmiss" "[Projektil – tæt forbi!]" "[english]Bullets.DefaultNearmiss" "[Bullet--Near Miss!]" "Bullets.GunshipNearmiss" "[Angrebsfartøjsprojektil – tæt forbi!]" "[english]Bullets.GunshipNearmiss" "[Gunship bullet--Near miss!]" "Bullets.StriderNearmiss" "[Striderskud – tæt forbi!]" "[english]Bullets.StriderNearmiss" "[Strider shot--Near miss!]" "FX_RicochetSound.Ricochet" "[Rikochet!]" "[english]FX_RicochetSound.Ricochet" "[Ricochet!]" "Crane_engine_start" "[Motor starter]" "[english]Crane_engine_start" "[Motor starts]" "Crane_engine_stop" "[Motor stopper]" "[english]Crane_engine_stop" "[Motor stops]" "Crane_magnet_release" "[Kranmagnet slipper]" "[english]Crane_magnet_release" "[Crane magnet release]" "Crane_magnet_toggle" "[Kranmagnet griber]" "[english]Crane_magnet_toggle" "[Crane magnet grab]" "Crane_magnet_creak" "[Knirk!]" "[english]Crane_magnet_creak" "[Creak!]" "ATV_engine_idle" " " "[english]ATV_engine_idle" " " "ATV_engine_start" "[Motorstart]" "[english]ATV_engine_start" "[Engine start]" "ATV_engine_stop" "[Motorstop]" "[english]ATV_engine_stop" "[Engine stop]" "ATV_rev" " " "[english]ATV_rev" " " "ATV_skid_lowfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_lowfriction" " " "ATV_skid_normalfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_normalfriction" " " "ATV_skid_highfriction" " " "[english]ATV_skid_highfriction" " " "ATV_impact_heavy" " " "[english]ATV_impact_heavy" " " "ATV_impact_medium" " " "[english]ATV_impact_medium" " " "ATV_turbo_on" "[Turbo aktiv]" "[english]ATV_turbo_on" "[Turbo On]" "ATV_turbo_off" "[Turbo inaktiv]" "[english]ATV_turbo_off" "[Turbo Off]" "ATV_start_in_water" "[Motor starter i vand]" "[english]ATV_start_in_water" "[Engine starting in water]" "ATV_stall_in_water" "[Motor går i stå i vand]" "[english]ATV_stall_in_water" "[Engine stalled in water]" "Jeep.GaussCharge" "[Tau-kanon lader op]" "[english]Jeep.GaussCharge" "[Tau Cannon Charging]" "PropJeep.FireCannon" "[Tau-kanonslag]" "[english]PropJeep.FireCannon" "[Tau Cannon Jolt]" "PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" "[Ladet salve fra tau-kanon]" "[english]PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" "[Tau Cannon Charged Blast]" "PropJeep.AmmoOpen" "[Ammunitionskasse åbn]" "[english]PropJeep.AmmoOpen" "[Ammocase open]" "PropJeep.AmmoClose" "[Ammunitionskasse luk]" "[english]PropJeep.AmmoClose" "[Ammocase close]" "PropAPC.FireCannon" "[Combine PMV-kanonild]" "[english]PropAPC.FireCannon" "[Combine APC Cannon Fire]" "PropAPC.FireRocket" "[Combine PMV-raketild]" "[english]PropAPC.FireRocket" "[Combine APC Rocket Fire]" "Airboat_engine_start" "[Dyndspringer motorstart]" "[english]Airboat_engine_start" "[Mudskipper Engine Start]" "Airboat_engine_stop" "[Dyndspringer motorstop]" "[english]Airboat_engine_stop" "[Mudskipper Engine Stop]" "Airboat_skid_rough" "" "[english]Airboat_skid_rough" "" "Airboat_skid_smooth" "" "[english]Airboat_skid_smooth" "" "Airboat_impact_hard" "" "[english]Airboat_impact_hard" "" "Airboat_impact_soft" "" "[english]Airboat_impact_soft" "" "Airboat_impact_splash" " " "[english]Airboat_impact_splash" " " "Airboat_gun_charge" "[Kanon lader op]" "[english]Airboat_gun_charge" "[Gun charging]" "Airboat_gun_shoot" "[Kanon skyder]" "[english]Airboat_gun_shoot" "[Gun firing]" "Airboat.FireGunHeavy" "[Tung kanon skyder]" "[english]Airboat.FireGunHeavy" "[Heavy gun firing]" "HEV._comma" " " "[english]HEV._comma" " " "HEV.acquired" "fundet" "[english]HEV.acquired" "acquired" "HEV.activated" "aktiveret" "[english]HEV.activated" "activated" "HEV.administering_medical" "Indgiver medicinsk hjælp." "[english]HEV.administering_medical" "Administering Medical Attention." "HEV.ammo_depleted" "Ammunition opbrugt." "[english]HEV.ammo_depleted" "Ammunition Depleted." "HEV.antidote_shot" "Serum indgivet." "[english]HEV.antidote_shot" "Antidote administered." "HEV.antitoxin_shot" "Antitoksin indgivet." "[english]HEV.antitoxin_shot" "Antitoxin administered." "HEV.armor_gone" "Panser kompromitteret." "[english]HEV.armor_gone" "Armor Compromised." "HEV.automedic_on" "Automatiske medicinske systemer aktiveret." "[english]HEV.automedic_on" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV.beep" "[Bip]" "[english]HEV.beep" "[Beep]" "HEV.bell" "[Klikketone]" "[english]HEV.bell" "[Belltone]" "HEV.bio_reading" "Mulig bio-udlæsning." "[english]HEV.bio_reading" "Possible Bio-reading." "HEV.biohazard_detected" "Advarsel: Biorisiko registreret." "[english]HEV.biohazard_detected" "Warning: Biohazard detected." "HEV.bleeding_stopped" "Blødning er standset." "[english]HEV.bleeding_stopped" "Bleeding has stopped." "HEV.blip" "[Blip]" "[english]HEV.blip" "[Blip]" "HEV.blood_loss" "Blodtab registreret." "[english]HEV.blood_loss" "Blood loss detected." "HEV.blood_plasma" "Blodplasma indgivet." "[english]HEV.blood_plasma" "Blood plasma administered." "HEV.blood_toxins" "Advarsel: Blodtoksinniveauer registreret." "[english]HEV.blood_toxins" "Warning: Blood toxin levels detected." "HEV.boop" "[Bup]" "[english]HEV.boop" "[Boop]" "HEV.buzz" "[Summen]" "[english]HEV.buzz" "[Buzz]" "HEV.chemical_detected" "Kemikalie registreret." "[english]HEV.chemical_detected" "Chemical detected." "HEV.deactivated" "Deaktiveret" "[english]HEV.deactivated" "Deactivated" "HEV.eighty" "80" "[english]HEV.eighty" "80" "HEV.evacuate_area" "Evakuer området." "[english]HEV.evacuate_area" "Evacuate area." "HEV.fifteen" "15" "[english]HEV.fifteen" "15" "HEV.fifty" "50" "[english]HEV.fifty" "50" "HEV.five" "05" "[english]HEV.five" "05" "HEV.flatline" "[Bip-bip-biiiiiiiiip.] Bruger omkommet." "[english]HEV.flatline" "[Beep-beep-beeeeeeeeep.] User Fatality." "HEV.fourty" "40" "[english]HEV.fourty" "40" "HEV.fuzz" "[Ballade]" "[english]HEV.fuzz" "[Fuzz]" "HEV.get_44ammo" " " "[english]HEV.get_44ammo" " " "HEV.get_44pistol" " " "[english]HEV.get_44pistol" " " "HEV.get_9mmclip" " " "[english]HEV.get_9mmclip" " " "HEV.get_alien_wpn" " " "[english]HEV.get_alien_wpn" " " "HEV.get_assault" " " "[english]HEV.get_assault" " " "HEV.get_assaultgren" " " "[english]HEV.get_assaultgren" " " "HEV.get_battery" " " "[english]HEV.get_battery" " " "HEV.get_bolts" " " "[english]HEV.get_bolts" " " "HEV.get_buckshot" " " "[english]HEV.get_buckshot" " " "HEV.get_crossbow" " " "[english]HEV.get_crossbow" " " "HEV.get_egon" " " "[english]HEV.get_egon" " " "HEV.get_egonpower" " " "[english]HEV.get_egonpower" " " "HEV.get_gauss" " " "[english]HEV.get_gauss" " " "HEV.get_grenade" " " "[english]HEV.get_grenade" " " "HEV.get_medkit" " " "[english]HEV.get_medkit" " " "HEV.get_pistol" " " "[english]HEV.get_pistol" " " "HEV.get_rpg" " " "[english]HEV.get_rpg" " " "HEV.get_rpgammo" " " "[english]HEV.get_rpgammo" " " "HEV.get_shotgun" " " "[english]HEV.get_shotgun" " " "HEV.health_critical" "Advarsel: Livstegn kritiske." "[english]HEV.health_critical" "Warning: Vital signs critical." "HEV.health_dropping" "Advarsel: Livstegn falder." "[english]HEV.health_dropping" "Warning: Vital signs dropping." "HEV.health_dropping2" "Livstegn falder." "[english]HEV.health_dropping2" "Vital signs are dropping." "HEV.heat_damage" "Ekstrem varmebeskadigelse registreret." "[english]HEV.heat_damage" "Extreme heat damage detected." "HEV.hev_critical_fail" "HEV kritisk svigt--svigt---" "[english]HEV.hev_critical_fail" "HEV critical failure--failure---" "HEV.hev_damage" "HEV beskadiget." "[english]HEV.hev_damage" "HEV damage sustained." "HEV.hev_general_fail" "HEV generelt svigt!" "[english]HEV.hev_general_fail" "HEV general failure!" "HEV.hev_shutdown" "Utilstrækkelig energi. HEV lukker ned." "[english]HEV.hev_shutdown" "Insufficient power. HEV shutting down." "HEV.hiss" "[Hvislen!]" "[english]HEV.hiss" "[Hiss!]" "HEV.immediately" "straks" "[english]HEV.immediately" "immediately" "HEV.insufficient_medical" "Utilstrækkelige medicinske beholdninger til reparation af skade." "[english]HEV.insufficient_medical" "Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage." "HEV.internal_bleeding" "Indre blødning registreret." "[english]HEV.internal_bleeding" "Internal bleeding detected." "HEV.major_fracture" "Større brud registreret." "[english]HEV.major_fracture" "Major fracture detected." "HEV.major_lacerations" "Større kvæstelser registreret." "[english]HEV.major_lacerations" "Major lacerations detected." "HEV.medical_repaired" "Medicinsk skade repareret." "[english]HEV.medical_repaired" "Medical damage repaired." "HEV.minor_fracture" "Mindre brud registreret." "[english]HEV.minor_fracture" "Minor fracture detected." "HEV.minor_lacerations" "Mindre kvæstelser registreret." "[english]HEV.minor_lacerations" "Minor lacerations detected." "HEV.morphine_shot" "Morfin indgivet." "[english]HEV.morphine_shot" "Morphine administered." "HEV.near_death" "Døden nær." "[english]HEV.near_death" "Near death." "HEV.ninety" "90" "[english]HEV.ninety" "90" "HEV.onehundred" "100" "[english]HEV.onehundred" "100" "HEV.percent" "procent" "[english]HEV.percent" "percent" "HEV.power_below" "Energi under" "[english]HEV.power_below" "Power below" "HEV.power_level_is" "Energiniveauet er" "[english]HEV.power_level_is" "Power level is" "HEV.power_restored" "Energi gendannet." "[english]HEV.power_restored" "Power restored." "HEV.powermove_overload" "Advarsel: Servobevægeapparat overbelastet." "[english]HEV.powermove_overload" "Warning: Power movement system overload." "HEV.radiation_detected" "Advarsel: Farlige strålingsniveauer registreret." "[english]HEV.radiation_detected" "Warning: Hazardous radiation levels detected." "HEV.seek_medic" "Søg lægehjælp." "[english]HEV.seek_medic" "Seek medical attention." "HEV.seventy" "70" "[english]HEV.seventy" "70" "HEV.shock_damage" "Elektrisk skade registreret." "[english]HEV.shock_damage" "Electrical damage detected." "HEV.sixty" "60" "[english]HEV.sixty" "60" "HEV.targetting_system" "Automatisk målsøgningssystem." "[english]HEV.targetting_system" "Automatic target acquisition system." "HEV.targetting_system_on" "Automatisk målsøgningssystem aktiveret." "[english]HEV.targetting_system_on" "Automatic target acquisition system activated." "HEV.targetting_system_off" "Automatisk målsøgningssystem deaktiveret." "[english]HEV.targetting_system_off" "Automatic target acquisition system deactivated." "HEV.ten" "10" "[english]HEV.ten" "10" "HEV.thirty" "30" "[english]HEV.thirty" "30" "HEV.torniquette_applied" "Årepresse pålagt." "[english]HEV.torniquette_applied" "Tourniquette applied." "HEV.twenty" "20" "[english]HEV.twenty" "20" "HEV.voice_off" " " "[english]HEV.voice_off" " " "HEV.voice_on" " " "[english]HEV.voice_on" " " "HEV.warning" "Advarsel!" "[english]HEV.warning" "Warning!" "HEV.wound_sterilized" "Sår steriliseret." "[english]HEV.wound_sterilized" "Wound sterilized." "HEV.sterilized_morphine" "Sår steriliseret. Morfin indgivet." "[english]HEV.sterilized_morphine" "Wound sterilized. Morphine administered." "HEV.torni_bleed" "Årepresse pålagt. Blødning er standset." "[english]HEV.torni_bleed" "Tourniquette applied. Bleeding has stopped." "HEV.health2_evac" "Livstegn falder. Evakuer området." "[english]HEV.health2_evac" "Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area." "HEV.health_crit_evac" "Advarsel: Livstegn kritiske. Evakuer området." "[english]HEV.health_crit_evac" "Warning: Vital signs critical. Evacuate area." "HEV.near_death_evac" "Døden nær. Evakuer området med det samme." "[english]HEV.near_death_evac" "Near death. Evacuate area immediately." "HEV_A0" "Velkommen til HEV Mark 4-beskyttelsessystemet til brug i farlige omgivelser." "[english]HEV_A0" "Welcome to the HEV Mark 4 Protective System, for use in hazardous environment conditions." "HEV_A1" "Servobevægelse aktiveret." "[english]HEV_A1" "Power assist movement activated." "HEV_A2" "Reaktivt panser med høj slagstyrke aktiveret." "[english]HEV_A2" "High impact reactive armor activated." "HEV_A3" "Atmosfæriske indeslutningssensorer aktiveret." "[english]HEV_A3" "Atmospheric contaminant sensors activated." "HEV_A4" "Overvågning af livstegn aktiveret." "[english]HEV_A4" "Vital sign monitoring activated." "HEV_A5" "Overvågning af ammunitionsniveau aktiveret." "[english]HEV_A5" "Munition-level monitoring activated." "HEV_A6" "Kommunikationsinterface online." "[english]HEV_A6" "Communications interface online." "HEV_A7" "Udvælgelsessystem til defensive våben aktiveret." "[english]HEV_A7" "Defensive weapon selection system activated." "HEV_A8" "Automatiske medicinske systemer aktiveret." "[english]HEV_A8" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV_A9" "Energiniveauet er ... 