"sandbox" { "base" "base" "title" "Sandbox" "category" "other" "maps" "^gm_|^gmod_|^phys_" "menusystem" "1" "settings" { 1 { "name" "physgun_limited" "text" "limit_physgun" "help" "If enabled, the Physics Gun will not be able to pick up certain map entities" "type" "CheckBox" "default" "0" } 2 { "name" "sbox_weapons" "text" "enable_weapons" "help" "If enabled, each player will receive default Half-Life 2 weapons on each spawn" "type" "CheckBox" "default" "1" "replicate" "0" "singleplayer" "1" } 3 { "name" "sbox_godmode" "text" "allow_god_mode" "help" "If enabled, all players will be invincible" "type" "CheckBox" "default" "0" "replicate" "0" "singleplayer" "1" } 4 { "name" "sbox_playershurtplayers" "text" "players_damage_players" "help" "If enabled, players will be able to hurt each other" "type" "CheckBox" "default" "1" "replicate" "0" } 5 { "name" "sbox_maxprops" "text" "max_props" "help" "Maximum props a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "200" } 6 { "name" "sbox_maxragdolls" "text" "max_ragdolls" "help" "Maximum ragdolls a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "10" } 7 { "name" "sbox_maxvehicles" "text" "max_vehicles" "help" "Maximum vehicles a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "4" } 8 { "name" "sbox_maxeffects" "text" "max_effects" "help" "Maximum effect props a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "200" } 9 { "name" "sbox_maxballoons" "text" "max_balloons" "help" "Maximum balloons a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "100" } 10 { "name" "sbox_maxcameras" "text" "max_cameras" "help" "Maximum cameras a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "10" } 11 { "name" "sbox_maxnpcs" "text" "max_npcs" "help" "Maximum NPCs a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "10" } 12 { "name" "sbox_maxsents" "text" "max_entities" "help" "Maximum entities a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "100" } 13 { "name" "sbox_maxdynamite" "text" "max_dynamite" "help" "Maximum dynamites a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "10" } 14 { "name" "sbox_maxlamps" "text" "max_lamps" "help" "Maximum lamps a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "3" } 15 { "name" "sbox_maxlights" "text" "max_lights" "help" "Maximum lights a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "5" } 16 { "name" "sbox_maxwheels" "text" "max_wheels" "help" "Maximum wheels a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "50" } 17 { "name" "sbox_maxthrusters" "text" "max_thrusters" "help" "Maximum thrusters a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "50" } 18 { "name" "sbox_maxhoverballs" "text" "max_hoverballs" "help" "Maximum hoverballs a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "50" } 19 { "name" "sbox_maxbuttons" "text" "max_buttons" "help" "Maximum buttons a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "50" } 20 { "name" "sbox_maxemitters" "text" "max_emitters" "help" "Maximum emitters a single player can create" "type" "Numeric" "default" "20" } 21 { "name" "gmod_maxammo" "text" "gmod_maxammo" "help" "Forces amount of maximum ammo reserves for all weapons of each player. Values 0 and below mean use weapon's ammo type maximum ammo setting instead." "type" "Numeric" "default" "9999" "singleplayer" "1" "dontcreate" "1" } 22 { "name" "gmod_suit" "text" "gmod_suit" "help" "Set to non zero to enable Half-Life 2 aux suit power stuff." "type" "CheckBox" "default" "0" "singleplayer" "1" "dontcreate" "1" } 23 { "name" "sbox_noclip" "text" "allow_noclip" "help" "If enabled, players will be able to use noclip" "type" "CheckBox" "default" "1" } 24 { "name" "mp_falldamage" "text" "realistic_falldamage" "help" "Enable realistic fall damage" "type" "CheckBox" "default" "0" "singleplayer" "1" "dontcreate" "1" } 25 { "name" "sbox_bonemanip_npc" "text" "bone_manipulate_npcs" "help" "If enabled then manipulating NPC bones will be allowed" "type" "CheckBox" "default" "1" } 26 { "name" "sbox_bonemanip_player" "text" "bone_manipulate_players" "help" "If enabled then manipulating Player bones will be allowed" "type" "CheckBox" "default" "0" } 27 { "name" "sbox_bonemanip_misc" "text" "bone_manipulate_others" "help" "If enabled then manipulating the bones of other entities will be allowed" "type" "CheckBox" "default" "0" } 28 { "name" "sbox_persist" "text" "persistent_mode_menu" "help" "If not empty, enables 'Make Persistent' option when you right click on props while holding C, allowing you to save them across sessions. Changing this convar will save existing persistent props, cleanup the whole map and load props from given file." "type" "Text" "default" "" "replicate" "0" "singleplayer" "1" } } }