"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "ChooseMapHelp" "Click on the map you want to play, then press Start Game." "Options" "Options" "Default" "Default" "Delete" "Delete" "OnOff" "On/Off" "Presets" "Presets" "Add_Preset" "Add a new preset:" "Save" "Save" "New" "New" "Gallery" "Gallery" "BrowseAll" "Browse All" "Toggle" "Toggle" "AddPreset" "Add New Preset" "AddPresetName" "Please enter a name for the new preset" "Enable_Disable" "Enable/Disable" "gmod_loading_title" "Loading.." "file_progress" "File Progress" "total_progress" "Total Progress" "gmod_load_cancel" "Cancel" "downloading_x" "Downloading %s1" "file_x_of_x" "File %s1 of %s2" "finished" "Finished!" "gettingfilelist" "Getting File List!" "Category" "Category" "Filename" "Filename" "Playerid_sameteam" "Friend: %s1 Health: %s2" "Playerid_diffteam" "Enemy: %s1" "Playerid_noteam" "%s1 Health:%s2" "Team" "Team %s1" "Game_connected" "%s1 connected" "Game_disconnected" "%s1 has left the game" "Game" "Game" "MapName" "Map Name" "Name" "Name" "Score" "Score" "Deaths" "Deaths" "Ping" "Ping" "AuthorWebsite" "Website:" "AuthorEmail" "Email:" "AuthorName" "Author:" "Version" "Version" "Author" "Author" "filter_profanity" "Filter Profanity (Steam settings apply)" "ScriptEnforceRejected" "You can't join this server because some of your scripts differ.\nYou can find out which scripts are different by looking in the console." "GameUI_HTMLLoadingScreen" "Enable custom HTML loading screens" "GameUI_CrosshairCustomize" "Crosshair Customization" "HL2_AmmoFull" "FULL" "HL2_Saved" "Game Saved" // Garry's Mod weapons "GMOD_Physgun" "PHYSICS GUN" "GMOD_Camera" "Camera" "GMOD_Fists" "Fists" "GMOD_FlechetteGun" "Flechette Gun" "GMOD_ManhackGun" "Manhack Gun" "GMOD_MedKit" "Medkit" "GMOD_ToolGun" "Tool Gun" // Half-Life 2 weapons "HL2_357Handgun" ".357 MAGNUM" "HL2_AlyxGun" "ALYX GUN" "HL2_Annabelle" "ANNABELLE" "HL2_Bugbait" "BUGBAIT" "HL2_Crossbow" "CROSSBOW" "HL2_Crowbar" "CROWBAR" "HL2_Cubemap" "CUBEMAPS" "HL2_GravityGun" "GRAVITY GUN" "HL2_Grenade" "GRENADE" "HL2_Harpoon" "HARPOON" "HL2_Package" "PACKAGE" "HL2_Pistol" "9MM PISTOL" "HL2_Pulse_Rifle" "PULSE-RIFLE" "HL2_RPG" "RPG" "HL2_Shotgun" "SHOTGUN" "HL2_SLAM" "S.L.A.M" "HL2_SMG1" "SMG" "HL2_StunBaton" "STUNSTICK" "HL2_Suitcase" "SUITCASE" // Half-Life 2 ammo "357_ammo" "357 Ammo" "AlyxGun_ammo" "Alyx Gun Ammo" "AR2_ammo" "Pulse Ammo" "AR2AltFire_ammo" "Combine's Balls" "Buckshot_ammo" "Shotgun Ammo" "Grenade_ammo" "Grenades" "Pistol_ammo" "Pistol Ammo" "RPG_round_ammo" "RPG Round" "SLAM_ammo" "SLAM Ammo" "SMG1_ammo" "SMG Ammo" "SMG1_grenade_ammo" "SMG Grenades" "XBowBolt_ammo" "Crossbow Bolts" // Half-Life: Source ammo "9mmRound_ammo" "9mm Ammo" "12mmRound_ammo" "12mm Ammo" "357Round_ammo" "357 Ammo" "BuckshotHL1_ammo" "Shotgun Ammo" "GrenadeHL1_ammo" "Grenades" "Hornet_ammo" "Hornets" "MP5_Grenade_ammo" "MP5 Grenades" "RPG_Rocket_ammo" "RPG Rockets" "Satchel_ammo" "Satchel Charges" "Snark_ammo" "Snarks" "TripMine_ammo" "Tripmines" "Uranium_ammo" "Uranium" "XBowBoltHL1_ammo" "Crossbow Bolts" // Half-Life: Source weapons "HL1_357" ".357 HANDGUN" "HL1_Crossbow" "CROSSBOW" "HL1_Crowbar" "CROWBAR" "HL1_Glock" "GLOCK" "HL1_GluonGun" "GLUON GUN" "HL1_HandGrenade" "HAND GRENADE" "HL1_HornetGun" "HORNET GUN" "HL1_MP5" "MP5" "HL1_RPGLauncher" "RPG LAUNCHER" "HL1_Satchel" "SATCHEL CHARGE" "HL1_Shotgun" "SPAS-12" "HL1_Snarks" "SNARKS" "HL1_TauCannon" "TAU CANNON" "HL1_Tripmines" "TRIPMINES" } }