100 procent." "[english]HEV_A9" "Power level is ... 100 percent." "HEV_A10" "Hav en meget sikker dag." "[english]HEV_A10" "Have a very safe day." "HEV_MED0" "Utilstrækkelige medicinske beholdninger til reparation af skade." "[english]HEV_MED0" "Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage." "HEV_MED1" "Automatiske medicinske systemer aktiveret." "[english]HEV_MED1" "Automatic medical systems engaged." "HEV_MED2" "Indgiver medicinsk hjælp." "[english]HEV_MED2" "Administering medical attention." "HEV_HEAL0" "Sår steriliseret. Morfin indgivet." "[english]HEV_HEAL0" "Wound sterilised. Morphine administered." "HEV_HEAL1" "Lokal årepresse påsat. Blødning er standset." "[english]HEV_HEAL1" "Local torniquette applied. Bleeding has stopped." "HEV_HEAL2" "Blødning er standset." "[english]HEV_HEAL2" "Bleeding has stopped." "HEV_HEAL3" "Blodplasma indgivet." "[english]HEV_HEAL3" "Blood plasma administered." "HEV_HEAL4" "Antitoksin indgivet." "[english]HEV_HEAL4" "Antitoxin administered." "HEV_HEAL5" "Serum indgivet." "[english]HEV_HEAL5" "Antidote administered." "HEV_HEAL6" "Sår steriliseret." "[english]HEV_HEAL6" "Wound sterilised." "HEV_HEAL7" "Morfin indgivet." "[english]HEV_HEAL7" "Morphine administered." "HEV_HEAL8" "Medicinsk skade repareret." "[english]HEV_HEAL8" "Medical damage repaired." "HEV_DMG0" "Mindre kvæstelser registreret." "[english]HEV_DMG0" "Minor lacterations detected." "HEV_DMG1" "Større kvæstelser registreret." "[english]HEV_DMG1" "Major lacerations detected." "HEV_DMG2" "Indre blødning registreret." "[english]HEV_DMG2" "Internal bleeding detected." "HEV_DMG3" "Advarsel. Blodtoksinniveauer registreret." "[english]HEV_DMG3" "Warning. Blood toxin levels detected." "HEV_DMG4" "Mindre brud registreret." "[english]HEV_DMG4" "Minor fracture detected." "HEV_DMG5" "Større brud registreret." "[english]HEV_DMG5" "Major fracture detected." "HEV_DMG6" "Blodtab registreret." "[english]HEV_DMG6" "Blood loss detected." "HEV_DMG7" "Søg lægehjælp." "[english]HEV_DMG7" "Seek medical attention." "HEV_HLTH0" "Advarsel. Livstegn bliver svagere." "[english]HEV_HLTH0" "Warning. Vital signs dropping." "HEV_HLTH1" "Livstegn falder." "[english]HEV_HLTH1" "Vital signs are dropping." "HEV_HLTH2" "Advarsel. Livstegn kritiske." "[english]HEV_HLTH2" "Warning. Vital signs critical." "HEV_HLTH3" "Nødsituation. Bruger omkommer snarest." "[english]HEV_HLTH3" "Emergency. User death imminent." "HEV_HLTH4" "Livstegn falder. Evakuer området." "[english]HEV_HLTH4" "Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area." "HEV_HLTH5" "Advarsel. Livstegn kritiske. Evakuer området." "[english]HEV_HLTH5" "Warning. Vital signs critical. Evacuate area." "HEV_HLTH6" "Nødsituation. Bruger omkommer snarest. Evakuer området med det samme." "[english]HEV_HLTH6" "Emergency. User death imminent. Evacuate area immediately." "HEV_SHOCK" "Advarsel. Elektrisk skade registreret." "[english]HEV_SHOCK" "Warning. Electrical damage detected." "HEV_FIRE" "Advarsel. Ekstrem varmebeskadigelse registreret." "[english]HEV_FIRE" "Warning. Extreme heat damage detected." "HEV_AIM_ON" "Automatisk målsøgningssystem aktiveret." "[english]HEV_AIM_ON" "Automatic target acquisition system activated." "HEV_AIM_OFF" "Automatisk målsøgningssystem deaktiveret." "[english]HEV_AIM_OFF" "Automatic target acquisition system deactivated." "HEV_BATTERY" "HEV-energienhed fundet." "[english]HEV_BATTERY" "HEV Power Unit acquired." "HEV_MEDKIT" "Automatisk medicinsæt." "[english]HEV_MEDKIT" "Automatic Medical Kit." "HEV_PISTOL" "9 millimeter halvautomatisk pistol." "[english]HEV_PISTOL" "9 millimeter semi-automatic hand gun." "HEV_SHOTGUN" "Kamphaglgevær fundet." "[english]HEV_SHOTGUN" "Combat shotgun acquired." "HEV_GRENADE" "Fragmentationsgranat fundet." "[english]HEV_GRENADE" "Fragmentation grenage acquired." "HEV_ASSAULT" "9 millimeter fuldautomatisk våben fundet." "[english]HEV_ASSAULT" "9 millimeter fully automatic weapon acquired." "HEV_44PISTOL" "Kaliber 44 revolver fundet." "[english]HEV_44PISTOL" "44 calibre handgun acquired." "HEV_RPG" "Laserstyret raketstyr fundet." "[english]HEV_RPG" "Laser guided rocket launcher acquired." "HEV_SATCHEL" "Fjernaktiveret nedrivningsenhed fundet." "[english]HEV_SATCHEL" "Remote activated demolition unit acquired." "HEV_TRIPMINE" "Laseraktiveret anti-personelmine fundet." "[english]HEV_TRIPMINE" "Laser activated anti-personnel mine acquired." "HEV_HORNET" "Uidentificeret biovåben." "[english]HEV_HORNET" "Unidentified bio weapon." "HEV_SQUEEK" "Uidentificeret biovåben." "[english]HEV_SQUEEK" "Unidentified bio weapon." "HEV_EGON" "Eksperimentelt energivåben fundet." "[english]HEV_EGON" "Experimental energy weapon acquired." "HEV_GAUSS" "Eksperimentelt hyperhastighedsvåben fundet." "[english]HEV_GAUSS" "Experimental hyper-velocity weapon acquired." "HEV_XBOW" "Højhastigheds stealth-armbrøst fundet." "[english]HEV_XBOW" "High velocity stealth crossbow acquired." "HEV_9MM" "9 millimeter ammunition fundet." "[english]HEV_9MM" "9 milimetre ammunition acquired." "HEV_44AMMO" "Kaliber 44 ammunition fundet." "[english]HEV_44AMMO" "44 calibre ammunition acquired." "HEV_BUCKSHOT" "Kamphaglgevær-ammunition fundet." "[english]HEV_BUCKSHOT" "Combat shotgun ammunition acquired." "HEV_BOLTS" "Neurotoksinpræpareret ammunition fundet." "[english]HEV_BOLTS" "Neuro toxin treated crossbow ammunition acquired." "HEV_RPGAMMO" "Laserstyret raket fundet." "[english]HEV_RPGAMMO" "Laser guided rocket acquired." "HEV_AGRENADE" "Selvdrevet granat fundet." "[english]HEV_AGRENADE" "Self propelled grenade acquired." "HEV_EGONPOWER" "Energienhed fundet." "[english]HEV_EGONPOWER" "Energy recharge unit acquired." "HEV_C1" "Klokken er nu … 01:00" "[english]HEV_C1" "The time is now ... 1 AM" "HEV_C1t" "Klokken er nu 01:00" "[english]HEV_C1t" "The time is now 1 am" "HEV_C2" "Klokken er nu … 02:00" "[english]HEV_C2" "The time is now ... 2 AM" "HEV_C3" "Klokken er nu … 03:00" "[english]HEV_C3" "The time is now ... 3 AM" "HEV_C4" "Klokken er nu … 04:00" "[english]HEV_C4" "The time is now ... 4 AM" "HEV_C5" "Klokken er nu … 05:00" "[english]HEV_C5" "The time is now ... 5 AM" "HEV_C6" "Klokken er nu … 06:00" "[english]HEV_C6" "The time is now ... 6 AM" "HEV_C7" "Klokken er nu … 07:00" "[english]HEV_C7" "The time is now ... 7 AM" "HEV_C8" "Klokken er nu … 08:00" "[english]HEV_C8" "The time is now ... 8 AM" "HEV_C9" "Klokken er nu … 09:00" "[english]HEV_C9" "The time is now ... 9 AM" "HEV_C10" "Klokken er nu … 10:00" "[english]HEV_C10" "The time is now ... 10 AM" "HEV_C11" "Klokken er nu … 11:00" "[english]HEV_C11" "The time is now ... 11 AM" "HEV_C12" "Klokken er nu … 12:00" "[english]HEV_C12" "The time is now ... 12 AM" "HEV_C13" "Klokken er nu … 13:00" "[english]HEV_C13" "The time is now ... 1 PM" "HEV_C13t" "Klokken er nu 13:00" "[english]HEV_C13t" "The time is now 1 pm" "HEV_C14" "Klokken er nu … 14:00" "[english]HEV_C14" "The time is now ... 2 PM" "HEV_C15" "Klokken er nu … 15:00" "[english]HEV_C15" "The time is now ... 3 PM" "HEV_C16" "Klokken er nu … 16:00" "[english]HEV_C16" "The time is now ... 4 PM" "HEV_C17" "Klokken er nu … 17:00" "[english]HEV_C17" "The time is now ... 5 PM" "HEV_C18" "Klokken er nu … 18:00" "[english]HEV_C18" "The time is now ... 6 PM" "HEV_C19" "Klokken er nu … 19:00" "[english]HEV_C19" "The time is now ... 7 PM" "HEV_C20" "Klokken er nu … 20:00" "[english]HEV_C20" "The time is now ... 8 PM" "HEV_C21" "Klokken er nu … 21:00" "[english]HEV_C21" "The time is now ... 9 PM" "HEV_C22" "Klokken er nu … 22:00" "[english]HEV_C22" "The time is now ... 10 PM" "HEV_C23" "Klokken er nu … 23:00" "[english]HEV_C23" "The time is now ... 11 PM" "HEV_C24" "Klokken er nu … 24:00" "[english]HEV_C24" "The time is now ... 12 PM" "HEV_D00" "Energi gendannet." "[english]HEV_D00" "Power restored." "HEV_D01" "Utilstrækkelig energi. HEV lukker ned." "[english]HEV_D01" "Insufficient power. HEV shutting down." "HEV_0P" "Advarsel. HEV-energiniveau under...5 procent." "[english]HEV_0P" "Warning. HEV power level below...5 percent." "HEV_1P" "Energi gendannet … 10 procent." "[english]HEV_1P" "Power restored ... 10 percent." "HEV_2P" "Energi gendannet … 15 procent." "[english]HEV_2P" "Power restored ... 15 percent." "HEV_3P" "Energi gendannet … 20 procent." "[english]HEV_3P" "Power restored ... 20 percent." "HEV_4P" "Energi gendannet … 25 procent." "[english]HEV_4P" "Power restored ... 25 percent." "HEV_5P" "Energi gendannet … 30 procent." "[english]HEV_5P" "Power restored ... 30 percent." "HEV_6P" "Energi gendannet … 35 procent." "[english]HEV_6P" "Power restored ... 35 percent." "HEV_7P" "Energi gendannet … 40 procent." "[english]HEV_7P" "Power restored ... 40 percent." "HEV_8P" "Energi gendannet … 45 procent." "[english]HEV_8P" "Power restored ... 45 percent." "HEV_9P" "Energi gendannet … 50 procent." "[english]HEV_9P" "Power restored ... 50 percent." "HEV_10P" "Energi gendannet … 55 procent." "[english]HEV_10P" "Power restored ... 55 percent." "HEV_11P" "Energi gendannet … 60 procent." "[english]HEV_11P" "Power restored ... 60 percent." "HEV_12P" "Energi gendannet … 65 procent." "[english]HEV_12P" "Power restored ... 65 percent." "HEV_13P" "Energi gendannet … 70 procent." "[english]HEV_13P" "Power restored ... 70 percent." "HEV_14P" "Energi gendannet … 75 procent." "[english]HEV_14P" "Power restored ... 75 percent." "HEV_15P" "Energi gendannet … 80 procent." "[english]HEV_15P" "Power restored ... 80 percent." "HEV_16P" "Energi gendannet … 85 procent." "[english]HEV_16P" "Power restored ... 85 percent." "HEV_17P" "Energi gendannet … 90 procent." "[english]HEV_17P" "Power restored ... 90 percent." "HEV_18P" "Energi gendannet … 95 procent." "[english]HEV_18P" "Power restored ... 95 percent." "HEV_19P" "Energiniveauet er ... 100 procent." "[english]HEV_19P" "Power level is ... 100 percent." "HEV_AMO0" "Ammunition opbrugt." "[english]HEV_AMO0" "Ammunition depleted." "HEV_V0" "Stemmesystem aktiveret." "[english]HEV_V0" "Voice system activated." "HEV_V1" "Stemmesystem deaktiveret." "[english]HEV_V1" "Voice system deactivated." "HEV_E0" "Panser kompromitteret." "[english]HEV_E0" "Armour compromised." "HEV_E1" "Panser kompromitteret." "[english]HEV_E1" "Armour compromised." "HEV_E2" "HEV – kritisk svigt. Svigt." "[english]HEV_E2" "HEV - critical failure. Failure." "HEV_E3" "HEV – generelt svigt." "[english]HEV_E3" "HEV - general failure." "HEV_E4" "HEV – beskadiget." "[english]HEV_E4" "HEV - damage sustained." "HEV_E5" "Advarsel. Servobevægeapparat overbelastet." "[english]HEV_E5" "Warning. Power movement system overload." "HEV_F1" "1" "[english]HEV_F1" "1" "HEV_F2" "2" "[english]HEV_F2" "2" "HEV_F3" "3" "[english]HEV_F3" "3" "HEV_F4" "4" "[english]HEV_F4" "4" "HEV_F5" "5" "[english]HEV_F5" "5" "HEV_F6" "6" "[english]HEV_F6" "6" "HEV_F7" "7" "[english]HEV_F7" "7" "HEV_F8" "8" "[english]HEV_F8" "8" "HEV_F9" "9" "[english]HEV_F9" "9" "HEV_F10" "Resterende tid ... 