"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "SBoxLimit_props" "You've hit the Prop limit!" "SBoxLimit_ragdolls" "You've hit the Ragdoll limit!" "SBoxLimit_effects" "You've hit the Effects limit!" "SBoxLimit_balloons" "You've hit the Balloons limit!" "SBoxLimit_npcs" "You've hit the NPC limit!" "SBoxLimit_sweps" "You've hit the Scripted Weapon limit!" "SBoxLimit_sents" "You've hit the Scripted Entity limit!" "SBoxLimit_dynamite" "You've hit the Dynamite limit!" "SBoxLimit_wheels" "You've hit the Wheel limit!" "SBoxLimit_Thrusters" "You've hit the Thruster limit!" "SBoxLimit_Lamps" "You've hit the Lamps limit!" "SBoxLimit_Lights" "You've hit the Lights limit!" "SBoxLimit_Hoverballs" "You've hit the Hoverballs limit!" "SBoxLimit_Vehicles" "You've hit the Vehicles limit!" "SBoxLimit_Buttons" "You've hit the Buttons limit!" "SBoxLimit_Emitters" "You've hit the Emitters limit!" "SBoxLimit_cameras" "You've hit the Cameras limit!" } }