10 sekunder." "[english]HEV_F10" "Time remaining ... 10 seconds." "HEV_F15" "Resterende tid ... 15 sekunder." "[english]HEV_F15" "Time remaining ... 15 seconds." "HEV_F20" "Resterende tid ... 20 sekunder." "[english]HEV_F20" "Time remaining ... 20 seconds." "HEV_F30" "Resterende tid ... 30 sekunder." "[english]HEV_F30" "Time remaining ... 30 seconds." "HEV_DET0" "Advarsel. Bio-risiko registreret." "[english]HEV_DET0" "Warning. Biohazard detected." "HEV_DET1" "Advarsel. Farlige kemikalier registreret." "[english]HEV_DET1" "Warning. Hazardous chemical detected." "HEV_DET2" "Advarsel. Farlige strålingsniveauer registreret." "[english]HEV_DET2" "Warning. Hazardous radiation levels detected." "HEV_DET3" "Mulig bio-udlæsning." "[english]HEV_DET3" "Possible bio reading." "HEV_DET4" "Antitoksin indgivet. 100 procent." "[english]HEV_DET4" "Antitoxin administered. 100 percent." "HEV_DET5" "Antitoksin indgivet. Advarsel. Farlige strålingsniveauer registreret. 100 procent." "[english]HEV_DET5" "Antitoxin administered. Warning. Hazardous radiation levels detected. 100 percent." "HEV_GR0" "afstand 20 meter" "[english]HEV_GR0" "range 20 meters" "HEV_GR1" "afstand 19 meter" "[english]HEV_GR1" "range 19 meters" "HEV_GR2" "afstand 18 meter" "[english]HEV_GR2" "range 18 meters" "HEV_GR3" "afstand 17 meter" "[english]HEV_GR3" "range 17 meters" "HEV_GR4" "afstand 16 meter" "[english]HEV_GR4" "range 16 meters" "HEV_GR5" "afstand 15 meter" "[english]HEV_GR5" "range 15 meters" "HEV_GR6" "afstand 14 meter" "[english]HEV_GR6" "range 14 meters" "HEV_GR7" "afstand 13 meter" "[english]HEV_GR7" "range 13 meters" "HEV_GR8" "afstand 12 meter" "[english]HEV_GR8" "range 12 meters" "HEV_GR9" "afstand 11 meter" "[english]HEV_GR9" "range 11 meters" "HEV_GR10" "afstand 10 meter" "[english]HEV_GR10" "range 10 meters" "HEV_GR11" "afstand 9 meter" "[english]HEV_GR11" "range 9 meters" "HEV_GR12" "afstand 8 meter" "[english]HEV_GR12" "range 8 meters" "HEV_GR13" "afstand 7 meter" "[english]HEV_GR13" "range 7 meters" "HEV_GR14" "afstand 6 meter" "[english]HEV_GR14" "range 6 meters" "HEV_GR15" "afstand 5 meter" "[english]HEV_GR15" "range 5 meters" "HEV_GR16" "afstand 4 meter" "[english]HEV_GR16" "range 4 meters" "HEV_GR17" "afstand 3 meter" "[english]HEV_GR17" "range 3 meters" "HEV_GR18" "afstand 2 meter" "[english]HEV_GR18" "range 2 meters" "HEV_GR19" "afstand 1 meter" "[english]HEV_GR19" "range 1 meter" "HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" "[Advarsel om dårligt helbred!]" "[english]HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" "[Low Health Warning!]" "HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" "[Advarsel om ammunitionsmangel!]" "[english]HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" "[Low Ammunition Warning!]" "HL2Player.SprintNoPower" "[Sprint opbrugt]" "[english]HL2Player.SprintNoPower" "[Sprint Depleted]" "HL2Player.SprintStart" "[Sprint aktiv]" "[english]HL2Player.SprintStart" "[Sprint On]" "HL2Player.UseDeny" "[Kan ikke bruge]" "[english]HL2Player.UseDeny" "[Can't Use]" "Player.Death" "[Død]" "[english]Player.Death" "[Death]" "Player.PlasmaDamage" "[Brænder]" "[english]Player.PlasmaDamage" "[Burning]" "Player.SonicDamage" "[Sonisk skade]" "[english]Player.SonicDamage" "[Sonic Damage]" "Player.DrownStart" "[Drukner]" "[english]Player.DrownStart" "[Drowning]" "Player.FallDamage" "[Faldskade]" "[english]Player.FallDamage" "[Falling Damage]" "Player.FallGib" "[Splat!]" "[english]Player.FallGib" "[Splat!]" "Player.UseDeny" "[Kan ikke bruge]" "[english]Player.UseDeny" "[Can't Use]" "Player.pickupweapon" "[Våbenopsamling]" "[english]Player.pickupweapon" "[Weapon pickup]" "Geiger.BeepLow" "[Langsom Geiger-tikken]" "[english]Geiger.BeepLow" "[Slow Geiger tick]" "Geiger.BeepHigh" "[Hurtig Geiger-tikken]" "[english]Geiger.BeepHigh" "[Fast Geiger tick]" "TriggerSuperArmor.StartCharging" "[Start opladning]" "[english]TriggerSuperArmor.StartCharging" "[Start Charging]" "TriggerSuperArmor.DoneCharging" "[Afslut opladning]" "[english]TriggerSuperArmor.DoneCharging" "[End Charging]" "ItemBattery.Touch" "[Batteriopsamling]" "[english]ItemBattery.Touch" "[Battery Pickup]" "HealthKit.Touch" "[Medicinsæt-opsamling]" "[english]HealthKit.Touch" "[Medkit Pickup]" "HealthVial.Touch" "[Helbredsampul-opsamling]" "[english]HealthVial.Touch" "[Health Vial Pickup]" "WallHealth.Deny" "[Afvis]" "[english]WallHealth.Deny" "[Deny]" "WallHealth.Start" "[Påbegynd heling]" "[english]WallHealth.Start" "[Begin Healing]" "SuitRecharge.Deny" "[Afvis]" "[english]SuitRecharge.Deny" "[Deny]" "SuitRecharge.Start" "[Påbegynd ladning]" "[english]SuitRecharge.Start" "[Begin Charging]" "NPC_Alyx.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Alyx.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Alyx.PushButton1" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushButton1" "[Button Sound]" "NPC_Alyx.PushButton2" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushButton2" "[Button Sound]" "NPC_Alyx.PushKeypad1" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.PushKeypad1" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Coin" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Coin" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Button" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Button" " " "NPC_Alyx.Vend_Hit" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.Vend_Hit" " " "NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Start" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Start" " " "NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Land" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.JumpDown_Land" " " "NPC_Alyx.ScrapYard_Hop" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.ScrapYard_Hop" " " "NPC_Alyx.ClimbLadder1" " " "[english]NPC_Alyx.ClimbLadder1" " " "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttack" "[Antlion-angreb]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttack" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.BurrowIn" "[Gravende antlion]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.BurrowIn" "[Antlion Burrowing]" "NPC_Antlion.BurrowOut" "[Fremkommende antlion]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.BurrowOut" "[Antlion Emerging]" "NPC_Antlion.FootstepSoft" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.FootstepSoft" " " "NPC_Antlion.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Footstep" " " "NPC_Antlion.FootstepHeavy" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.FootstepHeavy" " " "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackSingle" "[Antlion-angreb]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackSingle" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackDouble" "[Antlion-angreb]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.MeleeAttackDouble" "[Antlion Attack]" "NPC_Antlion.Distracted" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Distracted" " " "NPC_Antlion.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Idle" " " "NPC_Antlion.Pain" "[Antlion-smerte]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.Pain" "[Antlion Pain]" "NPC_Antlion.JumpTouch" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.JumpTouch" " " "NPC_Antlion.Land" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Land" " " "NPC_Antlion.WingsOpen" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.WingsOpen" " " "NPC_Antlion.LoopingAgitated" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.LoopingAgitated" " " "NPC_AntlionGrub.Scared" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGrub.Scared" " " "NPC_AntlionGrub.Squash" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGrub.Squash" " " "FX_AntlionImpact.ShellImpact" " " "[english]FX_AntlionImpact.ShellImpact" " " "NPC_Antlion.RunOverByVehicle" "[Antlion-kvasning]" "[english]NPC_Antlion.RunOverByVehicle" "[Antlion Crunch]" "NPC_Antlion.Movement" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Movement" " " "NPC_Antlion.Voice" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Voice" " " "NPC_Antlion.Heal" " " "[english]NPC_Antlion.Heal" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.SniffFound" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.SniffFound" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Shove" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Shove" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.HitHard" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.HitHard" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.StepLight" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.StepLight" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.StepHeavy" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.StepHeavy" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Anger" "[Antlion-vagt vred]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Anger" "[Antlion Guard Angry]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlHigh" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlHigh" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlIdle" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.GrowlIdle" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.BreathSound" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.BreathSound" " " "NPC_AntlionGuard.Confused" "[Antlion-vagt forvirret]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Confused" "[Antlion Guard Confused]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Roar" "[Antlion-vagt brøl]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Roar" "[Antlion Guard Roar]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Die" "[Antlion-vagt død]" "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Die" "[Antlion Guard Death]" "NPC_AntlionGuard.Fallover" " " "[english]NPC_AntlionGuard.Fallover" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.FireGun" "[Jagthelikopterforfølgelse]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.FireGun" "[Hunter-Chopper Pursuit]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeGun" "[Jagthelikopterangreb]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeGun" "[Hunter-Chopper Charging]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeDownGun" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.ChargeDownGun" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorBlast" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorBlast" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.NearFlyby" "[Jagthelikopterforbiflyvning]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.NearFlyby" "[Hunter-Chopper Flyby]" "NPC_AttackHelicopterGrenade.Ping" "[Jagthelikopterbombepejling]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopterGrenade.Ping" "[Hunter-Chopper Bomb Ping]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.DropMine" " " "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.DropMine" " " "NPC_AttackHelicopter.MegabombAlert" "[Jagthelikopterbombealarm]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.MegabombAlert" "[Hunter-Chopper Bombing Alert]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.BadlyDamagedAlert" "[Jagthelikopter beskadiget]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.BadlyDamagedAlert" "[Hunter-Chopper Damaged]" "NPC_AttackHelicopter.CrashingAlarm1" "[Jagthelikopteralarm]" "[english]NPC_AttackHelicopter.CrashingAlarm1" "[Hunter-Chopper Alarm]" "NPC_Helicopter.FireRocket" "[Jagthelikopterraket affyret]" "[english]NPC_Helicopter.FireRocket" "[Hunter-Chopper Rocket Fired]" "NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" "[Barnacle-bid]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" "[Barnacle Bite]" "NPC_Barnacle.Die" "[Barnacle-død]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Die" "[Barnacle Death]" "NPC_Barnacle.TongueOut" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.TongueOut" " " "NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" " " "NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" "[Barnacle-træk]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" "[Barnacle Pull]" "NPC_Barnacle.Grunt" "[Barnacle-grynt]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Grunt" "[Barnacle Grunt]" "NPC_Barnacle.BabyGrunt" " " "[english]NPC_Barnacle.BabyGrunt" " " "NPC_Barnacle.Scream" "[Barnacle-skrig]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Scream" "[Barnacle Scream]" "NPC_Barnacle.Digest" "[Barnacle-fordøjelse]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.Digest" "[Barnacle Digestion]" "NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" "[Barnacle-knoglebrud]" "[english]NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" "[Barnacle Bonebreak]" "NPC_Barney.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Barney.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Barney.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Barney.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Barney.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Bite" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Attack" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Attack" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.FootstepWalk" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.FootstepWalk" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Telegraph" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Telegraph" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Threat" "[Headcrab-trussel]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Threat" "[Headcrab Threat]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab-alarm]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Idle" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Talk" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Talk" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.AlertVoice" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.AlertVoice" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Pain" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab-død]" "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Impact" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.Impact" " " "NPC_BlackHeadcrab.ImpactAngry" " " "[english]NPC_BlackHeadcrab.ImpactAngry" " " "NPC_Combine.WeaponBash" " " "[english]NPC_Combine.WeaponBash" " " "NPC_CombineS.DissolveScream" "*Combine-soldat dødsfald*" "[english]NPC_CombineS.DissolveScream" "*Combine Soldier Death*" "NPC_CombineS.ElectrocuteScream" "*Combine-soldat dødsfald*" "[english]NPC_CombineS.ElectrocuteScream" "*Combine Soldier Death*" "NPC_CombineBall.Explosion" "[Eksplosion!]" "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Explosion" "[Explosion!]" "NPC_CombineBall.HoldingInPhysCannon" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.HoldingInPhysCannon" " " "NPC_CombineBall.WhizFlyby" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.WhizFlyby" " " "NPC_CombineBall.Launch" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Launch" " " "NPC_CombineBall.KillImpact" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.KillImpact" " " "NPC_CombineBall.Impact" " " "[english]NPC_CombineBall.Impact" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Retire" "[Kamera tilbage]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Retire" "[Camera Retire]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Deploy" "[Kamera-indsættelse]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Deploy" "[Camera Deploy]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Move" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Move" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Active" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Active" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.BecomeIdle" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.BecomeIdle" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Alert" "[Kamera-alarm]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Alert" "[Camera Alert]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Angry" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Angry" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Ping" " " "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Ping" " " "NPC_CombineCamera.Click" "[Kamera-klik]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Click" "[Camera Click]" "NPC_CombineCamera.Die" "[Kamera ødelagt]" "[english]NPC_CombineCamera.Die" "[Camera Destroyed]" "NPC_CombineMine.Hop" "[Minehop]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.Hop" "[Mine Hop]" "NPC_CombineMine.FlipOver" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.FlipOver" " " "NPC_CombineMine.TurnOn" "[Mine aktiveret]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.TurnOn" "[Mine Activated]" "NPC_CombineMine.TurnOff" "[Mine deaktiveret]" "[english]NPC_CombineMine.TurnOff" "[Mine De-activated]" "NPC_CombineMine.OpenHooks" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.OpenHooks" " " "NPC_CombineMine.CloseHooks" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.CloseHooks" " " "NPC_CombineMine.ActiveLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineMine.ActiveLoop" " " "NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Citizen.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Crow.Hop" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Hop" " " "NPC_Crow.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Gib" " " "NPC_Crow.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Idle" " " "NPC_Crow.Alert" "[Kragealarm]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Alert" "[Crow Alert]" "NPC_Crow.Pain" "[Kragesmerte]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Pain" "[Crow Pain]" "NPC_Crow.Die" "[Kragedød]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Die" "[Crow Death]" "NPC_Crow.Flap" " " "[english]NPC_Crow.Flap" " " "NPC_Crow.Squawk" "[Krageskræppen!]" "[english]NPC_Crow.Squawk" "[Crow Squawk!]" "NPC_dog.Idlemode_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Idlemode_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Combatmode_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Combatmode_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Roll_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Roll_1" " " "NPC_dog.Slide" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Slide" " " "NPC_dog.PoundGround" "[Dog dunker i jorden]" "[english]NPC_dog.PoundGround" "[Dog Pounding Ground]" "NPC_dog.PoundGround_hard" "[Dog dunker i jorden]" "[english]NPC_dog.PoundGround_hard" "[Dog Pounding Ground]" "NPC_dog.MetalHit_Soft_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.MetalHit_Soft_1" " " "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Pickup" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Pickup" " " "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Rattle" "[Rasle-rasle!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Rattle" "[Rattle-rattle!]" "NPC_dog.Dumpster_Drop" "[Styrt!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dumpster_Drop" "[Crash!]" "NPC_dog.Servo_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_1" " " "NPC_dog.Servo_up_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_up_1" " " "NPC_dog.Servo_dn_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Servo_dn_1" " " "NPC_dog.Pneumatic_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Pneumatic_1" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_1" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_2" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_2" " " "NPC_dog.Straining_3" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Straining_3" " " "NPC_dog.Rock_Lift1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Rock_Lift1" " " "NPC_dog.Rock_Drop" "[Dunk i klippe]" "[english]NPC_dog.Rock_Drop" "[Rock Thud]" "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Creak" "[Knirkende dør]" "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Creak" "[Door Creak]" "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift_loop" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Lift_loop" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Opened" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Opened" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closing" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closing" " " "NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closed" "[Lukket dør]" "[english]NPC_dog.Ravendoor_Closed" "[Door Closed]" "NPC_dog.Scrape_Car" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Scrape_Car" " " "NPC_dog.Throw_Car" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Throw_Car" " " "NPC_dog.Pain_1" "[Dog beskadiget]" "[english]NPC_dog.Pain_1" "[Dog Damaged]" "NPC_dog.Pain_2" "[Dog beskadiget]" "[english]NPC_dog.Pain_2" "[Dog Damaged]" "NPC_dog.Surprise_1" "[Dog overrasket]" "[english]NPC_dog.Surprise_1" "[Dog Surprised]" "NPC_dog.Surprise_2" "[Dog overrasket]" "[english]NPC_dog.Surprise_2" "[Dog Surprised]" "NPC_dog.Scared_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Scared_1" " " "NPC_dog.Talk_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Talk_1" " " "NPC_dog.Angry_1" "[Dog vred]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_1" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Angry_2" "[Dog vred]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_2" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Angry_3" "[Dog vred]" "[english]NPC_dog.Angry_3" "[Dog Angry]" "NPC_dog.Curious_1" "[Dog nysgerrig]" "[english]NPC_dog.Curious_1" "[Dog Curious]" "NPC_dog.Dissapointed_1" "[Dog skuffet]" "[english]NPC_dog.Dissapointed_1" "[Dog Disappointed]" "NPC_dog.Growl_1" "[Dog snerrer]" "[english]NPC_dog.Growl_1" "[Dog Growl]" "NPC_dog.Growl_2" "[Dog snerrer]" "[english]NPC_dog.Growl_2" "[Dog Growl]" "NPC_dog.Laugh_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Laugh_1" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_1" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_1" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_3" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_3" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_4" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_4" " " "NPC_dog.Playful_5" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Playful_5" " " "NPC_dog.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_dog.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_dog.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_dog.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_dog.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_dog.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_dog.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_dog.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_dog.Hang_On_Dropship" " " "[english]NPC_dog.Hang_On_Dropship" " " "NPC_dog.Thrown_Car_Hits_Ground" "[Styrt!]" "[english]NPC_dog.Thrown_Car_Hits_Ground" "[Crash!]" "NPC_CombineDropship.RotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.RotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.NearRotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.NearRotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.FireLoop" "[Landingsfartøjsforfølgelse]" "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.FireLoop" "[Dropship Pursuit]" "NPC_CombineDropship.OnGroundRotorLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.OnGroundRotorLoop" " " "NPC_CombineDropship.DescendingWarningLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CombineDropship.DescendingWarningLoop" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Idle" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab-alarm]" "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Pain" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab-død]" "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Bite" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Attack" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Attack" " " "NPC_FastHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_FastHeadcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_FastZombie.LeapAttack" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.LeapAttack" " " "NPC_FastZombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_FastZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_FastZombie.AttackHit" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AttackHit" " " "NPC_FastZombie.AttackMiss" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AttackMiss" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Attack" "[Zombieangreb]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Attack" "[Zombie Attack]" "NPC_FastZombie.Idle" "*hyl*" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Idle" "*howl*" "NPC_FastZombie.AlertFar" "[Fjern zombiealarm]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AlertFar" "[Distant Zombie Alert]" "NPC_FastZombie.AlertNear" "[Nær zombiealarm]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.AlertNear" "[Nearby Zombie Alert]" "NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft" " " "NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Scream" "[Zombieskrig]" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Scream" "[Zombie Scream]" "NPC_FastZombie.RangeAttack" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.RangeAttack" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Frenzy" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Frenzy" " " "NPC_FastZombie.Moan1" "*støn*" "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_FastZombie.Gurgle" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.Gurgle" " " "NPC_FastZombie.NoSound" " " "[english]NPC_FastZombie.NoSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStartSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStartSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStopSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.CannonStopSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.DyingSound" "[Kampfartøj dør]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.DyingSound" "[Gunship Dying]" "NPC_CombineGunship.RotorSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.RotorSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.ExhaustSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.ExhaustSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.RotorBlastSound" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.RotorBlastSound" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.SearchPing" "[Kampfartøj ping]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.SearchPing" "[Gunship Ping]" "NPC_CombineGunship.PatrolPing" " " "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.PatrolPing" " " "NPC_CombineGunship.SeeEnemy" "[Kampfartøj alarm]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.SeeEnemy" "[Gunship Alert]" "NPC_CombineGunship.Pain" "[Kampfartøj beskadiget]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.Pain" "[Gunship Damaged]" "NPC_CombineGunship.Explode" "[Kampfartøj eksplosion]" "[english]NPC_CombineGunship.Explode" "[Gunship Explosion]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Burning" "[Brændende headcrab]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Burning" "[Headcrab Burning]" "NPC_HeadCrab.StopBurning" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.StopBurning" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Gib" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Idle" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Alert" "[Headcrab-alarm]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Alert" "[Headcrab Alert]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Pain" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Pain" " " "NPC_HeadCrab.Die" "[Headcrab-død]" "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Die" "[Headcrab Death]" "NPC_HeadCrab.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_HeadCrab.Bite" " " "NPC_Headcrab.Attack" "[Headcrab-angreb]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.Attack" "[Headcrab attack]" "NPC_Headcrab.Footstep" " " "[english]NPC_Headcrab.Footstep" " " "NPC_Headcrab.BurrowIn" "[Gravende headcrab]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.BurrowIn" "[Headcrab Digging]" "NPC_Headcrab.BurrowOut" "[Fremkommende headcrab]" "[english]NPC_Headcrab.BurrowOut" "[Headcrab Emerging]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.Growl" "[Ichtyosaurussnerren]" "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.Growl" "[Ichthyosaur Growl]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.AttackGrowl" "[Ichtyosaurusbrøl]" "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.AttackGrowl" "[Ichthyosaur Roar]" "NPC_Ichthyosaur.Bite" " " "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.Bite" " " "NPC_Ichthyosaur.BiteMiss" " " "[english]NPC_Ichthyosaur.BiteMiss" " " "WateryDeath.Warn" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Warn" " " "WateryDeath.Pull" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Pull" " " "WateryDeath.Bite" " " "[english]WateryDeath.Bite" " " "NPC_Manhack.Die" "[Manhack død]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Die" "[Manhack Death]" "NPC_Manhack.Bat" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Bat" " " "NPC_Manhack.Splash" "[Plask!]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Splash" "[Splash!]" "NPC_Manhack.Slice" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Slice" " " "NPC_Manhack.Grind" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Grind" " " "NPC_Manhack.EngineNoise" "[Manhack motor]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineNoise" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.Unpack" "[Manhack indsættelse]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.Unpack" "[Manhack Deploy]" "NPC_Manhack.EngineSound1" "[Manhack motor]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineSound1" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.EngineSound2" "[Manhack motor]" "[english]NPC_Manhack.EngineSound2" "[Manhack Engine]" "NPC_Manhack.BladeSound" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.BladeSound" " " "NPC_Manhack.ChargeAnnounce" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.ChargeAnnounce" " " "NPC_Manhack.ChargeEnd" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.ChargeEnd" " " "NPC_Manhack.Stunned" " " "[english]NPC_Manhack.Stunned" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.SentenceParameters" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.SentenceParameters" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.HitByVehicle" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.HitByVehicle" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Shove" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Shove" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.HidingSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.HidingSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.LocateSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.LocateSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.OnFireScream" "*skrigende*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.OnFireScream" "*screaming*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Pain" "*smerte*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Pain" "*pain*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Die" "*død*" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Die" "*death*" "NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.Off" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.Off" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.On" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Radio.On" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.Stay" "Vent." "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Stay" "Hold it." "NPC_MetroPolice.Warn" "[Fjendeadvarsel]" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.Warn" "[Enemy Warning]" "NPC_MetroPolice.WaterSpeech" " " "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.WaterSpeech" " " "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong1" "Passér!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong1" "Move along!" "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong2" "Jeg sagde, passer!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong2" "I said move!" "NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong3" "Gør klar til dom!" "[english]NPC_MetroPolice.MoveAlong3" "Prepare for judgment!" "NPC_CombineS.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_CombineS.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepLeft" " " "NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_CombineS.RunFootstepRight" " " "NPC_Combine.RadioChatter" "[Combine-radio: Snakken]" "[english]NPC_Combine.RadioChatter" "[Combine Radio: Chatter]" "NPC_Combine.Alert" "[Combine-radio: Alarm!]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Alert" "[Combine Radio: Alert!]" "NPC_Combine.Pain" "*smerte*" "[english]NPC_Combine.Pain" "*pain*" "NPC_Combine.Death" "*død*" "[english]NPC_Combine.Death" "*death*" "NPC_Combine.Grenade" "[Combine-radio: Granatalarm!]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Grenade" "[Combine Radio: Grenade Alert!]" "NPC_Combine.Last" "[Combine-radio: Anmodning om støtte]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Last" "[Combine Radio: Requesting Backup]" "NPC_Combine.Coord" "[Combine-radio: Taktisk]" "[english]NPC_Combine.Coord" "[Combine Radio: Tactical]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Die" "[Zombie-dødsfald]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Die" "[Zombie Death]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.ThrowWarn" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.ThrowWarn" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.Throw" "[Parasit kastet]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Throw" "[Parasite Thrown]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Idle" "*støn*" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Idle" "*moan*" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Pain" "[Zombie-smerte]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Pain" "[Zombie Pain]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.Alert" "[Zombie-alarm]" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Alert" "[Zombie Alert]" "NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.FastBreath" " " "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.FastBreath" " " "NPC_PoisonZombie.Moan1" "*støn*" "[english]NPC_PoisonZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_RollerMine.Roll" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Roll" " " "NPC_RollerMine.RollWithSpikes" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.RollWithSpikes" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Tossed" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Tossed" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Held" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Held" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Taunt" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Taunt" " " "NPC_RollerMine.Ping" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Ping" " " "NPC_RollerMine.OpenSpikes" "[Rullemine indsættelse]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.OpenSpikes" "[Rollermine Deploy]" "NPC_RollerMine.CloseSpikes" "[Rullemine tilbagetrækning]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.CloseSpikes" "[Rollermine Retract]" "NPC_RollerMine.Shock" "[Rullemine chok]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Shock" "[Rollermine Shock]" "NPC_RollerMine.Hurt" "[Rullemine beskadiget]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Hurt" "[Rollermine Damaged]" "NPC_RollerMine.Chirp" "[Rullemine blip]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.Chirp" "[Rollermine Chirp]" "NPC_RollerMine.ChirpRespond" " " "[english]NPC_RollerMine.ChirpRespond" " " "NPC_RollerMine.JoltVehicle" "[Rullemine slag]" "[english]NPC_RollerMine.JoltVehicle" "[Rollermine Jolt]" "NPC_CScanner.Gib" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Gib" " " "NPC_CScanner.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Shoot" " " "NPC_CScanner.Alert" "[Scanner alarm]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Alert" "[Scanner Alert]" "NPC_CScanner.Die" "[Scanner dødsfald]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Die" "[Scanner Death]" "NPC_CScanner.Combat" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Combat" " " "NPC_CScanner.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Idle" " " "NPC_CScanner.Pain" "[Scanner beskadiget]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.Pain" "[Scanner Damaged]" "NPC_CScanner.TakePhoto" "[Scanner klik]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.TakePhoto" "[Scanner Click]" "NPC_CScanner.PreFlash" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.PreFlash" " " "NPC_CScanner.PreGas" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.PreGas" " " "NPC_CScanner.AttackFlash" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.AttackFlash" " " "NPC_CScanner.AttackGas" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.AttackGas" " " "NPC_CScanner.DiveBomb" "[Scanner dykbombe]" "[english]NPC_CScanner.DiveBomb" "[Scanner Divebomb]" "NPC_SScanner.FlySound" " " "[english]NPC_SScanner.FlySound" " " "NPC_CScanner.DiveBombFlyby" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.DiveBombFlyby" " " "NPC_CScanner.OpenEye" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.OpenEye" " " "NPC_CScanner.Illuminate" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.Illuminate" " " "NPC_CScanner.FlyLoop" " " "[english]NPC_CScanner.FlyLoop" " " "NPC_Sniper.Idle" "<[Combine Radio: Sniper Chatter]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Idle" "<[Combine Radio: Sniper Chatter]" "NPC_Sniper.Alert" "[Snigskytte alarm]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Alert" "[Sniper Alert]" "NPC_Sniper.Die" "[Snigskytte dødsfald]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Die" "[Sniper Death]" "NPC_Sniper.TargetHidden" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.TargetHidden" " " "NPC_Sniper.CoverDestroyed" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.CoverDestroyed" " " "NPC_Sniper.TargetDestroyed" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.TargetDestroyed" " " "NPC_Sniper.HearDanger" "[Snigskytte alarm]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.HearDanger" "[Sniper Alert]" "NPC_Sniper.FireBullet" "[Snigskytte skud]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.FireBullet" "[Sniper Shot]" "NPC_Sniper.Reload" "[Snigskytte genladning]" "[english]NPC_Sniper.Reload" "[Sniper Reload]" "NPC_Sniper.SonicBoom" " " "[english]NPC_Sniper.SonicBoom" " " "NPC_Strider.Alert" "[Strider alarm]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Alert" "[Strider Alert]" "NPC_Strider.Pain" "[Strider smerte]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Pain" "[Strider Pain]" "NPC_Strider.Idle" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Idle" " " "NPC_Strider.Death" "[Strider dødsfald]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Death" "[Strider Death]" "NPC_Strider.Charge" "[Strider opladning]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Charge" "[Strider Charge]" "NPC_Strider.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Shoot" " " "NPC_Strider.FireMinigun" "[Strider rullekanon]" "[english]NPC_Strider.FireMinigun" "[Strider Minigun]" "NPC_Strider.Whoosh" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Whoosh" " " "NPC_Strider.Footstep" "[Strider skridt]" "[english]NPC_Strider.Footstep" "[Strider Footsteps]" "NPC_Strider.Creak" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Creak" " " "NPC_Strider.Skewer" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.Skewer" " " "NPC_Strider.RagdollDetach" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.RagdollDetach" " " "NPC_Strider.OpenHatch" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.OpenHatch" " " "NPC_Strider.DieFalling" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.DieFalling" " " "NPC_Strider.HitGround" "[Styrt!]" "[english]NPC_Strider.HitGround" "[Crash!]" "NPC_Strider.SkewerHitBody" " " "[english]NPC_Strider.SkewerHitBody" " " "NPC_Strider.SkewerTalk" "*skrig*" "[english]NPC_Strider.SkewerTalk" "*scream*" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Retire" "[Tårn tilbagetrækning]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Retire" "[Turret Retire]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Deploy" "[Tårn indsættelse]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Deploy" "[Turret Deploy]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Move" " " "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Move" " " "NPC_CeilingTurret.Active" " " "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Active" " " "NPC_CeilingTurret.Alert" "[Tårn alarm]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Alert" "[Turret Alert]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Shoot" "[Tårn skyder]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Shoot" "[Turret Firing]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Ping" "[Tårn ping]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Ping" "[Turret Ping]" "NPC_CeilingTurret.Die" "[Tårn dødsfald]" "[english]NPC_CeilingTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Retire" "[Tårn tilbagetrækning]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Retire" "[Turret Retire]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Deploy" "[Tårn indsættelse]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Deploy" "[Turret Deploy]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Move" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Move" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.Activate" "[Tårn aktiveret]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Activate" "[Turret Activated]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Alert" "[Tårn alarm]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Alert" "[Turret Alert]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Shoot" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Shoot" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds" " " "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds" " " "NPC_FloorTurret.Die" "[Tårn dødsfald]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Retract" "[Tårn nedtagning]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Retract" "[Turret Retract]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Alarm" "[Tårn alarm]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Alarm" "[Turret Alarm]" "NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" "[Tårn ping]" "[english]NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" "[Turret Ping]" "NPC_GroundTurret.Die" "[Tårn dødsfald]" "[english]NPC_GroundTurret.Die" "[Turret Death]" "NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitOn" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitOn" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitCharge" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.SuitCharge" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Claw" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Claw" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepLeft" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepRight" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.FootstepRight" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Shoot" "[Vortigaunt stråleangreb]" "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Shoot" "[Vortigaunt Beam Attack]" "NPC_Vortigaunt.Swing" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Swing" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.Kick" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.Kick" " " "NPC_Vortigaunt.ClawBeam" " " "[english]NPC_Vortigaunt.ClawBeam" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.PoundDoor" " " "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.PoundDoor" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.Swat" " " "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Swat" " " "Zombie.FootstepRight" " " "[english]Zombie.FootstepRight" " " "Zombie.FootstepLeft" " " "[english]Zombie.FootstepLeft" " " "Zombie.ScuffRight" " " "[english]Zombie.ScuffRight" " " "Zombie.ScuffLeft" " " "[english]Zombie.ScuffLeft" " " "Zombie.AttackHit" " " "[english]Zombie.AttackHit" " " "Zombie.AttackMiss" " " "[english]Zombie.AttackMiss" " " "Zombie.Pain" "[Zombie-smerte]" "[english]Zombie.Pain" "[Zombie Pain]" "Zombie.Alert" "[Zombie-alarm]" "[english]Zombie.Alert" "[Zombie Alert]" "Zombie.Idle" "*støn*" "[english]Zombie.Idle" "*moan*" "Zombie.Die" "*Zombie dødsfald*" "[english]Zombie.Die" "*Zombie Death*" "Zombie.Attack" " " "[english]Zombie.Attack" " " "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" "*støn*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" "*støn*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" "*støn*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" "*moan*" "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" "*støn*" "[english]NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" "*moan*" "combine.door_lock" "[Låst]" "[english]combine.door_lock" "[Locked]" "combine.sheild_touch" "[Kraftfeltsummen]" "[english]combine.sheild_touch" "[Forcefield hum]" "d1_trainstation.city_voice_misscount" "Advarselsstemme: Fejltælling registreret i sektor" "[english]d1_trainstation.city_voice_misscount" "Warning Voice: Miscount Detected In Sector" "d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop1" "[Alarm]" "[english]d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop1" "[Alarm]" "d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop2" "[Alarm]" "[english]d1_trainstation.apc_alarm_loop2" "[Alarm]" "d1_trainstation.citizen_hitpain" "*smerte*" "[english]d1_trainstation.citizen_hitpain" "*pain*" "d1_trainstation.boots_on_stairs" "[Støvletramp på trapper!]" "[english]d1_trainstation.boots_on_stairs" "[Bootsteps on stairs!]" "Trainyard.sodamachine_empty" "[Tom]" "[english]Trainyard.sodamachine_empty" "[Empty]" "Trainyard.alyx_emp_spark" "[EMP-udladning!]" "[english]Trainyard.alyx_emp_spark" "[EMP Device Burst!]" "d1_trainstation_01.combinelock_unlock" "[Oplåst]" "[english]d1_trainstation_01.combinelock_unlock" "[Unlocked]" "d1_trainstation_01.citizen_introom_beating" "*smerte*" "[english]d1_trainstation_01.citizen_introom_beating" "*pain*" "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorknock" "[Hamren på dør]" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorknock" "[Door Pounding]" "d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorkick" "[STYRT!]" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.breakin_doorkick" "[CRASH!]" "d1_trainstation_03.citizen_beating" "*dæmpet gennembankning*" "[english]d1_trainstation_03.citizen_beating" "*muffled beating*" "Trainyard.train_horn" "[Toghorn]" "[english]Trainyard.train_horn" "[Train Horn]" "Trainyard.doll" "[Ma-ma!]" "[english]Trainyard.doll" "[Ma-ma!]" "Trainyard.door_pound" "[Bank bank bank!]" "[english]Trainyard.door_pound" "[Knock knock knock!]" "k_lab.ickyscene_growl1" "[Snerren...]" "[english]k_lab.ickyscene_growl1" "[Growl...]" "k_lab.ickyscene_growl2" " " "[english]k_lab.ickyscene_growl2" " " "k_lab.eyescanner_use" "[Øjenscanner aktivér]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_use" "[Eye-scanner Activate]" "k_lab.eyescanner_fail" "[Øjenscanning mislykket]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_fail" "[Eye-scan Failed]" "k_lab.eyescanner_success" "[Øjenscanning godkendt]" "[english]k_lab.eyescanner_success" "[Eye-scan Approved]" "k_lab.distantsiren" "[Fjern sirene]" "[english]k_lab.distantsiren" "[Distant Siren]" "k_lab.headcrab_in_vent" "[Myldren i luftkanal]" "[english]k_lab.headcrab_in_vent" "[Scurrying in airduct]" "k_lab.teleport_heartbeat" "[Puls...]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_heartbeat" "[Heartbeat...]" "k_lab.teleport_breathing" "[Åndedrag...]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_breathing" "[Breathing...]" "k_lab.teleport_sound" "[Zap!]" "[english]k_lab.teleport_sound" "[Zap!]" "razortrain_horn" "[Toghorn!]" "[english]razortrain_horn" "[Train Horn!]" "train_horn_01" "[Toghorn!]" "[english]train_horn_01" "[Train horn!]" "razortrain_wheels" "[Hylende toghjul!]" "[english]razortrain_wheels" "[Train wheels screeching!]" "underground_steamjet" "[Damphvæsen]" "[english]underground_steamjet" "[Steam hiss]" "d1_canals.Floodgate_Klaxon" "[Sirene!]" "[english]d1_canals.Floodgate_Klaxon" "[Klaxon!]" "d1_canals.Floodgate_AlarmBellLoop" "[Sirene!]" "[english]d1_canals.Floodgate_AlarmBellLoop" "[Klaxon!]" "canals_citadel_siren" "[Citadelsirene!]" "[english]canals_citadel_siren" "[Citadel siren!]" "d1_canals_03.siren01" "[Sirene!]" "[english]d1_canals_03.siren01" "[Siren!]" "water_flood_in" "[Indstrømmende vand]" "[english]water_flood_in" "[Inrushing Water]" "water_flood_out" "[Udstrømmende vand]" "[english]water_flood_out" "[Outrushing Water]" "train_forcefield" "[Kraftfeltsummen]" "[english]train_forcefield" "[Forcefield Hum]" "train_crossing_bell" "[Klokke ved jernbaneoverskæring]" "[english]train_crossing_bell" "[Train Crossing Bell]" "apc_siren1" "[PMV-sirene!]" "[english]apc_siren1" "[APC Siren!]" "canals.locks_tower_precollapse" "[Knirkende tårn!]" "[english]canals.locks_tower_precollapse" "[Tower Creaking!]" "d1_canals_05.canister_open" "[Beholder åbnes]" "[english]d1_canals_05.canister_open" "[Canister Opening]" "d1_canals.metropolice_thereheis" "Der er han!" "[english]d1_canals.metropolice_thereheis" "There he is!" "d1_canals.headcrabbing_moan" "*Støn!*" "[english]d1_canals.headcrabbing_moan" "*Moan!*" "eli_lab.elevator_ding" "[Elevatorklokke]" "[english]eli_lab.elevator_ding" "[Elevator Bell]" "eli_lab.firebell_loop_1" "[Sirene]" "[english]eli_lab.firebell_loop_1" "[Klaxon]" "eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_pound" "[Banken!]" "[english]eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_pound" "[Pounding!]" "eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_bend" "[Skrigende metal]" "[english]eli_lab.dog_airlockdoor_bend" "[Metal Screeching]" "eli_lab.attack_battleloop_1" "[ANGREB!]" "[english]eli_lab.attack_battleloop_1" "[ATTACK!]" "d1_town.Slicer" "[Skæring]" "[english]d1_town.Slicer" "[Slice]" "d1_town.TramHouseStart" "[Sporvogn start]" "[english]d1_town.TramHouseStart" "[Tram start]" "d1_town.TramStop" "[Sporvogn stop]" "[english]d1_town.TramStop" "[Tram stop]" "d1_town.SlicerCartStop" "[Skærer stop]" "[english]d1_town.SlicerCartStop" "[Slicer stop]" "d1_town.CarHit" "[STYRT!]" "[english]d1_town.CarHit" "[CRASH!]" "d1_town.FlameTrapIgnite" "[Flamme antændes]" "[english]d1_town.FlameTrapIgnite" "[Flame ignite]" "d1_town.GasJet" "[Hvæsende gasstråle]" "[english]d1_town.GasJet" "[Hissing gas jet]" "E3_Phystown.Slicer" "[Schwick!]" "[english]E3_Phystown.Slicer" "[Schwick!]" "Town.d1_town_01_lightswitch2" "[Tændingsgnist]" "[english]Town.d1_town_01_lightswitch2" "[Ignition Spark]" "Town.d1_town_03_metalgrate3" "[Afløbsrør rasler]" "[english]Town.d1_town_03_metalgrate3" "[Gutterpipe rattling]" "Town.d1_town_02_metalgrate3" "[Afløbsrør rasler]" "[english]Town.d1_town_02_metalgrate3" "[Gutterpipe rattling]" "coast.thumper_hit" "[Dunk! Dunk! Dunk!]" "[english]coast.thumper_hit" "[Thump! Thump! Thump!]" "coast.thumper_large_hit" "[Dunk! Dunk! Dunk!]" "[english]coast.thumper_large_hit" "[Thump! Thump! Thump!]" "coast.thumper_startup" "[Start af antlion-skræmmer]" "[english]coast.thumper_startup" "[Starting Antlion Repeller]" "coast.thumper_shutdown" "[Standsning af antlion-skræmmer]" "[english]coast.thumper_shutdown" "[Stopping Antlion Repeller]" "coast.bunker_siren1" "[Bunkersirene]" "[english]coast.bunker_siren1" "[Bunker Siren]" "coast.bunker_siren2" "[Bunkersirene]" "[english]coast.bunker_siren2" "[Bunker Siren]" "coast.gaspump_ignite" "[Benzinpumpe antændes]" "[english]coast.gaspump_ignite" "[Gaspump Ignites]" "coast.leech_bites_loop" "[Igle bider]" "[english]coast.leech_bites_loop" "[Leech bites]" "coast.siren_citizen" "[Landsbysirene!]" "[english]coast.siren_citizen" "[Village Siren!]" "coast.radio_dead" "[Radiostøj]" "[english]coast.radio_dead" "[Radio Static]" "novaprospekt.Alyx_EMP_2" "[EMP-udladning]" "[english]novaprospekt.Alyx_EMP_2" "[EMP Device Burst]" "Novaprospekt.flare_fire" "[Signalpistol affyres]" "[english]Novaprospekt.flare_fire" "[Flaregun fired]" "novaprospekt.GateGrindsUp" "[Væg skurrer]" "[english]novaprospekt.GateGrindsUp" "[Wall Grinding]" "novaprospekt.GateGroundCrunch" "[Væg styrter!]" "[english]novaprospekt.GateGroundCrunch" "[Wall Crashing!]" "novaprospekt.CaveInScrape" "[Skraben...]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInScrape" "[Scraping...]" "novaprospekt.CaveInCrash" "[Styrt!]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInCrash" "[Crash!]" "novaprospekt.CaveInRumble" "[Rumlen...]" "[english]novaprospekt.CaveInRumble" "[Rumble...]" "streetwar.d3_c17_08_steam01" "[Damphvæsen]" "[english]streetwar.d3_c17_08_steam01" "[Steam Hiss]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_03_default_locked" "[Låst]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_03_default_locked" "[Locked]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_07_fire" "[Signalpistol affyres]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_07_fire" "[Flaregun fired]" "streetwar.Zombie.wakeupsnarl" "[Zombie-snerren]" "[english]streetwar.Zombie.wakeupsnarl" "[Zombie Snarls]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_siren" "[Sirene]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_siren" "[Siren]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_1" "[Eksplosion!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_1" "[Explosion!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_3" "[Eksplosion!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_explode_3" "[Explosion!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_default_locked" "[Låst]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_default_locked" "[Locked]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_alarm1" "[Alarm!]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_alarm1" "[Alarm!]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_fire" "[Undertrykkeraffyring]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10a_fire" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire" "[Undertrykkeraffyring]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire" "[Suppressor Launch]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire2" "[undertrykker indkommende]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_fire2" "[Suppressor Incoming]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_die" "[Tårn dør]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_10b_die" "[Turret Dies]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_move1" "[Vindebro bevæger sig]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_move1" "[Drawbridge moves]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_stop1" "[Vindebro stopper]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_drawbridge_stop1" "[Drawbridge stops]" "Streetwar.d3_c17_11_die" "[Tårn dør]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_c17_11_die" "[Turret dies]" "Streetwar.d3_C17_13_explode_2" "[Eksplosion]" "[english]Streetwar.d3_C17_13_explode_2" "[Explosion]" "citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip" "[Advarselsstemme: Konfiskeringsfelt aktiveret]" "[english]citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip" "[Warning Voice: Confiscation Field Activated]" "citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip_fail" "[Advarselsstemme: Konfiskeringsfelt svigtet]" "[english]citadel.overwatch_weaponstrip_fail" "[Warning Voice: Confiscation Field Failure]" "d3_citadel.elevator_rings_locked" "[Elevator klar]" "[english]d3_citadel.elevator_rings_locked" "[Elevator Ready]" "d3_citadel.elevator_alarm" "[Elevator tilkaldt]" "[english]d3_citadel.elevator_alarm" "[Elevator Called]" "d3_citadel.guards_bangdoor" "[HAMREN PÅ DØRE]" "[english]d3_citadel.guards_bangdoor" "[BANGING ON DOORS]" "Wood_Box.Break" "[Træ flækker]" "[english]Wood_Box.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Door.Locked1" "[Låst]" "[english]Door.Locked1" "[Locked]" "Door.Locked2" "[Låst]" "[english]Door.Locked2" "[Locked]" "DoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Låst]" "[english]DoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Locked]" "RotDoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Låst]" "[english]RotDoorSound.DefaultLocked" "[Locked]" "Doors.FullClose1" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose1" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose2" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose2" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose3" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose3" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose4" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose4" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose5" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose5" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose6" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose6" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose7" "[Portlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose7" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose8" "[Metalklang]" "[english]Doors.FullClose8" "[Metal Clang]" "Doors.FullClose9" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose9" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose10" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose10" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose11" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose11" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose12" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose12" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose13" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose13" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose14" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose14" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose15" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose15" "[Door Sound]" "Doors.FullClose16" "[Portlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose16" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose17" "[Portlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose17" "[Gate Sound]" "Doors.FullClose18" "[Portlyd]" "[english]Doors.FullClose18" "[Gate Sound]" "doors.locker_shut" "[Skabslyd]" "[english]doors.locker_shut" "[Locker Sound]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked1" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked1" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked1" "[Låst]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked1" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked2" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked2" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked2" "[Låst]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked2" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked3" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked3" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked3" "[Låst]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked3" "[Locked]" "DoorHandles.Unlocked4" "[Dørlyd]" "[english]DoorHandles.Unlocked4" "[Door Sound]" "DoorHandles.Locked4" "[Låst]" "[english]DoorHandles.Locked4" "[Locked]" "Buttons.snd0" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd0" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd1" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd1" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd2" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd2" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd3" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd3" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd4" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd4" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd5" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd5" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd6" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd6" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd7" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd7" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd8" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd8" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd9" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd9" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd10" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd10" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd11" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd11" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd12" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd12" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd13" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd13" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd14" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd14" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd15" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd15" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd16" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd16" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd17" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd17" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd18" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd18" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd19" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd19" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd20" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd20" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd31" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd31" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd32" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd32" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd33" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd33" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd34" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd34" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd35" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd35" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd36" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd36" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd37" "[Knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd37" "[Button sound]" "Buttons.snd21" "[Håndtagslyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd21" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd22" "[Håndtagslyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd22" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd23" "[Håndtagslyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd23" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd24" "[Håndtagslyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd24" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd25" "[Håndtagslyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd25" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd26" "[Håndtagslyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd26" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd27" "[Håndtagslyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd27" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd28" "[Håndtagslyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd28" "[Lever sound]" "Buttons.snd40" "[Knap låst]" "[english]Buttons.snd40" "[Button locked]" "Buttons.snd41" "[Combine-knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd41" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd42" "[Combine-knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd42" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd43" "[Combine-knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd43" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd44" "[Combine-knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd44" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd45" "[Combine-knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd45" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd46" "[Combine-knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd46" "[Combine Button sound]" "Buttons.snd47" "[Combine-knaplyd]" "[english]Buttons.snd47" "[Combine Button sound]" "Physics.WaterSplash" "[Vandplask]" "[english]Physics.WaterSplash" "[Water Splash]" "Glass.BulletImpact" "[Splintrende glas]" "[english]Glass.BulletImpact" "[Shattering Glass]" "Glass.Break" "[Splintrende glas]" "[english]Glass.Break" "[Shattering Glass]" "Pottery.Break" "[Knusende keramik]" "[english]Pottery.Break" "[Breaking Ceramics]" "Pottery.BulletImpact" "[Splintrende keramik]" "[english]Pottery.BulletImpact" "[Shattering ceramics]" "Computer.BulletImpact" "[Splintrende skærm]" "[english]Computer.BulletImpact" "[Shattering monitor]" "Watermelon.Impact" "[Melon-splat]" "[english]Watermelon.Impact" "[Melon Splat]" "Watermelon.BulletImpact" "[Melon-splat]" "[english]Watermelon.BulletImpact" "[Melon Splat]" "MetalVehicle.ImpactHard" "[Hårdt anslag]" "[english]MetalVehicle.ImpactHard" "[Hard Impact]" "GlassBottle.BulletImpact" "[Splintrende glas]" "[english]GlassBottle.BulletImpact" "[Shattering Glass]" "GlassBottle.Break" "[Splintrende glas]" "[english]GlassBottle.Break" "[Shattering Glass]" "Breakable.Crate" "[Træ flækker]" "[english]Breakable.Crate" "[Wood Breaking]" "Breakable.Metal" "[Metal ødelagt]" "[english]Breakable.Metal" "[Metal Destroyed]" "Breakable.Glass" "[Glas splintres]" "[english]Breakable.Glass" "[Glass shattering]" "Breakable.Concrete" "[Beton ødelægges]" "[english]Breakable.Concrete" "[Concrete Breaking]" "Breakable.Ceiling" "[Gips ødelægges]" "[english]Breakable.Ceiling" "[Plaster Breaking]" "Breakable.MatWood" "[Træ flækker]" "[english]Breakable.MatWood" "[Wood Breaking]" "Cardboard.Break" "[Pap ødelægges]" "[english]Cardboard.Break" "[Cardboard breaking]" "Plastic_Barrel.Break" "[Plastic ødelægges]" "[english]Plastic_Barrel.Break" "[Plastic breaking]" "Plastic_Box.Break" "[Plastic ødelægges]" "[english]Plastic_Box.Break" "[Plastic breaking]" "Wood.Break" "[Træ flækker]" "[english]Wood.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood.Strain" "[Træ giver efter]" "[english]Wood.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood.bulletimpact" "[Træ splintrer]" "[english]Wood.bulletimpact" "[Wood splintering]" "Wood_Crate.Break" "[Træ flækker]" "[english]Wood_Crate.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Plank.Break" "[Træ flækker]" "[english]Wood_Plank.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Plank.Strain" "[Træ giver efter]" "[english]Wood_Plank.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood_Solid.Break" "[Træ flækker]" "[english]Wood_Solid.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Solid.Strain" "[Træ giver efter]" "[english]Wood_Solid.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Wood_Furniture.Break" "[Træ flækker]" "[english]Wood_Furniture.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Panel.Break" "[Træ flækker]" "[english]Wood_Panel.Break" "[Wood breaking]" "Wood_Panel.Strain" "[Træ giver efter]" "[english]Wood_Panel.Strain" "[Wood straining]" "Metal_Box.Break" "[Metal ødelægges]" "[english]Metal_Box.Break" "[Metal breaking]" "Metal_Box.Strain" "[Metal giver efter]" "[english]Metal_Box.Strain" "[Metal straining]" "Metal.SawbladeStick" "[Sproing!]" "[english]Metal.SawbladeStick" "[Sproing!]" "npc_dog.phrase02" " " "[english]npc_dog.phrase02" " " "npc_dog.servo_5" " " "[english]npc_dog.servo_5" " " "npc_dog.metal_strain2" " " "[english]npc_dog.metal_strain2" " " "solidmetal.scraperough" " " "[english]solidmetal.scraperough" " " "wood.scraperough" " " "[english]wood.scraperough" " " "plastic_box.scraperough" " " "[english]plastic_box.scraperough" " " } }